t 1 .r, Spirit 4;autR EeLf! I)ur friends, Ixfn'g &. Moore seem. dcfl uniined to keep our people w ell TAX NOTICE. I will sell to the highest bidder for O sutjplicd with good beef. That .they ! Cash, on Monday the 4th day of Au- furliished us on Thursday - . u.-i i. ;u iLuriiiniiH mi. i lit:. i.lihi W. R. TERRY, Editor and Prop'r. ! I WaS "P" " c ?M r more herciu ter !dcscribed the rty :v,- . -4 : i of the same sort, i , , . . - . A , Rates of Subscription: . : ' OI me Pspns nerein named, in oraer One copy, -1 year, - - J - 2 00. ( ."Where is. bur hog men?" IF wfa&ont j to satisfy the Taxes against their t)ne com 6 inonth. r - 1 00. j J '12; names. for tlm Yea l'872773e Taxes 50. i Jam last we saw ol .Decanter i;nn- , - he was in : Rockingham, "drunk One copy, 3 months, Utiles of Advertising: , , , can One square, first insertion, One Dollar, j as 1 fool," and was still the same old and for each subsequent insertion, b utj- j hog that he '-'always Avas weight, just cents. A-.square.js the yadth cf a column 93 founds, according to the Fa vette and one mehueop. j ' j Liberal deduction ..in favor of tpiarterly and yearly advertisers. AViLMiSGTO a; Junfe 2G, 1873, CV.VDE TuitrLNTINE p';; r- Virgin, . .;. 77... . . , Yellov,' Dip, ...... . Hard,.. Hmmts TLT.ro-TixE. - Rosin : ' Common, . . . . . . .' Pale,' . .' . . .Extra Pale, . . I: "Window Glass", Cotton, ..... . ; $3.00 .3.00 .2.00 41 $2.45(2.50 76.00&0.50 .j .11181 villi Eagle. But as to whither he went froni here, we arc as ignorant as he is hiirisclf. - LOCAL MATTERS. Conundrum. , Why is Decanter Duncan like Sher- iff-Cooper's billy goat? . A Black gnake . - 1 . Pally -six feet long, was j killed on Trent street, in this town ti fcf- days ago. Sickness. Ther 0 is cons(derab! e sickness hcrc'i abouts at present, and the Doctors art? doing a good business. : But we hear' of 110 one being seriously ill ; . Shrier Bros., "Wilmington, IN- 0., is tie place to buy Heady "Made G16 tiling. reliable, and sell ilow. Try They are them. To Ta-Payers. T Pav yoa'r taxes and saves costs. See' ;': - - - '.. -; i- . 1,, ; . f j Sheriff Cooper's advertis-enent.'i He means business.!. . ; Jf'"-f t Tlcejf&';lryw-.. Tuiat is, ..we suppose, a paper jmb- lish ;d outside of Rockingham, to rep ixsc nt the county, 1 the Srnuyr the Sou ru being a local paier, and only representing this town. But how .4.00(4.50 1 about the Scotchman, published at lQ 7A'r2 r Lauh-inburg? Or, don't you look up- i on 'tpat bantling as being entitled to ' the paine of newspaper ? j But, we do not coincide with you, Decanter. But, if tLe Argus was the only paper pub lishi d in Wadesboro', we should be willihig to ' assert that Wadcil)oro? needej,! a newspaper. And, if , your offi-pf inrj was the only paper publish- tliis county, we should most cer- jy agree with you that Richmond fcy needed a newsjaper. As it is, howlvcrj wei don't; believe that any papers are needed in this see the Spif.it or the South being dantly; able to watch over the in ts of Rockingham and of Rich- d county, as. well as this entire sectibn of North Carolina, as. the Ar gus Might be able to do in its locality its eyes not 'lulled to slcex" by 60 frequent iise of "bust head." cd i: tain couil more abui tore mon werej the J latio liupi rova New Advertisements. (it'ur!.Toi J.I rreeimm $1,000 Re- : , .V' ; W..J. Cli lA.-llisioli. 1 and othersr Grand ?; ; ."'hi 1 iv n ( ' -1 W. X.. S teele, "Wo' regret to learn, is qiiite ill from an attack of -fever.. Hope hb will coon bu re :a)i'c.L ;: ' '- r j ixfit Cotton Blossom. Hie iirsfeolton '- blossom that weQorn, liave heard of in this section this sea son, was disco vered on. Thursday last in the patch of !Muj, Long, in this town. Hurrah for the "Major ! The ISTorth :." Carolina State Life In t u ran ee company oilers inducements to Xortli -Carolinians1 which we do ' liot think- arc surpassed byj any other coiupany in tlie World. Let us eli te m rage our home institutions instead ' of sendiiur onr monev abroad to enrich bee Ojiioi r ami Chick Pattc Jeesv 4 C0 2 02 91 2 3S C20 8 09 1 02 5 9 41 2 92 2 s5 ; and stop proceedings M Steele's Township. Names, No Acres Tax. T . : - $ cts: Hudson "Mrs. Creasey, 100 14 33 Estate of James Russelk 300 11 30 Ingram S. )M. 1G0 3 80 Richardson P. W. 110 5 31 Webb John R. I ll S 7 02 "Mineral SrniNCS. Crouch, William . 185 Crouch, Sarah 350 Covington, "Elizabeth 150 Cameron, Henry (col) 175' Crouch, Tcrrel 25; Covington, Asbeny bv D. A - : 194 Ganrett, M. B. GilHs, William A. ' Jernigan, Catharine Kitclian, John Iclvinnoh, 3Iargaret t McDonald, M. R. 100 113 50j 305 41 2 70 2 82 1 49 22 a 3 15 95 5 84 99 f 4 n 0 40 Graham, G. IL for Est J. H. 200 Graham, Daniel J. 750 Henderson, John G2 McKenzie Alex'r. Est. 118 McKay Nancy 230 McLanchlin, Rose Ann 205 McLean, J.-F. 45 McNair, Mrs. Jane 30 McBryde; Est. of Danl 2S3 Sellers, Mclvav 104 Smith, W. F7 1871 The most of the above tax s Rail itoad tax which some of the parties don't know that thev are due. ! Tliis is the; last chance to pay ( your tax. without cost All persons who come forward and settle the amounts opposite their names before the day appointed to sell will save money and trouDie. if the land is sold the cost will be nearly as much as the tjax. J j! - Respectfully, I S. T. COOPER, Sh'il 1 133 1 78 G84 10 94 McLean, Daniel & Solomon 355; 3 24 Panky, J. W. 1 100 1 00 Sadberry, Nancy (Widow) 10 J 03 Snead, Jalnes ; 100 1 31 Townson, Robert 7 185 3 CO . i Beaveii Da3I. ithout the aid of advertisements I could have done nothing in specu- 1. .1 have the most complete faith inter's . ink. Adveitising is the ! f road to -business." -Bur num. j Hi who invests one dollar in busi- ;sli( mid invest one -dollar in '.ad iiiig' that business. A. T. Stew 's success is owing to mv liberal-' i j atrvertisiug.- -RoDERT -BONNER. THE MARKETS. Iuck!uham Market. I 1 Friday, June 28, 1873. ". 7 1 - 7 $ cts Blue D. Tw ! 100 -1 49 Tiner, Julia i 100 1 26 Currie, M'tilcom ' ' i 500 1 40 Fisher, George 50 ! 45 Dawkins, W. R. r i 4G G 02 W. F. McLean, , administrator, l j Dawkins, Georgp I 434 8 66 Mcpherson, Duncan 7 200 4 S3 McLean, John 175 1 70 Raiford, Samuel 45 If 50 Thomson, Joseph 50 70 Black Jack. " McKay, Wm. A. - 190 5 64 Rockingham:. ; Ellerbe M. C. , I75 8 21 Lamply, '.William 56 1G2 Lassiter, J. W. . : 50 135 McKinnon, L. L. 1 722 5 32 McGowan, Mrs. Thomas 1 Lot 6 175 Northam, George : 300 8 03 1 Terry, H. G. . 310 15 02 i WIL.111SGT0 r TRUST COMPANY AND . - SAYINGS BANK Now Open for Business at Its ; BANKING HOUSE " ON MARKET STREET, BETWEEN FRONT AND SECOND" STS., 1 Xo. 51plaili.ct Street. MARRIED women and nnnors can de posit in this ILuik subject to their owa control. Six per cent allowed -on all" deposits over five dollars remaining three months in the Bank. All accounts strictly confidential. SILAS N. MARTIN, President. DONALD McRAE, eVice President. F. M. KING, Cashier. - i A Proclamation gYTWEGOVK!!.OR j Or .XOKTIX CAiIOJLI.Ai EXECUTIVi: DEPARTMENT, ILiLraon, Juae tHh, lb7o. ) Be it known to all whom it mav cons ecm; That in conformity nitJi fkxrtion S. chapkr 153 tof the acts thtf Goners .- al Assembly passed Jat the sess;oiitf 1S72-" '73, in ivlatioifto anu-ndaicnti of the on stitation of the State : . IVOUTIS CAROLIX.1 STATU life! ihsu-'h ANcr; -1 i Mav 21. 17-3in BRICK ! BRICK ! ! BRICK ! ! ! ONE Hundred Thousaad good brick for sale by the undersigned on reasouN able terms delivered at the Deoot or amV-part'of town. ! J uhe 11, -4. ALEX. STEWART. v ' 20-it. 1,. . '14(7CL"i . Woi.f Pit. Covington, Mrs. M. A. H. Hailey, Walter D. Haj'es, Gideon ! Jacobs, Felix . Jacobs, Andea'Kon ' , Jacobs, Giles Jacobs, J. H. 2 i Jacobs, W. C. Bacoi , ... . . . . .:. . . . ...... - .10(10 ' Joncs ardy r ' 1 . -f or i -Jacoos, Siiaderick orn-;neai, , ............. . . . . ... L j Jacobs Samuel s Uli- t . . 'VJ"JS ax, 1 Tallo,. 1 twee, . ,'.;mugers advertisement elsc- Rockingham At this time, wc tink, presents about as an inviting a Held; for a pes tilence as - airy place of similar size in t he State.' Tlie streets havto not been f cleaned within the r ecollect ion of the oldest inhabitant, wlnlo th cellar un dcr Dr. St luUf hUcd must sent enourh to tnsill's new store is about With putrid water, ..which forth ,poisonois cflhivia kill half. the icopie in town. Of course the Doctor, is not ihfluenced by selfish motives in allowing: this putrid water to .remain in his cellar, but its effects on the people is all the same. Will not our efficient Marshal or Mayor look a little into the sanita ry condition of our city? j 7 7 A . Al' -Sugar Irish! HEV ADVERTISEMENTS. rpni G R which in this of coir is now the To Advertisers. The SrmiT or the South 1 mly newspaper. , published in : this ton, and its circulation! than that of any other papier '"publish ed in the Pee Dee countrv. This we are prepared to. jiruve to advertisers who will take the trouble to call and ex amine our subscription bdoks, which will be shown with pleasure. Adver- tiscrs will please make a note of these facts. . . .- : ,'' otatoefc S.759.50 ... .15(20 . 15&20 . .. 2025 . . . 25(2,00 .'. 1012.i 1.20t.2o .2.00 2.25 7. jl2(00 25(30 . .1218 2.002.50 $1,000 REWARD ! ! ' undersisrncd would call aitentioi lis well srlected stock of O C E R I E S , & C . , kvas purchased by him in New York. and w&ich he can sell as Cheap as any1 House section. Will barter for all kinds NTRY PRODUCE. I TUKPEXTIXE a speciiuitv, ior wmcn tne nicraest prices will bd paid, either in cash or trade, deliv ered nt his still, or in the wood. A trim is' all 1 ask. ; j" GEORGE J. FREEMAN. Xta Sand Hill-Depot, Jane 28, 173. 22-3ln 1, 150 2 07 , 25 1 12 ; 137 1 75 ' 70 90 50 .86 50 46 50 . 37 100 1 62 50 2 11 110 1 72 1U5 3 '78 172 1 08 505 918 100' 188 210 1 88 310 2 55 212 2 30 205 5 GO 310 4 59 CG7 13 35 150, 4 55 300 11 30 liliAMI EXITHSIIIX Torthe City of Wilmington ! ! bui, Giuiard $1,000 Reward!! The attention of our readers is call ed to the large reward offered in our advertising columns this week. And, reader if you want to ' buk' anvtkihsr in the thy goods or grocery line, don't fail to go and see Mr. George J. Free man, near Sand Hill Depot. He wiU sell you goods cheap, and will buy your crude turpentine and pay you the biggest price. Go and see him. He will deal with you1 fairly and .srn.iarelv. r ; ' :l A X EXTRA TRAIN WILL LEAVE CLthrHead of the Road for Wihniiig- j is greater j toa on Hie 3d day of July at 8 o'clock, A. jl., 'returning on tiie otli, 10 enaoie per sons to attend the Grand Celebration of tne. Fourth, to take place in thafci.y. ! e accommodationa for all both I Ahipl white akid colored. i The, tions td I Fare June A t May rain will stop at the various sta- take in passengers. for the round trip, only 83. W. J. CHRISTIAN, ; M. H. MENDENHALL, J.J. JACKSON, N. TONEY: 23,-tf Maxageiis. Jacobs, Elizabeth Morrison, Flora R. 1 ' Smith, Alice i Smith, JolmC. Smith, A. IL i Laumx Hill. Covington, Samiuel Conolv, A. J. Graham, Heirs of Dugald Johnson, Duncan 1 Johnson, Win. . Keimedy D. M. .7 . Leach, Neill Lcvhigston Susan M. L. Monroe, Green , ; Mclnnis, Catharine Morgan, Z. H. . s Mclhtyre, Mrs. Mary. McKay, Catharine Mclntyre, Alexnder McKennev, Huh A." McLaucldin, J. M. ! McLauihi, Mrs. Lilly McLeod, Sam . McNeill, Sandy Heirs of John McNeill McPherson, James . McPherson, Duncan McSween, Sarah Priest,' Arch Priest, Hugh Priest,' Martha Smith; Elizabeth - Wilkerson, Christian & Sister 500 21 05 McCaU, George A. 320 9 1G McFarland, Wm. & M6thcr 575 8 92 .:'1.7r- ":: : : T Blxl ' '; Williamson's Township. : 2 19 76 s 1 40' 1500 , 115' 7i' 100 125 T50 50 GO 200 81 700 50 8 14 3 04 2 30 1 08 2 94 2 75 48 4 07 4 G8 5 82 8 31 2 45 8 f3 23 337 1G 10 240 G 58 400 3 05 3CG 2 G2 408 12.30 375 7 5Q 200 1 88 350 bal 88 Butharj James Chance, ..William Covington, IL P. so o' CQJEjYSED MILK, IS'-. Cheaper than Cow's milk, 140 Covinaton. H. C. 450 Easterlincr. Clara it Mother 105 Graham, James H. Goodman, Join S. Gibson, H. W. . Gibson, Mrs. Sarah 1 Mudd, H. E. McArthur, Peter McCormack, James A. McLean, Miss. Flora Norton, Maleom r MeLaurin, Hugh (col) Norton, Silas Estate Scales, Mrs. Ann i Snn.i1.- D -R L. and cm:i, .Tnii Ti r I fGrcceries5 and Provisions. .4 i -, ;. ... Coffee, .1 " Molasses, - ; -. ! Bacon, V ; -,"-.' n Lard, ... vr . ' - -Crackers, - '. , Soda, ; ' Sea Foam, Pe)per, Ginger, Catsup, Oysters, ' Matches, Soaji, 1 Smoking Tobacco, j Condensed Milk, Jellie, Starch, v : Blacking, , Pickles, Candy &c, &.c. For sale cheap by , ' ..W. R. TERRY.' June 21. , NORTH CAROLINA ) SUPERIOR Richmond County. COURT. John A Long, Plaintiff, ' against A. T. Cole, Edmund D. Covington, Samuel W. Tick, G P. Mebane, AY. D. Reynolds and Henry S. Reynolds, De fendants. .- N S IT appearing to theisatisfaetidn of tlie Court, that W. D. Rlynoldi and Hemy ?. Reynolds' are proper parties to the a bore entitled action, , and that they are non-residents of the State it is orderee that publication be made for them in thd 'Si)irit of the South," a weekly newspa per published in the county, of Rich mond, for six 1 consecutive" weeks, copi niandlrig them to be and appear before he Honorable Judge of our t;nj)ericr Court, at the Court to be held ; for said county at the Court Iloue in Ilockingham on the twelfth Monday after the second Monday in August, 1S73, to answer the complaint of the Plaintiff, which has leen deposited in the ofSce of the Clerk of said Court, or. ike Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded inids com- I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor o f the State of North Carolina, do order so much of the prt-amble of said act as set? forth the alterations jiroposed and agreed to, and the second section of said at t to be published for thirty days' preeeiling the first Thursday of August, " 1873,! in the Raleigh "Daily Sentinel,'' the -Daily Era,' and the "Daily X'ews," pubhiihed in Ral eigh, and 'also for' the same-length ! of time in the following .weekly iwpei-s, publish ed in the yariotis; Congressional Districts of the State, to-wjt: ! First DLsUict.y-' 'North. Carolinian," Elizabeth City; "Express,'' Waungton. ; Second Distric "News," Goldsbcro; "Mail," Rocky Mount.' i Third DMriet-M'Star," Wilmington; "Statesman," Faj'ettcvillo. I 1 Fifth District "New North State," GreeniSboro, "Chronicle," Milton. Sixth DLtrict-"De:nocrat," Charlotte; "Spirit of the . South," Roclringham. ; ' Scventli District. "American, "; States- ville; "Watchman," Salisbury- ' j Eighth District "rioneer'' and "Ex-1 . . ...... -i- . positor. AsneviiJ.?. " That poi-tion of the preamble ordered to be published is in the folio win gwoixls, to-wit: r'-! ' "v ."'. '' "WiimiEAS, The last General Assemb ly, (threc-hf ths of the whole, number of members of each House concuning,) the bill containing the same having been read three times in each House, proxoscd the following alterations of the Constitution of the State to-wit: Alteration in relation to the public debt; alteration in relation to the ofSce of Superintendent of Public Works; alteration in relation to the State - .. .. r - census Iteration in relation to exemptions from taxation ; alteration in relation to the University; alteration in; relation to the sessions of the General Assembly; altera tion in relation to the Code Commission ers; alteration in relation to Federal and ether odcers holding oliice.,:' The second section of tlie said act or dered to be published is in tlie following words, to-wit: '.', ; .. . ' I "It shaU be the duty of tlie Sheriffs in each and every county in the State to open lolLs at the several election precinctti iri his county on the said first Thursday iri August next, and the same shall be kext open for one clay, from the hour of eight o'clock in the morning to the hour of sevenin the afternoon, when all persons qualified to vote according to the Consti tution, may votef or or against the ratiiica lion of each of the said amendment-l, those de&irjhig i5uch amenthnents to vote with the written or irint(id" ticket "For Amend ments," those of a contrary opinion to vote with a written orprkited ticket, "Against Amendments." ' r;v. -':'-..'.- . - - . r The attention of County Commission ers and Insiectors of the Election is also called to the 4th section of said act of Assembly which xr.oviles that sejjarate ballot-boxes shall be f uriushed for each amendment to be voted on. Done at our City of Raleigh, the l.'s. j ninth day of June, A. D., 1873, and in the ninety-seventh year of American Independence. ' TOD R. CALDWELL. . By the Governor: . '-':' j J. B. NEATinraY, Private Secretary'. June ll-30d. ; Raleigli, Xorlli Carolina, Capital $200,000. 1 . ...'.- OFFICERS: Hon, Kt tup P. Battle, President. F. H. Cameron, .Vice-President.. ' W. il. Hicks, Secretary. Dr. E B Hayvood, Medical Direct r. Dr. W. L Rovster, Ans't Medicnl rector. 7-. -. J. B. Batch elor, Attorney. O. H. Perry, Supervising Agent. ; DIRECTOltS: Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Hon. Tod R. Caldwell, John W. Cunningham, Col. T. M. Holt, Hon. Win. A. Smith, 'Dr. W. J. j Hawkins, Hon. John Manning, Gen. W: R. Cox, Col. L. W. Humphrey, C. Tate Mui-phy, Col. Wm. E. Anderson, Jolm G. Williams, CoL L. Saunders, lk Y. McAdeu, Col. A. -A. McKoy,!. J. Y'oung, Jainei A. Graham, ; F. H. Cameron, J. C. McRae, J. B. Batchelor, J, C. Blake, AValtcr Clark, W. G. Upekurch, J. J. Davis, John Nichols. FEATURES AND ADVANT AG li : I -It is emphatically a Home Com- uomjiany. Its large capital guarantees ti-cngtli and safety. I Its rates, are as lovv as those of any rst class Company, i j It 'offers all desirable forms of In surance. ''.--' j Its funds arc invested at home ami circulated among our own people. I No unnecessary restrictions inipos ctl iipon residence, or travel. , Policies nbn-forf citable a:; tor two years. ' - V . . 1 Its Officers ami Directorial e prom inent and well-known North Carolini ans, whoso experience as business inen and yhose worth and integrity are alono sufficient guarantees of the Company's strength, solvency and success. j THOS. II. HAUGHTON, j District Agent. T. W. GUTHRIE, Agent for Richmond Count v. June 14. 20-" BUY THE J&&J AXE.. f ulry ai . good or better, for sale j by s stubbs, WilHam 1 i 1 W. It TERRY". ;isfWu-.iUftiifW Stanton, George Ik. It. JIcDonal, t o viic 7 a t X, aw IT". v " CaETIIAGE, N. C. ; Practices in the Courts of Montgomery, Stanley,. Rich- MooreJ mond Arid Cumberland Counties. I 277: 120 - 32 115 344 1GG 40 10 '8! ' 1! -- 80 227 ""SO 247 327 92 203 57 r 0 plaint -7777 ' o or ' itness, , D. Stewart, Clerk of our said - -O f Court, at olHee in Rockingham, tins the G 00 j 5th day of June, A. D., 1S73. ; 108 D. STEWART, C. S. C. x 5g ! June 7. 7 19-Gw 2 8Gi 4 7G 99 34! 2 39! 2 G4S 1 41! 2 48 ; 1 OS j 4 57 ! SPRUNT & HINSON, C 031 MISS 10 X 21 Ell OIL I XTS, Guaraiiteed to exccll all others both in shax. and. material. ' I5j..sare..toaak for THE! JACOB! AXE. AND ACCEPT NO OTHER. ' For you will then le ceitain you arc get ting the iMjht for your money. EVERY ANE WAIIRANTED. For sale, wholesale .and retail, at i NATH'L JAGOBI'S L Hardware Dexot, No. 9 Jarket street, Ana Dealera throughout the State. Wi!mIuglou,Charlol(2aiidRuthcr : ford Rail Itoad Line. Eastern Division: New ScJiedulc, 1873. GOING WEST. 1873. STATIONS. IPASSLNGIU: Leave Wihningtou " Abbottsburg " , Lumberton " Shoe Heel . " LaUrinburg " Rockingham Arrive at Lilcsvillef 00 A M -'1 lliAM 12 20P-M 1 55 P 31 2 39 PM 1 03 P M 1 45 P M IULIGIZT. GOO AM 1 1 15 A M 2 05 I' M 5 00 1 M G 00 A 31 A M 10 00 A M GOING EAST. STATIONS. 'PASSENGLT.! FEEIGHT. Leave Lilesville 17 40 A Mf12 00 M! 2 Rockingham S 3G A Mf LaurinburglOSOA M5 00 Shoe Heel " Lumberton 10 55 A M o 55 A M 12 20 I'M'J W.AM " Abbottsburg 1 20 P Ml 12 05 I'M Arrive at Wilmiug. 4 U5I'3I! 5 W P 31 Dinner going West; Brcakf;tst? going East. Freight Trainl &tox here over night '.-". fStage for . Cliarlotte Ikiilro.ul ai.l Stage fare, Wilmington to Chariot", only 510. . , tfjimSo TrtxiuA on Sund?y. E.n:ci rreight .Car aecomiuny each I'a.Hvng r Train, Special Trains for Ton Timber run frequently. 1873 WESTERN DIVISION. IS 73 jTATION-S IX IL1RDWARB IX L'-ave Charlotte -... ) . . .v. ,?,.-. 4 GRICUCTURAL IMPLEMENTS , wC3L'-utIerj.-, "Iroii, I hied, Nalli, Gun, i'ii- tobi, Ainunitiou, . t vo 'would resectfmly call t.ie auen- , ' , ... WHOLESALE BUYEKS ' Ahiv .7r!7,inu H 00 a ii 10 i'.i A H 07 s u tion of Wilmington, N. C7j ; ;.j. ;;l-y j tqour fulh 'aii:d".;6ihpletc ;aisoi-tiiicnt )M -v. K -1 ernbracinrr all : and .--e-erv-' d:.scnrt:oj 1 ' !T7I A "T7 "A 7 T 'Lf niUt ft,,. rA- VXXJtX 1 superior advantages we can offer from j il JOHNSUX, A-'taut JlVJl'V IIS 1 07 y u ! 2 41 m 5 1 i I'-.m S. L. FREMONT,.: ; n-rd'. a-h nt. 24 tf "Ut. Makes lirht, sweet biscuit ! having G 91 f Once used, it will never be done iwith- out. For sale by Ik TERRY. 15-ly-Tk Wright, Rebecca . W aters, Calvin i Stlwaiitsville Township. Adams, Evandcr 21 Bundy, J. IL R. 2 Town Lots Braddy, Tristram Guardian 120 j Davip, Mary S. 20Q 3 31 4 40 4 1 72! 2 7a 30 31 1 I JAMES C. DAVIS, A tlorncj" at X ii it , Laueel Hill, N. C. All business entrusted to mr the AGENCY to several j LEADEC G FAGIORIES in the ti-ade, ) Always on hand SOLE and HAR INESS LIL1THER, 'KH5 and CAEF . SKINS. 0 ' - . PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, SASH, DOORS and BLINDS, AC, AC. ! I Please call and examine, before ! I pirchasiiig, the .stock at f NATH'L JACOBI'S ! S.FOVLKi:St Jeweler, -XND- 7-231 care will be promptly attended to. Tji Hardware Deivat, No. 9 JLirLet St. 3 77 Mfyl3 15-tl ileb. 2o V 4-ly. Dealer U CLQCKS, U A TOJIES, .1. ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Jtf Work done at ubort tiutl e :r j griftrjtntcvd. X

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