4l & JoA f.CiUl'M.t.. f.lWO;. .-- : f Y JOHN W. CAMERON ' -i-.li0iToa jXP fiomnoi. 1 f.i. r, rtaau icvt Ttat . Tt tMtoaxM tdnmi f fwalar. ai4 lflt tMk If salf imHmf tJM W f t IMWvK w KM Bi IX wr f lninltli M. itnrir" fivif .4 SW was pastae1 use -ea, auMtfaM J, MM dl-Uiil lUIH ll (DIUW paSA, ( it th ol-. r " -wr : mfwrnmi i 4 a-eea ttat pesaa a efceaU if th fa, j ik .'iawr www wi.va.nw i i . pi mm wj J;:: : TayettermVftf..'6aardia Jane 7. 1856.' ra-r-y-ea ": nv:Twowiu,AnM i.irTKfr. : WhblTwi 125, mrm, mm ta u iu muul Mn in .-t mw ' r ii i i r ii i n tin . - I f , f - mn tmr I f'ltllal aaUl ilwtkM Vf SUEXI GOODS, - rnctn ibpplt or ' ... mm axd mm .goods,-, BCAOr.HADe.Cf.0TI.ff Of HO FT ' Wool aasj Inhmn Half, , ,'.. la great varirty. I complete HMrtMl at ROOT aad SB0E.1 will b to band la few .tart. All of which wilt be disposed f M WBtasie BDftrf H0rl HTM. ' IT AAA WILLIAMS April M. ,( h. , l.'O-tf teem or AittrriMi! M-aw. f aea Dms r uw, (UwtM.) M O tOMIIlii IM Mt.li'- OXl NOTICE. TH4T m lk tl tfaatUr itmwl, t Ik Comrt 1 IImA 4mt, U U f,w f TnBr, I will mO M aiaca lataa aa M MBatM l ftj On Ium aad au a u hmi fa iw t ' . t laTiMM Kwlka, Tu. , WM. II. UAiGIi; ' ?; i'AUorner nt lixWf ; FATXTT-TftXE, W. 0. - . orrict ox old. rrnerr. COOK Ac J0IINS0M, IMPOBTERS AND DEALERS IN F.njUah, German, an. Arneriean HarJ war an J Cutlery. Jaaaara l, IWI. I" v Worth ft Utley, f orwwiutx "'"f Gfral Commission -Merthnntt, - PATETTEriLLE, W. C. . J. A. W0T. . JOB. CTLtT rrarr 30, 1844. 71 r Ul I iMkt Mnra J liiii ia . Iit Uaf 0mm aW Rm4m- ! IN . 1 Ml MM lMiMC Jaa W. Dmmkmi lull Wi aiaMal ft MaMa M'ln Pma A. HwrMiDnlta MM atr ItaaM UVMUIM) April K, 1M. 4 1hmm' Crfcta4 UraUvwrja MM ni w a JwarW Km -KM 1 H I Hwulra 1.1 ill. A. J0HK8O0. Itaana'. Br J. A, aUDoiAka. D. IM Ha t IM 10. V IM tt m ) ItfMa A.VL Campbell, Auctioneer and Cotnn.ittion Merchant, "GILLESPIE STItEET, rayttttTlH, N.O. rrio.iiii Charles Banks, C'orncTiosi:n, WUOLrS tLK AM ItCTAa 1.LEk IN fmrnjn Frlts, XiU$, Ctyari, Tokia, Sitnf, uatm:. tkei:t, Fi J tUTllU, If. C. JaRaar I. 1841. SrU S. 1! attLii ia - - FANTY AND STAPLE PUT GOODS, RBADT-H4DE CLOTIIIa, VaU Cap, Baw, Bl aa4 HlMaa. Satiiif, Catt Tar, , ., aa. Co nlX t u4 a.ui T! Si., r3rtWitl, K. C. , m ., ., 111 r. THOMAS. I' CO'iMISSIOt I A.V0 rOBWABDIXG MERC'HANT. lltCTOX, VmriU Cmr TATK OP IVOIITIf C4ROI.I.1A, RICHMOSDCOUXTr, Suftnur Cmri fl, Sfrinf Trrm, A. I. 1814. Mary Jaaa Bua-art a. UUn B. Btaratl. Petition rr bad aa4 aoard, aodaHaarijr. Ia tali eM ll apBaariog to Hm aiUactiua it tai Caart. laal h fVlraJaat mioat Wroad tfaa Jnriavlia- Una af tai Coarl. ar m abaroaaa or oaaeraU biaMir laal laa ardieary praeaa af la aaaant t aara4 apM a I at. It ia taarafara araVrad bt tha Coart, l' poV liaatiaa) ba auoa far ail aaakt ia Ida Xorta f'araliaa Atr. a araaar pMiai ia la tawa af ljelt. villa, BctiMag Ilia aaid Maleoa B. Huwarl parwnallr I a aa4 appaar at Ua aril Una af taia Ca to lit bald for tka aeaalyaf Rikmnd, al tb Ciart Hoam ia Bockinrbaai aa lb- tiilni M d of , Boptaaibar A. D. l&M; thra aad thar la plaad, aaar of daar, ta Ifca Ptlti-ai tied, albartriaa tul!(tt:aa tbarrla aoaUtaad vitl b lalua fr taitw aaJ baanl n frit aa t biia. ttitnraa, R . MaDoaald. Hark af oar Mid Ctart at alBaa la aWklagkaai Iba tbif I Mnada af iiarrb, A. D. lCa, a4a Aamui taUprakara Ua 7Mb ' . K. B MrlKlMALD, C. B. C. - W1 w.f 14,ll ' ..... v.;,.-srtccnor. v.'-.v ' ,nox.iiE.Rrr. FULLER, I TBI Ifouaa or RtrauxirrATfTV: ' - JfeflO, 1S50. 'r - . .:' - ? Tr?' WbiU atmilMra of Utaj Ifouaa ad ethen Wi bo" aoKied ia reprMoittinir air la tb poU vi wa ovuia aa aa AvOiitKMikiL a ptwtiaa vf U4 Iff iL. t t I .' " taebfUaUaWMarlglil WMBlaaaaaqaalllT a-itk Ota old Btataa, aud to anlo all tba baacau aad ba aaUast la all Iba auajpruaiiaaa af tba Caattitaliaa. t i a h, tboagbt if aU partiM voald Uy aaida Urlr pauiaai aaaj pn-jadlaaa, aad (Ira fair aad fall lapraaaioa to Itwir real ratiajaala, tba propuaiUoa ia aaraiit A BUM M eoaia Into tba Catoo, itb a ra pablkaa eaaitiuidoa, Ilia ark of bar awa banda, re e)riiliin ar atoladiaa; aUvwjr, ai aba tboaght Wat, aald raaaira aa aliawt aaaniiaaai tola bar. Tin alaraaaiaa thia ajoralag ba furaiibad cbaariaa; H. dtac tbut aaeb aald ba tba raault." " Dat abaUar thia aoald ba Maraal, Mr. It. tboojlil Ikrra wiva a um la qaarraliag about it, aad that aa. ArrENDix. .(I.) pobtfo preaj of tba) North bare, OS tba aoatmn. tblna aa lo ba laioad lr raruHna t aHadtaSutaan aipid makngtha poailioa ihaUif Bra!ar "bi fraaud. Buj.poM a Bum aboald affrt- brraalfwitb ry broMirandiat. ' iJaaW mW . tvootitalaa aoataliilaa a clauaa parmittiac alararr, laboold badiamudaaan. th w ad CanjraM ahoald Hrik ant th elanaa aad than I n vjpauw Miatavpwf - aaaa rnttuiM ta arr aach otber : but aa v.1J. arabl aarpriM, rati or 0ud, aa axpreroid bar and Uvbrre, baxwuM of mf twltiuo, nd taay Matioatcai far wKom tmiaioa I ba aVaot rap.l, har Uka ii&nut iltrt of pUb d.t A I al iirdaaed, aw djat tba anoftd of tbat , tiet aa baaai awtjr, aWr aad dr;a,ul?fr ui to nti tb Mat. In rrclamiaa m aain' 1 . adaM bw, eaald aba aot, ataooa M aba aonld call a tooarntioQ of bar citiioat, afUr bar anmtituiioa, r I 'taut tin nro-ilaTtrjr eiaaa. and admit fiarrrr? If badoaaaa, woald baotrtil ba t.iUr IK L'nlon, aa aa aaaallt; vitb tba altwr KtalaaT Tbar la aa daaibtof tbU, aur tbal, b a Btato (California for ia-ruax-aj aluM b- a'mlltad vltbaaaatialararrelaa, ii i i ' J laini.lll.h.1. llbM.wl. -'- - - La. a. . ? Utloa rUnr.er ai J Hmivb. aiUra f,tiL: bir. Ia riav tiia iait l.i m. !u m. ' :i ! B. dJ a. 4 i,aa vlirni thrra tauM im am. mm. tioo, Ui aaterum in aia mall tbaoiteJ-l f 'VMf atbatilutaa-b.okaaaaa inwtha Taloa ELM J rkJWaaal at It. Ilaar aauaa.aV-aa . . J. - v a. . vwuua,... MaiM)MifV a WW aUBIaj K S DESSRS. CBEE & WEAR, Watch Makers, - Jewelers, and MKTAILOGUAPHEUS, . f TAVISO aaaoelatad lajaaurlraa anfrthrr for tb aoaival to vbual lata aota av orbit of i:: ui - t wuiai retaiioa. Mr declaration, 'id mbaUocc,' waa, 4lat I would rota for tba adiiiiawun of State wkUaat rvfarnttoa to tba ouratioa of lrr. fYkaA in Iba paat hiatorj of tba Oovannutai f Eigbbin aew 8u(e bar Saea admitted nina frr. raae l. It fcaj tbna been nina tiuiM mitimAy afiriacd. that it ia mi obitvlion to tba admiaaoa of a ?uu tbal iu etaafltativa reeutrniiei ifoitn It baa beea aa oTuni aSmtad that it ia do vM Uua to tba adaiuatoti of a Suu tbal iu ccuataa. liotl probibiu alavrry. .f Tba ptvpoaitivii to aJu,it a Sute aitb or wbk , uat lry bai thin bean eiglitoeo timea, ia lor d 11017 ' " jvwnaient, aolrmnlr affiinwV ft aunJa upon the fdid Uti of rcpatl turn. llK-r t 00 principle oiora tiruilr efr.b ILsbrd. Preaidetit Taylor touk the LMau'.l. :tl( rcfereaea to l'alif,iriiia and Sim Moiioo. ' fiat tba pmiyla of the Tirritori-a hou)i d.id.tSe qneMiva of alrrrtfor tl.pnivtrca, when alu tu fun tteir iUle fotititdtiofii. In hit naiui BMii lo ConcrtHM. ta LVce nbrr. be rtooiauietiarHl n nam arhnn u t,, tbr eiajb- iwti.rirnl. ui territorial prernBienU for Mexico and lUh, pref.frinir that tUi? Dcoole of tboaa Territoriea ahuild lire uifder mihur )ro ernurnt aotil tbr were (otitd u aettlc tlnii ova dout colic polity by forajng 8uu evaatita tioai, and U adoiiued into L L'l ion aaStaiaa: and thraa rrcOminandUou w-rr tnin;lt rettei- ; - .. . .... .r tiiVtg bar aaaatiu Uoa aad beo a alar 8ut. If aba' did, bawater it atlgkt b a braaob of that raoa paat, bar BVaatort aad ItrpmaaUtJrr would a 4 ba Idnwd aaay frvai lb d'ara af tba Capitol a iutra dan, bariog a rijrbt Uurra. Wo, air; ab nld atill b a HUM of tha Unioa, altb tba rigbt of a orarai(n Hut. llnald add, it ia Irae, tba adriUm of a ala'e Suto eatriM witb it that fa Ura of tba Conati. tatloa mpectiac rauraaraUtioa wbich it an oblretioa. able to aoai. HUtm aaaaot rat, tboagb Ibrr trtha 01 uta ara rvprraaalaa : ttila la IxaJ by tb Oaati. talioa andt r abkb v all lit ; aad boar.rr mock aay Kcalicaiaa aiay aib itoiberwtac, it ia not tach aa ebretioaj aa aool'l iaiaaac.a bm to rU agaiant tb aiimiiaina of a tti ta. " Mr. t'aaey, aajthcr able and elwiuctit Reprt aenutive, Mtprciavd tba aaoje views, as foilors : Aad lU lrat toioruiraof tbamtlrmaa. a krt li ar bit propaaitioa i iotcodad lo apply to all tha tarri lone aeQalrad by thf treaty ofOuaaialup IliJalito, r aki'Uiar it t tntoaitetl to applr ataral to tha Torn- Utrira aaibrarod in tb aaMadaent ottered by tba feo 'Urniaii tin IJiaanari f "Nr. Ici. 'Th propoaition U eonfiord rzpreaaly to tbr Ttri-iCurir awbracad ia tb amcadairat of U .ii;o.n rrwu Miawari. It baa a reramaa to aay atozr. M'. Cxtr. I mm b bror of tba BrinetaU bat if Uiit t tl. mtrntiyii mui w.ia a hub tLc anra4 airut i olforad, laa ftppuaed to it. " Mr. Ja. I mi Uat tba pnncipl if trnrin ka apfUc.t 00 to all ba Ternt.nj. "Mr. Caar.r. If it ia aa-ia to apply to ali, I will rota tur Ilia proncitioo ; and I Uka eveuiua. to ey, ia ny pikca, lb.it if California bad eoaaa ber witb a rre fu.n.m of .U'ary Id brr oca-l.uili. a, I rbould kar r.,l.-d for br a.iuiia,r. if tbere war ao other nbrrtioa. I aai-i m th ether iiay in aawT to tie genlruwa from Kniluck f ; I aaui that if New Meiiro tetl tJ iilnt In bit mt ea.Jd talifomia tiitarge ' toma br-a rren.-ottii.j .,.err in krr eftitauon, I am isa .in 01 aranDarj, ;VI. - This policy ttf (ienenl Ts; lor tra.uta!neJ br leading poj nUr journal at iW Nortb. Tfc'e Stm Vorit Courier aud Kouiirer. rdite l ih.-r..ar oo. br a treaUimia of adiuitW abilitvVand of I al.ith lb cratUaua froa Tohm ulxlt 1. wide reputation, ia 3Ia, th loJ.ow;oj ! I bII blm. air, ti.ul I a ha hti.id to a.-rt tlx prin laatfinjr ; " . fj f eipl abrcJ in that pUn." " bt if tb prct p;6t in esatrereray f . fa j Such wtre the views of Mesiira. lJullw itid will tota fir hr aJu.iim. I am But drtorrc-J fro tba aaacrt.'oa vf a piinaiplt by au appeal to ay coo atilarDta aaywbrre. I bare arnwr i mvaalf bVrw. nt at bim. aai earry b-r. aatinot allruiaa." I au ia far. of to Prcaidrat'a pUn Lilt tiJrmnri I Tarry CmUy, Af ., a rkiUJrt Am, krfttt 14 mtittnf CVaprcM, aad eaii yah luM aa tin arirrMyw. WlLauSAMK, M'fdWaaatiry, A'Jiwmi-T 21 . IRoo. Mr (ui Sia Auaaoe frva boa ha delayed re ply t J oar aeteraad lavor of tb 12th luflant. Ia mrvd to lay opinioa In tba aatter U which rour latlrr rwtara, I Will simply rwae'k, that I anpportfd tb cob proa in) atraaarMof Ib-'all, aad bar not clang ad ny view apa tb wbjrt they iubraed. Tba i)Mtiui. of alarery I bara rer beta diapoaed to leave witb tb paopl of tb Mutra whrr it lift. Knowiait that iu diataaaioti bartlowr ha bea pro. dttt-tiv of aril aad aiaohlef, I ana oppoawd to iu fur. tbr (itation. Had I bea a weather of tba laat Con- praaa, 1 would bave voted sgainat the rr)eiil ef the Miafoari eoaproaiiM. My opinioif birving been ever ralod in th!a matter, I sball abide by the law at it la. I 'aa Bukwif a lorried preparation to lav for Washington. 1 hop to see yna about Taeaday ef next week. Usalily, years, ralv. - , , , ..j,::srM.ftixta;' ' ' ' (! ) Freta tba Monloar Aoiericas, ef January 15, ISod. " Tbia, we prmne, I th groaad .oertiie. by Ion. Henry M. Puller. II regards abolitinniata or elavery propapiodiaa, ss no part af ear creed as ben of Uo Aasericaa party ; but owing to the aoetfiUtctory sutmaenu in raferrnca t the position of that eentieman, we rvfralned from ap;,laodinr or ecaanring bis coara ; aad while Mr. Fuller aay ai- prase opiuioaa eeutrary to enr ewa, yet we bare an- abakea aonfl lenea ia bia inieirilr ami ia bla devntioa to the great principle that '.t at lb foun latioaof tb Ami ioa pwtr. nor can wa helieta' that be would abaadoa tha groand n wbiirb b wat elevted fir any place ia tha gift of Conrria know tu that lit doc trine f nun-uttmmlo aa tkt tuhjvt afttawy rrrfl OMaV'ara ojr Sim frtrmu (a Httlnm. ' , (3 ) Ailrttt frtm Ikt IMatet o.tr. KaivUlyk prvpibitM- OT the IVfMM lliMUt JMItftM, fr lit griutual aMttiv 0 tlnrry,, an aaaary, IM-'. " Mr. Dolling, of Dackingbaa, Mid : Tbia is a grave and important anbjoct one that ousttt tn be, and will be, eoaiidered. I V imf-ortane deaandt that it annald I be cvasidcTed and' debated here, aad ia not, aa kim geatleaea tbiak, a reaaia that it sboald be paaaed In j at'a&ce, and acted apoa ia secret. No, air, ear action ' aboald ba calm and dispexaionaw : but eprn. bold, end I aaaly. Pur, that it is aa evil, a great an 1 aiialiin ! erii, b dared believe n saae aia woa'd'ar could de ny. " Sor tir, esn it be denied that it deprirea nt of many oP tiioa ltanugra, faciiitii-A, aad bl.ia n; which we sh iol.t enjoy, ka we a avr denae white Doculmjuoe. That it if a biigbting, withering carve apoa this Isnd it clearly drmooetiatrd by thia rery 1 diaeaaioa it.lf. ' j publiaatioa purportiag bf lei privsU latlar, written br Henry M. Fuller to yon, anderdnle of Itftb Angaet, oktia. , Hat a few days prior totbe departar ef Mr. Palter, ea bis eaaaaa of tlie 8UU, be eibiMud fa ate a let ter addreaaad to yoa, oa the subject of the pmbabN action to be Uken by your con.anlinn, iAa to ate.) at Hrde Park ; but really, air, ! sa una 01 to ree' bus la toe ieuer aow published barUly a feature tb original. " 01 witb.UnJiaj eastern genll.aen bad wake.1 so j ,rfmf ttt(,Um.u ZZ. i 7 '., T , a- puU...bed. A ahurt r ni after, he inward Bunding ia tin relat!mi of a barsmal awl political friend of Ur. Puller, I dea it ay daty, la hte ab arnee, to eU year etuntioa. to tb publication, aad. reiteat that yim will, al the earlieat eaavenient daa, fumiak me witb such an aiplaaatia aa (AtefaeU of tb eaM ia oat eeruial warrwnt I eaauot believe that T.-n wwild benotae a party tn ' ao groM a frond apoa the public, aa be matrwaeiiUl In ancb a groandlaaa aiareprautatinn of Mr. P iller views ; and I t jul lently bo.e that yna will be ablet) giro ae a full and sMiafactory eiplanation. With sealiiueoUof high rarard, I sa very truly. Ae , UARBICK M. 1IAUDI.S0. I. Bsiroe, Esq , AnKtIU, V, , - Ascata.il.. Sif&imkrr 1.1, JMO. Mr Draa Pis: Tear latter M the fitalneUnt br? before sue. I aa eeosediac'y laortiSrd about tbi ' matter, aad angry ajao : and a ansrv tbaa marti- ara. ,xr. waller wrou a a private letter anont the aiddle ef but aootb, which baa been ttvlea Irota ay riastaion i 1 cannot toll bow, nor by-wboa, UioJr'i bare ay rapiciona. The puhliabed letter baa Keen aoet afraaaA.'y altered, aad tneue considerably stmne'. or tbaa when I taw it. I wilt try In set it rlrht I wish yoa woa'd write lo Mr. Puller and explain tt a without explauatiuB be wi!l tldnk very meanly of me. My acquaintance, witbMr. P. ialimitol. baring ot.ly act bia oa Iwoer three pecaaioa st the K'ayae county euarts. Pnra wbat I have sees and benn. of bim, I bare Uaea a liking to bun. aad aean to help him. W e II try and piy off tbaae scurry raacals fcr putting thia trick open m. duller eugnt to be elected, and i think b will be. If he was only a Democrat, be would knock the soU off from tbi ae fellows. We eaa t make much ioipre-ewo ea our side, aa I ntvteratasd (ian.hle goes all ui oa ear Free Nil tiewt. Still, wa will do ail we can, and 1 fball work all the harder now. If you ahouid be coming ap thia way be'.jre the tic tioa, I should like to bate yoa call ; I want to txpb.it tlii matter more fully. vka will Fuller be back .' It wiill do goad if bt would com ap her Vcui, Ac. F. 8.VXTOS . ToO. M. lUiterxoV TJWTe, fmoy'r-w. Asraisau, .Wrc i 2",, ',.'. Mr Pn ?m : Myaiteotion has reerotlr been call ed la a letter pchliahed in the Luserne I'nios pnrpeet ing to hare been wr.iten by yon ia Aags;t. IM'.', to t piece. It appears y ae . ka arKtjt thia naUer, Jo'l n for Canal Coinauwioner, 61 Hon, a lawyer of thie ton he ever refilled here. yon to kin, bat, u the very diiferent one from that .. Mr. li. P. hattoa there aurt be svaar previout to your r I well rema.bt" plane, (10I no 0' , rtufita aa ..t to the ilia vf aiavrrr tara tnem iooae aad leave them .belling, nbile they many who bad ratirr ' m ,.niUu.;pt,, Tkl p.),,euon. howeeer, 1 never STan !nnrl rtlula 1 1, a V . iw ; bt ill - nul x .hould eeck a happtet eliae-a Uad .11k a atrar.er , a wail a. the . .'iTf'V' ' - . 1 Ideeaitbutjuaiicet. - .. " Mr; Marjball ofFaaiaier. sau! : The 0tn6.tJ.t- , Tbefe 'aw I.e. 5. IW. rolls. I0t-iy J. A SI'EARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Altea I. the Cvartt ml Caauerlaad, Baraett, Wake, aad Jebaaaa. S4,lraaa. T earner. Harnett Co . K. C. . 110-ly. aa r t't . rtarpttB) W aa4-aiai' a M0 GEEaL.C01IllOT.lDFl)HVARDLC . KEBCHAXT, , . - 'as --1 Jaaelt. laol. . l tf 1 " 1 . - . . , . .. . . . 1 I PVTI. BMM UflnTI 1H I 1 . til Mt .1 ' I ' . 1 1. .V . . I I . ' .. . hum aT rwrrrtttc aa tha auava B aaobes t I . . . '. r . f.-o nv. i iaiiuun uaea Bfeu oy oca- I oniao-i wr imro.iocti in em ana nave Irian r r--- ' e try. TOO South InawtS anon ooaiUr. tn aiiati.u, ea. !l. J L! i .... . ' . . ha.iaea. waaata reapecunnT snewane to aeitiaa . ..... . .... . . . - -. t - -e asor iieauru, ui ot erieorau'a LaliloCULl aneaarh. I , wa.iroi. - --n e rjtw. T P.vettevia aad art-aW.wg avaatrr. -h., U-r 1 " " .V ! 7",? ' - SUo-t fc.. -Mt-r-. trr ,naa tB I lo iari 7 BcoMise la-raja-w tothe k. J K n-r im X.to tote ' , b t ti V-T" e.n, "iLjr.VLi ,. .at UlsiiaUJta exntieuovr. dielireJ. in mJr I r.7 , l-asartoaj e""Jt'.f,UUH--'- . Ps rc.it b, the Uadlea'al aar .ili-gaa al 4 av. a. V.hKX t.iu. i ,u. t. .. ... - ' . - r IMae.' " ' ,tuuf,l f. L arv ueciiuing, aau me cenerai aeuect of ifie jury eooid no. aecra from a tern p teespteaawa of 1 T0r lrtt,.t, y'on dU t . mo. . .ue a erai uei.ovi. ,i im uia-s,,,-.,., extenioa. but did not and being ini'Mlf, at that time, a member ef that party, Aad knowing Well year political ntunsui, l auy say, trulernlly, I da act . . . , ... . S'"l r.twrtw.. eaoee it ynplics moral torpttode, or becaase it is a aia' to be the owner of a rlava. ini b a an. let .it fall lira tb. wtiae.. popa- Ue- eboe- be Lui I'nioa, I a th preae there Uta aiy recail i the owe ofay iil proviM it !f adverse to a - ny ract,ir 1 1 . - V A CARD. Mr. A D. ORKEM, .TTatfl "lakfr, reepeet. fully beg leave resnra bis thus a. to bu very su aaerwas patreaf wblie baring ebarg af the Watch de partment ia Ike lea ef Meaer. ltoaaly A lloa-loa. and kipr the work datte by bia in tn put, will be w& rival neaaeiUttoa for tb futar. V. B. All wetebM to b rmlrrd will be token kpart ia tb preeaaeavef the war, aad a written ra tiiaaia giaea ef anaaaary repair, ahiab wld La war raatod f-r tw tear - Aped 12, 18-Va IU-tf ' people to evvera ia Una be Ukee rrou id eoiuci imt esactlv with (hat of ti South in IM'.'wbea Mr. Calhoun saaarted th ra of the loliatnunu of tha Tetritoriea tu jui inch uf-gureraiaertt tli niion. It u true, be l'l(rvrsrds said he ! should Vote to admit no niore sive Sui-s,n " unirr ri'rumUanrri ubmrJuttlv urcrttnn " i i i.M iruv lit- iKev u ff.re i ti - A."o - I" tb.a dom. notions' la there in ll.n no i " " l'"". Otlon IS whi;iui-u, oua uv niiKvuta iuv pnucipie an Bounced in 3Jr. Io'-e's rteaplve: r,d. ooticcdinir DR. K. A. BLACK, OFFICE F BOS T BOOM, OVK . Ir. R. J. IllaedJale'B Tbeaiat and Drug Blore. Fei-raary 7, I Hon. 09-tf ANDREW J. STEDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, riTTiiionoro, n: c.' : g-a win .ttead tb Coaaty aad Superior CoarU of Chauaa) noerc, aau narawia i,oa . July It, 186. .- T-kf X0HN'WINL0W 1 Attorney at Law. OJfu aa Ik SoulA sir op ttreel, typo iiMAi FujfetttfUU pan. FAYETTEritLE, W.'C. Fehraery, I8A4. 1 7-T R E SANDFORD, " ATTORXET AD COUXSELLOR - AT 3LiW. : irate at Dr. Hall's New Duildiog, en Bow Street. Sept. IBM, I-UC-ASly Wji. H.yAa, Tuoe. W. Arai.isenr B. Horaras, ssst Hiftt., ; , Hopkins. Hall & Co. . . WHOLESALE 111 - : Olllawanrej frel Opprwita Hanover Sitaat.) UALTinoiiE,n0. Panaary, 1M4. AN NT1RE NEW STOCK DRV O00DS. rpiIR Bahteribcr baa Ukea th Und on lb fi.irth L I Mtouinrr of Market ttquar. adjoin ng th 8 lor if Mr. Jaana KTLn, br be baa recoiled ia part, and b now rrceiviug, aa entirely new .Stock of Go le, atabracing nearly every variety of atvlea n.ually Callei for ia the Dry Oooda trade- among wh.ch ar Maadme Ontbre Btrip'd (llaee Bilka, Pari. Chan Btrp'd do do ftolid I'lada aud Ktrip'd d do Are D Rhine, llandaoae Silk' Robee, all eolort, sob very iae ; Priokd Itaregea, all colors, Jd flrenadinea, do Org u idiot, do t: I, !"; 1 jlohes.--A Urr and baadsome lot ef Enhroiderie, Collars anl I'ader Sleeve. Ae, j plain aad Erohroidcred ! C. Ilaailercbieft ; Kid Ulovea ; Bonaeta, Ribbons Hoop ed Skirts; Embroidered Skirting Ac. ; IUn.ly-M.de Clothing, F.J..I., Cslters, Ae. Ao, VTllk many other nrttoiM att nua tod. : r PKItBCROW. , ' Marsh 19, mo "f Fine Spring Stock ;: : . OF. ' READY-MADE CLOTHING. I Uru r-mo-ly f.r Ihe rtil? . 1 there any una, any party, wr any eecli., ahicb cm ja-t!y coiupiaia of tola pahcyT Dora it tiuUte the. rithu., or di-jvgard th iuur-.t., of sny setiaa? .tad u awl tt 'pruteipb ,na vktek at u Aaaed. rWI put u nlff aad Urtujtk, tkt yvUH-ayaV rAaV ikt frayi trtr, rmmm!y LtH a ryAl U mtkt tknr eaa tmtat Ian, anr waar aayAl f feea anat A eaaeal e eiery aartaaa, uuj mtiu ri.- tkmrtrmMtf . ' The North American, of Pbiladetpbia, also i be ii and now one of the leading public jmiruaia tn mj Suit.), adiiml by a pentieman of ditior (uiabe-J ebiljty, iti many able and clo-iuetit arti- clu sdv.icatcs lAc atia aif um tmlir of laeliera Taylor ; and upon the d exuse of that " pood bmu noiiret man, held the folio coun try marks the eur-w of a waeteful, idle, reekleaw pop ulation, whe hive no intereet tn the ol. and care not bow much it i in.;jr-i.-t-J. " .Mr. Cnaailler, of Norfolk, 'took eccaaion to ob serve that be beiievai tba people of Norfolk eountv ! T ? would rejoice eceld tb . evea ia the ita of lime, aee j f some achen-e for tb g-Jual rem.ival of tbu eure from u that, do qualification as to what be mi "lit dceiu , " circuiiiMances alMolulely.ot cassrj'' cau chance I liis (anition, ao far sa tb principle is couoeruotl. ! I maiie no quaiiu-.'Sttoa ur reaervsuon, fur too bavin, in view sny increased suffrsie or anv ?c V but "- severest cen-urc i ., . , ,.- .. oo not Uke mcaaunr. a- soon j n-unibic. to r- Ix-liere yoa toll say tyapatby f r as. if I rravraber aright, the aiin object of your "setter vat to lodo cej Mr. 8axtej to e-tett biannf to prevent any goaaias atm or any anvSccl part actija by iba Free c'oilem " whatever. I bare kaeva yoar political scaiamanti ever siare yon eatered apoa political hfe j they bate alwayt be aoderau and oui"live acver aktra oriitreme. lea hartal way. tw-en known dietiactiv- ' ly a a Whig a evnaervatii M bip but never as aa Aoo'.itioai-t, or a baring en.WrUiued aay AbwUtioa tendencies or -eatimenU. I niaie um remarks to yon for Ihe reawn that my tame was ailuuied to ia the letter to Saxtoo ; and from the fact of my baaing seen ' the Icitcr, my aileuee aiuht be cot? trued aa evidenn letter, ta ublisbei in lie L'nion. was a t the onioal. I bara u dattlit but that tho letter, at publohecl io lint paper, has beeu miwriallv SilCTTU. I aa. truly yoni-, JuII.V P. FACFIIAM. Il.n. IUmv M. Fru.SK. " ' - (.) W:Liea.snc, .va.-ra l, I war la.or 01 iae iotli inrtsnt Wa i.... nt -. I t . i tf..n n 1- mn irviiiNi. a .UtW .UCIf, IUII WVI1, 1 ,nN tbe opinion I announced would not accord with ! "Mr P.nlln.-- 1 ll. .. . , . . . . : t. T 1. I ; ii j'lvtpuinj. c-c-iiviiii-.-hl niTrc. i. aucw tun wi n tb.'H n y dotlorjtinn wou'd be seised upon by one- " IH.tort the truth, accumulate tbe lie, And pile the pyraeiid of calumny," wins Uriguaoe ta the aid-t af the gloom, h 'aev-r, which tbT,,"rt ' borne, Wboetf liilrrret It Was to death of (iraaral Talor baa cam d, it ia conwhuj to kaow tltat lb po!in be Uu.y uccupici :u putiiraf fatra baa b5en aaaaraed by a hub (Millard Fil'iaorej of the bight pem.nal int. grity, of unueatiunable patriotiam, and of such virwa of public (oiicy at will inaura, so far at hi action can moompliah thou great end, prosperity and .ce to U:o ciiuntry.'' " Ui proaaaiing a party, be will n-vrrthelen prov trua to the iuret uf the entire notion; m-t VIM, 4 .., In m,mvll.iL I .dr. praplt. lu our tnef for the nulimelv and in-mrable tw w ,1"l't oeclarstion ot the prrat entor a called .It" .uuKieuusbi ' Kerkelcy : Sir, there U one poiut loas ef the great and rood 'man who baa bet away from as, it is a g-atrful reflation that bia offi cial robes bare fallen ajmu oue who deserves to suc ceed him." 6REGTTREG Av BlKSl'M RE&reCTFVUr Inform' tl..ir friends, and the pablto geaaaaily, that tbay bar aow oa hand ana of the beat Ktoeks of Kendf-nada Clolh lag ever oBered to Ike eiiiieni of Fsyetteville and swrroutvllBg eountry, eonaiatlng in part of Coat. Inut, !, Mi iris Collara, rravata, Koala, fchors- m ft, every thing that is considered aeoea-ary to adorn the gusUcmnu. A Arse-rate Stock of liars' anal loUlhn ' , - m K -A, Mnahl April J. C. POE, as mi fa IUpiriBiTiifT-fiwaV-ht' CwXwK Ukv ii Inij Midi Ctotliis. , taricalr attention paid ta , f . IADII3' DRB33 00008 aad TAIMMUfOB. liar Btrecl. Fapattorlll, If. Ct Mat 36, J9. M-af Cot I M. H0RCH1S0S. aalsaloia a wet Par ardlatr Mer .. . chaul, 7 NOTICE, - 1v ROM and after this date t be Brothers' Steam I twit CmpsayfTrifl nnr bit rc.ipoa it.-Pr any 3m aire or low on way Freight, unless the consignee or bie agent, ia.en tb river bank when the good, are de- livwsu, to ua ,e his objection or claim. A. D. CAZAl'X, .Agent Prothers' Steam Boajk Company, Jaa. 1Q, 186A.- 106-44' Similar extract, from these and other leaJing ppe-t at the North, might he multiplied ad i- Jtnitnm. -- , Now, I have felt it my duty, with refurcnoc to slavery in the States and Territories, u deiljre iu furor of ihe doctrine ot ' non-intervention." " Tbe bead and front of my offending T! Hath thia extent no mora." - Yet I am denounced witb having abandoned um ijM:u ,i llli;iill-a Ol UIJ itate BIIU pHTlV , and sober, aonsiblo geutleiuon will now deci de that iheir right eye shall be plucked out, and Jheir.ruht arm sutfered to wither, befuro they will indorse any suchabomiuable doetriiifc. The nJitical iky if than ' Let us luiiuire what wns unid bv difitinsruihlicd - . . . . . ' oor laao. tie Jmiroat to aee a reoort freaa tbe committee declaring the aUve population aa tvil, and reoonimen-ting to the people of tbia Commvn wealth the adoption of tome p'ao for iu riddance. Mr. Ikrry , of Jeffirsoai!. Srr. I beliey Uut no can. simple rer thai, if tbe principl. be correct, it ZX. Z t "Thi.T. will admit of none. ., ' . ' I an tbe nolitMuJ boa of th Mt.t r..v",-rini - t ..i. MrDs vaSis: IU (Jeeiannp; aiy serititucnU nDOO the floor of -bt we are not to be bUad fur tbe arieia of tbi ". reeetvett, and tbe noaiter of Mr. - Rhekbr aha'f th IToose, I could not iuitlv lie cbarmd with iaf as ; we are 'act to be binned fur in eii. ' intnieii.afj attention. I will write too fully in f . ..,. . ., .1.11 i -i - fa. riivi I ... k . . i:.... : . ., - - -- iimr pmaie tain oa tna ubiec-t f our State clecticn. Vou tai that F-- j Soil con vent.on will meet at IIde i'ark un theSmh t ' instant, aai taut you will attend st a .iterate. Th in wbUb 1 du iuot sincerely agree with thoee win, are eon.rntiao met in llArruburs da v before vea- arrayi-d agaitvt m in IbU diacnMion. It i that fie t'CUay. V hire rectneJ no intelliji tic yet," bat .n.pv'l inquiry i one of groat .lelh-acy and trace- ' M;f eivnicj or ia th moining. My fiicnda ber ceodetit iinportunw. The revolution wbicb a jitat.-l' ci,8 lent ol my nomination. I bar really Very this Corumoawenith fifljr jear ago, great sad impor- ' ;'tl1 feeling on tLe (utject. The ofte is not to ar Unt aa it'waa, inrolvril in its reaait, but a ckinp of liking etill, if nominatr-l, I shall desire aa election-. oor OultLlr-al tvlafi..n. ailk , La m..t .-- ... Tl.;. I If TOOT fl icntb) .boubi oor.li.t in h.!nt.;.;.. -..11. - the more indu.tnrU.y to carry on thotr work of j mraaure, ahouid it prore eeceful and that it must, irgaaiit.on, and nuke aeparale Bcminatii.e, a ka abnsi', uiwrepreseniatton. and detraction, As no I sueaer r later, no tndiviaunl ta tbu Hjaxe can no ea snyerteti,' jrvci uirtisure of tirospective cenfnre-deterred me then, """"" J iuui-HBn-t imoite in it conMCqarnc a ao dourer of nmUiplit-dreprouih hssdisturbed T:: uiesnU'C. I could ihjI Iwituldnot surremh-r ! rer i,.a,-.r ,. it,, r... ,....,.i,i: ,i i." ' sUee-bvldiAg ytibj up- h thii Cuiioi-iit. 1. sl.a'd ever T hP9 J rv-Hutiont consult with unr mutual friend , reel, on ii auu.nt tLe prouder incidi-bta of my life thai 1 brie contributed my feeble aai to-forward a revolution so grand and patriotic in ita re?ulta. The idea of a arradual emant-iimtion and remo.v, i .f tbe tun: ! alarrK from tbia f 'ontlMiiM -!ril ia n,l Milk Lit. l.w laralii'U of your indent ndenco of the llriiuh rok. It iaw ua in me enure tin lion : aa.i f uie since. 1 couia Mot 1 Wiaula not aurreniirr a...jumry lAe Wy-rtr. Awaat. vrrAm.irr, j my person injopendeuce, or purohase poptiTari. i, aaaf ixat asitK-v nnn-ed mt iw FrtmUut Ttiivr i . .i . c a -Jar, to Afaaff.rt. e I A f?ZL ir til 1 1, " "f f. "'V.convict.on. I Wat prepur- liusetla, tlic eiDouuiicf of the Coiu-tilu- (IO lo-urv. loo uv via ana j frScBtily , add deeire to ai l my eUwtl in. I believ voir ! are so, au.1 w.iuU eugireit, th'errfure, that you prevail noon your friend to make nj nomiuatisn." How thU it w i'c aoi-imj.ii-tie.1, you will bet aadcrataad per haps hr rtl4lltiiWI- ent,H -wirl, i.h .1 m-l j. , r v ' - ...... . hi u . mnH.. . - ...v-..,, I..; r oa auiwianuaiavn- sibie mm, and competent to dvU jn the matter. On Uw subject of free soil, J beliei.. piu people ber, and every wber are in favor. of 'rce labor ajvl fnsa men I ceiVtiurysai exposed to extending slavery and'desire wba lever caa right! ' eedono to i-e.nain ..I sprung into exi.tence dttrins tbe trt iirtaion of tbe i ameliorate it should be done. ll is. an exciting question, calculated in nnvl-.- ii'UoJwl bt MiMon Ui aost res- (rentlemon from Pennsylvania btWini! ' ... ' - X)n the loth of June, 1SS0, Mr Juge, fc Cape Fear Land for Sale,' Tb snbanriber nffers fhrtal Tllievi Httaitrrel snd lvlahtr-BM Acres ml I.AI on Cap Fr, River, below Smith Parry, in Cumberland oaaty, raaolng with lb Rivet to. tb lands of Mrs. Byrd. - ;' A portion af tba land la ' cleared and fcaeed. It to wall adapted to the saltivatioa of corn, amis, aad tb asasd erepa of th river land. . The part uncleared aa o i sob gooa twaiuji, wima niay o oawiy pro pared for nsa. " It will a Mtd oa a' eredlt of telv a Jiifht. "Per son wiahiog to bay caa ealloa to owner at thia plaew. j. v. fctir.t'iiAiiu. AprU I. - ' -IIVV ' H admitted fully tbe right f tb peo ple to forra their eonatitotioa to suit thessselv-s, and when formed they were Mtitled to eoa here and elaia adaisskia aa a 8Uto Into tb Dnion ; aad that there to A pre-aUvery clause la tb.ir Buto eonstitutioa, forms n lasuparabl objection with bia to aavb edaiaaion. sny aor tliaa tlial aa anti-slavsrv claus in ber fmi- dam'enuriaw shall foravitcK objectToa. "ift ' lelrreaT ( tWsniaaili Aaa tnhtuma; and so f ir as Kit rrprtwo if tkt mw. A, tHtrrtamfi ntjf Auae aa aXajfBKe, Ae rwtyJo UtU fs, anA A- Aon md aiwaatotran lAal a atay if tutmhAi Ay (Aoat a-A kmy-frrrra-aaawntoif ctai'raratt sa Mw "eJoofV " I sliafl know but enr eonntry. Tba enda I aim st, by Ihe bleine of (lod. shall bo mv count, t a mv Ood's, and truth'. 1 wa bora an American. I live ! General Aemhly aubje.,uirit to Ihe foraantujt of your an American, and I shall die an Ameriran : butrmean'1 Repablicaa Oovernment. It was proper: there was to tlie extent of nry abilities, to perform the dnties in- ' Sines of things in Uib fact that o beiH-fioent an ob- rumbent upon me in tlut character, wbelljer jublie j" i''an Tor li gradual extinction of slavery or private', to th end of my career r and I mean to do ,n ",a State rboul i bare tiean the t vin offspring of this with au abioiuto disregard ef perronal CoOaeijueii- tl"', miu' which gav birth to the bill of rigbw and to eea. W hat are personal eooaequencet T What is the tba awt tur rotigioas fre-dom. A fief so honorable to wiut of all the go-id or evil that cooll betide an in- the puulie' spirit ami kuroaaity of fiat sgr, aowoitliy dividual, in eom?arina witb tlie good or evil-whk'b, - the cxnius aud eipanJu.l pbilanihropy of tbo with to a crieit iike llila, amy happen to a great nation ? "bom it originated, canuot be too often recurred to, Sir, let th aoniiequcnce be what tin y may to me, 1 "or '" pr'udly cherished. Slavery, it is admittt-d, is aa careless. No man ran hardly nifier too much, and B 11 " sn inetitution whieh presse beavi ly no man can fall too soan, if be suffer or if lie falls in "STUiirt tbe liewt interls of the Stale. Being thus in- It fcnn of the liberties snd the Constitution of his j' rious, hare w not a right to demuud lu extcmiina- eoantry." - - tit-n? .'Ini.! T .... s r . ft ' ' " Mr. MoPnwell, of R ickbi-Ms : VeiVaaa tUat the In eonolosion, I u. in favor of hberty-on- .MwMi r ollr . Zil .nd ebaate, are sututlonul freedom frerdom Jforth and freedom coonteiviiled by the apathy of . ar.pu. Uc cnuai-als, South. I will draw no line of social or physical snd hy our eiohi-ire reliance Jiuon vohintary 4bor. Bt'OirninbT acroag this continent of ours. No rir- t,ar lulereats and aensts proclaim tbe progre.. of geo- w leror ntotvotata by any act of mine shall ever di, I e1r1 fcK.u'!5 conxum and experi.nJe atttnbatV .k. rii a i eri I slavery is ita principal eaa?. liowe not contemplate I j- .- vide the atfortiotts of the A meruan nevii.ta. The j ... . , i OlAIS-,T ... , ,. . . i lrgiu.a utiy wuen we regara uer as fiieaer, n;;- . ""' moo, aiiinircu oy common gam, enfeebled, with decrvi.itu t stillug- upon her 1 1 bluod and COinuioti treasure I would havo free to 1 limbs, as riven over to letinnm sii i inmou'uer. and tuMtavaay ander the iniiiHunUue aad th-nh-flta luttor-awd spirit rthe-v-wHl arithrrr arraign nn uiltity WLii eternallyjiejnij.aiiy tue fatal ittftitu-atrcyand Ibey re-declare tht sinverv is a local, db- hiuu w oien f.ue rneriMica, aaa ouenanea, iov,tw uii-iit't inr-iw; nipitiorian or rue SoOtu, supject tJi StaU slo&e to wk - :n 1.-.....1 i..- i;.-- ..-,1.... --.i .1. 1.I..I. .l. l.l,. . . . r .1 W UV HI UU.,1 V, UCI " .1 HIT I.IBTI . I. 1 ' .TCM with th mototroua offspring tout .afiliuta her 1 If-1 am to jwlge from' the ton of our Jcbatey and from tliu viaoesiuuiui on all baud, rxpreaied, tb-.tre U not a man in thia body not one, pcrnupa, tbal ia even rpreeut ej here who woald not have thanked tbe generations that have cone before as, if, acting aa public men, they bad brought this bondage to a clone ; who would not have thanked tbcin, if, acting ss private mm, on private motive, they vhad rounquisbeii tbe property wbich their mistaken kindness hut devolved apou u.. In thia inveatigsliau tber ia uodiuity ; nethkig ha' been left to speculation or inquiry ; for, however wide ly gentlemen hav differed Bon tb power and th juctic of touching tins projwrty, they havsjet united in a comraea terti ,itony to "its eharacter. it hat ttm yraavWa amaya neaiiy decareai, from tkt rry 'torn miU'tcHrriku SeVaIt;f,y itlotitMm tkemtittiti, at rU at by ttt tkit prl- svfy u 'am -wvU' "tat it u iinitroHt.prsftrty:" WlltrssaaSl, Stftrmbrr 12.-A, 1W9. IT Dasa Si a : I obverr ia th Penrnvhanian of ' . t ye terday, a copy of wblcb. i au you ber th,, a Lama, oflered a pnjpisition io these words : wtfol.aaHiefiir s right to adopt or exclude Afrfcau slavery, and their itnrj niurrneu to rattle suin Dy Blue, and shoulu detorminntion or tbia oueetiun. hy the, adoption ar ex- it ta sbtWlldor, so now in time) of peace let thetti cluaiou of A frican slavery. hll be no ofeuel. to U. mova urm in arin to the rxaeesioii of a common aduiiwioB of such a Hiate mto tb liiion.' l . i . .1. l j e n . - i i ,. . . , . heriU(ta let tat) hardy pioHeeni of all Reelions Thi.proposiiK.n led to dijcoo,.jii which prew forward whb their families, with tlieir im Mowra. C hosier, limbf, and Joseph tas-ey, from. ?ie,i,ants of induntry. with their bible snd their my btale, porticlps.tod. . - i acbool-booit wUh whstever els under the law-a Mr. Iiutlur, tn a speech made by Lim. June ...j ,. ir.....:....:... . -. . ,. f -.-l l luu.ewifliimniin wirfc ma, ooiaiiaias rv reeiunu . lS.'.ft. atnraucil kiinalf a. f..l 1., , , . 1 ,r"i T the wilderur , lo.iual for theuiselveshoiuea, to eeubliah wcl-rculaUd liberty, to build up a eovituoo country, and perpetuate a great Amer ican nationalit;. Above alt, let them hold fatt to tbe Unions In . it alone there is strength, there is power, there ia glory; "With it wa have aothinjr to-fear ; without it, jiotblng ta hop. . Let us, theu. each and all. rcklve. with " atead. fast and iuflaxriile nurooee.'to iiresr e aniiiat til cueniina, and will) our hestu' best blood, tbia glorious Unioa iudisauluble and foraver." an exciting uueatioa. mucn iiisimation anU extreme onininn. t -.,l.l avoid undue exciwroent, tot at the mine time insist upon tli rights and intoiv?U of my ttt oVa, doing no injustice to any other, tut enough -of thioura is Sut cimw, and this uuestion can baidlv be .-nn . tidere.i Sn iMi?-if I Fbould t nominated bv the Harti.t.urjrctnrcntio.1, my chief deir in secorinif j the elct tion I be to obtain a popular eudoneuientci- the nienauM I advocated in the Lej.1-! .tort laet winter, and toi!t whi. h we had so much trouble the Com pletion of tlie North ltrunrb Canal ; iu complvtion, in my judgment, will n-jt utrly bj of large bunefit to'us here, but very materially increase the State revenue, ft is destined to d a largo bu-duesa. Ita in.rits are aot aoderstoed. ' I shall stump the State, probably, andjtnlk to the poi-ple on thai subject. ' Let me bear fram you soon. " Yours, respectfully. . . H .f. FCLLER. . F. S.IXTOX, Esq., Archiba'J, friAyrwi. . '..- ' (7-) - Uttolu.ioK af i Itnuxrtic titats tVr-ii.. af iVui- j . v . - iimiu, at ' 1'ittttwf, m l&tit. . I ' Sefvdied, That tb Democratic pal tv adhere now, ! si it ever h .s done, to fhe.lonjtitulii.n uflbecountri ana w.tn wuim mo Ueneral'Uaverumeiit bus nothing to do. - Wherever the jjuto It extend) it'jarisdic- ' lion the local institution can continue, to exist. Vt ltfi,H? it a iklxOan cf Slatt ta tarry it btymj Sla'r limtlt, w deny the power of any ciinen to ex tend th.) er-.n of bondage teysnd it, prcseut dominion nor do wa consider it a part of the comprcuii of th C a-Uluiipu that slavery furuM furever triTel witb th aiivuncini; ovlumn of our terribiiisi v.tercM." f . - K3) ' From lit Piauyhaniaa, Sepltmbir 10, lbi It is a long period of time since we"EavS been mora-., gratified tbaa by tha inJicatiuu of a apirit of coacila. tion eontaiued in tbe followlug reaolutiou: " StiwivJ, That Congrva poeseawea legialatlrewsw -ewUubeetof alaverv in lb torritorioa Jtk. -CniUsi StSitoa, agd eUKlit so to exerniae that una... effee-tually fcpTeviit the etUblihmant or SaScraBt of slavery. Whilst we Uiu rsaffim tbia nnneiui we eooooJ to our Dcaoorati brethrw of u baaatll tb m fnssdoai of tbeuabt aai wf nprc-sa wlw w claia fur ourseives," i, - - . ii3