' -: ' ' . ' .""T-.. Z fjf-X?ZB9. :tiijr?4r4. 'trim ... -m 1 ... - ' ' .! SB'' s j I THE pTIJOKO EST. BULW AIUC , OS Q)j C()OSTiTIifi lQPU.AIt HEART:"'' ; . , . ...; ' ,' r- . .1 ; : . . ' 1 CAW'ENTEIt & GRAYSCN, Editoes. i . - i ' ! Ml -j fl! CLENDElfjN. & CAKPENTKR' Put'LIiiers. - a y. j. 4 f i ! lilt . . va mo uyiyjmm- MM : ' ' - '.- ' . r- : ' : . ' , 'rUui 'j&fih- ; , : . , ' ? r ; ;--y;- -j " -. ' ! ' ' " r -.,-. . ; : ., ; i . -' .-: - - . ' ' T r1 i . . . j : L VOL. I- .1.: HI i-t: -yilOFESSIOXAL CAUDS. . GAITI1ER. JKO.. GRAT BYXUM. ATTORNEYS 'AT LAW, " MOBQIXTOK, N. C. Practice i" tlo Federal Courta, Supreme . Vnrih Carolina,' and in llie Counties , r,tw, 'JIlvl Ruihericrd, McDowell, t . . vtnon. Mitde!l aM.l Yaneey. A.llufiious uuiJo in auy lrt of tLe Stal Co : . 38:ly wTh. cox, SURGEON AND 20- dentist. RuTiirnroRDTON, N. C. "' "mi J. A. IIACJJUE, Physician and Gurgccn, .... I',tmi" !c:itcl nt nijt!ifr'nltnn.' N. 'C, r?- MifnHy t.-ti.i. i s U yiv.(.fi-.v)nM service 10 ,.,'iivp.i- i.f tin- Vilhiiri" and sunoundin?r ( , lrv .,u.i iin to'uient a -part -of fiieir DU. J. L. KuClvhH, niUK ,av ....r, - M Yul X- ;-u " l - I v, i.cu; a j. m. justice. I L()(;AX,& justice, ATTORN KYS aT LAW, ' RcTiiKuroKDTtis; K. C. V'il! pi vo rron.nl j.Ucurvn.to nil business list nini.tfl to Uk-ii care. particular 1 iiitriit inn .'tvrn to oonectiorts in ho!h S'cvir mid Justices- Courts. ( Uf J. 1. OA K TENTER , ATTORN KY AT LAW, . RuTUKirroiunox, K. C.lV'c'ioi'', i ronij'th alt"'ti(Uil to. C. lif HOTELS. CHIMNEY KOCIv HOTEL, Chimney Rock, X.: C, 7allacc & Justice, rnyrictors ' l! ar between A sl cAillo nnd RutluT-1 'Mdn-M. ?nti)tnnku bv tin 6 Lninr.cst moini- t hi wine ry iti tlio woildj Uv.ots will be. "n ujtvWtablt nnd clwirtfcd ntotlcrately.. 41 CIIAKL0TTE HOTEL, CllAi:U)TTL;, X. C. W. H. TJattLcvs & Son. I 38:tf Tin-: p,rKXET : - house, RTJTIIERrORDTOX, -N. C. .i U nri (or H e nc on rnodntion of the trr.vr llu u riiblio.' ssi.d wit cood fare, attcn lt Vr)LK.M 1 j.m dt;j Us aiid fcf i for lets-, il.e i-u-j.titto! uk!n sl are of i-avrou. .K. U LUnSKTTi 11 lr j J'M rif tor. ALLEN HOUSE, llEXl)KUS0N;iLLE, K. C. T. A. ALLKN, IJroi i ietor. fJorri Tal.Us, jttlctitivo Porvants. well xen tiimt.'d IluMits.ai.d t-niforirtlle StaMcR., BUCK HOTEL, APIIKV1IJ.K, R. M. DEAR, proprietor. . nAisi $2.o xjr.ir day. ig" : . I ricmrning House, f-rd per Pi.v, V ' $1.S0 Wink, 700 " Monti., " 21.00 J4if B. B. FRK F.MAN, rnyriefur.. BUSINESS pA nrs. JKO. L. MOORE, reduce and Cotton. Shipper, AM) DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, i SHELBY, IS. C. . . 1 pivc Ftrit i attention to the forirard lH cd sill. tig Cotton, on I'bnter's .tMHis. Ir.j, niv torupoiidiislia, in New York. n. Ialtimw6 an J hlvcrjiool, and will All persn8 desirou M ining on Acwi n'"? on Account, Icau c-onfer wttW roe W.T Utter r ml... i- 38.3m p BLACKSMITHING. i T tfcf? 1 r V . II M I tc n wuld antoliceno Ins d liiti dK Mid cuMomcrn"-llit bin Shop 18 M in full blast on Min Street, Soutl-l the ;"lL Tirtiis as low as the lowest. Shoeing ISorc S 1 .00. A, : vo, riiry produce taken in pavnient for work 1 Market pricog.. ' . , . j,' : 1 pivc liim a Call. I0:ly TEliN SlViJl LODGE No. 91, A. F. 31. rpll:.rUr .... tk.i l.. f I :!. nd7 n,10mfl' T"KJaT'k Superior Courts, ou ue Festival ol il-e Su?. John. . nnUSHl'O EVERV SAT.CJftllA Y.' ' Cabpemeb, j ; . - . , i RUTHERFOEDTON, N. C., r. . Tebms . of Subscription. 1 copy .1.: year in -advance, . $2.00 1 copy G months ' ; i .;. 1.00 Single copyj . ; - -i .05 G copies 1 year, 10.00 10 1 " 16.00 30.00 j JCSTT Specimen copies sent free, , .Rates or Advertisikq. Per inch, or less, 1 week,' $1.00 it u 4 1 month, 2.50 3 " 5.50 U 6 . " 1 year, 9.00 1G.00 x on-onjecuonauie local notices 25 cents per line. rrAdvertisements are payable quarterly, in advance. rST A-ents procuring advertise- ments , will be allowed a reasonable - ' . tT Special arrangements, when electrotypes are furnished, &r Objectionable aavertiscments, sucn as win injure our reactors, or liiu ujiuacwi ui iucftj.L-i, us wfju- - iuuiutt1' v1" tST Any, further' information will tant to . particrpstte fn tmr festivi bef given on application to the pub tics at Hall, but she assured 'us crs. u2u Careful What Von ar. In speaking of a person's faults Pray don't forget your own ; Remember those with homes of glass Should seldom throw a stone ; If wo have nothing" else to do Rut talk of those who sin, 'Tis better we commence at home, -And from that point begin. We have no right to judge a man, Until he s fairly tried ; gi)OUld we not like his company, We know .the world is wide; Some mav have fallen and who has not The old as well as the yotmg ; Perl ?;'U1 - A - Vi - vub"-.., Have fifty to their one. . I'll tell you of a better plan, And hnd it works full well: I try my own defects to cure ' IJelore of others . tell. . And tlioun 1 sometimes nope to oe No worse than some I know, My own short comings bi-me let The faults of others go. . Then let us all when we commence : To slander friend or foe, Think of the harm one word may do To those we' little know ; . Our chickens, 44 roost at home, ; Bon't speak of others' faults .until . We have none of bur own. ; is ; ' i ', : ' 1 Pork and Potatoes. ' -M :.y.- '; mm. : - 41 Landlord," Faid a transient iTiicst ut a' cross-roads tavern; 5 as he drew near the. eiub of -his din- u u-AnVvAMKm,, wa n little more pork to eat with tliis pota- to?" A moment later, he said : . 1. ii ... i There was more pork than 1 wanted ; let me trouble you, for a little more potato to eat with the pork." And "shortlv afterward : 4 Well, I declare, I've got some more potato left, and it 6eeni8 a pity to leave it just a small piece more ot pork, if you please.'' It .... a a.1 r-n. 4 rvi i m ' ; A t lenath the landlord stopi.ed'short : KJv... fi,s. :,..! romnrL-. pork and potato come out even, but Eve niade up my mind the Way you.. -cat, it cant ue uui. vvi K,i Ur m mr nnA or the other Kjveri tinted v.Now YW .v vnr n,in,l which you d l-athcr leave, anu leave it - Vla onniitrh r,nrl- and potatoes, but if you keep ton, fi i.0 , UU Jl UUat. . .. ,. i . Between the wolf and the shep herd the lamb has come to grief. One thing, acquired with pain, is better than a hundred with ease. " ' : ' " ed : 44 Look herclstransrcr, 'taint lormeny maue; --?o iue; im no use. Tm willing to do any- portance of g(o(i ieeding, is evt thing in rt-ason to make that PVFi OiMlitL-y Cclcbrulious iu Gcr- .The. celebration of ih'e.annicr- - ,Gerinahv.'tin ' Sit' -not the. case1 in un y other:countrF. We Americans, who aUovv' bur uinnuays to comc.ana go, suarce- iy rcmemuerinp: or noting tneir ward ladies and children" ' on its recurrepce. li attbe srvrings at lfall a number of ladv 'firuesta 1 1 cefebVated tiieinauuiversanesi'lAII their friends atuj acquaintances at all sent them immense-coquets, one laay, Tgccfyjng as nxnj l!-r".v ;...wf' opxes, irom , home were to hudwitli! cakes and pres ents and letters with lovincr irrccifi- i t ige.7 We. 1 lad ;'t h e'' - pi eas ii v'e of pa. icipaiine in pne or. tne.se, an- iiivershnes j tbe lady being a lia- l've of Baltimore, ofGernianpaV reins, temporarily resuung in uer- man'.i o less than tf.n.immenpe -mj.,,- ci.,jH.MJwMwW U( !! l"e" ' "ecoratea. iie room. wuuu mu urvsuuis iroin inenus and relatives wero viYi oti .a i table: like' bridal oflerin: Her acquaintances .called .during the day, to v.coiigratulate' her and partake 01 cake and wine, and al vent on as merry as a marriage rneii. ' iier parents were too dis i hat the day wits similarly cele- urareu at a certain mansion orri A A A Madison avenue, and that the cake and wine would be-partaken ot by a band ot little orphan chil dren, in whom she feels a deep in terest. Although far from home and relatives, many presents arid kind greetings reached her from her friends in' Vienna, where she has made her home for the past year, l bose . , ouservances at. a summer resort, s were, of. course, but tame allatrs compared to the day celebrated at Jibm'd, surround ed by parents, listers and brothers, bat were suihcient to give' us some-idea of this beautiful custom nf.tlirv liithorlnnd , Evfri'thim ir donehuweve to make U aimer-i ry festival, evrn the sexvants. dressing the ,d;nner table with Cowers, while the health of the. absent one is itoasled, and the whole, dav devoted ro innocent ff?ti virion Pity the Slot It. 'l VJ.iW!XhWH llava you teedj.and .shelter oj them ? Can vou keep them wai ah(r happy YriU)tyou -ought .! warm to i bestir voiirselt! The lnfiiio' W 111113 andi in til ess storms are com mi rug, are jipj-v here. , Lose n o in niakrni waVm &tirls, nice r time shelters, eheap sheds, if you can't atlord better, to protect your farm animals. Don't let your neigh bors see that the only 8heher -6ur animals nave is a wornv teuce; the. only k roof the heavens, the iy bed the. mud,, or tl;,hard Jn ;oud- . - it. with tood ? Have vou luenfv ol jrood. food ? Have vou plenty ol cood. nutriiiou8 toou r li Msior vour - W F . n r. . -r T interest to see that no animal losed a pound of flesh, vv'hat has bee gained, should belkept. .It i -a lois to ipso wiiat youtnave ganecL KecpthenhnaUuiprjOving. .TJie;n you Yu ay get pay for what you feed. But if? the animal . Iofcs WJ wi me; nesii -uiai "yr- - t-- - - ' j lose flesh becaiio. they can't .intf h1- poiid..geU-.iroze. overi or,ttue creeK Hues, i x lie- jnreu -, " -; mihv don tlwam to break thence. It 1S "Pt tig stockand the do not suner. ine master s eve snoulu . - . . , , "mm- . , i terested in their growth, their comfort; aup improvenieut. Now is'the tiihe!to provide ' lac these Don't delay. ' Let ;he auimals start in Vfeht and then keep them right all the time. Rural 1 World. j ' ... U isiiUe. -Jill I , f Vli;stIiits. ryWhen. a I bo y W7isrtes.a it : show jthat hi, HMli aro-Wyanihis vikU til v !- . i.i iiv " . f rtLfe? r usiyui lurpossiuiiity ior a uoy to whistle when be haSM lost his marbleSyOhadn. interview with Bar-1 prominent J bov; who oncevtried; toitwhistlel iuvhile per- ormingja!jic)rnpipe1!)iilhq. gar '.$1? 4 .fatier7 s arrned,. with , a stout hjekory, acting a? master of cerem6hi.es but it Was1' a signal! failure; iptl he wept as Ifo'rtfbbed thq . lender ;po'rtioti a f ? this 'body an d pen i ten t ly acknowledged 11$ error.: His tiithcr 'fis more" hope ful iiow, arid 'thiuts he' may o lie day be - IreViden--or ' eometluhg efep. lWe-Ukoitorhear boys whis tle..,. -d; jCloud , (Iqnlt ; . i ts hi s abomina.tjd ju,' jhe, ;boj who whis tles in - his presence ' is ' iiv more dah'er 'than if he called5 Vii br6 ther 44 Raca " he rouses J:h6iire of the Goprt ! , The AY jimig informs us that on" Monday last the Judge had eight boys arrest ed for7 'whist ling' in' fronf of the Gourt4lIonseand 4avithin reach of the. -ears , of the, Coiirt." . It may he ; well .enough .for one to 44whistle down dull care in some localities,' but it wont cto in6 tlie presence of the judge ; ' he has a holy horror for .salljwhistlei-s ; has filed an ..injunction: against every locom oti ve on ' the North Ca roli ti a ' ra i 1 road . A geri tl e m a n remarked 1 in dns -presence that Littletield had 4tpaid dearly for his whistle." .The mere .mention of the word threw the Judsre into a spasm, and he threw the man into jail. He had fined a poor devil $5.15,for .whistling up his dog" and . afjother - f 1 97 5- for in viting him to 44vvet. his whistle." In a 8uit for the " recovery' of ' a debt, the defendant told the plain- till he mnrht 44 whistle, for his money." '' 4! forbidirr said the Jndge, sfifihgiiVgtb his feet," 44and will Jine yon 10 for'edntempt ot jui ut i liar iiuv .rvn uuxisu- al noise (UsturbeoVthe;: Court at Marsnai ana, tne Duerin was sent out' to 'suppress it. "It's the" wind, 1 your Honor, : whistling through the -pines'. :Stop it at once,! cried tho. Judge, i.or I'll withdraw a jurorid dissolve the Court." , ..iii.STpariptisin prompt?. ed hirn fo eTter the rajika , of the arWv 'itu ring the wHrJut' liis con sthtftio'rtal'irisioiV to' the 4'whis-: tliitg ofc bullets" kept him out; Ptonewy qfi nin-- - . br. BioL'ewiswrhes I know 6f noth i n it ' more"' e rtai n i ii t h e cure' Of diseases h&n: is th5i saddle in the cure of incipient eonsump tion. I have known a :reat many cohsinhptires who were' past' the incipient stage, and not a few who had Jar ujaers inltheij-lungs and were .expectorating largely, t and not"a 'few, again, who y,ere great ly 'exhausted Svifh uigiit-swcats, who have been 'restored by the saddles -i7' " -y-K ' Pr.4 .JS'ii-a physieiaii j . my life long, friend, had, giyen.ittip, and I; insi s ted , U poh. the-sa d die.- . He - wbisperedrilpn lecouldnlt even sit ii p, i lV a ch tii r. I urged that i t in hst be tneil.'" ! oflered to lift hittv into the saddle and support him. wlnle, he rode... ; After man misgiviigs,ftVo;doctor consented four ! miles otil a Walk,i without support AVithin three1 months he lett honw-aloue -te-ride to the Mis?iippi,: 1 Lte retnrned to bis hpmen eight. weeks. s,; "NoW,! after many Tears he. i3 a hale, hearty in apV dotn a large biisine''lni; his- profession,' with no departures from ir perfect coh ditipn,.texcept ; ll at i where i 'there were three, large ulcers, hsre are now' scars, aho so in,.fios.e mparts there is imperfect breathing. wi8 simply waipng tor jthe ..'epd. Ret urii nig Irom a long sence. l fouiiuiiVVfiienuT'dying " tofhe trial. In a. wees iie,, could ride half a miu;, if supoorted. . In a'mbiith Tie i 'could ritfe, three or - '-' 7-. '. ., Pleasure is Clicap. iiugis truer., Savs a wri- the. cheap l,v w ;fcuuie- pleasure i uo tou kijpwr how little it lato to make a multitude happy ? Such trifles as a" penny, a word or a smile do the work. There are two or thre. ubos,' pa'ssin or alone: trive them' each a chestnut, and how smiling tt i ey Took ! t hey wil I not bccross for some time. A. poor' widow livcs'iii the .neighborhood, who is the mother of half a. dozen children. ,Seudthem a half peck of svee( apples,; and? they "will all be'happj, A;'child has lost his a rrpw the wor 1 (I icyh i m :a ti d "he . n.biiViJs Vadfy help' .In'ru -to find it, or makejhin'i 'anofher, arid, how qjiickly'iWil) the sunshine play oyer the sober face. " A boy has as lijich as he can do' to pile up a load Of wood ; .aist hnn for a few moineiits; or speak a pleasant word to .him, and jie forgets his toll ' anoV,;' w6i ks away without miridnig. it'. You.r apprentiee.has broken a mug,' or cut the vest' too large',' Or sliglitl' injured a piece oi worK. ay iou scounarei, and he feels miserable, but re mark u J -m sorry,", and he will try to do better. You employ a man, pay liim " cheerfully and speak a pleasant woid to him, and he leaves your house with a contented heart, to light up his own hearth with bright smiles and gladness. " .' As you pass, along the . street, you meet a -".familiar face; say 4i good morning," as though -yon felt happy,'and it will- work ad mirably in the heart of vour neiprhhoiv ; Plonsnro i plipnp W ho , w i 1 1 n o t b esto w i t 1 i b e ra 1 ly 1 JTIassviia. It is a singular'fact tliat"Massc- nd, sparkling with wit when amongst intimate -friends, having no vanity and very little ambition though extremeby covetous of militarv fflorv, but of a higlilv mm O ' O - sensual nature, was imperiously ruled by a third pakion avarice which; when, satisfied, 6ecms to carry along with it the desire for a long life ;. whereas, on the cou trary, even after he bad become a tnillionairei this5 marshal forgot so completeIyv tUiJast'-taS;5i0,1 and the smallest anxiotyfbr his existence, as soou as the battle begair; that the greater he peril, tne wore neroie.y as ins obsnuacy in tlje rhidstof it. : The fact ,1s that lire re. exist powerful natures, capabjcriif feeling ; several strong passjoti, equally . ruling, -and yet perfectly compatible with , each otler,1 because although difterent, anu'eveu ajpareim3' tonirauiciu ry r t jiei r very i d i versi ty 5 p re ven ts them frcvfi ninuifesting themsel ves at the same time; so that each passion5 rulehj-'it.elf, arid enjoys absolute I sway Iso Uoilg as that sway .continues. Ex. ' ...Thedron rails first nsed upon English rail l oads stood from fif teen to twenty years, even .under an rnormu4 tratie;no such rails are now made unless of steel. : In 1SU0 it was- estimated upon the London ai'd Northwestern -Railway that the i passage of 313,000 trains would iwekr out a 70. pound rail. With the present material put. into railsj na sneh service 4 is obtained. Air:; Price Williams states" that the; 'bet quality of rails as nowinade,lwili not stand the passage ot ovW 100,000 trains. Tlfe. diihculty fdo'es not seem to be so much in the impossibility of makingigood kud sei-vicable irbn rails, as in the-fact that? few are made. In this . tvspect the same tacts hold good as has leen fre quently referred to'in the manii facture, during j late years,' ot i.early,all classes of iu work; . i- m ' Children expect the truth; and if they find themselves deceived, it not on!- shakeV their confidence in others; but! they, being Very aptsqholars; .will soon learn to lie i - . . . ana deceive tool NO. 47 It is an error to suppose that a man belongs to himself No man docs. He belongs to his wife, or his'ehilriren, orchis relations, 0r his creditors, to society, in some , form or otherr-vlts-fer their es- pecial good f and behalf that he jives and works; and the' kindly allow him to retain a certain per centagc of his c:ains to administer to his own pleasures or wants. He has his body, and that is all, and even for that ho is answerable to eociet'. In short, society is . the master and nian is the, ser vant; and it is entitled according ' as society turns out a good or bad master, whether he turns out a v bad or a :good- servant. (jcorye A wjtiHus Saia. . , Luxury is . a vice which prompts many to run into expense beyond what their circumstances will ad- v mit. And why ? .vliecause re-:, spect is attached, to , I'rodigality, . and contempt Js sUpwu to those who do hot maintain a similar profusion ; because the custom of lavish expenditure is universal ; and because things -that are su- perfluous, useless and frivolous, are rendered almost necessary and indispensable. Here is the mis- ' chief of luxury. Whoeverthe king of OUI Cala-' bar may be, he has fca downright i way of, expressing himself, as, for instance, in his proclamation for the observance of Sunday, that "henceforth on God's day no market is to be he-Id in any part of Duke Town territory, no sale; of strong drink, no work, .houday, ;, no devil-making, no firing of guns, no processions In conse- , filled to room there have . been overfloTimr ever since. The propcrfy of the, Jesuits in Rome lias been confiscated by the Italian government. They all have a right to a pefrsion' the brothers, twenty-nine in niumber are1;,' entitled; eaclr of - them,, to t three hundred livrcs. The fath ers receive six 'hundred livres. The effect of the' state" proceed ingson the, continent of Europe wiM. be a numerous, migration of Jesuits to England, Ireland, and. America. American philanthropy is ex-; hibiting itself in founding Colle ges in heathen lands. Thcie are now two Arnerican Colleges ins Turkcv, at Beirut and Constant!-,. riop!f,rbuilt at a cpt of 200,00 0T e'acli1 and it' is proposed to build another in the interior of Asia; Minor. . .A;-.,'dirty looking? man ?teppel in, front of a small, boy sitting on a fence, expectingtfihave .some.- fun by teasingj . him ,;i 41 How mucU do you weigh ? ' .he" said to the bcyv f.4 About, as much as you would i f you .were washed," the boy said toiim. . ..;' -t -41 Always avoid the company- in which you are willing to tell a coarse jest, becanse for yon it is a demoralizing, company. Gross- ness is never humorous profanity . is never admirable; and, if your manner and: speech once begin to ravel out on that -edge, all their manliness and charm are in dan Generosity is a better brand of tea than any 'that conies from China. It should lit? home -raised, hbwever, in-' order to be the best .f its kind. - If the labor of the pleasure taker could be turned to pracfical account, how' much it would benefit the world, and perhaps , himself. . Let all spinsters be happy; tncy are rievergood beaux at least, pro vided they use them well their elbows. - Even ood tempered needles' have been known to angri lv tear the human ilesb. iff ": 3 ft'- I is !' W 1 H i

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