vt CARPENTER, Publishers. " i 1 ." 1 i1 11. " ' i . r. . . . 2- VOL. I. j , . I-t Z. , , L. ,. ! . i ; - ....' : : Ti - ' , ... ' i , . f ' 3 BIITirnTWrBM I WWMWBBOM IHMMIBBlBMlBMBI III III IIIIWIl BIM IIB" "WB11TTMni'lTJrMnTMBMrrTl TffrWimTTTrTB"Tfr"nfTTBTtfTlfllM III 11 ryi I - --- r . ,. . . , U ' - . , , . r' - i yy:- ! '. . -:;' " -i-"'.-!!" Ip ed? t bi?hr at ) I . , y'::- . .. . . , . - ... . . .. - . . - . - " ; - ? 1 - 1 1 ." , . 1 1 ! ". ! 1 r f 8 4 KUTHERFORBTON, N. C. Terms brf Subscription. X Copy ij Year in' Advance", . $2:00 1.00! 1 " G mohtii?, t" Alny ptrsbn sending us a Club of five wiih the! Cash, at above rales for one Year, H'Hl be tlitiped to an extra copy. ; It Bates or Advertisiko. SPAC1J 1 iueh 2 " : 8tn 1 w. lmo. 3 mo. Cnvo. 1.00 2.50 ' ' (5.00 9.00 2.C0 5.00 12.00 18.00 4.00' 10.00 .20.00 30.00 8.00 20.00 35.00 45.00 1-column 15 00.40,00 60.00 80.00 125 00 : itW "beciui jMptices'.cbarged oO perj cent iiiplier.- ocal iiotices 15 cents a line. - xt2? Agents procuring- Hdveitisenftcnts will be -low(-ji '!,a ccmuiisiHion of '25 per citmi. PHYSICIAN AND" SUKGKOX, Gr-tefuJ lor the. liberal patronage hereip fore ret.eivtd, hupofc, by prompt attention to all call, to uierjt a cotiUnuaiice ot tl.e satue. i U j:f. cncitcniLL.- -i G. . M. iWllTKSm CIIUKCI11LX VlIlTKIDi ATTOltNKYS AT "LAW, V RUTIIEKF0K!iTON N. C. ; Wi!l pr; ctice in all the Courts ot iAVenLern iKorth'Cark) i)lHiV-in" th S.upreni Coiirt8-l lha lu.'the District, Circuit nd Supxrt-iue fcjtute aiid Courts of the lTiiiitrd State?" ltf. 1. H. .JUSTICE, A riUKXIvV AT LA W, i . Clainrt lk'C't'ed in all parts paiiegtai-cy. Ill mOItXKY AT . LAW, . U LTJIKRFOirUl OX, J X. C. Col Ucti obs inaiJe in miy part of the State if"iossible kit' W. LOG as, J. M.SjrSTlCE. mUAisl JUSTICE, ifXORSKY'. aT. LAW, . KUTHfihFORPTO.V,: C. Will rive pronipt i.tU ntion to nonbusiness DtriiNted to their ciVTe..- . In 1 ": ' l'articu!ar jUeiition given to collections in hi. II) Sui'ifnor siiiu Justices Courts. 1 tt J V,, CAIU'EXTKIL. lA'iTO RNHY AT LAW,' ' ; -. ; MtUTKltFOKITOX, N . 0. ltf Collections promptly, attended to. ,: I UAUuiOAD DlllEC'TORX. X l l.JHi iSii r , i i A it LOTT li A M) UV rlir:UFUItU ISAFLXlOAi?.' . I EASTERN DIVISION" : GOING WEST. I I STATION'S, , I'.VRSKSCIER PIIKIGHT. I.eave Wi Anive Li I i ; . nihititon. 8 00 A.M.. 6.00 A..M 4.4 5 V .1 . 10.00 GOING EAST. s 6TAT10NH. kPASSENOKR FHK1GUT.' 7.40 A. il. ,12.00 li f. M. .'3.00 P li leave LiU Hville, , : Inirnjfton, Arrive W WESTIRN DIVISION. "V STAJnON-K rVVsSEN'GEIl." i 8 00 A M : ii.3o , LeavA Chisr'.otte,,; Arrive &t N RETURNING. tenve Bui' 1.36 P XI 5.30 S.X. FRKMONT, Gen. Supt: v Arrive (Jiirlotte, ion. . r ; SUpt- j: . .. i ". "WESTtiRIV l.f!AUOLl:NA 'KAIIj r veneer Trains on thi Koad run js fol 'wa:.' ' j XJ i '. ,v -V t j GOING 'WIST. '" y: tearo "Salisbury at v Arrive at Marion, ; . , Arrive at Old Foit - f " GOING IAST. Leave .ld Fort, . Leave Marion at ; i. Arrive at Salisbury, , ; 5.00 a. ra. ' 12.48 p. m. 1.32 ' U S a. ra. 8.04 3.32 p m. IS O A I) TORTH CAROEINA DIVISION GQT-Q NORTH. 'f KTATIONi. -V , ; , MAIL. ; jXPKE8S. v tea ve Charlotte, ' I J.10 p. ni. 6.25 a. m. Irrive Greensboro, ! 12.50 a. m. 10.10 ave C.reeiK-Voro, 1.45 . 11.10 'f !.rriye Goldsbpo IL05 -ib. -y ' - . 1 1 I'-' G0D?d SOUTH. ! ' I' '.': ' TAnoy. . v WAiU'c iXPRES.-y ' aye GbIdsbryxV 4-00 p. rn. ' tri've Greensboro, '4V30.i''. in. 13.30 p. m. lave Grefnsboro, 2.15 ,4.00 hire Charlotte, 7 20 44 8.30 LU passeoger trains connect atT Greensboro tiv trains -to ana from Kicumond. - - '- I'-ulirnanj Talace Cars entail. nijrht trains bp- fcen Charlotte and "Richmond,- (without S. Jj. ALLEN, i Genl Ticket A gpnti 1 i. . '.. .: : ' . .'. I UKKX, fstcr of 1 'ranspcrtatioiu . ? -"V j THE AIH-LINE RAILROAD. Put Past enger and - Freight, Ihrpe tiroes a itbujdaya, Wednesday aud Fridajrs. t j : coixe? west; ".- . v Charlotte, . , , ' 7.30a. ml v f've Black'g, - 11.26 r't V In Panseinger and Freight, Mondaya, ,Wed- Qya aud Friday 8w ' I . 1 I ..- U01KO EAST. ivo Bladk's, ' ' ; ' ' 2.00 jS. iah ve vcdrictte.. 6.56 ! f -t U Y. SAGR- 1ST 12rhd. Moo 30.00 i.oo 70.00 On,- triflincf tasks, so, often done, , . , . i . Morji after Daorn,. the long, years : ' ' "thrdiigh'!' 'i lYshrinbeneUMhiirMtB4- The restless ense 'of Vasterf ppfj 1 Are har to b&ir,.i houyby hpfiyc, T lti tedious iteration brings, ' .. ,r Who shall 'eVadd or3 who4 aVelay-"1 1 The smkll demands Of elery day ? ' The boulder in th& torrent's coiii-se " By tide and feinpeet lashed vain, OliayB the waYe-wlednebDlfprcet And yields its substance grain by.l .;V'u:'!;-''!''''.,!' So,crnmblvstrbngest4rviott1tfcy .H Bencath,thj3 wear j of; yy. dstfi , j , , , :. AVho tracksl thtifehfei lifii' May'wound; them ere theyarpwaice, , Qr conqnejethem jii desperate, strife,1 Yet powerless he to 'scathe or play Che vexing 'gnats df 'every day.' '1 The steady strain thaV never s,'tops " ' Is ' mightier: ! ' ihan the '"' 'fiercef - -: shock ; ' .:!.'7ifc') uii'C uv . Tlie constant fall df jyater-dros .' Will grovene a& ye fee J ()ttrf h'dblt&l p6?ergcdeca,i 4 4 In feeble arsTvith fiYerp dayij btf J ,i Aye rise to meet a heavy blow ; Oiirfs6uls'sadlie,ry nttsi But we endurcnotJva.ysiso I k ,(K' vrutsLm uujjiufe uuii.byiii ouey - .it; The heart .wlxichjbolojly faces deatji . Tj pon the battle-neld, ahel dares ' ' Cannpn and bdyonet faints beneath The needle ;pohit& u of frets ,and " - cares';.,,;.; , ;. The stoutest spirits they dismay And even saints of. holy fame, "( ... Whose" souls by faith liavef "over - - come,-. ' :-' ' - . '?' ' AYho wore amid the cruel flame . , .. The moulten crown of martyrdom, xure iiuo wiuiuiit cumpiainu aiway;; The petty lama of yesterday. Ah, mor fthan martyr's aureole, iff : And n-e'thaii herolieftrt of. fire,' W neo.d the humble, ktrength of soul Wbichchuly, .tpils and ills, rejqtiira ; Sweet Patience, "grant us, if you may An aaued grace- tor jevery uay.' ' 11 J ' V . . . A 'Myro Burned Atadelfor 'a kNcmief yt y:rlcss &itrdye.v u ;mJ,- The I nchbUrgri bublishtis1 the folio wi n,, extract t mm a?pp; vate letter frOm'-kidy living'near. ?Ilindeiu;:L;a.;JtblV iierfdMtife1 fo rmur city ! : ' ; " We lia a efeiitrn mcl sh ocki n aflai r i u "this -nxiighb o r ho'od thV-weck TMHil Krdll ft Ir AVilliiis-liatn'sV wKb'is eaeti spent ic one mile on her hor, butnevei ;of . uneasy apout ncr staying atb, aiVd rWeDtoVilKVFSi house td ee'WhatT tfedme3df her,add as1 THtt mW$rim wasgtv.en that she wa.s ..miasing, the neibp. of her, lb'uiVd'tbeli6l-se grazing in the.beldd tlb.tbTljDiln b -neck, and : nC bit j e, .. Bat jf bani ng on'the pommel of the saddLeybu could. fiud nb traces ki iiici-clilThb: whole c6untii)iyeayt rniles turned outkiAackaud white. The seareh ras -U H t ed. It was very plain that shfe ladv between 25' Ahd SO-jViaps 'dld. a mjtr neWHtfyiwklifv9d ritttehti dr-eiv-ab6u?thcvfeHtr!Wfi,M WomifeauiiratiUc, and begertAljfal1ovdd1 nommnnitv 'J Talk oVvhunhnUr Irom her liome, and got Uo-treUt iGayweJjiW A,Ja?,x ;n bWvA L.V se and-tartcd home, maimer.. itbat hiia,fnhfti. ijWO L .21 gpmicrci ntruuana irdSpantLi: aim l (. Was, Wltlll iail lWAWtf W .'V 'i Vffv.TJ aay, trom Alonaayuenjagsc.taoanitTiiinpio 'eUiare me f vices qi iup-popify .Wcdneday.morniiigJ h' fopnoj wiieo: hpjwsI$l laugrfo inrn'ab'dut : 'esjlfcmllythd'yoKg p40)ie.-' abobtr eight miles frombero,, ; " Ko "j sa,id tno. latter. . how merdiamti ,m?dbtr3altehieni atldi with the back of,her head beaten wait 2fii Pm ; J;I-T JtVbli bhy your gpq(fe antkgerciesijdb totefciirianfd sbfiadttm. :!f ftiWl4knii dkiaiafiiime other nlace: and bv all 1 ftf H AP n T n M V m irw ft lftrt t1 Wi or th(w ond rtrd'ctofito r narhM r.N tl IMKI ail(l!8IlCn.41KD!TinVn Min;i I ., , 1. n-r-rV ?kit?l.. . I -; i w$; iijegw niaaixmlioJ T tfer hnsbajid,to diimer.V WillmgnamitlTdayTP tbcJ.1 How -to gt at tbo ryot Oti thAndrnrtfrfW f Ithinjr Dijr. - ' .1hhiitr(Hi'rfAu1lififlfrhrhfit?ii4V Wuntry; they tooKthixaitfaofeirtoIki J . Well, go and make ?o to Know, wnat iie wmitpaaonej-siti rft,f Vrt, .,f m ;X'UCf-imitKiuw aio nap anane-, ilp ; theyletbimbum jivouij:i .men tatcc jiijn oiu5a nil v.' ;rvi has Tinui .lngnam s ana uer uome. uiar iie 'V,Vt m-f W il.l. .took the bridle ana lea trie norse through. tfe nifaawilUMrtPeigbt kilLlrcr, 4iat.lref diii ittolkeen hw u..: M 1 " - 1,; . ,i ii i aciivf KZv-M& rvh" - " " w - -w. v " v I ; , -iu-T-j-. Jlu.rtj'iirf rbi'fnii 1 j . JiUQftmf:i0?fi2 abd jt I I M.J . UlliV Lll (lllll, VI I ' I til JMIML. urte.eiirl linles iVr.frVter,- noA:ii as. Thyatarj, .was .' on jxi aiW5rlttefftft tiWJft liompleUQn.of ftiPoajwiU.ran -fe??P.fcPrlP$S Should lUfPr -feow enl ftorth' CaroW' and v4ry PvivSA1 VSvrXfllf ,rgbto provide, this fellow with, ftyffiUcemWlrouid U pcmeWtdW-fim' m given ithdB-.mHo -proprjise'ddcjr ,ijiHwajceiy lumi, wnoi nutroeteui j w e enter our -.fOTCst1; upbu eib ? s L i m 1 l)pV jpiQ PjJt .t1116 resolution to ..pay .Jariiiekiifc leavitig Lno tr'aces behind hm fiig,pf lfe5ongia.e: am .u? X-ast Saturday week Dr. Ivffrilrrc?" terhv.p.oeto .aU , ax$i tt meaaw wliISj.t;a SiuaLUVitetiorJowii ures.- ' xuauu ..j Uu. Mrciy4i o.TTy fluuavwgv.w-i" Inr Wnv nr, hwiior flip. ..riiJi n .whritfoivp tn nrrftH-OTtttJpi ntrninf he met ftrtfiierl tujlAl)ihiust tiiJY- enotili not to care what he .the saniq.viiamier.' u " Yesyou you arc the man whb lnaifere? Jbfeidif at:r0dld water. A loolctrofl tnilt vetHd like a dosr, however ciiminal spread tlip-ipan'.s. fae.and fiiiniJ taffeousTv Tie ran his baiia m.liis if to " iMwSviaoTp KidlbLb!jbonafd' diim-fttlv'litt 4eft. hand, ; AiMitdwjm vIii&-:rfaht1.dBstructivVdf iill motaf iidvitlitie- pofi-'newouni rjiuuge'.tnuri .kqifeit(ifebiii:iaiQn oll,100? ; which. he droppnd tflnffiSmtaa.F0mft mie a crowutuaci gatuerea around ieBH6rfldiI frlstyfferffd t the evidence ol the-Watffe'Milt f waamv-jimaviAB spDai6a4?jjsUat . l i i . i .1 iiieAwaa:pniped.;,uiideF JailiitfTvi t lilt iivtJ4J i)7Jirii,v,u ."," M.vviviuu ted, Bia&fv-3 1 taken tQi 4bftijresD ;nityv that., she could be ; iT . strained from doimr the DriscSr' HiniimhMOnr . -- - - - r w-w . -k.- i tj. iiti ,Ts 4,'r -7 TT- T,T.rT'Mi;uta8 veii.u;ioiuiiuuiS 114. jfio other excuse for th crime will ; bp idvortispd it Imt in i j ?t - l-a l:"!".: '1 P -,v'" Kfc,tolUii0'JwM!--t' terenf pliwe r wish voutfli .do . - if" "fTrIT I.Mk' li T I All TJUlt , " ... .w .......... i. i i rrurrii it77'h'Stmi k'Krrnnr'iK v uci t. iuuv vv .viuivui Did Voit ever hea4 sbv bowt was TnaT. K.fiVnrfJ3 tno nlnson. I Mi;'Wal aam glaufib4ir?Kig bab A 1 drf nJoug anra ipdblib'boassQ eoECT3in JsHvsPkii r-rvuiicu. i uib i ITwjmimJ iD id. Lacoiorjo first time iitfifiF,fi Wstftff06 iiimHe,, ,vf can. t eat, rus. ainueror WllUUUL IVUtlie SUUUU. iH1!1 yTPQrte W Chi Wren ii .'1,7 L"? J ' t4l WtL- jtt' JS t at yni!ear AfT trf WnFh: KirfnwtouilaPiUa fo.DihbndiiSBeisrfdue.afteS vnki f tkUiiri a J il.' It . . rrtr : il r V . Il l J I i;i I. 11111 I X.I'- Fifc IIM II L III 1M .-.i.-r Data ins reckoning. -and 1 Walked out of the public housed r aildoc: tfSliiT J w r W-i. r-'-Tv-T -' . . r flSllQiWk. i . .1 TP . w ' I , ' .',';It is a, backward step iu civilir zittttfft to . pay? Jjlpod-money fbrJ tne peace ajipi oruer ',ot aiietate. To pay rewards for that wlieh it is the duty ot fhe law olhcprs, as uj oner immunity to luciii. lyr a neo-iect ot tneir- autv ' aud . wnen tba.rQward ifkMjd -IQl' fe, siioott ins: flown qi aiiuinau Ueiuar, aunt 8uebcJ pCiiob may-'be'is tfiTeni1 courasre lib .tho humates breast-a pesor the Chmnaii religion ;aiid , i Signed, Ewt: .Badger, i Wkft Ji ,w. powman. iUiipneit; iju qopaAimyttelr'Whis ren; James Bly the, Hendeon VT. - Pj'BrHantHaiUaA. . Ov qorson Jeautort; JN, X. .Xmxp ton.' - I J r. -TTTiLl m,.Mf,.4T- rr.,ri. ot,A,if o wnl . . ,r .JkM Yliat is the lack of thde. u41s.or:,things to. tbat of a man beattiVPo!4 MiflHb fJbmll 1,1 'lZZJ iZ: v.: k i i i k" -a m iiiiiiiri Ti ' i b i r-" r-r-' : ji. l l iderrte everv present and pros ed ftdTTb! ie lfeterprfsfseakr a-jl woven' o; .ri. ? jii?-'- unaerraia everv preseiu anq pros- peefttdnTiblic-v0nte everybody tbiiotelsiar mean g4olbe -eltyjltljlur itli L w ..- . ongitOAisGcbtTabildft the pride Hrjfteh ii$adftiil4d tlft r1r6fe-frfl ;JlfeuBtlycdufuinIhd, MinotAa-'diraian tbj t jme : and)ne of the nest sec tioW of 'Jsorth CairVnina will beonen- i The W7im3mgtpn. Charlptto and llutherford'rllanttads'aljouti bas erVi a. - ? wt,. 1U-. . 1.J.J .. wrtnur tHe .atrna! Will ; " M Hi W . .fiULl aut; C Wi ,VJ WJUt I lb. .landiiixm'rto iMihmtdl: The -vthey. halt! thus far been unable to do Tf-T,''fio-ciiiTrtd - '.."''-, ....... m.-bi the-Legiiw j , - - . . ! hnviw tyAri :fL'AmnWl AiViri meeo;eay in the Senates The prpppsitipn is to changpi the .kme JlUltne KhJlri nnri VA-Phorfv if. en no fr Ji urm a new uompany out ' 01 tno oldrganizati0n.andpas8inff:I under control of an association of capj- owns it1 bonds - - . ress it " on to ceftatn " and speedy conrpieabnr , " ..... ... . , ! By consent of iilTpartiea intereat-ed&ci-ee'frir lceclosire4rMe---gagxj. wilb.prdbably ( isn$iffoni the Superior Court .pjiejtfHanoyer this week." and -tle salo of the road will .wmj uiacc numu uib next iorty Or jenange -pename oi.tmsf ivoaatto .the XlIkdxSkL Central itlWAK' ' and ..Jfiftydays.".. '' r Inhe. meaniinie; ia ordrto gp iD vprk unhampered, he:Jawociaon of n.hartftr as abovft. anrl i.hfl . matter is a,- . , ' It is to be bped that it will meet with no opposition.-. The bliarter has been care'f uiiy. drawn, i thoroughly eiamin- Lea ana.' properiy amenaea in tne r tiouse. '-Ample guarantee ipr tne compieuon.arvwie roaa is msertea, andr thej peggssai vy popditipns dr. the protection oj: shippers arercon tained therein. ' " "l, V ' . It matters not ' that the State and priyate individuals "hife.sunk their not recover it. save in the completion of the rpadpahdirf tbls instant both the.Utd Kzxd indbriduaLs have beeh wisr9niongh to allpw proceedings .tp j gojon', without' . oppajsitioitj, the pafrf-' rifnhii t favniAiftftf anon J Iwiirio' n-e com 01 lQfl at jne toto cororati ana ui- Wditf4rence being' M i . e j . tpeai a mQmTyaua;i?ie arpuestv, k a r - n t j - . a , .UAt .'i'l.. . - - annuallY six times as mucn as itne lions moreA:afe , n-ecessaxyfor . that, with proper assurances and cuiiuitiuiiis ui cuixiuieu.ujj. ju vppusi ftioh to the3feXteTdn'of ' tha We fern Boad will b;wTfEJrawn.-a i 'nniiiili P 1 OoiiU.fiir Itoutr o CjaidreiiJ v r -1 I swv Awn-rr l fa ia-' fi mil ii-.nf w;j:i4'- .!T?Wi.w ui cmiuh unu.Ajini-- ui I V . j" ' I t . - I with bd ikti-iA U aja ofithe Wummgton,; Charlotte and liutherfDrd Koad, and splritwjie4 -tbiii :l acfjuii-edf ue brought suit against them tur , a taste for it JMy. brotbert poor incest Tney were tricd aiid con f el lo wd i edjaufruikariL--1 wo uld yicted and eeut to tbo penitential not have n cbikl wf, minQ( tajU tiW fr1ti"lfW iPSf yitveri6(yearfl ot age, and a tun o-;- Tacci nation. it The following brief extract is from an article in the last Boston! . 'Medical and Suraieat Journal unon the jsubject of vaccination. xbb . Jpiirtidl ia Very bigb medical auj' thbfity : in tbis country, and we" fidd that the recent prevalence of I a malrgptut type of small-por iaj rf - : Boston is, exciting ; an unwonted .1; degree of prbtescionarattentibn! j to the snbiect u ' : I ! ; j The following propositions are offered as matters of belief, and son! e of tbem as matters of, re cord:! 1st. VCl thou t vaccination, one ap death in fen from all causes would 2nd. Without vaccination, nine teenput of twenty would Lave samll-pox. " : 1 ; f y f 3rdi V? itbout Vaccination, ' eix- ty-se vjen per cent, of the cases of aulalbpox Ayould prove to be fa J tab '4 4th. With vaccination, not two pet .cent, of the . inbabitauta will take tbe small pOx . ' 1 5tbi' With '.vaccination, the per centage of deaths from small, pox isi only about eight ef the two per cei,:Who will tiike-it. . yyl ' I Gthr A larger per ceutage of those who have small pox will' have the secondary disease than those j who have- been vaccinated jLlhatis to'say,vac;ciuation is abetter prevehtiou oLvaiioloid than arnalU pox is, , . . 7tbi Humanised virus is more likely to.- take.,tian the original virus from the eowv : f.8thi- Humauizetbvirui VK&etb er jt takes or not, does not pro- duce feucb severe constitulioiial symptoms as primary cow Tirut -i oxnj; . i . -j-- - - - -f - '; h OtLi"Ir -w r ' -' - i . . .':, humanized viru or primary cow wlrud is the better iu ito projec tive effects. -. ', j 10tb There are certain indi viduals who do not seem su4cepti-' ble of variola. . . : .1 1 11th, There are certain.- bidi- viduals who do not seemsuftcepti ble of vaccination. ; i 12th. The taking of tmall pox after vaccination is no proof- 'that-' a second, vauiinatioiivsulu' have succeeded. 13. ;A ffucceasfyi re-vaccination tion is u o prpoftbat the iudiviauai re-vacciuatetfvbuld have taken sraall'pox. ' ii A Penltcutiary Uoinance. ? There is now in the State Peni , te'ntiaay at Fort Madison, aii aged couple who are serving j out 'a term tor itne crime ot incest,- they ! beimr i brother and sister. Tua stoiyri3 this : At the age of twelve years 'the male lett his ,farher'a ho nab to seek liis fortune and to . fiio more Vretu rn. He,: in "time, : mime iVest,T?rtvV-fb mainioodand trrew tyas niarried.aiLd with her husband ' .Same j VVet, and to Iowa, llei . biisbaud diednd in timeshof r received an ' olier , , of lUarriage jfrbni af man 'who Was a , widower, ; J Sb$aeeptd the otter "and tbey ; j were 'married. ller husband wan wealthv, and after a time one of - i bis sons wished to have the fatber give him so me, property, but tna mrtber; retuded to accede to ci8, ; kiemahds:' ' THe' :s6n' ont day, While looking over the fumity rc- c r cord of the btepiapher,whicb bad been laid aside : and forgotten, dweoyefed that there was a kui-i s'bi'p ben ween the fami licit, and af further investigation jiroved tbatj ' f hijr farther aud stepmother were; ;brqthec 'fabd;.. sister. .', To avcug; " iii nisei f tor bis tartber'd refusal toj give hint a bulk of bU property, ry toclone, year. f iJtiey arc botU : jbas bewboM bube.Co" ' 4 v I. V'J-yy't:'-- ' -:- ' "''"'" ; ' : -'y V . '"' "... "; ':-"" . . . i -Zy'h''. ".v ".ill; ,.:.-' t- ri . - r':- . .- '' y ' . ' i y.- : -.. :- ,. . ;V .' " .; : ' -. i l .y-. -:i :..;:-.-