Hot. At Adelaide, South Australia, the heat of part of January was intense for the unprecedented number of twelve days. With the exception of two or three aours on tne seventn nignc, wneu ic cooit fen down so far as to give a promise of a ihange which did not come, the inert lometer never fell below eighty-two de- rees, and ranged in the day up to one hundred and eight degrees in the shade. Business was brought almost to a com plete stoppage. , In the ruins of the Jefferson ville, IncL, .iar works was found the body: of the iiicendiary, who was enable to escape after firing the building, and thereby, jaet a speedy retribution. , Blood Diseases. - - - i The following we extract fmm a little bok on Chron ic Diseases, by R. V. PIERCE, M. D.. of Buffalo. N. Y. Oar readers can receive this interesting and uselul little book, post-paid, by enclosing, one postage stamp to the doctor. , KB YSIPELA S, SALT BHEUM, SCALD HEAD, Rinowoems, Pimples, Blotches, Eb- TJPTIONS, RcTDGH SKIN, BOLLS, CaBBTJN CLES, JSCKOFTJLA, FeVEB SORES, WHITE Swellings, Tumors,1 Old Sores or Ulcers. "The blood is the life." This is as true as a mathematical or any other sci entific proposition, and one that should influence every physician. From the blood we derive our strength and mental capabilities. 'When this source is corrupted, the painful and sorrow-producing effects are visible in many shapes. ; From tbe blood our systems are built up and keptiri repair. The strength of qur constitutions, and our powers of endurance, and withstanding disease-producing; agencies with impunity, depends large ly upon the condition in which our .blood is kept. Ifl it holds in suspension or solution vile festering poisons, all organic functions are weakened thereby. Settling upon vital - 1 i. i A L it t -t '2 ana important organs as ine Drain, lungs, liver and kidneys, tbe effect of "these poisons in the blo ;d is many times most disastrous. Hence, it behooves every one to keep their blood in a perfectly healthy condition. For when you purify your blood to cure Salt Rheum or an Erysipelas humor, you nH .only cure these diseases, but you put yoiir system in such an improved condition that you are Rot bo liable to any other disease. In other words, you thereby fortify your systems against the encroachments of disease of all kinds. No matter what the external or . exciting cause may be , the real direct cause of a large proportion of all chronic or lingering diseases is bad blood. Tbe multifarious jforms in which it manifests itself, would form subjects upon which I might write volumes. But as all the varied j forms of -disease which dependrupon bad blood are cured, or best treated, by such medicines . as take up from this fluid and excrete from the system the noxious elements, it is not of practical importance tht I bhould describe each minutely. For instance, medi cal authors describe about fifty j varieties of 6kin disease, but as they all require for their cure very similar treatment, it is' of no prac- tical utility to know just what name to apply ' to a certain form of skin disease, so you know how best to cure it. Then again,, I might go on and describe various kinds of scrofulous sores, ; fever sores, white swellings, enlarged glands, and ulcers of varying appearances; but as all these various appearing manifesta tions of bad blood are curejl by uniform means, I deem such a course unnecessary. Thor oughly cleanse the blood, which is the great fountain of life, and good digestion, a fair skin; buoyant spirits, vital strength, and soundness of constitution will all return to us. - ; - The liver is the great depurating or blood cleansing organ of the system. Set the great housekeeper of our health at work, and the foul corruptions which gender in the blood, rot out, as it were, the machinery of life, are gradually expelled from the system. For , this purpose Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery is pre-eminently the article needed. ,It cures every kind of humor, from the -worst scrofula to the common pimple, blotch or eruption. Great eating ulcers kindly heal under its mighty curative influence. Viru lent poisons that lurk in the system are by it robbed of their terrors, and by a persevering and somewhat protracted use of ic, the most tainted systems may be completely renovated and built up anew. Enlarged glands, tumors and swellings, ence of this great resolvent. The system the skin becomes smooth, clear, soft and vel vety, and being illuminated with the glow of perfect he 1th from within, true beauty stands forth in all its glory. The effects of all medi cines which operate upon the system through the medium or the blood are necessarily somewhat slow, no matter how good the remedy employed.: While one to three bot ties will clear the skin of pimples, a dozen, or even a dozen and a half may be required to cure some cases where the system is rotten , with scrotuious or other poisons, lhe cure i of all these diseases, however, from mnn mmnlp. t.n t.hfi worst, sorntnln la ' with the use of this mOst potent agent, only a matter of time. ' r Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoy ! ERT IS SOLD BY ATTi FIRST-CLASS TVRTTO : " gists. ( . . Winning Golden OpiNioNS.--Perhaps no man living has won more golden opin ions that Dr. Wajker, as the enormous and widely increasing sale of his Califor ; xi a Vinegar Bitters attests. We never I look into one of cur exchanges, but there is a panegyiic of the Bitters staring us m - the face. Our readers will say there must be a reason for all this praif e. They are right. The efficacy of this celebrated f medicine is established by evidence which it is impossible to doubt. Among the thousands who have borne testimony, to its excellence, there is not one dissentient vojee. "In very many phases oi inorganic disease it seems to be unfailing. All dis eases arising from a vitiated state of the blood are sorely eradicated by it. It is an efFectual remedy for pulmonary complaints billious, rem ttent and intermittent fevers rheumatism and dvspepsia. It purees the body of all unhealthy humors, gives tone to the system, and wher-e the vital powers are enfeebled, restores their functions to vigorous and healthy action. All this i does the more effectually! because its oper at ion is not interfered with by the presence, of alcohol. The Vinegar Bit ters is perfectly free from any such 1 l.l-.-l i 1? TXT - t .1 ! uutliui injreuieut. e nave always do lieved that? plants-contain the true reme dies for disease! land all the remedies ' necessary. , Dr. Walker is on the line o grognss and we hope that he will not rest on his present discoveries. Com. An Impobtast Iktention. The mon strous and almost incredible impositions to which ruptured persons have long been subjected in their efforts to find relief have induced us to investigate the merits of the newly invented Elastic Truss and Supporter. If any of our readers will send for a Circular to the Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, New York, we are confident they wdl thank ns for this information, for we be lieve that with this treatment there need be no further suffering from Hernia, as the price ia within the means of all. The day of metal spring trusses has past. 2V. Y. Independent. RV. Pierce, M. D., of Buffalo, N. Y. , will send his book on Chronic Diseases free to any address. 593 A Jetter rbcently passed through the post-office addressed as follows : " Bost-master, plesc to send him t trait, : Ben-Byl-vany is der Staight . . Olt Venango, dat's der county, Vere oil boars out mit Hefen's pounty ; Franklin, she's der pounty seat. Der Bost-offlae on Liber dy Shtreet : , Sharly Taylor, he's der man ; , Send dia yust so quick you can." ! '. - r How to Ornament the Hair. All that art can accomplish in beauti: tying, strengthening, thickening, ' an perpetuating the human hair, is effected by the use of Bubnett's Cocoaine. There is a stimulating property in this prepa ration, which literally compelsj a rapid growth of the fibres, while its emollient action renders them silky and elastic. It is the best and cheapest hair-dressing and invigoraior in the world. So say the masses who uso it. Your druggist has it. Public, Speakers and singeis will find ' Brown's Bronchial Troches." beneficial in clearing the vqice before speaking or smging, and relieving the throat after any exertion of the vocal organs. For; Coughs and Colds the Iroches are effec tual. -Com. ' Rupture can be cured without suffer- -W 1 i rwi m mg. Hiiastic Trusses are superseding all others. Before buying Metal Trusses or Supporters, send for a discriptive circu ar to the Llastic Truss Co., bod J3road- way, N. Y.Com. . You can obtain a weekly report of the ew York Money Market by enclosing a stamp to Charges W. HassijEB, No. 7 Wall Street, New York , I Tkk purest and sweetest Cod-Liver Oil in the world is Hazard & Caswell's, made on the sea-shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Cas well, Hazard & Co., New York. It is abso- utely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in market. --Com'. ! A Sad Falling: Out. It is Indeed a sad falling out wen, alter years of the closest intimacy, the hair parts company with the head. Fortunately the lamentable separation may be easily prevented and lhe twain more closely united than ever by a timely and systematic use of L ton's Kathaieon, the most pofent invigorant of the hair and promoter of its growth and beauty known to modern pharmacy. It completely obviates the dry and parched condition of the roots of the hair, which is preliminary to its coming out, by supplying the precise degree of mois ture requisite tons preservation in a healthy state. It is the only true dissolvent snd evaporant ol dan druff and other impurities of the scalp, whose pres ence is injurious to the hair. As a beautiner of the head the Eathairon has no equal It not only in creases the quantity of tht hair, but improves its quality immediately, imparting a lustrous appear ance and sil&y text are which are exceedingly attract ive. Ifa man wants a Bottle of Whliker, let him bav it and take it home like a man. and not sneak home with a bottle of "Bitters," or "(Jordial,'" and pretend trial ib is nmincine. n ne wanw a ionic taat is eome thinz better than a tenmorary stimulant, he Bhould cet n 1 la Af Pamiirtan S2niv favt I -rfn 't Vt- i s 1 that u ill vitalize the blood aDd give durable btrength to the sy&- tem. Special ' Notices. STOP THAT COUGH! DON'T DELAY. j - One week, one day, and It may be too late,' consumption witn its ion? train or satel iteit Is wattlnir to carry you to the Ions home of lt many victim who have gone before. HOW CAN YOTT STOP IT P "WHERE IS THE REMEDY f Allen's Lnnpr Balsam can produce more evidence of real merit than any other article for the pnrpose. It fs sold everywhere by Drug gists and general store-keepers. Bead the following extract from a letter received from Mr. S. E. Bur well, a well-known merchant of Ontario', Messrs. Pebry Davis A Son. j Dear Sir. Last autumn I was suffering from a severe cold which settled on my Langs and produced a distreasi- mg cougn for wnicn i g.ive trial to number of Uongfc Medicines without any benefit. I at last tried one boitUj of Allen's Lung BaxsM, which I am happy to be able to state gave almost immediate relief, and performed a perfect cure in a snort time. . Yours truly, S. E. BUKWELL. Fingall, Ont., Maroh 4, 1871. - Dr. A. L. SCOVILL is the inventor of several medical preparations which have become very popular and have been liberally used. Among nia inventions are "Hall's Balsam for the Langs" and "LiYerwort and Tar." For the pa t ten years a better Long remedy has been offered to the public. . Read the following letter from Db. Sco- vtll referring to it : Messrs. J. N. Habrts A Co. Gents. I make the following statement from a perfect conviction and knowledge of tbe benefits of Allen' Lung Balsam in curing the most deep-seated 1;clm - N abt Consumftt N ! I have witnessed it effects on the young and the otd, and I can truly Bay tnat it is by tar I ne D6t expectorant remedy wktn wnicn i am acquainted. For Coughs, and all the early stages of LungcomDlaints. I believe it to be a certain core, and if eve- y family would keep it by them, ready to administer upon tbe first ap pearance of disease about the Lungs, there won'd be very few cases of fatal con sum ption .It causes the phlegm and matter to raise, without irritating those delicate organs (the LuDgs). and without nroducmg constmation of the bowels. It also gives strength to the system, stop tne nignt-sweats, ana cnan?es ail tne moroia secretions to a healthy atate. Yours, refipectiu'ly, A. L. SCOVILL. PERRY DAVIS & SOIST PROVIDENCE, R. 1. i General Agents for New England States, j For Sale by j JOHN F. nSMlY, Sew York, GE0..C. GOODWIN & Cot. Boston. JOHNSON, H0LL0WAY & C0WDEN, Phlla The great secret of its wonderful success : It strikes at tbe root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to a healthy action, and invigorating the nervous systwa Mot every one can be President, bat all can boy SIL VER TIPPKD Shoes for their children and thereby lessen their Shoe bills two thirds. For sale by all Dealers. ' 'Special Notices. Hw 5t te Die. Thousands fall a prey to d isca e cot because the mal adies tint affect f hem are aecetsarCy fatal; bat becaas they lack the requisite amount of active ritaliry to make ! - a rabant resistance to the enemy. It i a wise precm- I tion tj keep tbe body always f n a stile ot defence al- I ways prepared : to "fend off the germs of epidemic and other disorders, and to baffle the evil influence of damp 1 miatma and sudden thermometries! ig There is no difficulty in doing thiss. It is a fact as well aatenti- j cated as that two and, two make four, that HostetteVt i .. Stomach Bitters is specially adapted to this purpose. and for the simple reason that its invigorating and reg- --.,.(- - ------ ulating properties are superior to those of any other medicine in the world. Daring the twenty years that it has been in general a, ample opportunities have been afforded to compare its medicinaljroperties with thoae of other preparations claiming to be of a similar class, and the result has been its adoption by the Amer ican people as the standard tonic of the age, its Intro- j dnction into every civilized portion of the western hem- I isphere, and an annual sale which dwarfs into insign:fi- cance the demand for all its would-be competitors. The record upon which its popularity rests is a curios i -ity in medical literature, for it includes an almost unlimited variety of human ailments and disabilities. In fact, ne other remedy possesses such a variety of hygienic virtues, 2nd it is to these characteristics that it owe its prestige as a household medicine. From the Atlantic to the Pacific the reputation of the CABLE SCREW WIRE Boots and Shoes is spreading. They never rip, leak or fall to pieces. Try them. Look out for the Patent stamp, all others are imitations. TO COX8UMPTIVJES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow s offerers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a bubeCttbs tor Consumption. Asthma. Bbonohttis, Ac. Parties wishing the prescriDtion will please address j Rev. EDWARD A. WILSOH. ?B4 South Third street Witiiamsburgh. N. Y From Maine to California million of children are wearing SILVER TIPPED Shoes Why not, they are the cheapest and never wear through at the toe. Try them. ,1 T7or Sale. Hop Roots, $5 per M Wilson's Albany JL otraw berry plants. j. 60 per M. DANIEL DUROE. Lindisville, N $10 To Dally Paid CanvaMlng Agents. .Exclusive terrivory. JNew monopoly, bells in every family to entire satisfaction. Agwts trantea. jw ieks ai v a cc.. iv jonn si, r x. COLLECTION of all manner of Debts, Inheritance Interest and Jtinis, in all parts of Great Britain, Hoi land. France and Germany, a specialty of J. F. FEUE AUFE, Attorney-at-law, Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa , Startling: But True. WASTED. Agents to introduce our fast-selling goods. 7D,n0 a year can be made by energetic men. Aaaress. monhoe, Kennedy & jo.. nttstmign. r. 117no WiLL SUPFKK It is now 24 rears T eince Db. Tobias' Tenehah Liniment was out before the public : warranted to cure Chronic Rheuma tism, Headache, Cuts, Burns, Bruises. Old Sores, tains m toe Limbs, Back and (Jnebt, and it never na tailed. old by Uruetrists. Depot 10 Fark Flace, Kew.iori. BURNHAHTS Kew Turbine is in general us tlirouyiiwut tbe U. S. A SIX in t.hfe Patent Otficfi. Washington. D. C. Its Fimphcity of conetruc tioa and the power it transmit? renders it tne best water wneei evr invented. Pamphlet, free. N. F. BURN HAM York. Pa, RED RIVER j OF MINNESOTA, Offers rare advantages to all going West. Lands ex ceedingly fertile, good water, wood cheac markets ac cessible, climate unsurpas ed, ague never known, tem perance community, churches and schools right off, settlers get nomesteaas tor notning, reaucea transpor tation, memberhin fee small, no other assessme ts. arse number going.: aDDiv at on e. itnaorsea t v vice Pres't. Colfax, Gen. Howard and Jay Cooke. Send for full narticulars to L. H. TENNEY & CO.. Manaarers. inicago ana uuiutn, or i Hon. E. PAGE DAVIS, General Agt., - 152 Broadway, NY. Iron in the Blood! The PERTVIAN SYRUP makesthe weak Btronsr, and expels disease by supplying the blood with Natubjs's Own Vitalizing Agent IRQN. Caution. Be sure von tret Peruvian Syrup. Pamphlets free. J. P. DINSMORE. Proprietor, No. 86 Dey St., New York. Sold by Druggists generally. THE NEW BOOKS. The Deb.itable Land. By Robert Dale Owen. $2.00. Mubank. A novel by Mary J. Holmes. Pole on Whist. Theory and practice of "Whist At Last. A novel by Al rion Harland. The seventh Vial By the Rev. Dr. Cammine. 1.50. l.i 0. 1.50 2.0i. Heart Hungry. A novel by Mrs.TVestmoreland. 1.75. Xfnrninir Glorias. Bv Miss Louisa Alcott. 1.50. Inez. A novel bv Mis3 Evans, author "Beulab." L75. Brick Dust. Comic book by "Brick Pomeroy. Beverly. By Walworth, author "Warwick." Resolution. Roe. author " True to the L ist." A Lost Lif-. A novel by Emily H. Moore. What I Know of Fannin?. By Horace Greeley. Widow Goldsmith's Paqghter A capita! novel. Mrs. Hill's New Cook Book A capital work. Love iL'Amoar). Michelet'sgrwat French work 1 Habits of Good Society. A fascinating book. Art of Conversation. A vn valuable I OOk. 1.50. 1.75. 1-.50 1.50. 1.50. 1.75. 2.00. 1 50. 1.75. 160. The Arts ot Writing. Reading and Speaking. 1.5S These books are all beautifully printed, and bound in neavy clotn covs. and sent by mail, Dy G. W. OAHLETON OO , Publishers. New Yprk. Farmers ! Mechanics ! 1 Eyerybody I I-TOU WAJfT togt'AIX TOUB iaiwuwdEihw Get the XtE 4I ESTATE REGISTER, Pittsburgh, Pa. Large St page, 40 coin mn, i -weekly. Sent 3 montlts on trial for 25 cents; Worth 625v Cut this out. Try it 'WILBOE'S COHPOTJHD OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AHD LIKE. ' To Ike Consnnantlvrtv. Let those who lanirotsh under the fatal reverity of our climate through any pul monary complaint, or ven uidds wna mro id ueciueu consumption, by no means denair. There is a safe and sure remedy at hand, and one easilv tried. WUbor's Oompototd of Cod Liver Oil and Lime." without possessing the very nauseating flavor of the Oil as heretofore used, is endowed Mr the phosphate of lime with a healing property which renders the oil dout ly efficaciou'.. For sale by A. B. WILBOR, Chemist, 166 Court St., Boston. Homesteads. "Where they are mad how goCaTJ about it. nook 60 cnt. Shtdon A Nevada. Iowa. Timbered Land for Sale. 6,10 1 Acres af Land, timbere.1 with Ptne. Spruce. Ce dar, Car rry, B;rch, 4c-, strutted in Fraakl.ii o.. K. Y., on a Large River (tbe St. i nod convenient to Og- denburg and LtE CharaplsiD IL Ii , u offered for sue by the undersigned at f 8.(0 per acre ; title perfect and . . . j . . . . -. , . utn iwiu ia uai : or ua irore una tui m HCQlBimi for City property. A eomnr rsiot, o! $ per cent, is offered for the aula of the Land on term satisfactory to the owner. Aoarea Uiitttf; i L.U-irc. No-in B-ig.y, Frjukiin Oo..?.-Y. Cheap Farms i Free Homes ! OST THE UNM or TBK . UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. . .'.... A. LaSD OSAKT OV 1 2,000,000 ACRES or THX Best Fanaing and Mineral Laads In IsserWa. 3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, rs THK , ' GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, GARDEN OF THE WEST, for X These lards are io the central portion of the- United States, on the 41ft degree of North Latitaue. the central line of the great Temperate Zone of the Amer&an Con tinent, and for grain growing and stock raising, unsur passed bv ny in the United States. , CHEAPER LN PRICE, more 'avorable terms given. and more convenient to market than can be lound else where. FJtEE Homesteads fr Actual Settlers. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Soldiers Entitled- to a Homestead of 160 Acres. FREE PASSES TO PURCHASERS OF LAND. Send for tne uew descriptive namnhlet. with new mars, nublisned iu Hiairtisn. uerman. bwedi&b and Dan ish, mailed free ever) where. Address. Land X)ommlasloncr, U. I. K. It. Co., OMAHA, Iffelkk. NATURE'S REMEDY. fBOT aiw(i! THg CRrTBio'op Purifier A valuable Indian compound, tor restoring tbe health, and for tbe permanent cure of all diseases arising from mpuritiefl of tbe blood, such as Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor, .Cancer, Can. teroui Hnttor, -yalpela, Canker, Salt, Rhcnm, Plmplei and Humors on the Face, , nciccrs, Conght, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Keuralffla, Shea, matlitm, Fains la the Side, ' 3Tspepsla, Constipation, Costtreness, Plies, Headache, Illzzlneas, Xervoaineu, Faint. ness at the stomach. Pains In the Back, Kidney Complaints, Female- Weak ness, and General Debility : This preparation is scientifically and chemically com- t ined, and so strongly concentrated from roots, herb and barks, that its good effects are realized immediatel) after commencing to take it There is no disease of the human system, for which the Vegettne cannot be used with perfect safety, as it does not contain any metallic ompound. For eradicating tbe system of all impurities ot the blood, it has no equal It has never failed to effeel a cure, giving tone and Btrength to the system debilitated by disease. Its wonderful effects upon these complaint are surprising to all. Many have been cured by thr Vegettne that have tried many other remedies. It car well be called THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER " PREPARED BYt H E,. STEVENS, BOSTON MASS ' Prion I1,VR. Rnl Kv H dTi'iM. EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENTS 5 . IN Cabinet Orqans. Ths MASOX k HAMLIN ORGAN CO. rwpeetfally snnovnet til introduction, thU season, of improvement! of much more tcu oHinmry inUrect. These are REED and PIPE CABINET ORGANS. Invented aad patented by Mr. Cabl Fooilbibo, a Swdiih Organ Builder, and' the only successful combination of rooi prpes ith reed ever mads. (S,Cirulanvrparticular$.) DAY'S TRANSPOSING KEY-EOAP.D. Invented aad patented by Mr. W. Q. Pay, of Baltimore; y wbicb thl performer canl astsntly move the Key Board to the right or t eft; and to play at a higher or lower pitch. (SW prtieulart in Cireular.) BstilS FaTSXTIO TttSSS WILL BX MADS OMLY BY TBI 41 4 SOW et Hamlin Co. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES DouWe Eeea CABINET 0R&A1T3, AT VERY LOW M0ttU STYLE- Considering their capacity, elegance, and thorough excellence, the prices oj these new styles are lower tkan any before cjfertd. , ; ' ; The Cabinet Organs made by the Mason & Hamlin Co. are acknow ledged to excel all others in purity and beauty of tone, power, variety aad durability ; and contain patented improresnents not ia soy other. They have uniformly won highest premiums t In dustrial Exhibitions, Including a medal at the Pabis Expoamos, for bssomstbatco crsaioBiTT; are the only American Organs sold largely ta othr eountriee, aad are pronounced to bo uo,ci Tioa ably m bbbt or musicians almost vbivbsbacly. Se testimony from more Utaa mr. TTTOTTSAWTJ MTTSTf!TATff W.B.I mm MVM,IW ta the Ditc Statb, Exolabd, Fbabck, Gkbhaby, tkc, printed la full la a TESTIMONIAL CIRCULAR which will bo seat free to ur addreea. Here are a few brief extracts, from well known Thev best mow la use. Cn sumti Kiumow. Awwtb Xovtra Caby, Hhi Lsm Dbval, Victob Cafocl. P. Bbiokoli, aad ethers. W have not heard such pore musical tones from aav others." Cla- Lootec Kn.Loea. Adblaiss PniLLirs. Cam Bsuau abb, and otben. " Mustcians renerall v recard the Mason a Hamlra Cabreet Orpsus asuaequaled bvaay others." Tbsooobb Thomas. Excel alt instruments of the class I have ever seen." ' Ota Bull.- The beet instruments of the class made.' Abb a Miu. "In all taose ouaiities which constitote excellence unriYaiod.1 S. B. Millb. " Far superior to ererythinc of its class I kavtl aeea.n L. M. GonscH.ui. WoBderfully baa timl.' P. S.. Ususonx. t- Superior Ja all resprctt to any I have ever seen." Eooxai Taint. 44 Excel hn- ia ualitv teen, general exccltenoe aad durability and valuable improe entente not found ta othsm." Cabl Zsbbawb. "Tbe more critical v User are teased, aad the more oompeteat the jaAce. the more certain . aad high will be the meed of superiority aecerdod thorn. Jexipa KieajMao. Acknowledged io make the best, this Company now unaeriace rosea at such prices that their t Organs shall be rrnqneattlonably Cbcapest, which they certaiul v are esiabted to do bv the fMesefeion ef Kxm- sivb Macbibbby and Ukouilid FicurnuUilifrrtcici': and thev invite atteraLAa L thetr irBt diHcm. which w-11 belemtd a low, or erea lew, thaa the beta desnaaded for cemrSon and verr uuerrar epn . . Fovk-Ocyav Oboabb, $50 each. Sit .) FITK-OCTATB, $109, 1:2. 1 140, aad apwarda. Fobty otbik rrtxa, at proportioBate prices, op W $M00 each. JTevUlnstrated CataIcTie: aad Circulars, with fall descriptions of Bw style sod Ixreor rxxm, also Te?! - anontal Cbodar, seat fro to asv-nddrao UASOiT & SAHLliT C2SA'C0, 154 Trewant . Boston : 536 U- Jwa A rork IIS ; jSm' $4o ijL i sJSi 'EACH I Jf Lir-u . No Person can take these Bitters accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tbe vital organs wasted beyond she point ' of repair. Dytpepsta or Indigestion. Headache, Pain in tlie Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chest. Dis-; linessy Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the , Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, pain in the regions of the Kidneys and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In t!hee complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar antee of its merits than. a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married of single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, tliese Tonic Bitters display so decided aft influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. . ; - T " 'j For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism and Govt, Bjiious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Disea.s of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bit fvrs have, no equal. ( Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. They are a Gentle Purgative as well a a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or (Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, aad in Bilious Diseases. v For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Totter, bait Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever nashe or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of ithe,. sysfera in a short tiine by the use of these Bitters.! Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinkgar Bit ters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustaiued the sinking system. J VALKR, Prop'r. R. H. MeDOSALD fc CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco and New York. S0LD BV ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS. N. Y. y.,U. Apr a) No. 16 ; OiTm lor first-class Pianos. Ko discount. o 74t7fW Agents. Address W s. ilALNo CX . bW Broadway. N. Y. '! AG LXTS Wanted. AtrenU uuike inoro money at work for us than at anything else. Particulars tree. G. Snssos & Co., Fine Art PuhHsher, Portland. Maine. HA.Vfc: TT SEK t.-crt offes to -end Specimen Stock Journal. Sample rack-Res of Mammoth Corn, White Norway Oata. and Akike Clover, FREE to an who wna mamv to pay postage. Aaaress. N. P. BOYER & IX.. Parkesburjr, f;hester Co.. Pa. IMHUXSE SUCCESS.-Aeeots Wanted, male or female, in every countv in tlie II. S. and Can- adas, to well our new and most ureful Patent : from one to six used in every family. 100 per ct. guaranteed. For samples snd trms, inclose tep cents to Jr JfiltGUUW & .LT.. P45 Kiver KU. Troy. W. Y. REWARD! For any case of Blind, B!eedinr,Itching,or Ulce rated Phesthat Dr. BrNO's Pr RMEdv fails to cure. It is prepared ex pressly to cure the Piles and nothing else. Snld by all Druggists. Price tl-WV A WATCH FOR $1.00.-50,000 SOLD. uiniirriATiur icrorD compass awn nr. OROIDE mw. WARRSTKDt. 4.c ml limt m4u kf hi ordf if f.irt. r t in. i XkM ' 1 T im pb T MVkUMI win m mm . . H' TEN DOLLARS A DAY TO AGENTS Selling the Autobiography of Sam'l 8. I LDE BRAN . - The Great Missouri Bushwhacker. B Cloth, illustrated, prepad, $1. end ror circular ; HORACE WILOOXt. Jefferson City, Mo. A GREAT OFFER ! ) ITorace Waters, 481 , Broadway, 7i. T. will dispose of One Htjndhed Pie, Melodeonb. an Oboans of six tirst-claas makers, including Waters s, at extremely low priotufor cadi, during thin month, or will takt, from f 4 to fdi montniy until paia tne fame to ;et. a no rent applied if "purchased. A new kind of P anion Ubuam the most beautifufstyie and perfect tone ever made, no on exhibition at 431 ftrovlway. Nw York. SoietliiM for Apis. rente vho want to male money can sell nothing so rapidly our new and beautiful SteM Engraving, THE MOTHER OF OuR LORD. It is the finest subject ever engraved and surprises every beholder with its wondrous beauty. Size 22x30 in. Price 52.60. : Agents wbo nnd tnat Hooka go haid, can make Uo.00 per day with this tplendid work of art. .Male atfn fema'eA ents wanted. Write for circulars to HART FORD t-UBLTSHING CO., Hsrttord. Ot. THE HORHON WIFE. Now is the time for Agents to secure territory for this thrilling and fearless book. It comprises tbe Adven tures and experience of a woman tritten. by hrelfior years thn wife ot a Mormon Prophet d sclosing all that is mysterious, wicked and startling, abounding in thrill ing adventure, humorous and pathetic scenes the most fascinating bodk extant. Steel portrait of the Author- ess, portraits of leading Mormons, oof men and vxnnt nen ana t by Agent. Life and Scenes in Utah, etc. Sold mil an. etc. Sola only try Agent For circulars add res HARTFORD PUBLISHING CO.. Hartford, Conn. wt .: . , The subscribers were tne originators of the articles earned above, and have made them i for a quarter of a century and they claim that they are as good as any, if not thebett. ! The cooking or flavoring extract are pure and health ful, and are the true flavors of the article- they represent. The Infstliable Yeat Powders are the oldest, tha strongest, tbe best and consequently the cheapest. The Sugar ot Lemons is made from the fruit and pure sugar; and ttavo ed witn tne lemon peel, ana is well adapted for the sick, for travelers, voyagers, and others who cannot readilv procure the tre fruit. Since tbese goods have been introduced to the pablie a host of imitators have si sprung up, and so nary wort fi bs ve been sold as " Extract," less or hurt ful articles "Baking Powder," and "Lemonade Powder,' as io bring discredit upon 'all. Our old customer will (had that our goods arc aa good in quality as wbea we first made them. - - -" PRESTON MERRILL. IT atte S, JBt i r- m r sT iLZZ 1 7