' : v-y .N "-'s 4 -, V V . 1 . L"V UirrH...HaTr11viU VT" -X.,t ... iwJnV 4erri 1Hh tl T" JJ . V. i . .1 .. . i i. - . .1 .4 lr . JtfcUiJ 10 ena ui hi V , .1. .j r.t tha ailwutlva 10 raewnin w o. lott ' r rkr0wmo ao that it f bnuld W arrooi " t"7 djm tloetion ; ana in we hm pninuuu p- tin aanounrwd hia doUrmln;itiiB to b BUirt- Sbr aa (trot twmpVai a tr Wahigtow end . . lh autrlw fiaululer of -Oil r MDUbllOna IVlWUI. Now Umm brilliant point i th earror of tbia a.,. vutitni oar no an iirDI mi Ainori- , - v.n- .' rnoeraoj, and the wliaot4tronif; of the Federal na tiii vn wa ant uuiiuuiircu in OoToranant t eifiployea w oatraai boij wuw biate wj. ' ' ' " ' ; Tt mmiini Lr aur rountrrmrn to docuw which la tha be4 Pemocracj, that whicb ecti wita u .iq w.lVNdimr tba doctrine ol W aauinj'ton, aat m p tlut w theory of atata rihu out of hick haTO torani nulliScation aiiJ abulilion. ' fnd all tha other u tht arrT ooa pijrtion of or country jpunrt aijomcr, ana tba nuiiiuj left hj our forufathf ra. It ia ooding to m to A.i that'tbert ara mm, likt yoar.!f, in awyia'rur of urtitendml ooantrj, boar tba dlnjon which beact as from . tba ies thm bricfij adverted to ; and I wnnot jouU that tha frcat bodj of oar f(illoyiiiKfi verjwhara will oltiiuaieljr ooneor with ua in the ntcpawe have talicnUarori them. Atallavcnu. taj dear ;r, K't what wJ orma, wa mart do our QMj, iwIjinR npon tha moriu of oar mate, and - tha eerUiatj tht truth will, altiaurfely, prcTiil " rminV; n yon fiir yonrkind remembranf, and . t I'll f ml tsr:n i wWioK jr "J J.;.u ifiuoiTia vp,cii m n: huh public actioi-of wb . prpadio 'you ara tha bosoreJ orin nn this oocuioo, I boj )ve to auUwribt myaelf, , ":.:' , . .. Very truly, ? . ' . ; ' rwirpbd't aei't, ' , , a. J. I'O.velsox: lollop J. rowKlt Saframento. CalifornU. aifToiIN" AT CINCINNATI. On of the oaoleH thin; of tha a-n (tHU arara weather ) ia th following latter ti the Cjorention. Own the )torioiu I-ishmin, Th B'ircy MeJje,.aJiU)r of a Popish jaarnal ia tbia city called tha " Irih Celt," and on of the m-U. plint tU of th ma?t IlcvereoJ ArchbuhoD Jubn Hb-.1i : - ' Ta tfis Mc.nUri of dm Dtmacrntit Rational . Cbtxtion ! 101 N'assac STRrrr. New York, " T" ' 'May 30tb,- l5r - GTLtMl5 ; A wurd spoken in time u aaid to be worth mjre than puld, and I beg you each word, by faTor of tha Cincinnati preaa. Vow will htri a: yonr door, I atill hope wot on yowr bnffh, a deieito from California, (Mr. Herbert,") o'n whone banda yet'aoiokea the blood of a poor eountrymaa of mine by birth, lately nardered ia a public boUl at AVaahngtoE... . I a dire yoa a eiiapls atraiphtforward qaea- tioa do yon moaa to aJmit trim aaaa to a cent ia your Contention? I bone, I ainoerelj' hope, yoo do wit. He i now nnder heavy bonds ; to ataad hi trial for th ninrdtr of Tboma Kea Un," and if ba baa not deeeney enb to atay a war, von, knowins all the inuliine aid nnjna- uliaOIC circnoJMiurt v cane, wugu, w finpling enough to keeep bin oat. I ia known to aereral of your o timber, , aad (hnnfrh ur iwiKtnallr enmetd ia anT Preai- ential can vai. of the threw I hai witnewwl la the United Sutea, tbera are those with you wh to certify tiiat all my prefereneea bare' Litbet rfi biten o-irwcriuo, ai.d my aeliun accor dialy. Ia lO, I wis aiuon the frrrt, the Skoal carnen, and I believe not the leat eSeteot ia reustin; the artful attempt to niaVe Mr. riwe i nwerabla fat the Cafh.Jj trtt ia the. New Hainphir CoMtitotioe. ihe " campaign p-al'tcition of that day 'ufuad from tha ofBie of the IialuQ Post, Airwny Arua, and Wash " jntoa Union, have recorded howrcdy lor the wiainteaance of a great p lociple, in common with the cUm of f-itiin ki which I Uelonp, I waa then fuund to MtienUt the memory of indi vidual wrooia. PraoiwI; in the, eaine apirit, J wue at&j Mr. IIirUr($ txrisakitL. Siiwe 1552, a fiorce coUl war b w bftu tui le 01 iha alopud cituena. log aa it im confined to eeetartan preaaea and midnight niob, we endeavored to reki.it it with a firm forbearance. But when a Dcmoorat ie member ef Contrrcw, and delegate to your Con ven liou, fhoota, before breakfut, a working man, Ltaaae be resented being eallad a "damn ed Iruh aon of a b-b,"Jt ia full time for na to - ak you, do yoa tneao to aepante tliat nan fram your ranka, or to overlook notorious fact, or to vindicate: the eotolity of all c!aui-s of citizerj, bih and 1 nutke and foreinLorn, in practice j. aa in tbjry ? Looking aniiumly for your de- iaioa to your procsedin-pi, I remain, gentlemen, very respectfully, Your obedient wrvant, , TIJ03- P'AttCJ MoT.EE. It will be en that the Irish wihgr of the Pewifyeatid party dcainr! not only the eipul- ajon f UHrtmrt, frw the IIjbm of Ucpreacuta- tivea, but fruat . tha. fJemoeratie. Convention i ! Tha-" aaXerrIGer'-in!t be cautiou,t Jobn in aot a man to be trifled with. U ertntnjl the Irish vote in tbia country, juat a effectanllv ae be don tbe j priesthood ! -V YErprcti, Zd in, j BEDP0.KD CR0W.V. Wa are gratified to learn that the American party of Davie have nominated Mr. lirjdford brown a a eaididate to represent tbatewnty in tha Conitnonn. There are winy pood and true JBjraic&na in the Jiltle county of Davie, who aroailtl enrVe anvlkni innilu.ta i.flliu T eAutntttr and who would do honor to atry eoor.lv. but are ,VAk?D,Tf kCTOR.CnvCn,pn, tsSizlii tbut ao better Ijbtt keeoh'-' V'.T 0 ' Tuesday , aclcrfod tuade than Mr. Brotra, aud wa ;e ta ifuihnT merr,taD ""'' ghatth nominution ha Riven anch- amverl J M 1 .-J- pumocm.c c.n i. . r i- j tX. t i .u ' i ; aLif -tinn. and thrit tcucu enlhatimni arul x3 feeiino; jirevaik ia our aUter eiwrrty uf Davie. Mr. Broarn if a lawyer and eland deserved! V hi'b in lib profiitt ; be i a very intelliccnt ?ntletnaa -and we'lvfirsed in ptjlitlcj worm and enthusiastic in the Aroeri. an cume, deeply im rrtwed ri:h I bo iuipuiUr of the inter.en at ta. be wi!l enter mM tha eamrwirrn with xeal I I -l-J - - i. '-I . -'V . B - I aqu cilia' i n wuu a'l auiiuy, uii; wiii enure 1 ruocera. It U due to Mr. March, the oTd toeto-j . br. tn asy, tliat be uVilint-d heine a candidate , i;aia, tbat tbe noniiuatioo of MraJroarn meew j -writb, hia beiarty approbation, and. th'at be srill i piv him bra . warmoet anpport., American of' Ihivie, you have a 'ble , a pailant leader, rally j around bi etandard, be finn be vigilant, rewdve i o b) Tichuriiu, aad yen will be I ( LfXiHrjtrK Flit. - .Oi n Bt luov. Wtft'ahy tnrtbei Hiwtb- ern Democrat (oil m wbv old BuHi. waa" s ; iriiwreiww in ju iac a notnin.-'f.,a ' x bia , ; a)mwhat a mystery tn na -and we tirav ! "U olrr.d dp, Wt bad thonht I3ent. that ft wax a Black ilruh!itan. Ha Buchanan wade old Bullion any AlrWu pWg bMicbinjr the slave ry aaitiar 1 Thr.j'a a cat in tbeAiueal ba, aome--whfa,---r be- th ft'iyturrr to ferrst the thing out, if H ba 1 any rcepect oei' earth for Poatbera rnr,htD. Old Bulli'iir irs 'w tor Old Back I That waa a cCrio.1 circmuataore Wood.r wb it it drt mnnRirhMo4 I'?- Juia VicUTia ateata yacht laid to l prjw a t! atrauavh p Fertua. 1 T-- - TV- - . .V. fJtX.aa nsrlr prMi,iCBt knd Vina rivaidcol art lxnjf m - i . . . . . i. . nju. Bocvidii, yho took t.!c-wd la b Mlluttni inire mid kr It without aarioua oppuaiUoa to tha 17th, when, be waa dociraj tna ivuii, ia a Pa'naavlraulaa. aixtr-Sva yean eld, a bache lor, and a elavar a in privato relationa. II i a man of u!qf, with aa ul p1''"1 cord, which we will take pleanro iu exhibitinR during the canuee. An old tasihionod FeJrrut- tafof the ahhT Admin athool, now a aiodvra Duniocral, onoe a pnd aund Nutiva Aweiiraa, and a atrenuous advocate of the Missouri Com promiar line, aa opponent, a few vuw F f lna nWiwion of alavoty into thTiriurii, in favor of buildiiijj a miirund to the Paci6e out of the NatitHial Treaaury, oppied to thr lat war with England, a timid, lrroolut politieian, and a no torioua turncoat aocb ia Jaince Bacbanon. lie baa been a member if tba Pennaylvania ljtil4tqra, a aitniber of tba Howe of Ilfpro aentativea aevaral ItTina, a Scnntor in CvngrcM f.r a auntbar of years, Minister to nuaxia under Geo. Jaekeoo, Kccrrtiiry of t?Ute under Polk, and Minister to Knglatid under Tierce. He owe bia nomination, ao the Vahiii:ton Star, a DtKwrrutie rpvr, aaja, t a d'u,p'itioo on the part of tha Convention to aeeurc tha vote of aen of Freetoil teuilencire nU.Nbmka b!li men. And the Columbia, (S. C.) Timea, another A ocixUic paper, thua aaka of bim t Mr. Buehanaii'a ar,tecdei(U are aacb that we caouut jriva him onr aupport; nor do w bc.ieve that, tho Mofle of riuuth Carolina can ba induced to adt - r :- - tNi.,KJul ehair. lie ia nui, nqry renrpiilo from tba t Wjx pity. a Tariff nun,, and a Federalist, Lut u w't, katig given hit tupptirt to almmt cry Xtirtk era moo-mm 'inlrmfucaf to eirminKp't iht area cm ml fcy A! itt'Mi'oH ntiiuriy. To autn np thn wbolo of bi liixtory, he it nut an atrpvak pSuife Jiiyhlt, and we doubt not ho will f;o far ther than any of hie predeccwor, if tlrrlal, to con-olid ite the poverunicnt. South Carolina cannot conaiU-ntly aupport Mr. I'uehanan: Ilia nomination ia a rebuke to Mr. Picrcpaud bis ad niiniatnitinn. ... With thia iirnitei notice, premising that wc ahall recnr to thia aubject as.-sin, we paaa va to Mr. J. C. B.-eckenriJge, of Kentucky, the nom ine for Vice President. Ho la a xvwig nan, about forty ycara old, tall, aaid to be talented, known to be wordy, and baa acrved tro tcrma in Corprcw. , AVbila iu Contrreux, be bad a difficul ty with Mr. Cutting, 'of New York, a member of the Kouae, but the affair waa- actiled amicably. Preaideet Pierce tendered blin the Spanish niia sion, but he declined it. When vuu look at bim aideways, l bia forehead, nose and thin are near ly in a'atraiirht line." W't are told that there ia a " poetic pliinmer" about bim. If eo, he will be manifestly out of place .in the chair of tha Sen ate, ahould he be called to occupy it. He baa taught an udaud in Lake Superior for a summer boue, where be can cultivate the uiuaca and catch fish at the rante tiue; aod we hope be may be allowed to continue these harmless recreation to the end of bia da in. We verily believe that he owea bia pomination to tbe fact that Le has represented. Henry Clay' district in Con;re, fur there ia nothing in bia pMt career to justify thia exalted rouipliuient by the Dort.ocrulic par ty. It wa a cruel act to ovenlauh uch men aa Dobbin, Quitman, J jhnon, Ilrown, Boi d, and othera. for the auke of thia tyro iu politic, but j Uepnuiica are ungrateful, a Monre. 1 icce and Dobtia aTc a:ruincd. en?t tlji IK. IlcralJ. : . .' .., The Cincinnati correspondent of the Buffalo Con.mcrcial Advertiser wr: tw &f .Mr. Fill niore'a nitaMct: " Weary of the etritcuicnt uaJrr which Ihe country has boes laboring, dispirited by the di fnsioi in their own rankp, ud really apprehen sive of the fpreud of abolition funaticuim, a birpe majority of tha Iemocrata of the f-'mith. bare rcsciked to lay aaide p;rty prcjadiea, and rally to the rapport of a true notional man. Even Soul bru4 Li houlde!-a and taya, ' Ah. well ! Mr. Fillmpre U a pood man, and, if be is elected, it may be a good thing for the Union, after all." Mr. BueH, the editor of the Democratic Be view, waa severely if not mortally wounded at Cincinnati, by a Democrat who mUtonk him for an Antrim. Mr. BueH bad boen making a speech, and the murderer thiuEiu? he wa a member of the Amcricin party, -atalbcd bim. Thia came out on the trial. There ia annie daneer, it accma, in being' an American now-a-daya. U " S ETTf.ED. T he New York Efprcffl ca'la Bachanan the " fircat ' Unsfttilcd," and proves bia title to the name in the following conclusive manner : Tar. Great " U.v'otled.w Jame Buch anan ia the man that never aci tied any thin, He ecttled down a Federalist in early life but Ms connection txcoiMus unaetlied, be turtic l out a full Sedsed Iieniocrat.., Aa a diplonintict Be nndertook to " fettle" the Oregon coDtrotetav. by holdin" out for " ,rl 40" at cltar and nn- t r,ac,tiotiahie, but hia chum in that buainew, i WM awfully i unsettled" by the actxUuoco of J ,ne (ie d. .V bw-.- He went to L'ncland, but j attlcd'' . rjotliinp. He came, away' leaving iv.erythinff unsettled. He tried to. bat did not wttlc the enlistment diMjiite. He did not settle i the Central American question. '". He did not' aottle tbe disputed arbitiatioa of the Clayton. linlwer treaty, in rhort, te aettl4 nothing. Ttltopetlier, he ba Jed a vry snnettled lift, ile haa never M-ttlr-d anvtLinf.', at home or abroad, and w don't believe be ever will. innate, lor L.tmvrr va inia liirct. . 1 . Tbe following ere tbe aub-Eleetow : AMI BICAX I'ARTT. ,Vic ITjumrW. H. Cowan and Geo. Dsvia J)pHnl)t. l. TA. .Fjia.ni, Dickaou Stanford. fajjniun Ii. E. Trov, Ja. C. Davia. Richmond Geo. Alfred-Dodert. B. F. Lit- tie ... ' Wjeit Dnnrajir Kelly, J. K. 3lIvin. I)runtci,k-'b. L. Ruxnell, Jae. Orecn. - VJumbwr-br A. J. .pak, A. j. Troy." CumMntidJu W. Baker, jr., TL. Bux- tori; - Harnett Jno. A. F pears. , Stimptn J. F. ."bine, (. A. Harriaoo?' - - I'EMocnATir Pabtt. - - Brkmrirk Dr. John II. II ill, John Mercer. Cnnibertnwt tttid i7urne-r-W. O. I'teratn, W. L. .McK.y 7y,',Wm. E. n ill, Abner M. Fajavwi. Smptrm Ailmond A. fMcKay, Wai. S. De vane, V. Morj.l.y. 'JubY . Gforjre, T. V. VaiL . BobmenZT. h;, itntt, Fcter A, McEacb io. A'urfew-jJoha A. Bfefcardao8, T. p. McDowell- . Vcw? Xraarterrw R. K. Bryan, DnErutg, CuU Jar. " Rirhmmi4.Vr, F. F. Leak, (vacancy to be filled.) ,.. Me. Fveret: a addrera at Charleston, Maaa, viiided I.VlO ra-,1 it ia ' aaU ).! 1 V Jjha aaot to i Lwbe of Virjieia futVf V' MA'y tf tAi .VahW Ctmtntkp taa hm li Jtu A. V.. lbil. iht fUmf nt aakr at Iht tlttm inifriMirUi tMtfurtf tinufM if iW, Tkt tha AaMrean Dweraey alaea U.rir tint In tba IbtvlliftB, tba pairiotina, aadtkai. rlninaling itutiaa ut taa imaricaa col. RuvlrtJ, m wa TTgtnt tbia a a liiinct!va fa lure of otir pulltlol tmil, which wa are PrvA to aiaiutaia Ulura Iha woild aa thagrnat raitnl '"''' ia a forw of f oiruif ut nrriutii( fn and uuUalJ tjr tba poi'utar will ; aaJ waeuatrnl it with the eroJ and praetiea of Ifdvi aliam, uuJ-r vdalaver name ar form, hlh aeeki to pal-y tha a ill of Uie eonitituont, aJ which eoBcaiTet v hauvttaiw to axUoa fur Ui popular credulity. AWlwrf, tkmf-rt. That aaterUioieg Ue iwa, the iimnocratia part of tbia l ni., lhroa(h their delrgnioa aMmibleU ia a (tawral eouvcnlioa, vam Ki tutr In a pirit of euneord, of Uveiia to tbo ducu iiM-i and faith vf a free rprnUllvopvraii!et, n ! ppattnx to their fallow eltUena for tha rectitude f their inU-a(l.na, raaaw and r-iert, before ll American ponpla, tha dealaratiuM aiwl principle avuirad by them when, on former oetaaiena, In tewaral' e(iorn$iun, tlicy ha preetutwi tUair cmiididatiia tut t!if pupalar aulfragef : ' I. That the federal government la Wf f limited power, derived eulety from lha eonttitntinn awl the grant of power mado therein, onj(irt to ba ttriftly ea-, trued by all lb department and agent of tha Rt eruiueot, and that it it ioeipwliont aud dungMroaa U fleretm doubtful eunntilutionil power. . 2 That tba aoontitutiun dixa at eunwr apon n aeueral rovernmei.t th rwwer (ntainenc aadcarrytha rtahla of aeqiiirig eltiii-o-hip in our own l.ind, a ea a inueml eyetem of inwrnat laiprorewi . I . b "d aaerd duly ha dovulvod aa liwread ra t. That the coo-litutiou duo at eoafev aot!inHl,f j Kpuiuibllity apoa lha Denioeralia trtjl of thl oouae upon the federal gowraanBt, dii-eatly arindirewtly, i. .-e, (lie pnity of the Caina, to aplwld and maia MH th debt of thaaavaial f ltv, euailjei 1 I... lb ri!it, of aeery I5UI, d thereby W (aetila local and litf-! inproveatente or tlit t , '' n I Jene n..(; a cii-t tutlwnul libciiy, by eon- : lif - Jd aueb HUonIHa, oa jni '.' ) ' 'l.ai..,-- i ', 4. TuV"-nJnd policy futbid tba'tVJveui rneerameat to fotr ua hrautb of io hnt'l th ii trioeut of any other, or to eheiih th lutt reeto of on portion to tha injury of annlbrr porliun of Mr toainion country ; that every eiliara, and ry aeti of lb country, baa a right o driaaud and m-det upivn aa equality of rifhta and pimlepe. awl toeompk'to aud ui pie protect! B of porom aa1 prupei ly from do-oier-ilc violeooe orforeigu a;jrrnein. .. ft. That it l tb duty of Try bmnrh of tha gov- rvmeiit to eufuree and prartiee lha aio-t eiati'l eeua" aiy, ia eoadarting our publle affnire, and that no mora retenue-oiiplit Ui b rieed than i required lo defray tht neceeeary txj,n of fb gneeVnuieat, ami for to gradual but certain extinction of ,lie ritjie debt. . A. That ConrreH baa no power t charter a aatioa- al bank ; that w beliave eueh aa in-t'tutiua va of deadly boti!ity ta th het intereU of tb country, daagerona to oar rrpahlieaa imtitutioaa and th libor tiee of tha people, and enlcalated tuplaeollia bo-ihSM of the county witliin tl, CAintrul of conoetit rated aiomy power, and above Ui law and the will f the people; and that th remit of democratic !cgiUUn, in thia and all other financial meaimree, apu which Uue Laee beea nude between the two political par ti." of lh oountry, bar tieuiOf-tartte'., I taudid and practical irrn nf all partie, tb"ir eouaJe-u, aafi-ljr. and utility ia all buinea pureulte. 7. Tluit tha araticn of Ih Mouie of the gneern neot from banking institution, ii iiidiperuatila for tho aaffty of U fund of tba gnvrniieol aa I tb rights of Ihe people. .i , - 8. That tbe lilieral principle epibo-lifd by JclTwn in th leclanition of liylepeiplence. and MBctioaed in tL Cuaetitution, which aankea wan rfce land of lilierly and thaeyiuiaof Ih opprjed of every nation, have rer been cardinal prineij itt in tlie l)emticral'e fnitb, nd ererr attempt loahrrrrg the pi inli ne i f bcentuiug citixen,and ll;e owuera of eoil amoiig ua, onpht to be reittt with tbe nm (pirit vrliirh dwept th alien and aclilion law from tbcitatute hwk. 9 Thnt Coiigree ha no power under the confla tion lo interfere with or ooulrol tii dnmeetio itistita tijua of tlieten ral State, and limt inch Ftate ar thevoleand properJnile of evert thing appei Uinlaz M their own atfaire, not prohibited by t! coortitutioo ; that all eaui If of 4h bUlioiii'tt or other. Mad to induce One-re lo iateefeee with qtreetieiui of alavery, or to take incipient w-pa ia reUtioa iherHu, are ealea laU.I io load to the imnl alarmiug and dnageniu eva aequeooe ; and tbat all race ed.irta hat auinevitAhla lendeuey to dimini-b the kappinea of tbe eiple, and odangrr tbe -ruMMtj and paruianency of the Vnion, ai ought not to bycvanteaanevd by any fiiead ot oar r,!it ei inatitotion. Hfs-nU IUt tii forrfniag peopont'Oa carer omJ araal intruded io etabr.e the whole autject of alaeey aicitation ia Confreaa and thrrefor the Itemoflratio j party of the Inin. UoW np an thia aatiooni platf irwi. ui aoiue oy arm a-mere ta a rnlthmi limitra or tb at known a th Compromiae Uleaeuree, ltlel hy th laal f oegreaa, the act for reeUimiRg fugitive fmia aervic or lal(f ," iocloded j which act being de Hgned to carry ant n ripce provieioa of tb eoiuti tution, can nut, with fidelity thereto, be repealed or ao changed aa to destroy er impair it efflciem-y. AvwerW. Tbat tlie Pemoeralic party will rat all' attt mpu at renewing, in Coogreeaor out of i.,tbeaei tatiou of the latery atii, under baluver hape or color fh atiempt uiay be aia'le. RrtohtH. Thattbeprxreedaof the public l?id eniht to be aured'y applied to th national olijctepecinrd .,. ,c , " e or. oppo,, y any law for Ihe elUtribotion of i,ch p'roceeda amouc tlie State, aa alike inexpedient ia pni'cy and repogoauito uie coui!iuu.o. UrmWti. That w are decidedly eppoaed lo taking frm th I'reriu'ent the qualified veto power, by which h if enahlei, under retrictioni and refpon-ifiilitiea aitiply rurocient Ut guard the public int.:rr.t, to sue uend the parraee of a bill wbo merit- rao i;i aerure tbe approval of tae-thirda ft the denote in Hxiseof Ilepreeeritativea, until the judgment ut tlie people enn be olitained thereon, and which ha aared the Ameri can people from t'-.e corntpt nd tj ratiud dcminaiion of the Dank of thi)'tuitl Stit, and from a corrupt ing yrtem of general intorwil improveiiR'iili. Jlaolrnt, That the Democratic party w;il fai'hf!il!y abide by and uphold the principle bi down in tlie Kentncay and Virginia rfloii..n of i'r'j8, aud iu tb j report of Mr. Ma.liwiB to the Virgia'a l.riri.latore iu li'JW; mat it ailopU toot prtncipit a i ronvtiloting Cue of Ihe unin loundatirun of it political creed,- and ia.rcaolvcd to carry them ont in tiieir ohvioui meaning and import; banve-i, Tbat the. war with Mexico, upon alt the principle of patriotism and th lawi of nation, wi a jiit and aeeeaaary war on our pari, i which every American ahould have ehown himavlf on the aids of bi country, and neither moinlly rwr phy.ically, by worj ordeel, have given '-ahfaad eumfort" lo'(h eoemy. Sanlvrd, Ti w rj.i -e at the rnrtoration of frtcnlt !y relation with onr eiter jcpuhlie of Mexico, ami eiinmtly deaire for her all the hleoainir and proaperity which we eujoy uu ler rnpuhiiran inatito.ioui ; and we cougratuiato th Ainarkan people upon tbe reaulta ef that war, which hv fo manifestly juatifieij th policy and conduct of the democratic parly, aad i mured to the Cuited 9tatca " indemnity for the p;i.t and tecaii ty foe the futuro." Rfto'vrd, That ia view of tba ecu.! V-.n f popular r inauvnione, ia ine ti wont, a higti arul aaered duty if devolved, with increased reaponKibilily, upon th Democratic party of ti i country, a. the parly of tb oeopfe, to uphold and maintiin th riht ef every ,"Ute, and thereby the Ciih.ri of the Ftntoa, and hiaua tain and adrance among ai conetittitinual liliertr; and by eoi.tinuing to reriM all monnpoliea aud exclusive legislation for lha benefit of the few at th erpeoao of the many, and by a vigorvua and eonrt oit adherence tniboee pnn; ipiee and eowipreiouea of thacofiatiurtion, 1 which are broad enough and atrnng enough tieinbrace ! ael opnoia tua bmon at tt rball be, fn the full rxpan ion of the esergiea aod capacity of tliii (jrtat and pr greaaive people. j. The foregoing a-a ailoptej t the Cinclonatti riat form, with the following addition r And whereae, ainee ,the foregoing declaration wat anauimnaaly adopted by our prwleceevnr in National Contention, an advene political ami religious test baabeeu aecretly orpan.iied by a party .claiming to be exe'oiiively Aneritau. aod il ia proprf that the Ame rica a Dem.Kxacy eaould clearly define it relatioa thereto t Therefore ' Retn'ufJ, That tii foundation of thi Cnioa of Stele baring been laid in i proaperitv, expaeeion, built opoo aotir freedma in nsattr of religi.ina ,ucera. and nor pert of peraon in regard to riinlf'or place of birth, no party cau juatly he deemed aatfonal, eonati tu.ioaal, or ia accoidxnea with American pticu-tp!e which baaof iia cxciuatve areaniialion apoa raligioa opinion aod aeci lental birth-plMe, - That we reiterate with renewed enaea-v a iutrtM. tbe wll-conmdrred doclaratuiha of former Convention upon th (ectional liie of domeatie ilavery, and eon cataiac th eaaeread right of Ih Ptatee. and that w j may mora diatinclly meat th"ieue oa which a are-- "on' partyj aalevu-ttrijc exclu'ltely ea alavery agita tion, aew relioa to let tlie SJeli.j of Ibe ppU, urib and Sout, to the Couatitulioa and tb I ou.o ' " rXaartpaat, That ehdm'ag fellowship wilh and d. air ing tha eevoptioa of all who regaH the prwoerva tioa of the C'nioa, wader toe Conamutmi, aa im par axaowDt laaue, aad repailiatiuz all accural wariuai aad plaafwaaa aaaaeeraiog d-Jueati ea eery, which wea a inreu is cutei aa tacit to treaeoa ajj !arJrJt4,UU It lhT..rlii.r, txJalci avwwod patp6e, if Mnnnijt'l, nut and la iu war and dlattnloa, tha AuMrtotn brmocraey ieooirda and ilo)i lha prlnrl U oauleod la (hrralc UbliJusg tUe Tariiturial vt Jvaaoa ai Ntbrk aa anblyiug the only aud ai eaJ ablution ol ll lre' J qutia apn abkU tha greaf Mtiunl dva of Um peupla f tin whbl eouoti wi roj eo in it drloinild oonaervalUia of lie Lnlcn, nu-lntoi A'r an: hjr Congra with alavtry ta btato and Twiito riej that tbia waa the bai of the comproam itt 18.'), e.Mjrmed by both tba Democratic ind Whig p)li ia National Cvnvantiuoa, rallnrd by tha poo pi la tk aloetinn of Jail!, ami rightly applied la tha orgaaiautloa of Trrit-.rle la 18fi that by the ttal forat appliaotioa of tola Demoeiatie priacipla to lha argauliatinu of Teeiltorie and tba aduiiwioa of aew buto, with or without doiaetti alavary, a they aiy le.1, the aqua) right of all the HUU will b pro Mfred intuot, the original omct of tba Cuolitu tion ataiuUinad iaviulaU, and tha perpetuation and aipaneiua of thlt t'uioa enanrod to lU alouMt'aapaei ly uf tnibracing, ta peaea and harmony, every fulora Aineritaa ctt luat May ba aoaetitatad ar auuriod with a republican form of gotarnmrnt. - Ihf lrt-i. 1 hat w reeotiaiM) tha riklit of the poopla of all tb Territories, lacinding Kan ami Nelmaka, eliug through Vh fairly axpromtd will 4 tha Majee ity ol aotul reaiJenta, and whavr lhi aumbar of their lnbbium ju-tiric il, lo furai a cHialitution, wllfa er without d moiiie alavary, and be admitted in to Ihe Vnlon upon b mn of ferfvot oijuality 'nilh tbe ntlwr Mate. . AcmW, That, ta view 'of ll aoaditUa o the pop nlr iantilutiuaa of tha 1M aarld, and lha dancemu trndeoele f aeoliooal agiutlon, aoiubinwl with tha attempt tocnturooait Hand roligiona diMbilUie galat ; . ' wr 'o rex i :i nvnwpooe otyi (. li.m tr lit betHsAtoflbe few atJhe aoa Ih j na.v, aad by vigileut aJherooca tv thua principle ami lha eoaiproruioa of th eotiluii.' whirh ar broad and at rung enonjrh to embrace and. uphold th I'uiou a It waa, tb t'uioa aa II ia, aad tb l oio'i aa il aball b in th full capeaaioa of tha etiergleo aud Capacity of thia great progrveeiv poopla, UimUrtd, That lha qutiou eorinrcti'd with tb forulia pulley of th country ar Inferior to no domes tic queatioa wbateree'; that tha time hae com when th people of tb I'uitoi f tapM ih'nW declare ilicm erlrea iu favor of free acae, uf progreaaive re trade Ihroughuut tha world, and by eoleiun raanllVntjtinoa place their moral luDacnc by tha aid 'of thnr auo eeaafal txaiupl. KtmJretl, That oar geographical and oUtiral poi liua with refercneaj to other eiltlr of thia I'ootiueiit, no la than th iutrrtet vf ur roanrice aiU tba de velopwent of cor growing power, require thai w holJ rrd the principle mrolreil in Ih Monr doc trine ; tbat their boanag al import ahould admit of ao Miaeooetruution, aud aheuld be applied with ua bereliDg rigidity. Rcivlerd, Th .1 a great highway of Nature, e wall a th awaent tJ tlioe Stat " imwiliaiOy inti-r-eateil ia iu maintenance, ha boen marked out tor a fro iauutcitia botwaea th AttaaUe aad Pacific Ocvana, and cou-iilulaj oaa of the aiixl imporUal acliicTeuienU realiaed by Ih rpiril of modern time and th (incooijoerahl enoigy of our people; that lhia result (noujd b aotured by th timely and eB tievl eou trot which we bar a right to vlaiiu oter i 4 that a power on earth nhjul I be aulfered tn Impede or Uvg it pj-ogroaa ; nor ahould w allow any inlerferi eue aith Ibe relatione which it may-'iluil our policy to eHahlirh viln to (iovornnicnt of htau- will. in wboaa dominion il lie; la( wt cau, auder nnc.reuue ataacea, eurrendnr 'our prepoQiLrruc in tl: adjui-t- ai'nl i all qneetiom anatng eat or it. , H't"l, That, in view vt eo commanding n in- j terot, the people of Ih tuiled 8utea eni.ti'M but -yai- I ptlhifa with li,e rita which ar being mad by the j people oft'entnil America to regenrrkie Ibot potloa of tb continent which cover the parage acro. th aconaia iatbmu. Jtflf!. That Ih Democratic- farty!tf etpect of th next Adnnniatration that re:y pruper effort will be bud to lu-nre our a.-or o'kusy iu toeliuifuf Mel irO; X Miiiiitiia a pennnneut protection uf the great j out'.eta tliroiih which ar taiptic-I li.lo ita wuter tlie J prwiaeta ral-rtl pai th foil, and emwod:tir created by th iudualry of the o !e vf ear Wolera vallrve uu the I'uiuu at Urzo. Urtolvfii, that the' iK-viecmtic parry rceojn! the.i gnal imporUn -c. in a pulilicij aud o.Biuier.ia! point I tit view, uf aafi- an 1 inmir rt,tof,,itoi..at:.m I.r mil.Lirtf I aud paeWil rw te. tarwiiu our own Tejulory btlween th Aliantie and 'fit. he coa-i-of lh4 L'uiaa; ad tl.at it i tb dvj of th t 'feral tJ.'emuK-Lt to exarf, pmoinily, wit it eonatitution&l power lor lb atUio yit of that object. THK CJXCIXXiTI CO.VVESTIOX. We could not publiah tb entire proaec-iinga of the tlncinnati Convention in a weekly paper, wlthrnf ei- eiuding other matter of mora importance. Th follow, irf utumary of tbe proceeding after the voting eonr- mtmed waa compiled by the Observer, firm which we cpy , Hon. hichard K. Mead of Va. nominated Mr. Da ...... ai, i(;uni ..r V ii M.,.in,..,i c.n.i j nsrc- Mp jBge uf (-.lifurnia aomtoaled Gen. t a-a Sr RicharU-on of Illiuoia nominated Sir. Doulaa. Jlai h applanao urceelel the notuination of .Mr. Ducnaaaa and Mr. Uongla, tat fnrnleiit fierce' a iubIl waa reeeivtd coldly. ' . The first tuta waa a follow : Burh. Pitree. Doag. Ca-a. Vaiuv 0 i w iInipLire -6 Vermont S . ijiaeaehuaetta 4 9 llho.1 lalund -rT- 4 IVinaertteut 6 - feW V.nh4w .17 18 " w Jtrter 7 , t Penniiylvania 27 llawar 8 - Mrryland , .. . 6 i Virginia 16 ' . . ; .Vaitb Carolina 10 , . Booth Carolyn 8 tWgi ' 10 A'hina -' ' r- Mieai.'.aippi 7 Louiaiana ' Ohio 13 4 4 'Kentucky 4 4 4 Tcnnejara 12 luuUn It ... Illiuoia 1 1 Uiaouri - 9 Arkanana - 4 ! Michigan 4 Floivla - e t ' T.'ite 4 lima ..- 4 WlMomln I 2 Catifbtula - , . - 4 The Sew Tik SofU voted fur fierce ; the Tlard. for itcekanan. Thirteen otheT vote were taken n followf : )achanaa. ' Pierer. Hit Dougla. 83' Si 80 ' 81 ' 2 M 6ft- 8,1 ' ,63 ' Caa. 6 6 !" I t haUot Wt 3d 1 - Sd 18'jJ 4th m 6th 110 6th Vsifi 7th 1 113 8th . li'i tlth 140 10th 15flJr lith im 12lb 148 rstb ino 14th 1624 t4 III - i 7 lif M7 I B'.l, Hi 11 it m 79 7- . The Convention adjoamed until to-morrow. It will be wew thai lb 6rt 6ve vote were pretty uniform. After that the principal change wer aa follow : On Ihe 6th, Tcnneaee left Pierce and voted for Buchanan..'' On th 7th, -Teaaao left Buchanan and voted for Douglaa. Arkiaaat changed 4 from Piere t Douglav. Georgia from Pierer, and gave 7 to Daga and S to Uncbanaa. Oa the 10th, Ver mont changed from Pierce to Dougjaj. On th 1 Ith, Hhode Ialaad changed from Pierce to Buchanan., .' After tb 14th tot tb Convention adjourned till f ri'lay morning. . At nln '.cloea on tbat morning It met and proceeded to vote aa follow ; iVteeaJA aoiof. Mr. Bacbanaa 'fieeived ICS ; Pierce 8 ; igla H JJ ; Ca-a 4jJliC. 1' - , The aaaw af'Mr. Pleree waa aew withdrawa by ' Xaw Deaiprb're. ' ' ' . AxasitA BoUvt Baohaaaa XC? j Poalaa 121 ; Caaae. ' - . ' ! A eVpatcb from Pouglaa waa read, Baking hi j friend t drop him and ga for Bacbanaa, whe had j rwaiivaal a asanrrfy. On. Ii lath aaJ 18tb wtea, Nprtli V'aroliaa left Han aad voted M PuBM, . ta tU vote, eL peM lor Buobaaaa, Mr. Avery, of S.th Carolina, aaid that bit tte loved pucbajiaa, aad rruiiutlrd til convention that amrywvjlagoU U4 U:;tb!f hValgy tbuti; laldrd h'taehearfutlj t they n4w l!de4.Maai . rterw and Pouglaa. Nmlb I'aroiiua ean.G beta with deaira lo euppeil ibeeanili'hit liu bad proved liian aelf trneal to U Vplcnatd Ih tuaalituUva, TothU end I hey bad at their Vol lr fur XI r. Ticrcr. the for Mr. Douglaa, ana bw they gave tblr utire vol to Mr, Durhanaa. v 1 . Th X. fork Soft voted for Duuglaarter Waving Here. They really voted for Ducbanaa. The Conrentlon proceeded to ballot for a Vioe-rrea-IdenL Th fullowing I tha mult of lha tret ballot: liua. J. C, Breckeaiidge f Ky., Wt Oca, John A. Quitmaa.uf kliaa.fJij Lino Hod, if Ky.,'!j Fl' patrick, vf Ala,, 11 Aaron V. llrona, uf Teau .j lleraehtll V. Juhawa, of Arkaiiwa, II Uuek, of Texa., I j Folk, of Tena., t ; Dobbin, of . C, II. Tha aecoLd hollut wa uuauiwouMly for i. C. liratk iuldge, ut Ky. A reaolutlvn pledging all tbe Coattitutlonnl powera of th gtivernmenl to aid In tb eonatrurtioa of a rail road to th Paeil Ocean, wa adoplid by M of 2U6 ayta to J aaytr Tkt lMAtftntM Cnrav.-Tb Conventlcri re port a eompletcd at 4 clock Haturday morning. echea were aeltvrel ay air. urcaeuiTige, aaa Piraton. of Knlu ky, and other. J he city vf t'harkatow, wa tied apoa a the place of uieotiug of Ih nekt Vtionnl I', lireotkin. The Notional omuut. tea wae eppiAntcJ. Redwb. per liel'Wblrb oUiort. J Ui tatting of iota far 7iw Tm aaa ber, bat tlie SuA dctllned partirl aling I thia game ef ehaaoe, aud Aaguatna riehalt, being Ihe only oanw ia Ilia hat, Waa elected. The I'uureutiun tb'-a ad Joaroed km . 8aboequently th Piceidept of tb Contention dclierrl a aUHruent rpeeib. r Inrl(j (larfllind 'glrgiiSe r-r.y E TT EV I L L E. X1TIEDIT, - Jt.XE II. !5'S. !he prwf,! ad, al aoepla lha lliuoaie av. emoteM apva eana." We jta eareeWaa to a parte Ituu 'oca at carry U tax aaJ kaea ah ta lha ajtaMa af Ike I atua." - i'r'Hrj'ldrnl, MILLARD 'FILLMORE. OK KEW tbtK. Tor VIr Preaitlrnt, ANDREW JACKSON' DlLXKLSON, or fi:s.tx "Mr. Fliuaam arliniaeHeted 'a Ciuulla (iaiVvraiwaM a pa anal aaiawai aad alUilf. He haa tm lrW4 aad taad tea auUbtWI, aau-tl, aad evnacieatHMA'-!!)'1 tXav. :Tmkui' av electoral rir'kr.fr" Kia ma Oru aiu I'rru Miran-Ta coxiv.i u na Tirn st.ite" at t vr.cn, ' . I, fi. CAKMK'II.VEL, of Kllhra, JOHN '. CAMKI'.ON. irf t'oiftihiu3. r. to lt W-tricf,'' 5-1 ' ' it. I Ma.irt. nf 'ew If movrr, tit- " J i T. Urrtatiut. ,.f 0nlile, CIS t A, J. Utiouav. of Chaihnm, Mh - " tieu. J. It, LiACM, vt llalWaia, - 7th ' ...fen. A. J. lfiteau, "f Aa.-nn, fttit " 4'jMX I). l!VKx. uf llu'irvaihr. roil (ifvi:i;Nuit, JfOIIN A, ill-.M , 01' Gl'tl.HUtlt (IM NTV. -j. - - . AMKUICA.N- TICKLT j ' ' C UJI 3 E R L A 11 D &nd ( . . Ui. R1VETT. Tub Tilt .olilON, -- TIIOTI 4S H. l.l 1TI.KI.OII, M;.J AV.l i all nr, ; Wt iiA v. " ce mtmt i ctMii: rsD colxi r. f npl. Ill.TOR flrf'ii.l C. C. MoTiunimen, K- , ia the anthorijed ag- nt:o tt.4rgn, and will attend to Hi rettirment of ub eriptioB and edvrrtiaiug acconnta. a. W invit particular attention to an article as our V tt page, from tb Fall ni Vr. ia nhiliuB 1 1 Mr. fJilmer'a vie a I'rv Stgnig. FroB a eorrepoo dence with Mr. tii!mer en thiaauhject, aiwfll aaftom other aenreea ol lnfuimati, u. ae kimw that be i eov nctly rrprevtteil in thn article. Wiil anyone dar aay thai he i wrong? VA. aree with hiia in every particular: bnrrTiofc of thia again. m tay H i have the aatii-fai fion of acknowledging tb reoeption of a baktt of verj fine liiih putatooi, to gether with a meaa of hwnv and beeti, from Mr. I) n i ?i i.( tlii- towh a ginerous t.ihute to our bum b'e effoita in the eaie of Fillraortaad Doneloa77.Tv'a.' thuuaand thank for ber tjell Vinied geiii ro.ity. " Mniiy daughUra done well,, but thou ex -Ileal them all !" ' "TTT3J ''-xT-T'" Otiy Wo learn from a vrrv ihteiliuent c nlleman i jn,f from Oranvllle, that th American. r.aun U Bottr-i iahiii crentlv in that eourtv. John A. 0ilmw.be aai. will get a muaing vote on lh fiilThurdy oi Augual. tf. From H.cIjioou I i'ouuty our -nti ia of tbe j moat encouVKging caaraeter. x i American parte ia trong and unitod. H the.proeeedmgs of a njct-iii'g held at the Mineral -Hpring last .Saturday, t5u William J. Yatea, K-( , of ih!i tnrn, a dele gate to the lata (Jcmocratic National Convention, will pleaac accept our thniika for a copy of th C'intiuuni Ihiiiy Euriuiter, -. . rr : .. tiy Jlr. Iobhin wa put in nvminaiion or the Vice Prideney, by the Xurth Carolina delegation, and got jiul throe tutit Jwaid thoa of hi own Stat". They knew that the' 8ng Sich.l. of Noitlt Caislina would work in the hoine.a wli.tiur Uie claim of her aonv were feenriiifed or Bot. To get a fundidate for the Vic ProMdcucy from Kentucky, alm.e gnat etfitesninu had br injured and aiiarepreaented.. ly tb nominee for th 1'rceidency, wna a matter of far more impoitano. Tiut Kentucky will nottwelluw th pill. Buchanan will npercarry thatlStata while tb world Hand. BtAUGTITEKED IX THE HOlliE OP IMS PIUKNUM. . v Four ycart ago thrRaleigb fitahdard wa eenaunt-7-arallnjj'or th defeat of Mr. Fillmor fn tB Whig Xationa? Convention. "Fliughtered In Ih bonne ef bia friea'd fj bit adhereac to Routl.eru Interest and tin rlghfa. of t State.," wa all th time rolling from the tungun of that indignant and outrased print Who wa tlanghtered in Ih boa, of hi frienda el Onciunati, the great Porkopoll of "nation? Wbal became f Mr. pierce on that occasion ? Will the Standard plaa anr wer 7 " EXT1UELV TOO IiAO. . c Tha ao-ealled lleiuocratie party had a Jstifieatiaaj aicetijjg bj. Waaiington eily a guturday nighl, and. after aUending to tbe other matt era, proceeded to the roatdential manaioa ami lo Jlr. Dt,ujn-. dene. ai.d called eat the oecupanta to auk tpeeeb- a to approval of the r.ineinnati uomiaatiooa. ' Thia wa entirely to hod to . ma k men gl ap and tiut al their own funeral I .1 . -r Sr Col. Bi.ton kaa accepted lb. nomination f, th. governnfaip of JlwtiiHj ana moTreump tht Slat, 'fcwi fua af bt xneted. "in 1if.vr.1r cut wwj 6irrw:r fccas , . .. - N I . ., , ' .... Will old " if ar Clay Whig' fuppait lr fliirhaa, auT' e bar n. Ma that they piil. iVlr aelf r. I r t fwW la th. Idea of ) urh d. gradaliuti. hlr, BNcaauaa waa, iu uar eaumauon, ut pn aaovif J ai tiv gi'tur up nf tbat infauioaa ibnige of bar gn 10114 eiTuptitw Tfcsrj-"tMryilf Quluei-y Adam--Whetuby He freatut ktaleanpr,., dttol by th ceulily ine the Uar of Warbini tau wa kept out of lhej'ra!deii(! chair, and th doitiny .f the repuhlie tLniifcd, peibap, for all Uic taeomf. l.i J fact b eoiHiiiitlrd fo a raiiuld pullle. It will ha rcniUj by Ih (ni-lligeu( i.drr that, in lb it there waa aoeleelion f rreridchlby Ihe .ple. Th vlettioa, therefore, bad ta go before II Hint t( ReprcataUlive. The tin f M-ryU bofiur tlal body, i eordil.g to lh tirwiaioa of Ih C' oatilutluli. Irtu WttoMk a felwtiun had t ho made, were John .'juleey. Adaait, flener.1 ;cVafo, ari l VlUiaia U. rrawfunl. Mar. Jaekaea, and Adanu were the more pmailaeiit; I 1. . . - . rt ....ii. . . auo 11 waa wit auuaa iu mo oooieat aouM be o, eidctb) Ui vote of Mr. Cloy and bia friend, Uow they would t w axt gtammlly kaoaa, and, of our, loth partiu were apatoui tp aeenre their aai port. On th lltaW Janu iry tnvln apr vieua to Hi tlm appqiiittd fur th election by tb Huh, a lottcr appealed iu a I'hllaIt'pL(a ay.r purpottiKg.10 hare eon fiora a aitaher of C.lreet, la whit I'll wit elokd llut th thpu f Mr. Clay had for aemetiiaa hinted that they, like lb awi', were ready to atht for Ihut ah would pi.y Uft "Overtaee wer raid to hove bca made,'' eoChwc Klter,-" by in incoU. of Cloy, (Toriag Liui ihw ppolnttaeat vf Segribiry of tU)t, for hia hV to Arr A-lao.a. Aud the frna U uf Clay gave II ttJutwiitleiy to la (Vivada of darkron, and hinted, that if tba friend of Jack-mii would i lTit tl.e tan pike, Ihey would elnae with taew." . . ;i ' - ,t ' 0a lha (rat uf Fabruary 11'Ju, Mr. Clay pnhn.h a card In the. .N'at on lutelligrnetr, deaennx li.g iha author of the tutriarnl eentaiui d iu the 1'hiladulphut piper aa a ha and Inramou nlumninlbr, a dartatd and a 4l.f j and ad d that If ui h rcA Wj,i!J uib veil hia name, he Mr. CI;J Would bold hi? repcn ailla. Two dav aftrwrda, another raid tyyarod, in ihe Intcllireueei, la whub Orpaca'kaiMt a, f I'eunaylvani, (then a meir.lier ef the II. ate ef Rep. renUiUce) t,iulrrcd hi rpcl to Jlr. flay ar.d inioi-i nim ir.al 17 tirernee lo Ihe fiilr of the (Ua4aa f'Aerrrc, h B.lgl.t atccibiia tL author cf toe rbj eel on !.'. eoaiMuiiieatlon lieoree Kliuo r Waa a eii, l. ,mim. A - J -- hav ca.l upon ahoui fje pcraue.1 aatitntclion ntil.( haeeo perfed y 'ridiratuaa ; and, Ua.dc., k I.J.I Jlr. (..wi.li!j!-l.!pl, a ajra.ber fio Maatarbnaetla aad furmet'v Uvrrilarj of tb JUvt. and aUar Urn... Ureal of l.m.fua, Md ft illtava Imitley I'i,ee, f Wa.hiuy,a Cte, th.t U M al lb author the "r"i'i, c.ea,ui.Kt:.. Mr. C!y ami hie fiirada were v l. ftcJ til lin rer had atM a. ih w.rr er pt , b-t and W. of nhera, o. .,Vr tLcw eircuaaelanec., Mr. Clay, who waa t.' Pplte f ,kt H,, n d,.wa rrvni Li- CVa-t aid OcaaauJed aa h.itlgatiua i,t Vieeharce, in or '. r tUl if ruiliy I, ,,1,1,1 i. U bly pun :.,dly the j;u.-e abut peeejdji . , t waa, .in, if infill, tint hi. f hailer aught be Uu, dic.t 4. lr. r,ylh CreigU, . rnihtKr,.! r p.. ecnt i,f Mr. flay, Ut a gentJemaa of nroldtr aa I h .nor, fe' th )uatie f lh Speaker' app..! , a o.cua re, i.mua Ibal a .u.itic. be apjr,.in . Thia r.-uiut!..a !' xealou.ly 'wppwa,', ly fiiu " wh'j Ud U.eir ow" rto..,;f,rr wiping t, ,(i,cr , ibveatlgalioii, !. w , u;iy rumi b B .He of 2U tntl.- I u,r.lu.My Mr. Pr-iih t duwiL . . .,,,u me j.ttta V, lko l.e ma l im th occa-ion Mr. 'Ktimer, auppoairg that b Lad a prrt lo peifoen, , a , ottm,. m t j;;B. b,,,, promplci hy ih ho had Lin', in keepihg. l.u4 up and e-.W t ' It B;,B l.nci,,.!,,,, U btmM it ahould a..re,r, Ui.t le'laj . .fEfj,u .. I, ' j..-t,fj t!,e. MU n.fiU i, baU mad, he t,....l L- t ,! "'(,,M!tb9 urk' '' rcr.-.Ull.. hi.h hud btea j 'l?clt 1 1 th- jtker. tefit (ail wba'ra it BJ.j-l I, I he w wiIIipj to aant th iiHiairy, and tul.1t tb re! j a i.t." . I Tl" crwiaiittr-e'app.;,,, ,. irum. . .. P '.- WetwtsT, Jle taue, r..ryth, ,a le., aVIIJanhia. all appeln.!. of Mr. t l.y'ia tbe eKtio. 0.'18: ; and they rerVa. for th perform.ac of Ihe t.,k alj,-, lhfuvb.t, .la, ! M,, Kre,fc u,. aS bt ail ,! ,,t , nit rtfa.-cd 1 1 l.t bio, rpe,. -jf. ,,,) , j.,lff .teeliofe; to net enhrr aa'ea aeei rer , ra aita; ai d ' froutlho Unguape lu ahlcH tt wax trm , ji . ahrewdry urmiKd that it bean eielated by Nr. ' l iglicio of the I'er.o.. Waai dcjfg.iiurf, who Lad ma a rp.i.h iu oppc.ii, ! M,, Fevyfh rentlrt. ti..Tl.eeumin!ttrw er compel!, d ia reirt that they had been able loohlaio t. alimony t raUMbh ih. charge pe.ren.4 .gain.l tl.e Upealet and hia f.lendr : and a- tb n.a.t, r ,drd. S, W; c. uld b reaclieit, and n waa reaponalM. Tbo et.j..: tha publieam evidently wa. lo dtiva Mr. ( iay lnt., tl, pr,,rt of fiM.erj J,,., ,,.,. .or pprrar,,au ,na, Mr r,e mla be Ur al ed hy a (I fRrem curve. Pat he wt.. not ,e ti.. to u" Jri.wi flow hl b regarded . a W jyly..J P ort I Mr, Adam bee.ua fceHmvyl t him bt t fim.li Srd for lha uul.'ea tJ th nrerie i. i t , h' the-aiiaatiwa vt ftwiary of" State, .and l.e . ""'l'tcd it only iu eomplitnc with the earned .Ld r.. '.' pn,tf "'wii kf bii frienda. It waauiifw tunaio tor l.l hi anj lb, counter that ho awlfeet-i..:. 1... - . . - - - - - . ui j " tuniue, to oTeTCorna hi oaa Ipeliimtion. In .! p, lu(! f IJUT llm-..llowlnff letter ... ,.i. Ibl.ed in ihe'J aittuvilia 0brvrS i -Vriu, .Veci , jeo I hav. jt relumed from O.nr.al jVk., j found a crowd of tompany with j,l,., xu in' 1... were of tSteuomht,. g,r, , fc8 , re..p.,on, and urged , e to,l.(, B lih, , ' , Iv him cueerniiiTfTi tteuvf of . Ii, Ada. U th. P,idenev, tl.at Mr (.lay an,rf, ISBJ. a piap.autioa t hia jrurndt, tUt Mr1 tlai aJl" 1 !" rHeur, , e; Mr, t ay and ha frienda weald in ene Acamak Mr Jk.aiJ ihe rce.deat. He dene,! Jaehi, 'antl, ; rejected Uei . propniiti,, . ..... us-.oum ii.i-.,Bipr.ai,t himealfi and .mica. Tina letter had th effict thri waa d',,l.ii. pnted hy Ita puhlicothin. It created ,.!. ....i . ud cowing, irda,frm X.hvill., it Wa Jnokt upon at aaortof '.'By AnlborKy" publication. Pome excitement ., creav d. ad Mr. Carter Beverly wa. aerertalu.! to be the authoro tLe'Hlter, Thecharge which it preferred were contradicted and Mr. Itevcrle calW, General Jacka for th. estimation of ab.'t be .ad .,,,.1 Th. O0J,tf'ith hi, b.u.1 feanka and over hi. own aigwlur , iterated thecharge with mor. partalarity than bi. been U.or. aeed, a.d eaiB that b. reeeivea th. lB(0t9m frM m tibt of Congees. M 0f high -tpctbil!ty. Jr CJ.y re--ponded In appropri.t, tern., .Bj. (a a(lir. ered at Lexmjit,,, ,h, ,2th of Julf ,M InOgueg j . wrbr,,,,cf(rM",':! hr ?nf4 ,u 'dit ' J on mvmi er of Conor. aa' alim. ji..i r ... i.i T . JttkiuVVl.. i.V?" . H". f''ile ' of Cencl , He wVaT-ewTi A , 7 r"rtv that hi ;"r. ri"; v i a ... . b.. mo,, open.y.,,oiB,,.jr,,JlcI,r-11,J byf,B.,eTe he would .ever receive It, He declaied, All 1,1 TomJ u. Hum ho would aia ifc. ahol. illk them, bUoro b would i.rye w Ji:tiL, ,or J Bv Inatantl an!., i. ,rti.i,h denon, bim 'tZ Z C. J?" J tu bahora, to Ibe American publi-, w.,b,!d be a - : ttti e .Utter prepared to aUn.lt ih. 7ali ,7 .,,il, ,"Z Jl r,ta -0 "r ace-Mint, . frJl L.TVL'?1 "Bd,l:V f-rl " de to I,,., : tb. rer! ? -..yo n amiee, l,i, U, .ceert l i -.... .mawraf to. I,M ,f ,,., -' V .ny-igf (

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