1 I r"" LOC.1L JTJO.J1S. i W Ua Meacbam, of Laurinburg, "':?3 -;tjn'" in this town and yi- awl'-t, on the 18th inst1, Hay, aged about 7 ,(r Jpptba r,3ijno a young "cplo ,-f.,j in this town List Wedr red es ft of tjphDid fever. .r.,i lint weather this week is I The a1" t.-Pfftbe cotton crop look very ILeroomcter yesterday in the foro- .' 08 and in two uoutb, owiug to generoos slower, it uau t.uieu to . I-, a Tom nf Tiifdimnnd f .iter spending & few days with i.. iua""' i vires' and menus iu im uwwu, -ed borne to-ctay. $t, Laes D. McLean, ..-wi-iii A- McLean. of the firm of Laurin- L died last Sunday morning, aged ; tears." He leit a lamuy. Be fifth and last one j of the huge -lers for t"6 Cnnsuau KUiU ujiuw in 3utgomery County was . . w J taken from I dtpot last iuonuay Xbe first cotton bloom of the sea- -oB at to us from Mr. T. M. j PI. - j iitlock's plantation in the Wolf It was plucked last Monday, r. in Pee Dee village, on the Uinst., bv Rev. W.T.I Rain waters, .u r jr. John DaatOii of Montgomery atj fc Jli33 Lyuu lawins oi Dee. Offfigtothe illness of the best rt of oiir printorial force, the pub ition of a quantity of editorial and ir matter is necessarily deferred J oar next issue. Tbe dwelling of William S. Batton .bis vicinity was burned last Mon f Digit; tbe family narrowly escap r with their lives. Fire thought to iceendiary. I .V: fra Vinov Yftrhoroni'h. wiFo nf i Thomas Yarborough, died nt j'rerdel, in this vicinity,! on the 17th ..leaving an infant only a few days I Her ge was about 10 years. utslo Monroe, son of Mr. George 'i'hMrcet, is just recovering from a J severe, attack of diphtheriahis r.1 attack, of that d isenso uithin a k Tears. -l:e Hamlet Woolen Mills are in iji-r.ttion and now persons hav ;wool for sale, or wishing rolls tei or cluth woven on shares, or J may want cloth will do; well to r.a Mr. G. E. Wishart. : ienderaron Wade, a very 'inctustri 'Wd well thought of colored man, J t Lii home on Cartledge's creek, 31ck Jack township, ou the 18th leaving a wife and a number of rrt-n- His disease was paralysis, r ts we go to press we learn that ;tlone passed near Lilesville yes evening between 1 and 2 I-, blowing a colored cTiurch to xnd twistinor off trpR, in its We could obtain no f urther par k's. i S. Ledbetter, Esq., tax list taker uiiuam townsnip, requests siatU that all persons who do Sis their lists nf trnKina t., f Beit U -be -returned to the . -y wmmissioners as delinquent, property be liable for dou- K - r Cf n Fanrar of Gton County, (, m of typhoid fever while ofu r Mr. T.B.Coving- "iis town, and was removed to near T. rr-ti j? 1 ... ti... . wuui, xioiiy, uieu on a mst, after on illness of some j j neks, aged about 21 years. irpondent at Bostiek's MUla i ns coniplambg of a scoundrel : m? ho makes it his bnsi ' 0f WUh saniVtheturpeutine iiath!Certaia turPentine opera- tkt we think correct- ! any one so mean would not to apply the torch tQ a bu.ld ,.Le Miscreant deserves to be I ISfiV0 Physicians, ! ' :ia tho ? citizens are unani I tia grdorsemen't of Salvation I 3 ere ? 1 cureor rheumatism. S -4f n Karentee of the excel ! Ufur;-?1'8 Cough Syrnp : : -i.de. i rQd than that it is re : the, leading druggist ; ird caSes of all sizea are rJacobi-s Hdw. Depot, 11. Our special correspondept writes Mr. . John Beth nne, near Ellerbe Springs, lost bis kitchen uj- lire on Tuesday night, 12th inst with a lot of bacon, flour, , togeth m &c.t ccn- tained therein, which he had just laid in and enough to do him for the bal auce of the year. v The fire dental. tvas ; acci Beaver Dam townsnip has no tax list taker, or if it has, he bak failed to advertise and so must list tho prop erty and taxable polls withdnt notice to the people. How is this j Farmers in this vicinity are buisy harvesting their wheat, oatd, rye, &c. Messrs. C. B. Terry add Robert Gibson suffejed considerably by high water caused by recent raink JLawrence Terry, son of J. C. Terry, Esq., has returned home from Adams- ville, S. C, where he has been attend inr school. ! ; li Married, en Sunday, lOtbj inst., at Mrs. Dempsey Gibson's, by D. W. Gibson, Esq., Mr. Stephen fTerry to Miss Mollie Gibson. And on the 29th alt., at John D, Lovin's, by John C. Terry, Esq., Mr. Daniel MqCaskill to Mis3 Batton of Hoffman. To mothers. Should theJ bab t,be suffering with any of the disorders of babyhood use Dr. Bull s Bdby Syrup at once for the trouble. Price 25 cents. If there is anything in the "survival of the fittest" Ltaxador must be count in; it has lived longer and does bet er work than ever. A Warn In ; The modes of death's apiiroach are various, and statistics' show conclu sively that more persons- uie'-froui diseases of the Throat anil Xiuus ban any other. It is probable that every one, wituout exception, receives vast numbers of Tubucle Germs into he system and where tne3 germs fall upon suitable soil they mart into ue and develop, at first 6lowfy ana, is snown by a slight tickling Isensatnpu in tbe throat and if allowed to con tiuuo their ravages they extend to the uuga producing Consumption and to be head, causing Catarrh. 1 1 Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. At tbe onset you muat act witlk prompt ness; allowing a cold! to go without attention is dangeroas and may lose your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with yodr Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, obtain bottle of Boschee's German Syrup. Iti will give ou immediate relief. The Spirit will be sent during the campaign fot only 50 ients, und a co- )j of Kendfell s Treatise on the Horse thrown in. ; In clubs of ten ht 50 cts. p will re and tho getter up of the cla ceive a copy free during the campaign. Persons whoso blood is out -of or der and digestion poor, will find Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy just the med- acine they need. It never fails to af- ord relief in such cases. Wo have tried it and know whereof we speak. It can be had at this office See Here ! Persons to whom we have sent bills for iast due subscriptions to the Spik- i it will please respond without furth er delay, as we need the money and must have it. Nuf ced. Who Ih Your Best Friend T Your stomach of course.: Why? Because if it is out of order I you are oue of the most miserable creatures ivincr. Give it a fair, honorable chance and see if it is not the best friend vou have in the end. j J Don't smoke in the morning. Dop't drink iu the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stpmacu is hrough with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke more in the evenincr as it will tell on-' you! less. If vour food ferments and does not di - r i. ... gest right, if you are troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness ot the head, coming up of the food after eating, Biliousness, Indigestion, or iuy other trouble of the stomach, you iad best use Green's Augast Flowe , as no person can use it without isamediate eliei. J 4Dccoration DayJ" '4 ...... I ! The years that have elapied since tho close of the civil war havp served to obliterate all sectional feejling, and a nnited and prosperous nation joins ia keenincr crreen the crraves of all it& beloved dead. It is in this ffpirit that the publisher of the Jsew Youk Fami ly Story Paper has had writb ;u a thrill ing and pathetic romance, peculiarly 1 appropriate to his national holiday, entitled. "Faithful Leoncr; or. His Grave Kept Green." In the same paper will also be found a vi eekly in stallment of the "Life and Ac ventures aten Showman of P. TJ Rarnt m," vrrit r as by himself, and equally interest ing to the young folks as well as heads of families." Thcso are rare f literary treats, and those of our reac era who are not already enjoying the n Will do well to obtain No. 7CG of the New York Family Story Paper of their newsdealer or send direct to tho pub lisher. Munro's Publishing f House, Nos. 24 and 26 Vaudewatelr Street, New York, and recieve the piper four uionth3 fo one dollar, postage free. Ladies who experience a sense of weakness, and sometimes laoieness of the back should use Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Po rifier;;it will supply the cincp needed strength aud overcome all vveakening From Gibson's M - Do not throw away, your money oa a common iron Farm Bell, but buy Hdw. Depot, Wilmington. I hfin I proud ot COMjVXEIICJlXi. : Rockingham Market. COB HECTED WEEK W BT GILES E. WISHART, ! DEALE2 IS GEXEBAL MEBCHAXPISE. RocKixGJiiM. N. C, Jane 22. Bacox North Carolina, Hams, ? lb $ 121 10? Shoulders ..... 08 Sides... y ii ii Dry Salted Sides, 1 lb..... I 9 Shoulders..... J 00 ii 00 20 35 20 25 25 75 15 6 50 1 00 Beeswax, 1? Ib. ... J i 15 Batter, V lb;....; 20 Cheese, V lb.. ... . 15 Coffee y Jb . . -20 Chickens, each. . ... -121 Corn, ? bushel. . . C5 (a Eggs, dozen. . .'. 10 r Flour'l? bbL. .... 4 00 Fodder, 1? cwt... 75 Hides Green, f lb.. ... 4 Dry.........:.. C 00 8 Lard, lb 10 . 12 J Molasses, y gaL.. 30 $ - lo 100 Corn Meal, ba.. 80 Nails, y lb 04 : 05 25 Kerosene Oil.. . . . . 20 Peas, f? busheL . .. G5 Shucks, cwt. . . . 35 ; -1 00 50 07 100 Tallow, lb - 05 Turkeys, each . . . . 65 Potatoes Sweet, bushel :45 Irish 140 CO 7 GO Salt, sack 100 125 SUGAE White, lb . . . 08 1 Brown .. . . 07i 10 03 00 Turpentine Spirits, gal . Virgin, y bbl. Yellow Dip . . . Hard... 37 2.25 000 1.75 00 85 00 JV"eu? liiverteisittents. 1 8 88 1867 THE ft Wilmington Messenpr" WILMINGTON, H. C. Removed from Goldiiboro to Wilmington. Send your name and the name and ad dress of fiveyour neighbors or friends on a postal card and get free lor your self and each of them a specimen copy orthe jnew uailt i'aper-the "wiL-i cight-page-papcr, containing complete) Telegraphic Dispatches, best Market lle ports. A live wiue-uvvake jLemocrat- ic journal. s "THE riHDE OF THE STATE." PUBLISHED IJ "WILMINGIOK. The Menaener PulJinhing Company. SuiiSCRiriioNl: Three months 'eri trial jr $2.00in advance. t TIIK WEEKLY Transcsrjpt Messenger- is a large eight-page-paper. The bright est ana bst WeeJy. i'leases every body. .Largest circulation in JNorth Carolina. T s 1 . Pkicn $1.50 a year. Send postal for specimen copy. free. Allures "JLhb Messkngck." . Wilmington, -N. C. 1888.-PRESIDENTIAL YEAR-1888 To keep posted on politics subscribe or tho : j . ; : New York Weekly Herald One dollar a year. Greatest and cheapest Family Journal in the ; Uni- ed States. , An impartial Epitome every week of Mill STATE'S POLITICAL MOVE'S. The foreign department i3 unequal- . Latest and most accurate cable specials by the commercial cables. Fullest Telearranhic Reports of all current Events SPECIAL FEATURES. Practical farmiuir. The advance of sdence. Woman's work. Notable sermons. Tho world of s literature and art. Short stories. Information on all subjects. . Address; ; JAMES GORDON BENNETT,. ' New York Herald, New York citv. r r V - A - 4 r - i - Fnr- -fc 'I "TT-T . 3j u yv:r th3 World. T 1 , CO .H :,:,:;.;- .,-r-.': ':--;:- V;--7.-i V 4 ? : ',.:.-w3 -" ;f-ti,::;':':i r:vi:;T ? ti rxiorrrs. , Q The best Eye Wbiskev in town. Tears old; Pare North North CaroU oa Corn Whiskey, two years old, and aid's. r. J. II. 3IcLer.n's Chills and Fe ver Cure is a specific for chills and fever, mild in its action a:d warran ted a certain cure. 50 cents. WHAT AILS THE KATiOfi ri The ATcras Lonrtli cf Life Co- creasing Not restilcnco-- Kot Fnrnlne All our OTTii Tanlt. TrODETINj COOKLNO 271) MoT- TZfs - Livufo have brouhff if on. It copies upon us una wares. 3. he patient3 have pains about the chest and sides, fjid sometimes in the bfick. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor There is a feeling like a heavy is NOW RECErVTNG THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS HE HAS load on the stomach; sometimes ever bought, complete in every department, from DRY GOODS to GRO a faint, all-gone sensation at CERIES. My stock is too large to enumerate., V the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfV.1 The pvm WW flm frionria J , ' J , . , and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a while a cough Eets in, nt first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The f patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford' any rest. After a time he be- comes nervous, lmtaDie ana gloomy, and has evil forebod ings. There i3 a giddiness, a sort of whirlins: sensation" in the head when rising up sud denly. The bowels become . j. j :,i if j' v hot at times; tne blood becomes laiCJt aiiu siaani: uie wiuios vv ;rA ,xi. Yellow; tilG Kidney SeeretiOUS becomes scanty and high cdl- ored, depositing a sediment after standing. Thero is fre quently a spitting up of the food, eometimes vith a . sour taste and sometimes with - a sweetish ' tnste; this ? is fre quently attended with palpi tation of tlio heart and Asth C J matic symptom; the vision be comes impaired, with epots be fore tlie oyc3; there is a feel . .. , 1 mr ox ri-eat prostration ana All of these symp toms su-e in tum present. It is thought that nearly one-half of our population. hasNthis dis ease in some of its varied forms. Shaker Extract of Roots (Sei- gePa Syrup) c i; an area the fer ments of the Digestive organs so as to con veil the food we eat into a form that will give nourish ment to tno feeble body, and ood health is the consequence. The effect of this remedy i3 simply mnrvelous. i - Millions upon millions of bottles have been sold in iliis country, and the, testimonials m favor of its curative- libwers are over- whel miner. Hundreds of so- called diseases under various names are uie resuic oi indi gestion, tmd when thi3 one trouble ii? removed the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptoms of the real malady. Testimonials iroia thousands of peopl e f peaking highly pji its curative propertica prove this beyond r. doubt bold by drurrkti Vrtr 2ittertisncnts. New Goods ! AFRESH SUPPLY OF CHOICE Family Groceries such as Molasses, Hams, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Preserves in 5 pound buckets at 80 cents per buck et , x resh Cream Cheese, a mz stock " of canned goods Ac, just received at C. E. Ash worth's. Also, a nice assortment of Confecionarie, Snuff and Tobacco. Three'cakes df elegant Toilet Soap for aNicklel For ant thine to eat at bed rock prices call on a K- ASH E WORTH In rear oft tie Court House. PATENTS Careats, and Trad j Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for MOD ERATE FEES- OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE bV S. PATENT OFFICE. We have no ub agencies, all business direct, heucn can transact patent business in less time and, at LESS COST than those remote fonj Washington. ; Send model, drawing, or photo, with description. We ad rise if patentable ot not free of ch?re. Oar fee not daa till patent is secured. A book. "How to ObUin Patent," with references to actual c!ieat3 ia your State, county, or town sent free. Ad dress C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Talent OSce Wahintoa D. C. "' : -V-.. -. - vtj ,ia - i Don't forget the place: January 21, 18SS. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTICE H. C: DOOKERY SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOU: f AT Iou out eiseitmere ana pay inorejoi your zooas m6 nejorl fiave given a' cordial invitation. M01T0: "Quick Sales and SmallTProfits;" a Nim ble Sixpence is better than a Slow Shilling. Rockingham, N. C., Sept 10, 18S7. Mm, -Goods! J am now receiving the LARGEST: ED stock of SPEING AND SUMMER GQObs I ever purchased; and havinjr bought for to offer BKL lBli IJAHUAIMS to mr customers thail ever before. Mv stock consists of DRY GOODS- NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, SHOES, HARDWARE, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERTE3, DRUGS, FURNITURE Don't lie on the floor when you can get a you wfmt before-you buy come and ee ooaa acu pnee. iTaansing inye inenus Rna customers by contiuuedquaredealing.'tonierit and vors. Rockingham, N. C, Sept. 10, 18S7 Slserm s Sale ! I WILL SELL, to the highest;biddor, for caah, at the Court Ilouse door, in the town of Roclu.igh.ai3, o:i Tuesday, June the r)tb, 1SSS, the folio h-ing lands: 1st tract, on North side Hitchcock creek and West of Lick Uranch, con taining 500 acres. . 2nd tract', on North sido of Long Branch,: ajoiaing Crowson and Knight land, containing 100 acres. 3rd tract, on South side of Falling creek and both sides of Carolina Central Railroad, containing 140 acres. : . i ? Levied on sis the property of Alexan der Stewart, to satisfy an , Execution in my hxnds iu favor of 1 ledmont Manuiacturing company. J. ii, SMITH, Sheriff. Rockingham, N. O. April 30th, 1838. Guano REAL ESTATE AGENCY -TTILL BUY AND SELL 'LANDS YV and all kinds of Real 'Fstate. All property placed in the hand of this Agency will be advertised freo of cost to Eeller. Strict attention given to all bu siness, and the interests of patrons care guarded. Surveys mada and' flats or charts furn ished to parties purchasing through me. Property rented and rentes collected on reasonable terms, correspondence solicited. - ' A. M. McAULEY. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! THE AUCTION IS OVER, But youfcean get Better Bargainsnow at ' at priT4to sale, for, tbe next sixty daySj in PSI1TTS, I5BE8S GOODS, ; JEANS, Hats, Clothinj, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery and Tinware, Wooden ware, Stoves, Stove-fixtures and Furniture of ul kinds, articles al lotted A. Stewart as exempted proper ty, nd almost anything you want for cash or barter. I Highest prices paid for Furs, Hides, Tallow, Beeawa Rags, and all kinds of country produe. A. P. STEWART. "A XfWr Forty rrf w ia tarn litu On Hatr4 tteca fir ptMU tm til Lotted t vnurm - tar Mtiis ti. trd-irtem, tJf; rt)M. .. for U Cj . to efebtta pevvot ia Cuui. mnmm. ta ta Pvta IKa m sart Trm rF MMibM. He twj tor mnww X moAma or drawisA ar ii - . fHtri 't S ttT!yS r Oa.ei iaa lata ML' I U. .VI Iff C AilEiJCA5Ji wMMr ( lis t4 9&4 t tb wrvi. 5"a jrcttc af atih a i-au trwvrr ytta ermrii'fcp j -"ir r.iwr -t-y ia WiiKECJLYa tty.Mla adniCW-J I t Ws ?r a Mhniii iimuui esiriaMrtAC ""H aiaa vs. aawaa a 1 1 retioa ta4 aak wt. Try it f&cf laoc Ji lar aawacaaiara. li a ka u et(m paa:t f im Caw, jMbbshM el BcMrrrafi. kv.1 lvad7, trk. mmmm iUawaooA about 9 i uU nail4 fraa. is. O A WIS HART'S! . . Where enn be Found tLe Biggest Slock if Mercban dise in Town. And Nc,w Goods Arriving Daily 1 T"rtT T AU' "11TTifC! Immenso Stock of Straw Hats. Leathe r all grades and prices. Wanted 5000 bbls of Turpcntino for wihch the highest market xiricc. will be paid. GILES E. WISHART, -Opposite the Court Honse, i,- Rockingham, N. C. ( O- NOTIFIED THAT dont fairnoticc and extcncl.t to you i - New Goodsf! AND MOST CAREFULLY SELECT Cash, at Bed-TtocV prices, lam prepared ROOTS, &c., 4-c. A SPECIALTY. goodlbed for only $2 me. I know I can n No matter whit suit you la quality of lor tneir past crencrousi patron ce, 1 hope r ceivc a continuance of thrir kindfy II. C. WATO)i, In front of the Court House "TE-IE rATCHLSISO." "THE IV1ATCHLESS." LADIES' BAZAR Headquarters for Fashiouable Mil fiary . AND ; s Fancy Goods. I am caw i prepared to offer the Largest Stock of the kind ever shown in Rockingham. : I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD i I have just added to my well selec ted stock, a nice line of sample:hats! Bought from a New York house. I vf ill sell them at first ccst, giving my customers the advantage of tho bar gains. Also, a lino of bought in the same way, from 45 cents, to the finest grade of bilk and Escnrial Lace. I have 'V II ATS' From 10 cents np. Three Tips in a Bunch, all the new shades, from 20 cnt a Bunch up. Infanti LaccCapn From 15 cents up. Sailor Hats in white and colors, 25 cts. Buttles, 10 cents. Silk, and EildGloicf, of every style and fcize. Silk Mitts, black and colored, 25 cts. i RlbbouK of every fchade and width. Dress But tons, Fancy and Pearl Bead; Twill, Brocaded and Piai l Silk Satin and Vejveta in every shade for Dress aud Hat Trimming. V Call early .C and secure yoar Bargains before they are all sold. MISS L. E. BLAKEY, v Ladie' Bazar, South side of the Public Square, Rockingham, N, C XTj IT T tktx wonders exist in JLJ J 1 JJL tLound f forms, but ara enrpased by the marvel sf icvi:n t:cn. Tho who are in need of'prtdt aU work that cau bo done while living at home ahould at once tend their at dresa to IlALi.tTT & Co , Pcitla nd. Maine, and ncc-irs free, fullinforrattiOG how either cr, of all ages, cm ram fr-?m t5 to $25 e day and upwri wherever Uiey live. You are t tarteJ fre Capital cot required. , Some Lava ma Is over ZjQ ia a tlsgb day at tLu w&rk. AH succeed. fC':,m." ) IZailrctTti. 1 Carolina Centred Raiiwnj. OmtE Srrrx!?rr.rNTrNT. ) Wilwington, N. C. Pcs 20, 1 U J. Chn;e or Stliedr.:?. ON AND AFTER Till DA i l i: Alloiiif SfhetJalt? will be oj on this Railroad: NO. 1. DAILY FNCIUT SUNDAY. Ieave Wilmington at. . ...... f. t 0 s. r I? Shv Ufkl 1 1 1 7 " I? re Charlotte S 4'-p sn Ixave Shelby T il ' Arrive at (Jhampton.. ... 8 C. " NO. 2 DAILY EXCEPT MINI 'AT Leave Charnptun C IK Leave shelly.. 7 '21 " Leave Chailoit. ,. U 10 -3 " Ifave&Loe Ht-el. . ; S 4", j r Arrive at Wi'.minp'tn. . . .. .'. A u ' NO. a DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmirgtoa Leave Half igh 7 00 p r i 7 ( j Arrive at Charlotte.. NO. 4 DAILY EXCEPT FUN IUY. Leave Charlotte at.. 8 15pM Arrive at Raleigh S u Arrive at Wilmington ...... 8 45 Trains No. 1 t'jd 2 mr.k( ov-ntcfi'.n at Shoe Heel with trains ou .l 1 I Y V. Railway. Train Nos. 3 and 4 u.al" tenwetivja at llamlt with trains to and from weh. . Tarongh Sleeping Cara Lotwftn Wil- mingle and CUarlolte and llaleirh ar.d Jliarlotte. Take Train No. 1 for fc'Utt .i't'. Sta tions Western N.C. R. R., Aihcvili sr. J point We it. Also, for bpartanuniK, Cirfcm t!.c. Athene. Atlanta and all ftoiuia bnnth- west. Lcal Freight Nos. 5 and C tri u t kly brtween Wilminjrlon and Hamlet. Luteal in. cht om. 7 and tn-weekly betweea Hamlet and fchelbr. Nos. 5, 6. " nnd 6 will not tulce .a- grrs. h. u.jom ., , bujenr.tcd nt. F. W. Clark lcn'H'uhfccugcr Agent. Dec. 25, 18SG.' Raleigh & Augusta Alr-Liao. Tbe follow in? schedule is ew run on tl above Road bttrvvtfn IUieirh and ainlet: ieave Raleigh. . . . . J 7 01 p ik Arrivo at Hamlet.. ... 1 it rt Leave Hamlet 2 l.r n Arrive at Raleigh 9 l a bv Connection at IInmI:t wttU Lsrnlun Central Railroad for Charlotte hjiU n'l points South, and at lUlcih with tha Rale! eh & Ooton Pilroad for til toiuUi North. WM. SMITH. 1 c'uperinlnJcrt. Capo Fear and Yadkin Vtiiey Rolroad. CONDENSED TIME TALLE NO. 17.. In effect 1 pm Sundfly.Dec. 19tb, I8S3. MAIN MNK. inAlN'jjvoRIK. " Arrive, 1to. Bennuettnv S 45 & e BhooHeel 10 05 am 10 20 " Fayettevilk, 12 10 " 12 20 p in Sanford J 125 pm 2 15 " Ore Hill Libert 0 " Greensboro 8 15 ' 7 . Pond ' 8 SO " Dinner at Ban ford. rn&Ts HotrriiT IArrivt. Leave. 7 23-a 9 CO a in 10 00 - Liberty Ore Hill I Saaford 1 35 pm 15" Favetteville A 15 4 2 -Shj Heel 612 44 C 20 IicDnetUvilla 7 45 ' Dinntr at San ford. Ireight and PKcn2cr Train NortU leate lien nettv ill Monday, Wednr.Ur and Friday at 1 SO p m. amrts Hhoe lit tl at 835 p in, leaves bhoo Heel at 1 10 j in, and arrive? at Fayctteville at 7 45 p rt. Freight and Putsencr Train Bout!, leave Fayctteville Monday, Wcdiie.1 and Friday at a ra, arrives at Ehnc Ilee at 9 22 am, leaves Shoo. Heel at 10 16 a m. and arrive at Pen nMLvill at 1Z'2' p na. - Frsjht and rasenger Train Nort'a leaves Fayetteville daily at 10 am, ar. rives ct Sanford at 2 SO p ra, leave fiji ford at ii SO p in, and arrirf t Jr"Tia boro at 9 p m. ' Freight and Pasnerger Train Futh leaves Greensboro at 8 00 a m, nhe it fianford at 3 15 p ra, leaves i-anford at 4 00 pm, and arrive at Fayeltvil!a ri 7 50 pm. W. Y V:LE, General Pasocger Acst. J. W. FRY, General 8upcrintend-at. Deo. 25, 183C. Legal CartZt, Joint D. Sniw. Joua D. Shaw, Jr., JOHN D. & SON, attorneys at Law, Hockfc'tan:, fi. C. OFFICE opnoiiit lh Po.t OTjfe. where one of the partner can altvaja ha found. W practice ia all Conrts o SUte. Frb. 25, 1335. S-tf Walter II. IVcal, -A.ttornoy at X-avi IMtirluIiuic N. C, TT7ILL PUACTICn in Il-hw,h V an J adjicent conntpr. All Lu ne entrant d to hit carol, will re-j: fTOmjit sr ti!iAl attontjii LHmmm?rtr T;a.r noctii.c:ziA2. c, ITT ILL PRACTICE !a a!l Co of VV the SWt. 0;Ti" f pxins atreef, next dr North f 7. T. Ctoir ,3 V Co. V , , : Arril 2, mi. n :i Ira. ii. o?iilili yT"' AUcra? t La. t, a KOCKlNttHAM, N. C. (Ocff in ".Spirit of &jath" C iIMitr- ) PARTICULAR tt-.tutioa'ptM ! tu drawiatr of De(-i an ! ct'.t-.- ! v.-- anct, a il to th oilect;;a f ci.. any ;art ct ihj tjttc. 1 j Not 27. irregularities.