Pee i;co i t. uses icq rtEL:n::::s Jnsh. T. James, Editor. -:i):;r.sDAY July Stall, 1STJ. v on jovn:NT,rioN r W KJVU THEM i T If, in 'spite of protest and dial- ' 1 1 ," an iH(.'?'il vote is jiolloJ, ' X proper -affidavits bo At odco - - ' T . Sto kifirelb proper' officer,' o 'tut I ho , Jim lies ' thus-,' illegal y J ' , ling may at once he arrested t..d thereby prevented from es ttpiag tlitf jwoaltj provide by sv Viw jn ; idch case. . .Vy repeat, t it th proper affidavits bo made . nJ let the parties rau(luleotlj V noting be at one arffnted. ' TO C.JI4I.LENGJERS .', lL -1 llerncinbo'f that the eloctioo law quires . "Tht when. a voter is ii.illcnged at the poll upon dv ' -m uid of aov citizen of tha State ' shall bo the duty of the Inspea- itHoftWGIecUou to require said 4vH(;r'lekVe leinff allowed to Vote ; provj bjfoath or BoiBft iuthor ??foimtiknwjL fa.' Ifip'j&et&M the ; " it : Jet is : residence for thirty i-i-iva previous, thereto in the ooun lV 'io jvl' jc)i, bp propose , to vote." tMinmloh ' blur, thut tbft alti. '.5f -a Ltw aayay 5'No elector shall ' ?V entitled to register or vote in. V ''", other; preciocfc or township; ,,.-) Han iiitt M H vwfticnFne is uu : "ctual or bona " fide resident on - .-.jiii day election; and no cer- 'Uicatcs ot registration snail do iven." s v'-': V!-' l,?;iii9VT. que wkek; ! i' But' one week ? mora and Ibo f ,'Mthe ConstitiiUdbal ConircntloD, r-vhicH iio assemble! in Be'p.tem mtiistlt y will af nnMI f .r'ceed ;to wipa out, vury rftoe the preseot infamous Oacby ';-4?'mtitiiUon,;it', is to,,be hoped Cl HUItV winr tj ! l vtft OQ the oaiion, as U will be J, matter, of pride hereafter t to entity:; Vl Jjelped, through my .vote,' ,,u jDsUblishing the now Constita sliinni, and in thus overthrowing -v. she laat vestige of 4 military des; "j.iHrsm in North Carolina"? ; Lot 5 '-!, Pee Deo people do thfemselvei - - -Kin : justice on this oocasiotj by . 'JliK. majority r for the , .Ui:lliycralio ueiegaies ,ma san tho entire State.' " It 'cad be ..jiloue 'At purVpeoplo jyill but go 4 '"jiVirwai'il to the polls and vote. , fTVtrm relerober land if any. wenQru8) the riiaby Vind tbings - lid of fUTpb P. , JiuXton, when ' cadijate UstFall for election '. 3 udgei of, ho FiftbJ udjcial iit(trict;now that bis cause bid lieen just aud honorable and, up (ixl't; novc tHat ihe whs a , good ' i jii lge and a learned jurist) dow Vtat the people all had confidence - iu Lis iutegrity and ability, .and i.ow, ch! tuofct potent argutnont vfaUt cow Mr13uxton, although oftbe orignal Canby .Judges, v a)et, (paradox nnexplainable) mt aStmdltiant It, least thlsi gurnentas 'put forward) by many aoft-hWied people who v ere determined -vote for Baix 'u, anyhoip, itf prelbferice to" Mr. fuller, ih regular Dem6cratip i' in did ate, and wha handled this m!v for their consciences niura i agerly than .dexterously. ? Mr Uuxtoij was elected by -Dehioofat . ,'C voU-s, and ha44otibtliai since viijoyed fiiany. a hearty lattgh vjth bis nejrro fnejida and allies' wr the liico little game be play- in a LsmocrAtio utetricft To 4lay the mat, ttands , arrayed iu ns true . coIors-i?wliite without -wd black within tho lin'i iki( i Tuiierr trota t. flhotjMers and h ears of tha are thre. - ilalpb V. llmton, ' atlpreeQt .r I.. 4.1 il l.i'c.i V a x , "iim-b en vr, r uta juaioiai uia 'rtct, the man who had no politics na wuo was elevate1 toefflce pcrs'Kiratic ; op I -, with V gran4 flourish, as - one f the lUdical nominee for .. , V-nv u'uoh from ';Cumuerlaod ' unty. jr any man who Tbted r b ;a" last ':ull apposea-tbat , ';cfo i one small clean sput left " nn Liir' he is jiiistalceo J the hag .as ruturtiod to its wallowing in ti e tnir r4 It9 is covered all over vth the mud of Radicalism,' nnd evi-rybnly knows that that i the -blackest mud that ever e.n iiMU'd from political pw- ' . "' ' t k ' il, . correspondent of the yiU mbgton Star heard Juda Bnx- t.ns ypaakVat ItobkUfy in Cnm- bfrhiiid county, mt the lfjth inst. We quota tho correnpondoBt "Juilge buxtou opiMied bU r!iMark ,by Mylnfftliathe "ra"ii ixirtlssii cnhitlilate that bB-wrorotnaMKTty mp.niy tioi, Ac, 11a oon iw, lwwevar, that the jAMliUm wan 14 not U, hml wciit over, soul unit tody, to lbs ttwMl party. Ho culo rImI flood, tb twgro caqxit-bagKer who til n member of the convention if fwm IbU comity, at a gtiiitlomiti of . tjio blftliest cbaractor ninltif ?'at tutelligmtee; and wtinn Mkel If ha bail been iu Fuywttii villf af t5ia cleotion (ISGS) would bo have tctOit fur flood, he kiid he-prrferrtd Wit o ihtmimr th twmiion. ihftlobV lntlmatltifr tbfrt hi woul4 bavii doo o, agatuat two of tlie wst, mi iu tha county, A. A. w JUitbati Slid Jnu. A, tcAnhur. Ha nlw ealonlZ'id Jim HarriiS, late of Rab'i'h, and Nvvd carppt-bag mfltulmrs of tbat Cou vautiori, but luid not a word to Say In praise of uy nathw.boruOiprih Ocollniaii. ; 11a niado ui of litis . ftxtraorjinary , rnuui ; "That upon bis hmior as a gt iitleiuau and a christian tha prwiit Constitution was tha beat ba ha. I ever men, mid thai If ha was elected to tli Oomttilution h wou)d return It to tlw people ititojicba4.", , t:. ( k v Now, we two i!d aslc but one question . - Is ' there in this dis trict a mad, white'or colored; of een tha ' most ordinary 'Intelli gence, that ;doos iiot know, of hie on'ikndW'edg'btth0;Canby Constitution is imperfect in RiaBy of its provisions.'. And yet J udge Buxton, a" mati whose legal at tainments, have boon thought sufiioient by iuahy' Democrats, to fit him for 'the highoat judicial position 'in ibo f .district, avers', "unon hia hftaof pas a gentleman and a christian," that, the present Constitution "tho bust bo has seeu. r If Judge Buxton gwearb by bis "hohot"- as an flffioe seek er and his Christianity as a Rad ical politician, then there bay be gomesligutj loop-hole through which he may be able to save both his veracity ' as a miikh and . his kAowledge'ns alawyeri'or.'orise, both are in danger, " It" was an unfortunatej ,oatb, , Judge, "and if, jt has been recorded above as carefully as it has been here bo low, wo are afraid that .old tit. Peter won't recognize you when you knock at the "pearly gates," bu will tell you that U U fa easier for a camel to puss Utrongb the eye of a needle, than fur a Radical office-seeker tQ writer the ' Kingttom of Heaven,- d -. j . : But thero is littla danger of having Judge, Buxton as one of; the" delegates in tbe Consti? tutioual Convention. That Con vention will t ttsButnble and will , wipe, out, the Jmlamous Oanby Constitution, the beet the Judge of thefilth Judicial District ever saw, but i Mr, Buxton will i not assist at the fuheral, Even if, .by' bo mo -r nnlookod for4 boo us-po-cus-- his"negn ' friends "ahonld succuod in stuffiing the ballot buXCfs in' hta favor. he will siot be allowed to tike' his seat; he will himaeinwj)Ql8!ofv1the'flr8t'things wiped out, as being ineligible to 'seat in the Convention. ''.The lavv is plain attd a 'luan cannot bo 'a Juuge.' 6T a, judicial, district and a delegate to OimVeutton k't once and the same time. llesidca, JudgOj 'tts tUopouventiQrj, wil I aa: semble September 6lh, and Mont- gop'very OJu'rt (your Court) opens on the same diy. how 'could, you be present, both at Ualoiirh and at.Troy atoncoaod the samotime? Would you adjourn tho Uourt un til after' tUn' Convention', had adopted a new Constitution or would you adjourn the Conven tion until the term of Court had expired ? WVft ft .The Washington National lie publicum tha, presidential mouth- piec lajuat ,u j "engage! in ly uig,agaiu8t time, the object bbing to see how many nlthy falsehoods oaa be eouipressed into the small est bpauo in 4 the next twelve months, i It is a sonorous liar and fully dp-.totbe business as Beecher was in his " crnaade against the chastity 'bf 'his female 1 flock. 'Even-the; famous Brook ly scanail ' trial," taking ' both aiuca in iu question, can scarcely show as many liwt.putlyiiig arid iplyiag, lies; jiorUntivl,.perpon dicular, vertical, angular . spas 0i jjaraxysmaj Uosy ua.,eram the columns yt the Washington pullinan. , Beecher'; lies soould not stafijinyj..of his .-Pjyraoath congregairoa with more snper; cuous uiyaos tttaa .tfoes tre itcpvbUean stk to force, down the throats of its gullible readers. PoltIyl6clfi:r4JTiHoand the counsel and wituisVi!" on J ItberlTe,5cafout con tributors to the JuutfUoan but tfjey r cabtiot, without 'outsido hell) manufacture: all nftliA an. perlattve j'tvs whlglj ;a,dotrv the ' ' " ;'..,., '"' " "' ' i ' 1 ' '' . " . ... "T" I '" .. .- -. READ- AND , columns of the Republican, a u'it oration of Radical officii! could alonofill the bill. ' "The proof of th? padding Is in tbobdg" and lo nbbtantiate what we assert, we quote tbo're merely i)ue lie (one h a timeis enough) which we find la a ar ticjs in the llepMican of .tbe .21st last., oa "The Southern Situa tion, in which t says ; J "la the issue. .ot -Marcb lltb, U waa cLiuiad th thoro va In the South kn rniyef two hnndreA thousand men, fully equiiiBfJ and randy for.n'hatflveTmigHoc-. cuf.-ftWcoB bp ab doubt that tjha. Iter gi'Vil was Mo" small. Tha orgatino:! railiuryih the Smith nuinb.,re not leos than tbrea hundred thouKond maiv all of whom, or nearly all, coald" taka tlie, fluid In Lua thaa a week and ft snarl eiimpBiC" wilt tuivka them a Totonn nnny',''w ppa at tho worMhaaeversaoa.". ,-, ! .. If th man who writes such stuff would only- bolieveahori) solves, the lies they tell, how.hap py life would be to US all I Bat they are' manufactured add writ ten and published for a' purpose i-the purpofle' of eithor securing tho con tin ued ascendancy of 'tha Republican party in power of in the event of the', failure of, suqh a scheme, to again plunge the country into the throes of civil war. The author . and instaga tors ,jof such a lie 'are as great traitors to the liberties of the people a Beeohor is to tlie vittue of womeu, the honor of men, the sanqtity of the marriage relatiqu. and the written and unwritten' laws of botb Odd and man. :) , a: nHIT MAN' PARTY, ' ;'" The Wilmington Jakrnal com-i meuts upon and endorses remarks frorathe Fayetteville Gazette wi the Magnolia" 7?""t?,: in favor of drawing the' color '' line In poli tics in this State. Vf o would remind pur coterupgrarics of the fact ; that 'this is precisely the the position taken by tlioKE Deb Herald last, summer, i and, from which we have never been tempt ed to; deviate. . We; are'.not,1 by any means, in favor of cnjolingtd the negro ojr truckling to his pre- judioos in our politioal relations withi'inm ; anu unaor no circum Btahoos; as we have known thoin during the past five years, would' to 'fisk him to Vote with our party. The door for his admission is al ways onftn."lT. la ti tioi nii-A Ltr' u enter whenever ho pleases, , and . , , i L..4 10 will yv weigoiuy, rouii wo. wiu peyer beg him to come into .uie 'fold. The.- Deipocratic party of the State is parexceUence,the party uf ,tueJEhjteraanx'for as a rule, none-but -white men - vote-W4tu that party, and on their own uu , aidecb strength have' they ielied for the vwtones of the past years, and mufit continue to rely for those of the future .-,vIn legisla tion, it'is the boast qf this same whiteiuan's party that tho laws they enact are ' for tho benefit nf all classes nnd irrespective, in that, of color, linos or party lines, 6c' anv other lines that would serve to divide the interests of the people; 'J, ,; ,., , , . , ,, We repoat that tlie timo is past in which, a wUito mau oan so bum- ble bunsolf be? and "of tho nejrro his voto. We s have seen every fair and manly and honest effort used' to induce the colored element to align itself in the ranks of the whiten, thoif natural friends and allies; and we honestly think that ha honorable' effort was'left untried for such aa accomplish raent. Jt has always proven ; i failure and tlie negro musl now oq ice aioue to come to ,nis senses himself. ... . . f;. V f . Lfrt tho line .be drawn, then and let it be close and clear and emphatio, until . at length no white man who has any claims, wutueyer, to docoucy aud respect ability, .will dare to show hitnsel in the ranks of the cneinics of his race, ;-.-: . .:-"'',.:, .v-A--j;:iO ra-Tta flay- 0est ifathad' of jljni'ltw SobTUsu.v (PvifTryATOB : In reply to tlVS inquiry of 'Now Sub? as to tha 'best method of , savlug pea vino bay I give my expet leuw, which1 has bean one of twenty -odd joars, and which has provud most' satlsfitctory." I,' 'generally 'beglu to gather as soon as the ' Ural peas bugln to rij)r ciff with iliarji weeduijf hoe,- and pMcr1 letting tliem lis until evening, and lliflivc.R'klftg wpt'tliough I haie 'put tham iip Aj fast is gathered. 'Tny ihohld neer be s&ekea up wliil wet wM aitber Hew or Titck them; Bt procu'rs two poles 'a little larger tbati t)we nesfu7 fur a fod 4at staxki'atHl bediming about 4 t-M ftdm thi btrtnm,'iiall on sboithiws of nbnt' 20 iuebos in length, fery apsrt all tla way' ttpt 'Then shik tlai po!"4 r t'lu tha ground, and about eight iVt apart, and 6iy two rai's a'fowi tba ntoiu sliouKrersi 0110 on eacbsida of posts. To stick tbs peasj' drlvo tlie loadert wsg'ou tip close 'to the stack, and thrtiw on tho ' vlhe till they reach the second ahoulder; lay on two rails, an pile the vlnas" as befbra, and so aft 'till reaching tha tin, laying In rajli'across at thny are naedod, In j nf'iiig oh ttiPtcp iaycr,roaRc n. m-; i ban tli oilire, that U may project over, so as to protect tha lower parts. By wing more , tbestsclt can bo lengthened aa Vouch a needed.- To use, 1t la tetter to b4;in at fhaboKoiftjdrawbig out the lower rails, so 'Uw tor) wllf still ba protection, ml if bar-room i plent iful, It is best to rentwd-ajem to aa soon as cured, and packaway. ' v ; Tbewwyhyectlon I have ever bad to the bay thus savcd.was tbat stock wasted them a great deilf but tlia two years I have used ttcutmi kn)fj,fhc.pp!iigl' e''9llS mraawral days feed, and salUngJhe tdf VmM f VaV'solutloof s'' and war; terr'anil since then',, liaval found if fully equal to anything of the kind I ever used, keepinglSItn catlle" and horses fiealthy; and In good order while li lasts. ; " y : ' . ,.t.!si ,-l-tr - :i: !: nF.-H.'JOSDAK : Ta!lassee,kAla.; June. 8, .1875. ' " , Ae have no doubt tha, above is aq esce1" JenpWn:" It plight be wolf to:'hiake. the tint lay erjbf wheat straw, as tlie lattef shedB water bottr than pea vines, and none of trio vines could then be damaged by epos u'relto woatWr. JFd. Smtk-tt Cultiva tor; i -' !i;;':;,.-i-.v'ii , Cavo Deposits as Manure. j '; ' I send yon per express three specimens bf eave dirt, from a cave on my place, said by judges, goad is hiaimro. " I send some dried and soma wet (in a paper by itself,) hs it came oui of tho cave also, some al most w bito, wuich carao'ont of same cave. Please , analyso and; report through the Southern plaiitatloufl.., I. .;Prlde, 'Eve niiles west of uscumbia, Ala. ,'" , : , , I The above siunples were received in good ordor. . Tboy . we genuine cave deposits, and are doubtless mixtures of the, material of the1 cava with the excremohls jf bats. I shall desigiiata thcrti as numbers ' 3 and 3. Number 1 is the nearly white 1 variety, and was, when received, '(pitte moist. Ob guttirig it through with a knife, it presented a 'mottled appearance of white yellow ': and browni Exposed to-tho air' it soon dried into a brittle, hard mass, which crushed easily under the weight of an ordinary pes tle. Number ? Is the dark brown variety, aud consists to a . large extcht, ' of 'small Scales, the remains of insects which furnish the fopd, for the bats. Jt, is vary light, ,and ; was,when repelvcd,ncarly devoid of hygros copic moisture. ; ..,,, Number .3 is tlio yellwv or-yolldvlsh hrown 'denosi'tj and is' inu'oh heavier than UhWof tbe .others,' Wo give bcioiy, the, Pj. .7.5-' ....-.I ,:l ..n.lill.-'jl amounts oi nurogen ana iuusynunt: ubu they contain; ' N6' 'potaslj "' was fotmd in! ythersahiple";''1'';- A, ";''' '; :.'' j j- itwlon, Phpsphoido Add." Hu. a..;;. .; ;,,'',,'.,' ;', yj'l,. No. 3 ' a trace' ' ;-';.p "' 0.35 . Numbers ,1 aud 2 liave greatest agricul tural valuo than number 3, siuoo tliqy con tain mora of the ' vatnabfb' ' plant food. Number 9 Is, howover, tha'yichest in' phos. phflo. acid.' .' These dopostts niaV 'be nsod With great advantage upon all our crops either alono or In ootnpost.' ' ' '' .Number 3 mixed with either 6fthS 'oth ers, would plve better results upon oottoh than whar used alone. ;These deposlta.j if ntillisod jiroperly, ought to be a source of; great profit to the owner, since tuny am far superior as a ftfitillizer to tha ordinary jiQtne fnawires Mtbioh re known to be val uable for lmpro(njr our 'soil.f-ffouffierh rinntatton..' ' " , - Wo are glad to bo able to give the above analysis of bat manure, by Prof. Snubhs, of the Alabama Agricultural College sev- enil of our readers h&Yhig ashed hr liitbr- tnation as'to Us'taTua ' Two , of tho' samples are ; hiore highly ammonlatod than a staiidard o6tt fertilliier should be, contaiiilug. eay' 3 "per cerit.of nttrogon to'.Q ofpaosplijaic.', ,acldr-3 to !10 would ba'a bettor .ratio... They, '..ought 'to inake excellent fijrtilizers for grain,rSou- era Cultivator. NE.VV., ADYEfVflSE S1ENTS. . flOKNE'8 PORTABLE GALLERY ; . WILL BE locabd at Wadesboro'two or Uueo weeks. PHOTOGRAPHS a Lspaclaitty. " tarrsiztsrat $3.00 per cloisen.. 8 X ,lQ,nioely cplorod, for only five dollors, ; This Galleiy ivlll go to Meltonsvilie fiom noro, wnoro it will remain only 10 days. uau toon ere tiu substance flies. Tent be tween Marshuu, A, Co. aud the Old Uuclc To f Young Men. Just Publuied, in a Sealed Envelope. 4.i 1", 1 " , : ,. ., '.!.,?;;,. . . , Trice eix cents. ..Vf: '.;t A Lectnre sn the Nature, Treat, neat, and Kidlctt cure ot Seminal Weak uom, or cparmaturrhoea, lndnced by Belf Abusa, Involu iUry .Emissions, Impotaacy, Nervous Hubliity, and impediment ty Marriage terjlfy ; Cont umptioo, Epilep sy) and J?1t;'Mwital audf hVKical incapaci ty, eto.-lj KOBEKT, 4. ClJLVlCKWKLL, m. p., auiuor ot tba "Ureeo, Jluon," etc. ' Tm WorH renswned author, la this ad mltyba Lecture, tiatrly provas from bsews experlunca tbat tba awful coDseoaouecs ot sun auuse may be irxctully reaiovea witu out raedlcinea, and wltbont 4anjrerous eur. Kiialsopora'ioiu, bougies,, lnstrumeiiU. riuits,'ortcordi4t : poiuilng out a mode ot Cnri'jHt; net carttlS aud efftfotnal, by which, m aonaition y ear? uimseu ouesiiiy.pri &"77 la Jfctot wfff prove1. a 6o5ii tothoii- mtiat ana thoumnd. " Sent uhder tea), In a pla'n etTelnpe, to any auaroan, pop-)'aiU, OU reccip 01 SIX canto qr two jMssuipo- i t ; , Address the Publishers,' , , , T 1 " CIIAS. J, C. KLl.Mi&CO., milowry, New ITorkJ Post"t)fflco Box, 4589. 43 ly. KELVYN NUBSEY, For '0nimiirJ3ai4J f feerv f serif t:on. IttsboroVCbatharaXlo.; V. C " -THIS NTRSER1T, EXOMTSIVELY devoid to Ornamenlal Hants, for the impMvemaot private places, - public grounds, Parks aiad Cemoterles, and fcr tne supply of Flower seeds, green-housa plants, bulbs and flower-roots or- sajrvisoription offers 1,800 varieties,, and over 100,000 stront; plants for tLe spring- awlsumiuer of 1875. - i .'."r'-'rl AVe supply 200 Vaiielies of tieautifiil Ever greens, ilicluding all sizes of Magnolia Uran-' diflora. -,. a . : ' Also', collections of JJftowerUi'rSlhrubs at $5, $10, and $25. :;. . Flower seeds in ol!ectiuts by mail at W awl $1.'- - " ' ':' Plants for fmprpvements made . and esti inates prepared.' Bend fbr full Descriptive Catalogue, free by mail. t r.c.r: ?.-fi v. ., C. B. PENSON, 81-tf. " ' - , PUtsboro', N. V. You can the ''Pee Dee Herald" Unn7 inrWrO wanted to sell "Thepeo IHILiA AUljulU pie's Common Hooao Med ical Advi6er.'f : It is the cbapeat book pub lished J 8S5 pages Over 250 illustrations, $L60. Thousands buy It at Bight who could not ba induced to purchase tha high priced books treating of Domentip- .Mo,.l cine. Unlike .other book sol through agents thli work la thoroughly advetiaod throngliout NortU America. TuIb fuct, to gether with tha lartfe- sia, elegant appear anoe, and many new features of ,tlie book, cause it to sell more rapidly than any worn eve published In thi country. Those of my agouts who have had experience in still ing books, siy that in all tbeir . previous convasjlng ttcy never met with .success or madp so large wages, as since coinuinsclng the galoot my work. ' For territory, adilriBK (inelOHing two postage stamp and stating oxperieiice) K. V, 1'iurce, M. D.j World's Dispensary, Buffdb, N; 7. Note. -Marx onvelope'lfor PupllaMnjr Dep't. n ZZM 1 -jiJifeSa-! m.!l'-.- 1 1 if V77T 2 Ibfislt',: NEW uomjon. cohn; ! ManiifiuitnrHrH ( Cotton Olus... C ttfin'Gin Feeders. Cuiidi nsers and Cotton Gin .ilatc iitu Hi rvi-ry uii"it'ivu. m . - buco in usu biriy yoi'B. --ni hava aa t-t-ta dUhud r. putatlou for simplicity, siijlit runn Dt, d(irl(.lllty,'nnd for quamitv. and quality . 01 I nt , produced. Our feeder is easily attached to tha utn, and easily oper ated by 'any band ot ordinary liitelligeuc!). They ais taoaimyltsi ana ueapijaL l-,fi. 'njarlrot at S &'ff -'t'! '-:. ''"'.jri tv then Is Bossibla" ty "band,- laorealiH tba outturn ii a givou S olsarerfau I bottur nuo plo. At air Falrs'wuBia. 'exhibited .iud by riiintcKhav'iitr tham iu use, t.Hoy have been accovuuJ flii) lilgiiuBt scoiiiuuia. Out Con acnsoiBaru wen uiajc, curuuiu. huu Bimpiu incouotolttttutiAii'id'o what is required of thein rapidly 'ana well. No addl'ibual pow er id rcnulrnd to srtvo tbe 1'eedor or Co'. dojisur, and lio-Oiu is eorapiuie w'nh out thtiui -rVearertparidtriirii(,to any renaouabfe extent, perfect satisfaction t ivry pUTcba er Circulars,; price and lull Information furnished. Addrs as above, or apply to Jus. Lytcb, Xaariuburg, N.f. ALBERTSON'S SEGMENT SCREW 1 GOTTON PRESS- -". Unrivalled Ibr-aiiuplieUy, speed, conveur lence and durability. Makes a 5501b. tmlo with one torse unl only .18 rounds. Screw, 10 incbos diameter and 10 feet lou. for circular wltb description, testi monials and iiatncs of agents lu the South, addrun J. M ALBiiR L'S' )N, New tondofi; Ct WATEU'. OWJCALE ?IAPS are the best made ; The ioncli elastic, and a fine singing tobe, powerful, puro even. - . WATERS' CONCERTO ORGANS euunot bo excelled iu tone. or, bewy i they doly coirtpctitlou. Tbs C6'ricextil',Slop is a ana Iraitorton of -the Hainan Voice. . -, ' I'nce's IKxtrcmely Low for cash during' this Month. Monthly Iustulmerit recuived; Pianos and Orguus to Let, aud Kent-Money allowed 'If purchased Second, hd ltotru ments at. Great Bargains. Ageuts Wanted. A . libiyu. discount to T,eachers, Mlolstcre, Cbiir,clj3s, Schools, LoiiycS, etc. Special' Inducements to the' trade. IUui trated Catalogues Mailed. HOKACR WATBUS. A. MU.N'S, 4SI Brorfdway, New tdrk. Box 3.MS7. ; PORTABLE ENGINES. The best iu Alio world lor UiuuinK Cotton, Qriudlufc .Oorn, Sawing Lumber, and Gen eral Farm or Flautatlon purposes. Btatitm ary Engines . ami Boilers of .ail sizes for all uses, Griet-Millp, Baw-Mil's, ghinsjle Ma chines, and General Maohluery,' Batislac tiou euarauteed.: Bend lor Circuluars and prices to tlio .: '."'i , ;:., : Chillicothe Foundry & Machine Works, . Chillia.tbe. Ubio, , .; tDriease say lu What paper you saw thi. WATCHES & JEWELRY Miit by Express with tlie priviiego to 0JC;n' piickAges and examine goods before paving for them. Vrite forprk:ei L (iOady, Halifax, N. C. $5B :10 $10:00 Haebceo iDveatcd in Stock privileges Atpaid OOOrSsPllOFIT: ItXriuf Tin d PrvnL- nn tATnll Bf, lArrt'Ofla"' Tnmbridge & Co., Bankers and Jkokcrs. a wallet.,' X. x. ' . - ' ' ,. . , - IT? A G ' TUa eboicast in Um world Jauw. in InDorters nrice- LiruhstCom 'patty. I Amaricu-r-staple article-pl ev ery oouy-1 rauo conlluuiuiy .mcroaslng Agerris "Wanted evcrywbere best. ' nftna--mentedon't waste 'tirriBSd for olr n in to Jiolifrt Wolia, 43 Veaey St., N C. Box l!T. ' ' t v ; ;-- TUP WVV V STTtf 8:1 pages, M broad tuu.uiiuujJl am aomuins, Irora now, to New Tears, ew Tears, prut paid, 60, f t.'; ., Aiidr fiUK, f. I.."' f r - ' . Taa A WKEK gnaraatoed to Maie and Foiuala Ai'isits, in their locality. Cost NOrttlNO to try it;J I'ntttrj. uluia Fro-.! P fyXViCKWH-io- Ctt; angnstp.-j9.,.; u)) ,,, i n, j;,,. , p8YCHO.f ANCY, OR BOVL'CHARM ' Ie ,'' , , How eliliwr sei may faneiut and r dn tlie lovu aui affections of any per-' son tlisv chcxwK, Instantly.' This art alUaiv posses, frets, by mull, for iVcouts j togitiier with a MtrriRi-n Guiiln Ei'vnMiin Oraplp. Draams; illtita to Indies, Btc. .'.O.liQO 1 1; A aue,.- book. Address I. IVILLlAJdb Ac ' ; ' THE BROWN C0TTOH8IS CO, :apr;.r. few-. 1 , ... i.JLmk : "-" CO., lUQ's, I'hliadeipbia, ;v KA: seasipe 'J i.OTriiMBVT: SO X flta T;r; J,Whr. WtWsS 'oYmH MaylVt to betober 1st open to such y.sUor. oul, a. th, ' Sigued "iay be Willing Jadmit to ids family c ircle He hopes to renew his pleasant acouaintanoe with all formor guests of tlie Atlantic Hotel. . ,,. ),, l ,t t ITepcuhar situation of tins bouso aftbrds all the pleasure of a rafir wUknt peril orsea8lcknesst - sT? 3SrQ-jiriJlES1 1;; .MCPlTpES . rIJli;: . Bftthin" IIoiisM are attatched tp tbeiouse, where guest may atonceenjoy thortil rating effects of salt watar. aud learn the art 9C awitouuog, -Surf-as igooit. as sny WU . , the coast. :-t V:-V. v1. 1 hU.l,. yjtxA. vv mi.vj. r. rAm,m' mlnrn trhrvl fur the SeBSOU. Sli.fiA f KT Special contracts made With families and Excursionists. Liberal reduction to , i early visitors. Children an4 servauts half price. rTpVlVT t.J..x . ? 6-tf. is " : ' f - ' i GEO. W. CnALOTTE, jProprilbr, j hi w- p ,, 5.- A: u a:. H a Ul x v 3 ra H W 111 O 'A 1-1 fi -! P Q 7 Dresse d Flooring, Ce il iiig a nd Wen t her Boardiy Mouldings forBulllitng p rposes In Gieaf Tarlety, Newels, Havd-Rails andBallusiers. fW'OUD TURNING OF EVERY DEMCKI I' T 1 0 j r I : GOOD ANJDSUBHTANTlALf woua maue as cneap at tn is establish. - inent as can be made in tlie United States. We have on hand the largest . iitck of the aliove South of the city of Baltimore, all of whioh We guaraiitoa i- ll niipu on'flefnntinn'tn nil who ,,rii,i HiiUscrlbers aretheonly PRACTICAL M ECU. AN ICH Sash. Blind n.r Miikors by trade, currying on till- bnsiuess, in the City of Charies. ' i- n id phi centiwmen an over -mi fMnrila, usto-tho Ctiaraeter of their - o .. . ., . XCVf'HiL i:,-Ou account of the mauner in which wehox tip onr' work,' ind ouru sumptiou of the risk of hreniui ot iss With ordinaiy naudllD uur gix ds ure shipped over tho rouds in ua (;rf at saving to'the'pttrchaser of our W.F.RU$,Ll.& CO,, Charlestons. C. JS. 7. WAD DEL L Arent in Cheraw. P 7 COPPEDGE .May 14-6w. . WILMINGTON. I..C. LINES, . '.. . . r- " S E MI-VVIMUvM, V ' Fast Freight Route to ;-, . .. BALTIMORE.- BaUiiEore and Wilmington Liue, -! -SAILING FltOU PALTIMOHE r UAV . Si: FRIDAY At'.:! 'p. (in. ' AND FK01I VVILMINGTON -r; . WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY.; V GIVING THttOtfeH BILLS OF LAUING TO ALL POINTS LN", , North and Sooth CafolinaV Georpa and Alalania. For North or East bound i(' ) Freight to Baltiraoror New York, Philadelphia", Boston, Prevideoca,, j. t.21 Fall Jiiver and other Easter.a;, Ci ties Also,: to'Liverpool; .'' - a "Glasgow, JJremon, Antwerp, and other y Jjfj ' , ,-,;:,,..,( ' ; ' Kuropean porta , . " - ' . . These' Lines connect at Wilmington with the Carotins Central Railway sod" ;, with oonnecting lloadi, offer unequal faoilities for the piompt delivery of freighj to all poinis,', . , ,!.., ,., ,,. , .. ' '4 ' i Rates Guaranteed as Low as bv any other ' RouteLosses or OverchariM - . '. t !' Promptly paid, ,-, - ... ."i j ; lr MARK ALL GOUPS VIA WILMINGTON LINES -m I -For further information apply. to eitberof tha undeienrd Agents of LjM I EDWIN FITZGERALD, ,, i , ;'.;.. it,..f'WM'. P. CLYDE d CO., . I 1-jrr.Agebt Baltimore Line,' ' -""Agent Ndw York Lines"", t . ;t '" ''" 50 South gt., Baltimore.' ' ; M bowlitg 'Greeu"-Ne York. '',.','A,D.eAZAtJx,'j' ' ." - ,-'- ' ; ni i U - i -AgeBt Baltimore and New York Lines, Umiagtojili'. C. . -P, W. CLARK. .",ft ' - it ; O en. freight Act. Oaroliua Central Eailway, Charlotte & Wilmington. . ft :: lNov!'14, 74-6ui " .";'"'..!, .. ; t'--J ' - :-'if.t,f.f4r.:;-!;r:.- ii'f v:':-'.'::J '. D-v 1 ft t,. , l . . W 1 " - i, j. . -Ul HACK LINE. ' , :,. ., . - - ... . ! ' Wl DIS7RI TO CALL TBS AfTKHtlOM OV TUB poMlci. generally.' tor the fafet; that i t WU1 , a haek froui Wadesboro, N Cj'to Caeraw, B. O, . .! ..""; Leave JVadesboro TnosdavS and Fridays at 18 M.. arrtviiur at Cheraw 6 P. M. . taaVt Cheta Moadsvs and Thttrsdava at I TA.iL TliOai'SON Ai- I R "V' l, ''S 3 O p-V'O'-g" 2' 1 . i . ; . . ' , - ' . ', . I' REMEMBER. , r , resort, ; , ; it FAVORABLY- INTRODUCED TO ark.. QralltoatlecLurf. i. - c r? p w o H d 9f to ittt .1 Wlint Brood and auoatantlal urnrk taw hraie. ucorKia. orin caroiiiis work for the pasttwsuty years.. this Htate at HALF RAT.EB, whicS i work, riu.):i, s ,'m.JL & CO., Agents in Wattesber .T i:' ,1 riJi) all Points East or West NEW lYORK. CljJe's WilmiDgioir Line, '' t ' Jo AILING FROM N15 w" YOItk, TUESDAY" A FRIDAY AT P NL ,;; -AND TKOM .WltMlKOf otf-' VVEPNDAY SATURDAY. . f 64 vi'i., c3. 53 3 j a .'. . . O . o M o ,vi. O .A' ; y V f v4f-r; WADEBO0V',f t hATJPTAlTE RTTOPS. BUGGIES ;ROCKAW-AYS,. HAfr ,ness,,aaddles, Bridles, &c-, mad JS repairedatthe WADESBOUO CABEIAlt Saora, (New Stand, Intersection ofBuiu- erford and Morgan streets.) Prices to suit 'tlie tlinos:r -s JOHN C. McLAUCntP. 5-tf. A i

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