t V. s I ' I is .if THE ROCKY MOUSTiAUr r32jerhps--tbere--hs bn inweissaditaction "express - 4 bjrttie . pcop'e-on- account - ... of Ions an JeliTcTisive sessions ':f the Ger.erat Assembly than - - tipoa anyotbeiLiieBtiOtt -of like nature -which was--ever Jiscussedr'The ftplrribn gcn f ; eraHy-prevallsXIiat we -Kival 1 - too much legislation and a a .- 1- representative of the people ,3 the Convention has taken the . matter in taaud and ordained I'ihatJraenibers of the, General Assembly; shall" receive but $ : fdurjolWa per; day compen sation for their services and that the session shall beiiin ;; ited, to, sixty, days at least thef are to receive pay but for sixty days. Thk will doubtless be a popular measure and will be ratified by a large majority of .. tfrepeople of North Carolina. Tlie Um-of meeting &f-the General Assembly was also changed to Wednesday after Crht Honday in Ja n tra ry; The Petersburg Index-Appeal which see$j8 to take a deep interest in our 8tafe af fairs, says: "While the election of the Conservative candidate to the Constitutional Convention of North Carolina, from Orange county, gives-the "Conserva tives a deaf working majority of two or three in that body, the -numbers are too nearly equal for any extreme mea sures 9! revision to be suc cessfully undertaken. A very considerable elemeut of the Cor servative majority is dis tinguished for- moderation, and under the leadership of gray-bearded men of experi- ence and knowledge irirmblic affairs, they will not be likely to make their work too sweep ing A number of impor tant, amendments to.the Con stitutioa have been, introduc ed and referred, but so far tlie Convention appears to liave discharged very little workf real importance. We are sur prised to see that one of the foremost questions before the Convention aud tho public has reference to the pardon of W. W. Holden the parr-, ncr of Kirk in the Ku-klux r.iid, and of Little'ficld and others in the Railroad raid on theJTreasury. A good many papers of such respectable eUnliSgTTis-thcHrefeFa L.ead er advocate the' pardon of Holden, and bis restoration to citizenship and eligibility to hold bfllceunder the State. In oui Jiumble opinion the Conservatives would act wise ly in-not "retorning to - this crafty-nd ' treaehs'rotia man the weapons for mischief of "which he waa deprived when he was impeached aud con--victed by the Legislature, and .tpelled from office.' We see no good reason why he should """ not still remain under the tigma of civil disgrace and banishment from" power that was- then put upon him. If restored to citizenship,, he ; will. C udometneaniloTeJ "JTVenge himself. ori; the people . .- by. whom he thinks he-has " been persecuted. We predict that the policy ofT giving the ord man anothef chance wiir be bitterly egrettedZBhouJdJ Tf be adopted with more-cf i iBtice hy the TUB J UDlCIAIt I'. 5 The Conrentiott w Friday 4JaTiji-JJL-gr'litagciJ' Tior GuirLJudesjroni-Eve to vdteti fprz tb amendment,- There was neier any use for more: than three: Judges, but JJie number ffw increased to fife byhe Cnyention of 1868 in or7errtcrni!kefat place for Kepubficah- politicians. - Phe Pc?Ple wiU be aPS to fat 1 .1.: j: : ...V ltfythi8 ordinance, inasmuch as it will be an annual saving 4f several thousand doll Ar to the State. An ordinance was also pars ed, layinj.jut the State, into nine Judicial Districts and al lowing the General Assembly to increase or diminish the number of Judges. ' These ordinances of course will not go iuto effect until the terms of tha present in cumbents expire, V JOVRXALMTIC. Since our last Jssue the Tarboro. Southerner has chauged hands, Dosscy Battle, Esq., of this place, having bought the interest of Mr Walter IT Will iamsoirrthc for mer editor. In Mr. William sons' rerircment. the Press of North Carolina loses an ac tive worker, a bold, indepen dent writer and able advocate Of the principles of Democra cy. lie was the youngest po litical editor in tne S:atc, and with years and inaturcrjudg ment wc believe he "will yet attain prominence" and dis tincticm as a journalist . We wish him the grealcst euecess and prosperity in whatever he r may undert;ike, and trust that his retirement from journal ism will be but temporary. To Mr. Battle, the nevv edi tor, we extend a most cordial greeting. We know him well and intimately, and we know lie has entered a field in which he will afc-onco' attain promi nence, lie i peculiarly fit ted for the newspaper busi ness. As a wn'er he is most graceful, spicy and pungent, bold, fearless and intelligent. IIb cau make a patron fighting maddhd then pat him on the shoulder and talk so eootliingly- and pleasantly that-he will regret having taken offense at anything he could say or do. " Battle is a brick, and -will be gladly wel comed by oitr fraternity. HOCK!' MUlLYr COTTON HILLS WE ABE NOW MA.NTFACTU ring for the Home Trade. COTTOX PL0W-LLSE5 all sizes. ' COTTON TARN all numbers. ' HEAVY- SUEETtXGS. AH of the beM quality and at the low est prices. r Terms : Strictly net cash within 30 days. - Address, ' .. - " BATTItB SON, Rockt Monrr Mili- decU-tf r Rocky Mount, Jf. C. LU3IHEU! Lumber ! ! LTimber ! ! ! V. W. LAND, " MAM'f Acrrnga axp . dealer ix Lomier, Latls, ' Shingles,: tc, - Sc. L7S.0U0 leetot te.iOBd Ktoofinf. . ..w rfiaflns '. .Wratmirboariline 4U.00 " ,.. - - -Wallmg Flaulu imi lMO " " FramltuT- . 100.004 f ' --' Variom Kinds. Alt XTitwrs proTPtly Bllcd. Lumber dread, Kkoriiijr ton pied and rnovrd to order. Orders lr.fi wi"J S K. K.k Taik, at Rorky Mount, or d1rrl to neat my Hill, vrlll rwlT prompt it. tenUm. y. W. LAND. . . . Vn - -DwdJey IrH, jeptl7-lr M " W A w H KV. N C TOR. RENT. rtS 8TOHK-KOOM-frt -r-iN)ols Hrtinrant. This U out of th bfft fcrtawd lit ifryq. i'erms wKHfrrre. U. V. DATi L& HE ROCKY MOUNT MAIL. FKipAt. SEPT, St 18 -r. L Will friend retpumnart adycrtle-J meaU hi ! M ail v, '-I WJW n ( biiUitii tfblltllts -to d. Utr d ill matVrinllT bj'ttclltLn.' ' . C'A L. - Aut-nos Sale. See notice other column, '.. ' . Coi bt Notr-8. Fee5hiWication of summons by J. B. Sorsby, 0. S. 0. Ac. ' The Piitpres. All Uio littte child. ron harp beeM to look at the circus pic j tares, and childhood iu tliis InstaliCc reaches to ripe old age. . Revival. Kev. L. J. Holdcit-is nowcouductiiig a most interesting re vival at the Methodist Church in this place. . Bauly Uvkt.-Mount Wattle (col.) had his hand cut very badly at Van Bachelor's steam s.iw mill at Nashville, on Wednesday last. ', Death. Walter Perry, infant son of Mr. P. V. Rcnfrow of NashrihV died last Thursday week, the 16th iost., ajred about nine months. Changed The .assessment of prop erty in town is changed, as will bo seen hv reference to advertisement cl: whore. - Jlio Gain. Maji Pattersons Minjori, tv !n Oranfre reached 704. arVnin of 825 oTcrtins- late Gov. OmhBin'i vote, So much for a sober sccon thought on tic part of the people of grange, Katwo ani Uiu-nkisu. Pool Bros , whose advertiseinent will be found else where, desire us to say that they will be prepared to feed any number of peo ple next Wednesday circus day- Fuib. The Warrcitoii Gazelli says : Mr. James T.' TwiUy, wliile fire-ctiring tobacco on Tuesday night of last week, had his barn and all the tobacco burn. ed. ATniiuiK. Uur cIelegaterrrnie""Cnn- vpiilWin. B. H.Hutin. came home on Sanday last on a short leave of absence. He of course paired off with a member of the Rr-ptiW can party so as to save his vote. New Goods.- 1. Abrain has just ar rived from the North with" a big stock of new goods, lie now wants purchas ers, and he wants them so much that be is offering to sell low for cash. Look out for his advertisement next week. Skhiois AivimiNT. Last Friday, while some of the Conservatives of Durham were celebrating the victory in Orange county, a cannon was prema. turely discharged. Mr. Perry W. Aus tin, formerly of New York, had both of his hands blown off, and Mr. J. B. Morriss, a native of Durham, was se verely wounded in both hands. Austin has since died of his wounds The Masonic Joiii.nai. We have received the first number of this week, ly newspaper. It is published in Greens boro, N. C, by Iiev. E. A. Wilson, at the low price of $2 per 'annum. It is intended as an ovgau of J'reemasoury at the yrmth and is a family newspaper as well. In ability, typography and; general get up, it is a success aud should be well patronized and sustained. Bro. Wilson is the former editor of tlie Kiuston Cktzettei " I'oot Sc Di'aT, o 15altiu)ore whose reputation as Founders and Machinists have become national within the past twenty live years, appears elsewhere in our columns in ah advertisement of their well known and highly regarded Jaa. Leffel Turbine Water Wheel, as well as an enumeration of various other lines of their manufacture. We invite, for this firm, the fjavorable considera tion pf those of our readers who may be in need of anything in their line, their machinery, wherever used, best speaking for itself as regards quality, durability and capacity for the work designed. Send for their circulars be fore purchasing elsewhere. ' Tiiavks. We are in receipt of a complimentary ticket to tlie Sixth An nual Exposition of tlie Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society. The Secretary. Ir. Manning, in a circular says: - "Tlie premiums ate larger than have before been offered; "the officers are" gentlemen well-known for their energy, and zeal reTriends)fTheSociety 4n Virginw and Nortli . Carolina are using their best efforts in ' its behalf and, al together, wre hope, and. expect, to have tire niost attractive exhibition ever seen in Eastern. Carolina " 1: ' Wc also thank CoL "Win. Alderman, Secretary of the Cumberland Agricul tural Society, for a coropEmentary ticket to their 18th Annual- Fair, which is to be held in Ftjettevifte en the. j6th, lth, 18U and 0d cf JTo'veuibcr, " Tr-MKROiAsr Tail. Attention- is "called to tbe-dvrtif ment 1LM etsr. KalKtcherr't,o. rffiPetersSfrg.-; - - A . - jj. 1 ; It 1 anld. rKabl Aous aAi ur reader would d'weB iitpttfftni it?- - . -' . t l for buildivRtheZEpiscopal. Churc l il - -1 - k I .. 11 Mmurl I this place ruw been awarded to JIcsws. Taylor t. iBcil 1 of- WhitakOri-They are to.cumplete tfacjob fur IBBOJhe brick, lime and sand to be furnished by -iha hjiiUing conmiittce. , SiiboTiKB AT jDoo; and Killing as CH-ncE-HoLBKB.-r,Jiot because of any jruonjrwseitllaice between the two, ;ordIuarialiy But in. this casefiiere was a reasonable cause for mistake. Jwis Howe aiis cmployctl at the Depot of the AVcstcrn X. J. 15. K. in acme meiual capacity, antT wasTegarled by the agentT Mrf Iowerhis-n-Judustrious and honest servant. Immediately ' opposite the Depot Is an eating house kept by a man by the nnme of Howard. In this house Inw ard dwells, and under the house he keeps his chickens. ' On Friday night a noise under the house attracted bis at tention, and believing it to be a dog he seized a - small single barrel shot gun, and as he reached the door discovered the object' he supposed -to be a dog emerging from under the house, lie Mired and" brought down Lewis Rowe- 3v shot penetrating bis, body just under he right slioulder. Stale oille LZind- The. Pkku Hunt. Dosscy Batll Esq., wrltting to the Petersburg Aflwtt, gives the particulars of the r& cent deer hunt. The hunters insist that Hie "account contains manyinaccurBcies, but this must be excused upon the erouml of renortorial license. ' After writting of other tilings, JjcSays : THK BOYS WILL KUOLIU. J uit before day, on Fnri'day mornin l:ut, a feeble toot, on a small born. micht have been heard in the town of Kocky Mount It was a signal for a select party of deer hunters to offer vows to Diana, the Goddess of the chase. don tlie buckskin and the moccasin doff the habl'uncufs' of civilization and hie them to tlie forest, w here tiie swift footed7 deer meandered majestically. The larder bad been supplied the day before. It consisted of fourteen links of bologna, half gallon whisky for mus quitoes, half barrel soda crackers, four gallons ruin for tk'ks.seven beef-tongues one gallon blackberry brandy for .medi cinal purposes, and last, one ten gallon runlet of good whisky for deliverance from battle, murder and sudden death, TllltEE CASES Oi-" Ill-TCIt En KNIVES, one coil of rope and a cart, for con vcyancc of game, presided over by Ciesar and John, sons of Ham, com plcted the outfit. A perfect system of communication had been established with rear, in case of need for further supplies, or assis tance for savine' venison. The. first glare of the match struck by Aurora for her morning light was the hour for departure. The party comprised two doctors, two merchants, thirteen clerks, seven fanners, the Mayor and a dex trons manipulator of enkindling bevcr- Hges in vain the party awaited the arrival of the man with the docs. Mas- phemy reigned supreme, and ritOPAMT WAS 1'IIOKUSE. A deer hunt without dogs is like Hamlet with the Prince of Denmark left out. The fact was thoroughly di ces', od.' The various specimens of spirits had been sampled several times' all .'round, One swore he wouldu't take food 'till he hunted. The entire population of the town had gathered to observe the heroes; aud never martyred patriots wore sublimer looks of care. At 2:30 P. M. the dogs bayef in the distance, and "soon hove JrLsiglit, Thaiwas a time to try men's spirits, They tried them, all 'round. As a veradons-chronicIer, your cor respondent here seeks the record : Op erations of first day, Monday 6th tine buggy broke, and one young fox shot Second day a young hare, yclept Mol-lie-Cotton Tail, blown from the barrel of Prof. Tisdalts gun, into which it bad crept' for refuge from the hounds. -Third day cries, complaints and mes sengers for oil of penny royal. The ticks were quictIybrowzing on, and sucking their tender juices. Fourth day Bullock's blaze faced mare mis taken for a deer fleeing from the hunts men ; blaze thought to be the white tail, and nine Luck shotsent into, her .vitals. Fifth day saA intelligence; Bullock's mare dead - ' V ' - -.-.- wno skot bCllock's mare? At this writing no further enquiry is made aboiitrnor Interest manifested in the authorship-of the blow struck-AfiiT" Patterson. The community U agitated to'thecentre of its core. .Everything is. absorbed andBwallwed up in-4be momentous interogatory, "Who shot Bullock's mare?" .- '. : How skinless arid spiritless the party returned with nothing save chawed flesh and gnawed bones to telTthe story of their glorious hunt, shall not be told by tlua depouent W7 . - . Tin Gbeat Htw Yokx akd Kiw OkMSASS ZoOLOOICAt - xni " Eocw- by the xlverti$emotrt in our ippr. ni immense tnstitutioo exhibrfj m yRocy 2tmuitSVcsdafetcj!!beill2jk 100. ii comes most iiuiijijiu"-ii i fa Uc.l - . 1 t. ': .A 1.1.ra.:.uf view of the adv,ertiemcntTr8perceive it conies by ritlTsiiiffJO freight cars transport it from point to point. Has an innumerablejiurnber of dens, cagaliwagtuis, to4 tjpentolrtiu -aiiW maU, curiosities,- luggage, 4c.', It re quires and uses a "citjr of tents" (so to express It) for exhibition purposes,which at-iighrkre so brniiaBUy.Iitjii with gas tliat everything is dtsccrnablg as in ds Among the animals enmrmcrated- are -"monster living Alaska Sea Lions, ex hibited in mammoth tanks holding 40 barrels of sea water." This will be truly a novel sight, as they are said to be the only ones outside the Pacific Ocean. We notice the announcement of a huge living Giraff, eleven feet-high; blaze bok, the African hartebeast. the gnu or wild horned horse, the wapiti, tha giant ostrich, all of which are very raro ani mals. Also, lions, tigers, elephants, camch, hyenas, kangaroos, crocodiles, sacred cattle, gorillas, manatees, koo. doos, vultures, viache, varkes, baboons, 4c. Ihe gallery of wax statuary-will prove a very interesting as well as orig inal part of the show. The entire com. munity has read of King Kalakua, King Alphonso and the Bcechcr and Tilton scandal, Life-sized representations of hese persons will be found in the gal. y- ' The new invention, one that will as. toniaW'-everybody, isUie Steam Man. Walks and runs unsupported ; a me chanical marvel. Its circus bids fair to out-rival any establishment, wc have ever had, both in point of numbers and scale of merit. The advertisement claims that the parade will eclipse anything and every thing ever attempted in that line in America up tothe present time. Fourteen dromedaries (truly a novel team) will draw a music car at the head. Then appear the ladies and gents on priceless steeds. Next the open lion den. their miner seated among them, all of whom are exposed to view. Then the forty dens of living animals the largest Zoological collection hi this country: Then Zingrn and his plated glass den of serpents, the reptiles seen coiling around and about him. At the tent another gratuitous display is ottered daily ; at 1 r. M. a lady as. cends a single wire 220 fet in mid air from the ground to tlie top of the pa- villion. Only one exhibition will be given, at 1 P. M. Parties living on the line of tlie W. k W. Failroad have the benefit of reduced fare on that day. All in all a very pleasurable andTnemoriable occa sion is promised on the exhibition day. Texas Tea is the best purgative Liver Medicine in the world. fcb5 ly BUY SHEETINGS, COTTON Yarns and Plow-Lines pf BATTLE 4 SON'S Rocky Mount Mills, decll-tf Rocky Mount, N. C Statiokbky. In addition to the large stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints Oils, 4c, now in store, Dr. Thorp has just received a large and well selected stock of the best and finest Stationery n the market, jull tf BUY SHEETINGS, COTTON Yarns and Plow-Lines of BATTLE 4 SON'S Rocky Mount Mills, decll-tf Rockr Mount. N. C Get your Stationery at the Dhuo Stork, where can be found the best assortment in town. Letter, Bill, Le gal Cap and Letter Paper in boxes, or anything else in this line are in store, jull-tf .VugiiHt JFlower. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspep sia "and liver Complaint . ' - More than seventy-live per cent of the people in the United States are af flicted with these two diseases and their effect, such as sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpi tation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of , the Stomach, Yellow" SkinT Coated Tongue and disagreeable, taste in the mouth, coming np of food after eatLig, low spirits Ac. Go to the Drug Store of Dr, U. R, Thorp and get a 75 cent bottle, or a Sample Bot tie for 10 cents. Try it. Two doses will relieve you. , aug 20 tf VENDKlt & JENKINS ARE-rtKEKAKELTOTFCKXISH-, - promptly, Hie jimtly cetebrmteu 7 BRO WN COTTOtf GIX 1 at $3 5 per Saw, ft-ee of ireiglit to bear est Uepou . - - Hve gold more thirl one Jmndrrd. Will refer to . - - , . -v T. Ilj UKIFF1X, ' i- ''-5rT Agout. Iffew-AdTertiseinents- IMPORTANT NOTICE ! irk VFrrmrTHK boakd or A C'vHiuiU&nvrSof tlw Town ofjincky Mounr, nil lh of ttept-, ArtteW la of the tf erenne R wwiMnih)l so a to restf one-igiiiii ot " '"' Jl" tlrad of ou-ixUi o( one per eent. Tl aMessineuloi pro(er4y. julh rel anil proul l-ww llxcdateiH-lslilljr one ht eetit. - . -'- - : - Ur order id the Board. - . Wp!J4-lt i.V, i ILLEKT.flcrk. NOTICE Q9 HEREBY tUVKWiiiAi 7 property put ta the haifds of fte Town Constable as collateral aecuruy for the payment of Flues, ViU h sold 1. . Am from the date of this No. ir. Partim can come forward and .v tWfini and take ucb articles Ul.tn tlw oWivjktlmA.- 11. C; TILLERTTMayor. This September 84th, 18.5. It TIIE IEMTEIj Dwable TmrUie Water Wheel, rOOLI ft HUHT. atlnwe, M4. I now or vast ilBBl,mnic, Ssnbl, Iortbl ft Itatioasry 7KnrtDM. Mmub Batlnt. UtwftQrist Kills, Mia, inr errsruig tor Cottnl M.LUM,MUV. A IT ra fHl Mill hsikte .a tpwultr. 1 Uudof7 r: Sccip- Ckoalsn. W. EL BUTCHER, J. X. Q17ICKE Grand Opening Week, W- E. BUTCHER & C0- aicrehnnt Wallers No. 8, North Sycamore St. ' . . PETERSBURG, VA ; iinouTTPgrwith pleasure tho opening. of their Fall and W mter btock of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CLOTHS, CASSIMER8, . and VESTINGS for fine trade. An examtnation . is re sectfully solicited. SAMPLES FURNISHED. sep24 It STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Nash County SuremoB L'oi'nf , D D Odom and wire, Vi". Saiii'l lli-nili-rsonaiiil H Nancy lcuduno;i, et nl. J In Inn aimve action, now penum; Do fore D II Sorfhy, tinpi ilor Court Clei k and JihIot ot I'rnliuu- (or Ni sli ('oiintv. H appearing from Ihe nfttilnvit ot II D Uiloiii, one of tliK pl.-iinritt tin-t-i-fit . I. I Iih( irtc lfc-nlHiit. S.inl Hender son and n fle Nancy lleiiilcr in, c:iiinut at' it due diliecce lit- tntiml in 1 lie Stnte. II. Thin a cad vol nc'.tiin i-iluiiiii.i ail ilu'Kiiiliiutit. III. That tlie suid dt le uliiiit nro l ot ri'ideiilt ot tliin Sliuv, but Imve mi m Uroil iu litis uciIimi. IT IS OHDEUEIi. f. Tlist service of the niminnim be msde by pubtlcalion til the K'h-kt Mhi xt Mail, a weekly newspaper published in the said county of Knsh, on 31 a week for st least six week" .iiecesively. - II. Tlmt a rnpy of the suinnioiK and complaint in tliin aet'on lie faitlHully 11c Mvieil In t'-e xt i.frlee ly tho said pUilitiJl, ilirectuil to the Snid ilelciid ants. hani'l lleiideroii h 11.I ivitu Xaiicy, at llieir iiiiul plau- of rerbleiiru. if I lie ame be known to Mild tlimll, am said iiraniim shall be deeuud to liave been served , at tlie expiration nl ilic time of publlcalijii) prescribed by this order. Given st Xs'livllle, X. C, tliis 20lli of aeptember, i IIKX'J. II. SOltSBY, t;lerk (Superior Court, Js'asb C'niiiity. Bukv A tV'ii.i.um. " Ally's tor lVlii loners. sept-t 6w essional Cards. D0SSEY BATTLi, Attorney & Counselor at Law,. Rocky Mount. N. O, rrartlcM In lb Superior Courts of the djotafa( sounUe. Also in the Fodonl and Svprcnaa OorM. Umt enwirlea (ina to Um osUactisB elalM ta all parla af Um Stato. J. H. & W. L. TH0BP. Attorneys & Counselors at Law, Rocky Mount, N. O. Fractioi la ua owmtlaa af f aoaramba, TiallfM, Maul, anil WIIoaaa4 la tba SnpraBX Ooortof Hoctk Carotlua, alaola Um DaitaS BUtaa ptatriat Osaital DRST- C POWELL . AND . It O. T X tl, 13 Tt Y, r F F E K T II E l It PBOK K ssfox AL W wrvtces to tlie eitlxens of Kdce cJinoe snu Nach comities. They will occupy ter Oti Hiaxiis, nni calls at either Offlcs will be promptly attended "i o m uii oilier. anl u a. u. Boss. i , u.T. Williams BUNN . 4 WILLIAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . BOCKY MOUNT, X. C. lretlee In tlie Hupreine tfourtsof th Hi ate and In the Federal Uottrt at Ka. Mh. . -.. - ; . .-.i." --.v . -. DRS. H- R & F. J- THORP. OFFEK HEIrVPKoPF.SSIOSAi; - tServiets to tlie cltizeus or ltockv Mount and vicinity. -.- 1..;. . jyOrnut at Tim Diiuo Stobk ,. apt J ly f.' , ,C.5Z,7 fe. U;HUNTEltl Hurffeon tcixtisti ..J ! WiU teat his ofice in ttinzu, H. $A 3, linear 1 I'r.lT AT ALITIMES. jgi sept-ly . 1:;,.: -.-1 - , ----- - .. -. -v : .. --' ; " : - Land Sales. TbWn Pfoperty FO.Bv9ALE! WUJbJnct.VKXTKEiiiti.T i.ovr.-- -! r-COi, my J ot anoTrllulldlngt, sluuted In tlie town of K'wy Mimiiii. on Tarboro Html, iwi -w lurs! healthy rtUn of bo town. Hinn.l lor -bnslnentns goU asai y l Kocky Mount. LoteontBlns.l--r:--- OPwl3rII ALF jLClttlZ. mmw lK wtttrrpwe Inn roon flrt-v,ro escli iwely ItiiUlieil up 44isIdo: flnre-Uowe "' Mtablc-s, a gooil Well "f Wjifer; iprx Oariren , some or. ihn clitceit "rit Trees In Hi coiHtwy. All In good condition. U lo eo nie if you wlsli to buvjMwprrly clit-ap. ' II. 1). AUMSTltONG.. Aug. tli; 187S. tf Valuable Lands FOR SALE. milRmidersigoed ers for Sale, In X li'-s lu stilt pureiiasers, trie tract of Uudtiii which Mrs. U.' Dortelj. reside, CHitaliilng 1,800 acre. U Nasli countyr"' nve miles alwve itocky Mount. There Is not a aiore lieJtliy . location In the county. -There Ir a rlrie lwell luff nd UiitUoiiws on lira preinies. -A K"o4 Mill Site, on a never failing stream. A lareo qiwntily of valuable swamp laud and a Isro body of rhI upland, nevei cleared, well wooded with Oak, Hickory and Doifwood- Also struct of M acres adjoining and to the South of tin) utnye, oil tbo Mash- vllla r'nul ' ' Anirlr to B II. Rvrn or the subscri ber, . A Wil,T.tOKTCII. scplOVtf - . .5 loi Sale. I OFKEK A BAK5 AIN IN NIWK biindrrd seres of Jinn in Nh eouu- tr. It lies on the north sule ol Swill Creek, .extend two miles lonj the creak and is four mile from Kikoii llridce, Csstalia and llilliarilsloii. Two hundred and Ofty err of oh-ii htnd; balance well linibcre'T-nnd jiriiiclially In original gronlli. Tim I mil In divided by the county road lediiij from Vr reiiton to Nasliillu ai.d if prat'ernrd would t sold in enite irael. Theje -U about a-IO aerv in one piece and 4W) iu ) -tlttMUr. A pily lo J. K. HAIUil?"., Warreiitoii. N. V., Or B. I AHItlXGTON. . sep3 4w CasUlia. ". C VALUABLE LAND mUEU.DlllSlNKOOr"l-KKS r'OK JL Mile I114 vslnubU; tract of l ul l in Kdgeeonibo eoiiuty, on swllt t'reek. about three and a lislf miles from M hit akers, eonlaiirnjr i acres, well adapt, ed tttHiTW, Cotton, 1'eiK. Potatoes nd Uals. In liljjli 't of euUivailoii, Marl aud oilier lacilllies lor lilimriu, cannot lm surpassed; uiliJiiigWrmjnKlnJJ rcwr. fames ilusiruix 10 piiieimn: a No. I larni w.ll tiud lhia i.pien.iui opportiiulir. J. K. CIlEltK V. WliiUkcfs, X .:.. Any. W. I87. it WANT TO SKLL. I WILL SKI.L. MY TWO SIOKY UiM-llliiR on Chureli Slrerti fft corner ol Thnma Mreet nve Uii, rooms and closer. The bolide jMillL newly painted und Is in exeellci.t r -pair. One -iw f (rrouod i al'aciieil. milcr new palling. There nro aljyi thu necesxai'V out lioiihCS. It is a 4arj;aiii -lor somebody. 1 will al-so nell a f;oo. l'lunnaiiil ftne riniTriiri-; n1reVeTal vacant Lots on Church Strict. Oet. IB, 4f Hi'OSSKY BATTLE. Notice I Notice!! LAND FOK SALE- T WISH TO SELL ABOUT SIX lllTX X drcd acres of and lyinr two miles east of Ililllardston: good cl iv submil level and well watered. I will sell in two hundred cro tracts, or all together it desired. A 1 iiiiiiiIxt of acres are in cultivation. Those wishing to buy laud In a healthy section cart conievjdJeover and ""i lor tliemiH'ive. MKH. TEMI'IE N . AKHl.VOTON. NeaT llilliarilsiou, Nash ds N. C: scp3 tf FOR RENT OR SALE- rVUK NEAT AXfl t-OJIKOHTABLE- X Dwelling on east side of Church . f Church ML by Mr fji, street', recently occupied Jolin N. Vlck, i for rent, or It will be enlU privately on rrasnuablo terms. The lioiue has ronr rom nicely fliiirh-' ed, aud ailjotniiii it is a kilelien. 1 bcis is alio a splendid Uarden spot and Ru bles, l lm lot la neal ly enclosed and It one ol the moat comfortable and deai rablo placet in towu. lelii tf W,LTHOKP - IFor ale- IOFt'Elt FOK SA1.K OS mK MOST reaionable term", niy Su-iv-Ilmine, with Keftaurant and Bar-Hmnn attach, ed 13 moms In tli biiihlinjr aitHated . lite wry nean 01 mm iowir vocsy I Mmink, in a few yards of tlie W&lwue- WHI-seH for easb, or on long time U V ecurvtl. This la ono ot tba best bml- Ha llsnild III trt w n' aiij I m.mmm. mwv-. w ing on a nue ousiness in It.. Apply to .tugti-tr - O. W. KMITH 200,000 T1 SAL T. U.ftBTFFIN. sepll-tf Bocky Mount N.C: TIN HOPi TIN SHOFIf . ROCKY. MOlJNT. ftlHK-VBDKKHIC.VE01iiiIAVI'0 1 opened s Fin.t-t'ln Tlrr and Be pairing Simp in tlii -jlaw,' is mo pre-! fared to fwrtihm rhceitlsens of Jtoesy Mownt and vteinltr with all Jtinrif Tl AVTtovFtpe. e. AIfo U U lTKJt t.(i and KOO lUc aMemledW prwwp'tT. -GiTe mo trial, 1 pisrautet , atrstadHWiU T ., U0. 11. lIXOS. jj-)-'. i. ,'u-'-. - " aiowxsn ip; T AXXr. no. i . kpu -eoaiM County, lo tit rear 1S75. r ; nww dmt aud cau be paid at I be Kxpre" Office. ( W. W . PAH K Kit.' - -.4-J ; ..JZ13 - - - . ..- :,. .-' U