a 7 k i i i 'I' .) n r x a i ana i aa hi i ihi a i r a t a i i i u j u i n i r aa t wm i aa . i aa i aa . i an i ra .sawn , .... i.I ,4 ,'4omr,w.iC4Eu)i ,rnuHitBB. M? TTr" I M4 .! ' ' ' jrcautvaB VLuujr,' - i "JOIIH T. CAMERON.'; 1 XPITO ASD, ROf RIKTOt. '. fkm (MM, 4 M fuM 4aH r WMtmtfHMI' i' ' 4m irtfi Mtnt i tar Ww M tkaa rM, fU IMM IM '11M"T Yli mm Wtf lt!taa n prn lWm4l M H fmr, Mtl Mm Miim W Uh4t lainIM l mu Wlbr ito ilitrwtoh X li fw, ti uvr will k aMMiiMMiK U IMP Wl Mt Ml ( Um (MM. IM HI , 1f Mm .ink. I 1 t rwnuinlM I II 111, I4M IglB IIMIIIf WW 1 1 .' UIKI Of AATfjmMMl ) . KuMltoa, . lOltNtaMtH . , ,,, , , ,,...,, . , f 4I MIH I'nMMl lu rt laX r J ml, w MwtMn MM U rfl.l.m.l OMf " I I". WM; Ur MMGlir - Attorney" nt Law orrin o ou iTttrr. . Jaaaai?, 1A4 1-17. 1 ' ! . COOK to JOIIN'SON, f IMPORTtilS AND DEALERS IK v Ungliaii, German, and Amrricaa Hard- ' " war and cuurrj. . JaaaarylO, !'.. 1tf . Worth & Utlay, Forwarding and General Commiuion , fc Merchant, - : , rATETTCTUXE, W. C. t. A. WORTH, M. CTttT. Tahaaar , . ' 7tf " A. IX Campbell, 'Auctioneer and Comiit$ion Merchant, G1LLESHE STREET, ' f tf tttrilU, n. 0. Vah'j 10, ISi. : . "(Varies Banks, CCirUCTIOIVR. WnOLKSlLE ASD RrTAlt PEIB W aAMEKSI TKKT. rirtttifllU. it. 0. . J'aaa.arl U, :: ;;S.;:M. THOMAS. . , v 1 ! . - - vaiLaa i FANCY AXD STAllE DKY GOODS, nr.wt-n idr -ixTHita, VaM Capa, Ba-aat', Bv"i aa-l fKM. Plia4ja, Ctoa Yaraa, Kany, llUakru, ., e. CaajBaajaaaaiTaadOitl-aariafSt,, f.jaM"iila, X. C. :j. a banks, MERCHANT. WIXMTO, Mas la-U. 4rlb arvliai). I Oi ly .. 1 McLAUCHLiN i CO. C0XTIt.CT(IK3 AMI BLILDKBS, rairttfalllVf Jaa-anry I, iW . 104 tf J. A. 31'EARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AMJ-ada Ike CrU af Caaiberlaad, lUmtlt, Wake, aad Jabaaaa ddvaee, Teanr, llaraelt t , 5. d r l4y IEUML 'COIIBSWS -WD TOKWABDRG SEBCDUT, jintmUigioiu c DR. Ka A. BLACK, OFFICE FROST ROOMB, OVER or. J. lllnadalc'B ,s- . i.aeiaiM ana ana Frbeaary 7, ;,..'-. , ;-. "ANDREW J" STEDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PITTlOliOaVt.'. f. aWai. Win altew. tk ""lr "J Superior Coarta of Chatham, Moore,, nod llnrnrti t oumi laly 14, 4M. T9f JOHN WINSLOW v ' : : Attorney at Lnw. PJU 0 .WA atifo of Hn ttrttt.; aTATETTETILLIii 9 lyeaWar, J84. Vr i7el sandford, attoexcy ad - c01xsell0r ne at Br.3 HaB'a Kew aa Bew Street; '1ao5-Wly 1 I. B. Hortjwa. v aaaar ,, Ww. H. Rvajt, Taoa. W.Aeiaaaa. f.i 1 -n ; ' Hopldns. Hull & Co, ' ,WHOLCSAUi DRY GOODS MERCHANTS," n:99 Baltlaajarrw Street, --' (Oppoalio Hanovar Slreat.) ' -v'-- BALTinO E. MID. Fakaaary, IBM. ' -j-lk.it: I -c'?.'i if matdw t$f-l ' ' ' frill 'art Jvi try ta-V.I-iV T jPaallaaUr atteatien paid to ,v ' " t antra- DRESS GOODS an TaiMMISOS. Www ftrwwt, lalftwruw. - . 1 ' Valuable Lands . for Sale." fPHX BobwrlW, Wi dcoliviM of 4ola to lb 1 9t, Vera lor mU tin following tnteK of Land t Si MaUioliif Miuci Aorw (ixhl p Uml u a vraiy. m But mm riornl Callt,' Main the UH .f Julia H.lkfr, Smill UeHiU, ktxl Mbr. iw im j ianiatioa on wMcK it aow nU, oniala. In. Tlirtf Hnndml aJ Fiflr Atm of Und fuii f which I clusntj u4 in hltrh (into or fult'.. iif o l two Untj d-tllinc M( til lM4rT M tUMw. ' tfi isnd Ii niliut4 . tlrv4 milt Mat f rioni vwii, .iiiinj Un luf ImdI MUrtbar, Jul MeArlLur and 4Mb. Th Uif Usdi r ta a alubiy mpoctaU aftiboHuMtd, and n frm wbbmf to b.y kpd aould da wM CocaU im, aa I w dataimlawl to Mil. . ; -- JT aut jrioa, auld I will mU U ahova hjadu to 'fh- MdOar ThnrodNf , L bwtlisain lMllaai day, II floral t'4.11. a. .' MRtTOB J. M.LFAW. r. . r rfaa wlaLiag f urtaar iafurajatKia Mapaii. Ini Uta abea laadi mi adilma iLa auWril t uiup-i, HouaMM Coaiijr, S. V April (,t8M. 7alln7AaaAlr: IWIU tin rrward at Tamry riii Itollara, far baafirhaiiiofl and drlirar ta taa of wit nacre V JOIIU, who ran kmmj fraia ana an tbetlatof Nan a laat, iall bay la at). I 7 JMn old, wl(;l,ing about lti ar IM Pvandi, aboat Irt ft-H ( m- inrba waa. - JUHS UaOONALU. Uockiagbaaa, April 10, IMA. UtJ-lf . NEW GOODS. MOORE & BROTHEB Ara rac wring a Large aad UaaJaaaia tttuck aC SUple and Fancy Dry Gools CaivUliug at aUaaal Mr) tbiag kepi la a Itry , Uoed liar. Hi : Plain, Plaid, ttg d Black aa l awl d Silka i lirragat at rrarjr 44111117 aad prut , Tiwara, N whik1u, Laa, Cbaliiaa, Ma.lia IiVLaaM, aad all Iba UtM alalia) af KMa ; flinabaoia ; Jaaoarl, Mall and awlri Mutliaa; a ina Mlortu uf Kaibn-idary ; Ku!, fie K and Silk OUTf ; a lart lot 4f I.iare Cwnliria and Hltk lUndkarrhiafa ; I'lain, Plaid aud Kmbroidcrad Ornna rihawla: Talmaa; hiik. and lrt UantUa; lloaart Hilk and Lace fabboo; !'ara aola; Haar, i lata and Hal. bar Mima ; a lai fw latnf IlitWr) : r.dorrd aal KUek tlaitan. Walk ing rbaM, t aildraa'a Kkoaa aad UaiU-ra, kt. ALjUi, A Urge atork of RKAOV. IDE CLOTH- l.lli, for Uoutati and VotiUta : HaU, Hia4N, Mttxra aad Pbnra. Anl la fart, tnr arltrlr anai krpt Utkw Ifry (idida Uim alKh we intite Ibr fan- lie to autaibe. April. . Ii;-lf Beauty, Elegance, and Economy, combined, la lav waflHuaviriaKl Mack of n. ana READY-MADE CLOTHING. rr (ivet-ewra. 1 alia aJ rWija. r uitMaSii (juoi)s- Mack la I'rraa ?ulrl of Frrnck Fan' Licaan aud tnr plain Iruh L'nrnv Ac WraW llatai WJ AtaAkrat HiiOT, UrMf IrlMm Mllrn ar rary ttetiyKyn, 4 Ui-rlit l'kii--uo.i.irft Making in all the Laignat I brapctt. ao l llP in.uir.l aMrlaeat af tioada, in tbia tnucb-of buatum e ir tabinilcd ia ibi. Market - I waaid rcMtilly aolicit a coatiaaanne of the riU-eaai beralof-ire ae fllwTally nt. ti-ie.1 tu no-. aiil hare no hcMiaiom it aaymg thai tLe ir.uil will b a Mtiafacturr oactu my cueO.iaar. tiRUKf.r; BHAM'T, rtvulb ride llav .'-t eel. " FayeiiefiHe, S. C, Aprilio, '--' I lt-ia- STATE Or KOICTII t AKOM Vi. t - r-- jHt,EMBi'i-t:4i'?iTy. C'ml J'lrf eaa ijrirr &uitiu, Irftn cjr Trrm, E'lubetb ftaaacr, Caleb Orca and wife tviiinryfrrd, lleur Saaur, CJie lwr, Simon Silo t and wife Kpajr, l,ioiianl Liaig at-d wife Maty, Jewel hawcr, and Ira ", ve. - Matthew 0 Si.acr, Ailai'r oa the elate of Fieilenck fawr ilrt.nttj 11.J tno (r, 1'rtitinn fur Aci-ount. . It appearing to the rtifarUuU of ike Canrl tlia the lefeadant liraa !, rida Iwyntrd the litniu of tkii Stale : It i or-IVrrd the Toai-t, that bli caliiia be BiatU fc Are neeJ warka In the Nartk Carolina Argui, notifjinf the iwid Kan hw to (. pear at the neat term of the Court vt I'luai enuU'i ir ler Heaalona tu tie held for Ohimliua IV.unly, al the fouit Hear" la Whitctille, on the accwod M'ly in May nut. then and there to plead, aawer or aeiaur to ttiii petition, or the eaiac will be tukeu jtrr r.MfeMe and heard tt J"rlt. Witnea,, William M. Baldwin', flevk- uf our aid rurt.Blorfio,tlieeC'iiid Mmel.ty it Ki lruary, A. l, I Sol. W. M BAMfWLN. I', V. llrt..'w-i,rf4il'lo. MESSRS. GR E E & WEAK. Wateh Makers, Jewelers, and MLTAIlOGIlArill-HS,. AViSG awiiiciatad thetiiaiilve-i tjifretlier for the pui'poae uf carrying oa the above iMaiWhea of liu-iue.iW, wniild reipeeilully natMinaw ta tneemiana of Fayotteville and rumiuudiup i-oiliirry. that uii-J have teeaid the 8tera oa the Null VteM corner of the Hold BuiUliug, on liny titreel where they are prepar ed to (aerate ordera iu Uie above brunches in a catiie factvry aad workinaiilike manaer, and rexpevtfutly ee lielta a lhare of peblie patronage. R. D. GREEN, - , - 1. 8- WEAR. -,' , r ; . A Card:., --, . v Mr. R. D, 6H1.ES,' Wtttrll Mtaker, reapccU fftilly begi leave to return bia thanki to hia very nu Dieroaa patroiw while having chnir of the IVatch de- partlnent ill the arm of Meaar. , Ucaaly tk lleuytun, HiJ honea Jhe work done by linn ia Uie paat, Ui be a lufflclent reouiuuieadattuu for the future. V, tt. All watchea to be repaired .will be taken apart In the prem nee of thexewaer, and a written es timate gtraa ef neneaaary repairs, which will, be war ranted for I we ytara. - . - . . April 12, ;ti, 4. " ;. JlM . -, : Cape Fear Land lor Sale. Ttr evbaoriber ofTen fur aale Taa rec llaadre-el anu i:ighty-avo Arrow e MSB on lape Peae Kiver, beluw tiejlth a Ferry,- ia Cuiubaalaud penary, running with the Biver to the Uadi of Mn. Bred. . . - - A Dortion' of tie land na'eleawiTaud frneefd. It"hz Ii well adaptnl te theenltlvaunaor eorn, oaw, ena uie ninal ernpe of the rle Uud. The part aneluared baa ea It eoiae good iwanip, which May be easily pre r . . . - . . .. - . ,..( pared for uaa It will he anld oa a Credit of twelve atantlta. aoai wiahlag to buy can call on the owner nt thia pleee. a .1 a- iift?fli ft u r falaal l,.tlirrtrardTft!t- a n ' .' , 11' ,.1,.". ag rai la-piw-a wpppaa, any mwure icm.- aeitoerata, eiit&i,'nt w-fl roff iderotl will : t"g r- e-rrii rim grTige, .hj du p-riuit bar Tniarlium Trejn,ai wea wrt' -".. 1 . KflV fATAM. XaiVKU'r .TUT "rV ' ' "-rV "" feitow-eviraa f)al vbt cd a" wajority prevti! ia other tl.tnaa T Sup:o' UH to be au.cndi-d and 1 ut in tfcet 'hspe with eaateavrawan aa-l ifeaaet HMattneb4; WOMAN- . . , pnvh-je, wherrrer aad Uw theaaaM Free Snrae?, ioatead of leimr dr'eatcd m the will be accer table to h frwooMer f Tho ?-"rL.L?:rI . a.V ' . TT1V :!. M,.k.n,.,.n. ealara. tk, Wlnwatr a. ,n ! eonenHy w.th the r. e. of jr, fi,l'vWe at the rat aet-ion had ; ,,,ed. the hon a r ir ni Jlar.in ha, in hi, h Med to il4.MM. L. aafnll : ....l,nn,ia ...d iaa f trud.u illoa. .'.wwl. ?Bd regobted walikScMUr, I rre-nme would ,,w 1 -r-Mionnca- wrr that part of the -uiu nt of tU Senatot and "Uat. lei aH Uaat. a lew awr. af " TUB t,ut of tba' fact that the IVril hiiaatlf :ai i ' """V J"" I prjititw to repiwl what 'the people had cW- 'rpt.e, p4nt'c Ut to him the'tr-jurtice of TaycttsvUIo I . . Jf) CROSo, So CM J . , Tha fiillowtna; aaaa, ShfrlUoa S ,.)!. . IracUd from i tolomi ei Foam, f u , , ofjiad: , , k.'V.,' . . , .. , , '., , , Twa iti, aad !a a lowlj rneai , A atadiitt at 4a aambra louw, ' t, Twlrliag libi lagari N Ua hair, ) ; ' . , tika mm h) favarH f tiaafair, ;' ' ' Dafera hita la aa a(i h..k T , i eWaaaa WM is hli li.Ti4 iak ( ' Aad aa ha tracad Ida paaa a'ar . ,, Foar laldaawordi lilt aplrit iWe- ' ' J -. . : Wa Areaod, la daatk-lik ajUnca, atood The furma of aaaar graal aad (uoJ- Propkata, aiarlra annJad 1 4 , Dtara patriate whe far fraeduaj tjird 1 ' a-. I - .. jt.A . - wuo una aaauiaie, ' Roanniog Iba Woaxlraila ecrull of Ma 4 While glory roand UiAr ,il,ai .V ;, 4 U rta'i arum tVcifT'.n t a ai ,4-ifMiw"Kw' : ' Hard waa the tuiL tbroorh Mrainai !, Fur one aa yoong and worUly iont; . ' r . ilia booka were precioM, tbeagk but few ; And eVatUaaa Ara frooj lltartn ha drew,. , Ueart-arariad oft, ad evorwroeglit, Ha pUaed la tbnbbinf tinea hU thoagbt, And aiid hi toil Urn areanad to be) The loiea aUaa af dutiay Mo eroaa, aa arowa, Sometiaxe hia aoble apirit taraad Aad oft be jadgd bia eftVla raia Te eroaa tba barniag bare wT paia. LiTe cap waa daakwlwith bitUramM ; And tkaa he tkoagbt of Iboae et aid, . Whe carved la brua Ik Me werda of gold .Ve eroaa, no erowa. Tkry fvaglit tba baitie, bore the eroaa, ' ' Tbal truth Bight nerrr aaBrr tuti ; ' But, tllu the trmprnt eradied lower, spring Uimafth tliaatura -the awrtyr'a J.iarr Sgula that, while beaconing the fraa, Hank like a Mgbt-kovae la the ara ; But from their grate Uirir riril cater, l lb-Hag aorua of wingtd laase Ho crvaa, ae crow a. Aad thai he woke tit ptrit e "trinf Te niatic'a rare iinagininga j ... . -. j. To lot and frrvJi., nlh eod riglt, . ' Jnrlice aivl marry , atari ef ligtil. O ebirfut Ml tbw icvMra fda I'pua kil worn brart'a Iredrr chord 1 ; ' Im Jnalk tb m w.rda bia Ij int bvrr, ' Andckanla thrm etill far rnrBHre- - crw, Be stwwb. . 1 Tkii be tke tatto tif the btare, Aad thia ti e aaUhaord of the aUre ; Tl patriot'!, with Iba "p!e r-ooru ; w The nartyr'a, with hia garlawte-taiara. Whtr aek l win a anajtr, W hiTrr toils f r frardam'a faaae, Wborter banian tear waald dry, Let (hia frerer ti li cry e aroe, ae err wa perform in llwr world, aad that all thitii j wiHtld g wrong if he were idle and neg!ewd them : ' , J lu the dayi id Mohammed, there waa an A,-b , who had a very prtH'.y wife. The Devil forwed ' himiaflf into ao exact and ajc-aratc a likcnem of ihirhuabsiidthitalieefiii.il not, for the life of I her, tell which of the two waa her huafaand. ' Uoth claimed ber, that , tho rcr.l lnmband aid - the Uovil in biaiuimosa Thecaai- mi iu-d luneh ' intensat in the ncihbarhood, but no fcilution uf ' .1. . j:dc ...1. 1.4 i. a . 1 . l luouiiueui.a niaiu urvwaiucu. niamiuirae Was brought IxToru I.U Majeatj the l'h.nihet.- Monaturaed, after a iilile- tvfiaction. held up a cerUiu earthon pot in hia band, wicii ap-ut likes a teapot, and aaid to theni both : Now, whichever in the real hnaband will enter thia vetnel by the apout and tho ct..blili bia claim to the woman." The I)evil, having mw capacity in that waif than the sturdy Arb of flush and bone, imiuedi alely ente red the pot aa ituggeeted. Themomeot he eiitored Muhaiuuied ci,ed the top of the pout and ahut him in. 'But by the time. Ma haiuuied had kept hiiu ahut up for a few d.iya,it waa aacertaincd that the world waa getting wrong in all it, tuachiuery.. Muhaiuii.-d was therefore eonst rained to let the lcvil out from hia place of confinciiient to take hia neec&sary place in the uianageincnt of the affuira of the world. - liut before reatoring hint to liberty again- Moham med extorted a solemn proiuii-e from him that he would nnver trouble the "fhir eex" any more. but confine himself to what he could do anions! the " nude aex c ( UDsfrvuon aru Aciouunc exptniucni cnn.un j a-l . 1 . r t a a . 1 ly eotmrm the fact that fAe u nonriaW, nndrj!,!. Jr,) acep- If then not atccp enougn, tne Drain m not. nnorwneo, and like everything else, when deprived o(.!tnfl,i cieut noarialinient, withera and wafce away, un til the power of sleep ia lout and the whole uiau dwindlea to ak(n hud bone, or die a nitniael, " The practical inforencea which wo wiah to im press upon the reader Arc two , ' , .1st. By I1 nioana aloep enough, giyej all who are under you aleep eiwtjgh, by rei(uiring them to go to bed at aome reguUr hour, and to get up at the Bjioutaneous wakiug in thi iiwiiiing,. Xvoi waken up any one ei-peeially .children,, frwa a wound sleep, uiilo there is urgout ijeciwauy it is eruel to'doaoj to prove thia, we have only to notice how fretful and unhappy ii Child La, when waked up before tho nap in out. , , :i' 2. If the bruin ia uourhdisd during sleep,' it1 must have niont vigor ia the moniiDi. hence1 the iuori.inh' is the beat tinifl for etudy ; for thef, the brain has most strength, most uclivtty, and liiuatwork more clearly, It is " the midnight lamp" which flootla the world with the sickly sentimentalities, with fabo moral, with rickety theology, and with all those ha rum atwrwn dreawa of hnnian elevatiun, whiub abnegate Bible ta'chinga;.4,a (A. 1') J-mnuj . JMik. -, A ThilaoVlph'ui punster aaf, that in -view of fhe universal fun made by the AiMairjcsa press t over the birth of the 1'rioee of Algiers, h$ pn- , 1 ! 4 poses thai - the title .of -tba illustriooa itranp-t f '"i.i 11 t- .1 .1 1 . .1,. 11 P.,, J A II uuum Jli (uaaru iu tua i-ioiin 1 , , , . , , , .' ' . :l j.'i , " ; t jaue-U mle 'to toe- admission that a diaiioutive j - 'I'nsk aloou eej; moving.' .. i - t-H niaority of one buadrcd and nineteen thodisand I '.. , i'. .. -i. ;-. .... . . " Fc.nr.ttAL Ki'Ikit. Ie dalivorad' in th F!or. Id IIuum' of PepWaaBUtirfif, J8A8. (Ver - UtiiB.). ' Nr. Sr!tT Sir, our follcr-cftizMi, Winter Illi'irink. a rin win latale'a maniKcr of ikia L';iaUluro, ii djd, am re died resturduTio the fjrcnoofj. Ilo Lad the brown erotunatid tum unouuimoo individual. ' Ilia ehatucUtr wi good up to the time of hi death; and he nervftWhie vnice." He wua fiftr-eixyeara bid, aud waa taken' aiik hoforfl he died at hiV hoardiiin hou.e, where ; now or hereafter to be propped, and U booonna ' S-.iViti). l.j Uio bill offend bj tli Senator frg' ' bmfi can be bad at' one aoronf j five a woik, 1 an iiunicnee majoritjr of the froe pon of North Ho4 Linfiam, providing n'mj.ly that a! wh4 v . ' waahiiirand lihtj including. He waian ini-oaa "Carolina to enaire eerioudr wfictlicr tliry ero t fr. fticmbera of the Jlouae, ahull ilvi oto foi--oriMtor, and iu the earl part of Lit life .bad a 1 txH taking an eitcnaiun uf atifTntjre at a very j tueibbera of She Btnate, the landholdrr loaot hit futher.aiid Duither. lie Woa aa officer in our J frreat abriJriiiett end aucrifire of p4)liticul treo- prrtedion apainst hi land boin nneqoally and. Htata militia nine the hut war. and aria bravo doio and Bnoalar riirhta. ei-txtifll! when nil thia ' excraaivelr-taxed. The i)rotrtiiin in .lata ,m. I " , . - - - . - .4 ... l an ft land p 11 iu, ana nil oncie namtn uigint, oe 1 lonc 1 to the revolutionary war, and wa eolu ' miimli'd a hflcoaiit by General Wtithinjrton 'Li-t 1 rM'irnt ani eonioianner-in-cuit't oc tne i.nny nnj nar t the Uui'lfd Ktetesi, who aiiiWatl in iiij jiii j 1111 r j a ntv t hi Mni 1 mj 1 w taw tatiii m t at 2.-'U .r-r-l-fV ' ''iN LI ccsibuula, inu .wai liBiTifd alter Ina Ucutfl wi(U'.t milifarj honora, and aereral guna, waa boat ia Bring aalutoa. ' . ir, .M tutor Ppeaker. Sir, General a'hinpton prcntJed or er the erwit eoutincntal aunhdru4ii and politieal uietting that or.iiel our 1 mtitu- aiM nie Mr peiiatora f " nr not commit Hie wniiii me aianncidi r ri'taini tin protection, that tiej . and he war indeed great and good wan. pftmle at mrt fro into convention on the Fed- J they will be ratiVfit'd t 1 -xpet to Lear tie free--lie waa fuat in War, flint in peaue and fait in the 1 end bai.a, aa the ainendmetit prorxa.? Hive ! hnldtmof all prtia alio sent me here ety, that heart: of bia country," tho' he waa in furor of the frre and vrjuial auffnrr, wipply, by ciptwi ooii-, tbey have no ol jet tion to all eutitig for S natora. United Statea Hank ; be waa a friend of educa- tittitional pnn i.-nm, a fair protection to" lands j provided you. in making the change, give tba laud thia, and from what he aaid inajiia farewll ad- j airainat unt(U.d and exorbitant taxation, K-ttle j the aari!C pntccti.)n againat an nnctjaa) taxation, dreai I have no doubt he would hare Toted fur j all rtiCMtionf aa to oonatuutional amcnduicnta j th.it i given to the alavca. Hut if yoo hare dotio the tariff of If he had been alire and haln't i and reforiua in the ccorae of the next year, eavr the one without proiiding for the other, wbk-b dieJ anraetiiue bi'fon haiid. Ilia death waa eon- j a dangeroue prcx-cdent, and let the popular mild could b' so ea.sily done, we are difaticbVJ, tod aidcred at the tinie aa rather premature on account In-eoine again iii t and mtUCtd with their own ! in the arlr"ii ja of Fenat'tra for the next Aatm of ita being brought on by an ordinary cold. ' ConMitnti' atill iu thvir lianJi and under their j bly. we will try to aeect tntniben, who bare re IN'ow, Sir, Miate Speaker, auch beins the 1 own control. J pnrd for j'iMirc a well aa eina!ity, and who, . character of Uenerai Washington, I motion" th .t We ware red crape aroond tno left arm of this Lesialature, and aJjourn till to-tnerrow morning aa an emblem of our renrmet for the u,e uiury of . 8. liigL'ina, who i" dead, and died of the bro' eretora yeatcrday in Uia foremen. fl'EKCt! OF JOHN A. GILMER," or ociuord rut sty. iiELtvaakb 11 thr rr.rr, On lk l'k TrmUr, ls4, on iff mofon of Mr. Urmliai In tlrtlt oil all uf Mr. Hft, tf. P'1' prurulttvj ftt ttr !jj,aje by Lmjuin- prevailing, however great that Inajori;? may I, ; (uffnge, that ti:cir lar.d.a hid! te rL.itd AjXk r& ., Uf. r(htvi, l tui tmmr.t anumlmml, : it aiuiil Bof be ruffii ient ly larg! to carry jua! fijoiing with polls and the Lr'(;c fl.'ive ow n- ymtiMmf for Cvtirmtum. j the prorrd iti:ndiuct:t thtnon'two acce-ire i era. In t!l ain.-enty. I ttileiit to the crnsidcra-. " " Aciiihli(. l.v the n.iij'iritiiTt prescribed and re-! tin of !cnatnri, aud all. who fee an iutcmt in Mr. Sink it; I ana in favor of the Uadin? ' rju'red lv the j.Vntitntion itM-'if. He eecua to '' alaye penTtv, and it.a peaceful id J j r:r et.ov fwcieioa conuined in the bill introduce by the j be in dread of having the poj.nlar mind oi and i a.rnt. a it is my iiitereat and aiocerecwretrtej henalwr, (Mr. lioyd,! the exuiiai.n of antragi. ! r'pr.Hnlly agitated with' a ijeairt a chance or ever ihould, whrfher in:- . biH. .in iu prerrnt propr!y guarded, and granted in a manner aale ! alter Ibeir organic kw. U he aiucerc Io bia shape, ia not ealcntaterj to excite fvelinga, jctj. . 10 repuoMcan ireeflixn. 1 eoneoive 11 not proper mat all life whit ttnrr-na, w no ara allowed tojtnnei: llave m the nlcof the State, through vote kr BiemWra of the II(Mre f Commona, i ibeir mciLOvra r f )nt aw-aion t,f the pi men.! A ahuuldaim be allowed to rote for Senat T It ae-1 lu-n.Wv, do ided agninrt tint very rc?nu? ''In oxd entiruly wilh ley f-e!ing to permit ali, who . what wnd doea the Senator from Martin now ruto at tle ve boa, to iah-o at the othor. If I tuai-t that we ahocld p thin l.t'll and rtrjict the nothing wurr. than the externum uf autfrnge waa .' amindiuent ? I' ii not on the ruund that a 'f-rl"l by the bill. I would be the Um to rauat j maioritr tf the n-oole haie indicated the!r ami. wy U44 ninet it. Kaiaed and cilaanited aa I have been, it would beeoolrory to my indinatitMj j relume it mv njnoort. I am aware, will cxtxtne me Ii 1 T: 1. ... 1.. i awia wit rtriiu.' ui tiic luira inner ci uicti'H'.iBmi the oirt Btija4arid illiboral niierppreacritationa ; aa tuoor true, diignaand firp,e. All thia 1 ata willing pntieiitly U bear and endure. I have a duly to tM-rfijrm to my cmiititntma, and th j Mft mt I-l.i ,li.l....M ,.r ftl I. nft I -Mi, M.. u.jiv- ui.nrfiuTT ..i . n ami, i j doaire to explain, ia brief, why I am'er,,.eed to ; the bill, aud hi favor ot the amendment. I admit, that to amend the Con t it 11 tion of the Male, in theulHnarpr.p,ai-d by the-loll, is clear- j ly aud "oiruiol ' within the etpre- proviaiona of I t'-e CMhtHutioo. - Hut to ttii iniale We have not a yot been aoiamitti d by any prwede-tit. I hope and trust we never shall be. 1'recedeiit.a have a great and powerful i. flnenec tui wen aa binding force and effect. f.r good or for evil. The fuudamentat maxim of Atuerican freedevni in, " that all political power ia vested in, and de; rived from, tho p4-tple only " 1 hia i al.o a part of our (.'uuautiition. How raq thia be true, if the people, at utn-lr thi-mirfrrt, have iriren up I m p-ji winMHiu a imi"M!. . a : awiiiuoiiai. t aociioneti ri'nrm.iH ari ne r- . - r 'iu. lie n:- 1.01 ai:.fiiinit-i E; ar;wtT (uta. their power and tootrot over their fundamental j will the people have for their ('onslitutiiin, a ht-n ,' of Conmuma t and n- f-re he geta through he falls law, tiieir iShititulion,' to their (.leneraLAaaeia- j it ahail beeo!tie mixed and co-iiiiiiiiuhii wiih the np"0 the WftTit A dJiv. belabors it, but ad bly, their (Jovermir? reserving to theirraajlve j ordinary hailation of the country ? If th,1 vs-1 nitts tluit in if, four vears ngo, this biaue wan di: the lueaial privilegeof saying that faVa ntharr, j tern ah.ilj onee fairly obtain, I would'iitquire how tinctiy made. .'.He l.f.U up tbia address aa Con or lAy ar, Wtt hurt, thia or that which three- Inn p it will continue, liefotw soo.e Cmrruor will Hajwa twinetliing d;-r, ruua and twonatrous, and fifth of the members this Senate may in their wis- j at,i,iuit to the Aaaenibly the priprict? of app uit-"J. 7 readT. a he ia at rea-H-f from books .mi dom and gracious fondncehsitftn auhniit for the-ir ap-.j ing Ceaiiaiiasie'iiers to rrvi, nt-ti qiAx thi; Stat-1 rvlVwi B flfl,'J' n m ddrcas, and pointi provat or rejection ' ' 'WouM this h' reMrrtns all'Iutc. but thr; ConM.m-.:ieo itself? ' '-ont an wrt" thereof, iliat ! -e iieotna .objectionable p.iwor in their own hands f I'ndertliiarnle, eould j any .onger 00 truly rant mat au political power ii vcMed in th '-pvopiV ? The Senate of th'i j t tilled Mate ha taa -.power of pnasmg on the niauiiiMMiotiC ot tne 1 reaiden.- - unt tj the ex-1 j ercisoof thia approving or- tt'iectirtg -power, can j 1 the Smiate atn-ure what they want, their own 130,3 f Can thi-r by the exercise of all their " -ft. . .. 5 r KH.uro' th. appoiiii Hbat , hey deem boat-onali tnient or tne persons they deem bcfl qualified" to o'ise-barpe the duties ot' the oftie to be filled . Can it be tru'y S.iid of tho said Senate, that ali the appointing power Is vested in and derived from them onlvf Let ua once be committed by precedent to the ! fi47iti(M mode ot amending oir fundamenUl lawpthe Constitution of the sovereign people, and my word tear, it, it can no longer be s-ti.l 111 truth, ''that all pofitiearpewer is te.-ited in and derived trtun tua peopio only 11 the people I of North Cai-oHuh en never have hny amend- j incut to, M altoratitina of, their t'onatitution, ex- j Cepleiich as i-hull on a final vote, moot the ap- j probation of two-thirdsof tbia Senate, nrtfttjiitil if w,tJiey are, I presoHi8,-Je froe and itide-! pendent than they have heretoflirean;ipeifithrn-j were and, whether they e realjy ef(j, they can-; not bo induct, to enquire too soon. ' To my j mind the proposition thitt aeventoCti St nators j in this ciMtuber representing (as 1 will presently 1 show) only one hundred ami nineteen thousand , of tno mbahttauta of the (nate;, should detent the, wte of thirty-throe- SSenatiws ivnivserit irjpseritiilg the j hundred and 1 una nnh oo voice and titli M hair thirty-three tlionaand inhabitants, is monMruu Can any true reptiblienn rest ensy order auch doctrine Const itutional freetoin indeed Awnr rat with suck prpolsr aovcrignly! ! ! At ! much as I have -ever been, and ever expect ich aa'TTiaVCrtPver been, and ever expect; I be, oppiietHj to nieking the f onstitutton of the ta, tba ttlladujai of r liberti,ea, depend on Mie sodden ly f.WMed mon and tnrraatsl opin-1 bin of n nuioritv lif the voters' I would nn-fpr inbibiunu, hiught ia their tone ml'arlri(r, . wilh and 1 Intial 1 inutr'Mwntuen ncniror, WiouLi control aonlvcJ n rliaraeur, actinj; for rtntes, ni (rovern ioor hundred iA tlirtt-flvt thwenar.'''' Ilia eciiplv of the while I'biun. en rnm,. Kit. : Liunfiwith rbeir tlnrtv three b'emujri. 1 1 I f . M l unit be laid trt ha oat lit tibtre anil bau nrt am'- tion toaiiiuiilepmpraKtion toarnenr! ao i f0V tUxvm rote for ."(.Dityrr. Hut h um4t t" in mind that the) method or nude, to wl ahull now winnu'iounMilvia, b fir.ccJcwt, v. eitod and inaWed on aa to all other auieiidmeuui , I 1 C7 ' 1 J " . t i t- a can be more caaity, aait-ly. tltcsplv and oulck 1 done bjr adoptinw the' amendmrtit piopatrxl '. Are faoatun in earneat f ' 9 thej rvallj wixb tn et all ita fur Pane ton t Da lh arn.li ta kave flic OrirUt-jre extended f; Ifeu, then why um nu"pi 111a amenunicnt f ia 1 me popio TVf W-ifAO W fnpt tntun their i'.'H'y.n i c.iac tl.ey want one." )oa.any onoluuU j the eomention would give thia verj nw fuf- fnigepropoaed bj the bill, and that, at the very nej t i;lctmn for meiiitiera of the jenffral Awk-m- i bly, all who viMe fur uicniln n of the Ilnuae, wuulJ I I am fur exerriing and giving tbia riLt to ! "te for Senator to all fjualifinl talon now. , ny anoimig ins anienuniciit, ana tne petitwo ae- 1 air it, tJiey wiil ci-ruiolv pet it, and a tlurl n-i ..i . ..... n-, rimr. j u?n wny mit, at oiic, adopt mat course j which i opeedy and ci-rtaiu T The ,uotion of 1, n a v.... ..i course and conduct acconl a;th hi own doc- wy for it? If a u.njoritv ia to prwil in aeeur- ji,, ly legislative enactment, whr eheiuid nu ( mcrvoi a intflf.'ixth tnjiin,r 1;? een;t:iHV 1 uiakc a difference in t!ii.N riNpect ti r t'eii-i j;:-. .-i .i...r . . 1. .. ixmatitutio'nal ticatWna,--' If 3 de-cii.n is-ma-fiv he in ltvi daiii'y dcisirev, then it a dele; 11, in ation that he- will respect if a'in-t him. it 1. entitled to no considerat:on. ft T ft? I - L.ft . - . . , .nr. rHiaKer, is riee .ornie iiie ,n,v tion of eonatitutiuoal refmn thst s it.ii,"-- i.U '- 01 1 likely to acitate the ronular mind W 1 , anxiHv of a wirhttTde i.t the St it,:, T . rfei- t; xi Juatrcet of tho l'eaoe, thoir Judgi-i, Co.) :rv iVr. Trearurer, .Sex-retanr of Si ne, au.j a l,ii uuiunt uovcruor oe quieted oy it:e or ttii- rroc" f th" Sua ire Hi H ' He? f Mr. 15 irsr. tl.i?t and r.r- gaew, that br legi-l.-ttive enacfowf.?, the Aem bly can fubnirt-bnt one fpt cifi-J ati cfl-iineiit nt me time, tiract thw to be ewivti, and lu-). fair ly and toiteatlyit thi ngs as they srt, a nd"! w.-xiVi at-k when are we to get rid of cj.'istiuiional que-' ttona? How long will the mtcm of Lw-niakibp and Constitution amending eontinae Sh:i!i arty nan living nee tue end ot it 7 it hat respect We have evi;r cvnaidcred the ""ronvi jiio'n ti .? " aufe-guartj ot the people u gnanttitt iiLr.i.inst 1! abase of power. In' e...nS.ru'iitt with' this' in..:.m'- the people have provide.! .-n-.J re-ntfetl'll whom thev trot-t wftli txiwer, from the, hi 'hct to the Jow'cat officer, civil or. military, to-titkffa o!e nii -i bath to siippott.it As long as the 'pivnle shall keen their Constitution: fhe work of their own, I . -1 . . . . . . . . I in tneir own nanii.v. ana umier tfietr yirn con- trill, eperate and distinct from the ordinary les;- i.-latior. of the eoantrv, Je'gislntors, jbr.ir servants, end themaolves the Aivnivigos, we m; s c -xpect tho Constitution to ayiswerthe nurposesforwiiich it was 'fm uied and adopted, c, iniiaiojii!;: (he ven ersitionj it deserve When it shall pi into the, hands, of parttah legislators, irs reform Ail-end- ment to lt influenced by other ijin s-tions of leg- M.itiiiiTt'ei'Siiira the l'mt hall of partT, party an- 1 rree .-'unrige, py ieciiinre ina tment, taa ' w"""g tne inxnoiijom, wdo own land and H3 once had it cottitOtional tiat an triiJ. It ; alavca. or land nd a f.w !ave, 1, ay be V illcw peH one Ki-iiin of the Aweuil.ly. At the i all their neighbor to aid them in the el(rti. m-xt, it fat'od to get the., rejn!te majoritia , of Senator, I conceive a chLn-i, t Li terra psny The gentleman from Martin. (Mr., Bij.-. y one j tie can net prevent, will rr-nre over them in re ?iFr, rtrmi M be ternbly t-lanued at the iMa ! lation to tliia scljc t. and inclire thim todensrd of the deliberate and 'i-tt!ed will uf a mai.iritr : that when tlii-r viel i to 0,h M': r m. r.aior. ,.( penis and pam-ratt-rcS-ms-te Tor and against, and indirectly to iii-ti." the pruepecta at the' ortU the euiess or defeat of this or that reform in the CanilUia K aili-autl, and to repudiate the 'State's ' organic, law tnnde?' to depend 011 party triumph' SAilAriotwn to t is work, and after the feeling or party defeats. -Latilicip'utu a very 'different j and views of Western men luei been lmtragev, state ot tiling's. In. fact, fr? . Spciiie-r, : when I mid misfepreaentud, Western lueiiibets, under tajke the oath of Senator, the idea of comiiiemioitJcjttiteiifteft of tho occasion; did get iiti;ther, toilliwith ti' tinker with and amend the very it vtoff5, and pnhlish that addrets. And hero Couatitutinn, which I have sworn ' solemnly to U .H'dd ciH attenfion to the fact that iu this support, is oontrary to all the ideas I have ever f neettug were none but western gentlemen, Wbige entertained of constivntional free'dgm .ftud legis'a-' nitd aome Democrat-. Tiieir ckliberatioua .werij tive responsibility.' The Federal Coiiaiitution, their ownexcl'.iwve'y wetcTn. They ware Dot made to define powers, granted by sovereign States j checkered, iiiduonced, or modiStid by ooniereiico to a limited gtivernment to secure the welfare off all, may more safiiy be altered or amended by tlie action' of rjongress and the'ratiScatiem of the I Stales at State. rheoldea of a uiajori'v of the people of the whole Tnim altering or amending the Federal Constitution,' is at war with thevcrv i nature and character bf gtjrei timent aeting for I Htattia, in all things ''otireivihcxirpt .so Tar as, ' (for the common food,) they have yielded power f to a governntetit common to all. North Carolina is a conaohdated government, tteiaaaUalature har-Jot.er.the. west; according to tho ivaeul aeeia in.. i.w..r to makii alter. limit eiton.) i..l r. i i,.isrf.r'f5 ii.- eveeiit4Nl and rarru J out. The - "r I . , ---1 1 - ina) her cojnUcs, and, irt auienijing or altering brr Oonititution, xbould be cautiona in following j . - : - : .-;'" , IE1!8; TWO P0II4RR JK iDTlKf i Whole No. 12!, the rimlc of t giirrmmeai limited indOircvna 1 f . . . . . ' 1 n Stole Burnniut acting for all the VfirtWiiolina ia ore coiinnuoitr. I tia. . , aathe t'unaiitutjVin now $tanf ; A. tj an etprM f fovuion of l)f, awured naTiiiwt oncqoetl .t. mm, fki ia land bv the tiroem.' ' alonu elect the raemhrn of thii . J I .V ' 1 ... .j ' fal . . . . a rrtt rrniiiina. The protetinn to land La retool ed. If H La deemed ncceawry and priper to prc tect liie alnroi, is it not rqtiklly nocaaarw and proper to pro'.ect ia like Diannir'tlie landa f I J Senator belicte that a lieu we go home to otir no . niiiaiiiueuin, rfic irrinra, ine Jmltiirf wrj. c l4rt1 tV anf Wbtaew we-' . to- darn, lirja. itiatvarro - cleftioo, and therniidi.'riuT)dihatwehata" ? act on fon a plan of ve ifra, bj affich II ' rthmVed all rcatri-tinh on the power of the Af- renibly to fax, their lsudn, (now at a time when the turn of the t;ib; are tu be irreatlT iucreaaed. j when they jrire the latter. bou!d aicnre the fot- j tuer. 1 cannot eoncfiveScnators rtriona n cx- . reeling lui, in nirctnt snst. tote "wnc tioned x the next Senate, to be rlictcd. by tho i a 1 i . 1 ., ? . . mnuncjiucr-, irm a no tanas all protection la levying taxes ia n mottd. ii'.wcicranxicua aad 'ii- ft a 1 1 1 . j cimer and dnottwiona tnucb B'cre to be dreaded, tl.au any that eonld evi:r smw rut of the aaaerr?- rmn! titfered by tne .'enE'.jr frr.ij Orange, (Mr. rirahara.) and hy which the ifvr-Uir from Mar tin (Mr. l!ij:gs.. !"eeu.i to draen icto iwxk bxrrora. If it is tl. hcr.t, sincere diin of Scnatori to c-cuisiiit the State tj the lesri-latira tr.odo 01 amcnd.r.g'ue Conitotion, aod 1 v p-aer -meal to keen the coni trr s-iiafeJ for csr t ..cjie. lead- tba that Sen- ' from tho II !!liJ Hi if'rr Jn-tead of :,ir,.T- Ho retda iiJica! rrsolutioM a ! - a'ti'L-ry at tba thi be ra: :be war crv d cement!, iiie.eii, ahi , other jut--'--et. If-. hveU Whi; tint :v, r..niir.-!v Ull-ie' tl.i tuinreiMsoa he i!e:roV! d tU.jf v',. it would be a an-wer that he ought to He i.i evidently aawillii!: .- ' al eUthuti' j,.r a! but eoulii uet. ji- that hwpct pM;e.-t . -hjuld be amended or in any """wav - mcenret to w tne wrvrr. He laiopTs- cd 10 the h:il n-s-naiirg a abape that woultf be iiio;t rec-ptii'ic rn the. laud owners and certain ir r1:) r- hurt to its leading feature, keat it might aprcar t.. the freemen f the State, that 'll wis dom and foresight did not bclpog to bi" own par 1 ty fiendf lie wiil a.vcpt do aid feomtbij aiie He aeetiif detcraninod to ruJe or rnin. : r - The Senator ftntr- M otiu .truuea at length tu shew that now,' fr-r ti e fit t time, the fcne ndia-tiiK'tly-miNh?, Five SuTr.".- by legialative enact- pient. or, a free ani!--t.,i-.-.,r ted Convention ctill id cn the federal bnsf-i.'Jio br-sia of the II n.? or -ti-'iit:if ur. am clad. -Mr.- r. that the Senator, in !'.iftkn to this sddrea-. icsented, eervmed ami Rebate, It cii'lej ; hen'tofi'v ao-uitu h mi- alorO-1 1 a::i still ti re gratibed thi ' sJt. irivioc this, paper hi littciitiou at ! .awjew ''. cacnot tind'any portion of if, which he is prepar- ed to conuemn M.hy did he not do this H J ... I . ft - . CI . -..- J. ' oououck-, e-i u.on- -4ini caaiuiuauun, le-uim . a 'different doeumenLfroia what he had uupo. J, j having fonucr! hi opinion' of .it from the fuUe, ilt'Q- r.ii cad fnju-d criticisms of his owu party prc;s. ; f It is true, thrt fonr years ago, after tacnsltn .in the other end of this Capitol, coming from the same section of the State, iu which resides the .cnatr fim Martin, anu where his opinions An 1 iiifiiience'S rircvnil, had attempted h1 resolutions and - lntereuurse with the eastern men, ryfws auj influence. And after ail Uiis and insist upon ni.y tliieg that ills, tUtl ll.i y agrco wtu rad eal, rev--- olutvoiiarv, or dangerous : Did tliev intimate or insist on a cliaiiue of ttw feeler; ! baaif, in tie House of Cottltiwn? Xo, wr; nothing of that kiiid. Did th.-v insist on the ahite bn.sia in the Senate? NoTTTi'fy'' 'histsted; eii.no'ioeli tbingr They s-fctit i. iu a fair, open and manly way, the advantage whuh tbey ionee: d tod ensl iwa ' - . , ,. a -ft.' showtd thnt wtwr-hstandiag iie t.jse ana till. bxtal illui.s to the rjutiary, thei aera ior . 'J- V... 2 ii I -a.fa.-wira ,-aaa, m t. .-r aaa -t ?a- -"Wjj.'J- ?f yga) s.eayrafaaa aas aajBiea.aaa, ,a.