?r?"z A" 4. f 4 ' 5 1 4-r v V ran m IT- A TP TT "tHy-- - - ------ J H t-1 Ji. 4 "4 M -1 s si an. DEVOTED TO MORAL, SOCIAL, POLITICAL, MECHANICAL AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. . , U,f . , ., ; , - '"; "' i I If I- ,1.-. 4 . to VOL. I. MADISON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1873. Vs - ' 1 1 1 . ' " r . I ' . -' 1 I . . I I i II .1 II ' I The Enterprise. RULES AND REGULATIONS rTBLTSIIED EVERY "WEDNESDAY OLIVER & THOMPSON, ! ". Editors aivl Proprietors. ; rQjicc umlen- Mason ir Hall, "tit door below .. Mack Of Vatfylw's Store. TI&ltJIK OF i nt i io : i 'Slfar Alii ABLY IX ADVANCE.) One yearJ w '2 no, Six Mrontha,U. 1 2.', Threo ifotithe,.'!; w.. 7.1 E Five copies on6)tatft&i;-&. 8 75 ' Tea copies, one yeaiLJa,iti.4--i 15 0 1 Any person who-seiklslefctlS 00 for a dub ; often copwiU Wcifadtl tvy'frM-. ! OF THE TOBACCO T It .IDE OF BY-LAWS. 1st. All sales sbafl hfor cash, unless oUreTwise agreed upon. ' . 2nd. The Auctioneer shall commence promptly at the first sale, at 10 o'clock, from the first of Maytohe first of October the remainder of the year at Hi o'- I clock. Should anv WareKousc fall to eommenre nromntlv. nt tho hnnr doiTnat- 1 o 1. the President. Vfce tresident. or in thfir ahsrn th Warehnu.v CnmmUt oo. ! marry againjpftenever he chose. 1 i ..!! .):..,.t u. fi'Mvw. u I w u i ..' .i. .1 ! Thatrffthe other fellows are fools. . -iirtn vnn-v i me uiij piuvtxu wj viic ucAi. i urciiuuse, uuu tut; 5aie!, ul nit '.nut'i I Wart:hoiises shall be jniided by the same rule. Tliere shall be a second sale if t i cessary.j'.otice.to be given by some signal. . 3rd. The minimum hid which shall he receive! hv AucT!W'l-l s. slmil TIILNGS THAT A MARRIED ZlAS CANNOT HELP THINKING. That all the girls used to be with huu. mat an ine,wiaowsMmow, That if he weMfwidower he could when under $u. he ten cents ';;.rom $C and under $!.", twenty-live cents ; fr.nn $! jaud MADISON, N. C. 2 ar R 3 -i ar 3 -a t- -1 ji. 2 c 4 t he wouldn't introduce any fellow le knows to his sister or his daughter. Thai ills wife is a little jealous. That she used to be a pretty girl. That his mother could bake good i d te rv i. f .,r i , i , oreaa ; that nis wile cannot, under 40 lutv cents; irom 40, or uiiwarils. oiic il.nl-.ir. i tu. i, i i ' J ' ' . J hat he wouldn t trust most women. 4ih. I he owners of each Uarehouse will seetl::il !i'.ye.-s arc not incommod- j That if he could cm speculate he ec, in any way. while the Rales are in progress. shiikl ihey fail to do so, the Presi- would make his fortune uent. Vice President, or in their absrtice, the Warehouse Committee is directed to stop the sales, until the 'foul is remedied. "Ah. Not more than, nc minute will be allowed for the sale of any lot of tobac co. . :h t ('.til Pinnt(r! Or thll rTirPSfn-?ltIvC lliro tlir rinrlif tn f-ilo in nri- Tnliown cted anntiall by ballot, on the first Monday in October. There shall be , flflfprPrl at Mir '-. S&rJdnd It ho Am,. mc nr?l 5f o filndbS Committee of Three on Membership; who j parcel or hogshead. i. -Xjtar having more than one parcel or hogsnead in bhc pe a committee jiu-Biirauoii, i v . ,., iCwt-n c w,i.i., , m,...i hjhl!i t . agecTm the Tobacco lrade, either as buyers or head in that hous is sold. The buyer havinir the nrivilere. if one Darcel orhos- I That he is sroW to; make' Vwforttme I I -i oo head of which he has bought, be taken in. of refusing or returning the other at the ! s0'110 day.' same time ' That he despises old bachelors. 7th, All Tobacco offered for re-sale at public auction, which has been once sold . thinos that a married woman can in this market shall be sold in the name f its actual owner. A failure to rcpre- ' NOT IIEL1' TiirsKEso. sent the true owners name shall he deemed r.n obvious neglect of dutv on Tiart of : Tnat she was very pretty at sixteen. . '" - I ri'l .til ail or wouia nave naa, a A in in sf1fTii ul ill i fell from a steamer Orleans into the river. As he was sinking the third time, he ' suddenly! recollected that his policy in: the "Break?? neck" had expired. He then swam ashore, sought out the agent, renewed his policy, and immediately returned-tH.he river and sank the third time in a serene and tran quil manner. JENKINS GOES TO A PICNIC. Maria Ann recently determined to gtti:? (to a picnic. - '..if 'm: Aii-lst, ThLs A ssoc.atibn snail be known as the '-Madisox Tobacco, Assoc ia -4 - P?05i. "IKolceis shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer 1,55.1 g..v 5555255 jfshatt be a Committees 'I 5-A g" c 2 S t;i . sellers, may become members of this Association, upon the payment of one dd- S 0--5 33 r : . Maria Ann is my wife--Httrtforfunately, That his girls will never be so silly as he had pfennedjt to go it. alone so far iu marry. . That, his , mother-in-law may be a fine old lady, but. That smoking never hurt a man yet at Tliat with a little management the ser vants would always da. weflahd nevef give warning. ''-r!TC '""' ' That hihirt litton8. ar as 1 was concerneu, on mat picnic excur .f , sion :" but when I heardlt I determined ,1 - tStm lars ($1.) when recommended by tlie Standing Committee, and approved bv the President of the Retard. Rut in case anv petition is reacted, the petitioner mnv r 5SS;2SS-j Zi ftppcal to the Association, when a two-thirds vote of the members present will .'--- ' j elect. Firms which are members of the Association shall have iheir firm name 1 I4, entered upon their books, and a firm shall be entitled to but one vote. S3 V. - - J i.1 . CHURCH DIRECTORY. l'KESHYTF.KTAX. Rev.-C. M. I'llVllC. IV- t r--S'rvic.? at Ma.'ion on the l -t.iiid .'Id Saboaths of e.vti nim th at 11 :i. in. ami 7 :. n. Prayer iiicetiiitr. Tkiir-iiay 7 . in. Ai I A.-tkvi!l.-. im :h-'" 21 Sa!ili:iiii in ca. !' inoiith at 11 a. 'in. At Went worth, on the It'i X-iM'..rh in in.!'. tnindi at 11a.m. m:' i 7 p. in. !'Oiith" 'Jd Sahtath ui each mouth :a 7 - MiniioinsT Vi-i-i .I" m. i-si ii'i., - I.-. . Crank L. lie..!. l'aior. n-mI. -. - ;ii on tin.- '2d Sa'''atli in r:u'u niniu'i II a. i i. aii'l 7 p. u.. l'iayir iiKi-....r . ' . in-..--:! a- pan 1th. Any Merchant. Mechanic. Manufacturer, or other persons mav beco'ne a coutrihtrting member of this Cssociation. upon t'ne payment of one dollar if recommended by the Committee, anil approved by the President, mav v.iie at all Elections of oilicers. and take part in the business of the Association, except as to ruh-N and r'gulations of t'.u- Tobacco Trade, ro ided all the oilicers except the Secretary and Treasurer, be taken from the Tobacco Trade. s ."rib. The Suited Mcoui:: of the Association shall be held on the first Moialav of each month Spcc'al nicciinfs mav be called iir.-'liniKP mid fi-.-iiul on rarf nf sr-llor o-ifl furfher llinf nnv mwnluir ivf (liiu c I S"I1 nau r i .i i . ., , , great many "ood offers, vocuuion who shall oiler for sale in this market any 1 obacco, wheresoever pur- That jr lady friends are five years chased, shall have placed upon such Tobacco bis name. If he fail to do so, such older than thev sav thev are. failure shall be deemed "gross fraud." That she has a very fine mind. 8th. Rv-biddinfT and bidding bv the owne- or nart mnn-r. nnon Tobnrco offer. That if her husband had acted on her cd at public auction, unless stated by the bidder, and announced by the auctioneer, that he is the vner. or part owner of the Tobacco, is "onnss fk ai'I)." advice, he would be a rich man to-day. ! The people thinks too much of the looks of that M.ss , wno would not be call ' - ' I , - ra;u tWMifrJ to assist, "bhe pretended she was,, vepr,; f glad, put l uon t pelieve sue was.f . - . 'It wJU da yousgood to . get, away fronx the IZaxL. ai dinner in theoodk.lTs-t'," w ? I . On the morning of that memorable dajo'jj Maria Ann got up at fiwe o'-clock. About three' minutes later she disturbed my slumbers and told me to come out to breakfast I told her I wasn't hungry hut. it didn't make a bit of difference I had to get up. The sun was up : I had no idea the sun began business so early in the morning but here he was. Now said Maria Ann we must fly around for the cars start at half past six. Eat all the breakfast you can for you Warehouse men shall aid with their full force, the delivery of Tobacco. : ed handsome if she did not make herself won't get anything before uoon. uiy time, upon th-- jtie: of lie memliL-rs. And for called meetings. Warehouse at die b-innhi"" of their sales. a notice su.ih be er en at each written rc- 1. on. a fie I'.i'n. The funds of the As-oci: proprialed as toe Association mav direct. "laying incidental expenses, mnv be In defrayal ir the necessary expenses to liiuiidate the sam.-. All ne the i 'resident in writh'g. '.i'h-s paid oat by the- Treasurer shull 1h b At IV-thoola. 1st Sabflnt ill C!ii a!i''a'.:: ill '.H' 'i I.i 1 1 a. in. At Mt. Il-nn-m. at 1 1 a. in. .'.i Wt-Oyy Cl.aji-.-! Sa-anlny i !': t!i-- 4:'.i Sat.tiat'.i r.i vai i meiitli a 1 1 a. in. At I,cak .11.-. Itii -jil a! Ii in .:i. ':i nie'i .h .-it 1 I t. in. lui'i 7 p. in. r..r ; :sr. -' . U A. !'a l.r. - s.ni'- it -b!;-:i Hit auiv.'ay ai 1 1,! .;.(' j;, "ai'il 111' T 1 1 1 M1 .1 1 'l. 1:1.' At lw-1 t&eik. Ker-yttK' '.... Satup'.i.y 5:,-I Ni''i.'.l?i i-i crti-h lii.i'ii'u ai 11 :. in. At Hru.W X Ilea!-. Snobath in ea'h m "U;l at At i;iir;i-r K'aivl. Kt NHnr batti iii e:;h nmnth at 1 a. ni. .in. than ten t.UK- ; dav- and Rc-gulatioiis may be amended upon a notice of uol bss and Tobacco snail not be construed as delivered until received by an authorized Agent. Warehouse men shall bo required b. take care of all T obacco : prevent pillaging, trampling upon, or other injury to the same. loth, iiuyers must be the judges of the parcels as they are -old. No lot bought, can be returned, on the plea that the Tobacco was not what thev thought it to be. 1 1th. No pc r-on shall be allowed to bid on Tobacco unless he is a member of this Association. 1-t-i. Before commencing t- sell a parcel of Tobacco, the name registered on the tii kr t. and number of pounds, must be announced by the auctioneer. loth. A committee offive shall be appointed each month, to be called the That her mother-in-law is a verv trving o- ate called meeting of the A.-ocia'.i n published by in- President, in one of the newspapers of the town. l HI s ( II 11 le U'HII. i. 1 !' vote of the members rresent at such meeting. The Rules an 1 by a two-thirds I Jb gulation- -:) ma be amended at any regular n ing by a majority ote. v,h. For the transaction of business two-thirds con.-tiiule a (".lorutn. leetmg. bv a twu-lr.irus vote. :md at tiH-nnuuv. meet- of the laembe: si i all .. '. ' . - .. .t. , .... '.. ....:. " ... 1 ..... 1. . 1 ! 1 i n M.ii.n- iiim- . onii oitt.ee. lii u - i ii v I 'i I :is i.f.-.rr rmn o-f.-n nn. h.,n.- owners, to exercise a general vigilenee in seeing the Laws and Regulations of the Hoard faithfully executed. And for any iti'raction of Rules not i rovided for 'm Art.cle said Committee is fully empowered to imp.i.se titles of not less than one. nor more than live dollars. Said fines to be collected by the Treasurer, and paid into the Association. The owners f Warehouses, and each member pledge them selves to inform said Committee of any infraction of these Rules and Ib-gula-':'tr-. T could not eat anything at tliat time in the mornin" and it was iust as well woman. J That her sister-in-law takes airs and ' that 1 could not- for 1 ha(1 a11 1 could do- ought to be put down. , There was ice to be pounded to go round That her girls are prettier than Mrs. the pale of ice cream and sandwiches to p.nr's; ..... be cut and 1 thought I never should fix I hat she would like to know where her ; ., , c ... . T u , , , , ,. . , , the legs of the chickens so that 1 could husband spends his evenings when he 3 stavs out. " get the cover on the big basket. Maria j That her eldest son takes after him. Ann flew around and piled up groceries That he is going to throw himself away for me to pack and gave directions to the n,r, i"s pa.-Ss- girl about taking care of the house, and 1 hat Miss Scraggs set her cap for him . , . and did all the courting. was l)Uttm- 011 hcr dress aU at nCe' That Iter servant girL are the worst cv- There is a great deal of energy in that 1 ' . Illit. 1 P A 1 Tj i A M E N T A R Y L A W S. i ttyer may. for reasons satisfactory to himself, withdraw bis bid before er known. That she has taste in dress. That she has a good temper. A Coin ni it of hnlnrii,)pnts for Ir.snrin'j i in tir " BrcdJc-nfrl'' I,tsnr".iie Com jiaii'i. Everybody should get insured against AN RI VLlt l.Olx.H, A. V. M snd a quorum being present, the it an v mistake itv Meets o l. .il .4.1 miujv in each n eii nth at re lee. se p. in. oiid DP,. V. ',. HTM, ;.s ; ; A' r rn rs u . a. 1- VERS his profc i I'.mi vicc- to tit'- c. iix-iis of Maot-Mu and .-ui-riual.:iii coir O0i.-t at hi- :-...- . DR. J'. A. NAY. Is. The Pi:i-.-ii.-VT h.wi.ig tal.en the Chair. mumtes of the reeed;ng meeling shall be read, to die end th b correct e i that shall be made in the entries. 'nd. N. t-ieini er shall speak to another, or oihcrwi.se interrupt, the busbies oi' i!ie i c.-i ting while the minutes are being rend, or when anv member is speak ing i:; (! ba'.e. rrd. Every member, when be speaks, shall address the chair standin" in his woman perhaps a triflo too much. At twenty minutes past six I stood on the front steps will' a basket on one arm and Maria Ann's water proof on the oth er and a pail in each hind and a bottle of vinegar in my coat pocket. There was a camp chair hung on me somewhere too but I forgot just where. 'Now,' said Maria Ann we must run or t- e. and when he has finished -r.n. Xo member shall he siiaLl sit down. meet, without ?ave trv. 0 -JH- I TF.i: his ,,r..f.- :al service- to t'ic . r- lzen.s el .M.i!i:-''U ana - u r ;c.;.nn. . -.utitrv ial at i.-iii i ,m ir.-rv. 1.M I-!!"' ami I .-ihhIi- i iis.-.-is. s. O'l'.-i Ilf-fi'lno t "ii .V'-; ' yfi ' Dir. T. W. DANDKllM.E. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, VFICK and P.e-idrn.-e peak more thati auce on tne same sub ' 'i t.ie :-h etuig. ..th. hen two members rise a: the same time, the President shall name the person to speak : but hi ail cases the member who -h ill first rise and address the hair shah speak first. f.ih. Whet a member shall be called to order by the President, or a member, ho shall sit down : and every question out of order shall be decided by the Presi dent, sub Vet to an appeal to the meeting: ant! the President may call for the sense of tiie meeting ott anv question of order sir 7th. If the member be called to order by another member for words spoken. a parcel or hogshead of Tobacco is knocked out. l.'th. hen a bid at auction, at which Tobacco is knocked out. is claimed bv two or more parties, the n-ielioneer shall promptly request an advance of half the accidents. No matter if y u belong to amount of the regular bid from either, which ijeing made, it shall be knocked off to one of the "best of families," accidents the party advancing, provided there be no subsequent bid by other parties. will happen. (Jet out a policy. The old we shaU ,lot catch tlie cars- li'.th. It shall be an offence lor anv Warehouse to receive or'crvthe bid of anv proverb says. -Honesty is the best poli- "Maria.' said T, that is a reasonable expelled member, for which said offence, the penalty shall be a suspension f sales cv-'' lt that was before accident insu-jidea. But how do you suppose I can run at s.-eb Warehouse. Such suspension of sales to be declared by the President, the . rance companies started. Now the best j with all this freight ? ice President in the absence of President, or the Committee of Arbitration, in ; policy is a policy in the "Break-neck." -You must you brute. You always try ah-enec of Vic President and President united, a called nice! in" can be held to ! The other day a man in Chicago fell .to tease me. If you don't want a scene take action relative to such offence. Should anv legal controversy arise from such out of a fourth storv window, lie had on the street you will start too.' Tobacco Association shall sustain the Warehouse in defending no its trance, and consequently was killed. IV , eel ion e i ol.l any such action at law. by the payment of alii necessary counsel, fees and costs, together with such damages as may be a-sessed. ! Tin. All Tobacco shall be correctly weighed by a competent agent in the em ployment of V. arehouses. and any ljjuyr finding objection to weight of any parcel same re-weighed before removing them from 0 IWa-uv Street. three doors ia-l m' I?iv-o u nan 'uumi. Mm-. V. Is;;;. ivi S. EERD. WAT KINS. ATTORN i:Y AT LAW. m h rvoae rifi. . v. Oi'i'l't formerly ii-.vy,. ' by ',,'.. A. .V. '. ... tiie exceptionable words shall be accurate of the matter. repeated, that the President may be or parcels of Tobacco shall have tin" .1. '. .... V . . . . ...i : iii. i. i ... i i i .1 , ii , me t . aieuouse at v. men tne purcnase w as maue. unerwise ne snail be allowed no reciantathin. 1'th. Any member of the Association who shall attempt, by anv means, to in- fliw nee anv Planter or other persons, who may have Tobacco in transitu to the safe. Her policy running out, she neg- and held them Madison market, to earn-the same to his. or their, or any particular Warehouse, in lected to renew it. Shortly after she was o I ran. i Another man on the same day fH o,;i I had one comfort at least. Maria Ann with bis wife. He was insured in the . fcn down and broke her parasol. She Break-neck,"' and is ready to fall out ' called me a brute again because I laugh again, i cd Maria Ann drove me all the way to A woman driving a spirited horse in : the Depot on a brisk trot and as we got St. Louis was run away with. Being in- j on the cars neither of us could get a seat, sured against accidents, she wasn't alarm- ; and 1 could not find a place where I could ed a bit. stopped the horse and came back set the tilings down: so I stood there better enabled to jut sth. No motion shall bo: debated until the same shall be seconded. Hth. W hen a motion shall be made and seconded, it shall be reduced to writ ing, if desired by the President, and read, before tiie same shall be debated. pith. hen a question is under debate, no motion shall be received buf to adjourn, to lie on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to commit or to amend ; which Severn 1 motion sb'lll li ne lirie.il..;ei, ii. lliu nvdnr (liiji- Lln.nl .ir..ni..i.il mifl 1 . ill ... ....... ....... ...... iivvhi... iii in., imu.i iu.1 niiLLin uiiuiei u. (UIU )KMP T attention 2:iven to all business en- , trusted to his care tn the Court of Hock- the motion lor adjournment shall always be in order and be decided w ithout de- uiidiam and adjoining cmuities. N. B. Office in Madison. N. C. ojh'ii on 1st Saturday ..of every month. V W. N. ME15ANE, Attorney at Law, bate. 11 Ui. When the reading of a paper is called for. and the same is objected to. by any member, it shall be determined by a vote of the meeting, without debate. 1 2th. "When the yeas and nays shall be taken upon any question, each inembi r shall declare openly, and without debate, his assent or dissent to tjie question : and no member shall be permitted, under any circumstances whatever, to vote after Went.Worth, Rockingham CO., N. C. the decision is announced by the chair. (&- Office ia-"Court House next door to vti;rsWice. IUACTK.s hi all the Courts of Rocking ham and Stokes counties, and in the C. S. District and Circuit Courts at.( ireenshoro. N. B. Office at Madjson. .. C- iii front of Price's Hotel, open on 1st Saturday of cverv month. Ivl 13th, When the meeting is equally divided upon any questioi shall take the decision of the President. tne Secretary 14th. In the absence of the President the Vice President shall preside, or in the absence of both, one of the Committee of Arbitration shall take the chair. said tow n, during such conveyance of the same to this market, shall be deemed guilty of fraud. And the terms in transitu and conveyance to market shall be un derstood to embrace the whole time from the commencement to pack such Tobac co upon the wagon, or other vehicle, at home, or at the barn, until the same has been deposited in some one of the Warehouses in Madison. lclh. That each member of this Association shall pay annually, on the 1st of Tanaary, the sum of one dollar (Sl.i for the general purposes of this Association. 'th. Should the charge of "obvious ne-di"enec. " fraud" or "toss fraud." in connection with the buying and selling in the Warehouses, be preferred against any member of this Board, he shall be entitled to a fair trial before a committee' of live, selected by the President of this Association. If found guilty of "obvious neglect"" lie shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars. If found guilty of i-frnnl" ho shall be fined not less than fifty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. If guilty of "ijros. frm'tr' he shall be expelled from the Board. From the finding of such Committee the accused may appeal to the Board, when it shall require a majority to fine, and a two-thirds vote to expel. In case the member found j.ulhy and fi.io.l, shall refuse to pay the fine, he shall be expelled by a two-thirds vole of the pietubers present at any regular meeting. "21st. Smoking in Sales-room shall not be allowed during the progress of the Sales. A fine of not less than one. nor more than five dollars, to be imposed by Maria I said in a winning accent how is this for a cool morning ride, i 'Said she, you are a brute Jenkins. 'Said I,' my love you have made that i observation before. I I kept my courage up yet I knew there would be an hour of wrath when we got ; home. While we were getting out the , cars the bottle in my pocket got broken and consequently I had one boot half full of vinegar all day. Tliat kept me pretty loth. In the appointment of Co; nmittecs the first name on the list shall be the Warehouse Committee, on any member of the Association vblating this pro- Ay. F. AxuRtws. ; J. H. McCakou., ANDREWS & Mc CARGO, Surgeon Dentists nAVlNC a.s.s.x-iated thcniscbcs in tie. practice of IHIVTlKiTKV. rcsiieet fullv offer their services to the citizetis et' Mad ison and the surroundai country. One or die other of tlK-m can m! ays be found at their office in the rear of Mc'oeliee. Carter A: An drews' store in the office formerly occupied by Dr. J. i. Moore. All work guaranteed. Teeth extracted without cpain. lyl LEWIS & WO PW'RN. FASHIONABLE TAILORS, Opjtosite Prsce'n Hotel. Mini ison, N. C. 'XT' EEP constantly on hand the latest report JV. of Fashions. OuaranU-e satisfaction, both Chairman of the Committee. Kith. When the President takes the Chair, he shall at once call the meeting to order. 17th. He shall .reserve order and decorum, and each member of the Asso ciation pledges himself to sustain the President in all necessary exercise of power. 18th. The President shall rise to put a question, but may state it sitting. 10th. Questions shall be distinctly put in this form, to-wit : "As many as arc of opinion that as the question may be say -Aye:' and after the affirmative voice is expressed. "As many as arc of the contrary opinion, say "No." If the chair doubts, or a division Ls called for. the meeting shall divide ; those in the af firmative of the question shall first rise from their seats, and afterwards those in the negative. The President saying first "the ayes will rise."" and after counting -the ayes w ill he seated, and the noes will rise."' 20th. The President shall have the right to name any member to perform the duties of the Chair, but .such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment. vision. Owners of Warehouses, at the discretion of the Warehouse Committee, to be subjected to the same fine for violation of this Rule, by parties not members of the Association. run away with again. Her husband's partner ran away w ith her this time, and she hasn't come back yet. Don't fail to renew your policy, particularly if it is in the "Break-neck."' At Dubuque. Iowa, a man was kicked by a horse. The horse wasn't insured, and he got kicked back. 1 Near Paris, Ky., a man, while engaged in running a circular saw, had his arms . . l zr rr '-.i i uiKeu on. j nej consiMcu oi a cavairy , quiet . and Marfa Ann off with a big sabre and a double barrelled shot g"-j whiskered masic teacher and lost her fan The man who carried them off had an ac- j and gQt her feet wet and tore her dress cident insurance-and he hasn't been . and enjoyed ytsdl w much after the caught yet. fashion of picnic goers I thought it never In Etica. N. Y.. a man accidentally got would come dinner time ; and Maria call married. Being insured ' in the "Break- j e(i nie p because JL wanted to open our neck," he will receive 1 " a week tmtil j basket before the rest of the baskets were he recovers. j opened, Andy Johnson writes from Tennesse, 1 At last dinner time came the nice "My policy has run out. Send me anoth- dinner in the woods you know. Over three er by express." thousand little red ants had got into our Near Portland, Maine, a poor man fell dinner, and they were worse to pick out from a loft and broke his neck. lie re- than fish bones, flie ice cream had 22d. Derogatory representations falsely made, bearing upon the Tobacco ceived his insurance. so,(!), Irom the melted, ana there was no vinegar ior me Trade, in any unbecoming conduct, shall be folbwed by expulsi n. or such other "Break-neck," with which he was able to cold meat except what was in my boot penalty as the Association may aree upon. set himself uj in business, and is now do- and of course that was of no account. 23d. The right of appeal is conceded to every member of the Association ex- in well. . i The music teacher spilled a cup of hot cept in such cases involving fines of $3, or less. (,"r aSent at Cleaveland, Ohio, writes: , coffee on Marias head and pulled all the 24th. For the faithful compliance on our part to the foregoing rules, both in "A lumber-horse ran away with a bob- frizzles out trying to wipe off the coffee letter and spirit, to the best of our tinderstanding and ability, and with the deter- tailed wagon, and tipped in the street with his handkerchief. Then I sat on a mination to discountenance and condemn any iolation oi the same, we mutually over a small woman and six elderly chil- raspberny pie and spoiled my white pants 21st. When any member is about to sneak in debate or deliver anv matter to i II 1.1 - A 1 wiSus nmmtMP on worK K" the meeting, he shall rise from his seat, and respectfully address himself to "Mr. President," and shall confine himself to the question under debate, and avoid I BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. personality. THE undersigned announces to the public j 22nd. Respect for the Chair is essential to any well organized body. Hence 'b hnNew" 'telS'pw!'' should any one fail to obey the order of President or Chairman, after the residence where he is prewirto niaktf a meeting has been called to order, he or they shall be fined at the option of said ood lit in either Boots or .shoes. j Chairman not over f 10 nor under $2 : the penalty of not promptly paying being WMTUitod?'' t0DC Ce SVAPEN? ! expulsion from this Association. pledge each other. OFFICERS: B. J. SHEPPARD, President. II. J. McGElIEE, Vice President. W. S. LINDSAY, Secretaky and Tkeasuher. W. P. MILLNER, -1 JNO. M. CONRAD, C Standing Committee. W. B. TAYLOR, ) Committee on PubluMtionVf. F. Reynolds, Jno. M.. Conrad, W. S. Lindsay. WntehoHse 'C)Wmiti4e:0. B. Law, CoL James Martin, Robert P. Webster, J. M. Smith, Aug. Reid. dren. The horse beran to cry and the ' and concluded I didn t want anything ! wagon bled freely at the nose, but other-1 more. I had to stand up against a tree ' wise the street is doing well. No insu- the rest of the afternoon. The day af-. ' rance." forded considerable variety compared to 1 A boiler exploded at Memphis, blow-, every day life, but there were so many ing the engineer into the air quite out of; little drawbacks that I did not enjoy it so. sight. He will receive $15 a day until much as I might have done.""' ' he comes down again. A hog-driver in Mt. Sterling, KyM was u ri -c rtcu: Waiter, i these eggs are shkrdlyldoncl V very much hurt by a fall fall in pork, j 'llab some dat is mora. softly ikmesat Members of "ioWtfioii.-Reynolds, Wall & Co., Jnu. M. Conrad, 0. B. ' , j A good book and a. good wonuuwaj Law. W. S. Lindsay, S. B. Ziglar, McGehee, Carter & Andrews, J. M. Smith, S. ! A man run away from Litchfield, HI., ! excellent things for those whftJpqw,hjf-i S. Heggie, Wm. P. Milker, Ro. P. Webster, Sheppard & Martin, Webster & Co., J to avoid paying his debts. He left afam- justly to appreciate their value. Tere Reid'& Pratt, Thomas Price, J.'M. Vaughn, CoL James Martin, Jo. H. Cardwell, j uy (not being able to take them with I men, however, who judge ' ol "botli QiXK ' WebStCr' R' D' HV W Mar,in' J"" T- Beynolds jr., Dr. W. R. jhim ) No ilU5Urance. j from the beauty of the covering. m t it f -it! if; I I ' Hi i 1 i. X f II ; V- i a f 4' 1 y I i ' . f T ,

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