- - - , i . ')j Ml ; I i'Xl - 'V. V. at! I?" JOK V. CAMERON PUBLrsnPA New Series. VoL III No. 48. T01IN YMEI10X, EDITOR AND PBOI'BIKTOE. -r-rr tsBvt ur OMcnirruM:' . Terse ! w i-1 ' r ".wipur reeal.e e are. r'W thaae eat, e.lem pal s.Jua"ile (oil) all rrrafr era Bald, ealea at th a JiiTiaiSiU klr aaaae at Uj e4 of Id faa', , "VTa (, IK Kilter of Ihotr IntMtloa lae Mkl hfi.ra Iba , Z.Sn.- " r etherwle. I, neper will aa hMImMH . M Ul-'. ! fW"kU MOM. ' THXSOr AUVKBTI8IN0; ' ' ' Tt w. of UUM B !". 'Wr3 tot lfc ' rakuwl lMtW -tof urn uu, . . . r 1 . ....... - -j.'-C.-'.ru,-; , , . BAt.BB U " - ' tapli mi Fury Bry SmJs tt trv - S.tti. Md IciJy J Clotain;. , P.rtteuUr iUtio UMKS' DRESS 000D3 J TBIMMISCS. a t Vnvfttet-lllC. J. C I J " " 1 - 1-l.tt Vj ti, U- 1. B. Hormi, W. U. Hi. Hopkias, Hull & Co. '. -WHOLESALE V DRV GOODS MEMASTS, s. a nm' ' (Opp-iu Hi"' V , B.ltTI.nOHE,D Fttry, lSi4. " ' ' 4-y r wmTTi. 1IAIGU, Attorney nt LttiVt PA72rrs7ii.i.c, n. c. orios os old rair.T. lannary, ISjl "Law CoDartnersliip.a JSO. MANX1XO- - j. a. sraMs, Tf Vint In ff Ion, VI; 7. J.n. 1. i- Jl . If. A. BLtvUiv. frflVt FRONT BOtlfM. OVEK j: niudieB 1 C ClMiaiil ai Drug Slr. . ANDREW I. STEDMANj ATTORNEY AT LAW, PITTBOHOl'. Si' Mo-.., li Coatt ' Jly U. ; . , i, . i J0HN WIN2L0W " Attorney at Baw. 71 FeVroar, 1851. ' R E SANDFORD, ATTORXEY AD Offleo at Vt. Hall s-Sew BolWiog, on - 1I'.-. UKla , 8ept, a rr nnM.MKAll ; . A, ill. uauipuowj ucionecr and Common Merchant . GILLESPIE SlMtEKT. Fay eUeTlue, w. o. 6-T FoVy 10,185. m I DAnlrtf T iflarmi Dauwi . : ' ; " co IFKCTIOSBK, ' ' WHOLESALE AND BET AIL' SEALER l -Forth rruUi, X, Cl, Ttu, rayetteTUle, ETi 0. Janaary 1, ' 2 tf "TH. THD'JAS. ' TASK A IV t?AXCY AKD STAVLE DUT'GOOPS, a u I .. G a. aal i n sC. Kor.,., ;.; J, S. BANKS, -MERCHANT. , v Jim. 6,1SA. " 1Wy , DAVID ucuui DB1CK M"0 AlPLATEREn atfnT tenlar. bi mlt porwo In this ana .;.. wiikloe work don to hi aaa to B'yo"",a - -- ""jaly 18, 1856. H2-ly HOOK Sj JOilNSOxM, IMPORTERS AKD DEALERS IN EaglUh, German, and American Hard- ware and Cutlery. , JsalMB W f3 " . ' . tfjiii argsj I'rrtjif 1 .STAlUl fiTVILLlAMS . "An w rclTtn( their 4 llM kl rail Winter T which thy Mil lk itaatioa of UmLuli Mk ib thiir pitrahMwi la tiU iuukt. ' - Uol. IB, U-1t. " Full .I radc, 185C. - B.r.PARCE- ; IS NOW OrESLSO, larg 4 darabl 8tock of FALL AXO M I.1TEB tiOODi, ' ' ' 1 ConilallnK la port of , 1 BUet KJ Colorrt Wk., - fsiclbh tAi rranek Mtriao, ' . aad fig' DLni, tun kwalul ptwrit E'lflUg nl lnarlinm, -' Callara sad Un4rnl. ' ,' -. ' " Taelu aad Imlakon Bktrta ' - . Jttaotl, N.in.ook, aai nM UiuliM, . Fraaak, F.nnlik and Aaierioaa Tna',- . j u 'loih awl iiBrr . ; r ,.. . . ""Wiiittt, Jraa aJ Til, ' " , ? llaida, Untrn aad .rat, ' , ( araHaaaod W.rlkoro' lrla, ' ' ' lllaarbtd dad Browa Skirting, aad BkaaUag, Whila aad Colorad riaaU, Drilling and Ticking, , , lrfh Lintaa, good aaaoHawnt, " .' Liaca ThU I'Ma, Toollg aad Paaalat, Shaala, Ctoaka and klaeUilaa, tilra iaalitjr tt Brd BUnktla, Ribbuao. Helta, Otoc, Uoiar, . ' ALSO, . . nU, Cp, BonaeU. BooU, Sba and Caibrtnu i tworaJ aaoortamrt R.ao)fmH1 lM.iV f 1 ' aad,T.anJ. U. YANKKB "il LIXB. ablck a.U bo told a a na.U adraa far CASH, r ea tiiaa to aam-tual omti. aitkar al HULt S ALB or BKTAIU. All ara mpoetWly ta giro o aaU Wfor. aarka.a 1J",fkARCE; a.,8t.,'r.j.iiii.i8i.t.l.i'e." ..: w-tf GROCEEIES. Ian bow reiM j aok af ravnillf Or Crriea, eojtiB aa futoai -, ' 75 Bag Cofee, tiaortod, . ( 60 UbU S?uj:r, 60 " Uckrrol Ko. t, jf.i .. .. J, . . 1, 10 " IUrring, " Sioaart'a Syrap, M toiea Cko. 13 " Pporia Candllt, 13 " AimaotiD Caadlea, Wat Iadia rraotrroa, aaourlod, flpioaa, Oudiao, and Taaa, 8a.p, Puttj, aad hio Uad, Will koup oaUnl! aa kaad Vaooa, Lard, Batltr, to & ' fko ibm aad anWw, Bad a'J aUirra any kept in a Oratory Blort, will bo kipt auwUatty aa kaxl, and nW okoap for oaak or oa tlo U P"t akjiac ooomrr.. ' MOOBIS. " 7 . 1.1 v. rr.n a u.,vi 8pt. 12, m. ilf L'aiikets; ' Kerseys, Kentacky Jeans Keystone 8trie, and a largt lot jTShoet, For'aai t Ft "99"- AO KEGS "lAIM. " . li U. AXIM, Aaariel. and 1 Poratl I GOOP LANDS FOR SALE- At I wik W mi Woat, 1 wiL to atll my Frm 00 1.. i'.m Vmr Kirar. an Ibo 8.otk iJ of t'r rr a aiilo or two blo R.tS-h Crk, oootoloing om OOO to TOO Aero of ary Sn Kr U.WI.. m wa '.rm tl.ro it a good orcUrJ, aad baUdiaS of all kinJ U lit. ia, -. ' ,, ,, Also my tsw Mill " Bockh, (UU U. Me Seiir;) ' - Ala 180 Aro Uad joining lb am.. . Mr. K. U. Eaa oill bw tart Land and Mill to Bay ana taking M poreba, and al ' ? . It no.. M. A.tVASS. ' oet.-B,-ltt. , , i-a . An Entire ,ew Stock ! Tk aatwrribor Inform th publUi, tbat b. b rid bi STOCK OF CUOM, and ould reqas-t thoa ia want of nn goods FANC Y CIO JDS, BOOTB d SHOES, If at, TrsinU, Hardware, &r., To glo bin a U, as k tn aril gn"l U)W A? ASV VMS, attd warrnn inem I.. bKAXUT, Oillrpi St., a'-ar Uio Mrkt, F.iftttril' "I. I ftbrl,.190 J "41 AGENCY OF N0IIT1I CAROLINA Mutual Insurance Company, T 1JIE obcrilr k?ing born appolaled Ant for tii abot Cnpf.B will bo plaaatd teUfc Risks in ibU olae and ii !ity on! i roaoi.ia won W. 8TEKL July 5, 1856. 131-y JOHN A PEBIBERTON ha rt BICS1TSO. - On of tho mot ' rtwlrabl mors or ll B'! Fancy p!dwwoflorl by klm, tmbraciBg ail tM atwaS atywtoi-- r ' r LADIIUs' DRCJIS OOU1, ...... . .. . .. ,1... rt a...h .. r:in ..rfal'il siolr A.itiou cm, rictuib br 8al.n, Blriptd and alma BUB vanneav rop.m. u..k. ii.in n.l Hriu-d ilerinoa. l'laiB, l'laid, and rkb F ig'd Fieiick ILaina, and great Biany other r style. lo, lrg own 01 . v-i -- 8ilk Maatitlsa, Cloak and Talmas, By w, u.,..u .l TiHio Hliawl. ' A (real anvT vi un latoat tjflea of i)l.SS TRIMMINGS, French Euibroidarioa, llonUn IMt ,u)lar, Try ootorof tba bwit quality or s.li air Oauntlotofo -UadlaB aad Uut A fo tory baudoo.o pttra Woostod ourtoln DttB. ak, wilk triromlngJito ait, os ry . hnaomOit Window fcbados. - ALSO. F0B 0ESTS" WEAK. , Rlai-h- Bkta: andOHro Broad CJotbar Bnrek and Fa cy Caaaiwor anU veaung. a Trj nr.Di.!nADE CLOTIIMO For Mess 1'aiatb d Bf d In tb ltt tTl and Wtrknuinthtf wniroairo. ' Tk. .kn.. Siinh araa uWted 'with STOBt tar BS r grd tflo and prio, and wlllb offorod at wbolo aalaor rotall, oa totj- oeeommodating toma.Tbo public gworally mptfttUy in04 tH nd a.-bfs.-.turartm.. j; x. JEMRERT0!f Brpt. 23, 1858. UUt P. TAYLOR TI bow rooelrlBg hi FALL STOCK. mbraelng . irM .ad nml Block of Dry Ooodi, llata, Cio, Boot aad SUoao, Oroeorl, bollow-waro Crockary aad Ulaaa-waro, wbich will bo sold apo) farorablo tana, or Sxcbangod for prodoea, hoping to m bi frioads aad ttU.r bebro tby supply thaolTO. ywylt'i rights fcnty is iirrt;l t: : Tayetie til!:, r: THE KESULT AM) lUIW, ! 1 STUDY." Among recent ennnissionj of ,' livo niet with n literary J, wbich we find no rej!ft with ' jut TBtiiij? apDtinieoU, elofuontly n that w copy bIor, for tho our rradcri, a fow of Ifs pmswpf dii.coure oa fc.SiiVy, i -4c"i, RtMultf, and Kewarili," It lore (Iki oeietiea of Jeirron Cullee, l'i nii, ia August list, b lb 9 15 c v. l)r Of llollidavhburjr; jtnd whui i tined for il our c-pecial Bttusiti the revrfJ sutlior wal forim t' low-iownnm in rthj trie arii ana i;iKtor of otm of our elmrcli'-s: "lit piiiiosopnrr wiioii.iN v . fil "jctful of Naltir-' ( Ii it, , i the anntoiiiKf, r bv li. ' ' carriod on; but un ! I. rc- ;i 1 ctUHO the oilier will never !' e nci and liis thwry -will be inijieifrcl 11 S 1 I vesligaliona may evolvo 1 r'.t. t i , like tar-beama on the tnow, if iovt ly, it will be told and Jim.. The hjiol.. . t may investigate our bodily synteui, xo IV m fully and wonderfully made. Dissecting knife in band, be may acrutiniie every huh clc, and fibre, ami joint, and vessel, an! membrane of the dead subject, until he mi v fancy that be has mustered the theory - life, and can tell how every fuoction ii subserved. He may almost Conclude Mill the materialist tkttst lile Is the resuLuf mere oriranigation; but still he cannot mako tho dend anbject live if the animating & be rone. Just ao in regard to Ihe whole U-'d of nature. Cod eicluded In our resrur. ches, nature 1 a fwysc tod excbi.Inl from the theories of science, and all is cheer - less as the shadow of death! Tell me, as I gaxe neon the glorica or the heavens or nnnn the loveliness of earth, that there i n God: or that, il there be. tie Ukes tio part in administering the laws and carry mn on Ue vast processes of nature, and if I can believe it, nature efie betKalb mi gaze! Telle, as 1 behold the mighty roli of suna, and worlds, and svstemi, tht there ... w , a . r I no rvauxail DHr-irat morn mini w mi is no All-w..e mmd to jruid. no Alm.gl.tyl J A Sootb M arm to control and reguUte ';."tci.J,0 TlTe .North all the tangible bene- to terror, my admiration to anguu.ni 1 admiration to anguiah! 1 now not the moment wuen worw mnj .'i.h against worM. and sun run waJEing to the embrace of sun. and system become entangled with -lysiem, and I thd U-Ij love be crusueo iu n wiai . . . "llut tell ne that Jehovah wigBctli, ar.4 canrc'ioice, fell ma, as 1 bend mr at- - - of . , - J V I 'M. Ai-g, lb WSH ayvaTaaBajp aaa wm aayv - " aw f tentioa to the Btoiiy of raiwdeiid lU laws,,'., ., 7 . ,c ut.v... nrnt,ihi..l " I ,.. An -r,d dark reees,4 aauw . M v x . . . . a i l. .i : i. .. tLltaa nwsrt aoi , nraT . fe: as I behold tlio hunisn intellect in ru n. t mihtv and immortal in iu ruins; ns I gate wiih trembling oo the maelittrom of uman patwion, 4cii me mere w uo uou i" restrain, no spirit to renew, n ih. cleanse the mind of tbe fallen, and, if I bo- licve, my faith, like that oT devils, wm make me tremble more! Hut let me recognise, n all the fields or human knowledge, a lod -of infinite perfection! let roe discover God in nainre. kind in the Imavena, tipoti earth, Go.1 in philosophy, in geology, in geography, in tudrowmy, in entjmunry, in exact science, in liistorjv in government, and in literature as well aa religion, and then light and lifo-pervode them all! An object worthy of the aspiration of the im mortal mind is found in every department of science. And I can trace her labyrinths, and scale her heights, anl v expiore.,jier ileirhs.and encounter her labors and trials. leelinp: at every step mat .ru."re rj ' I....I.-.'. ..... u p... mil t.ia upon me, sisiwi" that a Faiher'e Tavor win secure my ' tri umph, and a Father's smile reward my toils." V .:.-'""'a.: Study is in a degree its own rewnra. The very ezerciw ot tlio faculties w iiseii pleasurable; and the succrswive evolutions of tru'h, the flow of thought, the influx of new ideas, 1iT'lh stirrimr of emotion are occasions of delight. hat l yro liaa not heard .of the pM 'Eureka, eureka f th'J delighted mathematician? and who has not experienced a kindred ecatacy when some ... ... J .... :...if - new trutn lias innneo me minor s "The earliest, and by no means tne leasi moortant of the benefits nfgtudy are tlw a . a J u.t..1a "The earliest, and by no means tlie leasi lioir.1iiii, and irnorovemenl ot mind, w hich i . , ... , . , . . .. . . f . prepares it lorftigner uignw, weaaier, -forts, end wider rane. i-All things but God are progresMve. : i he past and uk present are the parents of the futifref Kui U who will not take the steps that ti;le: to the present will not have made the pro gress wbich the future will demand., i'he experience ana tnsr wiituurn oi man) 0ci rations have proven, beyond ; reasonnblo doubt, that the usna college curriculum affords the most efficient process or mental discipline, which is a most valuable result of study. , ' "I am aware that, in this ng of short sighted utilitarianism, the conceit of scio lists, me pragmittism oi ainivuw.o, ..m indulgence or avarice of parent,- and the imiwitience of 'Voung America1 combine to depreciate the value of a thorough, col lege course." But ifireraicr nne-X' perienced and tne wise is stongiy m iu favor, and an nppeal to the philosophy ol .J..i!Aa and fo I ha IftMOns of hi -it Of V fit- cuui.ai.vH ...-. - - tests the justnen of that verdicu VV ZY mass of thoae who have contrioiea w ine enduring literature ana tne rr-sj:cncBAi the world were thus disciplined. But for such course of training the massive mind of a Webster, the graspingenius of a Chalmers, and the science, and the lore, and the lustre of a thousand stars of the same great galaxy .had not been what they are; and, with this advantages of such a process f discipline, many a gifted but untutored mind might have shone wiih a steadier and a clearer brilliance. . Th results of study- In tha advance- meat oOhe btU that moltiplj the sppliao- . :f Tlm'i jfss in lull 5. V i' IitniH.a comiort a . 1 exalt ' and ent1 i c me i'-cil aociety are incaloulabla. ''ftuJioui tkinking. And vet hi themwlrea the pr actual I I to uikJerrate the thinking men, I : ii rnn, tha non rnduetrt, aa they t 1 r ill thfm. , 13ut thiala ai aorry t 1 r narrow. prejudice over Bound S 1. ir fJueiited, thinking: men are ;! a iiumt valuable produoera. The tu he turni the tortile globe with i.ltTn j !iush with which acifnee ha I t 6 cininiy implement of former 1 t t l' i : ', e obligation to the , . .1 1 xpcdite his labors ;' ir nauli. Hot ahould he ,t Mi.c'vy hn taught him to i 'J 'he nrm of practical . : 1 - 1 their cb ,4 i 3 . lo niiitle our railroads. ; vhlv;!i swecn. with the speed of . i , column of paskener end burden . . wow Ncomiuglho plain, now plung. ; tdroiijth the tunnel, now waking with t -ir roar the mountain echef D.d the ' ; barer mike it with his pick and spade? I rti'. he did the delving, bat ten thousand ' 'n ticrer could hare brought the iron ( ie tilonj; our Talleys and over or b. it-ii tii our lulls hid not Uieir toil been guid I by science discovered and applied by ducaUd mind! And the iron horxe himself, Vm" creation is hst Did your book- j I J , :fln practical men, unaided by science, him from the mine and forge him at anvil? , I'o, again. The iron hore, hi fiery bowel, and scalding breath, terrible scream, and thunderroll, and vi'i m, , nsmmotli strength, and amaxing speed, is ( tia crenture of educated mind, the mult 1 udy. fi.Ruided by science, all the .tiisanson esnh could not have built the Jcuir.siest locomotive. And who has taught m to nwake the slumbering lightning, and send ir leaping from hill to bill, and from ci:y to city, the instant herald of thought? Another triumph of science, another result of study." . -.. . :. . .- . AFRttiSTAlilA icXAS. jaj 1 ir I ' l . 1 . a. a "". f &ll With the repeal of ihe Missouri com- . - 1 :.. l r.pmwl nn. 6f 1,. 1-,. erritory Jiitberfo locked up Twrn Ir.i... ubj ihMta'r nrvn , , ., .".Ka rasult will be , . IH)luicft, power to the South. ini!,.n,rui,ri of Nebraska, there is j Kt Vhlch. if . H ever comes Into tbe ... ,;n i . frk. f;,-,.. I " " "7 r; "'"T- i ' it s s l L. . lm -t iL . n . v, 1.4 grouuue4 tears mat at least one i;'nt more free 8late will be curved out ol IVias. Tha Ttxa$ San Anton ian says ; yume nwy looV upon such a thing as a I'teSuteof Western Texas as improb u, j'nrticutarly nt a time hen such rtenumts efliirts are being made to carry latry into Kansas, where slavery does 1o now exist by postive law. Yet there i i strong probability that auch' an vent w I occur within the next tea years. Our oniiion is bnsed opoif the fact that for ri;n iinmigriitiom is greater than domestic, by at k'ftal tcu to one ; and upon the well k'uiwn Act that foreign immigration is tipiosed to slavery from principle prejudice aiu education. And "there are many of il iimni.'rnis from the older Slates op-r- ied trt slavery, who quietly JoWate it so in.ir as Tt Is an institution of the Slate, bu. ivlj will vote no eleverv ; when the quee i ot comes up whether Vetern Texas shall lea lire or klave State. This Inct is not S'Hral'y known; if so, it is not duly con ic red.j The vote of tlte adopted citixens HfTexa now numbers at least twelve fh usand. In less than ten years it will be iitirenswl to three timea that number, un lesi the naturalization Uwb are changed. Tlis increwi will be in a -much greater tu o than the native-boni vote. T !i ever, legislation has been atie-nded with un.'irtunnte tenuity it has been in the case .ft.se Kansas bill. : ?- v. '-' ' : 1. O. O. F. " A the recent session of the Grand Lodge oftlie Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, oiine niepnnuenn-rucr m v"- ,7 , ibr fulkiwing gentlemen were elected olB- i a .1 m Fm t-Uaa, AMunifi it PmmKi2 -" " " en - ff the enauinir veapt A il. W; Jones. Grand Masters J. A. Weir- Deputy Grand Master A. Paul Rep t ; ra ml .Secretnrv i It. J. Jones. Grand I. ' . .. I tr cr i J. M; Price, Grand Warden ; . , r. Cuniniinirs. Gf andXhaplain. , . Hokn, Representative w the Grand i of the United States. ' ' Xi n " i iioUi anoincamproenimetaiiiioaniiio t . . iind dace, and elected the loiiowing or, nt for the ensuing year : N.W.Cooke, (;. C. P. J. M. Price. G. S. W. John Sloan, G. II. P. J. R. Webb, G. J. W. R. J. Jones, G. Scribe and Treasurers Tb Grand Lodce and Encampment ad. io.ii tied on vesteruav to meet in. una """ on the ita Monday in iovemoer, toof. 'Wit. Herald. ( LIST OF 111 U MI DM 4, As-or -d by tb Colo Afrfealtoral Soctetj f Robj ii Kicbaoad CounUaa, at tb Fair Jield Not, ii:t,lWot,TV :' '-V -' ''' ' 4 v , AGBICCLTCBE. ; '. fV, ' J J MoCsllttBi, boat spootmraof Appla j pr i .... , r. T..I OJ Lui Var',ii4 and II Johaooo, za o v- lUeliin. Uat apociinoa Sweat FoUloo pr i j b Vlc( ilillimi '0 M McLean and J John 2abt A itd rriast, bl law" ewi nraa.anog an J luubenna Johaaon, p)ua ooana , .do -PodFoaa J n l flutu. boot DtimeB of Cora (i M .VcUan, bt d lrt.h Pomtoas pr M ii.jtwk,b :i Flour, grooaa ai , .-n Mill. . ". ' : fl m Mrlioan. boat tpoctt Tarnlps -j ;i, t. , 9. 0:lhnt, td boat ' ' - j C l D litii ano, brat spootaata ClWrt -. . . .'- l,..'.rlaad. 2d baa ,u. - kaai aoacimoa Cabbac Pirh LWbigatan, boat apoeimaa Oronad Prapr ,. - kw Ia, 1.1. Jrla4 AmiIm I nU Y l..BB,wa, w " . r r - ! ti .rlho,ot yUld of Cora, SOJ baa. par aora j . (if fr-iir. rqr it iLrrp. UOOSAXDCATTLI. Col A MoKaekla, oao oo aad aalf, B 1 Wai klorariaad, oa Os, Hot . ' D W Urlagrtoe, oa Daraam Boll, No 1 Uoaoaa Jaaaooa, OM Co aad Calf Calf, Ko I, Golf Not . lot of Cobbit aad Oaiaaa Piga ky Paaoaa atoCaW lass h Aagao Oilchrlrt on Fat Hog, So I a Lot of l'lg by V Jukuana. No t .,' fair of 0e by Pr A P McLoaa, H t , rOCLTBT. Boat lot of 0a C1.U k.in, by T A alcEaokla . Do BaliroBuwk, MraO M.lavoah lo Cookla China, Areh'd McB MoCaUaaJ IX Bbaaghala, Mix B McGaocaa bo Quarter Bkaaghaia, I Li alcUaa '. 1 r . , p f dip dip ' : 110R8Ea, to. D VtK'rnea, llimM Mr Mra HbiU,Maar old Mul Job itagbf. ouo tbroo yaar old UuU M a .i..ui ... j. j J"h McKay, bt Pair Mala I . ... ajifr. " 1 a ic alluia. M Ji Wi., a";- aw. Jbo UelUy, Wat 8. yaar aU SlaBioa A Jobnaoa, Brood kUro Wat AlaKay, Hamas Hers A II MoLaaa, gaddlo Uora T liotkoa, Borral filly. A McEackta, Camago Harso T UU.a, Boaa Filly Ma 1 A MeEaobia, h 1 Brood Mar J M'bUy Wo S do Mr B tiikkrUt, Ko do T Balboa, 11 Buggy Han D Joanx, ti A MoBacbis, lot CarrUg Uora J It MeLoaa, U Baddlo Mar " ' Jbo U MoLoaa, lat I yoar old Cot A Mofcboia, If yoar aid BPtBT8MAK8Hir. dip dip P' r A MeBaekU, Urgost pair Bask kora aatbortag tw.at-ia aoiata .5 A Jokaava, 3d baat P A MaKaekia. btrgoat Buck hldo Was McFarlaai, boot braoo kowad MECHANICS. Duld WkiU, Spirit aad TarponUaa barraU Joba Jobnaoa, a a Hora Taraiag Plow Paa'l T iariagatca, boat Bookaway aad Baggy FOOP, CONDIMENTS, AC. MrsC Brtbaao, Poaoh Prcaorroa, ' J B MeCallaai, apoeiiaaa I'iokla . V P' p p V Pr P'P P' p' dip Jap P' dip t P? F dip P' F, dp p p I P V F sip V p J5 J UUaa, C McKay, J B MeCallaai, . " B Oilcbriat, M Mclatoah, C W Jahaaoa M Malaloah, " do McKay, M Mcfototb, . " i BMeCallua, B tiikhriit, do Batter do do do TMad Paaaka do Baooa llaaa do BagarCakaa do Light Broad do do do Spang Cak do. do do Poaad Cak do do do BlacuiU domestic Fabrics. Mia Flr Gilchrut, Moa Baakot Mr C Jokaaaa, Work bund ' " 1 Mia Kapkamia Li'log'toa Uaakrt Flowors .. Tk Udir of Bprl" " ul. Carpaliag Mrs Elk MtLaaa, WorMad CoajitoipaB " K OilckrWI, do , ' C McKay. do Mrs K O.lenat, 10 yds Itoaopaa Mi Ebta McKMbara, Wkiia Kaboa4 QoUt - Kftv MaEacbora, Prarla Boa Quilt "IT UcUaa, Baaeb Tallpa "HA MaKaanaa, MayaSI QaUt . BaraB Uaiarotoa, BUr QoUt Llul H.lli McUao, (agad JO yaar. ) Qafll Mr C W Jokaaoa, WWaT Fortoaa QuUt Mia Charity Aaa MaCallnai, ToUot Mr OilcbrUt, S BlaakHa Mr C W Jokaaoa, Tabl Coaor klra K MeLaaa. CaweUrpano p' Mr It B Littl, raiuliag, Fraatod by Mia Hattio Bocbaoaa .Pr Mr C W Jobnaoa, Tainting . pr Mr B 0ilbrit. on pi I'.lolod Landoeap pr Mi Kut.Lw.ia UnarHna, Frait Faiatiag dip .Mia A B Uringatoa, PalnUBg p Mia Carolina Uaingtton, " , P MU Bamh LiaiariDa, do ' dip Mia A E Uingtua, fet iiaoaaorrniai pr Mia Bapbawla Uaingftnn, Cbil.i. PaaUota pr Mia 8aiU MrBackara, llaadi Work pr rklua Mag A Hugh, da dip Mis Mag McKinnoa, rroaaa wnoroiarrj ip Ml Caralia LiaiBgitoa, Crochrt C lUr pr Mia M A MaKinwoa, httl jrlrl sack ft Mr Margarot McEacbora, Eaibroidorod Child Apma V Mr J B McCallaiB, Littl boy' rial pf Mios Mry Llmgtu, Ho-.l lk pr Mia A K Lirinraton, frotrhat Olnre dip Mi A MoL Unagloa,-hilJ' Ptneoabioa dip Do liar barium Pf Mia Barak LiringHoB, Cora Brand Bakrt -pr TROTTING. 8oml FlDy Satli, 1 mil 4 mia. by D f Linng- to . . l" Borral Hot, ia 0 mla. 8 sec. by Jan - UilcbrUt. Paraon biking t'raculnm r roqacatcd to call oa . W. LWiagntua, Troarr,any tint afwr tho 6th Daccmbor. ' J, JOUSO.,.l'r u : F. A. McEacais, Be y. - - A LIST OF ARTICLES Par Wlilch nrcmiam wr awardod al th aecond Annual Fair of tb Moor Cooniy Agrlrallnral Rocio- ty, held al Carthag oa th tilth aad 10th of iior.ai-' bar 18jo. Agriculture. FirH CUM Ftdd VoaWhan. Brysk Tyoi, for tha targt ylrld of corn oa I than . an acr., 64( ha.h.la, - 2 00 II. II. k J. B. Marti B,largstyild of eora oa aoro sow aroaad 27 baabel, l.W Kaill B. Crri,-largt yia'd of whoa on n aora 8 baabauabea aaturai protlucttaa, wctgn- log Gfl poaad per bashl, 3.00 200 2.00 Mai tie Laaeb, torgeat yUU of rye, 7 ba. per aero Noill R. CarrU , t Add P bb- Der aer w '" Steond Clou. Dr. Cha. Chalmer, prenilam, for tb bettaau plo 0orgm, oarly wheat. , Do do soooad beat, AnUoga bearded .25 .26 .24 l)o ., do beataampl Bold peas, A J Bit'er, BBtnet. beat ground peas eed oottoa anspaa Sax " .Baa seed : Winter oata -' vets la draw orn, .25 .28 .26 i do Jttr Bean, Eaq., .26 .24 .26 .26 dip Hugh Lescb. :.. B W Bptry " Daniel BluO, " ' B Q Kowcll.' 2d ' V N Bowell, beet tie Nalbaaiel Fry, bt harti choke John B Col beet anap beaai, W 8 PaUorsoa, bett tobaooo itnJS Wlln eq, 7- " ' irorttcwlure. Dr. C Cbalmert prm oa earrovla and parsnip, Jno C Jackeoa " Oa boat Irish potatoes Bryant Tyon J beat r o . "- J M Sowall, so largest abbg, Oeorgo Davis, brat barrel pickled cabbage, George Dl(, 2H beet eabbage, J C JaoS, oa taraipo, Bar Kaab Bichardana oa larg sqaash welgbiag -46 peuBds . Looknart vy, a'r, a pppr D W McDonald, beat water o. alio, Ooa W D Dowd, Urgt olewrt, Mr N B Carrie, beet sample mo.Urd, Mies Flora Black, for boot drfd peaches Mr AH McKae, td beat do Mr N B Curri. oa pickled boaa Mr Amelia MeRa, or whortleberry aad grape Alas Black, oa tweet potatoes, 22T ba pet aor Dr Joba Shaw, ea Radih Mr M A Klly, a Bee. ,''!i- Dr Cha Chalmer, Bootoh ColuBWwr, - B P Pra, variety of apple - . Jt B CarrUoa beet ppee 7 ' .26 JtS .26 .25 .20 2.00 . .25 .26 .26 THUS: TTO MUAM 11 aDUKr 7lcl9 No. 152 Tt C Chalaaar beat laUao - Wm C Canpboll oa turnip wnghlng 10) lb aariag H) taebos la eirsaaifaroaa J T I'hUipa, aa Lmrgoat yield of lavalps, aar. 70hakla,. Jairy. ' Mrs Asa StrMt, boot ampl kuttar, ' Mia Cbriatiaa KaUy, Xd boot sotta Mia Sarah Black, ea beat heae Mr BIU B Carrie, Oa boot lard Hark Blaah. aa Id baa da Mr M D Sowotl, Mr Was Uarriagtoa, Mr Joha B Cam, Mn I M Bewaa, Mia Martha Powd aad Mr M Black, all eibiaiud. vary Aa f wlmaai of baUof wortliy of SToaiaa,. Irar KaTy fa beat baaoa ham . dip BT ..a. fekH Laat aulaa :.& tk a. aaa A a. aa. rJISlJ vas anvoaa wwraj ia Wvw sjsaiaiai vr Mrs it C McLraa, tot boat pecUaa oota'd bf dip Vx, Cndimtnt$, tc Miss CbrUtJaa Bally, aa .ixd pickles .Jtl Mr NaiU A Carry, 2d boss do M Mrs Maloeai KeUr. koet plrkted M Mrs Mary Clialrarre, bt frh fmita, Jrps, . . y..waf eur. '- - - ' .St Mr a U Moiaa, Boat toaato oatoap . . .X Joaiah T Phillip, boat viaagar ,60 Keanotk Blaek, too,., boat ecupporaaag wla .60 Mr H C McLean, boat blackberry wia - ,S0 Mr W at B Bieberdaoa, harry aordial 4 Mia Chrl.lUa Kelly, boat ttato win 4S Mrs Bobt GolJatoa, appla jttly .24 Mr S C Brace, 2d baat do J.& Mr Mary Jackeoa, beet proaarrad poach . 4S i Mrs Joba Pergawa, !id beat do .24 Mr J B Blbardoa, piaarrd paacko s dip Mr 8 C Braoo, beat rBbary pntorr J2& Mr It C McLoaa, praaervod peas M Mr C J Bhaw, eborry preaerras Jtti Mla E Uraiy aad Mrs I B Tyses, sqaal, bad citroa preaerros - .24 Mrs II C McLean, boat qulne prooorrea . J Mr MLleaai Kelly, boat preeerted lataato M Mr A B b'elly, beat braadj poaoh .25 tlliabath BarroU Jd boat do .28 f I Miller, boat eaady of brows sagar, M " H C McLoaa, " of loaf soger M " Amelia McBae, dried (g dip W L Miller, baat eel tar, bread M - C Cbalmert , beat loaf of bread M lira. T B Trace, beat auur.l blaeult .26 Mr. Aoro Carrie, tail Mia. T 11 Treon. beat eranre naddiac. Mr. Mart ant llobortana, best ladiaa ami ak leed, Mrs. I B Tyn, boat powsd cak. ' Mrs. Joba McNeill, 2ad beat " Mr. Marram Ty tea, kt ioaray ask Mr. Juba Fvrgwaoa, baat atarck, . Mr. Noah BichardB. 2nd beat do. Ota. W D Dowd, largeet apple - B Brookaker, ia Urge apples 111 ar Jeany Ket.'y, Jaae apples, 2nd growU), Bet. Nook lUibardioa, beat aapl Soar Baaal Barml, beat eora tooal Uuuitkuld Fabric. Mia Flora Black, worked eownterpaM Mr. Mary Ana Jolly, knapped do. aire. J C Jackaou, doable worsted d. Mr. rJcbtrmerhorn, fororlid Wia t'briari Rally, pair of blankets r :r : Mi Charlotte Chalwcr, Uble toilet Mia Mary Fry, boat pair f boairpaa paata, Mr. Ja Kaaa, boat thread Jean Mr. B P Fer-aa, beat homemade thawl Mia Mary E McNeill, beat knapped blanket, Mr. Joba McN.ill, beet boaaeapaa toot Mrs I H Kowaa, boat boaeaaad gloeo - - Mr. Alex. MrRa. best boameU aack Mr. W lUlaaa Moure, beat homeaiad Jeaa Mr. A i Rittar, bett abiU jeaaa - Mia: J C Jeckacn. ... M .60 M, .28 .SO M .60 .64 .60 29 .20 M M Hp .28 . .25 0 1.00 .26 .60 .40 .76 dip .25 .25 dip dip dip ,5ii dip .bO 25 .60 dip dip dip dbS .26 dip .25 : p dip r dip dip - dip dip dip ; Mw F.lii DoaNt, beet knit aack Hatiid McL4uITT"-u BB111 COBUOr Mr. M A Jofiy, beet aeariet yara m s aot ay oraibo, Mim M A McNeill, beet gnt ooat Ctti Boberleoa, g 10 yr, oy a vt Mr. Margaret RobTion, pair of paau Mia M B Jetiiiaa, Sod praai. pair af paata Mr. Margaret Kebertaoa, 2nd proa, coat taua C Chalmer, pair plaiilpillow csm 1 H fcWan, lot of caaJiee Joba B Metror, fire of Jeaa Margaret Tyaoa, pair of pulow -C Chalmer, tot of eaadlre -Margaret Tyaoa. ombroidrred blanbr.t F I WiUianu, wheat vtraw ap plate for bachelor -K B Worthy, conlerTaa O Cbalaien. narr ceig . Mia 1 C Peacock, iafaat aack Mr. T B Tyaoa, aainpt of tarpellog N L MattBow, aouaiorpaa leer Kelly, " . ULMaao, " " Ann Btreet, ' : IB Tyaoa, " . A R K.l'.y, beet qollt Mi Catti R..Srtaoo, do. Mr. Margaral atobertaow, Ojnilt Mia Urtti Uunu, g 12 year, tabl toilt Mrs. lyJi HarriugtoB, bod qailt - . Man lletti Burn, caa.lleatand cortr - " Mrs. Fraaei llama, eoAiaterpan MwJn Bum, eonnterpan Mr N RWhaideoo, ohecked ooonterp" J L Seawall, do do . " Ctbrin McCaekiU, tuft bUokH N ltigbrdoa, tod ooeer ' AUs MclUo, oor Ud . ' gtaphea Healy, bed quilt J LSeawell, do do - . .. it.LHnMan da do . Mi Catherine K Morrienn, home mad sUk Ibraad J L Sewllt mdy cioaa M A McSUI, boat eatia rest Kneedlt wrk, PixinUngty.DrauiUgt, dx. Mla Mry E Ilarrinrton, nibroderd boa Kale i!lck, boll oi nower ' Alice Philip, a lnP mat Parah liscriogtoa, watch car w t lloaanua Cole, (aged 9 year.) watok can Faaav W'omiwk, labls sovtr,.. .-- " Mary E Harrington, Ottoman eoTer ' Alio Phillip, " ' ". i R A Seawell, 6r crea ;. "-A M Dowd, shot pouch of, bead : ii u. V. Barrett. t?wia aprons Mr C i Bhaw, infant' droa, embroidered " A U McNeil, pillow eaaea , . t M L Matthew, child's prws Mia. A M Do-d, . " , , - . k Kilti Jn MCUOnaia, agsv a eaaj -aa n aaaof mbroidery. Mr Dr Street, pair of wader aloere ii Ml HicnaruBua, ! . , . Mi P A Brm, lady 's oollar ' i A Jackaon, a lady's oolla , 'AM Dowd, Unoa do B A Jokon, mnalla hnakroUf ' Mary.Wiloox.linoa do' Eli King, honiton Collar " Mary A Kelly, muslin prJ " Mrs L J Peroo, white marina Jowry MU Mary B Barratt, sWld irs ' . .. Mrs A R Kelly, an aproa - " W L Miller, Infant bonnat -Mia Berti Barrett, " - " Mr W L Miller, hUd' braided droa NL Matthw, do W h Miller, hild' mantlo . u J. J Parson, Infant eloak Ml Caltie MoEachia, pla ouabloa . Catti RobiasM, kneedle book r . . . m vii amlmildarcd aloak .25 .26 .25 .25 .25 .60 dip .26 .60 dip dip .16 .26 Mis M B Jenkln, rlt basque (embroidered) .. Agao Lavender, child' aaque it Battia Barrett, black eilk aproa M C Bhaw, toilet ea.hlon . "FA PhUlips, kall book (bwttnrfly) m Aua McWer, jieintina Mr Dae'l Mslatyra, do Mis Mary B Jakia, paiatiag Chatti MeBaobia, boa was lower Jfrs A B KHy. bead erabroWejed alippm A H JolimU, liaoa asirt -Jia B A Seawall, a hat mad af ia 4owa Chetde JfeEaehJ, ttdy JTrsCCattUaata, . M M 1.00 .to .M M IB. .60 .60 .25 .26 dip dip .25 .20 .60 .20 ".25 .25., 2t A .26 .26 .80 dip ... .25 .20 .26 dip .25 .26 .. .25 '.25 .20 .20 .20 dip .60 .25 dip .76 .15 .26 .25 .26 .20 dio .2 .28 60 .25 JO 15 40, VMO o w pas awaa , .; . .. (-, . .- i . " -f r. r" . n t. , - -a- yrtiL

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