' ' t 'I . - -n n 4 i A AW ....... , ' e ...... ... .(,'.. .'" ''...'...,..'..;' " . t . , '.-'. , . 7 . ' - . . . -' " ' " -' , i ,'.' J.M Jon w. Ciinnox, wblikiire. rusuaiuo wckktr, - JOHN W. CAMEROX, IDITO AND PBOPMETOE. D. HeNEILL, Artist Editsr. tks or i;asci.i.r-rioii . . IMUn.la vlvaeeai ........... 4km Oaikar. K M lt turla( Uw T "f MWarlptiMf d( Mtowtix im1W (r ft tax Mtu4 Una t;w, Hlw fitt ' M. mt itniMiilnw Mill all rrMnM 914, 9mhm l tk iiir Ika fc.Ui.; afJTa, maktaf to .(KnaUlaaa ttwlr tmm ai W M f Ifca fMT, amily laa krlltac a( lalf tai.alUa Iwa . bafara I ha ' aiaraVM ai laa jw, - lr w"' aa iiiMM, aa4 aaaa4 MiriMa la la al aw- A nf aaat aul a( laa IHata, Maat laa - yaaf tka rat, ailaanaaaaawa TtlMI OF ADTIBTIHIXQl fa taaara. af aUUa Haaa, w aaaf, (irrtJ fct tk tat I tea ....... I ia l)n-t--"-1-'k "i r I Ll4 Mnraa aaata4 ;"raH ataalaa, . . i a . . iLi ..... tt.,.lii.Car.kaM Mat ( aaaa, faf far, . ( Uaanawr ai.4 KW la- aaXa r.rtlw ( ;kwaa Uaf U ka faMuiM IUI , U4 IMV(a aa- at'f. ' J. C. POE, , MllU l tuyii ni infr Prr twdi, biu, opi, IkKt, ill tu.r I-i Cltlklil. Ttriicalar aUavtioa Mid U LADtU' DIE89 OOODS 4 TRIMI50S. - iir rf iwiii May 1, lm. Tfft VM. II. I1AIG1I, , Attorney at Lawf FATSTTEniXCi N. 0. ornci ou tmst. ' ' BLau CopartnersMp.'' Wl tUwWpMl, fcUila.yhr-4U' Ct-i!T) .ill - CH- ifca lavWirlal iu W taia U( I CkaUa-, Cav WrU-, Mwr, MM ' JSit. MAl0. J. JL Sl'EAUS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Attroxlf Ikm Cooto af Cabarto4, Haraatt, Wao, IrTooor, Haraoit Co., W.C 110-.. . aTa tiafafaWa at g CmiC8IIMADOTAEDiyG TlJf inlnoM- .V. C '713mm. I STEDMAN, ATTOaNET AT LAW, PIT"TlOIIOI'Ot 2 C. M Will attea4 tk Cort aaJ Haaorla CoarU of Caaia.-, Moor, Mi HartOH l""-; a ail -. JOHNVINSLOW Attorney nt Law. OJU0 lit 5wA tU f rAVETTEriLLC, SI. C. raW-avr, im. fly B E S ANDFORD, ; JTOMET COlXSELLOa mpc 1W47 iei-8i i & -. aei. A. H. Campbell, dter and Cnusn Merchant, GILLESPIE STIIECT, - ftyitUTUl, n. 0. -T " Charles Banks, c O 'M PECTIOS KB. WHOLISAUt AND RETAIL DEALER t! rttig Frmto, Suit, Cln, Tuoa, Sf, , URLC.t ITBEETi - . . - - -., riTitUTillt. H. 0. f rtwary 18, 1854. j " , I S, BANKS, MERCHANT. trlLWItOTOJ, .Jaa.1,185. ; Pfwrtli Cwrwtlw. l(M-iy -' DAVID IIcDDTriE, DRICK. M4W1 AID PLAITERER, . rATETTEVILLK, H. C. taaaooAfanyiaadar bis oarrioooto prooi ia tbji and 4 fc aelaiag aoootto wiablng work doo ia bis Una. ' i , my i8,im. i-ir COOK & JOIIxVSON, 4 '- IMPORTERS AND DEALEK8 IN Enrtiak, Cefnian, and Amerlean Urd ? war) aa vuuery. ' Jaaaary II, IW4. Itf T. C. & B. 0. WORTH, (fcantdon and Forwarding , BEECHATS, - WIlMlairt, 11. C. BroakdraaeteaudooaoeajlgnBiewU. T4-lyH . A CARD. ( t Tk adaralgaod waald raopoetfally Inforoj his old frieada aad aa.taeien tbat be eaa bf ftmad at tba tare of C. K. Loot, whore b wi b ftod ta ao . awaww aa y. i n u.tmH na boos. f ' ' raywttevllla.M.C. J. R. UcDOtALB. , im. 1, 1867. . . 167-if : ; - Book Bindery ".Tl'rl. HAtPIE, OarrteS oa Oia Boot-Madlag baal- It waes la tha eeeoad story af CUrk A Woodward' Clothlat Eatporioai, where aowui rooot a aw ezewa Wadiag ia any stylo deir4 wr- .1 I" U. P. ELLIOTT, 'Commission McrcMnt, : rAYE'ITKVJJLLU. JT. ! Igeil hi UUtrUl fc Co 'i Utim Eoit Lint Will Uea4 prompllj fo All UikiiuM MtrwUd t bit rtg ' OcImW 21, 1SWJ. ' -tf.' COHPOMTIOII E0IIE3 Of the - town oi fayetteville for Sale I. - AOSECABLI to Aet of th Garrl AkmbUj af U Hula T Murtk Carolina, ratitatl Dm. iawi, aatltorUing toa Toa of aymaTllla to iawM kr aVrndo U tb awouht of 1 1W,I(00, in too orjtro fate, for tho farpoM af paing kar bacri(Uu W tk ! va B.il iRaraiura, i m arurrru o ana iiauwiim at Parpttaville, thai tlio TrrT af Um T rrMo aaaiau fipa..., uia ... v. -v.., r .L. ---L.L- .r a-ji aai I. Ulii a..k u 1 t i . . i. un i. i - r aw . . .. .a k Ikmdo, or mmf part Uieraof. Ituwio te raa taoaij ooart, with Cvapaat lucl.ad, lolTa( pajoblo Hal aaaaaUr. Tko aai'l Uuwla aball b amlrr Iba goal of Ui OraoroUoa, aa4 blading aa tbo fai'a of tb mm WH. HAlUttH, Iowa IrouirW. lopkM. 1864. WO. TATK UP NORTH CAHOLJS.4, COL'STY Of RICMMOKD, Ctmri a w-a aaa QmttrHr AWatw. Jnurf Term, m. Joka O. WaUo aai otaora, OooiiaMa of Juba Wat. a, alllllla, . J aaat Wataoa oad atbara. roiltiaa fur FarBik af ImaA. Tlila caaoa auaiiad aa U bo koaH apoa Ik PU iiaa ilad, a ad it aparia( te tho aalialactiaa of I lit Caart, that ArekiUld Walava asd Alau4rr ataca or aaavraoidoaw of tltH HUM, ll to tkotoloro arOor. o4 by tba Cvurt.tkai aabtirataM k BMJo la Uw KattA Caroliaa ArpM fin ail oiooacatioa oratka aotifjang tk oal4 ArrkibaM Walaaa, aaat jklasaudar Maliwa, to bo aaal appoar ot tk Btt tcrta of aar taij Cat, a krU at tba Caart 1IW la Kockuigboai,' aa tk tbU4 MaaJa la Al Mil, tkta aad Umpm ta plead aaavor or ateaiar ta tkM pHiUoa; ftkarwia Ik alia ntiaM Iborata oat furtk, aiU bo krarj nfrit A aJaioojt takoa fr-tjkm aa to tba. Hitaaaa, lau 11. M, Ulork U w aabl Ouart I Uftao. ia ibaVaa af Kackiagbaia, tk lUiJ Wua Oa of Jaaaary ia lb rar of aar Umi ono HiubhukI oigbt baadira aJ kflj-aataa, aad ia tbo flat ar af Aaaartaaa laOrpoodaae. fb H. WEBB, CWk. rb. 1, 1657. IWMH-prl-f 1 10 Copartner hip Notice. THE aakrigol bar tbia dajr autI.iJ tboia. aalToa tifkar aar tbo aaaat aad at; kt af - S. M. THOMAS & I3H0. Par tbo parpaa of earrviag aa lb Uareaalil Bual aaa ot ta MurMmM b; 8. M. Thotaaa, (Market Sqanrol abora w kaop aeawtaatlt 4 katxi a iarf aad U oteta dTOCK OC 0ild,. Ka.brack.(. Slapke Dry (hmmK Halt,- V., Uxl, 8k, Vaokr Jfutiam. fl.rdwara, alrr Hal. laa-watv, 4l isaM irmrfU-ir runofjirui ei, -J- W rfMetfnr lanta aar frirada a'l tbo fabl'ic gaojanllp ta aaU aad oiaatiM oar Bt"tk bfiro aakia Ibair parcbaa, M ro datrraiiBaxi at to b ra-cm-D.o by aay tiaaao fur CASH. rrooapt aa4 praaal ollaalioa paid ta oriUr. 0 M THOMAS, II EMIT M. THOMAS, rayrttorillo, FtUo.rj a, 18M. - "Tcard. I RETURN v tae tbanko t aiy frlrad. eaa wr aad la pakli p:allT, for ib UKrl patroaaia bcrtVtfiira lla-lr-l ta ma. Aa I kav am. plo eamrafawat fraat mj frUaU. tbaald I rrmin, and to fi owjboJy tk oppoHaoilr ut trailing witb Taoati, 1 bar coeeladad to aontino baaiawf ia thi fily, aaJ aalicit ta iUa ti ia of tb pat raag of y frianda, oa.UMarn aa.1 U puklir (rarr all. to tb ooaeera of 8. M. Tbonia A lira. ' 8. At. THOMAS. rayttrl, Fab y 2, 1K7. M . .YOT1CE. THE Butaieriber b opal, oai door Wort of tho 1 Capo Pear Baok, a good etck f KEAUV-MAUB ftiAvuivn u.k will tk tuA n rMMibtl tvrtbal. j x. UU I 1 1 1 ,. , wt Han - " 4 jf; ,f (tfflck .ad pHceeU ttdd (mm bia old atomers aad the public generally. Bepalrin,: garaieaU wuwo at ebort Bailee. ' THUS. RIIOt'FS. V..tille. Feb. 7. tR57. 101- ENTERTAINMENT. ril B E Pubecribrr H prepSrrd ToTkr 1 boarder t uie jaiuwa nit"i ! ..... t .i t ,.K,k I, Litwriy rami, oj w " -. ItM'v Kb will kteo caterUia, anoa raWraji jj teraia, all aeb trauaieut owtoaem aa aj laior krr witb tbeir patrooate. Wb ia prorided witb a goou aad aareful hwller, aad ao pains will b .pared to altmse tboa who may call. rayattesin. K."C, Jaa. M, WS7. : !&7-f Second -Stock. B. F. PEAliCE R nn.w receiriiir. direct Iroai New York, bUeecoDd J Stock of . rail " Wlulrr Dry Goods, ktaafir wliieb ma b fooad. tbo hitvat and axt ftitk innabl tt lea of Laitiee' l)r QikhI, Cloaks, Man tillas, and all strieaor Broonmiery. ... . .. fiKvTLl'MKN 8 OUOUS of ry Variety .l...k will be auld CHEAPat wholeaal orrelall. Tb Ladies are roapectfiillyiiifited te gio mo flay 8trsrt,rayetUilI,ot., m& -iil4.tr avlVtr Crop Uotassc8 a BIIPKRIOR oualiir. Also, SEED OATS. Jutt e)"l. p. r. JOIINROS. Jan'y 10. 159-tf i m mn cALi io oxe axd all XtTM. OTEttnif respeelftil- Y iy tender bis thank ta generoue public, for tb liberal pat ruaaK he kaa reeeited from tliem aiaoa b baa eeaiaieaced buMnen on his aaabeok, aad bnpei by strict at teutioa aad airing iadustry, tome. it a aonUaaaoc of Uieir faror. . Ha kaa aow on baud and will oonv ataatle kees a cood ieorUnent of 8dd1e, lliiulea Uartiafala. Alea, Carriaga, Unggy, aad 8ulay llar aaa af all varietias and af bia ova aiarnifaetore. Haeiaf ia bis anploy 4 rut rate workmen ia the differ ent braaebe of bio tmaiaoas, ba 1 ant aader tho a. aeaait of koecinc Murtbera werk for sal. He ahn aa hand for ale ' ago aad Carriaea Cellar j Wagoa, Carriage, Baggy. Droeon' W hip af ee ry aaecriptioa, aad ery atbor artick aaoally kept ia kia Una.' ' " Repairing atteaded to a msaal doa neatly aad witb ikiaDateh. D, B. lie aaraootly leqoeat all those Indebted to tb late Irai af Uaaatpa A Oreray to call aad settle tb elaima he holds afaiaat thrta, aa tha arttlemeat of tha ao-partarahip riiras It without delay. . Jaaaary I, lfttf, ; lU-tm TaycttSTills, tl Cr Cituri : ; L'aich 14, 1857. . rrtboAr(Uf. LITTLE GIRLS I . LiUla lra bo ialerntiog 1 ; v ' , Havrht oa raitb ao light and fro, Aivay opbrting arror mtiaf ' Korvr (riiii la thoir glao j SoBMtln, trot, tbalr joyi and pUaaarti - To tblr lftU oorrow yUld, ( ' " goilkM aad aadmai . , TaM and gladania . f ' Uk tba tuoakioa '. , ' , Cbialog kadowt RtlJ. , ' 81n tar bard af oortbly torrU, . TtU tkoy of Iba Jay of miiUi, , Of tliO trt of aocial pantlair, ' Soaud lb afrl faai'ly keartb, Tby raa only jaa by "acg'la," AU Ibo Ulll firlt of oorth. Yor t'.ar In i" ' ; M , ' 'if '.. - - - - - uc i..ul. . -"l!l a1 ' " "' ' Mot a eurd of aorrow tigbuacd, By tbrireUator, r tr eta!o( nlrtb. Vbra tbo brt witb grief ia boar, , kaa tbo bead ia tad oad dull, . Wbea tbo ooul wftk glooot oad (arrow b to ororfloonag fall, ' Tkaa a bmik U ator pleating, Or ka greater power fur oaatag f piriU law, or life blood fioanag, Tkaa tbo laegbiag and lb teaaiag, Of tbo pUyfal Uttlo girlv, , " rirtrravitLt. ' MISCELLANEOUS. Beeared bjp ta Copyrigbl. tit 1LLJ ANT ROJ1AXCE. ART TOMPt!a. ' B9 IJrul. i r?,.V UFA Ana-RWAf . i .,L,.. .i TA. .,. wi. - TL, iM af tk V.vt " " 9 A I of the IMUwin," "Ike IJaxntt.1 Brer Jiarrd." dx - J-t , CHAPTER I. Cewaf eV Unif. ' Pwp aipht ia N'w York 1 Night to the biph od tba Jowly, tiriwm snd wretched, to all it wa dirp sight The jrlanpa threw pale and aickty light npoa the aow almost vsrated atrw tM fur it was dead oijibt ! . Now and then a titlant watehaiaa crawled twit of bis farorite driukm sabjoa, though not very often, to tee that uubiidy bad Carried oil the rtty. (The u tliur ioteaus this s a jufca, aad tb reader ia re quested to laa'h.) ( . 7 la a (ashiutiable oyster saloon ia Fir Points, ia a stall, aat two Men. On wa the Count Al fred ds Hunkry the other, llsrry Podprrs, m of old IVit.'era, wealthy retired claw Bierrbant. ' The Colot da lluokfy wa apparently boot IWny flv yeagfdd k-Itw - in miyi ! aaaaaae, were a military cap, wb Cnatbeta, tad hii feet were iiKased, to rassci' boot. , Hi eotbpeniua, Podjr was, sbeut nimrteen. II wore new suitof nadji aisde clotbioff, a white bat, etoth pumps, ud inaword bi pprne spoke the msa of fashion. l b ordioarily hkndaome and injteuioos eottotensuee of the Count de Flua key, wa acw eoveretl witb a frown, lie wa abstracted. - He would tek a spoonful of oyster soup and raise it ta hi nioulh then, hi coal Urk esiile rye rolling wildly all the while, he ould tlubbcr, like tbe Arsoian ensrper si nis oils, and the soup would dnp down hi nailed breast At lenpth, brwjring bus cieneneo nst up tha table with tienicodou force, the Count cried: .. .. It Heaven, Sary Tnoipkipj most be mine: Ho r without tbeVe ! Bring to ex-bts worth of g"!."- n . .. Tbe tnn ws brought It waadliiik ! -And the Count, telling the barkeeper "to ehtrye it." left tbe room, arm in arm with his frjend, the young and eeooiplihed Podgera.' CHAPTER tl.- Hit), fmprmr. Fifth A venae I Time.fiiehtl Sceoe. Tom p. kins, the retired lobster dealer's princely mansion. Hriiilit tha es Imiiyi , shon oer fair wotnea and brae men, (thi eipression is original with the suthoi,)jnd all went merry a several uiarrispe ba!!s. Tbe spsciotu and eorpeoas furnished drswiugJoui of Jhe.princely Toaipkins were titronped with tbe beautv sna enirsiry oi ruts Avenue. Like a pure diamond aarang tnoseu of brsss. shone Ssry loiupklns. ih pes re- fanes its office. And the author, must content liinavlf b remarkinc that she was supremely be.uliful. How truly and beautifully baa Keata said, '. ' '" f:'i U's a tsrnsl ban) thing to desertba a lorelj wsiaka. Count Alfred d Flunkey I" eried a servant tat 1ivr.' :' ' ' '' - ' ' ' The Count entered. Anuie nt iip bis dooi coQutentnce. Ifowing wt eirsite pact io tba asseuibled elite, he advanced with lordly stride toward bis betrothed, fiery Tompkins. 3 The merrv muht aned on. The silver winged hours flew by. Still the brilliant assembly at Tompkins' remained. . Tb best of feeling pre vailed. Wit, sentiment, beanty and chivalry crowned the . glowing hours. Kut; oh. hark 1 The I ell rings. . A huge man, wit a nory-nose enter Ihe V marble hall' of Touipkins. .Jos voice of .thunder he ertew . f ; , ; 41 Lsdic n' gentlemen, I'm policeman ao nothing'shbrter, n' I'll ye if Count de Flun kevia in this ere august 'senibly, " cause if he is. I'm ordered to rfcst bim unless be immedi- ' . .... ..... .. a, , . . telv tqusrea up bis wasn uui who mra. dhu' 0'F!nnegin." r, . Follow away J Clave avwint 1" cried tbe Count; de Fluiikey, Su a voice which was hoarse witb passion and gin. ' Not By a d d. sight, ol feller, yoa most pay thi ere bill or go ter the toombs l' And tba obdurate policeman , laughed loudly and defiantly. ; , , ?i Tompkin was bewildored. At length he be csnle highly Indignant II tore hi bir and fosiued at the mouth. . De then, with a terrible iark. tor off bis oot-til, and danced about witb ran, like a' Tuaxarbra aavaga. Rushing try .to lb VounAv yelled . , j " Viper, and tbi from yw " poltroon pappj aio't ye sshamed of yoorsclf ? ' Vviib a i-r of dmnair. Sarv aow rushed for ward. Raisfag herself up to ber full height she aaid PSKeeman 1 How wieeb 4s thi bill f" ; ' 'I Two dollar. nd eevetity-eeveB cents, if you pies muss. r , ' . ,' , , Thau lber tier k tha ittoi Ui itnd .rsj wjT , - ; ; ; 4 , -; tj itrsii of Mm't hi rti fall 'ry thru tho inoay at tha I'olioaMa'i 1 full into t awoon. 8h wm bulled oat fort b hlHirt Tl.i La J i. bo" . . to " ( Tof- :s ii.'rv.ow is iirery iia me ponconian. I Una wj; in ttutiv4 apootelor to thii n iiJiag rictaol. . TufipVinf bad heart yuan tntiiuata Mocialio witb lobtOn, t entirety enured il.o finer felinpi ia bia Touipkin. wat (Tec ted. Ha trrpi i,lr aUrting up, ha bounded lika a'guaoJl . Count Alfred Flunkry. iina to any rnia, my noble fi-now," cried ins. and tb 0raol wa ktcked in bU liim') aroii. It waa a aiotikg ipeotaole. f the guMt wera inoyed V tear, while moved to (bo and room, where the brandy nr wra. ,. it that rUrythone forth witb eingalar y. Itfhitig furwurd toward the Cuwnt r t'i.tbpT, alie id s r. ' i - of tliio iiilf nsoly- iDteroatirf ttury S,.,;. tul ..In d iu Lit ia pprr. I be re-i-h Pai"h, pob- 1, tha r ;Tf4i. .Ldi.-.y luitm'UrtUuvu pujr. i It cirrulaUa 84,000,00(1 eopica, (more or kn,) weekly. Comorib write for il Brick write for It Wipfria write for it UifqriM writea f it II igjrin write for it rigjriM write for it Twipfrio write for it ao doe Fpripgio.- Tb Flhy l'anh aity be obuioed at all the enruer amcerie. Tba next chapter of tbia otory. (8ay Toaiplinr.) will iaforta the rea der what Sry aaid alao what the Cooot da Flun key aaid and aUo what the aaid iben TUeto CSummercial. '-Al)(KJSTORV, From " H union of Falcoobrdge." While " putting up t'other day. at lh Irring House. New York, I heard a goad dug tory tht w ill hear repeatint'. I think. Aporfin? gent from ttie country, ropp n at tf Irvinp. wanted a do. not particular whether it was a paniel, hminJ. pointer, r:nrflth terrier: or butcher bulL So it kfricnd aulrised Hint to put an aoTeniwmnu in the San. and spirit oi tne i tmei, wnicn I" ... . ., . u .. he did. requesting me -tancy to onng along the ripht sort of dog to the Irving Home rnoni No. Tke advertisement appeared wmultane ouslv in the two paper on Saturday, there were but few cH that day, but on Mon dAv. the Spirit" baring been freely inv biJid bv il numerous reader over Sun day, ihe dg men wens awake, and ,,ien lie'n tlie eene. The oecupant of room nurober Ud cnrcely got un, before a ervant appeared with a man and a dog. Believe, ir,'you advertised for a dof T" quoth he wih the animal. -. waa tha rer-nonsftof the country fancy min, who, by Ue way, it mutt be premised, was rather green as to the quali 'v and prices of fanev do. - vL.i kTud of l Hog do yoo awrr tnt r A greyhound, full blooded, sir. Full blooded ! says tbe country sports man. : : ' " . Welt be don't look as though he had ,ii - t: II. -J k.n.p tnucti tiiooq jii nun. itv outdn't he,'mikter, if he was full bellied looks a hollow as a flute T ... This rtetriark, for a moment, rather stag- arered the dog mao, who first btoked at nis dog and then at the critic. Choking uown kit dander, or distrust, says he : -That's the best greyhound you ever taw. sir. , " What do you ak fr him T Sevcntv-bve dollars." What ! -Seventy-five dollars for thai dog frame V ' ' " I guoss you re a tool- any way, says the di g man : " you dnt kuow a houn t from a tanj'ard ctir, vou jackass ! Phe-C wt! come along, Jerry f and the man and d.g dissnppeared. - . The man with the hollow dog had not stepped out two minutes, lie fore the ser vant appeared with two more dog mer chants ; bwh had their'specimens ah ig, and were invited to tef in." ; T'Ah. I that' d !". ej tculated the coun trv Tirtsinan. the moment his eyes lit upon ihe massive proportions of a" thundering edition of titJki.raadl,,...-.,...;.,.;.-. t-JLill.. j That is a dog air," w as the emphatic response of the dog merchant, " How much tlu you ask for that dog T qnoh the sportsman. . I. Well," says the trader, putting his dog, " I thought of getting, about filty-tive dol lars for him, but I" s i "Stop," interrupted the country spo ts man, that's enough he won't suit, no how i I can t go them figures on aogs. . -The man und dog left growling, and the next man and dog were brought up. fcWhy, that's a queer dog. mister, am t it! 'Taint got tin hair on it 5 why, where . l , ....J.V. a .,tr ad llinl ' in Diazes niu vou rmw ! ' been scalded, hain't k ?'!says the . rural spor.s. man. examining the cutter. . Scalded V- echtxnl the dog man, iook ing nt ways amiable at the speaker, " why didn't you never see a Chinese .terrier, a- lore T ' ' ; " No, and if that's one, I dont care about seeing anotlier. W hy he looks like a singed possum? ... - Well, you're n pooiv looking country jake, you are, to advertise' for a dog, and not know a uninese terrier iruut bc possum f . '. , Another rap at the door announeol more dogs, and its the man opened it to go out with'-his singed possum, a genus who evidently "killed for ryayer," irushed in with a pair of the ugliest-looking savagi snub nosed, slaughter house pups, the fancy" rriieht ever hope to look ukmi ! A these tneaiaxeish canines Made a rush at the very boot tops of the country sports- i.1 u ..A nff" rirnltv nerttentiblv. - na'ril-v"V:Xi AZZZZT-U i nl-weart fellow, and willnerer .....v You needn t l)e afraid o' oein j-'. i.- -r :a a.,.' - BaM lav lla.OWfl. Baltv dav's de dogs," mister, vol you read oflT -' Ain't they rather fierce asked the rural sportsman, eyeing the ng'y brutes, - a ' ll.,,.- twlijaai lev are . ".t. r r.itrKt if vou want to se emv . ." a" -.. I V,. - tn ... 0 in tor os suiMiow. . aw- . Cf ttsBthr ' fri'i aairi ta ilrrs. ' " Nov I gueThi not," timidly responded the portstnan t " they are not exactly what I want," he continued. " What," aya Jnkey, "don't want 'em Why look aliere, you don t go for to aay dat you 'pect I'm agoin' for to fetch d-dogs clean down her for nuihin', do you. sa a y f Coa if, yoo do I'll ii drop of! toy dud and Urn ye out o"yer wools P , Jakey was just beginingto square when hi belligerent prnpMition wa suddenly nip ped in the bud; by the servant opening the door and uherinr in '. more dogs ; and no aooner did Jrika'i pup, see the new-comer and they went in ; a iiht ensued both of, Jakey'a pup fighting on and itble-bedied, big boned sorrel dog, who appeared per fecily happy in the transaction, and having a tremendous jaw of hi own, made Ihe bone of the pupa crack with the hih prrsure he gave them. Of course a dog (: ' t ' 7vi' Tor r man. fight, and in the wag ol a dt'ubi laiuli l lA, Jk. aad il.e Jroprietor of the sorrel dog hud a dispute, ukey wa attitudinizing a la " the fancy," when the sorrel dog man who, like hi dug, was got up on a liberal scale, of strength and proportions walked right ii.t tJakrv' calculation, an whirled turn in aouoie flip-flips on tbe wasli-sund ?f the rural j Sfiortsnvansrooin. thirsportingineiiu view. ed the various combatants more in bolily fear than otherwise, and wa mn king a break' forthed.for l clear himself, when to hi horror and amazement, he found the entry beset by sundry men and boys. And any quantity of dogs- dogs of every hue, size and khape." At lht moment the chawed up pups of Jakey. and t heir equally ued up master, came a rushing down a aita an-ther fight ud on the stai'S between Jakey'sdogs and some o hers, and iben a stampede of dogs- -nt xing up of dogs -tangling of ropes and st:as-cursing and hurraining. and auch a time generally, a is far better imagined than describe-'. 1 he Nwirders hearing such a w ild 'owicry to say nothing of tbe ye! of dogs, came out j or there .various rooms, aud retired as quickly, to escape the stray and confused dogs, that now were ki-yi-ing. yelping. And pitching all over the hou! oy iudrcwu mirslielling of the servants boom sticks, rolling-ins and c tnes, the dgs utfth ir various proprietors were ejected, and order once more restored ; the country sportsman seized his valice. paitl li s bill and vamos ed the ranche," and eveafter it was in corporated in the ru'es of the Irving, that gentleman are strictly prohibited Irom dealing in dogs while" putting up" in that house . C,U&D 1JALUWS ASCKSSIOS I WltLIAK- otoa, trmt many pu,ie ia Vwa, oupixtat Cowrt The ltallooa was a asonslrous enriowity with some of tb inhabitants of Bareraaa, Flat Swamp, and vusibers from Lee's MilUAte. It was formally saaouBced 00 Friday evening Last, by Uie 1 sending, around Towa, of a dinaer Bell, that there would be a grand Balloon aaeeo- sion at nlgnt - As a matter 01 cowrae, ta. .uj had beard a great deal abjut. Balloons, ie., and j ' .. . .U l 1 bad ovr seen anything ot the xind, were on . '-. :..v. i -..i-,. ; .v. After the light of tbe longest d.y ia the year, to had been turned into darkness, crowj. of all sorts of folks were seen wending their wjy ia the direction of where tbe Balloon wa to take iu everlastiug departure at an early hour. Great snd wonder! ul were the surmises,-especially of the ' low ground and back woods men, who had not even seen the "befephant;" Of course, tbe Balloon wa of au cnornous site, snd according lo the figures of a lank si dcU hing h-ygeo outn of about tweutv-niue, who resembles tbe p id ore of old Puddy Fat's son Lankey, which inay l f.,und ia a Comic Alm'anac, fur IS 10, and awk wardly put up at that, the uioiister cist's p.iwet-' ful aigbt of money, and could swallow ao aili-s-t. an.l aercral litre stuiveoo. krrre euoujb to jrrouDd in the Roanoke duri.. . besry frcbet, w'geAUagateaUkw-- of-what tbr monster ETlIoon could do, which took place in a gnap- little- distant - from' :the maiBcrowd, tbe younger one. showed symptoms 7a"aruT, while tbe oldr one. thought there was danwrln being too near tbe thing Ail was tX irkthis group, a six'footer from tb Barogra country who had been listening Ll S to tbe yarns ot the lank sided youth, wL, hesrd to , grant? arid commenced rolIi-V-P bis trowsers to bfii knees, exhibitiag a ' de ot palDCw.&e AlWUl 1119 HHIO HUC IMS- WV - w m IBjwriiui a a-wea . wa i arav in a crowd of cirls, and blowed fury in every direction; me gin sereaiue . .. .. -i - i yelled and cmiarvo m-. v u .... ake lkM oonciuueo i . 7- ttuis. tliedos wKs dead, and without hoitatioti TZeZ rlrviTion, bolted, ad just as he wa. in the set of turning the tin corner, ' Meomi rocket happened to pass. near him, sud when U bursted, be thought his time was near at band; Utw.Uiout looking hack or tbe left or to the rtgnt. -pre.u . . -",'" smoothly did he travel, it was thought that the tipnd of his eot-tail would have supported a cart saddle, and Philli,! ihiuks that bis shadow did'ot-'overtake him uuttl late tke next morning! After Uiis scene, tbe crowd began to "suretl a mice," snd several all of a sudden, deemed it imprudent to remaia ia tbe night air for any length ef time, but it wouldn't do, they bad to . , .V. .1 .... kul.la eul.l acknowledge .ne co, . tip-toe, ana panieuianj a!" l what 'be ter UilU ahould otweore tne ngni 01 iue presi , , ., . . j .1 .1 .k. ...:...i... ! tVc aau luminary tnai ruica uie. ujjoo mi pi...v - neeasion. tor tnef Were ooiraswoueiy 'ier ai ; The hoax wa aeapitel one, ma uuug we i maB, in repiy i aged handsomely, and we must say, that the Un,, yott b.ve the most fouiD.net of coun individual whoiould attract the attenttoa i, j tenaaee I erer . "''"' . ... l J. V... ....1 Lira la wit- jt T U.a tba MaaOB for dat flfV MXhtr ni eall nuttnt WUOie vuui a w y - . ltall.mn aseension iu the town 01 Willi vvtm m fc, ' . - . . iamston, witn ouiy nan an nw i dt tor tt.e want waw, ua. r....k..at f aoaaie. if be is a Bochauaa tuaa. X O Time, - Ths New Turk Mirror thiifks that some stage nronriators hav adopted the elassio motto from ' Cassr, "afoss furt ia ewiaita."- ; It Is said tbat tbe pereoBac who first wore hoop WA. M.tra. aaa of tbo ladies ia waiting 3Ct 1. UA. Matar.. Ma of tbo bdios in waiting I - i TV- I.w..-- that. ItMSUa. uujwaawtwny Whole No, 166. WHAT A MAN COSTS-VALUE OF , .... EDUCATION. . - In a recent namber of Hunt's Merc'iant'i Magazine, there i an interesting calculation oi tho subject of raising and educating men. It presents R new striking argument in fnvor of eduoation. It i ID le regretted that there nbould be any necessity for using' .. such an argument ; but as there are in t e world a great ma ay men who measure ail thing, even (heir professed religion by ihe " almighty dollar, the article will do food. AsiJe fmtn that, it is one of great interest, from it calcnUtion and will be read with pleasure. . We have only room for ot)rie( extract,, which goe to show how much a. man cosis -what he i worth what U bt real . money, or commercial . value and -what ne-r teiifsgo an education if given j him, pay oo the original iarestmeat. Mr. , Hunt say: - ,".TbJ vera?rfi. crfl. "wfil inrereaf, t raising jky; pt-vi jhi't fA'A"-'! equl 1,(09. This U fnvesled what i the io vestment worth? It will fnst f 100 a year to support him. "To this add a mind, and in what an extraordinary ratio has the person s value been raised! He can now tUpnord t300 a year-that equa's MJ0 b).e ,h i(io, wh(rh js , ,jown lo ,he crelii of mind. Now, add education perfecting biia from birth to maturity, and what can be earn ? Is 1,0(10 a yea' too much to allow T That is 86 0J more than the uneducated man is allowed ; and how highly m. s we rate the expense of education ? It could not average 700,'' which therefore yiel is 100 per cent. . People usually count '-tho cost of growth ami sustenance of the body asp it of the expense of educa:iu ; but ibis should never be dune ; s dean distinc tion should always be made between ihe expenses to lie charged to the body of thiwe to he charged to the mind ; and as clear a dictinction should be made in case t.f the cfedit., fr al one? some very practical truths wouy ,,hihited. IVrhans the following table will present tbe truih in a conspaiou manner : Italy costs up to 21 years, Mind costs up to 21 years, Education up to 21 years, Body costs alter that (per year) Mind trains alter lhst (per year) 1.000 1.0t:0 700 1(0 3iK) Education gains aftertht,(er year) 1.0 0 It is also to be noticed, that ihe unedu ca'ed man is more valuable in middle than iu advanced years ; but the educated mail grows more valuable as years increase, so that if be begin life w ith a sum represen ting the interest of 10,t!00, he w ill find hir income to aWi'ji quite as soon iuj tl Rat CmiI ir ia goW- " j.' . The figures . are not fanciful ; they are of course a certainty, and merely for illustration : they may be exchanged lor any other to please an) caviller: but any fair left of the truth wiU prove that e.lu- cattim wilt pay more man two per edit u n ,!s cttu ' t v, ouJ appear, then, that any man , . n wouj reC(l(1 up ms inreMWienf, mutt to has m btnds, cattle implements. at least 11,000 for every mafure' as raised ; and if he has added to 1 the cnnu agMHieuucauon, iic inaiS-M .... 1 1 . 1 .. 1 i 1 1 a fortune ol not less than S10.000. No 'every principle of commercial eeonnif 1 wouid dictate that we should add a little j investment if we can thereby save the j whole, nud much more readily should wo j (u jt if we can turn the whole iuto-lhe j mt prtfi.able of '.all investment. And wlat investment is there .will pay as wtil 1 1,-5.:,, mj0J. and edueat.on coibbiued ?" AN AFFKCTI.NT. St'E.VE. LieatenanrTiirsooa, in ! bis Nelsouiap Eemi niseenee!, re!:ifes the following: Richard Bennett, wheu nrtatly. woondd IIS ratVal lit Nelson' real tttrsMh had mtwstt-d i . . V t t a L . L -.1 t l la- tUt . mm.ature and a ues : u. nis na.r UcollaodTgallaothcuieusnttbusderiUs i the interview : . , t . vr:.,i,. . I. wa, at tbe eluse ef a ir. -hen . bright July Sun sett.ng, that I amr.d at the prettv tage of Suites sher.' J tremuloorfy atated who I was la 't blkt ! ron I ererssw. of treritheitrsct.on. la brvk n n t-er accent of heartfelt grief .be tcd m. 1 1 " dan.hter's dcMh wa. daily expected, and rc eiacsted time t prepare, her to see me. ; w 1 k She was propped up IT maue us ! ms . v. - . . . - Cm tire like ! witb pil owe, nesr the open fattice vt her bed Lamed, bovs ! Mom that wis clustered w.lh roses, llerthi-e r aix too-er 1 dres and the dr.pery of the room necorded wiia ( - . -h hw lu,tn j the angelic vision who now w ;-!..,. Itinced eve.lids eyes up-wfmc, veihsj ,t long, " Sbo heldt. her t-"" praswed irnoe a. I H 1 Ja . . I 1 ...,J !- nana, s ,MI.' iH it; and, she te t nf tears etrop -: ; j wtsh Zi wh u of fc,iM1tk let ' The hK.k of hair o,irkkly, let ni ! " " . . J .,ht .t it. -ildlv Dressed it to Itna and hfiirt. and tell Dae. nor uiouier and I thought 'she bad fainted ; but the pure ana t . : . . . e . 1 L innocent "soul bad-reuirnea w uou u w gave it" -. ' CoscLCSiVt The best and most conclosJvw i ra .n ff-t that wo ever rcmiciiiber to i. ..v.l wiia iven bv a " one idea" Dutch- . ua,e rtkmtrk. wh- in V . - . ply, riuaKWMt y ' Julia "Now, Alfred dear. I must leave you. I am about to shut myself out froia "this world." . Alfr.,iu Miy, in the name of m Vlness, Julin7yoir arenof Ihtiikuig of retiring tA canvtn-t ; . .. , ' M j (' Julia ISo, dear d.m t aiarm yoursen. -am ouly goiog to pat on my 'new criutv ' J 1 ta dreaa. - - -

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