Ky I 1003 If. CAXEROX, FtnUSHKR, Ikis argni n'rr tjir roplr's rights to!) is rttrnnl aigil krrjt : jpl sK'jjfcg strata cl Jllain'i Ids pi lull jus JionSrri rgrs fa alf.p,: TEBSISt.TWO DOM-AHS I VoL VII, Fayetteville, N. C-, Wednesday, Karch 1851 . v. t a 47.r4NTf v. T A V T' ' VST.. . J I. P ; if I ii "J - ,- I rVDklHUK WKKKLT, BV JOHN W. CAMERON, ' EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.-- v teiis or tii nrii: IV D-41r la AdrarMn . Tw aUa tad riftr Oeatt rfpmU daring tha yaarj. 1 HHIHftlM. . ' i aim aij tar is a'rauoa. Vafl aMiaa4 aaul all arratafr ai paul, , ' Ina at Ik Oftmi af th Eto. Thasal ukia Is d-ili.i. (Keif papam at Ui fad af v)-, rcka balat lb tipiMiioa ( ;ct, MhrrartM lh ' prtillWMa(mrdWlbrallravalaadeliW);rl acaawtiag ta tha abura tmt. VT All Lllata (a tha tilt, ta inaaraatiaaliaa, miut hm JITEJ IP HfEITmU: 8xrr I'un fr Fjnara br tha Cm, aad Ttfiarr Caaia far tiqaara (af aacb HifeMoafM, tmHi aitlr ' tba aJrarliamioai ba Caavtiaa4 tn man than ta nwalb wbaa k J ba cbargad, . Far Ihraa aMntba, ' ' f4 P9 ' Far all taaaibs ' 00 Far lararaa nxtoika, ' 10 00 Fwi'iiiaai aad Baa Card aal aiaaadiaf ita liaxa laafib tl ba taartd tt$ rra Uartan a jnt taapr aw ia pr. pniwa. ' ' AdaanWra ataat i,4 lb mW a( lliw :hr)i tsh Vair adrariMflMMiia matrd. aihetaraw thrv-aill km ' liaaad IW fcrWJ.V-a. aad cbarfrd rard afty. .Hittoaa baaa ar Waa . Braaiai ) waka a 9aara Sbcimvcll IIou-c. FPHtlUvilU, X. C. Xitt eTrftH $jr.f, fH' Jvurt Xvflk lit Jf irbt iii '-m. - ' Tba'rWfca-tiw Wj b- t lM tm lb artitrna f rawaU, aad ia iraroku f-t, iftat ba baa )rM faadiad d a ard h llrwr, M l 1 r. rwt aad aa lirliaiaiiat ad aaj vita swy rmaaaat ar tetoafut ila Ranat r l ! anfortaai. aad k T.W .' ba 'nm'f4 a.Ut tbr box tiW awl at ar. t4 II. aW io -! 4 ttumf ll.iba. ak4 d , suaad fcai.Cui'y W U. ovarium, I mi tba ba&ana. f naa W tad M aaaka tuaw aaaifnabfa aha a ar iaaar baa a.tb itMv aairaaaaj. a akta af akah a ra Sfaaiiaf'f laU (Mat I IM'xra afail bk nwirt:a r. fcntkji;i r. Fabawy IS. HJ4. v Jif ' Tfconas J- Jahssoa, V fmm irtmmrrd, aad iaaaaJa. 1 b'aa o n .. U 'raaa M a. II " . " " , -rta C'waiw aad Ww.ra liaaaa, - H fa aanai' Tarfla. C. Aa T,e ba ana a txiad aaarb ft (Jreetri, iljrjf(tr,tin4 Dry fl-nh Ukaara m.H ba raitanf. d far r ami; pfdar, e b, or Vt.f - A bra.T atark f tt l Wa, Akja, SM larraa C4ta ai I sa Vaaaa, Mi r . Ae . A a. Aba. UajuUtra' ta.aa, aad S"d Oa' 'I lit Frb M. -ib m:v cotms.--. Rruiu or i.ou, VVbb R ba arid as abiWia aa faaail.At aiial imS'a. TbarffaMk rTaitrrarM Pt-t 'r.l. I'. r tiH,. Mti.k,-ft, aad Jaa tMraw B a it ijarr, .V II aud t.-.da Bttfara; Uaaf. 'rwalird aad w frd ri':; f.'i aird -w- aaaa T.aa; Ja'a, Lay itra aa I Hi tT-a: r"'p,-, t. e faa, AbM. Alaia. f'e "n flniuarak. larf.fn. Maddar. Ad-imainiir at irm I mflra. Unmf, mrmmtd Uaaaaad. arifj. r;b K?a, (mart iritd bar rMii. t Mri.tlti'tf, tiara c. t "abr Vi tajar, Maa k-rl a aMa aal half bat avta aad kila, Vlaaa Park, .VlVaaara, Hfrnp, ,. k a!l. liaaad aa4 ttoh Vra; Tar, ua. Air, )la'-k-r, Hurt vara sad lwra; f ackat and -I ( nik't;, ftaiaa aad fork.; -iuef a.l e.mj -ta. bar !roa, rirv'. hrpla aad M II imi, IK.' o- aarr, lara aa- j aartmtbi; HiarkamMti a I ana, r eir?i4 t-ota rr.V aa j ra t'attara, llai,, Mura. .ud Uomaace Dry iimta. j with aioMat etrrrji ar1ir :ntiey ta b fmiad u tka aaar- . bra. kiU. W, V. ILLIAM A t'O. I frbmary 16, le5t.. ?tf , ,V7oilh & UtIeyr Forwarding ami Hr 'ncral Vom'musion :; .' , 'Mcrrhftat$f' v ' ' r i'AViittj: im ar. c. ' J. A. iaril. Jo. UTLEV. . Fubfaary 90, Ifid. f ' lit- JOHN VnU3LQw7 7 At tor nn r at Luu . Offiff ttr-' lr. y .' rtajr corner of ! Slrrtl ami Afafk't Square, vxw.rtr.niA.r ,. cr. February, JftVt. . 7-Y On a"onaij;ueiit. 60 ItliJa Nr I'rap Vlula-n-a. ' 13 traara Waaa t .'aina'i'; fcir.MtiiTjr .... - IS " Old .Nerjtar W:ualicy ; W). 1 Cak Fi'JKrll llraii'fy. ' 8 Ma'tart W me. s . rn " C.E.I.F.F.TE. Fb. 92. li.KALr.'ri STAvE. THE SAI.KM srAljE. by Hank ttoad, tbno?h Carlhatte and Adibaratigli, will fear f'ayrllrtille an Monday. Wr-'liiraduy, and Friday", at C a'nlank, I'. M. aad arriaa at .valrtn a Taeatlay. i'huraday, lod Hallir- day. at 5 o'dock, Y. Al. U'turiituif, a will Irare Balcm airStitiday, Taeaday, aad Tlmratlay, M 6 a'ciork, f. ,Vt., . and ariva ia 'y . attavilia at 5 P. M., . Thia Hikira ia in onnrctio- villi the Wanaiw Sta. Tbrouglt TicfccU frtiii Sutetn is Wanaar for Al3. - '. M. AlcKlXNON. - ab'y IS. IS54. I a . 7lf ' s ? 5 . fat.' r a j Just Received and for Sale, . 20 FSMa. Na. Maeknl, ' .10 Kita Ma. t 10 - Sariana, ' ' 30(1 IXa. Cod Fadt, - 99 Btt Cbeaaa, . - i " Adamtiuioa C aud lea, T . 20 ," TaJloi '- -5 " Ne. 1 Soap, 10 " ttoda Crackara, j tlhda. tt.-ewB fcuj;ar, i . t BMa. Criaab aadtraaatatad Kupr, r v Buebwbaat FbHtr Hi 35 lb. Itaeka. Tioklaa, Kwa), alaataaaad Yraal Powdera. ALSO J Uoa. Turpwujua Aiaa. Ily . 4 . ; . W..IL CARVER. ftVj T.JiJd. J ' . ' . 4tf . e' . . NKW HA K Tilt Y. ' THE 8uWhbr ha MlnHlihrl a U.krry aa Raw 8iml, aa iha I"! lara dnoia Eart uf Duncan MoNrill'a t'abinri hltnp. flaw prepared ta funttoh 'atnitia. ltMtat and the public griKrally, wilh llrrad. HhciiiI, aid I'alra ul vanoua kiuiu. of tin tM auli'y naa prwurrd the iriiin al una ol thf brat Itukm a lb ttiala. 1'riera naaoaabla. Una tua aall. , ' Cll AUI,f,S BANKS. Faytlaill, Jaanary 10, I Sit . . v Call nhd Sec. H1 (I E iaWiibar hu a haad. at iha n!.l tad nf C. A. i. McMillan, appwua Jlia Bank af taa i'oar, a fra are! aud writ :wnd alack af ' , Pry CocJ, Hal, Cupn, Donnct, I$ot ami fciltot', H'HUr)', (Jttici rir. Inc., Sec. lihiij Aiars nfl Iiit d, bt ai tin'a (k wiii IV baaoa. AIm, a uii'y aaw cfp MOI.wsK.1, AH of ahlcfe will ba aulj tl..p tur ea. U . H. H.WI.KF.S. J.uu.ry 54, l5t. 3f ' Dr. .tlrf'a 11VIUOH 11 f V(a' i-oitni II.. i MLUIIiiSOJ IK um UmllA Ji.-ilortJ tiud Lift Isayihrurri 4y , V.-ir ' IiijftruhH'j Eltir or L'oiJtat T fiiat tha prp-ii;i allnUfd la Trat Mon.a'a f V. 1. 1 IUI I'oaoiiL nr llrrnird !! tmM. 1 ba m((ic, otira aVcrtwrd, caavd af aW lita Muiilu aad MtUui tru l aaaaaacad by Utv dtawffrf Bvit facta, uadrtwablr tcia, attavtrd b vnurMn f tlt b gtirat tim aa-l rHa'artrr, aiur irimgptiMif nrr ail duubUk lvattLir aaliifHi.iwi by a h C tkiKHtf Wb a avri'ml) nrriadbtv. Tha f'una inurM, ia a'l raa, iba il WbiT fnU anmtig fiuta a' atiuaa ar abW af liia aritMja nr.M ,. , abtcit nuika uji il.- tfad. r.'u! at cbia iillrd Mti. It rwwra ta Mi '( at.-ty ai lauenaa caourrtrd i.b tt tii)trre dwuiwud tnry pi mailrf ai.d 'd. amwi 'a trw ai rotut tto, ura. l a proa af btb- iair.,af a. ar drbc aal ta trial pMr, H m rrnnr.mrarfrd aa tlt aaly awaaa af Mm.! k rar'gy wbxh H a-WMt la lb pwavrya Jtywrulaf t'l Iba aaiartl aptiir, aa r1 aa af tka k bi I rriii attnlrtura, j lm bial t era a aat tavSaod !.' ar t r t an a(r. 'I'aa rM (irl, tk t " a atd ytm&. &t mom ! "' b. f"a4tm a! .n !jiat. Ib . d.'lil tif. uuSU f ri m I. ar 're h a.k ' rm of s 4i .l m.1 dt.t aw! ana- 1 , -at tiwt f -m ta aw af h tp wrsWa . km ai' I I' Ta ah,, ka a ad'-;a.iaa t aralM. a a.ff j ' fi a ty'n aad au'a.l aa ti4 auaiaat liiat i fink-a fitmim if. ' 'I kara aa ma-iy. 4a la. i r fir 4 mi.ii ib. irau al.U mum rxf itHik tH.fl-ti.a i p. ' .1 l I In . S. a .ti, 4mmmm mm- J ', a fttxwt l i naMta, au4 wl aai aa'j rawTa uaa (haaaaVr tartf, bat - ' , ia lax ffi-la Cmmttitmt:?, W b.f'tr (t arjuaa la ba rtd apna ar fraa bat i matwr ... . wrtial. daKra, a aarrn d ibat , 1 , . itm'M.lmJt;mTftf Kim- a.R f(ias- a'lkiva wiA aiOHHtik, iraaSr a.ik af. ! t firajry, aieca-arMr a4b w4.a arid aaiaral rtttHv. I aad .k ih4 . kv j af iriaa. kal vJ a kai) an. at aa l ffa vtiit!a I T H-ar ia rtiutii al a)a. l,r.i th-j a.-; a, rK.ia a-ab tSa a-ena" aarfr'rt. raM' . ifra ) Ja .a iim d ai - -"d ar-niai j a rat aaara ! m aiiad. abat, t't.i fin ttt f itH iraaMt Saraaa, tba f;u f an I i 'm bat ta h- j trmim ftrfmt- kwa. ! i' . f 'a i a mitt 'f It !. h '. rts. a a vy aa a )a i- af iba . taa. j Hwit aM rarfi, ( i. k w a'saaa j .a 1 V .f '.-Ui-r.. . d a.d Uaat't rvd 0 rTa ara ata, an. 'hr tAM ft ty aa, a.k b raa'ara, aa tar. ' m rt-d by a ai n w, aaa-s ii ataa- d aTaamaa s m a! a l -d, nrti-d tmt nj. Tlia run-ul ; a. id .ttM-af m aaiiaaf B'-ryaiB frfuraraaak tajarta- ar awrr'Ttui n.liriti ?taf a tda rft- r tat rar ,( aa ik e-anir.ry !. taln-f m ftaaaaral, a- tba aarbat p-'a- (Mi.aad '-.f i m frfc ika awoatnaLaa t.wtt, aad lialM a K n Lmil ..'.r.a. . i .. . ' " ' aa af taarrt.y. paHdyraaa. dya-- aaa, fniml pi t-a!ioa, iiriia:-!,) . arrtrwauaaa. Mat. 4c y ta atjrp, tjau-aara MrriMKM la faaia'-a. .Vf ai af tka mtimt tai.ta,., an. "i.,maaia. varaa 1-.. . aritnatma ; i in. h.a't. i,f ,.v j taa a. aia , .la , trim takat. t avr aauaa afV i. It ta, H -e a any r?i,ri ta taa I p'acrd aa bama.i faiiifc.iay, airt'y itfa'i,!? a. "": i A V'tmt .W-.Kipa ). fimmjrm. I Tb af tin. g rral rr.t rfntii. ia all j I rwajrlaufla laeybrai lo fetttj'ra. in It saw tba aa W Hd ya T V ttiv(ir f j't'ti'i.Tli W (- ff :i!c 'I thtfj ,f nf mr;' r j : vf-trar :rl ..f pHip ft c Iirr i mm?. ' Kerry IT r Xrrrar, . a afa aii.T-'ra f't-ui a'aki-i, uVr.ujfrrtirfit. arrvanauaaa, irt-in-.r. paiia 'a l.a :.r u,irl-r, wh.tb- ar aatf;r I? h r a a.' or ettirtua tu b-nb araa, ti. '. tba lutijutaiifij liar bat a Inai. . ' ii-irrUd I'rrtont, . .aratrWl. ;tfid tka tanfwl, after tbr-y na a brtitla ar two, a Ui ; rr'titr il&r af lb1 atl. tii. In all &r r t'lerta at ta b fH,id tit kp j)H. ia liralilty i ff apRu(, wba arouid (tut hava lm aa, but tcrtliia rilraor. dtlMaayppafa:fla. . Aodit-ta.riiaU).-trt..nt fur ifee-watty dawaara tor wt h it u rafimunau.1. d, "I iR uaawra at yrraaj man bat a bt'fii rralmrd by ari it, aud udtla a aiula luataiir.r hia it faitrd ta-bt-ti. fit them. . I'trmm uf !.' i'ltmJrmm ar tiriaiimptivri iilb.K, S'a rnanw'd. hy tba itat; if a bo.'lli or tM'.i, lu h aifi and ttbangliirf tlirr akia frait a pala, )iAw,aiSH'jr Cowr, ta a banu'tlul !ijr.a emnplja.ou. .: V- F tmf MflmmUJ. Tbr ara anfn af tba a.d aad aw IniMtbrrly rrTi rta pra dacad by early baUta af ywutk. vt 'nr; 0, lattrk aad bHibr, puiua ta tba brad, liMtiii-aa r.f aiclii. luaa id tnuacaLar ar, pdlpitMiaal af tba Itlarl, djtpraia, urr vnaa Irrttabiltiy, aVrarjvnariit af tin uit. aiiaai fuutftraiut, .BiTai dbiUiy, ay.njH m m af MurnrHrfirt, rV. McMltiMy, ilia Irailitl rlTrebi mi tt.rnind ara rnaab lo ba draarb-o. Iwa of mrtnury, codtuaiaa at tdar.a, drpraa mob of ijarlla. rail IWruarl.aKa, ayrraloa f aocirty, arlf. drathut, brra of aotmn), l mi-tlty, A3 , araaOTtiaof tba' avila prodneea. All lliaa affiiclad, " ll'fwt marwpUttirtg iVitrriKgrj - r- aliooW rofliKH that a aounil miml nuJ braly nra tha DWat natiaary r,iiiiin la jironiuio enttnub-al bappinra.; m datd. I'Jimh llicar, tlia jnurm y tliruiigh It'a baeoinrt a wrary pilgriiiiarr, Ute pr.Mptetj Imuily ilark.n tha yirw; lha trtiud brtitai aJiarkrwcd with de-patr, rtad tiilr'dwttb tha nteloncliiily rrfli-r-tioa, thai the hapiiiuna of another becetuaa bl'j-liUfd w,li your ua a. ' t'aiitlililtijrml l)il,itily. All who ba injured thm. lTea by Rrivalr aud im prupr iitiJiiirtiir;ca, aiil Unit ia trim curdiiil a aura relief. lfiiAtrur:tr waitkituaairl' lliv Rriih al 'Tnmt losaof yirllr rrowrr, ta the p.Ditlty tuiait frfutifiitly u.d to lliuaa who riVoa Icuaa rriu ,of licariaato tliirir p.iKttrtta, . -Yomijr ptr aoiii are too tipt to epiiiintt ( war frimi uol being aware f Uic antaolul t uecta. -CAUno.v.. '' " : . ' "" Da. Manss's larirxiHTivo (i.ianiiL hai beaa coon, terfeitad by aonia auprioriptatl prraatia. In fuiure all lha rrrauiaa ('ordfal a HI hara tha prapri etora fae-ainiila pauHed aycr Iba eork af aacb batlia, and tha bHuwing vorda Wowa ta thr glaaa: "l. Miiih'i larirjcaaTtao Coinlit,' - . C. H Kiss, KsoraiKTea, N. T. ITT Tba Cordial ia put up, highly aouorutratad, in piut battlva. --.. " , t tMria fJ prrbetlla, Iwn for $, am far $13. 4, CJl Kt NO, Praymtur, 113 Broadway, ff. Y. SoU by nru;-71bfouhotft lha Uviiad Btataa, Can adaa, aad W aat JadiaaJr-. 'i - ASEiVTft. - - ' ' . ; Z FarttTiII-rJ X. M I FH. t - " - - ' firwbant J. W. CAKUER. Prtenrbur TODU A ( IIKUTIA.V. Narfc. A. AJ(T03 . BON. POETICAL. ""ffaajfrda rArtr ttl llirmi'i ingktrrt rwrll Tit m'uf ling faaaa a bara, aa http, aad thtU." ; WISHING. ' a jniia a. aaa. fW all aiuaaauirau (at tba ttvad, f'rrmi b.frt rjuwa la fadttngr i brra aaa t-attaa iSatt jroa caa ttoa' ,' '.. ra rry rliaap as "aialiliig." A rrry rboieadi-raior, lau, Jf wa but riflill) naa it, A nd aat aa wa ara ad ta iby r-rrrri t aad abwar it I wiah a ramaiaa wb taoWd t My pura aaa aamrthin f.ifear. "1 liat I anjli rlwrf tba child d arad, ' Aad ual my aitd la taller; That I ia jhl rnaa apfwraaura ral, Aa auly I'-td eaa Ht-ba Iff And brrak u Ijraal'a rd af arl, Aa aaly (aid eaS ktrak It. I wH tbai Hyaifatby aui lara, Ad mmmty b.uaa panaua ' 1 kat baa iia ariia ala-aa, Waw'il tatiim, aad krf. i tkaliina; Tint imb, awl Jaa'aMtay, aad I lata, Aad rtrry aat aaaot.aa, im batoad lifiy tatb iaa aWy B- a a h tb ataa a (Iryaal I wiab bt foada aria atwaja traa, Aad ffaatraH ala ay para; " . I akb Uia ar;. a4 M aV, I a ab ik bad ar. w Uw- 1 aab t'ut paraaaa Ba'ar lT " " T kaad hVW friua laaarsaaf ;' - ' I (kat petiaurif a aa art ' rSa d.aV-fartt fnM pwabr -nf" , i I wialt- lb at aaratral wartk aiiajbt ka Apymatd wab tra fe ar aa ptWr; . 1 tlat laaaraaa vrra raa -. J raaa tw arb tf aad i arwk iW vara Atair aawa aaatS aaaJk Tkat aia a ' wars aaaana, I aarb tfcat vtaaw aaaa alwaia kiaa Aad baalaab) s'waaa atl . ' ' I ataboia taa.atbai ftj aad aanb. JL ad rmmrf fi lrl, M j aaaw , 'an wbi. ;Vaa;-baal tba) asrtb. ( . Taba tha fbrraana JUal ' , 1 r- . And ba ba I ia J , r Ar.daKwba - . A3Ei u rvAK ah wir A;ij(.Hr wn.Ukvi a eritosit , : A avnt art bntwara a and aaa, aaada dafmf ibt SaarSaj af a v fm at tV (atkar, abaftby lb aaa aajaraa la aVb l ISa aa4 bar a taffaa.arai.iab.ratiaa- I af la iaa la a w ekij.iy A fc.A t'M ml ba toartaal adrt a graaral arra, ' ' - a r ---.. wlapaa aarb aav rl ta tn.m'aat .1. 'T'T'ri rat..), ad arvuadiaf ta Um ainala taata m tha (.auerrW.vodrtni the Gairt of faqutly , of Hoi kinghnni coustty, "stt lh fail, tefitt. a -r.a. An ar t ii in or dr-liruie vt sa nemltiti trt tlir" I , f m e , i . I airric i,r- i mi pi iai, aa ia ma mii .ar ji niiaini uv ar iy irii7 ni'a va in. ..). . i.v Strnor (.. f I-aw of iMckmirha.rt. iit,, ,tu0 ,h Hs.mUrs.Mil. plea-t jarodu in evi irnce a written me name oi Joint u. aaiengus. in -i-e 01 i.!a, u , , t-. t.v. td Walpole v. y J.mrit, ap.n,t ortri Kolrert htrong, j It? ntQvrry 4i wvrrai i mu inr rjiilr!T A 'd tlti suit. Ibdiert Siroaj Mttl his itin,. VV.IItniii Jt. flrotig, the drfendant, eii'' n d iijo a coturiet in writing, . tf wluch the, following is a Copy:' . , , ; Meinoraitdum of au agiecmenf made im of u agiecmenf inadebT, , ,I(IC ,,Un, jk. ruln-r mul sou at. I into. ta,a tl.iy.oi .May,! h,i; Irttwecit. Uolarrt Strvtiijf mi the one i J part, ami iiliani I. Mfnit ol the oilier ; par', nil oi the county of l.nrkitja mi. ol j the Slate til North Cundirut, To wit: That, j where:tf. there - i now pfiiiling a certain jsiiit in iltt- iS if wjrior Court of Itockiiighnth. ! in liicli A, !.' Jones and others nn plain. ! tit1"t,'A'nl the suid-Hoberl Sitong ileli-.ttl inl. it t the recovery of the lul!o iog neroe,i it a i i . t- f r " i rj in rinmher.) with their hi- crcac, ami me sniu ivoin rt nmrnsr, ireoug t his inahiiiiy, from nge and Iwdily JniiviiH- ih-, orpoymg the alteiitioti necaasurr; t dff' riil the saitl suit aitQcesafu ly, , ngrnea gnc in, ie. a;d iVtHiam h. rnrong,;or.j and hi eiwifja'Tajloii d jtiavservlees, in fp J son-diV iitti'n'liiiJr foifie ttftni suit, nssisliiig lo in ike k smcccssfa! dt nce, aritffoi thtc fui thtr CM stderatioii of five dollars to him in baud paitl. t1irt!Ct ij4 whereof is hereby a-knowlitlgi'tl, one-half of said ncgrjies with their increase, af er paying ull expense of said suit: ta'ul Willtam It. Hfrp g pgrees lo pay strict attention tosaid suit loa'sttecesa i'ul terminal im. In wiiiiess, -wheitof, the above mentioned parties bti ve heiiitinto act their hand and tiliketT their seals, ihi day UUd datry'nlxive w ritten. " : 'r .-itOlJKKT. iSTRO.Ntr, (.SB.H..J ' W.M. R,"3STK(iN'U, s-iAb.-". ' (Two witnesses ) . . ' ." Oil the ;nnc day, very shortly after the execution of this ins. rumour, Robert Sifting made and published!.! last, will ttittf testa ment, and died a short time afterwards. The will was duly proved nnd recorded. Bv hia wiil.-Kuhert Strong-gives to William IIL-Strong a trnct of html, of -3S7 acres, all his slock, his furniture, plantation tools, the crop (hat-might be growing at hitMkiath, anrl two negroes, Anderson and Tempo. After giving his daughter, Janet Uolierfs, a legacy of fifty dollars, and to his daughter, the plaintiff Mary, ft negro girl named Caroline, he direct that the riegrocs Tab, &c, (four teeoiai numir, incJudjugby name the seven mentioned in tbo contract which has beenjrccltedj with their increase, anil all the residue ofjfeis estate, shall be itold by hia executors; that his debts bo collect ed, and, after paying 'the debta owing by him,anl tlie pcctiniary legncy or dot lan to Mr. Roberts, the proceed are to be diviJcd equally betwpen plitintiU'Hary iWu'vi, cnJ dttfciidant William IL Strong. Tin- lultor, wiih one Burton, were nppointej 1 1. I 'ors of thl will, but only llw defend ma v:.(i'&, llir) tjther having renounced. The fiction of delinne (Mtinuui V, Stronir) k'kh f,V aflerwrtrds, nrwl abuut the lima of I'tthori Stronu (lemli, was decided uiniinut ijit flormidani, in the Superior Court of luic,it j;lttm; tMit bflofr- piwiiIhhi- eoukl ha viimt hiin, Willi fun It. Sironjr, as i i.iior, lilt-d a bill fur an injunction, which wn ti-nuht (it ibijCo'irt, and on the hear inir if" the faiiiw. was made nrrnptual. Iv vliu the citiilfsi wiih Mt-nrtu wai finally 'if nienii'ini h'vi us well a tlx. iiH-rftan', ejtcepling the iriii Cartiline, which was dcliverf to ijain- - ft(iiyI fell tlra other proiierty of the lesta- I tiic.tife held by the defendant, a riecutor, ih;t tlifr iM;grts lntv bet-n hired out, and MwimiJ itieiii soltl bv the e tor, and ttto Mi'tpry, as cll for those) svdti bv testator, :h I y h:niMlf. col Ice led by bun. lb pltin lill iiut that be agreenttintrnterwl kito bclwrcn Ktiert Ktnrtjf and bis son, 'v. l. N rinz. arit'fi't th indiev of the laws J4 Srr'h Carolina, and v.h.I Jur chimprty, 4rtl tLey are, by tbn ill of heir father, en- tJIU 4 looirf-l. iir)Tlhe riafclue of the et.ite, aflff ptuivj the debit and the pecuniary aiid eeiiie lejaries . , Tha pra "t of V.te bill is for an account au t'.ai one-iuiii nt tit r-iiit.r m uw jier lid r' ! al'cr sjtiafwair ibf b.e to o ' f .,,"',"r vi Htiaiu it. iji'uni;, tiutiire,iM main hvj a'wui, . ujruu i pfrcrf l . itHN njin XMy..a wucm x- it -'.'"'.: "' ' .WwJwnditin i'fr''!' ifin-iion df th, .iwru " . iuiiinonitof an laierent in'. !am!a- i I, , I lbf 4fur. (ect pi in? t o ttTi 'hat hjd 7 King. r; (2. iMg. C I.. Kcj. 103.) j MllCe or champerty, the Court aaid tltat ' R . hi a w.ld'iii kit lifrtiiur,) iiicu.Iinjr thtc S., jn Equity, where Jt bill was filudjo set I it,ev did not coma within the objection. 'I J in tno birrecim-nt vim : i Jji rl Kol-r-rlr. nuy l paid lo ibn pianitiila, I I I'd''. H. (Im'ide'l fy Lord Xorthington, at iJ the slaves not sohl may l sold ' in which be et atitlo a bond, triven to so . Wild the nn.t.r dittdcd, or the lave tberff fur tit autoti'it subniibed lo asaist j ?-ftdittib lejja!ly Ix tArtti plaint tft aad ( a jxair niftn t" rvovrr ah estate, upon con- tirb it'Uni vvtii ain; ul-) itr arnt ral rritei. The atnwcr ( fftb mre dMinctly the t . .. .. . i . t, reaaotis and ctatiaiacraftciiia upon whitn tixt ajsreertH-n! in jisa-tiri s ma. If ih jretti )if ivjir! ' atnl fj-tinrj in dt rca'l::ss tfie law- i t fT hit UMtr-r, Mr il.e with tal. ncea .tt cimii.iv ii law, and contracts tit wiiK'tk hr pndrett d Un" iiitrft d" t!i ea-1 bftrii with tbcin hate bren dfeLired laU and be now- liiaiata thvf lh-e 6icK i ami void Uurt v. llaew, 0 t'owrm't lUp. wiih the alJiiKnul f-tt that be ia the sou 1 131. was a rise where an rtrrenient to aid rif Rola-rr Sirng. h" fil er r..traciii pr- & duli-jxlina s auit, made with one who wa v. take hi eaa out of f.'ie iv.W 1 1 ljw,t"f)'t i eiied as attorney r C!untel, was irb- eMHrifi fire --4tMfleriy. ..T j wvs irtucb oiict UMttt-r both tint bl artdj I air.wer. Ina stilllcafni h I fnh tairer" i t ' t aur K-tim tD'n wUab tfiy 'fwtna rj li e , fi ri 3 n-phr Attoat jn j irvni it.kre , ia ti ihe (mints not invvi ved in ih fiptBrfi; i e!u, w, (K. (w.,ri tn, .,-,, al t ilt ' ltrttoa I Crt. M ih-r, f.r i!...M.fT J, 'I'. Moiehea l, f.r duen htnL j A r:.'tfd that tlm bid coa taint i.d rrsyrr J f,.f nji lieu! If relief: it h OIly llftl tha; !ave J C'llow s the prAver fr grneral relief. There L. a it."., a! .. m.I oi.t. f i.w i i . , . , . , . v ii 1 1 i ii.h r .vi a ia Msr. laC declare.1 irtnl void. I'stVer lite J i... ... I r .t - I ,:,,,,- ,BM Jat m i.wt!,ih .tJdrli'eufil ibere. and to i lfririg U prsved at the bstr. ..litis may 11 1 . . . . a r .. i 1 I. ... .--..J..! 1...1 ... I. r. .,...1 . , Mll.A I ... I I ..V.. .. , . . M 1.1. I 31.2 Mall. CI WdOafonl. 3 j.j ( ),rfl, 3 . ,1,; (.ice v. frtnch, a Atk. If I; Poaier v. tMk, I Hawks Sit. Mtonld the ("oiirt, bowrver, 'e of ortinioii thit the pfirfi-ul if Tcltf- fbj.ed fa at the hJtr can ba.griiitef, it is submitted that the ;'! of the caie tlo lif t wai rant such 'relief. ,, ,,,,1 ,u atrainst law oWiht tiii ifi;ii Ev. 5IJ. Avery v.-Huh v. It I'eck. - Allaire v. Outlaw, 2 John's l'a. i'i, Covenfi v v Bitiiton, 11 John, r.ep.lll. We are in lcbietl to tho Reinn-ier of' the Suprimft Ctitu t for the follow thg able and j in ereding Ik'tasKin of Judge Baltic, in the j abiye c,ip: ' l..ttle. J Tlt plr-iitlniirs in this eau present for comidcnition a question which ' li.lVnot hiiht-f 0, o ns we know, lwn rt devdet in, ttiis. Wate. i 1 be jjiR-stioa is, vahethera .coniract bviweeiva father and -,,; rj,ntU drtring the ffr.dt.ncv ot a suit gvinst t!iefathtr. wherebv'thr son ngrt?e, burUC ii.t thnit tiir iho fitiber. In cotiiid-ishoultl t ritrt.atf brreecivini pal tot iho Jirttpert j sid't suits nf law. a agent, and shoul I re in ctnifroversy iu'ea-tcj of suceess, is s-oitl, t calve for h's st i v ice a ''certain x;r cent. us eoiniug within the prtdttlufioos- of the rommoii law tigtiiti st in a i ti le 1 1 a i tco anil chairi;H ity. ' ' ' .,' We hnve given to the subject that ntten-tio-i Which its impor.taiice,' as Well It ttoweltj, requires, itnd our reflections .havo brought us to-the conclusion that tht cnri f ract is again!.' the, a -:(h d policy of the law, anffjlrerrbtt'tf Mntiot4i'aiplicltl. fH-fgeant Hawkins, wlmrto h finitinns of these . of-, fences r ml'tpled, mainly, hy all the later writers on the su!ic!t, s ty-,, that "mainto nance is commonly taken in, ami in general seemeth ttra-ticnify an tin lawful taking in hand, or uphnlfftiigi' q'uriespcncs. -It'is tr.ue that aomo of the elc rel or Hides, to the dLtiuibance, or hind rance ofcommon right.-'c fr '; .Maintenance in n ourfof 'justice, is "vlare, one officiously intermeddles in, a sttit depetMlitig iii any suclicoMrt, which no way 1. longs to hhti, by assisting either party. with money, or., other wise, i it the procution, or deltnce of any such suit I JHawk. P. C, ch. ST; Tit JVfaintcnance. "Champerty is the unlawful maintenance oTa suit, in consideration of some barghin to have pari of the thing in dispute, or some jvrofitout of it.' Ibid.,, Tit. Champerty. 'Theso ofl'encca arc of the samo nature, the la Her being an aggravated pecie pt the former, and are both punitdiable at eoiamoa law, aa well as forbidden by various"-! Hawk. P. C.( Tit. Maintenaneo, sC. 88. Champerty, see. 1.- Iloscoe't jfJr. LvTit. Maintenance, &e, ". i BJlackstone Coin., IS5. ; - ; ' Cotmptirty being an olHrnde t!. pro hibited at common law, ns Veil m by Mat nte, any contract or barg.'tin info which it rn'cra, a onu of the i lcnicnls, must cccct tarily bo Void, as bcin founded upon an illegal consideration. Accordingly, we.find ilutf, in England, thi courts, ot:i of law and eipiity, have rfuwd to give effect to turn contrucls, and the latter oourts Iviive vn give relief irhit itiafruinenU uhiclv they saitl, savored of champerty. . lliu. at law, it was held that an agreement to com iriunicalc such inftirmntion m should cnaMo a party to recover a sum of money by ac tion, and to-rxert infucytce lor procurijjf? aside an agreement inajo by a aeninnn for the sale of his chance fr prir.o monf t, that eiuineiit Judse, Sir William Crnnt, Master of ihn Hfx l. exprc,d tin opinion that the agreement was void from thn beginning, as anioituting to champerty, viz: the unlawful maintenance of a sjit In conxideralion of a bargain for a jmrt of the thin?, or somn pro!il oi.t nt it. fttea'tens vs. ifcicweli, la IV. Juh. IS'X In a later ease, before Lord ' f Itaucclbjr illdon, ceruin liencticial con 1 tracts .and conveyances,' obtained bv an ' attorney from his client, during their reln- tioii as stieh, anj connected wnti the sul- j jet or the suit, being also liable to tuet . charge of ehanipeiiy, decreed to stand as a nectirity, only, lor what wns nctu.tlly due Wood v. Ifownes, Ji . Jun. 70. lird Hltlon, in delivering hi ojiinion, re I ferrel try the ra of 8'raehiin r. Itrowdcr. i 10 iav nonnng u tne au.i lantru the'th uif.-ilor olwrmc that, though not t . . . .. r -. r-triciiy citaii)rrry. u was very nar ih In mmim- of our siter Slates ehsnttTty stal mniiitt nanc have taccn decidt-d lo l a djWrd. illegal xiuiL void fof iruuttttfuance, tttat lr-irfg fKiih mahmin . and prohibiied bv st ilu'e in iew l ot I,. Turston .'Per 1 1 ivi wm tbridid tn AIas buetts. Al I vra n ci.t"t.', swui uen t-uipioveu a nil a' tontt t and eoun:tWr by the defend ts,'(, ij J.i.Ti in reeveriiig a laiye sum tif tiMiy, m a stut wiueh was proaeuted untie !it of JS'ew ,Vwk. At'ur an ex- pensive l.t'i'jon, the defendant recovered a jtidgtnctd for tift.TSI. whiehvni rttitfied by a rorrnjro4tiwF, b' whieli I.e reciveT I'.'O.taiO. The pUiutltf w cotistantlyim gig I in forwarding the auit, proeuriti,r donee, and correspond,! Wih the deft nil- ant's eoonscl in iew . Votk, and he made , .it . "... a. V.t ... sliced at the"ar:unteiit of the cam', but he j- a - . . i . 1 :.. - -II ... -.1 AA a-..! 1 . ..I.,.u..r ....1 1.:.... all.,u.t .. .i . m , I . f , I ... ... . . A .1 f .1 1 l.M agrrvnirRt. made iff Massachusetts bv vtr- tuc of whit li he was lo recuive, f. .r all bis f vices, tbovt dcr.-tbcd, ten jier cent ujon the um which uliouid be recovered. This was objected tn bs being imUwIid, and was rtjeete.1. Th Court held thatv though the. plaintitf might recover upon aquttntHiii me rHil,ttt bis services, before the agreement was entered into, yet the agreement itself ws unlaw ful: that it came within; the tle- scriiifion of chainperly, whit ! all the ablest jwnters on fiuinnul UwdVclarvd lo ! nn otlenccat comtno .'. "law; and that, Ihough it bad rtferenee to a suit m the Mate of New ork. the pre.sumption whs that it wa ngaitiVT the fi of llnf St ite, in this absence ol iny proof Im the coalrary . 1 I'hlt.Hrp. 4o. --, This rase was referred fo" with -apprtbtv tioii m the sub-M tjucnr pne rrf Jjailirtip V. the Amherst Bank, U Mlcalf, 4s:i, where it was he'l that nn-aeeint-nt betwcethe flaintilf and defendant that the plaintitf prosecute ftnd 'iuhnai the defend- upon the aiuottut 'that might bo recovered, find f hut. it noilimg wns recovered, ai ex lenses only should bo 'paid, amounted to ehainpei'ty, and wan so far illegal nnd void lhal the phiiunH', after obtaining' jlidgirten't for the defefldarit, could not maintain an action on iir In delivering their opinion, the Court say, "it was suggested in 'the. or gnmentvthaMhe facts here shown do not bring the case strictly within the definition of champerty, as the plaintilT was '.not to conduct thrsutt wholly at his own expense Bufw-ns, in the Cveut ofaXailuro to sustain the ndlion, to W rdmuiif5 fated tur his aciuwf mentary books, in defining champerty, say that t the chamnertor U to carry on thesuit at his-ownixpehsc," B 4 JUk. Com -135 Chit. Con. (5 A. ed.) 075.', Other books, of equal authoritv, 'omit this part of the defi nition, as 2 flawt ins ch. 87, Tif. Cham pertyCo. TAU. 308." See further on this subjtsct, Story' Eq. Qu. see, 1049 and 1049 and tho case teforrod to in the notes. y From this brief review of the leading cases and authoritiek on the snbject, It man ifestly oppeara that chauiperty is an effeoce at comnMin la', Independently ot any taUI uio, not oii' in xaiigunitt, o. tu auiito, not ail, the States ot this t nion, wtnen ue rivo their unwritten taw irom me same source. It appears further, that every con tract or agreement made, into which chapv perty enters as a oonsidei ation, is illegal and "void. Hence we conclude that the same doctrine prevail in this State, where . t . i it la expressly anaeted "tha, all nuoh parta of the comnton law as were bcretoforo la force and use, In this State, cr to moch of the said common law us is, not destructive of, or repugiifwit to, or inconbiNtent with, l3ie ' freedom and iiideiaundence of this State, and the form of government tnirelh t-dab-lishcd, and which has not been othmvis provided for in the wbole or in part, not . ahmghted, repealed, or become olrsolete, ar bi;rely declared to be in full force.'' 1 JUm. .S'Mch. 22. Jtistrue, that thia particular ioiiit has not yet been' prejly dcciikvl . or our courts, so fiir a we can learrt from" our report, but ia the case of Fall . Car- without expressing or .ntinmling that th common law' doctrine; in retatkiu to thoM " otfenees, was hot in force in this State- The result of our argument i.' that the ncVecnient madd between (he defendant, William II. Strong, and his father, during -the perideucyof the luU forthe tlavc.meiv. tioned in t(tc pleading, whereby the saitt defendant was to have one-half of the said slaves in case of n. successful defence, was founded uiMin the consideration of chanv ; perty, and is therefore illegal and void, un less the near relationship of the parties ifre- vents the epplicstuUj of th5 law vf their case, . As to the middle otTence of maintenance. "it aeeina to be agreed, (says Hawkins, book I, ch. 27, see. 2i.) that whor vcr ia in any way of kin, or affinity to either of the par . lies, so long as tha same continues, or bat 'related to ltiiu-by being bis gijrJ-TairaerTTnay" lawfully stand by him at the bar, and coun sel and omit him.-aud also pray another to be counsel to him,' lint that be cannot Jus tify laymg out any of his own ntoney id the causf.'unles he be either father, or son, or ; hftir aii.areiit to the party, or the buwtinl of an lieiress.' So It act stone says, ia the all. book of his Commentaries, page 185r "A awn nity avdntih the sail f ttia arar kias- . sjtan, arrraiil. r poor orihbor Ool df charily aoal . coraptiMion, wiib imr-oniiy. It is srrideat frost l baa? aiuboriiirs. aback hare beaa adapted aasl f..l!viwr?at by 'l die later wnlers aa lha erianiasl Law, lb at peraons sisnJtng toaarJa each other ia tit near rllia of father aal son, mar asaiaOua aad tsrl eacS otftrr i llt'-ir suite, by tkcar y, llirii sartk-v, sod llitrtr ieliaataes. back is lha dicuie cf thi feehngs of avltcciioa nod rcgr&, stbitfa the Vr ti af olta ka aUcati kt . ba waaaaaaaf aa.ialaad abaiJ, as J lb straw law ba aM?f sbsuunrd fruta tltcaiptiog tt ooa trol (hem. 7'he queatiu rtaMtn. cat that tap ptift aa aaartUaes) eliick nwtit Mipriagfrusa the purest and bet tVtrltn'fs of bnmsmiy, becatse . tba aaltp-cl of Ir-Cit, of bargaia sad salt? Cast mn. bvf rh cemrs to tha aid of Hia father, pt-iimpa a akkand din fttfitr, a heat sort press ed by Uw atiil, tlipulale for hatf tlit fraiu tt ucr ra-f Wt hart sH as yet bete tbU to f rial , aut such tseepikaa l'i lit" eoromoa law 4 char, petty. A tot nJiy defend bis psrrot, if foreitily aiur-ked ia lira perta or propmly, and nay rw. wl force by force, tet h runout sink fur re tege, nor ss' w eoncrire fir- money oe otbar propirtly. Certainly the father. Limaelf, could not jtiMify a bi, undrr )he plea f run tumult Jrmftur litre he had hired his sjverrary lo SI aail him. - It the too would Bol be ja.tiGcd a! tea atribing "for tJafcoce, not under I Le promptings of naturvl slTecli.Hi, hut f r rttwstd, hit ooi being unlsaful, rtn sgr'.tmenl tetareea his father anj litrua'rif founded ttnin uch eoa.iJerstioe could be au-uincd. Put a hetl.r-r iliia be ao or not, iliink tl.ereas r.o Jinibl that a conreysnee front s father to a, son uf Unl. while toother peraoa 1 was. In the advert por-eioa of it, would ntvt j tan ths legal tillf, sitd frti'rq the snhigy (o ibis I at eneiv tint a son, who bargniht for A por j liun.trf a hut niftj b g tined or tared in bis faih i er'a uii ul lnw. as ilm fx ice of his assistance, ' j csntuit he eie.xp'.ed bom th operatioa of tht Ian- a'aiul an rITtiicr deemed so odious in olh jers. "i See 4 liWk. t'yni. 133. I la Otkins (his view of iht cammoa lnw in rt- Uiioa to clisinperiy it Ims not escaped out at Imtion, lltst in llitT cointi urlioii of t!i alslutt 4 28 .1iJ. lt','li.' t.- psfced fiir tbt rurpost of tncreasint; ths penalties '.ituclud to this offence, if vta-t held ."that bo f ciSnfeyithceor protrUt there-7 uf, relaiinir to hi nils in nuit, made by t fa liter lo In son, or by any siicealor to hi !ir apparent, it within tht sUlule, aioce it oq)j gives tlcm Ihe greslev encoursgetnenl to do, what by nrtAirta they tro bound ta da." 1 flsvk. P. C oh. 17, Tit ehamptrly, sre. 18.- This construction je- cestsrily fcllntys from tha very woidrrof the ei cepiion eonlaified in the last elttii-e-t-f Uit ttatute. . "Met tn eel ru bs c rentertit, gi Aom nf pohH over cohhmiU de$ cvuiiltmrt, tt Jet tnytl HeijU yar sou dontnl ue 4e ttt prochitit artt. i (Luke's lnl. 504.. Lord ,Cokt trsnslaled "if tts frichlei amiei," to mean " of ; their next blood," and of court it ewhidtd froi tht.pta- I litis of lha statute, gifts from a fnlbcr la his ton, pending the suit. So fsr from proving our -view of the common luw to be incorrect, it the rather - ' stisifiinit it, iby showing that there was a necessi ty for inserting the exemption in the statute, ' - Buf the cotin.-.H for the defendant, contends llinl lite plttinlttfs cmniot hava the relief which they teek, of having tho sgreenjt-nt between tha defendant, William, nnd hi father, declared void and removed out of iheir way, because ihey liavt ' no special prayer o that ellect To this, it is .. successfully rtpli.'tl by the counsel for tht plain tilTs, thsl their bill contains a ganeral prayer, ' under which the specitio relief may be t.'iven, becaats.e il jt not inconistetit jth thuir tpec'utl prayer, and is sustained by llie-siiaii'jLed allega tion's of tht hllL 2 M idd. Ch. Pr. Ml, Adaoit ."; Eq. 309, Miit Ch. PL 90. Th plaintiffs are ' entitled to a degree for aa actouot, apon lb ' ptineiples sat forth to Ihii opinioa. . ' " - Decree Accordingly. To posses a true-hearted friend is good, hot to - bt able to toour,. wimoav resAotmenimeot, itna tionduet of a iakt-heaned fuead it suit beu ter; tbt former it a temportry good, the latter eternal; T : Ma, I'm next to the hesd." Yoa don't say to, Ttillyt How many are there ia your class. my beyr "landOou; - r -

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