1 1 TA 111 V ' ' - -.- - U; II I! ' " . " i.; f-s U i I WJ II J . . 'T ' Ok ni I T f j 1 '! Vv I Htt i.. v..- tU J ii i:iv," M ! 1 I1 M 1 rr ..,,,,, -,: ' 'Vol a; -vi ""!''"" '" " ' ! T ' ' ij ' TT t ' 1 J Ji PVBUSHK9 BI JOSH T. JAMES & CO,. . IU&SCBIPTIOS BATES t On 5fWti. in dvaoc.;.i. 35 A"" vHTXBXISISa BATES 1 1 ,' , '- X Bq,$100 2 sqH xj 3 sqt 8 (H 4 8qf" 4 00' looL - 5 00 JcoL 10,00 lool. 2000" - $350 -uoo t00 1050 le.oo.'-i-si) 6o 108L0 00,35 00 IS 0o '2SW '4S00 223000 .-i 60 00 80 00 40 00 55 00 109 00 3800 '''nwifjojyjypjri Corlogton AttfLtfntoD WBOLB84LB A KKTAIL DRUOOI8T8. J. C. Marshall it Co., ' ' ' v ' " f V. 1 OENEEAI. MERCTJANPISK, P. J. ppedge 4c Co., - !.TI."' : 0E.NBEAL MEHCHANDISH CrAwfora dtCrowder. 'PUT OOOD8. tf. H. aamr 0 ENSEAL, MERCHANDISE W H. Patrick A Son, , . OEOCERIE8 & OONFE0TIONER1E8 Dargan & Pemberton, '' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. D. L. Baylor, CABRIAOR M AKUFA'TTPRKB P. A. Grlmilef, hArvtKR. I, II. Ilortoa, W. II Patrick, BtWINO KACHt.VB AOBNT Corimtoa, . ; :" f' ; f ' WH1TB Bin, liS AIB CesrirTIOHKHlH. BULK IB STOTBB in SiSmCTCBUR OV T1B-WAKB. W. J. Patrick, Tsllor. T. W, Dans, ' ' i ' -j. Watch Maker and Eajrraver. Garris & Mills, .. .. , "' ' ;r " TJtX it. 'hbbmWss bab ckubs, a. WILMINGTON. James Walker, in.: I )X Ui; i t. .. . Marbi .Woreb Ed ward i Maaa, .Y&aidtrar;:; f . .. Books.. -t,7.-;-,Hr ii v John Haar, , i-GMt P. t.amb; !- M'jii- t tif.vri , ft vH .'iif 9 nt Florist. rI FMtHnliAinf rni.kilnr. f ' f .. r . ; f ; Lumber, Ac. IT. Jacobi, , t Hardware. t a1b or, Craw 4c Co., t .T-t- v . Wholesale Groceries. Joha H Allea, Jr., - jeweler. r: -.l Qroccrle. C. l Myers & Cai, frrA i'('I.H,'llVv !'' Groceries and Wipes. Mart Parkar, Tarlo"-.-,r; '-Ilardws'relj Ji. SmiUi dCo., Furniture. Jaikes'intcCormick, ' Vi X - " ' Merchant Taylor, T. TrY.;Brown & Sons, T " ; : O Watches, Ciocksand Jewelry CHARLOTTE.-; 4 'Charlotte CltY Mills. .A.- WwF CnthbertjcHi, ;. . . . w c;. !.. Jh.. at ITisbet & Bro., i t 4 ': ConfecMonerels. (J. ConfecMonerels. argess Nichols Co., 7 T" Furnlt'ore. Ir.m. . . nroprIetar DiJiflotte Hoi el fciiftflotte Hoi el :'.KM.'.'n::-",:':f-i,,. Vrojiir AgVlotiltural Woiks D. A. 8nalih & Co.. . S. Purefoy, Bouts. : ;:rn,r . - -"V - WADESBO ROUGH ; "II' .!. . !. i ,l ... I ...I i, ii I, , l j'! , j ","'. vCUi :. i jf ... "i'', I 1 "Yon'ehatr not remain here i & wilUng captive, fettered low Ki ltfchainaoflora, is kneeling n j Pefore the shrioa Of all bis bopeaV- ' Ahl but thou, then, no feeling f ' . , - -k - - ' ! The homage of a loving heart " ; la thinetwill aewr felter, i But aver will ita tribbta bring - . v And wilt thou not a look bestow ! On him thy smile imploring ? ' ' -r .. .... . ,. UDi look utptt7--iook jq love, l i Spurning 'the opr&ig, bat My neart and do not sever . JTJie chord divine that buds my life, , I i 'And seala mo thine forewi, " , f. ' n ' ' 'WmrW xpresly lor ihft HbbaldJ Av CRIMSON HEART; OB, WHICH SHALL TRIUMPH, .INNOCENCE .OR GUILT. ;- . , ...:,s..t ...i , .... , ; , ,, WtU BT SCB J. JBSSAMIKB PI9K8ON, op korth Carolina; : -.-tr: i-tif ji,.f ., 11. iri ACTHO Of TH DIAMOND' BRACELET, DaeW nambern of tb "Herald," con taining he priced ig ckap'ers of thin story can be had by subset ibers ii desired. ' CHAPTER VIH.. .,- AN CNKNOWN ENEMY. ' Cnuld we but cast one look ahead Into tlie future dark and dim; And see what lies in wait for us, : Our pulsing hearts would cease to beat. .. One yea .had rolled on into the silent past, since the events recorded in ourjwo last chapters, but Sir'Arthur Clarendon and hi youthful bride still lingered Wt-the tilliiie ton. Several times he had avowed his intention of returning w uuauuu, auu repair" in g his-residence, but each time Inez had said j ' ; ' , "Do not go just yet Arthur, but let us remain where we are for,a,time longer, for; I am. hap pier' here than I will be in '.Jion-' K i. ' ' l j t .,!. ........... dOD., i. OQAeagftwme e4naa given up goingjJaorder to grtijfy her; wishes, and ' summer' was again bathing the?eartMltt the golden, glory of her mellow sunlight, and thejr'were till 'iff thfe quiet little village 'of " QaLui. where rf they' were 'kfjown!, 6'nly,' as MrJ and MrsJClarendon,' for a few days! after their marriage the minister; who - performed, the ceremony moyd away to parts , unkpwn,' reveal thrBecretAheir identity;' and so they lived on,, too . happy in efl,ch, other s,; society, to care,' Or pay. any ati.eui.iuu to wastwsa beinj ! enacted fiStj.tooUtsidti world ; j IneZj Vwas la, a 'p'erfecl paradise oi'rtleligbt, for never be fore since. vherf.;iovelt parent's deaths had she lived so happily or -been , cared tenderly, She had now laid asde - her 'sablf garments,-substituting ..white ir their stead, and Sir'Arthur wouk often fondly 'declare as she flit ted about him, with her whit rooea iniiiD? arounu ner .lorui, like apist of enwy cloud, that all England did not contain an other as fair asrshe. , One event log. as; they sat togetfier In the dusky twilight, he drew her bead down upon his bosom sayiog i, - "1 have; Deen,sstuayingfto-uj little wife, aad fe.awiTiade.Up my mind to start ( tor London toj night.' I cn'rindtr keep yon hert longer my darling, for it is not right'to keep our-marri tge con tealed : itisTwyoairiog-: you. for you ifrxowit rur noi.-wrnong,'" DtT. tore our chud 1 born, v and the truth of burfJli'nl()oi should be esi tablislied before' that time, i Wfral .y you little Onw?"; . I i"Oh, .Arthur,", she niun'uu'red, will ha tto.'kmjly; don't leave me to-night. "You shatr not " remain here long daHingV foH'wiU retttfri in ouroityjhome, and fbutHwe will never -. a gain i.be aepaeatadf u mil disunited bydeath , 'he replied at he . stroked the a dark j tresses iBut Arthur,, a month w. iW ong,1t ; ill : 'iomv like; an' ige prithoat yoa;Wl f-I ; wUr write, tb; 'you iwi i week untiM return? abdii will k ep 'yoiiC employed '.answering my; letter, so thertiuie.w ill not seem balf. as,; loo,; ad.dar,io your leisure hours, you. oau r sit with ;ilr, XT6sv''4'( J '.w.ilt.'irswf, you will not miss 1 me," he added in a gay mirthful fone, 8he rats ed her eyes to his face with a look of chifdishi fender, Hi n;rerl1ed': IVDdlluaiU BBS lUVUVUl VVBy Kf.t. 1 f WU W 'Nbt smi88 f 6t ?pb Arthur' now eouia you, say eucn a.tning, Jwbeif you Mow that you are'all the one in the ider . wide world I w horn Xlif ve!d1oe' alidj all the one who loves or.aresTtDftj'' And equiclt'teara her .eyes "vVri "Did I wound you little one I Forgive' me' darling' And )o!d- ingiuer closer po. nu oosom, qe benfbis headland i kidSedthe aniverinsr tins 'that were raised to, meet bis 0wn. She did not re pty,' but at quiet for some -mo-Tnent8,-'aqd 'then lifting her eyes to his 'face she; asked : -,. ;- : "wiia.it ;yqa snouio; .never come back Arthur ' 7, ;;;.,! - "What it i shoula never come back?;, Why little one, do yoti think. I am going to forsake you ?" ;:,,(0b no;" shejreplied, l,as not thinking about that, but then you know something might hap pen." ' ' H- . 1 "Nothing can happen that will keep me' away from triy darling longer, inau, me time A,uiive men tioned ; so- cheer up, and" brush those, tears'fa way for'dearest J will so awav verv heavv hearted if I, aba forced to leave you'; this way: 1 Look '.up love, and let me see the, clad sunshine of youf happy f smile.'-. ; She raised,,. her tear-wet eyes to his tender, though rather grave face. And re- piieawitn a iami smite: cn f 1 '"It ;is' hard to;'appeairr''happy dlar' Ar thur when: my . heart il so sore K)fiit ieemf til fife ;thatr this parting forbodes .newj evil. -. Oh Arthur" we taavtf-beea' 'Jbappy together, the past year has been the one brigbt spot , pi rny befd.re gloomy life, but now, we part shall we ever be happy again, 9r shall we ever meet again ' '"Why should we not my love, only a hundred miles will He be tween' .us. O ne' i mb.n th at the iartherest, and L will be with y(u again, and tog'ethef We will laugh at these iooliali,fear8.1vtStjll she he the satisf'aotion of. sing.4 you look hjappy Jbefore I' " go,'' ana he'ari ng you promise fobe as happy' as Uou can until ! return." Jw-ah,., j i am very ioousn .rinur iw distre8a..ybu,but I will.'do so no more:" Apd resofmely dashing away the tears, .she raised her eyes to his face, "while a swee smile nppltxl about her delicate mouth- ' ' ' " '.' ' " ;" 1 '"My 6wrf brave little daHing,' Art if lu r fifBHA.l rica'sa lriua sVfk'fsiAi a!Ua iiv gntuuiQii, uot vrayaw w uii wrtrj,irue hert, ftnd;CQntiou'e.jj "You will try. and be -nappy 'while I am gone?'' ' "God t'bless-you' dearest 1 5 but noV I must make teady, and be off, for a few minutes' more, and the evening 'train! will "be in." And rising, he began preperationt 1 for'.his joiiraeyi hije;lnz,3jacki 1 ed his portmanteau.-; Juntas she had finished packing,' the train was heard' coming in, hd',it Was" baly'by aty effocfcitntlt'jioi; reslramed herJ-tear8.y wKen j he' vamtf to. her' arid ' threw his arm : a . 'L' f k - k ... . .1 It ', about her b bid her iareell,;; ' "Try and be typpy 4$rUng' he , Whiibe'redani let "me sed y.PliuK p'rightjai, joyoas od myTetwn.. .. .. v .j... -j j " VV rito to jnainiaaialiteiy u p Da your arrival ia Loulou Stz dtd tiot ' cease ' to" .weep uptu ..','Aly, dearest, let ,ini have C. WEDirESDAY," SEPTE1IBEB 15' 1075 j Ml l I ' ' ' "II . Mi 111 P. .'Hi , ,1. I, f I I thur." she . reolied. atrupclinsr tolinflf until Inez U'oratitue foruroti thur," she 1 replied, struggling to keep back, the quick tears: '" j ."I, will my lde.iref(' and will also look for a speedy" answer." 1 " ,''And you shall assuredly re ceive it dear Arthur ,.. ' (;"'! kntow 'it my.jlittle wife ; and nbwarewell 5Abd i clasping her convulsively to his bosom, he imprinted one t long idolatrous kiss upon her ..lip, , chwk, y and brow, then turned, and the next instant he was gone. ; ,!' ; ; '."Oh shall 1 ; ever-: see. him again ?. ' cried Ine x. rushing to the window, and gusiug after hut faet; retreating figure, ' until "if was lost to view in the gathering dUHk.S: "Hor. she cried, clasping hef hands to ber brow..; 'I feel thai all ' rby happiness, ; will! I nd this ni-jiht ph;( heaven 'Kelp me, for 'myheart, is Jpteakingf ' A'tid with a , loiw stilled, 'sob,' she sank sehselesS 1 to the fldor..'J.ur a sba; sank there ? Mka ,as,sti ickeu law u. I he 4oor .opened, and, ilrs, ivew, the laad-Udy made h,er ap peafance.,,, One moment she stood in i the door-way, gasing upon the ; beautiful, unconscious face,' and then coming to her side, she raised her in ' her arms, and laid her upon the bed murmuring: ; "Poor dear, poor dear I their first.'sepa'ration t ' reckon ;Tbut what a very child she is, not over sixteen no how ; 'and such a" love ly , face too., . Dear, dear, I, won der where there, is any water r Oh here is 'some I" and lifting a pitcher from the table, she poured the 1 water.) over , her hands, and sprinkled it upon; ( he pale,- white face,- It was sometime before she gave any signs of retnrhing con sciousness, and theu a long drawn bt eath 1 followed v by a low, sob bing sound ; and she : opened her eyes, and ; gazed vacantly about the room. , ,...'.:,','" . . . ': , , "Poor dear, wbat is it asked the kind hearted Mrs. I ved, bend ing above her. Inez raised ber eyes to. her t face j' and asked in a piteous tone : " " ' , ".Where is he?"': ' . "Wl.ere is who. dear ?" ' ! " "Why Arthur my husband' "lie is .gone dear, don t you know, he left here a few moments ago ? , He"; came to my room when . he; started off, and asked me to come up andi-sit with you awhilei''; . ' i 1 1 . si's 't.irt tt , it -j"Oh;yes, :I remember it all now, but. shall I ever see him again ?" And ' bursting1 intran uncontrollable fit of tears,!he buried hef fiW in, ' the 'pillows, and wept, 'as if, , her,' heart would break. Mrs.' Ive3 . looked ,mysti fied...but her tuotherly heart was toucfied, apd 'seating, herself ,6a ' the couch, she gathered , jtpe girl lia.her ibearij. and.askcdt ,rr . 1 - ii.r.'f; What; makes you,' think you will never see ;him again f.my dear ?!!:.isJ4,' 'j-.tf.-uf ci: v:.lp' "Oh I cannot f tell Mrs. ; Ives, but 1 feel as Jf a pall of darkness Wad tailed upon me; and I feel a if I should ' never again "be hap y; "T"""- 1 ;':''; o.'t ff.;.dB v.!..'-. ' ' "Ypii Ju'st' thi'nlt so dearie',' Is this' your first'sepa'ratlori ?" ' ."i " YesA rthur has never left me bef'01 e si rice'ouf marrtge and.ill 8. Ives he is all the friend I have in the wideWide world,' and should any t,hing.! happen to; hjmliso ije cantiot return, I will be all aloue, oil an .(lnHnlntH sn rlAMolat.A I" V ;N;4hipg! can happen . toVhim: child, so calm yourself, and don't gov ; excited, lor ; be wil I come back to you all right; v He loves' you. too dearly to stay away long. ' m. t, , r , i . . .r . i ""I: knowi he Iwimoom back Mrs. Ives, unless something hap pens-1 but I am so weak: and fool ish, and, 1" promised "Arthur tq try, ana ne nappy, out 1 am rpaa ing'a Very'DOof begfnning." And a taint mife buryed'hr lips. ' , ';frhaVy9V!e'.wj;'.phild,, and now cheer (up, and be happy ,t and leM'laugh. at .these. loolish fears,. for, th)re is, ua i'ouadation lor thaoi w . I dare say Mr i UlareudoQ will have a good. laugh when he returns, and I. tell. him about it."' And Mr."- Ives,' sat stroking back the girl's ? dark iusretaya.ud chatting, and laugh ing until Ines U'ort'a time: forgot her trouble,' and lay like it child listenia'g Id her,' now," and then smiling, 'as the;-good Mady re counted sotns pleaniagp anecdote or told some pleasingitory oik nected with her'yootbfiit day"; 4 Now' reader,, with your permis sion we will follow 8ir Arthur, who Reached the train jiistbefore it started, and hastily procuring a ticket,he ebtered the Car, and took a' seat'in ffoht ot a tall, dark complected mad, who occupied a back seat. 'As he seated. hhusclf, th'e ' tnitti' gaVe him V bise; '" iorii : t initing 'glance ; and 'when with a pdff and a' shriU wliis'lej .the locomotive" started 6ft, he bent over,1-' add .touched Sir 'Arthur's ar'iir asking 'y- ""'LT'f r Where , are you bound for stfanger?", '. pir Arthur ,ga ve , rjim a quick, sharp glaqce, i;d uiere- v, reinjoa: , . .ri UT-."Ja t . ."Ah indeed,, thatis also my destination, - we oau be company for eaoh'othe.rij''; iSir Arthur did hot reply (or somehow, he telt a kind Of repulsion' 1 for ! the man, aad wiihing to avoid a oorivraa tion with him. he turned his Mpk, and' drawing- oat a book-began to rpadT'hernatr watched, hirp for: a while, with ra serpentdike smile 'creeping about hie thin lips ,'and J,hea. arising, he passed into another coaoh and approach ed a low, burly fellowj 'who occu uied ,a 'back , seat, they : carried --' ' on a short conversation in whis pers,' and y hen the dark 1 ooirl plexioned than V"obc. ..tojenybi he eaid aloud i.-.-q't.U , .uuh-'t Now remember Bill, and get the eon vevanca ,' ready , a u ick as tossible after we reach London . f you do' as I toll; you, yoa shall be rewarded handsomely. t f i u AU ritfht, old friend, you may depend on 'tpe," replied the other, with a shrug ,pf the, pilrly shoul ders. W With a nod of the : head the manjpaised, out, and je-en- terei aue coaon," wuere rsir- ar thur s ill- sat perusing his book. About dav-breakv they changed Oars ; the man si ill keeping in the same coach with Sir Arthur. ' ' ',',"1 wonder ' who vbu are ?' "oft- loquusou that gentleman. oil look very muoh like some one I ha ve1 seen;',. Ah I, it is Helen Mel ville, yoti must be her father btif, let you be who you may, you are a strange looking customer,-' and I have a decided aversion to you.' I wonder. wha( you are watcping me so close for ? Ami 1 wunder why. you. persist .iu keepirig in hd same coac "Wili ra. Xtitir; eyes ( look very ranch', like '."Helen Me ville's,. ut 'Jt don'(ike ;theiii fof they haye'Q)"ev..vex'p'rfiMio'a'. X t does not look. posNible , tliat Helen Melville should bp a ooii-jin to my geutle wife. MuAh 1 Juez is butabeantif'ul : i.nnucwt childj, while she is a cold, haughty wom an of , the ', yprld." 1 'Thus he sV.t, soliloqtiiaipg to himself, quite nu- cqoscious"' thiit , the' bold,' black'. py.es or the man Demou hun,weie fastened upon hint; with'a mtan iog look that boded no good. At length nil ht came dow u, Citsting hor glootay mantle over all liv- uiy, bum ui uitiiiui ' , ui etuioy, auu: just at midoigut, tup, loooiutitive caiup thJindering D(u the city, ) ,s Keaph'ed ';j4Steqiiy Hir,., A rthur, . as he , sprog" sto . iw feet, and gathering up "his fopt-j rnanteau made tor the d ior, olone-J ly followed by the uiati, who had occubied5 a at i-lieliiud fhiuiJ Without,' the night waSn'pitCh) dark, heavy clouds loomed up,' auvA uuii a mvor ureu mma light over1 the slumbering city. "llow very dark" miiied Bir" Arthur, as he walled away from he' station."'" "I . will' -go to' a hotel to-night, but had I thought of. iL' I would have hailed acabJ Ah there comes one uow Hallon, driver j,'' he said ,nuj wore lor jthe. next moment be . was hurled ( to the ground, then some one sprang upou l)iiif;'iin'fa"ti$ihk ' a minute he was 'gaged,'arid! sej curely .bound hand andMo6 1,'" sd Ije opId", 'piak.tt-f..n.atMo4 , whateyerf. : As the cao whicii h4 hd triod tOj hl, 1 daw,' up, 'and ::,V V'J.h'lV. ?,.."; i:;:'"!,. ., . .,.,,11 .i, I I i II II )i i" n ill ' uHmneth' a man lentiYep him. aatll' psiusetl a man bentOTor him, ad, lussed-in h is m ' 0 " "Mil Sir1 Aithur CSarendoul I have you m my power at -last; and now your pretty bride may weep, and mourn, .but she will weep in vah, i for I swore long ago to be avenged on her,' but my veu gaiioa Is not yet complete 1 Hera pill, lend a helping hand.'.'i) And the next instant be was lifted, into the cab, then he heard the driver crack his whip, and he was driven "soiiisr he knew i.not whither.ir.r-ij? -f-4!r,, ?;''-; ( Alit a niatitfe of gloom is set tlivg round4dui And it Will re quire luaoy -sadd years to sever the letteis which bind Intn.; ITO BB COrJWA,l . '"".''"''i' "' 1 " 111 1 How Truniea Did. It. ) I roturned to AsUxUle after an ahsenoe of tnree years and .found my (rleud TmiBas grown fat and Jovial, with a face tfia very luirror of peace and self.atisfacUou .Truf fle waa the village baker, and tie, was, not like this when I went stray.-- ,, -; Truffl.s, sdr.liow'fs ItfYoii have improved. . ' ( 1 unproved I' llow? ? 'i V1, 'j j . Wiiy, 111 everyway.4 What have you been ; Just then a UtU girl caius in with a'taU tared shawl aud barefooted, to whouiTruf- fles gave a loaf of bread. Oh, OsaC, Mr. Triittlus.the child said with brimoitiiB eyei, as she tookhe loaf 'of' bread; inauiuia It getiiug better, and she says . she ; owes ', so urnjcb (o yoa, ; She bleats you, Indeed she 'That's, Jiue of, the tluugai.'.ve Jbaeu Uolnji, 1 be aaid, -altep .lie uild . had ; Vou are giving tlie suffering family bread?' I quqried. ,'.'. . . , , .' Yes., ' ,"'.; ; - ' - , Have you any mora cues like rtwt T'u ' , ' Yes, three or four 0 them. ISivh thmn k loaf a ' day,-. emmgli' ro f-d thsin. 1 - - ' 1 1.. . in w . And you take no ' payf "'i ! - Notft'Oin theini ' . 1 ' V ' a i' Ahl'fremtlwtowar - n1 i No; here, said Trufflai laying hls 'huJ on his breast." I'll tell yjii he added, suiiU ing. Oue day.ovec a year ago,apuur wom an came to ma and aaksd for a lof f brual far which she coald not .pay ue wuuj l it for her poor. Bundling chilih'eiA, jJn I hpaitpted, byt finally I gave i, to uer, and hei- hltwslngs rany in m en is after she ha. giiie, 1 lull my heart grow warui. Tluius wriru luird,.iud lUere Was a good deal of ui- feiJUjfc', and I foiindnywlf wisltisg, by and by1, that I'oouU afford t? gfve' away liuore bread Ajl length' a.i Idea struck iue. ; I'd stop Ufiliktug. and give that amount away fii bread, adding one or two1 lokves ou'mr owu'aocouiit.'" I dlU H;aiiJ it's beeii a bless ing to mo. My huart has giowu biggor.uua I've growa belter every way, JUy sleep g sound "and swoet, and uiy dreains are pleasauts And tint's what you see' I 'auu. pose. ,r j 1 1 iin A tAit A Cruel Joko, , - Old inau Eusterby hail a tuare that he set great store by, said Josh l'elersou, as he took hia pipe from his ruoutb. and puff ed out vi)lumf feathery smokt( ami hw uswi to jjo out in tne yard aia loo at, her,' and teli alxnit the colia ho hud raised from her, ana t U cult he Inlvndeil io raise," ' ' He hud 'tw.o n.'iys, and if I do nay lt,lhey was the ousIdest yoiingnters lu' fourteen eouutias. Jack and Jim, their nmit Wai had thoy a ullurs luyin iq git a lode on somebody, an.Uiey' d'ldut care adurn who it WHS.-- " " .-i i ti 'f '-f-, ; .;;. i'iA Oue; day Jack was out in the woods,' and be found a big hornet's neat black soru eta, you kuuw. t'hat build tuese round nest and bang 'era .ou a tree. -;w.$i' 'i.m ''Jack went down nsxt evening wlien lie knew, they was .iu tUentauJ cp.t 'a, plnj and slopped .up . thu hole,, Theu jie took the.ut uudor bU arm, and carried It up to .the barn and kid It till next day. whan Vie got Jlak'and liuey weut) and oau lit ihal kr'mii-o And tiid t!ie r.eatto bertuiVpulled out the plug;, give thfJeBt4' tap Willi' i stidtl'and bid wh vthfty could See the full. K- It wal cruel fauu boy to bob that old mare cavort '-round,- snort,,, kick and tun, with tnent hoimits putting lit their best lick.!' K!.-''.!!!' !, ''1 , Old ul 10 Catorby hfrd .'the ;rowfc ftd cum tathi' down; an I yia . urtar su him prance Youula id swea.., ii was cruel Jiat teste klua,, IU was natf idl 'pious, old niatt Eaatefby was,' but Jt was more, tluia human uatur' cpiUd b'Ho see the w. y (tlifkt old narij eon lucted herself ' r ' ' f ' 1 t, '4'fbe oil tu iiVorin'reij hir aiter Bwhtla, auu rualiei up tii 'tafe off the'nes t !im IkiMrnita Wasjll hnivi1ii.rw,Jid the. 'w.ij they went for old man IS isteruy would hey niUi you Uugh if ehby killed biro, and ilia 'did Ua put' oH for tap Uia'e, witka liVoiW of tlwdi little' tlvili btiuinh' about bU eart-aiul gi m' lilaa'adigat ewryjuajpv l.. 'if f-J i Tliuni jbott didii. show, bt yer Jlfe; sod. when they cuni to tlii house, an b,)uc rter, you never ee suoh lurprlsed boj aa . tney was to know how the old man got hurt Mehbelte' dtditt 'tilet them when he found "ein out! k ' ." t n r ' t Brevet TJnolo. 1 -';. VTho'B th.it g4iitlt-mn, my Kttl4 naaa h Wus kskad of ti urchin, X ,v , . .. .'Tas;- one ,wjth 'the .'splkevailod coatP , ; Sl.-,i ,'.. ' ti ua Wby, tie's breyat nnclelnf mlle,, Sraa the' answer. .' ' I" , . 'Hows that?; !; '. ; 'Cause Us' u engaged to my ann t Jda ry.w (Amatcar rocalist and tits wife alone to f. Ko.1C;t , II, ,t'j I J ThwH.twj tlidirt ho. bt mJife; gtber,af;er in stening party.) ' ; ' ' 'J .. Did I look Dice ttwilght, lover -. 'OU, no endf.'ITinr waa I u good voice,?' ...(-I , .:.:;''--',, Tirst-iate, love Tell wer-dir you prefer), - me wlih a rlbboa iq wy hair or flow-s fk.A..j,A.... ... : ... 1 ,, .i ...... Oh", Gilbert ''toolt herea-bJch style" Suits rue best, do ymi uifuk, the fervid pa-H loi of 8aiitky,.r tli tluIUlng- idiidemdsa ofDa aerie . ' s, ' ?,!: :ff n' OK bothl,iPoXwiailnk a UoWh rlbboa , with, .black , laoa ?' .v ot 4ta..V Punotustlon, - - i-?' i-'V ' ; A suit took plae the other day, Is which a Driater,iiamnd w.tflvery, waa. a t wltnasaj The eae ws n asaaidt and battery that. mine .ilTteV"'tQ m,ju, alined Browuv, aud Ile.id.'rtun, .i.-fi 'Mr.i'Kelvey.dtd you'wilness tlie affair ro- fetri.dtor ' '-'' J. -'"'- ; "yeslr.- 1 '7 '''WrfV'whtt "havs '-Veil to day1 about lti ' 1 j '.".if .; S' , 'That ltw the best place lit', fcane&a timi I huvessnn fliesom Mmiw' ;:') In 'What do you in.au by that?', ; .'Why tliu Bo 1 jfo'te t'iia ?-f it-m-'fi'iaii'e eyiTfiV' hlv;U 'tu ii rou Tpul 'ia . (leriod on Bimvu's breathing f nf .ibtiuinslf . a miinth.,!' '- " " . "The'iNniH .ompfe'lwtidad thir Wuer" at 1 once, and fined ' the defendant ' ten dol Ut. t ( ji.,, t; . I've heard a'greal miny gnd men; say iht m.iiiej ja, jhe..root e'il, Tb a .v may be tru; but even If it if 'ao, t w.uit a Mile Of that root as ' rvgttlarly as poailbf t m fc-hnid f mliie rentarttf ,' :?S ' A dollar has the alipperlust run, btoot , totu and wind of any auiuad I kuiiw J aul 1 when unco buatud, won't last, to get uonia wUb.' v..-f . --r This la tuy own sd rsprlouue i aud ft v is beitt-r so for wbQ has aiy sympithy or. '. love fur a man. whose only thought ia to g it money, n uiatterhy what ra ans,aiid I when once cap' urod," lung on like grim ; Death, and never lt Unit, money see thu light of theHuaagaiu? u , . .i i - . I like m'Hiey eAry time. It is a good, s-rktrr whin uaed rUlitly, aud (has. th faculty of making brlghjt Ctcea and happy liouina. If this were the mUleiduui period which It Isn't, by a lung shot we mijA , got along without cash ; as It la, I sraa , sooiq wore, ploaio t 7TT" The coinoositor who substituted an "m hi a "w" In'speakiag " of a ' laily troubled wl.b '."eUliifi feet,1 'aee.nip!lahed tbe worat typogrspUlcal feat on record. . . - old by dmilirs tUrougaiut the State. sMMIOs, SAsU, BUNliiV' f ' V JPUttip ;B ' -.. . .,4 fi. 4i far sala.wUuieaaU and retail at f " , , r " " MATir J.VCOul-S, 1 - -V ..luik Ktrt!' WIJMLN il 1'Om', O LARQZ AND WVECt SbEOTCO , ,'p',vf O0K-,.pf.,' -Ltvjtl c 1 i jirle f. " Jll ail ex4-aia 4 ,l(A8i AttB OriVo r .,; UHtLDKltH II tUlMVAttK.. , mh kreerv' Iv-ictlnil .n. tsraey'hii w. im. rr.':ioi ;" T Tit CELLd.lAUO'IALERV" 'nr fHoldl-rrana lock. ' Kit WLUi K0V fli'.T OVC O-' 'OHUEtl i ot vtui out m a lile liiUi). t'or aula by affs .vi iiu-uaAuoi t. Dt.';uj''iitnxt:ssr. 01 illWlXU 8AOLLfc,, e. AMMttpIi.ieiwtortiui'Ut Jnt 'p-ui-vl, ; iUBf PUtelB, Coopers Tl'nols,' u.'r'''l"w;. T.-" Tools Cajrpr ' " lAlachlaist.Tools, ! Mt i I (' t i Marker Itrvcf. a, it ty. W.ff j JACOBI " if jii it' ..a't'i ''rft" )

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