N9W Sari83.-VoL II Na tL FUMJUJUO WEKUr, . " I CAMERON "& FlILTOy. JJ W. CAmeUWV. IhUta u4 PI sail, la.. BAMCBt. XULT, . TKn or iuwcmrnojci. To tValanma 4nMa; Two Mlwn4 'lftr Oata, V hM eurlaa tha yaar I T IMIara, If aa pala Carta ikt al wf NibMrtliUM; manriM wimn m laa pw ma a raet, w laedraaaai 9 aaior UaNiilaa4 utfl all arraaraawa ara paid, aiUat at UM h va vemla. la aWmtlaee their eapar at u n4 af th yma, ami aaUfr taa kMtmt f ant M.aita vaaea hri ma .aitraaaa af taa ymr, Uwrwlaa Km aaa.i UI aaasaUaeadl mar adilraam, aa4 bar aaar41ti ta la aliava ntfaal - e aaaar ma aat of tha aula, (, ta maa.y aaaampaaf laa aroar, iwa w a xeawa miaii aata aaata. IT ail Ultatl la laa lUMar, la Imar attaaUaa, ataat bo J TKRMt Of ADnCBTMIKOl l lanrina, . takaaMl taaarttaa udar ttoaa aaaalka, , . , ma aMMillak f rarttlawataa. " far unlnnmlH. hralmliaal ar Caaila, aat arat Ira gaat, aat yaaf , Mt aaaaaaa Ml arapartlaa. a,.iMn ram aa tha aaraWar af la taarvlaa laa wld ka aaatlaaaa! Wl larUiMaa, i Claicndon Iron Works. IT1B1 Sabaaribar baTiac aarebaaaO taa nur lotar- 1 aat U tha CUwaaOott irwt Worfca,' dan fo Btaata Bngtaaa, a aajr powar ar tljrU, fta MULa af rrarr rartatr, Miaiag Uaeblaarr aa4 Punpa. Qriat and Floar Hill, aomplrta, . rarkar, TarUaa aa4 atbar Matar-haalf, lUea-irkJ Paaip oad Knprlkraa, - Laaritt i Cora and Cub Cra-ber, Kiea Tbraabara, ' BbiBla Uatbiaea, ehaTbaf Mangara aad Po.Hiot, . I ... ; . ,. CaMaa Giai aad Oearing, I Iron Carting, af ail kind lad pattem, Braaa " " Loeaaaetir aad Tabular BaUar, flaa aad plain Clludr Builtn, KlackaaiiiB work of all kiada, ' " Iron Door for Hoaata aad Jatla. - THE ESTABLISHMENT Hartag Was ra-arpiBiiad for U aipraw parpoaa of laaaniag paKtaaliti la iba axaaatioa af all anlora, taa paUia ata rat aali.Ard that an work wbicb aiajr afar will ha promptly ilelirerad aeoordiag to proaala, ai af aaoh workjaaaabip a Cannot fail gira aatia. THE JIECHAVICAL DEPABTME5T Bclag ia ckarga af aara af taloaU aad axparicac, I ' bar a beaiUUoa la aaying that tba work karaaftar a.raad aat, aball rata. U.orablj la arary raapast wia, tbat af tba a .-l c vkraud ha tba But, aad at wbicb aill tula it to tb laUnat of aU ia waai to aa.M ibair t l-.r. , tl PAIR WOKE Alwayi doo wttkout di Lay aad kariag a larg fore far ti-t parpoa, it will prora adraaUo to aay paraaa aaadiug tacli ta gla ata Uta ptafaraae witboat regard to aipaoaa af ira flag aaar Irota a dutaaea. Ordr will b ailraad to "Clanadoa Iroa Worka," BUaiiDji. n C. A. a. ri.Miur.Li,i, 01. 16. , . W-tf. " Stop thTWcf I ' . STOLEN " Praai lay Lot la Bicktaoad.- " " " laid karaa waa aa Iroa fray ar browaiah color : it bad aiarka af grar oa kirn, and bia lura-tvp cut at vary abort j k wa ibod aa tba for fart, walktd fart, I a good trotter, and wowld par ; tkr wa a wait aaark oa bta back, aa tba right aid, about , aU ar gbt iaebaa aqaar , alaa, a aaiaJl wart oath rial nw. a litti telow tb whita rpot. Th bora wai Ukca by a man calling falmaatf Joha ' Caatpball, who aay k waa raiaed ia Pitt aaaaty, Bad ba baea in thi adghborhood aboat tw year : b i' 4 aawpar by trada, and aay b hat wrkd la Tarpaatiaa aU hit Ufa lima ; k i a ttl round-ahoul-darod, aaa a rtoat body for a littla man, aud aill avt weigh aa mack a trot lUtrd, but bboait 143 or 140 Manila j ha a twry aaraa look, la wry food of aacr ! aoaipany, aad hi caararaation bat a good daj af tba acgra auxad with it. I wlU ptry $10 for th dclirary of tha -hor, ar $50 tar tb thief. II will alaa reward any peraea for aay . inionaalion uat wui iM u ta rery ar either. M. M. CAMPBELL. JiontpaU,, Kiabowad towaty, N. C. Sep. 10, 1856, ' BU-lf Qbaa rr oop y. '.; To Contractors. Tb Praaident and IHrector are bow ready to ra aaire propoMlt for eonatraeting th PayatUrill aad Albemarle plank Boad between Little' Ml la in Rich mood County, and Albaanrie in Stanly Coawty, and they invite propoeai fur the following work . Seetionlrt. Fareoactruicting lb Road from LitUa'i Mill to Clark t Creek, 10 mile. ' See. 4. Pot eowitroctin j Road from Clark 't Crack to th Pea Pea Birer, 6 mile. gee. 8d. for th eaaamtcUon of Bridge acroat PtaPea Bitr,- Bee. 4th. Forth OMtrwetfon of th Road from tb p Dee Birar to Albemarle, 8 mile. Propeaala will be received ami aoaaiderad for the grading aad Btaking ail aeeeaaary aid ditobe aad Calreru front the Pe to Albetuarle, omittiag planking. By a raaorattoa of th Stockholder, before h Pre. Meat and Director aaa tutor into Ueaa contract aa Sadiridaal tabaeriptioa af $I6,00w will bar to b atade, it it eked that the friend of tbo work will ubmit auch bids, either tabaoribinr r guaranteeing that amount at will enable tu wore tl one to go on. JAH. G. COOK, iwt r. t a. P. B. Co. 94-tf .mil i in iiiii'rprn rnnnd 1 u1 i - i ii in m if. i.iiii ii WI aj soar twoeiring nr tok of PaH and Win tor rood, eonaiiding of Ladiea' dree and Gen tUnaaue' wearing apparel, ru : Mualia ftrLan.; plain W plaid Merino 1 Alpaca. Bombaiink,plaia tnd Wd 8ilk! Talma and Cloak; Drew Trtia- ,K cbiidra. f BUk Satin, MutUn, Straw, and Hair; Mlaa' Hood; Vrwikrng.hoet,0.ltort, ajtoot' Miaee Gaiter, Morocee Tie, and walking - Sboee'l forOentlemen, Hal and Cup of erery hpe W quality rfrarau, Stock., Hu TU, 8h.rtt Td Collar, i a Urg. lot of aoth-ng, T8'' " ' wooto and Shoe ; Mack and woollen Qtore. Blobbed aad Dnblenehed Shirting. Bhrt. TWT Cloth, aad Toweling i Bed Tiekiirg j - lJ.rllZr. KaaiSrk Jn i Stripe and - ArkckT( T-d Bed Flaanal ; a good m n rfn.,Caier, aad V-tl-gei Table aorwnenaoi t-.H ------- MS Unv frar,gV i:rV.ST7L.T7. Port klo. Trarul-g-, - o- --pinr f wii. imtohew. aad Traak UM, Bettoulaa, and gri man other umm Titlnr nt 'rf with a riaw of pnronaetng ada. to axainbM ear fctx "! w are detarminea te W. t. A B. W. MWKE. ' 4l-tf ' ' October, 1866. Steam Kill For - Sale, aWkaTsl" Ld it" Th mMb "T rto order for eawiaf, Aay aertoa wW '- - ; tyii 3rpi B'rr OLD RYE WHISKEY. ' WhUkrr, mform ti public that wpply I tha aa r imp. """" Oaaulaa Artinla aaa alwevi be found ll MM alwavt B w 01Ueato aeroex, at wfcoJeaaie ar raUil MITCH ILL. 89-om. CORPORATION BONDS . Of the town of P yetteville ' . for Sic I i GREEARLBtoM Artoftb Oana 1 AaajU A r th Ktata of Nortk Carallaa, rallW Uaa. 26 rk.fi katkarUln tka Tuva tt FaTatUrllla to laaua ! HI Ww N m hhiii iiwiw', n -a-- rata, for tha purpoaa of pariariar tubaaripUo . . . a inn iuia lv ii. WrrUni Rail Ruad Coaipany. . . rTattTla, taal Ui Trtuanr f U Totm wort" aMiuiaala. aatil tha lal at AOftmnar , iirr th pare baa of 1.50,000, la lain of $M0 Mob of Mid Boa4a. or an? part tliaraof. Bonda to f" twrat ,an, with ('oupona aUacaad.-Jalaraat payaU. aaaii aaa - wa 1 Maaa.Hr Tha aaM Botala aball b andar lb ml af aa4 f .tf a- riaMiio. and biailinf ea tha fkirh of th aaa,. WM. WAHiJKJf, Tw traMurar. ' SPLENDID PROPERTY FOR SALE. aw. rpnK BabaeribarwIUoaU hit lt l r Tawa a( L.M m riaai, aoaiawuig rii-u tor af ta aera. Said Lot la fronting th Court Hoaat vA tha LManbrrta HH , aoaUlning 18 Urg and eoifprtabl rooaaa, kitoaaa. aad oaa aaw atora-haaaa, to which l aaaaxad good aublaai alaa, T Acre f taidl, 7ag withia balf a nila af Lanbartua, a Laaibar Rirar, through whlek Uta-caatraapUtad railroad will paaa : alaa, aat liaai ail Vlorml Callre. A good bargaia eaa ba bad. Taraaa aa raaxmaul aa tha bardaai of ta ttataa will admit. ' Apply to , VlVIU C. DAVIS, Moatpoliar P. 0., Blcbnwad Coantr, N. C. Oct. , IVA. Carolioiaa aopjr. r in" i ii i , , DANIEL CLARK, f aicBr t CLAHK at WOODtTAHD, , TTiJ it returaad from tb Xorth, wbr h aaa X aeleeted one af tb beat (tock of READY HADE 0L0THINO tw, af.lia thi market, aad to whick ba reapeet tally aall the atteatioa af a diaoeratug pabHe. rf R raataaaera' Clotblac aaad to arder, at her. Ijafare, ra the heat atyl of the art, and an reaaoaaUe , Tboa geattemaa who wlah to adopt tb 1 wrf att btj let weald da well to nail in and xmtn lwrwe nraaitimi tmanajcaiw BIIAlktlllAIHaabandathit aatoiaahmeal. , atoaaear 8, mi. ' , . JEW rut A.D TOIEt GOODS. rpilE SubaorilxT art' reeaiviag from Kew Tork, I large and well ar. retail atock or araaonablt good embracing rrery article araally kept ia a eeaa try ator. among thick ar a larg eetoctioa af La dirV Flit) Urea tr'4, of the ary ktet daaiga ad paOarm ; alaa a larg aaaortmeat af Uaa til laa, Talmaa, aad t:ioak for Ladiaa, and la abort, tjeryjihiag ala required aa area tor Ladle aad Oaa u"y baaitoaar ai.aaa wad aartoaaara, and the pabtie geaeralljr to give a a aall befor auk ing their pureWa. Our totk la large and wear """"" h u a abort prvil. it. W. Mc5AlR fl,tta A. ate BinHagaeld, Richmond Co., Sept. 11,1846, itMf A. J. O'HANLON, II AS jut reeeirrd aad sffcr fur le n.i nag ttiv .utuii, ! Ilbda. at OA II, j ft Ilbla. da. ftaBir-wa XAILB, ' , paill, BreawM, Shot, Lead, Seap, Candle, Bnuir, Candy, A., A., ' . - ' AL80 I0O.O0 CIUAUI, af variant bruaid. a pmrt of nbitb avra mriaaeaaatiaap A1J0 Brrni f all Klada. Bep. 20, 1846. 89-2m KOTICE. PERSGSS rCRCnASIXa RAGS for m win roeol lect that 1 bee nemr elered anything for WOOL I or BILK nag, and will anew aouing ior uta ( oui ! wilt give 1 oaa I per lb, for all an bagging and loaa paper eeparat Inm tha &g. Sept 12, IBM. 80-w Kingsbury For Sala tf)L. Kine tha areseBt seeupant, being detireu to I pre I HI 1 eloeuap hit bumiaat, w offer Ihute yaluabl nramlaaa An1 aula. . KJngahury 1 ri toaled at tl. terminal of the Paytlte rille A Raleigh Plank Boad, eieeea mile from tb former plaoe, aad withia thra mil of King't Land ing aa Cap Fear Birar. Th premite offer more bojinaa eoBTenieDeet and oomrort Tor Unng, prhp tha any country ant in Cumberland. On tbem ia a neat two-atorr family manaion, containing eeren room a r place iu aaah, with front aad rear piaxxa and portico, frame kitobca. tkxpiag apartaieut for tcr ranU. tmoke kouae and dairy, wiib a prima well of water ; and all kandnomety encleeed. Alao, on th premiae are nin other frame building, , with brisk rbimner to each, and room tufficieat to aoeomme- dato from 6fty to aixty negro; a fram Barn 60 by AO feet, witk (tail for forty koraee, and room to hold 60 ton of forage; Carriage konae, 8 tor and War konac: Water Orit Mill, two Cooper aad two Black. emith BbofM. Wheel Bicbt Shop, Turpentine Sheds, EDMS, I Be.) all withia eanrenieut disUuee of the best Spring of Sandhill Water. All the buildingstre new and bate been erected within the Uat fear er fire year. To then valuable Improvement we will add 1,600 acre of fine Lend, and w will take $3,600 for the whole, which i $1Wi0 leea than the ot of the improrementi. We ban alaa. on tb DreuiWe. and now in operation, a Steam Saw and Oriat Mill?Vnd Turpentine Distillery, which can mi bought choxp. -W tka riaht sort af BVMhaaar Brnontt kimaelf, aad wlahet a partner in bis operalioua, w will furnish on with sufficient capital to cendaet a profiUbl buslnes. To a Planter who ka $14, 000 to invest ta real estate aad want the best Plantation oa Cap Fear River, with a healthy eeantry teat with all a.Tenienet for living at hand, tbeae arumiat would ba a rery deeira hl aiiachma&t ta tha Aah Plantation, eontoining aev- en hundred acre of th beat Cape Fear bottom, and now in market. The tw Ettotet ar connected by a goad Ferry Landing aad ar oaly three mUei apart; and aill be oM together ar separata. For further particular apply to T. B Latter toh, Eon., er tb eab jrcriberS. , I. A T. WADDiLL, Faycttovin, Sept. 7. JAMES C. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AU business raaroated to him will be promptly attend- dto. -.J ' ' " Aadreee, Uontpalier P. 0., Richmend Qotnlj If. C. T ninRlAGIIJCBC, f)f ywplf'i riti turift n rfrru. iijil brjr: ..- Fayctterlll, If. O, Btuurrjay Ifoveclcr 17, 1855. r4 . Carriage for Sale, A aUcad-hMMdFaMllrC'rrl(rv -, eata (-neap, aa sjooo: na- i . Appl at Ik Di 'rua lt4ira of ruOLKXS lUrek 10, 1844. i-tr - FAYETTE7ILLE ! SIUTV1L USlRIMfi C05IPJST. . It Ibilntt of Hit SECOND lCU lEreil if ; tae fresidest ud Uiirrtort t Foficla Lata ad paat jraar 624 ) hl aambar banal 1381; mtnniprnpcrtyaaiouauaitof t,iSt, ruliait easeeleii and aiplratl, gal, U 00 us e Asaut aov koanrad, $1.874,717 it llfl,SI U 1 -, Ketoi; 'J " " : M tiplrad A n u u MM tijj8.y m lacraMi dorlag laa yaar, U1,27 01 PrtaUaa Aula ararariag 14.89 par a. M aatoaat laaurad, fk actaal ouat of Innaraao darlag to paar araraglag laaa taaa par aaat. ' r RKC'EIPH. ' Caak an kand laat raport. $771 9 for Pramiuaia rraawad, 6,H 28 furPolieiaa,8arr'a BTraa. 187 60 ' for Brat. ? 00 I7.2U 67 ' DISBCflSEME.NTS. Caak paid C. H.-ftaaad, Bra loaa, $840 00 "Lot ft bal. Oflk build. 1,440 00 " Btdaritw, 1,640 00 " But Tax, 100 00 11 " Cuatinnut aipaaaaa. 676 6i " " Praaaiaau ntoraad, 20 06 $4,144 27 Ta wit : Caak raaaad awl aa Boad aad Baearity, (aa data and,) f 2,240 00 Caak la Bank asd la kaaJa af Agcata, . . 687 40 $2,987 40 i ASSETS. Caak aa Internet aad la Bank, At., Beat daa, - Real Batata, paying It par tail, 12,987 40 190 00 ' 1,800 00 $4,927 40 2aklaa Ifotea aa band, Amount Capitol to meat any .189,849 8 L $I94,7W 71 Ia eaelailoa, tha Praeidtat aad Miaatort aoagraa. ami ia mamma uaa aua paofie am auv t aato aad tattmfal eporalica of th Can Ciat year. We baea met with aa km eiae arek, 1864, Yoeed',)--nleoe It b tb alaU th member aad tba aablK aa to rery (orter t empaiiy tha atae arreatb the eaae of Bb-aagUaa A Blnatoa, at ktnatca, wbaaa store war blowa ap a earw axrwereimary caM, which 1 (till ander iareeugatioa. I ne louowing wncNn were eienea rnr well year i a. Oao. McSIlt H.L. Mrmer.Cbaa. Ben bow, Henry Lilly, Jaa. JlyU, a. W. Tilllagbaat, B. T. llawlay, T. 8. Luttorlok, Wm. McUuria, Jt. A. Btodmaa, I. 0. 8kepkerd, B. i. lllnauale, D. A. Bay. J. V. Hiliiam., A. A. McXrtbaa, J. U. Coek, A. B. Hall, A. W. 8toel, J. 0. Cook, af Ptretlerill, aad B. P. Brawa af Wilmlngtoa. ' . WFICEBB: GEO. MF.ILL, Preaiilent. H. L. kirROVER, Vie Praaident. C. A. MrMILLAX, rtoetwtary. J. 0. BUEP1IEB0, Attorney. JCueutni Commkl fm lit ar t Geo. McNeill, 8. W.Till'- "tBrta. May 20. 1W - , -' - - " NOTICE. . A Lt th bulebted to n preriaat to tha 1 iaau. ary will aall aad aettla ailher by amto ar h, ! anToblig a. MebOXALD A WUALET. 8. . A good aaaortmentot aa1l ana liar rej alway aa band fur ah ar aa tint to punctual em torn era. Feb.. 17, 1866. 68-tf Oboorw copy. , Looking Glasses. 10 CA8F.8, anorUd, from 7 M 9 to 18 X 28 iaehet Will b told low, and arp pevavr, m If. N TlLuSOlliHT. , ' lifirr M Cn'ktf, C'Araa, Ola war, 4(, , Aag. 29, 1846. , s - y ... 86-om , . Floral JCoIIege.- Th Subeertber ha on band a general aaaartmrol af DRY-r GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware. Hate, t,h , Beadyaaad) Clottilaf, Avn B'hk-k h will tell low for Cah. or aa Tim to rwpoa- liblt, prmptpyiogeutomrt. Prodaoa take la eiobang. BLACK. 914m October 8, 1866. REMOVAL: . S. M Thomas TTA8 XL i I Slarkc 'AS REMOVED from Us former Stand, near th Dobbin House, Hay Street, to th corner af rket and Ulllea.pl fttreete, H. W. from the Narkel Ilwrree, recently occupied by Mr, H. 8. drvw, wber be would be happy to to hie friends, ana til tboa In want of trocMl aad Cheap WOOD", to call and examine bis Stock, which eomprlana Staple and Fame F DRV GOOD8, Rettdytmado ClatlilMf, Uata, lioaia attal a iie, dkc. S. M. THOMAS." PayeUerlUe, Aug. 27, 1848. 8Uf Observer eiipyf aWMI Fayetteville Passenger IJLne. rntiE new Steamer maonoluw hu iev I rtyettovllle Tuetrfayt aan rnelay at ia minute after sunrise, tnd Wilningtoa Wedneadayi aad Bator. daytat o'olock. Passage $4. T. S. iPTTERLOn. Juuell. 1805. , 77f ... ,i j i '-1' i r .1 i i i ., i i -ni ANDREW J. STEDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; riTTIBOR OlfGR, !1. gxfk.Will attrad th County aad Swperlor Courts of Chatham, Moore, aad Harnett Counties. July 14, 1845. 78-tf CROCKERY, CHINA, Glass Ware, &c. T AM now opening my PALL SUPPLIES, amaprt. ing a eery temeral Artrma af arary thing aullabl far the aoastry and town trad. - My stock haa been. ureCuUy mlectod, In person, from th beat eisaufacturer and ia th beat Market in the tountry. COUNTRY MERCHANTS any rely upon baying from m at price which will cava them att aha toaaM and aWay af arJeriag from the North. W. H. TILLIN0HA8T, ' Dealer In Crocktrr, China aad Olaawar. , A. Vk IWflr. Xi iarfij rf.f tf Jdaia'f in tit lull romr. , TO Air WIFE, t. , Wbra pa thy hoeom I racllae, Enraptured UU to aall that mLa , ' 'u T aU the mlaa for lib ) I glory to th aaored Uaa . Which aodera Wit aad fool OeapLae, . Of knabaad aad af wif Oaa malaal nam Inaplre er bit; ' ' Th tender look, th melting klat, . Erea year bare not daatrayed J ' J i . Some tweet aaaattioa rr new, Spriap ap aad prere the maxim trot ' That lor aaa ae'er b eloyed. , . ; Hr I a with t 'tb all for the ; ' ' Hat than a wlah T 'tit all for a ; 8 toft r moment more, That angel look with ardent gate, , , WU pleaaad to tee ear happy day, ' ; Aud bid at Ut and lor. , - a. ir aaret trite aad aara will aomftt Thy boaora I my aoftott horn ; ' -1 I'll lull' ate there to real ; . ; Aad it there aught dlaturbt my falrav' 111 bid her algh out erery care, ' " And loo U ia By breaat. . ' ' Hart I a wlah? 'U all her own ; All hrt aad miae ar rolled ia ea Our heart ara a entwined, TUt like the lry round the Ire, Beuul ap In eloaett amity, Tit death to be dlrjoined. AM ALLLOOUICAL LYRIC. . , , , . bt rtoaaaca wiLtoa, Tewth aad Jay aad flap and Beauty, Bambiad forth aa day, Through the eowellp t added maadtw, : -i Trilling many a Jocund lay . j Tenia be leagued at Age frewa V. . Hope made aport af Sorrow " ''' bll Beauty ww a Bowery arewa That faded era the morraw. . Cath la treating 'er a brack, . Hedlan, tamblad la It ( , H pe aangkl ap aa aagWr't book But th ah ore, Tenth could aat wia It ;) Wnea Beauty want to help the bey, Tb bait aoea did it duty ; ... Laaghiag, ah eriad, What' Hop r Joy Witboat the aid of Beauty r' . t , . . . ... i Aa am they ItraB 'i aad play'd, aad ruag, Careiaaa of what came after Tifl Ethe't ruioe, the weed aaoag, . Caught ap their mlry langhtor. . And that through lifa.'W alway lad ; (Stuiet, tb met dupnto yet) Teutk, Joy, and Hop are aU eomhla'd -Ia tba magi tmia of Beauty. MISCELLANEOUS. I1EZKKIAII BKLH)TT. lit war a wwlerfuJ hand to axraJuo, bufbaaj ma, 'pMj afWr k bvp.r tu enjoy -poor lieaji. 11 atade ntnerraUon oaco when aa . mw. twt utjua, m" a a.w auail fbrirct tbt) kmerat day I lira. II tan to mt oao winter areola' at v ra aittin by tba fins, I wx koitlin' (I wa alwavt Woodrful great knittrr) tad b wn a amokin', (he wu a toaster band to aanike, thtiugit tea doctor aaed to tell ma mo m rwuer on to kit tobaokor alone: wbea b was wail, ba aaed to Uka bia pi pa aad ttuoke a tpell after ba'd got lb chore dona op, ad whea b wa'at well, b aaed to amok tba biitgwt part o' th time.) Wall, ha took bit pip oat of bia month and tamed toward me, aud 1 kaord aotnethio' waa eoraio', for ba bad a pertickeler erty of lookio' round when ba wm gwina to gay anything uncommon. Well, be aiyt to eaa, anya h, " Killj," . (my nam I'ntniiy nxwrxiiy, nut na gtoeraiiy called ma M Silly 'caoM it wm handier, tow know.) Well, be my to we, aaye be, M Silly' and be loooked pretty eoliem. 1 tdl ytm be Bad a eoUeai eeuntonance a tier lit and after ba got ta deacon 'twa more ao, bat ainee be'd loat hie haaltb be looked aollemer than ever, and eertaia ly yon wvoldent wonder at it if yon knowed bow muub be nnderwent lie wm troubled with wonderful pain in bia chest, and auitxin' weak. hum in tb tpioe of bit back, beside the pletui it in bia aide, and bavin' tha imr a 'pnnai dura ble part of the time, and beia' broke of hi rest :.o.i. '... v. . . u r i .l w bikiii. iw iiv wm put w i . iur vrvuva sues be bud down. .Why iu an nnaeeonntable fact that wben (bat man died he bad not aeen 8 well day in fifteen year, though when be wm mar ried, and for fire or ail Tuart after I ahouldent deeira to wee) rninreder man than be Hot the time lot apeak ia' of be d bee oat o health nigh, open ten year) and O dear take bow be had altored aiooe the first time I overate him t That wm to a quiltia to 'Stiuira Smith't pell afore 8ally wa married. I'd no idea then that Sail Smith was a rwine to be married to Sam Fenderwra. She'd been keepia' cuai pany with Aloaa Uewlitt for more'n a rear, and every body mid that wm a nettled tbioa, and ad behold I til of n andding ahe ap and took Sam Pendefnaa. Well, that wm tbo first time I ever aee my husband, and if any body d told nw then tout 1 kbould a aaid but lawful take I 1 moot forgot, I wm gwioe ta tell yon what be Mid to me tbu eveuiu , and wben a body begim to tell a thing, I beliere in fiuuhin' ou't ame time or other. Soma folk have a way of tali In' round and round forever more aod never oomia' to the pint How there' Mite Jink ins, the wm l'oll Bingham afore ahe wm married, ba u the tojuaeet uidiviuooal to toll a story that over I aee in all my born day. But I wm a gwina to tell yon what my husband aaid. lie said to me tsy he "SUIT,'; anye I Wua.tr, 1 dilcnt My " What, jUeiekier'" for I diJent like hi nitne. The Brit time I beard it I near killed myaelf a luffin. ' lloiakier Uodott,' ' ttyt I, " well I would gire up if I bad aoch A name," but then you know I bad no more idee o' marrying tha fuller than you hare tbia nitnoit o' marryin the governor. 1 tpuse yon think it a eurut that we hould a named our. oldest aoa ilexekir, ' Well, we done it to please father and mother Bedott, it'e father BodoU'g name, and he and Btother Bedott toih ntml to think that namee had oueht to go down from gi Deration to giaeration. But wtalwtya oalled him Kior, you know, Speak in' o' Kier, he it a blewin', aiqt hef and 1 aint the only one that thinke (o, I guria. Now don't yon tell nobody that I aaid to, but between yon and me I rather guest that if Ketior Winkle think aba ia a wine to ketch Kier Bedott the ia a leetle out of hejr reokonin'r But I was going to tell Thai LueheaJ faid. lie tip to we. mt h "Sil- :i li W . .4 r, ',,.,." -. jy' I mt, mnl, what': I( 1 did "Flafwheo Laaaid "SiJly," U'd kept on enjiir euiy, imm urn to etcrullr lie alwsyt dlJ, boeeuM, yon know, he wanted me-to pay pertiikeler attention, Ind I ginerally did: na woman wm ever more attentive to bor hatband than what I wm. Well, be mya to me. Myabe, "Billy," wye I, What V thoogbr I'i no lueo wBtt he wm rwlno to tay, diden t know but what lw4 ometbing' about hi nfferin. thoneh he wt'nttpt to complain, bat he frequent ly need to remark tbat he wouldent with hie worst enemy to suffer one snioot at be did all the time. but that ean't be oaMed flmmblin' think it canV Why, I' ft aoea' him in aitivatintu when you'd a It-.. L. . I . ii'.. suoueut no BKinaj coujci a neiuvo aTumniin. nui Ac dideat. lie and ma went once in the dead o' winter in a one hose t!y oat to Boonville to see a lister o bisen. Ton know the snow ia suiaxin deep ia that section of the knntry. Well tbe boM got etuok in one them are flamlenratted now nanks, and Inert we not, oml.le to stir, and to cap all, while wa wm a mitiu' there, host aod wm took with a dcadiuJ crick in tin bnek.- Horn lAal wm what I aall a pviluAermtnt, don't yon t Jioe men would a wore, but nut band diden t, Ut only Mid, My he "Consarn it." Uow did b get oufc, did you aek f Why he might a been tittin' there to thii day m fur m I know, if there nadent a happened to come along a niase a men ia a double team and they bystod na eut. But I wm gwine to tell yoo. that obeemtioa o' hiaea. See be to me, y Silly," (I eonld see by tha light of the fire, there dideut happen to be no candle burnin'. If I don't disreueaiLer, though my memory i snrueuaies rnlber furgctiul, but I know wsn'l apt to bum candle, eweeptm' whea we had company,) I could tee by the light that bia mind wm uncommon aoieainixed. Say he to nV, MVl he. "Sillr." I aav to hiia. aava I. What J" He my to toe, ssyt he, " tre're poof eriKcr. . v Some Teamiro we copied tbe foIIow!nirttcrHne: 1 . . r J -i M. " . . . .. - nit oi run irom id texM Morulne Star. Dablish- ed at Houston. It lately fell in oar way agaia and we were ao tickled upon reading it onee more that we determined to Mart it . a second heat. We will take no mall odd that in threa month time it will have been published in balf the news- paptra In the country : - Aquatic 8crEr. During the hardest of tha storm the y befure yetterdar we took a lountre down to the steamboat Unitinr. : While standing on tbe brink of n dt-rp guUy that emptied lie eorreni w water into tno barou, our auention wm attracted to the bottom of the cully, where a drunken loafer wm temming tbo torrent and holding on to a root fast anchored la the bank. The poor follow, not knowing any one rat near him, wm eolbbetting bia fsto manfully, and in calculating his ehaacca of escape, gare ntteranoe to the following : T M Ilayo't tbn an orful titivttion to be placed in, nohow f. If I wm a atMmbeaC, a ltilroad 8 wood pile, I'd be better worth fifty cents oa the! dollar thaa 1 11 ever be sgai.. L ules I ni a gone care now, there hijnt any' trnth In pbre oIoT. I've weighed all the chtncea now like a giner!, and only two ihst bear in my favor tbe first ia a tkunk hole ta emwl inhj, sod the wcone m MM inauo vt j roviJtnce; and the beat ensure or the two it aa sitm, if I only wad stot I'baim, I'd give the Dreaiinm for th skunk bole them's my nentiiucntf. If I e juld be a mink, or a rnnsrat, or s Wat:r make for about wo month, perhaj I would mount the first stop .'other side of Bio, and flan uiv winn and crow over precions life, scientilKilly preserved. But .L., K. fc.J .1' . a ir.,. . wuma iiviuiii UU (W IUI rwt I J IlClT hsy'nt no skunk hule in IheM d'urxin the wster ia gittia taller about a feet, and if my note wm m hong M inanity it would nt stick out much longer. ' O, Jerry 1 Jerry I you're gone nicker, and i. gnaw your nitna oon t enow you re out ; poor woman i woota Try toe glasses nut of her spectacles whea ehe hears that bar dnilin' Jerry hat the whole of the Buffcrk) Bio for his coffin T What a pity 'tis nmo puHMthromc, or member or tne nnmane society, never bad foreMghtenougk to build a house acroM this gutter, with a steam engine to keep ont the water I If they hd done it in time, they might have had the honor aod gratification of saving the life of a feller being ; bat its all day with you, Jerry ! and a big har bor to east anchor In. It's too bad to go off in this ortul nisnner When they knows I oilers hated water ever sioce I wm big enough to know 'twant whiskey." '.' Before Jerry got to the conclusion he was wash ed Into the bayou, within a few feet of a large But that had just ttartod for tbe steaiuboot. His eye caught the prospect of deliverance, am! he chang ed tbe buttlei of his dirge into a thrilling cry of neare to l passenger overboard and sinking with a belt full of specie I the tnsti ho save me makes bis fortune!' Jerry wat fished out by dsrkey, and to show his gratitude invited Quishey to 'go np to the grojrgerv aud get a drink of liquor A Strono Kisb." Tennyson, in his poem of "ratiuia, " relates tbo strongest torn of suction within our knowledge at' present Stroking of a kiver.s Aws, be say, or rather ait t.iyt ; Last night, whea soma on spoke fals name, : Frees my twift bleed that went aad cam. A thousand little)' shaft of tame, Wer shivered ia my narrow tartu, O ior I O Ir 1 Onee be drew, i With en long klat my whole soul through My Hps, a sunlight drinkrth dew. That'a the trongest kia we ever lead about, and throws the u I'tor Man's l'laater complete ly In the shade. I'hcrbus I What ssucliun the Mow had I ' , , . f " 1 -t iA young back, of tha rxup-lock order, who wore an unshaven face, kjectase, tl he aaid, it " looked foreign, ' lately accosted kiiake m follows: " . " I ut, fellow, sema ludividitula think I am a renebmen, and seme take me for an Etalyean : now, what do yon Ihink lam f " f . t " I think you are a darn a foel, replied J on than). .- :i ;t; 1 , . . - - t ! ' ' PlRSIAH LlTrJUTCRK. The following teau- tifut lines ar translated from a Persian poet. A correspondent of tbe. Boston 1 ranscript ssys ; It ia hard, indeed, to tell whether tbe poetry, the humanity, or the religion in th t erser itrikes one moat : -. j , J . . .", 1 saw eemc baailfnls of tbt res in bhtoai. With baud of great suspended from a dour. I laid" What mtaaa thi Wtrtiiie grae, that it 0mmU u.tha rM mwy riroto attr' " Then wept th gram aad said" Be ttilll aad kaow Ta kind their eld cmoeUtci ne'er rWere. Mine 1 ne beauty, baa, er fragrance, true t r - ur j Ba4ath(r4t6f aiy Lord I grew!" J TEtBS: TWO S0TXAE8 U ACTArcX J AN KLOQUINT 8PEAKXH. - Th late 8. 8. PienttM was,' erlir, on of -tbo most eloonenl speakers of his dsy. " The ' -sketch of his life, which ha just been published, alludes to a terns at Havre da Oraea, immediate! ' 4 after Mr. WUe and Mr. Menifee had spoke) t " PrentiM wm tbontod for, and came np u ho r" always did, nothing sffoeting Aim--dike b eon- i er ia tmrfect keeping. Hi pAyn'jwe WM voa f ' derful la tbst respect : bis direction WM fond, - bis body Bound, and be could leer every extrtm ' ' vanatioa of temperature and bsbit, Howmbo " ' er out of sorts, and at onee lie-hied D thisstene. : - Said he: FellowCitisena by tbe Father of "" Waters at New Orleans I have aaid Fellow-Citi- sent here I ray Fcllow-CUitca and B tbn ' and miles peyond this, North, thanks bo to God I I eaa still say eiW-Citirens 1" Tbul in alny gle aentence, he sahited his audience, drew every ' men, woman and child Bear to him. made hint. self dear to them, and by a word covered the " eoatinent ly a lino mapped the United States froui tbe Gulf to tbo Loka by a rreetin:. warm '' from tba heart, trewnltig" fram the eoinrteoanerf. ' depleted the whole Country, iu progreaa, t!eveL ,t opment, grandeur, glory and anion 1 Every hat " ' wm whirled in the air, every handkerchief wat ' waving, the welkin rang with hnrraha -tb moi- ' ntnd heaved ap to the stand, atond ow tiptoe. . ' . and shouted cheer after cheer, m If wild with for aad toad with excitement. Never, for ooo mo- ment, did bo relax his grap npoa that mM of human passion. He rose higher and higher, went np and np, aad oa and en &r, far awsv.: like the flight of tbe earner-pigeon T It wm tbt mnsie of sweet sonods, and anon it wm the Boar of the element. Figures bubbled ap, aad roar ed themselves forth like epringt ia a gMbing fountain, wlnen mnrmnr and- lean awhil amid mountain rocks, then ran smooth aodelear ttuwagh -greea and flowery valleys, until at length, two, let into mighty rivers, they roll onward to tbt ocean 1" , -1 A SorjRci or Smili. Dr. Frsnklifl,ar ing noticod that a eertaia meehanio who worked Bear hit office was al ways happy and wiliag, voa tured at length to ask for. tie secret of hi con stant cheerfulness. w No tecret doctor," ha re plied. "I have got one of the beat wives, aad when 1 1 go to work, be alwsyt Iim a kind word of en couragement, tor me, and when I go homo aba ' aieete ma with smile and a kiss, and the tea ia ' sxut to bo reJy ; andsbt bM dont o Biaay littlt things U rouge tbe day to please mo, that 1 cannot Aad it ia my heart to speak aa Bnkind word to anybody." ii 'i I. " . Old Aoe. It it not well tbst a mat should always labor. Ilia temporal a well M spiritual iutereat demands a eeaaatioa ta tbt decline af Ulm, Some years of quiet reflection ara neeaaay after a ; lite ot industry and actively. There it mora to eoaeors him ia life thaa inoeaeaat occupation, aad Its product wealth, lie wbo Am bean a drmdst all his days to one BKinotonou mecbaaioaj pwrmut, . 1 can hardly bo fit for S notour world.- . ... t Tbt reieaae from tod In old ace moat men bar) the prospective' plesauvo of; and, in the reality, it . . r. ; j i . . a m pleasing aa it m uweiui aaa sawiary to wo . aiind; Such advantage. Isixw, aw. cmlir ba,. gained by prude nee and awoaomy ia youth; w mutt mvo, like the aat, before we eaa hope ta . have an reut in the winter of our days. a ii r rt i"ii' n i In reply to the ojd argument aaed at the north, ,' ia regard to the inequality of reprooontnion ia !ongrwmbylh8ute,incoenncedl5laTtry th National intelligencer obsen: . ' .. . Grant all that the most nitron tUIaverj tnaa could ask let tno slaves bo declared free and counted m penon, and ao tat from the alare State ,' being tbo losers by it, they would actually bo the gainers. The number of their Kepreaentative . in Ooogram would not be duuioUhtd but lucre- ' ed for, instead of counting, m now, only tbrot fifth ot the negroes, the whole of them would ho counted. Then why is the fullacy urged and why . is the publio miad at the North agitated Ly soph- iatryao fliuwy, that it cannot bear th simplest ' teat of truthf" -!. "t Tin Lax$ Mi ui JSfdaeaJ," k the title giv. en to sn article of furniture which attracts much attention at the Ftir of the American Institute m ' New York. It is described as a newly-invented bedstead, attached to the head of which is a small alarm clock so constructed with the bed that at given moment the alarm bell will ring, and ia five minutes thereafter, if tbe sleeper aoea not rise, the msttreas upsets, and he is straightway, aud without any ceremony, rumbled out of bed. ; The dilfioulty will he in getting the article into practical use. W ul a lacy man buy iu (L "Saddlkbags Gboc-krt." Among tbt. preeentinents of ' tha Uraod Jaryk of Cara county, Oa., the first woek, we notice the follow ing ! v ; - ''..!:w";V - "Ihe Grand Jsry of tbo present week would alto most respectfully repreaeot tt m their pin- ion, tnat something (iks a saddle bags irrccerv hM been kept ly the Sqperior Court of thi week, in the august personage of one of th cou stable. . without license; wherefore w? cannot Mfelyeoar' elude thiit the teuipersnce caase ia highiy tow teemed, by that arm of tbe law, and while wo exonerate the Court from a knowledge evoa of this newly established feature in the traffic, stili we must set our face agakud all mdd! btrt rto ceries, and more especially when kept by a cofK ttable in attendance upon the Court.. The par. ticuhtr constuble wo have concluded thus to can, . nonixe, and hand hb deeds of consummate effront ery and shame, down to future ceatab4eav ea Av well marked inetanceof wilful amtemi4 of OtmH.' We did not see the liquor, but wo did aee the saddlebags, audit is tba deliberate opinion of this Jury that no other Jury ever saw a Mir of nddle-bagt as much like a big jug of brandy be fore for they smalt like the jug hsd 6tn Are It. Now, a constable is quite a email appoav ' dge to tht Court anyhow, and when he grow ao braii fully to become part and pared of - Mddl4ags that smell just like a broken jug of . brandy, he attaint to a' etatioa ae email in tug -eyes, that We think he't of ao we at ell." . A aialiguant baby-hating correspondent of tha London Charivari writes, tbst ha will subscribe ten guineas to a baby show, if thev Will drown ail tbo Buncooesful Mndtdatea lor prenutania, w H , A torekeeper in Iowa advertiaea long pink -eyed potatoes m "elongated tubers with Morbutio optica." '..'! . ; The story of a man wbo had a aoea ao largo tbat he couldn't blow it without the use af gu. powder, hM turned nut to bo a hoax. . - ' ' 'a Always sw(ct a maa who has arrived at th ago of shirty and isn't attacked to A Bitot of caL, u.1 A J vl .. . ..1 UU.JL H 1 -1:

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