a,.,. - . v w . 4 77. :7? ; v,.a. -siLJizj !:riKC" H ,- ' ; - vU t Mi'" i J 1i: il Nil i Hn 77-7 . ( - 1 -" -- --i -' 'i vlx a.Jf.i,s...ra ,r t JOHN . CAMERON, i 1DITOB iXt rtOPBIKTOE. : , ' ' ' " TiCKi oj" (L'uacBirnoait1 "j " w 1 r'twdMkM mnwi ' ' - ' 1 !v- ' ' fNM twM, M M pU) miti (M T utarr1.llm ' tor W !! ' ,1 . , v M. pM.fl' tUtllamtuwfMMtoiU.MilawflUM : . uf lh Wnr! ' . f WH l iHm thlr pr Ifcr nd W tW r, ln fwft llirwh IW Hr W iunl . ... ir iitilfii. u4 lMTf wl amMrUim I Iter ai nu; I ; ftmj tk rdr, nlm to r nnlM !, Fr law, r tUt M, r Aw, (litortor,) tor lha ' (1 IftMttM. v , . s 4 . r . .i ' Bark . InrartWn viUvr tko IHUK , , . , tm iinm .Nikto w-4 r '' - ' 94 im-4 , ','.- v . '. ' ' 1- rnrf-ml ur U..ta I 'aril , ! Ila, far Taar, itrf la iwi.Mlrfc - Al.ar.-ra MM U aflaaMtWaa f w 1 i..,u. ia. ( 1 aMiaitt4 tlU lld4aa, a4 tar( a r.nf!r. J7 C. fOEi ft tiLta ia ... Slip!. in J Purtrf CmJ,' Bats" dpi, BpoU tADirr DRESS 000D3 4 THMMI508. liar fUrmrt, FTllvllle, W. . ' I. . Moruai, . W. II. It,- i : Hopldns, Hull & Co. ,J7 wholesale ; PRY GOODS MERCHANTS, Ma tt Blllatar lrl, .1 t , (Oppoail llano- Sirawt.) y. . O lLTIJIORCaSIIK . . WM. II. IIAIGH, Attorney nt Law, rATincmic, u.c. rnoi os old itiui. fcfl Law Copartnership.8 "TT7B, Ik aaianlyaaJ, kar taUky funawd law Y Cu.artaaaj.ala, aaJ will .raeuta ia Ua Court f aha fnoaiagaaUaaaUi titaUi Calh, Cum Maara, Ht, al -,0 V. - ixu. UAjsjiisa. ritiWra-U,!.C.,Ja-,y 1.1840. UJ-tf J. A. SPEARS. ATTORNEY At LA',V. kttwU tba Carta af CaatbarUadf Raraatt, Wakt, aal Juliaava. ' Mdraaa, Taoaaar, HarMtt C., H. C. mmn . ai-ata. CEXE1VL C0IHISSI03i AD FOBW V IIERCIIWT, i Wilmlnaton, .V, C Jaaall, 18. ' DR. K. A. BLACK, ; orricB prost booms, ovb Ur. . M. MlHA-atey Chaialt aaa Drag Start. Fabraaryl, lfwW. 10-tf ANDRE VU. STEDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t PITTIROROIC. ' Hi1 C." M. WUt alUal tha Caaaty and Maparior Coarta af a". . . 1 1 r Caaitaaai, aroara, aai iiarami. va. Jala 14 IMS. ? ' T j . 7-tf JOHN WINSLOW - Attorney at Law. , OJtr U South ' of ff''f "r VP a n'twAf FtyttdU Bank. - F ATi:TTI V1LLC. . C. PtVraary, 18S4. R, E SANDFORD, ATTOIWEV AXD COLXSELLOR .7 AT 3LAW. Offiaa at I. HalTa Saw JluiUing, on Bow Slraafc , A. II. Campbell, Auctioneer and Commistion Merchant, G1LLESP1E STREET, rf etutlils, N. 0. Pab'y 10, 1S64. ...,'-.-- ' J'' - ' Charles Banks, C S F K C T I o E R WnOLB8ALB AS0 BKTAlti DEALER IS Portlj Va;a, JVaoi, C'iart, TWaow, 5ai, . OHEE" THliKT, ; " ' , FsyettTllle, IV. 0. .auryl,l64: , V .5. il. THOMAS. ..te oiakaxut . v. ll v rANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, i BBAOT-HADB CEOTIIIJa, ; HaU CApa. BoBnata, Boota aad Sboaa, Bhaatingt, . CMoa Tarua, tUraaya, Blaakata, Aa., Aa. poaaMt-ndOiu.Bani St., PayattaTllla.W. C. 1 COMMISSION AXD FOftWARDlXG .""-"MERCHANT Jliaria a.aw.aaa ar ato aM m! laa aa. , 1856. , . - david ncDurriE, BRICK MASOSl ASD PLASTERER, - FATETTETILLB, K. C, s a u.r,.rf. tMulaM MaacrTleoaai Baraeoa ia tbla and uaTtbai adJoinJn aoontiaa wUhia ora dona ia bit Jlaa. aiy 1; ISM. Ht-ly COOK & JOHNSON, IMPORTERS AND-DEALERa 1H. EnglUh, Gormso, nd AmrsricAB Hpd- ware And Cutlery, , - rfa-7 IS, ISM. Of ; . f.S ; ; ?)f ,y-'ii argui I'tt .-T i T. C. &!B.' O.1V03TU. r ' 'I . i'if . ra. rf liwillliaui n aa SljM)UTMMtoa4MaaauicaMat4. ' " STAUR WIUIASI Art w raaalrirg tbcir ltM h ! I'all Ji Wlater ipd Ta kkk hy ttl tbt (ttwatoa MorcUiU to.k. x. 18, im. ,J iift.tr. DlaitlB ml Cw-iaaHaieratilr 1 - Tka Ina baralofor axiatia MMa Tttipn 4 Buaiaaoa, la ikia ik) iliawraad hj Mutual r..-.-ni. TlHMia katlaaapra aeaauala with aa aturt .aa for. wani anrt IU wlibuHt lelr, ar tUty wiU I i tlinir m-r.. iinn In ma j,oniU i a oii ccr. , titi'. 'a Ititta, ! 8, Wis '.' 12-tf I. SCOTT & COS v - - RKPBIXT OF THE ! British Periodicals '-" ' ' ' ' atai ' ' '" , FAB l&ZIll'S GUIDE. 4 " . ORKAT BEDU0T1OX l!f TBB MKt ' . , , of ti lartaa rvauoTiox. . . , , , - , I I' I.I ' ' ' L. SCOTT 4 CO., MEW YORK, vnatiav ta pab- liaa tat IMawMg ttaaiBf BrtUaa rtrtoataala, u t . THI LONDOS QUAITERtr (CaoawraUra.) Tilt EDI5BIT.0H BEVIEW (Whig.) . . THE XORTH BRJTI8H REVIEW (Prat Charca.) TUB EaTMLN8TER kKVIEW (Ubatal.) . . BLACKWOOD'S EDIMTROH MAOAZIHB (Tar.) Ttr Prrllralaklr iniiranal tba Ihraa mat aaWlnal aaHfea aa vbh arrow " i ry, aaaj aaaira., aal awwaaa ru aalr a amlwra a Itov aliaraalar. Aa liraaaa at iba a j toaat wraWM aa toaraaa. Ulnalaia. Haraa.. aa4 IMtOa. t l.nf. m LWT arar hara alawa. aartrawa to fa aarai af laUr aa Ua lalwaaaal raaiWaT arary aaa) ttar toraaa a aa. arrraal aajaa www.wna a ma aa.l aaa iaa ai .a al.aal aaaa. Vbia aaa aiiaaia it 1 1... a tar aai i ... arraiM.a ar 11 ay. laranra aai iaa a aria, taa aaa aa ywiala aw.iaaa bua aa aiaar EARLT COPIES. Tk. BaarlM af ADTAtiCK MIIUTabaaitat Brnak aaMwk- pM aaawaaal rata to tkra aUfrtola. la a fa. ra m la. r aaa aaw aa pan. la aa aaaa KbMOUart aavat a art al UW artlaai WlUiaa , TERMS. . tm aaa 14 aa Far my aaa af Mm toar Rarttva rar aar law af uw toar Itartoaa -far aay Jwaa af Iaa fear aavlea tar aa toar aflat kartaaa ' 1m llarkaa4 a Maiaajna ' " ' "' far Maaaaaaa aa Ikraa AaTtow far aita.. aa4 la Aw Kariraa aa - iaa -. ; i - ' A oa . I to tat : ftmmu to A 4t im H tmn at aaVaara. Jkaarp tmrttU aa Uc jHaCa watra maaa maiaaf al av. , t CLl BBITiC. , - A aiia.aat afraaakr-fra aar arai Aaa Ua iWh ariea. atl W altoaaa ta lira n toi lay Aaa ar aaata aataui aaa ac Iaaara af far Ian aarm. Ikaa fuw ruaa-a af Alaraaana. ar of aaa aartrV.aWIW trat la aaa aMna tm f: fear aapial at lia toar tw.awa4 Alaakaaat tor Aaa;aa4aaa. 3- r ' . aa.a a a arf a. ....., ta all rka pilai liaTciitM aaa Taaaa; itoaa ra aft a aa Hrrraa. r Kta UK P""l A.iK- a ua aral ar (mil far faaaar aar aarlariW laaat tfaM HI ta ton VKSITt"U t'aN'Tf!araarr-larAaoafl,aa4kal ru( UTt.k!l IbSlS a faar tot aarA af AM Earlawa, A', if. Tkifmt aa raaf limm a tktf VwaV aaif aaaatMMaiat aaa f SI arr aaaaat. Til R Pill ER' til IDE. ' TO M'IKNTII'tC AU I tUn U'AL Al.UK I LH Rli ' Br Hrary i,lm, P. R A, af Mubarak aaa la. latr'. . Kattaa 1'lata.ia af atoaliaa AaraaMara la Vata I aJlaaa. Haraa. ra. Knfal Ort.ra. lata aaaaa, aaa mimial 'Waal aa eal kf'l'aj. Ta a. a a). a. -1 It lha aaat raaylalr varkaa Aarlmttara aw aaaiaara.aa toararr to (Ira A a aatar atotataMal Ut aaMMam kara rrafarml to rain, tat aria, la tit lallra for Itie ! VlaiiaitM Akra aMfl ar mH ta.palli U f)(.Til aatl llrar-M lha a'W all aa t7. Ta ...rjr alkar pari af uW l aw, aad to ( aaaa ((aai-aakl) ta. UTTaa ar toaat tU - a. U- am-. KataHlaaraa fei aar af Ito aaar. aaailraUaartaaaia araaaaaa ataw.a. uaH-laM, la ifca htlUm, . - Ka. btOvli-Mm, . Ta. LI IK, I ; SALE OP VALUABLE LANDS.4 AJ tha PECON'l) MONO AV In Pabraary 185", at ) tha Cuart Uooia ia tbt laws af Payattatilia, tha aiuleninad wiU aflcr fur aala. on a credit of aaa and tao aaar. aeraiat tracta of land ia tha eoentiea af CumbarUad aad Haraatt. Cot tract oa tha Wratera bank of tha Capa Pear Bit an, below Smitb'a Parry, avauining abanl Ifleaa fcaodred and ality-tra aorra lha PUnUttua of the lata llaary Elliu. Tbcra i A Hf-etj in two baa. drad aad fifty acrat of thia tract, which will ant ba off ered for aala.. Tha iutercal In reremlba wilt ba diipoa- a of aa tha aalt day, aeptrata fraai tha ether portion or iba rianiatioB. 60'acrea On Luw'tl Little fUrer, known a the Oibaon placa. ...:,::,. zy,-::- ' ,'''' T--. 6U4 acrea fn Lower Llttlt Kirar, former reaideaee of Alei r WilManw, Jr. ' 4 acree near Elilot'a Milla. BaO acrea oa the Janiper. , ,. t SOO acrea on Little Mill Creek. acrea oa Qibeoa'e Creek the Sinclair plaet. ' 340 aerea near McArther'a Bridge. Alao, tha Saw Mill Timber on SOO aerea odjoiuing. iOt) aerea an tha Black Braurb, near W. j. Krl ly'a. And the Saw Mill T Unbar oa 110 acrea adjoin in. 8SO aerea aaar Mnnrot't Bridge, Xorf h aide of the Rirer. : 1 .'!' 400 Aerea, including -the Mineral Spring near tha Mllla formerly Col. Mnrehiaon'a. t : M aerea aa Qrt g Creek, near tbt Fayettelllt and Wratern 1'Iauk Bond. - - ' : 50 acrea en the North prong of Anderson t Creek. '' Alao, aa andtvided Jntareaf, being one-third of twe Lota ia the town of tayetUrille, oa Rewaa atrcet, known tha Armatrotig lota ; aud in 28 aoret of Land en the South aide of Little Biter, near Elliol'e Milla. ALSO. :f At tba aaaaa tiara, on A credit of ail tnoatba, will be aolii 40 aharei of Stock la tbt Fayetttrillt aad Raleigh Plank Boad. .'i- IS abarea In tha FayetteTiUa and Wetttm Plank Bond. aharei la the Cape Pear and Deep Rlrer Narlga tfoaCoBpaay. i .' I abarea in tha Cnaiberland Academy. And aa undivided intercut in the Cberoioat Apparatna therein. - Theae aalet art madt aader a power ia tba Will of Iba lata Henry KUiut. ALEX'R ELtlOT.l.P. J j.tt. shephebb; DM'rXl.isso. Edgewof tli Female Seminary, GREENSBOROUGH, N. C vra r IUE next Sfeastoa of thia Inatltuttoa JJ willeoramenctoAPBlBAraANU f - y AKT 2d. 1857. aba oourea af atady ia deeigaed tW aaa bra ea ererr. thing neoetaa 17 to a iMbcttui tial and alBiea tal EdMCatl. Oreat proniinenea ia girea to tbeftell BraiCliA. heither tuber ner expeeaa baa been (pared to eeeore laatrafitort of tha hirbeat anahfteationa ia their earl- i) aapartaieala, and ta matt Wifewerth aaeond to aa UaUtauon ta ina aoaaary, ia araryifuag warar w A complete adupauoo. Par aimlari eoBUiningteraia, eoaraeef loatrwetioa, "Tpijr to -- posenrbtr 1S5S, ; l.'e-y ff ynpyt rti ftat w rlrrsii ti5il krr?: f r&yetteTilla tl Cr.: :iiy Jnary 17. IC57. -T-JT - 1 I- Ifn-rrr - - - .. .. . irVHIVrt .a a. ana) a..sa jit (uUolo parod.on Hiding aa Rail," a wHltea by 8aa. Sc.--, k)d1I at trtalag f IWKotourtar waarj" ' : ; . ,fi fanagirt all aooaaitig' .., a failra! oa. . ; Vv' j v ! jt A Jarriag, . atrary aaa ttarta back J ; - Blaaa aa! 'tlaa't alaaaaat ' ' ' ' Booning off tka traok.' ' ' ' ' ' . i "1 i J ,M 'i ' OaBtfeata atari jiwjrt) . (. , lautiaa raiaa tlatlar ( ,. . Brary ana a-f skiog, t 'Wbat aaa U tat kattcrf "' ' Fa tot krakanaa , twt rlr : 1 Cock HaToitard lark P tau t t" aurtija, Oat.r ut wa'ra n.i." . . '4' ' 1 1 4 ' 1 in h - "1 Bagalfir-Uakiag fallow. , - Poaaa't aaal ataok aaraiac, t..i :k,v Sita aim aoaa aaa1 ahlatlaa , .' " :. ;, ,f Waa'tg koaia tiUiaoming Babiaa all a ytlliog, ' ' Think tbtir throata Uy '4 erark, " " Blaaa m; 'Uaa't plaaaaat " -"' "!" Baaalag af tha traa. I ) " y. M Aaeiaat Aiaidaa lady Looking for bar Atari, Sayi ita awfol dasg'roaa -Bifiln U tha aara. . . , : Aaya that U aaa aaar , . Safa gala eat af than . , Fa ana a'ar will ratea bar TrartlUag igaia. '' Oaatlaaaa aatwaa kaa, WlthakiUlagbawi , That ba 'a pratty tartaia Ka ana waata ta, now, ' Tbaa iba waata bar aat-bea, SaarataUig ta aopaek, Tbikt it'a vary ihilly Baaaing af Iaa track. 1 ' -v " Sana atlll krp A-groaniog , - AH tba nralaag alght, . Otlian ttiU ara aloeplng '" AttbabTOAd dayUgbt. ; C Alwaya, wbca I rraaal, Una thing may I lack, Way 1 ba rsaaaad from " A KaunJagaartba track." '' ' ' A OEM, PICKED CP BY THE WAT", Alone I walked tbt itotaa aA-aad, -A pearly (hell waa ia aiy bead ; I atoppad aad wrote apoa the aaad My aaaaa the year tkt day. Ai tawanl froea the apot I paaaid, Oat Bngorfaig kwk beaind I aaaA-a A vara aaate rolling Mgb aad Cavt, ";,;Aa waabed ay Kora aw, AaJ aa, atetbowght 'twill tbartly ba With every Bark ea earth fraai ma ; A waea of dark oblirioa'a eea Will eweep aeroaa the plaea Where I bare trod tba aady abort Of Time, aad bora, ts be no aora ' Of aw, my franee, tba aaaii I bora. To leare aa track ar treee. Aad yet with Hiai who tonntt taa aaada Aad koldn tba watort ia Ilia baada, 1 kaew a laatiag record ataaa loaeribed agajaat ay ait ate, Of alt thia atortal part baa arroaght, . Of all thia thinking aoal baa tbeught,' And from thaee (leetltig noaienta eaagbt For glory or for ahatne ! POLITICAL Dtlate in the Srnatt on a prnpotitlu to go iifu ita Eltrtt'rm nf Jim Triutta 0 the Cfirrrtilyi January 1th, 1857. ' . A Bi&Mga from the Ifoaio of Cotnmona waa read proposing to po into an election of Tru trca lo-da" at 111 o'clock. Mr. Cherry moved that tha propoeition bo Uid on tha ULle; ijta 22, mn 20. ; A v , Mr. DocVe. j aaid tint he felt a deep interest in the I'uiveraitv that ha bad graduated one aou at it, the only one he had praduated that be waa a truate in another institution, but bid pent hia .money at the Unireriity- that ba mentioned thia to show what be thought of it to chow that ho waa not-prejudiced. Ua ei p reused himeelf in favor of inoreaijig tha im portiiDeo of that institution that he regarded it Aa a State institution, And not that of any part, and that every thing of a partisan nature ongbt to be excluded from cooaideratioa and be entirely disconnected with it. lluuior had aid that A decision hid been nude who should govern .Uta University; that there had boon A meeting of tha Democratic party with eloeed doota( tit the dark, boiled in, with aentriea attht doom, to decide upon who (should be elected. ' J, aa a North Carolinian, said hephall . be disposed to patroiiise aouit other institution ii thin, ia to ba nude aubaerviont to any party end. , 1 am op posed to the opinion that none but democrat! are able to look over ita deetiniee I want men of All partiea. I object to the election being taken out of the banda of tba Lcgialatnre, and pnt into that of t aiagU party it will lessen tho inatUution to a great degree in Die ecti ma lum of a very considerable portion of oar citizen their intoreat in it will cease. What "Ame rican" or Wbi( will aend hia eon to tha L'oi veraity, whan be loirm that it ia goerned by the.cAttoua of A political party, to tho principle! of whwh ha object? If the DemocrAtic party taicea charge of this institution, and in niictnigbt meetingi oontrol ita otatiny, we who op post the principle of that party most get an institution of ouf own. For, it trustee! are to be elected from party niotivot, they will elect the ucultg from the aarue motivea. Ut waa will ina; for bis aom to be Pemocraia. if tby chose to be ao, but ha waa not willing to pay other people for making them anoh. They do not deny that they hare held A midnight caucus on electing T run tee to tha University. ."' V - ' "' -. V, 1( Thia unfortunate esneua Bad vlrtnallv taken the election from the Hegislatura, nd put it in that of tha democratio party, and I regret that this matter ba beea mao a party qneatloa; it is a qoeetioa whioh Ahonld atear olear ' oi r prejudice of all caatoa. , And I Dow make tb Inquiry,' it that rumor corrootf ba there actually beea a eanoosf ' "' . ; : " " Tho Chair aa-ooaoed thai tbaWcisj ordaT ; ...... ; '! ... . I V '. Jlnn ffralt if M rts lull u.f tin hour was tha Daoviila and UreenslW . i.ail Koad. , ... Mf. Hill moved thst il be postponed until If . OJOtow 11 o'clock, -.11 U' f - - j v Mr. Vhenf tiptaasod hfmaolf opparwd i tLt jxanpoiwuieincx tpoclal ordert. If aaca u to b tha prtolioe, in tba aiiaa ( nnaKa aanae, whea ill w gr4 ti.ro.gh tU .bwiaaaa Abd IjoaraT ( Tlie hea'f rerpnailiiitr ofAOttfttiubrtbApablio tun aaj uonej doas not lie ea tbia aid f tba aoHe, at. Tha otA wa tbeo fcVea,' bi.h,irin1(oJ ia . llr. Hill aaid that h Waa tarpa! ta kftow tlij: thtputkmao from Jliclu. 4 (Mr. Ducka. ' n) tad lircxnue anharuej t nf'"ight meeting ilmt ba eungratulalrd tba ftottuaiaa on it, 1 1- i waa glad to am tha Tnlkn.a ackoowled - ' i o aonpTifniauooa, (r, ii. feera mntrked tht , '( w, r 3 : l , fr ; i, tbc aaina arii-ii In w'.ii.h ' , n; i.n ,,) ; it ao fr aa he wm c.njiMPra. 1 ( r, ... i.r hiinaui'. aud axit Jur' hi " 1 Frtjr, La waa williog ia Uka hia abara of tha renpooaibilUy. ,. Tbt gentUnua hia all at onot become; wondetfnlly AffaetiooatA to tba L'niver sity; ka ia clamoroos for an election, And, pray, how long would it take to effect an election? lie anid then had been no delay of public bnst nea that great deal had been done, Itu be duliktd to hear 8c as ton any that tha responsi bility aeta oa hia party alone; Senators who bad bean award .nog tha Christmas bolide rs. He the saarged tha Amoriean party furiously. Mr. Dockery atom And said, be auppotwd from tbe bigk aounding proclamation of the Senator from Caswell, when be arose to speak, that be waa gtmg to aar aometbinc. but he Lad been disappointed that tba Seoaior bad said nothing wonh replying to, but be would take occasion inetead f replyiog to tbe Senator to nay a few word In bis party. Much bad boen already aaiil Against tba American party that be waa proua ta oeiong to that much-abused party thaA it leaded no defence ita priacipJca were tin Beat eulogy that be waa in favor of Amen- tans rufiug AmericA, And Asked tba rrndeman from Cmwcll, (Mr. Hill,) who he thought ought to mie Antertea. Ar. mil sua tne uemoeratie party, vbieh m tba grdal Aninrican partv, ought 10 rule America Mr. Dockery continued, that a abort time ago. wneo there were a lew oaliii to be Administered, aud darkness ruled supreme, a good many of tbe loaders of tha Democratic party did belong to me American, but aa noon aa tha oaths were lUflifhed and tba light of day lot in, these fel low ootid not bear it, and skulked out, And left tha parry a pure bind of patrioU. lie expressed himself willing to divide the responsibility if tha DetoocTAtie party would act Any ways manly. If there ia any blame to be bestow d where oa earth could it better be bestowed tbsn on tbe Democratic party of the present General Aaaem-llr- It ia ta Dower, and could bare kenl the Legislature here daring the CbristmA holidays, lie had remained antil only 13 Senator were l-' r lie wtabed te know Low Lueincae could r j tran acted than by riroeeediag ia the 1 t j:Tr M. - Via' ,.., had been ' ; I , ... . ..nttl.a I ..Jaaa. j 41 4 V .,vi V' vaaw a, aj I w VWV any, but b bad Withdrawn it ia order tbatthey might tbe mora readily make aa eloctioa, and expend leas lime; but week after week had paae ed aad ao eloctioa baa bean affected, And it waa because party had taken poasesRion of the rote, lie reprobated thia state of thing, and did not think soy one party should rule the University. But tbe fiat baa p forth; the edict haj paraed, and we have- no nothing to do but sub mit tba University, wbiob our fathers estaUiabed for all tbe f roe born rhilutrea of the State, to the polluted keeping of rarty, and that' to be exer- ' ciaed, not in the open daylight, and in the balla of togudalioo, bnt in A night meeting, ia some dark room, with the doors bolted, and sentineia posted to keep out all. who do not bend tha knee to them, aad subscribe to their rule. To such a fate we are ordered and compelled to surrender the University of the 8 late. ' Mr. Eaton aaid UiAt be waa nnablc to inform tbe gentleman whether thery had boen a eaucu or not, that it there had, be had no hand .in it. aud disapproved of the movement. He said that the Supreme Court bad expressly declared in one of its decisions, that tbe University was a public institution. He thought all favoriteism ought to be laid aside that be had always acted with a high degree of liberality towards the University, and intended always to do ao that the conside ration of that question be should always keep Above party. -7- -- Mr. Thouias, of Jackson, aaid that if we are lobe taxed $1,500 ayear aimply for the sake of electing tr unices to the University, bis opinion would again change that probably as much is two young men had graduated there from the treat of the Illue Ridge, and that hia part of the State was not. iuimediitely interested in the ina titution that for bis part, he was willing for the College to elect its own trustees. He said be waa a friend to the institution, but vvi getting tired of the heavy tax above-named. He said he bad never been conceraed in this dark-biotera movement, but he'd like to know how they could vaid electing their own partisans that for .hU part, he was willing to let the Democrats have three, and the Americans two, of the trustees. He expressed bimsolf surprised that gentlemen should get np bow gravely and discuss what Madam Humor aya that tho Senate ought not to spend the time on such an uncertain . sub ject, He then related one of Mr. Dockery. old anecdotes. ' . ' ' Mr. Wiggins aaid that a tbe Senator from Jackson (Mr, Thomas) bad no better half to go to during the Christmas holidays, he bad spent hia time in Norfolk. He wished to say. one word oa hia resolution that no important business should be transacted during the holidays that the ques tion had 'been raised as to what was eoniidered important business that bis resolution was in troduced to parucularixe. Ha said that he hid been At hia post from the time expressed in the resolution, and that be waa then ready to do busi ness, bat the Legislatureng consuming the time ia trifling ctebutea, eVa., dto. ' . t M r. Pool aaid 3 This ia the first time that party politics has been introduced, thia aeeeion, And I regret thst it has been, done on this occasion. 1 bad hoped to see tbe session pass without the in troduction of such a discuaaUm. Hut it baa not come from ouraide of the chamber, and of that I am glad. Tba Senator from Caswell oommeaoed it, and aa to glove cat been thrown down, i will take it np, and meet tny one who ha Anything jto sat 'Against either tbe principle or practice! of I tba America a party. ' Tba barge baa beea made a trains! taa Senator from Bertia, that bo went borne during tbe CbriatmAA kolidayvAnd that he and tha party to which ba belongs are responsible for tba delay in publia batjntsi during that, period, It Utme ,: -f . '' '". ' ' ' . mfi ti ilffjr; .1 I that nearly all tb c'nator went home. But tha iDomoerAU oartr bavin? a lare makiritf in both to - i branches of tbe gialuture, could have prevent- f . - ;, I . . - . . . en toe passage 01 toe reaoiutioa anaer wnion they loft, and is, thexefcre, rasporuible, if Any barm baa been aoue. ' I remained At my Boat during tba time, A well M tha SiOAtoni from Kichiuood nd Caswell. . '--, - . But this ia not preciaely the point nnj r die euasioa. It u reported that the Democratic party ua oeea boJding a ciueut a secret moetirig, la the night, jrith Doited door and sentinel and in that secret uectmi, ao held, have selected pcrsoea to be eleetod Truelee of tha Inircrsity of North Carolina. Thia is inaugurating a new rdioy in (fie mAaagetaentof that uwtitutioa, tud wiaa, im thia, its first tge, toenUr my prutrt against iU Jta te nJteoy is ckarly to mak the Unirenritr a paity iufiitution, and if tb Demo ! r ratio nwtv shall contiuue la tha a.hcodJud' V. twtliaiiufl. iuflyitaLly be. the rciufl. (ror,"if U ee rtrw rot them tv make tbe ejection 01 iras tees a party matter Dow,, it will be right in tbe next, tad evert succeeding Leotahtture.: So fur then, at they can effect it, the fate of the Cui veraity It sen led. None bat Democrat can be Timteca, or have any share in its management, aad those who do Dot subscribe to their creed, nor deaire tbair ton instructed in their princi ple, And subjected to the bias of party training, must sot tend ibcta to thia institution, which baa heretofore been ao conducted a to bare become the pride- of our -eitixou and aa honor to tit State. Th precedent has been set by (he Democrat! party of this Legislature tbe policy ba boen announced, aad ai all other bad exam ple, it will be easy and natural for other to fol low. ,' This it ita beginning. No party, in any former Legislature, baa ever held a party eaucu poo the election of Trustees, itut it is report ed to have been done on this occasion, and no body denies it I now distinctly skarm it upon the Democratic member of this Legislature, that they have btld such a caucus, in the night, with dour bolted and aeutuiels posted at the doors, in structed to admit Done but Democrats to its de liberations. Mr. Hill (of Caswell) liked tbe Senator from Pssnaotank, if be stated thst as a fact, and bow be obtained tbe information. Mr. 1'oui aaid: I bare taken special care not to state it aa a fact but I oow charge it npon tbe Senator from Caswell, as within hia own per sonal knowledge, that bis party baa, with doors bolted and sentinels posted, held a secret meeting night meeting to nomiuat3 Trustees of the Uni versity, aud if such is not the fact, I bero give bira a fair opportunity to deny it. Tben, tkrrt hat Ire tuck a tecrrt wuxlimj. I have before m the names of those nominated by that meet ing. It is ol no use to -lead tuem. -1 hey are ell known 00 the other aide of tbe chamber. It makes do matter where the information of this thing was obtained. Perhaps it ara from Some traitor, for many such have left our partj and beeb received into tbw fold of democracy. There may be more than one similarity between this i see rat meeting of tha democracy and lb mnch j tlVetd dart laatrtV aaeeungs of t 'Ameer-1 ia any. . Imtum caine into far tueetfi'gs aad west out to tor fa it their honor and dMckjas tba proceeding. Tba democratic party received them with open arma aad great joy. And now, when we bave dropped the practice of holding secret meetings, and the democracy haa taken it up, it i not wonderful that in their rank traitor are found to betray tba secrets, Tbey left us we purged them out fermentation took place' and tb. tilth was thrown off. ' Those who gathered it ap and took it lovingly to their embrace, must aot complain if they reap the reward. These traitors gave ns trouble and we hope they may give their new friends as mm b. I do not condemn secret party meeting to nominate political officers, and to take proper meant to secure their election. 'This 1 approve and am ready to defend. But I do condemn tbe violation of professions made to the people Men ought not to frv'tatoue thing and pruciiet anoth er. Those who denounced us for holding seuret political meetings and pronounced it wrong, hor rid, araan and sneaking, no sooner get to the Capi tol than tbey do the very same thing, in thj dark ness of the night, and behind bolts and sentinels. They say it ia terrible, dangercus, moustious for the honest peopU, at home, to hold meetings in secret for the purpose of nominating officer for whom to vote, snd to take proper steps to secure their election. But when thry, the. kudm, have to elect officers, or conduct some party scheme, Arj can meet in secret, midnight cvucluvei with the door bolted aud birred, and gritu scaliucls on the witch and there is no danger in it ut all it is all right. They ire afraid to trust the people in secret council; but their proud repre sentatives, clothed it the honors Aud dignity of office, they can trust to bold stciet poliuaal nieet ingsAnd it is ill perfectly safe. Ihe deiuocratk members oi -this legislature have iioiuiiiatcd, in such meetings, n Attorney General, the Solicit or, a Comptroller, end all the other officers elect ed st thia session ; and, Dually, thry have n.et in secret, midnight council, aud nominated Tru.u t of the I'niicrtity.- ' ' '' 7 It waa really a curious spectacle when' they nominated A Comptroller, l'hey turned out a good and faithful officer, a member of their own patty, for no other cause thau the crime of hav ing once been a member of a secret political meet ing, from which he had long iiie withdrawn. Did it not oot-ur to them that they were, them selves, at that verviiiomcnt, committing the same terrible crime 1 It ia not for holJini the meef ifi, but for violating their profeuiimi, that we blam them. And we blame them -specially for pushing par ty distinctions and favors into the management of the University of the State. ' ..Our literary in stitutions should be kept free from party strife, and sectarian bias especially that institution whioh was established in obedience to tbe Con stitution, for tbe common benefit .of all her citi-. ens, without regard to political or religious opin ions. . Mr. Houston said that as a member of the Democratio party he did not intend to skulk any j respoosibility-that he was nnwdl.ng that this . eleouon should come-off until w'. "" I ed-tl,.t be could not son why th. La veraity .l.A...l nt h. fv.araA.l Ikr til fUriOT lnaillULIODs: i tuuuia aw. a.v-. ........ , OUP, ka aai.l that hi was sneakiuf for bis party and not for himself thst two yean ago be had the' honor of being a member ifr the other end of the enpitol, and then voted for a member of the Amer icaa party for this aame office, aud thai he did tbe same thing a few days agothat be did Dot intend to be bound by ay cauensjiia parly may bav bAd when he w tot pMiaent. lie alluded to an expression used by Mrv Dockery some time Ago to tbe effeoLtbst some Democrat bad Aaid that Gen. Jaokton told a lie in reUtidu to Mr. BncbAnsa b said b did Dot believ it wu A TE1I8: ffO D01UH8 IJT ITT. WlioloKoi5j .."J- -It . .. ' .! f.T . ,-. . Democrat that made tb remark thst it bave been a Know Nothing. . H aaid be bo; tber Aficabeea a caucus -thai tbey bad w7 two day already and no tloction can be effeci without caucus. Ho (aid b thought it wr. ia tbe American pnrty to bave taken ia L 1 wary and Incautious, and to havd adininistc' horrid oath in culvert, and more 'especially 11 wrung 10 ueny it. ua Aaia that tile party 1 deny hording caucuses that he accidentally , caught ia one ia th Seuai CbamUr, Mr. Pool Asked permission to correct tbe f . a tor. No member of lha American party I denied holding secret oaaeusca, or condemned i But every on of Uiem condemn making tbe J of trout a party nutter.., And whoa they lw X , secret meeting they do not go borne to their ci ' it it neat wilb ptaaiuu of innocence, nnd aLd' other peopta fordoing tbesame thing. ; lr. Uu-toa stud that now the iluuu ' party wa O'liioaeJ of alf tk beet eleacnt, tbe Lai. and tVtt the otpaiCon waa wornvf--. of th A.'-etida of e real Ion. Mr. Wiider moved to by the mesftfe of tha Hon on tbe table. Subsequently withdrawn. ' Mr. Hill moved. that a message bersent to tha House proponing to "go into an election forthwith. (the time pniposcd by the House hiving long unce pan.) Mr. J. W. Tbomi offered an amendment that the five highest 00 the last bet- " lot be considered the nominee. Thia be said ' would settle the whole business. The chair ruled' ' it out of order. MISCELLANEOUS.; LADIES DRESSES. , An English journal:! thus hits off fhe present tvlo oi ladies dres-es: " The remarks of a valued friend cf oars are sometimes sufficiently amusing to tuake us forgive the sarcastic style in which they ,-i are conveyed." One of bis Infest specula tions is in regent 10 Ihe possible finding, by a succeeding race of maikbid, of a fetnnie dress of the present day; in which case, he " says, a Cuvierian examination of the vari ous articles' would probably bring out the following results : The being to whom this attire belonged must have been constituted V in a Tery peculiar manner,, and pr bal iy with some s'.range natural defects which it required art to remedy. Allowing son space for the principal exterior robe sweep clear ol the ground, the, len would be about seven JieL Thediame of the creature in the centre was in sinu lar disproportion to this longitude, being on- ly seven inches an J a bait'. Still more dis- proportionate appear to have been the ' terior extremities, which were not al foot and a half in length, and, tvhr markabie,-whil narrow st top, the) to have expanded below to aa enor aire, t-rrcbably tliey resembled pt, raiLar than tjrn BiitJ. banfls, H Tie xjfffS bral it.!: i.'ia Kt-s- to La vet - V V '.' inuf!ici. ; , i " i '..sf i. , 'p ' b'aUtrtne la?u. , j 4 '' that ': f giv! support to !u body. - BctJ-r ii ordiaaiy attitude would probably lia prone, like that of an insect. s "Tbe most remarkable peculiarity, ever, was the furm and size of tbe hea. The bonnet indicHtes a creature almotf tirily destitute of brains. The head T have been a mere knob at the extruitt, the cervical column such an encfyliat ns aoulJ be represented by that of a le.'jity'ei of our ri.ee at & very early ataga of iiade " velopment. In this respecl the creature rt- minds. us of the clas 4ve above all, ihe " Alcidre or Auks which art recognized as J amot.g the most stupid of all creatures of f that grade. Another peculiarity, taken iu? a connection with tbe above, has induced cer-s, J tain of the, exaniioatcrs to surmise that tbe .,, ; J creature really was connected with the na7' 7 t.itorial Mids. This ii a vesture composed .'f : l; o: an a;r-tigric inu-gutneni, wutcri lUe crea- ture could imlate at pleasure, as some of .tba cephnlopodous mollusiks of an earlier era Could do will) the air-celis in their shells, so as not iiierely to iloat liieiwelves in the wa ter, but adjust the tlepih in the water at which iUeyileirt'd, tofioa.t. Thus with so Umg aiid slender a figure, so weak K spine, so small ;i Itead, and an arraugemeot for '. tltaTirit" in the ovearii the female of the ptst 2 race til niaukuiJ would appear to have lxea u,l:ege;iier a a ngular anomaly in creation. ' HUT K.NOUGII SLEEP. We have I't-.'n heard young men retnark, hat lour five hours' sleep was all tbey wanted, and nil that ihe human system re quat d. The habit of going without sulii ciftit sleep is very injurious. Thousands, no doubt, permanently injure their 'health in this way. We live' in a fas? age, wher even body seems fo be trying to invert th orc!ertf nature. If foJhvs- w ill persist in turning into day, it is not to be wondered, at that lew last out the allotted term of life. .No matter what be-a man's occupation physical or mental, or.like Othello's, "gone,' and living ia idleness the constitution, cannot last, depend upon it, w ithout a suf ficiency of regular aud refreshing sleep. John llunter, the great suigeou, died suc- denlv of spasmodic a'lTe.ctio'n of.the benrt, a disease greatly encouraged by wa;it of , ) sleep, lu a just published' volume by a ', medic-al man, tbeie is one great lesson that - t hard students and literary men may leatn ' and that is, that Hunter . probably killed f hiinseif by taking too . little sleep. Four . , ; hours rest at night, and one alter dinner,-, ' raiir.iit lia rlnr.ilu.ft stillliipnt if n r.Am il ll. i exliaU3lej cowers of body and niiud." . jB j co,)sequenoo V , (h;U luuter died early. If men will u.kist - timrSlecD.Ler " twin sister. Dea Vi- will avenge tba insult . " ' . . TEA EST ISO JJCOVETrf Tliw,-". a garflen near the Pluxza del i . Kotiie', while digginga wellecent. ' against a mass oi stoue, which", on gatiou proved to be a colossal bust v erva, with the. inscription, Popubj manus Agusto Imperatror carted . ' the length of the . nose-alone is rf . r j .k'J: 1..... 1 t. . ' lnviirs, a:iu itTjmr- 11 ua ecrn pur" the Pope for the Vaticau' iUut r ,1 7-

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