7 fnnV G nM n ;' i i ' :uV H. ' - - - f - : 1 - ; .. 1' 1 ' . i , i . . i i i . i ' - j . " . ' i ' ui.mihiih.im ii ' rrr Y'- -1 'r ----- 4 THE STRONGEST 15ULWAKK OF OUR' 'COtrirTRT THE POPULAR HE ART '? i t;.-..,n.:lV V''; , au'iiiNiu & UKAYoUri. Editors. ;-;r- ,V .4 , 1 , " t. ' 4-,-r ty.t.v. . v-VT " ' ' -! - - v , a -HERFOIiDTON, N. jC. JERilS OF SUBSCBIPTION. r ear in Advane, - . . $2.00 1 m'oiil;hsf : , ' . 1 , 1.00 n' person' PCT(linjr us"a CIu ol five tVsh at above rateS1 lor cue Yar, tilled to an xira copj. . .. ; i 1 . . . . r 1 ,' lw. Imo, 3roo. Cmo. 1VT 2 so ; i.OO POO 2.10 5.00 .12.00 8.0 ; 4.0.0. lit.uO 20.00 30.00 8.U0 20 00 35.00 45.00 l2mo. 16.00 1000 45.00 70.00 lunra 15 00 40.0U tiO.OO feU.OO 125 00 'ppt'tial iiotices cliargcd 50 per' cViit ; 'jiA)tal notices J5 cents a Line.'' A gnls procuri ng ndvet n isc-.ents will m-U 'a ,ccinitlit.Hin Of 25 ier cent. tOFEMIOXAL . 6',.. , 0 Love ! . so swet at first ! .So litter in the end ! , 1 name thee, fiercest - foe, As well as falsest friend- bVflAvt shall I do with these : Poor withered flowers" of Mayi lPV tendereet propaiKes All worthless in a day ? ' How art thou swift to slay Despitevthy clinging, clasp, Thy longrcai-essing' look, : I Thy subtle thrilling grasp ! Ay, swifter fa r.to slay Than thou art strong to savo ; Thou renderest but a blow ' . ; x mi j. ever yavtv i 3)U. J. L. ltUCKEK, HYiSl. IAN, AND SUl.hOT, .fcfbl lor the. liberal patronage lieri'to- .eived, hopv-41, bv pM rot.t j.ttri.iion to to merit a voiipiHjaiHv of tl.' Hahiev ra. . ....... ..... r. .. . UUltftJHlLt:: i - i' '. G.M.- WHITESIDE. KCI11LL & Uiil'LEbiDE, ATiOltXJOYS AT LAW, r ' ; Kui H EliFOkiTON'.'.-N. C. pracHC-e in i,u toe utiurrs. of Western Uurotum. in' Uie Supreme 1 Coyris til the nd in tlio bistriet, (Jiicuit and iu n-iue ol llife t uif cl; States. . lti: ATiOItKY.Ai LAWl ; l.UTHKRl()kIjTONi 'K. C. 3s cpllect-ed iu all pait'sbi the tUly.' iu ' ' I - - ' ' -r V '.'.'".'.' 3. L: CAKSON, A;T0llNKlr AT LAW. ; RUTHEU FOR DTON. K. C. ectious made m ny pari ot tiio Mate ible.1- - .. . ".; - '1- l:tr ' log Ik, , v. :4 ! j. m. jubiicE. " AI O R. E YS vTAvV ' " Jj Kl'hlkkouotuk, N.' CJi, ' 1 girs protnpt i.ttenioii iu wii1 busiaess ted if) tiifcii care.' ;; . - . : ('' ticuJir ati.ei.ttou. jiilu to' colicctiohs iu SuiJepyr And-juiceai- V,'r '' i tl "TP CAiU'NTEK, - AXroiiNKY. AT LAV, " , i : r " ilL-TMliihiJltlJVuN, .- 0. fClioiiM prtirifpi; i.ttei.UeU tu. l.lf VJ I I II lfl i l I r'n. .1: ie i3 nud jot liitltiiAore, lit its uietrti tig, adoj luu tlie io l lu V inijiutu 'in ieiittKni ;tu tno tilicut lull;' or the Lord's day, is - apiiliciible to! otiir iiuii- Oh,, grasping o's the Gfrare Go, igo ! and come no moref- lint "canst thou set my heart -J ust where it was before ? ' Too selfish in thy need .' r j.1 uo leave me to my tears, 'The only gifts of thine That shall outlast the years;1 Yet shall outla st the years j ' " J .. One other, cherished' thing,? Slight as the vagrant plume ; v Shed from some passing wiing : J.ne memory, of thy hrst ' JDiVine, hjiif-timid list. Go ! I forgive thee all f In weeping over this ! LaCa C. Kebdeit, in Harpers x r ... . . ; -. r. ' -. - ( r- -. ' . v 1 Jurgery f iviiqthcr ariiis'cijieiit ol whic) iiH Oi ioutal nations ;ire t'xtioim.'Jy ' loud. 80. liunieroas and .yariouH ai-c the feats practis ed: by tlw 'performers iri this? line that Indian jKii-o-Ierv' is fainouH the world over; and their w qnder lul dexterity in ail matters rvjuir- various positions, he 1 formed of it quite a natural-look- mg- tiii teruy ;:o 11 ins .pen palm, and so arran:cl :t'wo ax: fights' as to 'allow nun to -wave a ""'fan rapidly' between Uicm without af- teetjjtg th niime, and then by n m'orejrcii tlpni ot on over,, the , i n -sect,' he started it: into apparent lifeii!;fn?t, Jt moved slowly to- at a rI ; ;ih e ta 1 , as i t' testi n g-. i ts towers '01 locomotion, then tnpp- d more i hg-htiy along' tha edire; and finally bore" away, wheel mi; ana nipping toward 1 vase ot now ers that. stood neiir,;then floatii).g awa v in very v wantiiness, antl orcsoniiv retui nmr, nan tin 5 ana coqt'etting among the dainty blos soms iike a thing: of lite, the wnTgs fairly quivering with excitement. Just then a mate was Fupplied to the lonely '''-excursionist by the snme niagie power Uiat.liahgiven the, first, its frails ' beinif : and. to- tether the fary 5 toufit setnfp.rth on their travels. Jtoun(lv and round they wheeled - and floated, but always within the charmed ei rol e' a bout th e con j u rer's head. so m et 1 n . es k isii 1 1 i s eh eeks and lips, together; or- sirry '.lighting- on tli ef out pr -Feal fan or ret u rn i 1 1 tr to flutter aniong tjie ilower, theiH tHrtirrsr or coorrettini? with each . , . , - - :Fortv. and -evtii thirty, vpar '.4' pional altercations oftei ' tof.'k pbieein Congress betwee, Nonhern and Soutitern member navintr their origin ii' seftinn.. unusuab' si sn f ht-of-Iiandt has jtasReu into a iinrvesarpjvYeib. A visit at' the house of a wealtlVv Ilihdoo, on the occasion of his son's marriage, gave ,me, an? op port unity o.f. witnessing ppnie of their rarest ieats in tliitThiiel iThe wedfli 1 g festi vi ti es con i prisVdS I vvo u hole' weeks ot'bandin t 'tAu?tl other, piittinir'their tin v heads to gether in mutual Caresses, and ski king their Lrauzy wings with all the prettj-'airs' and graces of live uj its. rlie seene-ended bv he magician mking a '"email pear! box out his bosom,-opening it and holding it toward, the t)utter- flies. Thev seemed to olwprvfi the .downy cotton with which the box was lined,- and in -circling curvesi they .nioved towards if,, and ero u ch ed d o Wn , w.i t h - w i n gs still' ouTspveacr; upon the -daiuTy J.I. ' i .1 : mi .ciicn prtpareu lor inem. . ine juggler closed the box at once, and as he did so, we saw seated upon he top. a - live eainiry that carolled forth Bweet songs untii its little throitt seemed ready to spl i t, as i f striving to eori 1 peiisate By nod of Bal m ore '; , o h- ng Witli,dcp .botituae the 'using ite roau upon the sac ess .of the babbaUi now be g'" niu'fie .by! those . vviio" yvouid 11 ig ly reject 1 ts 01 vi 1 1 e au t huir lesiiea-catnebtly and tenuer ) renliiid e very Christian prd Kiji. the churches: unaer: its ' ol liis privileged and perpet bligatiOu to stand nrnt atialList y such, lnioad open or. con cl, aild:to maintaiiitbe sac ess oi the day ot holy rest, in adividual actja, in his houae ,ainf in the wmui unity where it; 18 cast. fXEspevialiy u6es yiiod enj old . upon all : u 11 der are, to rciram troni , partici :i iu' parades, processions, nneeesaary appoi u t men is tor abuatii, aLd'Iroiii the fecep ijd :ibV r WitiiiVj ;ijo'Ur house of Sunday iiew'spapers, so ,f unfiitin -t-hum ?tor ' tlie Jp ot the sanetuan-t aiid' Ue uit.,thed shall , ruyr babbutti,! baith ( the wi r . 1 kj i wl a ii 1 i ....... -r i 'Ui J! 1 riunMu ci.iw wtuiLMuijoi an guTisp tor the acparture ot our tmtrernv with a most extravagant (iisplay , "favorites. . Sud.lenly the song" of or )ewfc!s ;aii(t t()xhes,;flmver-an was .chaneii iiiito piercing sdks .along the pathway orT:ihe notes1 that" J bVtoJc tied horror or bridal part) , the whole costing,, it ' alarm -and we saw at the conjuN. is sani-near; s)lne,t(trtv-n;e:thiiusaiKld within nn n Jut, t.ien, the ttiniegroorn was an " glarinir eyes fixed noon the bird. only; son, and there is; no .0 ther thatseemed - spell-bound to the too frightened or Ifas will so Tavisiil v ijOUr'out hi wp.Mff h bnln-jAl ''Tiw ed.till the snake was in the very act of springing, and tbn; with a tew words spoken in low,' musical 4:otiORj and genthvlronnjg move mcnt of his hand,T he deemed to throw the cobra into the same tra n cc-1 i ke sta t th a t tne bird had evinced; while the : latter roused up and flew eagerly into the jug gler bosom, which had ' been ofeued;.?or? reception; ;Prom this same eaoaeiotis'i ireee.ntattle - as tht birth. Or marriage; of at soir Bunng the 'day the tipie: was'di- viueu ; Uciweeu (ating, aancing, theatrical exhibitions, concerts, ganibliiVg and .jugglery; and at night there; was alWin s U bi'Mliiiiit display of tirenrks wlrile the fes- tival tasted. liutOt all, the iur. r was uiosirwonueriui. wrass seed 7was so wii ; h efore 'our jeyee, auu iu uvu ujHiutfii aiier a difeaeniehtsV" There "'was; al ways a class of men in the Hbus, irom Ihe Botithwho! sought t ihiik a reputation With their eoiv: itueljts by pitting themseJ.vvr igainstXorthern tiiembers, ho priucifvlsand education made du iihg repughan't to their feelings it vvas'a cheap method of gain nig distinction, wholly, nu worth r bien of true chivalry.'' Occa uonally' these- gentlemen s rar -igaiilMt Ingh-SDirited Northero members of firmness and bravery, prompt to repel an arlrojit, " ami perparcd to nieet an antagoiiist ii fil way. V In ! cases of that kind the4ire-aters were often 'signal I v disconilifed. If was' during the adtninisrration of Mr. ' Monroe that a; . liiiii occurred iiV the eua-te;' between General' Samuel IS 111 i t) i , '. of Aia i y land-, a p d t M r. Lloyd, 'of Massachusetts, the result of vliich 'gave nriich satish.tion; at tho 'orth.- ! General Sinifh was known as a lighting lUaii. a i brave soldier,; who had. rendered important services in . the var of lb I J. I lie was ii largim posing tigure ;of a man,' of pefeniptdi-y manner, and rather inclined to be dictatorial, nud, overbearing. Mr. 'Lloyd, 'oil the contrary, was small in stature, delicate and alnidst'efreuiinate,inapp dressing a i ways iii .elegiint stylp, and -looking; like a courtier of the days bf Louis XIV. In course ofldiscfussiun Mr. ( Lloyd had con troverted with some sharpness and argumeiits of General Smith. A logical reply suitable to the ta.se' did not occur to .the Senator; so; instead of reaffirming hisfaets and aUenipting to confute the fles, at ! forty! paces. ; Cilleywas an v .expert, shot with the rifle, wliije Q raves' was wholly unused to the weapon. "A mde wind was blowing fresh as the parties took their ground. Cilley was .a brave nian, bat helcould riot contrgl Jiis 11 erv es :" On the first ti re ids, bal I struck the ground not more than: tarty feet oth "Graves ' was : per fectly cotl and collected.-atid ' at miru snot Uilley tell, mortally wounded, Henry A. Wise ac eompahied Graves to the fiehl, and General Jones, of Iowa, was sec cond of Cilley. 'They were cen sured for allowing more than one shot. the., difficulty, being a tech meal one only ; but the fact is;, they went on theground tied up by an agreement jnuidf v by the great leaders of the two political parties from - which they did not feel themselves at liberty to devi ate. Their fatal mistake consist ed in accepting the 1 conditions by wnicn ine com pat. was to be gov erued. . Cilley died on the field, hut' his. fate was preferable to. that of Graves, .who lingered a few years a melancholy wreck, wast ing away , the remainder of his life, in remorse and niisery. From 'Hecpf lections of an Ohf Stager," id Harper's Magazine for January. 1 1st r od c 1 i o jd i p f C oac h es i n lb reasoning of ! Mr. -Lloyd, lie. tried 1 - personal, m- sjsi genu- V.i :) rr i Children at oue XJfrlli. the. 21st of A ugust, M re. thy ntdlccj; 01" Trumhull y, Oh 10, gave hi rt.h to , ei it eiir-r-three -f boys t and bve ) They arei: jalb- hvihg, ' aUd althy 'hut very small. .Mrl tifu 1 green lawii ol smodth-sliaveii grass lay - at- our' feet;, A : tiny,: Apparently exhaustlbss in-its re two-leaved plant was handed us'l'sdurec, , Was drawn out another vv e- saw and ielt it:' eotim and effr ; llnu'Jnrr ' thon. T 7 7 ' " -.v. - MISVVV f UV11I time to make- each- other's ac quaintance,' fiometimes ! exciting tliem to anger, (and again sooth ing to quietude by his soft words and droning lUptitins; the juggler wrapped; thehu around -his iieek and-arhis, larul stood Cwith ekub taut pride, allowing them to' touch. his nose, the tip wi)fi. Ins 'tongue,' to look at; h and perceived that it;wa; ine nnnigo.tive,-haviiig but! two imperiljctlj-developed leavewith a portion. t; the seed still ad her- . . . . . ... . . i lhi.. IU liait an hoiir.u''fl-rfti-'thiiJ niatigoespluekedapmrehtly this very treei whieli had seemed tb grow : bet oiuu rey es til lit' had towered above our heads, budded, niossoniea auDrbtfrr 'frtnts that and in ne instaiibe tho pupil .' of turned ironi greeuO'pon fhi8 iey,ri,witli f their- vtbratii most as rapidly as the cou?d be ' tongues. ; But alb the"vhile ?he piuvlved aud .eateii. . . . t , held a sjihali lute .in his handand ; v urpnze oaoin oi , clear . Watery f.we liad the privilege ofiex- ami n 1 n g; wyrf placed olr U v'stan -H ana tnoiigh, when we f thrust in nojhe;:mak'iug;.twl 'ouFliaiid.s,'lhere'W 1 u but the wateiv'in fitte2 yliile a hiagrn fluent4 Miii or? Watcrniilv spraiig'up ! tiierfeiil aiid 'd its Avh en 1 word iHeomd'- to -fail he played a few notes on the ihstru- I' men t, 4 whieli sdoh J reduced, the reptiles i, to; a 1 stater ot dreamy qu i escence;f After ' -j p er tor m ixig 4hile'VaViiVus-4anrir 1 .ieat with -othenu a iuaghiueu fbt snakes had iu -no wayj been -mqti-1.. .1 1. '. 1: . 1 i t large - cmcKen a3otk BtruckKat t bout, iivdiiuih- ntes1 : Lthe effect' of a little tiniidlitidh. ;- 4t Mr. President, " said he, in the tone of a schoolmaster lectur ing his pupils, " gentlemen com ing from a section of the country where tlie doctrine of personal re sponsibility is not , recognized ought to be specially cauttous in the language they ,Use , toward gentlerheniin this Chamber. If their own principles or the senti ments of their constituents prevent them froni giving satisfaction for words, not properly chosen,-, they should take carey'not to wound the feelings of Sehators who Avere ed treated in d different ecliool. " Air. Galliard,!of South, Caroli an, was. presiding- in the Senate ill the absence of the Vice-Presi dent, am I be, kn owi ng the gtutf 01 wnien Air. liioya was maae, smiled quite signiticantiy as Gen eral Smith. took: his seat. On tife part of Senators generally there Was aii expression 01 uveiy inter ests as Mr.- Lloyd rose to reply. He spoke in a iow voice, and iu a to mi as; n 1 1 I d iiA ;i t h e we re 1 u v 1 ti n g a lady tb take iatturn in a waltz. V Mr..: President, I am not ac quainted: with the sentiments of my State upon what the Senator :-call3 the doctrine Of iersonal re- ispou si hi ti ty . I reeogn ize tli is doc- trine 10 us iuuesi extent, ana am prepared to be field Vresponsibfe rilr any- way for eve ry Avord I utter on this floor, r urtheruiore, bir, in. order to prevent ny:';miscoij eptioh'hereafter. I give: the Sen ator from Maryland-, to know that hull'; hold 1 him respdiisible tor Coaches came into general use in .'England earlier than qu the conti n'en.t of En rope. Queen Eli zabeth's state" carriage was the first vehiceb which . wn designed by that name in the islandr In 1588 the queen rode from Somer set House to PaulVCross, to re turn thanks after, the destruction streets, there was a chanco of ob- .: tainin Customers to inspect: and i pu rcliase our r com ra 6i ti es ; J ui it now theyyhisk past in tlie'coach'v ; es before "ouf appf entiefes lu liavo' tifne'to cry:outiVv tai df)k3ack?,,,; Another complaint was, that in' fdrmerr times a the' tradesmen ! jo . the f prinei pa L street earned as ' uiilaAtheirrenti their.uoDef arjartmenta to. riiem f be rs of Parliament and : country guijueiiien visiting LiOiiaon, on pleasure - of; tiusin 'until tha ' noise mad !l?y: tlieoaehes drovd 1 the profitable dodgers t6 less fre quented streets.: Another class of 'men wasscarcely less bitter against the now mode of locomotionthe boatmen ou the Thames, whose business vas sadly interfered witbi by the introduction of the more con venieut "vehicles ; and one of their number, who is known in " English literature : as ' uTaylor, ! the water-poet,' ' wrote an invec tive against: tlte ;newr system, eu- titieu, tfcihe W orld runs upon Yhels". In this composition tie vigorously attack coaches, aui eHutuerates,in. his beeulir, stvlt. alb the disadvantages caused' hv their generai introduction. In another publication! called, "The. lnier, he thus inveighs against them : , . - - ; r . .. "Carroches, . coaches, - jados,: and j ; glanders; mares , . . , Do rob iu, of bur shares, our wears, . ' " 'feirs: ; -:'' ; Against the ground wal atari 1 and 1 ? j I 1 knock oar heels. ' j t VVlli e our proht wheels." runs away von" From LocomotionT--iast and P presented to her by Henry, Earl ofAruhdel. It is described as ua cliariot throne, drawn by two pers The;first : Alcahl einl85J iri Yreka, California, Was ktio yvii ai '" Cut-eye h oster,"but he left no white horses." The royal fashion J V " , 1 . J : , - , docket, and soon rail away, and tound man v imitators; and a - :fl ' i T . , J. thootfJi t he fcbaclM! of Uiat period :n:;r,e w i . .. i - : ... 1 . , -. , . -A I K - stejll. . JNo lawi book was ever : mua have oeeuctamsy and un- tn tiU court; he deiiaid ., cun,foMable .ther mult.pl.ed.so Q ou iu iVmeri, wiN - :Vl 7 fc p. 'YV v r s Img-Muc the full rhistory,aad m VI 1 V IVII.V that! must be jolted es ot lus d comp aius: Ufct is a cariosity, one case- tlie .wite;ot every citizen :brotight' before Jiim-: bbyliid jolted nowa very ex-. a . toonl fv(,m n,n preive phra3e,:since tlie coa6hes Vlll ,vt W.kt feiwWf. '- ? made. without springs,; and dti6d He 'sold outm ; roads were of the most prim, the ,urin,r Zid was leaving add.' r , ' c' "i, " 1 - ' denlly, when,. on complaint of the 13 it long after the introduction i-Txru ;k:'i .'i.jJuJi ' ot coaches it was con sidered efxe- L. i7i 1 : li-ju . .1 r. iii."ii jiiffii fill 1 mm rn in r iv:i v were the ltve inmate and disgrace 11 1 for men to roved that he had received th"rev use nem. Queen Elizabeth al- fhuiitid dotla'rs da diis . saleJ-bat . ways pretered to tiiake her jour- he declared himself unable to pay, (t ? ue on norseoaciv,;. anu, ?vfiii; in thbd.rk'- 'iiot uvinir ' the, bbva r' old ago and sickness took reluc. vr... tantbytbhercoach. ' nir Phi- hp Sidney s time, says ubrev. faJ oil his "head, aha hiiu'" . .- so famous for men at amies, it anJ if; oU a'hearHV v was then .held :to be as great a S(ht!liu. d6p r$o sooner disgrace lor ayoun- ggntlman to .saiati,Un dobe;. A vigoroiisshak- ' 0, be seen riding in the Street in a U.,U:a i::;iU n:A r . i-V- 1 as u- wuuiu now tor SUCH i.'r.r.'....r :iun L .. . . - . . . I lUllUIILT LVO VilUUvtUllU UOUi4l3 IU a one to oe ei.-m tne street m a goauSt ;Ul1b o.y reoe.ved bu 1 petiooat aiid wamtcoat; o, raucr. tbroe i l.mfdredIla : . the ludge and constables toot' an mg Li kb most other improvements, r '"M I H'.ia jilioi.iii'.Jf llrii.. iiiiim.u the water-poet, declares thatf- i Ji o use keep i n g n e ve r i ecay ed .till coaqhes. caine into Eiigland j" and r mnVli int-iiv iii T17 m. fr .Tflin I uko most , other improvoments, oan' iec ' for tiA trouble,, , joaelies were veberaently attack- i,. ?..(.: .,..iJ:...i utJ ' iT -- - ir r Ti-v n iifl fl.if ' -i. 1 ?3 . . r . V -aJ-'v"v r ' V Hgater ' lifiuXJustice likd tUu ' ; AflTlicted Widoiv.l ;every wOnl he 8eaks,dertgatOry to ' in v r cJuaKa'cteu'orr, inj unous to ... . . J . ... . I I 1 11 . I 4 1 1 : j .Inu . l.4iil.li.wl .:....4 i us .iuuu vu siv years i ,OT ?Vfii-. : ' ifPv -,HUCV4?'f am jyaiuu, ue, inrew ' : o EuuiWI' "IklrjWery, ; whbljfgt, werel ielpr u'iaauiVh e4 'twb: hundred lidsqvm uxame.rij ;hii;fii,i..v: i; ,tl i utes U i ... s . l-M-.S-.i e pounds; on the -day. of her iiie She -has ' giveir birth f hbtspeetatofs were iu ecstasy. ritp' XayUhe guitar: iShe said;lfe jsM lixiyears., JVlrs. , 'I5nidlec w, ciuppeu eueir nanus witi- ue-! t once -whn h 'was achildaM-itr npletj lier mother aii dvfai' ; only the -magu-raii lirrifsenearlY', killed, hinii i 'tb 'Mhitu louter, iuq ; s was quixe; renevrrr.-?TTe3iitTv lie : ! i ;;t -1.1 r . : i . t . n mouier oi Jiye?; "cru ur "F,srr y "ycyiow tissue ivvinvsya fiiewspaper.uiKefiaaP co IMiekXi P'Jlw-liaus, xaueaea nar army Becduse!it4aA leadttaj - , -ana alter turning it rounds and columns and reviews. ' nnv 'le.e lings.. y ; VJI V.1IV.40 4..U.IU kiJltUU 4 4 W I J 4 11 def,r'andthe; finrry assed, but' it :was observediUiereutter that there Ayas.-a.vStudjed cobrtesy iir the bearing of air the Are-eaters to ward Air. Lloyd, ,' fhela'sr7 fatal : Congressiotial tduelwds that ibiwhich boorCtlley " ih:his Jte he,, quarel a sacrincivio iue. rancor oi oanyr animosity oh the part of th&J stiff 1 tagonists. They tbcght with ri- iniich later, in 1072, a Mr. John It is said that the following let- Cresset wrote pamphlet ufginV'te, was written to a'lady 'inj Au ' thebolition of the stage-cbaclrS buritj by n bereaved and- strtckea' i -between-Loudon and the iuteribn 'iWido!iv; of Cidcinnati : i:A hi Aiiibng : other grave reasbus;,, for ? vDiSAUiiSTLoUloAr DarUug; John l their, s isueiidibti. he urei that Jied iast nigia Uongestidu -of; the, rt " 'ejiitk sagecoachar.niake;-. gen'4 lubg.j Vpar iossus uwain I tlemeu cbme to Llmdbu bir every liavej ordered "the loyeliest mo- , oioiiaise and fcrimuiedvithf Veal poinclace."L iss'covereili by in- ' sureboe, fonl the 'te.i year plan will be paid iun60 days: - J: know ydu sorrow with me.:.; We u had I tour doctors attwodolhirs a visit. ' j AunC'jMaria t wilt . JiJtl go. iito mouruiug:;Jecause iie lt just , , bbiigiit her .ne.v fall aud WiiUerj suit. iHer bvinuet is a . straw. . rrb;iUitm3 in y heart is tieirl v tirokiin , dial v.? me a: cut piper pattern V of that , sma 1 1 occasion whiclrot h e rw i se t hej jW uld mot do, but u port 2 U r gent necessity;4 nay, the' couven ieuctof,the passage niakes their w i vs b f tehlsb in e u p; w in ; rathe if than come such long journeys' uponi horesbaek, u would stay . at iiome ;v;Ttt,jiybcn,itbey;: eopie to to n, . they m ust presently, ;be in tlie mode, get tine clotlies, go to . pjAff ah'd -treaf s, and i? by these 'mcatis get such a - habit of idleness aiie4 iuvol ofi:pIeusre ;s? make ..II f: r AY.oare.toio;aiso taac'tne-9nop saoaae.oi.'yourA. ' z vw&T- ff Keepers, comulained i bitterly that L - j ; ' ; ;?rr I . . . - . & t ' m ,.'..'.- A and gentlemen walked in - the J soat '.-CiiXia city ia tao paaitaaturjr. V - '' -V... -.. ir ' . i . ' I -',' '':-. '.'( '-;V ;:'--' ' : ";' : .-''; .'' : ": ;' ' I ; "'' .' " '- ''' ' - -': "wT"rN-- -: v...-:..'' '.;';; V--';.--:- - .; :.:: ; u',;;.'":' :';v;x. :.i---'.