er 4' ) ,0 -. '"'"-- " m J , , ... avw - h . ijctit v. ctvnrsx, wnwsiiKH -7 r ::-i,-vci iil-hd 37. jo;::; CAMERON, v KDITO&'AXD riOfUlKTOl. If .r aNi lf 1 n, IT Mt in' f (, bf twi fMUl ttunr Ut -r - bnttlMt BBW I - . ypMr ninaf9A - i4, b4 tw ,M tin u AwitM CKlr ffr l trtttj f tH f , iW rvuinr Ibrtr trrtaiMt lwt twti H.a .fMrf 1 lata rtf, MbfH t fMaw 1M ta Mit MHi'fc ' Wa g If ( kftrw woriIln Is (b 8w rar py 4 wpf M Ml f Um uwtfrt h ant MnV tM Wff Mr ft IMfl fwMWlbW Tick or aovkktmiiioi . ' f . f MM aa. I ,) m tw ' , iMtiMrtiw, rl y ftmtt ww.i latarala adr two ajfalkt, . . . ' -' . u.-niu, . . !J r Fw imiw, ,...,.. i f , rIMnMik4, " ; J. C. POE, fuyu ui Fnff fy rip, iou IAMBS' PKKSS 000D8 4 TtlMHIXOS. fa liriwi. rarMrlll, w. B. lawn. W. II. tv, HVU, Tm. W. itimti. Eaplclas, Hall & Co. WHOLESALE DINT COODSiMEUCUANTS, Jim. til Ojllir fttrecl, (Oppatiu lino 8wwt.) DiLTinoac, no. : WAI. II. IIAIG1I," . Attorney at Lir . FAItrTXTILLI, W. C. rncB o ou mur. , . f nrr f!nT'rtnprRn.,, aj4iv , wwk"",W4,",jr (b. .iwtlnw. halt UMf brwA U If CfMianfrMl,,inrraMiMiaUlCar f MM WUiuintlMrfUla ! I . w " ' J. H. H410MT0K, JKO. UA5.MN0. . J. A. SPEARS, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. AtV lb CmH W eaWk4, Bum, WU, CIHIU fOiilSSlOLlVD IEBCBWT, tt-u D3.K.A. BLACK, OmCI F BOM T KUOMH, OTEB Dr. . J. UIwale,B rWarI VM-tf ANDREW J. STEDMAN, , ATTORNEY AT UW, riTTiBonovu, c ML. Will Mtrad U( Cwtjr 4 lapcrtur CmH , ., 7,tf : JOHN W1N3L0W . Attorney nt Law. Off M IU Somlk lid Hiy oppo iMi Fujitle-tlU Bank. B,4TKTTSTII'l't H. C. L tt 8 AND FORD, ATTOHUnM COLXSELLOa . Obm l Pr. !' B BiWHf, m Blntt. A. 1. Campbell, iiWioncer i (7mwiio Merchant, - C1LLESPIE STJtEET. rTttTllle, N. 0. 6-T Ciiaries Banks, COIeCTIOilEK, ' WBOLESAU AND BETAIt DEAtEB IK WV FnutM,.iTU, Cigar; Tuba, Suf, CinEE!f ITBEET, ' rjtwin, n. o. S-tf THOMAS ' ?iNCY AND STAPLE tiRV flODDS, nu CM. BoU, BooU oJ 8boM, ShwUng, " CMom Trw, KrJ, Bluak.U, pitiitMntwJ OtuiguEt., ryttrM,. C. T G Iff "I MB PHUT. 10-1 DAVID MqDFFJE, f ATETTEVILLB, If. p., 18, 18W. ; 1?2 COOK & JOHNSON 7 PpttTEB? iTP DEALERS IN iwliM, Uerman, ana Americaa iu -Ware na vuiwrj. i JI0U5K SiOLLN. fTOlEN ftow wWrihr, -.m 7th' f iUi4. n IK Vik n Ki4 ncuf 1 .r Kkliii ia Mrrt4 couutr, fOKKH. i iU IJiil.t mn oJ tiit, i'u nMll bnu (, ui (iimU . rt bit fac o4 brmt, ki o.hi ik wr u wu n ;nn oin mi ri ling. v . i , i . mmIm at kmi gutng la vko Uriiaa gl r . Fr7. Any lnroraMln tptln ths blcf, r, Will It tbnokfutl iMfl tatl iiniMj rf. i. H. WILLIAM HmI i II. cpt. 10lh; 1609, j. t. noniuori bi;t, Agut , Ibui. . .. l ii f BTATE OP SO' . ) ii v !Ttl l" I rl. to mU Urn. It tPpMrtsg, ta-ta at U FUIntir, that Jaka W. Ialaaa4 wifa, Calkanaa. Jam TaU villi Baa;, a4 Uala Yalw, fW bjiad ia Iliaiu aTUia But. Tkia, Ikarafera, ia U cita tka aba aaaMd aua nalJiat dcaUaJi la appear al Ika MM Tarn ml Urn Comrt af Eamir la k kl4 fx Ik Caaat of Bikaiaa4. al Ik lan llaaa ia BaeMaa kaa, aa Ik lkirt klaatb af Savawbrr, A. B. IBM, Tkaa a4 Ikar to 4d, wi ar aVaia to Ik Ptaiakf ' attilioa; alkaraU, Ik m aiU kakaard m aarK aa4 lun arVa lU IkM. Wiiaaa,ioka . tak, Cbwt aa4 Uattaraf ai aid Coart af K iaity, at At, Ika tbir4 Moaaa ia Marak, A. D. IBM, aatl af Aaiaricaa lalapBdaa, Ik Dint arv J00X . IRAK, C. M. E. , Af. 12ikl2M. ;MjpTf.$i7l), BTATE OF NO MTU C AROLIMA, . rsion cocbtt." ; Corf a iM a (iwftr Af TWa), IBM. Jaka Stovari a4 J oka W. MoCala, Esaealan af Aa 4rra ILsOla, tfaeaaiad. , . . , Haaaa UaTala, nfk W. Buak) mi WtlaJaaa. Juka Ha Aai'raf Marfia Baa, J. J. WUliaaw Adia'r ml Jam aa4 kkausr llorkty, a4 alkara. It appfarlng to Ika aMUaetio af tb Cart tlwt II. W. McCaia. aa af Ua aVfcadaat ia Una aaa ia Mm iakabitaat af tkia Blalat It la aroatwt, ikai aakliaaliaa U ! for ail wk ia Ik Hank faro Uaa Aria., aotifviac Ik aaui U.' W. MWla to ka aaa) appaar al Ika aril lm af ar aais) t'nrt la ka kakl la Ik Coaal af taiaa, al la Coart laa ia Maar, a Ika Aral Mdatlar af Oetobrr Baal, Ua aa4 Ikar la pla4 aaavar ar d'ar la Ika aai4 pait- a, ar It aaaia am Ui.l ar tmrnftm aa to kiai aa4 kaanl frit. Witana, i. M 8Vran, ll.r ar aar (a hi loan at CMS aa, la Maarua, U lat M-ada af Jaljr. A. D. IB44.-- . i. m. "rt ART. C C C. Aagaatli, 18k- J'rf-AiJ.lfc OBSKatfK A XEWCOKH, CAimiAGE, . A i JaV.aJ WV J6 U .4 i r ; - ruia. Uoaaaaajaat Sf 'C. THE aaoVwlf tA U as arparad ta auuiaaaial kU Arm HuU timuut ia 7"i .U kuxi at CAM III AO U aaa VMlH'LLd af wry uVwrtplioa, aa lfc mmtt Mur. awaVIa, a ad af l(t IkM ajatcrUI ahick a aSar. aa Ik aori wuxUrmu tmt. Hit iaaaaaii iiraiTipriii:tc, bulk at tb Kortk and Bualk la'rariua kfaacliet al Ika trad, and Mn Ukaaiaa a pracleai aiacUaui al Ik iHMiaaa, rai bin kiaj ta aiacuta work catriutrd la kt car aiU tiafattk a H kia patraaa. Kapairiag and blakaiUiui( af crr drtcrtytio, 4aa al Ik akarlaal betic, akii all wrrmatri a aaal, . .M Wantad ImMMltateljr, I gl 1JT aaiMtni. Haracat aaavr. aad a food BUckaaiitk, la aketa ana. ataal niptajaicat aad lb aioat libarai agr aiU b giraa. j . a., nuv iii3. Aag. 11.185C. - J3-tf. STARR Sl WILLIAMS. DRY GOODS AT. WHOLESA LE. W ar aarerfiaf a ary larc STUCK lag rjr Ifciag ia Ika lr) Uuuda lin ifc lata, t , KIS U. IK IBO Mrtw IlaMMfla. Eiratareliaa, ud aarawijr Mad) t'lolhiug. AVr. ' Wkick UaT will aril I HfcAf fur C.h ar rprnTd Nolra. af WHULKMALK aal. M't inrit Mtrtkanta fiailiae tbia awrkct U tiaauna ear .kick. J. B BTABK.1 - J. M. .WILLIAMS. Aug ', IBrfU. laiwf. Ufa. V A XX E woald Ttiptct-M.tu:. fully iatorin Iba pabiic Ibal b m WY kaa aatabli.kad kimai lf al Fair lllulf ( )hr arpM af carrjloi aa Ui CARHIUE MA MXO BL'SIN K8S. Harina earrird aa tba bu.iucaa at tb N,i Ui, k at tart bimaelf " al for alyla and amtuba f faith, alau drUitjr" k aaa i with tbr bet I nf Cariiwa.. Mak- Tb wiabine Ba baeciea will plA call and axaalna kU work fur tbeoiaairra. All work warrunt. ad f"f faalaa aiontb. K pairing doa at tit aburUwl Do ti aa nd aa raaaauabla terna. fair OlafT, N. 0.,. Jao 10, 1860. J28-ly TilK 'KW VOLUMKS OF BLACKW001 : aod THE FOUR REVIEWS, . . coMaKMca a roitowa i -Tb NORTH BRITISIT, May, 1855." ' EUISBUROlf,' V uly, LONDON QUAB., July " WESTMINISTER, Jl " Bd BLACKWOOD, .Inly " ca Bvbtcrtpth mtUa BLACKWOOD er y on of Hi BKVIfcrtS, $3 a yaar. BLACRWfKlU and UNE RKVIKW or any TWO REVIKWS, $3. Tb FOI RHEVIKVV 8. Dl,ACkOOland tut rUL II Bt'VlEWS, 'l6. t&T rat l it (which thoald it paid quarterly In td- i oa Iba toar uctnwt ana uiHiawnu i ip bbt raat Offio ta tb I'aiud bUWt, only bli cent a jr. Namalr : M oenla a rear on aaoh Retiaw, and 21 tta. a year on Blackwood. AUdraaa, 1.. buui r a i-oonanara, 54 Oold Street, coroar af fulion, H. T. BTATE OP NORTH t. AKOI-ISA, ' MCK)ItE COPNTT. -rott rri,. 18f.t-a u,lf. Uattbew Davis j - -.. v,. - i i- Ifn). R. Sowall aad other. t '. It .BMarlaa to tba rUtiia'actioo the Caart taat M.luiuak. aw of tka dclaiuUal ia tkit caa. aaut a lakabiaaat. mt this .Sl i-IkTufwr. yr)ltiMtl tkat pablicalioa b mad in li kjorfb Carolina Arun foar weak, that IB atid Ovorga b aod appear at Iks arlt Via af aar Coart af Eoity (a b bald for lb said obttBty, oa tka AluoUaj balor tka laat Uoa. day in" t"brvarjf ntit, tkaa and tbrra to plrad, aaawcr or dtmor lo pl.iniiff t hill, or it win b hoard r rM aad jadgmrnt ir ronaa a to biia. - ".itoa, 8.S. Brae,fJ. H. K .th Monday bfor the but Maaday ia Angatt, &6fl. - " 1 - U. ilHUVK, V. w. a. AagaHtn, M. ;. , l-wprfl.t . , 'AGRICOl Premium Lie for (' Jj0j jn p( For bt i " 2 4 Fur Li'4 cImjii Lr- ! HK005D CLASS. . ,t .. SiMfe, Droi, aid Jtirmmnnt. No. I Tur W aaddla lwrp, -. s S 'j 4 5 beat jir lugUkea, Karnaat Varw i, f 2 "Mcoadbeat t (- dip. 44 burnt (ii.gW baniM bone, . ' $ a Sad k.AAin.U k.PAaj h..aaA '? Ain "7 " br pair draft kotvaf, I'- "gL3 horn,,, :- Xa 1 Pur ka aaJ M M H M aj mm, ia Ja1t,.i t Mbt Jacft 4 . Jtoum. du do db dv" 1 For beat pair Biulcorer jraart vU,T 2 aeooad brat pair " ' - dip. 8 u baat uokIc luul " - 1.50 4 m M " erer 1 a dr - I rt old, 1 I EOOBD WVUIOK. . ' . 1 Fir CUm.tottti. ' Xo 1 For beat bull over 2 jean aU, . .. X Beat bail orer I reait and Mndr I, m .., orrr l rear aod aoder 2, beat mikb row over 3 rear old, 2d U ... 4lffc " beat beifer orer 1 and aedar -- --- year eld . . M ? 2d beat beiter war ea 1 and dor 8 Tram old, , dip. B Mat pair nufkine oxen. " 9 " U beat pair working xea, ' r dip. " 1U beat lat t at Cum,- Tkinl lJiriuvm.idterp, !9j, 1 For beat back, a- M 2 " f.od beat bxk, S beat iut eaoa (ou Um Uurn J.) 4 " Luib " UuaU, For Ibt beat pair goal. Fourth Vic w. Sit t'ne. Ka 1 For bert butr orer 1 Tear :r 8 ur' "do oj no - " 3 beat M kud pifC (not lea (Lad 6) " 4 " lot pip (it laaa Utaa 5) "6 "2d ben la pica do da dip. 1'uultry. No. 4. For tbe bent pair im-wored ehk-kent for aiih-r of ih follovinft via : thang bat, Hraoia", Cwlien, 1'uljada, l)rk ini;a or black Spaoiab. each Wets 50 75 60 ti bo 25 50 2 For brat pir wibBM cb ideas, Tnrkrys, i. Mhwotrty dks a j'udaj,, m Geeaa, " Quioea FowU, bsndtonieat I'ea foal, BSAXCH D AOaiCULTVat Firtl CW-x-FwrW PrvJuHUm. . " No. 1 For targeat yield corn on ona acre, not , k-aa than M buJiel aatural produo tioa, 84 - " 2 For lar?et yield of eora, not leas than -25 boaliel above it nataral prodactwu per acre, 6 " 8 For Urge jirld wheat, not leas tkso '0 buahei on one acre, 8 u 4 For la i griil yield wheat, not leaa than 10 bosh, sbove Ms nalnrsl prodiictioa 4 u 5 For laroat yield cats on acre, '4S "6 " '. Iriab fotaloes on one 1 of sq sere. - : " 1 " 7 For Imriteat yield sweet potatoes oa f sq sura, 2 FurlargeM yield field poasoal anre, 2 u - " llye do do "2 " ' "IXittoo do do - 8 " llay do do ' 2 v -m " Turnips a f of an 9 10 "11 12 BE00KO CLASS. k. Agricultural Jred twti (ro ited ly cxibilor) No. 1 Ft best sample corn, 2fcts. '2 " second beU do dip. 3 bitt umplo wheat, $5 " " 4 " accoad beat sample abefit dip 6 baaiaampla winter oats in strawjj 0 u beat sample field pets 25 a 7 best ssmpfe Vnsp beans 25 " 8 " do do turncpr not lose thin ' one doion , - 5 9 For beat uaiplecnbbse heads dot, 25 10 all "12 13 "14 "15 "18 17 barrel pickled cabbaee . 81 " Irish potatoes 1 bushel .Met. " sweet do do '' " , v 60 . " aauipla bvets ) doxtn 25 " ' oaioa buabel v 25 " . ' pumpkins. 25 " leaf tobacco 60 " speciniea. virgin dip turpco- . Una , 5U ' 18 " " specimen No. 1 rosin '60 . ".j. , Food, Ctdiqtni$, Jfce., etc. ' No. 1. For beatupeclmen wheal lour (1 bbt.) 81 2. " n - . corn meal (1-2 Ibl.) 50 eU " 8. " - baeoo hama, two. (on cooked) with process of ourwg aaoyftrasemne, f 1 " 4. - " -re tet variety of thn follow- iac dried fruita, vis s peaches, apple, pear, ' plom cherries, grapes pad wborttleberrka, '- V,-. . . eocb; 20 et - W - - ft 6. ,M pte TKetJ of. jellies, preserves, pickle, jam, eataaps and i eordiala, (witk prooaa of making,) 60 7. domooue aioa, 6iV 8. i H . eider, 25 9. " . " wheat bread in ' v . - .. T ' ? .-v.-. r-V.av Kwf, 25 ,ia. - . earn bread, ,.25 11. j " - arackeaa, (wit --v JUsii'i Ibs t l.Ii , nxxra of auakittg,) ii AUrch, wilh pro of Dukinfr, - 5 pwuuj, fiuit, ar i ne cake, ' . f)0 l,r ! if anj kind - .. li'i j-, X leM.' i 1 J lias, ia oooib, 60 i fLASM. -1 !'itlmti frcsb butur, "" " 60 ' at dip 0H'. ' M ' n for lpip, $X; ith pro- .. Met i 1 i t. " ' . J ..i ItrA f.itnplee of apple. Mca juj pljiii trace, eatb, . , t ; , . BRANCH TlllaUVV y ' ' .7, ilaAonit. . 1J Tiaa. For beat four harm road wagoa, M t tv - M . AM . m u 2 . 1. . 2. 3. 4. b. 0. 7. 8. fr z 1 M M r, r-TUniJ. 1 M' N M n V J aod oko, 1.60 heel barrow;. 50 2 bora pleasure Carriage, 8 ' 1 " ruck away, top or opes buggy, each, , t it . tae'CW. 1 For best two bora plow, toad in " . :...? ewrtr,.-. 12 - M a m u m - f a a m j anbaoil. 1 ealtirator, 50 barror, two borne, 1 cotton scraper, 50 roller for enubiog cloda, 1 grain cradle. I a g 7 -8 M ; veadinr buer, -TU sbrm articles are to be nt'tp 1 aba ebibit theaa, ar expraaaly tu order. .---. ' BrdCtoa. ' " No. I For beat att carriage barneM, 82 2 bopjrj or anlky a , 1 "8 " Mat s saddle 1 V ' . Isdies' 1 6 - sett asoa baraeai, 1 4ti C7ae . laaVai. JSV 1 Far beat Udatead, made ia'aoMtr, 81 -2' - 1-2 dot chairs," i " S ' " aindoa sash sod blinds, ea. 1 " 4 . " tauaeJ dtnr khatter. nada . ia county, 1 5 6 m I & 9 ' mt M '' N ' ' a u -pab gent booU -I " sbves - 60 aerr - . 60 1-2 doa wool bats 1 nfte pan , " ' 1 ,t a-.-..e or esrtbea Wsr. . vd ware, tuck as tubs, , Leu, paib, ebarns. la.- 50 "12 13 "14 -li "10 "17 , -13 10 I u a M 4 M a liits turpeaan bbl, 50 Soar, bbl, atad ia eo., 25 lot Itatuer, taaaed " 1 variety of edg'd tools " " 1 a - tarp do M roechauic's do N ta.'low eaadlea, bom nada, . with process ei making, aiian ith nnaaMa " 60 25 50 Bat rtt, Jaatury, karat atad Aaaafaaaa. r r-T No. 1 Far best sweep, bora power, 83 2 , I railwav 3 tbreabing aiacbine, 8 eottoa pa, 8 brick apacbiae, 3 shingle do 2 smut do 2 eoro and Cob o rut her, 2 straw and hmk cutter, 1 'atoning mill, 1 4 a 4 a 7 8 a 9 "10 a a '.MAWB 4TB -AHVrACTVL ; U'UmrKJJ abrics. No. 1 For beat ceaaterpaa, aaad ia eo, " 50 m 2 u 2ud do n dip 8 4 uu baat pair wool blankets, for bed, 50 " , " quilt, cotton, . 50 ft 2od dip - S a o 7 8 '9 10 "11 a u "13 ' 14 "15" 16 "17 boat oomfort" .60 . m oarpaiinjt, bome made, , 5U " '.... heartb ran, 25 " cover lid, woolen, 60 "-pair 1-2 buM, 25 " 2d beat'' do dip pair eottoa or linen 1-2 - bus, each, 25 " pair eottoa boa, 25 piece woolen jeaaa, ' 60 - . 2d do, dip plain woolen eloth, 50 " rug carpeting, 60 I)iwn'tionry pniuiium will be awarded for enntrilitiuuns to the hidies' departiuent of thin exbibition works of art and taste, needle work, paiutui;, drawirij:, 4W, dVa. ; ( , Miner!, ' Tot Cc best syicoluions of coal, Iroa ore, Cop. per ore, Liiuraione, Gold aod Gold ore, Wtri .vflts, ic, collected ia the countj, diacretiootry prcmiuB8. . tuitumeots to be made by competitors on field amp!). The hind must be measured bv some ooTupeti'iit person, who shall certify ss to the scurucy of the uieasqrenifot and the quantity of ground, - .. i ti. t:V jn i . . rROPoemoN8. The Columbaa . Enqalrei ssysi . ' - - V solluit attention ta the foar propositions; couCdeut that we can stabli.h the pointo ia them which we fifllno, and requesting the Tim t enntrovert either of tb points stated in the neg abv t " . ' - - ;':h -.. '.;.,.... " 1st. Thai Millard Fillmore has aeva voted for or oflk islly approved, any bill, eesolutioa, or. proviso, pnlirbiting slavery ia any Territory of tba United State. - - - - -2d. Thst James Sacbsnanaos vote 4 tor, er offi cially approved, messnrea to exclude slavery frotn Tritorvo th Union. - ' J 8d. l'hai Millard Finmore has officially p- Tof the htitud line of 8.6:30, - ' - 4;h. That Janes Buekauaa has efteiallv ap proved the sppliention of a prohibition aawra- s'avery to tb veTjr ana territory as ta wBkb Mil!krd Fillmore aided In repealing it Our tmrtewporary Blight, ss the 5th pmpoai tlon, hav stated, that Mr. Baehaaan vtited ia favor of DMtrara fur the abolition af slvry ia kS Iurict of Colembia. - ! r i. I"' tei-M rt;ri it i!rtjr. . - v. POLITICAL ADDRESS OF THE GIUNDCOUNCIL OF KENTUCKY. Th ftJIowiuff ik.tlrs le oJ ek quent nddrvM report u by Juifce Robertiion, from b eommiiiee appointed ta prrpAre cno, at the late KMion of tlie Grand Council of the AniericttD Oidcf in Kentucky, and of which 23,000 capies were ordered ta km publiah- When, by, a Providential dipens.tion. lha Presidency t the United State derolr cd on Millard Fillmore, the Union wa fear fully agilaleo hy Lha aurittoh tf slavery in the; Territories then recently acquired pounuf ii and ireniyi AnitnntcJ Lr a sell- 1 taenticin tatriolism, aa compn benire a wia Muvmij aiar) oa mipai iiai untuiiai constitution, be pronnilryl ahd austained tbe real Compromite of 1851, steadfastly enforced the Fugitive Slave Law, and on tbe 4th of March, 1853, . hen Franklin Patrca took hit place, abolitionism, filibus terism, and all anti-Union ecti4iiia!irn were Earalyzed and dumb, peace and proaperiiy leased our land, and confulf nee, concord and unioo cheered our Jiappy countrymen. That genial measure ol' atljiistcnent and nacmcalion, not disturbing the Missouri Compromise aa to Kansas and Nebraska, lelt not an inch of our national' territory open for slavery agitation by Conirre, nnd tne nple were assured by both lie Whi and Democratic organs that it should be adhered to and upheld as B finahtv. The Democralje platform on- which i'ranklin Pierce was elected, pledged him and his parly to preserve inviolate and to resist iorever all further agitation on the disturb ing subject of slavery. But, elected by the voes t4 foreigner, nullifier. and Uurfo4o- Free-Miiler secured by a nullification plank in hit platform of 1852, he soon began to patronize andTlnnl-thoae factions by elevating their favorites to otfice over the heads ol conservative men of Ins own parly, whereby be armed thoae disturber, of the I aiih mischievous poaer, and rev..ed their hopea of continued agitatii.n. .iiaviDK'iuua ruiaru iuc muu, ijc- iim other leaders of hit party urged snd effect ed the repeal of the Jfsoun Compromise, and to mock tbe South by principle merely ostensible, they would not suffer the repeal ing bill to pats ' without its tucidsl alien feature, giving ptnyfr ta unnaturBliied. anfi-lavrry loreigners to overrule the votes of native citizens on the question of slavery in Kansas. The Democratic party now claim the credit of that act. and ry that uncalled for, tie x pec ted, an I unavail- lig iIUiurlBut or two MiietUU H'Uijm oiiiIr, iu violation of party pledgee, the Demo cratic President and his coadjutors ' raised a whirlwind which galvanized all the dead faction, and now threatens the Union with more peril than its friends ever before en countered. " Faithless politicians and fnctious dema gogues have at last pioducrd a crisis which apjftls to all the pa. riot ism of every Ame rican citiien. The members of the Ame rican party respond to the cull by luagnan imouJy uniting as a devoted band, on a national basis, to avert the danger and save the Constitution. Union against faction nationality against sectionalism -Americanism against foreign ism fe people against ike poltiuia these are the issues this devuted party mules before the world, to be soon tried lor posterity, and the result will show the popular estimate of funda mental, principles, arid, test the value ol tlie Union. The entire aim of the American organi zation is to rave and exult the American Union, and promote the security and whole some progress ct the American peopte. And as means essential to trial cbi, tne American party will strive First, Tu maintain the supremacy, of the Federal Constitution as the paramount law of every citizen of the Union, to be upheld oy tne notional over any iniiviuu:ii or sec tional will, '.against tbe'CorrtagioiM dwtriiie of nullification, which overtty recognised by the lVemorratic platform, and patroniz ed by DeintHjratic leaders, is becoming alarmingly prevalent. Secondly, To assure the indepenrleTice of the American mind, and the liberty and allegiance of American conscience, and consequently the prevalence of renon over passion, light over darkness, ana patriotism over alienism, in the enactment nnd admin istration Cf the, lows, by repressing the growth of al foreign influence, promoting American nationality, ajid securing to tne native-born ol our laud tneir biriu-ngnt to rule , their own political destiries, Aod thirdly. To resist nil sectionalism, fillibiif-terisnC and slavery agiiation, which the Farewell Addres of the Father of his Country warned his countrymen to look on aa the most dangerous enemies ol Ameri can union and liberty, These are the principles and these the aims of the American jiai ty. It has no secivts, nor ever bad any, except aa to its organization, which is now as puimc a hat ol any other party, it aavocates no principles which it carl admit to be incon sistent with either. Union Whiggery or Uuion Democracy. AU Union rugs and Democrat miv. without abandoning any one of their political principles, co-ojierate with the American party, which consists of patriots of euoh ol the old parties, who prefer tha welfare of their country to the ooils or tha pride of triumphiint party- linv. . American proscribe no man for and m- TigndeTfr?S?clE"of his OWlT ct-nif lpnce: Their purpose is to maintain perfoct liberty id conscience, and thus to liberate .Ameri can citizen of all religions from foreign dominion over their wills or their acts. The constitution claims a paramount civil allegiance from every citizen" ol the United States, and-repudiates aU other spiritual aoreretgntv than that of- uoq. mis: nro iwurb nt . kit. WhoIdHo.141 If thero are citizens, native Or adopted, wno ' whold any higher atlrclaocr. or bow tba I conscience lo any other spiritual sovereign. me American party win not mist them wi Bny other political power than that of ufl'rage guaranteed by the constitution. Let them worshop God accordinir to tba tlictatet f tleir own consciences let them enjoy all their constitutional privileges at American citizens, hut never acknow ledge any foreign power, civil or ecclesiastical, aa supreme over their eonscieneea or their. Constitutional obligations. This is the x' American principle, which does riot pro scribe, but vindicates, liberty of eonscienca nor tend to finite, int separate Church and Statev .jN true.Ci.ribtiao. or candid " ttaleman can dinputa this. " The American principle and aimt art deemed by Americans congenial with our institutions and essential to conservatism. Tbe ship of State ia now in a perilona straight. She has been brought by false or ' incompetent guidr-B between Scylla and Cbarj bdis. She Vnnst be speedily anchored and a better pilot put on board. .Wa must cbange'her crw or she may be kwallowed up in the whirlpool of consolidation, or split to pieces on the rocks of dissolution. Mfl. lard Fillmore tried and true as old Ulvasea is the aure and tafe helmsman, and Union-' Whfgs, and Union Democrats Americans nil who will ktrtnd by him are now tba only trut-worthy crew. Tbe choice of Henry Clay who was the Union 'a cham pion and the mover of a Union party should be ratified by his friends and all the friends of the Union. And If all who ap prove that choice adhere to him whom the prefer, Mr. l'illiaore will be tba next President of the United States. Aod than. and not otherwise, peace and confident will be restored, and the Union will be tale. sound, and hopeful. ( Axdbew Jackso Don huso The testa- inentary guardian of the old hero's, honor, and depositary of his sword, which be is in structed never to unsheathe except for the 1, of hii countrj.-, iiher1y d ual i Hnt wiin ;nin.i lh. inr;an i 1 ,he organi2ed fripn,e,u cf h IVmo- cratic party bad, in his opinion, deserted tha Union platlorm of Jackson and taken bold of the anti-Union plank which tbe immortal proclamation of 1832 denounced as treason is altogether the proper mao for the sec ond post upon the deck of State. Tho association al such a'titne of two luch men one a Mhig and the other a Demo crat, but both, above ally true Americans beautifully illustrates the vital character of the cause in which and for which they Jay J do war ! ito iay-ararxoa of old party ' warfare, and embrace each other at brother American on a platform of American principles, now become, as Jbey believe, eMcntiat to American union ami indepen dence. - They are purely national they go lor neither North uor South, but for tlie whole country, aod all its sections, as one brotherhood. The opposing candidate are ail sectional each claiming votes on local grounds, are making slavery tbe decisiaeV test, one set playing on the excited sensibil ities of the bouth, and the other set appeal ing alone to the fanaticism of the North each section having been forced into hostile antagonism by politician for. the political purpose of raising to power just such men as are nnpatriotio enough to ieelr it o ju&t such ground. , The success of any such aspirants would be a national calamity, and the guardian, genius of our Union is invoked to avert it by favoring the election of Fillmore and Donelson by the voiee of the couatryr and for the w elfare of tlie w hole country. And it seems diiBcu't to conceive how a Union Whig er Unin Democrat can consistently or saleiy prefer either-set of their opponent to Fillmore and Donelson. Were Mr, Buchanan not a candidate, Mr. Fillmore a ejection ...would, be certain ; w ere Mr. Fill- more riot a candidate, Mr. Frnmont elec tion du would be strongly probable. Tha lly effect, therefotcv. olSIruchanan ' onl coming on the arena alter Air. t lit more was on it sure of victory, must be to weaken him and strengthen Fremont, and, as may not be very improbable, throw the elec tion on the Stales in.' Congress, in w hich Rhode Island and Delaware will have as -many votes as New York snd Virginia, and where intrigue and not the popular will may preside over the decision Yet he forlorn hope of Buchanan is1 the decep- live cry thnt he alone can defeat Fremont The wisdom and patriotism of birth-right American citizen may prevent or cure the heartfelt consequences of such a strife. They w ill be responsible, for the result, and can alone lie counted on for 'averting its impending, mischief. "Whatever other may . do, the members ot the American party of Kentucky w ill be tme to their principles, and faithful to their common country and its institutions, through every trial and un- ' der every vicissitude to the last And they have reason to hope that victory will crown their first national struggle, and that tha ides of November will tie baHowed by tha election of Millard Fillmore and Andrew ' Jackson Donelson as President aod Vice President of the United States of America. Such a result would tranquilfze the country i and in shire general confidence and hope. A Washington was necessary to establish principles of American Unipn a Fill more is equally necessary now to restor their authority maintain their purity, and illustrate their beneficence. . And all the truest friends of the Union trust that, under ' Providence, he will be called to tha herculean work. Wherefore. irtThrtt4rthe-erm 'ad th" duty of tle people ot the United State tq elect for their next President a well-tried patriot and statesman of the Washington, c hoot, thoroughly national and conserva tive iji principle, in practice, and ia tentW ment f that neither John C: Fremont nor James Buchanan i known nor ca be t lout ted to be such a roan, or ha been suOj t j ; .. -v a V

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