A.' ft. - ' ,, ' " .. 1 . J f . .. :,.. . " , - . " ' ' -.- . ' ' ' ,ffff' ' Q ' ft ' ' : , .... " " ' ' " ".'-.'.'- '"' , . ' ; " .v ar"r T-r ----. .. .w-,rt ; JOH W. CUUM. f nLlkJlia. Hew SerieiVoL III No AO j . . runi.wiir.i WKKKLV, . t ' JOHN W. CAMERON, - 10 ITU ft au yRuyitlKToR. rJ' TtUM" OK UUCHPTIUK , , . 0llra,tB ailraars: . aaawl..a '' M laaa IwrW Ua a '. ' hm L!",, .HItMrl aatll U arrrM.ia fait lfc. rciyi OP If UtTIMSOl r """" """" " . .' rf lM "lhS . i i i i ; ',' 4A ilipli tti Fairy Dry 6X BaJ. np BsoU - . lint, ui lfiiy Ui fUtUiif. mDIM DEES Oi)01i ! TRtMUIXOS. tu,4. las. " " - W. It Rt, Hopkins, Hull & Co. . f ....... a tft II 1 LTI TI VH "V.l. H. II VUill. Attorney at Lmv rAiarrzviLLE. n. c. Juurr, 18JI. l-lj. 8 Lnw Copartnersliip?! tu, ii., - -7lrf!t J!0. MANSl"'- J. A. SI'EARS, ATTORNEY AT-LAAV". lUmi, Tr, IWrMtt C ., V, INMt. JL. w- J 23U ' DTOTBLACIt, OFFICE FROST BOOUUi UVER Ir. . J. IH''' I STKUMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW. niTTallOROl'li. M.lyH, t6- - jflMSLOW '"Attorncr at Ijhw. Or, A- s-A -A f"' .vi-rrrt ll.l.i:. .H, - ri f.Vrnar;, 18".. R. H. S ANDFOKD, AITOHEl VXD COLXSELLOa - ii . Sept. A. iu. UduiycfM iciortcr wi CMtion Merchant, GILJ-ESPIE S-niBET, Fayettefllle, N. 0. 6-T Charles Banks, " W n 0 LtS A t E AN D. U B T Alt. UA - ' I'ayotU'TiHe, N. 0. . S. II. TH'JMib. pUXYAMVSTAPMvnUYGOODSj .. .. Sr. 5:..ur. -u .--.. r c.iwn Yri,. Kery, Dlnkt, to., c. " J. S. BANK& ''conissioi -axd Tonwvnwxe MERCHANT - DAVID McDUFFIE, " WAYITTEVIIXE, V. C . . vi. in narama ia till and Jaty 18, l- 182-ly ' COOK & JOHNSON r IMPORTERS tS9 DEALERS IN Kngliah, Germanr .nd Ameriea Hard f . wnrw and Cutlery. r f, Ijiii Sign I'rr tjir EMnOVMENTfOK LQOQ WUA'li wati:i, mmroiATELY, ; Asrciits ' la amy (nnutiy ol Ui l'uit-d UmWito tnpt ' mUuI llio Ut ImmIi r x-M ti hjri(.iiu, mti IM '-I'll A IS or I AC H E U HOM'KIt!) ; r, A 0 xtiiJ V ! tii) tMr Nii-im-i iiU Ihcl.lnjU tnm C'milit l.i lb ui of il J.fim.h hy In Kt H, A. LU,' A. M. l. H." C.M.uinii.u JnO l.ro tcUi. tN.fr. M ltWKII'TlU.N l lill E IN .MLHLIJi m & JMOIUM.CO J. la Uii ik ara pirariilvJ lh mit ruliliuia anl Iinp.inj anaura vf tit BiliW, fumi'liiug a eoNm'Cii'il tWrn uf Uia ummI Ikrlllini Kvficl Wi...r uf tl HuiVI. A aoi! an,7 " aiHilf.l, ua riMtipl f mail Brifsa. " A drou!r, will eoumta ad Tarmn l AM ill rorwaitlnl t.jr ..I IrrwuiK V. UllltVS, flj. M Suuih Tl.li 1 !. t I'liiU'Wi.l.ia. N. It. rrua walliK i tlitir aMrn I will nail, (ul p Ml, a full u ii ti cUluaoa f aiy tMM.k, wl wila Imtiac4i-ai lu uprraW Ut will ra lilalkrm (u Mike fraia W iOI)Hcr wutiih. TIj Mat eouiHaa twr IUU SV nwd t'...ulr lkki, mui hla i Kill b fiMUfl aawa, f laa lt ailing nuWrlji (lull bHik in Aateia. A'Mraaa abar. 81,18, 18X1. ' U4i !- ' l'AL'LK IfT0rLU Infi.na ai fri. M anJ ilwmra 1 1 lhl la km raoMWil lp-i IikuM tUml taakalUmaaa L N'Htl Mmt I'arnip fltrwt .! h.lf ! iMtaara Ilia Mik-tand LiMj I'uinl, brra b late wa tarrui ua lua liwil aifl Mio tm -1 mi in a all la Im axil tua m-l Imcr ta-W fhoM vl.liuii lln-if rtbaitrJ ua la H l taut kl(M, an J aa rraavoaUa twaat. II. lHi U'W Dissolution. Taa r of liri rMlrw V Ilctler b aa HlvHilrrd lij- aialVil cihari.l. All la.ai liKltata Iff ara a-artmlljr tja4 t" ra l a l '. payuw-U nlii. (ai br bul c ; al !. aiu( cliai.ta mfiutt, aa .l btii.f llt fur- OREESTKCEA HKXTKB. Aufat 2Wa IS. H. "ROBERT D. GREEN. Watch. Maker, Jeweller, &t, rAixiTmuc, s. r. U- i. G, W f l"" w aiawata tli la . pablie I tba aia jtna( aa hWrally -.u.a. 4 ainai ba fcl rr. 4 tain b lM.aLt la IuWrol of i 8 r, aa4 will torttaa' lha ti.ia. ill all iU tariuua br.iKbra at Uw ohl UnJ,aniff bla eatira aapartBartBr N. B All U-a kft atlk ! nfmir ii kkra apart Mi pfaataaa af Iba ar., aj .a wirniwin aal K Ifcaaa M a nun oainct N"- """i ", raalad far laa ftm. . , . ii. .ad f..r aala . lha Taril awl rfemeaar. L'UH'K8 aaJ utbrt l.a.rp.r. thai Ua r br.a flit4 tt pH! lr..n.a, whirl ka fill " t S urk prwa, b4 ! taut ff ! J. A'l .! Aua la 4 7 U " ' J raai4 fcy ' K. D GI!KK. fl B I IT. RKU, or RVFTT l VI t.v lartaot j fi l-alif.il aad Sutwml OrvKaat tiiavk, itii I .. ... . ......... . 1 ... ..r .... - v.. . ui.i .hj itit,! .aaaa aT i" ; .- ... , J , Waa. A. Whri- at" ","r Hrl- k.... bna ua tl lb llr f kt patrtlw 1.1 kia lam-v t I rrjttUKV - i'."" " I an I l.Uk ta ut ju t. aa it aould b agaibt cwrer- of a ball kd all ", t Hy, A. Ilvhrlw" lUtr fry prlacw a imm ts'l I ka dint.r.jaufc'ij wiei aaiai. !-- l iiyura in Uf k-a.r lyiig it mJ b coUn- ""iki.d, anld ar ai pllrd (ia 9 priat rrM) at tb i taewry, 2i itrwlaiy, V.ark. . h.itJ IV ailr and t tl lolled blv. by lmiri.i an-' r'J 01 lHalrra. mr- Th. .ii.i Ua U.r oa and a-ldr a at.H:l .W itfii.a t ar nlv "I rcl. l i, v 1 wlLMAM A HUill.U.11. i'.H HMiaJa, tMI. for '! bvjS J- HI!ilALE, f'ajU.iUMN C. ' Af.,,1 I . XiIrZl 'rCn ill d "for ia le. On SalurUy. tb iSia .1 (Kl brr. i!. auWriU-r will Mil 4oi'a. rrt of L.nd, lynj In Ir.ad. ennaty, r. lliaa-laM and alat a.il.-a ! lb lim-r. Tcrma kvj ani kui ua "f ' : Sept- " r : - oiin-iiti: A NEW CUArll. -CAKKIAGE,'-- r,m. MoTioukv I'o., S. C. 'PUB 0'Hrian;d ia nt pwparwt toman'factaiaal 1 L,. W ." . (,.. in alt kitisia of OA tt- KlAUKS and VtMlClKS f 'Very, dwripti. n, the tn.i-1 i.rr "Od ' ' b,', "rt''!9 l'"!b be uBtra 68 Wn c''(Tirf t.m. - "7J..; " ; ilia li.Biaodexieaiperi'i'Vi hu,b " " and H..uib in trUu branches i.l tlie trndr, aud otng llkml-o a pr.iof.CHl nufbanic at Ibn hu-inrw, enable him to wu wok riitru.li-d lo liia . ear with i.t.ra aatialacli.iu to all bi patrooa. ""7S Hrpairinx aud lilack-uolbing of ery deacriptiun, at Iba nbortent uutil,.nd all Work vrultd '"lai- Wanted ImmadUtcly, laro (f-l Bty baildera, a Ii vruea, nikr aid a g"ud W..ck.-niitli. lo nbom.eua ftmt raplnyaBt 6i Ht tiharal a6iU off glT.' " J. K. mTcmss. 1lif. Aa. 11. (:.H!ll.li;i: 1IM;1' AIT SI. T Alt F wnald wP'-jA- V lully lnf"r Mi pnbtio that h KtUk Jk haa aalalilihvd liim lf t '' BlHr r"r h pnnw of earrjineonUie CABBlOE MAKINW BUSlNKiW. liming carried on tb buaioem at the North, he flnU tara bimlf " a for etyle and neatnew of finish. lan durability" be ea vie with tb beat of Canin Mk are'. -Thoa wiliin; ne bnjrRi'i wil) pleaa eadl and rxamlne hia work fr tliemwlvi'. A Vork warrant ed for twelve montlia. Ri pairinloneat the ahorteat nolle and on rcM)ble tarnia. fair Bluff, N. C., Juu 1, 1858. - 12S-ly THE NKW VOLUMES OF JiLACKWOOU . "- i and XHE FttU It REVIEWS, coMMVar a rotiowB : Tba KOatll BRITISH, May, 185U EDIXBUHGH.X J'ji " . iCA(t., ' J"' " ii WESTMINISTER. ' " 7ind BLACKWOOD, . r-Juty " -BLACK WOOD -or any op . uL. Hvhteriptn pnrn OSR RBVIKW-or' any TvVO REV1KW3, $6. Ike FOUR REVIEWS, W. BLJyCISWCXm and th. FotlT of IS BKVTK fcACKVOW and fravvuira tin ' y T ; :u.i .l...ia w..;4.Mrt.rt in ad- I Pnf i w n it ii nr.... - aeeloetha four Rii end Blackwood to a vaoeoatha four riH"a v rt (K5c. I. U.e VniUd 8b,f. 0".v 80 cento . .year. Namely : 1 4 cnta a year on each Review, and It at. y'o-Bu-k-er-t V . aan Auoraaa, . " l. w e..!. K T M Gold Street, aoraev of rultoa, rnpli'i rigjiti ftoty is mrul 'atgxl krrjj : ayettevlile.ri C Saturday October 11, 185T Fa a i Tall Trn.lCa lSriO. ' B, F. PEARCE ' 18 SOW OrEMNO, l.rg. anJ Uaalrabla flock of FALL AlkD M 1 YTEIt CiOOOtl, - Oaaiailnit la Bart ef Black ami Colral B.lka, 1 ' - Kiiclih and I'nmck llermva, 11 nn ami Hg'i lrUnr,fvMt beautiful palKTM, lllack aa-l utj Alpacaa, Kilgla, aal liiatrtinga, . ' ' (,'ullaia and I'mlcralaaara, Cactaa and balcti.n tikirti, , ' J.cim. I, Malaruok, balaa and Dol l M Hallo!, Fn-iwb, KHftliata and Awarioaa fnuta, Clotlia and Caaaimcrra, , Hilill.tt", Jraaa and T alalia, ' Flatda, Ul"J "d Kawya, Caraiiua ana Warlboro' Hti ipM, - . IDi-acbail ai.d Urava hliirtiua and SLaaflag), . Wl.iu and Cubirad Fiaanela, Di ill il ea and Ticking, ' V' Iriali L'aena, (fnd aworlmalit, '' I.li,.a TaMaCI.h, T..li(! bb4 NupVloa, t j .Bli.ala,' t'liaika and Jl.mUl.aa, . - ttlra tUaiitjr . Had Waokit, '. - Jiibbuaa, U-it, (lU'ti i), navtjAr , ( ,i. r . r ,y . ... V) . aW- llnta, C.pa, Donnta, IWtuU, aibaaa aa-J Vaabronai ; a gm-al aaaartUHHit af . Itradi'taindat lutlilns. and my .imtj m m Nuil(i5 LIE, aliiik Hill b aold at a rmll autaut f CASK, ar on t to ui.-ii .I ea'ta.ara. rilbrat MHliLK HAI.K or HKTUU. All ar rrapretiail. iimt4 . l aft a caJI bwfura purckaaiaa lkr. . B. If. I'EARCl. Hay 8t., Fay IUtI.1, rV t. 1, loitt 3'J-tf GROCERIES. 1aa aia-rrriii.f r t k f t-'aaaillf Gre). Crri, t'mn'iiiif r l:u ; li & f Cottra, aaadrlr i, 60 lllil. Mnir. 6 il.Hkrrl S- t, r j ' " a. 2,J " 1, IV " Hrrrlne, A ' Htraan a 8; rap, 'A6 bow lkaa. lj ' Mma Candlla, IS'." A toiaaMina CBllr, W.at India I'ranrif.a. aaukftcd, j hir. t''lii, ami Ta, K-.p. I'utir, aad Wl.iU Ia4. Will krt-p cuiUiot'T a land liaeva, bard, Butler, Ar .Ac. Tb )' named arielm,' aol all atbrra awaally k.rpi in a Or.rry 8tr, whl ba krpt euatontiy ua band, and a dd cl"p for ck or oa tii to p-wapt paifi ruriur. E. t. MOUiiK. M.r fvrnnly otraj iJ I J Hall A Sacltt. Prt. 12, i.. nv Blanlrts Kersnjs, Krntackj Jc-ans. Ket'ii Str.ix-, and a, lure bd nfSiinr, lrwltky P f. MOORE. rKi:u lJt. liU.a. 4SI K. Mtrled. .: - aadmauirirllA'U-N tUR, .. far aal by ' ' "t f: JltMlRE. v; Ovcrbv, Saddle ard Harcess Maker, fLJt Bpeeiiul-'y f ra lb pablia aod "i.k-5 ttr 4d ciwn af U.mIa A V of . iua a. .uh tunw w j ommm -mi .i.i.-. ........ ... - - - ' .L. . I .1 .a. A II i;, '" ia-to & lraih, atirre fc will b Itapt f t' furni-n Hi'ta ?it any ariici ry y aeea ia bt im af nuiucaa. hind .tli-oH.n p.ij U rrpail'.tif i Aun 1 1. ifrfi. 1S7 If. 0. JlOl'.SIO.N 'OI LU rvturu hi tiiok t th p. 'ayyi tal'tic fur tb liiirral patrouaa riT-l b ha rvcid, and bpr. by (.m.rluuh-11 T i ly In boimm, lor a eiittst;i(iun Bl I'.r am. Ht h t niml l.iin.w no bi own rvpnnjHi. ily, on U. fci alh id uf l'cim-o atnet, l;o duora b U t i Cap leo.r 1't.ilik apil (lira ilw rl atinie kw .Id vt'iud. vb're ii aml l b e'ad l ail hi old dinla Hr'rta-ra tu ki. pinbarJ a j; t iitl wr1 of 8aWlr', Uridle?,' Wlij a, and rtj ttBj ia bi. linr uf kfinni K II. lie wiiiatkcnd l rapairiBfof 8d !'., Har efv, Ar. , nd bai rbarju. aliall b aawdtinta. rt..(i-iul- r 4. Jr'X'-t ., 13J-6UI .'arulmiaq cy. T J i7 Lima iur d 0'. THClisiUAV. th 30IH of.Orlolr x, i mlrrilr will ott.-r at public au.-ii.-ti !,u plaiiUlioA, ..ntiii? 4" acn ol LauJ. IJitg on tl. E.t i-l-if ihet-ap rear nrr. 13 milra brlow turrit, till. Tlir l a f.Kd dw'lli.n aontainiiiK 8 r...io. Intrther wib rlnuiy out h n oa Mi 'riiii-, all in good repiir ; io a well of gned wa ter. Thrra I land 'enough cl-ared and undrr fouoe l. nro lu. a ttVMitio.-VU iif e.rn Thervhi aawama Ci4ituining (ia acre eily drained j , also, oris !ik o( larprniin b.uM. The sluoii..Mtneiiiy neaiiny, aod a bargwill i'eaa ' b had. . TUs ci-nlilii will be mad eaayiand kaowa oa the d .y ( !. :- - -i-.,.-::.. " . A . MMi. : ScpKmbcr is, ikju, .- ITWI-IM,,, SCVrORT YOUR 0 IK.V PAPEk THE EXAMINER, - fnbllshrd at Columbia, 8. C. THIr? Journal b mu red upi.n U aecond volamn, and wilii iti esat iiuis will eonuue'uca tb. publicatioa ..fan ' ORIUMAL. I'll I7.K TALE. of great liluiary meiit aud tliriilidg interest- ,TbU wili b foliiiw.nl l y A K K I E B OF Oil 10 ISA t IT.nll-lv written xpie)ly.for-th eoliinma of Th Eminr, Th Boirir r all from tlie pens of e'OliTHKN H KITtKS, and will Initiate a nrw ra in Swutiem peiiodiiai literature. W tbiak. fronj ' a:rnirBant nnw In progreaa, that in all tumr itux of th' Ex aminer, lu column will he fumished,wiUi ORIGINAL TALES and KOUVELETTES, rqunl to any publisihed In litrraryjnuruala, either Nortk ar Bouth. W bat priutel a ln' ir elitin, and will be nabld to aupply new uucritra from th eomnieusiment ol tlieae atnrie', ii'oTdara ar cnt in early. '- Tb xuiinr i prlnlrd'on a Urge double sheet of right pagra, coutnm:ng FORTY COLUMNS of reading niatU-r, wUV Very few advertisement.'. Aa a UTERARY JOCRSAL, it haa already uken a high atind, and with proper encouragement will ou rank among the he-t in ihr eounU-y A a POLITlCAt JOURNAL; it will ever advocate the Right, lnterwds, and lotilutiona of th Souili. Uealde the features, it will weekly furnish a full summary of arwa. It will be th aim ef tbe Editorto make Tb Kwmioerlust-MK a pnper a will cause it to be a weloom visitor in every Southern, family. T"The term of th JExaminaT, ar TllllEE DOLLAKf FEB AS 117. W. payabU in all eW hi adranc. With FIVE THOTJi tASU rabMribara at thU priofc w will insure to tbe 8othern reading pnlilie UK itiT ririi or iti cLAaal ever isaud at tb 8outh. Forward your sobaeriptiona for the aw volame Club f tea will be fhih4 with th paper for lwoty-8' dollar. Addrea W. B. JO JSSTO.f. Columbia, Jaly 1, 180. XturMn itraia of JHoia'i fas tn lall . i - ' Fran Ui Konk C'aroll oa flusdard i Iriabiiby DrrATrT or K. C, Til &liton if tk Standard Sit : It liat bon ucud to m by tlif AUiH-iify liovrul vf tb tut ibat it would tw'aiil U dive publi.ilieJ for the infuruialiua vf our litem jjemjialljr, autl uf our MieriBa tp9-ci-i.v, tUi lalo dtHiUiun of the Hupreiitu Court in th l. ), ' Tlie 8tuUi to tie ni-e of the Fublie TrvMinr w. William I). I'utwajr," a copy of b 1 oocloae to juu iib rwjueat thai uu pulil .Ii it. 1 hupa other paper is the Mute will jjivc it an iuatrtiori, aud that the blierifUwill amk kojwu to the ulioitora of the Suie, til aiunLr caaet that mJ Ul within their koo'w- : Very repoetful!y, ; ; D. W. COURTS, . . ruhlio Treaaurerof N. C 2fc ,.V,.lIaul. Trtawurrrmt t.ttf to fi m of th t vUie treasurer w. 4'.. . T"' President Piil.irj vf !) Coiuiuufcuil l.;iik raVWlV uiMjgWn," (act of ah. 4,) (uet conferring npoa u th uttual power, pnvil .jrea, arid iiuuiu iu of a Uauk, with a capital rtock of 'iVtO, UU0 provide, lath 12th aectiufi, "that the PmicUnt or Caahivr of th aaid Hank ahall au ajally pay iotolha Treaaaryof the tuut tweoty Are vent on oach har of aaid capital flock, which way hav beta tubacribed fur and paid in ; aud th brat pajmi'ut of tb aaid tax a ball be mud twelv uiuoth after th auid Bank ihall hae eoMiuienced oprratiuti " The Ilevbied Cude, in. Chapter W, aevtiun 20, in, pox a tax of throe eenla upon every dullar ruvre tln.u fix dullara ef net dividend or profit npou money vest ed " ir) ftocka of any kind, or in share of any iienrpi rated or trading compsnv, whether in or eat of the Kute aod herein ahail be included all bonk dividend, bondi and certificate uf debt of any other Mute or country, or of any public eurporatioo created by tht or any other ute." 'J he queation presented by the pleadings in thia caee ia, whether the legislature bad the power, after lha reeervatioo of twenty-five eeaU on each dure uf the actual capital flock of the liank, to imnaie aa aJJitiuoal ux on th dividend receiv ed ly tlie individual Btotlboldera. i he couuael Iur the defendant cootenda tbat il bud wot, aud bi arumrnt ia, that the (.Tjnt ty the lvislalure ot the Rank charter creatud a couiraot belweeo the jMste aod tbe corporation ; that by a fair construction, one term ut that con tract waa that tbe Rank should pay into tbe 1'ub iio Treasury twenty five ccou on each (hare of it actual capital atock, in Oubaideretkm of which -uitidJicr of tanher ux fhouli en r be inipoaed op. it, or upou me amjooos at ptxaa wi ssj, ot tbe individual men. ben who conirJ it; and that the coirtUe of tbe I n tied oulo pro hibit the Fute from pacing any Uw to iu.pa.ir the obligation of the euotracl, or of auy eaacuual pait of it. We admit tbt tl.e prant by the Legiabiturc of a charter to a htki curraration, croauefa con tract b. tweefl IheSuieanJ tbe curporauou. whiih brnius it aodW the i-rvtaxliuo of tb ctuHituKo Of roe t'aitcd Stiu. ThU ouosvrrative pnoui pic hi been repeatedly rectajraitcvl by tbia 'Jourt, in drciaioOK, of which it ia bevearary to refer (u'y to tbe ia.-c o.' M.i't rs. hilitamt, 11 I red Rep. 1.54, and lb1! isinit ra. Mattkrvt, 3 Jones. The same prutectiuo w'uit b extended to the whole CHitract H.urt be cxte tided to every eawntii.1 part of it, and if it be psrt of it, aud if it be a term uf the contrail that the St.ite siuil not iuipoe any other tu up .n the dividctids orpvhu ot the -tovkboldir llm'i Uwt which U Clprclv men tioned iu the charter, then we fredy admit that the clause of. th K.'rei.ue act to which we have referred ia iorative is it ppi;eaiiua to the hnt lt'Di of f t'K-k in tbe (' uin.ernal Iwuikuf Wil miiit iu The UctitD, then, ccaaes to" be one 4 cutistiijiiUoiial wer, aud becouiee oi.e of con struction merely. The quegtioa which bus been tJ.U presented, ha, ,in late Vears. been o often the subject ol iiiscu.--ion and Jwiaiim iii the 8u pume C'ottrt of the t"niud ix'ca, ted in the C'ourt of the acveral Stales, thai it would I armiiurnt. We ha!l conGne ouraelve to a bricl j enunciulion ot tue principles open wuica our judgment iu the present cao ia'lountied. . it ia now a w.'il settled rule ot conMruction, that "the jiraiit of privileges aud exemptions to a corporation are strictly coiirtruod against the corporation, and in favor of the publto. ; Xotb- Siijf psfisc but what ia fronted lu' clear and ex-1 tilrvit ;tffta.';;- au aouner toe ngui of wxatioR. nor auy othur powor of foVcrvijfnty which the community have an interest iu prcsvTv'ng ainU n.inished, - will bt hdd to Lc Surrendered, unless the intention to eurrender i uiatiifoted in word too plain to be uitstakeu." Ohio Life tsvrart TrMft t'omjmtijm prtU,HiJLitC.Z'.ii.) Ren. 435 IiiUitft ft. Tht 'rvtiUr-cc Jluiti, ,4 ht'r Rrp. 601 fiaret River Htutie it. The U'ren Bri.lye, ir4' Rrp. 54a. It an n oot be denied that the taking power i one of the highest and moat important attribute of aov erei!niy. It ia essential to the esublhsient. and the continued existence of iorernuieni Without it all p;li(ieaI i.istllutio!ia would be dia Hofved thfaoctal fabric would be broken up, and civilixation would relupse iiito barbttiiajti. Zo jtovrnuit can, then, 'divest- itrilf nltogeth- cr of a power which is eKemuI to aa existence, -it cannot romuiit rnliticul suiti.le; but it is conceded that it may, by contract for an adetjuate coosiderstioh, bind itself, for a loiiin r or shorter period, not to exercise ita taxing powc at all, or nnt lie voi id a certuio extent, tapon certain tyrsoiia or ihinpi. This is, however, often a dangerous, restiiction upon its power, because the necoasi ties of the government can not always be fore seen. In the changes aud ciiaucr of time and things, those ndux hive charge of tho administra tion niny have need of all tba possible resource of tlie country to save it from great disaster, if not from ruin. These considerations force upon the mind the propriety nay, the absolute ne cessity, of the rule that every graut from the Leg islature by which the integrity of the power to raise revcuue is impaired, must be constrned strictly in favor of the public, and against the craotce. Let us apply this rule to the case" be- rforo us. . Tho Legislature baa granted a charter to the l?a.ok inquestio in which there is a stipnlaiioo foV cortaiii ui to be paid by tbe of ficers 6f the bank,'4pWeacb and every share of iu actual capita stock, into be freiaury oTWe State. There is no erpres piovisioa that no other of higher tax shall ever be exacted ; but it is contended that there is an implied one to that effOit ' Why should there bef It is certainly not so. in case very analoirous to this. A citi- sen Ukes a Riant from the Sute for a tract of land aod pay the stimulated price, lit e m ,ii kaaari ipi ta ilrrjr. media toly to pay Ui of twelve cent on every Ii ond red dollar alu of it by the e-enoral revs iu Uw of the Htate That U pretiacly th aauie a if a tax lo that amount were, rewrved in th print. The 8tale carimA vinlate it eoutiact con loiued In th pi ant, any u.ore than it can violate it contract involved in the grant of a tank char tor; and yet, who ever doubted tint the Ju latur nmy, from tiint to time, invre.iM the tax upon th landf The aauie biay Le aaid of any taxable persona! ehallel which th fute mavacll loan individual. hy rhould money veteJJn eorporation be more favored f It would be difficult to aaaign a good reoaoo for th pnfir- ante. Hut, if it be admitted that tbe capital rlocV of th bank I by it charter exetnpunJ from addi tional taxation, it by no mean follow that the dividend or profit of the iudividual atockhold era ahull be exempt. Hunk atock, or (lock otrd ed by individual is bank, Lt a difTvmut thing front the capital uk of tho bank. Ily tbe Crat i meant. H the individual intercut in the divi- n Capital Bt OH00 Dll. Jiy 109 Blat . r ....... ,,,..., I k i,,.:. .. ,i . rr. rT. uti.i Iwi.J U ta -apimfiooof th tliaatan '4'hi; ej. itai atotk of the bauk i the whole undividtd fund paid in by tbe atockhotder, the kvd rL'bt to which i vexit-d ia the corporation, to be used and managed ia tml lor the benefit of th meiu- Der. lio luiuit nf irrmrt tt. ii,t Atutt, 9 Yay. lUp 4'.H). "A Ux on the !irt it very different fruta one on the latter, and the proper- ty ia lurted and the ux pud in lien different manner The Ux on the dmdendW buk atock vanpoferMirac, with the amount dc:.r,d bj the bank, and received by the fb.-k holders Tl m Am las Im I' ' , . .1 I Ux ia paid bv the owner of the stuck to tli tiesher ! n ... Ii iff in (he counties of their rcaidencc. Ihe tux oa the capital tock is paid, irrcpoctiveof profiui, by the ofheer of the bank directly into the pub lic treasury. How a provision iu a ban charter for a tag upon one enly of two such different subjeeU of Uxaliim, can be construed into au implied exemption from the other, it is difficult to conceive. It is a mere reawnsblc eoncluxion that the Legvlatur intended to reserve for fu tore euicrj;i-npie the power Uj raise revenue from that sat.ject of taxation about which it was aileut And I thi conclusion is strenutheLed bv the re-iin Bretioa i lhaf the rcrveJ sutject if one upon j wnicn tue taxauoo caunot pres very Lenv.lj It is to fall on profits; it diminishca-alatlsfy prow lighter, aud isswithdmwa allocuber when II. mmM $i:t i. ....( . Ii . - n .. n tin ..7.t..if 1 ubjuet. of uxation. Land and alave mil .son- tribute lo the .uf.port of the public burden. I whether their owner si"h over empty eranari.4, or rejoice over barua filled to werSowu.g. Our coticiu'ion, that the exemption of the capital 4 eawvv aa ... i.-mv XJ-jart'"' mrx.t than that which is specitied in iu itar!e, dew.- Bot-f exoucrai me amuettu ti me sioctuoiuei trom j anu enueavor trt eerc.se our i.ur snare oi such taxes as tbe Lcialatare msr, from time lo ! ii.liuence in eft irta to cheek sectional s'rife time, think profwr to iiupjae, is exproaaly dHiid-; and V clothe with power thos pervir that ed in the case fiota Teaoeaeee, to which we Lave I appear to be worthy of it, I fear thr.se eoia reterred. Wc have shown that It is directly pljlllt.nU WiU cease. But whether thev do witbia the rule of couslructwu extracted from j ur not. ou, ,i,,,r j, a ,.;4in om. . j, not c mci jon.ee l.ney . n,uK.n to tLe ease ol the j lteini: thu supported ty ream... and cuninu-'d I jrrwted by by authority, we Mate it with Cotih.k-iice as the law' of this and all aiiuilar cie. 'J be dcuiurrct ; must be over-ruled, aod tb tivfciida;.! ordered to put in au aaawer, - WILL. II. CATTLE. .FILLMORE IN -MW YORK. I The f riends of Fillmore in the great State j of. New York are.ac!ive, zealous and con-j fi !ent, and ate rfcienniued to give the elec- j torni vote ol that State to its iuUle son:"' Everywhere throughout it limits the .tire burns bnginlv and e iia e not a d.mht ol J the re.-ult. e extract the lijllow ing cheer- i nig oaitie-cry irom tne lust numuer 01 tue Altuiny Satesmau ! To our frirtitls we tiv' cotifiJentlv. PREfS FORWARD, ANil THE YIU TOKY Wil L BE ULKS! The game o! brag which 'the'-Biack Republiean b ive plavtng, ctnnot l carriid into the )u An actual survey of the field I d.scloses a state ol lil.'L'n-c eHCOUrain-r things, iu tlie hrucst to the supiKirte s of! Mr. I ' iilmore. - ui towns where tue liiao. ' Ui'iiutilieatis have asMTtcd, and apparcntiv believed. 'thai there would not U- luex'-eeu i a dozen FiHuxire vote, it has been -aseer-'j Uiutd that. Mr. ! Fillmoies vote mil U j greater -t-hau that o eiilii r 01 tm- utter candidates. In bcalilies here otn ti !-nd had supposed themselves vck ihej bve been' gi call v surprised and encouraged at the result of an actual canvas of the vol ims. At this liine last fall the Amt-rieans eiilii r or tfii" utter h , I f.ir U-sa rncourhccnifiit for cartvini the Slate ihan thev now have, and yet they triumphed. Tho Republicans were as eon"-i fiderrt then as they are now. Tht y Mowed and bragged as "they do now. They said the -American -vote- woujd oot reach 100, 000 in the State. Tlie v ancrted,"as""ltie now assert, that they would curry the State by an immense majority."..- Thi had then, us now. lire tended accounts' of - mlr. candid ates being repudiated, Councils going dow and the oart v dving out generally It tiirui'i sv.1 out in h all brutr and bluster and so -- t -j w : cr. , it will be again. .Agaiu'we say to our friends, press for ward and the day h ours." , Mass Meetinos. We noFice in our exchan ges that a bire Fillmore and Ponebson mass meeting bus been announced to come off in the town ot Yadkinville on the"'10th and 11 ih Oc tober, l'be committee says ainorvg her distiiv guished speakers iuyited and expected to be in attendaiKe, are Ex Govs Graham and MoreJiead, lion E U ReudeW II Uuion, H W Miller, Keneth Ravner, George lavis, Nut Hoyden, J A Gilmer, D F Caldwell, Sion II Rogers, aod tbe Argut and Flog men ofthis State. R&own u)r; of Tennessee: Flouruoy, of YirgiuU; Sam Iloustou, of Texas Ji KUt Clemmlns, of I Alabama. . We understand tbat a fimilar meeting has al so been appointed for the town of-Daifbury,. to be held on Saturdsy ff Superior Court, the i?tb insfc OrethoriTUim. -A paper giving au aecuul ot Toulouse, says: It is a. large town, contaiuing' 00,000 iuhabi tsnta. Luill ehiirrlu of brickt," 'early as bad as the Dutch description of ah. a . - . . t Kitt k..nat awttff i UUtCll WWn, VUICQ ConU.UU wu. i.owtnnat.iiaau.aiiwitataou- . a -. it .l ...., t,sfat lA th street. . .. ' - TMJIS: TWO MtUfJJrf Al'TA'fJ. Whole No. li? ' , From the Baltimore Patriot. '"SPECCII OF GOV. GRAHAM. 1 Mr. Preoiilcpt : I am takeo by gurprlie by ihe cull just mnJe upon me. At vrry Ureal inconvenience to mytfflfl have? made an effort to be prenent on lliii occasion, nnd when, after my arrival, I had bei honored by a place at J our aide. I ha'l atiiuuj it would Le my duly merely lo endeavor to usaiht you io the prewrvation uf order here, rather ihnn to take any pit in the iliscu tioiu of this ansemhly. 1 state th! by way -of apolojry for not being better able to grat ily the expectation of those gentlemen who have been plenaed to call for tue upon . occaaaion. 1 have fo.-tgynsa my delight and .my gratifLation ntyicwinirsuch au aaacmbbig iiiikk. tl.a" before me. It bin been aaid ih ( ihe liii? nartv of the coutitrv wna lrad I . ., F 1 T ' , " J i If these b the retnaih. what mut it havo If tlree be if a rvmiim. what reninornt Iva wlfifgtei tlC pOUf". b h 11 T A; be brought aL'aiu into a cOiifhlmij of lUn action and us.-t'u!rief ? . Sir, it i a party J a disintcrcslid niul patriotic party ; una j which, whein clothed with pjwer ha ever j exei ciut'd Us hj wer with juatxe, nuxlera J lion, enlurgnd patriotism and a respect to (all the ink-rest of the country and when without power in defeat a j well aa victory, j it has a!waN. U.eD a r.spectabn pariy. It . j , er .h'tmn that duValrie devotion To ;ij .;, i . i i r...-j .i -i. ' II '"V I 11 I l UCII UCIvlCUt W UlUI ,"',"t! 14 reapjectable in lit own eyes, in 'bo eyes of the country, aud in lha eyes of thoM who opposed it. This tributa has been paid to it by its old adversaries in latter times. Within the last year or two th Whig party has been in a state of inactinn ; it has not coma forward and contended f.r the offices of the coun try, and being in that retirement, il mem bers have heard their old t Jversaries com pliment tlinn to a decree 'ot which they tnnv wall be proud. .Now. the old Whiflr. U,n,r.c,:,c ratimr.ti.in irnuitsv a u - rcUfc as aljV oiher tinJ - jj, as res- pec politician in tlie ci-utilrv. (Laughter.! And it ii rather a matter uf surprUo, ben we read tlie jra tettes oi '.ift d:i atid the speeches . of our opponents in regard to our old l'aJf'r. ionner times our great cap- i tain ever escaped being elecied to tlie of fice ol i resident ol the Lulled felaies. - Laughter. And their tributes do as but iut'.ce. But now when we come forward saxsaasi I'art in the alfalfa of liw et'uotry, bccofue M ,arge & u lLft peupe of e L K"U? , ua -rfiiijse itle o:i ItLiaT party, ta remain longer ia a state ofmaction. e itif'.y lie by lor a lew months, or for a year ir two, and take no p.rt in the Con ijressior.al or tstate elections ; but v.hcn a i;reat Presideutial eleetioti ii comif!?; 'on, and we are nil cuiled upon to eiect a ruler to I einthfd wifh the power of a great na tion fur four years, it Joes not become so large a jKirticn of the people of the United States to !. ihacftve, and tQ s;.ai) J by as mere spectators. ... lt is with that view that the people of this country, those . . i. . .1 . i . . . i I. who ave stoou on ana oeea denied a j irtii-ipation in the goveriiinent the pnver having passed into other hand th.it porti. n of them, who have MooI a- I.K'f l r tiie laif two or three Years, and two or three ears. h.ive taken no share irV th public, affrira, have now co;r,e forward, and t!irouh their representatives have loexprcss tojji'e conn irv what thev er-i.jt,..'t-r to lie tLe dJt v of the Whijis tf t!.e t'olon in the present crisis. It is that that -lias brought us together here.. Il is for ihe purine of determining what it neeotnes rlicyre f party of the L mon S. W'lf.-tlUT It j.h.)Uld take I io-do in tin en? nop.irt in the coming contest or whether we should actively piirticii'.ne in it : and if .e p.vtuj'jTeiii ,i. into wii nales our ot.N 'mii ot i-.n', .. w 'I'i'JI 'I'lirtaawd .Mr. i resrtieiit, fv von to-cl;tv. we have nj candidate i t our owii in ti e iield. and it it now too. iale f.r u.. the t lection is loo near . . i . . ? . . tl nami, to iirin;' torwarj a stnctiv tug party eandidaie.- But there are unv iu I the field ttjiiae from '.'whom we can select j one for our support. 1 shall not attempt to discuss their merits, I Perlups it would W premature for me t I do so ; perhaps it w ould be inappropriate, as" ourconunittee bh revolirtions has nut m.ideTTSTeTrTTo rtitsXtinTeiiTion, fc-r 1110 lossy anyiiiin, m rrgant - to me cnoico which this Convention should make, But I know or Vvhat p'urpose 1 and those with ' me teiiirie, here; We were sent here to endeavor t prevail upon our friends, from' he.lauada frontier to ttie oilier sine o; tiie iio titsnide, to 'nominate ami uuite upon lAwiliaW r inmore, oi iew ioi k; -v 1 F Dunns? thp Inst sentence the feelinsrscf . . i.v- . I.-.. . .-t . ' t - - . .. io vast audience hud been gradually 'wrought-up to th'e hiehe?t pitoh,.,aid as tho name of Millard Fillmore fell ypon their ears their emotions could no logger be sup pressed cheer'nirer cheer, burst forth, s.hout after shout weut.up. and in a moment, ac tuated by one cotnnton 'impulse, the mem bers of the Convention spou lancously rcso to their teel, and the whole vast assemblage' gave vent to their feelings in related aud long continued applause, almost causing tho massive walls of the building to shake to their foundations. Ever and anon the tem pest of enthusiasm would subside for a mo ment, only to be renewed with angraented" erergy ; and the ladies in the galleries par licipatirg ia the Denenil welcome with W men lue nouiiiiaiiuii uiinriitu,iiui their hankerciiUds in token of approbation. 1 be whole formed a scene of indescribable sublimity, which those who had the good fortune to witness will never forget prov- . J.l. M;1I.J tMlmnk n.hr.it. H IT HUWLm'll .UUltWU t llilsiviy if v.m..ii- r ;,, , f,f l.i. eouutrvmeo. xoi 5 im . 4 : - ' . r " ' 1 4

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