:---vbi;,- :-X . I f . .. O w. - , , jv;-f; .,...: r,..-.v f, -v P t iroq pIow,tocked L-.ndsoino ttlbaa for c: cbct' workj made le r ? 3,05X0 for best 3 doll for: beat ;p3reara of TiiE I1AGIU VASD.; . Nestled close among the green hills of Vermont tbero stood air old farm hoose, browned nd discolored br the nncL'taado by p"11' ant teiripeaU which bad beaten Vi?-f v IVgaiust it for -more than halt a con- vury, ii;u kmv roui una .syiuu H in do ws added to it homely aopearnrjee, bati.be.fVO need not tarr there, for CfoU'V. NU'tliOvceneral sourrouudinirs" lliere Hvrc I had fonnd ( a home at id .CTentually my missioii, For, in throe moiiths'ufter my arrival Auot Lncy .'iiad'a stroke," 'and ;I cave ajy mv wantieriigs ,j anions tboj hills and in 23 20 SO I1" - " VrwA! 10 11 12 lo ! - I j4 15 To ii 17 18(1'.) 2i . 1 ' '21 2. 2i ! 24 -- j Hi; j y7- ! V- J 2S 29 bOl j..'. .!... : ;.::') , July.... j 1 j ;j 4 ' 'H 5 C 7 R l ; 10 . 11 12 r-i M ! 15- i; j 17 i.1- 10 j 10 . 21 ! 2-2 -I' 23 j 24 i 2 2'5 L 27 j 2d 21i j Cm J 31 !... August - i 1 2 3 4 j fx ! G ! 7 ! J- T 9 10 1 ! 1 13 I m ; i:, ! 17 IS ! 1 20 f 2! t 22 . : , -;3 24 23 J 2G t-T. 28 j 2.' ; ' i so 3i .... !... Septembeb.. ... .... 1 S 3 4 j J G 7 8 9 10 11 j 13 14 1 l.'i 17 18 j 11 27 28 2! j 3 ) i. ......... .. OcroBEa .... ! j 1 3 3 4 3 I C 7 i 8 I 9 . It ' . il 12 j 13 i t ! ir ; i6 ! 17 IS ID ! 2i ! 2! j 22 i 23 2i '. , 2-1 23 27 j 8 j 2i) . 3 I 3i Noyeiiber... 1 2 3 4 j 5 j G j 7 8 J 10 11 ! 12 I 13 ! 11 ' 15 10 j 17 18 j 13 I 20 ! 21 22 23 ; 21 25 i 20 i 27 j 2 20 j 30 j ... Deccmbee j 1 2 3 j 4 T. C ' 7 8 0.; 10 , 11 ' 12 i " 13 i ll 1-1 10 ! 17 ! IS ! l!i - 20 j 21 22 ' 2:$ ; 21 I 21 2'i 27 ;2S 20 3.) j 31 .WVW uTT. GaaJcr.-8S.00 lor tho besi " naK'K uer anu tnew, I KbL of rosin. ' fact, becamo hoM ktu-i;c!-, nurse si maid ot ait waric V) my unco a::d Aar.t Howard. I UiftC was a pu.ht, .siirc;.l man. j tliin at;il round sfci-uidcred, and l r ! ribiy iticliiodicai. in lliat lit n;ia j ti.irr J i! red to wi-Ji that he v:tii! j 'i:lv J .iet : t (,ritc, so llal Ju- wouiu ejrlicr be ..ii:eil t tej a utile L't f 4-1 1 tt ff. ftfiil I't.ntn.ii v. V. C. Tmy, .cU t (. Iv. Cour for jest plate ol '.iicuitH. t-tiitiietteH c'Ti.e l'o:i:- Mi-ions "',': for he largest and hvi variety exhibited in -tho department -iood and condiments Mia. Im:!iic I;-tI.;, ia.ly'f velvet hat. trimmed: ior l.4L and -rt attt variel v ; r ' of- tidii1, made and cxhiiled by oju ; ,oi" :ii:it ik,'v i::y- JJllt n'.lhiiijr i ii:d ever .ifcurred. W hen 1 J 1j. Strrniss A Va.. iin n.iir I:kIvV -aiteir. f.r tic test embroidered ire,,. i-''ice oun farmers used, to "help tlcrann's I. 1 " n, oll," and soinelimes tho store. Goo. a! I ho'ir.son, sr.elc of Thorn- kt'e!','rV 60,1 or thc Hcboolmater fsi's imperial flour, for host loai of ' vVOu!1 tUld eomctbing to talk with light-bread, made by a voting lady i !ll,uUt ol Sunday eveniu ; wilder 21 ai-K of aire. " j ut they were all married otf long jjenciation x had hirel : one v. xhe neighbirinf 1 oolrdcwo. myiiairiti4t Ititfxi; &il:h?iiii:tt i'vthfCi Hiy to assist in .fdra Work 5 I fejtfam-iiieda?b bt'ahdH : badi I 3touibJ44 :6f er he-k u o Juciloi-, . .The next step y.rioilecldreahai c bad'loveS id caSrow jV'lathos Mt-:c;rt;t!nC3rebckri e 4he niust have? toaa :,batter;nd 'vanished JymhSn(myti to'iheaiicknowllil by mbrac cheese raado by jri ,V ovra.t ihds?- lwre 'camer U: voicei?hwh kfieltteifn' itd5onoV atraaereV- Ever since a ehild ( ?jad listened to were Wo44dfuUyikelielIa'ab:let HWt'e&njMe J the mot moive! fetories-df what do,i ? 'UaV' fieeibi ?U8 If coursq.1 wf 4 - .aicjcly deposed, . between ' anoaud rhiJgiH9l aunt CO old fc...!..-:- UVJIICV I" j and found considcraU9-tunervnpnWj nanus. .: . -Vtr-r; .iy:.;;r',v i Jlutc toMtner-eat':-conSdiVnce. tba she bad 1" C-bfe Uella: ft td glkVber time to hjtrj;-sEo.ii&4 l6pn under theinuii' ; ,a ffirll0 was l tht lir.si with uncie. Ceo. lhivA, u fstney coffee-pot, for I li,al to Ul nest best piece of home-made jeans,, made W:IS wi course, "the old maid.' by exhibitor. ' J V hat wonder that I grew pr im and .y-.Ii. precise. II 11 Qua not ueen lor aunt s ' I ickne!s and snlTerin' I should have E. Jl LiMv, $5 for best lattin hv a-fis under 15- F.. J. J.illv, $0 for best bed quilt, 1111 :iwnJV lut that held mo last, made bv a uiider 15. The .Spring had come and gone E. J: LiUv, Jr., $5 for bebt pound-1 wlt,J lls April fains and May flowers, cake made bv a vouiif ladv in her :1,UI luu ,ai UUJB W1 "u "jaiu List of Special FrciuiHisss Offtnu! by the Business Men of Faycttc vilic lo Exiiibitor at Our next F;!r. - li. W. Hard ie,. .5,00 o wwxncr. iu coU'iid foot-race ; $3.0(T to second best none t-..e;.t r over 21. Geo. 31. l-'o.-i 8 -j.UI') lo winner o! ji)!;o ?:ice mule be rid1c-it l oivner J. I Joov: baire.l of il-mv f-.u' largest ield of corn n 5 'u:r-.-. r. V. TaornfoT:, h;jd.s:.i-i- st t o' teens. Clias. fllovvi", Side Saddlo to the handsomest married lady over 45 on the Fair (J rounds. 11. Lilly. 85 cash, for best and largest variety of home-made pickles. 11. Lilly, 50 cae-h, for best specimen id' silk eir.broidtiy. W. A. Whitehead & Co., $5 cash, for the best barrel of :N. C famil flour. i W. A. Whitehead & Co., 1 sack of Liverpool suit,! lor hist lot of N. C appeared, when one morning Aunt Lucy told 11s that "sure as we wero nine, something was going to happen, tor fdie had had a warriiug in the nijjdit, strange ' noises, which fore ooded ill to Homo of Ui?." Uncle found upon going to the barn 1 hat the speckled cow had contrived 10 step into au opening in the floor, and 'in her vain efforts to extricate her.-elf had become strangled. Ti.at night, when ' my day's work was over, the milk strained and the hams. J. A. Pern hereon, handsomest Otto man Khawl, lor best loal oread ana rolls.'" "- : "" f"5" -?5r : f A. ileEnio, 5 gallons Tokay" Wine, fur best two r)n inah Chickens. j taih washed, F walked out by the '.at'u.ing hrooK. Time had been when I should havo heard unwiitten music -i; ii xt.L ( nvtaiij ip, j-pavr h.- moss grown rocks, but x.was too an tiquated for anything like sentiment then. I was startled from mv reverie A. A. jleKethan &, h' i:s. $15 cali i fur best steam' engine at work on the h' " carriage driving rapidly up to than t.-n horse ! "tsr gate, from whten alighted two ' y-iM.g ladies, who. to my unsophUti- ! groonds ;.. we r. noL less HLMf U3VX SA :. r0fh J ier; in I easeof ft funeral. flubnee nricrrUthrow nwajheT-lToir3 best part ot her hlo. ; "Cou'dirt I say fotieti.ing to leiid ieHa to decide on wlat. was right .snd j,ii r 1 set tao to tliinkii!g,rli:d 1 vratched lor an oppoit unity to draw lklia out. 8ite was more c Knm.micattve than I exj'ected, though alt her cbniidenees wero given in ihe wiy of; asking qu'es'.bo.s. "ou!d yfu do n ?" 01 Wo-.slJ you advi?o sufb a step i" 1 givv strang-'iy itvreied in it all. What onan .an keep ber tinets out of a love affair when the chance in offered iier?; One evening 1 went into our little inrlor, whisii bad come into unwonted use since the advent of our visitors. The girls were silting apart, as though resolved to be, unsociable in thc twilight hour that Was fast closing around us. Kate was busy with bright worsteds, fashioning one of the pretty nothings such as ladies delight to kill time with. She greeted me with, "I'm glad you've come," arid, with a glance at Uella, "'Tis so horrid dull here, 3'on know." I made no answer, but looked to tho end window, where Bella was leaning her head partly out. I could see her thoughts did not take us in, or any of her present surroundings. Kale exclaimed thav she had "made a mistake, and worked in tho wrong color for ever so far." Bella said, as though brought back to tbo present time by the words: You are not the first one who has done that." I turned to ber : "I have known lives to bo eutiroly changed by a false color; were yon thinking of that?" V She replied indifferently : "No, stern er jind . Clascal i tva.u.M:i I '.With one excuse aciT aothor the girls drove mo from . the -lcit$hea-anU u!mot Ironi.tbe house-for-the week lht:foUoVed4N.lH-:r' , . a njr iw.K oossession 01 ererytuiutf: iuv winiiowH anu aigo po6tocasieaas worelraped.; wi ih; tho lonsf; ub used w ftit tart ains-mritb their tie tto4 and tM6seed ringed 1 beard , auoC ; lell them that she bad put them by. . in broken hearts : nowadays, atid aman's 1 The girls had gone down to life is not so easlli wrecked, t hat is, I brook, and in the twihsbt - - 1 i r ak upon the air. "lou dear old fudge of an aunt, do you know I havo brought whit me thc immortal bloom pT youth; talk to me ol weddings .and i births, hut not ol thc tomb. Aunt begitu a leet'ire npon the tin certainly of everything hero i below, bat Knle threatened to li iive her if she di'iu't delist, and added, ''You know what you wou d be if I tnhouid withdraw my magic; why, thov would have to tuci; yon up iu thai bed uud ive yon gaiioijs of herb beer. Don t you know what a bed-riddeu, forlorn oia womau you wero wiien 1 came, uud iust see what 1 have done for yon 1 ' She caught hold of tho old lady aud mude her dance ucross the room, humming to her, " Where s my lilt'o dog, he will know if this is I V" Uuc'.e laughed! yes, though I fancy it must h;ive been painfn!, such an un wonted movement of the muscles. The house became bright with ever greeus and flowers. AH the quaint, old dishes camo into sight: and were made useful instead of vases, which we had not. Tho big, broad li replace looked like the very bower of beauty, and, in fact, over the whole place passed tho magician's wand. Sundry rides were taken to the village, qaite as much to the astonishment of the horse as any one. Kite informed me that "tue old thing was tricky, for when out of sight of uncle and the farm she could go like sixty." "Owing to jour wand," laughed Bella. o - ''Doubtless' said I, while Kate gave me a pinch and a kiss. ;f How quiet that Saturday evening came down upon 11 a. The doors were thrown wido ofJen and;the house was filled with the if it is worth uny thing. them." She stopped, helJ, perhaps, by my iri.lV. 1 k tr-Wri Oi ii-'U t'..r utri!iMii!! m-' into ('.. :-lt- 1 1 t.'t ( V fprs, valiM i at i::, l-'V i-f :st uis; i i !. - xvotK, n.r.de a; ' W. Pi ; r. ;.-i hfiil- !o i 'iiitii- In;:-i ..sf.- .-j .i' ti.-; ' t at: 1. if. IT;.!.:!?, erv I) r i. .-r Id " 1!'-. J ft"-. J v to v-.:i... hursv-b: -!: u iv-'. - ; O. I'', llji ir:!-, t b.,t utole A. 31. re si i;n ue.s! c-f- r Cook- o a. -:.l rs:"..n n' it exlii-l if in j; .:, S10 cash 1 I !ar rest varictv cuiueo "T""1" look, though she could only havo felt V ".J ""M-jt thvo;iih the gather of r.'nt'..'s-;oi-.s articios open 1 to ai depnmnett! s. j I was embraced by the girls, James -U l.rsrnb. ' handsome rusf.c ai.rrinrr-basket value .J 1o ladv ::hil?un.r the handsomct-t collection!"'1' 'haling, i 1 ... i 1 .1 O. cr-, HWUL.i aiiKiiiill"l MiiU .:. , , I .tUr ;v 1 uud recivered in tno least. ; ... ...:n ..: , ik.. "........ -r 1 lll.IL J 'fit li'ft vvii-n.iiviKi. "t the .aJs, 1 a showerf kissts, hcatd . tt IM ... f n ..ttUP ft,r... nm, ?!.i0tilt!r-H vi ea.'leii 'Hear couiti Jennie and .1. ,le-i lif, n s - plants. oiner ci;ueanrir t iter hn drt oped uptn her arm. i-ntNov from :i ; - i : v exiodiJtiiif i.:;:ost dl eS-i; xi, ;-.e. nejia ('j!d Lam ;t t s to , 1 donh;a Willi ynun--' la Iv uuder ex:iitr,tit; pinto ui ):;.- v. lie) li. tii-i be:-t biscuit, ; :'1 i'J -7 .""- ". "-w j Ida- mailed to i.er. ' ..ot to mope, out i ;s'..t1,;,ml ' u S;i,uu-J u'4-v- . . to bri..g ber ch.dr-clo.-e to us." J , , . 1 . . ! J lll'li) uas ll'i ;.v.-iy a.:U e.iiirjeu oic into mo ..".: I hey hew at r.nce r .se::irs to? ! 1 1 jl. buxrs ot very line tidi.icet b)i -r c -v. a'.m eaif. line n:attrt-?-rf tor Zl. OlftrbeM bt:sf pit;ce !' ii. by 'exldbiior. F. U..S.O, !!...!. i air fcileeve-but t:i?f , valued al boine-iuado qaiit in ntv: 'jeans, made J.i.--. 1.--5 ii-i-; , a ''iiriffal - overn'i,'' i !;c :?5 -Ki, lov the hai.iisi;rje.-t iady--; i f- Fs i:; hi -t wecu tiro ag.js o'i 3 8 ai-'l ' yvr.rs." s. l:;i!i lf, a handsome drt;Ss. value to voiti:r ladv esliibit inir t be. i i:anKomeot pair of embroidered slip- three ie,( the iH'l an'j such 1 :uor oid iiia:i ren-ived j.lt.lo Ij'Sl': ptlii-e, bill answer; ho, turning to me. Kate sai '. : ' Ynu are my last upsetting ii,, . s.-ht has Jailed me. cai:dkr,tieK t l0fuses to be cuni'oried, fco lam iLO tViii XO ...... J - r lrtt rt , i iia t n i i if 'illlllti. 'ltI'' I . inco yon '-ame in. 1 . ended- 325, i xj.-: yjsu ev-i1 . An;! firmt .:. i'lii" 1 o ! I . ml ! '. Ai.. -u.il M.I mi nr-!.u III lilV 1:11 - - - - - - - . . ..... - - - t i .. i . i .She s it do wr: on tne carpet by my .a.-u m ;i i-i ;ice. f fadics' 12, far "lui'.v, 85 'cash to the winner I eeii'iti'y cmsins. it did not seem ltd 1' Sn than ten con- S vicar ox w men i rancn 01 uiu int.-, -a a coioreu. i-ntireiv cuvu-i-""".! w-m.'-vu, ,if.u eu. cu J.ffjra. Distance 100 v.rls. 1 our w i'Io-iiio must have been rather Me.-srs. Mellae & Dainertield di- 1 eot..-:.ratned; but it made no difference como lor a rocd li. W. Thorutor best I 'Me.-SVi- ! iile tlii-ir liberal award in aid of the i - goIdU--JJis! I 1 , set of coral and ! Fair ia;o. two handsome and valuable nnu u erc not. I at 80 50 for best .'premiums, aggregating 840, tis follows: having it. Am "t. V Set of shirts, value 820, to owner "Didn't I tell y n no . oae No -ample of Nbest J I ( of best r,ace-horse, running or trot ting, time for the race being set by tho judges, tho award to bo made by then.. . Ladies' traveling trunk, value $20, to the lady exhibiting tho largest nnd handsomest display of needle work, made by horse 11. Tlie Disease cl the Day. toilet set, argest exhi- ade by any one John Shaw; bolt of Beaver Creek sheeting for best bale of cotton,. X'J.'A. Brown, box line segars' for best game cock. . II. McDonald , ll sacks salt lor largest A correspondent of the Boston Journal writes : "Paralysis is becom ing a prince disease. It jis not. con fined to the fleshy, the plethoric, nor to the aged. The fast lije of our busi ness young men tells on1 them. It is a very common thins to see men of thirty and thirty-five bald headed, feeble gaited, and walkirjg about with canes, their underspinuing knocked out with other signs of premature age. These signs of early weakness develop iu paralysis. Sudden deaths from - - . . I . . I , . . ,p itnl'il Allu lit It -1.I j,e:u xm. vJVw.v .,.lve .occurred in railroad trains, the takeu xuto,eoiisuieration. ' vibration seeming to predispose per- - J. II. & Cr. A) rover - o cash for SOU8 to the otTlong since a L est home-made s.art iueu; bosom j uIeman died 1n oneof our churches. ' year a subscription . to , ;u 0 . s intcrestcd in a case of disci .C. Gazette for best yield ol turnips! .. lf n-(lo a report to lhe to the i acre. r, c;isn ior i)rst loai bread aud biscuit, made 1'iwii- I'll ill i. i iiLti i iri.ui l i ut & -w ... J v ! rn!i r iiwiirort' In nnnt wm I'ocn n Vears 'i ae.i 1 veav .s sjliocn btiou to . - . 1 . . . ', t , . . i i c . i f man not accustomed to public spcatc N. C. (ttiZftta for uest- said largest i ex- i . , . . 1 , - 1 tliMl r liOUilt J'V.-: ! 1 - . . . ... ,, ,A , . 4.; we r lui see. x.ie was so cxcilou i at ne In the midst of his. remarks he was seized with para!- l ysis, ana carriea rt9 nis uome.1 uur y oung -men will have to tone down in" : ' 1 church on the case, sat down, laid his Uy nto head on the back of tho seat an,d in nderi 20;.... .......4.-- T A. ne tin is iiad como lor a cocci time. to be deterred from mt asked, triumphantly, on that something was iCoinr to happen ? The froise wasn't for nothing, sure." The girls were as unlike as possible. Bella, tall, and queenby, with hair which would rival the raven's wing for blackness, and eyes that should havo belonged to some Egyptian princess. Kale was a regular hoyden, polite, piqlty and light-hearted as a child. She upset every thing which she came in contract with; in three days she had broken through all our time honored rules, had gone whistling afcer tho cows an hour earlier than usual, and upon being told by uncle that sho "she must not run them, be cause they wouldn't givo so much milk," declared she "knew what she was about, it would not take so long to milk them." Whatever blandishments she used upon uncle, to the surprise of us all, ho harnessed up the old mare and took her to tho village and postoffice, returning alter dusk, a thing unheard of with us. Sho persuaded aunt to set off the bed that she miirht bib J ,iou t 1. iiOiiltl"SUL? IU, -'J .IIUS CO," ,, , , . , . . , 1 ..--.iiu v-.tii 1 ni,an J.,eoanon sneeiing; 10 oaug lauy ex bibitiug Lest homo-maue counterpane made bv heiselt. Cole, Gainoy 1&C0., sack of flour for i' .if n largest vield.of turnips on acre, back ol llour lor largest aver age yield of corf: per horo. J. C. Thompson; line-hat fori beet their stylo ol living it they wish to amount to any thing." The demand for dwelling houses in Greensboro is ou the increase. see how tali she -was. and by dint of flattery and persuasion, had her dressed and out to tho dinner table. Wo should not have been half as much astonished if a ghost had walked in upon . U3. She asserted that she had wonderful "healing powers' and that sue be lieved she "was sent to restoro aunt to health, and that she had wrought miracles ail her friends knew," and she called upon Bella to corroborate her testimony Uncie ana aunt believed every word she uttoed, isnd in two weeks' time she hacl aunt oat-doors feeding j the chickens , and ducks, and uncle j flow it came abiail 1 could never tell, ' but i opened m V c.rt to that child, I read hJr page : iter uago of my life, turning the leaves ;a-.-k Ward lor a while, then b: ;akin off abruptly, commenced at ; ho gi . ii.h years, and showed her the joy, iovo, doubt aud despair which bad lei t me tho sileut, gray haired old maid of thirty five, that was foolish enough to review all this to a chit like her. Tho short curls under my bands were wet with tears which bad some what welled up with my .recital, but 'twas Bella's arms which were around my neck, and her lips touched my forehead in mute sympathy. I felt strongiy comforted by their love and caresses, but begged them not to worry about me, for tbero was a long distance bet'wjeil those early dreams and the prosaic uow; only I prayed that theyr might uovor let pride or distrust come between them and the one tl ey might some time Iovo as I had 01 ce loed. I assured them my1 life had not been altogether bare; none need be, 1 held, unless they so willed it themselves. "But, Jennie," ana tho little bead nestled close to my neck, "yon said once loved;' don't you love him now? Wouldn't you ink bini to forgive the past it you cou;d set him again ?" Her words 8 artled me. "Child," I answered, "yon know not what you say. Ho has forgotten me, and an other woman holds the place I was not worthy to lilh It would bo a sin for mo to love him now." "But you do, Jennie," sho whis pered, "just a little, you know you do." . "God help tn.?, Kate, for I am weak and sibfuh" - The 'daylight had retreated, and we could not see e. ch other, only 1 could feel how cloudt 1 over, were tho .bright) young faces. . ' Whun they k ssed 010 "Good oight," Kate bM rceov .jred ner cheerfulness, and bajfco me t-v be of good courage, for all sorts of mirac les were in her line, and her frith w.aj equal to the moving of mouataips. --. ". - y" ''". the stillness uud bush, I caught its faiut gurgling, liked he sound of some half-forgotten melody. j I !otd:ed down upon myself; the rirls had eisaniled ruii to "try on my new dress it wns their jifi (and fash ioning; so of course 1 could hot re fuse, though il seemed that the coming Sabbath wiiuid have dotie as well. "Jennie," H.iid uncle, 'you, look as you did when you first came to us, only the pain has gone out! of your face. I be!ive it has done yoa good tying hero with us." : Kate came up with a boo and skip; she looked at lU'J keenly. "Oi what ?irc jou thinkicg, Jetiui.-, dear? DLow becoming your blue nbbocs are I If you hud oaiy win'n ..bithat day 'in stead ol pink!' Wnal a treacherous fribiid that womau was ! And to tnink she took him away from you ! Do vou forgive her, Jennie?" "1 have tried to, Kntc, but h'ow can I? 'Ttvas his woaith and position she wanted, while I on I I loved him so much." 1 ! Kate bad drawfu mo out into the starry night. "Look out, dear, ; or you'll bo aiuning again. " Bella came up upou ibe walk aud together we sauntered down to tue gate. Had I done well to speak of these things to the girls ? j Wouldn't they misuuderstand me, after all ? Had I done more harm than good, and shouldn't I have all the old battles to tight over again with myself and my ideas of right? "I woiidtr," said Kate, "if the best thiugs iu my life are the best iu other people' t lives ?" "Of course, it should be doing one's duly, everybody understands that, after which we may be eclectic, I sup pose. -I was going to ask Jennie but here comes some oue np the hill j do yoa thiqk we are to have a caller ? Has the fame of our -wondeiful pow ers gone forth to the world of Ches terham? Didn't I telFyoo, Bella, everything wore au expectant look here to-night?" ' The girls stepped back, and it seemed to me I was left alone in the universe with that approaching figure. "Can you tell me where I can find Jennie liaudall ?" I know not if I answered. I don't think there was time, before I was close folded iu those strong arms and bearded lips took possession of mine. When I found breath and thought for speech, I iried to free myself as I whispered, "But your wife ; I have no right to your caresses. She stole them from me." "Hush I" said he ; "she is resting under the sod, and L bear from her to yoa the confession she gave me. She sinned, aud she repented. Let us forgive her as we hope to be forgiven." 1 How long we stayed there, I canuot tell, but when we entered the; house, uncle and aunt had gone to their room. The candles flickered on the mantel, and as the girls came forward to meet me, 1 camM down from the HhJ,fcy f wjij M Sxrftfaiitiin : Ta4 irl bave roadxme oh tbo pasl ;imuieia ju-mj' iae.;aua mofii navf afsVctt-.wbd' niyTisTfUr .is,, or Ibej payer -would -ba vgived yba 'isnch i V W-IMtty-'-i) ? r? n e; never beard ypver name v. an tit ibfr eijroRcrut.ice aaa ana mcc vt jfaftt-Hnt IrjdrefdeaJo bftVeTbriJ) hoi old and careworn I had - become, but he assured me th 1 ori'jr,' igir. V lft w J 1 at?rm " J t'lU u' . ?rr" failure of my sight p "that ; -m;u gro wi ng d i id, or i wonldn't call: L . ith his gray hairs, "baudsomeriUi Or. " 1 iw la "T rclua a . : 1 etc l.x . X" 4' 'J, tzcsrr,..m, 'Ji C7- . (c ';; .;'.i-i-'' Ulyw WOO : i-ntS.;t..., 8 CO t....;..,..... .18 00 !--a(Cl laches)-. v; - , . c - - , ha - ,t;-v C2jc-r ...Y.- ;.,.' is rx ...... .!...; ., - - - .......i.... .f 5 00 3 00 1. s I--: 'Thoiei?!' I Junk t':s 'nt v i- - - '. .. .'.-Srvatneiifl, r litdies-m it j jThVw; 1 ngucb;itvF fiandj:.-hi "-.' ' JvDonn' hndcsfl, !Vn;v jb'?r, i J A)y; iU .-. i. .' ever. -'i In tho morning oh that gJoHo' Sabbath morning ! How thesuoshine iii'd my 10 m when I awoke! Did I kneel to pray ? I'm not euro. We off-r pravirwheu wo have uouiethiug to ask for. ' . My sioft was full, wanting nothing. 10 very breath must have been praise, for in that hour I forgot tho past, and had no thought of the future. The present held all perfection to me. I wondered at myself, as I I looked in the glass. "Surely," said I, ' it is the glory from my soul, toncbiug up all my countenance, for this is notdhe face 1 have looked at all these years." 1 weut into the parlorbut I doubted my own senses at the tableaux I be held. There was George Yaubess, in uncle's arm ehair; beside him stood Bella, with one arm around his neck and the other hand perfectly; at home among those whiskers, which I should have claimed as my ospeciul property. Kjate was perched upon his lap. and wis talking in a very rapid aud ani mated manner. They all enjoyed my surmise, and George sid, as he shook, them off, lieer training, Jennie, you must have given these girls, to have them so pronounced in their admiration of me I looked from one to another: "What dots it mean ?" "Just this," said Kate, "that I have stretched my waud over you all. Will the audience be seated while I explain ?"' , in the first place, Jennie, behold in your old time Jwver aud affianced iintffattti r ant; nnfirii tr. ' I ,r lf, 1 f wivat 4 vi .v to vca irst rough . Y' uf rT. 'U, generally enable him Ascertain 'ii. ..." .ut.t "A man in JiSngfand recently tnivflod 50 miles on a bioyclo In throo hours, 13 minutes and 30 flecondit, a fraction less than 15 miles mi hour. An unsophisticated porson-once' de clined a plate of macaroni nonp with the remark that tluy "couldn't palm off any biled pipe stems ou him.':' , lf stovd polish is mixed with very strong soapsuds, the luster appears immediately, and tho dust of tho pol ish docs not fly around as it usually doesi "I am afraid jou will come to want." said an old lady, to a young, gcfills-" man. "I havo come to want already," was tho reply, ."I .want your daugh- Tho ossenco of true nobility l ncg. left of pass in is gone fiower. i1 self. Let tho thought of self and the beauty of a groat act like tho bloom from a soiled paling matters -Bella's half brother and your crazy cousin s nufortnnale guardian. 1 You thought wo were sisters. Well, we are by adoption j and affec tion." Her voice fell. "When Amv, who used to be your friend,- was sick, she told Bella of her duplicity, and begged her-oliud you and set matters right between George and you, if it wasn't too, rate. Well, your -being mv cousin sim- lilified lulittern'i.'i good deal. "George had! gouo awuv on -busi ness, so wo toojk matters iu our own lands, and he knew nothing of" oar dans until he heard from us here. "flow much we have byeu obliged to urge him to im .Le tois visit on will ever know, b-it of this mnch h- assured) th.;v the day ot wouders su't over." After prayers that morning George told nncle that he -Buonltl "havo to deprive hiai off his housekeeper, but he wo'uld .leave ivato awhile. Then he said, with a half glance, at me, "After servico to uignt vie shall mve a quiet wedding, aud to morrow I shall c irry off my bride, for whom 1 have waited fifteen years." lhe last words silenced me, though I was glad of Bella's bending caress o hide my rising color. Only oue month before I bad called my life a failure. We are all too swift to pronounce upon ourselves and each othor. W hat do we know of failure who see neither the end nor he plan ? Let us believe in happiness, though sorrow hath been learned well, even by heart. Believe in light, althou be night seems long. The averaso wnses in tho M; ollows: Skilled mechanics employed r r urknrl o r H Sirm ion r a 6 1 C OT I vu wwuy ctiiu iawii nif nci 1J f and $14 30 por week; engineers, 814.- aborers, 88.75. f actory operatives proper: uressers, 514.00; mule spin- ners, 9 11.75; girders, 39.80; picket feeders, $8.25; strippers, $7.70. Rancid batter can be madeassweot as when first churcod, by tho follow ing process; To one quart of water add fifty-five drops of the chloride of lime ; then wash thoroughly in this mixture bve pounds of rancid butter. It must remain in tho mixture two jours. Then wash twice in puro water and once in sweet milk ; add salt. This preparation of lime con tains nothing injurious. Tho Kocky Mount Mail is responsi le for the statement that on tho last Monday morning the wife of Jo. Lind say, colored, gave birth, to a child fully -developed, with hair, finger nails, voico, &c , which weighed only only one pound. The monument to the author of the Star Spangled Banner, provided for under tho wiU'of James Lick, is to be placed ou a hill in Golden Gate Park, S m Francisco, - , Mon's lives should ho like scaoti, aglow 'with promises, and the autainn rich with golden sheaves, where good words aud doeds. have ripenod on, the fie,ti- j ! V, When ono learns that 205.800 pounds of false buir wire acturally sold in Paris in one. year; what a Bad and saw d a st rV of -h Halmra fhfar v- 5 : AVhcn a man "dies ariU .loaves "aVnlco young widow with plenty of inoiicy, and you see her walking out with the executor on Sunday afternoon, change is imminent. A pious impostor who bus been vic timizing several Southern com muni, lies by raising subscriptions for non existent church charilic!, insinls forci. bly on the worldly efficacy of pro ting. The'birth of tho DucbiKs vf Biin burgh's baby increases tho number of Queen Victoria's grandchildren to twenty-six, tof wh-an 'twenty ".three are living ' , Mrs. Chase, of Ohio, was arretted tho fjrst 'time she 'appeared with hor trousers. on, aud now. she's going to mortgage her farm and see whether this ii a free eo tin try ur a monarchy. An old man iu Alabama hm a'trco near his house overhanging the road which ho wishes to .cut, bul is com pelled to keep it landing -for fear it should kill a candidate for Congress when it fall. , . - Tho man whe has nevtr tried lhe courrianiinship of a litllo child has carel.ossly passed by ono of,., the greatest pIcasiucM of life, a one passes a rare flower without plucking or knowing its value. ' '. A new horticultural garden, fiflecn acres in extent, has just been;Qpned in St. retersburg. i It is under the' a r v al natroni be u "ncror, and will ih winter ticoUrs' . alfv and V 'BroiWi b'standers in a gust of moral iudir nation, as thoy shot bim through lhe doorway with the velocity of a Bern ington rifle ball. . ' , . England never deserts her subjects when away from homo. Sho cannot get back the lives of her sixteen me"n so summarily sent to dcatu on the Virgiuius by the Spanish!. butchers, but she presents her little bill of $8,000,000 tor them,. and' the will get' her py. " -" ' ' , John White of Wcatlicrsfield.Vt., was going liome from a raising' one "night I pretty drunk, and seeing u figure in- the road, ho cxrAluiod, "fctand to the right or I will pliVyou down.f' No heed was paid to' his words, ind he brougiit b:s uxe'ddwit on the head with inch force that U wus cut clean in two. Tho Host morning ho expressed to. his horrified friends iho fear that ho hud killed somebody on the road, and showed the bloody axe. The people hurried back over the road and found a dead bvar, ; , 1

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