. - 1 1 s ... ? ., ,, . ... . , , PUBLISHED, EVE UY THURSDAY ;.' . If f "V t . m w . -uuuiUAL AT y ''FAYETTEVILLB, N. C M. vT McSweeti 1 ..EDITOR' AITD PHOPRIETOHJ Tii K MS Ur SURSCRIPTION Single copies tea cents. ' One y ear $3.00; 6ix laoath $1.50. Clubs of five, or more. . $2.50 eeh a year.. Clabs ot ten, or: more $2.Q'o eaoh frye;r. Teachers, Ministers; ! Dibbled Confederate Soldier em receive .. Ths EaOLB at halflnrice.: . . . . . f - , i . I -II 1 Mi M it I ! fll I' .' A ' f . .. ' '.'. ' i f 1 .Mi I t I V- II .1.11 I'll 111 I '-.. V - IT' -A. - A' t1i !';'. I . r. . J OFFIOIAl STATE VOTE'. V .1 COUNTIES. Vi)i. : VI L AUiaance ...... . lexandet. J..... XllegTlny.; . . Ak4.yt Aa.... ...... Jili? ... ili'len - BtnhsWiuk lib ifras; Jimdea.. isAell..:....... iUbcir... ..... ; ltfj.Hij. i.', . . . . t r-kee ".kji.. ........ V. . 4 ....... . .1 .. trii jus. . . ;tven :mlrriand.. .-. T. .iri'uok i i i.ioa . ..... . .H'1. l-i" v.... i;e ...... 1 jcrt-jabe 4 i '. . . vr-jtUe.V. ...... iiiKfin. ........ 4stoa reen . ......... 9ailt'onl. , tlmhdui ; . i . (maj. v Hrnett Htysrood .. 3 iderson . Hlrtford... Hide j.:: Ix delL.. Jt (kson...... . .... Xc mson.....-A.. iea lie uoir.. .. ... . . . . U icoln. if oon It dison .... .. II rtin. 11 oklenburg. . . . . ItfbeiL ......... tntgouiery. . Tre. : Ish . jw Habover. prthanipton . islow. ... . .'J ' Orange . Person. Pitt K4adolph...... Bichmond fiaieson. Sabkinbam. ran . . . Emherford. .... biapson... .... Stanley Sljtts. ........ Sar y R in .' Tra isylvania. ,2 Tyr el Unibn. ..ft'..,. ., Wake.. Warren . J. Washington;, Wrttauga Wyne. Wilkes. Wilson ...... Yadkin ...... Tancvy Total. For GoTrtioT. 1872. ? a "E S3- C3 12701 543 339 119 1 732 1331 9U 1 -JJIH1 711 Sop't Pub. Lostrnctiona.' 187."." o m 4 .f -,J- 1015 '3S9 181 1019 761 1563 J5I4 I US llClj 5G2' 14151- V2(il 1771 22 1142; 18901 703; 13Si! 82ft 175! 232 1474 1033 1475 927 . 734 1976 7cSH 1849 1099 581 , IKS 156ll " i2oei loos', UC5i '1; 921 92 10-T7 355 1188 1327 13G5 939 12S0 12.35 1GG7J 778: 4471 5051 874 816! 1738 I 564 US I 994 9W 655 G35 1035 7uC 2511 195 475 1035 1293 2261 1095 , 892 1945 657 , 642; 1110 1782 224 13G4 1101 1631 1653 1654 7271 169 646! 9J5 939i - 332 379 " 391 1022 32G9 1109 402 435 1747 1034 1319 759 503 $12 lntfH 3J2! .8i(i 433 712 112 547 693 270.. 1K83 349j 15'6 662 1035 270: 3452 1115. 1560 - 683 512 2655 944 1831 I; No. 1 l.J iAYETTETTttilV',N.''C.j,"THU List of Special FremlQius Offered ; by Ibe Business Men dr Farette- 3i-TllIelo -Exhibitors at Oar 4 next Fair. 3640 6)3 420 716 983 6to 954 1C6I 1374 639, 130 641! 1048; 519' 2261 623j 653 881 1284 3614, 1990 492 1321 1053 tsiyi 177. 312 1369 J309! 1585! 1391 1118! 1013 1434 336 830 838 22 206 347 631 &H43 2380 917 353 10t a2941 1152! 8t 372 125 1804 306 597 328 937 131 1146 2165 744 1413 83-S 1790 229 1142 108'J 1649! 864 776 -2294 821 16G3 212 1389 904 416 873 71 c! 1C22 640 il892 538 1189 905 634 531 1.'34 72i 2153 332 360 1078 l-02 2598! -101 962 1825 863 8S5 1930' 214 1227 121 1829 1654 155 724 1866 63? 655 35o( 2t9! 370 843 3610! 922 546, 491 2021 820! 1413! 725 685 91 488 . 624 14 1U4 2468 217 76 73 ,246 76" 2321 1968 335 .1210 ; 559 t3 3106 1118 1624 370 1430 2575 674 1505 3555 672 " 326 829 513 60C 148 1186 664 1055 340 42 217 1319 209 1727 239 342 515 1281 j 3748 1889 345 1261 1167 --. -. . - - - . -.- fc V ; ;R. W. Hftrdie, S5.00 to,, winner in colored foot-race ; $3.00 to second hegt-T-uoiito eater over 21: ". i ; --GeoM. liose, $5.00 'to winner ol au'lernce mule to be ridden browner. tJE. K Moore, barrel of ;flour ifor arrest yield of corn ou 5 acres..' F; AV . Thornton, uaudso"fsae,et'"o'f fais, Talned at $2o for best anl largest 1 display of iseedlo-work, uiaue and ex oibiietj bv ouo Indv. ii i v . ;V. Trior, to!d pen tfctlUjje pocket- departraenta -'iHscitnens of penmansuip ao of exbibiicit tbo taktu" inttr consid eraiion. Geo. H. Haigh, Mrs. Elliott's Cook ery liook for Dost lot pt butter, irom o Banks' candv feofrura for besl one segars for ii. ooxes of av anil caif. verv 1799 234 1078 1194 1G87 ; 918 80O 794 1358 97 81 "li 30 193 '3640 2198 7S5 67 1799 955 1129 718 152 ibs. Jas. Banks, 5 lbs. to young lady exhibiting finest dressed cake of ht'r own make M. Faulk, box tine horst-back rider. G.F. Wi:iiauif, box best saddle horse. A. Mofcrt', doz. 1 fine tobacco for best c M. Oittilionr", tine mattress foi best piece uf houie-njade jeans, made by exhibitor. E. Rosenthal, pair cf -lad its' gold sleeve-bnttons, valued at $12, for besl home-made quilt. II. Tnoruton, set of coral aud -old stud?, valued at $G 50, for best jair of aiua chickens. : J. V. lfoliingsworthj one No.,, 35 plow, value S3, for best sample ot sweet potatoes. : Jno. Broner, sack of Brunei-' best family flour to voting lady from 15 to 40 years of age, for exhibiting and wearing , plainest and neatest calico dress of not over 10 yards, made by uerseir, iree ir-om iuckf, liowers ana ferbelo'ws. f - i B- T. Scanliu, gallon of Scopper nong wine, for best pair of hogs. s . W m. Overby, fino saddle; value $15, for largest number, of boy children exhibited by any ono father. f 1: B.' Davis, handsome tin toilet set. value $G.50, for best and largest exhi bition of preserves made by any oue exhibitor. 1W; A. Whitehead & Co., $5 cash;') for tho best1 barrol of C. family flour. ---' - ' ' '' W A. Whitehead & Cc.,: 1 sack of Ljiverpool "salt, ,for best lot of N. CT naros. - -k . ' . A. Pemberton, handsomest Otlo rhan. Shawl, for best lonl bread and rplls ' ; ' j A. IdcBuio, 5 gallons lokay Wine, for boet two Bra m ah Chickens. . - ViA A ;Ttrr.r4tlinn Xr. Snn '-StlR r.asli f fobiist'ateara eugino at work'on the grounds--nbt less than, ten hprst? power., . JWVA. MeKcthant Sons, 510 cann to person oxl.ibitincr largest variet.v of meritorious lous- articles open to all . Lamb, handsome rustic hanging-basket value $3 to i-,v exhibiting tUo hnu..oe conecuou of reen-house plan ts. " ' j James M. I'janib, 1 dbublo white ;Asbe, Squire Tiivettrltep. r. , . Anion, VV E Smftb,-Cou. - VViuiam a .AUomngon ft . i - ;Be4anfdrt; William A-..UoiiaPg0 HfirCi: William T. Ward,RPn " t m.n . InVin 'VavbsII feol. t. ; Brun8vviekR-J. N. Bennett, Oon- dnndlefsHerv.';.'-. -,Bofke;lS McDTat"C6nr Cabarrlisi Panl B"31 e n rj s,. Con -' Ca!dw'enW 11 Beythardt. Coo; " " Camden, F N-Jfrtlleof Con. vf Caswell, Thos, ifiirripou, Con'WiV 6on Carey .(cof.;, Bcp A. , Carteret,-Apulatun Ouksmitb Tnd' - Catawbu,'S atrl?W. Cia. ' ' CLrtham, rjohn. -ioriii Jt! ft finer, orjs !0E OF .fiSlXDUa'S. SiORli' MW& WUlTSiAVS ASttDillli. .2 Tl.id mini told the following bit IS- Lit txpi'rujQee lii my Jbearptg, at d lie laughed heartily in the reuieui- braticc. ur t-vrfe one" more 'story, grandma. t "Jnsl about Ubeu 6n wereVa little ilt lived iti I he. woods," said E faut.r -1 Ar d Rruadma drew of;; her ? bpect e'es ai d shut her book. Sh ' leaned :her ha! back atfiust "ike 1st re eanj ennii ;iuu snui uer eyes iniunuifi. rhiefuter as if it were only jtv jerilay,'; t-ho'said, raising i'er head and looki'nt- tbe ,Li!dier, wliO hna g.ittieied .about heL l waa-jiJuly sevuiV-Mud;.m . little baby .brothM wantu ar oiu. 0 & Cumclia (plant) to J'oyng lady under 15 exhibiting plate of the best biscuit, made by herself. ' Jas. iiobiuson, a "Bridal Souvenir," i va'u.i ko OU, for the hanasomest Udv at the Fair, bctweeu the ages of 18 ami 2G years. S. Bran Jt, a handsome dre69, value S2d, to young lady exhibiting the handsomest pair of embroidered slippers- llall'& Sbaw, 5 cash to the winner in a bag-race, not less than teu con testcuts, ad colored, entirely envel ip-d in bsijrs. Ilistance 100 yards. M?ssi. Mcliae & Daingerfield di vide th;?r liberal award in aid of the fair into two handsome and valuable prem ium?, aggregati ng $40, as follows: Set of shirts, value $20r to owner of best race-horse, running or trot ting, time for tho raco being et by the judges, the award to be made by thera. : " , ... . Ladies" traveling, trunk, value $20, to tho lady exhibiting the largest and handsomest display of ueodle worlc, made by herself. 'The Leghiatu re Members of the General Assembly North Carolina for 1814- Elect of 5. .x. 803 Li John uaw..boli oL&atar- Crk J sheeting for beet bale, of cotton, . J. A. Brovyn, box itine segars for best game cock. H. McDonald , 2 sacks salt for largest yield of hay per acre, quality to be taken into consideration. J. H. & It. G. Myrover, $5 cash for le3t home-made shirt, )ineu bosom and r.ufts. 1 year's subscription to N. C. Gazette for best yield of turnips to the acre. 5 cash lor best lof bread aud biscuit, made up and cooked by a young -lady nuder 20 years of age. 1 year's subscription to N. C". Guztite for best and largest ex hibition of poultry. senate. - 1st District, Currituck? Camden, Fasquotsn fc, Ferqoimans, Hertford, liates and Chowan, Wm. B: Shaw and Thomas R. Jernigao, Cons. f 2d; Tvrretf, Wwsbinsrton, :Beatifort: f ivraTtl o7-,l-at&rratalI corf atalprT yae; I Charles Latham aud Milton S. i Selby, ; Cons. j 3J, Northampton and Bertie, W. W. Peebles, Hep. ' j 4 h, Hatifax. John Bryant (col), R. : f b, Edgecombe, W P Mabsou (col), P. Bp. (iib, Pitt, JoBepbB. Stickney, Con. I 7:h, Wilson, Nash aod Franklin, I Charles M Cooke and Nick W Boddie, ; Cons. . ' " '; I 8th, Craven. Richard Tucker, Rep. : 9th, Jone"3, Onslow and Carteret, ! W T It Bell, Con, ? 10th, Wayne and Duplin, D E Smith ; nnil .In in ll SH-o iif.-ii'rt (inns . P. B. Hoilingsworth, 40 yards of r t':: t-- moii fheef.ng, to young lady ex- ' . hn best home-made counterpane j r,7,', xr" ,T r? , r. . ., ma..o lv nijibcu. . . i , A Lncld Charge. "If t'ne jnry believe from the evi dence that the plaintiff and defendant were partners in tKe grocery, and that the plaintiff bought out t he defendant, and that the defendant pa.id note by delivering to " the plaintiff a cow. which He warranted not breaehy ; and t!io warrantee was broken by reason of the breadlines. of the cow, and be drove the cow back and ten dercd her to the defendant, but he refused to receive her, and the defen dant. took her home again, and put (a heavy yoke on her to . prevent her jumping fences, and by reason of her yoke she broke her neck and died; and if the jury believe that the de iciidunt't interest in the grocery was worth anyiLiug, tiio ptaiutifFs note worthless and the cow good for noth ing, either lor beef or milk, then the jury roust find out for themselves how they wiil decno tins case ; for the court, it she understands herself, and she thinks she does, don't know how such a case should bo decided." A ladv who was urging distrusted came! some friends when her in and said. to .'dinner, felt ciuhi year-old son "Airs. Jones says siie can c spare no bread, and Mrs. Fox ain't to home, so I didn't get uny butter." The friends thought they had tetter dine else where and the lady ..thought- so too, but sue taught that boy that the way ; of the trausgressor was Lard. Mr. Pun o van fired two' barrels into a chinquapin . bush for pigeons the other''-' day near Quantico, Va., and deposited a qu an lie urn ot bird shot inlQtlhc person. of & colored gentle rnarpnaraed Bland. How on earth the'-rictim ever became to be mistaken for a feigeon is a conundrum. In fact, the condition of his head and chest made it a perfect riddle for Air. Bland. The will oj the late Bishop Whitc hoirse, of Illinois,' has been made pub lic. ' His pronerty consists of 810.00U in personal effects, $10,U00 in books and pictures, in real estate in Cook county. Illinois, $30,000, and in reai estate i Ycst Virginia, $350,000. Lebr hibitiug t3 iCole. Gainey & Co., 's.ick of flour for largest yield of turnips on of ;m acre. 4-?n';k of flour for largest -average yield of corn per horse. J. C Thompson, fine hat for best home made wrought iron p'ow.stocked made by exhibitor. (Jco. Brsndt, handsome album for best .iecirneu of erochct' work, made by exhibitor. Edmund L. Pembertonj 85. 00 for best piece of home made flannel, made byr exhibitor. A. S. lleide, handsome doll for neat est dressed girl child under 6 years of age. One drum for neatest dressed boy ehild under G years of age.- T. C. Oakman, 5 bundles of yarn for best pair of homo made blankets mado by exhibitor. A. B. Wiliiams & Bro., 8ft plates, knives and forks for bet exhibition in department of mechanics. ' W. D. G aster, $3.00 for tho best bbl. of rosin. , W. C. Troy, sack of O. K. floor for best plate of biscuits. W.f. TillingUast, group of Parian statuettes Tt.e Four Seasons"), for the largest and best variety exhibited in tho department of food and condi ments. Mrs. Isaac Dodd, ladj''s velvet hat, trimmed, for best and greatest variety of tidies, made .ind exhibited by ons lady. L. Strauss & Co., fine pair lady's gaiters, for the best embroidered gen tleman's shirt. - Geo. A. Thomson, sack of Thom son's imperial flour, for best loaf of light-bread, made by a young lady under 21 years of age. Geo. Davis, a fancy coffee-pot, for best piece of home-made jeans, made by exhibitor. ? E. J. Lilly, $5 for beat tatting, made by a Miss under 15. i E. J. Lilly, $5 for best bed qnilt, made by a Miss under 15. E. J. Lilly, Jr.,. 5 for best pound- cako' inalle-by a -young lady "in her teens. .. . ' '. . Chas. Glover, Side Saddle to the handsomest married ladv over 45 on the Fair Grounds. H. Lilly. 85 cash; for best and largest variety of home-made pickles. H. Lilly. S5 cash, for best snecimen oi Dim emoroiuery. uep. 13th, Branswick and B adeu, Be James Cashwfill, Ren. 14th, Sanipson, Edwin W. Kerr, Con. 15th, Columbus and Robeson, W r oster French, Con. - lGth, Ciiraberlaud and ; Harnett, Geo W Pesrram, Con. ' 17tb, Johnston, L" R Waddell, Con. 18th, Wake, Chas - M Bosbee, Con. PJlli, Warren, John M Paschall, R. 20t'h, Petso:., Orange, Caswell, C E Pflrrirfh arid George illitunson, Cona- 21st, Granville, Richard G. Sneed. Rep. 221, Chatham, WG Aroriglit.Cou. 23 t, Rockingham, Jfis Irvin, Con! 24th, Alamance and Guilford, Jas T Morehead, Con., and A S Holton, R. 25th, Randolph and Moore, Ji H Wortby, Con. 26th, Richmond and! Montgomery, Jus LeG- and, Con. 27th, Anson and Union. C M T Mc- Anley, Co a. '"' r " ' 28th, Cabarrus and Stanlv. Dr (Jso. Andersou. Con. 29th, Mecklenburg. R P W ai inn. C. 30th, Rowan aud Davie. J H Clem ent, Con. 31st, Davidson. Alfred Hurmvp con. . . " r: " ' 32d, Stokes and Forsvthe NWn S Cook, Rep. ' 33d, barry and Yadkin. J G Marlr. Con. - . 34tb, Iredell, Wilkes and A!xr.1r R F Armfield and R Z Linney, Oo;as. 35tb, Alleghany, Ashe and Wat, men. A J McMillan, Con. ' dbth, Caldwell, Bnrke. MtTr iwaII Mitclisll and Yancey, J C Mills, D M t 37th, Catawba and Lincoln" TiTnln W A Graham, Con. - 38th, Gnston and Cleaveland. .TWo Jenkius, Ind. 39tb, Rutherford and Polk M kr Mr, Walker, Rep. ' ' 40;h, Buncombe and Madison. .Toh.. Dair-Pu,f .7 .w... ..l" ci M .-El. it . . . , fl Snm.i rtrnVlSlOi'f !- oiecilCJH i OJutTiTuy, vod. . i, i n) - wuio , ...liv . , , . ... ni t Cleveland, Allen "Belt's, Con. . , , , Columbn--, VT Ritbardson, Con. : Craven, Johu R Gooi, Edward H. Hill, Reps. ; ' . Cumberland, ' Jamei C ifcRae, J MeD Jessup, Dons. 1 Curritnck; J. M. Wfodhbiise, Cot:. ; i Due, J B EthvidgeIJon. . ' Davidson, .Solomon Mock, Mar .shal Pin nix, Cogs. f !;3 Davie, Charips Andesort,,Con.' 1 11 . DuMi, A G .Mosciey; W ;B WeUss, CoOS. if'- , . , j ., Ed-etotnteT ; Wilijs p inn,' W T Goodwjrj, Reps. - - : y Forsy'lhe, Dr W-H-Wleeler, Rep. ; FraukHn,T T Miichet, Ooa'j" ' f I Gastou, W A Sfowe, Gfv. 1 i Gates, J.1I. Ballard. .Con. ... V . Granville, II T Ho ;bes, -i Crews, Reps.' . ' ' ( . Greene, T E , Hooker, Con. r t Gui .ford, Kerens Men leuhall, John N Staples Cons. ' ' ' - Halifax. J A White,-Q W Daniel, Reps. .", -o: t - j ;;IV Harnett. J A Spears, C jn Haywood, Frank'Davi! ,'Con. j Henderson, Ja-taes BlyJ ie, Rep. v -' Hertford,' Solomon Parlier, Rep.v " -' Hydev'.A.!J. Sinylb, Ii. . . . Iredell, AC Sharp, A F Gaither, CoUa.-;-j - ' ; ; r;'3H I Jackson, E. D. Duvis, (ion. -. . Johnstoii.'E' J Holt, E A" Bizzell Cons. ' . ' I Jones, J. F. Scott, Rep. Lenoir,-J P Part ott, Con. Iiiocoln, W A, Thompson, Con. j- Macon, James L Robinson, Con. .' Aladieob, II A "G octper. Con it. XlvOt-U4Alll Krwio. ts.,-.f ?' - Mecklenburg, Sol W lieid, J L Jetton, Con. .., Mitchell, Moses Young, 0 jn. v Montgomery ,'Elius Hmley; Con. Moure, A A McTvtr, Cun. Nash, AV T GritSi', Con. j New IIauoverrV"-.ll Moore, H Brewington, Alfred Lloyd, Reps. Northampton, R. J. Waidrou. Rep. ; Ouslow, Johu VV Shackelford, Con. j Orange, Matthew At water, John W Lalta, Con., Pasquotank, M J.Munden, Rep. Peiquiaians, J Q A Wood, Rep ; Person, b C Baruetti liop. Po'k, John Gririisou, Rep. ' Robeson, Dr R -Ai Norment, Neill McNeill, Independent"!. .' Randolph, 11 T Moflitt, A H Ken dull, Cons. , - - - . Richmond, i'lalt D Vnlker, Con. Rockingham, AV..N iUIane, John Johnson, Cons. , . , Rowan, J S McCubbir.s, George M Bei uhardt, Cons. : , Rutherford, Eli Whisr.ant. Rep. Sanipson, Y II Bryunt, Jamei. I McCalop, CoriK ; Stokes, The Martin, Con. , . J-Stanly, A. C Freemat:, Coo., i ; r, j Surry, Win ilaym re, Cjn. Swain.T D Bryson, Con. t Transvlvauia, Thos. Gisii, Con, , Tym'll, W .WAVaikec, Con., i Union, Lemuel .Presst'nj Con, ; .Warren, Hawkins-Car-w and W H Williams, Reps. .. , 4 WasbicKton, G. li Wiie yt Con. . Wayne. I. F. Doileh mil John Vi. Isler, Cou. Wake. Geor.ce V. Sl.ro PflPe' Michael Whitev a. o . - pbenson. Cons. Watauga, J. It. Grjeb, ; Yancey, WnjWT P. o i ' Wilkes, J. II.; Foote, Rene. ?. . . Wilson, Thos. J. Eatiyan, Con. Yadkin, Wm B Glcuci uep. . " im,i.iailb the . eprinjj' house, wiVf tki;jthr.4HU.1 ou imibt alaylii i he , -,jw - s-.j ,.,fVw "rnrff I ARV 11 IK) ttttKtt. I Cherokee and Gruhato AirU. Kino- I 'JZtet.r w as vrv lroud of the So fall i & -i.lt 4VUQ C4 VW IUIC U 4.UU IC.ll, ia1 the doors were aji shut. Bub slept -aud I knitted for ha'f ho hour: Then he a.vokffcnd berau to cry. As I got-down frotu mother's great -as chuir, where 1 had been sitting; I tlAngi.t I heard a strange noise outr side. It wasn't Lion, for he has goin. off v.iib father to the mi 1. : Somethiuy rubbed iiL'aiust the door, and midt ftbe iiitch ratlie. I felt afraid, and vent to the door and fastened the bolt I sfnod siil listening, with, b'abv ' ii: my ' a' ius he bad -stopped crying an;l couid hear my heait beat, thump, thump, thump, "All at once there came a short, cruel kiud of btilk,' and then u snarl. A moui en t after, the window broke with a loud crash, and I sawf the long head,' open jaws and fiery eyes of a wolf glaring rn.upou 'itfe. , An angel sent by our good Father in Heaveu masi have told me in that instant ot terprj what to do. The wolf was clihabifig in through the small window, and to havict lingered but a second or two .would have been certain death. r Moved as it by a power not my own, Aud ilhout thinking whalit was best to dj, I ran, witb,babj,'.in my arms, to' tlie etaiis that went into the loft. Scarcely had my foot left the last step when he . was in the room below. With a savage "growl he sprang after me. As heSid i&o, 1 let the doorj which shut Tike a cellar door, fall over the stairway, and it strtick bun on llie noes aud knocked him back. A chest stood cenr, and something told me to Utttf fli over the doof. So I laid with all my might. Just as lgot One corner over the door, the wolf s head struck it and knocked it up a little. But before be 'cou id strike it again I Lad' the : chest clear across.- This would not have kept him buck if I bad not drugged another chest over the door, and; piled ever so1 many things on top of these. Uovr savagely he did growl aud snarl I Bat I was safe. '? ' "And now I grew fiighfened about mother, lit she shlmid dome back from the epring-house, the woif woutd tenr her to pieces. There was only one window or opeuing in the loft, cud that did not look toward the spring borne: and so there was no way ii In the other! vearr, vWa Maine, wat District of Massacbusette, -Ezekie Vhitman was;aoioug itlitso chosen V, represent th.Distiict in . the Massu' ubusetU L?gislatHre.'tlie wa3 an; ec esentrie iiio,.a4l one oftbe best Un yor of -his lime.wIu' thote days Whii mau Jj;vrt;cl a fannriuddid muo, orkHipoti bis land ;nd it , so bap peneoinai-wpeu ,1119 -hj vmue iui bin.', to set tint.. f. if BJi.sL?m';.ii f eiotnem were uamJimM4mw li.rrr -fTTfe"TljecteU.4Ct M goiu iu u... gurl), bui he did nor, care. 1 "1 will n;1 a tiice, fashionable suit made as tooi. us I reeh Boston,''-he snid. Reachiug bis destination, Whimai sought rest at Doolittle's City Tavern Let it bo onuerstood that he was i. graduate of Harvard, an 1 that t thih taveru no was at home. As he eJiiered ; .the parlor of tin house, be found several iadics and tw r three gentknioju liiere atsembled, and be heard a remark from one ol the former "Ah, litre comes a couutrymau ot the veal hointspuu genus. There's fan.". . ' . Whilmaii slated ut the cutap.any, iud then sat down. "Sav. iiiv friend, von are troni me Country ?"' rem irked oue of Ui gentlemen. "Yaas. ' nnsweied Ezck-iel. with 1; ludicrous twiat of his face. , . Tue ladies tittered. ; : "And what do you think! of our city r : I "It's a pooly thick-settled place anyhow, it's yol a swampin' sight o' houses iu it." "And a good maoy people, too." "Yaas, I should reckon so." "M'iuy people where, yon came from ?' ... . "Wal, some.' . "Plenty of ladies, I suppose ?" J "Ya as, ajair sprinklin'." - "And I tfoTi't doubt that you ait quite a bean oinoug them ?" " ; Ya-as, I beans 'em some tew meeiinVan' singin' schewl." "Perhaps the gentlemau from the country will take a glass of wine ?" i -Thauk e. -Don't keer ir I do." Tue wite waa brought from .the 4. 4t. 'You must drink a' toast." B . . m r SSfilw7 J. cats toast: never beerd of sueh a thing as di in kin' it. Bpt I ken givet'f a ientinaent." The ladies dCAjcd their hands ; but what was their surprise when the stranger, rising, s'poko calmly aud clccriy, and in tones ornate and digni fied, as follows : j -r "Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to wish 30U healtf iiud happiness, witn every -otuer irsiii'' emtn can afford) and wiser with ever iu miiwl that ances aie of "en ilec mnv yo ndaucij' 1 grow better and 'years, bearing oniward HOpenr,- ptite. jLOirav.is- TBiM'oF rASviuTrnwa. Uns" v. ur on inch ef tpace lecgthwine in sny n us for flm publication, una ouci. iornr. i.i licfttion afterwards, lly eontiact Jollo j One inch of space, 1 month 2 50 .4W- - 1 yeir If 00 Two inches, one xnontix.. ;...,...... GC0- ' " three noi....n iu to " , six aoi .'18 00 . - oaeyear S7 00 vroeioarui 01 ooiomn incnea 1 On month ....$ 12 00 : Thr month a , . j 34 00 j ..One year 65 01' On eolDTnn tVk inohell On month.... . S5.00j Oue year. 180 00 8pecial contracts mad on reasonable terms. ; 4 THAT AND THE OTIIEB. ' What is fame Printers ink. i ; Hw was Jonabpupished ?- Whaled." t Swcot are the uses of Adverlh)o montf....' , .7 ,:. -.. Strained hooey Kissing through, i vail. , -i u fc A, cring fhamc Our neighbor's yenng one. ' ' v x AIissourt editors ntitnp i Wnfa Jam His paper isn't;. ' hjtlo who by l btz would rise, must hut fir rlJfiVt "VV : "A jostlhat 1nVttv a may wrk" man y hh-oi torrowt. f f w'i0M.Tt3TlcT1irakdt- enl - for Demorest s Mugsiztne,. New York. The good man's life is like the mountain top, beautiful, because it is nearer heaven. Within tTie borders of the United States are 910 .Young Men's Ciirinlian Associations, 48 of which own build i ng tonTio val ue of $2,000,000. ' Young gentlemen attending school in Texas aro allowed two hours a day is perfect themselves in, pistol prac tice. The Rev. J. R. Standard, oflndiana, sued a newspaper for libel nid dropped dead within a woek al'tor' cominencing tho. suit. . These fallows will learn a few thinir bv and by. A saloon-keeper An JolTcrsonville, nd., has sued Mrs.' M. A. Johnson, editress of the Agitator, a Temper ance paper, for calling hi saloon a "murdcr-milf." Damages aro liiid at 2,000. , i Tho intellect of man sits visibly enthroned upon h;s forehead and 111 his eyes, and tho heart ot man is written upon his ' countenance ; but3 what profiteth all this if his purso be empty ? A terrific cloud burst on tho Hanni bal division of the Central Pacific. Tho track washed out, the emigrant train. drawn by two locomotives, went into the chasm. Both engineers wcro in stantly killed. No others were injured. A little boy who was uenrly starved by a stingy uncle (his guardian), with whom ho lived, meeting a lanK grey hound ono yay in the street, wan asked by his guardian what made the dog so thin. After reflecting, the bttle fellow replied, "1 suppose ho' lives with his uncle." - v " ""i. .rr.r-;-p ff.:T! rdV;rc.-. -zZ.t'.. A ne -ueuuiy ui auiiiuiiim' wuuu, took tue, from my djies, to be a c n- try booby, wtiiio I, fiotn the en me sn- which 1 could give her warning, or lsti perficial cause, thought you to be gen- her know, if sue nad teen tlie woif, . tlemen. Hie rai. lake has been ar, M. W. L. D. Ste- on. , v.. w u . T. J. Diila. he.ird htni yelling down the road in tho wildest .'tray. The wolf was still in the' window. 1 could bear him straggling" and..'" breakiug J pieces of glhss. Liou was upon bun, when my fiber called him off in a stern com uimd. All was silent now,, but the Silence was quickly " broken by the Iharp, quick crack of a rifle, - which sent a bullet into the wolf's -head, kitlincr him iustantlv. ' 'Father I father 1 1 cneu uouj tu Jo'ffmndow. H told mo afterward that my voice came to, him as. from the dead, lie - ran aro una to tuat side of the house. "Mother was with him. looaint? as white bs a 'sheet. I What He A recently made le' follows concertiing " hfthitti- If theto wal mi!o 1nny anfift lier t Ullic iuiii:i 4...-M - f ind. ,.; -diet-writes a young ;wifes bedroom ' a tire wardrobe eon Id be packel in K- Vandbbx7stIH you'd find"pbr1idb3 ot mat wardrobes scattered along ? the, whole mile of dressing-room. f She a nice thing to lodk at wheoVpat t(getbef, Hbut5 this wonderful creation evolved from a ch aos : i u termi nable o t pins, " ribbons, rftfTS, powder, thread, brnshes combs rtud laces. II there .:wer? seveu tliou sand drawers in your roomand you asked lor- but one w be kept sacred and inviolate for your own- private use that particularise would be full risiuuwp .11m suueu onus- ( 1 ': . 4lst, Haywood,! Henderson. TVan- 1 - ril AWT rn . ' .syivanm, x. vv. Taylor. Ind. lien. 42 I, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Jnck-f J., B. 4-i V sou, Macon and Swain, Con. . " '' v 1 " -. - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ; Ahiiuance, Jacces EBoyd, Rep. Alexander, J M Carson, Ind. " A leghani , . ' Field, Cod. lto marriage eervifQ- f.,-hnn Roinkeis, the urst ebotce 01 t he Old Cat bol i cs, is descri bed as v,ery likrt Wendell Phillips, although not so homfsome a man. R0 has a clear, dark complesioff deep-set eyes, : and ituo Kflalthv as a ' russet -oDnle ; m November." ' : ' " ' that we were tafe. ' For a loug time the wolf tried and tried to get to us, but at last I coald he;ir him going down the stairs. . lie moved nbout in the: room below, knocking things around for ever so luug. oiul then I heard himl spring np to tlie window. At the same moment I heard mv fiilher's voice shouting not mutual. He hud Strousj, the jusf1 spolen wl.eu Caleb Govemur of tho bi.ate, entered and inquired for Mr. Whitmno. "Ah 1 here I am, Governor. Glad to see you." Tht?n, turning lo ihe dumfonnded company "I wish you a very good oveniug." a 1 1... i.r. li..A i ..1 . nutt ue ieii meiu iw.iu" iiiunt nn . . .5 ........ . 1 far off. O, how my heart did leap for 1 Mua'd nud cheap as it is possible for gladness! Then came Lien's heavy j full-growu people to feel. barfc. which mew exc.ted, aud 1 soon Josh Billings' 'Spice Box. Moat every 1 invs to listen 2 siau- dtr, hot there ain't but few but what dehpiie lhcivuthot ov it. Without inuuny, wilhont friends, and without impudence, iz about az any 'mau saw them I)otU clasp their : hands to gether and lift their eyo-i in thanklul- ness to God. , ; "W hen I tried r'to pull 1 the chests away I could not move them au iuch. In my great J danger God had J gi veu me strength lo drag them over the loft door, bul, now that!, the danger was past, my little hands? were .too weak to remove them. Sfo father had to Umb :np by t ladcf erj, to thes lfi window aud -release baby and me from, our place of refnge. ; J-s "Mother did not know anything of oar danger until she had finished her work iuirthe spring-house. Jost as she camejont sue saw tlie wolfs head at the window, aud at the same, tuo meut father and Lion appeared in sight.". ' , ; :, ' tt h "I VonderHhe woltlidn't getyou, ' said! iTiauk, with wide-opeu . eyes, brealhimjr deenl v.! .. t- . i- "God's cure was over ns," ausiveredj grandma, "and it la over ally,. We are ia 4aPoer but' he givesj his angels eeruing us." ", low down iu this world az cau get and keep yirtewouso After a man has passed the nge of 57. about awl that be can liud to talk .1 r ,1 j i,. m.t ,ig j fin t he cas got more pains and akesTnairniryte rest of his nabors. There iz uothinir that a man Iz 10 certain ov az he iz ov what he sees, and yet there iz nothing after all that deceives him oftener. , Beware of tho man who is always rendy to swop old friends for no ones. The dog that wid follow everybody ain't worth a Luss. 5 When I piny whist I nlwuzz like n phool for a parduer, for lby do hold such good hands. -. I have had people set down bi mi side aud kontidently undertake to ex plain something to me of great im portance, and after talking 34 minutes by tho watch, I not ouly didn't kuo what they bad been trying to tell, but had forgot a good deal that I kuew before." . ' 1 ; J Tnero iz but little that iz new nndei tho sun, aud what iz ain't good foi much. I kan't tell exactly what's the matter ov ine, but I nin alwuz j'l.st a little bU ov 'the woman who weais her hair kut short. ; . The great mist ike that mc-uny peo w: .1 ..- 41. I I. 41... .41.' im ctm ini. . fiifl m iki! iz 10 miuh t urn, i uc i " . every ''o.tV. f mado bcfjre'. 'the world wz juxtead v cha-gecou-1 socfi;"v :. ' '" ..." , term. The Ohi(hoi. roaperS present vily government" the graceful reign of bummciism': tUcir dis- All powerlnl lovo induced a St r.nift fir! to iiawh her black hair so 1 but her lover miirht have money to b.t on a prize fight in that vicinity. O espeeially ol laurel aud redwood, and lhcvir susceptibility to a high degree of finish, mako them particularly val uable for purposes of ornaiucninl vvork, and they are rapidly attracting the attention of manufacturers both in this country and in Europe. To rnako cottugo' cheese tako nico clabbered milk, not loo sour. heat. but do not scald it; pour Into a bag of thin cloth and dra:n ; when it 'is drained enough, sprinkle with "alt and pepper j mash tine; thin to a bat ter wiih sweet cream, and it is ready for the table. A. Radical negro preacher in South Carolina is nnxi'jtn to check the avarice of his congregation. Ho does not object to t Lo s;.lo cl rotes, but ho. loc onjool to xoibitant charges j'r them, lie says : " Dis ting of gittin' one hundred dwllar f-ira'VOte is ll vrong; ten dollars is ns ninth tn it worf." t 'i A poor Irish womnn afked a woalthy lady, the owner of a beauti ful flower garden iu Detroit for , a flower or two to put on the eoflln of her dead child. The good lady in vited her to bo heated, and very shortly brought a magnificent cro and wicatii. Tho ulll cled otto was overcome, and as soon us she Wft able lo oxpre.is hei self she said most fervently, "May our blessed Rjdeouier meet you at the gate of Heaven with , a crown of flowers more beautiful than ' these " A most touching prayer, in which many will join tho nfllictcd mother. Briharn Youn was asked to rc storo by a miracle a soldier's misn'inrr. lg'. Ho replied: "I can in au iu-! Tfet produce a new leg iu place of tue ova on, the yo(J M0 j(. T do it will Cftaw crc l,'..,,;,, , 1 you iu heaven, tor alter your -it tion to glory, the original leg win come back to tho spiritualized body. mine also being of divino origin be comes immortal; and, in this case, observe how very awkward a three legged angel from Utah would" appear among tho inhabitants of tho eternal worid. I confers that increasing years bring with" them an increasing re spect for men" who havo not suc ceeded in lifi as those words are commonly used. Heaven is said Co bo the place for those who have not succeeded here: and it is sure that celestial grace does not thrive and bloom in the hot blaze of "worldly prosperity. . HI success sometimes urises from a superabundance of qual ities In themselves good droni 1; con science too sensitive, a taste too fas tidious, n self forgctfulr.cus too' ro mantic, a modesty too retiring. I will go so far as to bjj with the living. pc(,thj.t "tho world knows nothing of its great men," but tho.- are forma f greatness, or tit Icrst excellence, which "die nnjd moke no sign there , .'1 . .1 . . - t .. a lire martyrs that miss the palm, but n t the sluice ; heroes without laurels," and conquerors without tho triurpphs. v,

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