- -i! ' ' ' - i li r; i i 4Y mW "inr l - "LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE." Daniel Webster. ! NEW-BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1872. Vol. YL No. 667. Siuglqi Copies 3 cents- IfTJ i r mi 1 Sue gfpu&Uf & Courier. GEO. T ZlxJ.l'l' . Adrertisementa will b- inserted jo pon reason- I Able terms.' V - - ' ; '-.M i IJberaf contracts rill tic made vit permanent ; advertisers, i ., . '? POETRY! "Written for the REPTEtjc k CorRixa. , j "It Mljrht Have Becir. ' Of ail ! w"h a? cu ;a n- f-c. , : ! Tac MlJet . tii-.-s.! : ' It TuUi.t "t V?: t.-n " 1 JOMW.i.TTlKS We oft are dreamers ; life -with urgent -rtady. Eemx all t-x tetern and cold; ! We love to wander ip th6e realms of -beauty 5 Which filiino with light tt gold. ViHioas of future waalth, or future gladness, ; At Faiu-jr's call aris; . ,' f . An 1 diBappointui -nt Uviu;;z th- t-.ar of eaJaese f To once LowiKleri;'l tycU. ; ConU-ntrnMit in a vii-iij- rftstly n--ud, r To brighten every lot; , . ; f Tf i oft tli gifts w fiarr, wo leave unheeded, ! Longing fjr thoHf: u'vs nut. .. ? Oh. g.1 iuded it is, with hnarts complaiuia. To think ujion th; jiawt I f Hutrat;ful for tlie bl;hinrt htill ri-inainiii, i IJ-aujKs some lul iit last ! ' j With bauds inactive, houIh il. ci wiait fru HluiaLcr,' ! Uunyiniathiziiiy, loliO, , f Slowly, wealth, haiiii:eBH, or faiur to numlx-r, L- Which 44 might have betu " oar oii ( j Well may a voice of deep aud earncnt iiiaiiiu, I Be ever whispering flaw; "Short-sighted moilala, wliy forever (aiiiiig ; Kouyht from thoatlbut woe ! , " Live for the present; a t with hi;;h exKlcavor To werve and blens mankind; ! To truth ami virtue lip ye faithful ever,:,: s So bhall ye blesaingk 'find ! ' . i . , : . - ; Strive for loltat mayte ever patieul, Wirture ) Faith iu the ' thing! ttnseen I ' i Only to gather wiHdoni for the future : Think of what might have been '.' " w-Boruo, N. C, Feb J 12th, 1872. ; Aoauuv. 1 now to cjkt rich; BY V3i. B. MOKANGK, fiat on tha airs (if eiht-keyed Aite, '! Ii you're only ii jfeimy-whistle;. j -Puss wlivr yon can lor a garden rtisey J t you're only a wjuyside thistle. f ; Ulow, whonevor yoij llow your horn, i So people, can understand , j Ijhat you may be Kl.irp, but you won't b tl.it, In society's giea brass baud. liiss tlie plate or the bat in cllurcb I With the usual Sabbath air, Unt move with a niild, religious squeak, Tliat people maylknow you're there. I yon carr' a nosejsix inches long,;. j(Aud a beak can jscarce be longer;), lielieve it a sign of perception strong, And the longer iij is the stronger But ifi in the orderjof nasal tubes, J Vour organ in brijlef in measure, . Then, brevity being the soul of wit,! 'Consider your pijg a treasure. I - 1 ' ; ijove your neigh bo: but mark the fore kf the Gospel ruje f grace-- . lie more you admjire yourself, myLfriend, SThe LighTFryour .'neighbor's plaea, - . t - , - - I Ciiuk your dimeix Gie deacon's pan 'As if you were throwing gold, Ahd give with an ee to the business hope (Oi reaping a hundred fold t i. Whether your reading is little or great, .'Ujlote right, or iiever quote; ! Polish your upper though down in the heel, And never indorse, a note. ' I Always advance bef-:t hand, best foit, (best hand, bes foot, your own And thus you may if east on the fat. of the laud, fWbile others enjoy the bone. . -j PliUFESSlOXAL. AtTO. S. SEVJJlOUIi, Attorney ftud (.'ouusclior at Law, New-Derne, North (.'aroliua, will execute with promptness all business entrusted to him in I'ravoi aud adjoining counties, rarticular attention given to the collection of claims. ' . d ri LIO. AV. K ASQM, .Jr.; J V Notary Public & .futiee of Hie P jk . No's 22 & 24; Craven Street, "NeKv -Berne, N. C. W OBERT F. IiiiiHM.W, Attorneyiaml Counsellor I V at Law, New-Berne, North Carolina, will execute with promptness all business entrusted U him in Craven and adjoining counties. Particular attention given to th collection of claims. ' C'lllAHLES A. giKlstKV, .otl Iultlii, ') i OFFICE AT . .'. f NATIOXVL SAVINUS BANK; SEWj BERNE, N. O. HC mcif AltDSOX, Attomeyand Counfellor at Law, NeMr-Berne, N. C, will execute with promptness, all business entrusted to hfs care in the ad Judicial (New-BerneJ District, and 4th Jiidu ial (WvUmiug tois) District. Ofiicef on Pollok near Hancock St., New Beno, N. C. I '"; FINE LOT OF p I: ii Ilafe juft received from MEW-YORK and VERMONT sbmo Tery -valuable Iiorsefe for llarni and Family Use, which Will lx-oM low for cash. Cairjand examine the'm'at SALE and CHANGE SUble I i i of M. HAH?(, . 31itldlo Street, ,f D f New-Berne; N. C Partcf Lot No. lat" f rtrf e 6gttipr Viflr the improvements &erin(ftow ocmtfjM J- Geisart, as aryTl-t, 21f4i ut 65 ft' Ti perfcotr '(Tmk NELSON, -mm m Vf fit' l- Pollok ne(JOadtoateti.WV-BeriiRX i , Fonos. BtarDjaer in t"; t ' foreign andDjesiA04 chanS, ri.ieWbdyc.U He' befbw 4TVbfcialacJaene.I m eiabo pfliar a variety MVrelnta imdltrt prwmptlr supplied, tiu.f i.Ait4iiit!f feer'ael "nare"- fine" LunchlandSampJe Boom wherMliefpbHcfarf -be eH conunodated with tne Desi oi everjmuig w iwwuuu tu. BufrfphAetfttod at eirices. Itrtnembe CbeJplo., - j J. HAGBi Po&ok Stwt, 9d door wt of 2iiddl Street. tln7J If wBrne, W. C. hi Jorftrli Horses IS?HIHK." - r W. AERAHAiia A. A. JOHNSON & CO., No. 88 STOAil S rAVHABF, ...... v. . t - . ' BALTIMORE, Md., MANUFACTUREBS OF Wc warrant our brands of Flour to run regular. cllly i t -fib 40 nimpm itsa II" -1 "I v MITCHELL, ALLEN CO 43 Si 34 Pollok St., KEW.1IEUKE, IV. C. Hardware Merchants and Mauufacturera of A(i Ki C VLT LiliAL 1 31 PLE.UEXTS. TheWIDOWS'& ORPHANS' BENEFIT n ne NEW YORK. Its Directory has had an experience of twenty seven years. Wm.H. Finch&Co. General Agents, RALEIGH, N.O. J" ames Osgood Travelling Agent. ep3-tf j - WALKER, JONES & CO.. South Front Street, NEW-BEliNE, N. C. Commission Merchants, AND 7 WHOLESALE GROCERS. Also Manufactures of Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. HigneHtCasu prices pad for Baled Cotton. Cash Advaaeenient made on cotton to New-York. LlC DIBBLE, WORTH & GO. Commission Merchants, 188 Pear! Street, C. V.. DIBBLE, "I b. (i. woinn, (iEO.M.DEWEV, A. DAY, j A. C. WOKTIT. J NEW YORK. P. (., Kox 4 577. I'roiupt' personal altt-iiti- n to sales of cotton, naval stores and general produce, with ipiick returns. Mr. A. DA V, of tlie above firm, resides at Gol lsboro, N. (!., ajid will t-'ive his attention t;o the bueinens of the above tirm. lW-'2'J-::m (i. F. M. 1A1L. ;W. HAYWOOD DA1L. DAIL BROTHERS, Commission Merchants and wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Wines. Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, kc. kc. 'Purchasers are invited to call and examine tlie stock at our new store, ou S uth Front Btreet, opposite O-astou House, New-Berne, N. C. Lltf!m. HENRY L. HALL. BOOKSELLER, STATIONER asu ; Newsdealer. I Xo. lfi POLLOK St., KVVUKItXE, N. C. OFKKHS FOIt SALE AT THE LOWEST CASli PUICKS, BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS,: POOLS CAP, LEGAL CAP, LETrEK, NOTE AND BILL PAPElt, LADIES WORK BOXES AND WHITING DESKS, STEEL PENS, PEN HOLDERS, LEAD PENCILS,' VIOLIN AND ' Gl'ITAR STRINGS, MAGAZINES ILLUSTRATED PAPERS, &c, &c. kll.tf YOUG & 15KOTHEK, Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in PROVISIONS, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glass-Ware, &ci, &c. Country; Produce j Bought and Sold. Stores, oot of Middle Street, Ncwllrrne, Jones1 Bay, Beaufort" bounty ; j Mltf Nlraslta, Hyde Cotanty, C. GROCERIES! GROCERIES ! SiMTffi&SLOiER. Iveep .constantly pu hand a full assortment of fti-dccrics of all . Grades, Staple and Fancy! s a f "Wbiclcihej: offer at lowest prices Foii$&ltir iii-EchiiDge for Corner PoUok and Crarn Streets, i- A. A. JOHXSqjT... ;J 1 m II I I1 I 1 1 B ' I 1 I 1 usuce o NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sty If J A MOMii to seU onr t'nivtrHal Cement, 4 9 CombiBation Ti;nn l. Button Hole Cutter, and other article. fciAcu Notiltt Co., Saco, Me. 4w RARE CHANCE for AGENTS Agents, we will pay you f 40 per we-k in cash. If you will engage with ma at osce. Everything furnished and expencea paid. Address, 4w F. A. ELLS h CO., Charlotte. Mirh. from B(k ' f AGENTS WANTED for our splendid life WS III charts of CiK.VKIl A L LEK, JiiBJ "STOJIKWAhb" JACKOV, and w w 20 other HISTORICAL and RELIGIOUS CHARTS!! Our MAPS, CHARTS, etc.. have a nnivernal sale. "o rifk! ! IrRe profit! ! H.VASIS A LUBRECHT. EarptRE Map and Chabt Establihmest: 107 Literty.St.. New-York. 4w 3. By sending OO CENTS with age, height, color of eyes anl hair, yon will receive by return mad, a correet picture of your future hnslmnd or wife, with name aud date of marriage. Address W FOX, P. O. Drawer, No. 24 Fultonville, N. Y. : 4w PSYCHOLOGIC Fascinatian or Soul Charming. 400 paes by Herbert Hamilton, B. A. How to line this power (wbicb all possess) at will. Divination. Spiritualism. .Sorceries, Demonology and a thousand other wonders. mceoymaufi.'i), meiotli: paier covers $1.00 Copy tr-r- iu uyrnis oniy. i ,uuu montDiv easuv made. Address T. AY. EVANS, Pub. 41 :S. 8th Street Philadelphia, Pa. 4w Free to Agents. A bound canvassing book of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE, Containing over 300 Illustrations. With a Comprehensive Cyclopedia explanatory of the Scriptures. IU fcNOLISH tiEKMAN. tVM. rLis i & uu., i'niia. i'a. 4W PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT, We desire to engage a ifew more Atents to sell the World Renowned Improved Ul'CKEVE SEWISO MA CHINE, at a liberal salary or on Commission. A Honne and Waon given toAgeutn. Full Particulars furnished on application. Address W. A. HENDERSON k CO.. General Agents, Cleveland, Ohio. A: St. Louts, Mo. 4w $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietor of Dr. Sage'u Catarrh Remedy for a cane of "Cold in JJaad," Catarrh or t ozma,whlch no cannot cur-1. Sold by Druggists at 50 cU The Penn Letter Book fwr rotivinir IMtpm vrf thout Preas or Water, con tinues to grow in favor wherever introduced, and thou sands now using it attest its wonderful merits. All praise its Symplicity and Convenience, and a public test of six yeara has fully estaonsnea its genuineness aua relia bility. It has only to be properly shown to be apprecia ted by all business men. Price $2.25 and upward. Ad dress. P. GARRETT CO., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. 4w El Best lulling book ex-1 it. woru or aoeoro- r interest. Agents wan- 49 Dace b Kxtracts. " jSample kngraTings, Cir ar.yeat,Pub.,Cixu6.,andSS Murray St, N. Y. culars, Ac.xree. Agents also wanted .for Clticago and the Great Cvnlayra- tion by Colbert & Chaiaberlin, Editors Chicago Tribuue. 52M octavo pages. Fully illustrated. 30,000 SOLI). Address as above, or J. 8. Goodman, Chicago, or Edward i Hovey, Boston, or Fred M. Smith, Auburn, N. Y., or Walton k Co., Indianapolis, Iud. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, For Coughs Colds & IIoa.reiie!s. These Tablets present the Acid iu Combination witJi other efficient remedies, in a popular form, for the Cure f all THROAT and LUNG Diseases. HOARSENESS aud ULCERATION of he THROAT are immediately re lieved and statements are constantly being sent to tne proprietor of relief iu oases of Throat difficulties of years standing. ri TTTT fl"T ont be deceived by worthless im VVU 1 lvll nations. G-t only Walls' Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 Cts. per Box. JOHN C;. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y., Sole Agent for the U. S. Send for Circular. ; 4w AGENTS WASTED FOR TIlH LIFE OF The Only Authorized and official Biography of Vift (IT? "PAT HTTT17PT ATT CMITIOM a'v Inii'i'ior Lives C t lwi i.r.i: are ) it-Ill-' circulntfrt. Lives of Gen. S. e tha the book you buy is ; avoiiimuied by a superb litho graphic poi-trait uf Gi:s. Lee, on a i.hect 13 by 'Jl iiu hi s. suitable lor tramm". Send for cii-ciilars :iiiil pec our terms, and a full descrip tion of the wnrk. Adylr.-ss. NATlON'AI, PC Bl ,1SH1N i ('()., Philadelphia, I'a..- Atlanta, (ia.. or St. Louis. Mo. 4w I L O I IM M ' r WORLD RI -:NO W N K D I' AT EN T GlOTe-Ffflnc Corset If you want the most aitishu--tory, and ttest fttiv; and the cheapest Corset Cor its real alne, yon have ever worn, buy THOMSON'S GENUINE PATENT GLOVE-FITTING. No Corset has ever atta:-n-d su-'h a reputation, either in tliis or any other country. As now made in length and fullness oi bust IT CANNOT BE I3IPKOVKI. Every Corset is stamped with the na7in Tftomsov and the trade mark a CeoWN. Kept by all hrt -class dea.ers. TU03ISON, LANGDON & CO., Sole Owners of Patents, 301 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. 4v OH. WOULD I WERE A CHILD AGAIN ! silis the v,reary and exhausUd oue. as the languor and lassitude of spring conies upon him. Come ami receive vigor and strength from the wonderful South American Tunic. J U R U B E B A . Long and successfully used in its native country. a a i'liwciful Tunif. and ItrtU lurijirr of the B!1, it is found even to exceed the anticipations founded on its iut reputation. According to tlie mudical aud scienti fic periodicals of Ixuulon and Paris, it possesses the Most PoweOl Tosic properties known to Materia MiuacA. DR. WELLS' EXTRAGT OF JDRDBEBA is a perfect remedy for all diseases of the BLOOD, OR GANIC WEAKNESS. GLANDULOUS TTTMORS, DROP SY. SCROFULA. INTERNAL ABSCESSES, and will re move all obstructions of the LIVER SPLEEN, INTES TINES, UTERINE and UNIARY ORGANS. It ia strengthening and nourishing. Like, nutricious food fasten Into the stomach, it assimilates and diffuses itseif through the circulation, giving vigor aud health. It regulates the towels, quists the nfrrvs, acts directly on the secretive organs, and. by its powerful Tonic and restoring effect, produces iuaUh y and vigorous action to the whole system. JOHN Q. KELLXH, 18 Tlatt St., New-York, Sole At-'ent for the I'nitcd States. , Price. One Dollar pier llottle. Send for Circular. 4w ICE! ICE!! ICE !!! BT THE CARGO, CAR LOAD orrXtyLE BLOCK. THE 0 REA TEST LUXUR Y 1 THE WORLD .Alfull supply of constantly n Land at KILBUR ICE DEPOT, - opposite People's Market, XKW-BiUiXE, N. a "Orders from city aud country promptly attended to. SI 111 : L NEW ADVEliTISE 11ENTS. HISTORY OF The Oreat Fires In CHICAGO and the WEST by Rev. E. J. Goorwxrn. V., D.. of Cnicaeo. Only compk-te history. 700 evo. page; 75 engravings. 7u 000 alieady eold. Price $2 50. 20O0 agents mad iu 20 days. Profit ro to raffem. AKT WANTED. H. S. GOOLtiiPEED 4 Co., 37 Park Row, New-York. RED RlhT PROOF OATS $4 m Baahel; Orchard Graes f 3.60 a buahel. jnd 3 cent post age etanip. and my oaiplete Priced Lints of all rind of Grass Sedjj, 1 it-Id betnls. Garden Seed. Flower axi Tree Seedu. Agricultural Implements, Machinery. Gua noo. Cbemieaj. Lire Stock, i;c-, will be forwardxl yau. Ihest- Priced Ifts contain much valuable lnforiuatioii to time and quantity to plaLt. Ac. MARK W. JOHN SON. Soedfuan. P. O.. Rux 2J0. Atlanta, Ga. THE BROWN COTTON GIN GO, New London, Conn., Mann icr,- of the ''Brown Gin" Cotton Seed IJullHni, M.u hiu-i y aiid Castings. Manufacturers- of Harris' Pa te'it IUtary Steam Engine the best aud cheapest Steam Engine for plantation purine s. 'ittoii-riii makers and repairers furnished with all kitids of materials. Saws. Ribs, Pulliee, Boxes, etc., of any iattern, to order at short notice. Have had long experience in the busines, and guarantee satisfacti' u in every particular. Orders solicited. Address as above. ' Piano Co.,N.Y.. 1st class;f2lM). No Agents. s Names of patrons in 40 Stau's in Circular. AGENTS Wa.nl eel. Agents make more money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Particulars free. G. Stinson & Co., Fine Art J'ullishers, Portland. Maine. A I Has published for the benefit of young men and others who suffer from Nervousness, Debility, &c. a treaties supplying the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself, and sent fr- e on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address -s:f-i NAT A II. MEL .MAYPAIR. Brooklyn, N.Y. GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. And good business for one or two persons of either sex in New-Berne and adjoining towns, by which yon can make from $100 to $150 per month, with but Tittle inter ference with ordinary business. Articles as Maple as flour or cotton cloth. A good business for agents, sure. If your whole time is given, a much larger sum can be made. Club Circulars free, giving complete list of arti cles, and commissions allowed. Horton, Bbundagk A: Co., 611 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. ON NEW-YORK AND ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES, IN GOLD & CURRENCY. Collections on all points attendetl to at reasonable rates. National Savings Bank, Office- Corner Middle and Sonth Front Streets. Tank open from 9. A. M. to 5 P. M. Feb. b O. A, NELSON Cawkier. WHITE BROS. & KILBURN WHITE BROS. & KILBURN WHITE BROS. & KILBURN Dealers in Dealers in Dealers in Coal, Wood & Lumber, Coal, Wood & Lumber, HAY and GRAIN, HAY and GRAIN, HAY and GRAIN Seed and Baled Cotton, Seed and Baled Cotton, BOSTON ICE, Green &Dry Hides, FURS and WOOL, FURS and WOOL. bi;i:s WAX&.HONKV, i;i:irs wax al honisy, WHITE BROS. & KILBURN Dealers in all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE Wharf, Warehouses and Office Near People's Market, nf XEir-JZERXE, N. C. PHOTOGRAPHS ! E. S. WORMELL Most respectfully informs the citizens of this city aud vicinity that he has returned from the Northern markets with a full stock of PHOTOGRAPHIC Stock and MATERIALS and is now prepared to makr- all kinds of PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES. LOOK AT OCR PRICKS. One large Picture with SilO frame, - . - $2.(o ". ' without frame, - - - $i.oo Four card size Ferrotypes, l.oo Nine Album size Ferrotypes. .... Ji.oo Thirty-six little Gems, - $l.t0 Card Photographs per dozen, .... $4.x) AH kinds of pictures copied iu the neatest htyle of the art. Small pirturvs -an Is- copied to l- life size and retouched with India Ink or otherwise. Kvery on.? in want of Picture Frames, of any style, can sae money by calling at my tiallery. i jjRememlier to come early in the day, and avoid the crowd in the afternoon. Photograph Albums, Cases. Picture Cord, Tarsals and all kinds of fancy articles selling very cheap. MV Remember the place. i a. E. S. WORMELL, 35 Cravf n Street, Sfw-Berne, N. C. i Dairy Times and Journal of Commrrce copy two weeks T0T.1UNS0N & TYLER, Manufacture and Jobliera of Watches & Jewelry, 20 John Street, F. C. TOMLTSSON Edmoxd Ttler. h26tf OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! ! F?AVn SPEIGHT Returns his sincere thanks t the public, for their, very generona patronage daring toe past and hereby announces his inten tion to continue at all times to keep on hand a fresh rupply of tbe.moat cbxic Oysters to be had tn this market, at his Oyster House, market wharf. New-Berne, X. 6. lklltf 49 Ojrs sarrtd ia tTtry ityl at short notice. NERVOUS NVALffl in . R R R RADVAY'S READY'rELIEF CCRES T1IE WORST PAX3k In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR : after reading this atrexfejietaexit ed any on bL'l'i tK WITH PAIS. RADWATS READY RLLIEF la A CURE FOR EtERY P.US. It tras the ftrt and is TIIK 0L.V PAIM RKMKDT that isetantly stcm the most excruciating paii, Osy? uinamauons. ana cares CongAtluus. Uetlier at tUe Lungs, stomach. Bowels, or otUer glaiiUs or urgmu, b one application. !' FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINITKH, uo matter how riolent or excruciating fh pafitt the RHEU3dATIC Bed-ridden. Luhnu, i'npied. Jrou, Neuralgic, or prowtrated with disease may sufTer., RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wild. AFlOKl INSTANT EASE. ISl'UUAUO.N Ut 1UK KUM.V8. INM. M ATIOV UF THil CLADDKR. INFL.M ATION OF THE BuWkJJS.' M - MNUtXTHN OF THEXCXtlS. SURF. THROAT, DlFFlt I LT RUEATUlNti. PAl.i'ITAIMN UF.TiiRHl-lUT HYSIhli S. t'Ron, liIIiTIlERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA Hi.AiiACHi;. louriiAri:. NKUR.ALGIA, RHEUMATISM COLD CHILLS. AfiUE CHILLS. The apnlit atioii of tlie Iteacly ItI iff to the part or parts where the iaiu or cunicuity exacts will Milord err and com fort. Twenty drops in a half a tumbler of water will in few moment cure CRAMPS. Sl'AsMS. sul'R STOM ACH. HEARTBURN. SICK HhAl At'HK. DIARKHE . DYSENTERY. COLIC, WLND IN THE BOWELS, aud all INTEl;NAL TAINS. Travelers should always car ry a iM.ttle of Hailw ;i ' Ready Relief w;th them. A i w -dropx in wut. r will prevent sickness or jiiiis iroiu . haiii- of water. It is belter than r reiu h RrutuU or B. tiers a a st.inuiaiit. FKVEKAM) AtiLK. l-'l .VLU AND Ad I E cuied for titty cents. There i not a remedial :n i nt in this world t !;it w .11 uru l'er and Aue and ail other Malarious. Biious,- Scarlet, Ij ;hoi l. V' 11 w. and other Fewrs (aidel bv RADW.W'S 1'ILI S) so .jun k as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty eeutn pe: b 'ttic. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREASi: OF FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAU TIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLUN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; So QUICK. St) RAPID ARK THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIA N RESOLVENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Unue and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor oflifr, f or it repairs tile wastes of the !ody with new and sound material. Srtofula. Syj'hil is. Coruumiition. (Jiauilulu r di.-, ease, -Ulcer in the thi'nit. Mouth, Humors, .oUs in thr (Hand and other jmrts if the system, Sore Fy s, St rviHOrous d ischary x .'"" the Ears, aud the worst form of Sknt dt eases, Frujit io.. Fiver Sors. Si: aid llrad. Ring Worm. Salt Ithtuin, Erymas. Acne, Mack Sjts, M'urms in (Jo h'lr.sli. Tumors., Cam' is in thr Womb; and ail v-fokiTiiini and jiainJiJl di.o Kary .-i, , iyht Sweats, Loss ofSi-rm and a., wastes of the life fn incijie, are within the curat trr range of tliU iooiuler oj Mole, u (,'itemixtry, and a few tlttys' use wnl prove to. any pirson n.iny it for either of Uiese forms "J dis ease its jin( power (i cure them, 11' tlie outieiit, rl.lll online ie.1i, l,y iii, m.1.-.i and decomposition that is continually progressing sm ceeds iu arresting these wastes, and repairs the mhh with new .mat i r a! made from healthy blood aud th the K A RS A PA R 1 L I . I A N will and do ." M-cijie - a cure is certain; for when mieet li is remedy commences :ts work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will fuel himself growing b tter-a:id stumper, the food digesting better, appetite improving and tle!i and weight increasing. Not only does the SarsapariixiaN Rf.solvknt exeei, all known remedial agents in the cure, of Chronic, Scroin' lotis. Constitutional and skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure f or Kidney nnil Rlacltlrr t'oinplsi ints. Urinary, and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Iii'-ontineu' c of Urine,"Brighf' 1)..- ease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there aie brick-dust deposits, or the water is thick. clouJy, mixed with substanc-es like tlie white of an eg, or threads li!:. white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, billious appear ance, and white bone-dust depjsits, and when. there is a pricking; buruing sensation when passing water, ami pain iu the Small of ihe Back and along the Loins, DR. RADWAY'S PESfEC! PUGATIVE PILL pefectly tasteless, elegantly -oated with sweet gum. purge, regulate, purity, cleabse aii'ltrengtln-n. Bad way's Pills, for tin- cure of all disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bhuider, Neroiis DiS4-as' -. Headache, Constipation. Cost; en-ss. Indigestion. DysjK'psia, liillioiisness. BilI:oim I'eer, riiflan-iniatiou of the Bowels. Piles, and all l.' iaugcmi-nt of tin- luti rn:J Viscera. Warranteil to e fleet a positive cure. I'nr. !y Vegetable, containing no men y, luiiu-rals, or deli-lerioiin drugs. fief" Observe the following (.ympt'im resuitiu:' fr m Disorders of the 1 ig.'.-t i e Or. ans : Constipation. Inwarit I'll s, Fnllin ssof lu.-B'. od in the Head. Acidity of the Stomsich. Nau.-ea. Heartburn, Disgust 4 Fool, Fullness or Weight in t.hw Stoma- h. Sour Eructations. Sinking or I'intt. ring at the pit of ,o Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and Dillis it't Breathing, Heat, liurning-in the Tlesh. A few dosis of BADWAY'S PILLS will free tlie ryst hi Troin all the alsive named disonit rs. l'rii e. j", 1 1 nts p. r Box. SOLD BY DKl"(.(.iSIS. RKAD "FALSK AND TRUE." Send one h U itan;t to RAD WAV a: CO.. No. Vw Maiden Lane, N.-w Yojk. Information woith ihousauds will be ser.t ou. glly J.A.SIMPSON, CARPENTER AND BUILDER Office and workshop on Broad Street, m ar Berne Street. All kinds of house i-arpentering and building promptly attended to, at the lowest cush prices. Inside work and line nuishing a sp-cialty. elUtf JO.VL ami .SALT in H A NT'ITI Ks TO M IT 2,000 Sacks Liverpool Salt, Large unil lirijlil Pafkagin. 100 Toiis Grate & Stove Coal, Jiut R-i'f-i v tl ami For Sale ly J 51 I j. PKRRY, Market Wharf. - - New-Berne. N. C. Pianos and Organs 4:." JSrooine Street, N. Y. C. M. TREMAIXE & Bro. PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, aud General Agent for tho IIUKDETT C03IIUNATI0X 0K(iAX, Containing CARPENTER and BURDETT'8 new improvements, THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE AGE ! The disagreeable reedy tone entire ly overcome in thi ifirtrn merit. lhe verdict ia uiianuhou f We challenge tin? world to equal it! !! r We can furnish New Seven-Octave Piano-Fertes from f ,r, u $95o. Secoud-haud Pianos, Organs, and Melo d.Hins, from $40 to $i50. Sew Cabinet Organs fi5 to f 1 ,tnm. b'26t AVOID QUACKS. J. V It U1U v J ' . XT - " - bibty. premature decay kc, haTing tried In vain every advertised remedy, has diBcorerel a simple mean of self-cure, which he will send free to his feUow-euflerers, Address, J. If. REEVE.S, 78 Nassau St.. New-York. The New-lJcnio Republic Courier An IndepeudautttanKi Jt OetLeral Mwapaper published every Haturday ai per jtaz by Oeo. W. KaouJr. N. 22 it "21 Craven St. "New-Tie rne, NT C. , The Itepublic A: Courier ia the official organ for the City and County and now bu the largest circulation of any paper in the State, which makes it a valuable advertisiiig medium. LlulE ! LME ! LIME !. Tlie Deep Gully; Lime Company are 'iwfarcd lo'."' ' " Fumish Merchants, Shipper? and Farmers With a supcrwr uahty of ILxl It ;2L353 By the bunhel. tnel or .tn, .upon the luid f arorabU TEiiiL. Apply to , f- ( ii. a?lvtham, Afirents CORNER CRAVEN aiid.SotNrf IRoNT8TA.,' i-tv-;n .1,1 Kv-m:nVK. s. c. C -PARTKERSHIP. fllHE oedf ri(ul Uvei tbJ day form xl a Crt.partn.-r-JL fchip under the. uaum 4nJ tvi of LoV.if N, Rami Co.. fur the purpose of arrviug on A General Dry Gooffs & Anction Cheap John." f LOUTS N. WWK. St w -Herno. N. C. Jan. 2; -Pfl-1. JAM KH (JAM! BKI.E. Thankful f.. the cdix ii o New iw-rne and vulmty for j .ist jiatrona-e, w e soh. it ii continuant of the saint, uatanteemy that- w ahallltitt'U ae cheap if uoi ciia)er l La:; v.-r. .' ': - R P" tl'ii v. LOUIS N BALL A CO. ; . Si.w D.TBP, SC. I&j;A.atterson! Import oi's nnu i'holrsnlo 1onln Ml iHl.Lidof West India Goods GROCERIES, SNAILS, &c Patterson's Lin of Sit i I ini? Vessels i i - New-Berne, New -York and West Indies Store and. Warehouses unionIpoint. tti M O ii.-r f r-'it at SMilfi Fmh! ' NEXABERNE, N. C, Business Strictly Qbhfned to the Trade. e .'v '' Zinkan;dV;'Oyster House 1 1 3 HEFHESHhtErir ROOMS AltKALWAVSSrj'I.ED WITH rilKT5 LUXURIES Of THE SEASON Alw.i.s "li hand n'I!!;Wk of . . brand ! i''(ini;i(;,t i)oMi:sTfi i; its. avim:s Elt ItSuV ., .-. FKKSH I.(it:( KVKIiV DAY Si ., i,i t t . it INOIoL uii.I ifioiKl, t i -.-' v- uw.iikum;, . i.i introduce tin in t ve,n, . ltii;ted StnU hruJy U' ic-ll t C i.tH. Ad.li-' M 1 i'i ii i 'a tin I Ntm lierne, N. . :y u. -.V ,i-1 . I.-.. li-c.fnTi.. y . Will i.e r-'-l.i Cie.- (.. a.iy pan ttt"'-"l I. iV; .V. C. tlAl LllOMK M'.. h. ;;d. !. aveL .Jdsl .i ... :.l . - 4 " p.m. . . ; l . i. in. ioinp North, l.-.ive Mtii;el(iv)l at f. a.ut.. 1 .i'.e...-A ilf-'rrv'at ..... 7l.'..i.iJi. ( '. rrritl.i t'. tl l.'Ji.t'-. 1 . io.N(M. r .,(t 1!lO V. . ntli. A !.-.. 4t.h Vi.-'-$rif)U'. t.,n .V V. Id-.n Itail IJ cid !'-..r all i...;nt " nuf. North .''.-' . Olli. .' A. N:J. R.'R.-4 1 I E. R. STANLV. ew-li ri:e, N. C., c. Bl 'Tl j Presudeiit Notice to A. & N. G- R. R. Bondholders. .h-ri: k A 1 1. vri' 'i t N. '. .Bati. '. m f ... N'KW-liwik, N. '.. i . , l!Ti. ) JNt;:i:i t iuk on rfAtSpHOi- tjhh cpMi'ANv w il .). j.:n..l proinptijfywi'icn li.-. at the ffiilton Na tio!ial Bunk. .N' v -1". r k t'tv. on preeutnti'ui. j T here are ,nl.ri fPtj -'vljr.e tt..-t hav ml 1 ii pre. -ented. H'.ld. rn ot; tii. iii .iar.-iiilorne .l tliitt tii: money fas l. . ii ..ii d.-pof,:! if'.- t.ii.'ta cvt r siii. e due 'and if they do not . oiJe. t it, if in therif.oft n foil, r E. R. fSTAN'LV, l rfuidcut, -i ' A.fanti. k N. ('. "R. R (1"iipaii SKAiiOAUU c UOlVttKK It. It. XOT1CK i ilice of the Su(i rintejfcfilent.of Tran(Mrtattii;of ttn Seb-jard k R.nke HA,tca& OMajtmiiy. -Pur moutm, V., Dec. 17 1871. . Papenger train leavely Weklon at 3.20 V. SI." Arrives at 'Portsmouth 7.15 P. SI. Kttayes Portsmouth at 6 A. Sf. Arrives at Wcldou 10 A.-1I, daily eeep Hnudsy. At Weldon connect with WSlnaington k Weldon A Raleogb -fz atan R. R. train At jJortmouth with ReStesmesrs of liay Lixie for Baltimorej4JhiJ'lelpha and New-York.' L.'JUtf -. f-L '..-. ' E. O. Ohi .. 4 WIIm.VtiTO.V tW WELDO.V UAILtltOAIJ Cif CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Wedwetd4y,J-c. 'jotli, trainson tbi roa4 will lenvn WiimingteUy at fi.lZ a. in. aiid 5:45 p. xu. ; and arrive at WcT.lon.st 4-.SM)a. ia. and p, m. Teawe Weldon l:30 a. m. aaM 14 y. m.; antve at Wilmintoi .1:40 a. m. and CAt p. in.- 7lio day trains will not run on Sunday. Th f,:15a. miIa6nigerTrain makes connection at Ooldiiloroior Iiileigb. jil . . ' Conne.-tion it male al (3olfbljoro with the X, . 11. R for lialeitfh, OrteiiBljkjrfji, iJCharlotte, kc , and 'wH ! ! AtUntic & N. C. ii. R. f or jw-Btme aixl BtauiurU JOHN F. DI'juNE. Oi-ne'ral' guperintenilenfT BATEMAN HOUSE. (formerly l4rt:ty Cuildiug,! , SOUTH FIIO.NT KTA . Kit !TK, X. -. The Billiard iroom Bar, and Reading roams of tuJa houe are not siirpal M SUte. , 1 lie "iM.puju- JavoriK K - McA!pf0, Is alwr ready to yerv4 cmnUtiinT' ' ; " r , J. H. S TED MAN. Rooms No. 23 Craven Street Ncw-Bcrner' North Carolina, if Ja9L JlIIIv, ; ' iv JV i r. ! - " -.1 'r 'X

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