a THE of TOB K-r. . Sit- . at- r It All fla Secrete Repealed --How its Iuiiift UltTS 'feoBgiWCondnctoi. ' -. O .H('-is:o -: ' V.. t Ott--1eitigt 'brott'elit "in to," the apttf-rixmv ef tiierlodge '.((Jroon gMoef Orange; , Nri;'1li ! jt I was inlfcthtih'hfiA been', balloted for an accepted. My inlortn ant,:!whovwas securely , rn asked by what I after ward learned Wadi large burd.x-k leaf, per forated with holes tor ejes, told me if I .valued -my "life it would be necessary ftrj; roe to , etrip. As I" 3id" consider that, ot coti "iiderable worth to tne'and as he sly playing with a seven-shooter, I withdrew from mv Karmeuts with r eaWTiess. 1Jti masked friend? then furnished mo with the regalia of the, first isegroe entitled '"The .Festive 1'iouh- of one huge cabbage, leaf attach- ..,1 IX ' ufnmf I. J , lUu i.nl ,1a rviues. . In this airv eostumt 1 was conducted to the 'door, where iny companion gave three dis tinct rapB.' ' fl wan securely blindfolded by blading a sficjof rutabaga j. over1- each eye.) A sepulchral voice from, within ask- "VVJio comes? , ' My guide answerer : "A fyoiithful agriculturalist who ile- iires to become a granger, t Sepulchral Voie have yon looked him care ully over ? Cillde I ha ve noble gate keep- 8. V.--Do you find any 'ag ricultural marks about Las per Aoo, . . Uiiidc I do. : M.-V. What a re they ? (iuide The eaiididaie has auoty. hair, reddish whiskers, knd a tin uup nose. HV. 'In well. Why do ou deaiie to becuiue a urau- ' I - , : Guide (AtiHweriiiij for . cui lUate)" -That 1 may bo tiieruoy lie birtier euabled la harrow up lif f(.t!lin;a ot'tho iisp-tlly p iiiti- atia. . ..: S.-Y.Yu will bring in the amliJale. My worMu ht'ip- !uj Ann , UM'i. tnai you are liieiveil t thv d'to1,; n t'n4 t nee HA. ! .t J'ltl'iJiVk, jileicein lie ie;;;i n oi t-no ni.uate.i. which i to lrM;n J on ti i ree jjient irtnex tmrh, i.ojue aa i eliarily. ail h i! yimiJt', liope .tor ii.ji f ' Inrru m.io .juoiJ, and ha rin loi tlio .ililiiiiig-i ctl .-(Idler. .ii;ii now eMH, ui'tci 't-ftfutHiion if l be hoiMf I'ehbmiH will Ikj test- rd at to the enduiaiice of your wind.' The caudidate in now attached lo a -fliii ill KUiUUon i.low bv' tieatis , of be upvn harnetTa., A rieu puiupKiri-viue in put in ins juuuth for a bit aui biidil lie niadfl to get duu upoa all lores, the guide suiz s tliu bridal Qd urged ou by a uraner ariu- id with a Canada thistle, whiuk 6 vioroubly applies at the erjiifiNtiou of Ibe Kpiue, tb,e uudidate is" galloped ffirw tiVueti ruuno.tne room, w nue inaKiHs ie circuit tbe.meiubei'6 arise auil Get tip and dust, you-bully Who would Dot. be a granger ? If the thintle prick dou't cause ' i;(4jOU joy')'-'i tt.;.; f ?'!. .".-'. ; To fe'eliug'si yoii must bo es- ti JiaJigedab U -v.. " After this violent exreise. he h lihbttd dry. with corn-cobs, bees- Iaxed where thistleu and brought ifore the great chief the moat joraliipful pumpkin headr , W. W, V. 11. Why Uo you esire to lie a granKer ? Candidate (Answering for mseirV-Th.it I may "learn to tioguisb uutichiue a- JH. .Wf Z f , II. llavo your I ludsbeon hardened wuii toil. Candidate Not r extensively, it, then l am not' running for $oe ' ' a W. P. Hi Tis well, for f lodges: con Uiu several who I supposed to be ready to sac catbomselvs for tire good of A& constituents. l)o you I i'pretty 1 smart, this even t? :.' j- .andidite Yes, wljere tbe tic goes on. ? ' ' !M. W. f. II (Savagely) Hive me a chaw of toback- t vnumaato aearcova nuuaen roughly, but as there is no te about him to stick a pocket to, explain but the most hipful pumpkin-Lead inlvr Khiui with : t--- l.: -if Volume 4'.- No. 48 ) Whol-e Number 164 $ ''Never mind my dear young friend I am well aware that in Lyour present condition, you could no more fnruu'u your iVinds with the weed t'mn Ad am Could be comfortable in a plug hat and tight boots. It is merety to teacb you the great lesson of " economy doing to others asyou would like to hare them to do to you. You will-, now be conducted to the most eminent squash producer, who .will- teach you the grand hailing sign of distress Tlii sign iny worthy brother, will insure you against man 1 of the ills of the agriculturist among others, against drouths, and being bit by th ferocious '.grasshoppers." - The caudidate is now conduc ted to the. most euiueiit squash producer, who thiiBSriys; "My worthy, brother, 1 will invest you with the order of the festive plough-boy which you have weil won by your heroic acliievenvetit while harnessed may you ut?re. it with pleasure to yourself, aud may it be a means of terror to your enemies." (The At. & S. P. then proceeds' to iavest the candidate with tlio regalia of the festive Pluuh-boy which cotisists of a lonir tomato necklace.) "The grand bailing sign uf disTess is iiihiIb by gently closing the 'left eye leaving the right foretiuger alongside tlie' nose,aii I violentfy wagging, his ears, it requires practice, but the auvan es are, intense. It also lias au 'iulportant signification, which you wifl do well to ' heed. The closing of the eye signifies that in all your dealings .with man kind you, are bound to hato " tin -vo to lusine8. jjayuu' tlie Uiigef abirijjsido inunos is. cm- b ematiciil of isdoni, and place.-) Jim jit mice among the 'knowing mies." Tnis is extiemeiy lundi in prognoslic.itiiig tieW weatliOr, . and savts the wear ai.d te-ir o: almaiiacs. Wagging tin ens Migniries siib'itutLy of purposes and is thought ti) no unibleiti atical of "cliildiioo i's nanny bour."';--lrs'i,y:) ..thought hy home mw'oUint Scholars to have a dfuuict reterouce to appje- uuu dings, bur this fact U some what objure by the dust of ages, in token that you are one of us you will now be branded. This cremouy is very impressive arid consists of two oi ands. They are both . applied "while the iroa is hot," and con piists of one letter of the alphabet each. The first is a largV letter "on whicli you Will please sit while the other letter is applied to the stomach.' - The letter S, my.' -worthy chicken, signifies scooped, and refers to, railroad monopolies It is also supposed to indicate the seat of learning -the spot where the old 'time teacher bunted for brains with the; ferule. The second fetter is 0, and is applied as I said be fore, to the stomach. First the application is au agricultural one "corn-ciib," and has reference to t,:e stouiach being the great re ceptacle for Bourbon whiskey. But brother do not ha diligent in finding a home market for your corn Thev second application of letter C, my dingraceil infant, is got bold of as follows : ' Wheu one Granger wishes to ascertain ''for cure'! if there i! another of the order in tho foom, he raises himself gently by the slack of his of his niirrteutioriablcr scratches his off thigh with his nearest hoof, and remarks in a iee of thunder ; "are there any grangers about ?" The an swer is "Jesso" wax." The irii . . I II I - L ' 1 - It qiurer. men sa) s, lei us see, (letterUJ and tna otner party luust immediately pull out his stomach and then dmcloso tho brand. . " " These brands are "applied in such a manner that I am euabled to assure you that they will wash, "ii ' - I -'was here lnterruptel7 Mr. Editor, by a volley firod into the open window, evidently intended for ni e, .. Fortunately, 1. escaped Witkmit ftscratcltTTnitMiat is of moie conwjut nee succcedefl in fetching off my prtcious uian-- In NeJessariis Unitas, .. . WADESBO'RO, R C, usuript. This is about all there is to the ceremony of any im portance I must leave tho coun try aj. once armed men are at my 1 eelsr-they know I am wri ting to expose them. You may hear from ine again by liiai!,. if I should deem it best to expose the other degrees uatil then adieu. From your sacred friend, ' 15. Pols. ' Notice. This coremouy of in itation is, used during the b- sence of the lady rueinbejs. Tiif il initiatory ceremonies .e'utirc-ly dif I'ereftt, being inuoli sirnplilie J, as they slioiild be. Hudson Ga zetie. . ' ; ., .HiatsAbeut Work The beautiful Spring is near, and those, who have glanced at' our previous hints wii't be pre pared for the woik to be dooe tlie culture of the soil . .Again we ask attention to the care of auiuials, o that wlieu somo are driven a-tudd thev will lie fail of I ik; and loveliness in the lauiisoupejaiiK1. so, too, that, those- for tiie draft may have strength -enougb for the idb.ir be fore th.nn. Do not put. oft anything whic'i can bo d'ouo before tlie work be gin in earnest. Manure must bo propirly com posted us well assayed. Turn and assort potatoes aud other vegetables and remove re fuse matter. . Ventilate and whitewash cel lars. . Clean and repuMtdwrness. Overlook the implements again, and, see that they are read y for (!.: - linplemoii tr, Reeds and trees intist be ready1 for the Hpi ing. . Clean the old bark from. apple tri'e--, and wash theiiK -fiaift soap, heated to re Luess, an 1 .tiien dis-,-oived in wacer, may be used as a wa-ih. Hi-el iii tress till the soil is in condition far planting. iie member that -to select trees for home nm is one tiling to se lect i rues' for in -liket is auotlrer. Make war on insuuU iu tlie nuiserv and orchard . Cut Bcions before the sip start's," and prejcrve them in dry earth, sand, or sawdust. When the sleep of Winter is ovr, prune, and. 'graft the fruit tre-L but before that sUep is orer, prune the grape vines, if you did not prune them iu the Fall rirune currants and rasp- berma. Out out old woods and'! at shorteu the new. Let in air and light, through all your treis-r-through all your plants, v" .''. : Make mats for frarajs and hot beds. - VeutilatevC dd.fraiaes--4 Before rn akiug the ' . bot-bevls, fo7 ..:..; .... ii i uuu" i 'i :v 1 v'"' : . top dress them if necuessary. See that Dahlias, ifc'3., do not decay in, d imp places. Prune and tuin the shrub.,., but (lou't, disturb the shrubbery.' ' Lii.l the walks ol ruhbisii. ' L.iok t i the green-house-', atur the iiotise pi nits. iSu bleu clianges ,w 1 It'. ( ii Ftin. 'ii v iivw.. - - - . ..i f.., t.iii., mn rtn.tn to the eliild.eii of Flora, -;Teinpr i- Hie Tiiouh they ' nan not -s-aon plants whOsu' early bloom . anil beauty have embellished ...our but lieie.titer t.ne girl Kept nor homes. 5 '..room, 'weeping and regretting . Plant ssarl flowers. Start her hasty ' marriage A party seeds as thsjweather- permits of young men sereualed them these germs of still another life. Friday night, and the gay bride . ' .'' : -"'.. groom tell so pleased that ho A COHtented Farmer, stood t e U hi a neighborinjr i- v . -wua; Sim the undo anulea. ut, crleV King ofrrussii vx siirtr'aiued "Old ride and espied Fii'.z," tcok a ..n ia),1 farlllAP TklitQirSwi lifji aiirft rVli UIU --, k, -,iia wavsidu and cheerily sio. ,'ing his inelody' t- ' " said the .kin r . . .... . . - "l),ia thi4 nnn .f.ra h 'iiu-i to VOU on wmcll . . . von ii imiusiri-msi viaoor r f . . i.i A o" if . - p,i. 1 1 i.i t titii. ni.i in r- JV. Dl'l yui wv .i.w - - v - r. Uier, w iio fcUe" UOt tuat It AVaS In Noil Ni the king; "I am notjid rich, ten tin I plough by dhe tlAy forjfjr himl while he was enjoying wage.s. .-.-. "How much do you get? ' asked the king. 'Eight groschen , .(about 2.) cents) a day," taid the farmer. - Tliat is" not" much," replied the kins; ''can you got along with this-?" . !-'" .. "(.Jet along Hnd.,,,havQ some thing to spare." .. . "How is this?"" - - ; - The fanner smile J, nnd aid "Well, if'I muit tell you, tfo irivsehcn are for myself ami wife; t wo I pay my old-debts; two 1 lend away; iMtidtwu'l. give away for the Lord's ,ake. ; , v 'This is a'; mystgryihich 1 cdnriot solve," replied the king. 'fiien 1 will solve It for you' 'said -the farmer. "I have two old prt'eiits at homo" who kept ii.e'wbon I was weak and needed help; and How .that '.they are weak and need t.elp, I keep them This is my debt toward which pay two groshen a day. The third pair of groschen, which' " I lend away, I speud.for my child ren, tliat tiiey- ruay receive Christian instruction.. This will come handy to mo aud my wile when we got old,'-- With tlie last, two groachen I tuaintaiu two . i " i - t ii x i . "jieK sisters, wnom i woum not oe compelled to lseep; tuis I give for the Lord's sake.? , The king, well .pleased with his answer said "IWavcly spoken, old mm . Now 1 will also give, -"'youj some thing to guess. Have you ever, seen me before?" ,, ", "Never " said tbe farmer. t"" "Iu less tban.fiflcen; mtautcs you lwili see me fil't times and carry' iu your pocks fifty of my Tliis is a'li'ddle which I can i v o o v w not .unravel," sai I th.e fannor. 'Tnen 1 wilt doit for you," re plied the king. , Tiiiustiug '.his. hand into m pocket, and Counting" him fifty oran-new " gold piece into his, baud, stamped with lus royal jiKeuess, ue sal I to the astouisu- id. iarmer, who luio'.v not what " v" Q . . . " . ' . . "i'uecoia is jenuiiu1, for it al so coiues ''from our Loi'd'tjiod, aud I am liis pay-master. I bid you adieu." SxARnriKG.IX H.VSjjXE. Saratoga UomanBe, AVltU - Unsatiafac lory Kadiog. . - an A marriage in haste to repent ; lesiure is not, after all, so j very eommo.i, ' 'ahd'.perhapn the piirasirdoesn t prciuselyqescri.be an event whici is interesting to tho. Saratoga '6prings people as mucli as anything can interest tllem,ouc of "the season. "Joseph couceru.e.1, is a middle-aged ba latora Widower, nrmerly pro prietor ot'tiie old .Congress Hall,- a m-i.i" uf food ad li-ea .anil : ' - - - . iaaoiuftiiin theSaratoira naiiers I r j , - ! and -tho New York Suncoircs- ,w.,..lona unir nnr.lHn'o.1mif.. A weuk' ao Tiiursdav he. made his 1 anojaranco at the American i Hotel in his town with a beauti- lu! young woman age lo,wliom he introduced as his w'ite, aud the l.aiiiiioi'ii. w no Knew am uewe- - -i i - . certificate. That day the con-1 I " tlfvrii'Mi. er at the table and ouMie street;' hut waiitcJ to io homo Oa Saturday her Uncle Stocktm, of; '-(New Jersey, appeared, and tited. 'i3 iret her dWdV by writ ot; habeas . corpus, , but tlie -l m'tge -. . - . w . refused to issue ene; and thTe semi-: fdetatc hed ecuolo kept their room, of Olin iajr Is bo rorjf j'ic ui -j o i : .. o..... ..i m..i.....ai. ioga at, in is iioio . . .1.- .!..... ot tlio year, ;that,heariirg Uncle Stockton had yuunnTiiv. Weatocrt relaxed Ins w .11 Vloauu. - , aim nou. p. " tlyf objected to -7reeoive too -twot-you t tl.ft m-irriiLiroi ; ', nn.l talk: with bia 'fnenda.1 Alas himself in a lawyer's back office, a two-horKO Carriage drove ra pidly -in lroin Albany, Sheriff and p'rts'se'aHd a slender' gentle-J man of excited domeMiiorgot olit, t he.lattec: person rapid fy ' riish'ed tip td-hi rs n's t cot's room,; i n d sooh'ibsiTty- young womauSvas weepiugj her fathef's' 'orus.' Nerd it' be nd'.'ed thivt'sho fortQ o I one of the" party wlieu'. they swiftly departed : for , Albany?--Tho bti'logrom whs quite flaoced when lie got liaekj to , J , - hotel and found himself, very - wifele?. Iis aecbuuc of the 'affair Is , that be Wdvortised in New' 'Yorlt ''for "a lady' td take chargo'of. jVis . lit tle girl," answbreil one of tho oiie htindred jx'plics he got, met the lfld-,' nnd' found - that she 'was an fieri ii tinder .variims, $jHe'fa"'. Her father audVinothcr separu teil; the latter couldn't pay her expenses at her boarding-school, a'od tliu former didt: seem' to want to. Mr Westc.ot proposed maii rnvge, afro saw certain gontlemiin who warranted him satisfactorily, and oonsiitod to' his pltiu, which was at once earned our,4and slie, his willing, IiIavIuI, loved and, he beleives, loving wife, has now been. stou away, JJut'it looks lik-j a case ot repentiuj, as u'i'll n irtHri'idn. lit haate'.'V.vCS' ' " -"Ot -- --;"..( ; Vffi'" A Laf yer's Advice. ' An li'ihumn by the . tiar-io of Ttmr Murphy once borrowed a sum1 of' money .'from one of bis neighbor.,' which ho pronibed to p.iy upon a' ci taiji time. But month after m.intli jvissod by, and no signs of the agreemen:t being ke;t. !-.'u" creditor t la.?'; warned ii'nirtiiat unless ho paid it upon, a certain day, ho shou'd sue him for it and recover by law. This rather frightened Tom, "and not being alio to raise the mouey, he wont to a lawyer to gtt'.ad'vice- on the matter. Alter . Leariir: Tom's htorv tbiougb It. the cud he then ask-.-d liim : . - --' ' , at your neighbor got any writing so show'thatyouowo Liui fil't V dollars. "Uivil a word," replied Tom, quickly. "Weil, then, if you havu't tho money you can take your own time; at all events, Uo cannot col lect it by law." . "L'iiauk yer honor, much ..obli ged," said Tom, rising aud going to the 'door. '..' ;.'.fj.",'vv"i.'-'v'?' t: ;'"' "Hold on, wy friend," said the lawyer. "Fat tor ?" libked Tom ' in as tonishnjeufi ' .- "You o wu me two dollars," said he. .."Fat for ? " "Why, tor my advice, to be iyreTo live by cliargiug uotUing, do you?" ' ' ' : :.: Tom HC.-atclied his bead 'a mo merit in evident perp.e.xity.toi' he . u.. : 1 t. luei seenieu w "nmV tui :,i i : i., u : k '"An have yees any paper tor Sllii W that I OWe-) yCOS two dol- lilrs ?" he aaked witji a twinkle in "is eve, Why no, but what does that siirnifv '""Thin I'll iis't bo after takin' ver own a 1 vice, a i'. pay nather .- nor-iny - ueign oor t -mjiiis whicli he left theollice nutt'itH oo- -. ii7 tit .- eupant to meditate on a lawyer takin'' his own '.advice.1 and a doctor taking his own medi cine. The "Old, Old Story. Jlmy yqarsa'o, a -lawyer Jn the OitkerCuV. poor, and un known to fame, fell iu love with a' beautiful young lady of Ual.ti- more, and his love bein' recipro- cftfd, an engAgeiuo.ut.. ensiieti. -.'; The iuothar of the youug lady, however, aul not view uie mi iie nnnt -with aaJjajasiM . I Indeed she heartily d'app roved it. tor tr.e vounit ' tawvei was uiiu - ' ether too oor ami ob-teiu'c to miry into one of the wealth iest' aud iu-st aristocratic of Bal tim re families: T ii, at leat, as lae opiniju ol tao yoji ig .O fi-'tiO ' f, v t:2."B0 Yearly, in Advanco .'girl's oiK'jr' wfto'being Very ambtious; aud, correspondingly nraunu. ucsitca nru uer uauu ter should wed soma je.i son pro mi n'eiiVet tho'r i u this Or luome i ..... . ptibprcouut.j j,.vl,.,,!t , She brought all J her1 iufinenoe to bear upon tuOKirl.anu tiiu all idio possibly. could' tor lodnce her to give up her dover, but fail ing, she' rewmxl i-as ! mothnjis have done .' before to deception and other coateniptible 1 means to break' on the engagement. let tera' wero intercepted, band-writ-ins: - imitated, ;i servants ifbribod aud fuUohoods'' circulated pro' very so perior" article 'i of r miscuouslH''Theo trlrti,tt(J4uftteotitfiaV'& II1CV IHIOIO iuiuiii - "ia mm w utio- understanding arose betweiiutha betrothed for which UieithtrMia real i'ty ? was ' resnonsibly , ; w ' One day the lawyer "revived t a note written in thaf. haud-writing of hU fianoed. acpompiiniod by' a oacket of letters - aud a box "of trinkets. ' The note stated ' that the writer had, upon careful con sideration and thoqghVfiiectdotl that she did not love him , us - a woman ' about n to be bia wife should, audr for ; this atfd otbor roasous bogged t be released from ber engugement. ( The blow was a hard one, ana for a long Urns tbo lawyer., felt tfie'eflVcts acutely, J;(Uuder, the impression that he liad, been j.ilj ted because he was poor aod.uu-j-known, 'be determined t6 becowe rich aud tatnous, and : lorthwitb c'ointuencei bis '"noble life." How well he succeeded the na tion knows, for in 184- be . was made Secretary of Ktates Aliuia ter to England and a few year later was elected Preside ut of the United States. " ' , Moauwhilelus UfBt HilTfl maf ricd a vety rich nierouant ol Philadelphia, ninth against her own will and only at the earnest an t repeated soticiitious of her mother.' The marriage was not a happy one, for the wife uoithor loving nor lesa'ctedjimjliusb nd. Her (.up of bitterness was full when slie heard of the election of her lover as President and "her moilier'a cup wasqui'e overflow ing. She plunged into social dissipation in tho hopo of forget ting nor sorrows. Jfor two or three seasons She was tho talk of the Quuker City, where she went to reside witlir her husband, aud where their first child was born llu eutortainmeuts were of unu sual elegauce, her costumes mar vels ot nuhutsj and. .beauty, and her equipuge the Quest ever euu ou Wal-nut street' v;;i X , p j-'- ;'" " : ;: t :-.. U -.1 . By and by scandal circulated about ber. Mrs. Gruudy said she neglected her , family, and slanderously accused her ol trans lerriug ber ali'ectious to a goutle mau wtio is now United Statos minister - at a Eitropeau city:, One "hy one holMrieiida fell off, aud ultimately she was , snubbed moat directly' and repeatedly She -lei t her husband. and went home t j her mother iu Baltimore, where iu a tow mouths she, died of consumption, brought On by excessive and protracted , dissipa- tiou, Tier cruel ami unnatural mother uevw ceased to .berate and upbraid ber for not marry ing tire lawyer, wuen she herself, by. intercepting, and forging . leu ters, broke oil' the match, Her last- hours were siieutiu. religious ()X'ii:isii and ivfcilalcd' that ahq wi-otjtf toTier true and faithful lover, 'who, 'when she died, WaH au Kx-preside.nt, Jamwi iiuoban jijiliaskiug' forgiveness, stating mat si to had never ceased to love him with all ber heart and soul. This roaiautiu story is touched for by reliable parties as, true in every paitiuuiar, , aiiiiougu iur obvious reasons all the names are omitted. Thy story, has a moral, aud iberviiie in iny women in society to-uay wuo nau oest nii- - . . i . ; i . . ly it. .'.i-icpbiideud, is. strangi er tuan action.. J4 ; 5 f j Petitions are in circulation ' in Qol Isbjro to secure the pauaagi of a local" pi ohibltoiy law. " Jd Ige Pearson, of fhe Sopienu Court, will iiiu..yr (wide li ) Dlctjtin -v, ' ' ' tu bomi ir. , CapltUa f tie Mt BfaV - ( -u MjiU, v 4 -Sil . ' . To tin XCkft rUfll t 'fl . Oa a recent trip iHroagh Ken tuckv ou tha 8t, IjouIi aoJ !Maptrttaod.tEUi4bethtoa and I'aducah railroads, we Worer forplbly imprei-.sed w"ith,'tli ei dencev of raatir1at frosttertr Aid the Knea of the two roa4 $h6 ing tla benefita' railroads confer So 1 !ohl ' W' th f "iur r.oundjn uotry. Mi oa commuottiei far distaBtk taa1 bui, a 'jfwW yeara Jnce 'the ' cbmplefion'v t tbesSb Toadjbuf 'tWy ' Wl beft t fi means ot deU'lopf bg tho yial( fields on" the.Soiitheastern 'JloadL W nott'ead 1 between' 'Kortiti Tille1 knd. filadisonville- qaitflj humhec f J hes'6' miaM opened and 'anbareatlr ,itii :' Jnirgy business.' Oue of tho .first ' the- pramonl' mine, froro wt- feaa beeu th i means' of havins been able' r , it sun pfy burnia th$ 'pe winter at very- wduwl rate - J. lihojeil that competition'' gboil large aunaber, iwwa also th - lifaof Irnvij1 ;'.W '.ti&pi w-& to tb jiMiBttiuJxjil Company, who havo extens'iTO ; woris a6 '. - -aTUagtoo".lw.hsra' ftarmug; v t TillagoSiii , spiingiqg. vpixiude I necessary to acoiiuxapdate tber " minors aad familvs and i also tls wotkmea engaged, ia the railroal -;- shops., -;". , r r . : i'assiog, this .,iilacer we next . Had tbe ,Hecl Minos. . .. Thi company is "of rscbnt rgantu--tion,but they tura out coalof a. excelleht quality! : It is largely.- composed of some bt tho ipost ea-' terpriaing b-siooj men of 'Lot---1 isville. ln Uio.'.-E,;,' ' toad. we find ' a grea4 ".jpan'x mints, 1 Kockford, Uord9a an4 ilercar,', this last, operated,,, by f Messrs. !Hercerraad Urocb 3Iirt J3,",baa lately s tievl bis connection, witb t the E. and 1. road, to enter mora largely: int developing ;thew uiuy vv'bea "wo' gevneaK-" Mortonviilo we -. find several mines, tbo Uadclifl; St Chartea-- aud Trailo water, t. The ?k bt. Charles U owuoil and opperated?i, by the Bt.mBeroard' Company. " This company is considered t pne, of the largest and most! enter- : prising ol any in Itentucky, t It V is operated by CoU Btbree,, aa . i..esiuent, woo uovoies uis entire ii ne to its interests, ably second., ed by his Secretary and.Treasur- er, John B, Atcbbont whb isj aW. so a practical engineer' and ef-.-fijiont busiue-M ma.i;XTbia. company is operating; four, mines . thrco on tho St. L, and JSC and the St. Charlev oi the Ki and P.' To successfully .compete with tne.rittsbu.rgA trade in ttr. ;a Southern markU, the . conriny ' " found it necessary,;'; to . Increase their facilities of, shipment and- ' transfer of coal 'to ' barges roai " cars,' and afior, a , careful , survey ' decided to put up extensift work ; on the Tounessee Mirer, .fwenty fcUr uibjt abottf Paiiocah (in ad da ion to their woi ka op the lieu- t derson for the same., purpose.) '" T his wprk s po w ; eo'plete, and, '' 'consists of a series of three tracks ' one for loaded oars, and. tlie otb . X.', tr twaj for empty noes. . Oiy 4by & "J river front .there Is .an" inclina plane of two track-l ruoning fiouk ' . s wuove, ... ana jauamg , oeipsr, jai watec ni'irk,. so that bvata can. bo loaded at auy aeasoa 'of thr - ...... i. '..-.'. . year. , Da tiiia.iuciiue. is wnat ia. called a cradle tip, which U low-ri ereU or rawed , by macaiaery, a tho .river rise or falls TbU, tip, projects over (tbe, boats some, twenty-six teot so .that rbf Oar ia immediately ,t above tho? about fire : or mx , leet, t On tbet, top of tho pf riiiauenlj W. y is aj drum bouse, coutaining tin .ma-j, obiuery lbrioiveriiig. and raining the loaded aud , empty cars.'W, Tho drum in this bouse twon ty - feet long aud tweuty-fiv-iuchea iu diamttdr, witb a brake t of twelve feet in ,daniilor. f Tte, loaded car is attached to a large,; hawser: and by; its moiuentunif draws tuo einpty car j the pert tnauent way, aud leaves the load-, ed one imiuediately, above , tlio birgea. My.-' thia.tioetho.tiiiM -and money is ed.'r;; Froin fif- teen JjjAvehiy joada, can .lajl - oaded in one hoar.'? They art) i iow reoviviuat that woik one; rain j.-r day, and as the . com-' any proija.tt, tuore rolling stocko aiore tains,wifm)a; put oa tftr ;eep this woik ing. '"' .;. ';"" ""V. ; pjs tyri. 1