V ''J, PUBLISHED EVEIiY THURSDAY " - MORNING AT ' ' 1 P A YET T E V I L L E " N : C . . 4 McSween I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION- air mS Mplf ? a cnia- One rear S3. 00; $2 $150- ClQbs five, or more ttS5?l X7T- Ciub8 of tea' r more . v 4- - .. .. .. . TO 11 Vol;" riJ. No 2 FA; - ...... . Till ' 1 r 'P Mww":-:' ne iuclf of apace leufcthwia in any .'fir first nnblioAtiou.md OOetn. fote?" r,...-.i. . Tt PAntrart AAloilua I IbMIUU rt m . i4ti . ' ----- - - . . tniUnli nf r.ar-o 1 month J W i . Two inches. " . 5 09 9 CJ on montn. ....... ..,. Jl thrA moa ......... u " 1 Tear mot.,....... tlx Fajtoaet. ' Max... 1 "Jndeed voaVro doing-very. mn.. .... ------ --- c r r" on Tear... ... Ona fourth of olamnl5llnchaa lOaa month....... , '! Threa months.... ' Cnayaar... ....... ........... 5 M Ona column (22 iochea) , -.- lOnamonth.J ;.. W louayeax......... )9 8p5ialontracUinadaotaaonabletarin . - . j hi mm ii,...a.'rrjy si U (... ,, ,,, 33 I, 00 -J CJf 151 n Juxfi;..... JULT. SEPTE-iJEB. OCTOBEB . XOTSitESB.1 21 25 tw to - at c2 o.' r ell, Con. M. it i -If C38. 'arid said .mlejrate to nor nus- oe oiornXatle7 ,aat later 1 usual .'; hvokfaAt ta&io. I, or . , J' rifl hut a -P n afford D'1 anVoiie. but myattlf, and it." J" - -".o aiTorJ' it, Wilto?'S ex- ustonishment. sneeulation in inis . 1 ... . wait 1-J nice 10 nave hv iJk? twentieth, as bill to meet on- 1045 wotild tjo no dit?ic? and aUJed t' it be mfgUt bercthfc in Thus t'be n.att Applegato receC neei?fed inadQ K gr4tulated hiV diriary good ) " nit,' ,ruarou Dh (.Mo.) -or of tht ! 1U1S, TIIAT lANI, Tills UIULU- Sunday . Bcbool 'Teacher Aoi!,'rr wbat mast one do lo order l be' for -giteuT-Anna "He.muatiio." r A first clft8 cholera rnorou ppi ; rl . been ar- Cftj be bought at any of the fruit storti htheBteedtf for one cent. icinily.-'JioM, Twkline a maleVleft hind leg with V ' - ( Con.' 1 1 r Seeing the A boy aeturoed from ecboo.' . day with the report thatlns scholu''" Oil n 'hoiow tho 1 usoaj ver "'r :. W rr, 1..- .k-. -roa've "Yes, sir." "How did that happen ?' The lather k.iew, if his son dicj not. Ke had observed a number of cheap novels scattered about tho house, but he had not thought it worth while to ay anvtbincr itT.til a fitting opportu nity should off ?r itself. A hasket of apples stood ujion tho floor, and he &aid : ''Empty those apples, and take tho basket and briog it to me half futf of chips. Ajnd now," he, contin ned, "pat those apples back into the lasket." 'When . balf the apples were vei laccd. the son said : "Father, . '-ey roll off. I can't, put in any l- J . . -r i .l . : - ' T T-r.11 " -e rut tuijiu iu, -k itn j Jfr5i.hcr. I can't pat them in. - 9 2 I KOOCOUtSM.luCIIOOOO T. V.teroh, Rep. T J- a BlecUr, Eep. 4l that vici ran, officer, wa.ou rhon ho was seized, constable s . remon- mub of nrftwd men. r uBeleesl; Boas wa WT . . I 4 norae aoa Sftt 1MCWU ' W M M tS St Jaa. tD.Hoi.., Con. -4 00 CS - -il l CS iT C3 f Iw JO ca Geo.W. AVbeeler, Eep. 1 MvtoM- ; - en j Foster Masoii. Con. cctscscjacooccoocsao ; '. M 1 tO I ' I ' C B. Downing, Kep. -- tO l-t - H w " tO liiaooiitiit-ooQcis.icci.i A. Mcl'herson, Jr., C. L 21 tern inV l Ko, of, cou rse you fill mm :Bot, A Ut 1 - fn" tin vou exnect to f w fat chip and then basket L JJlea ? Tou expect tofi.. . Jiiy yoa feU ,a,d you dido -t M till you. behind at schoo', ana 1 .et - it will Your mind is like that :bab.-'-s not hold more than "so muX0Ch litre vou nave ue;u xuo past l i fiilinfr it up with rubbish worth. .icheap novels." ' Tho boy turned on Lis heel and whif.tlod and said : 'Whew ! 1 see tho point." An Italian Hall Storm. ' .r- ThVltuuan city, oi" Milan was vis ifed by a terrific haD storm recently, which did an enotmons amount of damage, aiiA woniwled thirty persons.' Komo of tho gallstones wero as. large Jis he,s ejrcs 'a d tho bird9 nabl to find shel?c;-. ov:Tife' to the sudden nc8a of the storm. : '" daV.d' urcua. Aiicnhe tto 1 "1. V, fill rf (Ieal ir 1 ... .--. - t ."T .a fcT C-3 I aiiaooisoooooeo3ia W. W. Antrey.Con. 01 ?ai-nwai:Bii - John 3L Fmith, Eep. jc 1 c 1 ' Thomas II. ilassey, G. !1 11I-I to - 1 CI Frank V. Williston, E. JiCa of his Aca WU&'to, wait f a tliVnattet;ije wished as to-day eiiUi'u to his i Wi ca to w Rdh'tWi Hardie, Con. oo Ol " Henry Carter, Ind. . I U J WI w Wl w . - ' A. A. ilcKcthan.Coo. 7 05 -1 CI CI 00 to -J 05 iov the rice and grain crops wero lu the Breras the picturo skylights v tcr a tDoin"-"' t A-Fmanuel known as the VictoiN V"raanue' -ri-rV. but the Klas roof riTg way! 6t a" J,i,lt8 and a rush 'tflftue' tor the shops. -In the rush seve ral per Bons were injured. Every oano of felasa was broken in the arcai yA nd the iron' francs were bent and b rcXk'm. Skylight and -windows all ovL'.3rtbe city wero destroyed, and roofs wKre broken iu. The surrounding c itintry eomadislancc suffered mm ih. and da jonasred. all ! ery, all iw nkvliiits 1 and ' windowsr vtff febashed save one, and in the , ?cathe- . . . 1 i . : 1 i ' .V drarto great siaiueu glass w it idtWS of Bcrtini wore seriously injove d. A loving husband onco-wwti on doctor to request bim to pri pPrii for bis wife's sore -eyes. - et ht ..wash tbem every morning with a glas of brandy," said the doctor. A few weeks after; the doctor by cbance met the husband. "'Well, has your Wi:fe followed my advice?" "She has' tried to do so, doctor," said .tLa tpouse ;bnt she roiiid never ge; thi glass Libber thaa Ler moatb," The president of Cornell University says : "Wo lodge our lunatics, idi As, deaf, dumb and blind in nal - t-- - joung men. 01 tound mind, who ill! 00' biUiuncu coffco-ciiij; e in lie. "lie while lor niCj to arraugc advantage.' "Still it is" wrong to make him Wait it you can a?iu it. He has his business lo attend lo, . and after all may cot have us much time as you think ho hain Besides thisf uu ueiay .iyv luncu imjiiu uusmess affairs, you-" will losl tho confidence of your friends and jlou will be uro to uade sulfoi- b" it. MYou ouht to 1 1 - Jennie," said her uYqu would have m erch a n t. , How elr, to I'll go down at on, ... So savin g, ; Mr Itom the table, an was pu his ...way.tO ti ess. a. : Butf he promptly. . .ieetii uo.stoiipea ve been a map, asband laughing. a splendid please, you t Appiegato Trose in a few minutes m place of bust- t not reach.- it friend in (ho talk with liim street, lie sioupea.R) on some unitppwliRt matter ; and when ho started fgf 14 tt his office it was liearlv- )tit-pt h aiuc. Ha reached his pIaivot businehs threei- qaai-teraoT an liQr hilov thati ' lie had promised to be lre, atv toand' Ur. Gay waitingrorfhiIn witWreat im panence. . 1, I catoooc , rtr JI I mi tit ci w ce 1 "Good morning, Mr; Gav ' if.M-t. voa waiting. -I am sorry-to ay-ti Ijuvc," re plied Mr. Gay. "1 uvc a great deal before-me today d cannot well afford to lose a n. ei,t t "Mr I Applegaie's. uonscienco ' sraofc him, but he said, lightly, "Really, I am sorfy, but I f'uld ut help it. I was detained ou my way louger than I had anticipated." Xhe business, between them was soon transacted, and MrGay took his depai turd with a very poor opin ion of Mr." ApflgateV habits of punctuality, which trait is, after f ail, in a merchant, a curuiuaj virtue. Mr. Applegato was a young . maW, and'had not loug been in business ior himself; bnt.be had been more than usually successful iu hi3 transactions, a'nd had fairly laid a foundation for what, promised to be, a lucrative and extensive busincsJtIle had. Tone great fault to' Vnti Uovf over. He jf areless, and was He a sfy his wife, who nil til be had depos- in thp bank, ready to be 0.0 tho aDnomted dav. Stho nineteenth of the month earner in t ni lust, auu as Mr. App legate was sit-v ling in Lis office iu tho moruiur friend came in and asked him that afternoon-a few miles iT country on a fishing expeditic" would return , after niffht-fallX verylfond of tho port, Mr. A at once, consented As hbj Jeft AGice for tho oxcarsfon he thought tno money uo had ' to1 pay tho next day,? and 'hi betttfK judgment 'told him it would be as welt to send ' Mr. King a check for it that day;; bnt as ho was'presscd for lime'; he decided to put it off until the next day. lho fishing "was unusually good, and a pleasant day was spent.: Mr. Applegat and hi friend were so well pleased that tboy dctcrmined to spend the night there, and try the : sport again tue next aay.?7Mr;i Applegate's conscience ; reproached him i as' he made this determination, for he re membered that; ho had . promised to repay the borrowed monevvtho - next dayHe qaieted the inward monitor, nowever, witn the thought that Mr. King would not bo inconvenionced if he did not pay tBo money until the iwoniy-nrst ol the month. - That gentleman's bill did not fall due until! vnts iy?Bor.u;aoa the amount . I Kim aa a.1h... . r . . " t murawD oui. - t , lie f,elVsd4it.lle satisfied with him self, however, that he determined the V4iw--tupeud on !y aje w 1 b on rs in fishinj, and to take; the twelve o'clock train, (which v would enable him to reach New York before bank ing hours were over, and fulfill his promise. Ho did take the train; but, soon after leaving the station, tho lo comotive broke; down, and . they did not reach New York until;, nearly dark. . . .;y ... i . . The next morning he hastened tp Mr. King vlth the check for the. bor rowed money. Mr. King received him very coldly. fC . o- M "I have come to repay the money, I borrowed from yon,'he said ta his friend. "As your bill is not due until to-morrow, I liope the delay willvs cause you any trouble,? " As he Bpoke b.0 laid.t" the merchant's desk -No," saidMrK inconvenience mo hi 1 1 . 1 f am lncunea to oeu you barm." j "Why r said surprise. :. ;u. O''..v "Becuuso," replied ': bis tiave determiucd never to. Icqv Nyn. , I know . the cause .01 y Xttthis matter, and cannot aLv 'Vy money by putting! it ir,Q whQ shows bo littV. fvpimftercial oblisatlonF apoQt his neck beadmittod that riear and cried mie end of the rope irst into tears: lad stolen horses; at fiaii bu: tbe"'n, he "adi'd. piteously, that "b'was'a moreboy, and wanted time tq reform'- ffhe only answer to tbU was.' " "watyutbat be had i a -f a . & and foui T,jk hold of -fitaled a toothpick is said to sure euro for the dyspepsia. ' ' . . " , 1 it 1 h whole world should agr to-. . epeak oothiog bat the truth, what i.4 v .. abridgement tt wooia.ma t "Ul2n ott.Vottat.tin.U4 coramonlous, ; , L' . tnipute remaj.niurv the uoy oegan to pray, aituougtt in a tone so low tnat bis words were indistio guishablo. : Then came from the exe cutiouer the cry of "Time's up ; and. aiter tue single exclamation, ftt ny uodl . the body.of tho young bwrser thief was dangling ten feet from the : 1 " 11 " 1 . . . grounu. . ixis lianas wore thrown wildly up to catch the ' rope: but a moment after they dropped lifeless on each jside. , and the bov horse-thief win dead.- The executioners mounted their horses and kdd rapidly away. leaving me corpse there alone with the night. Seir-Ampatation of an ArnL A 1 i . a suorc lime ntjo a perance " meetinxrl in A Norristdwn baby is said to hare inherited lb eyes and nose of hla father, but the , cheek, of his undo, who is an insurance agent. ; In Chicago the. fact is considered , worthy of being chronicled that a' man haslivet ten years with his wife, without applying for a divorae- The worst disease That attacks men is laziness. It is practical mortifica loxvmoral, mental, and; pbyaical " p boys were playing with shoot lackers in an Ashland, Ky.f barn jtter day. 4 Four buggies wor 1, but the, total loss waa $1,200; ' 'llave'the -courage to ctft t' o raofct agreeable, acquaintance "you hater . ,rwbon yoa are convinced that ho lacks . principle. . ; : ,i' The fence, of a graTeyard in Penn. ay Iran fa bears rn inscription in large white letter, "Use Jones's bottled alo if you would keep out of hero." The original Troodman's Bank was establUlied at ".Beaufort, S.C, for tho. purpose of foeUring thrift and ecou- , omy in th newly-ii berated blacks of that region. " " ' "7 An old 'putty head," in, his harry to assist a fainting lady: got a bottlo of mucilage instead of camphor, and ' bathed her face with it. Bbe was a good deal stuck np with bis altootiou. How fickle are tbey who make tho popular currout instead of ttulb their principle of action, crying out at one time, Uosanna to the boo ot David I personal labor. ' " How many ask tho world what they shalfldo with Jesus, instead of listening to God's messages, and fol lowing the dictates of their consci ences - They ask; and vacillate to their own destruction. u Thirteen,' Indian traveling w)'th a troupe wanted to go in to breakfast at ' Niagara Falls without any clothes on, - as the morning wai hot, and it took a pint of whiskey apieco to argue them out of the notion; " s 'j - ' ' One -modd of churniog batter in ; Chili is to put the milk in a skin, can . . ally a dog's skin, tie it on a donkey, - , mount a boy on him with rowels in his spurs about the length of the sni " ' mal's ears, and then run him a four"'" ' ' miloheaU -; I ' , .;??.-..,! t A Jersey man writes t Whs t's this about Beecher and Tilton?" .W ba lieve there is a sort of coolness t-xUting ' , . between thern and, unless great csra is exercised, Boma bint of it may get , into the New Jersey paper. ' ' , 'l . A certain preacher having remarked in his' sermon 'that everything made by, the Almighty was perfect, a de formed man ia pew beneath '.id, "Wh&t do yoa think of meT . fTbink , of yoa,'V replied the minister, 'Why, that yod are the' most perfect hunch back that I ever beheld." ; 4 ' Most peoplo boll ham. It is much better' baked, if baked right." Soak, for an hoar. iu clean water, and wipe dry.. Next 'sproad it over with thin . butter, and then pat it in a deop diah with sticks under it to keep it oat of, , irriTV.' XVb on " it'ia f'ullr done.' take on tne akin and niatter crehdi . . ' od 'tb flesh aide, and . set away to COOl..:: 4: ,;v .v'- . I... , t"v .,..' , A poor Irishwoman applied t a4 -lady for a flower or two to pat in th , hand of a dead infant, and. when a i handsome bouquet waa banded to bor ' sho offered to pay for it, which, of ' ' a course,' wa; declined, whon,r; with a , look of fall gratitude,, sho exclaimed, . " "May tho, Lord Jesus moot you at the. gate of heaven with a crown of roses." "Nothing coald bo more touch- ; fngly beautiful a well as poetical. The Now York times nay 1 that the tenement house population includes balf of tho million peoplo I of New York, and furnishes three-quarters of . ' the total deaths. The latter part of this statement ia i no doubt true, and if the former be only approximately -accurate,-! tho metropolitan press would do well if they stayod thsir diatribes upon the borribb condition of the old world. . --"I belio" tidMr, Medical ' Tem T j - I 1 . .n r 1.1 t UeoroB -wuuod, jjr. ana ai ituoioer, vrucuir uim 1 lUBULionea, tuatouowiog carioo. iTvoI: Wiuhmar lewis, then oi I'enheid. n. u uoapitai Drtciicat "Yon 1. ...... not ion? to be dresser or boo sorceoo in any hospital beiore you come prac tically acquainted with some of the results of drinking upon the persons of the patients who collect there. You will very soon have brought under your care broken limbs, fractured skulls and disfigured faces. I remem ber, when it happened lo. be one of my weeks on duty as a dressera wo man" came" i n to' the casualty-yard, car rying her 3eft - hand ' and part of the forearm in' her 'right haud.- She had deliberately 'cnt the flesh 16 the bone, and 'finding she was unable to get through the bone with the "carting kife sho wansin, finished the busi p;.w -vith a blnnt "-round by a meas would as at (id ;n 1 ,3f ( Z jeu 'JIM Auers, Jdriuk." .-rrtTin this case, entered in' the Killed by a Rattlesnake. Hi o to , Wt0000003'CCOI . . own vi 00 ' I M Sr M to n 1 T V f a xXaan and aome friends slarted tat with a view to examine some land 6 determine its adaptability for graa purposes. They bad trateled some rhen tueir i""y . 7 iharp, whirring noise. reade OVcred, UY t - i t- W kt m it. - - A- LO I 1 - 10 ; U 1 tO CO OC 5 O t- KCCClUguSi if . jppeneo, Wo ibet-faorning bough: it ee ... ... -f 1j .euouoi wiici and, sereti i a i 4 I, -. J5. our are ally do. seoicing an education, wo loJg3 in vile barracks." gener- A 1 a captaiu,- wp.o wished to raise crew Of total ahatninora A,.i-tkK r rv W rT i . thein3C-lves as fit and proper person to represent that class was noso proclaimed ' htm t iriena 01 : taecjxi tBC'at'yo 'Cev th-o s "'Well fully, ought for dc :t Every bath of bo screed by tlV. CUa G reeks, To. .w J f 4'tiT inn Jw. ..r lv there is more variety, in tf&atw- a conscioncea aI to; how to irMia n ....... .I ;ii,r ep the canoaiu iuau auiuu n "fiio.f " 'Anton of Uulerwakl, Sftitz- lid all snioktrs and BnnfT-takcrs "ir eightfc en J1-"? Ui . u ' py-a hn . J '.J (S3 ti iCli was ' ana ias o & u It was sent by In a nient tP i"8 V -rnLSTrrnfta I -TTue res 1 1. wast offl Marv Queen on to V. Oueen of England, lied in the An '59, Mary gave .Anton character fa Elizabeth, bis ii Mr. ! Beecher. her information of Shrewsbury. dicd a riph Rln a"ve ft readier excuse for iurv than the Greciau Sage, being a&ked wuy puiuwopnsrs c!,v . rai alter ricfii men, wnne rusu J "1 - . 1 ; , -1 1 " men never con rtea, puiiusupue-implied, ."Because the latter know they want mtnev, while .the former haven't Hen Be enough to know they want wisdom." ' . 1 , Hon W, A: fSmith gave one hun dred dollars in 'casbrto the Orphan Agylam at Oxford. ' . ' - 4 Aw. av ! 4 rk irmii tiiii 11 ii'u 1 a v wau uu m 1 ff 4 rt of ffr.eat a decided 1 a 1 1. Kai n r 1 isr" power iw ...iint. had .,retr aoy assistance r- . ' 1 . .. o nniTlCU irienu w - ,:i fvinTa offer. 11 'ered to ever he iu his jofficer's -lately entered? friago in Franco, and bega frS to smoice, wpinou, t ayenr jeir fellow. travellers, .whet' smoke 3 would ' iocofiv!enc'r' A quiet old gentlemao to desistj as smokery they onjy replied -1 plimentary refleotic, who ought to keep-'; Sited with the sound srwroing, the party 1 fljr atopped dry grass and.' weeds, sprang forth auu uuiicu iw puisoneu, qeaiQ-bear ing faiigs olenr through the woolen 0lQthesoe, into the main ar j4i just above the knee. Tr be, felt the tjain of .fT- toite of tho snake,' be leaned for ' 1 ward 1 tr PTAininrt ih. f u..,i , hsj ' djd so; the reptile, ' which had pkgain, coiled up. sprang forward and fepl? bin) qu the right cheek,' about f inch helow the' eye. By this time J mends Came forward and soon des- WBApidly'the deadly viUe1fhrough Lis herto'the young1 gentleman did PptUu ftice of them;' "but joq rppy'a e nd. andaliguiiv. I bjs card, and, .handing it to ed from askin llr. King, as -hp ut ' now ha 'da. himselfbf ,blaY teurdinfflv mlled , lo leiuest your colonel to put yoa (after laying the uoder arrtest foir a montb, to teach you ifii him f.rv.lonfl wnvi uiuiiiicib, ; xw ... . ii L 1' ',7, of B...-kJ .utl .Mprfdays, U;lJvPlMMtt.J, , V .. -t- 1 h'?'i m Dcriafcflf Wk lond J The Peabody . School at Robinsti'.le i!.amoant,s!lidi p f10Srf yoaKGraham county, was reopened last n JSreof H-l"1? If IC Wllhin theWeekwithi liberal 'number. of etn h'a named.1 1 k you jbave an ' denta under the charge at present of ' 4: ' 4,. - - - . ' : . 'wo city, ,d both socially character, of money on the three ."following propositions, all tb.be taken together, j to. wit ;' ; First, (hat life and ' UU permuting, Gen era) Grant wiil be a candidate for the Presiaeooy in.1876; second, that Gen. Grant vrlfl be nominated as a candi date for the Presidency in 1S7i; third, that if a candidate. Gen, Grants will fee elected Presideni in 1876." J,;j . ... . - - . i.it 1 Ki t-. v ' i .' i..', .. 3 . ; ;! Episcopalians in the South; GeorgiaClergy, 33; churches missions. For and 46: i-ommunlcaiiii a nno. mombers of Sunday school, 307V contributions, $72,031. ' Fop Tennesi see Clergy, 23; com ma alcants, 2,4C3 Sanday school members, 1,038; cont tributions, t38,CbT." For Alabama Clergy, 34; churches, 43; commani. cants, 3.C"2: Sunday school memberr. a no . ; 1 . ! m ... 1 ,&ooj coninoaiioos, ulo. .:. .i