f axe -been taki-n j . , ' - -7 ; iTvvu 5-1 form otiintillv l tile ClatP nf rmr Lief k4itik. -rrr . I 1 t) Trust Sale. , nn Tf onv'vilolltV'Mm.,i..Al.. . I 7 aV , n.w;''?- ted at the date of , w U. TT ,t &J?f'7. ImtWao,...,. 1 101, Rtchardson 71, Met 20. Wni,.- ,nuarJ nrjt,' alibi. re.! and pen...! e.ut. cuimst- J S tho Initcl StttU M,:,!l tttoWtak,.: A, " ' ' ' V' V-. , , , .. ' '"iVtlEll iklluilluifH OI Till ... , ' . v, wlloutrJi rsmiuiiiiiob or tin. I.UVV ITS ot lllu l.i Ill-la l( .( . Mil, a it ... . . .i - . . . . , ,. . '" "1 llJ UlCUlUi llll- i-ticm instil u- Uons ol nny,ntlu-r port ion. The sco,,',. atuUtii rt ..f iW language of repeal were not Left in .doubt, it vvtis ,k-cl3r,d( ,,, terms, to n. -be tine hm iiK-aning or thi act.not to ktcislate slavorv into any Territory or .btale, nor .o oxclu.l.'4t tWtio,,,, but to lUv e the j.nit thereof pel tcctly tree to Mn n :m,l rc-tuato tlioir.lotnetie l.tMitutioiis i, atei"'" w?y,fiU,'J:Ct ou- toth3 'cnstimsKin of the I iju j The nun-iire eoulil not be withstood ui..,n ii it:c-iit alone It asarttarke.i vvi.l, ion, nee, oil ;l,e false or .U !uivc i.relexl'tl'at it consuuuo. breach ot faith. Never w.lijootioniiion- n'ticr- ,., i ... -,lu.-iu. ...... j,,-aUn. ,. K.lur.. Was jt ilnsi (.iiii-n u. piiirii.m 11.13 Liiui. leguiauve vr ik- rirtue of a Deed of Trout executed tn me b. . . . I - . ... -. . 1 . . v. . i u n it nm nni. n I will u. 11 . . . i. iiaw ill januarj nrji, allbire! and pm al eiut, cuhmki- J BfB 1 he Chrratc Gazefte saTS that Tt K . C. Purye'ar, of North Carolina;- is " as black hearted an abolitionist as Hale, Giddinqs, of Ja.nks, if he dared to frankly declare hi. senti ments." V ' A curious sort of abolitionist" Mr. Poryear mut be, to own n lnr.rn 1 ing of 27 Acrcn nf lonj neiir the town of ri,r....,U.n "ti the Plank Road. TLcre in a Mule nJ P ma'e Academj i,J pl,.nJca Dwetlinc Houm- !th H flr jTaces, a goo., well of watr, a h-ulifjl hmlihy i-it- ua,riuH : and if t.ie right ort of a mm. gci it hr m lmve a conMaht School. Al.-o abou one thouan l dollars worth of finr furniture a ne numl riauo. anJ a great muny .School Dook, and other ILooks. Also sir v - .M i; Ul'?. . croax or nine mouths will be ciicii fuj- all utu t.ir er two dullard l.nj Trust' Sale. !Tir.f"wmtTC '" T . 11 ... ' in th r iuhti i . . wli.tli.-r en:icltt trn er.l'ortr vu-i .i... :. t . "iV. 1,' 1 ' PtlirihiT- . .1 . ;. . , .-. . .i-v "so. 13 hi? , .iiiiwi ui:it an ; I VJ I" uuit'Cr to niannfp thii m V , i set 1 I on-ie.--lMil.ovethe on.tiimiou v U. ia.U ed. tla 1 e ere : 1 "'l''f.e lUeUt. in hlS ab. in tin- laris any cause to impute bail faith, it onl.l atta. ii lotiio-e ; '''te . 1 i i the only I10 have nnvr eea--sel. from Ui.. ii.,... .. n... ... , . . . . j . .i i,uui,uimiii auarn ion,te iu nil! j a ZtlTP be ft FfKia ns 1 only who have wvercia,!. from the lime ot the enactment of ,1 ' ad- tUo re.-ttkUxe provision to the mestiu htv, to Uciiouure ami t i UUCC tlie CVldence to SUStain ltS chafC nr , Crtn.lemn It; wl have eonstaiitU refused to cmiile.e it by i-, il. 1 1 1 ... c ' OF SC" ful Mipplementary U-iMaUon; who have ,-parcu' m exenion to ! "uuwlcuKe that it has traduced a WOrtllV J 11 " "p-1 v.... , - ,-i.iif paeu ik exenion to . n ' 11 deprive it ot moial lor; who hav e thenis. h es atfaiii and a-ain ! ,lflnt,.,; o tlviniiiel its repeal b the i iuietnieiit ot'Jiieoiii.a;i(,li i ro isj-u,- '"IllOl lOUh CltlZCIl '. - filul u lio. hv the inevitable real-! i.ni-.rv- ......! .1.. ..: 1 -' ' - .. ... . inevi 111111 on 11 MO- K nee on the subject, avva-clied tile country to perception of the true le.isii.uiinnal principle of leaving the matter involved to the discre.ion of the people of the re.eelive cxi.-tiiig or intii.ieut butes. , , It Is not pretended that this principle? or nnv other, precludes V los.iliiliiv ( eviU in practice, dijiuJbed :is political action is liable to be b human ias.-ions. No foim of fm einment i- ex empt from inconvenience:.; but ia this tax. they are the result of thr abuse, ami hot of the legitimate exe: ei-e. of the poweis re feived or coMlVHied in the organization of a Teniiory. They are not to be churned to tlio great plincJple of pojiular iorereignn : ,011 the-contntry. they db-upear before the intelligence and patii (Otism of ijie jwoplc, exerting through the bailoi-box their peace ful und silvut, but iricsUtiblr jioWer. I 1 1, .. e. ... ... 1 1 1 ... i'.ii..ii.it;..i ...a i v. ,i . . 1 . 4. Ill 1111 mi- vi wi. vv". in"'..'" u.r ill li;ni tti:'nilt'l Mll.lt', - - - 17 . - f - - wjij its enemies could not pnVnt a more acccp.iubY issue thau tli.uot' ! presented as being worth v of a liberal Datrcnnr-p a Mate, vv lKsi'constitutfou clearly embraces a rcbiiblican lonu I a. . i ... " " J tl ,of government,"' bdi (ixcluded from th'tiUm becaiisc its do- coustrained to remark, that the Tart number jiies.n- inui in limn i::a inn 111 an icicci.s compol l vv 1111 lllelileas (Of vviiat is wit and expedient entertained in some other Male. I'resh from groundless imputations of breach of faith against mother.', men will coiimienee the agitation' of this new question with indubitable violation of an express compact between tlie in dependent t-ovefeigu powers of the Vnitrd Mates and of the i.e fui.lU tit T-xos, aa.vyell as of tlie wider and equally Solemn com pacts jhicb assiie the equality of all the Srates. llut, ' deplorable as would be such a violation of compact in Itself, and iu all its direct' consequences, that is the Very least of ...II. 1 .1 1 -U'l...,. r.w..;,v,...l ..rril. h'lll tin.- . .1 liie evils iiiiuntu. nuuu rvin'iii -.. .it. . c isuceeeu- . . " . ... . - . . i .. f.n , Correspondents will bear with as until our next. AVe have uo room for any favor of tin kind in our present issue. The best evidence that can be adduced in favor of tlie efficaciousness ofHooflandi German Bitters, rre. parerf by Dr. C. M. Jackson, is the unprecedented de maud for them from all parts of the Unron ; and al though there may be many compounds prepared and d in forcihir on this issue, can their oh teSsions fail to be met by counter pretentions? "Will 7.ot different Mates be coninelled . . . . . . .". -I.l. . V 4 .I If :.. respectiv ely to meet cxiremcs w iui f.vtit iius. no o eimer ex treme carry its point, what is that so far forth but dissolution of v.. r.i.... i ii .. I...... sint.. r..t-Tii.l. tViuii Tin. ten itiin- .t' ti... i- of testimonials- with which the worthy docter has been honored, by persons of the hitrhest character d spectability, who foun.l it necessary to Lave recourse to his rjrennrntinti ic az-: i- . t r V1 . .vcuinuiit tuiui.rru.vv conclusive I that a more effectual remedy for the aflfeyracCllatiH vi iuc auicteu with that direful malady, dys pepsia , has never been disco vereJ. See advertisement. EST CONSUMPTION ANdTpittTng BLOOD See the certificate of Mr. Turner II. Ramjey, for many pnetorot therarmers Hotel, Fredericksburg, late of the City IIutl, Richmond. V uhn Minge, of thj city o llichmon.l i.,i. a regular physician, and of course nnnn. L i. I eacu oi mrr tvvt-ii rcconciianiv noiue e.llll.-lcl.illlll ? n -t-vov-v iv niuiiin: 1 ia t.. .I.- ..!.. lull" ..1' l.rotl'CW tl... ..rtL..;.... 1 Calltll ftlincL TTVO.lt.ilw. -ll' . . ..-. . u. . .-,..a ....... v. , v v..,,u;: , 1 " ..H.1IH1OT, US OUllgCO tO SaV t ll 1 t it that sect ionaf a-itat ion. uovy prevailing m some ot.the Mat pftWta ;n t, ., . ,, n " lQal us which are a- imiuVcticable as they are uuconsiiiunoual. and " "'"v- ul ivumsey, were WOUder- whlch, if pei-scvereiJn, must and will end calamitously. It is ful indeed, either disunion and tSyil war, or it is iui;re angry, idle, aimless .. ..disturbance of public lieace and tranquillity. I i -union for what ? lie had been given up by several nliTsirinnu hod If the passionate ragii of fanaticism and partizan spirit did not j tried n,nt ref ft i- , ,"l''u"3 ' "au force the fact iiim.ii our attention, it would be dithenlt to believe 10St 01 tIie 1uack medicines, and was on the vertr that any considerable portion- of the people of this erilighteied ! 'f"despair as well as the ir,-.,,-n . i ...i.....i i ...i... t,. o r.. .1 ft'.- niicuiie inriii uttit u tiietnion? it a new Mate, lorineu: irom me lenuoiy oi met. I States, be absolutely e.xcltlced from admission therein, that tact years propr; of iLsi lf constitutes the disruption of union between it and the .other States. Knt tlie Jirooess of dissolution could not stop ther. a-? and la ti Winittl Tint ...liiinnV (ti.r.istiiii i.roilricillt' sUch mslllt l.i- o ... . loritv of -ote eiilicr Northi in or Southern, of nee.jsii- .tii. -tr. John . out the oppressed and aggrieved minority, and place iu presence ot each other two-tirecoiicllaMv IiostUe cnnieuerauonf r country" could have surrendered tiieiusiUes to a fanatical devo tion: to the supposed interests of the relatively few Afi icans in the I'nitcd States as totally to abandon and dWreg;trd the inter ests of the twenty-five millions of Americans, 'trample underfoot 1... il. ...... ... ..I uml iilisl itrili.iri'il i .lit! -'-it i. .11 mi.t t.. ..n . in plaits ol v muietn c imsii.u v again: 1 11... V I.11 -ir.. aled vviih tin-in in the enjoyment ojhe common heritage of otlr national 1 11111 11 1 le 11 . Nor is it bo:i it y r.gainst their feilovv- i;iens of fine section of the. I'liion a'ono. i he interests, the honor, the duty, the peace, ant( the prosperity, of the people of all sections arcn'ima'dy involv ed and iiiipo.illeii "m this question. And are patiioti men in any part of the Oiion prepared, on sin h an i-ue. thus madly to invite 'all the coiiPequeticeS of the foi fcittire of their constitutional en friisemeuts ? it i-impossible. I hestonii of pbienzy and faction uiust iuc-v ualilv dash itself iu v uiti 'again.-; lhe unshaken rock of the Constitution. 1 shall never doubt it. 1 know that the I'nion stronger a thousand times than till the wild and chimerical cheme of social change which are gciicii.cd-. one after the other In the unstable minds of vi-i-ojtary sophHs'aml interested agitat ors, I rely confidently on the patriot i.-m of the pcop'e, on the dicrnity and sitlf-respect. of the Slate, on the wisdom of Congress, and. above all. on the continued triacioiis favor of Almighty Jod to maintain, against till enemies, whether at home or abroa.l, the aanctity of thu CotistiiUtiou and the inU L';ttv of the I'nion. L UANKUN VttKCE. Washington, December 31, 1n"5. Danish Mixture. We refer the public to Lis full and lengthy certificate around the bottle, stating his cure. t.lvertistnient. .see FAYETTEV1LLE MARKET BACON .16 a 17 I.K AD B . 2o .molasses i;:.i 0(1 lortl (Larflliiut Jrgus. FAYETTEVILLE SATHIBAY, JM'!t i, h.li. "Tha will of the people is the source, and. the happiness of the 'people the end. of aH legitimate goveriiment-ttpon earth."' ! C. C. Mcthuiuuien, Esq.. is the authorized agciitt'or the Argus, and wilLattend to the settlement of sub scription and advevtisingt accounts. HE MS WAX -4 CANDLES Fay. Mac. 20 a Adamantine a Sperm- 3o a COFFEE liio 12 a Lamina a St. Domingo 00 a Cotton Strictly prime 8 a 00 1'iime a (x) Fair 0 a 0 COTTON BAGGING Gunny 18 a 20 Dundee Di a 00 burlaps 12J a cotton yarns- No. 5. to 10 17 a IS DOMESTIC GOODS l'r'n Sh't'gs 7A a S 4o a OO a C a 00 00 0 1.20 a 1.2.1 .00 a bO siOTEusof tii a: tow. of Mayor. T. S. LUTTEIILOII. COMMISSU'NtHS. Ward 1. CD. NIXON, " 2. A. Me LEAN. " o. HENRY LILLY, , 4. V. T. miRNE, 5. A. A. MvKETlIAN, 6. W. MoLAURIN,. : 7. W. WARDEN. I I ti !!- ( I 1 1 1 1 Osli.lllUIOrs F MAT II FLOU R Family, Superfine Fine Scratched GRAIN tern - ' Wheat Oats Peas Rve HIDES Dry G reen IRON Sw'.r 40" Cuba 00 N. Orleans 30 NAILS 50 OILS j Linseed 13 1 Tanners' SALT L'.v'l, sack, 1.75 a 1.S5 Alium, bus. 75 a SEED Flaxseed 1.50 a 0.00 Clover, lb, 12.! a 10 SHOT Com. bag 2.25 a Buck 2.371 15 SPIRITS "IV .1 II i en uranuy u.pij a Apple " " 55 a t.'',0 N. t. . Whis. 55 a tin Nr'n " ii 1" N. E. Rum 55 a Ho 00 ; Jamaica " 2.IKI a ' 50 Fr. Brandy 4.0 a G.'Ht Anier. Gin 75 a So Hoi. " 1 75 . " (Mi over two dollars Dec. 31, 1855 r. wilcox. jt4-:Ji J. S. BANKS, C01IUISS10X F0KV.1BD1.G MERCHANT. WIL.TIlCiTOA', Aortlt Curolinn. J-n. 5, lh5o. 104-!y virtue of t w e'l and C..!.n 1 1 f M .h. It ... I'l 'I I .f.,.1 ... : '"i" t ot kinj-.l "' 1 or, ...(,., . 1 -1 . I l.-l .,( ,;r. j u "m M.ll J r a! ' H,.', , lt" 1 ,,f0 ' h..;i:. . " f0" -l r.t.,t. r. cmpirt- ,,tmr ,.,,1,. t- .v. "dnuir.: li .. , . on ml., i. . ... . "'--ti , l, . " I L MrK A V TrM i --- ... ... ( MOtJ . ..... S a,ii j . ' ,.t. . V X V 111 m m ii.M.i ... . . . tk. iT, T f "'. 44 it. La kd, v.4 . ,u ..,., rro e0 1 u.-t , For Sale. im t ti Vl.tr. .. ... . aam m -aa av A tal J i ' ii trr, 1". M CAUTION. I T'-tM tv.M tl -WW i.- f m e H On JIMJ. i i cttt ,a i fc, Ivf c -t I i.u, I t 1 1 HIIt,t.. M (U. Jl4 M.l i ' .4 Ii. j a. , tiii .t. -rfl 'ti White Oak Timber Wanted. Nobth Carolina Abknal. ) Fayttteville, Dec. 27, lcv55. ; 1 PROPOSALS will be recciveJ at thU Ar senal until the 15th of February, 1850, for furuishinK' the loilowing bill of Timber : 12 tftt, to It comfx.m each . tht f.,llotring W, rr.- : Incliet lonj;. l:icbeliU. Inchc thick. 8 8 n.JLCRAL. COLLEGE."" .0 1 Ii. f r f '" ,fir-1 Le I Mt-1 uu. l:t..l..,I, I. "J 1 iHil.t - V-'llilMlUI " nil tjjc AU, tt 1.1.1 'f'' I...J tx UYS CBEEK iriDtai. 7or.ror.Ti-. n,io..n, 1 d.UM ? ...... t.l HCa II I kl.it . . ' 1 Mackcrl d ft 1 1 'lat(. : , f.?,""- kctl i& ilKt. Tixr. or louiti c ittdi tV- CM", 4 2 1 1 I 2 1 4 3 o piece? cacli S I 34 ' t'.O ' 34 34 34 36 34 ISO 54 54 54 u ii ISA lOJ 13f 15 8 151 la 171 2J1 W bite Oak. V ., -! .1 ),., ( .J M. .... i- . .. I .. (hif.tt. .. . . . .. - -.... v A ir ,r. I . . I i . ' .iv.Tvr.ii.. T .. ' - ii 4iurr. Mi. I . . .... a--i,!.,.,. ;.. ,i , . - " I an r l .h . i - l IIIV lllrlir ,1..... . 'picN of n, ilUeiinrtil aUi.lj ,'r.d Uatu 104. 9 8 H 10 II it t.n l i tocurui- lK-f. ro , Wi r n c",,,c'-' K.bet d M.JC U(h, Iff re. M f. t I tlt'l , eo J . t. M tt,. 31 l.u. i.a4 1.1 J , llv.t.t' v.1 1 lie t- it ' ' l 1 "'Uin.any of U, ail..r " ,u" Illf'llfA It til 2 pitces, each loo 40 Maun 1.1 'iVi Ti". irm c.at C :o ie rompotcd each of tl.( foUoumg JUtxe in; li 8 41 2 3-10 5 o Large end, "l u ii .... i y i man cuu, J 2 i . 1 2 " 1 50 50 50 40 72 y 40 40 i) 1120 t3 8 8 4 8 4 4 4 30 70 78 84 60 40 14 42 52 16 32 27 4! 0'J 44 42 42 I H &i 5 G (J 4 4 5 14 ?J 7 17 17 17 2? 171 2o 41 31 C " 0 ' 3J 4 31 1 3-5 " 1 13 100 " 1 13-1O0 " 41 J 2J Hukory 4) o.k 3J 4i 0 " 3 4 1J 2 13-1W ' 1J RounJ I 4 t 31 1 31-KKi-i i 31-dm r 1 ol-loi j 2 . 1 31-Dhi t.,t coa-tvM .7T,h: U-'" Hlcr . i.Bc. of . , : r; ". In .(... I, .... " .. J"'wr" " r-lra- h'-e mean, of . ,uZ Z .ZJTr: ' '.fu""i- : cheap' v r . ., " ' " ""I-"' ' r )0,U I, " ' ' ''"Mr m 11 1 JO 1.. lo ar. I M.iWiii 0,!'l ' ts-1 sets, tu o, comfot. I uici . tUf I, .',,,,,,,,, . laebes l,,tik. liuL.- , Inch. . tl.i, k.. pieces, each .v'.i ;;j tl' I s feet. h.e per-.,,,! r ..,... e .. . . '"r fc.enl, of hf. r ,i.;.. 1. l-'-l 1 he excrci-e. f,f n, rvv Tl'i:t i. t t. ..... ;.; 'I" J l.."Mt ! . W .7 ."...n.Ury I pji tna. t.t, k nit e ;k It,..,,,h u,f of in,on.et.t G uitr I frci.rh I l'ainl'hjj ,tr . ... ., ti . rt;.,.r . Mr....,:i .v:fo, l..f M.ri,.tl Di.t,,7, s; M - M N VIC. J.n 2 I-",, !W""r-,",:,,H' T.u.i,.. lo.j TtEIGHTIKO On CAVE FEAR RIVER. T a inc. tin" ..f it,. ! ... 1 lratitiC I he C t .... i- . . .. 1 M. iirt.Jl . a .. r.l- I .-cci.tjt, tn lint..,, ,f J .,.. y M,r.h Res..',..,! TJl f,, . hr f j ..... . ' ' -j -v I t t, i it r J . .... . . . . l - - ' . . i - , i W md tb,.,fll .;, (.u LrA . tor.tLl.LT' . u -. a.-. w.t, i,n. nt fc. I ika l...lr j. i . 4 a. . - wwm.. aHril. K a .... tillarr.. M " -ithto f all. U. t,.g , ffu t "o r er .K . i i. t ' i-.''. tbint 1U I.st.n l.ek. Jjii,,, ..!.. 1 . ...M 1 1 'I ' tin 11 j j 1 -1 1 i.i i 1 ' I hi .1 Uv , tn , u i , tttt tM..'Ml t .-j. t4- uti M-U.. tl I I I lit: iii.i , , I .. 1 M , , . , ,1 tl , - , ' I- ....... ' ' ,? tt.r to. .. t I '. . M."(" m .4,1 ' Ok A I I : i . . 1 . . . t tw ,4 jt, . , ,..7; V; at II .r u. u 4 tU f- n l t. t .ut1 1 i ,. it . . ... ... I t. t. i-.l ,t - Jtl.i.ll Ui ll 1,u , ... ... il . tlim.M . i. --)4-t ' .' ii f n,d i" . 4 t iui. 1.1,. . , it Kt.si - " - I ' --l i 't i 4 r .. j, 1 I 4 ( t I 1 I. - ll 1 I,. I i . ' I . I. . I , .1 .. i , 1 I i ' 't 't t... .. t 4 TurpcntiGe Axes. iO Dofi-n nprri.r Tr.rtH.nlnr 4,( I- 12, I "'1 fU.il uf H"tK Pocket Hdok Loq. 8.35 a 8.G0 8. Hi a 8.::-3 7.85 a 8.10 SUGAR T L l O S I i .uu u, n m i oof . . vi n ILM 1.00 a 0.00 Porto Rico 9' a 10 40 n 45 New Orleans 8 a 9 .70 a 0.00 TALLOW IT n io , 1.00 a 1.1 0 TOBACCO ! i.?ai a i Manufactured 121 a 40 WHITE L'D 2.50 a 2 75 WINDtlW GLASS S x 10 2.25 a 2 , 10 x 12 a 0 4 11 5 .WOOL co. bar. 51 a Do. wide 0 a Encrlish 4 a LARD 121 a 00 Spirits Turpentine 35 cents. Yellow Dip turpentine S2.00 per barrel Scrape " 1.00 " Flour not so brisk. .50 .75 14 a WILMINGTON MARKET, Jan. 3d. 1856 Till MESSAGE. We publish tlie President's Message entire in the present issue of the Anrus. . The great , , i . , , I-. T.ir tf.ntin f . We note a decli ne of 1 5 r t-i nprl length of this paper, excludes our usual variety, . fj ,.tU qua;ities . with saiesyesti'dav oi 9,HMods but we trust the reader will be pleased with the S2.3-J a 2.;:o f,,r yellow dip, and SI. 35 a 130 for ha ,rSo vrlnl. wo. liavn tlmitoht moner to pursue.'1 of 347 at $2 35 for yellow dip, and $1 ... .. - g, i i i It has not before happened, in the history of the (jovernment that the .President s Alessaie 1 1 1 1 10 I 0 1 1 4 2 4 2 per bbl. ds. at hard. l i: for hard all per bbl. of 280 lbs ' , Spirits. Sales yes-terday of 80 casks at 30 cts. per ; gal. and to-day of 30 do. at same price , , , , t, , A.OM11. catea yesterday ot 3,, 00 common, at S1,0T mrtia .1,1 1 t'r,i.nt lif,,... hntll Unncoc nt I nrftrnij tup li-nr lililo VT ...3 uv.li. e. eu e,ieii iuiu aavu.. vvi..ii..,o ....jiv. u'nc, v . ii i .1 ' i Tar. Sales were organized ; yet, sucn nas oeen tue case in this instance. For this, soni applaud and oth ets censure the President. We think it a mat ter of no great consequence : but wc imagine the House can take no "action on the Message before a Speaker shall have been elected. . As yet, we have no more than hastily glanced over the paper, and, therefore, should not feel at liberty to ofter any comments, it we had room, T have removed mv business sin mi t in the present number. ! cetitly occupied by my brother Joseph, in the Post r i Oin.'ft r.nildiiifr cull, i.t, ti o. 1 . ThP tone of the Mrno-r. in re at on to South- I ,., ,. vV ' ':l .Let' wnere 1 w"l Tar. Sales to-day of 175 bbls. at SI. 00 per bbl. Mc,AIICHTllm XjONTliACTOnS AXI) BUNDERS. rayctlevillt', , C. January 3, 18-jo. 104-tf RKMQVAL. - j s.iii.v on ne .uattrass .Making and Upholstering bu4- rn rights appears to be goolT: and we mean to ' ncfs 111 a11 Its br.-mches. and keep constantly on hand ,ive the Fresident credit , wherever we think it IStuS1 l Uroce"cs. Confectionarics, Segaas. aay be due. At the same time, we cannot but JACOB OTTARBURG, Agent. . . . . .. ,i Jan. 5. 1850. in. cm civ may be due. At the same time, we cannot but remember that much of the agitation now threat ening the peace of the country has been caused by the encouragement given to fanaticism by the President himself, in the appointment of agita tors to places of honor and cufohiment. Eut more of this anon. For the present we have po more to say. -.- -ea t? understand the Cape Fear River is completely biside it&lf. It is running around the eastern end of the Cross Creek Lock as bard as it can tear. 104-3t NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day entered into a Copart 1 nership under the name and style of ANDREWS & ODUM, for the purpose of carrying on the mercantila business, at the stand lately occupied fr atis & Wil lis, where they intend to keep a general assortment of Pry CSoods and Groceries. They earnestly solicit uli,n ,,i.i:. i ; and promise that they will earnestly endeavor to make ' it to tho iiitjii-uL-t i.f l.nt r' .1- j . .. ....v.v.Ti ui lucu'.ineiius to aeai wiui tuem. Call and try us. ANDREWS & ODUM. Robeson Institute, Dec. 24, 1855. 104-3t BgL, The December Term of the Supreme IVntlPO Court commenced on--Monday last. Present. ttip v. -v. . - J x'wv-lui lilt, subscriber hnvtnw iUtirn,;.nJ o..t the Chl.ct Justice and Lattle, Judge. Judge j earnestly requests all those indebted to him either by Pearson, we regret to learn, was detained at ! m"1! "t?u.nt.,to come &n:. ?t',e e first , V . . . j o, iue papers w. ll be Lett in the hands of J . w ... v iy 4. XXI it. 11 J U , vo 50 40 40 30 4S 42 30 30 40 41. 5" 44 44 48 42 42 ::; 42 4'. 30 30 57 31 41 32 30 32 7 y t 30 10 30 14 30 110 108 108 50 40 40 38 40 K'6 108 104 104 10 40 30 40 108 108 42 18 42 108 50 5G 40 72 9 40 4G Large end 1 - ,n . 1 1 . i iJ- W"4"" U-4 J so 16 32 27 22 44 22 69 44. 4'. 42 i, -i lo 3 8 "9 H 3 4 3 o 1 o ) 9 o 2 8 10 12 15 15 H 3 3 -I y 21 24 14 15 ll 3i 3 U 11 -i -i - M i i it i , IX'.I. tn His.;. ,.ti , (, tl, I tl r i, (. i I'.-t . t IV. . , j . s :l .l.f.l ,..,, i. '.r tt.r J.'tH .'4, ,u..'. , t. 'I f I l . ... I. ' ' j 1' 1 ..- , t ti . i a t. U f.tb Mi . '' J ' ttt i. ; ,1 , A V ...c Il.K.t.if . - ' ' 1 -Ik 1 , lb 1 it Kt'Uu.i.i ti, i i , ' 4" 1 ' 4 t i , i i s. jo. , ki .. l 4, ...- :( ;. . Saul, t . j. '-. :' si I xt t i ....... . . . ".a. 'i w.it. ..j;; w. J i u Vclt,. .. Jf 1r .. ... , l'' tr tu.-lr ,,. ... . ..-. Sl r ..O . ..... 1 ... ....... .ii-.. .i. ... . 4 :i. . Mb' 1. 1. M.U HOODS. CiltOCXKIMS, IlAi:i ai;k ami ( 1 1 i.rjjy. f . . . Lt .fct. i.l . "fclVa.V """" ' iV'H"! UOT IIM I. it . ,t, : . . ,, i ....... IUaMU K a. A. . lla.lL 4 1 a w i tj . II 'Hi. r.t it.. ItJ I UII .' 1 l: .. i ' I. i 1. 1, v,kj a- i i i . . i I t- J U ' ! 1 ii r-. :...u i f J D i. .. 1'.. -. 'v, I i ,t ,T,r, , f , the C,p,. 1, ,r ;n, r j. , JV '' 1 c rr t.i.at... I villc nt l'l i i ', . , I,. . ik. UI.I rr..,,,. -:,. ., V I ' '- ' ' ' '( M.:.c f- ! 't-r ,!.. Li , f J... v- ' . 1 , t I. -.r :.t ; . , , ; i . r !u lion t , ' (. I tfl .,t I rati.. femti'li' fr tn :.n 1 .fr.r n i... ',, .. V ,-.f I- ;. i i i ... .1.. ..... . r- - .... - M . iri. 'ii ln.ilt.iii . f .1 imr. I'ai.ka. -ltrl. Tiil tl,.. f .. i- . . r, 1. i at i .1 D Mcl.At P.l ii.;.. ...... - ..,i J4 f -.'"."Tt. , f ! . r a t 4 t ) t, In., ,f I t tL .1, ! rOHEMAIVS Patrni Iron TIou. I 4 i t. ..' i tl. at.,. i ' t ... j ti. r tn.lat I i: K v . . . ? 1 1 (1. I I I .. 11. f 4 i J ''V 1 1 1 J ar, i I .r . 'I "Mir 1 t tu ninT sali:. llfl; -. .a. t t in. . I .-ll U 11, j ., H VI K ., ! . V Jt - It ' 1 1 . 7 1 1 4.H I.U Iwit l.,rt,. i.lin.i l . . . . . ... - i, .., . 14,4, 1 l o i... u,j i ' ' ' 1 ' ' I 1 .Ul -I U.4 ' ' ' ' ... I t .. li.t , t . tl Ml H . 1 . t I . -u It, V.-1 . ).... -Uli lit m p I- 1.. 1 1 ,,.,., . u, ,. Il-ll.l ' 1. 1. . I I . ' i 4., ti. ' I.I O I .-, i ' i. h 1 1-. t,( i.: ii . n in 4. . 1. 1 rlH III oi ,' i ,.v , . I -J I. a-1! , it Ti I ' ' J ' lo II t. t. .V t tl. I l.l -7 k. 1 1 " ' - . l.i I.kr Ui lo. i .....j h t 7 Wnlnut. O.k. I 1 Hickory. Oak. lllr rltr are n-.v rsritir.- at tkrit . a f-j. rii.cn. i i. a lar f i,intiti of nmr flu. ill Ialri "li !. !-, ,....i I. MCk lHull, til.iih we off. r !.. f. r r.h ' " M. W. Mc Ml: Mi Valuable Property7or Sale. W 4 r5 Mo i i ( ii 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ii (i 2 tH2 f56 i it 1 1 i ( ii ii ii 0 H &i H 4 4 in 21 !i 2 6J 31 3 3 3 2J 13i 7 9 9 2 3-10 J1 3 2 14 ?' 17 17 17 20 n 20 Making j j Walnut. i 1 38-100 1 3h-iO0 ' 1J n 1 31-100 Oak. 4 3 0 " 0 5 . 4 2 8j n 1 38-100 " n n 1 1 38-100 1 3 3 3 n i G 3t 4 " 3 1 1 13-100 " 1 13-100 " waln't Oak. 11 Walnut. Oak. 8 Kickorr. Round Oak. 2 " 8, 1 31-100 Wal t 1 31-10O " 1 31-100 ' 2 Oak. 1 31-100 " 2 " An. 1 .... iii n y t 1 rbrunr) t -tt ti.e .t.. r i!t , 1 ., . ... ..... .. i..,. l.,lgc. K b. . ,, . ,.,, thin ,, liUt tj ouitS .11tlV4, r. .;r It ,.. in, if-rW I I K1LMIM. MILL. ,.h .1! i!t,,u. v. ipKtc. c,.r..l mi, ot Tv..;., . c,r ti',,:,, i . oo t , 1, n ut . n crijs made kii. t, i t, day of tale. , , W. A. I V , ecrn,l, cr 1 K',',. D--' i, la.mi ror, .villi;. r,,E '"-iVi ..fTcri, f,.r lale fiie haalr,.! an I ;. i ly nere of A I.I" 1 111.1. I. I), -iiat. l on the l.wi v roal. bear Ltjn.l-r Drid-e in th 0.....HV , Kill.-.,,,, Tl, i. , rrt t .h:,,,.,. vl by lhe Uu .Arch.Oai l A T. Sr..n. .,H a. ..cL t.-eturaliy kt.o.n. lt .ell ..i.pi to U ftmUl oiefrn nod cotton , p.r.on, , ,.1,,, ,., ,,ulrb, p-.ptrt;. ,., u.m dccnpi.on r retpr, tfui: muted t,cll aul fxauuiie the prruai.i-. , W A. i: as Dfccmbir IS, l-,;,. lf i Carihagc Iiis'iiuie. t"HOOL will I, rcutneJ in ILU in-tiUtion the 7 n of Juimar). 1 a r. ii lack, rtir.cij.ai. - , v M ULAt K, Ati,ui.t. vrthage, Dec. 19, lW,. i,,..4t Jvjroliti.iiii copy 3 timc. I 1 I 1 , 1 1 I, 1 1 ii ' it, ' 1 ' 1 l'l 1 ' I IX i . 1 I 1 1 i.i.t T,.,, t ',;.il riiiii .l.i ll,: I 1 1 1 I V'lijit;,., , W-f ...a ,t muUtt Il. ' w 4. 1 .i ... 1 tau ,1 1 . . 4 Wtt. ,.J tllf.U.a . r- I.Hf - " i i., . a u !l tit.11.1 . ..m , ,,, . , . . .... Jvix tet.iL f. i tn.' c.f 1 .it C J .1 i f I ..ltl .-J I ... . 1. . TitKi Tin-j-iv j n , ,,r , d 1 Ui- Ik 1 tuttxi jpin . 1 I I f tl. 1 l lav-M 4 ti,r . tt ' I t tl t f tf. 1 1 f . I . I t'l j 44 , - J mi, 1 I. ctf.J U-. of H.r..,l !.... ,. til. 1 I f .uli- ..t l j t 1 ,.! t , r..T,,fc .tl, ..1, ltJ ,.,,. U. t " ' """' ' l it, : ,- O.i.f ii.tiui.l.-tt,,!,- IW ttrc-i. .,,, ,rf . J potti.iti.t-ljt. Jt'liv r 1 iiM k f r. 1j I it 111 1 t 11 - ----... 1. 1 1 1 . i. . I, iu. It-' .,t.. 1 i.,, 1 tt.J 4-.t .,. , , I I. ' ' J t et LOST. t)1T c rn'ilti I a and ln IG-IOO Iotar. ' Onr Iliutdrf d ATTOiTICN! I1;VJ,,'nU' - at ti.t J'.ulVHn, ...... , ...... . ... w 1.1.-1 ' ,,'t 1 ivi t , f Hal. llwail a at rt t It It , ti tfct.4 4 I S. M. THOMAST IT. VI IK IX I lool I - l... ..... ... I - j 1 . 1 , r j, ; . ; . , ltr. IM J.lfc ;,,. , l.i. t . 1 'i.i .... -w., i-Vt .;" t r, V ii , . , f.-t Irvt.u It I tub i J' , . ; , f t , p.v "c 4.IJ (l , ir.ui ii.j f .r uii n-.i. r. LLi ' i' Buck Wheat" Flour in 12; lbf bags, Nu '. tf STATU OI' RTI! ( HtOI.l 4. A N 4 1 S iii 7 j 1 : Thcb-t. Gt:irJfi.. l . f tiUtu ..:...:- 1 1. s-. f it.. am J i; u K-r, I ,,, ;tt,.n t.wl.iii-c. Jtc.J..... , , Ui ( lui a. t 1 aa - . , , 1 -it a tiu. :!, P. "..'. o f.-t M'.t;tnci1 11 if-o ii lb fc,.ir..,, , , joriii'"(., .1 J ia - .... H n.tlmit., Hmr4. I awll. a.. .l lit ttlj ttifcU. ,.' 1 ,., r r 41 c-y . f lc-a. , f tt,. . ... in . . ' : f., it,., ct, 1 lt)llK ,r; i'T V'.' " '-" - f LitUN .ii.t.. a 11 1 1 1 , . U i v;. J! liu Ir-lrr-. I Friends and Customers ! Tor Ihr -otid lhu a.-,,. t ,9 Largest, Cheapest, aid nest Fash- Ready-made Clothing t.Wi 1 lit "tt't t V O.i t FANCY AM) STAl'M-: nnv ;oons. -tr.;.:?.;':;;;; I KUUI.HADI CI.OIIIIX. 11 ' 1 ,r t-Jf U. ... ,i, r IU, C.,.a, Uonnet., B.K.ta .! hho. Uftr. l'- V ." " " 1 oiton larn., hervey., IV.anltt., ., Ac. c Cseb M laarr anJ Giliim ie 8i., F.yrUeiUlr. X. c -..M..' O ll tt Hit .J 4' SUE OF REAL ESTATE. !.797 GO-1 00 feet Y virtue of a 1'ower of Altrney u. toe eitcull by 1'iter (J. Ltarm JU.. .o.t a..i. . . . -.. , , . .... , (.jvj ,n , l. l.ffrtMrr a Ofhce of Ihe cuntT of Mwrr, I .t,! j ofr for aala ou Toc44ay of J.eiary Cowrt, st lk, I t rt H..o- d.ior id Ihe U,wt of C.rlk.t.. a tear of Ial.d uttuauj in 4i I county .f Mocre. c lUm- lrtnch, coDUmii B "He huu4red anJ nlty-lwo a-r narcorlca.. Teru.t. one half ea-h. lb Utttti a4 -oi oi lactic monllia. lod with at t.rc..l -, i - tr t u t. . . I I'.ltm.i, .t ii.. . . J Wio A J t.o J'vlre. anJ l.v.tt i.U. f. Ik- atil ait 'if V.. ., I'lea. ait4 (Vvtattrr i-t.. i 1 vh t tVt j ' a I I i HKt, mt jail,; a-l. Il, t,J art Wo UacJ Ititrr c J.taai i,, jM , w )J, . lart.l. i6t'n tlli U. Mt.Jc;, J ktl li-. , i..4t4 ' f-tl at U li ta H.lr... J. k.l.. Cni ,f c tt.jr.uiltl crao. ia w, lb 4mt. Vl,.tt tf, ,. 1 IK.. 1 1 i , t ... t u j .t Tf Itt in't.',,, t,.a an.,, , , k. .,.. t , tj.;i.H. ' r 1 1 I t l . t 1. 1. . l. M i... , 1' ' I. ti I . t. f I , '" ' I I 1 ..... , I t. it., ; , ,.t u. J I...L t.. I 4 t'iitl i. .... , Ii i.n. 1 1 i. f t ' till Oa '4 I i . u. , i fc.U ii. . lo. f- n,j l . a tr 'I i. Ii 1, t. I., t. . . t, i , 1 1. 1. . t . i l .i' Boys aUd'ServiLtv CI ihiu:. a.i.M a 4wi tfc,.Mi, L- 1 . . I . lit Jit la av V 4 a i tt. I tc ,. "k .0 B, Another Seminole war is threatened in ! i'lorida. An exploring party, under command of Lieut. Geo. L. Ilartsuff, 2d Artillery, were .Attacked by Scminoles on the 20th ultimo, about ib miles b. l. froui lort Simon Drum an Attorney for 'collection. Carthage, Dtc. 26, 1855. IL TURNER. 104-4f Western Ilail Road Office, i Avy. 29, 1855 A N Instalment or 5 per cent, upon the - w ramaavat v ia (, tl C l'ltil fctock of thw Pfininnnr ia fnlLarl v-.a-a j viMivu lOr. m, v ,, . , l . . ! l':l3"able on the 1st day of October next; and, also There are but few of these Indians in Flori- j monthly call of 5 per cent-, until the 1st . l ii. i t , ...... j dar of Linn,.,-., l tt.T ...1 o. . i. t . ... "j nucii kue nuuio ituiuuni will be due. By order cf the Board of Directors. JOHN M. ROSE, TrMi' W "R T r -- - ' ' V- AllUlUllU A. J- IU11 da; but ihey are so hard to get at that they may cause much trouble John McPherson Berrien, of Georgia. at one time Attorney General of the United States, and for many years a distinguished Sen ator in Congress, is dead, DCf ?hc . Legislature of Massachusetts met on Wednesday last. F. C. Baker, American, was elected President of the Senate, and Charles A- Phelps, American, Speaker of the House. G-lt-m'jtl857 r A CARD. To the oters of FayettevUU mnd Cro Creek DUUUts J. R, McDONALB OfTers himself as a candidate for Constable. If elect ol, he promises to comply with the law and perform tne dunes of said office to the best of Ida ability Jan. 5, 185G. te. ' t; rc.mrc.l. Dec. 18, 1K.VV JMt MANMMi. AU-ry. D'.'-li' , -toese may ny gotten in two piecec, if one piece "" uv f"-'"" -ituDmuoiu. ii in two piece the lUmenaions 15 by Ii. and 114 bv 61 ' tThee nieces niot he from mm,. L. '. - . - r vi ti i"ic grained, and entirely free from knot or crakg JTo b bored through ia the centre from end to end, j with 1 J inch auger. j The whole of the aboye timber roust be xawed accu- , rately to dimensions, except Oue followini- : 120 piecea i2 by 81 by 2, I i F o.i a n , . , l 'i iiif rtilntf at .r I . .-. i .a i- piccco o uy o oy Z, , , "V r.ao i. tae trik t-;.i,n r- wmenmay De sawed or men. and n,it V- ,m,n. i '7.:"" februarr, A. I. U-,. and straieht trrained ' ln1 ' ( IheCoart nee an tV.' (,rMHKKLAM M Ii:itlOlt Ot HT OF IiAIT, Tall Trrui, 018 Hotor. J. W. Eili., Jodje (.rrndmr - Il t. cr. 'Irri-.l h hi In. nor ll, .1 . kM'i'tit ...... tf-M I KK ii tit i ot KX of L. W and KyfJH i h,l- . county oi , nml r:ao I. the .,ii. .1 . ... hT.iTi: or titTii noi.i.A. ANm.S i nt Mf vtf t f l.,ai :-.4 efr. ,. rf ., i,. yt, 1 K.'. tli-.a flolV-l- On r t.? J.rt-t, ., i.-.,, f. '4l1 llm.A. I I l:lsiMNt; odiui.s. I li'fl J..3jt. I .',, 1, law U laia,A . Jl It must all be cut from iknft.. t.. e.n. i t... : 'rrrn' m each of the nevtr at-er in the um f V. . .u ir.L , - J "'"-'.'. ictitl uriWRD elU"ilU " tite 5th of June and the 15th of August, and taunt , , , b straight gramed, tough, free from large or unbound , ' '"' "''-. vHl.Tw. baviBt b,.,BeM t knot, -phta, wind-bhakes, heart or sap. No old or Z . ? n U" 1 ,,a Ioci,t 1""l u ttUa.1 brash timber wiU be receiVed. i P-cUy. " ' ti Mc Uy in Fchruarr Mil ' ne t Urt JIa0ie in layetUtilir. It must be delivered at thin tm.n.i w.r , Of December 1856, and when delivered to be ! .i 'lne"t Jcs.mi T. W ardea, Ovk of w aaul fourt. ,,lr" Qati fWc, t,, w W.H fcr closely inspected by the undersigned, or some i-eron i tl ,' ., 'Tpu'T'nc. eeaih U4ay frr U, f A. U Ue CWi M-I. W.diit,-. authorized by him. me i erson i fourth Monday in September. A. I. 1K.V. wrJ Mfdaj ;a Jaa.ary et. lira. a.j i P.irlo 1 1- ' .. .. JI'VJSI' T tt IfJtitV for. IiImJ . . ' I . a . . I"--WJ Bids may be made for the whole amount, or for a portion always embracing a complete number of nets. k urther information may be obtained on application to the undersigned. " 103tlF preTet Mjo L, 8 A Com.J(, IUO AND JAVA COFFEkT"" for sale hy w u. CARVER. Jioy. 7, H u I H MTlRCHiRriN - -'4-'WaaW oniiulaiilou mid roruurdlug Mcr clmiit, r , f - WU it, ii. C Jaaaary 10, 1855. 6S-lj Jara lvl!rJc. i . (ta , fr. 1 iv .l.itn, J. I'.,.., tj ..,4 j , -ft, ,tl.t, '"" I l'-f1il t I ,(. ilattt.1 J.,.,M rrit. at. l it4 ALt la..i .(r l it.Uc.tt Mt'iail tl aprneC to iL iti.'i,,i , .f ,t, rtfi ' JnrtnitU Oal. n f iu. b, ,f . - , r al Ueaf 'ntwuk ;"lr a . a i titoIt t . yowl Ue Uaaiu f la MttU II i., iij t4. j ty Ihe IVwri. tiat ttUifiiKti W a.i f. , wk, , ia lb otta Tarsia Atft. trrr jUJ,.i.t.a th. Toa cf l.teUrt,!-,, nt., f n v (.ttlWjte U rff Uf ll. Jn.r, ,f Ue r,t ' I'lia . . .1 il. . M . ...... " -- i . t It-r Ub. r.l, ' of Attaun at it. f ..i 11, . i l i i . . , 1 1. . . . - ... T W XjU , ,irtv,1 tatwrr r tSrwtrltMij i t. . r lU U rettKVrttl lal lit rat.. I' l kita j WiUttw.. J.f k Wii.. CV,k f ct niJ r.H al cfLc U WaJtt-jfc, lie WJ M ,da la Oct. , kr, A. l. lK.Vi. ' N JO. IKJA Wrl..a,, I I .I t .ij lUi&feTED likVAUk CIOAJJI, aur C4V t.it .. 4.,t . ti... i.,, t. .. 4 ci 4ti: uut-rr. Always ca hand. AM lull I.K rifKAp A CfMilL AfWtiiTlati:;ir cf M.Y (Jonlis (IIJOCEHIKS WIHES t LIQUORS. 1M 1 ait uf aat I if. ti-aii 4 let 4i r-afl . i - -I I 4 It t r . Hay Hr,kw tWk m A it it i a c k Litxarr