ADVERTISING RATES. o Ten lines, one inch space, or hs r..ntihit. $ a square. THE MAGNOLIA MONITOR. o PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT- MAGNOLIA, C, BY W. T. HASNAFORD. I v;:. sgo.-x) R."i.'K 5u.lo 70.00 1 square 7 .11 I r ' -Jt IV III in 11 t(TV JY R n W M II I In i f ySy A W 1 1 flJM) $2.50 $11. uo 1.50 4.50 11. .00 1.00 6.00 1(5. .. 8.50 9.00 25. 4o.Ort -00 15. ' 40. 70.O0 10. 25. 70. I2.-I. . a - fcjf Trading matter notices are rh.-11-wt t'.u t teem cans per line first insertion, and io opnt per line for neb adbaeqiiest insertion. : There will be no;devfaUon irom the above lteaod regidaOiong. - 123 Our term are CASH unless by special MAGNOLIA, X. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1874. NO. 22 '),. ).'" Sir M.'hth? 'J 'in e Mmiih::. . . 1.25 V J1J. ti) MiSb'KU.ANL'Ol TI1F M UrXOLIA MONITOR "V0'1 Hr'' "j" the water and " j u itriDut ouce n iiidving Ins gaze there in ihe only li-r iuili-lii'l in Hit- frrii, lie tvent on in a quick, excited County oI'Duplin, und bus an ex- tone, US lie poised llis paddle ICadv l,.,isivi- ( 'ii-iil ittion Onslow, n"d .loiici. for u stroke ''The instant they rise, ward tli'in that we muv theiii " Hardlv liad he ceased speakin the physician not only "brought to," hand beckoned her eagerly to one but lc?mmencing to 'give proofs, by , road, from another rose the sad, care- ....... -.-- aim ill 1KT ears rang that promise given her dy ing 'tather to foil as far as possible his pull to rescue l,iu 1.,.,.,-nno-e and violent gles.that he was in one of his dread- r While the sren- tlentan were all debating the best dis-1 place to the loved ones ;Ieft behind, ... . 1. of him. their 1 and she jelt that m furmmir other ties. Ir ,.l M I- sl;li.-I..HCf. but Tfc! Tliirt aiit ,1 .Si.ntllt'iTi II. '!.)'! V i lalit. (1 not t. ,,r:;.l.; r;t:y I' i:' ' irv. or a 11 mjtirioii- i.mi ::;i PURELY VEGETABLE, i-..M:iil::l'- t.: .-' S 1 1 1 ' i ! I'll ! i M.T . ;i lill 11 i - .ii n 1 1 j - wtii- 1 . i ! ni.-t i nvail. It wii.cuit a.i Jjistasfs caim-d by D raiigemen. ol ihe L:v r Published Wednesdays .f i. r iii' ! ! 1 .1 ' 1 1 . . f I . . ; II ..'l." . ll oil : - . ;i t, .in in t :ir' a i h : ! in in tin- i lnii ii for lllit ii- j it I 1 ! ii' . I.OH- i ll ,H llil'lli'. loss 111 I ii'rS tr ill tl to ; III! 1 i !l UOIil i; ;i r ini-i h '.ii-tir l'.:in ol hi otli. l oi'Mll il '111-- h III j.Iolll bit t- r or I. a'! tit-t' l.iu li. s;!. -, or j,int In.'lt IMll . mi : i l ;t j O I'll.l ! i '. 1 or !,. l.ior. tin "ollii till ll' , ilt Kill ty. lo oi, of tin -kri , .'l . K. I, for r ,, ; ., fVlii:' i I"-,' (Vu , ' - , ' tl..' l..,. , : . ' -. .1 ' oft !. lli. il lid f ..-,' I ' ' i -it 'll!l. I 'lilt;. vr. trlii ii: . . : 1 ! ' I v i!i . nlu. . Tills Great Ui:'.i: .p h I'LOI - IG will i ot be four d ii.- L . .1 t npUasjni. I'm- CON-l l,' . I o. InsJM.I'SlA. .I;:n.i. dic.'. hilllo ;,!:.., -, - ; ;;..;- !i.-. i-oli.-. d-- lll',ioil'ItS. ')('l: 'l I II. i.l ..!!- iiiii n, iv. , .-. . SIMMON'S LIVER REGULATOR, Or Mr.i .ciii', tthc cheapest lurestanl st Fami y Meiicine In th Woi.d. .MAM I A i II !!KU MM V I V .J. ii. zi:i li , co., MACON. OA., iiml l'iill A 1 U J .1'IHA. Frier $1.00. Sold by all Drassisto. " I'l'MI.M'ATKi.N'S. Christian Advocate, IJ.M.EK.'II, N. ('. l!i:v. J. j;. l;oi;l;rj'T, J-:i.i r -i: ,v Ti I'.il-iir.i:. J't :l! 1 i. li I iii I r . HAS TKK Tjjii-om C'ii- iilaitioii in Hi,, (..t, . Di -votoo' to R li.'ion. ritciHtnr.. rise acaiii time : vuu e;t;i Written for tin- Monitor. l i l;IOH T SKlTKKU.J Contest and Conquest. A STORY OF SOUTHERN LIFE. i;y !.i:lia lf.i:. i iiai-i'hi: .xx ii. -Hit 1 IV o'i ii I'm t in inc.: i iij'ti li il U'. t:: llii'i Waller 1 1 i" I i.l! :. iiO'iing i . I. i l i.iias l it!) .h : I j illl .dll'-!'Vie ! Ui VI J li-liill'J' gi'i .iHnl. "Wli! i creek (-in i d lri'j,"' i i 1 1 i , , ' . - . . . ii! liii ! 1 a ;iiik 1 1 Willi all liail kept Mill the W a - i 11 ie WlV el io 'ii ni' ui" ! .'ii i' Iriends ' tiiev .iiiger-'d at the i was a .small the l'l'tninac iiii ; ill : 'il itklllll'lS. II S ii il't Sllill 'It's ilelio'llt tl 1(JJ up the iaseinaUiio- Iiusiness tin- .lark slia'iis tiiiowu upon I'ealli war 1 1 )u-lii that the suil 'nkii.U, all. I at lei.oili very re- Istiong hand, and the boat shot toward J a struggling mass which his quick eye discovered on the surface of the water a short distance Item the hunt. j He only reached the spot to see the 1 white, beautiful face of the woman he ! so passionately loved sink again l'tom ! his sight, and in frantic agony he had j risen to h ap over the side of the boat. when tin.' voice of Wither arrested j him. j " tay, stay ' they wi I and closer to us next i aid her lar better here than in tin j water." ,- Struck by this sound reasoning of , his triend, Ralph did stop, but oh! j what an age of iiguuy did it seem to j him er'e the white face again gleamed j upon the dark water's breast, and he by a quick, prompt movement gained Hie spot and -caught, tin-golden wreath of silken hair which iloated out like a soft bronze cloud upon the water as the lovely face of its owner was sink ing for the last time from the eyes . i her agonized lover. Ketainino" only a j sufficient hold upon her long ti esses tn bear her near enough, our ln-ro grasp ed the senseless form of our heroine and attempted to draw her into the boat, but to Iris horror he found that her captor, as yet unknown to him, ', still had the slight lorm grasped linn-; ly in his arms, and all his force was not sufficient todisengage his idolized j one from the firm, cruel .clasp. i at 1 lii'l; lent! .- ,nie i .11 hi 'i nil ttR noon previous, and tna iu " his young heart went out in admi ration of her moral worth, while all noughts .f self shrank abashed in i he presence of such heroic self-abne-ration on the part of this frail pirl scarce lifted by time from the portals of childhood. " Forgive me, dear Essief if my thoughtless words wounded you," he xclaimed in a low humbled tone. "Had I not been half wild with" dis appointment and grief I conld not nave spoken to you thus.- Believe me, though 1 cannot see the necessity for this sacrifice ot your-self to dutv. lean appreciate all tho strength of that beautiful spirit which prompts yon to make the sacrifice. The love i- . . , i or a neart iiko yours is a boon too good for me 1 feel, and I will try to be more worthy of that at least by schooling this selfish, impatient heart of mine into submission to yenr de cision. You say that were that dutv nate lover, and tried to make him si c I lullilled you would move vonr desire ihe information gamed irom tne as stie did, but ualph, impetuous and l ter my happiness by consenting to be keepers rendered clear the mystery oi deeply in love, young and full ot Muine. Then, dear Essie, I will wait Dr. Walworth's act, but no one could ardent hopes, could not at first be ffr the fulfillment of that duty ; I will account for his meeting with Lssie, j brought to see anything as right save live, looking ever forward to the tinn and so until morning should find her j the fruition of his own glowing hopes, j when, having acted up to your stand refreshed sufficiently In gie particu- j and it was lony er'e Essie, with tears i ard of riiht, and achieved the vicior lars, all were forced to content them- j gemming her brown orbs, could pre--elves with surmises. j vail upon him even to listen to her objections. During this painf ul inter- ; view, however, the one deep sting- ol position t.. be mane o. ....... - --v-- doubts were fortunately rcneeu u ( ""V separation the con.ino- of two me... well known j from them, or else I placing the bur m.. ii0.!...! ... the individuals i den she had assumed upon the shonld- jwhen, with lightning speed, the pad-! ! Vl'i unfertuu.t'e man as hisiersof another, and she knew too well 'die struck the water, impelled bv his ' . , A. i... in i the nobilitv and indonpndpnm rt guards :it sucii times,""" -. - - - " .r- " search of the Doctor and much mother s nature to think for a moment alarmed at not being able to find him. j that she would willingly become ;de- Tiiev informed his rescuers tuat tne i pei;ueiu iq.ou any one s generosity as long as ny untiring ehort sne could gain for herself an honest livlihood And Essie, possessing- an equal share their vigilance and ttisap-ioi tnat notue spirit, could in nor her Mr Morehind's carriage was I mother for such sentiments, and would i:d the tin-; have been the last to request her to hit he had about two escapet pea red. ola.-ed at their disposa ho the alter ins previous near i sacrifice them. fn'-l ll-.i to m:ill U- Hi 1 1 : 1 I come so causing a double death was conveyed j All this and more did she set forth home to the infinite ivliet ol Ids j for the consideration of her importu- f lielld; you desire, you can come to me am say, 'My work is accomplished witl duty now 1 can enter the service ol CIIA1TKR XXXVIh. T: :e next morning i u 1 1 i v l.e -a ll'-V Kir .'1 ill I .1! i New and General Ixittdlj Si icnci roue. . TH. Art, j is,.-, i i' . i ) plants lav Ovo-jiii ol lh,. 3V. (.'onli'w.nce ,. l, n T,. I waves ami ol Hit- JVX. li:. Clim-c lu fioiiUi. i ie sent :.. : ; i l" l; -mewnrd ;id' i' I reasi. bono littlo inii'ioicd lands of gr.' en, upon the tin plasii the twitter Wound ui) tl i'e.w swift strokes the little hoat 'ii the river's cool shadows ii. .- anu In ; 1 1 - glossy water riL-i', snil'ace, f the minat(nr of birds' 'bioft'e desired particulars, and found Essie much better than any dared hope after so narrow an escape from death, and she declared herself fully able to get up fur breakfast, but to this Mrs. Morelaud would not listen, bidding her remain in bed at least until after noon, but, as noon approached, our in valid plead so hard fur release that i i a . i : i, she was perniitieu to go uuvvn in me drawing room, and have, at the sug- her ri "Strike tho 'brute loose, Walter," gestion of Ralph, her dinner served he cried out passionately. " In God's beside her sofa on a little stand, and name, don't you see he'll drown ! arranged on a most beautiful little in- vnbi set ot china, which was ol use I a temptation. Essie laughingly de clared they were all conspiring to make an invalid of her nolens volens, and protested against so much un necessary trouble, but her expostula tions were o vended, and besides it was quite impossible lor our heroine, not- It lift it8 BUDtWrt. ntlll tlw font Inm-il io,l nf I i.f.e wtilln ItB-MiniStew," (aUof-whovo are agen s) iovrara t ,1,,.,., , . increasmg Ub circulation, 111 '" J 1 ,USV W oll'or no liremmniB. The Anvoi it(- stands t uuon its iiitiiiisi'- lm iVrf. VVliilr it is M. th.xPstir in doi ti ii:-. it wid contain news Irom -.ill Chun-in m n.-. to nutU. it :i '.irl.-iiMi'- visitor to tin- intelligent rtai'.u. i.f ui! d-i.o!iiiiiitii)tis. Its wide ami itt'-i-, at-ini; c'.r -ulaiion i.ii.l-: it a .,,.' ti .;..,',. o,- : . . .-.-.' t'.-.i On,- ,v,,. i. Instantly Seaton's paddle was rais ed and in another moment would have descended on the man in the water, when, by a sudden struggle or turn, his lace was revealed to Kalph, and he lecegnized the okl friend of his father. Dr. WahvOrth. " Hold I" he shouted to SeatoD, and j withstanding- her stern resolutions of as the latter paused '"in surprise J the evening before, to resist the sweet -ull v. KO'.uiA iialitli coniiReas,thoagh a sudden j thrill o. gmteful love .wjai.c"n agitated portsmen tnougnt tiiiu just shuck turn : ner neart on uemg tnus tne recipient ater ot hucIi tender care and attention as yon from Ralph. " It is not for Ions' Itself ill worth liolding her. em. At tu-st. the sportsmen inotignt tiau just, sti uck nim : t n a lively .iiiivcrsiiti.iu iii re-1 "I'll hold Jicr aboye the W lClii e to tl'.e oie; stl'infis of slii- makol'.ii- the Innding as fast a ... x al.n.s .-';iicii -o..d evi- ; can and we may save both. T r 1 ' e t ;t : to- Tcnus, W.t'u l. r iiiinuiu. in iidvuni-i, for llloutll.J. (DAILY WI'KwI.Y.'i Published by STOXI'l I a ! Tl".V()'l'l'.l) l Tlil. ) th.- S al. ol No la C SS of til'- ' IIS' r .. ! i . incut of :ln- i.filif i invit iiii; niif.-. ;it i. !. i vain', n .- ii I ol : u , , , crvtlilliir I ii;it -' i v . , oils a in 1 null i' , ;. ,. t . ZZK -7 IN'l'l I Mi . 0 ot th I'll i -ai- ao .n i lll.e'i: Mill bi-i in '.i. ll.i-V i- t:i oi,i t.o jiaoda .- ': huh- b. In -,i silent I ll teW ; j 1 1 s t in o! Ile pree .1! i '11 ll)"ll e.e. . I bank at ll ao ii u ; . t . 1 hlni ;U :;t l': 1 1 1 1 e;r r, i.'ut i c. e r - -I a i ' 1 1 v i i . . I 111 - - s a - . . i o i. 1 1 . . o.-. . . . ,i I - I." I.... A .....1 t-li, .nl. l i' ,iV eXll.-.U - oil tin ' It. I sO't; I .sa. t.-!- lieu nii'i "' !, f:,.; tho (as much as possible above the water, ;,.),,,. ;,.. lovelv jour in m braced his feet firmly against uu.-i hove eaitsed a oie sides of the boat, and W alter, x- ,-rting- ' very energy, sent the little i . ii! swiftly, towards the landing, which, being so close by fortunately. w;ts soon reached, and then by thoi; united efioiis the two half drowiu d "lies weie di awn with great upon the shore. Essie, utterly un ci nse'.' dis, was still 1 he banks ! the ieartU ..; ;.g s steep and it v q'-irei '' 1. po.l down ; wr la ' Only for a little moment let metaak in i he beautiful light of this sweet i , - ... i- ii-o nicoiiise, ie; silence, and !;o'h';iv handled . .. . ' i- 1 1 ! . ii '. si nee ei i at aids.' ,' h;: 1 geded ,,,1'A'til w ithin 1' li;c landiiiL:' I ' the ad ii-: a ' r 1 1 . -1 ' . I a la i ;!. : i ' . VI ' ll- : r :- . . Ved, t hi- , i leav.ilj' the nvel 1,1 I ill a lew h . i ii - i'aee ,,f il j !: 1 ' I I I ! U S I " 'ii Si ill '1! point whole. ;..- ill li,.' 1. clasped tightly in grasp ot the maniac, and all l heir united strength to his 1 1. - it 1 loose. .Neither show ast sign ol life, and Kalph. raid.c with tear, caught t'.p Kssie's insensible lorm and almost ran witii her up the long avenue t the mai.sioli. love.' Will vou promise me this, dar- self reproach was removed from our j ling Essie will you thus reward m heroine's hearp In the horinning of ! waiting ?'' " i will promise you. dear Kalph,' replied Essie, as a smile of gratefu love broke through her teats, "tha . be the coming yeais bright or gloomy be the time long or short, through shiidow as through sunshine, to keep undimmed the lamp of love in my own heart for you, but I d"o not andannoi accept such a sacrifice from you. 1 1 fate, or rather a kind Providence so ordains that I have to perform a cer tain duty, it is not just that you too should for my sake isolate your self from all the sweets of love and domestic happiness, and I beg that you will forget me and take to your heart and home some one prepared to to devote all her time and thoughts to your happiness, with no other strong ties to divide her allegiance " " Never !'' resolutely spoke Kalph. "You are my first love, Essie ; from the moment in which I first gazed into your face three years ago, 1 have loved you, worshipped ou as the star set apart to illumine-my.lifer aali. one being necessary fco the realization of my happiness and the only influ ence which can make my life a sue- cess.- i ou see wnat you conscien tiously consider a barrier to our union at present, and, recognizing and re- speeting- ull your sentiment of ritfht I shall no longer try to oppose mysell tothem, but will await the coming of that day which will I feel give you ' C' 1 i T l i 4 rainbow meshes to the sombre future : iinguish your purpose and let me take ' hY w I(,r w" w:UI- .ml v a iotle while and then," promis- ! up the burden who am so much abler And to this ruso ution our hero ad- idinc heart with a sigh,. I to bear it.' :rin.,i,ft,i. ,m .ri, a n. Hin, ,,',., , . , , ., : to accept, his pledges oi allegiance. "Ah! do not tempt .no further, , . fnJhe indi0im.(1famoIld Kalph. you know not how hard is the . . . . . , , . l . . , nlu on his bosom a tinv d-o d chain, he 1 1 1 1 . I-. I ... I- I I , 1 - T e in my neart aneanv, uui i , . , -t . - , severeu it in twain, anu utyiiio uni- ,e to all the ! tboir interview, and immediately after Ralph's declaration of love for her, she had referred to his supposed -engagement with his cousin, and to her unbounded surprise and joy, found that so far from being betrothed to Hortense, he had never entertained for a moment , any thought of a mar riage between them, and from his re marks Essie drew the inference that he as yet was unaware of the desire entertained by Mr. Morelaud for a union between his son and his ward, ami she therefore made no ref ence to that fact, leaving Ralph to draw his own inference as to the way in whi'-h she had taken up an idea that he was betiothed to his cousin. The thought was ineffably sweet to her that she had not bestowed her love upon one who did not reciprocate it ; that it was returned fully by its object, and though she had firmness enough to refuse bis hand and for tune, she did'not, could nut refuse him the knowledge of the pure love fur him which reined in her heart. "And if-yon- hpsee me, Essie, why not prove that love by giving me tVie right to lift 3'oti above the lite of care hum uU all! Tick.ts tu 1 tirdi hnn only teu cents ! Refreshminta it evvry Ktaehun ! Easy vont doun ,'rade ! Well, evvry moril pnrt?1n wuz ua rcnerus etiuf tu kaul this mene, bnt lidtiunl them men redeem ttH;r kav actura nohli. 'Twuz thusry tha dun t On the da uv tho fewneril, thn e mar fellers feclin bad a bow t Sensitiv's ? leth, felt despnt an thort thade enjoy I a ride. So tha bot sum tickiN fnuu Misturs Kakcall, Kascall and Ktiin..H, in, uv koure, ihoi t tha wmv at iib 'erty tn ride wiiur tha ileezed. lull, he i n saki s ! tha haddcut moar thait tick theer sects an not rf.'cm jup.. b 'oar-in iuftlKt1Hhetckn"t sellhrsaiiy" -unitciiin them deludid travluis . '.it.-ii1 that koiich, ko'mmeiisi d belh r ;: oir sumboil.iy tn si. j. inn f; urn bi ikin .he Divine hiw, an in ten miiinits t ha had he three 1 i mi l, r kritiuis gitn.i I. d an nng up hi the heels like unt r fat Kirkers. When we kum t'i, Mi-tur Uakeall. Mistnr Kas.all an Mister liuinall w ir., ecch wun with hvn b. , k in bible, stundin ovur t'n-m s-'nnrsa sain. "I'm a m.irril man: I .! n! i:k 1 1 inmorru k hnif st. 11 1 ndiik iujtlie to ireakiii The w 11, an il ew D; vim k. in- iiandm nts, l ll brcaK vewf d d bed U'- ! We iitusl mr hi (! .' Well, tha let 11111 hong theer till all vil sj: mis had di ipjcl out at theer nouths, and then ll.a sed tu inn : " 1? ein :;. how y w spent yo,:r last luarlcr fur tiijit with iis.w e'll let ew lown fur baf prise. VII find ew .urs sed wun r.v - iiii - y, v thoii-an IiV 1 bah lis t UV and toil you have laid out for yourself toil cannot doubt, darlino. m mil drciiin ; tor a brief space let me draw I lingness, my grcftt desire t'o devote about niyself this beautiful, golden i all my time and energies for the hap ilm adeil veil of fancy and see how piness and welfare of you and yours. . ,1...!.. 1 1.-.:...:.' ii .1.... l.''...i ill.... 1 ir- are tne tints mipai ieo oy 11s ; say tnen, tieai nssic, iiiai on win il- the a 1 1 v ed tnat ol'-adma" heart with we will fold tenderly away this gos samer veil, this net work of brilliant and dreams and lav it among the lair, faded contents of that great darkened corridor opening from every heart of earth at whose entrance is woven, in yew and cypress the words, Might lutvc been !" stru. cannot selfishly overlook your good and my own duty. The difference in our positions is too great to e overlook--d for one monfent, and though 1 i i- . T .1 your generous neart jorgeis n. 1 u Ah, Essie! sweet, patirnt, Aoung . t nol' I l' wouhl the members voviig. 1 on life's "thorn-strewn way. bnhilv willingly witness such ;i c j to vou then, as it hatl 1 1 verv different alliitnce from the niiiny A bv 1.1:1 will he f-y.,d , V-ys iii il W. ioltil 11 ot tl,, si NO ,! i,d c ed.CMNs the I- I. -o, I;. ill rat- sfl:sci;ii'i' P. A 11. . 1 i a I. . I. i in .-ii in; uenci ill! e; do Pi ,e I.Clght Walter, ring 'ii - paddle ,.d a 1 a i-.i ; s I Daily, one y, ,ir. Weekl". one war lllis.-l il 1- r l; 1. , ' 1 1 i ' 1 fast. STON E V l .l.l.l.. fioi'll. a 1 V.;i. :-. - pari s! pa ill 11 s m 1 1 1 .-at Avi' .1 an oil oil I hero. '! hear voir. i ick im. : u ; i". i g THE WILMINGTON ST AH. ESTABLISHED OKLY SIX YEARS ! 1 e o 1 lie ;tv I. O o;o no there. 1 IP!., po i.l iii o as k v nit ii Was lc 1". 1 v. N b- 1 DAILY STAR HAS THK l.Al'.Cd'si 1 I;:. 11 i ii. of uny P;ol .V . ;''!.' e. ' '...ino:: circulation 111 Vv i'.i:iiiH-..i, i-ato 1 ah .s LAHOi: its that of ,,i,v . 0., 1 ;.;ie. r. All tin in Us of t 1. 11. v -,,,11'!., 1 ::i ,l ,;, i'. COIulcHs.-ll wllcll il' 1 i '.. : ji. '.-;. 1 , ; . : ! ; . . : . I of moment, and I '.o. 1 , s, . , ; . , ,., ; , ,r iuti'llij;cnt iui.l inn e- i.i.ia: SVHSCr.llTIoN ,1.1 ; b. ; , , One Year . , Six Months Three Months d W a!., a. gu s.. all.- I ii.' . a 1,1;. ''I i h III- '1. .ilt! lie in. in. t h '. ; si ." I'l : !.'. 1.1 g; 1 . M-.-i ting Mr. Morelaud at the front d i.-r, he n (piesicd him to go with two men ii.sianily to ihe landing, and iheii, w.ilioiit stop'pii.g for a word oi explanation to the astonished man, went swiltly on with ins unconscious Piii, i, -n to the drawing room, and g. lit ly placing lief Up- ul a s. fa. -uiuiooti. .1 Mis. Morelaud and the ser vants 1 1 at was the alarm and conster nation ot tin.- geothostiss, and d the upon learning and it was long and strenuous restoring her P it length, after w n- .1 li a;.- cm in Kss.. 's ( ' .nod km e'"e ihe li.ost ettoits .siieeo.tied in consciousness, but ptelup 1, .. 1 !e p est ,, a 1 1 oad 1 : 1 1 a -i 1 1 1 . : u 1 :! 1 1 1 o Is.. i'oti, a;.-i h' w . as li-. 1! ioly ah T, .. ' ae'h a 1 1 ear : 1 1 . e ; .1 t . - VC iheni. Slltldell ed Yt ce rang ' id in 1 1 ha.l Ve a I nit si elned all age suspense, aiil- mat loii Wi.s re-, p. -re. I. and Ralph, win. uad hung al'oiii her like one bcreit "t retison dm mg the p;iintul season ot suspense, coiihl scarcely suppress his , llglit at si e.hg once moie It s.-ciik 1 i ... . 1 seemed to many another neait on i j,r()UU; ones to which your rank and earth, so bittt r, so hard to jiut aside Wt-;i 1 1 li entitle 3"on." ! Ihat brilliant veil of young hopes and ; Aml (,() yni M. onp Inomollt de.,r 1 dreams ; to consign it, just at it seem- j Ksj(i j,,,.,;,;,,,. tii:tt any objection ,d tci.dy to envelope your life, into j ; ur,r.a' bv -aTI,iiv hich objections; I am sure exist only in your sensitive j mind, would for an instant even make , me waver in my determination or love for you ? No, a thousand times no ! . besides they will not, they cannot of-j fer any objection. What has the con- j sideration of a few paltry thousands to do with our life happiness? Oh ! ; Kssie," he went on passionately, "you wrong your own nature : you wrong' me in thus making social position an obstacle to mv happiness, and you cannot love me as you lately asserted if you allow it consideration like that to come in between us.'1 ltalf in Essie's hand said, as he bent over and pressed upon her lips the first sweet kiss of love, " If at any time in the future you ., find your heart changed, darling, send this to me. 11. he added with a smile, "any miracle should cause a like change in me voifll receive this hive thoiisind d. 'Mush-hie- blio.d.' he victnuis. " Long .lie it jis gim in.- vvioi indr'n an inc keep ; eevver hie t rubble-" Well 1 wuz ovutkiiiii with theer iiobil acks. I node theer n-u.. a lew ord di stoar fur sich men, an 1 wantid um tn no it. I lit rite oil' tu wun uv nm, Mistnr Kuinall, and tide him tu reed the xxiii ebaptur uv Malhew an lie i .i wild see tne in ooiniin in. iiv uv him. Whi jrcs wun v much : " Rut vve unto y ind Pharisees, hypoci io up the kingdom oi li men, for ye neither go neither suiter them tha go in " I am haunted by a vinion. -a Of a dim. old moM-drfifK1 feet have wandered oft Where, through tlio diui niloi Like Htai-H in a IwilijLrlit hIv Hweet no worn are nof(.ly li'owin'. KcontinK ea-h zopJivr'H niu'li M'illolV I'liu. e i .a. pieci To UK CnXTIM Kn. For the Magnolia Monitor. SITKS AX SOl'XDS AT KULMIXA SHl X IMXT KOXTIXKRKD. 1!V KITTY KfRIOl'i oy and the blown iovetl unch fl olii iel' PRR'E KF.Dl'Cli'i THK WF.l'.KIA s'l' vi: ,, .... the t AKOl.lN V I'AK.Mr .. OieajH-st ppi i in tic ., ;u-f v o in- HKDrC'KI) It ATI . t ; . . ng air, bei-.W. UlPl. ;. i low d the s I'c. t li-wii: it tl n, mi nt a ::.!:. !.' '. to : ...! ie ,d o! r;. r. .ug he! iaiii :- i t V and , :ic . : i i,i v eves ol ;e and vv aiai . .no to an, d hei ! 1 1: :hxi r.slv above lc r. condition i rui.t'ed. ai.d 11 -V suggested , .f geiting ia -r in hi r it w ,;s Kalpii s s!l. ''..j. ; ,-ie.l hi r i.i-'i bo, e . : l . : i . lice IHO i l.e i I o -. n he so fondly I.,- l-n.'.'iiiiilv fact -s' 'beh. 1 As soon as iis M- i. -the l.etes . twn l ". m. ; arms iw..t ; i . , . tins dun corridor oi tne neai is m earth--this sepulchre of might have b..'en, but that corridor hath still an other out ranee, one entrance we see, ihe other one openeth up in the be yond, and one day, standing amid the far stretchilio- o-l()ri(.s of the other sliore. we shall look again into tluit j eon idoi : shall see once more all the i beautiful, enticing shapes which were so ilear lo us, and which it pained us .vi to lay away in that dim receptacle, : but oh f hot ;ts thru will we behold j them. Tin y will reappear to us, not as j the beautiful. rl..wer-wrcathed dclu-! si' dis we l eg , Father's ham stripped of their delusive decoration . i ., . .. ...o ,.l,...,'lv lu foi-e us tlll'l .-.lilLilll' ".H ua.'lll ....v.- , . black, piercing thorns and fostering 1 .1""1"'-' ' i , .. j uz prtecu u e same uocmi ... ev N vv-tocli IDs tender watchful love sense of du'y imfulfilletl that weiglit see befoar I kum visittm tu Kulmina reii.oved from our livc' that in this i "f a solemn promise on my soul alone jsiun Pint, thur wuz a rnity fuss made re-it d-v of unveilin oiir rebellious ' w,"ch ',v-s strength to reject the j i,j the moril part uv the peepul '.....o. ,...,, ,.i.,..;...ti,,'- acknowl-:bal'l,1!" -s 3'"" Ige that w hich Hb i ks ver teiich u ii: s v, ell." eilully laid there, but a i siiall show them to us i Well, az I wuz a gwine on tu sa, . . . t -. .. ii n: . .1 i : me an .vnss reean, .viistur anu .uiss Knowall tin Doctur Cureall went tu the'funeril uv the unfortinit Sensitiv Suitall, an, on our reteern, I seed sum thin else nue. It wuz ".lie most buti- tul specerrflin uv konsistincy that I ow, it thur rhere the xwav in al)ve in air. Breathe love to stari and cleitr. While tin-bird-., hit' H,iai.,'.iiu.,;.. 'Mid the till, 'Jed iir.-le-s , . Warbling son U-liti in.; KiriugV hrilit.-Ht l.,y. And the hum of each tiny nso I thai i "l s ujion a leaf. 1'loatn nil to iod thanks v., 1 hii..- !.. a- ram.-, life ho I, rief. And the sunn of nature, o h-iin.; From mountains r-r !..-. .. o 1 : . - 1h (welled a.- it upw i ,1 Moat.-tli 1'y tho anthem of the waves. lint .lint all joyful Houndelii t iti.t t in of the vvavoH. To my heait 'tin lmt a rc.jiiliuii uhj.-h i-ueli aljove the frraven ( If loved on cm v. i'o lie i- , -,- ,. i r;. Low in that foi ck? o! I. WliOKf verf-re the hiu's i,o i-i, coin,' Invvavewof laiuhent t'"l 1. and h iis r lie- oth-'-r ! I'vvur seed in mi life " And I do not allow it, dear Ralph," j z fimytjng on tliis mundain, spher said Essie w ith emotion, " remember , j-i,, plannit 1 hi admire it iz koiisis 1 only ieivaiiced that as one plea in , tinsv tu see a man rractis az well ... . t r A: I ! ; One C One (. ' I'll- V, :H' Six Mond . It i i i Chil.s of .-i I,. ID. ,,. Sir (.Tnl.s ,.f lo ,,r ,;-,. per e.'j.y. Sj.oeiniei: t-,. i, .-.j Ad.lrtss. he 1. .' '11' mv r.- i.'int'n; '. . L". i a. i g s v. ; t t :r i. l.i.n in w! , th.' wi.. n in - a i i . upon i siiiiiing , i siTi .'III i l'.ssle I t I' e t ni I I one entity, h I o I el 1 ; - 111. s ne t I t neat li the i. I i ; he gather- d and iheli lnee ri' wLih a vv. i fn .in th. in i . i i . . i lit v while a uusu : .i a I il ile bf 'oin s i t .tlid neck. A lew m 'inel.ts Ralph's departure for and lToV to dispiose and she v. iis soon si el s I- ... lo.-,." I-) ' h.s . eV Cs li ' ' i I .y ami i . oW ll eh ised 'h like the heart ol read all over face i r e ,.g "n. i ..f i her . o. under tin . '. ilsit v eil Cii in eartldv vision. th's .ii'e:ini of " young . . -or fair heroine .v ii-.. . ;. . ., i t i s you oner me. vv eie it ; ., ,,..t oo ur three mCervidera s wno , I ..ilwirivi.-i. t..,i... ii...l f.,.Anl(. I i.l in I i ll- 11- 11.. i l i ininisters and i 1 ,-i- t.i.n. on-, vim, o-j . nan oin seinng iickus ri m pn--,c iu ; '-He doth all i tl,c' liast I"'1'''"1 mance instead of, as ,.nI1y j)()Ur ph0ol.s who wantid tu ride it is, awaiting me in the future, then i tn perdishun, an the moril men an aJovv in the ' would 1 gladly prove to you how far j wimmen had dun thur levil best tu t bv a kind God ', above all ui nor considerations how ; hilCt ti,e ofa an stop the travil lid this life- iniuiuei) supenoi to an si.i iijhcs oi . that line, but when it WUZ put tu a love" ap-1 l'line 1 nti'in Ui(' aiia-nmem oi your j thetickit sellers got thur fijjcru wislies and the consummation ot vour I lin -n .. h mnn o-ral.hin n. fourteen i Fiut .. . , , 0 Tliere Hide by nide lie sl-ejiiio; son For one life't, joyn had f ii.f .l jitHt ijcgim : And in the flush of manli ... There another -till was J. A hunhaiid. km 1 .u. I t ,. ;, ; .Sleeif iieatti tie ' I ; :i: - While hy hi.'ii meel. . i ";' a- a I rta.'.-it hiiy falls. SleefiH a tiny, dark-.' e ! h''-v on , tiie ;.ei nt.. pri le of all. All day ia that fore-t ol h-n Mv v.ihsoiue t3'e:,r.ire I'lao. '.. tiaihenti hnttr-".-.? t";d4ii To deck t-aj h love 1 one'- pav,- Chsming the brilliant h iniLta. hn U that ffl like arrow 1 y. - And laUKhiii),' at the i-hadaw that -.wivd with eat h zephyr" h. ni,li. like the cliiiae f hwtet it-Up Kfrtunlmt.' Wax thn laiii,'h of h'idii tK And o'er tiie trret-n t.r.l tiotin hnx He bmmrht tho to me. e a, ind bitter, tot ' . a.- death almost was .-he undertook that afternoon. the task I happiness, for oh! Ralph," she cried The 1 brokenly, as tears, tne mute evidences of her anguish, rolled over the trou- dubble hnrril gun, swear that any im perdint white man ur nigger who votid arin sellin tickets would be sufficed after Mrs. Morelaud of our heroine. llo'lv ensCOUi-i'tl J .. .1 - -i ,. ait w it ol eidlv but hrmlv refusing the rich j bled face, " 1 do and ever wi! love ' blode ilitu a figKer U quicker than j . . - t..,.t n. Tii'itl,.-- t... ,n- r.otl,ki -.f i to nri i . iC ..... i ou, no ' o". piijo v. ninin. ina vvantiu tu noa. u hub in that summer's twilight by the man I fe may diverge." WUzzent a free kountry, and whe-r who was kiim-of her voting heart's) These low spoken, passionate words, t wuz theer rights? Swoar if enny lee- ., st our t affections. It was so I the tears that showed her pain, calm- noddy inturfeerd with theer rale rode the little feet t'rew wear;.'--"' -'ver. lanhter died In m-di.ov wave !'' f lr' " hili-si le" - ' DeathV twilight fell around hnu ; 5Ild the flow, rs he elone 1 h.n fyen j-jjrp wandcriiit; uel found h;ru. And We their lovely j nwi WM. H. I'.FPN M.i F.ditor V l'r. ej Wilnmii.-;., . v "s ! t ' 'f. -N. f Try h,-.,i, suffer: ig w iti kidney, or si, and be convinced of its h, tiK-s. , o' hu il v'l.ii as,. iseasc ..f th, bla,!d. r. u'i:- Trv one bottle ding vir- ne wa W: W i -. I ;. e .. ,1 .; v. W all. l ' .1; .illlllt 1 , V III hat 1 Was Rail h. as ! lace te- l-.SSle. a deep, the constant ex- t... l. in l i tl and it. o,.a,t ,d nm il m.der w men site inn of kite labored atidt d to her late peri! ; and . struggles in tne water having n p, .-.ted ' compicteiy exhausted her physically, his senses; Meantime Dr. Walworth had been ... ., -,1 , i .... . iii . i i i it'ii.,, ite ntt.iitlell tlnlil tie ' Sic oveil lum snaip. la .1 I'VloVeS I.HU'll, li.HI liiliru i,,. - - '-- ) - i, rlw-m. tor.coo-,";, h,r us d.d Rali h, "1m-: hands of Mr Beaton, Mr. Morelaud ; granted her to pursue what e deem ai i 'in Kss l it llll Il.t iiii .' im cii.uiicall v 'cpest. purest hard to pdcadin b( atltifid iiiclnn. lii-s llOS ' i-'t".t. i , i a. i i . i i i i :. i lv i liioii. nt h- love drew ot her IU- ; in ..uguis, anu lorceu nun tu eouipre- o turn from his passionate i ed somewhat the wild vehemence of j tha'd go tu Washington citty, an, aftur - - . hai-,1 lo relintiuish the ' Ralph's feelings, gave more enlarged 1 knokin the legislatur, koiigress an s so nam n l . , t . . i- ' . . n . i i ic.i. . a.. :jji ...v.,.,... made dtuio-isway to ins naiurany nooie, unseiusu : tyrant uiiu xue unuuie uv nu hlxi, tha'd e bust tiie whocl kapital up an iii'.lT, V 1. d liaVilig tnre as hi l,,ved cherished wife, and vet hard as it seemed, """devotedly as she loved he had strength pt 's. . . - - -, . o -- - - - I- , . n .. . . ... .-i .. . j .i . i . .l t v,.it hour when ... i ..... 1 1 ii .i-t.-!i,iv :iiii t'i I rwrnr not I . .uat "-' s 1'ic anu sonic n t , , v , . Eali.hs t yes fask-uwd eagerly Kal'hs return dowu stairs, Ue fouud ease, affluence and love, &U nana ia bend and venerate her high principles of action to which she so inflexibly adhered. lie saw her as she was, a martyr to duty an unfaltering and inflexible adherent ot what she deem ed tne right, and-every noble instinct sho um what it wuz to fale with Messers. Rakeali, Rascal 1 an Ruinall. Well, evvurybody got 6keered, uv koarse, au the tickit sellurs kp the rite tu sen men tu perdishun, an his ted a cue sine readia tbesly : From ami 1 the 1-n U nr. 1 Sower-, m taat forest old and fcTif.-. Where he athei- ;!."wer tmni- rtaJ i realm ot enifw ia.v And thi w tiie v-wm tliat ever Will haunt my wori i-to-d brauit . The hand of time can never Disperse the dhadowy tram $ Of lored and lout who come to me with eah re curring day, liifi spectxus Ixom the CiWiucU ta4e iu Uut fprert 11 w.v- urs: " 1 L IWritfi Lift ,v that arehS .' - . s 4.' ft ! - -5v- ...... . I V.. 4 .4" ".' I ., l . , ' - ' ;'", 1 - s' . - ,.:-.i--, y 4. v. ' ' A..-' '- 4 fl ':')' i .i - - 7 1 e 1

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