ft ?Jctt Ssriei Vol. IV.N0. 3.' . . rt runuaiiw WKEXLT, .a l a. a. 1 'I i . s ' v.v .JOIIN CAMERON- ' ISIf Ofc'AMft rioriticTOB. , TitttM orusomrrioji: , . I'm IMmm jr i oM. If pl4 4rbir rlM txlrl '- ,' . 'rM Wwk K w iwUI Jartiit ik jtiw f wliMrtvtlmi , h i Mwrt!toa 'rtJ IW t U4 iniW Uu fwr, ulM mM fr.WMM ;., , .. -.;,,,.. , JIxmi.'IhikI utlltl rrmrMttri taU.ulwat lb W lwiM(l(ltwo - ' , f M hln M 4iilln IMr rnt 4 lk n4 Ik VMM, ' ! i'r tn Mlior T tkxlr IsloallM t lu Wdnra t . , (trU 4 t fm. tit,,tmtm M nr win b MIIaa M t 'IE ilrM u4 f r.' I MtwrtUftff u tbj bhmt rli !....,..,., ,. '",!' Vm or APrsimmsa:' , fm ITtliMM Dm, M dr, (tMflat,) lb tk Ml nlHiml IimUh iakc IVw bwI), . Jot kkrw iWin v . . J, i t . . t 4 " f f fWlf IWMlKaY, i;. ,.,,..!. I , I mUt-M-i m liMktmt (kil.Mt f ot Um. par ) fc ) gi. 1 rap-tin. i . - 'lUpif'iiJ Fury Dry fijjJj, Bit .Cipt, CmU . - .. Xhaca, 4 Eeailjr Iiit M.lilifr- . . PartUalar Uli)a paid la ; ADIKS' DUE tii (J(H)D3 aad TWMU1NQ8. Hay Utrwt, Fyltvlllt, W. C. ' . B. HurKiwa, ' W. II. IWa, Two. H. ATuaaoa. , Hopkins, Hull & Co. 7 WHOLESALE i v DRif. fiQDS. MKUOHANTS, . Jl. $9 KattlMr fclrrl, , . (Oppoaila Hiwrvrr Strrrt.) ' ' ' j nALTiionct.nD. Fhry. 164. ' ' ' , , ,.WM.- II. 11AIUII, jittorncr t LiiWf - FATSriZ7ILLE, N. 0. orrics o old rrtutr. aaaary, Iftvl. Law, Copartaership.1 . the wadaraiciMd. a' tliiaday form !'ifrUMapkip, an4 will prauis la la t'oart I ..r il... Ui ... I . k 1 1 n. I'.n. at iaf..ll..winieaunt.a.4 tki8ut I CbatUaia.taai- barlaad. Uuor. llaraett, aaJ Hi Sa.rama C .ort. . " . '. J. II, H llOHTtiX, -a " " - MAHIlim . fitUWaajth.X. CJaa y l.ta-4. ; . . 'iTT.ORNEY. AT LAW. , . Ataawda Uia OvrU vf CawbarUad, Uamatt, Waaa, aad Jaaa. Addraaa, TxBr, Ilamott Ca:, 5. C. -. , il . ' ;'.' 2 'Pi'f f " ? . t- V ai- a31i'' aag gexesil mmm a.d fouwardlxg , ?IlinIiij7'o'i 1 C jii,ii. -t ovnoK rKoiT rooms, ovii Dr. . J. Illaadalft'a i Cbeiaiiat aad &rg Stawa. Paaraary 7, ;. ANDREW J, STEDMAN, : I ATTORNEY AT LAW; . piTTmionoiu, ys, v. M. Will aU4 tea Coaaty anJ Saparior Court of i tUataara, Moora, aai uaroan JalyH, 1856. 7 " JOHN WIN3L0 V" :7 Aitorncy at Law. (?Jlr aa A 8 nth avtt V rV-iy !, tiVrti FujetieeiUt Hunk. TAYETTEriLLI., t. . frtrwary, 18i. " 7V K E S ANDFORD, ATTOBXEY AD C01ASELL0R L AT LAW. OBea atDr. UaU s Nw lloilding, oa Itw Street. . '. A. M. Campbell, . Auctioneer and CotHnUxion Mcrchaut GILLKSPIB S1IIKBT, ' . fayBUetina, IX, 0. rakyio,is4, 6-T Charles Banks, :M .f. cohpectioheh WHOLESALE AHU BSTAIL DEALER-IS Fore! Fruit, Nutt, Ci'jart, Toltrco, Suf, 1 oitEEmnECT, y' " FsjettevlUe, IV. 0. ianutry 1, 1854. . " tf I'inHOL'AS. - -,.. i-: ..;." waALaa ia " -. FANCY AND STAPLE PHY GOODS. IIE.AUflItDECLTH, i Ifalt. Capt, Boanetn, BoU sod Shoe, Sheetings, . .Cotton Varaa, Karaays, Blaaketa, A., o. -v p0staMKsTnd OiUttMi St., FayettcvHU, Sh C. J. S. BANKS, COMMISSION AD F0BWARD1XG MERCHANT, north Cnrjllna.. ;Ja. ,1M5. 104-ly tttdavid Mcduffie, BRICK MAMIST AID PLASTERER, ..-FATETTIVtLLB, . C, w-Mwlfunr lender hit swvleesto paraoaa In Mt tad Jadtha aitjololBg asaali wiaWng work doa In kta Jaly 18, 1858. Hilly Zau n COOKT Vi " J OHNSON7 ; :T i IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IK Pilgltah, Germanijtnd American Hard-a-'- whtw and Cutlerr. . Jaaaary lrm. XI ; . i W "ai :i! ) 1 ' I . i t .'. T. C, &B. G.i WORTH. Comniiscion and Forwardtoi ' Wllmlnvten. Hf, C. W UraaJ kjTuiof twuk s vailrnamta. I-;.. ........ H .... ; V StARR WILLIAMS ' 1 . 't An bow receiving thlr . . teetn ktoik I 1'ull J. Ulntrr ti4 , T which Vkrj aIt tb ilteotioB MertksAit Biak wf Uiair urrkMn i IUU Mrkt. ' VlMolnllun of 1'0-parlMtrnbU Th fra kviifur KintlnK b(Vca BL A Kna'iMXi I tbwa'aT dblTl bt anrtakl eontrm. TOM kwriuK offa ncMatj alta r aib'i m fury War.l-f.a4 actij.' a -Umtdrfat.rfaT MJn,'L- t 'Iti'lij. c." iiU in fitiiiuw mI aa tti... Unla Mill, Hpt. Vfl, 1800. II. I,. - i I. .. I . uli) ., .iij'tr 7 -SCOTT firm's; , . JlKI BIi'T OF ,TIIK ... , , British: Periodicals; .i )..-. i ra. FAE ITER'S GUIDE. 1 CHEAT UKDUlTlO.N If TUB VKKZ ' w. . i r o ua utrca rcai.ioi.TioB. . L. SCOTT CU-. UKW foRK, aaatiaaa la pab- Hh tba fuileaiog IraJing tlriliai. I'arioJicaia, U ; I THE LONDON QCARTF.KLT (CoaatrratiTt.) THE KDINHJ'nUIt BEVIKW (Wliig.) . TUB KOHTU DRITIfiH REVIEW (Prta (liarck.) . THB'wtSTMlXSTEB ilEVlEW (Ubarat) , - BLACKWOOD ft KbINBl KGH IIAQAZIKK (Terr.) TkrM r.rt!lrJ thf trprrmmt lUr tfcr frval aaiUfcoi aartha T 4raj4 RwiUla-n ftU, , i mr, ana Knsi.i I Will i i If agr sVurw af laVir haalHar. - AM ' fM aaf taW aaaawal nrv Vud wHfo-fl iJ-umftX ."rwlnjr. aMt HrHEt.-o. iVy Ultal, aV IdWf 1W aMVw M4Nat tthriYM t (b VotHtl f IvtlenwV W lt4f Uail-jarMlMai fey I las? vfeiaW atiaal taav r fa aria ml mAaa, atia tw taVr Inu-iafwatl rx4f f elaVal iWy fuftagi mwrv arrwl ialiaiNiii taaaa tWwwm iwraiaraf laaaay. Ifcf i im aari tmm aa waUrt; wia4 traaa aay aiaar if. KAKLV COPIES). la Ewlat t AIVA.Vtt:KILi.KTfrMKUM Erlibai sabaah afi rim ariiltllMMj vato. to lb kVprlnlt, liMMnia aa UUaf aa mm aa ulaaad aa t a aaaaa af iai laari i I m aaaa aa Uai ail(laal auitlvna, TERMS." ' trt aaa Far aaa-aaaafia Star Rartaaa Sf a I t my ia r th Smt kavtw - - - . aa faff mny .kfv nf tW tMiar Ira - . fa rar ail faaiofifc kvWwa - . s a rr Hiai.MwMiA. . . . I aa F.a-FhrtaanlaM ikr. kihara a far bi ) a4 Uw feat at teat - (tut J'tymmU la bt mdt at raw r aaVaw. Jfoacy turrtft m M aArt utd trUttt rttnftd 1 far, Li nnttG. A 4Wwaial ariaMy-flTn par al ftaaa Hat abaa wUaa via SaaUaa'aal fcaCu-aa aitarlaa laar a aiaia f)il ay aaa a aaar rta aim vara 1 ba 'oaw eofilaa of Haw va4. ar aaa Haala. a III a a-at to a aUiiaki Sr. aar a"4-a 1 aH Antral 4 hlarkaaua w l-Vt aa4a aav. 4 .. ..,) . l0iTA.E. la all la Hr1pHHta awl Tawaa, ateaa aarlu win ha -Haaaaa. r M B l H f'AUK- W Bta aam f M. tlar Pnata I., aojr rl rtf tha I altad ntt a III t ll I W h n"-MM It il1 a ' HWi4, uwi( riit rriiES' rtsn a tra fba aaaa af IW lUrtava. X. II. Tkt pritt ix nVia e A "r t ahorf-nmM iaahnmt $r aaaaaa. tiik rMi;B'ai vnnr. -TO SCIKKTini' AMI I'SA'TKAL Al.KIU LTT IX Hi HrKrrilarMH.aa.r ic aV. ai illabaiali. an4 lar UtrJ r. Xariaa M af KrlaalllW Arl allaaa la Yaar uH... Vaar , lia.an. In Itut ai iBM ii aaa1 aaawtvaa aa4 ! n J awl la Mi l (lr H a aaiar rlmlalkia Ilia JI and DO florae r) H i. '' wkra aaai i,r luaii irwi-iaaMi uiM.-ntit a4 1 ir.a ik ' pmot ib lite tor it, let every other eotiiidcratioa l"?.w-.T?.tIll.I"i'!!ra wT to Ahat of uetiin? married. I)oo't ! R.ntrttaata IW ai nftha ahnra jI ilral Woa .WaW alaafa aa atlaraaiat, ua4.aiM,:la la l ob Haaaaa. j l.t.(nAKM r. i I I ill, N. M OaM!lrl, Naar l'oik. li i! iii; mli; OP VALUABLE LANDS. ( Y 8ECI.1U 0!AT j uir.iKl will .Bar for sal., on a eredil or oaa'and ! t,. t.r, tetaial tracts of land la Ui count. of Cawbarlaud sud HarncU, ' j j On Uut 00 tli Wnttern bank of th Cap Fear ; j River, Ulowgmitb . Ferry, coouiolog about lftn buodrd and atltj-flr acrr tli rlautatlou f tu i ; tat Henry Elliot. 3 Thar. t. a Htita m two b- I drod aad bfiy acrw of tbia tract, wbu k will not b on- ei ed for l. I tic iniri in.rvrio win t n:apo- ; ! of on the an'lt day.'aeprii frwiu -the other portion of Hit I'lantntuw." &U acres oa Liiwei Littl Ilitor, kapwaattb OibiuM J piaco. ... 000 terra on Luwr Little Bivtr, forntr refiJwio of Alei'r il'.iunia, Jr. S acres aear Klllot'a Milt. -.r.' ; .... --,7 ,: teres on tbe Juniper. .: VOA acre on Lull Mill Crock. 0OO aorot oa UibaWt Creek tba Sioolair place. 34v tern near McArthr's Bridgt. Also, th 8.1W Mill Timber on 3O0 acrea odjoioing. SOW aer.it on th Black Uraach, near W. 3. Kil lv's. And the Saw Mill Timber oa 111) acres adjoin ing. 3 JO aorta sear Munroa'a Briilga, North aid of tb Bivar. ' 4O0 seres, rnctniling ths Mineral Spring htartht Mills formerly Cid. Murchii '...:'.'..-.....; - c. - 30w aorea oa OrcgCratk, near tbt FaytttetilleaiHl Wen turn l'lauk Itond. , , 50 scrtt on th North prong of Anderson' Creek. Also, sn undivided Intorrst, being ona-tbird of two Lots in th toww of ratetttTlUp, on Kowaa street, kaown aa tbe Aauintrting lot ; and in 28 acre of Uod oa th fcuuthtido of Little Kitr,'near Elliot 'a Mtlla. , ; .... . : ALSO. ... .:. At tli (am Unit, on a' credit of tlx months, will b sold .. ... '40 shares of Stock la tbo Fayettetlllt sud Raleigh Phi tk Rood. - 14 aharte ia tha FayeUevill and Wastern Plank Road. - ' ' thares la tht Cape Fear and Deep Hirer Naviga tion Company. lOaharaiin th fotnberland Aoadomy. And an undivided interest iu th Chemical Apparatus therein. , That sales an mads under power in tb Will of tb lata Henry fclliuU" . ALF.X'I-ELLIOT, J. O. BUEl'HERD, f Dw'il,188. . 154-t Edge worth Female Seminary, GREENSBOROUGH, N. C Mftfrm TlHI next 8aia of this Inatitutloa jMly 1 will comaaoc aa FRIDAY JAN IV CaQiaaa AUY 2d, li7. Tb eonrt of ttutly is designed to eaibrac (very thing seeaaaary t sq bataotlal nd ratniea-Utf- F.dwcntleai. Uiwat proatineBca it given to She ftoll. UrMMctsea. Neither labor-Bar xpnae hat oeeu tpsrtd to secwr Instruotors af tht highest qaaliflcalinai in their vari-a-dapartaaia,. and to aaafca Edge worth ssoaad to aa Daetitutiea ia tha soontry, la very thing aecsssary ta a ooaipleU sdiaeatiaa. . For eircwlar evatsining terms, ooars of Instnastioa, as., apply u . f. - RICHARD PTERLISO, Prlneipat. ,peaaiaar lwtW- -i - ; V 'M ifrtjuynitlt'itWUIiitE it ttrmli(ill hrji -t' l'1 L 'fayetterillo, trC Saturday Janaary 24, 1857, ; v., ,!; Tklt world L) gij iij bir ifm,,. ' Ai'o w Joaratj Y Ytl itilt 'lis n4 to thlDk 'twill bt "1 ! hn w tr gov Boat few jpcKohaoc. mJ Moarn hf M, . 'i ( Bat aooo th traaiient gluaia, , , Lik taadowa of tlx aaaipuw elfad, . . ' Shall lcaa Our parraT toatb.,- . ' rV MM art Ilk tat vara that tut " ' Aloagth anlghty daap, - ' : ' ' I That lift taidr raiU awalla and frawa, ' ' Aaa tfcaw ar kjll'd l dlap ' .'" ' WnltoataITowtwllliig toBi; ?' l ' W y .v-jinU (a fcan sad pr; f - ; : , 1 ' AadaawwvlawtBalrArmiaVatk,'' , j -)!alt don, J lii r .tyW- -4-. Aad - as U. Waraa hall roll, i , '.' Lisa tlioas tut saw goa pat ; r Tha olTaprlag af tha daptha baaaatk, , ' t . , .Slia gjiiUraa of tb)Ut ; , 5 , f Aad arar sbaa ifaall aan arias, , . . l And b lik ihoaa UM a, , , Aad sua ia aiiar'd a ajar aa land, -. Taaa a wara apaa IU saa. ' I HifSCELLAKEOOS. ' I'ATENT SEB.MOX, UY DOW, JR. . . MARRIAGE A DUTY. - Tazr.-Doo't tril aa oa aar'aA got tia, Tbitar taiagiejaiai yowr atlaaHoa, ' Taara'a bm4 ta Vasal raaaoti ar rkyaM, ' la lii wintttaeua yaa aaa SMXiaa; Iu t tell a "abaat atbar aak." ,.. Vaar daly la aaaa rka yea bay 'am Aad yaa will a'?Vrrlih th dlab, ' Calaas yaa'r a waataa t "fry 'eat.' Mr Ueabkro ; I bar do doubt that, afW jou bear my diseoume, you will ask your Bind whether ymir preacher ht UVea unto bimoelf a widvaod aow luxuriating in tba tall olorer of eouaubial bliss, that ba praachwtb thus. Therefore, I saswer befiar tiuia. Her, but I bare got uessura (or ona, and aspect to eonjupata as soon aa my somewhat diverged rays of affection esn ba brought a little wore to a toeaa tbroagh tbe banting Ions of kiva. I deata it tha duty of til to get warned one ia their lilttim, at least It is but yielding obedience to tha wis eommsnds cl Datura. Ererj gander has bia eouse. and tbe biras sll mata st tba proper season. . Whosoe'er . beard of an old gander goin down to tha grata gwinglosa, unices be was f revested from ful&iling bis dtinatia by the arbitrsrr cuUii.t oi arbSciul aoeietyf It At tiod who tails the brute creatiou to oohaiiit aad pmpagsta, without tbe fuas and flummery of a lung and tedious courtship; sod they implicitly obey, erea to the wood house. Tba same God slso tell yua to nisrrj, sad do tha best yoa ran ; to be fruitful; tut you d.w't always do it. Von ; frame some paltry eieuse or other ucb as "I bre some other t-h to frr,". "too luty to think of it now," "I'll tbing of it by snd b j lit.," snd you Irude on through the wide world alone, from tbe meridian of manhood to the sunset of ae, without having f Rotted the object for which you were placed upon earth, aud of no more ae than the fifth wheel! to a coach, a moon in th dij time, a lock without a key, or a sad- i inina 01 U'nojr aiiyLijinf 011a-.- - irrp- pi'tinj I about among tbe rubbish of tba world till you . 1 l. . .l: 1 " L ' have atirrwi up a gm worth possessing in the i sbspe of a wife. Never think of delaying the j matter for you kufw delays, aa well as wild j boars, sre dniccnu; a wood wife u tbe most eouitaut and fuilhful companion you eno pcawibly have by our side while pcrforjiing the journey of life a doa isn't a touch to her. t-'be ia of imre sirvioe, too, thsn you may at fin imagine. MD Jour i"Mn od ' frt tor you mend your trouitfr and perchance your manner sweeten jour momenls, as well as j(,vt tea and coot e -for jou ruUle, perhaps, vour ,hjrt 1401, but not your tompen and i , r 4, inAtflad of mi..g tbe scad of. sorrow ,n your psth, she will sew buUons 00 your shirt, pnrtit nappiness innieau 01, narrow, wcni iu your. oowm. Yts, and if joU reToo eolifoiindcd 8ij or too proud to do such work yourtielf, the will carry swill to hioCT, chop wFood.'dig potatoes for dinmr. for her love for her husband is such that the will do ativiliinia In nleaae him--etecnt rM,v.ivs mm nana-1 in her every -day clotbi. M'hen a woman lovea she Iovmi with a doublc-dintilled devotedness, and when she bstet she ha'tea oh a high pressure principle. ' Her love it ts deep as the ocean, as strong as a hemp halter, immutable aa the rock of ages. 'She won't change it, except in a strong fit of jealousy, and even then it lingers, aa if loth to part, like evening twilight at the windows iif tha west.. (Jet nitrried by any means. All the excuse you can fish up sgsinst "doing the deed," aren't worth a spoonful' of pigeon's milk. Mark this if blessed with health and enjoyment, and you sre not able to support a wife, depend upon it you sre not capable of supporting yourself. Therefore, so much more need of annexation: for ia union, as well as in aq onion, there i strength. Get married, I repeat, man! Conoentrute your affection upon one objoot, aad not distribute them by ; crumbs amongst a host of 8usaas, gsllios. Msrya, Eltiss, llettie, . Peggys, and Dorothys allowing each scarcely cnousih to nibble at Get married and have somebody to cheer you up ag you journey through this "lowly vale of tears" somebody to soar up your dull, melancholy nioiDonts, and keep your whole life, and whatever Koen you poasrss, in sum son 01 nunaay-go lo-meeling-order. ' " Young womsn! T need not tell you to look out for a husband, for I know that you are- fixing contrivance to catch one, and are aa naturally on the watch aa a cat ia for a: mouse. But one word in your ear, if yoa' please. Don.'! bait your book with an artificial fly of beauty; if you do, the ohinoea ara, ten to one tbat you will catch a gudgeon come ailly fool of a fish tbat isn't worth bis weight ta taw dusC Array the' inner lady with tbe beautiful garments of virtu, modesty, true morality, wisdom aud Unsophisti cated lOve, and you will dispose of yourself nuicker, and to much better adraitaira, than if you displayed kit the gewgaws, flipperings, fol-de-dos -in tha universe, - .Remember, it ia an awful thing to live and die a self-manufkotured old maid! - My llearora: Your day upon earth ara but abort at tbe longest, and they should ba passed as righteously aad pleasantly as tha weather and ; 'Hi i:niiij itritj if ffiiia , ii fu UU Tu mat twos will permit, tiet nmrrWd wliila u r yoanp, and Ibea nbea the frost of ss mil fall aad witter ths flowers of youtbrul sffec ...n, Uib leares f eoaaubul tors will still U .reo: snd percksnce, Joroas ottrriar' will wr- rttusd stid crae tk paroaA tre lik i en twining snd adorning tbf liois-rtrsUbed . oak. Si lotl it baf . i ' , , , . .f NOTICK KXTUAOIIDINARY. VL'sdoc tLis coptioo rsrsoa UrowuW, of tba Kaoiill TThijc, aoads out tba Wlowlog 3Isi. i.io t thoo of bia old subscribers who tra ia or For uu JrcrtlineVnd JoVwrlr. ! I ! ft B n I atitannaai I. H .. m- h.sud duHna tbe va aara ! - I- wo bw. aarral th. v ui ill' mi,! a- i.j . ... t , , UurssudacwunlsbymaiLunUlwesresickof psjing po-taga.- We have oua more proposition to make, and hit tha only ooe we ever will make. Wa will Uka tbe bills of tbe Bank of reaaasw. Ar fab, for all these debts, and rweipr arnglv. Aad thi. w. Jo with a perfaot aadereAaadi.g. that wa can o-ly realist L" . ,..,. ,. .... .v.'!.. j f - w " mww, mil vii.aia iroi.av aianavraaanuiaa;, u wa ran Only realise I !... r . I toi ; i some twen7 cenU a. tba dollar, mAftWMtl la. - i'ersoa. wi.bing to wu.ra up with . can io j lB. f "J ' a?? 'm. ' o. If. however, they wish to getoff.t.cAawp.! Z ,. .1. '.ml.iY.i... .... 7 i practical evidei.ee 1 havi tr rate, they eao even withhold these bills, aid I P""?""" ' J . j ..r.n.-ncy we promise'during the coming yesr, to receipt 1' l "J"?? P- tbeu. in full through tbe pnperf fir eier, and file I T'TZ?A , M f ' our ekiui. sirainrt then, i.'tbe Ivk IW, .? tU f, P,bl,0. work,, B',J1 ,n 1Ui 00 let them settle with their God in TITK FTCK ROOM. Tha progress of science has taughi us tbkt air aad elanlinea ara- quits aa necessary to sbata illness aa to maintain health. Frequent change of linen and thorough ablution will mitigate the severity of any feverish attack, and contribute greatly to reouvry. Vinegar ia tepid water, or a littie aaa aVeolugne thrown into it, is most re freshing, besides lessening tbe dsnger of cold. Th same linen should never be worn during a consecutive dsy and night, unless io esses of ex treme illness, when it is dansr-rous to move the ! patient. Krervthmz ia Ue war of linen should Urooughly sired and well warmed, so that oo ebiU any be felt oo coming ia contact with it. Mcdicin should be giveji with the greatest ex act oca ; sad as tba rapacities of spoon are as ! i .. . . rarioui as inoae or people, tnose to be used in measuring physie should be shown to the medical ! man, that ba may decide oa the suitsbiliiy Never five medicine without knAingtt tbe label, tu see if it is right, f knew a fond mother who j bearly sacrificed her favorite ehild by giving him the wrong medicine- in tba dark. It was only 7 the utmost promptitude ia obtaining medical sa- 1 sutanra which saved bis hie. lie ware of dis- lock on tbe lard side has somewhat settled. The ; secure and re-building the hick would be so great, turbing a pitieat from sleep, even to take medi- wickets are worked on an imperfect plan, by ' that I wuuld recommend ita abandonment, and cine, anawaj especially desired to do so. For toy I chains winding around windlasses ben 1 via-' the bulling of. a new dam ; and I make aiy esU vtber reasoa it is most improper. . Do not urge 1 ited the work one of the chains sttached to one mate accordingly, vit ; For building tha daia, kiod or drink when tiatare doe not seein to re-' of the leaves of the head gnte was broken ; rafts j pier-bi ad and lock, f40,000." ,uirc it, sod beware of irribitiug by an appear- .! of tiinler were passing through, but tbe working ! 5. JL'mut' Jjnai aud Lock Tbe origiaal da tnce of ovcrifSciousnesi. How many purses, j of the lock was attcuded with delay. . This ia a , ik-n was to use the mill dam st this place, a&d with tbe kiudcat intentions, cause so much irri- '. trifling difficulty that can be readily remedied, a lock was built io accordance ibercwith. It ia tstion to a patient that they become almost odi- : and is only meutiouvd as a faithful rvconfof the jo much decayed tbat it cannot be brought into aus 1 They stand at the foot of the bed: and " preseot Condition of tbe work." I passed in 1 uae without extensive repairs ; snd tbe mill darn . 1 1 : L : 1 . . il: 1 . .J. pr-iiiajia itiin on ia wuiio uisiu, anu anaae it onea tbe bed and the nerves of the sufferer i They drop the tonpa and poker, or thrtw tbe ', foals on the fire with an energy which is excrn-1 rioting ; they bring Dp a little tea or gruel, and ir is stopped over tua cloth, and the sickly appe- j as well ss at all the other daioa, it will be nereis- ; lite is too much disgusted Io remain. They ea-1 sary to increase the height of the locks, aud also ter into some long atory without tiotiug the weary 1 to raise -the guard walls sdjoiuing tbe locks. eyo, the contracted brow, tba Unmoor which da.i. Fvr re-packing; grarelling, and sheet piling j ootea fatigue, and then they wonder at tbe impa- tbis dam, and for raising the lock and guard wail, ' tience with which they are told not to talk. j and building a pier-bead at the head of the lock, ' Tnr I'lvisiM w hUTni'Tt'uii! t- I there will be reiuired $12,WiO. , . Til. ' , j . , t 1 .i 1 '- 2. J-' FalU, .Sitter A'aa ami 7iW limi j Suppose tlie per)d arrived when the scaffold- j Dimu Qml T!ies daIll, re cu,,struetcd ing struck down and the nibbtsh moved twav; : wi(h , terp9nett (M ,fer the ,d tbe i that is, suppose this ejrth which was 4be stage jrock ttl8 oor.senuci.ee has been a dia- i for iu ereetion now nwrcd.-froui beneatli .t, 'and ! pUcwllenf tba bottom, -.1 ftouVor-bel.w them, ! he-T.lkf?'"TJ .Sfy. f n,aKk:Hcl' -.r to a .icptb of from 4w,rt.ty't thirty foet, leaving way uM.rlght. Uinceive yowaea- nothing the djI4 resting on fba verge of abaauia, into but the building. Lo a .it stands high to new, whk.h ,h re ,-W,,e fci p cngulnhed ; though i ' forthesdratio Waaler taJwailf y.li.n Mllil (a fi ill nl BiVallf ltar tall , nothinp imperfect in tbe execution of each part. Ileiiold, it stands an eterooi nionaincat to lbs glory of Gwj, 0f hia power, and wisdom, sod grace 7 It is all bripht and glorious wherever you take .your view of it radiating in every part with (h beaming of divine glory ! Her light is like Rnto a stone most precious even like a jas per! It i a temple of souls! every stone is a living soul blood-bought spirits 1 Kvery one is a chosen warrior who has fonght.his battle io his day, and has conquered 1 They have come out of great tribulation to be stonos for this building. Affliction gave thetn their polish ; and the ea ment which unites them ii lov.AVF. 11. Mar -fin. . ' , ... - .. - .- During tba Presidential election of 1844, a politician somewhere in New Hampshire wa making a speech, aad objecting very strongly io tbo election-of Ilenty Clay on the ground of his being a duelist. This done be began to glorify his own party, s small in numbers, but destined to achieve groat things. He oo in pared it to Da vid going forth with sling snd stones to the eoiu bat with th gigantio Ooliah. . Piling up the eloquence, he reached tbo climax at last,-and Cried out, : ; . . ' "And then then, follow-citisens what did David dof : Fit a dart, tir" came in shrill tones from ooe of the assembly. -' Tba orator "sliut up" immediately. ; We beard tbe following "good one" the other dsy s An Lishmso, en beholding a newly in vented steam dirt excavator, at work on -a rail road track, pre rent to' the following eoliloqav : ' " Arrah, but yo're an ugly-looking baeta, bad luck to ye, ye may puff and blow, and throw dirt, and ehate Tat out of a job, but faith and ba jaber ye can't drink ckiif and rvi fur old ends r ' : . ' . . . ; the tower, thereof; m.ric ye well her bulwarks ; J k,ntl unia repUoi(1 bv Dew dniS.l ; kttUd stone lock, abutment, sod guard walla, consider her pJaclhat ye may teU it to the Thfl oek, re lnuch decayed, and will require the- cost will be ' M.IM.UOO, or iu round aumbera, pcneration following. W hat is her fouudaUonf estoBvo rapairwn the course of this aod jhe tay, 1.2UO,u00, , My own. opinion is, tlittbe in Ihe rock of sges .1 '.."bo., her inhabitant 7 Iler el)- : Vnidem tenip,8hav been made tervsts involved would justify tbia expenditure, inhabitant is God I Note flaw or a bleumh us to tlie9e iauM b, builuiDS 6lop iu the and Uwit tb. State culd not make a more judi to bo seen ; every stone r in iU proper place, ct,8m, forn)ed b tbe ,er My ovthem cious , j fe iUTt.6t,Utnt. lud all contributttfg to the beauty of the whole ! , uad, and believing that oo expcdL. - The buildinc of the locks, iu tha first instance No want of symmetry m the general ouUine plan . i, ... , K ,, , " ;iM . j t mM in.iui,, , rrmn...t w.,rb h.d h ii niM mil ti ilr. . . K1)UT t)F COlu VWVNM . ON THE CAPK FKA.U AJM) DEKPEIVEIt IWPROVEMXNT. " EAI-ltxiu. Vsnuary 10, 18.'7. 1 7a A Ejvtlhncfi Tkut Jjrayf, Governor fifth State of Aorth I'tinJina bia : Ia rpmplisrea witb tba resolution of tba Igislsturc, and in actordanAa with your wi.bes, I bays viaitcd tba " works oa tba Calia Fi arsad Deep Hirer," and bava now tba bunor in oon rbraiit to tha iiiktructioua snibraoed ia tba reso lutioa cooforring oa m tba konorabls and ra- spouaiLls dutj to report M lbs present eonditioa l?,f .Mi.1 tpnMUUj of oon.pletisg a I . . " " ";J. '7., V a.mr(Jrumjr f'M " ? via f ill infeni-ioo and ...u.i - .r . i . . l " " " J " 1 1 i.ti aaa .'I.... .I I ..... ? tn worwaeosaiai oi urn- btr U i,h ,U"e' .7 !htt4,r"U i f1. eon".u,,,, T ! ble works; "f iau"?. h ' ". dvut upon a eon-, i ?i0,'",,d BB,(?? wii01 o.id.ty tjuund j t Thcr is oo.a d.r. ,u gWrcp.r, f ?" "T "T' ,'. tW1, JT k?IJWB.M ' , Rum" f"fd, which was built by Judire Murphy ; on the tnb plan, and is barked, uut the best J ""I"" rP""w iwpwemeni .mi a..vi.;,i. a..-w im-c .ti. annual rvpuri m the board of public works of Yirginis, pajrea 673 snd 574) that Yensblo's dam, " hss etiated GO years without ever being rebuilt " ritonv Point dam 70 yearn, and Cl'Mnentown dum 10S yiars. I We may consider, therefore, the dams which ctiieny constitute the works on t ape rear and i. lima Hum aad i Ibe dsm is new, Dcop river as permanent works. Tbe locks, ' but tha lock is entirely decayed, guard walls and sbutoients, however, which are j Fur gravelling the dam, rebuilding the lock, !jbunt jjtiitxr gfibg fillud iah atiwia, art raising, the giutd wallsy and building .piat bead, much eipoAed to deeav, snd will not bud more i 81?f0tH). than sii or scvea years. If these were built of j 3. LVjy$ Item nnd Loci Are io (Jowl re stone tbe iiuprovtuieut would be eo,ual in durs-; pair. I would ad vine the raiaing of this data bility and permanency la any work of a smilar aeven feet, so as to submerge Farish'sdsm, whiakt character in the country. . ' , it oo a bud locaiion, very difficult f eatraoca I now proceed to present tbe condition of tbe j both above and below, and with banks that would works on tbe Capo Fear and leep River, com- j be difficult to secure. It is so obviously tba mencing with those oa the Cape Fear and at tba , cheapriat plan, both in first cost and annual ex lower end of the improvement : penses, that assuming its sdoptioo, I shall omit 1. The Cnnt l'rrrk I)iiu anJ Lori. Tbu' i Faried' dam altogether, in the Catimsto. Tba work was completed in November biat; the foun- dam nixed, ss is propoeed, will mske a pood six dution is soft sand stooe, bat the dui is con-. teeB miles in Icnirth. extending to the cu!f dam. structcd. with a lower slone which breaks the fall I ! 1 ... i .i - ,. and carries the witer oS from the bane and t fleet- uallji sccuns it against tbe danger of undcrmin- injr. Owing to a rise in tlie river, which over- took the contractor sa the work was drawing to a elosa, the sheet piling on the back waa omitted for a distance of about 40 feet in length. Tbe dam needs additional cravellioj:, and the msteri- 1 with which the eiibs sre 6li.-d is not of a do - scription to remove all doubts of its durability ; it should be carefully exsniintH, and if found, aa I fear it has, yielded io the action of the wstr, it will be oecestury to renew it. The wall of tbe ' aurauiuiai aaicijr auu cxpeuuiuntiy inrougu bji the other locka from Iackville to Favettei ille, . l f l . I i:.r i i i - , nd from. Fetteville back to Lockville. In order to provide for the paansge of boats in ordinary hij:h water through the lock at this dam, ! ... vfia m. vt t I il.k not.oAiiMitfr tht-m jLifa :.thov timr t bt! dirtied, as 1 tu u rr.rectfuJT adTlae. ta large expnditure, I would recommend that they : oriioally dcaiciied, would have been a necessity bo abaoJoueJ, and that new daws be built in I forced oo tbe cotupauy from the scarcity of good their stead, with i a slope on tbo lower sido; they j building stone, which is found at Lut two pointa will then be as secure as if founded on solid j on the line ot the iuiproveuicut: at Ruck horn and rook ; my estimate, however, as the items will i North iiigtoo ; at the luttcrpiuce there is ooe of show, is based upon the' supposition of their re-. the best and uicot citcn.io'iu;irries 1 have jaeen , pair as they now stand. in ihe" tiitc, wlik h will furniah enough stou fur For re packing and gravelling the dams, for j alt tbo works. Tbe plan of wooden locks, al the repairs of the locks ; illc'eaing their height, though stone locks were not at Crt contemplated, -building pier -heads, and rawiiig the guard walls, i was t.hercforo.a nvceKnityTa'tbe original eoiutruc f2S,400, . A. , i tion of the work ; even with ample means' the 3. Hair RUhje Lhim aad Lim-L-. Should the j cotupauy would have been forced to their adop plan above suggested be adopted, the l.xailitios lion as a meatHtre of economy, indeed as the only, of tb new dame will not admit of a weight aufli- i ueana of guiuiug access to the.iprorit.- liesidea cient to i pood the water to the required depth of i accouuuiHlnting the'lrade for the present aa an five feet on tha lower mitre sill of the lock, at the i auxiliary iu the atone structures they will effect dam. I Would therefore recommend an iutcroie- a great wiving. diata dam between this dam and the one erected The original eiiiuate 'for the improvement of io lieu of Red Rock dam, to be built somewhere ; the Capo Fear and Deep rivers Was 1$5,000 ; in tho vicinity of Averasborough.of suffi?i nt lilV this estiniAto was for a work of the most tetnpo to submerge II w Ridge dam, and pond the wa- i mry cLaractcr, intended at tbe time, as I unucr ter to Green Rock dauf ; which is the next in I stood, mainly to encourage .tbe agricultural pro-, succession. I nevertheless estimate for tbe work j'duclion of the couutry, bordering on the' line ef in present locality, v'ii : .-v.--- 4theiraproyemeot.i It is true it was known that jor gravelline the dam, the renewal of the lock, building pier-head, and raising the wing walla, 514,UUU. 4. Green Kuck Dam and Loik This dam ia founded oa hard, solid rock, capable of resist ing tha wear of the overflow ; snd to avoid repe tition, I would here observe that the same may be said of all the works above" it, with jthevexcep- tio'u ef the Gulf dam : ia order to euard airsinst a breach around the north eu'd, it will be adviaa- ble to extend the dam above seventy feet, and run a guard wall in tbe river bank."- The lock is very much decayed, and will require extensive ! repairs in tba course of tba present year. - For gravelling tba dam, and extending it 70 feet, repairs ef lock, building of pier bead, and j running guard walls, $3,500t . m.a: Tiro nomMK ApTirrr. , Whole Ko. 169. 5. Xarnp Qam Ikimt imd Lark TLia daJtt is in guud order, but bs kxJk ia ttavub Jacsjed anal rttjuirca reoawal. .. . Fur aratelling tba dam, rebuilding tha Wk, and raiaing tbe gosrd walls aa4 pier -bead, 10,-WX)4 0. ShbrpArU Aim aj xri-. Tbia dim ia j also ia gov ..order, aad require nulbing aaara : ihaa gravUinr tba lock ia nuck doeajed, sad j tla aairaaoa tnun lb pond ia danwrons. v , , Fur prarellioir tba tUw, rermhinn tba It ' , raudnt tba guard walla, aad buildings pier-baad, 15,000. 7. Mclltrr't, Fuj'i Uund, Xorthlmjton't DsllU mil Mmkhurm burnt tail Lucki. XnS dauaiar all in axwd order, tba locks ara tairaor , law U a slata of decay; eon., witb alight rcpaiiw , J li.t fr or fiva jrii ; ubeta arill .aaquiiW ib-a t AO H S, t t .. , lira v:praaoTa !. j . . lU, yuttM wnii llasr nv.r. . .. . ?!" ?U tU" ."P1 raising the gnsrd walls building guard Uaks. and constructing pier-besds, WfiJ. S e itouie now to the works an Deep river. 1. TfLnm o.J Urk i f WWOr.-Tb. fm " t1lh, Um,"! T" dor; between tha eusrd and outlet lock there ia a canal about half a mile in length. Tba oaLM , lock is duaicned to have a lift of 231 feet, to ba , ouiit oi ruuuie wiascnrj, iin-o wttn timber; ia n I T' 'V TPl " " rT,"0 i " kTt., T" Tki I ! " b,',ll !ecu, U W,U BecMMr7 te ; i own. woum iwirorneno two ew-stoo. iucj,s aa inw puce, Willi iuc ilia uitiiieu ueaween ; tbeiu. . . . i For gravelling thedum, increasing the height ! of the lock. hck and cuartl walls, eouinletirnr tha J csnal, biiilJinj two loi-k of cut ttone, slop wsll, j snd rip-rap, snd picr-besd, $.'5,fl00. ! i l .i if , i . nenny inrouo uie couuicius. ' For raisio? tbe dum. the locks and cuard walia. and building pior-hcad, MO,000. j 4. Tkt (!! Dam ami Lmk. Tbia ia tba only dam above Red Rock dam which ia not ; based on solid rock ; the foundation in front ' i oricinallv crotactcd bv an apron, which baa bees j waahed away, and tbe bottom is cut-out U-ioar ! the dam by the fulling water to a depth aroaa , ten to twenty feet. The prote-tions st the eode 'sre very inaecure, snd the lock, the whole body ; of wbith r.rojocts into the pond, is In a state of " decay sod collapse. Tbe cant of making tbe dam I : :. . -rri u -- k..:TJ ' uciuji luarcuic, ia im w uvvieaij w uuuus new dam. For building the dum, pier-bead, and repair- ing tbu lock, $25,000. Thcc repairs aud 'renewals may be made dur- ing tr.e present year, proviactbe Contract ara made at an early dny, tbe serfaoa proving favora. ble, sud a futBvicnt farce, can be commanded. The aggra-gate amonota to KS28,900; tw tbia aaaa may be added for the probable amount rorjuircd for deepening this chaunei in the poods, and for tbe removul of bam in' the channel between Cross . Crock dam aud Favtteville, $21,100, makinc iJLjO.OvO. Should th plao be ad.ted which I hiTe MUi.td .buve, and would recommend, that of abemk.oir.jr and re tnildij-.g Jones' Falls, Silver tt, Red Rock and Haw Ridge dame, there should be added to the above, f 1MJ,0W. The su..., tl.en; for completing the Improvement on thebm of wwodes damav-Wka, guard walls . s bituminous coal existea in the valley of iteep river, but it was regarded merely ss an interest ing geological fact, a to outcropping tending to sustain the cosmography of geologials. fo soon er, however, wss it kpowu that an improvement was projected, which would penetrate the ooa fields, than this region became one of great in terest and tbe held of scientific explorations, the result of which was the discovery of a coal finld of surpassing wealth, every square niiie-of which, according to acieolifie obtenratiooa and report. way b- msda to yield a sum equal to th jopcrty vsluauou ol tueotate. - Tbe eoiupsoy adapted their iuprovemeat to this great and unexpected actesaioa of toaaasw. Tbe piss .of sluices throagb-tba fall aad ths adutkn of the ntturaT pcdaahich a tared aad I