Tl7' '.Ji'.i-ij.i. i ijm. i FATETTEV ILtK. IlTriBlT. ....... -JIXTIIT, II. 1817, wlHwtkt w Mm mre. ul IW. hwiaMMt . M -J .... " " ' meev Ml tilkflauwaa inm apee earth.' We Jet Mnrfra to m aarlf Bat 4m Ml awry Mm Sag sad , e Mr U Ue aale at the UaUa." " ' C. C. MTraaaa, M ,U the othorl4 tgeatfor tt Argm, m4 will attend te the seiileatat sab erlptl.a ae4 advertltiat Mimb, ' ap V weaat Itaitmtry, by way f spology, fur .weat at UU aewe aad variety of Mailer la thi baaa, W UW that fb editor I abaaut st Bibaon4 ; CaxwtyCvart Besl'lat wt wi witbeutoar exchaag ia f awrtU lei (Friday) laomlof. : . .. M.Th Itteat alaJlireaee a bar frees tba U- ,' . fjtalatar they vara aleeely agg4 apoe laaaaara ' af great ntaraat d lapwiane la th 8UU at Urge -eltigh rldlag aal aaow-balluig. , BSLTas Malt. Wt btrtaotiwlvtd a aorlherB aw saalber Bull aiaaa Beaday last. Tbia stale al , elra we aappaaa la ewtug lo lha saow aad lea, and aaleaa the weather ehti.ree, a a III iat gel Iba Mailt a tan btfor Best Uy er Jutit. " 1 ' v frida autralof. W hse re4 tba RaUlgb aparaal Wedaeadav, baai'laa a MaWr ef ether that j whaald bar baaa barf tba Iral part ef Iba waefc. ' fil fliliin.-Ca Baudayleit w were tititcd .V'.V;w atom. IteoaaaeeedaaowiagSa wrdai alibi. aaJ exailsaed autll UU Butday algl.t tba wind bio lag rapidly all tba tla. It haa bar eatrvaeiy U1 aaar at. With tbeeueptioR af apart mi Wa law tor, abas tlx anew thawed brikly for a , been, bat at alibi aaU wind eaaoapanled with a Hgbt UU af aaa aUpal A 'V "'"P aaraaaa. Tba tbaraoaMtar bu bera ranglat rroa 1 aacraaa baUr U Urn alxna ro. Tbut U t aolj ' aatbr aa baa aaar bara ilamiad bar. kjrtlj.t mn I aataa iadiMaal "tba aloVai InbaUiaal."- lKHMm-lailaf tba aaU tana by vbieb at baaa baaa UtoL akaUac, aUl(b-riJi, aaa ra balttag bar aaaapta4 tba laiaara tiair af Umm food af aacfc apart. Tba alrlfba, bUb bara baaa alta aaamwM aariag tba waab, aaa af a aartata af aatlaraa wmf taaa. aa4 fraai tbat aawa. Tba taaaM wara aat av araanllaarT far apaad ar aaparUoa. Tba aaa tbat al- traeua tba aMaaliaa af taaa Aawrioa arpaaUUy, aa a kra nman af tba aoaiaa apaeiaa, abicb cablblM ary Hula la tba ajr T bat aaa ra. aaarbaVIa for baUoa, witb ' balla riugiag aU tba Til Aatoa Wa bara raariraa tba Jaaaary ' aaibar af lbl parlical. JViaa Oaa Dollar, aJJraaa Tbaa. 1. Umj, lUUicb I. C , Wa Irara fraat ! atUt . aba raratarrilla aa4 Cmi FUU Ballra4 IMauaiai aa aWtarOaf hat, aaadlaf ablab tba aaaa aa)uaraa4. Tb aMtla aaa arala lakra ap a Taaaaar. bat tba Baaaa aaaraa4 babra avata Tba raport af Cal. Oayaa, aa Iba Capa fair aaa Dara rirar laimcawatr, aid La foaaa la Ui'J l aaaar. It will ba ara t)at ba attiautc tba aoat af aaaiplctiBf Iba aarka aa tbtlr prawat pUa. at M. Ta baiU tbr rV (abirh b raaaataaa! aa tba battar plai.) f ta xi tra, aaM raa!ra aa afar af II.A"1; ta apprapriaU KjOJ0 to aMplU tba aorki apaa tbair anaral plaa, aaal4 . laaar aplalaa,br tua t fH Iba UfiaUlara eoa'a la ralallaa ta tbia vara. - If aba laalaaara ara a ailUag ta aaaba aa apaaaariatUa at aaaa aat ftciaaUj krf aa baibi Iba aarka af ataaa aa4 waa, va aa'4 aappaaa that aljbt yaara aspariaxaliag aa tba praarat pita af aaodaa daaia, toaka, ta., abaaM awliaftbaal tbat ta appraprUU $60,H) tar aaa. .UaW vbal aaa aaaar ba bat a aiaiaarar? vara, ! faaf aa tba bail4 tbaai af limbar, aal4 b aerra tbaa fcy. "" """" " , rraiw Of itaa. A aarraiipiMtOi'Bt of Iba Obarrrar aa Ibal Jaiiaf tba liciu af Iba rrrtaTtllraa4 C'M'lbs Baltna !, Mr. Caa, of Cbatbaai, b apaacb, la abwb ba tok aeaaaiaa ta aula tbat ba al4 rata for tba bill, bat It wM at ba CtHtaa'r, bal b a aa wCtaand aU ; ba (Clu) hrli. rT4 a palidoa aitb t'M algaalarva ia bar af U. f4nirr tbaa n, ba Ui tbat biawalf aaJ tba dnaneratia fry a a bt r at aa4 ariffaul iataraal bapraraatant frtj af Sartb Carallaa. TabSia apiaiaa, aa bapa, aill m all nab paealiar fViaaaa a iminl fpraaawat tba pain af rating aaqtrarr ta lair aaaHetiaaa, al aa brr protatl, for aarararat f a tl kia I la Ibr fal ira. - THE OEMK?ttCi All VISST f AYKTTEVILLB. , Tb pMula af FayaUjaia, atwy at Uaat, rrgard th rawltotbaCoairialJaaaabladaf liraaadoaatn taaa. CaabrriaaJ, Hamad, Maora, Cbalham, and S. Haaaror aoantia, at wall aa Wilwlngtoa, ar daaply 'aad diraetly Inlarattad ia tbia work aa a til at Ptyatta wffla, aad w ballava tb But t larga waaid ba atato rially baaattlad by tbia road. Tba pratanl dnaoaraU I LagialaUr la ll winlaai bara tba a diaVraat alow of tba antttr, aad aatrd aeardiag'y. Par tbi aveAaaaf tb Laglabitara tb laaiaerati rty ar laa raaaeaalbla. Oar propar ty la aw blgbly ralaad, - V Itiiaitl aad higbty taxad, aat a bW far aaw bafar , tb LagiaUtara ta rah tbaa) Iwaoty-ar par Mataat. - - for wbat parpoaa bar--wa yawrr- baoa bwMy taiad, aad to abat paraoa will tba additlimal Iwraty r per ! b ap pllad T,.T pay lha lotorrit aa 4ab4 aaatraoted la baddlag rd wbtab arar bava, 4 aaaar. will baaatt a to tb aawaat of a atrthlag , bat a tba aaatrary, ha aad H1I auntlaua ta olrart trada Into atbr ebaaaaU, aad tbaa In) ara at and laa. aaa th vala f ar proparty. Tra'y, lb poult af JTayaUarilU aad B f thoaa wb faej aa iatoMtt la tba walfar of tbia plaoa aad aarroaadiug coaotry aw tba Daaooraty of Xurtb Cat- Uaaadebl f gratitada. . j T . - Tby will baar It ia kind, and wbaa Iba aaxt bitnnl. 1 elaatioa far Oararoai aad aaaibara of tba LegiaU' tar a law alotg, fribey baratba iplrit that fraamra abaald bar tbay will rabak' lb party of Itrgt pronw laa aat aajaJl ptrfonaaaoaa. , isiouts or TUB BUCK IISES. . lit will b raaallectrd that ia oarlaia apaaoh wlt Va Kaory fjlay apaa tb lbratad aipangiag reaola- dae of teaator Btntoa, ba aald tbat a aaw onltr of ' KatgbU tboald b InttitaUd, aad all tboa wk J rolad for th aald raaolbtfuat tboald b dubbtd tb Knight of tb Blaek Utm. 0 Taetda f hut wk Mr. tra f Barry, In trdad rwolatita in tb Hout of Coont to ai aaam a part af tba PraaavM t tb Eatolstiot af 46 aad approprfaUtaf f 10,000 to tba Horth Carolina vdantaara. :.v.---- Tb 8tnJrd laa aa at of tb lNuaioB witb tb followlig Blaa: Jontiea aad tratb bar alawbartd for taalaag Tar ; bat they bara at toagth tppad farth to via cHaat tb ftwt af bittory, Iba good aaata of Jaa.JC. lolk, aad th fair fcai of lb HepnblU." ' AjOiI ! a krrly daaiaeraUo Ugialatara, aioald It aat ba wall t aariaa aama aitaai by which tboa (b bar rawltrad lha oaaatry tnab dgaal tarrio by rladitallag lha tratba af bUtory ; tba good aaaw af m. root, aad th fair fama af tb BopabUeT W fblak 1 wwal. 4ji4wrHyCTMtJ?lta ,f (algbtbaad araaoaad aiaiibw oaiaian, ba eoagraaa, by Haary Clay, ba adapW, aad.tbal tb baaora af tb w rd latditarly afarrd a ba aarAJhwto JL IS. 1 aaU ba rary ai proprUU, fbr tb4aaMraf bar aQ baaa graat adwirara af lb Mfa af Atblaad Utal, aaJ aal4 doabtlaaa ba gU4 la adopt abat b reaoai airtilad la a aaa praaloalr atmUaf. Aa I baa far tba tratlia of bUtory, anl tba gea4 aaia af Jua. K. Palk, bar baaa rloJIealed a rtfiw tlia raadrr ta llit aril togi af dlaUngaiaboU 4caaonit, aaaialoTbwaia II. Banlaa. , Wa giro boluvaoiua very iaUireaiingSutimici, of ilia FooolvuiiU Ouai ana! lra Trado. THI PlSNaVLrANlA IRUN BuaINIM. TU Iroa biuiucat of i'eooylvioii for Uta Tar 1800 a.a U mmtJ ap tbaa: 439,180 too of iron de, af arlitub 278,011 torn vera anUira. ciU pig iron; 6fl,!70 ton Lot bliwt ehurcoal pig iron, and ton eoal b'aot eliarooaj pig iron; 24,530 too eote do . 12,500 tou ma biUiuiiuoa oual. Of luiabed iron iher war Dianubcturedj 227,637 toon, coniprUiog 121 650 ton of nail, rod and bar; 2,107 tout miU; '21,605 Urn heaUiid plate; 2,G7ft lona baiautorad bar. " Tba Iron work at which theae amounts aort ntaaufaotured ara aoUure4 UirouirlioBt a larva proportiou of th ouaulioa of th Htato, ibeir brinir in fact but ii(l counliea-ia which th or i not aufficioiitljr abundant to juatifj mbing and uakin nperati.nuj and ooinpnaa iio lur naoet; of abiub 203 or in blait, th wbJa of ihom laving a cnpaciiy to produc 024,400 too, th authrauii futnacca a!on being eopftbl of faruithinx 855,000 h; 111 furx, with 298 fir4 ia and 01 oat; 88 plat and aheet mill, all laf I wo of which wura buarj 63 arciicl mill for bar, rod and nail, having 123 Iraina af Cnia'iing roll, aud C71 nail ajacMaoa, ko a capacitv to pniduca 75,000 keg of oaUa and 10 mil uiilla. - v .1 . The l'biljdiilplii Nrtli Aaiaricaa tivaa tkt following ataiiatica of the autlirocitc cool trad of that State: 1820, IH2I, I81 toaa. trA 1810, C4,4U 1.0T8 1841, W,8U9 1,214 1M2, 1,1 lit 001 4,! 1848, . ' l,Sn8,63t i 1844, l,C81,Wi9 84.8SI3 1845. 2,O2S,06 48.04C Ib4(I, S.tlX.VtD ,4:4 1847, ,!2,Wi8 77,f,U7 1848, t.OH",'.) 171.088 18v, 8,242,8K 174.7A4 IHifl, 3.8S2 6H 170,820 1861, 4,41aU M8.R7I IH.S2,. 4,tfW,47l 487,781 !'., ' 6,1(14,141 KtJfitO 1864, ' ,847,808 6Aa,768 l8o, .e2fl,2K8 t.42U I860, 78,8V1 8H,47 , , 7,.".'3 AggirgaU, 62,7i8,09 8,27 I 8, 1824, IAJ5, ia2i, lB-'T, 182", 18S0, I Mil. Ic3i, 114, IM7, I ton, 1WJ. Th', aav tba American, it one of the ntoat elNuot and iititructir pare of hintory ever wntba; not red and radiant-witb martial phrj, but bright with th record of boiiett labor, ei- rantio enterpriae, and their rcwardx; a Barraliv of what ba beca dun in oor awn - Cutuoion- wcallbjp ainzlfl dL-prluituL ofliiJujirrfor tb eoiufurt, happineaa and well-bring: of mul tttodet of OMukiod. AdJing 10,000,000 tona aa th avodect f lb bilaiainoaa coal bed dur ing thi period, w bar the general aggregate af 72,7W,oaJ tone of coal tent ta the market of difftfrtot region from I'enoavlraoia; which, at tb yru'4 abov aperified, would hav a vala of thre buadrad aad nine autflioo of dollar. Thi ia one of th atnling fact. Another U, that aach great rrau't tiitv bve reached ia o abort a time.. 111 the asutt anrakiiiff uf all th facta livaaar- ed ap in theae figurea, bucaur it ctiouin audi rant aad vrriuible pnilictita of the future, i tha rapidly angnieotiug ratio at which the yeary atnountf increajie. Tbi ia BoticeaUU. to are Klaaoa of tba era. . The Teal 1PJ3, which etnada atidway between th flrst and laat of th eriee, abowa a prodoctiua of onjr one-tenth of tba amooat which la act down againat tbe rear : that had juat eloted, to 7.258.X91. We aiuat eoata ta Istv, bvfura finding aa aaxint (243,090) that reacbr arm no nark aa one- third of thi aanaal J Ml... ..A ay,, the last three j tan a-jffieed to pruduoe aa much eual aa waa pnxlQctd by tbe fint twt-nty tu yeara ol tbe aerlc. I' lue aioounta into tainia, tne ftrki liirj wa uiiuedia Iwealy . ail - yaara; the out third ia ewveo yj"S IM' lo hwt third ia three yeara. If there ia any just groaad for the prediction that in twenty year the iron production of the United Htatea will equal the preaeut iron pruduetioa af Great llritain, riaing from 1. 000 ,000 to 5,500,000 of too, theae fig- dt-aontcrate tbvt not ao nianr ycara. can Upas before our 10,000,000 of al (all kioda included,) will awoll to 40 000,000, which in the preaent annual jield of that country. If the aauie ratio eoaualued tba result would be attained in a' lunch ahorter tiui. We hav only U) think of the increaainj; ne to which thi cotnbmitible mineral ia applied in ep'uuierce and th arta, and of th growing need fur it in many coaniuoitie of large and rapidly augmenting population, aa their only available e ji'a of fuel, in order to be fully convinced that the above flguru will not miilrad wu to th future traffie of our State in thi one ele ment ol it wealth- There ia every reann to believe that tbe domaud will increase at' a ratio that ahall outrun all tbe aiean employed to nicct it, aapechdly in refertae to the authraeite, which a peculiar to I'ennaylvaaia. .. " It inoreaaing uaeia navigation and the art briii n aj to the aame eonoluaion aa to the de mand for it i the- future; - la 1847, 483,000 toaa af authraeite, and 0,007,000 buahela of bitaninoa eoal, were eonaumed aiulply in the iron work of tbia State. Ia general, for every ton of authraeite pig iron aiada zt tou ot coal are uaed; and for every ton of tar or 8uiihed iron (ineludinff rails) 2 J additional torn of eoal are aaod; ao tbat tbe 440,180 tout or pg iron, and tb 2J7.H37 lona of nnwhed iron made in 1855 ia Penoeykaaia eonaumed ia their manufacture 1,667,(57 lona of ooal, one-quarter of the eoal that waa mined durintr that venr! Thia f-iot thowt to what' an ea tent the coal iotereat of our State depend upon th iron interest: but it ouly ahQwa it in part. For iron enter largely 1KW' our manufacture, and eoal auppliea tho motive power to almoat all the machinery with which every tpecie of uianufactur ia canied on in thia State, and that finda market for another quarter of it aonaal produei. - . All thia vaat amount mail be earned from the place of production t the place of cohao motion; and thia furiiitl.e profitable mploymeot to. the carryioir interest, to our railroada, to tbe boat on canala, riverf and lake, and to a fleet of ooaatioff vnat la. Tbaa indirectly, the eoal trade give hibor and wage to aianr tbouaands of pen, besidea those whoare employed iu the miaiajr operation. These would oaiubcr aouie- thinff like 40,000 person, reprewoUoK a popu- latiea of 200,000 aoulv who ar consume ra of ajrriealtural production to th amount ef many million of dollars, and of merchandise to the amount of many million! more. After these facta and figure, it ia not necessary to multiply wor Je for the purpose of showing how Important ia tha eoal trade to th prosperity and wealth of Pennsylvania, ia the preaent certainly, bu much mora in the tatare. is or eaa any one fail to baerve that the interest of the varioue depart-' mnte of industry are all so closely identified, thai on of them cannot b weakened or destroy ed without ruia or harm to lb test. Tba abv praarat lb gaaaial reautta af apanlng a aoaiBiaaieatioa to Iba aoal aaieee af puuttylraala. It waoid be araal for tha people af North Caraliaa, aad ttpoeia-'y tb aieaihera of lb Legjrbitare, to eartfvl- .!:!.': :.P. ' ?P' 'f.P.t if iamla th Ka f ahleh It kaa bM aaaoarc pllabad. Tb aaaariaaea af atbar Slate, It aaaa a, bi Uttl af laatraotloa ta It for oar lagtalatara, ar tbar woajd not hraltat to graat lb aid aeagbt fur bjr Iba Coal-rialda Railroad Coapur. from tbia plaaa to Iba Coal-riclda ia bat a abart dlataae aad a farar. abla uaotrr for tba tba aoartraailoa af a raa4. ' A oaaMarabla aaa) bi baaa abaeriba4, aad work ta aoai axtont at U-at, doaa ta tlgbt ar tea atlU af tb road. Tbat Ua road, if caiaplatad, woald lad av plOTBiaal tolta fall capacity la traatpartiDg ta oat of tba Datp rirar valley to tbls plaot, aad If to, aaa Ibtr ba a dvabt Ibal tb 4atpan aoald not par lb Intaraat a poo tb boada ableb tbtv anktd tba Stat to tadoraa, at wall aa prorld a linking fand far tbeir nltlniat radrnprlouf Wt cannot btlltv tbat tb rvi wa vetod agalait by any raambtr aa tba graaad that tb Slat would arer ba tb loatr af orat by granting ba aid aougbt fur. Suppoa tbat all Ait acbtmaa tbat ar agiutad for tit parpoaa of ftttlag to tha Cual-fialda wara coaiplotad, woald tbar aotba a auScicacy af arodaea tofiiraUb anlayaMnt for tbcaj ? Tbr Cap Faar and Daap rlaor aavlgatloa I lookal a;oa by an at Wing all aaSeiaat fur Uit traaiporUttoa of tba aoal and atbar pradacta. Tblt wa balira la altugatbar laiprobabla, aad laalaad of tbra bring aarka, aaa ar tbtrtbtr af whlcb abould U dlapraiad wltb, tbry ar butb kecawary, and w bop tb trgialatar will roconaidar tb Railroad bill aad graat tba aoapany tb aid aaktd. UAI.M SENATORIAL ELKOTIONS. . PuaTttKB. aa. ' l. ILauiU! tUaOia waa ta-dty alrcl 6a.tur furttt loag Una, aad Aaiaa Koarea for th abort (era. llauer roa tb Fooa. The JreiJTuHv inclement weather for the past, few day appealed atrmgly to the cnaritald feelinca oi our citizen toward thoae who an i eh t be destitute of fuel, fiiod and clothing. Pri vate chariiiea were eornmou where objeclt were found ; but in aoVliiion to them, our new Major, It P. Buxton, Eq., with 101110 oiner gentlemen, thongtitrully took up a collection, to a rcry liberal amount, in mo ney, wood. Are, to be applied wherever nrtded.FayeUeville Oherttr. DiarcToa or thi Insane Abtlcm. The following gentlemen have been appointed bv the Legislature- lireetora of the Insane Asylum: Dr. Oolumbna Mill, K. J. Erwia, Dr. W. J. Blow, John A. Tsylor, A. M. Uwia, Dr. Cha. K. Jobnaon, W. W. Ilolden, I-L tsutwell, and Kemp P. Battle. tfa. &iaJurl laraacariaa Qrtaia. Aa aoxioasiaqairerwUhre ta kaow wbetbtr tba I'oirder tgaaina la pabliabad aioalbly, and ia eotiatdered a aaft amgaiiae for quirt faailiaa. Alao, wbtlbtr nmt-jalrps will ba ary cheaper If a brtacb ef Iba C. Stataa aliol hi located ia 5. VorkT ' A wbalhrr doad Icturs ara ertr kaawa to rati to after ibey reach tha-Uaad LalUr Oftoa, aad if ao, what ia tb war of taadiag tbaa tbar T Alto, wbetbar aarigatar bar to duabl tbaireapat ia ail latitude, ar only la cold refloat? Aim, wbetbar acboobaaater eaa ba aaid to hav aa tuboiar abaa be bat ta papila ia bis vyasT If "diataae Imdt aachaataMat to tbt vUw," aad aaid " rica" dort not rrtara it w'itbia a reaaaaable lian, baa " ui.Uoct" a b g.l eaeaa af actios, aad ia ba eatitlad to reeartr kcarTbt eititcnt ef Paiifld, Uyda casaly, mwou ly raauaatrd a Mr. Rowland Cbaymaa.aa abaliUuaut, Vriraouaty ; but a Mr. Boalaad Cbapawa aaawd lutb to go, a eomautte waited apua aad a. oortad bia Iota a deoaa foraat, lying hi bara ia tha eoeaty of TyrrtU, aad tbaa Ml bia ia aU bia glo ry," ba bating pbdgad bia baaor (?) aat to Mara ta Uya agaia WUmmfivm lltrtli. TUB TLUOL'a 8E.t8)X. Tba settling ap da, tay aa axobanga, hat aniavd, ar aa tb poet axpraia it " Tba arlaacbuly day bara oaM, Tba aa-l ImI of the yaBr," 1 , ba aotoa ar dar, aad laagtby bill Com ia froa br aad Bear; When " bara 'a a aaull aceoa&t af yoart," .' la abiaparcd la year ear, Aad " aoa't yoa pleaat artda aaw?" la all Uit UIItyonbtar. Bopa wai arary oaoy wiu aa prepared to pay 1 tbeir daaa, aad Bo put o till to-aiorrew what aaa ba . war a -t a a -aa a . I Jove tu-ear. It la cbiae vrrgiag ea raaeality for any aa to defer tba payaaat of bia Kabiiitiei al auatttrity wbra it it in bit power to tattle. Wt know , "Thit it rry to worbl we lire iat. - i: . Ta gire, tu lead, or la speWia Bat to bf, or Vt borrow, er U gel one' awn, ' 'Tie tb aomt world thai e'er wu kaiwa." Uowcrer, tbrr h a way W nuk tboaa pay, who eaa and won't, or la lb language af a creditor To aroid all proeetdinga anplaaaaut, 1 beg yoa will pay w bat ia dae ; If yea do, y a will akliaa aa at preseat, If you don't, then I'll ab yoa. K i.v Pbices. Abraham bouubt a piece of bn. I fur a burying; place, lie paid 400 Kuekels of ailver. I he lowest sum at which a aliekfl ietirtialed ia about Bfty-aix cent. This would make about $300 for the bury iiiit place. In Sohimon'a time it i menlionel that the price of a cbarint from Egypt wax 500 hlwkcla of silver, (1 Kins x. 27S Thia WooltJ b ttbotit 1250. llie price ofa fiorae was 150 auekelr, or aome 9Ti. 1 he best horefes of that age were found in Esrypt. The Egyptian trained thetn well, and they were ch alile of imHirant services. King Solomon, in a valuable chariot, 'drawn by two or four of these horses, made as aliowy and as dignified an appearance, perhaps, aa any princes have since. ' THE QUINTESSENCE OPXOCOFO- ::, ... . VUMM. - , The Demcracy in the legislature have n a in id -night causes, nominated and tbat txxly confirmed (electwl) a board of Trus tee to the University, composed entirely of Locofocoa ! . Not content with conl ruling the Hanks, the Kail Roads, the stale gov ernment, and public Treasury, forsooth they seize upon the fountain which educates our youth, and poiaon its streams with un-lial-towed principles of corruption, to suit their own nefarious end. Their next assaults will he made, no doubt, on the Protestant Religion, and the churches supplied .with Preachrrs, advocating jocofooo principles. Alas ! what is it the Democracy'' wilt not do to miike converts and retain power? Salisbury Herald. , A woman ia a good deal like a piece of ivy- :ie wore jou aie ruined, tba closer ahe elinga to tou. A m tie a love doa t Deem . to abow itself, ib ita utu power, tin uie coertn is alter jou. Publio opinion earinot do for virtue what it dues for vice. It ia the eesenoe of virtue to look abore-epiuioa. Vice is coneistent with, sad eery ofteu rtrengtbened pj, entire aubeervieaey to it. CAanaiNy. There waa a Maeaiine article once published in which tbe cIao,ie, " woman is tbe aharer of aiao a joja aud uappiueaawac oiadejthe misprint ot a Stogie letter, to read : " wtunaa the ahaver oi Biau'a jojs aad happiness," - Cou Garraa'a R trot t. We hy pur elvca refraiued from anydttack on lha Deep River improveitx-uland generally irum muy ctnnment orr it what -wt hav aaid lately being altogether ia defence againat atr.icka oxn our Ilail Road. Wa hnre aUo declined to Intert communicationa on tha tubject j for were not willing even to aeem to throw an obatacla in the way of that or any othrr work of real or auppoaed puwio utility, ml reoti)t eventa Miear to ua lo pluoe upon a different foot ing mo acarchina- review, to another col umn, of the Report of Col Gwynn lo lha L"gilature, which we pulliahed on Mon day lait. . The aubject ia a very important one, and our re ad era and tha Lesialnture are entitled to all which can throw light upon it, pro ,or eon. Wa therefore pub lih tba communication, which it writien calmly, and with muck ability. Obttrter, The communication alluded to will be found in our iaaue of lo day. v LATK K1CARAGUAN NEWS. - New OaiKA. Janoary 15th The atcauier Texna, from San Jean, haa arrived. TU partar report that tha Conla Kioang ar protected br i the Knpliih' Seat, which aeiscd every atcauboat , on tU river. ' -1 f Tb ateamer t'ta Carlu. vhioh lft Vlnrln f n on th8d iuat. with paMenurra. waa cap- -a by tii Uwto Uu ieaa aooa after aha cot Um Hit liver. . ' ; . Cd. liockridhad posseeaioeof Ponta Areaaa, but th Coata Uwana with a fore of one tboa aaod taoe, held every other point oa tha river. ' It Is staled aad eoaBrmed that lien, lleaaing- aea had baste tha allien at Granada, and af terwards joined Walker at Kivaa. Walker army, eontrary to prerioo reports, ia represented to La ia good spirit while, however, they ar fighting among themaelvea. 1TIARUICD. At tbe raaidcae af bar Paibar, ia tbia eoaaty, aa tba SOch Dte'r, by Ra. Jnarph B. Mania, Js.ts B. Caavaa, aad Mitt AIabt Biu, daoghter of Jaa. A. Byyae, Eaq. Oe the ath lax., at tba rattdenee of Mr. John WHght Woakt, by lha Bar. Joba L. Cliftoa, blr. Owbb H Dabbbb, aoa af Wa. iMrdae, to alias Uaar Wtaat, ealy daagbtar of air. Joba W. Waaka. Aa tb loth iaat., at tbe leaidrae af blr. 0. 8. Jackaoe, by B. Calbrwtb, Eaq., Mr. Hob Cmwbll, to Mrs. Mast JabB Abbbkws -all of Caabarlaad. At Marina C. H.( aa tba 1Mb iaal., hy tba Kaa. Mr. PriaraoB, Mj. 0o. N. McCall, to Mine Jiha J., third daacbur af tb lata Col. I) 8. H.rllca. At Marioa C. II., aa tba Btb iat., by tba Bar. Mr. Frtcraee, Mr. B. f . Gbamdb, 1 Miaa 11., yaaaea daugktor of tba 1st Cal. II. 8. Harllae. ta nuabora' n. u., Jaa. , leoi, ay ib nor. j. W. Tiaaia, Babvabb Pabisb, fbraarly of -William-' baraaga, tiraanlla Co., to Mua AL aceoad . daarl.ter of tba Ula J..ka Oatbria, ef t'batbaa. la Muara aoauiy, oa Uta 13to iaal.. By U. li. Mo- Itar, Eaa., Capt. Jobs B. Cois, to Miaa CaraABiss Mirrarat, daogblcr af tba Uta Jacob Mattbawa. la Kaadolph auaaty, aa tba Mtb iwt., at tba rati- aVaee af A baar Orat Eaa., by Jaate Walkar Emi . Mr. WiLuaa Waiva to Miaa Mastitla Uaus, all of Kaadatph. Ua Iba aaa day aad ram plaaa, be Jaa. White Eq., Mr. Davib IIomiu of UuiUord, toklua Mabvba iluia af Uaadolph. (la tar aaa day at Inloa, Kmloli 1 Lo,, ty Jaaa Walker li-q . Dr. Elias Kttxta of KarBrrtrillc, Forty th auuoty, la Mia P. G. Dies.,, daaghter. of Jaaaa vkbs, t J. . uii:i. ' la lha eoaaty, aa b tSMk iaat., JiBia Lea, ia iaal aoa of Margaret aad Jaaa MeAibsler, aged & aoallis 1 7 daya. Uearaat Jiaalal tboa batt left as, Aad thy haa w deeply feel; ' hot 'Ua God tbat bath beralt aa; lit aaa all oar eerrew heal, Yet agaia wa hope to aeet thee, ere th day of Uf. U ted; Tbea ia Hearaa with Joy to greet thee, . a bera ao farewell lean ara tbrd. J. A Vic A.' Ia Wadaabaroogb oa th Sad Inat., of Propty, Mrs. LciT Pavsh k, aged 70 years. - Suirit ef Iba Ace pleaat copy. I I IATIV FAIETTKVILLK MARKET. 10 S4 H 26 LEAD 8 a m ' " " " BEES WAX CAN DLLS AlyLA88E libda SO a 00 Fay. Fee. SO a Adaaantia XI a Bpara li a COr'FEB Bi ' ... Uf Lagatra 14 a 81. Doaiago 00 a 00 M bO 1 K.Urltaa 00 a 00 NAIL8 600 a OILS . .., I LiBneed 1.25 a I SO IS) Taaaera' 60 a 80 OO SALT VU ! Uri.taek I "Sal 60 I Allam, bat. 73 a cotton ritrwtly primt 12a00 Prim 12 a 00 Fair U SO 0OTTO5 BAGGING Gaaoy V a 00 Daodea - a 21 Barlape U a 14 COTtOi TABS8 No. 5 to 10 19 a DOMESTIC GlWl) Br'BSh't'gt 7 J a lltaabarir 9) a 10 FKATI1EKS- 40 a 43 FLOCK SEbb j Flaxseed 1.S5 a 0 OC j Clorer, tb, 12 a 16 SHUT Caa.VbagS.12J a 0.0 . Back 2.2b a SPIRITS P'eb Braady .90 a 100 Apple " 65 a 0.76 N.C.Wbit 45 a M H'r a " 60 a 5i N. K. Roa U 1 til Jaauic. " S.00 a 2.50 Fr. Brandy 4.00 a 6 ,00 Awer. tiia "5 " 80 Family, " TI0 a 7.20 So per See 6 75 a 6 80 II ol 1.75 a 2.00 Fiaa " 8oraUbed GRAIN -Cora Wheat - Oatr - - Pea . Kra HIDES Dry ' Oraea IRON S.2 a b.SO 'SUGAR 6 76 1 6.S0 I, Loaf Cra-hed T0O a 0.00 l St. Croix 15 00-: 15 141 m li 11 11 1.10 a 1. JO 45 a 60 .76 a 0.00 .80 a 0.00 15 a 16 y o mi Porte Rie lit 1 New Orleans 10 a TALjOW 10 a 'TOBACCO Leaf So0 . Manufaetured 16 a 40 'WHITE L"I S.60a2.76 jWlKUOV C LAPS , S'4 a,, a I 8 a 10 Do. wida 0 a T j 10 s Is Enalitb ' 6 a ;WiX)L LAKD 16 a 000 2.00 a 00 0 s .25 16 a 17, T Spirits Turpentine 4a to 44 eta. Ye'low Dip do. t.SO. . ' Virgia do. 2.40. Strap . 1-50. Pork sella at 7J aad 8. Cotto baa adranced, and tellt readily at quotatioiia. Flour no change. , Cora la demand al abnee (gores. Pork tellt at 7 to S cents. Owing to tb pretest condition ef tbt road, wa get but fbw nails, aad it ia almost iapoesible for wagnnt to get along. Business lasts stand. W do not alter but week quotations. WILMINGTON. MARKET, Jan. 20lb. TarpentiBO. -Sales yeaterdar of 1200 bblt at S.00 for virgia and yellow dip, aad $ .00 fur bard: Ka salea to-day. Rpt, Further talaa yeaterday of 100 casks at 60 eta per gal. Kothing doing lo-da . Roaia. No sslea in either quality. - t Tar Sale yeaterday of 250 bbls at 1.60 peV W, ' GRASS SEEDS, kQ, r X t'CERNE; Xj BIo Orasa; BadCloeer; . . Ouioa Set : , For sal by JAS. N. SMITH. Jsay 14, 1-1 at PTIfE. : THEBE will baa Beating of tha BteekhoMcr of tba Cape Fear k Peep River Navigation Coaipany ia tbt Towa ef ilainaton aa WcdBceday tbe 4th af Feb llioT. Bt onteref th Board of Director. HENRY 'A. LONPOS, f ee Jaa. 1st. 1M7. - . , 159-2U. , J:w Crop yfolagse. a eUI'KRIOa oualiiy. Alao, HEED 0AT8, Ja.t raoalred. " P. P. JU1IS80N. Jan'y 10. - ' 149-tf Ll.VD FOB SILK. f f IBB Mbecrilier elfar foe sale far haadrrd aad X. thirty aeree af Lead, (aura ar la) situated and lying ia tba fork of tba little aad big Ban SwitU, la Itobaaea eoanly, N. C. Tboaa wiahing to purebata. will a wall to asaaln Iba laad, aa a draoripboa af It Bar waam ba aaelaaa. .1 will aril tb altera a mad laad aa Tl'KHDAT lha I lib day ef fabruary, 1W7. . tn fattbar parUaulara apply to U. N. BROWN, . , Valr TUy, Bubaioa Co., N. CP ao. 20, 1807. lS'J-St li7. " GARDEN SEEDS I J vTarrauted the Gravi tli of ltt-ltf. TUB 8baTibar hat Jutt nocirnl a large tupply of Uardra 8rlt, 'iniuritiia nr taili-lv, fna lb erllratad Ganiotit of JnHXwa, Koauua A Co., Wtlliartfli id. Tbna bVtili bar bn told brra 1. tbt laat 6 yoart aud alwayt givra 'ifrt aalltf'.ctloe. or Hit by r g M. BMITII, UruHll. Calaloguaa will b furBuhtd gratuitously ai ou applicaUua. - J4a y it, lo7. lou-iia CMESE StG.ll " CUE SEED. T' HE aubaeribtr iuforua tha Plantar aad Farmer that ba baa obtaiaedfroa Joba KirkpatHck, Kni., of tbi BBty, hU Crop af fed of tun valuable plant, toioa af tb pmptrllct of wfalcli rr fal 1 lo t tt fui Wat: Flrrt Aa aara of tba alalia amBarir ralliv.itail, will ylald trafa 400 UtU gilltaa t .pars tjrap, auaJ to tba beat Maw OrUant. Uoeoni, It turpatapt all athr plaala for fuddrrand for fwling graati to aalllt or hoc, oa aocoaut af tbt craCI abacidanc of MUmrr kika a birb it contain, ami wba taaa ia loa drtlla yiabia aa iutmaoaa crop af WJrr. Third, ll ia to errttia and proline crop tbat plant, er Bay ba ture of tsocroling aitb It tt s yrap plabt any wbare Boalb of tha Stale of Mr Tori. Thia sard ia offered fur aula in package' "oBieirut to pl-.ot balfaa aera 4 fi-rt 1 1 feel, al $1 pr pafkag. If arat by nail, t0 eta. aatt br J loJ tu pay po.Utt. B Ail L J. lll.SL U.K. Jao'y 12, 1807. 158 8t NOTICE TO mm CKEDITORS. VLL panona baring tiaint agniul tbe Ceuaty of 1 1 . : . ,i .1 i.tBnritaa, are arrrr-j rvtuirra w nr iwh it Jao. McLaaria, Clark, oa or before Iba lt day af Ftb'y, er tbry will tail of being peaeed apaa by tbe Couiaiittre of Finaaea. Aad all Cooaty Uffierrt, Brei'irera of County moo ayt, ar raairad to bara tbeir aeooaata ready I be aodtted, and ia tbeir aocooote tbry ar rairee to e eoaat for all iaea and aaerecueula, Us oa ariU, Ac., aa raiBird lyb)W. O. UEM1N0, CilAS. I). SIXO.V, A. J. C HA.NUIN, Ceaniitea ef Fiaanr. Fjttrill, X. C , Jaa y 14, 18.'.7. JSf-tl F iiiuiiMOiNribrwiKr o.v EDUCATION! DANIEL W. JOII.KS05, agradoataof tbt Can ta ITT of North Caroliaa, bariag ondtrtokrn tbt School at BX KING H AM ia pivpared for, aad will bt happy to receive any sember of ata-ieau. To tbose who kirt area Keekiagbaas datrription of tlit bea'th. aoralily, and eoDraaienMt, of tb Tilltge it annecaa aary ta aurh at bar ant wa eaa only ear, " eoae aad tea." Ia word, it pom rt all tii adrttfttfet ef eoaatry aad city Ufa witboat any of tb diwwt vantage. Board (aa gaad at th beat) eaa ba had at ertber of tba Hotela al from 8 to 10 aollart per aoatb. Tbe rate f Tairioa are : ... For Primary Englieh,... $10.00 pr to--5. Far 6riwr, AridtSMtie, Oe- acrariby Ac.. !- Far jLatia, trreek, Freaeb, il , Iba higher braacbet of Ma- IbraMliet, -. IT..' '' Tbe Hekoot will begin Uendiv u. .1 t Jaa. ISth. 15T. l--i (-1 SAVE JNTKKtbT, ZIZ TBE Sabrcriber giea aotie Ibal bit Wioka aia tow ready for Mtlleaieots. Tbm wiibiog to tare mlrrrit it., bad beat call aad mtle ap. J. A. PEMBEHTOX. -Jaay I, l(6J-- ----- 1-M F. DAVISON. M.. D. STJ2GE0W DENTIST, . INTENriNO to locate peraaneoily ia Ftyrttrrille, bopea la aake il tha interest of all who nee I th aerrieea of a Iettit ta giro bin tbe care of their Teeth. Hariag bad eight years' experience, and be ing tei Haiti Ud with tbe work of the be. t iKn; ittt North or 80a lb, be pllfrra.hiaw'f to give all operatieu catrated to bit hands tbateareful tlurooth worb and complete finitb, that it cannot be bettered by any Dea titt in th United Statee. Pertaaa bertBa; teeth that ar coKsbh-red hopelem. and paa redemption, will do well lo gire bi before baring tbea extracted, as thousands of teeth ar Menaced that tb re)ttiiita auewiejge bbU ekili woald are and aake awful Pleat gTTe bia a trial? aad if he does aol retleeia bit pieilge will forfeit hit work. drOffirr at Fayetletllle IletH. lee'r 2, ljrt. l&6-lf Ue will wait on Ladies St tbeir reidBcea if de tired. , Cons able's Election ; . ; The BBtlcrtigned effort hinnuflf at a candidate f"r tba office of Constable for the Faretteeiile LH-trict, for the ensoing year. - Eleefoa in Febron-T-nextv - I . JSU. T. Ml l.l.l.XsS. , Iee. Jv. HR sal of my Property adrenised to be told thit j J day, hat been ffpoiiei nntil tbe-second THCU- UAl in rebiuary next. TIIKO. EVANS. Jan'y 8, lb67.- " 156 First and Last Call- LL pereont indrhted to tbe tahtc.Hber by Noteor Account, ara rvmted to nnke immediiite ptT nieot. Alt who fail to pty by tbe first of Feb'y nest, will find their Xotrt and Avi.Miit. in the hands of of cera for collection. PETER P. JOHNSON'. Jan'y 6, 1857. . " IS'-St- Cigar! Cltrara!! (Icair!!! , A CHOICE LOT of diff-'rer.t brands, jo.t meir- . and for tale by CIIAULE3 BANKS. ' 157-J Jaa'y 6, 1857. A CARD. The Bodersigned wooW wpeetfully Uiform bit old frlcadt and citomrm that be can be- four.J at. the Store of C. E. Leete, where be "jrill be clad to tea tbea. J, R. MclHiN.VLD. FayetttTille, N. C, Jan. 8, 1W7. . , 157-tf . ObserreY and Carolinian copy tf 4 ern Mitllertaiid Straw Cntlr, jutt received aad for tale by rbiLU r. jtiu.M.. Jan'y 5, 1807. . i ' 157-at . PLOl'GHSI PLOI CillS! I m i y A BJW K, V UW .'W. V, IU, II, uv, asm xv, jut-a I a) roeeired. Also, 50 Dotcrf Plough Points, PLOUGHS, No, 6, 10. 11, 60. and BO, jut aaaorted Not. for talc by PETER P. JOHNSON. 157-81 Jan'y 5, 1857. ENTERTAITIMENTt . 3I1E Babacribor it prepared to tak A.A I bosrders st tbe JACKSON HOTEL, tf.T.l I berty Point, by tha week or month. SStiJ J Nha will alto entertain, upon reasonable jgaat, trrait, all aach trautieet eurtoiaers krnay laror her with their ipatroaage. 8h' I arorided witb a gnoa aad earetBi hostler, aad. ao paiaa will be eparej to pica uos wao any eau. JANET -JOHV-VN.. Fsyetta.aie, K. Jaa. 1, 1867. l&7-tf Fresh Garden Seed GROWTH Or I54J. SAMUEL J. HIN8DAhKbtrceairadarylarg supply of Oarda Soad, which ba oSara atwbul. alt aad retail. r I Tbta seed war alud fbr bia aad ar n rcna- ' laa. AL8O, Plut Grata Bead. Luotrnt Head. Chintat Hugur Can Seed. Janaary 18, 1S67. 8. J. ni.NSDALK. Negroes Vanted. Tba un.lroiriK.i will pay tba blghrrt eh prio fur l suag 4-Brora. LctlrrtaadrrartUtoritUr of at at Laurinburg, Uicbnibail euauly, will bare praaipt attrntion., . C. MelXTVBF, liANILIM. JlcLAfttl.V. Lturinlwriib, Dre. 2i, U.'.tl. VA. tt A EV VE.ilt'S trLL T0 (JE A.D ALL 7 M. OVritllV rrpelful V v ly t-iulri Tint tliaokt ta a gi-orrnut poklia, for lha lilwr.1 pat rnnagr bo hat rrcvlrtd frmu tboa inoa ba baa conmtocad bunioraa oa bia oaa book, in 1 bopaa by trie I at trittion and aaKriiig inJanlry, toarr it a eoutiuaaao ef Ibtir farort. lit bat bow va hand aud ai'.l eon- imiily kwp a irod natortmrnt ef 6adif, li Mniineala. Aino, Carriagt, llujrgy, aad buUy ii... aue 01 all rariitica aul of bit oaa bmiiuiV :i -o Haring in ba amptoy trtt-rala Workmen in ll.t . ' ant brauchca ef hit butiaasa, be la not aiuler t,-t v awity of barpiaj Kmthera wark for ale. l, m hind tor tnia A'asaa atid Crrin t.j. f. , Wagon, Tarrl-pa, Wiiesv, aud lTceni tVliip" Of n ry uwrij uoa, asd eany olbtS ajuUt mnuj kr; ft :h bit tin. Repairing attradvd to at eaaaldun nastlj aiij witli dirpitcb. ' ft. It. lit aarorttly rqnt all tboa indVbtcd to tbt lalt Ira af Jloaton A'Krrby to call and trftl tii claiiat bt botdt tgnin-t them, tt tbt arltleuirat af tba eo-partnrrrhip rrtiirrt it Bitiiout ii!tT. Jitnuary H, 1W7. lOti-Sa NOTICE. A' CCORDIXG locn-U.ia I bae driwB off all the arccaulK on uy bookt op to tL Iri of tlx- i rc-- rut uionth, aud will dclirrr ILtm aa tpctdily at tw bit. ' I tliall b grnti6rl if my cartnatra "ill gire tlitir I earlinit tfotiun ia lit wttlta.tul of tlieir ratfrtctira i i accoaata. lulerrrt will ba charged oaall aeroantt oapaiafraai February nut. 8. J. UI.VbUALb. J.oo.ry i. 1807. loo-W FOR SiUE, V TOO ? r-8 of Land, we!! adj-pted to Iba cat- tare of cora, eott.a, wheal, oata, Ac, lying witha two Billet of Wa4-etorouirl, is Aoaoa Cowaty.- Oa tlie preniiwa it a coinloriobia datlliug togetiier with all Brceexary outlioam, and seranl Btjro cabins, a . good Uia hare and Cuttoa Screw. TLe place Ilea Bear Iba route of the eoottinplated Etf Kotd Jroa... WilBiingioU to CbarioUe. - ' - AXUCS MelVER, Jr., JOII.V L. VIclVLK. For farther particulars apply to k. Little, Esq., ar W. K. Troy, Wadoboroagh. Deernlier 1 j, - I54-tf DISSOLUTION. V ClUi N'CiL, BAY A CU. btve tbit iuj dinotrrd ca- paruxrtiiip by cobim nt. All x. Kay a eutbonaed lo ar the nueie "t tie firm in liqnidalioa. He Bity be frnia-l at Ibe tUnd lutuierly arcapird by tltem. abera all iooVbted to Ibe arm are reacated to eJiB4-rttle. Lotigtr iaia!fi-a-w- attract b firen." JUI1S T. CUCNCIL, ALEX. RAY, JollX A. KK'HOTJtOS. .:, 7. l.l. - 14-Mf Valuable Property For Mule 11!!' til uHUrr liaing deirou of Koring weat. ef f ' J r esJc b: pUnlatio nx aitet frea Ferrtteeiile, 1 1 u,..,.i,f Hi .Acre, nutated oa tbt Cap Fear Kifrr. 1 acre is oa (ur (lace bUuI 1-Vi acree of cleared laa-l, a gwd dwelling aed all Bceraary out boaeet. Alao, a raiaabte bowMani bt in FtyetUrttl.' Tbe " bnut roulaiu 0 large rooat 16 feet saara, ptaaga aad piaua. ., A abvat i0 Taluabla 1U tt CABOLPiA CITT on Deanfort Hirl- r at tbe b-rmiaee of tbe !t. C rail road. Auo 4 abure 'FayitteeiU Female High School stock. Th abore dteribed property if act preTioaely 4it poted of at private tale, Bill be mid at pablie auctioa ia FtyelWTUie the firet 8 ATI KD AY in JAM' AST ant which will be tba third dar of tbe aontb. Terms nude known oa nay of tale. TMEOPHlLrS EVA53. , Peceaber 3, iN' i. 152 ts (JLAXOES. Q BAGS 1EBIVIAN; tJO 8-7 do. OiLl'AlfitAX. Not valy be tiie coat of Of 'usg these Onaones a connexion brea Tt rr much dtmiBisbed, but exneri- . ILeett bare praTed ihat tbe phtwpbato, ao much wact- ing in tbe I'eruTian, not only lacreue ue rtl4, bat eowhined with the Colembiaa auka tb crop Bach more oertsiB. For ie by D. t W. UcLACRIS. Nor. ti, 13.".fl. lW-8ia - A lirge lot of Dkrikets both white and coiurea, fu-sale cheap by L. BRAN' T, UilletpieM., near the Market. Fayertevillr.. X. C, Dea'r 10. . Ii4-lm, t i: CALL. THE ATTI.XTIO fl t Wliole Sale Dealers : . . j,.,..T0. aiaxi'CA'"aa-LAaw'-rBairafo-Uw wired CU0 iiOf. Rio,. Ltgaira, Maricube and Ji' Cae, - 20 Ubds sugir. su-ortd gra.1esT 75 ' lib ' do, lubuwl, CiafbeU an l Poaiiert-',' H'i boxes Sp-r, .1 JiunatiCnft and Tnilow (' notices, . Oil ii Fancy and assoi ted Caadiet,' loO roils KntuckjrBa,d1am5;ttff,.,. 7 laics tupj rt;, Uunay, Ihinie and llurlapt, 3l lont lio'ip iron, -120 buae Ckeee, ' 20 half4bbt. nne Carb. Sad', 40,000 Cigars, Vartua braadt,' . ALSO IVpper, 8pica, Ginger,. Cloves; -Nutewg, Boras, Midilrr, ln.Uj.1. pauob Broan, Brirnwme, Fancy ami Bar Soaps, Stinrh, Powder, Shot. Bar Lfad, Whito Lett!, TuitT end Linrccd Oil, Window tilat, ruoff in Boxes, Eagle Mills dn., ia half bbU. ; (ireeri tudd'lsck Tea. Hollo-wre, r-weetis Iron, English, Ornran and Cast Stet! ; Plows. Stiaw CottcTt, Corn Sbellere,; Sauiwge Cantors and Stufftm, Trace Cbaint, Stole Leather, , lit. Tii toons lioods we offer o tbe moi-t taTorabl ternit to prompt lime or cajh ( urtLnsem . 1). A W. McLAl'BlN. Nov. 6, J80. . - I' NOTICE. VLL those indebted to m previous to tbe 1st Janu ary will call an,! settle "either by note or cash, and oblige-as... .'. MoWISALD B HALEY - . N. U. A good tsaitn.vntof atSdUf aid Biavr UCM a'atyt on band for cash or on tia.t to toactua customer. Feb.-17,18S5. ' 6-tf GCOD LANDS FOR 5ALE. At I winb to bioto West, I with as sell ay Farm an tbe Ctpt Fear River, an tba South aid of Capo Fear a mile or two below Rockllsb Creek, containing eoae 600 to TOO Acret of very fin River Lands. Ob tba Ftra ther is a good orchard, and buildingt oi all kinds to live in. Ao. Also ay Saw Mill oa RocktUh, (lata II. Me. Neill s.) Alto 180 Aeree Land joining the aaae. ' blr. E. 11. Evaat will .how three La.l and Jlillf to any one wishing to, tod tb-o give tba terwie. 34. A.EVANS. - " ' : - ; - ' 144-tf IU.,! I . I if w.iIa ot thlo fllTin UiuiliVO kVl llultuiJ-UUlVVw- f. ! r