: i If , - - ; - I'trziz. 1 A. ' i in .j. - , .I., . i , : - : , -i .T-.r - 1 1 One eopy on ye&r $Z50 in advance rf $3.00 i if notiivdru3c ; and At the Mime rates for tnor pf less time - A -' -v figla copies five cents.. ' - r ? ;: . 'Tie copies sent to oue Order, for cash, at f tebf$2.00a'year. .V-i . - , TBe Weekly Eagle will be sent to Teachers, t - Misisters and Disabled" Confederate Soldiers f at half price. 'viV'..--i'--- ... , . ... i t ' Va, ; i .3aSDA-Y,-MAFT.r3;:.1875r " ( Whole No. 335; i TERMS OP ADVEKT1SIKG. , to?arJot i'eTer jq town,- I IS re ? For general and tranaien7iiiatter ONB. Prted several catejf 'hk'ta. proved DOLLAR PES INCH of space lengthwise a tal.. - v ' ' V - ' coluoin for first publication, and FIFTY - " ' - . -X - ?CNTS PER INCH for each publication af- The daU monotony of city, lifi rales high TrSSjnt dveTsemenU at these rate, are at P" locals aresideAbiy below , - so chargod and closed at end of each month, P41 ; 'Mebbe t is the'm before the great iu buck I. o v mus.uukc'VU llie UU1... ,- i Gaston court, in JDalias this week. Seyeaal ilbport&nt ca&eB";are on i the 4pcket, we learny besides two murdeV cases. :- " - ' v- unless otherwise ordered. ;A -,., .BY CONTRACT Adrertisements will be "published in the Weeily Eagle as follows: Trnde street is besioniot? to an E o c to 5 o 0 B o 0 3 o V ca O D a Half inch, $ 1 00 1 One inch, $ 2 00 2 00 2 50 -4 001 7 '.' Hon. J.-TMorehead, died in - Greensborc :r-..- - - - , V 5dTT-o6-bi-M flOi tbe X8t pres niJvrrr5A-nrt KrnstTandas wellTlnown in that section oi I ra u ock in iiie Xbt irres jTiWti...a'T' t. i loiuii is ftfii os nn i m nn the SUte. 00 40 00 I. 4 colmuu, $10 DO I j CO la 0) 30 00 50 HO 1 column, $15 00 25 00 30 00 50 00 - 1 col 22 m $25 00 40 00 50 00 I K5 oo 150 00 Caldwell, "le Smarte Local" the uo- seri-cr, has nearly recoved from the severe attack of rheumatism tliat he has been suffering Avith for' some time. AVe hope how soon again friend Joe may gladden the streets of our Little London. All udvertLsenieuts may be changed orce a month. Marriage atid death notices of more than half inch space are charged for the excess. Conrt notices nix weeks $5.00, and four weeks LC0 in advance. 1 column 1 time $15.00, J col umn 1 time $10.00. Reasonable deduction made on all rates, of Weeklv and Dailv JIagle to eus tonuiH whose contracts amount to $100.00 or more. ' Special contracts made-oh good terms. Handbills, Cards and all ordinary job-work done at short notice, neatly and cheaply. A Ciriiilc Bender. I Julio was mine fim cLilJbood; AVe tumbled in clover mows. We fished in the brook with a pin for a hook, We swung on the bending boughs; I naved ht-r life from the river When our raft was split in twain She had not touched the bottom - Ere I had her up again. Then for long years I misled her In school and foreign land. Where tdie mot Count Gambilero And the Lncliess of FuurinhamV Then back to Hail Columbia With a lot of foreign airs, Which I gobbled up as a tiger pup Would gobble a nest of hares. Yet alas! a "mangled exile," (With tenderness for hash At Delmomco's north cunter,) . ' .Turned her gentle calabash. Folk's said ho played "drajw-polkcr," And "cases" kt-pt at night; I've no idea what "cases" atv, Jiut I "polked"' him out of sight: And Julia laughed as in other days, And .the thing turned out all right. And now we're off a kiting Around-our honey-moon, With a blanket strap and a lunch-box As big as a small pontoon The cosiest pair of turtles, With only a single spoon ! And the folks in the cars all "spot" us, For they-chuckle "Happv elves "Tah-taL f wid "Hlhty-higbty !" They know how it is themselves ! , The large freight platform of the Caro lina 'Central Railroad Corui)any, we are in formed, is now iinished, and ready for the reception of goods. This platform is said to be one of, if not the largest of the kind in the Jsnite, and an immense amount oi lumber is said to have been used in its con st ruction. ' uegiumogr 10 an appearance in the way of preparationi the .rear of the Central Hotel pre- rai: .toj4o;iU. enlargement. A WorR oiTtb5; vacaut lot riext to vWf BJaok'g Groce ry is progressing rapidjy, tomake for the .: new buildings - to be- erelf therbjf Messrs. ;Ytites IcAdea ilr. S.' HolWn is a!sof, ..;?np-a building :on' Tradebaj gegeV : i 'led Humorists... and , . Wfc'ir It at la paper!,. a. 4pi JHf , Ueram onaiie Hee$3en-vV,ootl3.-1 1 know-they were tfKbt, bo x zer, a: ripe scholar Mtm, shoold oftener .rfi,' T recently read ai rbo Y. M, H. A. do-iifio-of novel reading. The Bpea&c?-t csd' his . battery . to- ard a;certait asa:, of American h a -aoraas-wSriteiAn-Vthis . fashion : fO.n the)rinci 4 ,lhat everything in nature tras jtr ;3e3j jand tbat even rnosquttoesn &4r-BiinilttrIy'aniicv' tipiis'snbserve' 'ifbeneficial pr posGi-rtbi-spec v &fourt mi ndodness a VVv i " ! t .11 ? bnvs Deelaratton.. Justice alone comoels us to place oar colnmns the fallowing editorisMf the Herafd bn the Southern Center uials. - The'IIerakr-saj's that its rea soiA of pubjishk'gVthe corresp'obcfence. of certain individuate," bo-: bate beon iryiug to pro vq that ,onr Declaratibn is spurious, was only to awaken inttr t among the peop!e;pf -.theNor'tb- in thq piatter. i Be that as: it may, how- Canso he. stabbed his toe getting out iof the boat; atwhleh an expression oi gony rested on bw tace, and he am bled, up, the wharf as though Jio bad no especial -lovov for his .shoemaker. He made a dive'foc his hack and. was whirlvlawsy,-23w Journal ? inff, but which bavo tailed to produce bytenan church. The following were their intended effect, be employed to in attendance ': Hon. James Hemp- etieck tlie P'lent iraraoderat hill, J. -II. WilsoD, J. H. Lindsey, J. L. Brown, Dr. E. N. Hutchisoh J. A Young, C. Wallace, Eev. Jai. Doug: ass, J. E. Brown, Revs. J. L. 'AViison, D.D., E. T. Baird, H.D., R. McIIwaine, D.H.,' J. ST. Waddell, D. D., LL.I)., Kev. A. W. Miller. D.D. Vance's Sketches. The Norfolk Landmark announces the is.sue from that office, of Gov. Vance's Sketches in book form, about th. twiddle of the month. Vance's sketches the Landmark truly observes, "has done more to pojjularize the History of North Carolina, than ad diction to what are miscalled humor ous works ; such books if thcyl be ailed books, as aro turned ; out al most by machinery by the 'Datibury Newsman, Artmus Ward, Josh Billiugs, Mark, Twain, and all their tribe of 'imitators.' Taken in small doses, at long intervals, they may do very well to drive away the blues,, or to amuse a passing moment, but tjhey. cannot fail to vulgarize anjr one who makes them his constant com pun ions. .When they do not rely for their effect upon bad - spelling',' their rhief rnodo of raising a laugh is by describing with a coarsen es that '4 'ThvO'exerae. - Assembly at Clkve- Land, O&io.--The next General' . As- Vf , r-W Br'tt" 7 u 1 c" ! Skinner. Hb w6uW the United btutef koT . America w. 1 Lc:tr; Jtr8. f?kiuU- logs jy in re;" oi me ueraia m ' Driniug mo g6u- , .. . 4l Hn ifn ih. v,na of t.mmdr discos cheme, a court of appeals, the hymn iiv, , - -1 4I. w, l i ports wi I bo presented and discuesei illiberal and invidious attempt to ie- ' .. . . . , -Sp-"Ct a ZiOCyllle tnasqaeradc t fro-" . -;ceesio'n wl3 r. wltne&sed ' :tv . - crowd.'- Auonrf the motley hc:i xrL percabala!rd;t3 streets Iti't, r: cceslon.ras a',lo3g,;cadavcrfcc; v ;, i n g iel loV rcp ree a tine "a Cofr anc b 0 V , ' Indian;;" .Hi'Tice -.was "pt!a ted-red,- bis suit was trcli;risa up.V;IJi .J m Vl ' ponderous feet v weroa pair , cf .-nevr m mocsJn8V;and,baoging ircri,'tho . beaded." grrtb- that encircled , hU lody ; ' were hair a nnr.nn ."hMS ritoin'r ana , .. " as mSDV scalps." Inside this bcliTtack. a cheese-knife "and a scythe ' bUds - jr - Jtits long black b air was, baodoay.wua' ; a brass hook, frorp which stock about , a dozen of turkey and goose fei triers,. and in his right band he held v I.h r,a r . iron gr&Sj: a tomahawk, red wilh pmo. I .'. victim's , blood. Erervbody ssw'tbe ' wild indian, but-.nobody'kDewyit was t. Skinner. - " ? V ' - Wbllo the proocsaion moved through the various ftrcets. Skinner would get '. dryland break ranks by dodging into' bar rooms aod'.ta;i)g'ii usaal , dose -of "firef water,.';. . As the J procession , paaoevi ui9 iiuubo :j rew iun.iruci h go home and " and all tbd little ' .yfloxut loose from t Uo pro- . V bjt.t iaCl'iJx $:j:CM hi -to. be was tfie most reek lesf lo. -og Commancho tbo world 5; Tho Carolina Military ilnslituLe. Col. J. PThomas, sunerintendeut, oue of the institutions that Charlotte lolte should be iiistly proud of. JLue cadets arcldrilling every day now, ii. preperation for the, Centennial, and n better drilled body could not bej'ounu in ti e State. MK Ice. iljr. W, H. II. Gregory id furnishing our citizens with this iudispensable luxurx this season, procured ly way of VVilnungtiii direct from Northern markets, lle informs us that he is selling it at greatlv reduccti prices'. , ' -j 11 the learned and laborious works which borders on brutality some disagrceu-beeu-given to the public." They were written ble accident that has happened to Miiiaae caiamo lor me columns the "Daily somebody else, or by satirizing somo Landmark,," and ignored, on a tjound theory, harmless stupidity which in a refined the 'pore ponderous treatment, and elaborate mind would move to pity rather than Jetails of the annalist or historian. But, in scorn. A man falling down staira in dOHUT tlllyl P lino cfill 4.J .1 . . , . . . ,.fc " ; ;:iZ7. vr , ''"'"V L" cm,a the darK, or putting up a stove ana . v, i. .1 w i vaiuiiuit ti s f rv - iir lino rrnMinu i - . - . . ' 1 luose m a masterly manner, and through the whole performance, hasty as it was. he. hflR shown an affluence of resources and a warmth t coloring which render his successive nic- i.uie Horuiy an encmimg place in our litera iurc. The Portrait. r f r In a lumbering attic room, Were, for want of light and air, YearVhad died within the gloom, Irving dead dust everywhere ; Everywhere " Hung the portrait ofa, lady V.'ith a face so fair. Time had long tinco duli'd the paint- Time, which all our arts disguise Ami theieatures now were faint, All except the wonderous eyes Wonderous eyes 1 ; Ever looking, looking, looking, . With such a sad s-urprisc I As wan loveth, as man had loved Ilcr whose features faded there ; As man moruiieth, man had mourned, Weeping in his daik despair liitter tears, When she left hhn. broken-hearted, To his deatli of years. . Then for months the picture bent All its eyes upon his face, Following him where'er they went, Till another tilled tho place In its f tend -Till tho features of the living Did out face the dead. Then for years it hung above, In that attic dan anu guasi, Fading with the fading love, Sad remainder of the past ; Save the eyes. Ever looking, ever looking, Witli suen saa surprise i : Oft the distant laughter's sound Knte r"d through the eobweb'd door, And the ery of children found . Dusty echoes from the floor To those eyes, Ever looking; ever looking, With buch sad fcurprioe 1 Once there moved upon the stair Olden .love etepa mounting sloWj Unt the face-that met him there Drove hini from the depths below, For those eyes Through his eoul seemed looking, looking, All their sad surprise. From tliat day the door was nrikd Of that memory-haunted rom, And the portrait hung and paled On the dead dust and tho gloom, Save tne eves, Ever looking, ever looking, Bill Asr, after many years of great pros pects and sudden results, remarked that "oui hind sights are better than our fore sights and his profound truth can olten. applA" to other writers and editors who are so deiuate- ly doublful before an election, but get so wide awake, and can know and . explain so iucL .afterward. in the new Second Presbyterian church of this city is in a fast way to completion. The work, we believe. when finishod will rival anything oi the kind in tho State. It is. beini- conducted by the firm of Harry ano Krueger,. of this place, who make frescoing a'spcciality. , having the pipe fail on him and cov er him with soot, or a kerosene lamp xplosion such are. -the matters which form the staple of their wjt. To place such writers in, tho same category with true humorists like lairor.TANT Melting. On yesterday after- Holitaes, Lowell, ISaxe, and Howells noon the Mayor and Board of Jldermen met, betrays a sad lack of discrimination, for the election of city officers, for the next As well might a circus-clown be corn- year. ' apt, F. Nash was elected City Clerk, j pared with a finished comedian luce nd Treasurer, C. Alexander City Marshall Charles Matthews Or Joseph JefFer- ind the following were elected as policeman: on." Mr. Tanzer j is, in the main, M Healej', L A Blackwe'der, H H Hill. G correct. Tho lormer Datch ot tunny lv Stephens, W B Taylor and J L'Orr. writers, as a whole, demand applause A resolution was adopted appointing an' ior exaggerated and . burlesque de- auditing committee who1 should audit and I senpuons of serious scenes and pain- ertify all the claims against the! city, of ali fa I incidents, but so far us Josh Bill- lescriptions (except city bonds and coupons) "ng is concerned, the Ctiarge is not. on mileages, with a view to a bettc s-stem : on tho ratio. of representa uon, nnnisierai reuar, anu relations vith the Southern GfencroJ Assembly Tbo church of wbiclj thte assembly i- the chief judicatory comprises 17 presbyteries arranged in 35 synod and having under their, caro 5,90C 'ministers ; 4,94G churches, embracing 495.G34 communicants and over half a million Sabbath' scholars. Tot a imount. contributed to all objectsdast year, $9,120,72. The foreign missions of tho Presbv terian Church aro thirteen in number. in charge of bfil laborersand estab ;iiK-a amonir tiio iiaian uioes UMi Chinese in tho United Statu, anu in i r c : . . . the surrender ol "'V" n,,utn America, ;iia Soutbein Atrica. Hie converts connected will these- missions number over nv. thousand, and the mission school efore the aae shall he' paid bythe 'i'r'eas- fweif foutidl.7 TiMadt?yor,,Ts' ndt p-he South in tho KevoIntlOO. It n urer. open io inc eiiwcisiii oi -coarseness. Messis. Oates, M vers, Moore and Brown. H'3 writings, if not marked with the with the Mayor as chairman were on motion V"C,T hsJghest renuement, are neither prive tho Southern States of tUeir due credit for thep.itiiotie part they acted iu tbeTievoiution. We are astonished at so unjust and wiid an i.nferenice The illustrious services of the South can never be disputed. The author of tlo national Declaration of Ind pen de nee. was' a Soutlieiru citizen; thf commander-in-chief of our armies in that heroic war, the most resplendent name in our history, was also a South- in citizen. ! 'Patrick Henry, "tlu f'Ut st born Damosthcnes," whoso eh q u nco hasnever perhaps been equaled in in del or n times, and. 'who was th liit to declare, with tbe winged worth" of a soui on fire, "We' must fighl !" was also a Southerner. The crowning event of I he war, Ctuuwai'i, took place in a town. Tjm mo t important battlusi ii' tho eariier vears vi the war were fought in "the 'Northern. States; but, wiih too exception of Bunker Hill ano Saratoga, those battles were fought on our side by troops under the imme diate command of Washington, a Southern general. The series of bat- iles by which1 the war was bi ought to its .-glorious - close Southern soil. These great and con iue tbe bool.sJf Stato Auditor Ciin- spic'uous facts, which can never be; ton, prominent as a member of tbt disputed or belittled, take out of our luung Meu s Christian Associatioi hands and out of everybody's band aoel as a good hater of the respectabl tho; question : whether the South did Southern people.' Tho Chairman ot its full share of efhcieut service n this comriiittte, tho notorious Cu;ii!f "the times which trieel meus souls." W. Lowell, who, while holding th We, aro amnzed that any Southern t)faces. of Speaker iof the House . on j iorcai can suppose the Herald is dis- fostmasien of New Orieans. was de posed to undervalue the services, of I ti eted jn ''irregalavies -4tuinuntiMj-4 are attended by about thirteen thou sand scholars. Tbe practice of "settiug a fhicf ti- catc!i a thief " seems to work eil in Louisiana. A few Weeks ago the House of ltenreseutatives of thai y vcro iougiic on stare appomtetift committee to exam , I . ! . I 3 ever laeaeld. Picjcing up now coursgo he rdshTed into the front room wbero tho littlo Skinners wore "playing cir cus." His appoaranco was accompa nied by wild yells and fancy dancing, vvhilo ho made that tomahawk fly around tbo room over the children's heads as if bo meant business, tho litlo Skinners shouting, -0h, Mr. lnjin, don't P "mother I" "murder?" "fire j" and thoro were stlch screams as would have mady any "euro enough" Indian run. Skinner was just in tho middle of his fun. when tho screams of tho chil dren and the war-whooxj of the Com unco brought Mrs. Skinner to tho scene, armed with an iron skillet. Sho slipped up behind, tho "playful indian," drew a bead on his none, and landed that skillot with the force of a dedro hammer and tho rapidity of lightning against it. Tho band lot o tho tomahawk, tho feathers flow, the belt burslcd, and the tcalps, pistol:! ma knives fell to tho floor. Ihoro vas a flesh-and blood spot in the rrrid- lie of his faco where that nosowas a moment boforo tho skillet smashed it. Thcro was a groau, a fall a -omersault or two, and all was quiot. TbatComancho had found tho "happy uniting" ijrour.d.v' Skinner has an Indian mafcqucrado suit for salo. ', "Papa, do you think 13eech- "Hush, Johnnie." "But,, Papa, elou'l you think Beech " "Didu'c yoi bear me tell you to stop your nois i sir. I won't have you talking aboin these things. Go iu and jet yoiii face washed.". And Johnnie, with tears in bis eyes, wants to know wh; papa won't tell bim when" will Beech Nuts be ripe. of Mr, Oates appointed to examine into the financial condition of the city to consult together as to the best plan of city improve ment and report to the board some line of policy, for its actiou. On motion the Board adjourned. Ihe Latest Oct. While wo had 'bought, that long ere this, all that could be said on hash, bad been said, vet a matron of Charlotte; who al- ways takes tho lead in such matters, orings out hash in a -new role, as in he following : aims to be iu the belief brutal !nor. vulgai He pure, and prides himself that his efforts to tlrnuae will not bring a blush to the most' innocent or youthful, maiden's cheek. Moreover, Mr. Shaw is wittv, and if praise is due for phonetical writing, Josh de ,serrcs tho h hi best. - -Home .Journal. Tlie Two States. our wish, on the contrary, to make the Centennial Celebration a means of reviviug iu' this sectiou of the coun trv a souse of indebtedness to Sdulhr e,!!! patriotism aud zeal, and to oblit erate the '.ri'cent aiienatiou by a mu tual appreciation be'.ween the South and the North of the noble deeds per foinied by each' when they tttruggled together for ; tho indepeudeaco oi too country. Tho feeling between Massachusetts and South Carolina has been sisterly in a marked degree during the . cen tennial1 exercises of tho' bat' lo of'Lex- While beef-steak and venisou costs lots of inglon. First, South Carolina sent a cash, Be it ever so grisley, there's nothing like hash, f he scrapings and carvings of no use else where. when inixeel altogether make excellent fare. TT:iih rrnrtrl lnnnf Vincli I 1 , --. u,. . i t . . Be it ever so crriselv. tli's iinMiinn lilrft St reaminiT irom -- , o i . largo palmetto troe to deck t!ie pavillion, and Massachusetts in ac cept in planted a pu:o by its side. With the tree camera buneile ol pal metto leaves, whichwere distributed soldies, who wore them I h e i r h a t s or f r d m amonr too r , SiUtious Accident. Mr. J. Arra stronjg aged G3, a resident of Gaston couijty, 'was thrown ftom his bugg audrkilled last Tuesday, while return inghom Dallas to his home. Mr. t-.rhiKT.mil ir we learn had been drink iu; hijavily, aud on the road leading from Dallas to the South Pork, hi horse became frigteued and throw him out breaking his neck on tho wheels, hash. A stranger from home, hotels dazzled in vain; O, give me cheap eating house food that's The waiter who gayly re-echoes my call - i'or a nice plate of hash, or a single fish ball Uashyhash, etc.. tiio ffruzzles of their guns. In tho decorations tho arms of tho two State's' bung side, by "side in many places, and of all the Union the only ,vrnnr fintsidn of Niuv lrurhLtid to attend the' exercises y.'as .Governor Ciiamberlian of South XJaroiiua. His speecn was one in-wuiou ue piaceo side by side tho councel of Mahsu-e-huselts and the prompt action of South Carolina during the revolution. With such sad The if akbiage The marriage! Hanirhter of tho to Colonel Niche surprise. of Miss Ida Greeley. of Miss Ida Greeley, late Horace Greeley, las Smith, of Coving- Tvv.. took ilace Saturday lnorn- . -. ..i 'in iinl. f ir, .,o;. Aehce of tbe bride's auut, Airs, douii The Rev. Lcighton Wilson D. D. oi Columbia, Secretary of the Board ot Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian church South, delivered a very intcr- and . instructive lecture ' last iu tho lt . Presbyterian church. Dr. " W'llsou cbosd as his subject "Brazil," and treated it with such a degree of fluency, and earnest- csting evening The Cexteenial in Hixlsboro. -The Hills- ooro hecorder says : On Tuesday night, April -:7th, the bulies of our town gave a festival at ;ue Masonic Lodge, the proceeds' tf which ;re to be devoted to the aid of the' Mecklen- In concluding ho said burg Centennial. Owing to the inclemency "I know that I am commissioned f the weather, the attendance was not quite by my State to say that she responds .so larce as miorht havfi bffiii P-snpnted. wtr i irh t earnest! v to the greeting of are verv sorry indeed for those who were so Lexington, and as that old South unfortunate as not to be present, for they Carolina, in the fight for freedom a missed a rare treat. The ladies were attired nunarca years ago, never iaiiorea, in the costumes of tho TifivninfinTnorir TTinA so docs slio ioiu with! "her whole heart With tho short narrowed skirts, mob caps in the patriotic service of to day." and a plentiful suddIv of diamond dust nnd , A report says no man lilv. white, our beautiful vouns ladika wr lso loudly, and no speech so roused converted into comely, matrons of tie 18th ttx? people as these words of Gov- centurv. While distinctions would ha inin. eruor onamuetiaiu. ous, we cannot fail to notice the distiumiished ness, that completely held bis audi-j appearance of Lady Washington, who presid- ence during the evening. . .1 ed with so much grace and dignity at the tea . . I table, assisted by two oi our fairest young Friday jafternoon a negro professing ladies who perSonated Miss Custiss and Miss to be possessed of about $500,4walked I Jay. The tables were laden with all that was Palatka Florida. The Putnam House, Palatka, Florida, closed for th? season last week. Over four thousand Northern itourisfs visited that hotel during the past winter. . Paiatka is delightfully situated ou the St. John's -c rivelaud. No 233 West Twenty- lUD Dlv;iu UA ? . Jiiaiiiuiu.uuu i . w kUO CJfU auu. iver seventy miles south of Jack- iue Ber-iii'U icprcscuuug uiuiseu tuoiunei -. sonviiie, al tne ueau oi navigation ior were solemnized according to hn whom implicit confidence might flow?rs- ca8 aitenaea J tMee ocean steamers. Colonel H. L. Hart, the Ptoman Catholic farmthat being ho piaced bought a bill of goods to I V J AO.ond street. New lort. w w ' s were so Roman Ca the faito or mo wiuo a uiumci uj i ihe Rev. Father Farrell. The spacious about $30. maidens in costume. tT0ri'fl On. fi-,, has a dailv line of steamers -ranniuff t i f ,i r - . i . . . -ii. ... , -. ... m ueu uaavu ior iue i wno is ai present presiuing wiin marnea aon- I n , t un romantic Ocklawaha River I r v Ia. TstAs 1 -J r a. I lixr niror nnr RnnflTinr llnnrf rt3 TrHrv hoc 1 ri am ri .V c . a oarlors were crowaeu wnn mvitea amuuiinio awaiu tuat uo wuuiu give j ;rom iraiatKa io oiiver opring. a Snests among whom were Gen. John him a check, and left tho goods tell- so much since.taking his seat upon the bench. lrjp up the wild Ocklaha, including a A noehrane. Judge Shea, of tbe Ma- !nff Mr. Fmnkfnrn U wank! atnn in. to restore that confidence and respect for the vifcit to the celebrated Silver Spring, i - n - - - w w w - tj;-.. i . i- ; tlt ii. i i: z i w i iiiiiimhi Hriinim w ii ii'ii r rr ii , vi ri iiiiiuiiu V i w in v r -i fiiiiimiii iLiiii iiLiir-i . . n.Zn,,H niAVAland nrtpd totn0 liaDk and wnte ne at. were wont to feel. We were apprehensive nvvcscBU m r.in i m ju v mv - v - i - ia a feature of winter travel in Florida. from the absence of so many, detained by the violent rain and other causes, that the receipt would be small, but are clad to learn that one hundred dollars was realized which will be - ill Whiukw Rmi) ae men represented in tne JianK was one of the groomsmen. There that lie had $500 to deposit, and re was no displaytof bridal presents, ex- quested that they should make him cept rich and exquisite floral gifts. out a check on the Bank for $30. ihf ,1 Bcingof course refused, and in the :?.it.Tto nroceed to the steamer Abys- .meantime Mr Frankford thinking eothuslastio meetog in Mecklenburg n the Morganton. ..?-i:PM, nn thpir nrlin lDal aU WaS "gM SieppeQ into I lth and iUtu OI May X1V0. siniu ux TP the Hank just as tbe negro was mak- IUU1. Dr. M. Whitehead, Hon. W. A. Graham, Col. T. Geo' Walton, Dr. Eugene; Grissom, and Dr. Nereus forwarded to Charlotte with the best wishes Mendfinhall eomnrise the committee of the ladies of the noble county of Orange, t locate, plan and supervise the erec in whijin wna first T.-iii1lprl that RTiirit nfroais. I ' t f y ... tance to oppression' that culminated in the tion of the branch Liunatic Asylum at mg preparations to inaKe himseli I w.piFuocu olv Washisgwh, May 6 Tbe State de- "scarce." . square, in me town o,A ouioy a MTimeutha8 advices that Spain has I Mr. Frankford however was in monument, w cumu.euiu.uiu Taior ,1 tr Gushing the entire Vircioiah's time, and handed the would be "d heroism oi ( uieayeiana county s 1 j u i,;o .nmniuatim. Bwinriw nvnp tn i.hn Pniinn 1 fallen sons, in tne late war. Washikgton, May 2. iThe GoveruB sells one million and half of gold the firsthand thiird Thurs days, and one million the second and fourth Thursdays of May five mil lion in all. . The Miklulo of Japan. Tiio Emperor of Mikado has beeri presented with an heiress. It is"; all right out here, says an ' Inter-Ocean correspondent and everybody was joily jibout it.-; but the drawback is t b.o fact that the mother is a concu bine which in no way ' deters the chi d from the privileges of roj'alt, only it looks rathbr odd to see Chris tiaus iiice the Americans, French, and English de'ckingtbeii-vessels in clouds ol uuiitmg ami tiring on, Heaven knows, how many j.oundd of powder, at tbo celebration of the naming of a child that came in such a heathen way. I saw the Mikafo yesterday. Ah! il.e bliss of kuo'riog I have gazed ou living royalty. None of your little one 'cent kings whom any one can speak to, but one who amoun.ts to something; He had come down from YepJo to h'C'preent at the launching of a uovalf vessel at Yokoska, an.el returned from there this morning via Yokohama. I heard ho was to paKS through incidentally, and was event ually assured of it by the salvos ' of mis from the vesels in 'the harbor. Hasteniug to the wharf, 1 found the best" part of" the foreigners living here all eager to gazo ujion those sacred lineaments. There were his carriage and., horses, and servants in livery black coats with brass buttons and silk bats with gold lace looking very much as if they had been kept waiting many a night in a pelting rain. Life guards to the number of twenty gal -bped about, recalling to mind the wretched "stipes" of tho spectacular drama, and a dirty line of sail-cloth covered tho steps leading to. the water. It rather impressed mo the young ' ! 1 i a i 't man necaea moro saiury, ior .n an looked seedy decidedly so. And the next installment of ammunition was expended, and a barge towed by a tug brought his 1. M. in view. Ut course I was confused, for I had never seen a greater man than Aid; Powell, or BeD Hutler, and; to brings man face to faco ,with a real monarch, whoso line of ancestors reaches back to a year or so after the flood, is apt to have a bad effect, and I ra not quite sure what I saw. But my impression is that be was a man, or rather a king, about twenty-three years old, of very brunette complexion, tall for a Jap, and a lip on him like a shovel-nosed shark, adorned by a mustache of whoso presence be may. or may not have been awato. Ho dretel in a tbreo-comored bat, fur-lined sack coat with frogs, light-colored pants, .em broidered down the Bide, and tight i The A'cw Attorney General. Mr. Erwardv Pierrepont, . who sue eeds Mr Williams in tho Attorney- Generalship, was born at Now Ua- en, in the "Stato of Connecticut, in 1817, educated at tho Old Grammar School" of that city, and entered m Yale in 1833. craduatinir in 1837 in ttioliamo class: with 'Mr.TEvtrir and" to c4ver 540,000, 'on account, of fhieb fchicf Justice Waito, taking high no was reujoveu from the latter oliice, honors. Ho studied law, and in 1840 was admitted to praqtico, removing to Columbus, Ohio, whero daring tho ensuing five years enjoyed a most successful practico and cstablfcod his legal reputation. In 1840 ho' took up his residence inNow York, whoro ho has since resided. In 1857 he was elected to, fill a vacancy in tho fcu- icrior Court, a position which ho yesterday submitted a report. Mi r .lii i i L Ajowen auu nis co coinmiiieeinen ait of opinion that Mr.Cliuton has beei guilty of high crimes and misdemean - is, , and recommend his impeach inc-nt. With an alleged thieving ex Postmaster sitting in judgment eu a: lileged thieving bfato Auditor, l eems as though soma of tbo Louisi aua scoundrels may at last be brought hej for tbrc0 yCars, then resigning, io justice. And uovv if Mr. .Kel!ov Whon tho war broko out ho arrayed vi'l set all tbo ex thieves in bis part njmsolf on tho side of Mr. Lincoln, to catch thieves i:ov iii office, ho may in somo degree repair tho wrongs he has el one. N. 1. 1 v arid. nominally as a war democrat, was n member of tho Union defence com mittco ofNow York . a member, in 1C2, of tho commission for examin- Faveeteville. May -L, 1875. ling into tbe case of prisoners of Tho municipal election passed off p'tate, and one of tho counsel ior tbo nnictir in. -i t v w-iti. ;tw, fni bnvi.. , r... 'government in mo DUiTati trial. eiult: Shortly after tho nomination of Mr. For ifni.'or f!int. A. Ii. WillbmiM. I Seymourdiip declared lor Gmnt, and il 1 - . i ' . . , . . ... ... Commissioners T. M. McLaiichlin, on ttio cieciiop oi mo lateer was I. B. D iviK. J. A. Gftinev, J. V. Mui- mado district' attornoy, noiuing uio 'etr, 11. T. ScauJin, W. T. r nzzod, C. B: McMillan.. Tho Conservatives aio having a irrand iubileo and ioliilicatiou mcetini- i)-'niuht.' Never since the war have tho colored people manifested so iu dependent; a spirit. Numbers of iheni, to tueir honor and credit be it S ii'l. votetl the Cou-ervativo ticket, aud an u t he procession rtj nciug now. liit average majority lor our ticLet iy about 100. The Hadicals went into the fi;b! coutiueut of success, and fears wen. really entertained that their -expecta tions-would be realised, but instead, ol success an infamous neieaii una ui teu'eled them. " The Jladu are eloubt iesH feeliuir bdly and looks much' worse than they feel. Collector Line- berry will have an X prefixed to bis name in a few days, and so they lVegidonU . and Kov G U McOall and iUls 1! ". " y4 " . V O TuclMo. Secretaries. Keports the town will to for Convention in .i" r D,.-Ur.,u inira i.o- nn -- .. r ...a. m i v" 1 wmw w. x.. ix.u-olu.. .wuuvh , ja Al ueletration from tho says : About one nunurcei iMorincrn Norlhern Barti8t8 wero rocoived, and laming nave seeueu in v-umoerianu Eut.tingf bocrctary of tbo Ameri- county, -uu uvu r Mn hant at cducat ona cominisnion. energy uiey nave maionauy aiucu .n wna CHPeeialIjr welcomed by member. nvnlnmnir thnnnnntv. Some are en-1 1 ' i . j- . ,,t rsoutn uaronua. rcnrescuiiui?' jfllco somo what over a yoar. In 1873 ho was offered and declined tho Uussiap mission. Mr. Pierrepont t . r a t l a. : 1 was a member oi tno constauuonui convention 01 lour, wncn no eurvuu on tho iudiciarv comraittco. . Soutlicni Baptist Convention. '. Cuaulestox, May C Tho .Southern1 Ha nlist Association met hero to-day. Over three hundred delegates present; Iteprcsentatives from Maryland, Vir ginia, the Carolina Georgia, Honda, Alabama, Mississippi, lcnnessco; Kentuckv. Arkansas and Texai. also a lar-'o attendanctof visitors, llov. Dr. JauroBJJoyce, of Lousvillo, was elected President ; 1' U Moll, of Goo rgiar Kov. Dr. J G Me Murray, of Virginia, llov. K T Vfnkle. ot Alabama, aad Kov At I ut ter ot Maryland, wero elected Vice-' gaged raising fine cattle, bogs, and sheep. A Nortbecrr gentleman has purchased five thousand acres of land, atid proposes to stock it with two thousand sheep. Experienced sheep farmers from Pennsylvania say that the business is bound to pay in. this section. -s ' The Glasgow Ky.) Times says : Notwithstandin'' tbo disastrous re- twenty four newspapers. Ahoy unit ed and formed a State press associa tion, with Jas. A Hoyt, of the Ander son "Intelligencor, as president. Sale op tiie"S. C. It. K Vb learn from tho News and Courier tbit Judge' Heed, by decree, has authorized tbe sale of tbe Savannah aud Charleston Railroad for $1,500,000. Of this am't I.IUU.UUVI Will utr uwtiwu iu tuc 'jr - . a a . ,.nrt from our tohacco bed friends a ment-ol tUe sixj per cenu morigago r' " - i . i -i m lu'ii . .. .1 . i. day or two after tbe frost, we learn guaranieeo. Donua. ot uu wg that plants will be abundant, and that seven percent, first mortgage bonds no scarcity need bo feared. There issued since tne war L;o"B are plants enough in Southern Ken- fiether to about $1,000,000) and to the tucky to plant the State, forest and payment of coupons, &c. .Ihe re- J - maining $400,000 will bo applied to - . . - " . tho Davmcut of tho funded interest Ex Govenor Euli8b, of Connecti bonds (State guarantee) and tho eiht t t .a i r i .a rx f rtti ai nnr : riaimi. cut, wno uas jusi returned iroiu per ceuu u "- . , , Southern trip, gives it as liia.delib- Tbo State, under the decree, will bo rt nninirm that "Tatar is hotllid to loSDOOsible for anV umOUUt of RUar- be one of tbe most flourishing of auteed bouds not provided for out of f-Hnta" V - IthAOalA. . -. : ' .

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