. . Mother's Queer, Tb a other night I went to tee The prettiest girl in -town. v, Iler eye were blue and smiling; too, Her hair was curly brown ; I took her pretty little Laud In mine, to draw her near; When with a pout, the stammered out, "O don't ! my.mother queer.", . ffoon after,-aa we chatted on Of concert, ball, and show, I asked if to the opera ' Vith m soma night she'd go. 'The tenor's very good," I said, 'And Santley you should hear." fehe sighed, and ehook her curly head, "I oan't my mother's queer !" f ' At last I rose to bid adieu. How fajt the moments glide, ' When some sweet overskirt of blue .- Is seated at your side. When atthe door I begged a kiss, ' My lonely way to cheer, 'Uh. no. It would not do she said, 'You know my mother's quer I" Of course I stole the tempting prize,' As honey steals the bee ; Ah ! sweet as the early fio were are lips, Of maids as fair as the, he blu3bed, and sighed,, then murmured low, ; . - - . . . So that I scare could 1 car, "You'd better put that back sgain, Because -my mother's quca. I" 1 Wit and Humor. Why is" a, newspaper like an army? Because it lias leaders, colurnus and re views, i In an old ' cemetery, at the western eid 6t' St. Louis, is a moss-covered tombstone, on which a single hand points heanward, surmounting -the quaint, but appropriate inscription- "GoueUp," ' The following was picked up : "My eyes with tears is red and dim, Cau$e he loves she and I loves- him ; But they'll by better by-and-by, When she cuts him and he loves I" AJ crusty old bachelor in Congress proposes to levy a tax of 25 per cent, on cprsets, whereupon a down East pa per remarks : "Since there is no tax on men getting tight, why should not la-' dies have the same privilege?" . ' A Dutchman in ' describing a pair of horses he had lost, eaid : "Day v as fery much alike, specially the pff onej Von lokt so much like poth, Icould hot tell tether from which ; ;when I went after one I always cotched" de oder, and I whipped the one most dead because! de joder kicked at me." . "Any gal thats got a kough, a good feather bed, 500 dolls, in good genuine slap-up greenbaeks that has had the small-pax measles, and understands tending children ; can find a customer for life, by riten. a small william ducks to X, Y. Z., and stick it in a crack of. Uucle Bui Smith s earn jinm the pig pen that Harry Witey is planning for future operations. , , . An examination commit eebout to test the capacities of an individual for school-teaching, put the following ques tion to him: "At what period did France have her greatest general ?" "At What period ?v pausing and scratching his neaa. Ah ! you've got me there." , "Can you tell whether it was before or after, Christ ?" "Pefore or after Christ? Before or after ? Old hosses, you have got me again. - - "I love you like anything said a youngs gardener to his sweetheart, as T' he gentlypressed her hand. ' "Ditto" said she, returning the presure. The ardent-lover, who wa3 no scholar, was sorely puzzled to know the meaning oi i . ". rrxt i ' 1 i auto, ine next day, being at work with hisfather, he said, "Farther, what is the meaning of ditto? "Why," said the old man. "this ere's one cabbage head ain't it?" "Yes father." "Well that ere's ditto.' "Drat it !" ejaculated the indignant son, "then she called me a cabbasre head." ( A loving couple went to a Virginia minister to have the knot tied, but found their united: cash account to be only twenty-hve cents. -the minister refused to perform the ceremony with out the Jul! tee. As the depressed pair were turning away, a happy thought seemed to strike the forlorn maiden, and she turned and " cried through her tears, "Please, sir, if you can't marry us full, .won't you marry us twenty-live cents' worth ? We can come for - the rest some other time.1' This was two much for the parson. He married them "full up," and they "went on tueir way rejoicing. The story goes, that some years since, a doctor of divinity, a gentleman w'hose face indicated generous living, while upon an. exchange, in Boston, early ori Sunday morning, took 'a $troll through the streets by way of a "constitutional." His attention was - attracted by a man who was standing on a corner, and ev idently suffering from the effects of bard drinking the night before. The doctor passed on; but strangely, enough coon again met the same fellow, and passed him, only to encounter him again in another street. At the third meet ing, the droghty fellow, evidently mis taking the object of , the doctor's early walk, accosted him "with the remark : say;j old fellow, there isn't a single "Green Jones." "You know Grubs, General Agent of the Aderable Life Insurance Com pany don't you V inquired Green Jones. VJNo You ve missed a,stunner then. "He came along here about a year ago now. Tongue glib ? Wdl it was. Ran as easy as a hand sled in winter. Even made me believe I was gifted s a life insurance agent. "The1 way he told it, not a single man had taken hold of the Aderable for the last hundred and fifty years, and made less that five thousand a year and expenses. v : j "One agent had cleared $153,000 in eight years. : . ," Another had laid aside $125,000? in six years. "Another still (peculiar case that it was though -man particulary adapt ed to the work) He built up such a buainets in the short space of five years that he actually overshadowed. the company. They had to force him out as a measure of self-protection. Averaged twenty thousand dollars a year clear of all expenses while he was in and the company paijd him $162,000 in a lump for his renewals when he went out. , I "Well, I didn't care much about being such an agent as that ; the in ternal revenue officers would alwavs be bothering me so But finally 1 con cluded (seeing the thing was so com mon and easy) that 1 would-turn in and make eight or ten thousand a year for eiht or ten vears, and then retire on my renewal commissions. - "Grubbs posted me up till he said I could 'go it.' Then he went on home and left me to 'go it' alone. "The town was strange to me a year ago, and every one in it was a stranger. One locality seemed just as good a3 an other to begin in, as it were. So I sauntered leisurely down the street the morning after Grubbs left, and swung into the first store I came to. I wasn't going to let anybody see but that I had all the self-possession necesary for my branch of business. "Nobody in sight. I lounged along among the boxes and brooms, and cod fish piles, in a sort jbf cheeky, familiar way, till I got to the back office. There I found a large, middle-aged man sit ting alone, readingj a newspaper. "He locked up oyer the top of his paper rather suspiciously as I entered: Then he said 'good morning,' rather coolly and dubiously. " . "J was very intent on my errand by that time so intent that I wholly negJ lected to answer him. : "I hauled out my rate book and open ed it. " : . !.!.. "The paper was laid aside omin ously, his gaze still rivited on me. "With hand kind of trembling, and knees shaking a little 1 began : 1 "Mister, did you ever consider tfye the subject of ; '- "I didn't finish that sentence,, for . "Down slapped a two dollar and a half pair of spectacles. Up bounced two hundred pounds of well developed bone and sinew. Around the room agile as a French dancing master it went hopping ; like a wild bull in slaughter yard, it roared : "Great Caesar ! Six life insurance agents,' and it ain't nine o'clock yet ! (Here I began to crawfish.) I won't stand it another minute. Here Tige ! sick 'em! ' "Then a sudden convulsive, scratch ing of the nails at the further end of a big safe tjiat stood on the other side of the room. r- Then came a scratching, equally sud den and convulsive where I was. "I started j ust one square j ump ahead of that big bull dojr, and I maintained my advantage till I got within ten feet of the front 7 door. Then I suddenly found it necessary to execute a quick", strategic, rightflank movement around a pile of boles. That dog went on out doors with one of my coat tails in his mouth, and I went through a side window. ' .; " : ' .,, - j tI didn't pay much attention to any thing but the work I had on hand go ing home. Then, with features grim as a gravestone, I proceeded to pile ap plication after. application, book, after jjook, circular after circular, on top of each other. Then I turned all: my pockets inside out, to see if somb frag ment hadn't escaped my notice. "That pile is in the hoayet,if my wife hasn't burnt it up. And there it may stay, my friend, I shan't touch another of those documents, if they get to be as old as the Declaration of Independence. -JL) rj "Life insurance agent? I, well, -others may seek success that way if they want to.. I'd rather be a pack peddler." i I "Who Put Dat Ham on sir Shoulder ?" A sto in police rec ords runs that a hatiess, shoeless, but not altogether witless son of the South was observed walking oft' with a hind leg of salted pork 1 his shoulder A xliceman nabbed hie rascal, exclaim ng, "Ho ! I've caught you now steal ng." Not the least disconcerted, tarn bo looked round, and with all the in dignation of a much iniured man re- pjiea. -wno put dat ham on my shoulder?" , .. t :7 t td down Radicalism. QOOKING STOVES, Red Slcarts, Sevrlnsr axd jwAsniKo machines " At Factory Psicxa Fr eight Acdex. The undersigned continue to keep on uuuu, uuu iuiuisu uii fcuun xii. i ice, aji patterns ofCooking Stoves and Fixtures, and agents of D. A. Smith & Co., Wilmington, N. C, they will furnish any article in the i- immure hne. e aL?o ifeell the celebrated X.aIor-Saving Florence Hewing and Continental Washing Machines at factcry' prices freight added, i V'e. also keep a Good Stock i of Dry Goods and Groceries. Applv to HOSE.& BHO. Vabesboro,N.C.AprU 29v 1872-13-3m. STATU OF AOUTia C AROIIXA. ANSON COIJ1S TY. i in, the Probate Court, William Meaehum and wife Martha H. and Sherrod T. Moss, Henrjr M. Moss, John Moss, and Mary Ann Moss, who. sue by their next friend, Jesse Moss, Plaintiffs, agaimi Charles Hobgood and wife Martha, Benjamin Low, John .Low, Joseph Low, Mary , Mqss, the Heirswit Law of Uriah Low, Penny Ann Low anckThomas Low. , Petition for Sale of Land for Partition. It appearing ta the satisfaction of the Court that Charles Hobgood and wife Martha, the Heirs at law of Uriah Low, dee'd, and Thomas Low, reside beyond thelimitsoi thisState,and that each and ail of them own an interest in the tract of land described in the Petition above, wherein William Meaehuto and wife Martha, and others, are Plaintilis, and Charles Hobgood and wife Martha, and others, are Defendants, and that they are proper parties thereto. It is ordered , adjudged and decreed by the Court, tlmt publication lie made as'tosaid non resi dents in the Pee Dee Herald, an ews paper published in the town of Wades ooro summoning them to be and appear beibre Jas. M. Covington, Olerk of the Superior Court foif Anson county, "on or befere the 17th day of June, A. D., 1872,! and answer or demur to the Peti tion. , JAS. M. COVINGTON, C. S. C, and Judge Probate for Anson County. 14-6W. O T C E Lam now in the sale3 department of he two well known houses of j BREM; BROWN & CO., (Hardware and Dry Goods), and I will be pleased to serve the people of THE JfEE DEE SECTION. For the general trade they keep i n store heavy stocks, and oiler induce ments 'to' buyers. " ' For the ladies and gentlemen thev keep on hand many specialties of mer chandise seldom kept in the country. I will send sann les with prices when desired, and give special attention to all orders for Dry Goods or Hardware. . j Sprlsijr Complete IIOUSE-FUENISIIING GOODS, I BOOTS AND SHOES, IlATS,.&c. &c. My friends will accept thanks for past favors, and call on me when goods are wanted. ' ! J . M . W RIG H T , j ' WITH . j BltEM, BROWN & CO , Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. mayl-13-tf ' ! IF YOU WANT SPRING ASD SUMMER GOODS j ' GO TO H. A. CRAWFORD & CO.'S, Where yon you will find a GENEJtAL STOCK, selected with eare, consisting of everything wanted by male or femal e, as low as they can be afforded for cash. A full stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS kept constantly on hand; and just now wye have for sale a small quantity of I BUCKWHEAT. 12-tf T 'O T II E P U B L I C ! We desire to return our thanks for the; liberal share of patronage- receivi d from you, and to inform all that we are noW receiving a large and carefully se lected stock of I SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, . consisting of almost everything gener ally found in a Village Store. We particularly wish to call the at tention of the ladies to' our Stock o Dress goods, &c. , ! To all we wish to extend a kind invi tation to call and examine our Stock. Our motto is small profits and quick sales ! J&ST We are constantly receiving the newest and latest styles. W. J. COX & SON. Lilesville, April 1st, 1872. $3$ Corn, Bacon and Flour always kept on hand and sold for the lovjezt cash prices. . W. J. C. & S. 9-tf ; -. . . ; MECKLENBURG - FECIALS INSTITUTE, (3ojSton,Ta. THIS INSTITUTION OPENED on i the 22nd January, 1872, with pros pects of mucli future success. , Pupils received at. any time and charged only from time of entrance. Total cost of board and tuition, for 20 weeks, in regular collegiate depart ment, exclusive of washing and lights, is $91. 5& .. Extras at very low rates. J. E. BL ANKENSHIP. Prinomal j L&to President Carohna Female Colle. 1-tf T , 11 MATHEMATICAL and Drawing X. Instruments, Microscopes and Opera Glasses, Magic Lanterns and Views, Philosophical and School Ap paratus. Illustrated and priced Cata logues, 10 cent each, tc any address. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., i 6S5 Broadway, N. Y. 13-6m 924 Chestnut st , PhiL A It T H Q U A. K E ! "Sat, , "where to now." "To town ; I noeil oiue ijiows. t Where do you get the beat. WlIywat SUylors, opptfcite vh Lmry 0tAM. lie litis a fine lot of ail kin-is, fxatu a Scijt?tr to a Cotton Sweep steel or iron. He is also putting up Wagons, H orse Shoeinc, Mill Irons, repairing of ijottpn Oin in U ita branches he is also prepared to Co Turning of anj kind, both wcod and ixen. .tiring in your Mill Spindles and he will lay them and turn them a cho&p as the cbapeaL He is also agent for the burdine Pat Gin Gcmmer ; it has proved to do superior whetting to anv other row in use; aivl he proves to be the man for the Machine. p2 DRUGS, CHEMI CALS, &c. The subscriber has on hanoVaud will continue to keep a complete and full supply of Drugs, Chemicals ' andDyeStufls; Consisting in part of ' Oils, Varnishes Perfumery, Toilet and Laundry oaps, Axle Grease, To bacco, all grades ; bnuff, Concentrated Lye, Potash, Kt-rosene wil, Lamps and Chimneys, all styles; Prait's As tkal Oil, will not explode, and pro duces the mobt brilliant light of any Oil, and will burn longer than cheaper' priced Oils, therefore the cheapest; Pure Old Rye Whiskey and Fine Wines for Medeeinal purposes, which he wiU sell oh as favorable terms they can be bought elsewhere, either at ( WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. $3g Physicians'' prescriptions care fully prepared. also Agents for the sale of Drake's Ma gic JJniment. ' 0-tf E. A. COVINGTON. ANSON COUNTY NORTH CARO ' LIN A. In the Superior Court. -. Vrilliam' G. Smith and. bam' 1 Smith, Jr., as Exrs. of Jobepii P. bmith, dee'd, P'aintifls, again d Mary A. Smith, J. II. Blassingame and Wife Mary E. lilassinsrame, I'rcston Jolm stonand Wife Ccrneliu Johnson, Jo seph P.Smith, CarolineSmith, Hiight A. bmith and I ranees A. fcniith Le , fondants. Pp.oci:edi:gs to Make Real . Es - tate Assets. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court by the aflidavit and verified pe tition, cr complaint amended and tiled in this cause, that the Plaintiffs hove cause of action against the Lefeiidanis, that the Defendants are not residents of this State,' that Preston Johnson and wife Cornelia Johnson, reside at Pitts burg, in the Slate of Texas and the res idence of the other defendants is not known, that the Defendants, after due j diligence Cannotbe found in this ytute, described in the petition or 'coifi plaint, except that sold to Elija A. Marshall, nuder the decree in this cause of which they were former owners, It is ordered that publication be made in the Pee Dee Herald-, a newspaper published in the town of Wadesboro, in Anscn County, once a week tor six successive weeks, notifying the Defendants to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court, of said county, at his cilice in Wadesboro, on the 27th day of May, 1872, to answer the amended petition, summons, &c.., in this cause. ' JAMES M. COVINGTON, , Clerk of Anson Superior Court. April, 15,-1872-ll-6t. J. II. El All GRAVE, ' t ATTORNEY AT LA W, Wadesboro, X. C J D. PEMBE.BTO', Attorney at Law, Wadesboro, Anpon Coukty, N C. Practices in the Courts of Anson and ad joining counties. ; CYRUS KXIGHT, A TTORNE Y AT LAW i Wadesboro M. CV Will practice in the courts of Anson and adjoining counties. Office in the Masonic Hall building. febS-v : : : i Tajluable Gold Mine for Sa2e. TWO MILES east of Wadesbolo. Tract of One Hundred and Four teen Acres. 'For price and other par ticulars, apply to CYRUS KNIGHT, Attorney and Real Estate Agent. Drugs, 31eriicines, Chemicals, Paints, Cilg, Oye-StaflT, &c., ! W. a ASHE'S DRUG STORE, Fresh and Pure and as Cheap as the Cheapesty among which . Kerosene Oils, at 60 cents per gal., Iodine, Quinine, Morphine, l Chloro form, Zinc and boda, Glyceiioe. Vine gar, Hosteters Bitters, Cough Killer, Cherry Pectorial, aad Eadways,Jaynes. Ayers, Wrighta and Strongs Pills, Toi let and Hhaving Soups, in great variety, together with everything usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. !4-tf T1E . 9A1XY SEXTIXE1, PUBLISHED AT RALEIGH, N. C. JOSIAHTURXER................Editor. JOHN SPELMAN, associate Editor. . 5 '. : .. . TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION : -r Daily, twelve months............ .....$10 00 emi-Weekly,. ..........................500 Weekly,.. - 3 00 E ----TU CHEBAW AKD DARLINGTON RAIL ROAD. COMPAKY. Superintendent's Office, . ) Cheraw & Dar. B. B. Company, Cheiiaw, January "1. 1371. j AN and after Monday next, the 23d instant the iollowincr Schedule will be run by the trains on this road : DOW train Leave Ch eraw: , at ; Leave Cash's, at ? : ; Leave Society Hill at j Leave Dove's at : i Leave Darlington at l Arrive at Florence at i ' ; '! UPTRAtN Leave Florence at : i Leave Darlington at :. ; Leave Dove's at . : ; Leave Society Hill at : Leave Cash's at t : Arrive at.Cheiaw at r . 1 6.45 p. m. 7.15 a. m. 7.50 a. m. 8.35 a. xn. 9.10 a.m. 10.00 a. m, 6.00 p. m 6.50 p. m. 7.30 p. m. 8.10 p. m.. 8.45 p. m. y.15 p. m Other trains make close connections at Florence with the trains to aud from Charleston-, and to and from Kingville.. Passengers lor Wilmington and the North will remain at Florence from 10 a. m. until 5.45 p. m. bOLOMONS, Sup'L. ieoio-tr ! IVCMAX'S 1KIESD, or ' - -.r - . 1 STEAM WASHER L ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE LABOR-SAVING INVENTIONS OF THE AGE!!! It Washes Clothes InlTlilrty i Minutes 1 If bout Labor ! It Cannot Get bid of Order! Any Child can Use it ! uiuvi0 m a viu uuu Xhj ou.;4iui .J AAA other devices for the iollowing rea sons :. ,''!.' 1st. It does its own Work. 2nd It us less Soap than is requir ed by any other method, j 3rd.. lt requires no attention ivhat ever while the process of cleaning is going on. A lady can do her washing while she ib eating her breakfast and doing up her dishes. I ' 4th. Clothing will wear double the time washed with this Washer, than it wiii washed with a machine, or by hand labor, or a wash board. 5th. V ill wash perfectly and with ease, all fabric from the finest lace to the heaviest bed blankets, without the rubbing board. . ! It i oiri rl laiirol lxr q 1 l. rri ivi ChoTHES Saving I:viaiTib', it needs onlyito be seen to be appreciated. v SAVasheks and County Kiohis fok Sale. l j For further information address VOLE & WILLIAMS Box 85, Wadesboro, N. C inarcli6-5-tf ' , T?T?nVTTvr Dirvx'cvi v vt a i iTr v Between 13th and 14th 'Streets, WASIINGEON, D. C. t 4 itrc cvpiv n " ' i ' t NOTICE. PERSONS wishing to 8nbscribe to the Carolina Farmer, or .Morning Star,(Daiiy 01 Weekly,) can procure all or either ot thtui at the following prices, yearly: Daily Star, $7.00, Weekly, ' 2.00, Carolina Farmer, 2.00, by applj u?g to the subscriber, or at thii Of-' nco. CaU and see Bp cimen copies. T. J. jLOCKHART, Agent- . - ii i N OTP C E . W:V-: THE SUBSCRIBER has a quantity of the finest and best native Fruit a. i auu vjxopc; v xuco . v uiu liv WliX . 8ell at prices greatly below the prices of Korthern dealers in. Fruit Trees, and he claims that these trees are better suited to this climate and will grow off better.. Apply to the subscriber, near Lilesville, or to Col. E. E. Liles, at Lilesville, or N. Knight, at Wades- uoio. xLKJus i ppie ana jreacn irees 10 cents each, by the hundrerd: Grand Vines, of at least 20 best varieties, at 20 cents each, $15 per hundred. ! v r IK fin ac Jan'y 3, 1772-48-tf i i COTTON GIN FOR SALE; A. 40 SAW COTTON GIN, of San-, ders' make, in Lood order for sahi cheap. , Call at H. A. Crawford's and examine it and learn pricey &c. H. V. L ELBE 11 ER. Jan'y 3. T872-48-tf THE JOUIiXAJL PUBLISHED AT NORFOLK, VA. i Subscription Rates Daily t r- - One year.... . ,.L.....W.5 (XV Six months.................... .-3 00 Three months......... ........ 7&- One month...... ....M......76 Tri-weekly Journal, on year S4j six months v-. Weekly Jouiilal dae ycur 2. ; . I -- ? X MASONIC, i r I' .s The Stated Communications ff 7vol KilwiliIlillg LcdgeNo. 64, r will be held on the evening o the second Monday in each mouth, and in ine tipiTivfliK or m. jonn ina i-trrnTiot. and St. John the Evangelist; THE SIOflXIXG ISTAll,? 1 PUBLISHED DAILY, r " , V W. H BERNARD, Ebitob aStd Pa'P. i Oifice, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front Street, t - One year, in advance.......:......M.$7 00 Six months, in advance...-...;.0 Three months, in advance........ L2 00 1 uae monvo in aavance.k ...... "'. i' v - A t r A, 1 X

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