i r i - ' r. ti r-r:r;Tm latter will be thrown oac. uu- y: I-BB8.-2Vr.. ; ; I - ri V. J i Tlf' Vr As.socifttei Ai'Hiti fcr. Associate; . .1 -L:r, iji ' JUCM,l2rRTYKD ClOAUTY-ftUCRE TKI IAW , . . - v.,- - - t - "--tj-.v mrTvrx'ynCT IB 1871. JHa5j3W)ocr!pt!on. TVACT. - ft OA Vma V - I w 0!smre of t"illns ne insertion, v i "J Each hq(J'iHlliH'rlIon..r..i , ,TT SnetUl trs . made wita Urce nnd resular advertisers. ,..... i ' ' tttti TIAULOON A FATLURE. The cotton balloon Vas filled with 400,000. feet, of gaa on burs ted ihe ment su-gested that the Kew iorK - . -.v -r v w w i w try one oi zruu itsTinteUectUal department o up wiui .,it The uppotion is that the tion money paid all we expend tliatthe Graphic has made money oy TiAfirrlA. . 1,1 r ' ... . . I Tlie remarkable campaign now uciuH A,,H. 1 ... - r.- I flTTAmnrHhin OI V lx - I IOUiriit 1A IU" ' : lor tuo uovernoruijip . - .. .......i f -nlfTi - iu ii i I hi li in w w i m jfc A v V V rw 1 T I i it LaAj w-w .... - . -i, I !T ' ' U ii,e .. , t ?A 1 Ii on if ia fr-finrrMT. WlLII I miercbi, iu OifJiiu ,luu. i , all tboso.Tfho desire to avert uiai eir of affaim to elect Kemper On the of ' - Za bo believe government of and by tto people, . -tt t invite and urge the claims oi nugut-B, ; i . i MnM,nnfatiVA of tbo dto- I WHO 18 IV UUU ICjumv.""""'- gressive man oi ui " ; i:r. Ivofri-on citizens on account difference between on' account . .1 " i Tbo RtrnfTo-iG is The struggle is a desperate one, and the Conservatives rx w trv i -t" nT- uiiiiLii in. m av -a v w -n i i i i. f;ro thA nreiudice oi ra' bav io easier task to, perform; provi- r.-aIP'. X ' xi.u rv?nl .i;fi- nnrvnr sufficienUy monstrous .quality -appear BUUiCienuy uiuu ii-Ji a ji av a am rri n i iih i iii' i jc. -kjl a w u. IU na c mwirifT. lliere are ou.uuu am 'if l i if ui i . . virmni. see if Viramans can nBebup 1 . wUb 1a tsreiudicc, ana ii u, i ' . i ct.i -nftmexl the mother of ;nmui .b j . .... .oimwufc". JirtracU from Our Washington T-etter of fp, I aiieiruwu r I ceiiBuo Duur. r I . .. . L whOAt. Tft I nlaUonol tno greav xrA-n,-Ttrof. nr en cracred in I ,j. iW. -rrmrTirriened WlUi ioou h1" " 'of wHch depends dncti the money yaTue oi wnicn ep", , , i-pfant market. ilri-,i ,rtroirea find both temp-1 -Tm. ;tbA ftecessi- IIH I 1LU1 INICi UAWMW a-" K ; totxon ana; WVl ZI- tempiauon. nuuiui i to .engager, portion Ot tne caP.u 1.W mrloved in this great surplus -derdd production in, the production T,AAo I Other agricultural staples- - for instance t ' . L' " : Tcorld'n Tiroduc- . U.ne rcyoiuuu " , ' -1 . . rv enmn ignincnnt-t I.aClS - 77. a iWA ;0 fbft order of a lay- moiiK . , . erpOOl ' lirm npuu j. ..j - v . m a a f oniiN viini 11a A-a. uu 1 estabHsliment for one hundred tons .01 merchant bar-iron. Ave have lutnerto been dependent upon England for pur supplies of this metal, so important to ? - - , -i ;w,oo merchant bar-iron. AVe have lutnerto our m duanaL ana commwciiu . lndence is now a tiling of thd TTt: dnendence is now tiaL ' and the - case is being rapidly re- rersed. When once an iron interest is thoroughly organized we can dispense ,arJa the happiness of man&ind, schools with aprotectiye tariff, and that ques- an" fae means of education shall for tion will be at rest T. , . ever be encouraged. So says the iCpn- rrMl. f f fbA Alabama ndem- atitntion of the State, bat what "encbur- 1..- :- ncA ti a nuestion mty iunu im " . Ji m ?1 u 11 ?ti trnst for B8 tO DOW 16 BUUil m. -1 r U Tea naid. Shall it be invested in national securities of Rball one larcre bond be executed for the whole amount 15,500,000. It will then resemble Uia XavT Pension Fund, except thai T- Jl Hint I the latter bears - interest at only three per cent in currency, while the Alabama Find divs six per cent, in gold. The railroad war. is waxing sharp. King Tom Scott, of the great Pennsyl vania combination, has attempted to capture the Philadelphia Wilmington and Baltimore line, and to interrupt its connection with the Baltimore and Ohio between Washington and Kew York. "c of M I w - nrvu v k ii til iouja w eclpVeted to Baltimore to vW? of connecuoui t . October. The completion oi una tas jOreaWoSra the fare from " . . a fc?t fn roiwr".:. Q tA taw orfe to rnuaqeipm.yjauar y. t i. , l r T-w " 7 " t I 9 OS. The trablic of course, are u- fitted by this compiS&o. ,5arreU,ahef in fll hcAlth. . It is intimated ine. aement will soon devolve on a more healthy and, vigorous man. -. . Thfl Anricultural Department has re ceived from Coffee . oounty, TennnesBce, j a specimen of the German mfllet, lately , introdnced in , tnat locality. Sontliern;Stetes. It appears that the - & i LUnml indnstrv of tlioee piaies m . diversified each year, M( that wealth and prosperity are pro- tol on tlie increase. , : ; . .r (COMMUNICATE jlfr. Editor: - mr. Jtllliur. ... . I ' nf the Board of o - rr. rw Taitia Academy, -- - - . the Knbiect of education was pretty fulJy ilUBWCO w hjo ''-" - I m i t ,t ti.v. r;fl, flm wftvs and 111dCUEcU " - - I of tombing eveiy chad resident -mr ' tS nf. Ipnst a common ' rt c fKnir Vest efforts to- . j. - , , 4V wards providing a scnooi i tion of the colored children of the place, the" New Berne Academy temshwg i ;i,Tfna fnr the -education of the uir. wmtes. It is a sin and shame, Sir. Editor, that tbe people of New Berne have not taxen noia oi uuo ouuj -"t laxen noia ui m-a duu fc i To think that we have h, a-laixrel. iuiujuw vi .miu- - :- o six and twenty-one years wbo do not at- tend school and to-day, because they x. ' TrTncb mil be have none. Jr repeat, His a sin and , j ham r t r in r nil r i ihi ii Jin m iia kva uaa v i x r-r , 10se. so lately their slaVcb, to grow tjp rr-.r tm -j ! xa1:. , once educate ramer iuu7 . i -ii nAvnnt Tila tirn rT T.liB cmuiiiux at I by punishment, for it is a well estab- 4V.f iirbvro Rcbools abound iiaucu aHiv.,.i - l. , t l :e;,-iirtTa nre MaiJS ana reionuawi j. dw""""" -1 y tenanted. We see well organized luoutuLivjip v. iw. - ' . pose znoSL Diiieriyt BnJiw;uomo' i to me eancauon ox uio ? . t 3 I and particularly those wno are coiorea. ... , .. . . n c.-. r . . - -r-r-,, ttv j:v,w PAn: rint ftflhr IIu ' Wwi ih- taxes are hisrh enough now with-l . . .. , . . xt. . . . ... , yVT -7 . i Jl JJW. Fr r ri 1 IIH 1 L11Z1) ii O CM W AMU W w - tae sniggers, roor warp ,tlieir JUOg- " . ment. recrara n as a regard it as a duty that .can notbe 'ut aside, that of educating those , - fc Tieed instruction,; , to who SO eagerly seek infor- . . r . mation, to give where giving ;costS; so little a duty higher and holier than x Arrln Rftxr: oiteu uwo TL , . , rrrn : r T?o1oTrrh rge anaeieSuui, .uu. for fb Rnle use and occupancy -T" ar a s- ait ia an wriii 11 11 111 111 nrn. oi wjb cuiuicu i;vio , wrr buildmgs that reflect credit upon those places, whilc( New. Berne upon those places, whilct INew Uerne once ced Uie Athens of Nortb Carolina makes no provision for the intellectual .. . T , . .j cjtxre 01 a large majority ui uw yu.- iatiolL r. jtehVion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government fto-ement have "schools and the means of , ..,,. mWitinn 99 received? Howiverv Smalr . . , f .1 a nroDortion of our children attend school ? Out of a popuJatipnofv 20,516 in Craven County only ,1,223 attend school, and wby 7 oecause scnoon una the means of education are nol wcdur- ... - - aged! Of that population of 20,51 nine tfegusand five" hundred and sixty-seven over the age of 10 years -cannot "read how niany there are below that aer who cannot.Tead, God only knows; : Do not these figures show a terrible state of aflaii-s ? wliat are our people think ing of? Can we expect immigration and do we expect any sensible man will bring a family of boys and girls to - ; m mf I Craven county when be must either 1 i , , V employ a pTiVatOyftitor, or allow them tn rrrrtw no iii icrnomnce'? I tell yon, . Drcwpertfy. will npyer attend us mitil put the spelling book in the k r ,-1 - l-f.ttj v-;ii .: cKnnl nptil ,rart g houses.' and have them ro conyenient that the little ones cn attelmer ----- , . , ;V, tron htfr hA PfMjaOT Dna. anu ueit: "r -"" rr pnMTTtd xff(1T;a, gomneieu with, xturistej. ;n iio mnffpr find although our j Ar'iirpfl mar not be sc reten-; Honn As theirs,' have the mens of ac- onirinjran education within the reach oi every, cniia iu ,iu uiy. .r . There is much dissatikf action exist- . New Yoik ftgardinp the ; trans- DOrtation of the United tates iiiaus P. M. Dafronjze(i if the mails are to be trans- i ii ii 4 , K Amp"ri,-nn line. It ap- ! fltr lino is the fastest and . lar cne to EnKiand. " - - jaxscET-I-ANEOXXS m vni.' fTY'ilinfy house &t LoDG I Branch. lucre ao.www. o - w TkAmcVJnWiM Smears aro meeting with . great success in Scotland. - - rmnr ron Vi KjHi to have a- chieved -til he ba8 lost S50.000., 1U Hiunvcm nn, nann abont over at Cane May, saloons. . . . . . A a A modern philosopneT says: -anow me head. - t , . The possessors of the Tichborhe estate are already out ot pocket about 5!W,uw oy meir fiht with "the claimant.' lost two husbands are the ill av - - w w " only' ladies whn haveas yet,' evinced much in tc in h third term" Question.- - terest in the third term" question. w 'www . i states, maia, -onew a pnza unuu mca ii an. essay oh -the eyil.l effects, of ; intoxicating' drags." , r r t - The English Bookseller publishes an. - appeal ..... ui, naonn;QaA tP to b well t' i iih iiihia, djju unoiuiv4 i . , ...... ... reptcsented at uiwwni, . . , fn,,; of Minisisr ocuenc& uus uocu mnaiiia . . . :tu i,;a fhmo dau bters who are very mnch admired and Ln,tJ in foKhionabla society abroad. w - " -r, , e ui no, j he Kev. nermann dokudi,ui auhu.v"! ha8 finished the translation of the Evidences tiasftnAntvnf the Citv Hall ot Springfield, Mass.. Is 'full' ohiquora seliied for violation of the law, and the autawmes are oDiigea w un t cellars and unocquprea siores in riiicu w y j-j accumulating slock. , . . TAnnTter f theist. horns r- ---- . ( ... 1 - TsTw teen years oi age. pu.mB X, , Nork warehouse struck for higher wages the iU tftHoffllfe. wuwuv,- - 7 " . X I . " - . ' - . I Not long since one pf the light flngerea gen- . l66ter caTrier8. uniform, pf6ked ui odovm " w. - f i.V n(i "PrtoinfflftA. niHar boi in LtndO?f , pened the door, and carried, off tbe Jetters. I ... . . r- . 1 1 i tU. rt The thing, was none moq cum, wo noon. i -t' . . i . n,, re mrn. diammd weddine. took place in Canton Zurich, S wither land, last month, and tne pastor; wa, hho i.nnr.iA ai'Ttv vAirs fl?o was among the 'iotait andin the best f. J th : - . I i' , - .: i. . '.1 By' a circular from the Egyptian Foreign U- xjy r . termed that tne.eaie qi arms W . r",": ;R henceforth forbidden m Egypt, and that all ttw5w in -Rnt for .Abvssinia Will be I j ? 1 nt ma ca awa m r- j r a : The Lynchburg ; Republican sayp; -owing The Lynchburg K to the extraordinary of nur tobacco nianr been forced to suspei mary spen 01 wet wramw, xun.u.j manufacturers have, we learn, j been forced to suspend operations lor the pre sent; This interruption will throw many needy laborers out of employment temporarily." belonging to a Mill Plain man. on Saturday, and restored it to the owner, who gave him a five cent piece. The boy looked at the coin an instant, and then handing it' reluctantly back, audibly sighed as he said, vl can't , change . it." ' rv. . ... . .1 .A.FrenchcotmteBS PJJ lhe sqPPerble,,ana,inking her voice ta a whisper, said, awhile they are cutting up the fowls, and we have got five minutes to spa dcnell me the history of the world, for I want to know it so much." plaster' Pratt, aged 11, of Lanesboro,, Msss. died the other day from the effects' of too much of this amateur indulgence. He spent a whole forenoon in somersaulting, in conseauenceof which his bowels5 became so twisted and tied into hard knots that' in ten days the . deraiige- pxent provea latau , "tthe greatest novelty of modern medical and chemical science is found in Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Purgative Pellets, or ! Sagar-Coated, Con cenirated Root and Herbal Juice, Anti-Bilious Grannies scarcely larger, than mustard seed, yet possessing as mucin t cathartic power as the old style of large, repulsive pills, while they tjtVn Rnd are rdeasant in effect. a SJ W J w M. 25 cents a vial, by Druggists. : - STATS TheiWiimingtSn jail now Jmrbat ibirtj-J five criminal. J? Ml ill J il - IUle?glTis nW, luirioti'iifri oysUra froin Norfolk. - 1 The Ealofch Foxes nre playing Iuxtoc "with r cbreteutf fertile Ei&tern Tard. ft i tha Wilmington Market on Monday. Ttrs. Minnie Whifciler, the EditrePff f of the iencT (f TemanctXtotfi JJai ii Hy-Sl f ,t 1 1 friena by mcknesa JrL and famine ( registered at tfe; Yarborough Rouse Meigh. " ; " - s . . t , I ' A brilliant iffMr in the way ol ! af hop came n, ht last m- i -Two hundred and fifty hands and sixty 1 i , rrinlrtVA.1 on the ana, wnpwin i iw "t wj i I i Fair Grounds and buildings. The Wilmington, City Clerk ana asu oil wrtniir Vin mat CUT auveruse un boh j t - ! - 4 it J on which taxes remain unpaid on the, 1st. OI ; October, At the Snnerior Court of Bladen Ust week, Moses Eurdie, was found guilty of pealing an 'or I umbrella, and sentenced to the penitentiary t-vo years .The State Fair Executive Committee intend rl!nHi!C' one fourth f ere of ground in cot ior the purpose of testing the two couon cnop- r - " ,. L' ters recently patented in this State P6 roo,tu J F His Excellency, Governor Caldwell issued on Monday last' to Geo. McCall of pardons Wake, and Noah FoX of( Alexander The formar was convicted of bnrglary in 1870, and the latter of Larceny in 18G8. ; The different colored clubs', companies nd ' associations of Wilmington now prompuy.'; af8W5Uwr,,a y " r 1 t.i1 member who makes' cwnseu am . " J.i mat-nra was held! at Elizabethtown, Bladen County, -on Monday last to devise means by which abuses in j the measnrement of timber in the port ofTfilmmgr ton could be remedied. ' 1 f' ' ) - A sting from a spider came near resuming - ; -rviul mun of .Wilmington n. 1 1 v. 1.1 1 a vuuut: . - Mjjf uiasu ofiu..-6, bscuTrence.; ... - - iba ,V The Newton Vindicator pays; Dr. . J- Mott's saw mill, on Mountain Creek, was tirolv destroyed bv fire last Tuesday night. en- A j i f w l . ,L t ian to that neifih- TIrZ,-T-1!ril, ft.it. i f haVC in . eignt fieet high raised by Col. Joseph A. Houston, near Ore Hill in Chatham county. ; This ispretty 1,11 11 4AM Tit rtTirtf rtf ".- tall cotton for this' up-country. i is.- Th intlliVence that James Dial, th0 al- j w w o I ; - leed murderer of Floyd Uxendinef .naa leod, muraerer oinoju vieuiuc, uouioui- iU,ir i,a i-,00n "oonls'rmftd. He is oni leDuereu uiuiocuj , - - now in jail'at Lumberton, and will stand; his . '5i -j. tnvmv a-T tli o RnopVinr Court for II I'll u mv ui - JL - - ; Robeson County, -frj.-. - " - Says the Aeio Forth Slate! There are a hun- i area atio tenpupiisiiiwiMJiiuuiici!. uiu ubbro Femaie; College. 'r This is an encouraging start,... The wholft bnilding will-Coniplete, in a few weeks, and there is ntue aoupi.i many more young ladies will soon.be entered. . 4Says the Rileigb iVeios: We are informed South Mountain, ;Bnrke county, by a arty men lying in ambush. -None' of the party on, we believe, were i hurt, but were Deaver has asked for 5bhged to beat a retreat r ... . . , assistance at tne nanas oi me poTHuuiwi. orce theUw ia that.sectioo of the- country, i;; k -4S" - ,J .ui., ;. I i . r . i j R - . oit in the, neighborhood ot Holly Jshei- . - . thj UU a'fw days since; an anchor i ier, in n-iit v ' i- " " , -- -j I , I .- .L,i v.Ant fWantr ftSflt. bfliriw the sUr- fMft Df the ground, firmlyinbftdded in the marl. I , . .. - i.j iong.it had been tuere is a maner iur How long.it had been there is a matter iorj con- jecture only, -put, the nrticle as described bears i : ..-.n f (linaa in TICA r thfl Tire- tv " ? . - . R .w?r ff 'w aidji'ge i ; i . ' , . .. ,.i '-i- i The .question is, how did it get sept, day there ? -. . - , at- - - . . . : -, - 3 i t ,j. , I J TnG'Bff The Goldsbro Messenger says: The shenll ftf acolk.-Florid wishes VinformMiS? of a f. milv naina Page, living io this'sectioti.lThe I i:t aaJ" A mar- rfipfl here who wen tov the " v-r: y r , i'.fl f R R W(ison. and there is a man) here p . ' i . , eof Wm. Jones, col,, whosays thathe knew him in your countv; aWsiys his fahers ..JJ . .-. ' ,. . 3. 0t . is ifiph ram rage. ;; xne or' - - 1 . a 11. - . --i m9r 1 -'Oi rra enTage, ficcoraing wi we uiumea dwxj. K died of Yellow Fdver. Sys the 'Wilmington Star. We understand that an application has reached this city and l i,L:, f rti T?rmorvL reduest- ingon behalf of the survivors "of the Mexican war at Raleigh tne assemDimg 01 luo-pnw Convention at Raleigh on the 15th of October, thafr bftir the week of the State Fair." instead of G udsboro, as at first suggested. We expect that this cWnge will be made It will certainly add an additional leature to tuo pruucux3 that interesting occasion, r The Enfield Times says:-:-"We have tp e- cord a sad accident that occurred in this county aWnles from this place on last.Tu sday Mr. Lewis Sherrin. a yotingj man veftrfl ol, having gone to a neigh- Jfr of to- hunt .A ; An- n Rnnirrfela. set tne Dreecn oi ms gnu ou me xvvy i - , . . .i : . , rhen, a is supposed the' gun slippedi the hammers coming in contact with the step,; fired the'guh; the charge taking effect in Mr. Sherfin's month and killing him instantly ; Sivs ihe Raleigh, KevcsJK A nMr.rLashley 1 : i in V.a'Tioftilisvrtwl of Trflishlfiir's X TOfLfJft IWIIIU 111 ViiU iAVW'"""v" ml . - ' 1 on the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railroad, inJ this county while sinking a well on his prei J ..,,. i -ii:.i mises a lew u jb . ? . ietfciromi.no BiawJ buu a igD ouomiu ui copper ore and on yesterday brought to the city pecUs to scientific inspecUon. V Every In- uiiwu " . - -- , - - and should the ore prove O. K., the neighbor- hood of Lashley'a will be a good field fnr well diggers in search of a job. FROM NEWfYORK.. Nxw ToEKSeptrl& TV-. ,o flt.hftr O'Farrell, pastor otSL Peter's Roman CathoHc Church, informed is parishioners on stmaay iai - - retract anyuung uicwum - , Jrmntrhia canvass of the Parish for 2 ptijiis of &s new parochial, school, and adds Action on the part of the Rev. Father (1 is said to haver been the jresoTt of an intimation from the authorities of- the. Catholic A,Ut, A.t VhA firtreme measures resorted . to 1 The first frost of the season nade its appear- ance here this morning. &e j An Havana letter, says of the Vtjrmng of the ,L marketf actual loss oftlife is not known? thus far it is variously esuumiei n tr. SO. The loss ot properiy ua "ecu tigUy estimated, the -lowest putting it at &t dfc wi onr! th hitrhest at 8.000,000. f"'ut""" o - - - , The Lutheran Church and several stores and K ' m . I" J A. TlT TT ViAVTA l-VLAfft fSVIVT Ci TT-J- FROM LOUISIANA. - : Sut.evepobt, Sept. lf. , There were 22 deaths here yesterday, and tbnny more last night. " j,; - I There were 1 f interments yesteraay. 'j' The condition of the town isfeimply heart rending, and the suffering is something, fearf pi to contemplate. ; lj FROM MASSACHUSETTS. K Boston, Sept. IB. Ex-Mavor Gaston, in a letter, formally ac- LDts the Democratic nomination for Governor. j.vFROM MICHIGAN. , i - -" 1 ; Grand Hav sn, Sept, 1(. il, rrhfl roreller Iron Sides, of tne ingieman. IT ' 4- Detroit and Milwau- i1ti- .,riiTorl and sink seven miles off his Twn-t at noon to-day. Ihrbirtv-two nasseneers are known to .have been saved, and fourteen bodies are recovered. iThere were no Southeijiers. ; ; FROM VIRGINIA. ; ' Richmonp, Sept. 1C. ")The twenty-first annual Ression of the Ameri can Fharmaceuticai Association cummeuvcu i in. this city to-day. . a a . ' NEW YORK MARKETS. : 7 v. : New Yobk, Sept. .16. : Money easy at C7 per -cent. Gold quiet and steady at 111111. Government securi- i fvirl ArAnc 1 1 i nffft fite(iv.for old sales of 2.180 bales at for Tjpiands and 20f cents for Or- fionr dulj declining Jit $7 i ! ' ' . m O O yvdN"! "I j$S 30 ; common to rair extra, q?o oyqp u j good to choice, $8 3;"$lf . Corn opened at hcttar ani riBfifl WIT.n inB HUVblUUli (2,)X v,euw w,., - . iost sales at G0G8 cents for steamer western - - : - - mixed.(. Pork .quiet and a shade firmer j-new I moca ft 1 7 Do. ' Snirits turpentine louver at 42 i . -j T ..... . - . ' 4i3 cenl. Rosiu quiet at $3 10. p - ' : ; ; : FOREIGN NEWS. : i V , Lonpon, Sept. 16. ; Fiftv-eieht buildings in Auand New Ze- land, have been burned. The loss is estimated at $250,000. - The sawdust swindlers, since they have been excluded from the mails, inform their dupes t ... . : that "the mails are very unsale, ana money ;mut be sent to them by j l,.r , expreFS. Y . . . i x : .jjooiey s x east jruwuoi 10 o "i not lowest priced Baking Powder. Elegant Uis- cuits. Rolls, tc..' prenarea in anew mmuta. New Advertisements. -t t . ' : notice:. . ' To&e Holders of Cliims against Carteret County: I iave been - appointed a "special Comnniis- sioner.lor ine ,purpose t ..cuujpiuiiiH is denominated,' the floating debt contracted .O'' to J863. there ifi or be nearly three :lollar8 in the treamtry appropriated r i , : ' - ." . . mn. tnausanq noiwrs in tuts rwifiwjr . aiu.. i to this obnet i;:, , ;n tlio T nm limited to 50 ii 1 1 1 n iiti III" a, rtoJiar. " Any persons ji"i"ii nklmii fnr Mh dcfiHt n' ieg of 1868. 1869'-'70 anlVlhich have bern passed upon by proper "iL :f.Kxit n VvAfhm 'Vn presentation to' me. IHI credit the same nnH.j?ive'-an .order I to the Sheriff to pay taxes of tlu8-yer,or to ine treasurer to pay the mon y as soon as coiiecteo. f " , , rnnnv I l will attenn ax sevenn i;c u inc bont the timp the Sberiff is collecting tuxes; wiU also be at Beaufort every first Monday and I of ;v,w pnr whenever njauested. .- rw rT-ISih 1873.' W.J. Doughty rw 3tfew Berne Acaden y7 Will, open its next sensi -n on 22nd Sept 1873. affording the best advantages in tne ah cient Sand Modern Langnases, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and other practical .branches wv.w. Children between six and twenty-one years of nge admitted free of charge on application to c. Xw. otamy, treasurer. 1 TEACHERS Geo. W. Neal, A. M. Principil. ASSISTANTS. Mrs Esther Stanly. - Mr. Faunv H. Neal. Mis Rachel C. Brookfii Id. E. R' StanIt, Treasurer Trustees New li me Academy it' Special Notice. All persons indebed to the Times for subscrip tion or advertising are requested to remit with- out delay. Those who cannot or are unwiuigg to pay up will please notify us, , and receive j a receipted bill by return mail. We are obliged to mv 'nafih. and we must have cash to pay with We give moneys worth, and we warn cut moiic j, I ,1' "" A : J j . v, A' well built house in Morehead City, with hr.Ov.B - InTtro ana airy, ana auuou conveniently arranged in the attic. i . . . . - . , . An necessary ontbmldmg tmtb .three lota of House. j Will De soia on reasouuuio au aw- todatirfg terms. Exchange in part for other propertyif desired. Apply to - ' E. HUBBS. i 1. ENOCH MORPAN'O; C0148' is a nbstitnte for 8op for all Houaebold pn-poses, ex cept wung ciouifl. S A. P OLIO I- m.Ti-riT vrmr TTonM will MT lha labor ofoMekuMi. OlTd 11 atrial. s iai"P o tj r or for windows ti betWP . Wler. Vo tetooyiag Tiltlnalkliarp h SAPOLTO - clean Iaiut and i Wood, in fact 0eTlllr.i Douse, better than Soap. No flopping. Bavea labor. toucaa'taUordtebewittoatit. SAPOLIO for8eoTrrin(? Kaire .1 fceltef afldelaaoe than Bath Brick. Will not acratdw SAPOLIO is better tfewa Bcmp and Sanrf for pollablng Tinware. Brightena without scratching. SAPOLIO ' Polishes Brass and Copper utensils better thaa Aeid or Oil and Kotton Stone. SAPOLIO for Washing Disbes and dlaaaware ia in- r valuable Cheaper Qum Soap SAPOLIO removes' Stain from Barbie Mantles. Tables and tXatuarr, from Hard-finished Walla, and from Chins and Porcelain. , SAPOLIO- . removes Stains and Grease from Carpet and other woven fabrics. There is no one article known that will dd so many kinds of work and do it as well as Sapolio. Try it. ' HAND SAPOLIO a now and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having no equal in this country j or abroad. HAND SAPOLIO as an article for the Bath, " reaches the foundation " of all dirt, opens thn Eorrs and gives a healthy action and rilliant tint to jho skin. hand SAPOLIO. Cleanses arid Beantlfies the Sktn, in atantly remyrring any ataln or blemlih ' from both hands and face. HAND SAPOLIO ia without rival in the world for curing or preventing roughncsa and ' chapping or either handa or lace., ' hand SAPOLIO wt removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink SUlnr and Oreaso; for workers iu Machine Shops, Mines, Ac, Is invaluable. Tor making the Skin White and Soft, and giving to it a " bloom of beauty,- it la unsurpassed by any Cosnaetlo known. hand SAPOLIO A.ia ia 1 sATita Mr c&lte. and every body should have it You wiU like it. J DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. Buy it of your merchant If he has it or will procure it for you. ifnot, then write for our Pamphlet, "Allaoout SapoUo," and It will be mailed free. 1 ' , . ! ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, ' iio PARK FLACK, . Y. J or 99 Lombabd St., Baltimore, Md. . v i BANKRUPT FORMS '' ' ! FOR SALE AT ; Hall's Book Store I CRAVEN SPRING- STOCK OP Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, lilver -and Plated Ware,' lUST RECEIVED BY j; WHALEYj Doalor In F-teOold and' Silver Watches, ( " Odd Ohaina amd ICeya, ' ".''.' Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Breastpl , .. . . , ......... . Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles Thimbles, Bracelets, Armlets, Nechlasses, Collar Buttons, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Spoons, Table Desert and Tea Forks. ' Platefl WarainfuU Sets and fiuie Picca' , Bread, Cako and Card Baskots, Pitchers, Goblets, Mugs and Cups. Trt Knives, Table Knives, Razors, Scizzors, . &o Clocks in great Variotv, Eazor Straps tliat are Straps, t and in fact everything generally found in ft FIRST-CLASS JEWELRT ESIABLI5HHSJII TFteAc5 and, Clocks; Repaired tcith Neatness, CAecncss and Dispatch. Crayen Sti, New TJenic,N. C fa ',

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