FfitlHiliil; IIIILITil ? I7i afflicted can now be restored to. per fect health and bodily energy, att home, with out the use of medicine of any kind. ' PULVERMACIIER'S EliSTftlO AND BANDS, For self-application to any part of the body, ' meet every requirement. The most learned physicians and scientific men of Europe and this country indorse them. These noted Curative appliances have now etood the lest for upward of thirty years, and are protected by Letters-Patent In all the principal countries of the world. They were decreed the only Award of Merit for Electric Appliances atthe great World's Kxhibitions Paris, Philadelphia, and elsewhere and have been found the most valuable, safe, simple, and efficient known treatment for the cure of disease. READER, ARE YOU AFFLICTED ? and wish to recover the same degree of health, strength, and energy as experienced in former years? Do any of the following symptoms or class of symptoms meet your diseased condition? Are you suffering from ill-health in any of its many and multifari ous forms, consequent upoa a lingering, nerv ous, chronic or functional disease? Do you feel nervous; debilitated, fretful, timid, and lack the power of will and action ? Are you subject to loss of memory, have spells of fainting, fullness of blood in the head, feel listless, moping, unfit for business or pleasT tire, and subject to fits of melancholy? Are' 3'our kidneys, stomach, or blood, in a disor-' lered condition? Do you sutler from rheu matism, neuralgia or" aches and pains? Have you been indiscreet in early years,; and find yourself harassed with a multitude of gloomy symptoms ? Are you timid, nerv ous, and forgetful, and your mind continu ally dwelling on the subject? Have you lost confidence in yourself und energy for busi ness pursuits? Are you subject to any of the following symptoms: Restless nights, broken eleep, nightmare, dreams, palpitation of the heart, bashfulness, confusion of ideas, aver sion to society, dizziness in the head, dim ness of sight, pimples and blotches on the fiice and back, and other despondent symp-r toms ? Thousands of young men, the middle Hged, and even the old suffer from nervous and physical debility. Thousands of fe males, too, are broken down in health and spirits from disorders .peculiar to their sex, and who. from false modesty or neglect pro long their sufferings. Why, then, further, neglect a, subject so productive of health and happiness when there is at hand a means of restoration ? PULVERRIACHER'S ELECTRIC BELTS AND BANDS ure these various diseased conditions, after all other means fail, and we oiler the most convincing testimony direct from the af flicted themselves, who have been restored to HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND ENERGY, after drugging in vain for months and years. Send now for Descriptive Pamphlet and The Electric Quarterly, a large Illus trated Journal, containing full particulars and information worth thousands. Cop ies mailed free. Call on or address, PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO., Corner Eighth & Vine Streets, CINCINNATI, O. tTAvoid bogus appliances claiming elee trie qualities. Our Pamphlet explains how to distinguish the genuine from the spurious, 48 6ai . . .CABINET J CALL THE ATTENTION OF The People of Anson AND ADJOINJNG COUNTIES to the fact Bit I to -now Sole harp. : OF THE ' CAB I NTT SHOP of tliis place," AMD HAVE MOVED TO THE Argus OJScc Building, Back of MARSHALL & RICHARDSON'S Where I am prepared to do all4work in my line at short notice, and guarantee .SATISFACTION. C O F F I N S OF ALL SIZES ON HftND AT ALL, TIMES. JAS. C. nUTIICIXSOX. WADESBORO, N. C. 3l-ti JOB WOKE, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH atthe - Pee Dee Herald Office. PEE DEE' HERALD PUBLISHED LYiffcX W EDN E S D A Y f ny ove writir.fffor anylhirigihey see tin ii ill v'jtji : ..i i 4 J . vy " you i;ai; secure ,jrictr vurqums,ora more v-tmctual reply. sunscnirTioN hates yue year, in advance I o i n luree .uontus. " - CLUB KATES- we win cti;b tbe Hebald and thejfollow- ug valuable jouanate at reduced pifees be- 1U , Specimen copies cf any of, the journals can e-seen at this office; t3t 3; American Farmer, W ilmiiiufon Carolina Farmer, ' Scientific American, Farmer and Mechanic, Saturday Evening Fo.st, (Liter'y) North Carolina Farmer, Agriculturist & a'Micros.cope, S3 10 3 50 3 20 4 Oo a uo 310 3..JM 2' 75 oio! 4 0 It, HE Si !:..: SPACE. (I Fw. xm. M 0 Ml (12 M. - l 1 cpaure 2 scpaares. 3 ', qu u s.' 4 sqt!art". i coJiimn, 4 column; a i ,t7u,xn uus pnptr, toll TileaH m METsriN.TUE 'PEE 7) K ; 7 7 A A rru 'JUliil $10 to 16 (k- ooi 25 0i 30 ;b 100 '00 $18 01) 35 CO 45 ( Q 50 00 100 0 1 -.. 0 Time Tubie Fr Ihe Present Cen - tury.. ' i, ' Showing tbe day of i he Week ah'fl -Month yvitjiiii tlse prvseut,CVntury,. x? is i ay i;iz rrr io u G D 1 Y 12 18 4 B 3 8 14 1800 6 00 bi $ C 5 00 10 , v( 7 50 14 0C 4(;(. '0 0t 18 00 h 30 5 f &.-00 10 0.0 20 40 00 :; 3;s 0( 75 n 4 5 10 11 - 10 21 22 27 32 :vt 38 3j fi4 ! 43 50 55 60 61 6G 67 '-- ' 72 77 78 S3 88 89 94 ' 05 . 9 15 20 26 1U I - 10 i 24 30 17 25 28 !3 29 35 40 46 31 36 42 53 59 G-4 70 Si 87 92 98 '41 47 ! . i 5S 43 48 51 51 50 62 57 63 68 74 85 91 9G cb 65 71 76 82 73 79 84 90 '80 86 497 TABLE II. Days of the; fojonth. 93 99 j 21 3 4 1 5 1 6 7 I; 9 It; 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A B CP E F G Ii C D E F G A CDEFGA B D E F a A R C F F O A 11 C D FGABUD F A B C DIE E January, October.... May.T..... August. Feb., Npv.j March. June. Sept., Dec. , April, July... Find the Sunday lejier of the yat in Ta ble I. Look for the same letter in Table II, in the same horizontal line with the najne of the given j month, "and over it are ail the Sundays in that month. For any date in the months of January and February of a leap-year, use the bunday letter at the head of the column containing the first dash pre ceding the desired year. i Example. Find the 24th of October, 1836; The Sunday letter in Table ij above the year 1836 is B. Look for B on the right of Oct. in Table II., and over it are all the Sundays in October, viz.: the 2d, 9th, 10th, 23d, and 30th. Tbe next column giyes all the Mondays in Octobor ; so that the 24th is on Monday. The following colnmri gives all the Tuesdays in October, and so on. Example for dates in the months of Jan uary or February of a leap-year. -j-Find what day of the week the 24th of January 1872 came on. The dash preceding '72 is in the second column of Table L, the Sun day letter at the head of which is G, I Now look for G on the right of January in Table If., and over it are all the Sundays iiil Jan uary for the year specified. It there appear ing that the 21st came on Sunday, the: 24th must of coarse have been on the thircl day. following, Wednesday, which k the an swer. Leap-year occurs every fourth year, j; Any year which, divided b fou leaves no re mainder is leap-year Here, wtat are yoa doing here! Come, tnsUe oat of Lre ! and repent too,' said a $ g od Mr.ssacbn.tts farm r to two of Boston's, great a; list -sbo wtre sketching In 'afield. 'Why, what's' the matt.r,' said one of the artists. we are sitrplj paintinc landscapes?- 'Not by a Warned 'sight said the farmer, 'you're thrse cusses who rainiiugoa fences &nd bouses and Ptot 'Use Gubber's Glne, and wash yoar bands W with Gritler's soap.' and yer mixing vtr paint low to work onto my feneee. Now, getont o' this. And the aesthetic gentle men bad to tr.mble. DRY COO m. Fall Opening- W. II. fc 11. S. TUCKEll nave the pleas ure of again j resenting .'TIlEilt ENTI11E FALL IMPORTATION, And pur.cn ases i the N K1 HERN MARKETS. HEW SILKS, DBESS GOODS, French Costume Suitings, CARPE.TS- aris Fashions, 1 Kiii-e and Curious Novelties, .For Carriage, Pioiiiinade, Dinner and Eveninor W'ear. We are prepared to show tbe public a stock of our patrons and Novelty and SiapSe Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, &c , Ac,, Unf -quail 1 in VARIETY, AND CHlf APNEAS. liemeuiber our motto, at thH lowbst Cash prices.'' MAGNITUDE "The best goods W. H. & E. S-Tucker, IIALE1GH, N. V. 15 rr DRU.GS! D11UGS THEY ALL KNOW IT ! That we keep the Largest Stock ! That we keep a choice Assorted Stock! That we keep the Freshest Stock ! TJiat we keep the Best tStock ! That we sell at the lowest cash Prices ' And have a competent clerk of tnree years experience, and a regular graduate ot Medi cine, who superintends the filling of all pre scriptions, and can be found in the store ? . ail hours in the day. JUST RECEIVED ! A new and elegant SODl APPARATUS, with al? the latest improvements of making ai)d dispensing Soda Writer, and a variety t r healthy and refreshing beverages, IV E COLD. Tbe ladies respectfuliy invited to call. Ice: will be kept for sale at the lowest pi ices . Kemember, 'The Best Goods at the Lowest Gash Prices.' Respectfully, W J McLEXi)0X & CO. 5-tf The Annual Meeting Of the Stockholders of the Cheraw & Darl ington and Cheraw & Salisbury 'Kail roads will be held at Florence, S. C, on Wednes day the 20 ih November next. J. H. McIvee, Sec'y- Cheraw, S- C, Oct. 21, 1878. 19-4t STATE OF K0RTH CAROLINA, ANSON COUNTY. Til the superior Court. Eliza A. Turner, widow of Geo. Turner, dee'd ; vs. Wilson P. Turner and Millard F. Davis. PETITION FOB DOWER. In the above entitled cause, it appearing to the satisfaction at the Court that Millard F. Lavis, one of the defendants is a non resident of this State, and after due dilli gence cannot be found therein, and that he is a necesxrr party to Ibis proceeding, It is ordered that sunmons be served upon him by publication for six successive weeks in the Pee Dee Hkiuld, a newspaper pub lished in the town of Wadesboio, in said comity, commanding bira. and he is here by commanded to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Anson County, on the21st day of December, 1878, to answer the petition, which is deposited in the office of the said Clerk; and said defendant is hereby notified that if he fails to answer said petition at that tim, the plaintiff will take judgement against him for the i elief demanded iu her petition Witness, J. O McLauchlir, Cltrrk of our said Court, at office in Wadesboro, the 11th day of November, A . D. 187S. J, C. McLAUCULllT, C. S. C. 21-6t 'Prm ner at the bar.' said the Jndge, ! per writ, of fuel, and now tlnVve pot one.4 1 lof, a s. e hw jf r fed ! I si bin if; r there any tbirg yon wish to say before sn- H e, h? ! an hit's flt r.b m an I tnt foTjjot yit Unce is pissed npon V The prisoner ' loot - ! Yesr I saw thi gniu. the other I lmw hit gtit'w'd.on me ! ed wistfully towards the door aiul renwrke.d d tv, hot no2f to.bak? an ok. an it didn't ".' 'Well, wljat ara de 'interdnektiy wymp th:tt he ould like to my good ; cvt ning..4 1 burn a-y cod a? i H -not v i pound. i tiro's u tU ailxent, tell me dt ? , if that would be Agreeable to the company. Lsthnt possible ! VTfiy, I nvor heard of ! 'Why, hen er jeas settin rond But they wouldn't let him. Haw keje. such a tbiog ! Didn't burn nnv mil at all ?4 j sn ssi ase gwine t-r Ul air to i-r The sins all point to a cold winter wild geese fly higher and honk louder than usual. SouirTe's are laying up a larze winter supp'y. Ground rats dig deeper holes. There are more uurriages than usual. Dogs turn their heads to the north When they howl at night, and heifers curl their tails higher hen frisking, economist.' E. City fat citizen, having in view the purchase of a nw coal stove, was venter standing in from; of a hardware store, when a newsbov halted and respectfully said : 4I s'poKe you've seen the new stoye the one that beats 'era all 'I don't ki o v that I have, was the cilm reply. 'You orter see it, sir. Thfy are alius talk in bout these coal stoves which save ten Ippecial Bargain 7 IK FALL GOODS. AT E . COX' S IjILESVILIjE, n. c. Tp CORDIALLY INVITE MY FRIENDS Jill ,Knd p itrons cf Anson and surrounding feJJ1 counties to examine rav stock of IstA UT1FUL DRESS GOODSffor Ladies and Misses wear. Also the large Stock of Gents and Youths Ready-made Clothing, which cannot be excelled in style or quality. Cone and see the GREAT BARGAINS I can ofter you in a large fctock of New Goods, staple dry goods, uhite goods, and notions, gents and yonths hats and cap, trunks, valises, &c I can offer you tbe greatest bargains in a large stock of ladies bats, artificials, trimmings, &c fcc. of the latest Fall Styles, and unique taste and beaut v. All of which, will be sold Cheap for-Cash. Call and see me. W. E. COX, I.iiesvilie, N, C. 15-tf THE ROBBER BAND. , OW IN P?2FSS. A COftflPLETE HISTORY OF THE CAREER. Cl imes, Trials and punishment of the no torious Outlaws bung at Bennettsville. on the 2Jvd of August. , Their leader one of tie old Lowery b ind of Kobeson County Outlaws. A plain, truthful statement of horrible ciimes by the oflicers who arrested aud prosecuted the criminals. 25 cents per copy; 5 copies for $1. Order accompanied by the cash will be promptly filled. Send orders to the Heeatld, at Wade.sboro, or to V. T. HARGROVE, Laurinburg. N. C, or Denneltsville, !S. C. 13-tf. IEL.T.EVUE Boarding a)d Day School will re-open on the 2d of August and close on December 20th, 1878. Heilevue is a heahhy place, situated in the midst of tbe high, beautiful and broken country, so well known as the Grassy Creek region of Granville Co. Cir culars sent on application to Mes, L,. E. AM S, Principal. 9-tf Sassafras Fork, P. O., K. C. unyadi Janos AND Apolliiiarls Mineral Waters, We now offer to the public these cele brated "Natural Mineral Waters." Recom mended by the highest, Medical authtriLies in this couiitry and Europe. Not only a luxury but a necessity Try it. Never fails to she satisfaction. W. J. McLENDO i CO., DrUiicrists, 17-4m. Wadesboro, X. C. Tie EnrlimtBH Weeldy Haw leys- This paper, which is universally quoted, may be had at any News Depot at 5 ceuts per copy. Annual subscription, post paid, S2. Agents are wanted everywheie to take subscriptions, and retaiu 50 cents in casb on each annual subscriber. General agents may send $L25 per year. $l,OOOIi THREE PRE3IIU3IS. We will pay the agent sending us the lareest list of subscribers before March I, 1879, one first class 7J octave , rosewood cr walnut, New fc'cale, Upright Piano, full iron frame, overstrung bas, three unisons, pat ent improved agraffe bar arrangement, Ex tra Rich. $850.00. This list to be at least 850 names. . For the second list, not be less than 200 names, $100 in gold. For the third list, not to be less than 100 names, $50 in gold. For $13.00 at one time, we will s?nd ten copies one year. For $7 0u at one time, we will send five copies one year. For three names and $6.00 we will send the Companion iSeroli Saw and; Drill, value $3 50, as a special premium For five name and S10.07 we Will send tha Companion Scroll Saw, Drill and Lathe, Value 5,00 as a special premium. Address, Hawkeye Publishing Company, J 9-tf . Burlington, Iowa. '.Not an ony, and it was throwing out an awful heat.4 'Well, that lais me. I dorrt sft 1kw tht y got the heat.' Thy bun ed w-ood, sir,' was tliu bum- hie reply. T!k? man tried to cax tbe boy within r?ach, but the lad had to go to the post- office, Old Si Explains the Yellow Ferer Pete. Old Si met Fete at the warehouse corner and said ; Who's payin' yo' bcKle-bill now, d,t you hez so much time tr squander ? . 'I feds sick dis morn', I does! GJcomly replied Fete. Whar 'bouts ?' Welh I passed by whar dat white man wuzsick wid de'yad r fee her an4! ain't so sartin but dat 1 got, er whiff er de pizen.' 'You thinks dat yer got tbe vailer feeber, eh ? But Uinme tell yer, nigger, ef yer did yer wouldn't be standin round hyar guagin' yer appytite 'ginst dem watermil lions in dat wagin!4 'Did year ebber hab it ? How do hit do ? How hit do? Wait tell yer, gils hit, B. G. GRAHAM, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY WAID33B0E0, N. C CONSTANTLY UECEmNG E w o o i s And selling them at the lowest market rates for cash. He sells only PURE, FRESH AND UNADULTERATED 11 Strict personal attention given to the waus of his customers. Every package carefully put up and neatly , labelled 'before leav ing the store. PURITY OF GOODS AND LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. . PresnriDt'ons a Specialty, Second sio,k ot Harden Seeds Just Received. A Larg- Supply of CLASS, LEAD, PAINTS AND OILS Always on hand. The entire public are cordially invited to give bim a share of their patronage. 17-tf E. H. : HAN FORD. Wholesale and Retai DEALER IN MILLINERY, FACI GOODS A X 1) X0TI0XS. ALL THE NOVELTIES NEW AND RECHERCHE IN PARIS MIL LIVERY. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDEKS, WtJICII WE SOLICIT. Miss M. E. Dickson is with ns, and wi.l he pleased to see her friends from Wades boro,and vicinity. Very Respectfully, E. H. Hanford. 12-3rn nrTliri Classical and .Uilitarv Aca Kr I II r I demyi near Warreotou, Va. U tm llkb Prepares for Cellege, Universit v r Hnsiness, Krcominended for Location. Health. Morality, Scholar-ship ard Disci- pliae. Terms -Board and loltimi par hal, CO? , Fr Ci-Atalrvma. aiMi lf: session A. G. C 11-Am C T il. .1 t .1 . . t I . oiuii-uj o'jj- ucmti Acauriuj i.-. j, t Fanqnire County, Va1" f hnudie.1 . uoiur mule 4n w figgn&up d price l ?r halter iVr hit, yer kinder -s-pwhufis dat jer bft jer shurt fpln Whine i wi eti yon got up dis moridn. Er sorter ! sUeak p-iirt ter trickle dowu yer ! spinous colynra an' den cHmes np g!n quicker dat hit went down. Dm jimnas- 1 ticIcs continue tell d'reckly yer teef won't j stay lergedder, but kinder boxes wld each j udder. Prgsintly de cole streak ets down in tie Kinau ou yer oacic icr ter rm an4 oe- in ter ake. liitueby y er fid hot ail ober like yer wuz in er house a fire. Den yer can't crawl ter bed, but da misses come round an' fetches de docter an de wrassle frr er longer foot-hole on dis bank ob d ilber Wgins ! 'Den what do they do r4 'plasters yer all ober wid nitiEtttrd, fills yer up wid ftbuary luze an pile cn all de blaukits dat dey kin boner er beg turn de nibors. Den dey gibs yer ice on de inside an, mo blankits on de outside tell de sfe(dibrium am restored arter dat yer eiier gits well er dies ! 4 How did you stan' hit ?' Well, "I'se a tuflcitizei for cnuy com plaint ter tackle an Jt, nunadg'd ter be dar yit when oleyflUertek flong up de fite but I d'clar4 ter grahui now dat wuz de most weak'niu4 tussle dis niggr eber had, 'specks dat d'seeze donn hanker much orter niggeis, 'kase he don't offen win df fite tell he gits de fellr turned yaller an niggers don't tuni paller wuff er cent I Bot wben ehber he gits er white man lyin out looktn' like er chromo of er mustard patch in bloom dere s gwlne ter be er hole in de semeterry groun4 nex day, shol Vanderbilt University. X fourth Session opens Sept. lt 1678, and ? closes June 1, 1870, . Fees in. Literary and Scientific Depart ment, $65; Uw, SlilO; Medicine, $05; Theo logy, $15. Brd and lodging per month, $16 to $20. Professors 27; IiiAtrnctow8; 'btujeuts last year, 405. For catalogues audreHs L C GAHLAND, Ch truii llor, . - Nashville, TVmi. .le santly and iar, ad Im: -Fiuey, il.rvey & Co. Atlanta, Ga 50-1 ktmn INSTITUTE. rT"Mie Fall eession of this school will open on X Monday, the 5th August. Terms of tuition per session of 20 weeks as follows : Primary. English branches, $12.60 Higher English branches, 15.00 The Classical coarse, incladiog Higher Analytical Arithmetic, Alpena, Philosophy, Astronomy, Latin Greek, &c, 20.CO Boi rd and Tuition per session, 75.00 S. f . ALEXASOER, PBINCIPAI,. TO MAKE MOJTEY Pleasantly and tat. agenU shouhi addres. Finley, Ilafvfcy & Co.. Atlauta, Ga. 60-ly. A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. 300 Reward. EXECUTIVE DEP4RTMENT, ) Raleigh, Oct. 14. lbta J 7 HERE AS, official information has T been received at this Department that HIRAM NORTON, late of the county of Richmond, htunda charged with the muider of GODFREY NORTON; and whereas, it appeara that the said HIRAM NORTON has fled the Shite, or to ronceain hlmfelfihat the ordinary process of law carit.ot be serve d non bim. Now, therefore I. Zebulon R Vance, Governor of the btate of North Carolina, by virtne of authority in me vest ? by law, do jsue this my proclamation, fifieriu h reward of Thisee Hrxnetn Doixai.' for The apprt-hensioii and delivery of the sid lhr.AM Nobtox to the Hherill of Richtnnt.d County, at the I onrt House in llorkiii!iaiu; and I ilo enjin all -cf&cei oftbe' 8tat and all good citizens, to assist in biUwh a said criminal vj.jusuce. ! ) J)oue at mr ciy t,f RaJiyb, ih L.S. V Fourteenth ay .f Ocobtrf 1878, and in the One Hundred at,d Third yar of Anierican Independence. I!y the Governor. " z. u. Vance. Lie S.OvEnaTAN, . I rivata Secretary, " DEScarpTiox. HIUAM NORTON is about 33 vears m aire; has duk complexion, -bltck hiir d-ik jrrey eye: fs aout 5 Teet 11 inch bi 'i -UK' .. 1Kt l V. w: - .. .... . imneaimem in inn upeecn. Ins (ipr -v . 1 n a i C"o ? 1CI

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