,Y iu;a7i 3 a jit or OO'J 00' V . . J - - r . iJ'lt .SOI iV'i (V'V) ! i'Cu. o A ' 1 Tf VHl'iii tJ hcO.I ill vjiaviatf felT i i4 isIijiif TrrnW) bast iW'w 't' ,i tj f' f 1 i r r - i : 4 h i 4 ?r - 1, JL-fVUttU J,j"l ?'"f 1 .u . 7v; ;i.".:'!j T 4?1W f ;' 7.1! ')! aHA.aa'trao ?rv7: taut asroaii . H'i i,'jJS ,T J. ,y .1 I I 1 KlJ KH i I 1 J I M I .1 II .1 i i J . - PTTBUTOB . ; ( TbrMjioBtfa ..fcrt.,lu: 4 .. ' t . ' , ' " "" '. ' ' tt! Hr.ila. Im. . 12m. 'q ' $100M50 ' $800' $1005' 8 0(J WV ',O0 J'PO'.IOOO.'IBOO; 80 0q ! jD0 T9 .14 00. tftOO . 5 00 ikqi -J 4 00 9 00 IB W tftOO' 45 00 K .I'oo'ioM "aaoo' too edotf r, po$ J 10JM .MlOO ', 4000'. B!0O. 100 00 Itolti: S000 . 8800 75 00. 100,00. 15000 - il ('if '111 W THE WATER SOW , iiow up cpcupg pr um f Heel Wear? the wears hoari away. IStir tli withered leare : ' Ja the fielcU the reapen ling, BlndlDB ud the ibeavet ii Tr Blndiotc unthe hea?eiiJTniTI3l Bnta proverb haoata vxj'niia, j XH vao niiu win merer grina ; JVltJi ttwate uuU k fteMedl ti Antomn windi wire bo more, , ,-LeaTea atreaniOTer earth and mio, An the eicti ne'er can feat) . . r 'JL'be garcered Jeaveaagaio i , , i8nt the rlppUog itream 6am pn, ;: Jraoqaif, teep and etLU, ' , err eliding baok egain, , , i f o-the water mill, . f. , , Trnly epeaka the provero Old,, , '--frith meaning Taat Si' t t ilie aaiUwlUnerer grind igajn , rWiUi the water that hai pawed. . " ' i the lertontothjwelf.l ' ' JJobleeartabd tnj i J ' ' Golden yean art gliding M, ' , rXouthUpkltig too, ii ' t vdce the moat oTUle, "'Jjoee no happy day'j Time will ne'er return Sveet joya neglectsd, thrown injr Jieave no tender word nniald, '- ? Ajfa u Bnt love while VThU Mi.. ' "e roljl will never grind t!f 4 "Wcti wnue ret(nma ooia uuoa, r j-r- With all your itrengtb and will j Jlever does the itream let guide Uieleae by the sUlh ' "i ; l: ; tL'rM WU not till to-menWeann ! mV Beam1waaty e the way ,fir; All that thou etnat eU ibioe ow r, 'T Iilea In the phiw Ho-day.Viir.ffl ;i i fowefc toUUeot, blooming health : -h'. 'Will not, oannotalwayiUit. ; 'cii And the mil) will never grind v' i Wttn UN waiey uoatnai paoNO. O, the fM honrtoifiSfB,' v ! That have drifted wiltlyJ'f f Bt a rincle kindly word i ,, , , r Thoogbt conceived, but neVrtprfiMed, P eriabing unfcrmed, Unheard. Take the feeion to thyself .iT Take and hold it tastf-H TbemiH will never grind egaU '-'f,,1. . With the iWter tb bu naMeaj1 Povetby Qod and kindred all, Thyself oonaider laet . for come it wllL when thoa must lean Dark error of U0 past.' It'll ftfft f - But when t:w fight f life 1S rfer'l j If And ear Oi feoedel IranveiewiA 1 1 1 J And Heaven in all its glory shines n Midst ttretrare and good and tros, ' Tlin yrtU w ui flfora clearly ser ' liuS proVerh deep and yagt The nul XtU neve? grind sfiin With the water that has passed. ah T.r.TTAUMf-..faioprjw j4 bsai phildrea, 4 01 ie goM64M ayAiaaAan.mttwe,wayt joua!v, In every pleoe you n, 1,149 At au.ne;wss yn pri lono as ever you ean lustmrutssaxe. .est: itepi, with a Iokfe4 xoent,, llffidbtrsci6tit tHal w one wai lookiDe at her. Anfttaei rV.firimnla-jiinanected manneB. -Bat-ea tliel piam .ftbore, Bah aod raoful( but there wai a pH culiar expression about her lace, '"and aL "weariheBi la her taftnner, whiqh jadicatein UtpirjaaJ Lost and gone withoirt a Migh Love which we bight once have pftW; yonaenn woo on eartn sne wajjixuueiBiii wbj. iau cuuxuiyo 'TterS Wwl otiet Xe&Qi iae placea84' IM 1 Ti Fl I "''"UmBmI presently heard her bgingn:to,hraelfri ajoft, low toioe,. .wordg which he Conli not nndertanL,e; 'jiwNl down iittg,: tf jtfal ,lif his nnpardonableabteiii-mindeii't inte the latif the fair Itranger. Bher did noi' i'tSi ftue bat jast for one; rnoment eh falsi eda pair of blact eyeiC fraaght with curiosityala; the cigar, in her White 'finger; eraritr, askinB,'l; nf T 'it it yoaraXa ,? t ?uit i .t ' .S'-d,"' w'- edJsfr) q1.-to'r And Bart- disappeared "trott the wUing bove;' again, on the rtep besida;iheri and took tbe7ragr(taiiiraa her hand. jwovfjj ar'fc jnr. It waeatf aWfcwatd moretaen madarala anC t Vft jott' pardoii a thousand tirnea. rf '' ioa seed i not ; U was simply an accident,', -v one tnrned her ejes away over' and he saw instantly1 hoit fileyerljhe. had pmta check upon any , further ( .conversation, and he went back ' the house and thought about isiSw4.; 'Who is 8e4Mk4: loioe-; body, as she came p,the hall little while after!sH 'mrtdj j She I That is EsaniiogJ Airs. Sherwood's goyerneaa. She teaches those juvenile berwooda; everything but.goodi manners Nobody on ear onl.4o iVa;t Why do you ask P Are Cytoi struck P Ton needn't bk She li impenetrable, and if she was not krr. Sherwood's eyes are toasting forks; and ' woe -tof ths man ho are.approaQhherxoTerfles? j '" Mri Bbefwood f ,Wh6 -Wai she ? Oh, yes f Bart rememt redti9QLri'eaiUri who carried herjpcket-hdiikerj chief attached to a diara ond ring on a pudgyjlittleingf, an) whom he bad heard addressed si Mrs. Sherwood, sympathy to the . tail, ; graceful girl with the swee bld;tttneoi Esther, knowing fqll well that as j a dependent or thU fa;,aTster dowager, she eoold be happy, and he Tag m avow ed champion of all onhappedplflj JsjJeciallir aw V on ftiAwr WAwsft tsalii I Bun spite,oflJra; Sherwood, j e maaagea.y oouin an Intro-1 daotion to tie mysterious gover-1 ness, and an acquaintance begad. nod oitieuhateiyCbal, a simple ojtoorlalr fcp'iwarlrboat thritvihjBm safed to offer, hbtil til tfniet gai- tipn, warmed her-to ftiendsbipi ,, l-js iius tnerwxwafcM always, Ls rss' tfafnt in her manners 'Btrangen eAlIad.i-Jxftnghiioes8,r Bdrt'at' trjbuted t JoJIrs.JSherwocI,5 buT novone forxnany a day oould One sjirnper ; afternoon, when' all the.world watontfjwUs drite or promenao. tr altlnVfor "the' ari;iTM&uiunLcan.ane uiiy, Bart mnd EstherXangsing cat on ding round the 9nryejn fall sight, and Esther let her se wing drop tor a niomeut, ftom , her . fingers, and looked soberly Iway after that lioe C Jmokcwhlflhjburkedtha traerof theoiiraViO baa tnr, p: KDVith Ixpecfanf one filial tongThe asked!4 xtMW telr;th? teaW.hav Bftpnf tQ expeqUej toilad le dared he Would bare pnfhli Kind dowDoteC the sletj 91W pathy frprn. hi dreamy rfetw n."o Tbere-wal abtlstU iog the&i esVwIr w hfirry fcf c'uf 16 m-eUheerriv-alsi -i baVmHi arantajble soanjnj I kopA -he iiscnot codiog :heje' la'id'Sv voice' lose by 'iw Mwod onljf byintlmefttandfgBinblf,, Uort looked up.j AtaJl, finely bade ' WW vitb 'tt -' handsome biiifdlasated faceWas? lounging onoa,as.Oran,t gust, s. celebrated member of the epOrUng fratera- ityV"'"1'.'' s"r-cj odJ I'-ub nl:"! As! he passed,; :hii"eyes for one moment rested on But,. and then he lifted i ! bif hat to.spmf pao- to Esther Lansing! si !wiittiw t Bart bould not eredit It for th momenti:bura ifdgtS glance Ifitl 3 tba. shocked,' -.wbHe,. face . beside! mm, tc ciuj ioa sRe fnw ina recognized the fellow. l ie J instant, and EBthet went on with her sewing as qnietly and stead iiy as Detors.,,,, And frbm that tinfe there cam aothiog more toj m,ar or check the afgbt when'ia aflashkf ar 4enfe'fe tient4 woman,":heftskeot her, irj good Ifelth to marry Jumir? j ,Sbe fred such; ft"an; W$He besesohlifK face toward him; that given worlds to have recalled hik words,' bfeWfthlt'fie fiad said something terribly wrong, an 4 at mettin? which. ihei rwanlt nkVer nUU J U Wj Btt presently ahe held out he: 1 fYou are good to tney Bart, end a uonor you aooje w men-, yef I cannot njajfr ofl.Jy?Soe,!di you will know why.-: oq saust not blame mem ,When I fln4 derstand and forgive me, j.-Apdjhe.wejaway, pborBttrtTcomplcfelydambfound. ed by toe .suqdenpess nfi her1 re-, f iwiU. ftnJJhejoaisieikufii blp us aia jvoi nve ei op ana go Mrs.; Bherwbod: and; berffmil. and ai' hie jtimejr as ; quite hLs own;' there wai nd earthly reasok be) as good friends as ever with Esther,"' nb XhtfWZ&totia. fr!endi!' a. 1-vJ M-sJudi. ' r 18 ho remAined and 'chatted witS heiTa' hlifoTisTpUyei w the juvenile 8iet'6dds;and 1th vited them to drire with him4 the ehudreiu who hang,: nnheed- iprmea antics wmcnv woiuut.us' t teVride4tdiVjerTba ."It .wejt 4uTiag5?one . f the ti drives thai Esther's story came to an end'. ; -r: . j u,:-. t j -u . ; They were ; drrvlng-in, Burt's carriage Burt, Esther, and the little Sherwoodi along 'the 9eP one that laif amW f0 iBflL-jift.inereiy, wptea.ftis. s??Oh,WHenr got W Wisei tionmg a BmaU,h9tei frequented beaohl1 one-rmbrninK when hd waves Vera live With crowds of gay oaioers. qu jcaiioren. peg ged to itdp and look at them, ind Burt' drew rein wlete the crowd was densest and .boldest ' " , l,ThrfaWMfoid&e4 at t,hat feiry woent aod the bathf erS brbkelikea herd;of frighten: ti inltoilf ,-4id 'came "tambUtig In frantio; baste toward the shore). Tjoan drowning j . Mr' out OQ htKiteapedjvjves,ai daring, foobhardytfelhrn battled with the swift corieat, wlieh'SraV bearing hittf dut io sea; , He had ventnreoX lob faandnd'acVbas, tli. hiplng,! eMhero'qrlwates came X&joioty fol) of agony'and supplkati0n fcf I r,'Nd "ne darecfc awim to his res- 'fcaeiVndttte'ti'hlewftlgliUttJ rk:orbw4d keeda there, was. iiothifig left tgathq in but! at .stalwart, dead fprm with white, eet'Tace, and strong hands clasping a 'BpraV of tangled sea-weed. c fl ii u.Iri ,;f Li They uhrqught, bam pn shore; among?i the people," who , stoox awe-"track Jati'd terrified at-tbU Bidden;' eo&nn'ot the dr'eadfdl messenger. -v t, . They had icoa him, soaroe ati boiirJppfbre,'goingdp.wnthe,anct in his looser 7 bathing fluitj'Whicbj showed ft' such advantage- his! strongVIitW fo liaj watched rhim'gliding ou't.liki some firbng ereaafe pjT bf sea and wondered et -his marvelonf creature of the nd wonder j ed at his' tnafvelo'us strength ana beahtyV' otf" .v;0 j " :fNdw he lay before them-dead 1 shut the sight frpm tbVohildrenj but some one4llod i j - t,,; j r lWho is' he?1 and the answer roM'packr' V1" ..i-ranmumt i:, Aether's hands caught the reihsv iJi mast go t6 him ; Doh'i " qnestlpr me,' tAsk face j and beseeohing eyes torne toward his own, hailed passer, , explained! the'situation.ahd Walk- wejefffwdfc gathered ..frppn Jhb t a ....... . . .. t i aeaaraanwo;:.,: j y!j:io ,dfStP.AbcW Kve khis wifeP and the cowd parted, and. Esiher Laflslng walked down and knelt besrdethe still fornix ,( Poor girl I she has suffered every-' think.' il41' ff sili i - wV taking of;he man yho" VajJ embittered fcer'tUe-j jook.Wur ied he teai si but yet a sad fare 'well,'! and ! tresectly ' 'she Came J back took Bart's Iras, khd went tA i4fB wJ f BoiijBnQif, ana mi ai.1 -i i ' Ji A the- children ! weia with their mother. hd there was ovae nea'rt;y ar'or ieW IbViW flow j.ypo have-, my-kisioryi ana. Mow- way A gave ,uo& .,an answer to your question, win ''Bu ioinotltho be said; '. "Tou may ask me again. ' j '' In good time he did, and they are very,, very happy, as are all who have learned so bitterly and thoroughly the lesson of life. ; : ' BODieoe, to hold , the horses while .wallc cfitli. jae. j win ukv uAtwaV theytete but tiart : eI"K J meat Burt heard some bne'iav- lit , br . 'i 61' BM,tf ; ; -W wver queried Bdrt. ' the palmof ha tfht hahbd the -l;XeTheXfpartel ,'..iwp Jparsi' laTgebt patbji on mylrdjerfc'.Jjdti go, hut tkejLvert nb.tdiroree4 ti felfertiaC tWoll.man ,vM Msvrlc Twain' AdwlosV on ! mesnextuoipUMi . it ASWwj". o;my.io.bservaten, the most difleslt ,4iae to bring tipii child fj j in the' doming; Yo crf sometime; thbngh seU do m, bring them op In the morn Ing by yellins; , at 4emtiBat the effytlveiess.ofte'frocw times L'wulKoij s-. repetition; even f heit a'bt eh'tfrely beatr allied by the children's trick oF Slopping theitiars, with, thebed-clothes. The only fprompt,jIeotJve, and ibsolute mothodb is to bring them tbtalr-'Jydasv ehitd hasgob heattnscalewith- ova jwnueocy . (io premature baldness, this inetod , wfll ork' with the most gratify ing etHoien-; an4 you 'yrtflj iu'risiad ebj tend ibro&gbitho ,slx ,4ays'ia4 gpirifag -your child with the Ure ifesV'pBsiblelriterest fa'thsre. spleudeniyagantryo The 'pUjnjnrj' rPfo dariwphitii; by the hair requires the exercise of energy and firmness bat no iieniW'pa forhen welfare of ji ffspriagj ! Nethln cad bei ' more fatal td your discipline lhan to allow urhifAaiot'yb&i ... a. a. . a. V'J I any 7T4iBsiaiemeu or exaggen tion In their 'preA'enOe.'don't pe: mif Ih'eli crect tyl L' oe vrron g. you, must ebstinatel and promptly 'suppress .all oppo iitiod.-wltb force If need be, Th moment Tva1 permit" theat 'iA wUrEeguvCd rorteUtheu,'te'spec aua pauuer vu tueir coucen There-oan be nasadder speotacli than a parent aurrroaoded bj ours urituuuoH wuv uiu o ey icnow naore than he6tdekl 1 vividiyiremembej hqw mJfather whfa waa'ne ot.thl moitrigiA and TJuccelBful of disciplinariahk Sriellei the aiplrrag'egot tVat proinpied ine 4tb Irofreot'his careless remark t (when, ( ie was reckoning a problem in shilling) that ffve fameV tweive was sixtyj twb : anot'a half, r So.llaid he1. looking Vver . his Vf pebtsoles an a urvey ing grimly 'Ye thin yO Rknbw' more'ri youe fathe hej(?;Cbmi ri, totne l life inyiVattonae too' f esslW 1d be 4iineda4,iolr fejr exorutia't ing 'moments I .reposqd in bitjdr humillatioii across I his leflj knee, with mTv0ldMrnurra'4C his left arm,;2f v.i -jfi aa it V I dldU'tfee .him demonstrate his matheihitidal' ccUra.6y with, rlghtt and when, after!; vpmpU lely I refloating my taithi In j t multiplioation'; tiblo, ' he" asked ine EoW muoh five"' timsl , twptVe f a?, uMte4 withj jtpars In nlf eyes, that U t wai eixty-two : an'd a half. That's right, said h twelve timea , day. , Bow , eo'a water then hossess 'n belivjs ly," too N Tbe dd gentleman d idn't permit iny respect for him i&lne 'moli 4iaiU the laSama tor ,, rhenianijiUlb'led' tumf and even then he !,ontinuV4 tp Inspire ma-with awe iintil I was thbredhly ''convinced that his disability Was permanent.' vTdestioning '.obedience Is the crowning grace of childhood. When yon tell your child to do anything and be stops to inquire f hy, i ,V -advisable j to .kindlj but firmly fotcb b.Ua a rap across th4 ear and 1oform lira That's atij f " ; He will sobd jgel Id -iha . bf - Starting1 ' with charring fP etifhe;jwori,or,cqn IBMldsitieVdvO ail Vtoitwi i ,Qp of the most Inveterate and annoy in ir: traits 3f ihechil- 4fsa'iij tnTsitltbn's;; arf jspnaider'aU wWghWttompt A. il.l.r if ' i . .I iuj mir.Qmniveroui cutioil- ty. yon may aa 'well 'Drenare to hbaicte forrdurf' 'will Ws non plussed' by 'theTr,l;3adaiUbn.,'k! aozen, (uon , aay.anai yr, akigapity kbe bbreleasiy odmpromisedjA'lAn average child, le a magazine of unoonqueralle and jdlswnicerte'd VVefiA3r,nmsi t'-i-S'L. !il-J"l;r .i2h,J parent wbose- ignorance they eanl exWe" twice out bfjhree' timef awwer an. f asy. queat,ion Bow.ad then," just to convince them tbal mind r or -csnut up,, and tbei est - ' eOS . ,1 tbWwffi trow' 'flp independen indleirrblddrwtfalwd only by. venqjfatioil frolha split6n you open-rrto nnd .qutjboi it . holds. so u much-: information without letting' more out of I "It -jrould : be imculve? ?A- "'..-; 1 ..' J. rf.' . dimouit to estimate, toe. Dene- fioial effect that would he. entail edjupon thelc children If pa wnti generally would -i -adopt1 ,ihb method herV asuelriPdicattd, I'll 'tSwtcHedld horseTiiik spavined and Iameian old oov rd yehielOj ?Uttt ayery.: wheel "dished", and every; joiab creak ing like Chinese maohinery--a famny'bf five who ' Jobked5 li tf uvj uBu,owii jsuaaMU; wim agui Md wresUin'ftwiih,? that was the sight in the Third street grdve' yesterday'. They had tnirnad 6fT thejttflet to ooek-din nerhbj iat''4rQufbaIl fire waiting for Coffee to , and the old horse-leaned against a" trel 1 ind ' looked lobgiaghr ait tba thistles acids Kbe ditch.1, - I ! UWbaiwe,;bognd,.ifor rf 1 ' a . ai.a. . jwk f . peaiea mo wiaer, cumng i qaa .or donMail ntf., we'll in.dJ Jo the Dlack.IIilla sometime next fall-" Yoa sebm to bars had bird tuck.,J3&v!'' 'ot .o.irtulf T . .No seem abpul It,' replied the Wife In . jeViU. voice. 've h44iithe ..lankiest ..luck of Any family efer' strung together; and Ifialtlhat'iollfobrsf faultf She poiatedat.heVhusbandj andftbtP,"io80Vqaeiyptt bdt that she referred tahim,ViB !;&eVate eztalibm4 jp6,tt i vf9i', Wfw.Ikee.(,i!ftoi way off op North, and timet,, bas been' bard. n I tried :tOjmae SPmeihing batohinwildoatf last winter! but Ue ebt twwI'Weoi n Wljt.epaldAd,, iBilievoi U lie s a braaen liar C slontbd thevromau; , 'Anq now,;eontmuea ine bus- baud, ,'wa are joggling along 4ir the Black Hills, and it seems to me as if we wu on ' the road, to wealth and happiness. We are all V gittin fat, t feel good and the only tbiog I want is a dog to ran under the wagon.' . , , you oan when' -yoa choose j- bat when: they com at1 ybu'with si "tenlHhteK)niHeTef too onuaren lor poaiog into' tne cbfrwitli'a5 gtick; W'o the joggle, aad If tHat', ere .hois ,lAiTl.ari)ry3ai.:i; I, -J to the gentleman when you say I'm fat audhappy r.shotsted t-s wife. Oh, well, yoa soon will be. s?No I won't f : I say you. are, a Ir.rja Larr she replied, heaving a fire-bran 1 athim.-."Si-,!-'' . TnechUuroa all larncJ afoual at one motion,' ' got ' under the wagon at another, t3 if trained ta it,1ifd hu.lAnd and f-l'.er t-V.A a sickly smile and sail : ?XRngC,,;sa;j is sa;r co mat- t wtothejcjouifindait ja t' j pin woods or in tho city. C1.3s aching for a Tow, and I trrct you'd, better git over thar' ty ta wun uuii j.iuuereee saae-tae- hoss doesu $ fan away and bre:.x thisga.f:. j to: j u ' xi si r z : 'flStrsnsBrf -joashtr to, bri lr the ghssui, nu'ttitwaslno c:i. The wife took! off her breast-pla and dropped it into 'the hind end of the wagon, and the" oan placed hif old pluglhat oh a knolf far ,'I hate to do it . Sary ;remark- eithe' busbaacl..,but . can't Stand suss when I'd idolag c y level best. 7; 4 'J knows Vha'tl'm about, she ,atmYeplftdy"jroppidg,J op 'the A crowd ,of women and cl.a- dren came op at that .momc t, ind aftor some hesitation the rc v Wis deqlared (T for the' 119 ;-,Two, or .three hours.. wcVt mak no diXTarence rcisar ' z J the mi as he sat down, 't!:: V when Fnl sassod I war.t U l.. e tW. JOWve.wili ai''fooa- aa ppsaibie,,;:l.;i' ;; hJ'AHI ask is one talnuJa's cram In f sherepliad, putticj on Ler breast-f in1 again and 'the fIly satdbwdfV, a 'foaj cf dry.trcadi an4Jplck eoCeV n? Lirj wt:;U tb joggling, i'waj , resatr rl. Detroit fry J'tc'';l - . ?f'it, eopstiTe w r f'.'Af'';. recent 4 siIas cf ( j Ffepch, Academy cf pel.-- , I :. Tresca exhibited a. mo-' ! .ra locbmo&e tnitij r.. . l.z tried a thb ! I. ' i i y. This"enicati r.n'. '', l:t what r may ,li c 'LJ 1 ;ifc -does xfot roll ; it vzV. ruvcr gallop! . It U llLa ca c:::- :ry fail way; engise'-wilU1 ai..;hl tods' terwinatin la trcaJ, c". ca IsrjstateSr' There ,are thrci 1 -31 in Iron, and three behlbJ, . TLa movIng,lindcrs, i . Lct:al ') of tiirhingwheBljTatja'tLa Let. ana nt wnoie:.ac:J eor-v.L.a' afteiuthatfashidn of av.thrcVlJ--ged horseV TL!s invention 1 ispciillydaptal foR ei-fyinj weight bp aa' hi:ia"a;"!TLa a 'sjlUit.kon tie E-JcfaTrill. 'f.i fMgui tea tons,' 'aVd pei' seren wrt;eitJki!o-c! :rs ; every hourj and jian' cccs;pi:.b, if desired,-'-'twenty liloac fara, s Of ;ttVs;this1jty;iiifjjcj&c::rV b jaoOikeljf tar'dlplacjtlia-o'n aowt In!; use.but jiii;''1 applicable to obsotaiin "fgiir-js, aid ti a kte ia a new direction. Th4 laotlel ' exhilitteX j at - 4ba Acadgfijj efCvieccj as'll L'LTan iactline , . eJenifive.'reesa . with ease.;- va ; '-J Ir't . :f''?- ' ' ' nSsy, ma, .wunt England uolher ef ttli otmutrjr Ies. toy aon, you ogh to know that.- ; eWaU, I wasn't Ceor- Washlngtett its fetherl"" -Why, ys of eourse.VWu,ma,whatI wanttoiuri!re Is-- "You go right out aa j split thu woo4 wl'Ulno.alrejtio.'; j : ; 'a... ;. 0a

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