I HE llOCKY MOUNT-MIL L. TU02il- - - Editor, fniDAY. APRIL 14. 1876. AUCTION A L rilEJtpiCE J Iu the Senate Chamber the oilier Uar,.,,MrBouiweH 'as-, 'eumed the role Of-lectuierTi'ce ilisfriiK;liiseiI and and proceeded to administer to the ei-Confedcrate a most witlierii rebuke, for - their very frigidity of impudence in making themselves felt and heard in the deliberations of National affairs; and went oil , weg; but the legitimate truits of a treasonable spirit and would inevitably lead to the horrors of another" rebellion. 1 ' Vherupoo the Nevr York ITerahJ, ever drifting with the ' current of popular - feeling, takes the above theme for an able review of the .political ' field and makes this astound 5 ing revelation that, despite the siucere professions of-1 ij alty '; of the Southern people, -the - Not thin this generation would not foreet the past or willinsr- y jreceive back into power . those who fought' against the Union. Is it possible that this bitter spirit of prejudice- can exist ft(r a. ti(ac ot olncpn years and particularly in this grand Centennial year of American Independence. when every -Leart in this broad land -from "the ever fretlul billows of the Atlantic to 'the.. . sleeping waters of the Pacific, aDd from ; the ice-bound rc- jjioruof the Jfcrth to the vine- Jad bowers of sunny South, 5iould be iu. harmony and Ibeat to the music of Uuion? Is IFpossble that this reeut an en ton their nart will rise n -- i TliajTierand prevent us from mingling with the Northern people at - Philadelphia this year aiwl rejoicing with them as brothers pver the celebra tion of an, event, wEIclllaid -the proud BritislrTLtonrpros?: "Ciirate at the feel of the Ame rican Eagle- and Itrought "lib erty to our country ? Is it - no6sible? Heaven forbid! But it really seems that; the wa is never, to be lorgotten, that we are never to be for given, that the sound of tr;a- son niust everring in our ears and its edium forever flaunted into o lr faces. Tis-true we believed in the doctrine of State Sovereign: y, and under its. teachings we tlillrTtr r-.,T . 1 , L aud proper. 'Tis true we sc ceeded from the Union, and submitted the-justice of our , cause to the inflexible arbitra . meut of Arms the last High jippEaLJTis true w built a walTlf lire around the heartbT . stones -of our land, aud-wel-fomed iein, who came to ' trutjugateVtt-v with "bloody - bands to hospitablejraves." 'Tis -tru'e ' we billowed our plains' and valli-jra with the graves if their slainjtountryT menand incarnadined thous ands nf ii.ii Unrip a with tho lifebloocLvof ttteir best and br ivcst. , But it was all done boldly aud under tho cruel sanction grim-visaged War.' Pnl n-Vion t tin" f? nt ITufrfrcrTl'iirl declared against us, and we louua our , tuenwu ui ueieai : o n t h e 1 1 Ff At fie Id" cfApp- luaitj.Vj-w-TtrtMjTV-tM to me sicru decree and furled the banner of tl; "stars aud bars" and LiM it awajr.fi-rever as" men 3 : ' the " trinkets of a dear r 1 ivvo. Since that time . l ave yielded with the most r t i.;siaa to JN'atiuti ' ' 1 1 vn;e w itl- out a murmur the grossest in diguitica that ever were heap ed upon an oppressed h1 down-trod Jea powple. : - We did everything in our-tower to hasten rcionstructiqu- and bring back tjour country tlte sun-light yrecoiciliation. AVe stood by without a. word of reuioiistrance, ad sawjn lgnolanco, armed with the power uf tho ballot-box. We paid taxes to the government without a propvr reprejenta tlon in Congress, and not one word of rebellious complaint. Yea, more,, we' even took up HorHce;Qreelf thje life-long enemy of the. 'South and Tier cherished institutioNis, and 'iook hands vrith him in per feet 'sincerity: "across . the lildody. cliasnn" We have madt every profession or loy alty .co'nsisteut with the digui- I ty of manhood.'and our actions bave not belied tna prouipt tng of our hearts or tho utter ances of oar lips. The speech es of our lepreseutatives in ' Congress Lamaf's admi rable oration upon the death of Charles Sumner,' liansom-'s splendid effort of rhetoric, in defence of the South, Oor don s patriotic utterances and Wadaeii'a fine Uentdini.il seiLttnients, all o ,1o j rove that the Union is dear to the hearts of our people, and that its glory and greatness must prove a common heritage for us and oar children. "V . SATUItPA F XIG II T, " Saturday niglit . is almost here. Thep gloaming deepens, the stars are ready to peep out, and soon another week, with its lights and sfiadows, and all of its busy, bustling scenes will be over. The wea ry mechanic lets fall tho taw or hatchet or-eWscl from h worn out ana almost nerveie-rs grasp j Tlie laborer on farm leaves the plow at the end f the furrow iu the uu- C n is h e d .. wo r k, i he Liivyji r quits his briefs. The doctor his office.; the acc6uutant his desk ; tlie merchant his coun ter; the editoi his s:uictuni, aud-thc poor printer his case where the monotonous click, dick, click has beei heard all through the week; aud all, of every grade and tat!bn, re-, pair to their hoine6 'with grateful feelings a.id warm a welcome for Saturday nightr With its coming, all nature sinks into a holy lush, and makes ready for the Sabbat li that solemn, await paus; in the world's grand march to Eternity. And while the tired world is taking a breathing spell, let us indulge in a little soul communionand find how stands the recprd.with us. Arn nilfhP.-ffw;.'ln,i'' Are nil the promises fulfilled! Have wu rendered a faith futprcami ng. ste wardship,-"arrd should we hear from our; Master should he call us noif; ""WeTdonc good and faitpiil Servants!" Have we Veen going, about doing good? Have we strengh- tened the weak, or visited Ihe sick, or lifted ,uphe fal'en, or f!d the.hungry.-'or clothe.d the naked?- 'Have we doiie all the good that God has given us power to do ? Have, we touched' iu kindness ou single heart thatwiH.riseup in tlie list Great Day-and call us blessed, and.prove a jwel in our crown of rejoicing ? Llavo re Jricd tj 'tnra oue singje brother frouithe error of liia.wayj or ,a poor riiined wairuaien adalen fruin a li e of shame? Keader! Look down iji to yJur own heart aud let voi; r c o v. c : c & c"c " answer-our (jueacions, as wo will one "day have to answer, when you and altrof us meet "Up There" to "nlve an account of thedeeds done in the body,". And may this' .Saturday night's commu-nion- bo ' bo fruitful in god purposes and good resolutions tf.at --wherLLifti's Saturday X ight shall rome, we all cfcn pass iatff'BeaTlr's coldleep without a shudder and find rest in the Uternit Sabbath of Heaven; r.'s ': " And uow wa turn, froni t he solemn soul . comniuuion to the .heart's "sweet twilight dreamiugs, and call up some of the thoughts that crowd upon us iu this holy hour.--r It is to nsone of tb&Jnost comforting of the whole weck lire diseordiUit elements are all hushed t,he passions are stilled, the better parts of 0'ir uatures tcoina vttp . and speak, aud ail kindred feel-, ings arc welded info aharmo nio"(is union by the fusing in fluences of this hallowed time. We like to withdraw, as U were, from tho world and for get for the time jits cares, its sorrows and ita.trials, aud live over again .in memory. thg hours of oiiK tnllowed past. We like to'commune with the unage of the loved, and ab sent ones which alwayjconie at this dear hour to repose upon the bosom of our woo ing thouglr.s. . We like to Lhink-of the o'.d homestead, no matter ho.w old WA.mayv have i'rbwii, or how far away wg may have wandered, or how pleasant our present sur roundings may be, we like to t'tink of the "old place,", for it makes us feet young Again aifd imparts to our 6pirits some of tlie radianc? "of th? inerry""days of boylioiicf. Tliose who made the old place hoiiKv mav be sleenincr under " o . . tl o ce I'irs i 'i tl e bin "iil I ' ars a i 111 1,1 I ground, but their holy influ ences are eternal and come to" us in these twilight rnedi- l-rattons as swectfy-as 7 "The gentle south wind Breathing o'er a bank of violets," ... lud they make us purer aud better beings; And then when weary with musing aertlte th.ngs of earth. this hour is so fit fojLthiiikiJig-ttllWHit' higher realm. Aud it is so full ofcoiri fort to lay aside Time's spy glass, through wllich we have seen so. many frailties ill this earth-lifi, and ;ick up the great telescope of Faith and view tlie imperishable glories : tiiata(bni that future home, "not made with hand0, eter "nal in the heavens. "Tlic de lighiful prospect sprinkles ruseniary o'er the nslres of all earthly hopes, and wams the. grave in a glew. of comfort. May every reader of the Mail -BBd it so is thewish that' goes. up.in tliis Saturd.iyls JwiHght . v. COL. 1'OUL. ' - . Ucl. I'ooSuperiutendenl of. t'ulilic Instruction, ir is said, is a defaulter. Ilchai visked tlu public to withhold judgment until he can -make an exhibit of his - accounts. If guiltylib' must be denounc ed ; if liuiocertt, he will, be like a diaiiiijndropped iu the mud a diamond still. U-. Pritwe-is dead. By industry 'inU'devotfoinW-... b fliiness "tur amassed a iar;e fortune and was perhaps the riches:, man in Amend- - ' lbe taUy Xetc$ of l'dersburg ias suspended, but we (rust It will only provf of temporart duration. - It W"as- full of news and moit ably edited and we shall bitterly regret to part with it The eye is a safety-valve, through which the lung pent feelings of the bo am find relief in tears, c. . It takes dark nijjht to . bring "out the stars, and so it takes the niyht of advnity to reveal ia all tlicir brilliancy the auhlimest Tirtues of the aoul ; ; . , ,' ,f . i i ... ""''r ' Womau, in her" deepest shame, 5n her lowest degradation, holds some little keep-aak" of that higher exis tencc, and like tho stars,, tt tliines out in ler darkest niyht I wltti 'qnenchless brilliancy and reveals the heaven from which it was lost, - . , Tears are not indicative of weakness. Trnxaw'lhW'-STinikithctie , nicsaensers of the hearths overwhelming grief un controllable anguish "and deep earnest eontrllkww---XilUlentii2 in, a woman eye, they can melt an:l hcud the stronj. :it of the ' sterner sex." . ' v : - Love is, of all things en this earth, the tenderest, the holiest,' the', purest and the best It Isthe very soul of coiitentmont, aSectiou's 'ministry and sunnr dreams. It is the gnnrdian Alt gel of tlie fireiride, and is ever slipping from its richly jeweled fingers, those precious gem of endearment that for ever makes bc.a.irtiful and gloriouTtfio granJ paradise of home- v. Woman cannotdive-nithout love and by love, we mean love expressed in words and honeyed endearments, and not merely felt as is too often the case Jlarried men - so ' eften " lose sight of those Utile acts of attejHioiwiiid kind notices which are so dearly nppreciat- idJiyJJie.wife, and though they love just as weH they seem to think thoy might -take it fur granted, and hence, it is we see so many homes dark and raylcss. If husbands would only make their feelings speak out in eloquent ei-prcssions-f demonstration, niemories now -so sacred to those dear old hours of "wooing and winning," would come back to their hearts and brighten their lives with Heaven-borrowed radiance. 1 he greatest exhibition of courage ever jet witnessed is that made by the blushing maiden, when she goes up to altar in the Heaven directed fulfillment of woman's holiest mission. Il is the crand turning point of her life. Iier home hallowed with the .'earest rcnlin iscences of her j.yoas pist ; the holy companionship of mother and bisters ; tho protecting care of father and broth crsjall Tilnst be snrt-or.uded, hiust be left forever , The future is unknown to her, and full of a thousand perils J.. . :.,i!. ai.ji ;.j u uian niti, y Jm; Lcr hand within tlmt of her cho ostfn one, she looks up bravely into his face aud pronounces har ewu magnifi ce'ut apotheosis to heroism in this su bUjue.JitteiiUvcej thenixstli?.riigea bright, happy., boantiful j but the future i Can trust "will share with you. DRUG STOKE. Tli attention of tha citizens ol Sm- ami KdRicomb counties is called niy se lect stock or Fore Drugs ard lTr.cIicir.cr, Patent McdicinesV Whiilow Glass. Putty, live 8rntfs. Inins and fjiiun l islures. licwis' Koral 1-jiglLsh and C'ryntsl I'alacc it Uit is'Ik. agooaaiwortmeiitTirraim. Copal and Cfach -Varnishes. Spirit ol Turp inline. Linitseed and Lubricating Oils. Fine t'igaw, Smok ing and Chewing 'iV nacco, rermmery, hop aua lancy ir titlen, Ac- - llOEeroscne Cib . ' Afrnnt furajre'sijaji)es ana ScoviU's xamuy .ueuiciuca. ' ........ All order promptly atter.ilrd lV". " rroccriptions cart fully wniptJfl day or ni.it. -V H- E. THCRP- M-; D- HEW HOUSE I THE tr. . . OrPOSITK ; ll-J?rRl(n()USE At wlii-S wiltbeTent at alt times, the Finest l.i riors aad Cigari dec2l si' W. B. JORBAX - , FOIUSALV, T ItAVRTWO SPI.EXnrrr KVLL SIZ X - cd R'lils which I wilt sell f .r "sT, r on4imj faoarcd. a rcasoiBibie teruij!. I JL hey are h ell Oroke and wor; Y iiir,:5c or double. ' . - i They are well broke and woriv-i iiir'c or double. '''.,"" 7 A onl y t o ' JKSVK f , meU3l tf Rocky M USE yODXG'S Pfv.SJPCTS . J. T. YOUNQ -i;BEO ' ilKALUt Vt ..... . . ' Watche, Diamonds, Jewel; II .wL "H. SdTerwiw,- Li- ,1. Cor. Sycaiuora and Cauk St., rETEHSUUKO. VA. And xSaTo Your Eyesight-' aprlO ly ' ' FVRXITURE! - FVRXlTUKElt :V- IL MOItitlSS, , 13 XOKTU SYCAMOttK STUKfcT, " Peterstura: Va. D BALER-1X , Ft,!BXlTt:RB-)I7tU "kinds : Walnut Chamber ShiU a' spe eialty. Solid i'alniii"SuIt3-lrDnr5;) to VIM. i aiattrexwi at all kiiiua on nana anil maile to order. A nice assortment of Clnldrviis' Carriaitcs aini a variety . of .--pniijt i.cu JHJUOU13, vuc&i ana tpngnt lieirii(uralora. . (, ', V.-v: '.'-V V,V.V r. . .-JBWiJi UX-DERTAKIXO in all its branches. Metnlic and Wood Coitnii of all aizeii and quahties constantly ou baud. AH orders, night or day, promptly attended to. " "-i' -1 TABMR k FlNJVRIGflT Founders and Manufacturers oj"'. ," -AC1UCULTUKAL; I,MPLBMtiXTS, GouiSBono St., near the Cocbt Hocse Mannracture, keep on hand and are pre. paftul to. lurawii rarmera. ana the trade six uinerem patents 01 , ( -X)ne-Icrse Turning riows, ': : ; . :aio: - . Waiawrlslit's 'a!ent :fKlDB Pluvr, whicli tins taken the premium ovr al, othcrt wherever exhiMted. We sord last season about twenty five hundred plow m-hir-li ffBrn ImivAfti1 nll!rt-inn. - We are prepared to do all kinds of CASTING AXD ItEPAIUINQ - St short notice and on reasonable terms. We return our thanks to the Farmers and the Trade for the liberal ' patronage heretofore received, and solicit a continn ne of4hS nsme, promising prompt at tention to alor'i'". laiu-ll W.T. TAYLOR, Manufaclurer of Wi.roow Fkamesi, Hooks, Pr.ix I'AXHijibr kvkhy Style, DOilTtTKAJIES. Wl'W)WS. SAKIII-t llU.VIl, M.VXTT.EH, JlrI.Di;M. liRAt'KKTS. Sc'iio).L Work a?ii TOBACCO COX PATTEUNS, j Al.o" contracts to put up liuildinirs. fVirnisliing ail material, complete turn key jobs, or otherwise, ai parties mny pri 'i r. mi with KiKi-flrira mmocr. mcli2 1 1y - Valuable Lands ?OR BALE. ri'lic undersigned offers f"r Sale, in lots JL to ftut piirci!r,ers. t:ie trocl ot land cu which Mrs D. Portch resides, conta n ing 1.S I1 ai res, iu Xash- eptiiity above Itoekv Mount. There i ntit a more htrnlthv location in the county." There is a line liwellinz and outhouses on the premises'. A good Mill Site pti a neve- failing stream. A larpo quantity of valuable swamp land and a Iartrc body ot pooii ujjliinit, never cicarcu, well wooded with Oak, Hickory and Dog wood, - - Alto a tract of 50 acres, adjoining and to the South of the above,. on the Nash ville road. , Apply to B IL llusx or the siibrrMer,- A- W. Tv PORTCH,-. veplO jf -r . WANT TO SELL. I win. SELL jiy TWO STOUT Dweuinc on LhurcU .Street. comer of Thomas..: Stret fire rooms and closcbt. The -house pewly painted, luid is in excellent jvnair. -hnc ff pround is attached under naw piling." Tltyre arc also tlie nifess: r.ont lioitses. It is a bafjra-iii'fur'ROiiiebodvr I will alsos dl a poil Pia";in and other Fnrn't ire. Also several vacnt lots on Church Street, JKHSEY BATTLE, octlfl tf '- Eoeky Mount, X. C. 53, pzflShFw.a-w.hH.Ka MAHB Thel)ji01JAUED JAa LEFt'Eb P0Ulit,E I Address, POOLE & HUNT. THE STOKtilOl'SE RECENTLY PC .' enpied by A, Krakcr is offered for Ront on fair Unns. : The house is well arranged aud is one of the best business stands la town.' .Apply to - ' - tiKO. C. BATTLC mchai tf . RocTty Mount, X.fr A. WilKNN, MAXJJ'ACTCRER OK AND WHOLE. - sale, Dealer in Carriages, Buggies, Farm Waprons, CarLs,"Vhee'ls and Axles, liirncss. Collars. Saddles, tlames,' lapr, robes.. Horse Clothing. Whips, kc. Also a large Stockof Carriage Materials. '. TB-ll. IS, H and 20 rxioSTT,,-'. fel.2' ly ' ypRFOLK. VA . OAR)EtmV"EOT0r -liiw, CHOICE. IMPJVQVEANn SE J t ... looted A arieu of Vetetable and lower Seeds from the old and reliable honsc of P. Jp'EBHt Ci). have just ami n- iirsaie at it, II. PKVU STtlltK, Rocky - " feb2 tf l J-rT--'r- '. - . - B - j J7, .CLACKNALL, , Proprietor. W. U MIWELEY. ' KICHOLSOX MOSELEY, : Life &0iro . - INSURANCE- AGENTS. " WILSON, N. ( . rj...-,..rt ili a Vnrfh I'Brntlns tttt.Lifa lusurance Company, and a number of firsfc- elass r.tr tuurauc vouijim. i.oit ty . '- - "-- - tl Tin; ioim 11 auoLLA HOME INSURANCE "CO.. oniaieigH rs o. Insures Stores, DieeUittgsrS&rd1" . dist und ' ALL CUSSES CF INSURABLE PP.OPEBTjr.', AKHiatt l.ou or Damage by Fire ea th .. :. ol..Keso.l.l!.-Te...-C.-T..-. ', Ita'i Stockholders are gentlemen inter ested in building up North Carolina Insti tutions, and among them are many of the prominent business and tinancial men of tho fctatc. , . AH Losses IVomptlyXdjnsted and Paid It appcals with confidence to, the Insur ers of I'roperty in Morth Carolina. ; KNCOUtlAGE HOME ISSTITrilOSS. - R. II. BATTLE, J., President. Seatox Walks, Secretary. - W. ARRIXGTO-V, t . Ajjeiit at Kocky Mount. N. C. OLB NOUTHrSTATE Insurance Company, WAERE NTOjNV N. C This Company has elosed its third year in a condition of GKEAT44tOSlKRn'Y. and entered .upon its fourth year under tho MOST PKHMISIXU AUSl'ICES, It deserves the liberal patrouage which it ts-veceivuig because . . It is a Home Institution. , It ha ample Capital and Reserve. It pays iU losses promptly. " ASSETS: t '',... -., i Casiran band and in Banl,..... 8.421 53 I mil liiiills of A ireMfs... 4.11S1 IK) Stock X'.ira 45,(i70 811 l!eal hstate Mort;ages.....t 58,9W OK leaned on4ullaterals 7,04? Cd Due for Premiums... Interest due aud accrued- 4 &i 13f),27 19 M AUlI.ITlF.Si .. All Liabilities, including fidl re-insuranee Reserved $ IS, IS J HI Surplus 111.S4U 88 --' ' . l;ll,2!l? 19 WM. S. DAVIS, President. 11. K. LONU, Seerutury. Posssey Ha rrij-AuiiXTat liocky Mount. ju4 tf K. P. Battle, Pres't. - F. H. CAMKnfiN', V. Pres't. ' W. It. Hicks, Scct'y. JsOUTIi CAROLINA .. SStnte Iiifu IuKurance CAPITAL.. T77.r$2b6,oo'o. AX end of First -"Fiscal Vear had Kttod over !).)J Policies without sustaining a sin gle loss. lru(lent1jt(Jii',inical and energetic nuui ainetttTuw mate it a ; ; J SUCCESSFUL-CORPORA TIOX. .'.. This Company Issues every desirable form of polit y at as low rates as any other Iirt-clas3 Company. ... Jniposes no useless restrictions aipori resilience or travel. Has a flxexl paid up vnh'ie on all policies after two and three annual payments. . Its entire assets are loaned and invested At Home,' to foster and encourage home enterprises. AVitU these facts' beforo them will tlie people of Xorth Carolina continue to par annually thousands upon tliousands of dollars to build up Foreign ' Companies, wliea titer can Korrrre ihsnmncc lira t'orrr- t-pany etpully reliable and every dollars premium tney pay be loaned ami invested in our own State, and among our own pCOplfcf -. - A. W. ARKIXUTOX, local Ag't, Rocky Mount, -S'. C. Col. R. O. MOXTCOMEUV, ... - Pistvict Ag't, lireenville, X. C W. A. DANIEL, District Ag't,--apr20 ly , Vcldon, C. WILMINGTON & ..WELDOrT , jUailroad; Co. . Okpice of Gkk'i, Sltkrixtexdeitt, 1 Wiliuiugton S. t'.. Doc 17, 1S75. J - Change or SrbtKliiIe . 33. OX A XD AFTER DEC. liiTII, PAS scnger Trains on tba . Wilmington and Weldon Kai'road will run as follois's : , , WAY Httl.V. f Leave Uninn Depot; daily."'""' :;: " Jrtiad,ys-exceptedj....At 7:3.", A. M. Arrhe at I lol Isburo. :.. Hn, A. M. Roeky Monnt...... .1:3$, P. M. Weldoa....,.... .-a:IA I'- IaveWcldoniialv.....At 10i, A.M. Arrive at Kocky"M'3uuT7TT"H;6 VA. M. ' Uoldsboro .... 3:i, P. M. ' -t'nioa lep-t...... -.CaB, P. M.' xioiir V ItAIX. Leave Cnion Dopot daily . At 7:.i?, PWtt Arrive at Ooldsbt.ru... T-Tt, A. il' Rocky Mqjnt .'. 4:34, A. 41' M cldon 7:15, A. M' Iave'Weldon dailj-,..ii3.v.p.' -ATrive at Rocky Moxit....... 9:.)7, P. It' - tiohUlKiro...... ri't, A. M' - . ;-.F. Inion Dciot,M.7:J), A. The mail tram n-.nkcl c'.owi -court tion at Weljon for all pnata Nortli rt'a Day Line ami all rail romcs. " ''r'or atT run oa this train between WHmmgtoB and Portsmouth. . Espresa Train connects only writh ail ril route, Pui.i.h an'h Paiace Hvtaas KM Cars us Ttm 1 hai,n. Fitf:iunr THAix.s will ksvc r,a- nii!igln-tn--o. kly t A. iL, and r rim all :! VI. ' JiMIVF. lilVIXK," janS if 0F.ii4i Stiperm''d'a!. 8. T. KICHOIOK, 1844. '-'-' 1870 tABLlSIIED 32 YI5AU3 " - FURNITURE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL- Villi NI TfTR R ' J Having one of tlw largest and most coro plete Factories in the t nited States, 1 am able to ort'er an imrm u.se variety of Fnr- -iillire froTtrrirvry cheapast to the. richest, and all of MY OWN MA9UFA.0- Tt'KE. . . V 3. Send for a Frice List aimmaVe your ownseleetion. "i'eblet'(tt!l6aTnria sent frea on application to , s, - . " -- -t - , CHARLES P. STEVEN'S, - mchastf - ' i , Ualtimore, Md. '' TALBCH T k SONS. Ehockhoa Machine Work? COHXEIt CART AND 17TH STREETS. Ilicnmoifil "rn,. , ' ' Manufacture " . Porta.hle, Strictly Portable and Station ary Steam Engip.es, Circular Saw. : Saw and Grist M ill Hydrnulw Iress.J . GINNING EN G I NHS Turbine Wrier Wheels. And alt kinds of Tobaccot Fixtures, Wrmiftht Iron Work. Brass and Inn., Castings, Machinery of every description,. . Ac. ' .' , -. i my28 ly : i r THE Light-Penning romcstk' 13 NOISELE Simple in its Construction. Piirahle, Easy to operate, no Friction, Perfect in Stitch and Tension. Makes a Uoul.le Look Stitch, .AJiC,CTtn':iaS5i!-n.iIjaa ' Conic-ilc'13'w in Matlilne OP NEW YORK, anj-tf : ' TIIK . ? DOMESTIC" TAPER FASPIONS Comprise a larjre and varied assortnient of Pattenis for Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren' garments, of foreipi and domestic desipns by the most accomplished. AIoi Imtks. They ire the most perfect Httms, inost elaborate, and yet the Mbst simple patterns ever preseated to the public, and take the had wherever introduced. 'Aoknth AVaktkiv- Send for illustrated Catalogue. .Addresa, - . , , Domralie, Sewiaa MscfcU. ( a Hew ';; , . . ,,Trk. - . y au5 tf ' "DOJIESTIC-' MONTHLYr JpacffK&-TtrTAsnioy, T.iteratt'hfv AND AHTt- A thoroughly reliable, refined and practical informant concerning matj' ters of Fashion in all its departments: a repository of choice and entertaining lit- erature, handsame illustrations, art criti cisnw, etc., etc., and a Jonmi'l specially adajtcd to the wants of the home circle. Trr itw. gl.30 pir Jnr. Specimen copies ijents. Ask your cwadealer' for a copy, oy send amount to us. Oxb Iiiii.uAk tiiVKV A WAV to avery" snlncriber; in tha celelirafad " DoMB-. TIC " PArnii KAi.iniuAVJsprewiiunt CAASSKBS WASTED KVHBVWMEHB5- j Address, a. . - DomosticH.IIoiithlr. tc" BClLOTSa, KETf ' TOKK.' i i . - aug6 tl . ,iajie3 ii. jfj:r Watchmaker aud Jeweler. v ' ; '"'"' i : TARBORO. N. '. ' - iair ass ti'!i i i ui" Pt ids, .i:w and Cu!T P.u 4nns 'Pfr, ck-s. Eveela V tn-l I n 'labia Cuttry t All kiiitlM of K.i i ri:nt imimptlr dene mil cuaT.nt . ,r i ii ; i : "a . 1 : P. I..., , a. -,- ir - r pr fed. A- in-1 mi Tt "ill furMji-! to.-i or trdcrs fir roods. " ci2? "