. . i , . . - , . , , . ; se : . . ; ; . : I v7.- THE! STRONGEST BULWARK OF OUR COUNTRY THE POPULAR HEART. CARPENTER & GRAYSCN, Editors. ' . CLENDENIN & CARPENTER, Publishers. VOL.. 1. ' : JHJ1L 5, r 1878 KO. SI Vv I -- RTJTHERFORDTON, N. a $2.00 1.00 Terms of Subscription. 1 Copy 1 Year in Advance, -l C months', ' rT Any person sending us a Clnrrt) five wiiTi the t ubove. rates for one Year, be entitled to an extra copy-, Bates of Advertising. SPA.CK 1 in.h 8 1 w. lmo. J.00 2 50 2.C0' r.oo 3mo. 6mn. f.00 ?.00 12.00 18.00 f OO 10.00 ,20.00 '30.00 8.00 20.00 35.00 45.00 12 mo. IB. 00 30.00 4.r.00 70.00 I 'column-15 00 40.00 10.00 80.00 125 00 - 5f" Special notices charged 50 per, cent higher. Local iioticey 25 cents a line. Agents procuring ndvettiperbenta will be allowed a eom mission of 2o per cent. . PR. J. L. RUCKER PHYSICI AN AND j SURGEON? 'Grateful lor tlie liberal .patronage , hereto fore received, 'hopes, -by - prompt attention to ail calls, to merit a continuance ol the saoie, i tt . R. W. LOGAN. ; .'' J. M. JUSTICE. ; log an- k justicp:, . ATTORNEYS LAW, ':' llUTHEKFOlfliTON, N. C. . Will give prompt t.ttention to all business titru-Wd to tiitrir csire. i Particular attention given to collections in .'both "Superior and JuKieea' courts. Hi ;j. B. CARPENTER, A1TORKKY ATlLAW, RUTIIEUFQRUTON, N. C. Collect kvtis promptly attended to. . lif HOTELS. The Golden Side. THE BURNETT, HOUSE, RUTHERFORBTGN, N. C. Is open for the act on hmdntion of the travelling public, and with jfco-ul hue, atten tive Htrvsmts; and good stable? and feed for ',: hcirsev, Uki pioi itlor atks tj share, ot patron- a'jj-e. . ' .;' Il ly " ; :V : Fro rietor. v ALLEN HOUSE. ENDEUSONVILLE, N. C. Thiero is many a rest in the road of life, If we -would Only stop to take it ; And many a tone from the better land, ; If the querulous heart wotdd make ; it! . V: ' . "' : To the sunny soul that is full of hope, And whose beautiful ' trust ne er faileth, , The grass is green and the flowers are bright, Though the vinter storm prevail- ' eth. Better to hope though the, clouds hang low, And to keep the eyes still lifted ; For the sweet blue sky will soon peep through, . "When the ominous . clouds are rifted! There was never a night without a day, j Or an evening without a morning ; And the darkest hour, as the proverb goes, Is the hour before the dawning. There is many a gem in the path of life, TVliich We -pass in our idle pleasure That is richer far than the jeweled crown, Or the miser's hoarded treasure ; It may be the love of a little child, Or a mother s prayer to heaven, Or only a beggar's grateful thanks For a cup of water given. Better to weave in the web of life A bright and golden filling, And to God" will with a ready heart, And hands that are ready and wil-- ling, Than to snap the delicate, minute threads Of our curious lives asunder, And then blame heaven for the tan gled ends, -And sit and grieve, and wonder. PROM BYS ARTS V1LLE 15 Y. OUIt O V?i COil K i:s2ON DEiT. matter wnere -he foolishly cashes your ordcrj does not set up a 8hebaTis:,' and force vou to truck it out. Of the old-time residents here Gen McElroy remains, sole sur vivor f 4 Like the Last rose of summer 'and long may he bloom. 4 Many tire in the cold gfave laid' and among them recently the mortal remains of S.' D. Poer, the 4 oldest inhabitant' a soldier in the war of 1812-15, with him lie buried the reminiscences of three score j ears 'and ten. He was present at the presidential election in 1800, at a, precint in Montgomery county. A gentle man was invited to partake of the Jefferson elector's treat with an apology for the gourd and bucket in, use on the occasion. I'd Mr. S..H. Fleming, pointed out a cliff beyond which a company of miners were at work, in the even ing the day's growth of foliage concealed the rocks. I told you I was tired of pedal locomotion. To Mr. W. Young's, boot in stirrup, astride one of those ani miles, unknownto the six days work of Creation. Beasts that Heaven never made to 4ite earth's grass, But Spain the withered beldame showed " I pass." Half asses' as was sneered in an cient days, Until a round sum bo't the poet's ! ' praise,- Simonides the venal Lyric poet, "Who in a mule-race gave the signal ' "Go it," And hymned the horse-halves-bred in hybrid form, " Daughters of steeds swift as the thunder storm." Iiscased Lifer. T. A A LL1CN, Proprietor. Good Tables, attentive Servants, well. veii tiH'ntel Rooms ai-d comIOrtable'Stat)le,s. . BUCK. HOTEL, AS1IKV1LI-E, N. C, i. i.E,.k II. M. DEAVEIt, rroprietor. BO ARD $2.00 Pl R PAY. 16if B USIXES8' CARDS. WxNTED ! WANTED ! ! 200 cbliDS GOOji TAW 15AI4K, I). MAY i CO., 13 : If. 11 L'THKl FOKUTON, N. C. W. II. JAY, HOUSEMAN d! SIGN RUTIIEItrORDTON, N. 0. Oriiining, Marbleling and K'ulsoming exe cuted in the -best fstylj. Orders lioui neighboring! towns promptly attended to. . ' 6: 3m BLACKSMITHING. Bradley Dallon would annouceto his old Iriends nd customers that his Shop is ttill iu full blast on Main .Street, South of the Jail, where he may be found at all time. dure ImIpii in navment tor work ' at ' .market prices. Give Iii ui a Call. xfoly , WESTEliN STAJVLODGE ; . No. 01$ AF. M.a Meets regularlv. cyhe 1st Monday tight in each 'month, "Twdays of Superior Courts, and on the' Festivals ol the bts.: John, Terms ' low s the lowest. Country pjftf- liVCia ltuJ " ww " ' R W J. L. RUC Logan, Sec. BLACKSM1T1I The nndersianed would pectfulh inform Kia old customers and the jPubhc, that Ins Shon is Mill eoi'titf on." and thU he is prepared to fto all kinds' "of vvcrk in bis hue at-short IE It W. 51. SHOP. "Between Black Mountain and the . Green, There is a little Village seen, And from it do the waters flow To carrv -sonic and some to Tec." I quote from Butler a poor wander ing bartl, Yho tho't, no doubt, his lot extreme ly hard, A generou'3 fellow if you did but ' know it, , '' And fired his muse with bold face the mad poet. ,' j Burnsville, the mostelevated town site on the continent east of the Mississippi river improv every winter one or more dlapi- dated builaings tnra .inouciem ent season disappear by piece meal in 670 itto rail fences. On the Ray iirrm a mile from the court house; Capt. Lucius Smith ef Asheville is erecting a 1 castle ' ftiewn logs gothic roof. The Jle and wife to the home of their infancy. Of the 20 families 3 black which Burnsville contains 4 or 5 only are residents of long con tinuance. We are a restless mi gratory people. K In the village are S stores, 2 groceries, 3 tan- yards; a Masonictodge, 2 doctors, Houston and Austin, 2 lawyers, Cant. J. M. Gudger, present sena thr r4:mt. W. M. Moore, elected yui;f. . ..... 1 . .. . . . au Konator in 08. one miniMcr, u Mv terms for woik. is "nay down. kinds. of produce ukeu u uiatket prices for work. -,'.' - -ill persons indtbted to mo fur work will favti rouble by calling and KHtlintr. 1-if J. V. WILKINSON! Charlotto Observer, Published Daily, Tri-AVeekly and Weekly, Charlotte, N. C-, by J OI1NSTONE JONE, 1 Editor and 'Proprietor . 'It Las a large and;i,ncTeiuii Uaitinns the latest '.lutemi'c man au hui ters of the world. Mi Wet Reports "by Tele frraph" ! Tho only Daily Newspaper iu Wesl tfrn North Carolina I ! J '1 crms : LiHilv $6,06 per annum. Tri-Weckly 3,00 . " ': t ;. y' Weekly 2,00 " " Cash hi Advance. fHibscriptions may o forwarded at ri.sk of Obbuhveu. 'Address CHARLOTTK OBSERVKR, , - JS-3ra . . . Charlotte, N. C. McCampbcll, acceptable to church aud state In the vicinity .resides G. D. Ray, Esq., owner of the most pro lific mica mine yet developed in the county, two miles east on the road to Marion, Col. C. F.- Young, the late popular and talented His successor, C. R, By rd, at Ramsay town, J . W. Burton, C. 0. S. C, on Bald Creek, also David Proffit, member house representatives elected in '08, Capt. Sewell Briggs, Register of Deeds, on Jack's Creek, S. S. l'cterson, Sheriff, on Mine Eork. The Treasurer, John Hensly, no drink it, sir,' exclaimed the par tisan,'4 I'd drink it, sir, if it was soapsuds out of a wash-tub.' And amid all the indifferehce, all the demoralization, all the degenera cy of the evil, days oil which we are fallen; here and there yet lin gers in this Alpine land an jnde pendent freeman, who in his exu berant patriotism, in a spirit of self-sacrifice in his devotion to the public good to his country and to his party terms with him fivnonvmous would still deigrn J. J i . ' f on election-day to dip his tin-epp into the contents of an unhealed whiskey barrel, were it not for the statute, and .white, from the sunV mits of yon thunder splintered pinnacles 6000 years look down on him as 40 centuries from the heights of the Pyramids looked down on the soldiers' of Napoleon, would manfully do duty, toss off the .flow rng b wpper of poison fire-water out -hinisei.t outside the burnjnjc. fluid, charge up the poles, and, vote blind. T-He merchants here are pros pering. On my firstor second visit to Yancey uvtne 4 Long ago,' I wrote of therrien, for the ladies heavenjbfess them, always dress well yeverywhere like so inany flowers. I wrote of the men, for a paper published in your town. They patronize domestic manu facturers, tlie wheels and looms of their wives and daughters.' Now every body is clad his. leet shod his head tiled thanks to glass- in im ported goods. Wheth er this is a wise course is another question but not a hunting shirt, nor a pair of copperas pantaloons at court. From 3 to 5 hundred in. this county and Mitchell are engaged in Mica MininiT. Accidents some- .... , ; 17 .- i m times occur. A rock lately slid down a black seam on two boys at work in a bote. . Rist and Tom Young. Tom was severely in jured, and but for the opportune return of Lis brother from a black smith's shop, who extricated him, the consequences might have been fatal. Since then a falling rock badly crushed a young man. John Ramsey, but he is recovering rapidly. On mv arrTval, lGth May, spring had ascended some 500 ft., the Mountain that rises north from the cross street winter still supreme on the summit. To-day the virgin would advance her banner on the poplar. , To-morrow her procession in green attire would swarm up. In a week she had won to the crpst. The tor most twig tossed her colors," and hoary old winter had flown to loftier heights. ' One With M. P. Penland, also on-a mongrel, to "Flat Rock, in Mltctl- ell, Capt. John Gudger not at sfore, walked in on him at the house, more pleasantly, if less profitably employed. With him to his mica mine, 2 or 3 hundred yardsdistant. Railroading quali fied him for sinking shafts and running tunnels. He is 4 picking his way ' into the heart of the hill-feldspar white as flour, lifht 4 ed us to. the terminus, 85 ft., ad- I mired his ingenious contrivance for a candlestick, advised him to m-rj -fri no foil f From a point above the dwetl- in? house the Black-Roariitnd Yei ic-v are all visible. With lJen- land down a slope, .north', to a green eminence, like tte 4 Fairy's kno we ' in Wiley's ' Alamance, where likehis heroines, very like We eaLwhilo sunset s lingering beairls faded away from the sur- fmr.duiP' mountain tons, and The O ' . ; i rose' of twilight paled in heaven. Penla'nd is poetical, much. I am indebted to, him for the idea; To the house, conversed with Capt. John, a retired attornej'. He has wisely abandoned the beggarly elements ' of tho law, for honest avocations, for more lucrative branches of business, farming, stock raising, mining and merchandizing, happy as all bachelors are, and situated as he is, who could be otherwise ? Yet Flat Rock green in grass rich in minerals, mica, magnetic iron ore, 4000 acres, is for sale. Capt. John resigned to us new bedstead with its accommodations where we lay, talking life, death, immortality, dorism, deism, till we drowsed away in poppy dews to the Lotos land of dreams. Rose late, refreshed, sun shin- So the doctor says. The pa tient lias dark hair, skin and eyes ; a large frame, fine deep lungs, aird giiTjd stomach. Has tonnes ly been active and ambitious. Living in a malarious district, quinine was recommended as the sure preventive ot chills. At first it was administered by a physician quinine and - cathartics in al- ernatiini. That was expensive, and encouraged the thought that they were sick ; so quinine w.s bought by the ounce and dills bv the dozen boxes, and the family became their Own druggsts. . We queried : "Did it occur to you that ...in coming irom the mountains to the intense! y hot vallfys, the quality of your food shouldlhave been changed?" Noj we do not remember ever hearing or thinking of such a thing.'', ,-' " r . Did not .the doctor direct chan try?" i .. . . . . 1 .. . 44 Oti, he told us we should be little careful of our diet, but he did not explain' or specify." 44 What do you now understand by a liht diet?" we 'asked. 'Anvthimr that relishes or tastes srood.- Ifrdain , meat ana potatoes do not relish a piece of buttere d toast with a bitr boiled a slice of cake anda cup of strong tea and some nice pre serves usually taste pretty well." 44 Bread froryr white. flour?" 44 Yes, vedori't make bread of horse-feed in this country." 4IIoW are your bowels ?" 4fonths at a time constipated : lor late, alternatihbetween - the two extremes. i 44 Do you bathe ?" i il f wash my leet of course." all over, jtwice or three times a week, and rub yourselrl'until red and warm ?" 44 No, jindeed! T dp' no such thin . i should get my death of cola:" 1 t4Do vbu never wash all over?" 440h, yes, in very hot weather to cool inysclt. "I sunnose vou change our cloths two or three times a week A 44 Well," said the sick womau, 4,can you do anything for me ?" 44 1 can instruc t you how to do something for yourself. You have torpid or slow-acting liver prohahly an enlarged spleen It the liver was much inflamed, you could not sit up or do your wTork. You need 44lst. A tepid bath two or three times a week. 442nd. A warm bath onco a week. 4 3d. On an empty, stomach, One or two tumblers of pure water cool or warm as suits jour con ditions of ehillor fevertake it the last thing atnight and the first in the morning, and while in the bath between' eleven. -an twelve o'clock. 44 4th. I5reairast at seven or eight, and dine at two or three o'clock, Eat. slowly, masticato thoroughly; use i'vaAydry brown unleavened bread with plum, prune, or eranbrrry sauce. 44 5th. Whcir"thc pain in the side .and the 4agne-ache' trouble you, undresslfe down, have your hus band wring a folded flannel "cloth iu veVy hot water, apply it quick- y over your side, and cover with flannels well tucked under. Re port five times once in five m in utes then with a cool sjionga wash the red surfae'e, and apply a cool wet and folded tovcl reaching from the shoulder-blade of the right side, torward. across I the stomach near the girdle: wet all around, cover with toilr thick ncsses of old flannel pinned snug ly over topreveut dullness. Fol lowing this fomentation, put your feet alternately into hot and cold water, until they are red and tho vains stand out full, Finish with iu hot weather? "Certainly, because I perspire so freely." 4Howi in cool weather ?" 440nly once a week.?' "You sleep on feather-beds ?" 4,Yesj with cotton comforts that I brought from the States. 44 Have they ever been ed?" 44 No, thev arc too heavy. 44 Do you . leave the wiuaows open at night?" 44 Mercy, no ! tho doctor says we must not breathe the night wasn air. mg. morning The culinary divinity, who pre pared supper for us last evening. Then departed like all lovely bp positions with the day, but return ed with- the bloom of morning, announced breakfast. Bachelors fare, well, not one but keeps a o-ood table, especially if he sells goods. Saddled, mounted, bade Sdieu. Catt. John the white, invit ing me to call again, (imprudent, ! I accept.) Tlie ' black brother ' (not the Peak) is located at Burnsvil le, and not a lawyer on the circuit has improved- more rapidly iu the last 12 months, than he. . . Forded North Toe at BlalockV, up Grassy Creek, dowu the Turn pi k!e tj.Coxe's, before 11, fed, dined, visitors. The hours sped pleasantly, remained till half. f ast a resumed route. , At '7 crossed the circumference of the porpora tibn 1 circle.and passed from : the annalune . into the shadow of night. 44 How can you help it? Clean air, my good woman, is as much better to breathe than foul, as clean garments are nicer than dirty ones." This, dear readers, is a picture of the modes of thought or ra ther of lite absence of thought among even intelligent peole in refereiice to the laws and condi tions necessary to the possession of good health. This woman is the wife of a clergyman, in whose library are scores of theologicaj books ; not one, - however, recog nizing the fact of physical lift ' as a gilt and evidence ofsDivine love; and, ; thei-efore, imposing upon men and womeu obligations to carefully study, and consciehtious Iv obey, the divinely appointed . LAWS Ol" IIEALTU. These people are conscientious in the observance of the moral law pertaining to spiritual life, but very thoughtless, and forget fu I of tlie intimate relation ot suiritualand physical life. The activity auu viviuutss or iaiin aiiu hope depend in a large degree upon physical health ; aud licalth depends much upon th quality of food aiid driuk ve use. The manner of taking food, exercise, cleanliness ;aml pure ,air, have f ra'ha's W re cold "'treat tlibm in tlib" same manner. ' . 4tGth. In a stove room, always have a window down at the top. Sun and air your bed-clothes every day. Wear no garment at night which is worn in the day time. As soon as possible, sub stibutesoft w'olleu blankets for the heavy and impurity-absorbing cotton comfortables. 44When your tongue is clean, your rest peaceful, your skin clear, your eyes bright, and pain gone, and you are very sharply hungry, you may select from the scores of healthful articles of food de scribed in this Hygienic cookbook that winch pleases vou, and eat with moderation, .but you must not "for, three months or until entirely welluse sugar, milk, or meats. . . "Kenicmbering your constitu al predisposition tp torpid liver, 'we advise you to abstain, altogeth ;r from pork, ba tteivsnibes, coffee, tea, fine bread, pies and : cakes." Looking up sadly, she said : 4It is a great deal of work to get well your way." ' ' Vre replied : 44Isit any less work to take quinine by the ounce, and pills by the dozen boxes, and mercurials until your teefh drop out, and your joints are rheumat ic, your ears buzzingor deaf, your head bald, your. whole boly cor rupt and full of anguish, your faith dim, your consience tejred, youisoul, even, involved in de spair? If it is, go on in the old way., . Think again, and, remem ber, my sister, God washes the earth, and gives water to all birdj and animals to drink. The flow ers drink dew, and subsist on food adapted to their peculiar forms of life. His storm3 and tempests sweep over the fceas and valley dispersing malariajvapors; HU glorious sunshine vi vifies and purines and makes glad Ihe whole earth. Men destny or change thee divincly-ordainetl condi tio us, and birds ' aud beast "and plants die. Y hen they restore them, study them, obey them, they live. -C:.;; - ' . , - ' The same God that cared for the span ows, uu mbered the hairs : of your hcaed. He creating hu man bodies established laws to coutrol those bodies. , Obeytjiem, and you live. Disobeyiimd; you much to do with digestion and languish and die." Sciaicz of assimilation. - Health, r -

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