V Is ... 3. i Lan prl.s ..- JrJuUtoUipIatHl In til M ;.. a-are ail lad to th work. th lock n- z. J- :l V ir,J 11 thm denlH f "tee iaereased fmia hre to fir Unfjrtunu!y for th com ianrovecjest, nor ori;iiall? contemplated, with . , . i --f t. tusalteient MM", lclin w ue suupwuu vi i- wnmmansnreto or InsJutuato pin a. Tk cost Mem!.; vriginal ntiuiate, is not, therefore, tba raatilt of a emir in the csti ' luita; bol of 0 ItonJd nd onUr,rJ iwprove- aaant, nut-embraced in the estimate. It wu, ' bwrcver. somewhat twotled by the itcra in llio price of UW, in the interim between th asto of the estimate and the commencement of the work. , ' The great nro rf revenue to the improve ' Bent, wi.l be ranportiilru of tr.ebilminwua enal, eiMting, m ab.je stated, in tho valley of Deep river. The analysis of Mveral distiiijruUli. d chemists, proves tint coal to b uperior in the production of g to tht of any coal in the country. Two minee ere opened, only ooe bow- ' over ie in operation. 1 tin inarmed by the agent, that the iron ore excavated in the proecm of esininj?, will eever the cost of riieins the 1 ; ' it fa certainty a rare end nneiiur quality of ore. The coal eon be delivered in Wilmington, in eluding mining, toll, fuijfhUsd ehr-ee, nfford 1 ing s hatideoiu profit to all pirtiw, at fear dul Jar per ton. ' ' I am inrormml w exwnMve op?riiona win be e!iHw'l i .. m tUo parll.ie' intended io the or J &U1 ein be assured of the completion of the Cape I'aar anJ Deep river improvement to FayettcvilW. - I M coafiJvnt that the income uf the tnde alune, independent of other aovrcea of reve nae, will Ue eoScient to cover the annual fi pcnM of the work and iutcrmt on the capital, crv aooo after, if not from the date of 0-t com pletion of the work ; and there w'Jl be, for a loop period, a e-Mitinoally ineroasing demand for 'thr mrml. an well as an inoreasin revenue from other aoareea. J nave the honor to be, . Voor Eieellnncv's very ih't. acrv't WALTER OWVN.V, (!ivil Knginecr. SFKKCU OF Mil. 1'ICKETT, Of Atuom, on the WUmUgto ami VlutrlvUe Jfauruotl. Ma. SptUKM : I do not riae for the purptaw of making any great w lengthy aneech on this oeeaaion. Nor will I trotiUu the Houae with any lonj? array of fire,' f'ti or atatwtica. Those aaattera I have left to. acy friend Ml. Mcarex from Brnnawick, who haj devoted more time to the eubjeet, and who ha more taste and talent in that line than I claim to poeseM. Hut, air, 1 naa nowilliDjr ailently to keep my teat when the fate of n Railroad ntewmre ao directly important - (s this ia, not ooly to my conntitneuts, not only to the people on our Southern border, but to the people of North Carolina aud other Statea be aidea, ia aooa to be decided. Thia work even terminating at Rutberfordt-a ia admitted by all " to be a great. State work ; but paa .:bia bit), ex tend it to the Tenneee line, and it at once be eomea work of national importance, and will ting aa a natural eonsetiuencc the rich produc tion of Eaat Tennasee, Kentucky, and the groat yorth-weat, to the aide of our own then expand eJ commercial marine. We shall then be the earriera in thousand vewwla of our own rich prodoetiona and the production of our aister tatea. Wo shall then be sufficiently able to ftevnieh other with the many and manifold nee ftnrie and lazorie of Irfc. - We ehall then oe fpy the pmitioa toward lierawhich we have so long permitted them to occupy towards na.-r-At every point on this liue it ja nearer to Wil anineton than it is to Charlcton orany other town on' the eeaboard. At Wadosborouh the eUflenoee ia forty aiUe ; at Charlotu it ia fifty ; anal even at MorrutowM, in Kast Teoneaace, it i one hundred mile nearer to Wiluiington than it ia to Charleston. Th diitanee ia our favor, with one oontinuua Ene, with-mt the break of fpuj:e i or bulk, prt J an advantage that will defy ail a petition. The advantages to be (Jen red by ny eooatitneoU are very great, although oar eoart hotwe at Wadeaboro' ia but twenty-five . miles froa Cberaw, Sooth Carolina. We makr euttoa, and bet little else. It costs ns ooe dullar to take a balo from our farms to Cberaw, and from thence it must pay its way to Charleston. Thia seme dollar we pay to the warouer will take ' a bale to the veaael'e aide at Wiluiiiirton, savin? to the county t,f Aason on thia ooe item the soiu of $20,000 annually. On our iron, our stilt, and tba other articles naed amengst ua, the saving will be aa greet or even greater tliao that on cot ton. Uy etiaVkoce of freight we shall save at the kaat eatcuUuoD .VJ,(X0 a year in that coun ty. This sum ia pent on South Carolina io conveying to and from aa the articles we bay and aelr abroad. It ia spent aiineceasarily, ia fact it ia thrown entirely away as it would be saved were: thia road built. Even as to pork which U now ! driven on foot from Te.oneeeee, if the aame were trsniportd by rail road, the saving to my eoauty wonld be annually from fire to six thousand dol lars. Vfp bay MlQ hogs ansuajlr from Tennes see, and saving at leat Won Id be made of one dollar per head by rail road transportation. " ' The construction of this road will serve to build np our villages, eburehes, erllegee snd academias, and at ttie same time develope the past agricultural, mineral and mechanical re aonrcea of the State. Look at Lincoln county, aee what she ia aw, and what may aha not be come if stimulated by the sid of facilities. She "and thseowoues i nronnd her are pre-eminently fitted tor the industrial f rta. Then there are in that eoaoty 20 ioa ektablishments engaged in the saanafaeure of thia metal in all its various forms, 10 cotton facUiny, 3 wool mills, t paper sttilU, and 3 steam titffieriee, and a narober of flouriog mills of bih character; -a steam vngiue and machine factory, aud variety of other me chanieal eaUblUhmenU, all tending to eatabliah j the fact that here is the perm of future greatness if they receive proper otmrtreii)Cut in a proper wav. It aflids the belief that th cotton of my eonn'T will first find lu way . to tba pen i us and I water newer of tba Was, and then return to the ' eabourd to b bipped in a mora valuUe form to j lU various niarketa-of the world. 6ir, on tbr tin of tii is road the people ar uneroua, Iibeml nd intelligent. They ra not aarfs or slaveal Dor ar they fitted tor ao bumble a poiuo. jok at oar eollea, institute and eadwus of tii kiffiuaat order. Yt what poaiiion dp they oees- . .... . ..j.u.it: ' i ! p, j w ttt lawui no "'y.'Tr'" taea who drink mora whisky thn knwW d who wear mora bra, on their bra.- and Uak than bra,- and re-on w tbe,r bend Can liuw much Joucer shall Kip Van W luklaery " a tittl Bor deep and a liui mora alnmber. Th eoautie along the line of thia Uoad and even those above, bar always bean tributary to Month I'aryliaat and she, to bind us as ah hoped in swMtMsl hondaa. has built six roads to our fc.wtb.re ttder, aad ia now working oijrht and aUa in rat thmiuA oar Wet at Hsbn lisp to tak from n what ou.t to ba aud what must It I r ..aai J S .! Mir4a tra4 of at fa ana romwtj ' sUitk IVsoiiaa ia kutod to export anniully elevca pUlas of dollar of prodttoe,: onk CrcJia i . j: i r..li.. nuilita iiiilit'ioiui chance ysny, wry ' "w - -r - . - r inAh plan uf ihuir iiuprvvment, with eorre. , 'ponding climates s th error eotsojituJ ha be .ki ui.n.nl in i.rr nut a rresl and imnortatit JoneeUjply half a tuilfion. How much of ler exports dues aha derive from our Mate can wen be inv iriocd when I assert aa an ondisputublc fact, that Anson eountr alone sends her 20,000 bl of o-rftou annually, worth at least 19(10,000 at pre aent Driccs. f till. air. South Carolina ridicule our citiaena, sneers si oar S tote, aud calU at no worthy of freemen. When bir citiaena go abroad thev aar thev are from Caruiitia, aa much aa to say they never beard of, and knew nothing of Aorta Carolina. 1 bey will not take ZVortit laro- liaa nioncv in that DUtc. We turoma Inem flour to cat and if we so there and eat it our aelvos, the billa of our best baoki will not pa, for the breakfast. I am for culling the tin that binds sa to this arrogant matter. 200,000.North Carolinians desire, yea demand to be released from thia thr ilJoiu, and we call upon the sove reign power of the good Old nrtb Slate to throw the niaolle of her protection around ua, to help ua at least Jo rid ourselves of the tyranny that l ulee our destiny. ' Now we are required to jielj submissively to tho lawi of -North (. nrolins, but all our intereata a)Ki in connection with Charleston, our eyes are bent etsmally there. - Ahhongh for one, and I rpvak for many, I desire to aee a Chinese wall between the rtaUn of ortb and south Carolina, a that when Gabriel plants one foot on land and the other on noa to wake up thesinful living and the mighty dead, we may not be pained to hear south Carolina any, tiabrtel, tlioa art unsound on the slnvery question and refuse to be judged. Mr, Speaker, (he construction of this rowd will very effeetnally build thia wall. We are nearer to Wilmington time Charleston, and amuld gladly have oar ioterexta there .could wo do so, liut we are too feeble of ouraelvee and none but th strong arm of the Sovereign State can bring as relief, tfhe can t refuse It. Uur Woe turn bretn ren and we the whole 200,000 of us rejucst to be annexed to North Carolina, annexed not by tteographieul lines as we now are, but in fact, in interest, 1a spirit, ia body and soul. Aa some parwiuioni.ius deruagngae says no, it will take our dollars. What air. ia it question of dollors ! base soul is so narrow that Ms generous patn data ia limited to the threshold ot the Treasurr That will do for the Jew whine soul uenwrappod in his dollars, and who for :he silver could even sell h'u Savioor. But I trust the true sons of North Carolina will never count the silver that is neceaMrr to deliver 200,000 brethren from their miserable and bitter thralJoui. Sh.ll this bill fuil with sjch claims from so large portion of our people f With what face eaa you ask them to increase their taxes and take upon them el res heavier burdens to support North Carolina interests snt North Carolina works? They are left to the Under mercy of South Uaroliua, and hare their interests identified with hers. In such case may you not expect to bear -the just murmurs of the yon spun when dispensing your bless ings f Can you expect them cheerfully or pati ently, or even at all to co-operate witb you in your s. hemes, or vour plana to elovate or even maintain the character of the State f Sir, paaa this bill and make ua one people, we shall then be a strong and mighty people; bow often and repeatedly have we heard of oir State divisions of hast snd West with bickerings and dissen sions ! Vet here on this bill fjr the first time in the tiViiry of oar legislation do we see tho East and Wed stoiiding side bv side pressing a pro ject for their mutual benefit. I J ere 3 the first u-ssure ever proposed in which the hardy moun taineer is perfectly enlisted in bis "own' behalf, whilst the son of the ocean for his own interest strives with him in sccomplishing their mutual hopes, their common purposes. Sir, is it not s great day for North Carolina, that at last one project haa been devised, which stu's the jarring cry of East and West and brings ns all together. In conclusion I invoke the aid of trust-worthy public aervanU topsa this bill accomplish this work, and henceforth sectional prejudices sod State divisions will be bushed iu silenoe. We shall then be a happy, a united people, vicing with each other in all that a good, honorahli and beneficent THE Si .ME D1NNEK We copy the following, account of the compli mentary dinner to John W. Sytue, rq , lioiu the Fetersburg Express of yesterday : If ever there was sn 'occasion ' fraught, with more pleasure, geniality and interest with more of that thrilling sympathy which excites the sweet and mimical chords of friendship to the acme of all harmony to which human feelings can be 'niado accordant than the ovation to eur worthy and respected friend, John W. Syme, we do eiucerely aver that it could have ooly occurred among the e!aic deities of vore. Over their atubnial cups, still our imagination fails to eonceive a feptival more brilliant, or more in teiuely enjoyed. The totelaty deities of the State were there -the gods whose rule sways, or at leat carries with it, the acquiescence of the mind of party; those who shine, as bright stars in the- political henii.'phere; and those whose radiance ia the light of society and .literature all, were there. And' these were assembled tc do honor, to Syme, and honor worthy indeed to that noble champion of the interests of old 1'etersburg, and . for that 'which he deemed right for ur whole country." ;' . Among the gentlemen of prominence whom we bad the pleasure of greeting, bearing and cheering at tb festival last night, ' were oures tefmed contemporaiies, John It. Thompson, of the Southern Literary Messenger, Ridgeway of the Kicbmotid Whig, and A. li. Cuigon, of the Law Journal. The sum total' of I he Petersburg Juiitoral Uori were present and did honor to themselves, the eompany and the occasion, if we, as an impartial reporter, may be allowed tospeak ourseotimiita. -ThTTaTT wer ''ably manned, and able commanders were stationed to do the honors; Tboa. Wallace, Kq , President, C'apt. Panoill, ss Vice; Sir. A Kevao and lr. J. 11. daiboroe having command of the -opposite extremities of the two heavily laden -and most tastefully and choicely arranged Ubles. Mr. Wallace, noon the removal of the cloth, made s most appropriate address, in allusion to the subject of it compliment; which was elo quently and feelingly replied to by Mr. Kyme. After this, Mr. Judgeway made a speech, tolktw- eo py Jonn iBompsoo, tusq., oma or wnom were wsrmly spplsaded. Among other speakers wre Cbambliss, ofOreensvilie, Mr. Omm", f Richmond, Mr.. J. Alfraal Jones, and tho Kditorial eorpa of retersbarg.". Goou.-W notice that a resolution bat been adopted, by tbe Commons, empowering th i'jirit select committee on in Tape Fear and Loep y.jvr Uompany to send tor person and papers, ,nd examine witoeaKe. apoo oath. Good 1 . Let ,rcbingiBvJstiiioo into tiMsaffair. & . rf demlad ifc tb if aor. msv rest where it tn,ixrls bolomrs. - - . ' i . j ry UMVEKSlTx- OK AOKTII fAROIJXA. We teara ttat at th late neetiag of the Board of Trasteas, held la this City, the follow- lugsppoimmeniai werw niaae; pr Mt. Jobs Kjaiberly, feswiir T Agrfcultural Cbemistrr. Mr. II. II. 8mitb. Professor of Modern Lao- - ' . . pjajes. Mr. Samuel 8. Jackson aad Mr. Peter E. Ppraill, Twtor. Jlal. Standard, . ' From the ysltolna 6 FUOM OCU COHRESrONDENT. , .ltAUiomJan'y 17. Jhf) firat thing rpon the House cnlcndnr to-day was a resolution intniduced by Mr. Reeve to rxpange from tlie record the "Mexicnn Preamiile-" sThi. absurd and tinprecetlented prorHtsiiion o defended by Drrnocrnl who lav some claim to talent and Rood sense. Much wit and bitterness ai displayed. TIm House rem at nod in continuous session until T o'clock, when the resolution pnssed ill ?d find 3J rending.- The discussion went over a large liclJ, po ing back to the political question in 1816 many able speeches were delivered. I wat pnrticularly pleased With those of Messr. Outlaw, Ferehee and Cald el!. The Hour did Bothing else, having watted the whole session upon this foolish piece of business. Yesterday the House wan i-ngiiced Trom half past 1 1 o'clock on the bill Io amend the charier of the Fayetteville aud Coal Fields Road. , Mr. Shepherd left the chair, and in troduced aevcral amendments. , One of which allow the road to increase iu capi tal stock hereafter, but for. the present make ii terminus at the Coal Fields Another givr the Slate" the privilege to come io as toclholder before the term of 10 years. ' ' Mr. Shepherd advor-ntej tlie inter f the rond wi;h much iibilitv. II lind no objection to loih' lliver merit and Railroad being built, but it' one t the other wae to uirer now be thought it should be th River, a Col.Gwynn' Report aid It would Uke IJ20:),000 to fit it up permanently, while the Railroad only asked a tr&nsfernient of bond to the amount of $000,000. lie spoke of the pre I interests which the state had involved m the tfevel opmrntofthe coal mines, and said with truth that the whole financial ytm of the otate bad an interest in the building of thi road and the opening of our rast mineral resource. lit? spoke of the good ctiect it Would hare anon our banks nnd thngener al credit of the Slate. It was my intention to have reported hi remark more fully but I have not time or t pace. Mr. L-otten Kke agjinsl the road in h peculiar way. lie said he slwuld vote for it, but it would not be Gotten" voting for the bill but it would be hi constituents, having received a pe itiou in its favor icD hi by over 800 name. lie said the Demo cratic party wn the original and real in ternal improvement niirty, but that the Wbitr party vs l'u- one which hud run the S ate.in debt. Metu ; Action of thia Lei islature look like it.) ; Mr. rerelee spoke in reply to some m lusions of Mr. Cotten, and took occasion to express bm opinion ujion the Railroiid arid Hirer improvement, lie preferred the lal ter. Mr. Humidirey moved to strike1 out all afar the enacting clause, and insert hi bill to incortMrato the ueautort, fayelte- ille di Coal t lelds Kaiload. Mr, Mean delivered a abort speech io favor of the bill. " Mr. Shepherd occupied the lime until the House took a recess. He drew a compari son between past expenenee la the trans portation of coal upon slack wa'er naviia tion and by railroads, which was much in favor of Hie latter. He was opposed lo Air. Humphrey's " amendment, ; - because las ihouulit it would defeat the bill. The House took a recess until 3 o clock. when the d.cnssion on the bill was resum ed. The vote was taken late in the after- nron, and stood : yea 53, nays 57. So the bill was rejected. I lie toenate, yesteruav, was engaged al most o!ely on the Revenue bill, which they finished lute in the sAernoon. A largr number of amendment! were made to it. In the btfiiate, to-day, tbe bill to incor porate the Yadkin Manufacturing Compa ny, and a resolution in favor of Alexander Johnson; of Cumberland, passed their 2J and 3d readings. Tlie Senate then went into committee of the whole, on the b II to amend the charter of the W. N. C. Railroad. Mr.. Avery ad dressed the Senate iiima it merits. In the afternoon, a discussion sprang up upon what constitutes a private bill, which continued for a short time. The Senate soon adjourn ed, holding but a short session. From the Standard w copy tii It luwioj report of tk Finance Committc apoa rrportiuj thr sew KrTf au Bill. We would lay it before oar reader only for It krafttk :- . . , . A .BILL T mmemj tkt 99M Ckayier if lit United Codt, tntitUi iUctnut. w.. . aaroar. The aomailtte ef Finance have had ander eoaaide. ration tbe Tarioaa subjects ia relation to tk pablic rtTtMt, and likewia tbe laUrnal improvemeat policy sf the State, so fat as tbe sao relate to, and ia con nected with, tb pabli trcaaary. U To a fall nadrUading ot tkw toaaieal aoBditioa.cf th 8ute, th cemmlttee ksv tboaght it mast sdviaa- WeJ0Bregt..Wjrits of tba paHa 4bt, with tb aaaonat sseesaary to aet lb aceruieg inUrut Uwron for th axt t yaars. - ' - T tkat and we lay before yoa thai. pnrOM at tb treaaartr'a report bearing apen tk subjject, Witk Sack r marks sad aBrntioBi s wem appropriate t th iaipdrtaao of U qoettioas ander eoaaidanliofc I N Tbaatetedabt, as show i - by tb report referred to, ia UUd disbursement for tb year 1 107, Ellin. ted diebarrewente for 186, $5,2!M121S.40 77,002,!3 .f928,006.M EsUmated recetpw for '67, )287,676.4& Eatinotoi reseiuta for '68, 0Z,1(.M -$790,08879 68,237.47 74,C79.M SbowiB. a dtScit for 1857 of : , , " IMS of total daftcU Cor th avil tw rni $U7 ,017.0 Tb eommitte cannot well aatieipat tb kappcav &f of any vet that will materially street th sbevs atimita ; but in order to provid tk dxtcU wklck wiH kappea fca 1M7 aad 168, aa shewn by tk ntk mala aforesaid ; aad likewise t provid for sack other demand aa Buy fca mad npo tk treasury, and aara barmleW tb fallk aad eradit of tbe Sft, do sot besitai to reeovatead aa htcreasa ef tb publi tana. Tb qaaatloa axeeasarily praaeat Itaelf, sa to tk beat aud af cqaaHilof tk Bordn sf gvraaMntf a aa t br fairly aad Jasily spoa all its cltiuaa. t Tk eommitt ar tuftj, apprtaad that tber 1 a grtU dlrsrslty of optnioa apoa this aoh, sad kavs ndsarortd, a far aa praetieaht, t rnl tb dlvar pialon la tb bill propuaed. Ia tb wtiatates pttpod, it U bUv4 tk4 is- sres sf revsnae wUl b raalUad ef sa annaWt thoaaaad dollars, which addition) ana) would place Ik treasury ia saay s'reaaMlansss, and Bleat prompt- If any abllgatlsa likalj U fall pa tba traasury witb in the atxl tea years. , Wlia (bis parpos la vlaw w propeee ts ioervaaa ah land and noil tax twaa;-r fr asst., snd all the sthar snbjtels sf tauUua now satbraesd ia tLs revcaaa law a like laarsase of twsnty-lvs par stnt ad apward. Vs ars net aaata4rul of the hot that there ia aoaae aaeartaliity ia eaj kails at aaletiUUon tkatsaa be aiada, wk4 rsstlag npa aaolia(saslaa tkat aaanot k forsasea, but th asUssata, of tkat aharaeter are saaJl ia amount. : Tk UJ and palls ara the ooty eariala tad reliable aearas ef raiaiog ravsaa Mriktas, it weald be sianlff atly anjoit to rely entirely upon tkat aonrea WsaJtb, la every varltty of form, akaald awds to kaar its imtle ia the sneral sharp snd axpeaditure sf foraraaient. . Ths bid which aeoonfaalts tkla rvpart fropaats U rajas the ta aa Uad from twelve ta tfteea seats a tba kandred dollars valas likewise to increase th all tax tnm forty to Ifty csnts ; these ts sabjessa aloM will raise aa addittoaal saw ef flftjr-aet tlion- aaod Iva haadrad aad Mtanly-algbt dollars. A further lacrease en money at later, dividmde and prttU ot four etuis', iaataad ef tbr, aa new pro vide!, weald raU sen ssvaaUaa Iboosaad dollars, aad It la bllv4 tkat if proper ali4aot ald be ehtainad f dtvidVads snd prolta a very eaaatderabl additionat aaMunt would b ebtalaad ia tkat way. Im4 a farthtr raereaae M capita! ia eureka adi a ta on V third f per rat. Instead f sns fcartk sf aae a i j"-r MM. vaxtM rata i aud a IlkaTaUa af lasraaa oa all thr avhjeeta af tasatioa wovld uwraas Ike revena eajaal U, If Bi oaaldarably vr, an haadrad tkaasd dollar. It wUl b preld that ia tk abwra astlasats a meattoa ia aaad af dlvideads arialng from wrks of iotaraal Improvrawal, whll it I kolioTtd aar publU work ar in a healthy aad sovad eeadiUon, anal mass, in a akert Urn, b in a tltaatioa ta daUr oawidtw hi diet. lewd. 8 til, noa their vary nature, tky ar uljwt to sa assay aaaaaltiaa, aad their divideode a flacUatlng it woald k maek aafrr ta transfer their ineosa ta a slaking foad, to meet tb prineipal of tb pabli debt aa U foil da. Tb treasury weald tbea rely apoa tk Uad and poll ass. aaraey at Interest, dividead and profit, BMrrkaat'a tax, k., aa a save, toady and reliable food t aaeet tka 8tat'l 1'iabiIiUea. Th book and vowekera la tka eosipt roller's lu are la ara ot axaauuatioa, and a ill he reported aa aa aeon aa (numtd. Tk committee take pleamr ia aayief , tkat tb da. tie in tk (Bo of tk pabli traaaary, wklck af late kav become very laborious sad reepoo stole, hare been dieehargtd by Mr. Conrta ia a manner that eatitl kirn to mack credit for tb eomaaemlabl leal display d ia prewerrinf tb faith aad rdit of th State. ' If tk bill reported by tk con Mitt b adopted there eaa aeareely b a raaonabl doabt of realising therefrom at Mat t a half million of dollars as a per- ataacat soars ef revese ; a ram amplv safSeieot to it all demands likely t fat apoa th tresaary, aad teav a large amoant byway af dirldeada from oar pahlie workr, to b applied aa the wisdom of the' Leg ! i i . j... t. i ui. i u rv mnj urii mi . AU which la respectfully submitted,' GEO. D. 150 Y D; CWw DEBATE ON MEXICAN PREAMBLE RESOL17 TIOS. Tk hut.BUadard oa talus a notie af tk debate epn Mr. reeelntio to xpaag tnm th re cord tliat famoa Uexieaa Preamble. It was Car In tention to save pablUatd thia whole debet aaj com mealed a it, bat oar pae weald sot allow It, asd wa kav I defer it antU oar next. Tb Stiadard'a remark ar aut a foir rpmnatioa of tka. Mr FereTwa, iaitaad of eomlag of seeond beat, got mack the b-'.ter of kis opponeota 'apon every point vhi wa dincaaaed. lie further ekalleaged aay member en tlx oppoalt aide of. tb Hone to meat bin aad Io fairly aod openly Jireaaa th meriU ef th question 5o on aeerpteti this challenge f Doa thia hwk like he wa (raaquLihed ? Throagbont tba whet diaeas i, tb minority, though small ia aeatbers, proved itself ttronc ia mind. W kava wilaaaaed saaav a diseuMion, aad we kav yet to ar en is wkiek a mar signal vitfciry waa obtained than that ia which tba American of th Legislature triuapbad a Thurs day. Tb diseaaeiua wa a trlamph af miad aw Iter, tk vol a triompk of matter aver mind. Ths Standard attempts to ridirala air. Uaaa forts error f bis. With Try fair dealing man tkla mi rpralatioa will b of a aeail. W need ealy say that il wa aa accident oa Mr. Uaaa pail, which he did cot notio anul the roll was being called, to cf rect tb error. II afterward ratradncad a reeola tioa apen which tb fatlemu from EJgecomb com- rated. ;J Did lima parmit, w shoeld lik to point eat Ik ridiealoa kambaat wbieb prevail throagbont the ar ticle, bat w will etoeCwilh one idea, which seggeats lUelf to ear miad. Tka eipcnx of the loiute f Cemmons, per day, is at leant $fr0. Jojt caaetiy tkat aaoaat has ben thrown awaj by the iutrodue tiua of th resolution. Ample opnertouitua wen af forded to th Democrat to atop-th debate and pro ceed to tbe baaine of tk day by btyiag n tb tabl r indefinitely postponing,' but tbey refased tu do it Tb dio.ion continued, and State baaiaaa wa a- glectrd. Th rcaolotioa paseed, snd what does it amount to ? A mers sothing, aa abstraetioa for which th people generally ear not whit. Thisssooey wa ipeaded aad tb evasion prolonged probably several days, and for what? To gratify th whim af a Demo crat r tb vanity of th Jtemotratie party. . Th Democratic party were almost aaaaiatu araa tba qaeetion, whether thia is to ba attributed to Uelr having aaaad apoa it, r that they ackaowbwlga i t, Bcveaa tk Drmoerati Ueder in tb Hob, We aw not, bat kappvs th latter, aa they stonily da-. ay tk former.- Malagk Mtgifr. Ikteexal IvrsovEME.tTa hj reference to tbe proceedtnj ef tbe House of Commons, it will be seen that several railroad and other In- toraal linproveuient bill have been before that body, l be amended charter ol the ilming toa and Hutberfurd road passed by tbe catting rote ot toe Bpeaker, snd tbe V esters railroad was ruieeted by a lari majority. The bill to charter tbe Trent Kiver and Tuckaho Naviga tioa Company wa m rcieeted by a bree ma- iunty. 1 be people ol tbw Mate were told las summer tbat Uie uemocrauo party waa tbe great Internal Improvement party.-: woe this action kiok a if it jvss aof Tb Fayetteville and Coal Field road ia (till pending before, in. Iloooe. nd will probal meet with iu fate to-day. We opine tbat tbe judicioa system," so mncfa talk- about lot suoiruer, mean a just bol system at all. ' .i -v:--. Sine tb above wa written, the Fsyatteville and Coal Field road baa been rejected by yeas 63, .says 57. Raltiyk Rtyutrr. - , Pkkosal. KEriECTiQKS. Sferne hold' tbat there is no such thing as at impartial representation. ' A looking gla., he y, one niiirht be apt to imagine, is an excep- rtion to thi rule; and jet we never aee our faces justly in .one. It give us nothing, after alt, put the translations of them. A mirror, jn point of fact, reverses our fra tures, and presents our left band for our Tight. This is adduced byr our author a a fit emblem of all personal reflections. There is much; true philosophy in the ill us. .. . 6LTIIEME C0LHT. , , The followivir opinion have bfn tie livered la the Supreme Court; f ; Ilv rAko, J. Isj Freeman Brirger, frotn Uertie, awarding a aeair d moea. Also, jn Faikuer v. fcitieator, ia equity from Anson, sflirmiiig the order. - ' - Also, in Fairly w. Trie!, in equity from Richmond, overruling the demurrer. AIo, in bhaw y. Moore from Currituck, affirm ing the judgment, uy Battle, J. In Brown in equity from New Hanover, declaring that the slave belong to testator next of kin. Also, in Doe ex deui, Freeman v. llerrin, from S.'anly, alBrminjX Uie judgement. Also, in Underwood ,y. McLaurin from Cumber land, affirming the judgement. Als in State v. McDonald, from llladi-p, declaring that there i no error. Dy Nash, C. J. In Stevenson Vr Bim mons. from Beaufort, adirming the judg ment. Also, in Brown v. Hodge, from Beaufort, in equity, declaring there i error, io the order pealed from. Alms in the State v. Rachael fiom Cumberland, dirrect ing a venire de novo. By Pbabsom, J. Io Mann v. Taylor, from Stanly, directing a venire de ntjv'a Also, In Codeld r. McLean, from Cumber land, affnnjing the judgment, Also, in Miller v. Cherry, io Equity, from Bertie. By Battul, J. In Stale), v. Bond, from Chowan, decjariog that tttere i no error. Also, in Stale V. Burk, from Chowaii, dec I ring there is no error. Also, in Cousin r. VVgJI, io fJqaitv, from Beaufort AUo, in Peterson r.'Mathia, in Fruity, from Sampson, declaring that there is do error in the order appealed from. ; ' Crrr Election. At the municipal elec tion, held here on Monday last. Wm. Dallas Haywood was re-elected Mayor, and all the members of the old Board, witb one ex ception, were re-elected. Hal, Standard. Pbesident Pisart Gotwu to Visit thi SotJTsj. The Richmond Enquirer states that it is probable that President Pierce will, al the close of hi administration, make a tour of the Southern States ' From tb Ubservwr. . W kav bad fossa arioslty t co wiper tk lata ftrpart an tb Cap Fear and Deep River Improve ment, aaad by Cut Gwyaa, witk tkat eaede y Cat. Taoiapnoa in 1S48, aad w glv u reeall af ar ax- aiainalioa, leaiiag It witk lb frWade af tbat Work ta reconcile ike aoiaictlng sUUsaeal w Bad. . CdThompson in hi report says, " After a oareful laretirUua ef aJ tk expeaae neceieary to aoaoat pliah this work apoa Mr ftmn rtifwil, Uu ilimt ft mtotk ar presented ia a separata aheet, I gad It amoant I (iaeladiag ten pet cent, for ntiBgnelee) 1185,000." Ia U preoedUs part of th report, Col. Taoppaoa had glvea tk pin af im ; r. return! eoa tamplated, Iht aaaaW mf tkt Jemt, their kagtfc, kaigkt aad loeataaaWAs numb ikt far neoeeeary, their capacity aad lift. Aad remarked, tkt' W Mr of thi iarprevtaieirt hi admtrahly adapted to tk river." Tk number ef tk rack and dam foaad ky Cat. Gwyna ia ki reeent exploratioa, doe sat materially differ from th aaaiber anggeeied by Tbrmpaon la 1848. Thompson eadmated for ttyktet leek aad tmmly daaea Gwyaa ascertained mere were aou'em dams and twtnif-tw locks soft oa Uie two river. Nor haa tk (harweVr f tba loeka sad dam bees amtef riajly ohaaged a eUled by Cut. Gwyaa j for tk pUm of tkem, a originally atawmpMlad, aw tUtrrJ, aalil long after th esptitar of Baar Una donki th (am Brat Uauled ts b their east, a. W ar tliendW at a loss to aadcnUad Col. Gwyaa wkeak s,ya tlial '' the Company adaptod tbeir improwmeat to thia groat aad seawleof ttttma af Irmngt, " Tk plaa of alai Ibreagb lb folia aad tb adaptation af th aataral ponds, rairt rarer? frvy m tit tit aaf eVnoa, trew tbtnJtnrJ. Kiss nans d tecs sot toKlrmpitleJ ia littimtltt, wssa aanaa to tb works, lit btkt tnlt'fri, ami tka depth ef water larreaaod from thr to lr font.". Wj wUk tka Colonel kad mentioaed, a a ftiiKut rtftti of tk present condi tion ef tbe work," wker aay change were aaad by tb Company for adapting Ibeir imprerrmeat Io say mmnpttud emtio f Immv, not Outrmplated by Thompma ia 1848, aad had naaed lb wae ara- Jutu tad fovea, aad their loeatioa. CVsa Vrtri feck ad afaaa, w know, waa a new work nut originally design ed, for w well rmmbr, that ia bis celebrated re port Tkcmpson naid, " from th tuck In this laat dam at Jones' Falls, Ikt htmlt nil fotl into a in aarira- tioa fo Faycttevill, IS mile j'-' but alaa I w bate seen that thia txpectation of Col. Thompson was eot realised, aom In r Itrtln ft foil ia lb tram be tween Jones's and th month of Cm Crack, later pewtd a barrier which aoold only b overcome by tb raetien of an additional lock rJ dam at thia latter point aa efoas aad fork f caarr which ct, Stated by th Trassarer f the Compnay in hi report eommaoicated t tk present legislator, $W,174 70. (8m staasment-C.)-- .,.,. . Sat tb "BBeipeeted aeeeasioa of toaag," sb rl wa it to om frem? Col. Tkempean, in ki report, referred to "the k ighly prodactiv Uad of th Cap Fear aad Deep Hirers throogboat Ikt wkoU trtml f Ibi proposed iaprvmnt," asd eipreiily said, "liar mrfUtt avvoacrirm roulA it dijftuhttntmtift.'! He referred also to Ik bitaminoa eoal drpoait wkiik ezteaii en both side ef Dorp Kiver, aad locate on et eoal boeia. Jt. mentioned toe, tba lading of Hrmttiu irea ere, of ttaf atoxaaii kfocA IrtJ, aod aa if these tooMMag devclopmeau war aotsaffUwat to areas th friends f thia improve went, tu Cotanel refer, them to the valley af the Vadkia, "rich in every variety 'of agricaltaral wealth,'1 which at a trifling coat, might be "fowarsrs' upon Drrp Bhtr," and go to swell the tonnsge, snd add to tb ralo of that laiprovmBt. Th (aeetioa may be aakad, did CL Gwyaa know of all thia? Now the Cetoa! eaa better answer for kimlf. Anneied to Col. Tkoaip. eon's report In 8t8 ee Ugialstiv docameaU, a tb ltitb pg of Uoaa f Commoa docamest' K. 17 i th followiiig significant eadonement of that report oy yal Qwyaai "I bar earefally examiBcd tba note aud ealanlation apoa wblek tb above eatimatia ef lb cost of th Improvement ofth Cap Fear aad Deep Hirer Wtf Wads, and hare ao doubt that It it full aad ample, witb good BUUMrsmeat; nader th irectioa of a competent engineer, far tit trtovtviuk. wtf'l if lit objrtlt ttmttmplaltd, tiul J wily eimtmr r alt tht rim tnd dtiictyoat canlamtd m tit alvtt tt- part," '. ... W kav show that tb aaoiher of locks sad' danu is about th earns waa originally Bggted by Col, Thompson. We kav shown that Tbompsoa, la ki report, contemplated Ui traiuporUlion all tit afiitaltural wealth of lb apper Cape Fear aad Us tribntari, and area of th l'adkl i beyond them. aad af tb oal, iroa, soap Hon aad black Wad ea Deep River, Aad wa now desire to kaow ef Col, Gwyaa where tlii "great and aoetpectod orm a toanag," to accommodate which, tba plea af laic tkroagh tb folia, aad tka areettoa of Ma nam damt and bet i mot taairmpiahd ia tb estimate of Tbompwa, ia to eoma from? Tkaarigiaal aetimaU at Cat. Thmpoa, foe cam. ptcrlng th rarn-i tat an th Cap Fr and Peep suvare, was siaaca a low agar, to wit IIM.OOO, tt ry.ia ardcr to iaapir soasdeae ia th lfUktajw at IB48, tbat soma glaMr, bettor kawwa ti k, sioul.1 aisnr iWWy tUt tUpltn! stimatm f Taeamaoa war right, and tb view sad deduction Mntohsad k ki report were reliable.-!-Ileac tb aadorermeat aaad by kit old filrad, Cel. Gwyna. Thampoua, ht aeeeaa, sroat (V latradactory remark la kU lapert, mat iaaaprd if Ottfaa la mat ' tka MO-vry. It Woald bar bee aaiimd aot to kaTr doraad aay sUteeaeat Thoaapaoa waa 14 bar asad ta lb lrmle. A great atan U NurU Carolina ae aid, " Il la to eommoa for arkltcta aad wVerrl act apoa Ik principle tbat tb people bat aot la ba tofnrmed al jinl at all th a moan af txpeese, sad all tba dtfficnlu of a pablla aadartaking, test thry be aVterrad ky aa apprakraaion tkat tbey ara msr moaaUble. Sack men toll a tkat It la best, If peasi bla, to eihiblt aalcalarlcn someabal lees ka tb re eall than may b rejolit, tkatth people, being nc indaaad to KmaitN aad aoatinna till tb Wrk I tw-tkird ar tkree-foartb advanced towardi It a amplihmt, they may t nader tb sacswrity ef aappiyiagtb rest, that wkat kaa ba already ex pended may aal b wkolly lost;" aad ka added, " Ibi differ llitls, if anyulag, frem abaolate kaarery." B' woald awl apply sack karak Uagaag t eiiker at th Colonels bat it don srna, that blam ikonld real apoa as aa for Ike aystom adopted, hs making Its vary low ttliatalt, to Indue th Btsto ta go lot Ike arkeat, aad now calling for estraordlaary approprla liua la earry a Ike work, aad tk bill ma tioa saggt ' d la tbe lata report at tk Frwldent af IhsCampaay, . that aal tki sid ia gtvea, a hat h keen already expeaded s sy bs wholly lost to tk Slat. -i Col. Thorn proa, at Ike time at kis re part, waa aw aaern Hfaau M a engineer La tba aid Btato, sad wa keaard tfc piawm, that if it had M beea for ka Vry full had ip'iMt'tnau.'.l..VrTJ k'bJ " natta ami aaltalaii, by Cat Gwyaa, U wkm tk Stat aad oiiSdeec, Bot a dollar would kav bean g'vea towards sack a alnplaa project. Bat Cot. Owyan mys that Iks work sadmatod for In 1848, ky Cot. Tkompattn, was to k ana af k "awat lanaawnary tkiraelar, anrraaW mt lit tiav, mainly f ea. aaawafa tkt afritallarai pradarttaa af tkt aaamtrf aae. farm tkt liaa af M-voermmt." ladeed t aoald &4caal Oy waa s nadevitaad Uf nad ka aal read Cot. Tbampaoa't report, end Bot ad kis remark abaat "tki t karat Ur af hmpnvrmmt ma kamf admaraaia adapitd t tkaa river T' Didkaataatamsaar in wbiab k prpd I aaah kis "r yewlr fori," and tka plan fki "n abaw." Aad did it ap ki faMrtia, what waa Bald a boat tk aWawwaie -Umpia at atahag made aom twenty 4v r thirty year eg, apoa Ism varyrivsM ttirimamiaf same af wkieh anM to kk viw, aa k pasasd thraagk tka "aUtamal" around itockhen shoal ? V k did Bs read tt, tot m ommad It to him. yAadkmn a paraaikati 11 are say, hat Ike Meaxkal langaag ns4 by Tbompata towcnl tho ld Berks aad Ihair pro- jeetoru that 0taa wraklt ffrmAi'l: mads Ja former yehrs, ''tb detail at whloh wen a tttktd.f tarritd aat at ta rtadtr warm lita uttlta all tit anmap uptadtd," it., might witk mack fore b applied lev X) . the praeeot wrk.) Bat, Mriaaaly, wher dl4 C4. Owyna gat tk aolioa, thai tb work wa t k f a Wmporary ckaraetor, and aniy mtomM to aaeaarsg tka n.rUaUural pradaotiew. A., kordatiag an tka ttaT Carlaialy net freea Thompsaa for k say, If tba friends at tba work baild It, tt is "aa plaiatb aaa at aooa -day, tkat they saa emp with tk Ms rylad oal," W wre to ttptft fmttamallp, work atmpltod snd mtlmaled for by kim, Were I b aoM thing mrs than trmparnry aad ealy Intended I rataaragt tit tfTKutlaral prwlactisa ef tb - try along tk liaa af imprvvraent, 1st If lb) Wa aa, kow i il thai a " as temporary work,' ana a rerjr Umpardrf a to decay before Iu omphrtioa, woald Iter tatawraaa tb agrieaitnriato alaag tk liaT ParkapaCal. 0 wyBa eaa SipUia. ' ' Col. Gwyna save tbat "ibepla of womtoalorka, sl i gh n lock wer wat ai Br eolaa,Utd," w a aeaeaeity b lb viglai eoaatrwetWa, af tka wort, to awl aeoew I tka gad bnildinf atoaa to b found aly at liaekhora aad KortblngW. '.- tt mai fraaa this, tbat tk gtato waa to b wlsemOsd tola a aaWription for a teparary'w.-k, which waa aaly I bsaaadaaaa aaiQiary to raack th qaarrtM to ard r Uut she might he foroed aTUrwerds to saaaaak- r fat job for svm Cagiaecr to leeoMtrwcl th wrk with aton m aow recommended. But Col. Gwyaa wye la hi "fnJihfal recard," la aabataoce, tkat tb wbol week is net af mack vain. tkat Uj lucka ar generally rt ttcn and the dams are tottering ' ea th verge af charms," A., aad advise a graeral abandonment aad tbe rebuilding af the lock, abutments, Bad guard walls, at atnae this, k aay, eaa b aacampliskmi for f 1 ,200,000. Thar la an ld f d,le of th P and the flic, which il wld b wU to raaermber. A hungry swarm kaa been fvaetiag ea this ssost temporary work for about elgbi year, and t may be If tbey ar driven off a more hungry set amy take their place, and la lb aext sighteara drsw every dollar out of lb tmwary af lb Slate, sad effect r more for th afrlratlmritt aloag lb lift than kaa al ready bewa done. . - . ' From tb Obarvr. CURIOSITJE8. , , , Mtitrt: Kditort : nSome tinte ago, Mr. IL T. Steele of Montgomery, N. found on his premises, on Chrek s Creek, some petrified bones aptwafeiuly f some huge animal." . ;. -'t Bv the reouest of Mr-Steele,- Mrr C. J. Cochran and myself accompanied him lo the placw of discovery yeslerdav, and after digging into the lund-ttont a little, to eur . surprise, we found a great quantity of bones. of all sorts and sixes, which seemed to have been deposited by some mighty sweep of me iajhs. aiiey were nil closely bedded in Ik red wnd-ttan. We cut out about 00 poutaJ of bone. One which mea suird abtrnt 10 'Indiei in lengfJi, and of " huge size. I- Samples of the bones can b een at Tekin or at Troy. , It is supposed by those competent to judge that there is an immense quanlity of coal imbedded in tho valley of Cheek Creek, and -a meeting i to be held in Pekin on Saturday the 17th inst for the'purpose of foiming a company . to commence operutions. II. Jan'y 2d, 1656. i . a , .-: V DEacBirrtoN or a Coc.VTEri!iT. Tba .. counterfeit six dollar bills on tho FanrHv'a Bank of North Carolina, referred in our last, an much lighter in appearance than the genuine, and the face in the left hand low er corner ia very defective, Tbe Isrge let- -ters S I X across the bottom of the bifi over - '' officers' signstures are dark and distinct in the genuine, but very pale and obscure la' - i. the counterfeit. , Ore of the two 'story bouses, near the centre of the bill, under the tip end of the ragle's wing, is plain in the genuine, and each one of tbe two story houses ha a cupola on it, while in the counterfeit the cupolas are scarcely visible, . and the windows of th front, building are imperfect. K t Many other minor defect wilLfppear tip- on oompannkT with m aenuine. bot tho above, especially the face in tho left hand lower corner wil) strike the most casual ob server, fait jut 4 Flaf, .- SriTE. Formerlv women were dto. hibited from marryingrtilt they had span etofbed furniture, and hence yerr an. titled spinsters ontil married.! iN'ow d)B they spin street yarn. . ; .. ., j- .

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