PEE DEE IIERALD, WEDNESDAY, MAT tt, J87T. TIME MlEIUSLD'has a large and rapidly increasing Circu, Motion in the Counties or fn- Mn, St antey, tlUhmondJflont gomery and the border Coun- ties or South Carolina. It has by far the Largest Circulation of any paper published fi the ree nee section. - - - Onr Books are open for in peetlon. T . R LILES, . - Editor. DB. EnWAHD BAK80AI. Acordial and friendly letter - from our honorAd friend, Dr. Ransom, whioh, bqt for too flat terinjr allusions toonrself and to the Heralq, we would publish, 1 iim, tnn dull (lay, put us to think ing about hitu, and recalled the - opinion; we formed of -hirp last winter f in Raleigh, . when and : where we first knew Mm. - We i don't like to draw personal oooii parisous, ' nor to say a 'word in . praise of - one individual which might be construed' into diapar- ; ageraent or anothBr, but we,do think, and must say that the State of North Carolina, with her ; true and honest' sons and uaugb - (ers, owes more to-day to Edward . Ransom. than to any living man, Rat for him, the Oanby Constim lion, conceived in sin and brought -forth in "iniquity j'tha hellish off .' spring of carpet-bag and I home- made villainy, would to-day be in existence, and bang like a pall of ignominy and death over ua all ! -No one familiar with tho his ' tory of the late Constitutional ' ' Convention oan disputo this. It is an immutable and ever-memorable truth. All our great and good men, our prominent and gallant and ambitious and pa ti iotic speakers, writers and lead" ers may have worked as they did z- nobly, . gloriously and succcas fully j but, the (act stands indelU bly and brilliantly forth that , BANSoA SAVED fllR. STATE; " And in saving it, he sacrificed much. Yet, he gained . much, ; for he is now, probably, more bitterly hated by the Hayes and ; Grant radical nigger party than any man in th State. . And to bcU hated by such a sourvy, lep tons, lousy and : damnable, gang of thieves and soaraps, is an hon orable ambition to any honest man. They hate nd fear him ; ao much to his praise and honor. . But shall not '. the Democratic party of the State attest, in some . signal manner, a full apprecia- tion of his servioe8? . We da not know that he aspires to any po eition; we have good reason to ' . believe though that he will nev . r be a ;'(new party" man, or a 4iaorganiser ; and , we earnestly iiope that the people of hia dis- frict.or State will never suffer so allented and patriotic a oitixen . lie has hitherto proven bimsel f io be, to remain unrecognized od unrewarded for the inestim- .able services rendered in the days of the Convention, when he so fearlessly and honorably breast ed storm, before whioh , others quailed and . faltered. r Let Ran som be remembered, as the utter . y fearless, incorruptible and in dependent man that, in that try- f ing emergency, . he proved . him self to be. :,., .,;r;! , ,v v DROWNiOW IS DEAD. He wrote a reply to. Grave's ' ''Great' Iron - Wheel " he can . ' vassed the North a quarter of a ' oeutury ago as an advocate of alavery S he wa a Whig " in old times, and on - the night after Harrison's inaugoration in 184 ' ' he ascended to the dome of the Capitol at Washington, and sang 'Hurra for old Tippecanoe1' in such stentorian strains as to be heard "along the Potomac" He ' was a preacher,' a turbulent, tal ,fPtod man, a terrible sinner a ;"' leoonstruction Governor, an ' United States Senator a bitter hater, a violent partisan, and ' 'Where be bu gone, or bow be fares, Vobody knows, and nobody cares !" pisu-unrcB more. ' . -We - have beon furnished, through the courtesy of Col. Polk, . Commissioner of Agriculture, 'with a correct. copy of the law ia regard to obstructions, &o.t in the Pee Dee, aa passed by the -Legislature. Will our exchanges which circulate U the Pee Dee, Yadkin and Catawba regions please copy. It is important to . the people. v-.'-i - We believe it is ft good law; but good or bad, it is a lalf, aud will be rigUly enforced. wiio w rote em t - We "took notes ' once of some Hoes quoted by Rer.' J, C. Illdso in bis celebrated lecture on the "Cosmopolitan Bag" but don't know the author; and he said he didn't. There may not be njuoh of ihe "divine afflatus' of poetry in them, but there's much truth and applicability jqst now, Here they arej ''..' MW are taxed on out clothing, onr meat and onr bread. Our carpets ncj tables, on; boots, end oar Oortnaend onr coffee, and if we should die Well be taxed on the coffin in which we lie. We are stamped an our mortgageSTnatesy x checks and bills, , ; . i Qur deeds and our contracts, and on our i last will, . -. And the gtar-jpangled banner in mour-nlng flotii ww O'or the wealth of the nation (bat's laid Jn toe grave. We are taxed on all good by kind Provi dence eiveii. We are taxed qu the B.ibje that points us mi ciaiiveu r , And if yau attain to that heavenly coal. They would., if they eauld, stick a etorgp on your sow," Apd speaking of ''more truth than poetry," reminds ua of the anecdote of Ben Johnson and Sylvester contemporaneous wits ot. a by-gone day r who, over their wine, made a wager that each coqld make an impromptu rhyme on the name of the other. Tvae Sylvester s turn first ; he said ; "I, John Sylvester, kissed your win sister. r , Then Johnson thus; it Uen JohnsQn , kuseq your "ThatVaaid Sylvester disgust ed, "ts no poetry (' "No," replied Johnson, t-but it'a the truth r , AA.IMOApS, We have often quietly smiled over the following, on railroads, i a i as remiea Dy a menu, mng ago dead, ia the old Knickerbocker Magazine, 'Tia the saying ot a querulous old codger, auoh as may yet be lound 5 I don't think much o' railroads no, ho there ain't no kind o' justice, into 'cm. ow what sort o' justice is it when railroads take one man's upland, and wheelbarrers it over onto another man's uiedder? What kind 'o' 'comniodatlon be they? You can't go when you want to go : you've got to go when the bell rings ana the blasted whistle blows. Ef you live a leetle ways ofTtbe dee-pot. you got to pay to tQ the road ; and if you want to go any wWe el88 Vept jest to the tend on It, you'U liave to pay to go ater you git there. What kind ' 'coait modatlon is tluit t Goin' round the coun try too. murderin' tolks, runnln1 over cat tle and hogs, and bvrniu' up the woods. And Mrs. Macruder, down Iq next dee-pot savs. aud slie onzhter know, for she is a pioua woman; and belongs to the church, she said to to me, no longer ago. than dayt 'fore yesterday, aaya she, tbat she'll be cuss'd it she dont know they somotimes run over criters o-purpose; they did a likely sboat o' hern, and never paid for it neither, Whivt kind 'o 'cotumodation is tfiat t And besides, now I've lived here near by the dee-pat ever since the road started to run, and seen 'era go out &nd come in every day, but J aeVerconld aee tlwt they went so d-d fasti nutter T MAltTYADOM, The man who can sit plaoidly and contentedly down, with a benign smile of benevolence and charity beaming upon bis counte nance, and write an editorial breathing "peace on earth and good will to man when the cut worms have destroyed : all. his cabbage plants and "fiat backs," and whon his 12 acre corn-field has to be "planted over" because the hogs have rooted up the last of it; that man ia destined to be a sainted martyr. We are not the man-. ' -... -: P. S. Flat backs are what some folks call "snaps-" CATCH III 91 1 " Ohhe day after the killing of Permeoter, a strange man was in the southeastern part of the coun ty, travelling in great haste, and under much excite ojent.l He avoided people on the highway ; but. ventured to the house of Mr. Thos. Ratliff, where he iuquired tho nearest route to the S. C. line. This was supposed to be Carpen ter if so, he is doubtless now in Marlboro or Chesterfield.' It is the proud boast of Mrs. Sarah Davis, who called at the White House the other day, that she "has shaken hands with ev ery President from Washington down." Aud a tremendous "down" it is, too. .. "Down," that'e , good ; ; and most infernally 'flow down" has the old sister desconded, when she shakes hands with the rob ber, Hayos t She had better hunt up Eliza Pinkiton and Madison Wells now,- "shake" - them, aud than v&op out? toK ingdpm come I At Lilesville, children, nd some who call themselves "grown folks;" some bald headed' and whiskered . foiks--not:' women, thank the good Lord 1 tner- chnnts, clerks, tailors, cotton speaulators, rich and poor, loafers and gentlemen (?) play ero ia I And they aeera to enjoy the fun. The outlook if cloomy. The cool nlghta od. morniqgs kill it where a stand is up, and the heavy beating rains prevent that of later platinjr from making an appearance, , We know one ten acre field (and we ought to, for we have id as many ugly words in it to free nisrgers as John D. of Whlte'a Stare did when his bull run a war j in wincn, ten days ago, there wita as fine a stand as? could he desired; and now, May l?th, the seed are in soak for a second planting. V And the big May meeting coining on toq What shall we do f ' iilr. Hares has dotie ' a aood werk far the South and should he coin mended for It, DoJqg right is not a very common public virtue, We all know tbat, often to our sorrow. The constant effort of all should bp to. encourage good action, if we reiqse to recognise ana applaud when rulers perform, faithful duty when they do right, then we withdraw a powerful in centive to sufU K eour8,e . ' Of course i t was right to remove tho troops and bayonets from the State Houses of South Carolina and Louisiana, and ta allow the legally elected Governors, Hamp ton and Nichblls to take their places as such. Nobody but a few extreme and virulent Blaine radicals ever said anything to the contrary. But why all this "gush" apd beslabberiog about it? The' man Hayes was forced 16 do that or commit such n act of perjury and .' tyranny as, to at once and forevar annihilate and damn him. He and his advisers are doubtless corrupt enough to have taken a different course, but they dared not. Having stolen the presidency, and entered upon its powers, patronage and per- qnisits, under a cloud -of ignom iny and obloquy w; hat, without nobler promptings, could he do but obey the laws and the Consti tution, and make a pretence ot doing his sworn duty ? He"goes behind the returns'' and wdoes what he ia forced to do A nd for thh, men who placard them selves aa "leaders" praise him; Itibrica te and sli me hi n a. b 4 (hen swallow him 1 ! Away with such sycophancy and hynroensy 1 Hayes is a smooth-tongued, narrow-minded, Belfish, unscrupulous shrewd time-serving politician, who re gards yCtesar and his fortunes" ua far over and above the welfare and 'prosperity of his country . Watch him 1 Trust him not I 2Yieo Danaos, et dona ferentes ! His great ambition is to build up a Hayes parly in the South; and, to our shame be it spoken, there are a tew weck-kneeu and inde pendent" men amongst us who are ready to help hint in his nc (avians and ungodly sou em as. flAmuiiiatt A Balelgh paper says that a prominent Democrat of that city, reoeutly appointed to a respon sible and luorative oflice by the party in power, voted, at the late muniolpal eleotioq there, with the niggers and radtoals tor the "Independent'1 candidates. Give his name I The people should know who he is. Let the recre- aut be mentioned by name, so that he may heneeforth be watch" ed! "WET OR DRY 1" Last year Concord and Greens boro eleoted a :,dry" Mayor and Commissioners, and the bar rooms were closed. This year the'. "wet' ticketwas victorious by very, oonsidorablft majorities n both citieh. bo the world wage oa io the eld eee-saf style. The May cherries will be late in June this year. Otorwr, . t ... r If Woodson could see our (the Editors trWs" fb-day't"3iay 14 th; with the red beauties hanging in tempting profusion upon them, he would change his opinion. Cherry pies are "in order" now at Lilesville ... The Department ot Airicnlture, " If there' is any man in this State who is pushing his business and that vigorously and intelli gently, it is Colonel I. L. Polk, our commissioner of agriculture. He is working day ami night, never getting tired, and never wanting to stop, and is stirring up our people to a sense ot-tne advantages which will accrue to them from the establishment of the departmen t .- of agrioul ture if they will but lay hold on the op portunities whioh it proposes to fford them. We mentioned with pleasjre m yesterday e News that Colonel Polk had agreed to place on exhibitiou at the next btate fair aucn ot tne products ' and "minerals of . the J " Ktate as inuum iwuid iuw iiu .. . . .ij - a, a-. ; as snouia dome inw ni8 possession between "this time apj that,: and Jf the people will bnt oo-operate with him, he will make a display for the State at large which wuK be creditable to it. It pleases us to say further that Uol. r. s enoras to arouse tne people to the important of this new institution are oeipg crown ed with success, He is in daily receipt at letters containing inter inatioo and inquiries, showing that the people are walking np to their interests.-. Lfal. Jcws. The 'dry ticket prevailed at Newton. Qoldshoro is to have a cornet band. Next. The village of Asheville has a Thespian Bociety, The late Carter B. Harrison was buried at Raleigh. Gen. II. 13. Vance spoke at Asheville on 8th inst. The Piedmont Press makes Gov. Reid 94 years old. The Democrats carried Louis- burg at the late election, Hrraoe H. Beard,' aged 20. died at Hickory on the 3rd inst. Rev. A. D. Ketta was thrown from a huggy and had t.wo. ribs broken". Neiys : Qae huu3red graded school children, are don with the measles; The wheat crop in Rockingham county has heen injured, twenty five per cen.t. EalVigh has handled 41,811 bales . since September . In crease 5,187 bales. The Wake oounty Good Tem plars had a convention last week. Uamsay spoke, The Ash villa JPioyeer is now Eve. well edited hy Mr. C. W, It support 8 Hayes. Shoe Heel ia improving and is recovering fast from the disas traus-nre ot Jas.t year, . vilad to hear it. Mr. L. C. Summey, of Hender son, died suddenly while talking with a tneqd, on AJay th.e 5th, aged-51. The Qrand Chapter of North Carolina, Royal Arch Masons iviU ooovaqa iq Newru an - the 4th af June, The Second Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, will be organis ed on the 15th inst. Rev. Jos M. Atkinson will be the pustor. Mr, Oliver Perry, of Franklin, has a mooa-struck dog. He barks at it all the time. Possi bly it is 'the mm iq the moon he sees. B. F. McLean was elected Mayor of Shoe Heel, and A. J. Cottingham, J. M. Jackson and W. J. Carrie were choseq Com missioners. f be People Wqat proof. There is np medicine prescribed by pnysicians, or soia Dy uruggisis, tnat car ries such evidence of its success and supe rior virtu,e of Boschee's German Syrup for severe Uougbs, Uolds settled on tne breast, Oonsuption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. - A proof of that fact is that any person affected, can get a Sample Bot tle tor 10 cents and ty its supenor eiiect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been introduced in this coun try from Germany, and its wpnderfal cures are astonishing- everyane tbat use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it Sold by W. J. McLsndan. Co, . 15-Jy Xotieet All deoent white men, who are ia favor of a while man's government, sheuld step into tne White Man's Bar while in Wades' boro', to get their drinks. Those opposed will please step in the cellar, r tf It, A. CAllTJUi'S liOAHDIVG HOUSE, (THXXOSC HOUSE) JH ON R O 'EyN .l 0 - . ;... Batss: . Single meal, - , , 35 cents. Supper, lodging SQ4,breakfast, $1 00 Per day, from ft 00 to $1 25 33-tX Hoou! How Lost, How Restored! fmTmrm Just published, anew edi- a,:. .f rw brated Essay on the radical cure (withont medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Semin al Losses, mpotency, Mental and Physical incapacity, jopeuiificuia tu juarnage, etc. also. Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, in duced by eelfdndujgence of sexual eitray- agance, Sas. sar race, in aeaiea envelope, only 6 ots. The oelebrated author, in this admirable :ssay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' suoceseiui praotioe, tbat the alarm ing consequences of self-abuse may be rad ically cured without the dangerous use oi internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mod of cure at one simple, certain, and effectual, by means of whioh every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheap, ly, privately , and radically. f3 This Lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every mn ia the land. ttont under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage Btamps, Address tne puDiisners, 21 Ann St.. New York: Post-office Box. 45SB Tne Cuuerweli JUedical Co., Combinatioif- (PATEWTE FEBTTAltr;3rd, 18T4.) WARRANT PP Bequires no wedging carl he adjusted fojf any kind of work In thirty neann. - blade of the field hoe is made entirely of east steel ; -square in shape, and k Th edpa becomes dull or worn out, It oan be reversed, thus making two hoea phd 10n PKICI OF OlE, It ca,a be taken froin the handle without trouble, Iqths mmvl grinding i hoeg bandied ready for use ; no wedges to shrink up and mil Sr" weather. An entire set of Garden Tools, ooneistlng of five implements (threelm steel blades, one drill and am garden rake) for the price of one good uvpleroent0 .Gold Medal, UiplQma and Premium awarded at the State Orange Fai. .t w gomery, Alabama, last fall oar all other hoea. Also at the Seltna and Hntsvllla ' Now, you farmers of Anson, If yon want twice the worth of your money caliv u undersigned, in Wadesboro, who are the agents for the county, . W wul'kAmvr1, supply on band at all times. - - .'MeP 4 H : D. L. SAT LOR or JOIJN A, DQGQan. New Style bf Likeness I . Crayon Portraits, COPIED mou Photographs, Ferrotypes, Daiuerrotypes, Etc. I am makinc Portraits In Crayon from Small riptures., which are very fiue, rival ing the Photograph in delicacy of shading and beauty of finish ; while their size ren ders then) Very Bold : and Lifelike. , ,Ko sittings required, A good picture of any Rize being furnished, to work from, a althflil Portrait ia guaanteed. Photo graphs preferred. - price ror a copy J 11 incnea, half life size, ' ' $5.00 flegant Walnut and Qilt Oya) yrmes at - $3.00 TermH Cash in Advance, or O. O. D. If no Frame is desired, ihe. Portraits are sent poetpaid en a roller, Sassafras Pork, Granville Co.j N . C. 23-lj. PARP11ED GROUND JPEAS at dllAIILOTTE HOTEL: Deliglitnilly Situated Ji ,o ISuslnonei Part ' of CHAJlLOTm TUI3 ilonse has fine rooms, well furnish cd and Vateljr refitted In thbeat style. Attentive erTants. The table daily supplied with t,he best tuis aDd otuer mark;eu atjora. Kates xury moderate. J. RILEY p,ATiixsajr4 8.7 Iy. . Proprietor. . THE CHARLOTTE BOOK BINDER Y. & SUCCESS. TheCharlotte RooJt Bindery has nw been eslablishea only lourmoutns. Yet the great number of parous the Biud- ery bas already seoured, conclusively snows the great need there yas of a Home Institution, And it altQ testifies to the great b! infection of sucln parties as have intrusted wor,k to it. Cheaper than he can send North, and baye lustame uiassoi woru uone. This is evident to every one who will coimider the cost of Exwressage and the fact of the tiitidery employing its own hands, Hooks noundinallStylesat the Low. est Kates. Paper ruled to any Pattern 'ana Blank Books of any Kind or Quality Manufactur ed at Short Notice. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. Orders solicited to wkich prompt stten tion will be given. Address U.'L. KoLLSCII, Proprietor Char'otte Bock Bindery, 43-ly O harlolte, N. C, JUKE APPLE VINEGAR at PATRICK'S. SELLliVG OUT AT COST! I HAVE MOVED TO THE CORN. EK aiUHK r UH.nKKLl UUt'U IPED BY B. I. KENDALL, WHERE I WILL CI.OHE OUT MY ENTIRE isrocK OF . . ' GOODS . , (EXCEPT OBOCEBIBS,) M I0 S T7 - liy s ?0C consists or DRY GOODS, MOTIONS, V BOO'IMP AND SHOES. II ATM. . CROCKERY C I intend closing out those, coode, so as to seep a good stpqc pt family I will continue to soil at cost until Apri Court, when I will dose put r , ' AT AUCTION! LQive me a call and save money by buy? ing goods cheaper than ever before. - i Eespeetfally, 1 ; .. GEO, P, HORTON, Aaeat, Wadesboro, N, C.Feb. 1,"J7. T . ' ; .. s:-tfr" APPLES, 0RANQE3 And otiier Fruits For sale at the store of ' . JOHNT. PATRICK," TO THE BOYS; I have on hand an aasortment of Base Balls and Ba which will be sold si PW as they can be bought in Charlotte or any fWjer piaraei, fxu, 1. JfAf itXUf. t r Hoe! B VERy R ESP5 T WELL, MRS. SMITH WHERE GOT 5 NICE CALICO I WLL TP YQO. The other day I was Reading in Hebaud, iwbJchlWe beenreldineSr the last three years,) and saw that - Mr. George ,W'-Kniile7s Iad moved from bla old stand to ku'new quarters, one door telpw .McLendon ft Go's Drug Store, and was selling all kjadl of goods at such a LOVV.RATM That I thought I would give him a trUI so I had Jaraes to hitch up our horaiud we went tq town and, wfll jon UlievJ me, when I te yon tbat at . , , IHJTLKY's I bonght a nice dress for. Fannie, s pah- of summer shoes for WolKe, a hat for George, a cap for Jame ( JaiAes.jou knost b named after his. father,) and loja of things for myself, and carried home Boine Money esldc i Mid I did not think when I wont I WoUl have money enough to buy what I wanted; butlteUyoti, MB. IDNTLEX is selling everything so . WW DOWN That I think that Dleoe (n U HwuMj must be so whei;e it says k has employed some one to steal for kim while ha eeHs?1 "Is tbat so, Mrs. Gulledge ? Than! tell you what I intend to do to-morrow. I am going to have John to carry m to town, and I will buy some of them goods befor thoy are. all gone. But, does he keep everr thing ypu wautr ',.;' 'V.f " can tell you Mrs. Smith, he kee IGROCERIES. r -l PROVISION. : -UAKDWABB And eyeithing wanted in a Jf,ltcheiil!il. icoes, Ready-made Clothing, aqd eterj. thing wanted to wear, either y meD, ladiei boys or girls . 'And, kesldes, he has one of the politest detka in town. I think hi, name is Mr. T. B. Henry. O-ftjj, . ; 1 . 005 AP JOB PBINTINft ook Bin din It mi mi niBii Xxeceted In he Tory, best and latest lm. proved stylo. We have the only eombbKi 50B OFFICE ANp BOOK-inWRr IJT TUB CITY OF RALEIGH, and tha LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT of the kind IN XHE STATE. Our Printing, Including. Pamphlets and Books, has been extensively, praised by the Press North and Sontk. Saya, J. B. Bui-well, A. M., Peace lustltate, K lclgh.' " f have never kd duallogs with any Printers who. do better work. V.t. Hob- terms aa any fnbll&jiing BonM Monk oa Sooth Mi. Kobt. Bingham, 8np't Blng-. ham School : '' We know of so better honst, In their line. President and CtrfWerClu reus' National Bank, of llalcigh: " Wekno of no Establishment turuine ont neater or. more satisfactory Jobe. Much of their print, ing and binding done for this Bank Iim takes, premiums at dinerent Fairs. ' . uur ii i,a as lor ciotks. Epenra, ters, Magistrates, Attorneys, Ac., pronounced tne 1 BCIIOOL CATALOGUES, IKCUU,B LETTER AND NOTB HEAUS, niuj HSAD8, CAKD3, ENVELOPES, TAU or PEINTIira OP A5TIIS5 RECORD BOOKS, SCRAP BWjtf 9j BOOKS REBOUND, or BOOK-BIUDIUO OF JJ 0b, Send your orders to EDWARDS, BROUGIITON & p. PRINTERS AND 'BIKDEffl, BALEIGH, N.C. oldest Religions Papers In theBonth. advertising medium uiwripao W "T'H tne state. Aaoress, jiiiaii'tJ,'yr : TON & CO.; Kaleijjh; N. C Change of ' Office Supt. of TranPPIW'eS' -1 Seaboard & Roanoke Bailroad t Portsmouth, Va,, Bept K On and after Wednesday, th. will leave Portsmouth, daily, eww tral.i . 1 . n Mail train at ' : V. 1 Vwllit tro!n mt. - in S0. a- No. 2 Freight train, ejeept Saf dy Arrive at PorUroonth, majj trwp 715p.m. ; - - l - No. 1 Freight train at , i Xo.2 Freight train at , , . ! filK0u, Mall trairwlll atop only' Franklin, Newsom'e, Boykins', Mg vine m s--Fl2 passenger car awacneu, "), -ir- Stations for passengers. "frT-ftht nedfs at "Weldon with thC"fH ' W. 4 W. and K. - JTZ. rt Mondays, Wednesday! . a 'i7Lwo. Franklin,' with 'ateamert- ror Plymouth, and Jndwg.on f i. aodPhpwaprlvera. Freigwjr--' b, ly, except Sum laay,tromo-,r'nHto; A4rtf Snet, ofXranspprt "..'DAILY STAKfl '' fT,OQ P?r Ahnnm. .. k-h DoTol!, BIBLICAL IECOKPEB,. P Organ of N. C. BaplisU,;W

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