I if u fi"l"IJ.' ', nr it r j ii t iiiiL i .iw ' 1 " '. "... r Fryi tbt lniliw Tiow 1 ' v . srouTwa in ArmcA. ' ! John lirlght whould boln ot o W Uoa ' ftteyn OoHon tiumrnine, aftrr five yeai t ab '. eence from hit native land, returnt to help -. the aicwber for ManchrU'f to abolinh the game law. What w ill be the ue of lawt 1 foi the preaerf ation of came when the came '.' itaelf U renudiatedr fv$ Ytart of a Van ". Uf X'T at already raached a imoond edi tion. Two edition mora will about ex ttanst the p"''ng resdert of the United Kingdom; nd what tporttnjau then, what ' Individual with a blush of shamo in hi fal len nature, will turvey the poor pnrtridge with nobler sentiment than he resnrJ the barn-door fowl? 1 Wodaro the British lion totpendbi magnificent energiua in run Ding timid unresting hare off his agitat ed leg the iuttant be ascertaiut how tho unaided pluck of one man hat ctinguih ) the supremacy of hi African prototype. At easily mujrfne that KnglanJ ftdutire arittocracy wity pant Ihcif hohdayt in catch--"-fog rite M 6 frviw orfrwiga, a to auppOJO that they will' c'oixleteend to cowardly bat tuea, haviuf? learued how the uncaged lion himself mar ba met on erml terms,' and Yanquiheir bravely, at' u, king ehould be. . It it time to enlarge the aphere of our re ereaiKiot, Iu all that -concern our daily ' eewpationt lee h.'i ve Ucn mardung of Uti- Iu evr-iM2.ici. boot.' Wkh reipoet tu ' or airudy pleaurfci we are' ttill in va. illiug eloth. In the day -f railroads and electrie '' wfejrapli,' tiwunt' and eanltly. i x deroiTitorv t human dignity S yira S in- rmn VMT .v nv-ernxrik. dignified pursuer.. J Z""iW ad lo toe fact belorc, to W'"V d. wnd,rtWpnponUK,nerkotcu,to n Koualeyn the first ojM oar eye w.in .... .., ! it wia not be that potentate . liu.t If Iily rUm tbe.nga. . It U not. however, wiibmt an alarmir n.Nof iaabiliy that we rrwi to with the arfvetttoret f KwaWyn -u Can.a4in-.prin.eofhunter.eon;rierjraml (l4 - j.,;,.. jitr tiorl tkttt autocrat f aK tUe bewt. W. are c- j ttcrd li , ,7lv-f ..,. ; ctotM of owr Rat auJaciiy .a vciionn- j Jf Afm. t ,u (lf, , even to quote tho achremcnH of a hero, j ri)rp B J fcuf hil) M M ,vH(rM aww fc thofirrtiim in o. 1'" 'P'"jat ..tki h r Mr. Wi.H iH.niU. trben, al beca there are rooro aa.nttU to van- ()f f wm f ,IWH Afab qai.h, and detotate iKmutr the pg itt eft. f fN, !f.tU. it .,t hll!t,f ,J Jirefc a d fm-d of brAve He l k toWw.rf f . (f - j fM, a (;uflt irt int. h4t ran tre.n-rt' tnui nvm fTnUi-msu. qut'! ureal wima wui . . . - Ik . .1 . . be m.Kbt tle pxrt i a wars?uiij m ?r, a.i thx.tr nii.ru ia ciit'"w " ... i . . , aaI nvt were it te!,vrif7 f a w!m 't'1!,! Lansrr lxmx t wuitU r lwtroe-1 1 t'w dctKh of a jutot bt tU dead h-nsr of mid ui-ht, "iOif.Kwe4 ly ny 'tt 'ant. a.J eaacofed wiihio f f yj of t? fatf taia which the t l h -i were af .Uj ap f frchiiijr.. that i(m "a.jujlnl i tneni j lhUu-irt,win.4rieea new tip-n bci imp, Ih wa rWl. r ntaI Mtre k it. tW ' AfrwM ed wtt!'li tla..pielel aoJ lUti. ArrWa.aa!rftWwWafeh k.lvof h whit p.ri we iJr j .i,,. , m rrrfi4 Mf C'ui ocmrWe to the UWr of a f.ilow t.-hfu:ia Ukj4l rer br.rj. fkJ bgSl.iii." it farWf bfwm tt. tut -the t rr.l t , . -;, . ..itnn mHh Je UnLt(f tof:biBu4"!t,j.rUiVf th. if au.Au "r "" taO it" haaiil twenty W tt ' f'' s.. tt.. .W ..'aauMi.fttale oaiT befiMIB rf ll.li.gi m rrerat with tbae of is test ta i'hwnpartiiveMtit. aad tht liUBMMB. ' - ' fa f.Urak4 1.1 fcfrriill fl- IhiiStBOTOW r'lur-O wihiiiiiiii'wi. ti.iur-ta -15 overjBiTHi.'.y sma of Uatiog tla J! e.-Nil k.r.g f..bea,.,.ti4 fcetto Iwmwn eiiiow ai nner of Hon 1 1. peri:i em- n.. fi.t t. ii lJFl.tl f , aal a rec !- 't of denthC'Or losj,,.. IH !:Utt ,LthebiiWvart;rr.iy.lvt;uiit-..!whS4 trti'Ii. air. ICouarevw rrm imnnn i of ojy;frat ar in v, ry fetir,an4 j (! with which be likt of ibinKj the eo tfrr hia:it U afcao.oiely togbUol, tiwt a flrsh ;t bi.l r -? abool h t homewitl him as .he a4veatr.H r.ibr fi H ,.H,tji u.u of ajrepeg .i hrt!f4Sija-jAtLi-A ether day irei.i.r.cw.lhlMilm on t-.tiierj, . j...- . aide of b;v ;l jea the .ryrreuvi neriu f UteaatVei I ief ami inr " lata tftUaJ4 iMiadiga. '-:ff ara" "oMoirViii4 wackoowledff ajttnt Hcrity in tt,e fre-t nce m a ;?tr. - prntAge wm cannot ell hi eye" niil.t fiartrie Intern .atouseotenl he difirrt from a mad eluiro or U nOan!. eK'titiaras, i!i i . fc - - a I.. I . ' a, ai!i t srd ''fj hven.is. ol! teeeaminz Wiihiu afe yr . bj dormitory; who m-mria fir n.-gon tlml Utrat in Ms band David mourned M . . . i .! ..... .1 Aisaiom; wno -sake an i V" rid.! ft-r a lepird who 'Closet a en;ifi-r7),,r 1 L of hi joornal and tuftjes lato ui t.oie.J with a mcrtwandum, that bos roaraWiutf the camp all the vefiiftr . jtted Vw.u wM, jj as, Mr. Cuunnin "eoiiM.lorrd hnnself the lnier of an elWly geiitknian cloaiog: I pri-pated to midertik a joot'oey id" at leasf hit diary with the tJieieilmf yantartr. "p? J tU"n4itb-among Iloera. m' II'dniati, Htomtit W to- Hie unaiie, wn o.c?vers to hi harrortlc'Cors of a fiithful foUb-c fr baif i-atn .op hv a lion, a ti I end;avor te divert hi ttiilid' by starting at otic "in : ,fjtjt of elJ djant;" Who tales to cjocodile ; liootini; nwsatioti nftef'etcrner j'n I a a taait itH?line to C'ruhliexjtfle hcs; who ends a g?in lion1 career vith etiugl "bajj behind th abolder, eTutsing the roam i arterle elosoto Jhe heart," and then i.ff.e ' lingly "jiluct a lock of hair" from the be i i Jovea one' tuone, that he may wear it eljwe j, pi Ki taeora in ever!arjngf;artd tender re- f')netnbracc:' who struggling witfia hipjMK pbtamu in the wa'cr expresses "his great astonishnien(,"ashe trjight have dwehad he been struggling with a new-born babe, hat heeould not guide the monger in the Kiight est; but she continued 15 tplash aid plunge, and'blow and make her circiriaf Couri, carrying him along with her aa if he were a fly o her tail? who 'could not die bap pyanti ba had tlaoghtcred an elephant, and 4 ho positively dinciibvs 'a "pleiiiiant work" an encounter with one of tho giants of the,fM-est, In "the eonrje of whicli the .fliighty beaet reqeived "5 balls, all about and behind liis shoiildert," and receiving them wa faia to redtwe hi furious pacej , " lo a very slow warrk, for'bfood flowed Trom - -bis trunk and all hi wounds, leaving the ejround behinU h'nn a mas of gore; bislra'ne thuddfred violently, his mouth opened nnd hiit hi lit quivered, his eyet were filled ; With tears;," .who ehases rliinocerot as boys T run after butterflieVnd who cannot for the I i fa of him conceive that fcthecow;rd eii&U t pot prep rel to die any nctnent fur a Uve-' j Jy ajid ltonoua ianu jimuoaoiKJu iy any .'."' ..' '. '.- ' ' i tut nvtige least nnd equally nil J andlett govcrnnblo men. " ' ' . ' ' '. ' Traveler tell strange tale, especially just now, of Africa. Tho lust accounts fur. nUhrd by tho explorer into the fur interior make known the startling faul, , lhat the country, instead of being a tupposed n worthiest rjesert, it a luhd of tnowy nioun. taint, great riven, nrd iiihalatadnot byiie- groet but by people a whiiaejourtolves. According to Mr Cumming. the portion of Africa to which hr eonfiud hit exploit, it quite m remai kabl as himself and tht Is saying much. ;'AJdte of n dog, as every, body known, it nothing t laugh at in Eng. bud; in Africa a anoke. mn)spit hit po' ton into the eye of a markmnnn, and vet never Interfere with hi tkill In drawing hit bow." One night, whibd Uoqaleyn wnt occupied "hauling buffaloi', rhinoceros, koodmw, 8ehrnn, and other game, 'it horrid snake." writer tho hunter, "Hew up at my eye nnd spat poison into it. 'Immediately I wah"d it well out at the fountain. leu. dured groat pain all night, but the nest day the rye cnne all ri?Mj Afri??.l,,u.miy. live in tho water nndtaler no harm, sutler acute rheumatism and experience no incim veuieni'e, lo al! jour tuength and yet not he in the slightest degree fee bU. "On tho I.Yh,'it w wiiilmin lUatalevn'sdiury. I felt very ill, bnt iu the forenoon I went dawn to ine. river, where I thot two ao qows. In the eteming, feeling woro, I bld myself, hut airov'lt'ver w on me all night." --Thiv dyw af.crward, jhtvnVt' slate id ,ttlit . . t , 'Oatholdth I fcltfilM'Uoly wek and Mvniii frt m it. A I'l-vrt mill ih) ntiatititV oi vvhiehlhadN.muchtLtlar,. d at Uivown shad..; and several timet P" ' wh" ,h 'v" W in tJw bu!tis.- I a!kd along thr bi.k id" ' . - . -.. - - , r . -lAAem for mt y - - r; , -- - ' ; - - v , - -X,- . iodd Ihi!U w!hin lwo hundvl yrtof them; , , - , , , ,,i,(L ,lP. walked . African hu:.t T t ht.vl ftsvl U hJ Ut ao 1 '" omairtidctKrv nul:.l' (4 bun om!t ,,,,f;r!,Kea,nftd1fr.r,f,?rrr.! of the .. al.-g.. lU b..jJ Lry ImrifT ckI rtJ m. We lw fia4 tlr 1 . .... j, a' I f m Kt;at ! a irrev brtr - . . . " i lit on. but Ib brat'i uwtia i4wii o our bisir m ilr i hlo'ih f ibe nti.l xrrm-'a, thv e-vntw t il1' i"f". tf, . . k, llrlu, 4b.Kit a huu.!ftd i.MdlWfr Avk-M. iVif (nM , . ,,. k at.f t--T drl r rtr.re.4 whW,. Far ..... ...... . .1. J L-tbrj .1 -el 14 mhmUM j .l pvreih.a a a r.' WtJt.r'S I: I Mflfl, t to tK ft! , . . . l . ' k.-. ft, i . ft. .1. CflfTlItJIiR? I.""? fS-fw IIW ran t 1 mr 1 " l.tnd, b-its or in- it i .l she ttTr; . I be h tt- i tr wiinarv aol area epnmr- J , h j lhj, r (. i w4 .vfcrW. ahrd of n- t.jumtm , fA,m RIW y mm of ' sn'i-t s t.irh he tint ify bthrtj Were tht fn b'fr.tri t irttiMinMi ((f ,,!.j.ii,,t, w,.r .h3, mjmin V .... j , Wa ;u VtiWr. 1 9 M. ''that : t (oji-tsiiag )i.tt--l t'inihAoittort.n tm or. lol'a.l of a dog ert :t4,f..4ft4y-Mr cn.'t'e of tiiree' ditie klftt,n. rtfir bv Vtu Uu WiHwit. IW, ijarfi. .4" IUIn.lH.rgh, three ot j.i barn ?!' d rtris for rmigh wnri; mueh Tii-adrapy. iMi.:'t'Al'd, 'fowIer flt. j aiMj ..-i,,,.!, tjcHs; butubed Of fwatml 01, gftinpnurder; thowtaod of ,ga rtinl. and iw : iHtan jt i.f twiiiiri' eatm. The i . - Wag'in yva i ylan. w,tfi ..tj-ig"':!, provision, and L'l'iierI !ofri 'the djiev wri imoie ., oi lWQ DnjiJi hutilmg tjd.CesirOio- m,, ' M .Jjjf jo jfrvanfsj u one pack ; - . h.uI.ijo to t-otivev vemaon tt ramp, in Rf :ariMi the honrrr hal hut two; f,j " s,.ryan!iii.l " a5l.ei-id.niti but foar.'a.nd'ot jn jiet!r t-dfJO.'';fiuuwimd a' indi fi-o h'Pt .f eitner. - ' A'' Air. dimming receded liVm twr hit 'sporty b'-ajwe mote ewi'.ing and hi d-irtjor grefitr. rrocuodoig' mTthward from the abode of iiliatin !heaii;rhtli linuat'otitm.i-tirtw?iti trdres, he worked hi way up to the unvisiteJ and dreiuhsj dmnains i thu fraternity, whose repieseri tatires iu Jvigt.md are outeniploed with great l advantuK'; bud 'ploasnre ihrpiifcb v,.m baM and trehly locked dh - peg'm niiig with !i,irinl(s andtimid dwr, heeloses his marvellous cafetr vitu. foot "to f't con tHcts with tho wildeAt and bloHliest of beast. . 'ju 4.mbirgh was a rxnir appren tk:e comjilred with our hero The Ameri can drewi ho lith of innocent cu,b and lashed the into fear of titan. 3'lu Ui ittin presented himself alotie hrllte, primeval for ext at champion ufbun-ian kind, ami dared any ten of Its horrid inhabitant to oontesl the llt with trim. What bntth-s he ftught we tremble to think ol. What victories he won tho native rulers in those distant parts ill i never ceaso ,io remcir;ber. ' We tryst they will refiieruber them with gratitude and love. : Whatever daughter may have been committed in their ranks, notio was, inflicted in vengeance. Isaac Wdtonim telf never fondled a-worm- or gaisd UKn the hysteric breathing of gjifping.fieh with half tlic tenderness folt by Gordon Cuntming a often at he mi tod bit fiithful rurday" and unemn(c!'Dickisou of Iklrn; birrgh Hn the 23d," we find it written' in his diary, "I stood up In my hole at the dawn of day. After I bad proceeded a short j distane?,-l percoivod the bead of an old bull looking at uie oyer a imal rise on the I . 1 i, I f i.i it t.fi iiri ahi! moral run rn-iiL bushy plain. The fiend duappeared On' S gaining the rite I again taw tlio handsome lead, with its ttrangoly hooked, fuir let horn$, tfasing at me from the long grsa tomet humfred yards in advance. He had lain down. - 1 huld a thou, .1 1 hid intend ed, to, go piist biin; but before 1 m;nrr J hitn. he -apramr to hit foot, and endeavored to makq off from me." ' llic heart of th hun ter wat piereod. Hear how he proeeedl "Poor old ImUl 1 nt once pruceive l thai it vat alt over witk kir Yet, there viu little doubt of it. "I walked up towiiiin 80 ytrd of him, and tent a bullet tltruogh hi heart. . Another case of bull oocur. Gatiag one morning from hi hole, the anx ious hunter perceives a fine.hrind!j bell gnoo dashing into the water of ft fyuntaiii withfn 4t yard of him, followed, .by. four tearing, fierce-looking wild dugt. "AJI 'he four hud their heud and ahuuldert eoifrd with blood, and looked lavage' lis' ex treme; their eye glistened with h iu glee. My ftnxiety," Mr. Cwqining g j .onf "to putvtt Uiin film old bull, and also cimeu of tio wild dog, prevented my wait ing to see imre"of the fun Mnrh njinai the prortiptingt of hit nature, for rhe eiild not help feeling ver) , reluetaid to frit at the Jolly hound," the tporWrnan tied af.'thr gnoo and at the largest hound right and left.' Hi aim waa gol irt all respect tJhio gmd for the diMr scd and nioumiug hii')-! ter. As to Uio hnundsr he coiild. not di- trii'iidffll'ni thfl iili-B that llii-V diVi -t ft tlflM rinm ... !'. r .W h:h they hud pursUei! Cute gaiiiej . and for tho unaapp 'gov but here arc Mr. t'umniing's al;iiirablo r-". fleet ina on hi end at full: w ' ' 'Poor idd bulif feould liot lulp oan miwraiiiirf his faie. . Il is nLclaDcholy.t rrfli-cl thai ia accordance w ith the law I of nature uch acenr ofwin nnntever biic curriiig, one TjXM-le, wlictiier inhabit og rarih, air or ocean, being produced to be cmiie ftte prey of another. Al night I wntched the water wi'h fairinh moonl'il, and ohot a large pitted hyena." W Jien to a martyr plnh herl W cann.4 drag iur-lvr i if-m I lie riMWtaoily rerurring iiiktince of Mr, t 'uinnnr'g'" 'in-. bid vel ritnl l-eotitinir een nh.J 'y. Oiaing a herd of guftVa he co.n. Invra W lorn lb lineal row out of btd. No e the anmie'ej and considernte uruif: "I'iodinc Iwrself drien fimn ,f c nn tMi- m 1 Inrt'j h im fr iwi! iter pace, and eantci f abHtf wi'h Ire uemlwos (i'kJ. a lr nxnw'rt I n ri'H( M .thiB five rd of hr Merit. ll. firm bt tW gsiit'O. 1 srot ti!t.-t iti.'a her trk lnereeiOtf nV rr. I mt rJe l-iei'. ' jJ yi lig the oiutiU of my ri.1 w . l-w (-r ir hrr, 1 irvj my ocoot b4 uikWt if lite brhiod 0 .KVr. I KMMuo'.oig, t lu i f I fl l ly Uidot tth barrvU, fM'Jiig in dyiH!- tUt ftff4 myr4 ) fi." . etiari- of pwJr. N l frtf t'.we 1 1 We ca.'ti.'H I'-erteo! to T?oyjan) Mt, hrw.jf.! rwr a twl in ihe dr Ur3 of i Cim"H2 th""" il b itim ! u,i wtefroiirw, where I tvred al Clun yaeK jr ai'.rW tliNHrn. It aiffi"eo! l amiiAg thK thnatlt Vtt fcrt ly. ' f iHat IV ekhl rre&ri ! ta w hw-fc Ke a itMtie oC I laviia!n.J j fogmlteHt rj4'J m th tetu fid hi I ti4kil. liiwise itwwe I b.inift.t bt to 5ev f yhrV:r M l4.iMdd4 10 whwrh aiaaJ, al dimiritrd roy l." Ut aw'lxi tif tl vuloo t &fv ih fuM TVs ra,!re wm2 ewr if ikl ithft ih j ' Mr. tV.of are f.e N f. h w r: , . .7 M7V t-i- raaw Hut fV adoirt t.rl t-s(.?4l i 1'wt ,M)- '. Wf-j t lla aJ t MrrA.tWtA With MMiM at H Ih- -j-ed rre4.rt h m... mth MtUm d.Jte rhtrce UoW two !ir 7 uiIIjmP t h iT?J 1051 IfO itfcf f tI4 Hi f J-jtr IO i " her heart a eirroowtsfere) (!J fa-rtusl, hoi ; !. taiaMtrsay-a, a fc;ur, f.n a eM the tte-twiriwnit t-r.tne. ! ttat reital at" t)ith Sc'-ent..m't ihaUefc-is, ao4 t?."ed to portoer it t.a vt lmt atmmi rtle ,Ur, Vh'.Ul tirns sji s.h . h "trl al t?i' t'o l,ue. TI glmfi drofs t lsl a m 1, V I J ivi v d (us t in-ht h'vf. W tot kt IWtn. ..-Tfctrr," etetaim XuiirodLi Um JSoy ft tU t'rav aiihi cf l.r 1 1 'i w:.ih th- mtttmrvl of a low, life I."tal ti tl ! ihi we wl i.al ifbe ml in (he w'iU wWL i ;. eoiitf t rs. Might wealit the e-iiid ia wotidi-r at Irf-r, estrro Ui!v.!iiirntirrsrU.l rm-iroifJUtaimn, Id) het.mti dk rye. w.if, it, -J' frmt, kvArd iwaj-ten4nrteiry ftt T?sr, twtd I frit a faag of anrrv. itt Un I l i :k it 4 lritiffir.il StlM Ll.a.1 I aaa a!.!.!. ft 7 . . ft L, ... I . .... . erifcf , t,i bn. hen. t tu.f ( at- , .... ' . " : ft 'I II. i ii 1 iff 2 91 n' Iri. a v.ft vt-. Har are drawls k to 9 WJo i.r, i & fc ,, nyy met,i-vc ! a 5er t Ui in llje f ln ti rtr NNMifai, to . Ko lr iiiiwor. It of5en ratHHiied. q oetly tj, he M iaM andl br ttft.g wr.te Jlr. C nming. -wlrf.n I had l)iav..4 4-s. l.uw.g aad g?"H. ' Tbey tB$Ma Joian Wlbe gbt Wilt . M-Olbtr. tronC-t' 'uMd t .. -TarW waaiA'a atwaeax b4t4iMHii line vawdlrd canopy of hrn).br. t,.,1dr(io. K errity 'js""id bU als rn, that 1hy jdarl'l mlw&m were rti'U-Jjf j .anier, l bW f-wrter ind eo ht 'diaterhe-d) by ffht falling tike a iati?rtjtil tVisliiUl dr-mhl paed iay. 11 kae ttiat' on my fare. Soeh event s lhi writ f a bn hd f-er otr rise tt vt lh ettrnrift ly diwgrreblr,"" v.e intiva! lhaanb. tNt a rJt i''i' oWt spot! th rrndrr'a at'rn ii.n lo th Ir'..iuiHl homdiiy j l rtt. I)rig iiibiU p la . futt Itviht, of tli w.rd, extrrm-Jy dtBnt xnide, mi t j ba d bit bUki anh both hand, and rspetiaJI wheu it came down so he.ivilv I dJ.d h aa.ag awWy. at iMmMttteae t? preetu'lde rsstbitlty-of wat jtug tNtlVbttiat ''waTT'ltfi, no tiie .prow more active i ear were tonally greetHf wh iH; deep toned voie d troths of horls. as- air ; traeten ly.ti. to.. II rf our tt,l ttiry f n'A.U,ft.taiju-,hat ,k, f uuh Can it ba poss.ble llwt Mr. Cumtning M aid it. a a toecial jir'rvideEce and reit . .. ... 1 ... . 1 Kt f gem it. at a pec:MroviueEce ana a re waia ot merit taa no was itnntHea -.. leave me rea aei'r.vnicn nn mvca i 101. Ion- in his natifo land," in order to tenjoy recreaon auch a thmi AltogetbiT "a iiicJit wi' Cut liming' must have been about as dismal a pastime a the merrf pleasure, seeker, can conceive." Shortly after the hunter had taken to hi al fretcQ couch ou the IV'th of March, ho ttale that "Two porcupine came grunting up to him, and stootl within sir feet of where litvliiy.' 'A bout midiiiii-hf," ,ie oroceerls, "nn old wilde beest cme and tioo-1 .within 10 yardd' of tn hut 1 was too lazy 14 are at bun.' vl night I beard otne creature moving irt'the cracked earih Iwneutli rny pillow, biifcbe jieving it to be a ..mouse, I did not feel i n'ucl ooiici rnod about ye matter.'' Iould r however, divest myself wf a pncful feeling that it might be a snake." And, tbcrefonj, 1. ., a u ..e r,...nHin fl.A tnni.t..nl mi 1 1 1 i'.i 1 1 W ":yY"K""l r 7: TiU ou atmtrabe friend wrawl his blanket round hi boily and lulled imnsclf to sleep. v nut' uiKing oi oreatiuai nexi morning, Mr, primming, wh awoke much refreshed from invigorating slumbens observed hit men carry ing a very large serpent. On ;r. proaching their master'. bedding "they hid discovered the horrid reptile atmning it If on the edge of the blanket, until on petci-w-ing them it glided in beneath it." All ll'it Mr. Cumming ha further ' to lay on tbe subject, it to describe ilt character for l benefit of any comparative anatomist to whom the information may bo iutcrcatiiKj. "Iiwa a largo apetimon pf the black va riety of the puff adder, one of the mot poit onona terpent of Afii.-u, dcuth ensuing within on hour after it bite." ' Serpent, have no olianco at ny time with the lioro of Altyre. . Hit encounter with ft bo liow what may lie done in a Cite of extremity. One day, follow ing the truck of one of ftit monster, ho tuddeiily (U troted an enormout old rock anake tteal ing in beneath a ma.s of rock betide him. This would t do at all. 'The hunter waa detirtiut to preserve the akin, and for. the reptile to anenfc away in to uncivil and in liortpitablo a fihion wat a breach of good mannert not to be forgiven. To thoot the boa would iiave been to tpoil the cuticle. Our hunter proceeded wi;h more ditcretion. Ho cut a tough tick about eight feet long, lighteneJ himself of hit ahooting belt, and then weut to work. .Our reader will ap preciate the delicacy wi'h which we request Mr. Cumruing to fiuiah the ttiry in hit own word: "Selling him by the tail (!)M to runt the account' .' . "I tried to get him out of Ida jilnce of re furt't but J hUlod-4n vaui;.lic ouly Jriiu: bia larie folda frrmer together; I eouM not move him. At length I got a strip of hide round iiru of hi fold. tout the midJIa of jiis body, and Kleinhoy(hii atreihlunt) and I coniiocucetl hauling avay in gooj, ear neat." "- ; " Ve tton for a moment to inform tho rea- . .i.. .:i i ' .k iat lliey Uiv:i M.ui'r iniii in cn'nvim in iuifT . yf vrovcrvy, ana inai too mucn j iaic omniui t (riven to tbo ba all Mr. Cumuiing't ex. tUationt i;otwilhundmg, ror bin evident Hf-denial and dt-vution to the cuu.e of manly tpwrt throughuut the whole proceeJ tog. . " Ttie n.kr." poeed tins j-Mirtml, "finding ih err.ind lift.) A for hiui, rrUlrJ t hii!, nj tud jrnl br1i(;:ng loand hi hr1 1 the fiofcl It prang ojl l ul:l m tii., aiih l ift immn- mi tudruilt motilli optntd Id it Ur'Ml dillrll and Udx I uWI jt ml U bu I m fU'M mi t4 Lm IkIt. and ad a rr'4 Iri frrl. Bad Mn4ff hi biWin! Ung "' (jutnf mf nW I'f; I 'if "f ' 0H gpllwg Wd i( Hi fierm e-Wftrh 1 14 tut I rn'-d to lit cLtrf. TV o.k wtw 'iJrd b-r.g l j-d. W l thr gwnad .'t. 4 Ar it- ( bnAwwk krr i k .! I N fcor) t twwJ K HMrfH, tt Ul k (ovU fitm L pi ul itIu I M M lr II ( tarul.H hit il- kfd t! Lf . 1 id mi. mJ gm twol J "d aiwH U (-d,j eJiC. k 1 tm a-'trj I -n. m4 i W.i a rM r-1 J W tare Ki4 " V mt Ani, Ui It I L?.n.j5i' r;n.?. d ,f!?.t I.I iqCi vl live f ;. T KfciM af Al'f return! the v-H'-ilt . ' -V ft,.! If t e..y (MUmifj ef rt'r"?if Vf l d ""V- ?T : ftkl tT lrd etK tt, mth : L4a V C, H ,f tu.'.'''1 ! j--j"jan.t, ia tio.b,y wgt Ihej,, to.rerrd K a. ru a4 tUav Xfae huul, i;.tft.r bunK-Jf j i aw ie w I ft. fM-J t't ntra ar ll mmmi imi im art tu.il., k. Khii'A ftftWtaJ t.'f I.MT B laMl..M wiivr. f ! . ..... . . . i L . I ft ft. mom Mill, UN C"w rr.i,irc m wo : i t'l id ! h U4 llt'd lU.4Mi .--j..y---,- . - t m f.r I !...,. t I'm dC acknowledged tb tttpr(itfv Of rtMA. tieioreu is ,r , , .lvctfal )Manee,. , U.Jcr th rprey. and Pr?.,j. ... ..r . k.L.J It,..,.. t.,- Af(k,rt f i( loih.t dream- ... ... . . u,:at If. err ofteain c!o- ' joUi.uKiitU'tl. u.iJ Ai nul urHimufnirv Inter. j ebangable le,tmfortt - tt i . .. tl Ute rVleb sfurenHid, llitii, b' fe,imfnrtd. rr our tftv .kdaw eoerepii- el-m. Jney or weaker uH may dot nnmge to i ttiir incr.'dulili', and tiill rkbibuan want of hir ity iomi J Ron. ilmn Unrdim Cumming, by ne oepting on liiilf of hit woik it gntprl, tmi at tribuiing the !rM (o th tuppert of. underdime lion, whicli are eleaily mt inimical lo quiet ru jjote at Wi-Uli rtbbitt nnd poik. Th'i U an 'Eiiitei-a jJilj f magician who discovered by bi incantations ..that Uia pliilnw) bher't .tone ,iv on the b mk of a cerium river,' bat wtt uniil.lu in determine-itt-lociilitT more tliffiiitfly. I Ii, therefirre, proceeded along'ths bank wirti piece of iron, to- whicli he applied all tli fHbbl lie fouiid. At out aftor an.nher tliey produced no change in lit metal, be flung 4lieia into 4I10 ftre.im. ' At Utt he hit upm the oljiet of liift f.iri.li, and the iron heenma guld ia In bund. Hut, tliul l.e liml bi comi to acont lomefto the '"touch and go" movement, that the re's) tions wh! invutuoUirily llirowir rnlo iho river and ot to him forever. -W ttiisk Uti ttory - llllegoriethe fie of the eoqueiU. She dliesnIed i0 lRal Ml length the throws away th riirlit one from pare force of habit. - v A traok brained man who was alighted by fe males, very modeatly ked young lady, if .she would let biia spend tlie evening with her. ' . '.Vatli iigoly rtplied.tliHt'ewhat I wont, 'U'ky he replied, Vo aeedn't bt so fuaty; I daa't tnaan tbit evening, but some stormy one, whoa I esn'l go aay where' dle 1 '; f ' 'A ebtarvipg genius tt.n;ks that whe.i a msa it too boor to ke-p a tow lit ought pot to koep oior than fuar dujs asd C eata, ( j . . , . A LOVKlXTTfll. We have been favored ly a friend with the following cdioice bit of Cupidical litera ture, which we publish for the benefit of nil and singular of our reader who may be troubled, with the 'Valentine mania jutt at this time, . They may rest assured that it it a genuine document, and M as actually "aitrned, tealcd and delivered." What makea it more valuable is, that it it a leap-year per formance tout by the affectionate "Mar garate" to her jularky, "Jaeop." I'crhnp we should ttate, by way of ex planation, hft tho "twecte conversation" alluded to was of that kind to which the poet refers in the following verse: fThrt wk, art w i ilnc mA- J Cat lru d't Uw a ukut ' Oti jf, I wer, aueh It Mid Wbwh li baft jwka." " In other words, it ws a conyemtion carried on through the medium of the eyes, and coiisit"d of melting looks and heart Touching syiir"Mrgara!e and "Jacop were at a corn-shelling;"' and tho "toi-V w at a red cob which "Margaret" threw at "Jacop," and whicht of course, "Jacop" llirew back again. ' JIVell, here it is, terhatlm tt litrraliin the name of the Jmrtjes, only, mippresscd: , State of North Carolina r Coiuty SJ . m a!ih JH ) Sir I received your letter Dated the Wd of the rrnant,fiir which give me much tatitlacti.Mi to hear that you ware well. 1 have the I'lcaure of stating to you the a-ime Itier Si- , or the conveisation betwixt u ln-,1 it as agreeable to me 'how as it wat thru: tlm we aretnenny a milea a part fur you ure tho only Irue love of my hart for ef )6u h.ne phut your allertion on rite I enn on you for you we Hi only one that I have tu,' for I lie love txtiunt m hut bin so Irerr il imket all couvfrs.iUon tvictti-' for ef you Lite pl it ymr nlTictj'jiis oi ma ct Thaie tii you;' t f we ware lo ut.ite nr I nc I hare no itouhr but Joy it would be ef lot e yotn.itr coiiij lrle it makes il in ikri each 'MMr no bt (H.irr. un I mm shore that it lb weigh lo find har pvne4 an tJrace f'r my miod it s't:W on tU cntrufuu ' mKe than I er tbuul H ciU be on ruey - Ty Ouet P.hikoo. It h rrr-siuaef or at iifjeh;" anef yjuri i I. h''pe lo km i 8 sm! bmUiwU. fiuta 9h 7 CrmmJtr it lv tl.it rf you Kfctiie it lor whh I ! m-Hl i t 4 am of j .y ! UVtae iMKt ymt iil rf yifu hveat tlio we m ;lilnrkt JiU;ilra. Tk doctrine I he Irt'.xi endi oo eo. ! ard ef we "t IUi r m tt.:f,l U-s ia. ef altxest do I n ia l.ojv s w Wrtc in a-rrrii- i r,a rli,-Ww; I. iK titiit U ktpi ia etav i you e ja ot )uur pVuiare A: ' '' f dJ ,rr F't, td if pkIm! mm ward when )u will etaue.Ui a " -m trwri of earataf or J weik in Apt A Mill socle nx rt ort A' ? "M ' f "'a4'4 ennv tone Air w ta-i me ward in nM l"1- . H" 'r d fhl i:n rf , Hi ,ira-Si.l,.. ! ' ai m mU .wat r.cM u ioon uot.a iw.th- ur m'tJr iw .-r i Mr, J ti nr f'oi'ittntaa (V.J'dr. tf n'..r teyu t4 to th!:ik .Vttig a fmt tM.r itg eny t'otijj U her f r U w irtt i with her shea U it- . Ug left by twr aetf. A'' J-Hi ahill I irl.ort to AH lh cskerf yii wiil rrfe ua tho t!o!hvr wv tie w-it' -Now .Teil t Vr tt JdtI fi-tK tb ltn'f cot.- nrtiatNi "-r rfyuti jJ-.iA. ' . fiait r.aW.-T. 0.il Ad :;Ar .hj b. rvma itul if ar..a rt h 1 in I i .k r U tbip. tW IUImi tad tr.,1 mI . ta 4,rki a4 . ' bnae Ur. h 4 itrttri , h 3.l llvrM tt, ibr anil i-'-vJ.i. at Lftg dad ia kt a jr j ' raaV-fwV1. A ! ii rnrrrfmtdai alb ' Vb ,tfe, woAJi t tk 1.1- ri.ajt l'itt.a-a l b Mrird im Um f'jt'rf, 9Mfrm. Il it stated iW a k. tag rd M. '"" in CanHW I "t'trrrT.Rir'mixrBii3 madk or? ! (baa Mtr ka bad xo lo r ywd )xiai ( rag and ihan ardbtary , t ir tow !ua yi tut - . " ,rt ! i,'l. .A.I Mftn..Rft. i-.l.i. ,u MmuMiM ! ii ai.i! ts ew obi. aw aiaT in a ne'r new " i4 Uiluy," t'liaiiw. le jt'ealrr eiienl ttw y iitbrf t!alil 'ivfoiimiil mee. eiigfi it. T f-ii ut$ vSp, U ii (, Uiu a bievary lo . i.atr, l, a c.a alade ur Ulxtr t in k ai.huul jfri a-aieati.t m'lhieiMid ar the I.i.ki at. -erltfi4 and genrral inti-ll'.gajir of the dr, and abuat a uia at lb appreao gelt bito Ut fiftvd.ua) tun, or Km bad crammod aitb knoa M ' tif the tft. bit ambiikin tndt to go uut into lb a ide, aid eiirkrrandTMf th WurLt ol art sad nature banetd, arid enabled Oihert to rrd al Jl. Krwaeeai bl ea netting dawn la ad Imtsne, and tha rtpeaae of a prufevlm I' tit mil IVrtVig a wet aung or rather pier of rale, alucU terve at turt of cobaliilie i';; U the boHhrrhimd tUerd over eia'hm, 'cl-a diiky, ligHt heart, and equally hefted ptKkel bok, th prtrtier goet OB bit way of ex pliMatkat and adteritura. PiMled p in "price rune m," he canulk buii'teta auli tbe merv.lianl or phioter; terai-d in gvneidl talistics of the as tiiild hi a itl yoor countrf vl iiwfuri, and for" wimmv JT lie lakn a notion, be wi set down in a fi.Kiii.limjj WllertKol atari. paper, ret)Unih bU pur and warrtrob. wiite unit tet Up 'Urio:ic Iftdcn nl irreaiatable puffi, hah .wends hit p iron To Congrcs -or .the Le gtliiiurar' He hat lung been ticimouu-d to Hat tie,' Kjuibt,' reii gem,' lhe ladies deptrl meat,' dir.., and proves quite at home in conrer Milionat circles, where b can illuminate old a di., the girl arid children, equal to a ptdiig;tgue, . Ilixid'a aoikt, Barun Muiichauavn or Kobuuun Cm.-oe. "i lie cm talk horsey or' horned cattle, all over the fii'ldt of BifrituTture. 1I bn had otsny ca- tt't in Tiit lime to attend, tucft at law rvporU, and. woiulerful cure and lulice, m tomelhing verted in lw tiid phynio. -"Haying tet up and proved HHiron iitiiciil lublcs, ba knows something, alto, itticiil the- starry heavens, water and winds. Aail, indted, not lo be toe prolix, th printer, if a tluirongh one, it rasa of icieucaKa well at srt. and bscked . by hit eoliegiato education, hi viL'Wt expundud bv Irticl, and hinuulf made prictienl by the '.vietttitrdet of a mitcellaneoua and p-regrannting life, he it often a living won der, and tnoti always a whole history of buniaa putme under a bt. ' , In tliit ofRoe are eomo twenty printers engaged; only look at theml Ia aget ranging from twealy lo forty; in air.a and eomplexiun, from th ordi nary vlout, ( npver knew .. fat. printer.) lo some that might crawl through a greaaed flute; soma as white as .Circastiaot, and oihert brown or roay- your Georgia Cracket,' orlj'enatyf vani Publieaa, - Sum bearded like th Pard, other tmooiU faced as tba Greek Slav. Oo baa travelad all over the KorlU American ooii aenl, hanicd beara ia Arkantas, aod th wild borte io the pampas of 8oulh America; another hrt been oat 0a Ui broad ocean, aod."aea be- Uoniphia bit Jnoplnie cr4" .iptlg alt over Ntw Mix Wh - t wrlwl Another ,1ms kept tavrn, told goodt at auetioa,' travrltd over lh Unilad Swivt trrl UnMa, btH-ii wdl off and ba brukca often, Twe bv bcr "on th tslige," a profttiuh prioler are avjcv addiciad to; Tor atxmi hslf ih aetora oa ilia America botrdt t-rt printers,- Ont, w txdieve, bat prrcli-d srrmont, and another lit li-ctured to croedrd Iioum-i. Aaohr bat served in Wuiico arith Ovn. Bcott A sixth ha here nump orMor antoibrr of th LrginUtur , "out S ml," and fuught a din I, mm bli. Tlire I o piaclicad midicine, krpt store, dealt in liore, eotioa and nrgroct, Two bav bld nunicipsl offi.. Four or C't bav beve offl- . ter and piimle in vsriout uiliury enaipani, . On strrrd villi Ore, II.iuloa ia tlit Ttis revolution, and on in th CndUn rvbtllioo. Sit or right htv edited and published newtpa per in vsriout part of lilt Uniir State. Oa bat been 6rt otfiutr of entktt on lb "rsgia . csntal." Oi wounded leg off t the v ttorming of aJuiiUrrey. A noi bt r ,im clerked ea I Miiipi tiesmer, tt b'nen up and tightly killed. 8jm art or hv been a:trried; aoaw , ar old Uciiilor. All hti aeca 'mora or lea of hfr, and itt fhsngnbla ttene. The)-' sr all lira men, good prscuoal prinU-rs, speik tsiiovs Unguagrt. and form a aprr corpt hail U turput or fu. . . .v ' . Tba following beautiful hoes, mm lb irl tt the Horn. R. M. Ckitt.. of Grvrpn, rt M ap.' ' jlorHinl te' th Jgkia'of diiiiweiad aaaa) h bat jtkt tJ'tn la oar aiidt. lUt copy , them f'oai oti of or ScuUirra esckanget: JT eank W fmmt tau wu A tMrf:4-bw4 twa;i , ' T Wijtu itiirlltiet km A4, Tbc kmm malt I aUf f up. llial m Wr a tut raaa A awiai fKw Daaik't 'icy drpi , , II rS Mam a atar i juas, A Um bct ma Wnw ' lt Wt, yel MHftH, Utk ' ' ll'a fconift aiait VW! . t TaT 4 ft a talma t g M ariaw, . I'ri all lHal ImU u a taw! Ti wfjf laf akn lleU. lm i Wtd..: Afti !! a :. ftvi,n ,' W k trmm M ia trmi 1 U-A (rm.i an ' aw fmtt fM I m I TU a iU fc-. vat hi, j iso. ae a f,,f- It r i rwt tcarecte aW aa at a -a a ILm la aaa ti ik- i..i a, er aiser wrivgHi ftvot k aa Lm f.arad aM lb at tee ivy km I . I liot Ik d tj f-ft tm M (aar, c4 W M fu'j t f wja ory, l U frneal liaaa tr mtih ' aa aa ib aa b S M tt or fa-l iniu; ad teas mt ' I' ' i'.gfMSr ! fti Katar aad lb) ri . U. "mmym fcv rrraaa '?;. tlaW d e.-bJ,W afaa. f-w "S J ll ,L aad tk jaa ""'. -.. aajt as a, f ttptaa. in m. at M That L.at.at Vab tt ta I4. aad aJ.ik aa i be rrjntd uL" Tt pnl ! es "d b f'trnta. ' ? m ib- 11 ad l' mn 4 hsp.B a awe i fc-w a 'bg faia 4 p. ai j d k piag as , pif,;;arv ti.kjV a-4 im deveft4 t-nW, O, alii a W tifcf H Ibat lo alca rry Ro ; tni I'.iki.f id',i.' IJe.ba rroawd lb . beea t rf nt'b-.t of ti e al. J-Jforrmi, apis). kmi, free ibungbl, b ifti ami aotft., ba gia U It.M fur liie di.U-ct of utt. k. fowiirw. I r. ftiywiiMei bruKtftlilv aanraM aad laadr mm; aad tM u Srh. hi a wart by of tbe " tlni.c'rr ft' P.? , I TW ' aad a emrn a be llner l lo mi al. f iif, l b:t bund, Uiii.."y by bint. e-fca to j ,m, arid . it m hi b44tia, ar m(t trmlf I Utt tbtn th on a pianUikM or in a b-J 'fiiV, F.i 101 v (.re uate m sum, aad Voluntarily -. A i-J ihi. a y rm)faiil!y of lbi aha. in t'-oi toant'j, diftrace ibtmi-ehet sad lb dig mty id bum3 nature by iath Senibiy. t'ome. then, lo "the Lberty hh whirb Caret! bat m id 1 ) i'U fre, and be not entangbd sgaio by Ui juka f Ua-digef A Metier 1U Journal of Commerce 1th lb fftlluwing eapiial anecdote of Jot Suiiib, ike ; Mofini.n: . " ,- ... '-'-"p.: '' pertoat viit-d hi.-n during hit trouble '; ra lllini and the eonteruukm tamed apoa atlfap. 1 defcinee. 11 wat a.ked hit. tbouebt of lh j wuri'.t 1 the Scripture, whkh required biro wbo bad Wan nmiUen uu or. chevk, lo UW6 th other - aliHi. , very remrkLI pasg," b answer ; td, 'tpokea by Jetut hiratelf, and ttrikingly U luMraiii of hit ihorough artjuaiulane with ha , aian nutur A msa may tlriL you al 6rtt na . j der a mikiako, or wKbuul iutendiug any haras; ai d you engbt not to aliike buck immcdiataly. , bat.lttia the other check and give hint an oppor- .tumty toexpMa, or, If fi be in rtri et, to ra- -; peat the oli'eiiee. However, you need not lura ' a third time, btfi if at. own strikes you twice, thea i Into him lika a ihoutatid of britk.'" . 1 . Ik Cartnl w tTAora Tea Twoyoueg . Udict wt-r 00c tinging duel in a eoaeert room. A stranger, wbo. bad beard beUer pel for mad OSS, turned round lo his neighbor, taring: . ' ' "Does not lb tidy in while sittg wrelcbcdrvt r "Exous me, air," replied ho, "I hardly feel t liberiy lo ex pruts my teniimeeia, bt ieg not im partial io the ease; the it my tialer," . , "I beg your pardon, sir, ntwared the ttran ger, in mucbboalfusioA; '-1 meant the lady in blu.w 1 'Yoo ar paifxllv righl there," replied lb aeighbor; "I have rfieo told bep.so myself; aha iamy 'wife!!' , . . C ' , i " "" . 1 ' " " r- : TlMPKRANC IN. MaKVLAKD. Th liloUtC of Delegates of Umj liiiiil on Saturday last patted a prohibitory Liquoi Hi;!,' which, if it shrill re ceive the tancliifii of the Senate, ia to be sub milted to a vote, of lb People of that. State, at a apecinl ekclion lo be held oa ih firtt Wedne day in November next. : Tb bill, st il passed the House of Delegates, appeara to b very tlringeal ia its provisions, Aa Irish lsdy wrote to her lover, beggingfhitn to send her some money. Site added by way of potiscript; . . "I sr ao sthamed of the request I have made ia ihit Jetter thai I not after the poattuaa loget it backv b-Jt tb servant could ool overuk hica." The ladie of South Carolina bsve formed a "Calhoun Monument Astocialioa" for the pur poae of raining pjotxfy by private tubicriplioa, to erect a monument 19 lha memory of that states man. .". '" ' ..v . ;'

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