- . ' . . , . , ,i ., . ; ; ; ,' rT) l" 1 i mm 4 JJ ioliVV. "eiiiskocf t-1. ' 'T rBUXIKR. !) 3 . : J" Ifi 2rgnj i't r fnpli'i cjjti iaijf ji rhriisfiifgil lrrjr; ,Xj i.;ing sf nils cf Ifxtis'jr JFmt X'ss lslI Ls snitc tfii ta nt, -T-rrf! aniTtmcaaaa-iTTO,, ,ii ,,tc -.-.si.;--y.ix; - -v. wiaaert Vr.;irTTnTW;,iirft"r-trrBiicr 3 liL"lu jSa '1 . I',!!.: I JOiiVA .cAmeron;'"- 1 StXTUU it im h'wi t, r w1w MtM HMimn Mt4u)m at ik tM ml It KJJIw; I . T M tokt W 4twil tnflf i Ik m4 f Hm nu. . MHy ! M4lur mt IM lUMM kilter, lk r.Mh" ". MlMrvlM (r illl kMUndM tar ! ! M( Mtl l Ilia nlata, M4 flW Par tiwt Una, ar mm, lUrtni ht tkm Fall and" Winter :- Goods. :! WI ''rlr4 our Buck FALL and WIS TUB 0(XII)H, vhieb tiabru klMal twrr nnk lepi U . tASCX DRY COiJLia HTUKC, and laviM tk puklit U ball 4 xmiMw wtk . aMkiDy (Iwlr pvralnaM, a r datcrailnH la . ,', NIK aTajrcttevillo, fl C., 3aturd:7, NoTeaber 15, 1855. ', t , - Whole No. 149, NUOKK JtJUKdTHKK, raw, . lrL InMa- Jtaaa nWi tail I a aaaW Mum tkra Kfc. ' l Fotaia aMnaka. ' .a'l, . . -i - , FrafesWaAla biuam(WaXt'ia na4,aari at la afariia. . , - A4vrtkMfa xti ataat aa a taaartUx fay wlik twrarix ii.-j wut aaaaaiiawiiw hWt1a a4 aa'a a r J C. P 0 E j tuft til f asfj Iry JmJvI Dtfi, J K iU" 1 1 Uff, Mi If Hf Ildt CIoUtBt FartiMW aitratiaa paid (a taPU3 Vita OiX)DS aH TRIMMI51S. fr R(re4, rf(lirllle, IV. c. May Si, ll56. Ti-tf Wa. II. , Taoa, W. AfftiaxMf. . B. HnKiMt SoaaaaT Bvu, '' Hopkins, Hull & Co. , 4 J WHOLESALE.' ... DUX GOODS MERCHANTS, (OfNwi Hinovar cHrca,) F.Wryi 1154. " 'M. II. 1IAIG1I, Attorney at Linv, v FAT2 1 T2 VILLE, W. C. t j; ornc oa old itser. Jary,!W64. 1-1. lift' tka ulraa-J. bata ikU r""J La Y T.1v.rtipl,i, ua "ill prwW-a M Ua C-.i-t. af th ,n.iihj raaiia af tan 8taa : CUaltMaa, Caw barUaJ. UaHa, IUlt, aaj tha ajia.a Curt. , . t. H. tUrOHTON, riltabaa)b, H, Jib' t. J-tf " "Second; Stockv- .- . U. R PEAHCE' ; 1 1 aa rfrMlTatTaaiaa, Ik'. II, I Stack of , ' AatorK vbiek aT ba fvnad, Ibt latal a4 aaoal fkab i.abla aljlaa af Lala' iraa OoJj, Cluaka, Man Ullaa, a4 all atjrlaa 4 EarlI, vAlaa OKf UOilbS a imr arUT, hwh iriU ba aald CIIIAPat akalaaala arrul!..1ha Ladiaa ara raapaatAUly tatittl U a f" ' . ' 0. r. 1 EAKCK.-" Hajr Biraat, Faaatta.llla, Uoi. , 18M. 1 44-tf ' ' Commission Merchant : . FiTETTEtlLLr, !f. - lrml far ilTrrltti ITa i 1ttnn f?t! 4.- Will attaad promptly to all kaaiawaa aetraabd la kit aara, , (Vtnbar SI, lAM. I4t tr til' ft XOt 14 Till FALL. STATIU & WILLIAMS. ' Art ao rncalrlaii Ibr'r i. 0can4 ilax k ! I nil A. Ulaler aal . To a tick Ua call tla alhtotioaaf Martbanta atakv jag tliair parrhaaea la Ula aiarkat -' Uci.l, I8M. Hi tt. ! tal i I nll Trnilc,-!.!. TTvatrra Ball Racial ()CI-, AH Iatllaavatf crt. apoa tba Cap itnl Hturb of Ihia Coiapaay la aalk4 Car, pajrabla a tha M dof DLTEMllEKa.i ; aaJ, alaa niMilalr rialla r pr rt-nl , anlil tka lit alar ml Jaamary, J(si, aaa Oaa wbata i M a ill ba Jav - - - " By ardar af tba BoArd nf Dirart. ra. Jtll!t M. lUKR, Traaa'r W. R. It. Co, I, lt'ifl. IMi-l-ai'ytl",i; JOHN A PEHSERTON a rar MeaiTt Oaa af tka ot daatraUa 8iaaba of ilk aad raarr laul.alaaaralrWt kiaa. aUraot all tha Bawan at Tlt mi L.iuirjt DitM Goons, Hath a I'la.a and avi d lwr Atioaa Pilka. RiabOav- 4 piaia ai a. ; -.: B.F. PARCE 19 3TOW OrilNO, Inrga .d deaiiab! Staak cf ' tii.i. wiiTcn a-j ruin Plack tnj C"lrl lka, ' itugllab aad fiwwk Mria, -Itaia and It Urea, fva baaaliftt attrrur, 1 Blk and I'atify Alai-nj , bluings an l UaMttoF ': i ' 1 ' t'ollara aal I'atmlmaif '.,. . -t .n. .ml W a a Kkirta. ' ' " Jawnai, NaliiMiu't, 8ia aad Ilald XJaaliua,-1 Froneb, KnflUk aad iaaariaaa Priula, Clotbt aad Caaaiiaarva, oalinrtla, dtaaaaad Tatada,' ' ' ' , ' ' I'laida, Unarra and KrraoTa, ' ' ' Caralmaaad Maflharo1 ftirtpat, lUtarbad aad liraaa bhiiliur aa I EbtJa(l, Wkita aad CUnrod fl.aaeU, PillHaaa aayl TMkit, ' ' Uua Tabia CMba, Tawailaa a4 Kapblaa, Pbaala, Cloaka aad Uantillaa, - Kitra (aaliljr 4fltad BlaBbrta, Ribbon, IU1U, (jioica, Uulaery, ava. llala, Capo, BoaaHa, 1W, Kbaaa aal Fatmllaa ( " I'Bjaral aaata. at af HraalT-an4r lalblat. aad iw; Tartrty ia tba 1 A.Vktk UlloH USE. b.b a HI la aoM at a aaaall adfaava lur 'AJ-H. w aa ttaaa W paarlaal ta.Ua.ra, altbar at Uol.E BAtEar KKT UL, AH ara rpaally laritnl K gia aaa oail brfora parebaaiag ahra. B. r. rtAtct. flay St., rayaUatina, Buft. 1, IftM. ' ls-tf I GROCERIES. J. A. SPEARS, AT T OR N BY AT LA W. AUvla tba C-jaHa af t'a!rlaJ, nrrM, Waka, aa i Job. ' Addroaa, Tooawr, HaratU Co., 5. C. UU-ly. : - CUE1U C0JI!fiia. AD FUaWASDiXG MEHHWT, IfitMlllfftOH, C JaaolJ, 18il. DR. kTTbLACK, " OFF1CB FBO.HT BU M . OT t B f rLm aU lituJ a 1'n w 7 F.WaaxyT, 184fl. ; WMT bra Batoa, etritd and lam Mila al'acia, haul " mt t". b aa i Hratada klcriaaa, ll.ia, I taKl, aad nco tij 4Tra)CMfLaiaai aaaaat atM-t-tUTL aw ni.ra , a iarfTfc.-a ai a run. iwa.iM Bilk Maotillaa, ( took, aa I Talauaa, Bay U, f Wl'a floab bsmI TiUa ftkaala. A I ftvai ariaty a tba latest atla ml JUaSS TIUMMINGS; FrvKb Eaim4naa. tlaaotna Laa Cuilara, atary aolor mt t' U-4 1aity of KM lilain ami , 'Ujt,i1U iW La.limaJ (imU. A f ry - . baadawait partaraa-ll aaila 4 aaraala laa. aak, ib utaair ta tail, aaaaa vary kik iMaM Oil . M4o ykadca. AU'I, rOR UtT aAB. Blfck, Blaa, and IKir Bna4 CWtba, Clack aJ Faa tj Caaaiaaara aad V oatin.. A wry largo (Kock af ' Ri: tov..q.4uc lotiiiio Cfriea, aaaiaiatinx aa fuioaa TA B(4 !', taaonaj, i Ul la Hr, 60 AUakrd5a. , .. .. .. j, i-I " 1. 1 ' Itcrrlnj. , .- . t " (kar a Byrap, 9 Botra Ckaaa.' T "' r iiaaijT I' I " , 15 ' " A-Iaautiuoo t'"':Jr Wl ladia rravofaa, aaaurlrd, Ppia, ('!;, a l T., Kaap. Halfy, aad aa Lal, Will kaop t'Aataally aa ki lUova, Lard. Batlr-, 4.. Aa. ' Tb abor aaaard anltla. aod.aU atbtra antaJ'y k'(-l ia a Ocxwrt H(r. m'A ba 'kn-l coaaualir ral, aad af carta tat Mk Mr Haw Irf preiaf t payB cariMMK. B. P MudUbv. Vhttj aocof iod by Hail &ckN. B.pt. 13, 14, lAO-af , BianteK Kfrsejs, Kcalcrkjr Jrans, K-vio:i Mri( and Urye lot Vt aaSa by B. t. .iia. Tbaaboae Kt-wk a. fltuj a.tk froal aara a. j Ua. tIJ., arf ..' rr(.ri an-l priaaa. avt liDU .fml alakola. , Umitrri 9t 11 a f 4 aa a M fOUE.. 'TIU WlSURJIiJ Aid) tFIECTS OF USTEMPKiV lie followinf it the rnoat fr.iiihlo (Jelinf). - i .1. j . ;r . . oi'i.n cm ma niuienrw aaa euttcif oi mtem peianc that whave Aver'teen h it fmrn llio nrgumnnl d?anoel by ccrtJiln cKixcn f Toru-gt) county, Ohio, in B aiouiariul v I. '' Jwgialature on the subject t , "AJyet tu mrcl of yuin ia ouvmd Mm!! It yeuchfi kljroed lo olberi, ianuitn (Li' :'..iiiily. 8iiJ aucial cirrtW. ud aprfida We' nnd sorrow all around. It out down ' n iu vigor, mad hood In initrrnpfh, mnj .iKiu lit wenktM; ; It breaks tba) fn- " 3jrBBBB.aHkAaaaLaULiOtlir.fX- i u s natuml ailoPtion, tratrm fjohTir- . - .!a. ,,( t'n ,i attaelimtint, b)'it ! !r". flirrn'i'i ! . . t ...grave, '.' ' . It prod ire ttat-e l neai, notifcng'b:ick nt', not heart b; death, not lifo. It makes wives wWowt, children orphans, fnihsrt Rend, and all td lliem pauptrf and beggars. It hnil fver, feedi rheumatiatus, nurss j.Dyf, welconi epidemics, inviira cltolr-ra, Hnparts testilcnce, and eoihraces coonump lions. Jt cover the land with -idlejta poverty, diaeate, and crime. .It falkiyoar yvi$. supine oar aima-iMHjaea, ami ae maniU your asylums. It engnndera confro vt rates, J'len quarreln, end chcriabes riots. It contemns law, spams order, and loves mob. Jt crowds your penitentiaries aud furnishes the- victims for your seaiTolds. It is lbs life-blood of the g.inibfer, the slimenl of the ooanterff irer, the pmp of the high- waymtn, attd lite sujpor t of the midnight iiicemlmrv. It countenances the lur, re sets thetbief, and citeem'ths b!aplienier. It VKlalraoN!gtion, rcreri'noe fraud, nd honors infnrnr. It defames benevolence, ImScs love, scoi a ii tue, end sl.ntdtTi iuoo- renoe. u incites tlie l itUer to butcher ins u(rjring, helps the hoabsnJ lo niaaaacre his urtlo, aud aid the cluld to criud the parri cidal axe. It burns tip man, eonaiunra wo man, dcWi life, curves (I.kI, and despises lieaven. II suImtis wttnesaes, nurse pt- jury, rirliles the iury boi, and stains the lu duial ennine. It lri(wf vote, d vioaiifiea yoterv. eornipts elreiioiit, l'ut our liuti- iuu.hu, . an-i ruaHT) mm vtr ""t;, f""fl"- j It Ur;rirHi tte citixen, dcbises, Uie tr, lihtiuur the itatennmn, end dia.vnu the patriot. It (xini sliame, not honor , terror, not sxfrty ; dpair, not hope ; tuiae ry, not baj-pliuas.. A$ now, as with the ma-tevo!-nee of a fiend, it rln!y sjireys its frightful desolation, nnd insAtiaie wilhbav.. or, H po.aooa feUcity, kilia peace, runi nior a!, blij;lif roi.fi.lt nee, shys repulAlioo,aod wipti out tiAtiunal h;iuor, then cursr the wuiW ab4 l4U?i at its ruin, t Starr. Tbrre ts do-fact more clearlv . I Never Gossir. Ob, no, 1 never gossip I I have I'liouuli to tlo to take care of my business without talking about the affairs of others, Mrs, Smith Why. there's Mrs. Crocker, she deals in scandaf by the whole Baie it does seem to me sir though that women's tontrtie tnut be almost worn out but no, there's no danger of tbnt. If ersry body was like me there would'nt le much trouble in the world. Oh, ho, I never gue ip. ' Hut did you know that Mis Ulliott hpdgota new silk drc, Irs, Smith f J'oudid'otf well she hai its a ro tl bro cade; I say it myself. , J (lossy its shame ful for her to be so ektrpvacaut ; I mean to rift1 rMKVl-'lAlilL mind, Mrs. Smith Vou believe her Uihmo... It;ft ' h-r k)i,)(r lirui- We s at tt pnbtia toll, on tary aeo0daliB( Unai Ta ' (oaraliy ara rrapattfalty iavilvd to rail an I f IMwaalaoa. , 3. A. PEMBKRTO. 8pt. J), IBM. .EvrLi:ii..v ititf Fumkliinr EsliiblUinicnl. ' ANDREW J. STEDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, riTTinonuiu, x. c. . Will attal lb Coanty aa.1 npru irnru si Chat! am, Moor, and Haraalt toanUea Jaly 1. ale by K f. MBK, ri'llE aadrlgail at oa racotriag, dirort fiota Sim -I., i i,i t- Swc, rf CloHliiMf a fajriatahisis aaod4'."" ' ' ' 1 . IJa'W4 laara aauaaat pataa ia tka aottloa af kla V uwii, tit n ,mra aiuaavii anal i mb am aaavpat (rwab)y w:'ih aa lo tba aurkrl. ItaatoR Ml l a ilk a attcrmiaatioa ta Mil Cm. I, opuQ raM.oat.la taraa. to proaapt pa;faxMd Caft aO. ho ri etii that la rxparnaco i.r u, pa.l JtMU- et-'th!Uis. ia the pliyaioloy of man, than thiit the l.ram eipen.J its enrriet and it self durtng the hi-ur of wskefulnmt, ami that Iheae are reruV'ra'ive during aieep tht- rrrfru.i.n d.ir not njual the cjnl itnrea, the train withers ; this ia iinamtv. lliu II w. that ni Civriy i,ulih hiatory 70- tf JOHN WINSLOW Attorney nt Law. 0j o tt SJth U .f if mlr-A, OJ-JIO- tikOtt F i.i'UfHti li FA V ETT It T ILL V., .. February, lab. - - 7,J "5. h, sanFford, ATTUftXEY AD COLVSELUJR 0B at Dr. Hall a New Buil.ling, on Bw Rlrl. Sept. 1835, . '-I ' ' : noiT A. M. Campbell, Auctioneer and Commitiion Merchant, GILLESriE STUHKT, , FayetteTllle, N. C. Fa.'y 10, 154. r e-T 1 Charles Banks, , c o .1 r E C 1 1 O Jl JE II, , WHOCKSAL.E ASD EBtAlL DEAJ.KB 1.1 ForrijH Vin's, Nut, , C!$trt, Tolim, Stuf, OHEE5T BTBKET, .'f'ti.. 1 FlyeUevillB, ft, 0. , . ,.aouary l'fl.S4..-ii :"' ' C. - SMCTHOMAS.. .. piALEB IS ANCY STAPLE DILY GOODS, r BKADf-IDli ULOTIHW, f Hat, Cp, Bobaat; Buobj and fiboea, Sbaetiag4, ' Cottoa rma,'raey, Blankets, se.", Ae. poaia Mass bt and OntMrn St.; Fayette4!le,Tt. X Sa BMIKS, ; - COailiSSlOX AD' rORWARDRG ; ' MERCHANT; WlLWIiTO, Wortl. Carollaiau -Jan. ',J8i. .. ' 104-ly Sa btia ia aaortiba, tiiat-all Goeda auMPT bin. ai.l ite tetire aatUrarUa aa to atyla aa I price.- ili biwk ewMiata ia part mt tba fi(to:B( Owl", - ' tluth, Baor, Tod aa4 CaMimere Coata, do ""da da do mfrr do, Krrry rarir ty af atjla af Mt aa4 Panla. iloaiery , (jlete, Kbirto ( Liu. a aad kianao, ItuoU, eaaea, Uata an I Cnpa. Ail af a linh ba bopc to b able o mli at aa nr'.j a day at paiblf. All peraoaa aba aaa aaa tut parvbaaa prvlM ti Jaly taM, ar rarnrtty rtUitd ta pay ap, and keep aptbtir aad aiy tuo bhbis. yAWEB McrilEItftOt Hay itraet, nppaait-B. tilover'a flej.t. 22, ia."6. llJ:8ia.. TOl'I P rot'ira bis tbinka to lb pablia f.jr Ik liboraj patroaag ba ba raeair ad, aad kopaa; by paaetaait li in baainaaa. fiir a eoulinnatioo af tba I lis baa commenced bntiaeae oa bit oft . raponalbtl fly, b tba Huuth ai.le of Peraoa alreat, tao door bo le tin tap Fear C mk and ttime dner alare bia old atrind, where be would be gU'i to all bi old frit ad. Ha expetU to keep an kaad a good rort aent of Ba-idlea, HriJlaa, Vibifia, and tery tbias, in bi. I'm of boaioeae. ". -. S; B. He wilt attend to repairing of 6adP, Bar beu, b,, and bi' eiiargea ebali b BiO'letato. ttepUmber 4, . , laMia Carol inlan opy, GOOD LANDS FOR SALE- Ai I lo abrta Vla.1. aak to il lay Farm as ik Cap Ftar Ri'rt. aa Sk Ui aUta ef l'p tVar a aula ar toe Ulea P.klUb Wk, anataiaiuf aee 04 to 1 00 Aere cf y Sa Kier Ua le. ta IM Faraa Urrt ( a f 4d aeeaar l, aad bmbkaft af all kiU U Iiie ia, A. A a,y Saw Mill RxU.k, (1st U. 51c y.-..t a ) , . "' 1 1 IH I I ' A i an j t..if ; Ur. . II. !. aiii aka TTTTr-riiata aa.1 M;l , r. , -. ajen. t Ih Kucl.l .11 Dili inn wrm. tiM. jijji, i . ' h ... ,. , lii-tf J vu wins n W"'!, I r'rin't rira if h did :whv, ftVonlf va u.l, ...- i.e atatuotlu.icia. anU in, to see her dah out in this style, it's a burn ing sltaiue. I suppose she thinks she's go ing (o oatub young lawyer Stanhope, but I gtieta she II had herself mistaken ; he s got more sense than to he caught by bor, if she has got a brocade silk dress. " And there's tbe upstart dressmaker, Kate Mauley, setting Iter cap for the doctor's sod ; the Imiiertiiience of skills people iswrfecl- ly ss toni-hiiig. I don't think site's any bet tsvian .lie uuht to be ; for my own part, 1 never did I ke licr iiillJ, soft look, when any one s around i my word, for it, abe can hxik cross enouglt when there ain't j then ahe says she's only seventeen I Goodness knows she's as old a my Arvbella Lucre tia, and sIm's well, I won't any how old, but she's mor'n seventeen, and I ain't asham ed to say so, either ; but I Kues Dr. May's son will have more discretion than to tliiuk of marrying her. . , .' Some folks call her handsome 1 Well, 1 d.m'l.. She ain't hall so grxxl looking a my daughter Jane. Then the way she does up her Lsir in su;L fly-away curl; and if you brlict it, Mrs. .Smiih, site actually had the iuipulnce to to tel! me that he couldn't make bnr hair trilit ai my Mrja Jane's. Imiiertineuce? if she'd Ut curling paper aivl curiiua irons ikw, I a riMt out wnai her h:ur would be as su-aiht as anybody's. Hut what do you think of the minister's wife. Mrs. Smith f Vu like her. Well, iH'aa--.4ieIIit a very peculiar Mate. N hy abe s pnuJ as. LiifiOT , raaaa married a wlnse. week and hasn't been to see me ypt Yon presume she han't had lime ! 1 oWt see wtva't the-tuuiister want ed to ro out of town to get a wife fir, say way ; and thn, a'jove alt tump, to pet that hula irirliJi lookini (.in, Whv duin't he take one of, tbe parisbossrst There's my Arabella Lucrctia foo'J h' m'ie aUio a better wife-thao he's got now. Tben W jest abrot th rTg1J tre fr him. MheV two ... ii.. . .i. . . i i i.... i jcai wiuri unn tim irititiaii . a mivuiu think it wa a p i y if I dxiu'l kn w rny own daughter's age, Mrs. JSinitb ! If aom Atks .ul 1 uiiii t their own btirines i.ke I Ji, I'd thank them W'ttierly fiiea;ie. ; . : . FALLPIX)WING The advantages of Fall Plowing may be enumerated as follows ; , - I. In autumn, the team having become , inured to work through the summer, is more ; vigorous and better prepared for labor than j lo the Spring, arid oilier farm work is lest , pressing in us demands upon the time and i attention than in that biisUins period. Let all the plowing be done which i possible ia J the Full, and still the Spring work would , give abundant employment to the farmer and his teams, irk drawing manure, cross plowing cultivating, harrowing, tc n . 2. In the Fall, low, moiat Jsiuls are, en- erully in better' condition for plowing ibar ' y gf.ueraiIy,ortUis,i- tnnolliope fJi iu f f The F(vri-R,TALiT.ix Cot sr. Wht u roar aame f My name i NVral a lbs liraiu pian k.iU. Wkfri did V'O coat from f I rsuie pris .n who were condemned lo dealli. by "" tt bsppy tand b-re rare is onkatian beitta prevented from sleeping, always died j Where aw joa Miring oua t I dreamt I dwrlt tM. . IV4. An Entire ,cw Slock! W Tka Mbarriliar raapertfa'lr Inf.ra-.t tb (i.!.!, lb at be ka rreci.oJ kta bTlN K UF WOl'A. aad avoid reqaeat Uwatt in Wnt af FAttYCO'll, IJOOT5 nual BIIOr, . Hale, Trnuki, llartttt are, AVr To fit kite a call, a lie ran tll R"xl ae L''W AS AM OXK, aavl aarrenU tbem lo )tit aalufaetiaa L. JHAlT. : eiUrapJe St., sear tba M irbet,. I'ayeUeiril't i. ( October 1, !:.0. I t U raving fii-miar ; lliii it la, alau, that tliott who me Stan nd to death becutue insaue ; brail ia n.t nMiriled and they cannot re three . Diaeolutlon mt CcvisatriNcrahlp. Tli fii-ia heretofore eziatiag between Balbwis A Roaiyaax, ia tliix day dUiiltJ by naotual eosaeat. Thnoe baring opea aceuimla aitb mart eoin for ward and aetue without aeisv, or utey win nan looir aecnnnU in tb band of an 'linear. ' Lltue's-Mill. Hfpt. 20. IBM, 112 tf . Notice. ' BY rirtv of an rdr, aada by bis Honor John M. llitk, preiiidiHg; Judge at the preient tern of ear Superior C rt of Law, 1 hereby ia public nqtie that a ."peel Term of aaid Court will be krld for tha County of Moore, at th oort Houa ia Carthage, on Ui Fourth Monday in November Mt, which will i l,e tl.e 2-lth day of the month when ana w sere an Buiavra am. wiiurvm in . , ii p. . . .i. to attend by 10 o'olock byTha forenoon of that day, ' H itnesa, Geo. S. Cole, Clerk of aid Court, at office, tba Monday before tba last Monday In Autit, A - P. IBM. CKO. 8. COLK, C. 8. C. Bept. 24, 185C. 142-to Ati EXCY OF XO ItTIX " CA KOLLX A Mutual Insurance Company. riMIK obcrit,er bating bera annotated Agent for tbe alwre C oir pnn. will I 4vaed toUk tUek in (hi placand virisutw Ja'iy , 1P5. ca.' ae mol reaaonable lorata. At'U. W, BTtEL DAVID ptDUFFIE, BjBtCK WAVBOIf AUD PtAITEBEB, , . FATBTTEVILLB, Jt. C, - Beapeetfally tetdera bi sareieaa to paraoaa la tbidand and tha'aJjoiniBj; aosntie' wishinj work dona ra hi us- - i ly 19, 154, r. l-ly COOK rJ01L'SOXr? IMPORTERS AND DgALtRS IN English, German, and American 'Hard-' .-t- -7- ware and Ctjilcrj, saaary JO, lty-ff '; , , NEW GOODS'. r. n. f iRixii jaat reeeirinr a very bvrr Block, of DRV (; avals. Cirorerla. Wines, rianara. reel from New i oi k, which will b wldat rerr mod erate prieea for cub, orexebaap for any kind of f rv- aooa. A call from eld frienda ani tb anbll iteaarally 4eiril. a uy Black I aa large and varied that it will , ap land ar aeaejly tuaberad with piaea, aad b with. ilirec fllOSI'ECTI H or ra Weekly Express.. - Th Subttriber would rci-pfotfolly intorm th pob li that ba will, In a fnw day, eommetki puttUhinj; in th Town of Nw-Hrn, a ViVekly Ncwepapee of th abort title, devoted to th interval and prorfierl. ty of rw-Uerue ; and of tlion aectione of our State, which are iuterealod in th welfare and advancement of that Town. . 1 ' It will b th objact of tb Eiprea to allmutat a piril of enterprieev Itf "etaopaing Improvement, and tli development tf tlie resource of t1i part of North Carolina. Coiamerotal auterprit will flitd In it aa an ergetio advocate, which wilt vr ba exerted to build op and ettabtiah Nw-Bero a a great trading art, to which toe product of the rich Wast will loua tad eay aocea. . Tha latest new will always b foand la it column : ! snd n offwt will be pored to iak th Ex pre th Iromng juoraai cr ixorui Carolina. ' In politic, It will be eeneervativ, vr avoiding extreme, and ever eheriabuigeoiiiusrnuv principle. It will ardently advocate the claim, or Millard Fill, more to the Preaideaoy of tli Vnitod Statea, as being th only enaitidat for that offioa, who ha th Irmnaaa and patribUrm lo chark th wild fnoatioina which now threatening tb Mobility of our govemmcnt. It is th design ef tbe Editor to wiaka thS Eprs a neat paper, which will Ully supply th bmi nee man and (be family circle with an amount and aaallly or reading natter, wincb will rully noinpenaate iorth smull ootlay repaired to obtain It. , Tsaa: $2 per annnm, mlwait ia tihttut. -. C. O. PAVEfiHlRT, i ! - Emroa axo PanraisToa. , Kew-Berae, V. Cepembar 10, 18o. st, who do irwaj braiii w.rk, reouire m.rt !eep. 2. Tlut time "saved" frtm necesry klrep i iufall.bly d.-structivc to miud, body and et -it". . 3. (live ymirsself, your chiblre n, your cr vant give ll who vte under you ihefid- li st anxHint of aler p they ill take, by com pclliii? lliem to to bed at some regular r.'irly bt'or, and to rie in the morning the moment tbey nwnke of tlieroiclve, and Tvuhi'n a furiniKlii. nalure, witli bUio4 the regularity of the risiii un', win unloose tbe bonds of sleep, the moment enough repoe has I ren secured lor. the wants of tbe svs lenul Tbi is -tbe -afr and sullicieut rule; and, as tulhe rjueirtMm, how much sleep an v one requires, each must bp a rule for him self: great nature will never, foil to write it to the observer tinder the regulations just giveu. voaravtt uf XLaim, a Marbb ball. hem are yirt frae I tar o'rr bill aad dale. What is yoor ocoupstion ? I played uu a harp of a thotseaii j itringa. Ar yoa married ? " Lmo tioi .as. IVlIy pot tk k fls ra Wtifffl .i" ymi married f Twa teeiv u'ekick oae starlight,' nub). 'llnll i. yKl 1 A riiTUSB op Mostxiw. Tliero is nothing in the world (snya Air. Kussell, the Irftidon Times' coiTesiwMidetit,) like Moscow, but it- self. Perhaps some of those vast Chinese cities in the interior of tbe Flowery King- domof lkOscT extent and population one hears iih wondrous stories, may resemble the-foiit)ous melroK)li,T hicb, with mi raculous patience, tierseverotice nnd celeri ty, the Kii,inns have erected In less than half a century on the ruins and amid the aahes of their ancient capital.' When, the reniBlr. How manv eliiidrea bare Them 1U1 aad Hell and Kate, and W bat is yoar wife naure t U ae, 1 sever men. tiuo ber. Iid your wife oppxae your Ituvis? ? p'ha wept not, when parted. I a bt eondi tum did you bsave ber? A roe trtre In full Iwariiip year fisutiiy well pruriid for f A little farm veil tilled. I 'id your wife drirs you v9F O, sublim orss the iniinj:. What did jour wife sxy to yoo that induced j"u 1 1 te f Coiue. mt in this boaotai - Was yur aifo -'gogd iwkinn ? ilia wa all my fancy painted ber. Iii J yi,ur wife treat you .Utdly f -Oil in the stillv tiiirht. When you aunauncet) your intciiliun yf Lenviiiialifig hal did .yoac .aifa. -aj ZQ' Aiaz, what can the nutter U- And what did you re' pi r f Sweet Killy (..'kwTj don't bother, uie so. 'M here did yju l4 her T Ws" fact 'twas in a tfrowd. - What did she say to you when jiiu w-ers ia h set of-leaving r do forget we. Io yoo hive her still f The minstrels return ed from the war. What are jour poanevioiis ? Old DuirTrsy. Wbatdo yoo propoea to do with biraf KendhiwtotheothurgitMdf JorJon. How do yon propi. to mak a living? Pull off my cojt snd roll up my sleeves. The Judjje oould'nt stand any uiore atid accordingly scut.biui oip for three month. . Land for Sala 1600 to laOOTe a Par mine; Dd Tar blackened and shattered walls of the Krem lin, a few stone houses and the . shells of desecrated churches were all that was. left of Moscow, tho pttpului will, guided bv the Czar and nobility, resolved that a fairer and nobler city should spring np in the midst of tho waste, on the idcnticul spot where tioteon iinagincd he had struck Russia to the leart. And thus, with ioltier spires and ampler cupulas, in larger pyopoiiious and more profuse elaborations, churches, pal aces, royal and princely mansions this mi raculous capital, the centre of the Russian's faith, of his history, again stood on the plain of Mosk'a. Following their instinct and liheiritational characteristicslthey scarcely sought to improve on tho wnyj or their an cestors, nnd the forms and directions of the old Mtreets were preserved almost intact so that the tortuous Tartar thoroughfares are still visible in their type in the best quarters of the new city. All the eccen tricities ofliyzantine architecture are here pristine i.a;nu in iiamen i.ounty, and known a i developed and varied with traditionary skill. ai.""'-"Jli The wild Tartars, wlio could notTH,rnetu. t i iva a lauoa mm a.u niver, , mere js aame aeraa r , . e , . , , la of tbabeat quality of low trouiui on tb River. Thai a.e tbeurfaitb, have giveit, at least to the Ovr.awosKtio,TiiB 1saii. -An intelligent writer in one of our lame eiTlca iefves a note of warning which many in the present ex citement and rush for country would do weft to beed. In one of our iunatic assy luins,'-' he says, " there arc now several gen- tlemen, all of whom were a year ago in full health and active business, and in each of these cases mental aberration is traceable directly to overworking the brain. They are men of wealth and sociul eminence, and untif their sad affliction,'-vYcro. tlistin- guinlied for usefulness in the church and the community. Hut to these, we must add perhaps thousands of canes in w hich pre mature old agn or premature ill health nnd mental imbecility have arisen from similar causes." - Choice or a Wife. A young man, re sotvetl1 to wed, asked the philosopher Aris tippus, what, kind of a woman ho should choose for a wife. "Indeed, I cannot ad vise you," said the cynic, " if she is beauti ful she will deceive vou--if she is ill-favor ed, sh3 will disgust you' if she is poor, she will ruin you and. if she is rich, she will domineer over you. ' Indeed my young friend, you must be your own counsellor in-j date 1759. this matter." atbiom fail to (is eaUefeetioa v. n. PASTES BepfcM, jess. Bay Street, i'syetterUI, S. 0. ia tlx Mil ef th Fayettevill and Weaiera Railroad A bargain may ba baa tor aaeb, or andoraed nitee Beak. T. 8. U'TTKRLOK. FyttTUl, 8pt. 20, 146-a . chttreb of Kussin, some outward and visible i signs of their religion, and the Mosque and I the Greek chapel are here present, as it were, in perpetual silent conflict. reuson, lowjwuai at ar!!!.-' oriiiw cannoi none lut &U? ' better state very early be it year, and if, plowed as Uiey should be, wet lands will suffer very little from water through tho , winter. 3. SthT, heavy soils, plowej in autumn, undergo, by the action of Water and fiost av oiore thorough disintegration clays are pulverized and crumbled, and heavy loorns and hard pan lands are acted upon ia like manner aad with like benefit. 4. Heavy coarse awards, full of rank wrerf and ifraitses. ean be better subdued by plowing iu tbe fall ti. ir roots are more apt to die out, and far leas liable lo sprout again than when plowed in tbe spring, The turf is better prepared, by its mora ad vanced state of decay, tor. the use of the 1 crojs which may be aowu or planted upon it. 3. Fall plow ing disturbs the " winter ar rangcmenis" of numerous worms nnd in sects, and must destroy a large number of these pests, and also their eggs and larra. This is a minor advantage, Lot woe worthy of consideration, especially on lauds idlest ed with tha wire-worm. ' The principle objection to fall plowing are these : 1. Tbe loas of that freh friable condition readily permeable to air and moisture, and -the consolidation of tbe soil by long expo 'tine to changing and stormy weather. This, on suit of a light character, is a very serious ol.j.-ction to plow in ia autumn. aslsaJlr. of vegetable matter and the gaises lo the saiuti uHe iu,J-,?ae amaieej is attotber disadvantage. Tbe Utter is but a stuaM loaa, if tlie work is done late, in tlie . ('.ill, but often, on hill sides, a large part of the soluble and d mating organic matter is waali'.wl sway by the LsaV'y raios of winter and early spring time. Tue soil is also con aoliilaied by the same influences. Heavy swards iliu situated would sustain less in jarv Uian bit t.vanls or stubble lands. i he advantages atnd dmadvantacea of this practice may be appropriately follow ed by i-ricf dirtclious or perforuung the work. - - 1. IH it ii the bet manner. 3. Throw up low Lands in narrow beds and cut cro furrow and drains sutficient to carry otf at ouce all surface water. This will obviate one great ob-cction to fall plow- 3. Plo w deep and narrow furrows suclt will be! secure the action uf the ameliorat ing inrlueoe-es of frost upon the soil. A rugh broken surface islatiter than n smooth one for this purjtuae - H aro Aeae 1 crier. m Kaos. A correvjHutd'snt of the Augsburg Aligeinet Ai il iMiC writes : "III the street of Iirti-) niav lax aeen. iTroin time to time, au old. poorly diul man. i:li luow-tshite hair, a fine, expreivo face, and beautiful, intelligent .eye. His black dress-coat is threadbare, aud his cap so we.ither-tained thut it would be impos s.ble to tell the color of tin? cloth of which it ii made. His foi Ui is bout with gout, and . yet he always walk very briakly, cane ia !mruLJ&!iH-(iriies he Las a loaf of bread under h; .'inn, a liottle of 1 er, or a little T)ultiFon"a "caG I' pas him, I bow.' to Lint, though personally I do 'not know him. The man lives in a 'miserable garret in the "rue do Marais,' where there is no tiro iu the winter ; a poor lied, a few chairs, au old secretary, books and ruanus'.-ripts, comprise his furniture.- This man is Jiuchiin Lele well, now 70 years of age, tho most celebrated Polish writer of modern times, who, during the PolishxcyoIutioH, was Minister- of Public ffistfuffrou. and since 1S3 has lived at Urusselsv-JIe refuses -aH sympalhyr fromi friends 'as -well as 'admirer, but lives in sclf-ihiiiosed poverty, from the scanty in come derived from his literary labors. A Professorship of History, which the Belgian Government, aud afterward the L'nivcrsiiy, had'ollcred him, he refused to acoept. An old lady of noble birth died recently, w ho esteemed the learned .'Polish .refugee so highly that, though not knowing biin per sonally, she left him a legacy of six hund red francs a year. I don't kuow whether he h'Us accepted it." ItfTEaesTisfl Decision.--' -On a recent trial for inurder.in Watson county, Missouri, a lad who was instigated to lire the gun which caused the death of the victim, by liis futh ther, was .acquitted, aud the father ond an adult accomplice convicted of . murder in the second degree, and sentenced to t en years imprisonment in tbe penitentiary. Ci'Rio.irrr. Mr. E. II. Han has shown us two cjius of the value of a dollar each, which be picked up on tbe site oi the i'ulaos ot Gov. Try on in thi town. On of tho eoin is aa Ameri can dollar of date 17!Ml with fifteau stars and the word "LI BERT V'-surrouudiiig the head of so Indion. Tbe other is a French coia. beariDg A little eirl, dauebteeof Mr. and Mrs. Era steio, of Columbia, (Sooth Carolina,) was lately ' strangled bi death by the rnp pr a swtn becom ing entangled around bor teclt. A bmrr Aai. Tba art r making larg loam with 0i taker. Tbess are very nrucb worn.-..Yric&eTa js, j; - A Fact. Corpulent persons desiring to Josy aan their circumfiueace thould arolr to soma " tor. . . ; ; . . A eorraspoBdent want to know it a Jok is n4 acytbisg aft It ia ' erackaJ. ; ' - if -''1. 4 " It -1 r f"i . -I tf

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