Pitt1 ;f llf ' " " f6S - JOIIX W. CAVBBOlf, WIJILtMTKJL Hew Seriej.Vol IIL-Na 27. :,-. . FCBUSllgJ) WakKLY, " JOHN T. CAMERON, iditor. amp rtofiirroR. - TIBM3 Of SUMCHJTIOXt " IWWm, I itlHl'i H Dailaaaea m UNk, If sal darla the jpurt Tare ItMUw, ll wt eatd daaa im rear af aakaerlelieat Be akrlaHa resale A lea part Baa ra, aalatt pelt la e 1tiki ; Ik aeaar teelee utll all areaara are paid, aalea at Ik mm af kto KtUier; . - V toMn to MHhtw IMr pan U aa of Um rear, HI aeu Km lUlew af Uwlr loteaoaa tant ek Mn tba tBtaafta T Ik tw, etkarwta IW paper IU ke aaUaaaa ,ee HJffMh MM eaereae Hmnill M UM ee.ee raaa; 4a eaaae art aal af Ike Ma. a, a aaaf tk aroef, mIm la a Waava ra na.lble ana V TKgttf OK ADVkfmiSOl V faaHkjaf a)ala Usee, er aa4ar, (flraaij (a? e aakel iai'.rtU aWat 'bare ewe'tha, ', ', '. tOanta.lM, 4-e Vr M aMaiaa, , tS Hot la4b MatWu.. ..-.;...' IfVi Vnaaaaaaal at lltulMH Canlt, aal vim in Ha, per year, fc Latar aaai la aaaparilnr. ' AdeertkMaa mm-i Mala Ibe Marker f hmrtlaat rVey rWk r i efcerte Ika, art! a auuUawaa till hMtAf, aaA alaua4 aa . - -1 . ... U . .'.I 1- - T') ' 1. .., .. a, 1. f, aEOSjZ' Mir .' . , MAI.UI ff 111 filer Brj tnivttU, tip, lel tkott, ud lfdy lade CWthlif. , ' Far4c1ar attantioa paid la W3' DRESS GOODS n4 TRIM"X(1S. Ilr Street, Faot(etllle, 1. C. 7i-uf B. B. Hortia, W. H. Bta, BopVins, Hall & Co. MV GOODS MKRCnANTS, ; M; tit nUiaur Mtre(, (Oppnil Hnor Slwl.) B4LTI.nORE.niD. f.kajary, 1844. - "WM. II. HAIGH, Attorney at Lawt FATTTE7ILLE, N. C. orrirt us oui trtttT. Jaiuir, ism. TROY & HtLEl., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, trMBi:RTOt,?i. Ma l??-tf " Law Copartnership.8 WE. tha aadarmigBad, h? tbit Jay f Bd a Law Copartaeapkip, aad will pracika la Ika Crta f the fell' wiagraaatiaaaf IbUiitata : Cbalkaai, Cnm harUad, livara, Uaraett, aad ft Snprtma Caart J. II. HtlOHTO.V, JNO. MA.S.MN'ti. ntUVaraajh. 5. C, Jan y 1 . 1 r-'i iK-f J. A. SI'EAHS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AtSaada tka CoorU af Caabfr'tad, itaratt,. Wak, ant Johaaea. A-Uraaa, Taaaur, Uarat'.t C , S. C. 110-ly. - V 8 Jfi iiajlVaM( (HUH COIJISSlOi AD FOBWARDIXfi ilERCUAXT, Mnimingioiu 1 C Jee 11, IbVil. .... " ' ' . ' DH K. A. BLACK, --prriCB FBOHT B 0 OMS, OVER nr. B. M. Iliaadale'a Cbemut and Drug SWre. r.braary 7, lei. W-tf ANDREW; J STEDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PITTBBOROI'G, X. C. am Wilt attend Ik Count aaJ Hnperlnr Ceartaof . 3hntbara, lur, and IIrne(t Cnti. J.ly 1 tr leVi. ; : : - JOHN WINSLOW Attorney at Law. Qjfrt on Ik Sth til af Hay Urttt, iqp tiUtht FaytlcilU Hank. FATETTLTILLEr rehrwarrr : '-'- R. E SANDJORD, ATTOBYEY AD COLXSELLOB : AT UW. OA a at Dr. Mail's New Building, aa Bew glreet. ;.Bpt.l8M, ' Je6JMiy ; : A. M. Campbell, Auctioneer and Commitum Merchant, GILLESPIE STREET, " FayatteTllle, N. 0. WVf 10, 18o, " .-, 5 .Charles Banks, , ' CBJFECTIOKER, WIIOtESALE AND BEfATX DEALEB I!f ftrtuj FriiM, fftt, Cigar, T&aceQ, Snuff, ' OMEE5I ITREET, 4'V rayatWTilla. M. Q. WaaaryH. 1854. -fJtVCT AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Skat, Cap, Boeoeta, "B-HiU and" Slioiit", lTrT ' Ctto Tarns, Kerseys, BlankeU, A , e. aaalaBVndOiLi.trrt , rvetVvM. N. C. r J. S. BANKS, -COHIBIOJ AD FORWAWG M E R C H A NT . : W ItHItGTOJ, iaa. A, 1866. . ' Ivortla Carqlfnat. 104-1 . K. II. MURCHISOS, ; a)H h4 fwrwareMwa; Blcr C hat at, ' i.trVMiAtr . e3etai IB, IBS. H-7 i fjlii arflm I'Hfo state: or koiitii aholiiva. KOUK-SClX COL'STlf. ' Cm a PUmt M iorfr Stmlmu, May Term I BU BraaUa WUUmk W. Gaaa. ; LtLaarf. OaavitfuantppMriaiUitk atlif.alloo of Ui Caart Uut Williaa W. Uaan, Ui rifnlanl in tai tax, U oa-raldnt of Ihil Slat al (at fabraai Tarn f tala Cor 18,xJ) Hrabaa Kin(, tq., hH r nli Coanty, did iba u4 taara irlura tola apaa CuaH, aa KiaauUua a ad Lay apoa rour kaaarM aoraa r Land, altaala, lying anil Uiag la aaui Count;, a tlit Mita iJa af Luinbar Kim, juioiog Hi hmh of Juha Uuaa Chartra !, aad alhna. Alao, ana other tract, aoa- taiawg aiafity aeraa, lying aa Ui Halt 80p, loiwnj Uia Iaa0 of JaaaM Ilaaiarry aal other auxl it it orlarad by tka Caart tltol public tlua ba wd in a a or ca uaroliua Argua, a aawapapar pabliihtd tn tka Wva af FarMttTilla, K. C, atiryi tka aaj WillUOiMM,Walantaaafur.aaito ba aoa ap. paar befart Ui Joalioaa af, laid Cuarl to ba boldaa for tba Couar afbraaaid, at Um Coart Um la L at bar- lua, M tka luurlk Mio4ay la Auful aal I, tiiaa aail tkarto ahoar by kla plaadlnf ly aaid lauJ, aularitd aa afcall aal ba aald u aaliaty tka aaul i-uiatira aund, iaavma. aad sort. ' ' .' . ' r' Ik kaMw.VrfS lounk tlaad.y af May A. D. I&i6, aad af AMnraa lnltpiianca tka HOtk yaar KUADftACH HOWELL, O k. JuaaSJS, IKC. 129-dt. Pr fa JO . NEW CARRIAGE UAMJFACTORr. T fully inform "tha puklia Ibat b?7 at baa aUblikcd him If l Fair Hlaff, for f b pnrpoa afoarryiagoatkaCAIlKlUE WAKINU Bl'SlNt'SS. llaTinf earrwd a Ika bina at Ika Jiortk, ha 6U Irrt hima:f " aa for atyla aad DaaiaaM uf luiah, alaa darakility" b aaa via ailk lb lot of Tarriafa ilak. art Tkoaa wiakiag Una bagfiaa will plaaaa nil aad a lamina kit wurk far tkecuaatvra. Allarb irtiil. ad fur tvalra awuUia. Krpairiug doaa at Ika akortaal Dotica and ua raaaoaahla tarau Fair C!ul, N. C, Jua 16, UM. ' lii-lf WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, a good BOUt UiKEK. Tba cry bt wag will ba givaa. Wf TAKSF.dS. Fair Bluf, X. C, Jaaa 1, IV l.'B-lai - i Cranes Creek Academy. iioori: COl TY, .V c. r'llll TntiWaa ara kappy t aanaaae to tba pabl'. 1 thai Ik Fuartk .k'--".B or tin Inai.tatioa w.'l apva oa Xaa.iay tU Tift a)f Jwlj nait, uular tka ..p-rri.ioa ot Mr. . AUCIIIttALK WcLA irCULIN aa Prli'l. Mr. McLaarhlm it k grajaala f Ika lniaraity af N.ulk Caroliu , aad kia Ivainiuntala at uf Ika k'(l eat ekaractar, aad warrajit Tnl.U to firing a- Hi mafia -ll mL. a (aal l..a..a, l.l atlrMi taa ! laibtutioa, Ika I tker will baa ajTBj. af nye- laaiata and tkurierh leilruoiioa Tbe Aradaaiy i e lua lad am m'.'.'t aa.t af Car tkorA, Bear Ika FarrUrtille aad Wf iUr TUak Road, ia ik Biiuat af a vrry banllhy, aiaral, and litetli(eal naigkkarhoud, aad it will tberf'r ba fia frua, Bay of Ui nruiiu l b (I u erica wk'eb arnrh n ('if' t haaitb aad 01 rail uf ttu IfbU In V a and olUgea (a ardar Ikal Ik ban. &U .f tk U'titulmn ay b wiikia tka rw.h af all, tka fUa.iig Ion rat af 11 Uua per aeaaiaa, payab, in advaace, bate ba adopt ed EasHik Aaoordiaf la s-Jnuaaataent, :o. u fit. is. Latia. (ra arl frm, ),. 'e."a. r,ri can . aj w 'V " j " ,tr "'"ii'- hjS aLD Ulo.fS I.U. Jim ItS-V, it J i EDWIN GLOVER, WATCH HIbER'.WU JEWELER, At th M Stand, .VorM i.e of U13. j rAf KTTKtlLI.K, II AS jt ratame-t fom tb Narth wi'h tfc urgtt..r'J-.ir.ka.r.n.i a.r, , prier. Auiong h' ortaint Biay batnin i U.-l a I tSilw watekta t all triade, esnn very . "'Cd.l'Fe'i Vent i.ud iiuard t'hin. ; !eal. aad Key. ; Fub Hark. 1 la ; S( cUf!fj ef all kin-1; lirat Tin arl har J King. wta. er.mel,ing m , all kia I. ef fiiw 01 .2? with ladiB Bather C-aaee, a new artir'e; fine j 'earl C.rUC'a.-,l'Kliii:i.Biiie,ukl4nu.Ml.-'iri.-te-i, Coral Bead; 1'irrt Mai i Jtl Xetilaea; in Jet Pin.; Arcordf w..; M-k IWm, Ac ' I ..fid and BaHajMMriw. fWverrr.ip. Better sad Fruit Kidvca.4 Plal.-d (aoorl s Frk.-; T.r,l an I Tea fpvin.; Batter Lnabea, Ct.r; Carl BVi; t.adie Work ltoiej agKd e.i.in.ntof Military U.d; a tin, l H j Ar f'!..L. ....) ...v M,.nv All...- fti-li hli-h km .1 Mend, sod the pu'bfisra inid la eaani'iie. Strict auction paid U WATCH BEP tlnTNO. Juo. S. l-'7-?rt. . Twill attend, Vy mvglf or deputy, at the f-jltowlng; times and plnce, to rec-iethe du from Ihe rliiiens of luruireriun.l uuumy lor in. ynar iooi, i VII At Ulaek r.iver ran. ter ground, Monday, July I4th . " Flea Hill dittncl " " Tuesd.y, ' l.'th "Loek'Crrk " M Tl.araday, " lth "Oadar Creek " " Frtday, " leik Carver' Creek " " fi.Uirday, " r.lth " QnwhirS, at Col. SmitU' (.!1 p! Tbursday, Slit Tint ditrict at FrHy, AuguU Ut - B'xkflrib di.trict, at Mc5iH'a Bridf;, Saturday, August . " 2nd . At tb eriov named limes and placas tbe nandi dates for mtinueie lu.tli" tieneral A'wmbly, and for Miariff of Cumbarlmid Coii'ity will attend arvl kddraa their fellow-dtilens. . AI.KXASPER JOHSHON, Sheriff. June the27th, IM6C. lM-.tf CARTHAGE I.VSTITITK. Ljrsj TtCHOOL will be re.timed in thie fneti' JZZiZlW O-tuUmi the fdftSf-WrtrfrA ifJ' a er Tr 1 v t,.. aaheratufore. - Tke fnncipnl tnke plernr in aancuueing to the public thatCI.KMkNT IrOWD, a member of th re cent graduating elaaa at tke.Unirrlty, will hereafter beaaaociated witb him in tbe School. Mr. llowd i an experienced teacher, baring been suree.rfully en caged in that buine liefore joining Culli-ge. Wa therefore hop by ur combined ed.irti to ier.taeoa tinuanc of th am liberal patroMg which, th Schoiil baa bithei to rceied. A. K. BLACK, Trlncipal. Tarthnee. Jnn 21 , 1S. liW-llt Edge worth Fe liTrtc-iiiW, GREENSBOROUGH, N. G - r riHB next Seanion of tins Inatitatroa F I -ill on FRIDAY tka 1st id AlHvOdT. Tka eonraa of stwdv bi daeisned to ettibrnee eesry- tbingaaeeaaary tn tf batantlal snl ornavtionl al Ednrntlou. Ureal proininenc is given to tb kollt Uraurbe.. - Jt'eitker labor nor pJa Us Ua .pared to secure Instructor of the highest qualiScation in tberr vari oa depitrtncnta, and to niakeEdgvwdrth second to no lliaUtoti.tB In tke country, in eieiytliDg neeeiiaary to a eomplet eHoMtion. Fee eireolarseonUioiagUrms,cours of instruction, A., apply is " . . '-j . KlVIlAlll Ol.niii.., niB.r.i. Jans 27, WM. ; , 2-7 jj('i rijjlj lot rttrasl tigil I POLITICAL I- COL. BUNTON'S SPEECH AT 8T. I, f -Wi pita below tkiit panira f Col. I fwent apoecli at. St. Louii Ukh th rt I Ciucinuaii Cvnrantioo and fLr domtia j tb Administration t CitiauiMi I appvar before jou la la uv (4 tlaracter Umt of euodidatd for He imv ibipof lb Stat uf MiMonri. It am, a nhich 1 M not anagbt, but wbicb I fait I In aocf pt in tha prant conditioa af the r Ua mm gmatl endknfi'rpd botii athon altuad, and tba Kriuea aH J.;kkJ etiin quired to aid in pmvtotinjr tlia doull c. gf oivil and foreign war. ' , I wtot to Cutinnitl to be r"ir tlmt C two, tli first on I cr uj.pi . I;. ; I iee bow thint'i w" H af nfiiiiiiiu',! i bvMii In-!.!- ! f art . .j.. .aw'ene trui 1'kckeJ.dvltxfitea wre Owra, aent to peoJ. Straw dukgaje were tbr, tvu.ia li- 1 ine DHica wQica rui giro we aeraoerau t,-. jucaaoers.oi v oorrsa war inere. aiiQaujiaiurbia It their duties fioni being at mob. place. , A eufiotl oi omcc-li.jiaer were were, piNitKau a chee in tie Federal sutom, incapuLla of vot ing lor lb siuulle. Federal eiBee, at aunt (Lei radii by the adoiiautraiioo to impute t Hrceiderit apwi toe ptie. It was a aesndalua oc.leriioa, eiclndod bytke eonatitution Injiu being aaeleck)raoI the t resi Jont, and yet aent here to rote fvr the adtuinuv trativn nd fu voto apa the principle ot lite oi that knowetb bis maatr'e erib upon the pria- eipie of trie aaa mat knoweth the band U .1 Ieed etb bim. J'uliie wm there front the euatoio hoaan an J lb Tire JWte ia New fuk-!l with the spprubation of tba aJmiaUt ratios-, or the ofioe.boiJera wuuid not be there (abaest frout tbrir dutirw and drawing jkeir pay) without the corn-nt of llirir eiuplnycrs. It Wat a acandatofj collection. Tbi ineibber of CungrvM war ia the d.iuLle breach of loeir dutica. They were iMt-lo-lii.K thejr lejialatire detiee, and doing what tbry bad been interdicted from doinf. ' , . Thirty Tear ego the nenilaorioa of PreaidVav tiul eaaJiJtea waa token fmm Cowgreaa oa aev cuotit of the evrrup'.ioa which it n;oierrd, aad Kivea U delegates, itttowdiotf to be fresh tra the people and to obey their will, and the BonioaUva renK.red from Vaabnj(ttMi to lkiJtiaa.m, u get out of the reach f l'rsidaa-Makitx aicaibera. Hut theae tiia'ikbcre followed to Kaliiason, grt-; tin pmsir fn.oj snoie dtl- cat ben thrj eould . . .... i. iCft no appointment fruea tba po W) aad gvt rid ' o them to ret eutiroly beined tieir reachHho looveatton ikcJr m removed frvuj lullimsr to Cin.sinnti. ' . Vain eff.irt lo eacspe them. They followed oa i t'ineinitl. TFey. br4e ap C-igrea to get Is) this forbidjrn piece. Surely ib uew Preaident will be.very hard beartrd if be doe not iwtaewi ber them when he e-juiea to the dietribotion of j ofiice. Kr ip Wasbiogton city eau new urpa, i never before put upon anvh acrvtoe tliw (, J hud.-rs to the city, chwk la the drpJrtuuuUr I haad of liurewiw men wh have B-J V-Xa ia aer ltd-,rl ckvlkio poiilual bvbmd, brjbbie ) act man 'a perl in any tie. t.,n, hat sent to (ifceia- aati, m a life piaid toaupporttheaJnituUlfBlUie). - Such was the coi(ijiuo of neHy ona-half f thi wiule om vent ion -cu.Urfn hou tiS-wra, r jit, ita!rv-d r!itk, packed dulte. ' lfw tti Triali t.tiitfaj anui'KaV nn!arrBi ttt ('oLi-rv, diri, tt..rriie, fedo'al BMrahaK H'he pla in whlofi they met, and which had ,ta provide! by a faeked admiiustraUoa com- ,uUrt) wa, of the meeti-ig.. IiWaaort , ' , .i f l 1 . , ' M hj three, done, aer. door g'larded by armed boliiea, with Order u Lnwk d.tWO Sny r-oraon that il.aiohed wilhoul a ticket from tbe eoininitiee , and apeei.al order to ba prtipered -puW the W Wi dafegatiiw which cam to rot for Unehanan a repuh which tbr-y .attempted, and sot ihamaclVe knocked down and trampled UttJcr tout. ' ' This den bad no window by which" rwple eould look in or r the lighfof the aniX "7 w of glaaa, lik a atcamboat akytigltt, thirt Eve feet above the loor. " It w the ncar- ai rrprewentatidtl of tb " black bJ" in 'Cal" tM a j Hhgt hftle, fad WeH-nigh beeom ' - - ... ' . . r. . . Mitorioiif f ir a similar oauatropna. ine little pane of jrlnw abova were hung on ptvuta, nd turned Cut to let in air. A rain earn on drove into the den ; and to exclude it, the pane wer tirned.nj. "Smothering!, imothermg !".wa. the cry 111 thedn ; and tbegfsM had too turned up agaia Over thi place win a smull hot fr upecU lora, it approach barriiaded and gukrdi'd, snd entrance only . ol.taiaed upon, lick ol from the satiie pocked committee, and to wLorn they gute tickets was seen the firnt vote Wore gvn lor Buchanan, anil when tai h Suite th.it voted fir bim w.i hissed even Virginia; and the bias ing only ttopfmd by a threat to clear the galleries. Such is the pa- to which lh notuinaiion of President is'now brottght." ' t fv No President, teekirig a rocond alcetlW btt ever been so repudiated Udore. Several, ao eok inr, hare been defeated by their adreiuuitJ, bik no one ba been defeated hy hln own party. ', Th cider Mr. Adam vrn defeated by th Pomocrado purty, then called republican; tb youngpr Mr. Adam wan defeated by th same party ; Mr Van Uuren wa defeated by the Whi-s. But each of these gentlemen bed tb consolation or having prentirvod tbe reaped and uonfiduBoe oflii owrtrn.cjaurtt; and a a Tyleritojaudioncering offjeer so with jir. I'lor.. Da at rcpa- diatcd by thrme who. bad exalted bim. After fniir y. n-s' trinl lie ia oondcmuied and tluown away-rtbe victim of hia sdvifem. It istheinu Iiuiiuhaltng torinmntion of a puhlio carcw that ever wus'witiiiwacd. Ui whole vote waa some alxty--cnly five dozen outof ncar'tbreehandrtd; and it from theae are deducted tha intrusive vote which ought not t-.be counted those of the office holdort, paokod delcgflUa, tho straw delegates the niempers. of Congress, and th complinien tary voti which; were bejed fur him "to lcwin I'm ihini t,gf'bfmMerjhl. dufoat if all tin' were deducted, lEoy ougui ur bt!, hr Would be left without a single vote ; left to go out as he came in.: with tbe. unaninjaMis consent of fit pnrty. -AV hat a fate for a man who cam itto oiGce upon twenty-Kven State, with two-third of each Ilonse of Congress, sod. the united Dem ocracy of tbe whole Union. After nil, the remit was due to th plana when, tb Convention wss held. If it hud been in Baltimore," where tba j outtide pressure would have been tin the o;her s.do, the orhoe bolder would bare earned tb day. : ''-".,-'.... - ' Let it not b forgotten that tbe pise gov.ni d thi nomination the-plac eonrenient to tha solid men cf th country; bat that eaaoot bt re. j 5!f ' I gfratg f ja.ia'i lot its lilt ,if 12. im '"1 IV) to aava futura DOtaitiattoaa. Tba old j nni .tba (Mnuaneat profeMioual Preal- 1 1 t u ..... ra -will boI M saairbt ia aucb a dara '1 It j will gw whan tha tarttara eaooot i uyaiuf od tbera u m aafvt" as xpt in lha i. nl o tha Conatitutioo, aad giving j' dirott vota fur Preiidaob Alraad "fid Ibat duty go Ofxt Ihn to CbarU 'i Carulioa, wIht bo Waaicro fiinnrra '"". If jov ask bow ear tbit ba . t I aiiawar, wry wall Ka b On- w appoint a aon ittoa of iu own bodjr, I it la ' I tv,, I ! ; .; . f(rfT i. 'f.".ru a in nuBjfcar. to ait frora foor aars. to t And tuanaga Trythiag Tbaaa Com- tna cheating la tba race! of the ; ! a i.m W ila bJ a.:La ia liH jiWII '.r!w ...,j()f a (nil srtey on an occasion like the ' I. i credent l I can aal aoiia and nrnaaut ik mnat priwiincnt, tukinaj thtwe which toucein our borne ; ajj,,, 6pij iit0 furejg. fUrwardj but, Irs,, I B.Urt show who I nioan by th administration, 'or it by no means aoaabt of all wbuao Bame eamptw it. . In the first place, then, I do not mean Mr. Puree, I leave bias out entirely. He ia a kind man, toader-bearied and will cry for any body's borrow; but ba ba neither head nor nerve, and b ia as belpleaa ia th haad of hit manager a a babe in lUe ami of it nurse. I have to give a signal iusfanca of talk helpleesaeaa which eon earns youraelve we'l a nijaalf, and which aomit of no ijuaatian, because I was party to it, 4 know what I aar. Mr. Pierce sent lor me afuw lis iaaugaralion, desiring me to eaJl npoa hiu) the neit evawiaK at eight o'clock. I I Ouly think of that Dale Owre, who publiahed went seeurdiag to the refunat. He t Jd me he a newapaprr and wrote a b wk to abolish tbii ia wished to speak to Be I boot the Miaaotui ap I stituuon of marriage, Slid to penuade meo. and potntmenta, and know If tbey cos Id not be put off ( awhile f I answered yea that they were all flrttr years SppointaxmU, and to be vat of ttoanrlve la tbe onurve of lb spring and sq ta mer thai 1 deapiead tbe bwaineaa uf rOMriiig men wne were jvtog tnsr wwatiww. weii,aixi nbeae kme Wmild auia tspire, and bad rather wait Tot tbe vacancy ro rowe of i.ar-lf II replied uaenta, and tbat thee wri aaeil hie own sratnaen It wv res'liiy agveea tnat tbe appomtmeul should atsnd 9r until my ret ara fiuul Miswouri, I which Would ba ia si weeil. j On this jrennt, thai Volnntoered by Lira- ; self, I bift tka city, and ia two weeks was follow- i d Br a luaj of Ut prMtent an J you know ; what kind of ppo!ntojcai tbey Ware ail nia.k ! tercvurse, sua rooBned to, tbe prinleget which - Ibia iu.imiMrali j ut rwt a Coremor to Uuh. fn wy scone, and to work in the eVtlioo ; tbe trealiea aocure them, and left to the i'Weom- i Bri;ham holds en to the place, and Mr. Pierce ngaiaet ae -a thiog wHkh they hae faithful. y (aiay which tbeir msBnera aud toatc mjuire. stonds with bind off, sal th madakxuirpert aWtte, and are Mill doing Erea the putt oth.w 1 4. Eslravagaul etpendilure i the character-; cle is seen of man BasornSog to be Governor by ia wy ewn btw waa a bled a to render it im- yti of this aduiiiin.tr u. Netcr was s'ich s the will of tbe Lord, repulsing tbe I' sited Statce aoasiol for me 'to se it, aad drove tn to Lha ;pajit wate f public money seen Seveniy i smb.jru.aa, iramplmaf the law andvr foot, inaal raeoarrW ef eadig my ewreapondeee. throegh 1 to eighty millions WjaaituVred per annum, and n4 ' t ag and defyiag th Fodcral Governmeiit, and Adam A Co. Thi is what hap;ed bwa a ajuipto-a of sny sl4tment WUs 111 Polk J no suempt made to reduce him to law aad order tb ivetoeel tad myself, ad w en of tbe in. . aameeeble taetancea to pro hi anility in hw ewa al aiuttrtkm. I did act gtt anry with I niia tor it 1 aaew be waa moeer at ne iiate n t.aiy-ws mtioun , now it ia tare vn.-a irun,rs at wbics morality, decency, abam revolt ; f V nith we, and pitied hi loabil.ty to ! that amwinl, aad getting wiw. laerema of tod j hsve been tuld Lew an imtitotioo aoabhor leep hi owa word VwUiitarily gicw. I eiprea.-1 wff.-a and arne ioeraaae of army aod navy I rent to bawan aatare is kept p. and tost it U d na raseatment beeaaen I ko thav w-miIJ ' wjl(iplk-Utii of uaeUa snt. to attend to j by vifttt ol the civil rower vented in Hricham fu4 brt him da a be wiabed ; ul Mlf wpa i required to avoid hi howaa, snd I l.sve n.H bato thnr a.nr-. Sttil, we nimt hidnawl 0 ban accident bring a togttht r p-aometime seetie j i. eeeniBg riJvw, when the rewportive bat (minediaiely naa high ia tha air ; sumetiOia ew toot, in sn evening walk, when we ruh to the nil u tali on, snd so ja-winHr that sn .Uwrver fc'jbt virprtae tl waa a pair ot old ivm friend 1 their lurtbir Vippirt Andtotn artuy aua navy liantnn and ' Pythias jut g'ltiiig ka'ther radiaiwd, as faat aa puaa.bU, to the condition of itl kftrr a lonp Mid eruel eparliio j govcnuueiil Ub!it4meBU.l'reaidetMl and AOt In the nevt ptao, I do not mean Mr. Marry J national iiutitouon All sppr.ititiacnts are con t1 leave himaalf -out by permitting other to dueled ua tk-U principle ; all dismiaai.ma and re dxruinate in hia departauent, and by public, v i dut liooa are conducted on lb asme. Twokuu sgreein 10 wluit he privately cin'cuti. 1 ' dr 1 oft.cera.ksM latr'j beta turned out of tb tea owl also th Secretaries of the Treasury., of th Interior,' of th Navy, and ' the PttmaW Oeneral. and 001 r eondewn thew for reniatmni; I in h Cabinet ia which they are wilboul ii.Bwn.-c, tnd sharing the. odium of measure of which they have tvt part in the paternity, This brings to to the Secretary at W er and the Attorney General, who, with an ouUmi force of .le term in ed nullifieravara th whole admiuu) ration Hut 1 little need be mid of the Secreiarv of War. i lie i a martinet, pulled up with West Pwnl aotence, ttogmatival and pniniaticsl, within his circle : but that rnrcle is a narrow one, and he moves uncoatroHcd within it, lie it an avowed 1 audessionilt. Of th outside foeee of nullifiers still less re mains tob tid, T hay govern when they plea, snd slway. ia the aniua stylo by preawutinn s menacing front Of all these tho Attorney, tien eral is th master spirit. , lie i a n an of talent, af loaniing, of industry unscrupulous, double exexl, doulile pondered, and herinsphroditie. in politics with a hinuw in his knee, which he of ten orooks, that thrift may follow fawning." II governs o"a,sweveoy t.adJo bun u d furred the master' pmoe in Mr, pierea''f CibliM::pWu Jf J , oisde ; the time is out snd the pledge When 1 hrvrrlthat h waa tn come into the Cab- Dot wdcemejr The-tMHU has boon lost in niak- iuet, I act down Mr. I'tcrca as a doomed man, ind foresaw j swilt and full destruction which wx to fall apon him. V I bad kuown Mf Cusb ing aa an abolitionist, . voting against Arkansas Wiium.she wa aslnv State, aod backing Slade, tf Vcruioht, in tha aUompt to abolish slavery rn tha District of ColuiiibU. I bad known him as a rt big, attacking tlie leu.ocnicy sua ail ineir for Tyler aa long ba Jhud an onc to go to tba baniuter. v I could have no faith in an adminis tration no led, and foretold it calamitous fste (rum the moment it wa seen who was to be in it. Now for their acta t l.'Tbe violation of the Tex and Missouri Compromise. . With tbe facts of this violation, it wicked and corrupt intent, and the foul means of gettiug it done, and il disastrous and bloody, conueifoencea, you are all sufficiently scruainted ; and I only twin il to give it it place at tbe head and frut of all the evil measure of tbi aduiiu Ifttrntioa. . -. " 2. Prwtitution of th whole appointing power to eiectionoermg purpose. Tbis wa openly done from tha first luouiert of it existence. Ap pointments wvra wholly mad with a view to af fect the elootiona, State and Federal, and to oper ate for or' against particular, men ; and for this purpose anfit characters would "be taken in pre ference lo. the beL . Yoa know how it ws in tbi 8tato, and a it wwa - hart, fojtjrss arery wbur. Nullifiers and free Boilers, apiaX&rwnd renegade, all war fih in their Bet. On tingle qualification vu requwit, that of working ia the election; and (he only preforene aeemed to be show waa in favor of those who bad been moat violent agtiaet thaUaioa. Oa that principUaa ii JfuntTi rri tn ilrri. editor was taken and tent into Egypt not into boodage, u bettor men bive bee aent there but aa CoMul-Oeooral of the United Statee, which editor bad publiahed a dailr paper in Waahing too eitr fur throe veare, wluilly 'devoted to the eparation of the alare from the free State. t.. Unfit appointuieoU on foreign luiaeioas. Tbia ia Mortifying bead of aoenaation against tba present administration. Never were socb men aent abroad to repreaeot our eountrr tnea wtinout parUule oi lb knowledge which diplo- -J -.a. i.nwuwii auauaara WllO- OUt knowing bow to behave la company mere Bolitieal daaaammiaa tn rmmrA tm ksat, and.serriccs to ouiaa, at tho Federal and 'nt elottiofia. TLey ieo.1 such abroad ia order ' ifirru indaiait for tmt vmT at Uia '' I (9 M,l! e ibum t. .!,,) li k sr-1 re. i ' liirlf r'i . .. v s,. .... . ;jf aua ''"r-tfre t!e tri4 of car , 4 ini4 in 0Mi.wi've, w ww anm w ! wkich tbey were sent, Talented, educated, ra. pleto with kaowlrdfe, poliabedin nsnnors, mod eat, virtuous; such wer formerly our minister abroad. What a eon trust are those we now send abrd. What a oootraat to the Kafu King, the John Marshall, the Albert Calbtin, th John Qulncy Adenine, the Piiikney, of South Caroline, and the Piukney of Maryland, the Ilcary I'Uys, and the long lie! ef splendid asnies which green our t dipluniatie aunal. Such sppuintmenU a ibis i adwiiiiatration makes I spoak of tha maaa, Lir there are a U eiceplione are not only a dis- f;race, but aa injury to eur ooantry. They in are our nations! repuutuo. Tby degrade us ia the eves of foreign oaiioo. Tbey injure the wbcle chkractor of republican government. Ma ny of them not ouly of bad meaner, but. bed snorala. women to bve t.etner like tbe baasta of the field, lie is sent to a tuieiia Court f-r Lis ele-ttoa aer- vicee, and wan wonvev the idea, wbererer be iruea, that the United Aisles ia a whole nation of Miemoira, rrturkiug to tbe slsto of forcat sui msis But if he wnst en, be hu ocruinly r oa to the ritfht place. Tlx y sent bim to S a plea, j wber bui doctrine may meet witb k-aa atboreac I than in sey other part of tha cii!iie l world. 1 Ana U l note miasiofi are tuuli pli.-a lo lb . grwatcat puemblv eilenL Sending theae unfit ' men to place where li e hai nothiog to do, j va if tbey could doanvlbioj, merely to git them pay, and where many of them, by tulcari ly and miacoodect, are eseluied fro-e aocial in- weal out ot 1 SUe, w'uica was after lb cuii-1 uoe of 3 our new ..temtoriea, he eonipulad the . annual akpeuae i the government at twealy. lha ewcltona ender tbe preteat-ot blimg feia. k and hi aatkU, atill m.jre than by hu relpoaf edbee wt.te 0 'wey ia building. htp to power, that there are enough to overturn tht in while" rfuinjf a djiUr f.w the im-ruemri.l n tut.on, if it waa not that all civil power, aa f our great nvera; u. h st iLeir de ice to get well a Uie religK-us jurdictiua, ia in the'henu rid uf the pullio Hiom-y. -' ofMyruKra author.ii ; j that tbi admiaintr-- Near.y a tlw.uaaod du,'Ur s.man is new the t,o ia actually reapunsibie to the monl aenae of srerae oa.t of cry man in the army snd nary, j iba riviliioi world tor the prevent eoatinuance and the ciul penaivaliat of K"t.'Iaiid fropwcd tor of fo'vmy in the Territory of I'uh. h an open,, scaiidaloa, snd criminal pcr- veraon of law ; sad the same oprratin ia deairod to be rtf..i:i.cl on tbe army, t lie rule of uiiu la u a being to save pwtiaaim and favoritea, and to turn out irivd odiser, without regard to sonic or character, whose ptilitical tiTiiiiiin vr connex ion ar not epproved, . 5. Violated pledge, rise tin In judgment ;inat this sdmtntsirsti.m-. - I dor'H-yneaB"'thc Inauipiral addreaa; theae addrtWK' are now made like pie c.-.ut to be broken. I irwak of piibiic nx-ibW plJ)je openly snd solemnly made, snd i.penly and scandalously violated. There waa the pl.le to'toduoa uuneccWrr dtitiea, aud getnd of a corruptiug urplttt'rercmi':- That pledge' in violated, bas biten for four vesrs, and suit 1 fh euoriuoua revenue it kept up t-j inci ease pat ronage, to purcliase wort hloi land from Mxi, to corrupt pressos, to reward partiwas, to strength en the guvernmout, to build up triiii. and uavie, and to fight foreign nstions ; if they can succeed ia picking quurrcis with them. Equally public ws the pk-d-tf, snd equally Kaudah'us its violation, to tnake a national high way to the Pacific; ocoatj. Four year ago ttic !fK ucl aod coHtly surveysTiTf "two dft4watu Iflln, surpoeing it to be ddreaed,io wy. road one fur the North and one for the tiouth '-i-and iaendoavourlug to purchaae from Mexico, slice after slice, the route to Quymat, on the Gulf of California. ' Ter. million wer given lor one slice it wa found to be worthless, and besides, would not includd the place. At tbe last ac count, further effort were makin.' toeet another -slice, at another ten or twenlyliiilliousi still fur- .1 . 1. Ia the mean time,, tbe rluTn, direct, national central route is repudiated, although it is now one-tbird mud 8 ; for tbe railroads west from Bal timore, Philadelphia, and other Atlantio ports, to penetrate the West, converge to tbe centre be fore thev reach tbe Misnissinpi, aud connect with the Missouri road, now complete to tbe centre of the stato, aud advancing to the Western border. Yet this direct national route, though now ono tbird made, is rejected and repudiated for an out side route through Mexico, and a ship canal through foreign territory in the Spanishpart ol Amerioa. . . 6. Neglect of the Territorial government is another of the offences of this administration. Political partisan and pothouse demagogue are eat out to fill their .offioes men unfi if they were disposed, but merely electioneerers, engaged in the Bute and Federal elections, while tbe pro tection of the Federal Government is perfectly-! unknown j and violence, bloodshed and disorder atsprciid the land. Beale, whose aacendant ovr the Mvnjje m1n-ehsnned the Indians into iafantil submission, ws dismissed, Wane .he would not lectioneer, to make room for a pot house demagogue who oouid do nothing elae. CWHforniaj 0 New Mexico, ara all tb miS: TWO MtUM IX ADTAXP Whole No. 13L oeaoe of bloody oatrag. Indian war rege- prit mnrder prevail law ia impotaot tba Ftdersl officers are of no account, and tha oil, sen art drirtn to tba necessity of providing tor lhru)Tfti. I need not tnentiou Ksnss th condition of tbat blood -auined ground ia sufficiently kaowa to you. I will speak of Utah, where tU Federal ' Government is ignored god re nndiated its Ian and suthority act at defiance. Tb term f the ' Mormon Ugawrnor, Brighara Young, aspired three years spA A b had thrown off th au thority of the United States, It vu dtnuine4 to send bim a successor, a military graduate of Wet Point, and Cspuin Steptoa wa called frora ; his pleasnnt qnartor to go npoa tb tntorpria. Wbea Brigham heard of it, ba gsad a apeetblo hi people, j which he told them what l'ratidcnt l iereo inumded, aad what be blmnlf intendud , ' aeniiug a aw Governor, and tha oUieria-1 ' h;:ng to repula tb compliment. It waa ia was apeeen be said to bis people that ha intend ed to remain ia his plaeo antil tha Lord should nay to bim, - Brighara, I don't want yoa to he Governor of L'tsh any longer." Tbe administration ws afraid of bin, and andertook to out manoeuvre him, sod tbat in the highest tyl of West Point tactic ; they deter, luiued to smufrxls Su-ptoe in. For that nurrman tbe milliury Uoveruor ws furnished with a battalion of aoldiera, and directed to proceed to the Mormon kingdom, a if he wa going to Cal ifornia, stop there to hybernato, and watching the chance, slip into the gwemorsbip aom day wbeoBrigbam waa out something like a weasel that goe into another hole, wbeu he find the occupant goo. When I beard of thie fine at heme, I said to gey aCUaintanee, aad I can prove that I said it, (for I do not indulge in jmt facto predictions,) tbat the next time we abould bear of thia Gov. Sieptoe again, be would be on hh tip toes, luarvbing to the tun of - lUj, Betty Martin, lip to fine;" and so it was; for before the hybernation was over he was on hi' n,arch in cvd truth to Californis, to lctar thence to th United Stale. But there was somcrhing elae which I did not foresee, which was, ihst thi military governor carried off four dou-a of. the Mermoa Bettv mitm, Him lUUIIIia-a.Btrea OI lOd - aaiuU, prufuuudlv cbafrriaed to find thcms-lv so aacnawked iip0 by the. (ieotj-sa. Bat W was the last eucrueebment of the kind. No more of the United State military Lava been there since, and Brigham aer he ha proaiie.( ihe Lktd that if ll.ey' entue sgiip b will Cg tlrtu ao thai they wiil let b.a I'-r-tt M,Hi... aue Aad that was the end of the attempt V 0t b is tie lasunrent eoetdiUw of th poltci. nous kingdom of the letter Psy Sainu. b4 heard of this polrmy stale of A SAKE -MAN Ft ill! HE SUl TH. On lb i lfh dsy of April 182C, Jsum Bach- ansa, 0 1 eon.ylvatits, tb thsvpton of South. era ngbtx, (?.) who revived tb aaanimout nomination oi the Cincinnati Convcntioo for tbe Presidency, said as follow : " Permit me here, Mr. Cbsirman,' for a mo men l, to spaak ufwn a subject, 'to which I bare never before adverted uim this floor, snd lo which, 1 truat, I aiay nevar again have occasion to aiivett. 1 nicau tlie subject of aluvenr. I BK IJKVK IT TO BK A GKKAT POLITIC A la, AM) AtiRKATMOHALKVIL I THANK GOB. MY, LOT HAS. BKKN CAST IN" A STATE W H FUK IT "DO lis NOT KXIST. " IT HAS BKKN A CU KSK KNTATLKD UPON' 18 BY THAT NATION WHICtl M AKKS IT A SUBJECT' OF BE PKOACH TO OUR INSTITUTION'S." S lial- and S'nlon'l Itrfi-ter ef Pebete, pag 2,T?Q. VoT. S. part 2 ' ' , The shov speech was made fn-the Il.insu: of Representative, eleven years after. bis 4th of July oration, and six years after his famous Lau. caatcr arti Slavery resolutions'. Will "Old Buck" put in the pica of " infancy" to thi charge, a he docs .to the charge of Federal brat f Saw" Ilichmoud Enquirer please copy.. . -tmrYiVun Organ. A Wirg i.n Taoii'i-r.. " Pray tell nio my dear, what is the causc'of those tears f " 4 ! Oh 1 ruch disgrace ! I have opened one cf If. CerUinTy It .idKi dpore, ji'a Mrs. thsn - ... Mr.' 'Is'that all f What barm can there be " in a wife' open in,; her husband's letter V 'But the cootcut such disgrace ! . . " What 1 ha any one dared to write me a tet- t for my wite to resd f "Oh, uol It is couched in the most chaste, language. But th disgrace I" . The husband eagerly caught up the tetter snd commenced reading the rpistlo .that had bvea the mean of nearly breaking his wife's heart. KoaJor, you couldn't guess in a coon' age. It was no other than a bill from the Printer, for nine year' subscription ! ' Tha most sensible (woman-in all creatiou l She ought to be admitted a member of the craft, A judge's duty is no snub the counsel on both tides, snd bother the jury by furnishing thtm with a third method of looking at the ease. Wa got thi from a wag who onoe went to law to gel damages ; sod he got what he went after, enough to Ia.4 bim a Ifa time. " Tbe beat cough-mixture that ba been mado consist of a pair ol thick boot; mixed with luU of air and plenty of axerciee. People who hug' the stove and grow lean will pica take notice. ' " Did yoa ever e me with kuot than I eould carry?" " N'o but I have aeen yoa when yon bad better - mna twice for yoar load." To" endeavor to work dpoo iLu vulgar wUlt fine ; Mnsa, is Hkf trying to bew marbU with a raior. - ., . i 'i - :-. v , a I. ' I . r t 1 Vn A," l aff1 1 -.-ar , -

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