T i! E ii A PUBLISHED EYE Li MO UN I SUITOR &ITD I'llGPKISTOK. TEliiiS OtV iSUBSCltlPTlOX : Sia-le copies tea cents. One year 3 00 ix ,u.,utbs sl.50. Cmbs of five, or ;.;! veur- Clubs ot Ua- '"or. r''-o.jareaorateSMiers aik c-.w.g at half price. V TS-- I . . .- . " . T ( i V. - : I. ' !.'.:!-.".- , . : : i . ..- .'.... -'.;., ... ..': -i j. . .r, -.c ..,.- .. -. - X", .J . A - ' I , . ' fiTHK II .rv 'f "1 M; II til J M If il v-.-- - -v. , , t.. icau, receive 1 iifc 5 -2 o 2 5 ? r i s o ' t - . o S I " fr. . K J ; ; : : JixuAar. ... . ; - I 2 ' T ,4 5 6 7 8 9 i U 1'2 13 14 15 16 1'. 13 19 20 21 22 o3 04 r ; 25 26 27 28 29 30 3J Fkmuabt.... i o 3 4 5 6-7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 u ; 15 16 17 13 19 "o I 22 23 24 25 26 97 iUBCn...... 1 2- 3 4 5 c ' 8 J 10 11 13 is ii I 15 I 16 17 18 I 10 I 20 I 21 I . o o- ,v I i n.: i .Ta " " APKII. ..T. i.l....L..:l 1:2 3 - " ' 1 l 1 1 1 t 5 I 6 7 8 9 10 U 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 23 20 30 ilAT 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 2o 26 27 23 29 30 31 - ... Joss ... 1 2 3 4 5 V, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 " - 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 28 29 30 ... JuiiT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - T 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ' ' 26 27 28 29 30 31 ... August. ..I.. .. : 1 ; 2 3 " 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ; 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 30 31 .... ... SEPXEilBEE. . ...."....-J 1 S 3 4 f 6 7 8 9- 10 11 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . . , 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 " - 27 28 29 30 ttobxb ;. .... .... ... 1 2 t" 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 , ; 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 - 18 19 20 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29' 30 31 ifovKMEza... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 JO AO 14 IB A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 2 30 - - Dzci2i bsxu . . ..... 1 2 3 4 5 . - , 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 "13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 - 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2Q , ' - 27 23 29 30 3H... i-- of Kail-, No. 16. FAYETTEVllEl N. C.HURSDAT5 NO.YJEMBER 26, lS7Wh0e o, .328 OFl-ICIAL STATE ,V0TE. COUNTIES. Por Governor. 1872. Aliiuiance. Iex.-iuder Allegbany. Ansou. . . . Asbe Uesnfort. . , Certie. Bladen . . . . Brtiorwoi . : I Rnneouibe. UUfhC. . . . . Snp't Pub. Inetrnctioiis. 1874. Tlie Becent Conference road 3Iasaates. CaniAen, Ciirtcrrt , Caswell Catawba Chatham Clrokeo ' how an. Clay r-.- Clevc-lar.il.... Columbus Craven Cumberland. . Currituck. . . . Davidson Davie Pup' in Dare , . . . Edgecombe . . ForsTtLe Franklin. .... Gaston 3ates Granville . . . . Greene - Guilford Grabnni. . . .(maj.) Hanfux. . . Harnett.. . Ilay wood . Henderson Hertford. . Hyde..... IredelL . . . Jackson.. . Johnson . . Jones , ienoir. ...... Lincoln Macon Madison Martin .McDowell. Mecklenburg. .ViU-helL-.-i . J Montgomery J Moore. Nash... ... . New Hanover Northampton Onslow 1331 1 908 111 852 "IIOI 270 3452 1115 1560 633 512 2655 941 1S31 1945Hl32lf 1 be -J. ta:r.ueipcia Jjtuger;uae um iiiv...sg, fuVowign, iu .,regara.tD the recent eou- J iSflV f -freoce bet-wcen Var.derbilt, Jewett, j - , r rj' ' 1 'fig? jl Gift if ' 'eDCO of - tte oiicers of several or oar leading railway, companies at Balti more, last week, is variously inter pitted as to ,its.; result. The Nvw York papers generally prononuce tlie uieeticg a failure in its purpose, but the givinga ont by railway tffiieers in tbia city are tbat all was acoompiishei .that was deeired, namely; that the BaUimore and OhioRailroail Company should join the other companies iu the detercunation to discontinne the payment of commissions on Ea'es of 'iiek-et& and abolish all drawbacks ou frtigbt. ' This (Le Kew.York Centra!, Erie R&d Pcunsvlvauia companies bad 'nlrtaViy done, Vitb regard to the general tariff rates and other features of the Saratoga compact, the Balti- o., A Oliin npnole did not sab- t.cribe to them, and the other cutnpa nies did not think it material that it should. The Baltimore and Ohio, it is reported, recommended . the lines interested to abolish the "fast freight" and "transportation" lines with whicu kt- i.v .nmmon with nearly all other "J , I - ri'. ! encumoerea. j-u. 101 389 184 1019 761 1565 2514 708 683 84d C27 75L' 1285 1251 1804 30(; 101 328 937 1317 1146 2105 744 1413 83i l?yoi 229! 1142 1080 lC4)j 864 776 2294 821 1603 174 1389 ' 904 771 ' 41C( 873 712 1622 . 640 3892 538 1189 905 664 531 1234 729 2J53 i 332 -: 360 107?!i ls02 36141 2598 J990 1019 .492' 962 THE KEW PUPIL. EY A. W. CURTIS. "Oh, girls I I .shall jnsUdio, I know 1 bhall 1" exclaimed Belle Burnett, goug off into a hysterical fit of laughter, which she vainly tried to mother behind an elegant lace-edged handkerchief. "What is it, you provokincr thinr f Why don't you tell us. so vre cau laun too ?" , v en you see, fi gmxpeiZ out l iast, fwe're got- a now pupil ,tb 1 happened to be in Madam's room when she arri ed. - Sh cam -in -tttiiia Pitt.. ...... V.. Polk VXj;r.l. KandolpLT, Kichnioad.l . . Robeson. ........ Kookicgbam. . .. liojran.. . . .; yUTtuerford Saihpson Stanley Stoke3 Surry ! Swain. , . . ! Transylvania. . . . . ! TyiTcl Union. Wake Warren,. Washington.. . . Watauga Wnyns Wilkes Wilon Yadkin aneey Total C 312 I 1-nQ I3()9j -1E85 1301 1 1118 1013 9C61G 336 . 830 22 21C 347 C31 3843 2380 917 353' 19491 294 1152 8Cfi! !!? 9SC1S 96046 .4.Jafei- --760 1799 234 1073 1194 1687 . 918 800 734 1358 97 hi 735 685 fushioned hair trunk, not ranch' biggor than a band-box, and she camo into Madam's room with a funny little basket rti her hand, and sat down as if she bad come to sty freYer. She said. 'Are you Madam Gaziu T 'Ye.-,' she rejlied, 'that is my name.' 'Well, I've come to Play a year at your school.' And then she pulled hy handkerchief out of the basket, unrolled it until she camuto an old leather wallet, and actaaliy took out two hundred and fifty dollars Jitid laid it in Madams hand, saying, 'That is just the amount, 1 heliorc ; wul you pleaso give me a receipt for it ?' You never saw Madam look so surprised. She actually didn't know what to say for a minute: h"t she gave her the receipt, a-ske'd her a few question, and had her taken to No, 10, and there she ifi uowt tuis veiT Uiinute." "'Well, what was there, so , Tunny about all that.?" "Whv. this : .sho bas red haif, rucked "into a black net, and looks just hko ftrt'right every wy. She him on a brown delaino dress, without a sign of a ruffle.or trimming of any kiud, and the shabbiest hat and shawl you ever saw. You'Jl laugh, too, when you see her." Bello Burnett was k.i only child, itud her wealthy father was pleased to gratify her every whim. so, be sides being lar too elegantly dressed for " a school girl, she was supplied witU'plenty of pocket money, and being very geuerons and full of life and fun, she wus the acknowledged leader among Madam's pupils. . -When the tea bell ran ''-.the newr wishing au sent avnj, and still sue r The little Lair there trt;day thri1 crjsis enaerr r frei ,i I I I .1 t KM - ana re ccfence fiincKwn girit;. it ft rionM impo4hibl to Thej were notlbra ve enough to co ji - fess tktir puiItlb3rhunSr frounrt tue ck room offeriln tb&T fcerncxjs raiuly ,',?:t. atone for it in rtfeir presence -only (offerer, so the j were .. . f ... i iy .alter pay Das.se u, d4n violent delirium k vas searched Jo ,;.J. .TTfriends. bn t vKanVaux4Tti:ta 4 "j uoarn99..,v I . SLo opened the dior, eKtbd Fun I: iw iu. Hii'eawy chair, aiji ih -gixld cauiv gliding iu, Tith smiling faces, eiugi a -beairliful" bdog of welcome. .t Atj i';. C;hpt,Belle Burneit approached and ptneed a tieaufifuJ tvreaih 'of fJowert upon her head, saying : "Dear Fu nip, we crown you onr qneeu to. day, knowing wefl how far above us all yon are iu Ills -sight,)-who looketunp the heart, in-tead uf the1 ouiwajjijur peutance. . Yon have tuglikis;'3iKj ...ij-r-iri'Ty viV'A". boishv was "per mitted to disifwf.i "-.i"-c;i'.- uWnl silence she wo old .1- T - a a . i-ut-vvr loot. at. .my Jit steel com posiiig rule that 1 do not blei9 myseli Iha, while my strength lasts, I am no: at the mercy of the world. If'iuy poi is uot wanted I can go back to thr type caSH and be sura Lrji)il wojt.L; for I icurued the ij-iiitinir' btiiines" . luoit o! itpj.it' It-Lthwire in m.y ujt.i, fc rlits;t publkatUm, nd Cdctn. IofmicL i ub. .cation .lterwrdH. Jly commit u lolle : uo iuoh of ppuce, 1 niolivh.,. t 2 tt " 3 tcon., & 08 " TCar lr 00 ry inches, one uion.h...... I CO three mot,......' 10t4 nix wo8. .....1800 " " one year., 27 0 One fourth ot t oioiain (5i inchen) V O.io month S 12 0 - 7'lutu inontl.rf .' ii l0 ( ne year. .'.'... : Zlt W Oiif column 1 22 iucheti) ' One month. .... . ... . .', $ 35 0 One year J."l Special contracts made ou reatouabl tc rt&4. ob UuttlrJBaVltfd JLL&kurte&k 'body It U . . . rb 1 rrni' rfir iicj lesdun we"j5lalt never. Jt.rLiiieraTrnir.A v. uaut.trd. f'TfTxxv tur trtiiVUavmt j ttvOuy; aud arest. part of the Betl i,u vbaf jiwm i'O your iturbr' f - jt,e fHt-i,,Jf oCloa or the rtizan h-Z8l i'BJEcr -was cacoi ted lo., th 212 3640 2198 785 67 1799 955 1129 718 152 982171 81181 S4181 1972 14036 The above table includes the votes 6f Wake ,and Franklin counties, which were thrown. oiiit by the Legis lature as not being official, but which vtAT-.L- rnmls. are ... . . - f Via "ni.itKil .Ci'llll -this, we see it - - .-i ..... Aiiy-ant.a ;n PnniV ncuies J-eplied that tuougu sucu a.-fu'j i i !7P..' ,,1,1 r-.rhans'be desirabie, favor of 15 votes, thus Giving Colonel r" Itut so involved as to Pool a majority of 14,030 over Faroe... IUSJ," I idfl to take such steps immedi ately.' On the whole, the Philadelphia and New York companies' officers pro fess to be satisfied with their confer ence and its.result. - The St. Louis Democrat, referring . to this. conference, says if President Garrett yields "the entiic .commerce and .industry of the West will be at 'the mercy' of .a, c .mbinatiou as deter mined and as a-zgressivo as any tht. woi ld bas ever fceen." friia'Ii!itniri3l:icm ftf llorisly.- " A "re at many good speeches were made during tho canvass ; but on of the wiseM sir-co the election is that 'I whirl, tho Hon. S. S. Cox, of .Now - Mournful Coincidences. V.,rt has iust delivered at Annapoii where he had a torchlight serenaac Ilere is a sound sentiment from the heart of it: . , "While wo pour oat tho oil ot heal-in- intothe wounds of tho State, let usalso lift up tho banner of the people, North and South, in the genuine -enthusiasm of honesty. No suspected . j ui,i nnvo he in tront. or Daa mau duw . It is the year for tbe jubilee of. patri otic honesty. . "Well, wby should all enthusiasms be limited to tho arts anu 6cihc. to the author and the inventor, to the poet and lb o religionist? I thero no genuine lovo for the country ? 1 all patriotism to be rallied to salary or a job ? Is it not sweet to live and us to steal andgrabtor ooe'e country ? I am for living just now." . . ... ---.- The Louisville Courier-Journal says "that interviews with the merchauts 1 that city show a very grainy mg mnrovenient in tb compared latO-SXar. " -9 Two very omarkable incidents happened recently in the village of Fairhavcn, opposite .New Bedford, Mass. Two aged sisters, who inhab ited hpuses at opposite corners, died at the same time. Each matron was j the head of a large family ; each fun iTul was appointed at tho same hour. The hearse containing the body of the eldest siUcr passed on first to the cemetery, w.hm th- vfn"y ,of U'c. other sister fell into the line of monrners with their burden. A few days later two young ladies living in the same neighborhood died, who were engaged to bo married to two cousins: . Their wedding dresses were their shrouds. mates aa Mies Fannie Corni stocky fcht bad exchanged her brown. delaino for i - A...c- iu i I K ---' hit. tt' a piam canuo uii-, 1 " . white edging about the neck. bho did look rather queer, with her small, thin, freckled face, and her red hair brushed fctaaight back from her face, and hidden as much as possible under a'laYjje black net, and but for ihe presence of Madam her first reception would have been exceedingly un it I pleasant. She was shy and i.wiward 50 and evidently ill at ease among? so she hastened back to tho seclusiou of her own room. . Tho next day she was examined, and assigned to her place in tho ditferont classes, and, to the sutpriso of all, sho '.was far in ad vance of those of beii-age. - Bat thio did not awaken ' the respect of her schoolmates, as it should have done. On the contrary, Belle Burnett and her especial friends were highly in censed about it, and at onco com menced a series of petyr annoy auccu, whenever it was eafo to do it,' which kept poor Fannio miserable - indeed, although she seemed to take no notice of it. A fow weeks passed, by. Her lessons were always perfectly recited. She made no complaint of the blights and sneers of her companions, but kept out of their way as much as pos sible. - Her thin faco grew paler, however, and there were dark rings about her eyes. A watchful frieud would have seen that all these things were wearing cruelly upon her young life. Oue Saturday the yery spirit of wickedness seemed let loose among them. Madam waa'away; the other teachers were busy in their own rooms. Fannio had been out for n w-ilk iind was near tho door ot her while tbeT1 whU. live or die. 'i eves. and. tht su mai .. V" bUMtld Soon l-o wen n'y KS ner Cvu '.'licence was eiliwt.Uid .it'diou.-, after ail. ' Her former "toru'eutors iWred not speak of what they hftd'dout!, but thev ! sent dniiy bonq'ueUof, fragrant flow.i era, or frait uud Jher delicacies tt tempt her rttnrmhg apnetite.Her eyes woulddijht u with surprise aui pleasure at the little - uifts. Amidst all her wild ravings not; a word of complftiut at the ill treaiment she had received ever escaped her lips. ; One day Alndiun was sitting by her side, and as she setmtal to be so much better, she venture fq ask after her friends. ,u :: ; ".. . i .. ! - ."I haver no frieijJsj-Madam, only cousin. John, who f&p a large family of his own, and ha nsver . cared for m. iVlotuer died wtieii 1 was horn. bat father died t'e tawen care of Funie'rt eyes wero full of . tears. htld:h ttJay,ttw v word in reply, but Madam spoio for her, aud, afrcr anot hi r so i gV i h ey f o 1 1 o w o d t h e i r tTe wrjTcr o.w aed quteuo the diniug rootDwheiQ, a inot ftmpting feAst was laid .in honor uf the occasion.-1-Fannie was quieliy, tearfully happy through it all, yet so wearied with the n'ansaal exei'teineat, that Madam suiii Vace Hi iliiug btt ijitibt 0,Ti not : that see lho niUt. Kir.B Tue H islje.saw the next morning wusj ti ;fiue ,a4 ti.-iuit, and lying upon rt a caril. 'For Miss Fannie Coniatok,' f.om her teachers and hcoolmatf?8.""; Hastily yHSw itsue t, it'vyjis packed fak pt foldeil . jLTiA-uaeuts, "bat sije li0 exuurfVp'.il content OU'l ,T ,-- . .utsw iMi Ihnv jfv'.ty drjjhs-. and saone Vf. " parasol, g.ovea u, t'.t if.. oo'diird, Hfteeti now ?" get the brd and money tuition 1 had a step-mothe five years ago, and. myself. eyer since. "And you are oi j "Yes, ma'am." . How did yon cv to Dav for a ear's bj here?" . "I earnedit all,- of it. As soon as I went into a factor? dollars -a week at three and a half, and X worked for my board ui.'uts-jiu agings;-. "Piior child I" am, every cent is big euoa-jlr I nd earned two in.aud, finally, "Oh po; 8 a,vJ int. f.. 1:1 w.I.vyiih yoa-.t- "I used to fix a loom, where 1 eo now and then, a not object, beeii work well. Yoa to bo a teasbe." s I'd have a better than anywhere e! mined to" do it." "What ate vour 7' Sf.,x KeepT&ioiiJ,',d ner a Ihere v? a hue.neM ribbons,' cn Uieuia .v..uuMaui,lullet!i eVcrV- i Ling which a -'youug aool-Kirl cou'd possibly need. Ery ot ef Madam's two hundred and H-u paf'iViVkj cou. tribnted from ht-r cuoice-t anci jjeSt to furnish a complete outfit 'for. vvufr less favored mate At the very bottom' xvjts a well; filled wrilinrdesk. an album, cotftnimftg nil .theirs, pictures) and a prettv purse,' containing. 'fxtQ rinllais,' antl the .following 'note from Madim ; " ' ' '. : My Dear Child ; This shall be; a rpceipt in full for all expenses daring'' whatever time you may cboosa(to re main in the Setuinary, wldcH I present to you urn siheore token of ray "love and ri?sp.v - Jea.nette Gazin. Thtfy fouud her at dimiet-linie on the floor; surrounded by her hew heoiell ; -of,-if you please'to the lurm lors'tb lie.'&irf',' Iruo firming is it trade, and. a ;ood one at thfct. Lay thus sure foundation,: and after that brand. oH. liimwhatever proltssion . yon You liv5. heard, pebapa, of th clerk whdrd. fnilLiftiliy serrod Stt phen'Gii'atufi'ioiu boyhood to "man hood. Ou fuVu'vventy-firht auniveisarv oi ma uirin-iiHT ne wcui to uia nirtauu tind told himl his tima vu.- up, and h certainly expected uuporrant promo tion in the merchant's sf-rviee: Bir. Stephen (iiriird s lid to hiui : . ' "Very well . Now go and learn a trade." -; - . t "Wha! tr;id', uirT' ''Good bai;te:s j n . 1 b-itln njii.it be iu demand while you live. Go and -iearr tho cooper's' trade, ami wiien you hav in-ide a peifdct'bitrre! bing it to nie. ' The vonug .aisn wetit away aud teamed the'lrade, and iu time brought to his old master a splendid' barrel of his owu mnkif. j " : Girard exumiubd it, and gave the luaker two thou-iuod dollars for it, and then said to him : . -lr"Mow, sir, I, want oQ-in niyconuf- itjg-rooni; bit henceforth y6ii will noi uc'.tteeudeijt ipon the whim of Ste- Qrj rard. Let what will come; . ie iinfi.l tnuln itivvnvH ii. ,aj man saw the wisdom and o.nde.i ; v.f Years 'agv whcn U iddlt-ageel nie.. vi. io-n boYs- HoraV. THIS,. THAT AND THE OTHKlC . So far five pegrcs havo beffn elected to tho next Uongrcsn. In Pennsylvania the Demporatio plurality on the CongicNw'onJ.fcWt'' i . coot up 37,202. ;j ': ; fJ8iijp;'''.;ir :.' 1 1 V .Afreaanres'cr'idg like baby, but it oy opon on- the L catcli'a sentence the overseer did .1 always did my r, ma'am, T. want i;time, aud I tue w .ance to learn here , bo I Just deter- iiaus for' the long vacation ?" f, . " "I must go hacllt the factory aud tarn enough to ytt some warmer clothes for the venter. Tou se by I caact , anord to dress A - - -' ma am, v better." Madam'A heirt ytrs full. little She bent face, a n si over the white, tbi; kissed it reveien tly ,. : That eTtniing, W&. if tbo girls gath ered in the bape! for worship, she told FantaVs story. There was not a dry eye in tbo roe ui. The moment Madam fiuisht 1, Bc.e BnrQett sprang up, with the ttars p uniug down her cheeks' v " - ' -" ' . "Oh Madam I V-e hate been aw ftllly erne! and wiej.ed to. that , poor girl. We have maci fnu of her from the first jud t-he vould never have bectrsick as bho if Wo bad not tormented her almct to death. I w-'( most to blame : it m I that 1'7 on - ff room, w rer clasninir hanas the rest, ahd e Lpe snUVrt , - all these week?, fearia.tr she i You may expei rWW P"uish .ae aii wv von nUK--yt deserve it, and. I shall go dowu on Sy'uees to beg her pardouat soo: w ill let me see her." 4 , , . ", "My child. lW;Med obear this 1 1 can ieamyrgoue iujv. ..r of my numb wonjj J;f fi"etifc pttuit2L bjgqgff f ?ftis -fi - -'-L- hi,:., -fit terA-ftrdsrt-Hted .wjtbrVti atxd consideration, even though all her hair came mil ud left, htjad as bald. -a htr" face,' Vo she had to wear- a queer ca p-1 i ke w rg for tnu r.y w&ks, : ! W heij the oHg-acatiou'- arrived, : Belle : car ried her off to her beautiful liome .."pn the Hadsouj wheie, for the tfrst tiras iu her life, sh.was surrottaded' f i tlx beauty and hsxury cn every side, and. was treated as a loved and honored gnest. It was not long before the hated wig was cast asitie, and Faunieja head ws covered with a profusion of dark aubomcuris, which were judeed a crown of -glory that made her plain face almost beautiful. :. . , Gentle, loving and beloved by a!!, she' remained in . the , .e'ainary until shH graduated withasonor.aner -uw Malam offered her the position heid teacher, with a..i,irv vwivlRU Sh3 Til, All a -Mysterh Tho following IV1 t U P"11" r. .. ,, Mr. OI H. Burnham, ffr oaKS' il!tratci one of those r; 'c,.cntal phenomena which havo slrai'o ..,. , v.., cniw.ind nC iUn 0;ic morning, a few weeks ! Is .. -foifr.l Uon Pvm. a"0 All. IJiU UllUlll iioiivu . i i . . . i . . . II1U V A. M. noon; For ho clay he was actively business, and at 0 p. M., !ayrv'. "r i. jt. irUt will soon covet- the orftV.''" Tho mada.1' kind or woman pno who spds . hlf hour jn - canning ,aatvH;et betoriv UtnooiHliw to the purloVo.'t.the arrivnLofn vtbltor wio proves to bo a book ngout. , A womHnick-:wllh typhoie fever' was recently, ce.'ased admission to the coilnty hospital at Milwaukee, WW., " because at tlio tiino when sho'ap pea red it wn late at night. She did ihorlly aCtorward. V ' There is an old Indian in Kanaa wlio liH!i been iiicknanfed "Old Prob.". When asked to propUyy tf iho cohi ing weather, h.pagely and safef sji, "Mebbo in eb be heap-hot--BeU. " tcr wait liltlyou bt." "Sir,'aiJ the astonished landlady to a traveler who had sent bts enp f'orivurd for'thonoventh lim. "rou rauat tfeNoVy.fond of cofTtftJ.,,( "rei, rrYida.ta, arn,! . ho replied, or .1 , fhoul4 never have drank ta much water to-ge t 'Jittlo.?, ' ; . ; . ' - A numbertof praclivdl jokers in an interior California . town uccnaod a poor Swiss of hatiog aet a fire that oc curred in town. Ho took the matter very much to heart, "wrote a ralhtio ' farewell letter to", his -.brothers, and', killed himself.. r- ' " ... . . A newly married, couple jn Con- necticut rcCcntltt eturled out on their wedding tou accompanied bv a Binall . hized two ycaf orQ infant, which they - una mreu ior vno purpose, doludloz tho public into the, belief that thev . . . . . .. . were oi l atagor. f -u ' ! ?.?' V n X V ' 't vVa reat sV . . . itbor oOti ttthoolmg , thus to usLathe - troy Hr.itf i or. it.''li'l.c 8UA-l-t Whig: have aeffA r-'t-lf. ...uv.-v. v.a no "".wji.a -V t.1. ..:. ' i - - - - ? satitory .-liveHbooStU Mar- Us into tbi-ct vau - rr; i?erfrIUMi A Ituiid Fluffn for r.;Sijste Hew U a pretty story f,-or.i,Vidnna Lold hv ooe vi'tbe newspapers ot that ,-r told bv 4 -fow days ago a yon ng and very poorly clad girl entered a barker shop ! Vienna and toM the PP';tr that he must "buy her beau. tht friseu- oxaeninca ucr i-ug, .vocj, ' . I . Un.l Kirvttn lift fU Pjf'l 1 ll chesnut Jocks, uu uu bV w..b... He could give eight gulden and mnrn.. HttT WIS IMOUfc.iUl mis luv. - . T L - t i . norai i . a most maiden tefnll.v accepted-. year; the pnco i ' 1 had fallen ; there vas less demand, and other plu-ascs of the kind. Tno eyes of the little filled with tears, and she. hes itated a moment while, threading bcr fin ire i s so irorld : Mr cit;co, crossing utci t. tfriiii. and returninir at the rest o t na2Cd in The Coming Winter. Wo learn by exchanges that there has been a verv large yield of niaBt in all parts of the country, also that there havo been many migrations ot smaller animals, such as squirrels, &c. n, .!.on rim nonHidered by weather 11 uao , .-.J loresnovs ing ntv tvin T:iru cia winter. In additidn to these "signs it now diuite cool for th WO u . p f .1 -s-v t a . t i nil i, ill nil in ci kj l i . --. i season, anu " ' - a hn Fannie Comstock had tainted in the Northern bv , I v.-mm. and the door was locked. tciegrapu aioo ecjjuiio ir n she was a prisoner in their midst. For a moment she bogged pitcously to be released, bat they only laughed tho more, and began going around and around, singiug something w.h Re e hatL composeo, eiuci. J IIIVII ' " 2 - f-t. a J ritm-rtflfl. insulting words, fehcstoou . . I .1 . ! I i ' ! n n for an instani paie anu ami , with a piercing cry, she burst tnrougu lho rintf. and, rushing into her room, closed and locked the door. Through their wild peals ot laughter uie gin heard a strange moan and a heavy U"l believe sho has fainted," shid Belle. - " '. . -' "What shall we do ?" eatd another. For a moment , they Etood there, sober enough; thea one of them ran fr th matron, aud told (her that lie IS ' so hnvemade ar ji? forgive yoo at-t a .com- tijfortu- at von t elj ftB Ibeheveu will, wheu sbefrbw uow miy yon have repented of y'ir aukiudiiness..; n Vw'rnpsi iho was able to bear one alter aiibliei went to Fannie fged $6! .forgiveness, which crafe!.Suo said, "I dbu't a during with status ot trade that of this time rn i . ft I. H the unusual fact that snow ..as i.cu over quite a largcAsurfaco in England, rrho Rnncarance of snow at the time on both sides of tho Atlantic is an in- I dication of a very Uroao movemen t ox cold blast irom too iviw. there ' must bo some very guuviui cause. Wo do not pretend to be weatherwise, but wo must aurait tuat the facts which we have detailed seem to us to foreshadow hard weather during tho coming winter. - the room, and oi. '.A o Inner liWir nut to ouo " r... . window, a'ad cent tbe jamtor W;," it was true. Fortunately th aow was open, and in a iaw ,, , " had unlocked (be toW tV' side. ihe girls - werj .-huddled to other in a frigbi. 'P'; Mndaiu lifted th gul and ; laid- t v wd. She was in violent her upon thelj Wftg 8entfoi.fbut spwujs. gpasms ceased alarming 6ymptoia B6t in aud he Pronoanced - it, and be frffdv frVH ..... u o . - . . T I ' wonder you m idclt oi me. x auow I was uoorJy deied ana awiui-y homely." I wild bv pul led every hair out ofvmy- hau years ago, only I knew it would gra - in again as red as ever. But, oh I if 1 could; bav felt that I had-iust oao icier.d among you, I could have bgirue u; but, somehow, it just broke my heatt io havo you all turn against me." ' , Aftfcr this Bhe gaiued rapidly, and oue line morning the doctor said she mijiht ioin thJirirla iu. the drawing-! room lor' an hour beforo tea. luere bad been a W-dtal of whispering and; hnrrvino in aud fro of - late, among the girls, of which Fannie had been totally unconscious iu uju h"1" seclusion of her rubia. s . - . At the appdmted time Madam her self came to insist her, ; aad, leauicg upon her Bttoi .r arm, the young girl walked feebW' lhrouah the long hail, nd?l3owh th stairs. .'. T ' ' " "My dear, the gi s Lave pr a little surnris . fir vonl to mako . the hour as pleuaaut'as possible the prevalence of a thunder, lightning and ram storm, he drove to the depot. to meet som ladies. As they did not arrive here turned to the station at half-past six, at which timo his horse took T fright, and he was dashed, against a tree and ren dered senseless. Now conies tho sin-. gttlarfparjpfjthe , story.- .On. return. ioSjpnBciousness; it., was found that not dnlyafr Sojiflnawaro of lho ciue t. r but , i hat ho had ho ro4- iot.o.. o. yin,g . hioK bad ,oq CUI1UU IICI U UIWK A. . W. lio -0 membered stalking for San Francisco and being on board -tbo boat noth- through her chesnut . locks. Sho finally threw herself into a chair. '. "In God's name," she gasped Vtake it, quickly." . . The barber satisfied with his -bargain, -was about to clip it with his sheers when a gentleman, who sat hr.lf shaved looking on, toll him to stop. "jdy child," sail he, "why do you want to self your beautiful hairjr" "My mother lias been nearly ' five months ill; I cannot work enough to support us, everything has been sum or pawned, and there is not a penny in tho house'' (and iccin kreutzen in ha us.) "No no, my child," paid tho stranger, 'if that t!0 case, I will buy your hair, and givo you a hundred guidon for it." '-Ilo-gave tho poor girl tho note, tho siirht of which hid dried her tears, a . ICO CO i. -j scaled vUie lop o vVVaUJjp and 91 rll fcf minister. rTlio cnterprni abstracted two thirds of t h?ToC uli vs,lr and delivered lho re mule ing- one Jol.' lar to tmf preacher. '.". . -V A Vermont boy caught an imiucifiio -t ; pickerel which broko the l'nc and dis. '' appeared. Tho boy Ml into tbo water , i and nauki'to tho bottom, whereupon " liis brother grabbed him by tho bair and pulled hint out, "only. to Had the ' tost picket-til firmly clasped in the -t boy' arms. '','.." "Mamma, -will you let me go to r the ball, if they givo one, this winter t" "No, Harling " A paune. -" Yoa'vn - ' . . t been to a great many bulU, haven't " ;: - fl youi mamma; "ics, uariiug, nun- v I'vo seen tho JolUj of them all - An-- ; other pautJo. "Mightn't just see the . folly "of one, mamma?' A rcry lon- - ; i pauso. . . . ' '.Accjording to statistics, the follrtw- ' 4 ing hino cities stand above New York in the mat tor ot population : Lon- . 1 t ".. don, :i,254.'2G0; ! Sutchaii (Cbiim), 2,. ' ' 000,000; Paris, ' 1,851.792; Pokinf '' 2,U00,O'j0;TfttantKchau-fu, l.OOOOdO; ' ' 4 liangtscliau-fu, 1,500,000; SiangUn, , -1,000,000; Sin-;nan-fa, 1,000,000; Canton, 1,000,000. ' X - Of the thirtr-aoven States of the . ' U'non twenty have l)(hocratic Gov- . ' ernori, fourteen llcpublircau Gov- .... -Tii .. rl. ! - ' ern(M !, ami tnree lnui'pcmioni nivi . MaKilratss. Tlu lattor riS Cuiit&r nia, Illinois and Oregon. The Legis lature of the State are thus divided: neoWratic. 21; Republican, 13; In. ; . dependent, 3. " v ' ' It U announced that tho rennsyl- ing moro. 4 Ho know 'nothing of re turning ; nothing of transacting bus iness in Oaklaud during the aiter noon; nothing of iroing to meet the ladies ; and had no .knowledge? what ever of the occurrence of the tremen dous tliunder storm Loss of con sciousness had antedated the accident about nine hours. ,-' " The Depot, at CiiARhoTTE. Tbe Charlouto Observer, says : The Car n'ina jWralittailway Company has purchased tho 'Foundry propor.ty of Capt. John Wilkes, on Trade street, for lho purpose of erecting a depot thereon. It, is a desirable 'location and near the depots of the N..C. and O.y.O.; & A. liailroads. Tae city au thp'riVSVhavo granted, tho Company the rigniof wav on tho street run nTng parallel jwith tho 'If. C. Railroad. iff - ' , : V. VI Vis reported that sixty Indians are raiding" in Kekr eountr, Texas, steal- ing horses and cattle. Ad vices report Geo.ilMcKenzio still atcumpbut has sent a column to- staked Plains in dearcli of Indiana. ; ' : s ; twl . took uii the barber's sheer. i t i - i.l . !. j a Taking the lOeUs in his hann, no toou vania lUiiroad company nave, owing lh3sngoi Jtair, cut it olf alone, put to the'irencral depression in ouuio, it careiuuy anTkjrw- m oeKet-oooa, ccmmcn thus paying-n hundred florins ' 4'or VWni'os." -a single hair. He took tho poor girl's tidJicfs in case he should want unother at lho samo price. The charitable man is dnly ifosignated as lho chief of a great industrial enterpriso within the city. A spiead-ealo onitor wanted tl.o wines of a bird to flv to every VlllaiiO and hamlet in tho broad land, But ho wilted when a nauhty boy rn tho crowd sang out, "ion d bo shot for a gooso bel'oro you had flied a milo." Since October 1 two hundred and fifty cases ot Uipiheria havo been re ported in Brooklyu, eighty-four of . . . . i I l.V .. I I- WblCh were- latai. xor mo eea. ending November 7 there were nine teen cases of death. - Short drossea uro coming into fash ion again. Tho Courier Journal know this would be tho case as soon as a woman with a pretty foot aud anklo could secure the chief say so iu tho matter. - Rixtv.fiye hundred en'.iiei for tbe Central Hew York State fair is what ihe Utica papers record. encod vetrvsnchinjr . their -ex Order have boen Issued to tho various superultnlv! of lbs , , Now Jornoy divisions lo discharge all hands on novv c-onnt ruotlons nd to rod u co the track gang Irom iwilr to wOTon men. A reduction j also la bo made in the brtdgo tcpairr. Tb working time is to he cut down front v ten to nmo hours ana the pay from fourteen to twolvo cents per hoar. well-dressed man inChicgo at traded Considerable attention the other daya by silting upom tho edge of the sidewalk for soiAO time, with his bead between his hands, as it In deep meditation. At Jail a ayrnpa thetio stranger approached him and said "Friend, you seom to be in trouble; can I assist you In p.iry way 7 Tho man sprang lo his loel, aud takiug off his hat, parted hi hair . carolully, and said r Stranger, do you sco this cut? My wife did it tbis -morning with a flat iron, and then . sent mo down town to buy her n" now bonnet, and I havo bom silling hero' for au hour try ing to-decide. ' whether . 1 will bay it or not, and', btarao rue,, stranger, if I naVen't ftU4 mGbt decided to get it," . . i r .A.

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