i; 'ft --. ? if 1, a: J4'l -V, c 1 I'M i 'J A 1 , v i i i i 1 ii f Goldsboroughi News I " WEDNESDAY SEPfc J- I8G9. New oFIlV athlon. Newport, Senteriiber, 1SC9. . . This charming -vaiciingplacc is this ycnr as in yrars inc most exclusive nnd aristocratic in the Union. The richest; people aro here in the greatest nurnbersj the equipag es-are the most imposing, the dressing themost lavish and at tile, same time the mast artistic. Ever? j the young rnn here dress asNbefits Ethe escorts of such.bifds- 6fPafa,dise looking belles. Tlie usual costume for young gentle- men is'while duck or light cloth pants, blackrgreen, purple or golden brown , , s- , : r . .-, velvet coat made sacb shape Mrith l ' I large and well worked; jpockets, vest of white Turkish Towel cloth, Sailor hat of straw with wide ribbons--bright kid gloves, ! f 1 I Ladies here frequently order their costumes from" New VYoik. This is found to be a better nlantthan taking i i t t , . several trunks along, at the beginning of the season, for in . this way the freshest styles can be exploited and even hits of styles to be such as are constantly coming over Ifrom Paris, can be embodied. The flady sends her measure and order, in a few days auc nas nci auiw , x ioui .a wi out door,costume lor damn days, mctde at the Metropolitan; I r uraishinc Rooms : A suit of the new waterproof material in ishot colors,! violet and golden brown. This was jvery simple but at the same time ey stylishly made. Trie skirt wasshdrpnd round, and faced around the. bottom with a bias facing of the same,! stitched ori the Grover & Baker machine with a double row of brown sillc. feamr shaded as the brown in the dress, and between them a row of stitchinjri in silk. A i small tight fitting basque; accompaf ' .1 - - .- ... J t ; I ,; nied it, the waist of thei skirt was aitui was 1 finished to matcrr the bottom so that it could be worn oiler tip. 1 hnsnn '-:.-- t ' 1 s - t i r wpII 9 rtrtn n --hd.uWJ ilowo effect of a round, waist, the bottom of tne basque , and the sleeves were 4 . - . , . 1 trimmed with bias bands stitched to -!. J,ct LiiUL' e J; casions when greater warmth- might be required thja tunic could be wojnl This tunic wa a very hanp com promise beiii-ejen a :AVattoTu .ca9a9ue and" a Mackintosh wrapi The fronts were sack shape, ' the sleeves being formed, of the halfcapei were loose and largei but the backs I instead of having the' plain night-gtnVn look of the Mackintosh was pleated on at the neck in two box pleats and! allowed to fall a la Watteau a belt of brown Jeatjier stitched in fancy pattern .on the machine; was slipped through Jarga button-holes formed in the seams of the halfscape sleevet and again in and out of a couple made -under the Watteau pleat, thtfs alio wiilg that and the sleeves; to fall giacefully and free, and causing the front and Uie sides of the back to fit themselves totthe-figure. If desired, the edges of fhe: tunic on each side, of the fall might jbe looped up and thus cflect a panjeij puff. Another was, a reception! dress for chilly days. There are: man)' such days always on the sea coast, though here fewer than elsewhere,? owing to the peculiar geographical position of this island. This costume hvill give an idea of styles later in tlie season. It has a very heavy bla0k siik with black velvet revers at the! side: The fronts of the dress were of black vel vet cut to fit the figure, and open to ,show the petticoat beneath, j They are fastened pretty close; together with black velvet bows, the sleeves are loose Iagod as striped with iblack vel vet which formed battlements as a trimming. Accompany ipg this is a thin silk bodice, high necked, with tight fitting sleeves to be worn under it and a long narrow slip of;the same to be buttoned up the front fin imita ion of a petticoat, the bulion holes are worked on tapes sewed rt the in side of the dress, and Uh4 ibottons which are of blue silk are sewnj on the sijk stripsthe samej style of but tons fasten the under waist, jwhich is so beautifully fashiotied and; finished, that on warmer days, it can jbe wofn xver a white skirt when the slip that Ueio.RS up the front may b4 used to loop ihv upper skirts enhwhier the buttons wilt c 11 are lor use in one in stance being -for ornan?ent ire another. Blue satin clippers should be worn kvith it with white, skirts.; The back jof this fell from lh neck in the Wat teau pleat, now somucfa affected and an. ornament of blue cord arid black Jcienile held it down on the incck to about the depth of a yoke. !A more distinguished looking toilets at a small outlay could not well be devised. Wc lire glad to see the old fashion of trim ming silk nith velvet revived. Vel vet is one of the few trimmings which it pays to purchase and to pay even a high price for. . -Japonic. - Some DiFrF.rtKNCE. Ve lektn that the Judges of the Supreme Court made nri estimate that their decision in the late railroad cases weuld reduce the faxes to be paid 27 cent? from the cross amount. :I3ut the Public Treasurer in his Circul g issued to thp sherifls, states the deduction at only y.V cents. This is a wide differ ence and ininht be well enough to inquire . into. Statiscille. American. The above paragraph is copied by nearly every paper in the Sutc. We have before stated that the Gorerncr - "uounc., "am.neu me eec.sion ci tne Supreme Court in tlie brnversity Ri n case and CQncllJfiPj lmt It re- -. v 1 . 1 - . . . : lieved taxes to the amount :f 81 Cents, This interpretation Was concurred in bY every Justice of the Supreme h;ourl' Acting upon it the Public referred to. If persons attempt" to evade the payment of the tax, they will only involve themselves in u.ehss irouoie anu expense, i-apers itnu have ied lh . from iheJmcri- can may save their- readers some trouble by publishing this statement. Standard. A Ntw Way to Make Hutter. A singular method of making butter nas laley come into quite extensive use in rancef. based upon the observe ed fact that cream is changed into ki.--i, i:n, ,:m.ii,. K..r,,i ;n .t, earlh. The theory of this result" is not very-intelligible, though the Aict is stated;to be beyond' question ; and m Normandy and otaer parts of France, butter is actually prepared on a lanre scale in this .vav. The in tins .vay process consists in placing the cream in a linen bag of moderate thickness, which is carefully closed ; then bury ing the bag about a foot and a half deep in the earth nd allowing it to remain from twentyfour. to twentv- live miurs. Afier me pxn ration 01 C 1 A .1 r this period the cream is found to have .la' m ' become hard, and it is then broken up rv.. r: J L incails u ' a " oou en ueaicr into ed unon it to wash out the buttermilk. To prevent any mixture of earth, it is" advisable to enclose the oag in a sec.-. ond one ol larger size and coarser quaiuy. xius meiuou 01 maKing out' ter saves a great deal of labor, and separates the butter mora than the ordinary process : and it is stated that bu-ter thus prepared is of stated tliat bu'ter tliua most excellent quality - - United States Revenue Stamps and How to Use Them. Thoj'h we have for some lime been living under w the rule of stamps, tlie question isont of every day' asking : ' How much of a stamp does this require?'' The following embrace, it is saidthe most general use of stamps as applied to manufacturers and particular classes of business that pay a special tax : All notes and evidences of debli five cents on each $100; if undei $100, five cents ; if over 8100 five cents on each 100 or part thereof. All receipts lor any amount, without limit, over 20, two cents ; 11 under 20, nothing. Checks of any amount, two cents. All. deeds and deeds of trust fifty' cents on each 500 in value of the property conveyed or the a amount secure; when a deed of trust is fully stamped the note secured need not be ; but they should be endorsed to show the reason why. Mortgage bonds need not be stamped if stamps are affixed to the mortgage. All the appraisements, estates orcstrays. five cents on each piece of paper. Affi davits ot ever)' description are exempt irom stamp duty. Acknowledgments to deeds, &c, are also exempt. Con- tracts and agreements, five cents lor each sheet or piece of paper, except for rents or when for rent, fiftv cents for each S300 of rent or less, if over 300, fifty cents for each additional 200, or fractional part thereof in ex- cess of $300. Any person interested can affix or cancel stamps. A Useful Table. To aid farm ers in arriving at accuracy in estima ting the amount of land in different fields under cultivation, the follow ing table is given by an agricultural cotemporary : 5 yds widuby 0G8 yds long con tain 1 acre. 10 yds wide by 484 yds long con- ram 1 acre. 20 yds wide by 242 yds long con tain-1 acre. 40 yds wide by 121 yds lonff COn- tain 1 acre. rt r 3 ! J ' 1. - s . -1 . ou yus wiue uy bU.V yds ion? COn- tain 1 acre. 70 yds wide by 6H yds lonff COll tain 1 acre. 00 fefct wide by V2G icet lon cons tain 1 acre. 1 10 feet Wldft by 369 feet lone contain 1 acre 120 feet wide by 363 feet loner cuniaiu acre, 220 feet wide by 198 feet long contain i acre. 240 feet wide by 181 feet long t;uubuui j acre. 440 feft.wide by 90 feet long con- List of Letters Remaining in Office at Goldsbora, N. C, August ',3 J st, ISC9, and . Ad, vertised. Adams, 3Ir4 . tone ITIilly Cml Arringtoit, Irlimt Johnon, lies. Col 3 Hallfnbergcr, Jon. Jout, Clara A. 'J Bnrnc, Wiley KornecaT, A. Unrncs, Hurry Lancaster, I?Iiz. llcft, Calriti Lrnri, .Xcrdliam ltlzKclli Jennie L.ofiru, Catherine U0uc, T. J A on.via.ie, Jaihun Col lUfklo, Frauk .llillrr, Vm J . j eJ I rowM, Wiu Ierrvr, tr BraloM, Juo .ilurpUr, Clarify . lll-hr, riclry Unkt, Jlorlcincr C'atupbrll, ?lrt. Otdain, t'allie- Carver, Lom ICobiuit M. Win Col I arr, Daniel Clarlie. Col, C. JF. Cox, W'm CogdHl, I'rnnrie Cox.'.Natltau 12. larl, Allen Davit, Jlr An. lean, J u 1 i n IComm, Johan Cue, Janrj Jlinh JCflbach. A; Co frllera, Troy Smith, Liitrnlr Nleren, Kraion Hntuinrrlin, A. Ji HMmmerlin, Jrll m Krrrrtl, Julia Col Taylor, Win ICaley, .llu Satlie Thompson, l'lrent, Jno Thompson, Win Kachcubnrh, H. G. Tkontpaon, JInrr 1'iruin.u, ,TIr Jlary l udrrwaod, l-l. Col Frazirr, lanr I'xzcll. Lnri Iarncll, Jlr .Unit. Vaiu2tou, Tl. Grrcne, ;n U'aikin.?lrC'rnln Uranthaui, Wni. U.Vatler Jne Col Graulham, Molou WMiiey, .M U .11. Ilrdie. II. AVkfir, IUli-M Ilatliuca, Ilillrry SMVIIt field, Joe Col Howell, Sincy tViixlovr, Cnle J . Herring. Urynnl lioin. Iter JI .IS. Ilealk, JauifK l.oUina Zf ill. Winner Wiig, JIr.Iuo Hill, M'nrrfii Ca'hin t on, C. M. Persons calling for the above let- ters will please , say in a loua anu distinct voice Advrrtised ILL. Gbant, P. M. per J. 11. Smitiii Asst. 1 A PrrilomTAdTenture M !Via;lra FnlW. Buffalo, X. Y.j August L'O. Prof. Jenkins, in th presence of an immense crowd of sptct itors, crossed the. 'gorge belowNiijara Falls yes terday, on a machini of his own" in vention, without veloci cde motion. The machine is a bicvele, and turned upsid? down would resemble in some degree a velocipede. .The wheels, a .- a l three inches .wide, ar made heavy and . of wood. witlloU. tires, but in their places are grod'es one and three-quarter inches deep The front wheel is three feet twe inchrs, and the hind wiicel two feet len'mches in diameter. The conneqinj rods are iron, so also the balance pole. Which is eigia leet long and tipted with ten pound balls, and wemis twenty eight pounds. J he whor thin, with tlie man, iwcighs 29b pcands. The propelling power is n'mnioi. cog wheel, made of brass J about nine inches in diametei, which is ma'Je to gear to cogs which surrouid the front wheel . at the bottom of groove. the two-inch hemp cablel.vus fasten ed immovably .m the Ame-ican shore but on the- Canada shore coiled around a windlass to facilitate litfhteniniv 'Ihe defection of the rone was about thirty feet. Tho machine .moved . - siowiy lorward,, the rope swayinir I g a " grpitlly irnm Irk lliltll llie ritlrr nad. passed put about thirty feet, after wincii 110 crawiru along Hl u snail's ' aaa . 1 . w a pace 10 me iniauie 01 tne iiovst where he raised and waved his lift. From the - centre to the AmcricJi shore il was evidentlv hard worlito propel the bicycle. 'The tinie occupied in passing over the rope was asl eleven minutes ExfrMrt frent a Private lieitfi om II rt. rnii, Handtt icli IIn f . : Although th-i eruption is not so violent now, tlie Mcano is a 1 . fearful sicht to behold, 'lie rivers of .lava still flow, and the smuR? from the crater ascenas m awiui miesi i. ring this volcanic upheavalt has uecn very sickly here. A pccillar sort of I 'ow malarious fever, whicAha? grown ou: 01 tne ioui conuenseii inasoi tne volcano, has prevailed to jh alarminr; extent, and at one time.il v.'a; feared it would depopulate the lJanJ. Uut fortunately a sea captain (eallng here for supplies) distributed I'LIntation Bitters to the suffering,' a ti tuick and thorough cures were! 11 1 resultl The news ' spread like wi Ufire. Messrs. Ching-Takin & Co.,formnis sion Merchants, had these Biters for sale. In a short time their olee was beseiged and their supply ehausted. A steamer was dispatch?' '.o San Francisco by order of the Hospital Department, and a new anonurinous supply obtained as soon aspossible. r rom that moment the scarge was stayed. Not another fatalcase pc- curred, and the epidemic hs noy en- tirely .disappeared. .P Is this wonderful remedy known i yourcilv? 1 hope so, for it is a sure lire for all fevers and miasmatic siclless. Vou may tell ytur friends so Jjr mo j II.M.C. Magnolia WaikI Superior to thu best imported Giniau Cologne, and sold at half the trice. SPECIAL 'ICE. A tare for ihi Dinrnk mar be founil in ihr ne I'luRY DAVIS' Pm KILLER. I have used the medicine kown as TERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAIlKILLf: R !n mv fvmilj for the last twelTe Anths. and hiTo great pleasure in testilrin tltta tt ralua 11 I- Di Troperties. 1 woold nofcn tor account ho without it Durinr theWistenee cf the I cblr 1"! jear, I used no Aedicine of any ort but Tain Killer, althobrh Brraelf and I Trl members of raj familjwere attacked bT t "verelj, nd lam happAoiay that the Pia Kill" was equal to eTermerney jit I w" bth a prerentire and a certain cure. I consider I should not he doin my duty to the community did I not say this much. If I were attacked by the Cholera to dsy, tbe I Lin Killer would be the only remedy I shoul use. I hare thoroughly tested it, and know it can be relied on. . E. BERGISSEND, Oalena, Illinois. M14 by nil Drnrtl HVZZCXXIs NOTICE. SCIENCE ADVANCES. A Kra as an art'ete parporlin j to be cf bj rnVii opTnion, nncrin!vlt pirtlea eaderrr to rej-le-isb ltir dcoVteJ iarrft ty counter fcitln. acd uxstiin'i3c s nri- oui for t rcnaioc article Sma time sinre. m'rv'ary, in tbe l!rat of fill, ponder?, 1c. w' gn for U divas f t !otraeh and liTer, while fiiioine wa fr1 al "init'ere-l t.r th A Unjfl. IITF.TTEH'S STOMACH r.ITTEHji e It adrn. am n otire new yitem of beilin t fnmrn rte t. Te bncflciai tfTert? of t.i v .tnaVe prparfttion were at o ce acVr.onlcl .1. an 1 mineral poif ons r uT- r- d to inV itt Vk c rity t which ai rn i;Lta tl ige has c-n- algoei them. Tbee haTo V-e'n ica-'y p pnrion Bitters pa'tned 'Vipn t1 e cianjuiiitr. which, after t hir 1 en f.nrd vtr- ctly worth te-f. "white nOSTETTFlfS has iiro-el a t''s'ne to thon-n. ho c We ts it thei re toratioti to health an 1 fjf tiiny ye;i e h-Vd wat-had Ihe tte d rr pr ofriOS- TElTFTt'S STOMrlI niTTR inpnMc est;ia i n ant ita brn'fi -ifnt tCTe'a a a cora for all rotap'&tots flr5i!ng from he itotnach fa ' ' it cn be relied iip'n it a certain re'Cf ni texedy. Its prrpri?tcrs bare tnate Ihe abore prepirat'on, after year cf cartful fudy and sitt'op, and are now reaping tbo reward cl imed by tils TaluaMe specific, and which thy so richly merit. It 1 t c t nly prrpsra tiun of the kind that is rtlatle ?n all cae, and it therefore d matt !s tbo at!ehi ti of th alllicted. Sei.t. I. 16 1m Till: KID N U YS. Til E KIDNEYS tbe upper pa t vf-lt It in, sarroucdetl Ljr f t. and coo.i-f.ng 1 f tbrea f artt, viz. : the Ante rior, the Interior ml lie L'xurior. Tha autcri-r abiitl-s. liiU-.l r cocjiljts i.f t auoa or t nr, wtiich tertro hi cvnos.t lor tha uritia aul couvcj i . lo tbe x trt r Tbo exterior is a cooituciur clio t riniuating in aloglo tub-, aod cal.id tlie i' er. '1L ure ters arj conaectci with te u.a dr . Th b adtcr is composed ot r&rioai corcr ings or tie?ue, divi Jed int pa.ti, vit : tbe U, per, tbo Loner, tb Ncrvout, mad ibo Muc.cj. Tbuupp r expel, the lower retain. Mauy ba'e a Ueiire u urin tte i-.h-ut th ab.litj ; tberi u iaat wi-boa; tbe bil tr t i roc tin Ti. i hv-quei.tly vcun in tbilJreo. T cure tbese ulTccionf, we uusi briug in o ticiion tbo inutcUf, l.icb are enj gei in tbtir variuus functionj. I. tbej ntv ueltct eJ, virjivd or Dr-py tniij-ens e. Tne reader mmt ts be made twuc, tbat however siigtt may e tl t all ck -t i .iuie tonfloct'Le dily health au.l i. niai wcj as our 11 sb and biua ar tu pi 1, .j fox these urccs- Ut.IT, oil Hun m ATI M ?ai?i cr it ri 'in tbel luy ociur in pe f i:s d vWIa. id i.oia acb and chalky cnrr Vjjot. t 'j it k ti n a yk 1 Tograr.lm ucj f om neg ect or improper tr aticnt'of t o kidney. These organs being w:ak, tbe wter is not expelled f.oja tb bSadd r, but :Iirel to re inii; it bee met fovcrub, ul srdiu eat forms. It is from thij deposit that tbe siouc is formed, an I f riTcl ensues DBOfiV i a collectio 1 of wit rio tome parts of the body, and bears diff rent iistoes. a-.-ci.ru :us to v.,u affected, vis. j when g nC.al.V dnuarl urr l&a bud, t est J Aauur) wbn ot the fcbilciuen, Aici'es wDcn of tno chest II dro borax. TRXATMBitr. llrlaibold's libl c neiD t ated compound Eit ct Uttcbu is it i ediy o ie ot th best reiue lies for disease of tbe bladier, kid ey, gravel, dropsical twlings rhcttaiatisai, atd couty kffjcti u. Ln.er t U head we hiv a fangid Dyuna. vr diCi culty and pain in pa.s.ng a er. sj.nty cre-tt-.n, or snail and frequjut ductarges of vra ;o ; Stran.ju 7, or s. pPir,g t-r; Uomt tu.ia, c rbluody urine; Uiuta d Kbtuma-i ju of the k dicj$, without any charge in iiu.n tity. but increase of color, o; dark rto . It was always highly ro.'omuaendei by the late Dr rbyICk, in th.fe aflcctii t r. 'Ih 8 m?Jicin increasts tbe powerof digs tion. and excites, the absvr cuta inlo htaUby exc c ae, by wbiCi the w-t ry, or calarcooi-, dopo it.ons, and a'l unnata al enlarrctn nt. a iti aiwAiw a a oiu.vJ 411 as well as p sin and I l flam it on, arc reduc-.d. ' il II lUtf . n Ik V rr mw wsm. - 1 1 !l J II T 1ar Sin-I Larev" wrt of twen y years, wl :ft iuff rfr for ?P U va i.ua ue-ltci at prei-a-a'tv . III . T I n a - acd kidney CftTO used aitd beea under the tre ttm nt 01 the mmi cmiaent pl.ysiciacs, es per enciog bat lutle rcii Ilaviig senn you-rrcn trati m cxtcnfiwlr aJ.crtiscd,-! co sultid w.th my faj phy iciin in reyara tj ui t your I.xtrCt I uccu. x aia tLis because I had used ah kinds of adrirtiicd rcrucdios, and bad fvtusd tacti w rtaless, and some quito injurious; in fct I despiired cf crer getting well, and (Jrtcr mlaed to u?o ou remedi-s hereafter unleii I knew of tbe iogr dien's. It w this that promoted mo to u.-e your r.tuo ty. As ou adrortUcd tbit it wai cou.p se d f buchu. cubcb, and juni e bcrrirs, it occurred t u.e uu my phj siciai as an excel' eat combina ti-jn, and, with his ndvi c, o't r an ezsiu na tioa of the article, and consulting again witb tbe urarrut, I coa.Iudcd t) try it I com rr.isced its use about cirht months a?o. a at which timo I w conOnid to tnjr ro iu. From the first bottle I was as onished and gratifi d at th beneficial effect, and af.e. using it tbreo weeks, was able to walk out. I fe t much like wri in- you a full ititement of my case at that tnuo, but Uought my im provement might cnly be temporary kbd tbenure co c.uJcJ to Ucfo- an J tee if it would cflTeet a i-:rfcct cure, kn-wine t en it wv. Id ha of greater value t you, ad mote satt-fa?tory to uu.- I am now able torejort tbatacu-o is effect ed after nst ig thi remedy for Cve niootls I have. no: used any low fir three months, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. lour Eucbu being devoid of aey unploat ant taste and odr. a nic4 tonic ani inven tor of tbe sjs cm, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion miy require its use in such afXccticns. m. Mccormick. Shru'd aiy doubt Mr. McCornticVs sate meat, he refe s ti tbe following jeatlemei : lion. V. Diclbr, ex-QoTerner, Peanrjl vania. - Hon.Ta's. B. FLoatxce, rhi'edelpbii. lion. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia lion. J. S Black, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. D. R. I'OmTER, ex-Qovernor, Pennsjl vaniu lion. Ellis- Lbms, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon It. C (JriEa, Judge, United Btatei Court. Hon O.W.A7cinwAr,Iudge,Philidelphla. Hon W. A. PoBTxa, City Solicitor, Phila delphia Hon. Joh BiGLtR,ex Governor, California Hon. E. Baxks, Auditor General, WaihHg ton, D. C. And many others, if necessery. Sold by Druggists and dealers everywhere. lie ware of counterfeit. Ak for Uelmbcld's Take no other pbic MS per bottle, or 0 .bottles for 90.50. Delivered to any address Describe symptoms la all etmmunieations. a a en fl m a m Aaarcss u. a. xic.Lui:uuil, Urur and Chemical Warehouse, 91 Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE Ul IN etcel-enraTed wfap per, with facsimile cf my Chemical JVVarebonp, an J ttncl, ' triLni.GTO.TnARUCT Wiimixgtox August 0. 1 iTurpentinr Only40Lbl. received which changed hands at $3 for virgin, and S2 50 fur yellow dip, ISSO. lbs. S pirits Turpentine Market steady. Sales of bbls. at 3 cents p gal lon. Kosin Sale of only 113 bbls. at SI for No. I. No other transactions reported. Journal. NEW YORK 3IAKlLi:T. N i: w Yo a k , A u . 0. G.d.l Cot toil tinner a. S3 cci.t. SpiiitH TnrpenUne -12(,13 cents. i:siii 3051 S. " E V A D Vi: KTI. E 31 C.XTM. tho Purest, Bost and Cheapest GAT.Ta KX- A I.I. GROCERS. cox.nri:H imtiixt Ii he tcr lhr o'jr rgtIarshnpid for thsc rcHoM'. ftit--li cut tlceicr. Irt' 11 don't Mick in ihe voJ. Tiiid-1: uocs net inr the liatvi I otrltt lime U U AMcdi.i taking the Asc it! of t';e cut. Fij'tk Wuh ;he ractf 1 ilior juii w.li tin oiie-thtMl ir.we o;k llian with regular Ascs. Icd ratal h.is noil.in to Un with the good fpi:ili:ics ot this Axe, ! r all our Axes-ire. painlfi red. If jour lurdw ire st'-re dors i.t ktj our t:ood, wp will glau'y ansr.vr r-OMiric or 01. v.mr crdvrs 1 rtrt, cf give y u '5 t natt'c of the nca est iialrr wr.n krflps our Axrs i.irri.K'OTT A. ix t k i:vi: i, i.. Iittbiirs)i. ln. Mlcownrri OT C'olbrtrrs nuil ICrdJnclt rl I'utnit. . "-i i-:x. it tMM 1:1. r.. cnooi. .r VJT Ilnrrit, V miii.I'AI 1 ?i:.HSIO. brsxi Srpt. X3tb. Catnlour uriil on nixM;rniiou. nniii; khtkv coTTtia: oiiran l Mlliebr! nmlrtirniir.1. in thr Inlrat iniirarrnirnli VX IIL JIA- A nnl VOX J I'lII I.A.TK. J. KM. Ti:V A: CO., Hlr Tlnuufn, Ilralilr- ooro, I. S! A Dny for nil. I. A. JI, . V. A tl d rm 'A.J. V V I.- IJirLUlMKXr THAT 1AYS For particulars, atlJnss S JI. Siocei & Co., Hra'tleb-ru', Vt. AMK your l)fir r IlrnziUi fo. WVI:i:T LI.MMii rqiml. .billrtr qiiliiiitr. I mnilr oulr by 1'. Ti:AIt!H Client int, Detroit. -YJC7"Oi:iJ.H OI' WIHUOTX for Vonnz V .lieu on lbs Iluliiiy Iniou iu oi!i Ar i:orlf .vnMhed, with rlf hrlp for IhrrrritiK nnd anfrlwanlr. !mt iu krulrtl Inter cuvrlape. frrr cliursr. Aldr i II O IV.l It l AOt I -TIO.N, XJO.XL 1, fhila., ln. TlltltTV YIMH.V'i:speririire Iu Ihe Trrntiiirut of 1'brouic nnd ca- u il D scaeM. I'iyaiolwjical Yicwvf Xarrirt'jc. The c!icajcst htok ever pub lishci containing ncuil? 30U parj, anl 130 fine I'latcs and cnravi-A of the atmtomv of th human urus ia a nia of lieahh and disfas-, with a treatise -ii c:rly errors, its I..IoraMe consrqiuncci upoo the mind nnd body, wish the au llior s plan ot treatment the only r-tion- t rau 5utceiLi mode ui cure, as Miowu J?"rl cl casts !r,a A truthful auvicr ion.. ,n an.i ,i . p . ali.S ruarna- ,h cnim.in doaVu of their pSysic.l conlitton. K.,lt fi o pos'aco to any al Ircss on tc i.t nr. q;ntt, m stamps or pMl currrnr, i,y aidrcsi ? Dr. LA CUOIX. Xo. 31 iUM- cn Lane, Albany, X . The nutho- may be consult d uron any of the disetcs up on feiiu h bis locus treat, ci'hcr person- ally or by mail, and tnclicinta sent to any part of the woilJ. Great His!rIiilioii llr llir .Vlrlrojteliinu Cilfl Co. CASH GIFTS TO Til 12 AMOUNT OF ? Of, 030 i:vi:KYTitui:TDKAM.HA rnizK. 5 Cbh Uifs, ccli S2,e0 40 Cab nilts, cath tl.COO 10 10 CO? SCO C0 20 " 5,rro 300 " l0 . b i E'cgaut lUs w ol Pianos - evh l :0 to f 7n 75 " Sicloleons " 75 tu U0 30?ewior XIasbioes - " CO to 17i SCO Go'd "tcbfs - - ... 7Stu3 0 Cjsh Frisc., Si!vr Ware, dc, valued at II cto.OJO. A cban-e lo draw any of tc ahute Prises for lie. Tickets drcribiog r.-nc ate tuleJ in Karel'-pcs and well irisc-l. Ui receipt of Zbo a St 'left Tidct is d-awn wi.bout caoico an 1 sent hy mail t any a Jd:cs, Tbe prixe named upon itwillhede'i crrd to tbe ticket boiler on pajmect of Omc h-.ll.tr. Piizes are immediately sett t any addr ss byczprers or re torn mall. You will krow what your Prlxe Is before you pay for it. Amy J'ri: txtkamjed for am-o-ier f tamt valm: No Blanks. Our patrons can depend en fair dealing. Ktrxax5ccs : 7 select the followioj from many wbo hare lstely draws Valuable Prises and Madly permitted us to publish them Anertw J. Barns, Cbicsro, 110,000 ; Miss Clara S. Walker, Bahhaore, Piano. S S? James M. Matthews, Detroit, SS.rtO; John T. Andrews, Svanuah. 5,iC0 ; Miss A jnes fcimmons, Charleston, Piano, f 669. We pub-, lish no names without permission. Ormoas or tbb Paass . ' The firm is re liable, and deserve their lueeess.'- WttUj Tribmme, Jay 8. "W know tbem to be a fir dealin- firm." .V. )'. JhralJ. Jay IS. M A frisnd of ours drew a 1535 prise, which was promptlt received. Dailj .', Jmm J. 6end for circular. Liberal inducement to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Xvery package of Sealed Eavlope entaias oit casa cirr. Klz Tickets for 11 ; 13 for f 2, 35 for 15; 110 for $15. All letters should be addrersed te 1 . . ' 1 f 1 .'ii miM.11 naaMvwiPww l l aw XG M.lCIIIXF.f LAtrLT urea IV CD an; I1IK Lff Universal C pics wrnicrcr Ijipr..ved Tvttl Rr .t. Vmi Vovdlk Lck; Tiiirrx, artdUb' I'itt Srp -.r, now unqies ioaz'jf .OJcrior to trnj app trtius for triibn cljtl.es- rcr iu re.tv!, and will save their' c:t tL-e u 1 r. Tho h Lavt 6 1 . 1 d- tuem g tc tCStf inonj a foV.ou si) W l.V t ,- nNi.'li ; cti'J rot crt tin lt d toJ .1.- 1 1 ,cnl We mas- r U ,J Vjif week ftmuj.' A. 1' Iri uue in aatr In tbe junJrj o!lnj lou,c f, . Perpetual lhankj,t:njr en M..,!.nJ. for theinr-ution 'LcvThcoJ,cL C,?rr. " Kv.ry n k ha, pTen it a lr;r V.M apon ll.e .fljcti n, of the inmates ,rf tilawa.lrj."-.J Ol crt.r -1 I.canily c.mpi.na itlo ccjiio:i.:ts .f t:u.o m.-ncj, aftd utitcntima:. J. r0 Vr LtLotc. . y ; . t ; " V1' d Ity-fY-.tr last improvrmcnt nr ycur a.hin I ichine is a cmp!,- S tcc I n-aureycr Vttr M Jiine,' alter a jca.r 6 i.re. 1 J lh ugbt tiurc of to day L" CVf,f 1 notlc iMrtcJ uhii u..tlcrat r rircu rttai :cs." .S ,l,;t j;..t iH. ton, I? . ; V..;ir Va0iie3 achine has het n in d-ily tne in oar lab drr, an-1 iie l.,i. kteprr. xoiesaw hrr'.-lf ti-l.ly ,,,:i.f(! null ir. It crrrIr c.-omp i,u s a -truer amount ,:f trtk widi lei M..r, n,l d. cs ntit weir th-?cl ho nmr c.......,.t. - be oi l fLictu-J vho h-! ard it. o:te liun.lr si i dispensed with Ilia. .V 1 A'own.t, taixrintcHiUat ,.f Ju- f lllCUS. 4.11 Fair Off-r- Send the mail frf Washer f If, Kfri Wrii. c. $'J, atd V c rill rorvrard c.th both mtchincs free -,f freight, to plar where n-i enc hrelJnr". n.i c thfy w 11 W liked !tlat we au-e t iro find the mtney if n;,onetrihei to ictum t!ie in chints In etif fright, af:cra in..tir Ir al, according tod.i ctior.ii. No 1 usb n 1, rati ;r or broihrr houM vcrmU Hk drudjrry f tvailiii-- i h fie li.UiGs,ntty Uu Jaj.t,. n.cr) nr. when -t cut ue u irin Dcitei! inoreexreliti h.W vr ih Us laUr, and lo'iniur lo thn B1r m .ts, hv n Doty C ithe. Wa L- and a Canvafsprs wiij r c'iralte ri-ht ..f ' make nictify fast fell g them. S..M by iTralrrt rn eially, tQ licm Jit a! dircxuu's aro ma e. ILC KUOWKlG., .-cr.t r :;2 (!..,ini .t st , New Yo. k, Atirut 11 13 oi Dr. l. liobuison, TTAVIXG PIIItU.NlNTLV I.OCA t d. tffrr.t Ui r fctional the Cil:Zti.f of (lit (Ht'nri. nl ;;..:t Olficc one do. r b.r h of Weil liros. June 23. .0 3.Tn. ' tended, rpiIE FALL 8ES ON WILL (H1!N n the U.'.i of. A irujt and tontlnnw -U W:Cks. Ti:n:iNi Tuition and Iliard; c eclusire cf itil ts and wajldt-r Tuiti. m wte-iatoo Ac identic Preparatory UrpaMiu.af; Fuel, SI- Alu ic on TiT-.r of C it.rj. " at4 Use of I rslrutncn! ' Ancient and 5io'Jcra 1 aneuag.,. 20,00 12 SO I 5o :; (u S.tiO th z i mi (lin-imonl .1 l!-r-.. a 91 nviil Pupils i I be tfiir d from lame of eu. Iran c to cl .-? ct fte ioa. for protrac cd illccsi cf two weeis or more I Oi o bolf i.f iha tpnse ar.d pay f.r books tnd s ationcry will be recjutrcd in ml-anc. W. ADAMS, June 22, G-tf f j l'rcsUiot. liingh(hn School, MEDANEVILLE, N. a WM. tlMilMM. i;OBf If nAM; w I:. 1. V veil. qMIE &SSIONpr.I83a '70 HLtJIXS August 23. h a: 4 Juntinucs 1'J we-ks. The CDursj of bv.tric!ion includes the ordinary KulUh branches. Ancient laa goages, French, MiibJraatict, UooY Keep, ior and elements of Kitural S "icnce. Kxpensfs, inclaji tuition, board, fuel, washing, bocks ind elotMnj, $3G3. Circulars sent on a .-plication. June 22, G-2aa; j D. II. LONG. ' A. C. UOWUNb. I). II. LChNU & CO., General Commit sni 4 Joncuruw., . 3T. 11, ItKake f! sr 2Trrlk, V. Will sell la thii.or forra J toNortbcrn toarke Cotton, Grain, p i"tiy . " nnd all lint Green Product. rhf;:kto:J Uesirs. Earra'f, la1" I Co., Banker. norrs ir.isa 1 Norfolk. Va. 1 . ;if . Wm. B. Lamb, Trt I r"- orfv'k Va CapL James Corn! , i" m Wm.Beas'ey A S 1. Jttcriburr, B. B. Creecyii v 5i Ctty, X. a

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