. I -. , ..--..v- ,-,. r, t, r . ,fi4 . j , , i a.. , .Mil 'mil - ,n- mL I,, i -" 1 " 1 . -i.i,..,. ...... ..-a -... 1. ' Z-"" -" ' !PU!;LIoHKlVi!l:X- THURSDAY i ,.. tl I It S Ou Ke"ici for nyc:ir. Tuaeheni, :iai-Uor-. . C'idiibldd Coufodrate Soldiers cjn rr.. eive TaEXteB at Imlf price. ' : ? OFFICIAL oTATF I. . ,. in,.- ; , governor. br.; t i'ub. iluotructions. Ib74. COUNTIES. ' a i o o !5 - r Alamacee. Alexander . . : ; . Alleghany. ...... Anon. ........mi Asle Y. ;... . Beaufort, . rj i 'y liinuen 'TBuiitbmt'.'. f. ". ilurkc..-. ....... Cabarrns .Cihlwell C.imden,. (?nrteret.,.... Cnswell. . . t .. . . Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowiin, r C'leyeland Colambns Craven :. . . . Cumberland . Currituck ...... DatitUoa Davie Daplin Iare JMeconibe .... Jr'orsythe- J'riinklin . ("Jaston iates Granville Greene . Gnilford Grabaui (uiaj. ) - Halifax... Harnett.. . Haywood . Henderson llerji'ord. . Hyde ... Iredell l;telk-5'".i. . j ili.,-, v.. 1270 1191. 753 1331 i 1015! ,?38'.j J184 1019! 76lj 15G51 1314 109!! oHl 581 11651 730,' 15C1 82 j. 921 t 1037 355 1188 1337. 1208; 1441 120C 1365 552, 11611 - 8291 562 ' 1002! 1415! 12(51 1774. 4SC: , 57H 252' lOtKI: 1024 1142; 1890 7W 13S4! 82(!: i7"f' 147; 10:i:i 14755 'J27; 7-"4' 197e; 7s:j 181? C83 812i 739 1456 42f; l(A3i 433! 742. K2i 5471 C93; 2708 18S3I 349! 15r,l ) I t - 147, ." i ; 1 . 662i 1(V15; 27(: ;5 1"--2 11151 isr.o. CHI 512 2f.55: i4l! '.wo; (;'.; Ii 71 i : i i 815; 1114J . -8401 627: 750 12851 1251". 1804! 306i 597; 328i 937' 1317! 114iS 2165i 7441 1413' 83K! 1790' lll-ii 10.sr;! 8(h: 770 22U4 K2lt lCuir 17 V roi 771; 4 if:; -, v't Ta-GUB. P-ATRQN.S tisjug or subscription, a;e r- . s quested i settle at once, fto-' anwnnt, 4b frm ac s s111 -, anfl Vill serioflsIyineonTnieyde? 1 ' no one to pay ; bnt'tlje sggrc-v , goto is "large ; and if paicjjwotild enable m to pay; every doUKtJ, owel Our' outlay a for . . printing:- material . s and r to rour '" employe re ail cash, andxnnst be ppkL. ) jr ;tAerefor reqfiest, as a favor,' that each one -mho 7 Attft JtU ;jajrasraphwill; sk himsel tfce (luestijtt "Am I J otf, paper, And if so, let bim resolve to bat at oscx! Doja't wait for a dun on a postal card. Who'll be first ? THE SX0W-SHRIEK. When tbo snow-abriek riugs across :.'ie plaius and prairies of the great Xetsl, folks who have a love for tlitsir ife don't care to camp oat. The Iu ;ian8 strike their lodges at the eoouU, ad make tbe best of their way to helter among the bluffs, or in a vooded tract. As for the settlers, nky take wugous and harry off to tho teurest town, leaviDg cverjthiDg be oind to its fate. ily story is of the far West. Aibevic Paraell was a tall iuarly .oung fellow, with a bronzed face aud lark hair, strong, indeed, aud of a ianutless courage, us was reported : ;ut not, like Caryl Wiuthrop, a uiuai lap, a sketchtr aud a poet, to whom aud ait talk were .4, iwaVlbci We io vA anatbe iuc lmuruaeaco oi . om rseiecuon oi a ? eii(9 ior ms i.;resiQencej anu SUCii oreigu languages latuiliar . Both lovtd, and, as is often -isewith young men, both loved portion- ad so me, lovely Tjjtre wad this- advautuge on vat: t . , .rT. o: : ; j.ot tiS LellvVeU by all vfcd io her,' aud : ;-ipy. -Ail-nc riLding Mivl hi.- ht.il prepared the the Me- th. hen- An jntima? friviju be young lady, k that ho was en wouid tuake hei yung Vinthrop It would liavo been thankful Tor' escape, even at tbe:cost of half.hjs. sbaUnce. xoiu, uowever, was imjpoBSiDie. ijie raid bV which "Winihrop' ijad"rached tfi e b 6 use ' ft o w ' barreid bjr ' w ill of r itiowf 1 The fast-fMtu gCflAkef l A 11 AW'iL1 JaII ikJ'i.i iiutvawucu bu uxi up liUU UCil IU tUQ level of the bills that nmanded t, and all tbe ouubnihjings were 'hidden or uorooffed - byTthe weight of the anbw-falL And ' atilt' Ibat " Horrid the war-cry of oralting demons, filled the startled air, as though rejoicing over its prey. The pangs of impending famine were soon added to the terrors of tbe situation. Those 6hiit up in tbe once hospitable mansion it Stewart's Flat, had but seamy supplies of food or fuel. It was as much as a man's life was worth to try to reach the great wood-pile. It took sbvere exertion .to bring in, irom time to time, a fow logs i.nd somo broken timber from the yard, while, after the first few hours, provisions ran short. There is little inducement for a settler in that land of Goshen to store up hams and salted meat, flour and biscuit, to any c-xtent; but now thai flocks and herds, and barns brimming 'with wheat and, golden maize hud been to ,:. : i was in ieae to til- UJing tuiicU to .a-Oiiia, ptc uiu-- ' i . s .... . . V x j -il.-l:. .:';! a,; T.:.: I ; .-,t 'i itli ;.liko whelmed beneaUt the? sudden enow-fall, want, like a gaunt wolt', began to beset the blockaded household.- It was soonnecessary to. , put tho family and servants on rations, to as to avert actual starvation as long as possible ; and iho beleaguered inmates of tho dwelling huddled to getner around the rarely replenished sie ve; talking in tones they vainly . tiovi to renuer hopeful, of the prob ui'UiiieH of a jrotnpt resue; for. il t ad cuie to that now. Kesece from without, was their only chance. rr.iould the snow storm continue very long, thoy must perish of coid and Lunger; even if the roof, which they hud been forced to prop up in places sl.h caks and pieces of timber, di no, cave its Leicatii ino lncreasin -'i.L p,V .1 ui.ot. it. The T ihron. whose sa&&$ naturttlly brVh eyold'fSi eifcie exhwistion.i8.fi; i t tar?a 6atefl-dearflaHeld itar 6t(I il: ii .eitd ot lie t6, she w.shs t and still the wind iion, noUfliyb4-of -botiiwand mifttCtlSsP t'f:1 yi&z i'-vi fowkrd noOn'i lj.ella'9, ear, sharp ened by teibr cjffliC the; faint, low tound of thrflkBg of jrontools, pBibgling witbtl? Wail of thfr dismal sndw-shrfok.5 I,i companions in raisfoirtniJLlirt7ri could not hear sne naa oeen trick co by her owu ex cited fancy Hours went by, 1 the snow falling still, though not ao heavily, atKl there was no sign from without. All prepared to perish, for now the -seamy store of wood was gone, and Caryl and Metella, as they knelt and prayed, side l-by side, lelt that their wedding must indued ibe in the world to come, not in this, j '-There is one thing 1 ought to tell you, dear Caryl," whispered the girl, as they stood side by side in the porch. "1 have not been wilfully untrue to my pledge, but but thb)e was ne who left us but the other day, on whom my rebellious thoughts would dwell, do what I could t,o school tMi,m. It was, not that I did not love you indeed not but it was different when 1 thought of Alberto Paruell. 1 shall never see him more. He will learn to forget me, and had I lived, it should have been? my daily task to forget him. You are not angry, Caryl?' - He kissed her on the forehead, say infi gently, "Indeed, I am not an;ry. Love, I fear, will not be always rea soned with.- It is not your fault, my poor child, if yon saw in Parnell what you bare never seen in me. I wiis to you as a brother, was I not? And you learned, too late that liking was not love. It'matters little dear-, est, on the brink of the grave, as we stand now, but believe me ha I the uoibo without is real enough, this time." " -' And. so it was. There was a distinct clash and, rattle of spade and shovel, 1 axe ad.pick, vigorously, plied, and tin' frUfl;lt ! atfl$ st -.1 tLn ?fv r u V i.. 1 - ' ' H ' J aor9bftii 5oiioefa looked wistf bfttsbvnt her haHd Wbrtf hef tftest t Ueu; V TiiHo amend 1 the Staf e Con fully into tb laa ot bis oetrxtna ; -"u,;aryaaiiotTjwaniea r ane auFt .tAfxeecuninaeea jit wtK wa . ,4! iiu ki?jdl v: but. he, ; . .1 j:- v-.i'!;t: i lii. Imi-ul, i Tt.j'iosoii llo rlcih&ni. iin.ui... ! 7 .rli'.'i.'loriit. ...... ; S.vjipsou ! Stanley Stokes. . . : Sury ( Swain Transylvania ! Tyrrel ;. ITnion I "Wake Warreu j Washington ; Watauga ! Wayne ! Wilkes. t .Wilson . Yadkin . Yancey s Total. :::::::! . - 1 1 .-.... j : .'( i.e.. 224' 214 2i l:..:- 12i7: lOV-s m i! ' iy.y-'i 1217; not HUtl! 1":- 1829! 1687 16.33 13i!.' 1.1, 91S l'J54; 1118 15571 80' v 727 1013 72-i! 79i In.7 1431 lfcCej 13ESj 'TIC 3J6 -tT35i 97 1 90oj 830 655j 81 $?"'... 83s; 10 'X 7T 3T2 t2- 11ZC, lk 379 20.'. t 209 1 30 391 1 347 ! 370 . 19:1 10221 631 -1055i 212. 3269 3843 3640. 364J 1109, 23SO 922 j 219 402 , 917 54Ci 785 435 353; 491! f.7 1747; 1949 2021 j 1799 1034! 1294: 820! 955 1319- 1152 14131 1129 759! 8661 725! 718 503! . 372J 685j 152 1 1 : : 1: Oi lie Dft'irr .1 n j4-r-iH 96640' 98018! 982171 84181 96646 84181 1972 14030 The above table includes the totes : of Wake And Franklin counties, whioh were thrown ont by tbe Legis lature as not being official, but which only make a difference in Col. Pool's favor of ,15 votes, thns giving Colonel Pool a majority of 14,036 over Poroell. Love of Home. J ; It is only shallow minded pre tenders who make undistinguished origin a matter of personal reproach. ; Taunt and scoffing at the humble con dition of early life, affect nobody in America but those who are foolish enoutrb to indulge in them,-and :they - are generally sufficiently punished by j ' I A I I the public reDUKe, a. nmn wuo is not ashamed of himself, need not he jisluiinod of his ariv condition, i did rot hannen to me to be horn in u '-st-bUe - t B lo fiiihin. but my ' r.i v.- iH'.i' ) 1 ;od r-O ti it i ' ! 1 ; ' vurtcii o v -! no siiiiiiv t 1 hr.'ui'atic nu. . v.. . , to u-c 'i i ior hrcihjis. n d jn"r ih' i!an!tnir- :. i 1.-' i.-a; Z i 1-. o !((;,!. U be. A:- Alwo.ic bade adlea ati-.i lude ofi, lue loud wail oi H;e tnow-shritk wati ueurd meaning bitteily over the prairies. Thirty-six hours later the sad, mo notonous Bound of the snow-shriek bad swelled into a menacing roar, as of angry fioudu let loose to ravage and destroy, and a lilmy veil drawn over lue western sky, bad darkened from white to orange, and from orange to. sable, and then, borne on tbo mighty wiugs of aa icy wind, there broke upon the Territory tbe force of such a 8uow-stoim as the hardiest farmer there had never pictured. Down Cf.me the whirling flakes, thiek, Leavy, pitiless; accompanied by a cruel cold like death's own touch, that pierced through f ara and buffalo-robes, and numbed the limbs and chilled tbe ia arrow, while still the blinding snow tell and fell, and awept along before tue furious gale, like eo many white billows, over the country Aud still the wind blew, from the cold north west, and still vthe snow fell. The uecp-piled drifts soon -began to1 blot cat every sign of man's dominion itom the lately subrogated land thai ad been eo recently won from the wilderness. . Dismal stories were brought in, ere loug, of. the disasters i flood and field. Rivers bad swollen u id overflowed , their banks, washing clown, along with a pack of floating ice, the debris of : ruined homesteads iu d -the carcases of drowned oxeu. u the pastures, herdsmen aud herds iuy overwhelmed beneath the white wioes of snow. In the drifts that . locked the roads--, wagoners aud their uenis were walled in, to perisu of or exiiuubtiou, unless aid speedily; .wiitlo many a Lewil v,"yfaj"er waii'h i td ftom it-e a.-td stru vttd mvh-;hs the dt;sol;4ie of h&iArd a round the u. ill b i IUL V lit. II iv. at u 1 let l'jud V'lluesoi nuui. and the thud i:Hing blocks of now, hod then a . 1 . -. i-STov O Ut oli'W iil 1. no ;'io.v shriek died a Way t a 1" j'.tn, aud - one of tho farm-bauds brought in the welcome news that, for the time at least, the storm had ceased. By this ttmo the house merely resembled a mound of snow, one heap among many in the blurred landscape. The inmates were as helpless as so many shipwrecked wretches in mid-ocean in a frail boat without sail or oar. For twenty four hours mostof them had - not eaten. The few morsels of food that remained were reserved, by common consent, for the female members of the starving household. The fire was fed, as best might be, with broken furniture and wood-work torn from the walls. Still no help came. Per haps the people at Troy were power less to afford it. More likely it was taken for granted that the Stewarts and their servants , had effected a timely escape to some place of safety. If so, and should not a speedy thaw set in, death was inevitable. Some p. if- bier accents, by there, was 00 up household v'tkTice t bt'fft ft n I :. 1 1 -: ' 0 - hi 1 her. srono on the tender drod tie-, th I r.-kti i.. r.n f.T.- 'iC l.,;s'ii--bip en : :-"-r s t.u-:. t. -. v, ...;. f e io d 1 ci''ilvj iilr.", the k;.- j ----- j - 7 - narratcn& hn-i i",c cr .:- wLiCl. n.; .--gle with all 1 kisGv- ci" ihip. p.rin'i.ivt family abode. I weep to th.nk that none ot tboftti wbc inhabited t iro now among the living; i.ndiforerl fail in affectionate veneration for him who raised it, and defended it against savage violence and destruction, cher ished all domestic comforts beneath its roof, and throngh the fire and blood of seven years revolutionary war snrunK iromnoioii, no saunuci to serve his country, and to raise his children to a better condition than his own- may my name and the name of mv DostentT. be blotted forever irom the memory Wetster hours elapsed, aud still sign that the blocked' had not been forgotten . Ha ! what was that? A shot, surely, and then another, and a cheer of friendly voices, and hope sprung up in every heart, and was kept alive by tbe oc casional report of distant fire-arms and tbe sound of shouting. Yes, rescue was at band. That much was certain. An attempt to penetrate the girding wall of snow was about to be made, but what were the numbers or the resources of the adventurous band without, those within the house knew not. There were now but some four or five win dows, darkened by snow wreaths and pendant icicles, whence a partial view of the outer desolation could be ob tained. And it was not on that side ot the villa that the shouts and shots i ! uno until ho round "a g-avc m""Ujo i of the explorers had announced their :j.qin.g now. It was witn diifi presence. Some hours of painful sus- rtt-i peusc, during which at intervals the . . . ! . : 1.1 i. 1 1 oounu 01 voiees couiu uo ucuiif, sue ceded, aud then tbe sobbing of the ominous wind changed iulo a shrill scream, and a man who bad ventured ;aie t inai U:ii rouh the uci Stewart's yl couia loiiro bis ho units tnat environoa house, and '.Then ; c arrived there two of the hired ;.. ti v.tic niissbLui, and u third had 1 - u,v in, bait dozen, from a vain at- :rpt to save --the artnghtod v,.ttif. 'i nvii did Meietia 1 vmlizv? the truth .. the old hunier's words. She, i-.nd ! !oee about bur, bad lound out,- for jbkic i-, . h car i.y . auo. was -c.l,.-tcot, in ttiOs.e '.vitsjin tuy aouso, while the door was ejii;c-i iy opened to admit the deliverers. And nhw a crevice, soon enlarged to a ciefi, appeared ip the snow 'wall close in front, and revealed the dark outline of a. human form, hewing to right and left with a broad bladed hatchet, as if cutting a path through the rank- of a resisting enemy. Then a tell, strong man , wet and dripping, and with his beard aud hair full of glistening snow crystals, came leaping from the aper ture and reached tbe threshold. It was Al beric Alberic Parnell ; and the next to struggle through the breach in the snow-wall, spade in hand, was tho gaunt figure of , Hiram Pell, the hunter, while from bebiud came crowding up the rest of the bold and hardy band. Then followed &; scene of inde scribable excitement and confusion, in which thauks to God and man for the timely rescue were freely uttered by those who now saw themselves restored to" the living world. But Metella, who had seen nothing save Alberic'a face in all that mingled group, was overpowered by the rush of her emotions, and was sinking senseless to the floor, when the young man sprang forward and caught her, fainting, in his strong arms. When she recovered from the swoon, her parents were with her; and near the sofa on wnich they had laid her, stood the old hunter, Hiram Pell. There was food on a table near, for the res cuers had not como empty handed ; but Miss Stewart had forgotten her hunger, forgotten all, save that she had seen A I beric again for one brief moment of happiness. She drank in thirstily, however, the words of the old backwoodsman. "Thank him, Colonel Mr. Parnell, I meau-r-not me, for true us Gospel 'tis to him you owe your lives. Talk; of grit I . I thought I knew what bravery was, but never , the like of that, young chap's. Ho shamed us into1 sticking to( it, squire, fighting', everv inch -of the wav, against cold and fatigue, and working more like a young giant than a mere nan. Says to jd, &ear. Alias otewart answered he, softly "It.ifc a brother, darll b g, not as- ar lo Verv t h at youv ha v 6 regarded me all along, and now I re lease you fully - and freely from & Eiignt, t ine Keeping qi wmcn ,wouia e, misery to you. ' I am not selfish enough to "hold you to- your promise, Wrtb your beartrto your preserver to Alberic Parnell." He was- very white and haggard as he spoke, but he never once failed in his address and before' Metella" could frame' her reply Mrs. Stewart had walked to the door, aad returned, accompanied by Alberic. "This young gentleman," she said,' half reproachfully, "was iusl about to slip away from us and our acknow ledgments of his: courage and his kindness. He eould not. trust hioi selfforsootbrtrto ' meet 'you again, Metella. Even now I see by his puz zled look that he hardly can guess the sbiuti6ri'bf the'enigma." ' "This will explain all I" said Caryl, as, to Alberic'a fAtnaxement, he took the young man's mqscular hand and placed it in that of Metella. "Be ha'pipy-' 'sister,'" with the hus band of your cboide. After' the inno- cent donfesstori that, when ' death seemed to have us in bis icy clatcb, you made to . me, I should commit a sin did 1 come between you two be tween you and tbo man who, ' when on his road to New York and Europe, turned back at tho bare rumor of this fearful snow-storm..: and risked life and health to savo the girl he! loved. Metella could not speak. Clinging to At boric, ;?as a'graceful vine to' some towering oak 'of the forest; she ' bid her face upon-his shoulder aud sobbed aloud. In the timid, -trustful rapture of that moment she. scarcely rea ized that every word" which Caryl ( had' spoken had been as a stab to the bosom of the speaker; that biff' gen erous selt-saorifice" cost him very dearly, wiien a,, sudden -outcry of voices snatched both of the lovers f4wbK,folf''om 'their -of Dw4oandjj iotuiixtous ii.siL-jier couiu nov hear ihi lime, what sno ,v ineaii). i nothing but the monotonous wail -ii'te, inexhaustible whiteness, borne ! that chtiied -very be4rt a-4 it rang . upon them by the rush of tho re- j around lue doomed house, it was, .biks wind,- that howled and raved, j beyond a doubt, that tbe well-wishers with a sound like the cry ot ravening ! on the outaide must have desisted a lev paces from tiie door camo in to j Mr. Alberic, when there was talk of lu-ing the ev;I nJt'igs that the snow had again L?g.un to fll. The air was t-ow full of feathery flukes " aud the of mac kind. Daniel wolves, about tbe house, and heaped up such masses as cumber the ground, even iu those latitudes, but once or twice in a generation. Colonel Stew art, at first incredulous of peril, as it was in his Banguiue nature to bo, presently began to admit that the calamity was worse: than the mere damage to his property. The sheep, hogs and cattle that' he had lost rep resented but a money sacrifice an affair of dollars aud cents. But when aTTcommunfcatioos btvweeu Stewart' Flat a&d the oaler world were cbi from their labors, beaten off by the keeii wind nd blinding snow-fJall.- The latter lasted through the misera ble night, and, soon after day : break, ceased again, bat those ' within the house had almost bidden farewell to hope. Probably the rescuers, Would not, until the weather should improve, renew their efforts, toilsome and per ilous as they "must needs be. ' ' And then, it would be too late. Privations and care were -telling cm the i belea guered tnbabitaau of Stewart's flat, and on none more than Caryl Win - A. heh'l.-si 'Let who will fiincb. and women to perish: 1 tro givrng to, k-ave oa uluhe, and whoever deserts me at -this pint?h,Jnever let him hold up his bead among honest .men. Every dollar i nks worth shall be divided among those that help me.' And be, and I, and tho rest of the Troy neigh- i bors, we did make a good job of it, spite of frost-bite and beating snow ; bat it was jjo sport, Colonel, I can j tell yon that." - . 1 - ; ; - j ; .Mrs Stewart, who had left the room during this speech, now came gliding to her daughter'-ide. 'i "Are yob well emagb, Metella, idear, to speak with Oaryf for a mo ment r' she said, smiling through her tears, 'Ho is rery argent to ay a word to you. He says it Is for tbe last time." " . i ! jAnd i almost befors Metella had leisure to. realize the meaning of ptness. foor Caryl w lnturop ' haa s'iik helpless on the floor, and was being lifted by Colonel Stewart and the old hunter, who placd bim on the sofa where Miss Stewart bad so lately reclined. ' "He has fainted," said kind, moth erly Mrs. Stewart, as be laid bis head upQnJ,be, pillow. ---j. "More than that, , I' g'aest. e's going home, if ever T saw death in a face 1" muttered T the rough 'back woodsman. Caryl, who had partially regained his senses, had no , illusions on the subject. . . , , . ., Do not weep for me, darling," he said, aaHIetelfas tears bedewed his face, and tEe girl bent over him in tender sorrow, : "The stroke has fallen; but itis in mercy." He pressed his feeble hand to his heart, and the cOnvictioii flashed on all present that the insidious malady from which he had believed himself to be cured, ag gravated by hardship aud the cruel emotions of the last hour, was re claiming its prey. "Kiss me once, sister," be said, softly ; and Metella pressed her lips to bis brow, On which ' the damps of death -were gathering. The young people were kneeling beside him. All surrounded .him. He looked up, smiling, aud his lips moved, but no sound came ; and then a spasm of pain contracted bis features, and tbe heavy bead fell back. He was dead. It is scarcely needful to say, that some six months later from the date of these events Alberic Parnell and Metella Stewart were married. Their experience of wedded life has been a happy and prosperous one; but whenever the gables, and the white fl.tkes come driving iu heavy showers from the desert country be yond the frontier to the northwest, the sound and the sight combine to evoke the recollections of Caryl's early gravw, and of the unselfish sacrifice which was the last act of his blame less life. - ''''i:W :Tr7' ..y. ;j-:;r f . , , , , ,;, An ink can be prepared by means of hydro fluorate of ammonia and hydrochloric acid, properly thickened, with1 which ineffaceable characters can be traced on glass with a pen. Its use in marking bottles, graduating tubes, &c, will be evident to every : . ; ' . . v Tortoise shell jewelry holds its own remarkably well. It is the most sat isfactory and. serviceable of all orna ments,, and suitable for .. almost all occasions. ; The . imported : dress sacqnea for street wear have long, straightsleevea, upd long fronts, the back being looped up gracefully. They are covered with bead embroidery, ; i ? 4r .. Tbo pretty French fashion of wear ing a band of wide b&ck velvet ribbon arouud tbe neck is -in vogno again. Maidens with crano-like ; neck are exceedingly grateratj " j- - :-- r Worth doeif not credit American women any more; He has been com pletely swindled ' by oar coon try women. J He requires half In advance and the other half C. O. D. rr3tf lint '' -r. stitutfon; Providei' that, three-fifths of the Generar Assembly concurring, certain I amendments , be oi adopted, f .Thij bill raa qui.te lengthy, and its provisions coald not be given without pubUshing ' the ' enftre ' Con stitb lion. It Vmbraces ninety-three amendments, including those -already adopted. - Mr Mills, a bill for the support of the Insaoe Asylum of -North Jarolina. Allow 8 7o,uoo per annum or tte next iwoarftv Ruferrev Ju House resolution requesting our representatives in - Jougre8 to nse their efforts to have removed the op pressive and burdensome tax upon spirits of turpentine.' Concurred iu. Bill amending the law concerning chaltle mortages. Punishes any per son who may act in the premise with intent to defraud. Passed. Bill requiring all Sheriffs :ind Con stables to, serve all, orders furnished them by proper authorities. Passed its third reading. Bill for the better protection of the character of females; provides that any person, who shall use language charging a woman with incontinency shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punishable therefor. Passed its second reading. , Bill to punish offenders for the re tailing of liquors except in such a manner us is provided for by law, granting the Courts the right to im prison the. offender. Passed second reading. HOU8E Ol" REPRESENTATIVES. By Mr. Bennett, a petitionfrom citi zens of Town Creek township, asking a prohibition law within five miles of Zion Methodist Church, in said county. By Mr. Eastman, a bill to prevent usury."' Referred. " Senate bill in regard to Sheriffs and Tax Collectors, allowing them to col lect arrearages of taxes, was taken up and disc used. -..' Mr. Green offered an amendment proving that the provisions of the bill shall extend to the years of 1871-72. Passed its second reading. The bill, with Mr. Green's amend ment, passed its final reading. .Hpa bill UUrtPgfiMtr.m nnr. porarions personal estae, passea its readings. House bill to seen re a sufficiency of surety on official bonds, was taken up and discussed. Mr. Pinnix offered an amendment that members of tbe Board of County Commissioners- shall not be surety on tbe bond of any county officer, which was adopted. uioya, colored, an amendment that nothing in this act shall apply to Sheriff, Coroner or Constable. Lost. An amendment by Mr. Gash, pro viding that five instead of three per sons shall pass on the affidavits of bondsmen to official bonds, which was adopted. Alter considerable discussion, Mr. Means moved to recommit, as he had reason to doubt the constitution ality of tbe bill in its present shape. Prevailed. v Hrri AainTrjnrvi itvrtisi. 1 .i fC vaar. . i . 2:. . . ... . 1. Li ,1 1 . VL 1 .r..-- - . - .. Hpeoiaj contrajols made oa r"pc t . . 12 ' 4 t NINETEENTH . DAY--SENATE. Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1874. House resolution in relation to the Civil Rights bill being the bill introduced in tae tiouse on tbe lytu or iMovem- her by Mr. Paul B. Means, and passed by that body. Congratulates the country npon the recent glorious h . victories achieved, be lieving the same to have been the be ginning of a most bappy and glorious era for the genetal good of this coun try, and that it was an honest rebuke of the Civil Bights measure that is attempted to be enforced upon as by Congress. After considerable discussion the bill as passed the House passed the Senate by a party vote. , HOUSE OP REPKESEXTATIVES. By Mr. Walker, of Richmond, a petition from sheriffs concerning fees, &c. Referred.1 By Mr. Tate, a resolution asking onr Senators and Representatives in Congress to secure a repeal of the last clause of bankrupt law. Referred. House bill to amend section 27. chapter 31, Battle's Revisal, for the more effectual punishment of conceal ing tbe birth of children, introduced by Mr. Glenn, passed its several readiugs. Senate bill to amend the law estab lishing a Bureau of Immigration, providing for the appointment of Colonels Jno. D. Whitford and E. R. Liles on said Board, passed its read-' ings and ordered to be enrolled for ratification. , For worms in the bowels of horses, give, daily for a week, a ball made ot, sulphate iron (greon copperas) two drachms; pulverized ginger, one drachm. Wet up with oilmeal and boiling water, sufficient to make into a ball. At the end of the week give linseed oil sufficient to physic the animal. Repeat another if necessary. A drachm of tartar emetic may be substituted in place of the copporas, trot r is not so safe a remedy. For ascarides or pin wornjs in the rectum, give- a'n Injection of linseed oil, one quart daily for two or three days; and repeat after a week. .; '' . .. ' I v . .. l Ant- iarmleia- Milwaukee, u boxes her. huibaqdV ears. wvU feetj:. ; ;: r. ,...VS; , Ab Iowa, man was saddeolv c-l j y . in life before be could obtain his eit J S - - , An Irishman who was fetttrec r . .; . . another prisoner said, Begad, hi ' jX " , j is linked to mine. , r : ' - I inere'i no necessity now l V ladies to hold their skirts up-; v u the :ross the street. . Fasbioif jj'obvi-' ated that labor; ' : ;'. i -,Wkat raors''carttir tzr fthecli " l--aUiirtbCtfft SmxvfoZ-'-! rthat Goldsboro is now Atuirpintr rape strawberries to New Yor; . ( A fatal epidemic has broken out In Alexandria, a small town Icj Middle Tennessee, which has created ponstor nation among tbe people '' The new fashion of very short walking skirts is very popular a'tnong those who bavs pretty foot, and are glad to show 'em. . Florida papers predict that at least; a thousand places to plant orange grovQS will bo purchased along thfl, St. John's daring tho next three months. ' 1 A negro shoemaker named B'crkley was arrested in Lynchburg, Va.f Mon. day, charged with attempting an out rage on a little, white girl twelve years old: Hang him; A Chinese servant in San Francisco, by why of revenge upon his mistress, broke with a pair of pincers a pioco out of tho odgo of every dinh in a valuable dinne set, A Rensselaer oounty farmor iput his lantern on the stovo to thaw out, whilp ho wont' to the barn to harness tho horses. Tbo lantern will never freeze again, nor tho houso cither. Out of the 292 members of the pros. " ent Congroas only 105 will ho on the roll ef 41th Cougross. . Rasbuoss and corruption did thoir full jwork, in every sense of tho word. Ii one of the French provinces re cently a traveling dcalor iuducod a woman to sell her hair. Her husband, when ho learned the fact, followed tho dealer and rovenged himself by shav- Ling his head, I . A Shelby county yonng- Jady, shocked her Knight of Pythias escort, . who accompanied her in fall nniform to a ball the other night, by asking him "why he had come in his knight clothes ?" What city was it? - A leading wholesale liquor house in this city received a telegram from one of tho Southern cities a fow days ago to this effect: "Send me twenty barrels of whiskey tbo Logtslaturo is in ses sion." Rich. Dispatch. It was among tho loveliest customs of tho ancients lo bury the young at morning twilight, tor, as tboy strove to give tho softest interpretation to death, so they imagined that Aurora, who lovod the young, bad stolon them to her embrace. ' - The oldest journal but one in Ber lin, tbe Sponcer Gazette, did not ap pear aftor tho 1st of November. Tbe newspaper in question has existed .pe less than 134 years. The founders received the privilego of publishing it from Frederick tho Groat. A dispatch from Ann Arbor, Mich i- gan, states in at ion i. Aiozart, in ventor of tbe famous Mozart watcn has been sent to the lunatic asylum Over anxiety io regard to tbe success' of a slcm-wLnding calendar watch, od which be had been working for sev eral years,, is tho supposed cause of his insanity. Tbe Atlanta Constitution very wisely suggests that if tbe negro exoaus irom ucorgia to Texas impels tho great number of idle' white men who are doing nothing and rofuse to work for a living to go to work or starvo, (ho calamity will not lo an unmitigated one, after all, bat rather a blessing in disguise A good many sensible Northern peoplo have imbibed the idea that winter vacations in tho South have advantages over the popular summer sojourn in the crowded fasbiou rosorts of the North, so -it is not to be won dered at that tbe Florida resorts are filling up with winter visitors from the North and that tho prospect is good for a profitable season. It would do strange if within a few years the time of vacations should bo changtd from summer to wiotor, and thefksh ion resorts of Northern peoplo be located in the Southern States, j V. Great misfortunes can be borno with patience, for wo foci that tboy come from the hand ot God, and aro designed to fall npon us for some wise purpose, but it is so dfficult to bear with meekness the .little worries of life that nine-tenths of the poople in this world have not learned tbe art. Little worries .are perpetually assail ing us, and no sphere of life can socuro as from them. Riches, influence, friends, cannot savo as from the con stant annoyance, friend, if you are a woman you know all about theso little worries. Thoy begiu whon your waking hoars bogin, and thoy follow you through tho day, and very oftotr sit on your pillow at nijht, - , i -. " ... ..,,' . . . 4- -7