FEE DEE HERALD EXTRA. WADESBORO, N. C TRDAY MORNING AUG Sth 1874. ...... -'Z = ;^tZS!!E!'SjESEI!S£ZlffiSi£!^S3££!&?^^ S ^&’^:2?iS ‘3&S& SY TELEGRAPH. Facial Telegram to the Herald.] Wilmington August 7th 1874 " P. M.—The news iron p^ ! parts of the state very good. Few reliable returns in this Dis- trickAbut McKoy and Waddell are surely elected. Democratic gains every, where are large. Pool elected by at least 5000. I think it is probable that we elect ex rry Congress man in the stale but one. Roberson I tear bus gone against us. Richardson gains seven hundred Demacratic; Col- embus about two Hundred (200) New Hanover) (100) Duplin one Hundred and twanjy-five PA Bladen, Curberland, Brunswig Private Telegrams from Rock ingham report very large Con servative gain in Richmond. Plat D Walker is certainly elected; and the election of James Le Grand as Senator from Richmond and Montgomery is almost certain The officiel Conservative ma- j it) at Laurinburg precinct is as follows; Fuller, 62; Pember ton, 67; Pool, 80; Ashe, 73. Con- -ti vative gain over the Merri- mon vote, 91, AB.BATSBURG BLADEN CO- • Pool 91. Purnell 101. Waddell87. McKay 104. ■ ^^^ ^ .;• a^ay ettj^^^^rv*^^^^^^^ TB© H©ial PUBLISHED AT WADESBORO, N s G Josh T- James & Co-, Editors and Fro. THE HERALD. Is a first class journal devoted to Literature, The Arts and Sciences, Politics, Agri culture &c., &c., TERMS' Oneyaar .§2 50