j -,.,-L. iiu . . - ,iicS " imi.-vi I ' " i-l 1iM-,0.Oil 5i"H! i . i 1 f Tity i in i 111 . . . v) 1UI Li. .. I'W. tit nf i -iJs i ...... . :.. . . jtwv e:m.w. i ... ., .- - .. , v . , , : t .. tl. , .. .... it . 1 ...VI.;1 .... .1,.. , i rf ( -fli!. IT J ,H til bVJCB lull I V"' v. i .h.f,-tV '.! .VJ1--1 JIP'iIHJO'.S II ! vui Lh 'w L;: anna K i 3j r 7 jlJikl i m i no d tin tnnn tm nn rai "ti J4ti" Mi! vti ton". 'How happy we .shoulJSie it hecod giveiiitrconAt btttteBmtecrFerliSt I rijaU nW mA. Allf Tij. .1 a 1. rt M.lk W. .. I V-v4 . H 1 1 I ftn -a.4c.t" 2 fx AVUt l V Vllltli marry :Iiew48 Ilardioff. u all. liii houses and lands would tuun la- to r jf.bv ,u,f of j, i , W! yl'l Uarfyiii! Vi th BOt , vW.W ujhed . 'It Ms otjl 6itra'meVvra,lnd ine gofers, , were, walking i a nhady vooil.! . Their rambles had4 ; roigltt thtiui to the bauka t a little Urook, and ' here they., pat' , dpwtftdstdHWI mofis covefed i rnK of a.falleii treq,. while the' tiure waters iiiurmurud at tnoir J:. A- t . . . i ' itret.- . . i 'Well, WCUra said Will 't Jord.ui, 'I see no" remon fot "Mttii ,iiiA t w,n tits, mlii, klrl'JlHw4WMWlifell to marry Lewis flardin, and you constantly incur his anger by re isinit Now, were yon once m A? wi.Tt'WAM kiioHliat W plan could never be curried out, and so cejifw 1o joisecute you. VI- wy!f lie i onalpd to - and cuu crot a ortsr without ins V t'riendnlup alihouh 1 1 would I iutieli'wUier ae rb feef tin mn not; ow I'll tell you what j I imsftpowi tf-w ti r") -i'H 5Aitrb-1iry Alghtlk ttftll ad I ded. ' j Jt&svhbtm but sit i l j ? ha a. n u.ni A f o Vrtl ill triim L 1 your present uuiileaNaiit mtua- I A'our tion'4httlWa.Hriff liimseljf iot yu (Hociet,akUe you endure binx,ratherturtA jrcjur Lathw;'.ang(yu.a?J4flt.iUA ,yt an 1 beleive you are riht.' neh!j dkfwill fed WftRie- o night?' j Yes.' ' . . Good!.):e-8aid, kiRsingr her, I'As aioiitterjiarni, I will make 111 arraBgeirteu'U" foi bur ui ' Miasn4!l. at the edge i of the wood, in rearofydurhoube, at exactly fcijjhl 'clock this even inn. and f will have i "bdirW riot far off. " "As a signal, I will imi- ie ine cry 01 mo wnip-puur-wii, which, can , do with great fo actnee& On heariu g that ypa "eoaiQ (Hit at J the" rear-adolf,r r(ia speaking we will hurry awayjto out etveyaace.')uf Thev Buuposed that only tlie -. iartecenfc little birds heard 4ais il vryt TOafidataiediaioguCartd-f i.r UMJre wa no lear inaiTuisr wouiw ' lotreri most aavo trmi.euoaa cry lace tbatQwjnWpoii)t!ieai xtrom behind gfeatak tree, ft .-. Aa kkUT biterdeldjrcbrM4r- Oa Mtero)' tlravrfllag -fhitk. was aaijr Jiaira uuie uiHi.anr,-iBu. 'Wfcatdi'Jfou thinks he:extia'8 ousa,' ..muttering ; i IlmedeJtedjiV, T 'She's getting' ready., She VlijdoaVftw.VtuWhatjhaiittte imasifte' Hhe w going, "to happened?' Murn'ed Harding. auiea.Jiir .jaortou. s. ip iooi hind ' larero,; tree , ttitiiaard thet-rifloa Bfel!e'ett?-plao i Derate lonemeatr f KJn. 1 Wli r I!i a . 1 me inin yer oveniirg. il&Li ifMt. Kice mtfilttUinir 4urtb,j ana "I'M Jtb party MmmWtetYA6iH.ftett'! the l pjanfjmyf; I taknl A J n .. j 1 1 . f il i will eom the1' proper tame, UW bar mbout . twa iumateB to f reach tfie'uiaffe;1 -for -she vtrli move ,uwiy, in oraer to maKu o uuisw, Menti me -there shafl W'anotlwr bribe fol tiei puponew teu. out k.la hint'tiefmr Bribe fof tte,t 'f)ttrbott8MhAiiiwUk itepT-out ja;hira'heW hns tiniij to get ont faf lhd' bouse - and t hi n J I'': ' .1 ' I VI'. ;i ter, will haitcn. awav with liet Boon nftery Cbira will cMae dowu and join you, thinking "tfiat'you Hrritni4le n n -aTh t-'lr ten ' .wpe voir hW tujjy.W)itjn?, " , I ' i ll. . I... 1- .tJ..L and drive ia.. the ehuioh. which you cafi Id-flay ivrringo to have open1 and lighted ii p. She will not discover her mistake till tthe ia (.tanilia betorn4hc alter at i.ftilL"-G.,i"ii believe sue will ruarry you wi h- outajvonlr- , 'Oupit J j capital! y my. dear fivthei jn-Jiwwior I tbtok, STln iy no-v safaly call J'Olf ' Whfyl a dear, jsliruwd fatlier-iu-law it is!' Mr. MoCJOrpl&C'iil Iiks in.lu finger by the slle his none and lookf (L v aiy knaw i n - al'tu r w li Ink, he bjat4Jktioniiu law a splendid altertiixm and left On rea'cMfTiJf houie bo asked.' where Clira wa tHe iSWAWl Wttflorfo. 'Well, Mary,' said he, 'I warit youitodKteaaB a great. Uarr..ana if you .wipcee UiH iP'ike you, a preset ftH-tf nhfrV-aflUr bill.'-- afi.de 1 to her. t.iiat he. l ha1 ajiiiVVilI uu elopu.'ient; inlbrme I iier of the part-he-wish- Mary, ' ; "ThaukT anJ you sh&tt freo. muttering-to-herself : . QJweBtVt- dojlajal - Pooki I would u t Jjetray Cla'8, fort:t8jnt Hundred, i li tell nerevepy. word, you hard-hwartwl -ohL-sinutr it' 1 lose uiy 'place, foi ftT Ten miriutes 'lator, Clara re turned,', mid Maryx prqmtlyiold her the whole b to ry. . ,m 'Oh, dearltljat will defeat us for the presen f.' said Ctara . X''U'wijl l:,a8swi yoa"'re spoiided Mary. . ' " UUW I I will tellyoni' " AndsMary towered "Iner voice,' lest tSe'?ry:yallssh.iuld'-heart. and toli her wbatjiER plan was.' Avluiiimil v.mt II lt&a 1 enau nave a uuuer oue. ; tjj MafOJrari'-tiWhatlver it was 'Mmw 0U,su asl persons . waiwu anxiously ir 'fiU o'clock. gatueric .rro:.totl tno rij,u, ,0!naa Hgbt niixednp'idmencw. - pmtwn, -wi inw tam ojwa -upon : are Vify.M wmV.Yte'.tlX Wi'" ?l-Wta4Wd Wat Ca ml; f-d i . r . 1 1 him...-. ,. n. .iu.ii.ahkni i it . . u.iiru-tdii.iinn hm i loi'l- ai vi.iii h. . ..... i- o. .. . - . . isr. when a male cgui correawai. saiu iiir. .wruPuo.B"t'''V',.u ,u.J'' ,a .Ti Svi lUrvlYAYV Wf "f4 ryia.W r' w-.riii aruw HreiiniirUi'JOiiKJil iwuHMiiiVjr tL:-:sLia? ' It v'th, andxroiidhed-atnuHtc 8rae buah- Uope witll L. II., Esq. Ha! Li watiiKAa;iT ' " fc-ed, as a female re, gM?MTP$WK-b,i ?cU &Wft V hw ross the lawn,jtnd md in 80iQ9.i.Aiajijia ,aw i r.r :j hu M.?j lr-..1iKnrv nMr t.hrt WOrtd. riwWUhis tiaeailfcerfenJaU. Ulaumb.rn.wdtlet us Call 4 I' - - ir took a seat at a window or . i i )ou... ,. . ..i..f,- ,i.....rl ' . 4JS maliy anotner maie ngan Amber two rappeared -' at the fee, 'ottie' wood, where a igate $ into the lawn, and the cry.'bV alv hip-poor-will bmke upon thtf. tiirht'a BtUlneasi Instantly, fe-i iikle figure number one passed. '.qjveJtly ,.,'out . through,, the. gate, ' - .i . (i it'll anziog ine . riu wi luiy "o'.'i nimber two. ami they nunueu 1 .tifoAllj huck4 ifosly old i? at life window. l! Saod'!'' said male figure num- betoue,'who furked in the bush es. So fifi-i .j:-iciri..;Ji t aarteif of a minute a halt minuto--twd tiTreo four. hl doesn't; she come.? 1 ; vVhv doesn't she coined also muttered tiojiLv old maa at the dwe,..wiiuU)W. 'Oh, there she t l,ti.tf Pi-,.U i Ivl v fnrcriit Homotliinr. Nervous, no douot. Nowfor the villal' j A female figure -rnmuber two emergud (roin the-rear, door of thf btiikhtig, stepped out a imv pHces into "the. .lrtwn, looke 1 around nervously, then walked stealthily toward the wood. At the gate she met nvile tyre p.uuiber ope, who had ""now, (ieuise (o)'tj(:i'rj"ifi hi- pjaceif con- treit'lrif; v itiitl' tl.e'y'' Hurried tlirou t-Tio "wf tftl "tiViird a line .notfarciii? vHnixy was wait iug there, an 1 tliy t : itrand drorVawa::t')va,rl, the vjlliija,., Toey stopped . titt I Ht' chinch1 and wane inn Tfie -iu-teriiir'Wa" lighted'up, and a-cire or two of people?, sai " in they froht 1 pijws . Tlie nHwly,''arrfvvef)a straignt up iu -aidie ana stoou in front f the altr i A-nioineiit later the, sly , t& Wan caiu,e ia aud placeutlj ,. 6o1w 'ii seat, pretty well forward . I iThaUiidy wa85 closely veiled, and her male c)inJfaniin-w'-who' of coiirsej,. ,wasilt(t-7-Ar4in1""'' kepfnis owniacQ soniewnai averted, aU' iVdm bashfulaes'.? ' 'SFieiAY : sa -the word .that makes is .her', niV Jly4'e,''b5tofB kh4ion of skill ih'U diploniacyanki vers tliat Lam, not,iJinlam''Nt:ti igut' in extstrtictfi "It 1s a discovers lie muuerCvi ; aai ue ireiuuiei a , . Ii . .ii 7?. little. " mj,J' Tlie minister proceeded with his usual solemaityind was just callaEjIijIsi fimi wlj. thfey iniy no" be awttilly jiwned, ptc whenthe ily1 old man started from his seat and fairly yelled : Look he.et W,hat '.iU this ? That isr).'t my d'augfoer ".' I 'What 1' exclaimed Hardiug.1' Everybddy 'stareil. ' 'vVhy rou haven't f;ot1ier, you blundering , doiilcey (!,, exr claimed Mtheii iilain-spokaii old ma ir.--"Tii gaif s ins iv 9 "i,w"rv'Hl " And bevpftnted:;cTte3lrto' a pew at tLi,rfigh(i pf.thet aftar where, lo! WilL, Jordaa. and Uara canal jt i n g,Jaudr!?ssi nfhls-co i &anu).n , 'whatdovi. this mea jfjiVVho are YOU?' . .". .. ttKv.l . She .renJ6Ved beT vil. .add stood reypr'y'Mamhe.l 'Uow'k this tUviuanUuti, Jacob Morton, n'io'8ger sly i ! . 'Dou't. kup,' tpfi4fM,y' Malone."""rOuies we ' n tut ha' council ' 1 HpcTitJw jlS.' ( nil" ' t-4 iHi ...... ' and inarTVMf. vtlardiug minister, 'that, cuu't ;bU. ; Hho has last ,bdu,iuwi:Joil,to Mr. Jordan. . .rif-. v; . j . " Thd recnttr sir "old man Vd tatsb '", Bt'jp toward; Qlira, ns to do or say"nfextP" Heijua jmp'iecatiQDaJ.lbut reraeiaiwring; i-ihftftt, TTjfiliiiuf. with' ..: - aa acaent of deauair.f-.T'i u to ! Sold ! 'echoed "Mat-r Malone, ia 'Soldi ireiteratedA will- Jor dan dnd hl briddt" ' !, " irWr,-? ihMgU tlie holy edihoe, accompanist by a "loud aud merry la.ntrh a'od.evetl' the nj),l8VW,.Vei01( uq.liv liyiuuijsi himself iwi!in& and muttering , .Qla.i Jaoab . Morton, ;.-though obstinate" and- aeH-WiHewas .no a yiudictive maoahre'Uia ina that what i waa , tlbae -oould not be undone; and that it conldi, uo no K.oyy w ravu niiy, uowi, u walked 'over ! Xo Wilt and Clara aud shook hands with them $ay ins;:',., u- - . -V.'.h . 'yfessoldl. Now-I'll freely forgive both of you,' and all con cetiiel here :. he , itlanoiid , at Stary Maloti'if yon will tell me how it was doue." , 'I'll tell , y o u , th e u , sai J , Clar a, i'for L koovy yoa wt-H ' keep your word. Mary divulged to. me what,you. aud Miw, Wcdiug had put up -oirwuj atid hie,' and sui? gjsted apian to baiUd'you. In stead of uoing out into the lawn ta personate ma and deceive Win, s lie re uained in uiy room, whilu I went forth ami per hoimted Iisr to AlfiieLvu .t.iu. I tlierfclore joined .Will-as- soon I heard the - whip-poor-will, mid we'l el fc. Mary then came down and elopod wrt! Mr. Hardii.tr." '6iich perady ! I--wall, 1 promised to' forgive all, uudi I'll do it !' i 'Well, I wouldn't, if I -were you !.'. said Lewis l.iacdiug; and palewita 'anger and disrfppojnt-. tutut lio sivoileiiVoiU the clmrcli. 'Its an Outrage!' ' " 'duo him for bteach of promise!' fece"ai'he' wor'dtha't V followed uiu. aa: no wuui. our.'nmto tue dl-eitrv ni'JrKt;" 11 ' " 1 'U'w'us ;M'ary Malo'no' wfio spouse them , . an. i i Marriage is,vjin , th is age i of '-nroiiresslon, the- irrtatest Itlstltii cii;tiu oi ciryumswt oo, ana i 1 .7.. 1 "i : ' 1 . ... its first link Is-forged in the cradlev : Gii'ls are bor u, reared ami eduj cated to bo uiarried.; They, are trained" "Tike" racers': they are 'posleditbef VcrbSiryoF 'bex ,aijaplu,.tiu "all the cuna;ug,,in- tfrcacle's of-tapnner auiVsjieech f they-ure-i ifiounced and Mfizod, aud bejewelod, . and they early strike a war-path, clad ia an arthor more impenetrable than ! steel, ana proviuua vun weapons more terrific . than sword or' Oimkeiry. r r ti -.j -. - ' "'"WhUt'j Vfellow'to'do ? 'Mr ry f say yoa.o 11 tfAve 1 where'a the courage ? ".To tu irryalady in coiuibrtabloi cirounastauces, u man has got to' have littU" short of a fortune.- No; there's noth ing to do but; .marry your wash- . .i .:.'.. ui ,. t..t wimuu o unuKaaiWv.Miiu oiu- gk) I U -remiid siale;, and 1 advise you, Lieonard, to do tno same, l accept your lovitatiorn r thouga be, would 'have draped her. to ih"jaUKr,V but'be sooii piusei,' ciVcelyikd(Win2' wrrat and will drop in? and jea you lu,lthaUte ot hioak and buttons thecoruseut a in.ith, j i -withy the'' mo "perfect 'ladiffer; Lillian Parke was not m thoTpn Koss' coty wlicrir he habit of reading her . . - r; mui west Mk;,ct; - ..;ji?iq ,i. tevJirftWiOtirroa'lliijf ,tlrat por tion abovft repeated. " s . When she had done so, sie1 threvv if back with 'it'c&ntBinptit- oift l'augh;Jand tatthj'd' 'h'er;fethi errttiister,atnong theoologne p ties wjtlj great vigor. l;.fv;S 'lie is a fo d, whatevex ewO ne mav be. I , hone Leonard will not he intfri6nced;on'lHiie's, aoM ciudK. fc' TW' iae&l -AWkldltjto mkvty'J ' Weir, ' itf my f.ilnaton, tiioh a maniauot.Wiirth Jj'tviiiiij, tllM I'll tejf JKjtie, ana:;Nv7U ifix Hi ty.,.Kirl-aotJjtrictlyr,Uaojdsoitjii ' I l I.'.'.i. .1-...V. I.A.I' 'filftsi j yv tJuA.. althhU, 4 bright, and sens! bio., whioli; j 4ud; tlie best possessions airl cSff Wither t'wrf?" ' I'On'thls'patt'ioiilaMh'ortjingBiie had- a white . k& wet 'phhaj.'' over her curly head, and -wee --a hf(H - brown Holland . wtaDPiir. winch eavelopod ber frbm'necs. to t Ibid .a 'sat'.look about Itfr'tade,'! which any "housekeeper won 11 readily MndersUod'to uiln that she wa 'putting things to rights.' ffj'Yes, we'll iix. hiin; tlie ,4orrT- ble-old fogy Jo A-dou.tjmagiue,ha jkuowaa Ualf doieu ';iivU,i WBtit ..op..1!'iiielu. lueu'jueetl a downright. SO0!t.i,,e..)tt;-i .Chalill ot circumstances, inuee l I 11$ I know alUahoaf'tt, :6F cjurs.' ': m Uuder these, auspices! Kosn miesley eame to 'viaiti'lliui trjeuf,, Leonard Jfarko. and found; him ilia possessor of a beiiutil'ul home, wp,ere elegance, order auu.liap pinesa wero delightfully .blend- ed.-'.' i O'' -,!!.'-) The family xonslsted. of Leon ard, his invalid, mother, and sis tor fihliirtV ad ; EUcoloy protil ised his fastidious self a. visit ol no ordimary -Worth aud pleasure it so hap period -'"and it usual ly does'so happen, for the espoci al benefit of " sidr"'y-te tiers that Ltoss Lihsley was "ai untisally aa-Lhandsomfl, man; ''and ' a Sm irt, decided, positive rnant who was, like that t f class o't individuals, biiiind to make his' way in tuu u nd to 1 rld. ant tuW hitust'lf tidderr htobd. " ;' So Lrllian. in spite of her com i moil senna,-w a iiufl' trie "least UtLi ..'.' -7" t ';. .' . . '4 . 1 'put about,' -and cenijiqre,At '. i Nut., wuuijL.y coniiei'Cjd,, xaind you. h,-no! It , takes a great djjal to conqaersuch women, and she was only embai ijassod, and ouco in awhile off s her guard; aqd wljic'ICittie.lCeveaey, jjwho was Loonard'u f iancbk, fame ov erfor a chat, she lWgof u.ll about the 'tpropoacd ' 'fixjn"g,')1tlarp she h,ad-( stored . for, her , br other's guest,, and instead, uiereljfsiid hi tin to ii lie in in ior ijoonaru . 2 ' ii i ' " i ' 't' i. 's h r)lKtit - 'yoii afe going tamarry 'Miss Kevcuey; are !you '' Ross' -aski'd Leonard, ono niglil.'-'ia '"LUllaa'a !f?r"i. s'.ie.j i-;-'T.i t : it v. ; heilring. , , " - "":,'! Yes.' ;&6nV'yo'a'',turaV wL?''1"4 ' i ) ;j, '-k( u ... u . . ' . .vslio is very pretty but. Lon, .old hoy, .tliemi. girls ti;ight3a.ine. halt the,, , girja of juy acqualntV ance are inarryiugj ?pr.,taouey or position, and tho other- half are on tho look-out'-tor- chances ti do- tho same.' "' : .. ''''' r 'Girl arer not all ' alike, Ro's. 0, Itosg. No ontf 'conM 'aceust) 'Kittie of f mercenary " inOtivcM.-' ' 8he 'has urore money' than 1 have. "' i ' lloss-tnade no reply' to thtsf' but when Lillian in ide her ar- pearatico, ho was very gallant,! and partially tcdeetned himsult beloi o they-parted for the ui 'lite Bit Lillian was ty aTrappear 'i .. ..t..,.! .r-t .i..Si i , nt t. i . i arice.t unmovo i." one uineci tue TeaBhef -ddiler? she-.iVe' litiJihle directions about tM dinner, and tiilfcJd With LW&am cjheeru na - I vs?. . "um ,i "iWWii ..... au.j-AJ!i mat uim.oaiH9in-Nk. mxw mm t .irtinTri-sr-N .nun.. t -1 dt'i - J'ii" fill iJOM!"iit beg.m to, lww,J iiumwiakableJ aMl(cli4lNif.P ' M ft H.'TIB JJ,U J mm 1 sign ot mibjectioo; ...n U'. Pf ?.Y 1 'Hegobp ah interest 1 Lit- it:. . -.)...;.. 'M.4ilri.iU i tiinlflMnlv orf'thu hiiU mt. . i i . !... tlUi3! nraGiioak WJHuoflit.icij nuuwjtfT r cointe4, ptitche, r,i ona, safU a id njllArn . ill) nABtM .J Irila J' mm ntttit Mt 1 i.'.v fr.i !.' i ti.Lrt f,;;V,f Attn'irfaii Denver in .. orlTA'wbl. r'He "read aloud to1perfetftwaWwalaoBfc..1Aat!igl hai:ail 'VobinteedJ trfoidr1 hnaV "dSi't Mive.-;U: ?ely MrrIr,atJotouwhfcottWe'f aai.ni iwt. -. good lad. wishwl to go. and' (wUlao -withonta pmuip3-4 ctoaU ... . .....'i..r, - ."bit oI-'dMRmftlttdf'flflrjwt-' tiIr:vlat hS 6air"t4rMl fi FoUff hli'daHfeuKftrnd'that he aiuy '51 hcc3nSat7 iiui.l lIlilMtt 11 I I.MI rWWfl... . . Ik i namwiiiif il:iv: -and uiit" alf,"ttPMf CrifhilftHiWa Wrf pgr an 1 thT ipevitable, towel, t!a1vcottihfrTra th: nt.for.in t.ho nt.liSr. . . "v to.trust the servauti th'Are:ahiong j EaiWijfct'BJia jjaperi: theretqro l attnd t 4 u)ynelf,ns.sha,aia to HcdS:vhowahtstiComioz ' doynf 'Olunot nartioatarlytat 4t is n Weat anKllilt'ol, trUnfcltJ'me'I ki i A n i 'j- "j i 'Lillian l'.i LViUan i. rested i the' d9t-paiioif the hronza tigare 4t the foot." of' thetaiVi.; 'I ita very.mncuunjviovfl wav H1) ! ii-Nhe ordd away npte tho bor der 'Vf the" towel but did not speak.. i, -lVw . V i U you marry -aie ? b . . . t, . vTh bUiod' went away, and she was til'ent' fSV 'Mf jraootteu t; theu she sii J: , , ' 'No.' - , , , 'WlmnotPU- , t t ! t 'Oh I Kifilly Ihiukl like you well epitH ifi'V'ace, In tlfuiseoofttli my Urstoft'er; and ( would not hav-Hiy friends think m;j so anxioUS to lil trry;f fo ail trio" wo"rl!.:;" J;-;;;: '":fZ : i , M u m went away- duii-pan, towel and all, awl no -cook a rftroll down- the atreetj'sayiuj big words' to himself as he 'walked.! '- tf..i.. T Ml- 1 1 Uum Lillian'a chamber quite a different scene was going on, The das ter laid across the bureau, and beforehe glass'stood Ljlliaui shaking her Art ,at 'the towled 'Yuuare a nice one (tears) to lehd me ta i ,Hj?lj,- horrible .things,, -Jleil . never, aak me, again,,and JL hall - be., tW,most unhappy wretch that ever uvtKL HVll - what ftup earth' is" the matter?' - " t-T Leonard put ,hia hoa4iivat-he ioor, aud looked.-at- tkia Uter wfy murh' hs! though he tnsid' .WsS;ki:.:::r ,11 ,, 'Gorto bdl' sair that- worthy.. member of the practical family. ;rcro8;T-!?rvr":: '. -, 'Uhougftt 8I. WII, wilt you pic se arrange th library table? I have some work to'uo there. V-l. v. iO.hy r1 ;ieft;h - windows open aud tbe, uook H. puled, on the -table. I will go. down, i . And Hway'sho1 h'urfi'ied down .. Hf.,;P(j r!ivlnh'iftt'iirfaa'i.hM' A'" " - Vr--- ff ""Mo-ii- aw jut AM When sh . was about half way J lown, th3 door Opone 1 and Bosj eriterc;.' tfttRrna . . i. , 'L,illittn L' ho aw tke tears aod sprang ' forward -yoti are - ciy- , ' 'No, t ant noil 'v i- - Ami trier tears felt like fair. , it 'Will you ncvar ieara to love me? - Ar you aury with u 1 for CAty'" abrupily?'.. HI '-N.' ra1wt a hit' snjfry, aod rW-l$Tyf VUS while.:, Leou.ii-d heard tk !t..utiJ of -t--''i - f vuifir t cular6rlTraM I l6"n6t d .i "'1V..I ... " J'' v..mij, 8 ,ii.i ffty.i i" ....... . 1!- -t- . ..I I .- froTii her handstand' ; lay q-tiU - a' u .r. n t .an AI' MGAIVfld cbiUoi!, sjt'ortidatttf -la-aica jv -ow r" m , i- t JrIarriaze.niMleat boy.ja tha ... i i !.: iriith re,witlwiijYitin. Cfod" leV a.Tttli WMjki; aWaa l ..... a a f . .: 1 uieajiJiMij-yvHk'lTa aa, a:e' M. ! IT .'.i'.-..' ' j... hdtvntjj litlaptjsiqreicooijiVwrawjr jt ih lM!) fre j thtj siiWrinill Vidian lif bVick fchtmneV aetiif iHnilt"aJttlng- aretlnsr.to t.TJB.)rna na- iropf raow haUjW.well tlpt be ptujceadfl m reaiag.jno wrj (wp. . uerp n-t mernn4 m'ri,P'tht .wta BtatjSfi'ota the. mill, wwadded to the furnace the chimney became hotter and hotter nad -tU?, situa tiofi'b'poame ui'ire and Jmor'di!a, ftieahle.'" lid tried rto'des!enul aponho'side tf thl'ehira'nt.'bus aftergbttiag-dowiiafew leetgava Upp, ..vtHrnedi'.aboulaDd fent tnt) bd become so hot .that ha i fan tut hunelt upon, im iron cap l ft.v 1 1 fUcI Tr ihxthk' trt8nnd. "(must leave ii,l,atf 'itterlooklng aboirt-eiirttdliy Fioeridentiy mtao an his mind that Is must laap to preading out his legs and, bajan piug himself so that he struck tha ground titty feet Uom the ia unitoiured, and iinttiodiatelylioaru pered olf? and secreted vhiiaslf uader.i pila V board ft4iUHe,di tancc awayr , UA ,n,lf Draamins tQ.Soma.r- o Milo Byingtoa, of lgiaplil.( dreamed a lew uurlita'agothe t.barn of hie brolher.-ia-Uw.Georira S.'',Bowea, waria lamest and '$o impressM'w'a he Wf be vision, .!. . ji.l.rt 1, JI., . .1 that, ' having 'pairtUHy drtssed himself; he aeixHtthm frevtilyer a n4 repaired: y;lfR.barj) Uisar ing . poMoniCiiieide,, 1, crated luiueiCi to, watcii onernons,wnea shcrtty twt woJ turnip iur and 'pwiied a'rAu'nd theSb'ut'u end of the buildiog.i Mr. Bifolltr ..yd,'"" Uud.'hjyjirdjne, remvfc: ; you go in anu get me norja, ana I'll tire the thing.' No. I guees vti wilt hot' said Mc' u.. wbea - - 1 Ivur was- mniliatty 5 Gied' upoa. lhe lire wa instantly leturned. ; with iuterest, Vbaa . the fellow IojbTo theifMieIsonc of4 them ay textual 'frag hiLr'oth -jbcapudauKl-attw wards a ball of rag, saturated with kerosoq4waa tound at tbeod "e the barn, together-- with' f filatohea.,, '"On 'tha nrg&t -prfcyiou saVoTrit buildings were bur ned, t-esultia? in damagea -of several thousand, dollar vjorth of y roperty and djOttbtleaaj'JUa auiiui luvouuutiraii ( If " Recent accounts frdm Turltey represent that severe pnnishniaata contimie to bj itittict-stL an" .tboaa who,renQunce ihe,-Mahommedaa taitlrapd euibree Christianity . H-.irn,nl.i Kn'ii nmui.ti murk ot nelly pu t t o -leath; but the cdm- a. v a V . . 1 wx.v. w fc . . wm mm bin'ed prottMli of Uhrwtiati toiw- r effect! - au aiueliaratioa r ia . this respect. Hut imprisoaxeot aud. stripes ore still inflicted, aid the Victimi 4 re subjected to sooiT and'reviinu'gs. 4 m (JloritfU iu'dead in tha rl. -ifoua llkWctyiit oari wn ireo4 Coyiatry; aijiU ;w tj;Hj.ngljr,.,if .contrast . witlj hi cpudiuo'iiof thio"i ia Tdrkor. . . art eim urfir'r:;!. i;nt iYic" v'f,i'wfi'V.l)'.'i r... i ' inf.... r..i. ""ffr t-ll (, 1 a u ni if in i p.- i ' 1 1. ce ni ;u fat ep C' It a . i 'i 4 ii ' if (id j w ast oil J . . ;!' ..'a! '"i . t u i ler iu t ui 1 4y III- 1 1. ':.;iki:vr i.n, -h,. '.' I.

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