OA It ?.--Ji.:i'-ii:. a TnR STROXGKST BUWAIffi OF- OUU i COUNTRY "THE POPULAR HEART! 1 1 1 :T . ' CARPENTER & GRAYSCN, Editors.. ! IIS. CLEXDENIN &;;CAiEKTrER, Publishers. vol.-1. NO. 33. . MIJTBEISF TTjjp BVEUY MIIHDAV. j. C. Clexdenin, ) M. T. Carpenter, y I Publishers, XJTHERFORPTONj N. C . l - i t . Terms of Subscription. 1 copy 1 year in advance, . $2.00 1.00 .05 10.00 16.00 30.00 1 copy t? monvnr Single copy, 6 copies 1 year, 10 -90 " 1 S6r Specimen copies sent freo Kates of Advertising. per inch, or less, 1 Aveek, $1.00 2.50 5.50 9.00 16.00 l raonin, 3 "I." 6 i. j a u a a ( 4' i 1 year, " BSron-objectionable local notices 25 cents per line: ffS" Advertisements are payable quarterly, in advance. EST Agents procuring advertise ments, will be allo wed a reasonable commission. .. tnf Special arruiigement??, wlien electrotypes are furnished. , ,. , JST Objectionable advertisements, such as 'will injure our readers, or the character of thp paper, as a high toned journal, will not be inserted. Car Any further information will be given' on application to the pub lishers. . . ; ' MOFESSJONAL CA1WS, ; 1)1 v. J. L. UUC-KEU, . PHYSICIAN AND FURCIEOX, Ci-'t(ul for the liberal p-tron:ire hereto 'Joif tc cvt1, l i ii , !' I'ivnit sitiMiHon to nil calls, to nitiit a couti nuance ot tLe same. R. W. LOGAN, . J. !. JUSTICE. LOGAN & .1USTICE, : ATTORNKYS nT LAW, ! KvTIJEOKDTOy, N. O.3 Will give prompt ftunt'icn to all business tntrusted totluin-aro. pHrtk-ulMr.niu-titioii pivm to' c-ollrctiorss in both Superior and Justices' Courts! )nV j ATTOUNKY AT LAW, ' lU-TUKKFORDTOX, N. C. Collection pron;ptly ?V ndcil to. ltf 110TEL& TKU BURNETT HOUSE, 111 THEK FQUDT ON, N. C. Is open lor ilie ' ttcn oniriiodation ; of the Ifnvelliufr public, ami nill co.d Care, attend live KTVaijf?, and ; -u stabks and feed for l.orst?, tlie pio. litior a.'ks a sll'are of patrons ,lge: v C. bUHN HTT, 11. y ; Pic rit tor. ALLEN HOUSE. HENDERSON V1LLE, N. G. - : T. A. ALLKN, rroprievor. , Good Tables, atlentive jServatits, well ven Ciliated Rooms and comfortiihle Stables. BU H OTEL, ASHEV1LLE,N. C, . R M. DEAYER, Troprietor. BOAKD .$2.QU DA V. ICif . Fleniming House , - - - .1IAUIO.N, IS. C. Board per Pa j", -4. , Week, S1.50 -; TOO ..-Month, ! 2t.(ra B. 13. FIIKKMAN, Pir-pritteK 24-tf McDowell House, IIKNIiI5SOXVjLTLi:?" eV j .. , This bouse is novi- open for the recej iicn of bojtrdtris aid all transit it eustom. . . j O.-O. MtL'O'WJvLL, 24.3m .Vroprittor. B USINESS CA RDS. - w: H. JAY, j, ' HOUSE AND SIGN RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. ! Grnininp, Marbleling and KalsOrning exe: uted in ihe' bst styli. V Orders Iron, neighboring towns promptly atteuded to. ' e : :m BLACK SMITHING. Bradlrv llalfoii wourd eiu.odce to lu ttill in full'blast on M.iti BireVt, outlr oftjie JaiL Terms astoW as' uYe lowest. ' .'. " tlountry pTowaten iiTj)aj !ncntk)r work ..A ,. ; Give tilni a Calf, " i WJLS TERN $TA 7j LOD GKi . ' IfoOl, A. F. rSlA" .' Meets regularly on ih 1st Monday tight In each month, Tuesdays of Superior Courts, and on the Festivals ot tbe Sts. Johh G. M. "WAITKSIDW. 'M. JUSTICK, gee. 'Spa re ; l h e4 IIort., O, teamster, spare Ihai. horse, . How hard he tries to. go r V ' There's lt5SC6Senough for-two, ;' ,? Don't strike hiia' another blow, ' ' ry;.. "-:t''.ii k "VJ 'V - " Or er.se the; load, I pray, And he ymir kindness -will- ; A thousand fold repair. t; ' r How patiently lie toils, . , v All through the heat, and cold, A faithful servant still,- '.: Though' wearied, worn and and Poor, "4wb, unconscious brutt And 3'et he.eems to knpw,. Caressing oft the hand, ,- .. , , That deals the cruel blow. ' , t - it . r f ,t r 1 1 t si AVhat an imploring look, . And what a knowing eye9, And yet. without the power To utter e'en a cry. See.how he writhes and shakes, "While smarting with the pain, Oh, cruel driver, pause ! ' j , Don't strike the brute again. llumanity, at last, Brought to; a sense of shame, Will punish those who give Unnecessary pain. . ' Oh, diiver, spare that horse, How hard he tries to go : There's load enough for-two, Don't strike another blow. "Written for the 'Record." Uxug-iu lion. asrffenition has surely be- comer the motto of the schools and public writers qf Western, North Carolina. From -the -tone of our Weekly Papers the casual reader would think that the educational interest,-both moral and intellex t u a 1 , oTWest e r n, !NTo r t h Ca ro I i n a , far exceeded that of any other part of the " Old .North State." Indeed, where .there is 60 many " Hoillishilio; IlitK Schools and Academies,' what is the necossi j ty for our young men to seek in tellectual culture at the far-tamed Colleges of other parts of our State,-when they have such w un common advantages " at their own (toor ?. Why Messrs; Editors from tlie flatorinir accounts ot'our , -...'-! scliool 'exhibitions given, to, the Press describing, in - the Tnost plausible style, "the'" splendid ora tions, which would 'have - done credit to a college graduate showinor u thoiironsh, culture '..'..on the part of the worthy Principal V we say ironi. these .i- Puffs' that the stranger would come to the 'immediate conclusion that a Yale or a Ifarvard vyould "lose their laurels in Wester North Caroli na; ' " ' -. - '" . .- '.-';'; - ' While we are srlad thai; we have so many scjiools in , flourishing conditions," we do objel-t to so nHix5hiexa!:geration1and -eniii in til) ' 'class'ri'oonbj the, instruction o)W'Vy ?a -mi IV n-m1rf;ici work. Students are rushed through the Iri maryUraiiphes inlo some. h 1 ng m6readvknced merely tor; thy .... .1 11 1 nanio .when auey ,.biioui(iw. ue studying Webster's spelling bodky' and" tben rusVeu they can not correct a ' sentence hi t False By 11 tax., .6 'not - MU- derstaud that we are opTAed ; to stmlents studying the classics " for wecertaihly;are fiibbpt tiE their Knowledge niguiy sseiuuu t o a uood E n ir lish edit ca ti 01 1 ; but StlUllCS. And r And then aa;h .hovy..can we boastvofourj" fioiuishing schools' y liVnthe 'Teachers are! u thetliaG it of iiSjng iiitbxiating liquors iQ an excess vv.ortny exatnpteior North Carolina bT ' ub i '.n3 thenJbw6afil!f of Ekam- inefs'are negligent fii tKeir dh- ties Ahere 19 the .provision 4 in the .School Law that srives the members of the Board hoertv to exa min e ,app! i can t at any ti me, and. grant certificates? In our own humble opinion we no think that we needra Jiigher grude qt scholarsni p anion a ou r Examiners' and leachers. Let U3 nave a re formation in educational matters! v.,:- Mbre:anbh.( ' ; Sept. 11th; 1873.. .Origin of :tiiicsof,$nitcs H There is "m nch th'at is interest-' ihg in the study 'rtf the origin of the names of the States or' the Union, as they are derived frofrr; a variety ot sources.: To beriu in the geographical order, w;e first have Maine, which takes its nanie! troru - the province of Maine, in France,: and so called in- compli ment to the Queen of Charles L, Henrietta, its owner. ' N"ew Hampshire first, called Lacoriia froni Hamshire, 'England.- Vermont, from the Greeix mountains, (French verd monl.) Massachusetts, from the. Indian language, signify in.sr"The couik try about tire-great hill." Rhode Island' sects its name from the t'aneied resemblance of the island to that of Rhodes, in the ancient Levant. Connecticut's name Was Mohe gan, spelled originally,' Quou-he-at-cut, signifying A long river, New York was so named , as a compliment to theDuke orVVork whose brother; Charles' II, grant ed him that te; ritory. ' " 'New Jersey was named by one of ; it original proprietors,. Sir George .Carteret, after the isl and of JeTsey, in the Untlsli channel, ot-which he was governor. Penn.vlvania. as is irenerallv known, takes its uame trom Wil liam Pen 11, the word ksylvania," meaning noods. v . . Delaware deri ved its name frohi Thomas West, Lord De la Ware gbvenor of Virginia. " ' Maryland received-: ita j name; from the Queen, or Charles the I, Henrietta Maria., ? t it Virginia got its . name froni' Queen' Elizabeth, the tiu'niarned or Virgin queen; T'hUCarolfh as were named in honor to CrfflftcirI;,,,,Stlid Georgia in honor to' G eorge II; r -: -: ' ' -Fforicfa gets; -its liamr 1 frornj Pascputs de"Fiore&, or' "'Feast- 0 theillowers - i'' Alabama comes frOni'a Creeld word sitinifyiuiC t4The!' lands 'of .'Missi jissippi t defi ves J itsa'Hlc3 that of the ? ijfi&iVi Met? from which is in tlie-Natchez tongue, "The FtttheV of 'W iteri.y:-t uao -j ' Louisiana ' was ?' wKiWmed iw "Aikarisas'is xlehved iorrt'tbV Ih di an avo rd: Ivitusis, -iinfc Wi- tetv ' -ith' the '-Fi-eneh' prettxf itrk, a bow? : jo to if -dt Tennessee ta an Indianri)amei meaiiVugv-Theriver-with-a bg bendn t -c nhi T ;ohir KJ-y-i 1,0-1 1 dintr.ckv; alsdvasdann Indian indhe J'ain-'tuck-eey-feimtyitig Atfthe lleadtOt' the rivavl f Ohio is; the Sliicivnee name 'fori Tlie Beautitul River.'1! iio v.ju ! Michig.! utynQiteh wasi i derivex from tlieJlako,-' tho Iihlian ibi0 foi-as tish weir or trap, Kvf itch the slntpe?oftheflikefeuggertled.'H:ili:it Iiidina!nainje- cauieifroin tljab of the lndiiWd- ---. .,(Iihuois name isdrve4d4rVpm in Km. the.Indiau ve:for.ar. yildi4usl)n iiug;Vyiok!tih -Ui pi! r. .a x;J iiam,for;;uinddy1l having ifete ence,tjyi , rfie miiddine of 4be.li; fPPAiVJSS'Wr. hc'ii oni'K til ad w .riui ilKrivutinn off :tho.rtamjes f lit; . rrrn v. 7 rr " nuTi-ij ij Ji. n known. 'Kwsiifie lH Itlle -Iidiaii aridMinnesofa 'cloUdf "Weath li .ft. -j:L'-?-. : iT-?-"f., ?.t -The originrth'e name oCafi fohrajfs ncertMi. V; lJ 1 -Oregon," jiccqrdi n : o nme' eofjies from Oreah the Indian riame of 'a w1l'YttSrjoaiW:wfi1l grows hbnidimtly n; e .'Pacific coast ; and 'according to btlier?, fnSm 'Oregon, V.Theiver:of the W-esV in aflnsion to tlieiColum" West 4-VifSTnia :ets Its; nanie from haviTi-been formed ot old Tlie Vat Sliip 6t tire Fuitirc. The London Times has the fol lowi ng : '.'The. preparation of designs for; the warship of the fftture Ts "making considerable' ptogre8sand theirjlicatfon of the science :TOf lydrurics to the art of ''giinii bfy"! f 1 n 1 these de siiis receive 'considerable dnveU opmeiit,1 ah d , prove i n practi ce. 0 r" yeWigrea't assisfance iii 'facilif atV ing thetWroking a'iid loading th'ff jnonster weapons vvith'which the ...f Turrets ot tno- lron-ciaus win be arnted. These guns 'will far surpass the most po-veiful artille- ry au present in existence tne L Woolwich 'Infants,' of tfirttive tons weignt, ana a uoreot twelve inches in 'diahieteiv'and the great grins uhicli Kruppisnow making for-' the. "Germans being alike eclipsed by the new ' weapon, -wliich will have a bore of nearly, fifteen 'inches, Jahd weigh sixty tons. 'These guns will he built ; upon the system which originated and has now been ih'sueh success ful" operation at ' the Royal (3un FactoHes, Royal Arsenal, 'Wool-' which' for several years by coil of wrou'o'ht-'iroil anda steel tube: 1 a' isstem wnichlinsure?' the greats est possioie STrengall ami immuni ty from danger of bursting, and practically imposes no limit to the size Of the guns: There will be fitted with a movable breech lading 'arrangement. " The Wool which Infant will throw a 7.00 pound shot : six or seven nules ; the new gun will hurl a project le weighiifg 1,100 pounds (half; a ton) oyer a' range' which has yet' tTT4)ejfleteiriiThed J As th ahtithe: sis 'of tills bhorinous guli; th.e new aebirnoiHitaifV giin has just been pi aced-' in h lOdel-foo'rT 1 of tlie Roy 1 ' 0 u A-Fact 0 fi es; : Tlii sr gii rjj weiuhs ouFy': 200' poundsvi'but it caiirea'sheH- of iVeir'pohfids; wuugai(:'etiRt tit 10 3,000 ra aiMl -wirtH its?? ilt 'e tarriasre "a d&ltdto becdnved'ftte bat- ks of In rt Uif tor ; ' w hVeli riac! sacldhw are;pe6ialiy ?6difsthicted.'. Iti8!als: -adinintiyly ittlahtdlBr a'tKiceV' - t ' 15li:t,t JAl'diidbroils Slipper. -..' 8i.Jeergo:lia3!fot some tirne-jbeen atifiictLve: toie 5oung ladyv w licmi ; ho ha8uoticedL)ir seveil ::e,r?ii ii:sATlrtyi-hG chUed.basiiyeilgag edioji a ' beautifuti peijcevufn em bifaideiy ,vvliiyhpprhap$ accidei ciltyiiiooijcoinp.'dinng'ypi wnn j wib siae ,cflihls o-usf' .ibtrhcMf ida:cou4 eluded was one of a paiotshpS pe rs th at: y efie .m"tl b a Ut h rt et file 1 tor. a! Ij'oi i (ia'prefic uf, a i d George h ail ce or Itwi c& ' 'allowed; ?hi iih' SKlt toi .wander mtqthe pleasaiir; sftspieiona-tjiat theyswere intend tted7ffri blm,t althtpigh viiGthin had 5 ideally .'transpired to' .justify snclf a beJwf hnl Af y -- liiOn-Friday erenins George calv leil for .thelthiriL ti mefduriiigf the? weeJsa iiHk sqirite: attractiveint wouldi8fem,iaiui.a uiuajitnasnpw pervwaa o progresehig. i fin'e.t J :1c H-as f h 1 tyjfedr tsitli & si j ppemvas Mh tendedifon hiinbiitie i w"ailiiir- kiu to d rarw. die -aclf uo wledgnren t fenrmtbtt dear abgfil.who was jas ISoraiigiiBtf iudtjviously t fur fins be ndi k-aliptber 4nif)lied -aek h o w lr jdgeientof jerideVQtioh to-hunj Oi(iusoiQ begau: cautiously; !. "onie one 30U are mighty fonuVof u tmwHiw the posses aadj-feriln Ls.?v aiiii norjsrOJ! ,Vhat Bhppejft Mw$Qtt&i I ito ?" inquired the fairiaborer. I" 6ii so industriously," ; replied GPeorge. : " ' v . ' I Slfppersi? almogthontcilliis StoflishePcoDrpaniomDo.?u m eajutf t ell 1 n j e, 0 eorge thatyou ook liispr a sljpijeii;,., 'I, imnf f?rtentl5; nirtVingSmc of his ponderous jfedah -apeudriires. TJie: movenjeut, thongrp'nfiiiVteh tional, drew the ..lady :e1o3e? at t eji ti on; to. G eo rge's feet, whe re she sazed a motueut'amf then .a thesiipposed sjiper ; tlVen raising lieyes t0- ou lYei d,' she said : '-. Well; George, your itre '-tiot so mrtclr to bjitmoj utfter . all ;: but this was'.: really intended , for : a sofa cushion. " ."j George takes but; little plea sure i n h en r i 11 g t h e i i 1 ci d c 11 1 re 1 a ted -Comic Monthly. A Bad Boy. " They say that the chief astron omer at the Washington Observa tmywas ..dreadfully' sold a tew 'day. ago. A wicked Ik y, whose expejieuce seems only to have niade I'lini nceYl3pr5ved,e.augbt a fii etfy, and. stuck it WMth the aid of some mnt'ihrge inTthe center of the Jariest lens in the telescope. That inglit, when the'stronomer went to work, he perceived a blaze of light apparently in the heavens, and what ,'aniazed fiim more was, that it would give a couple of spurts and then (lie out, only to burst forth again in a se: cond or two. He examined it carefully for a few moments, and then began to do stuns to discover-where in the heavens that ex traordinary', start was placed. He thought he. touutl the locahty, and the next morning he telegraphed all over the universe discovered a new ant that he hail remarkable star. (f the third -magnitude, in Orion. In a day or two, vn tn astronomers in Kuropje and Amer ica were studying Orion, and they gazed at it for hours, until they were mad ; ami then they began to telegraph tb the -man ih Washington to 'kjriow - what he meant. Tie, discoverer- tojk another look, and found1; -that the new star had- movet 006,06o,Ot)Omiles'in about IS,- twentyrfour hoins;: and upon exahiiiitng- it closely, he was alarmed to:- per ceive VhaU it:ha(l; legj. j When, he went p;i tlieonie, tll0 nextni.m'iK ing, to, polish up ljis glass, f he I fowfd th'c3 irbrrrinnigieoplb5 dovr) at:Ataifdaia,Wri c distant ; heart! part Jbf-the wear- in aiil they. say, heipfjised ii'Pi 1 oni eji .wants tu fi ii tHi'$ bbytl He wishes tp yoiisnltvith hinaboiit; sJmethini?.-r Max Mele(L, . : , What 'aVe ;Vbiil bellowing about r" cried an irafe motheV'at5 tlrH tnit lot'! the islairs rode ev en- hoe.yoii. are!tiworkinr it mticli wnoie-so.iue,1 f.sincevpy and vigrous euero-. r 1 he bi lis ; for 'tcleUiilia? 0 i.ttiLH:eVarhou ed-fd $i;wO?mid no"theVritixiH i:ir. a'fter her-two bMys;halirbepu;hl1iih,: UP tl,e darkest and weariest put-to J.ed.; "please, mother, . -t"' .: -r- . r:r ..1 saia t'Ciiowing xm. .1 ' om aiiis saidl-ellmvingBillJJiin "let him have jff,.. and yo -1 - 14 -Y-i ! u r . lid she, 011 take vi? of nrakj ine sleep1 -on" $biW etcfe ' of JJIOI. fiMHiptyd. hni mantoet. Udeir have thintrs. ; : fcVV omeui :niay teiniiled man -..to reat torbiddei $mf1 aid fhis; wiet,.;vbuf , lie in-" ; -4 t - It i$.fcjidrthiit ouc tablespoon-: ful of .Epsont salts,adde(l -toj. cach: 3-.iZ vu 4IS U t - uoyl tartbr wjlt; greatly, pi;9Vje i.t,r l)is4ye n, thVfsuar wajf.Oj UOp Jllg.. FUUe waicui td VitU.jthis'. ;will be 8tifferr. -,aiul will 'i Ifc; eperyd. grjeev nrq prppt- "5T tine cloths. " x tl.A.n I11 1 1' ' liry fiftrir ' said Bill, "but he wants to ha r,Mltn1 & obv6t 1 tlVe inSkMl. ' ai Said - a ..ti;i; disband,; to -his wile-ou;' JteedVf uecdnt bf-r blame. me ? 'Jwas w;onic.n. tliat. lorbi Qiiehearty laugh is better than a bucket full of tears. 'A- circuit ?ourt The lonsrest vvy ItomeMrom a singing-school. iroweitnmanufat turing pay feif it takes fen hulls to make' one. cent. Give your son a trade and yoii Wtmre tor him-thrm by g; vinjg him a forwiue.-Krankiin. A little hoy in school gave one of the best definitions ever given thin." " Politeness is in itself a pover, and lakes' awtty the weight and gainng irom every otlier wenia exercise ' I had rather, have newspapers witiiQiit government than a gov eminent without newspapers. JehVrson. 'I hate to hear people talkin rr behind One's uuk," as the robber said when the constable was chas ing him and crying "Stop thief. An old ladv iieariuir somebody say that the mails were very ir regular, said : "p was lust so ih tnv young davs no 'em. trusting oil The lahf.r of the body lclievcs us from the fatigues ot the mindji and this it is which forms thta hapjiiness of the poor. Roche toucald. "That's greedy of you. Tommy, to eat you r ; littly sister's share of theicake." "You told ine, ma, that 1 .'was .-always to take her part," said Tommy. f Fast 3'oung men declare that age," is that you can get as tight' as you please, and popple th'iiik 3011 are only sea-sick." The shrewd authorities of St. Paul, Minn., propose to catt;h drunkards by tarred lamp posts. Oiie conspicuous post is estima ted, to be worth about ten consta bleV. ' '-Bridget, go over and see how old,Mrs;i3tnnet is this morning. V Inta few niinutes Brjlget return ed wi'tl) the liews.that Mrs. Bon net was'just69 years, 4 months, ;alVd:lPdays old. r Fine-, sensibilities are likd vyodbincs delightful luxuries of hWnfy to twine round a solid, npfTgi it 'stem of fu uderstanding, but cr3p00r things if allowed ttf.wcp along the ground., ' n .-. " 1 A single woi-dimny disquiet an entire '.family for a. whole day. Onesurlv irlance casts a gloom. ot'the househbld, while a smiler liko-.a.gleani uH'" sunhine, may 'hours. ' Hittle three-year-old Mary was playing very Irouglily with the kitten.' mis.au'yyiug it by the tail. 'Ifer inother' tuld her that e wouldlmipussy. 'Why no 'won't;?' said hh'e4tPm carry 11 tnac 811 o no I carry mg it Aythd handle.' - 4tBridget, 1 told you to havo in .y.jhpt -water -the ; first thing iii the luorniug.T . - hure,ir," replied Bridget, Uid'nt I bi-ifrg-'it up and Jave it at your room door last night, so , aa;ttf have it in timo tiiU morn- ing!".; 'X Y5iithVnl genjus, in Detroit fastened scH'eralyards Of string to an nhibrella; and then stood the article in ': the door of a public ytairwayiT-'ln tlic course of half an hour eleven ditlereiit persona saw-the. umbueUa, knew that the owiiernad lost" it, and wanted thenvttakehanre of it, and ctrrieifiit the: length of the stnng ittlyjto MtQf ii,.and wnndoroi what the crowd was laughiug at. IF. I I' i hi ; 1 If! n i

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