.. 1 .aaT'ti f i;i!na S.tVve,yenv $3. InU- ot t-n. or mon piee ..w-V- f' ..-. 4 v? it '. ; ifV; . 1 - C I. G I GoTfruor. '1872. H 1. 1 a Tiiim Hi 'Auljdt An sua Ashe Brttnswicpy ,tf r : . m r . .1 n' 1 fjt t m in r- i . "t-. i , .. - , i.rafc, g. m. . i ... i - 1 w a ' - I. n insstrrctiout. 74.. U -I? lisiitw sain ill 1 ttsfr." 110. 1019 11C51 r3oi 35: - 71l 93C v4 Cleveland. Coinmbas. IU2 27 M Vxidon ........ 13 WI T13J JJWi TI3I1 82C G&4 Mflr. la...l. 232 ' 270 229 23! nuAnob iiuW7 34V2 114! 34W. vXThl T 1033-1115. 1080 1H Fruukliu. . J'li0e1 944 1831 CUv i 114(ii Lis, of Spt'f laTTrtrmuui4 Offered villclo Exhibitors-at Our r. iratd e. &.UU to winner Lo'ortd fool-rnco ; $3.00 to second btat louo to eater overCT,J I I 5 I Geo. M. liose, 5.00 fto'THrter oi kn ileroce laule tobe ridden bvowner. E. F. MoWJf JJJf -nonr foi arrest jield'of'cuva on acres. . F. W. Thornton hnudsome 8tt ol otrW $25, for best and largest ilsphiy of needie-work, made uud ex- lliwriVibKftr-toJtob'iftkem into lcqnSKU ao von ii Jake "fiet ifftimia ' ' "J. :T;W irMyoYfinegara .fpr. VeM l. Moore, J doz.tIbr boxes of very Li rildflfimMt iiHir-of t'uibrOidered sii V " if :. . .ftfiT. Trm.:ltt f the best barrel of N. C. fnrnUy pour. . ; - , 3sy Arvwthfcaa&&CdL,aiM! IflVdrptfoI anlt;, for,,bt8t.Iot ot iSi. U. bian ShawjiitfoAJf bdad aid j oils A on fecst'tvto BrAmahJCbickens. loi'itceitsieam engine at work. the 1' ili ATine, Two 1l ronnd-jipj- Jesf , , I hah m Iff !W III i J'v ' .I M. fsgn;d.x)Al)'! U iiff largest variety. C.i meritorious articles onen" to al I v rtelInibTid80jng3uJ c x h i b ft i 7tS if fi u illitniost ? etfio n c f grpe-bouso-pjantesM !M V James XL, .Lnrnb, . 1 .doiiblo white C'aniflJw VplaVl to. youujr ladvv.uudeT exhibiting plate of 'tlve best biscuit' iii.de by herseff.' ' J ; ! ' ' JaUbbiiisoo, U BHdal Sbbvernir,'' vhlue $5 00, for the baudsotti?st-' lady attihei-Faip, bfctweei' the tigiss of 18 and ifcst piece of home-madeieKUS, modt rF.lluTAai'ofHafeA Jeevfc-bnttoB, VaWe'dV$t2,'f(or . bejsi. .f"1 1 H. Novatt.tiorah -aiSd t&Sr,tfSi?!jow, valne $3, for , biill Wainble'bl rHii P .. ..t(r. .V ..... SI. n Jn mi ify Uoitr to voung fed? feOtu 15 io ana .r4U veaj?fif (.aire.'Tdr !eSn1bltlIJr, K jI? v eariuilfaliesi and) I neatest ' ';afico and'irdmlsohicstdj-ibiaiKH 9U3 34i! dress of not ojerO jftrd,7Vl?tdeabj WC)ffcjad 'hpri.. i i C64 42 b arself, free from tuck.-, ilowers ' V' '. " '"' ' 11 a ,? frbe:ows. . ' ip Lpitfr5 -Members ' Elect To? better orbogsS J ,v Vnrlh r.irollri.t frtriSTl-'it 7 it r largest number of bov " I -i -. f ,, ,4 .: 1.11,.:, - ! tW.'-5-f-'-t"I - .H-T.'f HalSKaw; SS'ca's'totbe wiquer lfl-tt uac-race-Jwai. Jess .iuau .i.eu .uoi-r tisian tsi'u.ttl I $ coJoitd', ' sn t i te ly e n vol ii.wi minion' friiT.iiioA iuu T in si. Messrfe. MciraC S ' 0ain2erfioTu din viae their liuerai awaru in uiu auv I AeiriiUo Aivft bandtom and vuluablt pj-cmiu'ma, aggregating 8-40;'a'8 lollivvs":' pi best race-norse, running' or. u"" tih, time for tbo race being ,f et by tile judges, liy?aXvartf't tie fetid c by IjifdiWrrnVfelTng O unlf, "valatt 5-", irxhibitibirthe ' wi-ge Ashe, Sqaue Trivet t, Rep. ? ' , . " tAii46ily Smith; 0on;f ; i lSebtoi(, VTijjiain A Tbonjpeoii .'DrunHwiw,y.. enDett. COD THAI:-" T. . tin Bd n'ctom,' At Patton, Coii. ( i b,lt "ice! It wu r"csol ved i ii n mdler, ltep.',' 1 ' -n ' r hwjttihtvi that ? Mrs. K. elioutd bi Cand 'BiiMse.'S-Well Tale. Con. -CabUrnPanl BAfians rj4m!? n 3tf Carey corbK-p. ;;!,! J- ChrterUle Cewtuua: ChritJ.auiJoKHMoHi; mi tslist6W&Viiil Iff J m, ar r .p k , UieVeland, AeXt'fsCou, '-M.V "Cbi nni baVS: -V TJTiic!j rd'uu , 0on. Craven. John l&ood. E-jfward 11. Cri mWrland; Ji.nfc ,C McRae, . J M61) m&wcuA' "y " . Carritnbki ' J 3M Wopd bouse, Con.' Di.-rkfJ1B EiLnMre; Con . : " , ' DiiViflson, S.($'fn "A 'Moc'k, Mar . DnVie, Quarts MidersoD, Con. Duplin, A It)!, Uobf. IBdj Goodwin,' I4ep. Forsjrl !'; I'r W;ff Wfiee'Ter. Rep. r run u 1 . -i. i Ga8tou!-W i j Gllttrt", J. M. B Grnnvilfe, j Crews, Uei s. Greene, T K Slolier,, Con. Gui fonl, JNenls MendenUall,! Jobn If aliWx; J ATiiitel ' G" W niel. Hhroett, J At -ears,, Con. . ' If Afwoihi, Fia k BWvis, Con! .1' HouVlerson, :es Bivfhe. Utjp. Heftfold ba!o ion Parker, Rep'.'' HydVbj.Sr ytbqd;':' ' ' ' IreuelOAC tafp, A. F Gaittier. DnVie, quarts 7.5idersoD, Con. Du pH n A M iab ! e y, ' W 'B Ve BReedtrtbe, WFjllia "Bann, V T Utciieil. Uou. we,' Co I!. ;ird, Coui' 'Hughes, A,.:, -.-J I... ..!. ijat'Kson, x, u.ivif, ;on Jobtistub. E ',1 nbit,' A7liizzeli Davis, baud...,,.;... --Lt fi rilU taWPjSi.uttde by any onel . t 'la1 t'iKn of 7 r ' v be ki ari.-f Chowtr.l.Cn- TW3 hHcoIu, W A Tuombsou. Con. f 11 Hr i. ' KftUje8 lj JLioDiusoo, ,Uon. I co h.Ci,rri"".'; ii . acre A L f .1 1 f I I Ii ll liACA im i - . . . r . .. -a. . : V 1 j X jl kit P t acre, cash t iQrti pfct.;-ipaiiM.! btlead and biscuit, made op and yekrs ;offtger 1 -yeal's a ubWri ption to I 2 n VAh -If J3 - ? iBfiiMUVrT, srzS: i i ... L D?b. Jones" Odmow rarfd Carteret. 6-S5 1 . C .Vl i m llr J Tkitiiinir b . AUa .a4rWr I IfTll Take M! preac! olicg- nnd if what I rtll HMif fla 'no'Vi-i' spo psi arawcw giTiTima uDaenj vears pi naiitfU'i bad ue v those lions UVUafci .Iwbi'rf f2r 11 cgrff .. at. ..Qncfcn.bcyc.J.- aixd WWA(PWiri FboeUng, to'ouiig ladj ux- ni l sen. 2Mlb WWTJb.nnon slut in tn'voii.,,r lM,lr v. i auM iJxIii' 1 Stanford, Cobs i - - ..:irii .TTSif k 1 1 1 iirntr iiir-in ifTHi. yi 7 in- ..l-aEP'Tieia m core per norse. 7xU'i ..... pJtCortbAiupiou aud -Bertie, W. V. f ebJe8,'liep ' W UJi IL tJoReiJh BBtNkM.V. Cota; nil, W ilson, Kasb ap Frauklin, a$$:U'p6ok hw?'-Ijendir' nbd vGi-r?ene,' To . ' 7 .,imWw, 'Sn'ci,ib :bost .... . . . - - t i i . . . lirrihTover ll mn f1hofT10 wroughtiron plow.Stocked aottr lately pi'd-jJi o3j nd e nj I'iiiftd J) 4 4 James Oa s b w el Is f u f-! rl i i s latter to return the iUTiyiibrW9bTiif,of 4iomd'mad6 LldnTfets' ii. u. vviuiaras s uro., isei piaics, ' Pa f It . " 7 lXanofer, Jid -Cantwel 3tb, Brnnswick and B'a'deb,"',Ro'v iJiio ISOD.LJJ-. JittbbV'CTouS-'f-jl-,;' Mitcbeir, JOTosei, Yotinij Cdn - v i Aio0j A-4'3IilvtT!Oeil.ot tu n . ' ' NrtsU,- WfitiriOliT, Goui: - jeh.-W New . Hanover, Y IL Modrej II B eninoton, Alfred Jjlo.vd, Itepsi u v Nortbaaupton, it. JWaldrou. Repv Onslow,' Jnlitv W 5liackelford, Con. praDRe, llattbew Atwhter'j John V EasqnotakJ M JJttnnden 'Rep- 1 1 iPeiHjnirunnc J -Q A Wood, Kcp. " '"ersun, S.C.BaruM-.Rep.'" .' " . P'bitiJohn. Gdriiion, : Kep. '- ?-- pJoboBcn, Dr & )M JSorment; Neil! 'MeNeiil .Jndepcntief it. n Pandolpb, 11 'i llotHtt, A' 11 'lien daUy Cons. , ( ... . .. ilichmoiid, L,j;;(.$ D Valkev,Con.:; liocJcinnrbani. N , Mebao.e.. John iOfinson bous. , , Ho,wa;,,.i JCubbins, George FoLTeVrftfVb? Cot.1 f 6 Hfe li'Uherloru, rfi V bisnuRt, Rep.. . 4K GekW.Pej "1 G Ji, Cumberland " and Uarnetti.fi!"'"!!.1 u 7 11 'yaiit, James 1 7tb,J4lrnsUdrEi 'irWdcTel! Co s , a i ti 1 1 , ' COt) . ' ' ' 8tb, Wake, iCbas.M Btiabce, 'Con. f Uniy'.l c- 1'r0 'Cob.'. ! ' (k.-b... WArrpt. , .Tiif. r r . Pn i.w-i R'J PriT f-- tiKymofe; C9ti.' r ' ' ' . rysn,? ti. " . - -it- ...n. iiw.i :a i . vk. , i j -j - . O W. i t. VII IU. IJ.U1. 1,1-1.. jh - - BUW, . . . j g ri Jfe?UU union,, jueraijei Preeson. Con. Otb Person. Ortf rifir, C.asWelt, G B risfi"p.rid' txedreer tViflia1ns6'b,';ot.a; 2 I.TttiA bf.m:" G?' A!l r M . Cb f ,;:HarrciV a Kius Carter ;ao'I W IT .forehead. Con., and A.JS Hal ton. It. '.? J" r yv.yii sua Jonn m. . . - !. . ' ' f Ic hi- 17.111 M Kon.lnl.xlS on1 Mnnro IV H I aivi-vw Sj.y,aiu,.Xi) B If .pa.vlyfni,,f os, Gat,b, Con n Tyrrell, WW Walker, Coa.i. . tltT Inn T.lLrrM. .1 . i I ' tlM ilVman 'euoateT Hi Li ""FJP'i..'. WnlttkoteVh R;,!,, ,n,l TVnfonrv take bim iP Ifclliftt ?? - I 27ib. ...iJn, G Mi.TtMe-! though LUm u&mmtiM.f4t, fflie ; JHiBSS?5 ?i llitA5tbt Cabarru&.nqd Stanly. Dr, Geo. nreacfter-VLea! bis foolateDr'.V.f MiMi.'' luS.Cnn., . . . U fT, umi.ly, Aely a.Wtetti;a v3)tb. EqwauanajOie.-JJlCiem the liAntoiTfCjt)llartfdl4y .b;iw'jaf condi 1 )il r,sjTs AAC Bp diJ, ,, lady Is.j v el v et b at,- in, week! 1011-081 and kreatest variety C I An uaiew.Tnaae nn-a exniouetj- ur one Uiill Strauss. 5f Co? j gliicrs, for.tbefeeit tt. . 1 ir trembliftff . riieIl is. after ikiortN.lfcto among" toe Ula Uaxnoiics' Turning I theialt04Heiftho- 'MiVil A 'IM.nmenn iplf nf TftOitW 1 e ore oven maiiyt!'r,i Lliv'J Jiia 1T . v 1artr1 WlWymih fVa.ebi DaVis!'a''rancy!:c6ffee.pot;..for m Ovjw Ql Attf U4J W ftS! I) tM0"JLV0" i.rv - -v. . s" 1 . 10. K no W -ii.rk rtf ri trvt n m nH u tin m ndi nl,! oHeejtfia lt l; ",0""T u" uuu XffxA XCWf Z IH J. Lilly $5 for best lattimr. made ;frlr4liefV4Wttj.0UD.iay. ! j teens. ' 54 -.tf h j 4"jiv Vfl 'f Cbas. Glovpr ,,$fcte 'Saddb toitbe Vjtidh-lofhndsomestarHetr lay'b'vlr 5 on riajcst variety of home-mado pickles Jily; 45 cash, fdr best spBqimea embroidery - . ,. , t sUk 3lst, Davidson; :Alfred,; Hargrate; 38J, Sucr5iHia ojaaia! JM.rier, 3tb, Iridjelli Wilkes and Alexander. E B ArmfieUr-and Jl Z'Lfbbey, Co'n?. tu, Aueguuqy, ,aiig auu naiauga, AJ McMiiiau, Qon . , . -f:af. frith, Caldwell, .Bqrke. tDowefl. Mitbbsil and Yancey.' J C Mills. D M ri'fjrraliftni, ConV.V: '.." V ! -- - fti'4'a-1t., and CieavelaadjiJesse i-3l)sb. Rntherford and Polk; Martin i - a h .-1 . ti feti i",i ' v wrv.- :, t C . V rli . AJUlll IJIII1JH 3111(1 II nillCnn -Illlll htfMciSlroy 'Con. ByivKnia, T. fy; yjor, lad. Rep.- J, yuerpkee. Clav, Graham, JacJt, v ate. Leo! 1 rn, aiicoa . ' 'VTfttiingrirf Yacey,' W Wiffces, ij. Bps. , ; V'tlo,'lbc J. Katmrf, C611; I . i. ' ',! i All Srl ..f UaiI wl''1 yAcortain fde of jthetlndependebt Order of Odd Fellows determined to tavertbeifi Ibde: rooa-d'ne up tcan ananl- emi WyyedtO ldoutiie"Jo5. After ?tbt meetiir bdjourbeal 1 lio Guai dian,' who jurow wt&e iac4nisitiy t 'chaiadteri BIia.J., pnoeti reU-ivj- bil Igoati i 'aad Placed ibirrt in,a closet that: wii' jket i is (rt-,reser yplb Ctw. Vh on e e ere t; thi a g h Ie -tlion. iihlbrmed bei -woraAft f the! vishes of. the .Iodgeu'aiiddieqaestdd ler t coujc 'Uarly the Bext vrrtarniiig i ifKl!bwppol(i-tbe Jsltow ;.i beri hat Vfiii; and. wbat 'Wtt Wtri be UmiJ 1 . v . , s w.i t h , : b e r b ro ni b i- & sh esl r . pu4i , ftu v and 4ound" tlicCJualxliau waitiiiKt tor ner y u .. .. ... pi .-. .m j f'FoWjtmadam'.be 8iiU,"I will toll j'Otl ivvbat.we Wtint done, and bow. we ctnio to employ .yu.i-Thb .'brothers suid'itwa'8 ditlietilfc to; gct anybbdv,a do tuo j&b and not be meddling with 1 bo 'secrets in Lho cktet wo have' iosfi tbe key and cannot tind ii.to lock Hid door. .1.1 assured them that '-you .lean be depended. n!' -.u . 1 '-'Depended i ond !i . wuess 'I can; ily? poo dead, and gorus- hasband,' - b uelonged taitbe-r i'ua Masons on antit JLasoiiS,i I don't: bnowi :whicbj U Used to toil inc'all -the secret of ;t he concorn) and when- bo showed me ail lho maiksMOi the bridironi' made when Oo as initiated,' and told ;me how. thcyfixed pooi' Morgan 1 never toki a living suuhto tii iftiday If'Cio-' body troubles .your closet to find oat your secrets till I doj'.tbey: Iwiil: lie there til they-rot.lthey will' . . i : "J thoagbt 8o,'rsaid lho Guardiaif, a.nd I wnnit iyou ;UK;omirretK;o-in bat cbrnpr and give the; vvholo room-u de cent oleaauig. --iNow Idon'tqgo, h'nto that closet' and then left the", woman to herself.' .' ,:! 1 1 1 ;: .-. a j No sooner had she beard tbe tfoand of his: feet ,on ' Uie last jstep of tbe ntaira than she -exclaimed : ...-. j "Don'tltgb into that closet! I'll .warrant 'there's O'lgtidrron for - some nonsense just likes the anti-Mason's; for all the -.world,- I'll be bound. 1 will take a peep, and no one will be the wiser, as I can keep it to myself." ; Suiting tbo action to the vcrd, she stepped lightly to tbo forbidden clo60t: lUurixcllhobatton, which was ho -swau wan a pi inij la .. 1 wm r. ij u.ma ,lmiir: .. . : . her laJyship.f. -liothv tasted . 4 n upor, out viti 'was 'bll'dd vitli imol ments for bense-clcunin'. and all wer swc'ptlelo'ar.from the position down iw iue uoitoin ot -tlm-siains. The noise AD'dottnfuiofe-ocj?asioncd Dy such unceremonious coming down iao fitau-s, arew 4iau-tUie:iowiiito wit ness.Mrs. IL'4 ..effOfU to , tfet.from til:ucr Druahus la tho street.. i. - it ,t . ' Who should bo ;tbq first at the spot but ttio rascally floor keeperd' Alter roUasiag iiie goat, which , waa a crip pie for blo.'aud uplifting tbo . rubbish. that bound the cood woman to-. the earth, ho anxiously inquired, if;; she hadbeei taking tbo degrees. , . Taking ihe degrees! If rot CU tuml.ing from the. tori to the .'bottom ofj the stairs with, tbe de-vjliaiter.yo-u taking things by .deicrees. bavo them. and. ii' xouv i'v'tabiien- rljlki! as you have frightened 1 oi'c. ctnd Ihurt to boot.-I ll warrant they 'Will make as much udis as I did.'' ; . . - : hope you did n't ojTien the closet, madam suiJ the doorikeeper. : !" i"0pcn-'-tbe clos'et - Evo ate the tipple she was ' forbidden to eat; If ydulwnnt. a woman to. do arlythibg' tell ber not to do it, and sho'H' do it .cei-tain. I could not staoU- th temptation.. The ' secret was' ther I Waiited to knoiv it.? I- onened the door and Outs popped that 'tarnal ' critter right into tny facv I.tbotigbi tb0 bld!boy diad too, and II broke tbr -vhfa etaib wjtb the critter blutiingtai at ievery jump. tells over the tub,' . 1 1 . . 1 ni.. ... 1. r;r- Tare taw One month. .:.. ' ' fhiB 'idar. . 1. j 1 'J a.. I 1 ..... ... the e is sorucli:,; " Fnover will go nigh it agaih, ami u x y r-1? MWi..rcU -prevent it no woman ' shall ' ever doii'f 'exatltTv SMtk ciC' .... -j i .--i-.-mnu. .-.p.oiu.w mro Mn.JI. t.. . V vVJ U I.W III VIC, -- 4 spn, Con A nOUSX OF REPnjEaENTATlVES. auiaiice, James E.BovtLJieD. i r " A exander, J M Garson, Ind. ' . J . 5 V,t?troogw M. V. 'ny nudTj. jj. tstt- j and got down stairs, as you idund u; iiUiin-a heap.- ' ; - ' .' - I'But.mudam'said the deor keeper! W 1 reffitt, Cb; s - -i ybw aret ia possession oi the great FvioteiT. ' j; DulaJ secret of our' Order and must ?gO 'up to by initiated and 'S worn $ abd then 'go'ii tbo regular 'way." : : "" "' lnegabtr (.Way 1". exclaimed the ..i'C mah jirtand' Uo you . supKXse ' Ifm go ng near the tarnal placo and- ride' thi it a'r tarnal critter- with a: bridle -or lady's saddle ?' '.No,' never I I dont wa;nt? nothing to do with'tho man that tides it: l'd look rtice1 perched npon' p billy coat, wouldn't I? Nd, never! it . there is a g'S-i aiffeVebce iu men. lihS.afo MMvt ed ,and onauspi- r. v um. llJ(J r ; - others are like -' rat-tefriM .-. r-5L J . ,...a:'.- i . -v ni w m . k liiiniiiL' oinb-others aref ovorrnn'iVu wrifi and !b'&:'6,ti3m.'' ,.5omft' vsi'-Ju'JwfV abofit with tlw .r eJOs shut; in utter ignfranoe of ,'iie, lr0llbla ,u ftre giyjng by .the r .-areleMtae88e are jsiow and teady. , JianL.b.ut, unriaol,, .Some Tavo a. tasup ior aetauw, aqu itend to al, tbe m i nb tia'4 of ' su bfoet. w hi r real vi-m. -i. . . CO m$il)pgtiKQ W fb r to'j'ife4 T 1 . .-. .- . . . . joib the Odd Fellows f Why, ' to sooner bo a- Free Mason, ' arid ! be brbircldi,on,a'vgridirorr as long 'as1 the Uti cootd-1 be-kept under-i1 and pulled frbW drarret and cellaH just i as was t iy poof Head buiband ' And-bd lived over it, out'i never couiu nyo ucr Buqb 'another ride as Ihat." 'If " ' Trt Parson BrOwnIoJw's prospectaa anibuncinir 'a' reconstruction of .the. IT" ! "'-'I. Vi '. t i . .1. i I. kKnoxyillQ Vbig, i.Q..a.eQiare inat u rivill. wa?e war .unceasingly! upon the infamous cifM Figbts.vPiu, jiow.viurp. cara anjreat priaplesndigress, or any other' odipua eiasa 4u,,jV u.uf; - r sigBUo,J)cfcre it ararests. their' attenUon arcajway - unC0D:ibl.t1ible to lyt) leiflslatiou.". He ' proposes , jLP. M me ice the, p'u VlitUpn pt' thp,niig.w wiiD.-vA-osoro-ja in ono siihiPr. th. J--Kk!..-',i- ...iJi.,.;iiar. ,tri,;..h but ex- nioVrt Yl-lfTesC UDd tl iff ia -JLT---jl- -itAt T -.'-' . :.' -r'i ! t ..ii . ' n."i"-f ":" v;.' r ", a.fl up iue, nL,.ntt'.rTa..nmm... ....... rtSUe :was:expctig him.fon 3andin iliht; the iparlor.Uii tains iwcro down: ttheijld; oik, notified' that it wa hettltby. la go to bed M eight. o'clock, and , Jyhioy bri bed wi lb a cvn t to pev mat ihiraavir to. bo ; tucked .Aitvay.'.at' biiudowii.nile: sneaked up . thet'paih, one, eye i op., the dog: uhd the.vthei wiUihuigCrntbe. '-' fld . tBaml rwb. Jidn'ii Ijke hipi tttiiy loor ..welly .gave i to tainjLkrocki1at lho doar ai)d it. was opened j und.lva was cseoi ted.' to tin pailorr He"aid ihe. eeuKln't sthy xili a minueMiosgb hddidn'c mem Lo go h p in - for i ho o rs;-' fcjbq wb nled to knowi.1ow; his j mother i was jl if, bi. father badireturued trora.iNew York Nt '. ' i - i ( iv'iH i-.vnl lni . nil nlttiimolllui pfd saw Alo w"1 Qu lWw wfa m as-' trov to etruin his-vdiea. Then,-' icon creation flagged und' he' played ivitU"bis bat and sbe.Mib4ledoii the sofa 'tidy. - i jlnally stvidi it was a beaiitiful evening. f"" e repyeu 'tnaf fter' lather ihh predicted a snow torm. ' Ho said 'ho riicssed it Woiifldii't snow, n tlO moon- vas.not ci poked ' enouzh to haifg ovvtitr horn on the oimIj and- sllenaid he. liu tt -belie.vo.' it' would' either, .his mutual understanding seemrd to ivc, them boih,coiuafief,aiidthen,.be amed.touovy if sbo had. seem lhh ones lateuv.i bne.fbadn'Uo sho ,a:ud. ud she:ddQv want to.i,. Xhen tbey. em on, laikiug abotrt .tho donation Hsit:wJu(ih; waSi.Lo, be. given, before loQjMo, Elder Berry, and J.o 0arlcbl. Jrpppd hi riglitthand; on h ears -w bit. Jig.nti, . hand, ... wlule,; his . left, arm neaked along alio aoii, and ;goA: ber $ind.i hw shciuldersu.i She; .pretended 0ot tp.iiotioo it, and, he. leaked,, dowa at hi boots,, and, wanted to, know, if sno.thought muttoit tallow. nOitediom. $oots faster titan lard ami lampblack. She couldn't say, but she had an idea tjbalitdid. 11 o bad jiist' commenced fio.hpok fiygers: withj her.wheo, sh,e dispoyered ,t,liat something ailod tbe lump;, she, ros?. ,up 4a,nd- turned the; ifc L.J .1 IP I .1 . guy, upyn; a flau., incu. .mamug jiuo ijoom.iiook ..flinii . It took birn, five ha' ipinates(lo gel). ,hqld7pf ber.pngera. ly qffaini'nnd she -pretended To wanbToJ dr?vw, her biMid, away aU.tho timoy-- v a; Jpng pfus,c ,he lo werqd , b f a whisper., ana .sai4 ho- didr what mada.folks.lov0. each olbcy bit ber, hapdkerchief. and., a: her.; iirnoranco. , . lie, said: h) Am? a doen yo jnir.jBe t or tb. -winabw. wirfc wis .or , w.as.eot gp-ing Aq.r. m nj bacJCL ha .turned. tl .wp a littlo more, and then si id bJH0td to know if shrtlwif.'V tbrekt) herselfy; lanlii her bea am, mftX-LYP bnyeiall , becni.there aPu: wyo oi.ufvj.Qared.o. cunj, when rthe Old CUock Kti univ L lrfi a.nrl ,.ita . fi va 1 . ' ' ' " -1 Iff nilesUrpm home,? . .The old. man was fat,ns.ifep.i,Iie,vaich dog'gtme .visit,, irtg,. and .tha handsomaticii ,io,J.uo c6untrj,djdn't,seo why wo need be in, a hurrr,., .. i,. . Perhaps..! fibouldnti bayo Witten, ot thii.bqt ahT Was guing by SiHnn dfcrs;. the Ptber day. . tlaokinin ofi the. night,;! beard him, .whisper. in her ear at Sire tin scbooh that :Ud. lobe, her 8feado,w:.lo.ng.aa.he. lived, hd raised iqo .vinoflw anu.eauea o ner,.B5 she jv;a picking np Qbips in the rotdi: , i VJueitsiiUiiiderSj coma nn. :hei-o '.and find, tbfi. b'ar's grecisol fbr. my I betl, or break every bono, in (your .bodVk" mm ii i..' .... ', ;.u, i- , j,.,! i i TjrtsC ' THAT ' A-NiTxlL ' '7'. . . ;i, tin-. .im.-T'i . if Vt ,.'.ii .. , .. . ! l..tJs- a pmper- -eontsiDtog ' u any 1 points- A paper uf ptnaJ i :i .li .J -i TUebDemerUibf'.Ofloradia, Jbav eleotad-ibt i ,dlegaf 9 Copgryrs.f-, rt ..iAo Extern, eba.tipgllsocitliJ-i(,trjfj ' keep, a diary or an npbrella. ., (' jl !. f J "I J.ifV 1 U l .L Mil . . . Some minds. are always cling pat tbefr" 'mUilbuV duMf 1 tktf1' to W H cV . oul teeiP'iia'lnrtJ 1 J nn v 1 ThVSbpremeCWoTt of Psnofc'jl-nju ii .. hnt decided I that l..rsilrcdbnapauy. bas.a t ritfUt dp, .senarRtej perrpw, .and. white people nod assign ibtra diOVitiit cars1 ' ' " f 'i ' '''TJ !' jamfs v. AiruiiHU, wuu' nrsi ait. WW3 Td,Ti.',jalif0riii4,b tb 'Wt4 fiiiaWftOett'Dtr -llH),l,if.-UuotkU4 Uwh, V)MM . I6,",! -111.11 iti. ).i;. J I...JHU Itttt I ,be s.rdwilcke, ao.clxenIj mivo Isnd-owuer in 'Lnglaud. recutly elid' off 2,300 acres'if bi'snl.eiflooaV Estates for1 'the ' nub 'bf '83J,CO0, ?or ) pearly i$100 peraoreV .v.U.liJ I tnx i A Chicago cebtlemao . bas tcxAJ ttWi Times of that city fovlOO.OOd damage to his chfcraclfJr.il i'btT)inJ41kfe him to knock off the cypher, take a dollar. MurVtttir ts sqa'are.' ": -"J" ''' ' t .il y .-( .! . l.-.r.i. ...1, .':, ),. I.I.I..I 'flnuK) -i An 2djtor,..savs the i wlj.reAaoaibje . ktiowof 'wbybis house was eetibUwo" away, the other day; uHf 'd'WteTifl' Ai man. . in $buUmeateraJUiaaooi bs dtseov ?rfed that" tho mor lenca-'P of ' pejgaopr..pims,ju;i8e1i r pi, the same materiaU.lirf' log arm 10 arm, a These, two art-7 bigbwjitf;r Iponse. y doctoi'y i r a. t j y JF W II. AVkl IV r i lairni llAirn i 1'nnm.lii 1 i Tbb fellbwihg ;iiaphic ddsc iptlon of tho real jewels of 'the'fair' South is gi'jvenbr a' paler ttrirtbd lii'thi fetatb' -V ii v.''Ih!. (tuiviti; II. U 111 (I I V I JO i tors vi ho ' Cam 1 6 o 6r ci t V on Sat o r dqy ;las't to' sell their country prbUucb i-rli ' "c-Vvii ri li In it if- t'i-rim ;' Wn li'i I ivit r J 1 u ' I. J . . v.ll ... U'lJ Vlll ill oqurrt'yV Avlio bad; chiiik'eris,; 'eggV and uutier ' ior saie. iter 'beaaty was oil traftacetida'rtt' eXcclllbnce.'" UiUsrLt' H43hin,-'iniellecttrat eyes' and rouhd fapdmid rosy cheek's',' WhTIe hc(-calico drjess was plum and neatly made, and fiLteu 'treUulifurty HcV' rich',J black' lUAuimut i iLiiuvaa tler that ..... ..i wuicn w wifa tobky. VVb enrobe v-u v didn't bottntJbet. and 1 thank God that born." Sucb, waktUe.aoi-. wliinh W ll.Lnr-Jurn ') WtsiBif.ru rt iff ei?et;ed to jsootl o.tlie CjanierlWiW ou' the fiipiqvp. '. ".nii?eU ijg t tb"e.iii,''i.ijti.i be-fore, au t. electi u, ilb -rtniuded.ia mi speaker of the Iilrnois1 orator4 who' tiJui UrcVssed "H rural aidietce f " "'Oeiltre-;' : meru" said iel'U "dm .pro.udiW.-b'A.'.'ye.-ii xt yo-a i,My father I w a f-iriur,-and .M( liam tt Uriner ' bdr.i"X;" l'-tay- truly say I was born betweb'"lwb'"'0. rows;,pf r ftpraJ'uAt . this .-'iiutuctare mr .tinsy agricultornt at the- lirtber'pari!'' of 1 the!hth8e, hiccbrrghed' dUff "A-"' (b;Pumi)kiH, by iinmtrT;V.X:-;:;;-; At tlie Uuiversity'of ' CafflbfidgB " ' wpitby', apd '"wathj;mf nfc and. .one,-, likely to bo a beut-fnetor ta,bi colleye h r id the way. of U-questi-," failed oa uu t?xiiminaJioiM-8eVdreeti tlmetc.'' 'Thd ' : ' examiners at last made np lbjir miuds ' t'ji 'paW' hfrnif'. Ve ausW'ered asibglo.,.! qiesiioq. i.correctly- ,.f)Jbu, was .,ttu..,M tirst.ikin-z .f the -' Jews t'Uu Ytxn 'thv-' I. qoestioBi for whicb be wst qui( wt''-t okrod. Sul" wa',,lb"lready'W-r,,-- qiiite, saUped, .w,ith .jtoar. . kfioifltdtfai. . . scripture butoryyou-nay .-t!. u-; bdir ' Aowed 'fri Hjghly fedoeated.'she conVerfeed flfc. -wiitly,' ' ami depor't-d' ' ners'eir' wth betorhinii'- 'mOtieWtr. :' Sfie1 Croronb false bbstle Or' purchased'coin ploxron :' hadtiO'ldn-Unot on bet' bbad.-br false bf flyings to irres'0rtt,"but Istb6d " in- the 1 Prood -of -.bis 'access the eaaldAte11 r , laijeatiet" Uea'tftV of" a ct'datb'dMhtelli walked away yih ; reat-aggefl, gelnce'that'5 would n6t' y ieW t6' the' btn hejdt,tO theuoo cI the bea,.i. dejspotrfo dictates'df friv'olios.fashWrii Uqpw.elbpvg.lit; tewVnot.tvlsJ 4L... It has 'beeH s,aV lonir time'' since "we 'M .knewjaad, ,popUnjj Li-Kiv-aaiii. gazed hpinisuth' a'sightr' Thd'youri Yeg, sir ;'SttnlU4rwdrrt " m4n crowded aroah'efher wao'n witE 1 called iPitill."' ' " f ' m tbelr.eyesraad0admi ; hluVSiharian tipn -m tlrt- hearts1.' The' old meni Wuu i'!...-i ,it.-,....- .f,i.:Jwi J'fF--1; 'Jr-'ifca. af ISctub. bat' it is nevertbefi had iiot'bo'wed to-Ha'iiI !'7hf ft fl .i T j J. n t -.-.a .r r umi Hrcouoi, rpguiariy ;t ibri Kr r4 e r . s t o in a c V this boards from the lad nbt bowed to- Baal.- Sbe adld ber country prPdocei ' went'horae: mrfked the CP wsj- cooked sapper fof ten fatirf lanaa ana -went to cnarctt that' hlfrbt with h-er'iweetbeartr. -. a -?. I f. , . I .i . I . ! pepts .tp do at, .an ,arly duy v When is a hen -not a- hen ? gtiej wants to roost: her. Whed i )f i . ( l . i ;(" I Thttt bPnsais' 'no home which til; 'i gruiibling fathe'i,pa scolding' molber,' & dissipated' faob,' a v lazy daughter, I and a liad te'm'pe'redCbi'.d. ' It uiay be o'uilf tit maf liiil 5? 'kn rf.li it ilaVI i 'i-iw -- Vi-!:. ' pal k'afld fOtfii tain t carnet'a5. of eitrar.' irgadt-epstlilfe'ss ina'y spread1 it's floor's pidlttreif of laVe'sl merit' inay'adorn i(s waHstT " tables " tnaV abound 2 yii t' dainties the1 most'' luxurious; its'e'vt 6rderfiig"liiay ! be complete; tiii WUU UD tt LI U LUC. lt .mi .Ml. y.-l into. hi. cropnr mbrtgngw bis- Ur with -Willi b'.i-' take!'tbc Ihb claB it ' j .Lemv i 1 i griir' 'i