1 : . ; gforij Carolina $rps. FATETTEVILtE. I1TCK91T. JEKI U, 18W. IU ftaMl tat MUM Mi W WW1"' " cad, of all UfUhMta awveraasat Broaatrth. We ; mmim a -net f the A rot. ud wHI attend to th settlement ef sub riptJca ael advertUea acweuatt. , -' H" ,. a- The abaraet of all the Bditots, and tht ninaa r Marly all tha nnada, will be a saUafsetory reason for tte Very Interesting ekiraeter of the present brat of this pansr, and lbs waal af the atual aaaual of udllorlel Batter. 1 ' T Anatoa.Tue May aaaibar af this valuable usrleulteral fcuraul kaa baaa received. U soalaias aaweh susful lafbraatiea far farmers, twj fara- er la ths 8UW sagkt to lata all Ik agriwiUaral jour sals subUshed la Iks Btato. Wa (Uak Iks prises task Ssi-aera ate uw rtallaraf , weald Indent thea la Maa eaeeat tolaifrova Uslr laud aed Imcreeee their friea af taa Aratav, aaa delta r hi ad ranee, AaV 171. Uat, IlaWa, . C, Tat Wiatiib as a raa Ceors. Taa weather bat lata iimmtiI; vara Ibis week tbs thermometer raU4f 'ran v6 la lOw oe Una day tad Taetday. Oa Veaai.tay tveaiag wa wort bleetad with a rtfrstbing tain, kwk Wat Mack needed. If roa all parts af saw Btate t it growing crops art Said la be aunt prealarBf t nod twm all eecaleae af tka Uaioa tka aatoaalt aajr thai Iba pretest proaptett prtjtslss aa sbsadaat ytald. Jaa. W. leedferd, Jr., af PayettrvUle, kat btaa tf pcintee) Strgeoa la tka Kary. 1 Aa altetita for aeaieipal Sin ia NewOrtaaaaea Iba lat la.uut, recalled fas tba alaaUoa af Iba aatira Aaeritas tltkot. without epperltl-a . Tka Aaeriasae seta serried Ika skater eleetlea (a CaaaaJaigae, Hew York, by 100 Majority, eeer lat P.Boertti aad Blatk ftepabtkaae, ba tatai, by suae IwtapUtabla amaily la kava tamt toftr la tblt laa 01LUVJU GATKSRULI. , Major Baa MCaUek, af Ttua, poiaiplarily aV aKan Ibt SnTtraanblp af Ctah, Iaa4rail bia by tba rraaUaal. ' . Tkt Tlckibarg papart toalralicl lkarrtf 000 baia baaa tabMrib4 tbtra U bay a piaatatloa for Ga. Piaraa. Katbiag of Ibt klaJ ba bm aet Mitt GJwarda, a yoaag Mf, wat kllU4 by ligbt. lac aa tba 39th ult . uu klalna, WtatorUa4 . aaaaty, Va. ' la Xartktaptaa OMtty, Kortb Carattaa, Mr. Baaa kw abUliMd a 4ag foai Mr. Stall, for par. aaadlaf bia lata a aarriaga Uh a yaaag My agaiaat tka wltktt tf kU friaaat. . Wt laara fraa tba Biaai Uia ) CJIpptr tktt waaaa iit4 kat waak ia thai aaaaty , fraa atanatioa. Har kaibaaJ wat a arukta tag wka li hit wifa la atam wkilt kt wat af la taa panail af Col. Utory Brabba.wba wat kol by tba Mtilaaat la Vaaara, aa tka Otk liL, for tlHbaoloHng, wat ra. oaatly a aaadiaala for Ika port of I'ailol KUUt Reaa. tar. frta CaUroraia. Aaioag au toapaatana wat K. X. Wood, fonaortj of UiaMrut, ta4 oaa af tbt Aatrtou tlattun ia California aoriog tba raeaat . rraadtatur tiottioa., Tka Coaaoa Caaaea af tba ohy af Bdaloa kaa ap. prprtala4 f6 for aia apoa ibaCoaaaa ' waakly 4aring Ika etalag aara otaMw. Tka MaataakaMttt UgbUlart bavkog again raaalatioa by a largo aorit orJcriag tba rraoral af JaJfa Lariag, Ooraor 6arBtr bat a attoa4 liat rafaaoa at abty Ibo ittrwiltoat of tbal Mf. Tka aoalract for baiMiag Ibt ttoaa rovteaa tatlar ataoHnd by tba (art Coagrtat bat baaa awanlo4 la Mr. Wa. n. Wtbb, of Bow Tak. by Ibt Xtt.l Boar4 af Biaaiaart. Tba aoapttiaoa for tbit work it laid U kara ktaa Ibt aatt Uroly attr ttptritacod by ttt Dtparlatat Calalp brabtj aad apptitd la bitot of (-idr b oaid la afford rtry qaick rtlial. Coallaaa Ika applkalioa aad a cwrt U aoua afftttod. A aula of aoeka wora foagbt tl M'aipkit, Ttaata to, loot waok, for $1J,00 wbifb wat woa by Mtk W. Arriagtoa, af Bath ooaaty. C. Tka Aatrieaa trtiltuU at Paaaaa kara rarwtrdod la Ika f odVral ttpital, for Ibt Wtobiagtoa Moanaont, a block af aatira tloat. bkta fraa tka aoltbrawd OkUpa t,aaiTy, aa tka liaa af Iba traaait roaia, If ra. Qra. Seolt It aow lying daagtroanly ill at rarit, ad ktr daaghttr, Mra. Major Scott wat la tail Satur day laat le joia ktr. Ortat Britaia kat 10,000 ata at Malu, tka ktad arurt af ktr aartl forot ia tba Moditomooaa SUPREME COURT OF NORTH CARO- UNA. . The tummer term of ihii Court com menced in thif city on Monday Inat. That day and Veaterday wera devoted to the examination of applicants for-licennei in tba Superior and County Court. In the former, the following gentlemen were li censed : Messrs. J. A. Emitehard, and D. W. I lusted, of Raleigh; John D. Show, of Richmond county VV, L. Saunders, of Chapel Hill, and Messrs. Cheek, Scfaeak and MacDugald, whose place of residence we.coulJ not learn. In the County Court, license were grant ed to the gentlemen whose names compose the following liat : Jtia B. A mitt, . John W. Orarat, Joba A. Hanptoa, . LoooldM i. MtrriU, Jfoocph C Cartor, Hngb r. MaoUugald, Tbomat W. Cottaa, Jaaat T. Darit, Robert 1). Darit, William J. Montcoaary, Jacob T Brown, Chariot W. Egortaa, : . Hush J. Oattua, Carey WhiUktr, Jtaot A. Wright, WUIUra C. El.m, ; Prtdtrlek D. Ptiaata, Hoary B. Bryan, JokaP. Follor, BaryMoMair, Jattpk W. Staraatoa, Xdward 8. Piaaaar, Joaoa O. MoNabb, JnUat A. Robbint, Crarra. Catwtlf, Vtdkia1 Chatliaa, Hartford, BUdea, Oatta, -Mtokltabarg, Hertford, Montgomery, (i uilford, 7 Fraaklio, Wakt, Ilalifaf, Ntw HBor Caabtrbtad, Ntw Uaiiortr Wakt, Caabtrbtad, Rlobaoad, Crarta, . Warraa, Baadolpk. Kdngk Keftiur. ' A correspondent, writing from Kentucky, informs us that "the hog pestilence has been traced to tome droves that passed through a tobacco-growing district on their way Cast." He also remarks that " tob. oonists are using prassie acid to gtva aa al mond flavor to the leaf, and, in consequence of this poison, m number of smoker have lost the as of their lower limbs.'' 33 , Vf Yrk Post. ' ': '.it ; ,j rns tktCkarawJaMtta. COAL FORMATIONS OP TUB WORLD. - Tba proportions of the superficial eoal areas of the prluoipal eoal produolng eoantics of Jiuropa uJ Aiucn, Btay be stated ihust " " Unitod State, 133,132 aquara n.ilt Briliah America, 18,000 square mW j Ortat Britain and Ireland, 11,859 aqn.ira miles Spaia, 3,408 tqutra miles ; Fr-Bee, l,719squars wiles ) Bel gium, 618 aquara mile. , ..." - Tbu, U will be seen, Ut Uis United 8utes baa a snperfloial eoal area mors thin three times as great as all the eouBtries of Europe. And it I should be remembered, too, that the eoal basins of tba United Sums are but partially explored and defined. . " ' Ia regard to prodnclion, howererj thsoontrast ts sltogetber ia faror e( JSarope, - that: tireat Briuin and Ireltndproduoa. J 1,500,000 tons; Belghini 4,000,000; Fiance, 4,141,617) Prus sia, 3,600,000 ; Austria, 7,000, while ths United States, with a eoal area mora thaa three timet tbe aatent of ail Europe, actually produces bat .,w,uvu cons. Peiinavlvania has a eoal area of 437 snoars oillut, and yet io a sine) year, that of 1847, she produced 8,000,000 tons forniahing cargoes for 11,4.)!) vcatels, which cleared from the WK.e port of Philadelphia, that year. In 18-3 s Tew tons of so unknown oonibttitille were bronsht to Philadelphia, where its qualities were to be tatted and its value aacertainod. 1 1828 the Drat cargoes reached Philadelphia and Baltimore, Sinoe than, tba PenntylvaDia eoul fields bate produced aa aggregate ot 19,000,000 tona of eoal. Pennsylvania, aa above stated, baa a eoal area of 437 tuiles, which, in a single year (1847) pro duced 8,000,000 tons of eoal, a Hording; cargoes for 11,339 veatals. Uor seaport friends itxmlj remamber tbis. Nortk Carolios, probably, will be found to pos set a much lanrer coal area - From tbe kortb- altera extnaiity of tbe Deep Hirer ltttia to tbe Pee Dee is not leas tban sixty miles to length, and if it should be found to average tea miles in width, we have a eoal area of 600 eqoare miles, or nearly ooe-fiflh lanrer thaa Pennsylvania. It should be remembered, too, that the Peontylrania eoal ia anthracite, of but medium value, while the North Carolina eoal w biiuaiooua, snd ranks as a gas eoal, equal to the finest, and will command tbe highest price ia all tbe markets of tbe Al lan tie eoaaC . Mr. McLane, ia bia pamphlet referred to on a former oecaaion, ssys tha( at Egypt, oee toa per minute can be delivered, 1,000 feet from the eoal pit, at 00 eots per too. .That the capacity of the JJeep Hirer Mack Mater navigation ia lim ited to the delivery at Wilmingtoaor bmithrille of but 720 toot per week. Then, according to tbis authority, a single shaft working tea hours n day, can deliver upon tbe eurfsee weekly, 00 tuns, or about fire times as much ss can be petard dowa tbe Cape Fear river.'.. Bat wbea a Joaen abaft are dvli roving their 3,600 tons per week, it will be auea ibt Cape Fear eaa afford no adequate outlet ft tbeir prod uctiotit. The frieuda af the Cheraw aad Coal Fields llailroad teed have no mirgivings as lo the supply. We really are at a lost to say w bat lbs capacity of the Bead would be, but think 6O0 toe might be transport ed over it per day. If to, then, Cbarkioa would receive 107,200 tons of the finest e jt.I ia the world annually. With such s proapect t induce tbe construction of the Cheraw and Cual Fields Boad, taa any one interested ia the welfare of our beloved Queen City, heaitate to inirtt to the txtant oi bis ability f Tbe recent survey ef the line bis shown Ust it is but 67 miles from Cbcraw to Kg)pl, snd tba! the line of road would, from that pot at, trot tret lot coal Mats some twenty in ilea in (bis direction. If the eapacity of tba Boad be equal to the abort supposition, snd thojld cost tl.Zo0.000, its in come from coal aloaa, would be 408,000 perso nam, or equal to one-ball its cost, . We know that we are but making sutemonts with mathematical preciaioti, but we do know, that ws approximate lbs truth, sod tbst our state- meet, if enotHKHM, as ptobabiy they are, may be art aright by tboaa baring more precu data be fore tbem. . Aad wa beg that every friend of tbe Boad, wbo eaa elucidate its value, do so stooee. Many we know are in ptjaanoion of facts wbich would vaeUy eubeerre tbe cause, if ibey were gir so to tbe nubile. We hope, therefore, to hear soon from msny wbo bars heretofore remained ai kot. Old Scnooi, PacsarnaiAii AasKMBir. The General AaMmbly of tbe Jtabyteriaa Church (Old School) cloned its snnutl session st Letinutoo, Kentucky, on the 1st uf Juno. It is stated that treat harmony pre railed oa all sub jects under ditcuasioa. Tba Miaaiooary element was prominent Tbe seunnanes of learning and the boards of the church ore sll prorpcrinir snd moving forward in the, acoooipliahmeut of this great work. It now has a J'resbytcry or two in ladis, one or two in tbios, one in H cetera Af rica, one in California, and ooe among the Choc taw Indiana. The Assembly declined to tend delegates U any of the New ngltnd Associations, on recount of tbeir,dipoeitioo to meddle with the subject of slavery, lue Hon. John C Ureck enrlde, whose two uncles are prominent clergy men, wsa a daily attendant on tbe Ataenibly, snd entertsined tbe members with great hospitality at nut noma. . Emiosaxts fob LtsEaiA. The Norfolk Ileraid of Wednesday aaya r . 1 be ship Caroline Stephens, Irom .Ualti- more, bound to Liberia, yesterday received ibeemigTsnts. Soma two hundred in num ber who have iteen collecting here for some weeks past from various sections of Vir ginia and Worth Carolina. 1 lie creater portion of these can both rend and wj-jt&. thereby enabling them to become both use ful and honorable cit ir.ens of the New Re public. We learn that the indefatigable a (mat of the American Tract Society, Mr. r- .L' I L I.- . i c. uuiiineu visiieuinein several nines, ana has distributed amongst them not only a targe number of good books and Tracts ; but also such as will be of service to tbem in their new home. Mr.'C, whd is also agent for the American Bible Society, like wise distributed, atnonpst them a large numberof copies of that Holy Book. Had we not oere.in our nnusi uo:i an active agent as snr. v., many persons, botn sea men and emigrants would leave here with out the means oi studying Uods Holy Word.- , AmMICa'ns In Elropb Thousands of Ame ricans are now in Europe, and others are direct ing their footsteps to that portion of the world. The rage for travel was never so great aa now. This may be attributed ia soma measure to the facilities afforded by steam aavicatioa. It i stated that prior to 1850 the number of Ameri cans tbst Visited the Old World never exceeded 7,500 in any ooe year, and tba average number for the tea years previous was not more thsn 6,- 000. Ia 1850 the Collins steamers commenced ranning, and 29,303 Americans e rested ths At Untio during that ycir. In 1856, tha Bomber of American travellers returning from feurope that landed at New York wss 80,319. Ia 1855 the number landed at our porta was 29,598, but in 1854 it-reeohed t2fiU, . v . WESTERN LAND SPECULA ; . ;,,,s v C" PEOPLE RUN MAD. . Wa bad a conversation with our fclW-town. man, Eli Bruce, who baa just returned from t! t land sales la lows, snd language fails to Qq ict the gtecdiacas tnere dtaplayed for land. , The Osage land office in the northefttera por tion of Iowa was first opened for private entry en Monday the 18th lost. In that two year old town of eight hundred people, some two toourand land speculators bad eoogregsted. . limy slept where they could, aad grumbled not at strange bed fi b low t they paid one dollar and a half per day fur board, and butter wsa furnuhed, but twjoe s month.. In auticipation of the crowd, the land office was barred and bolted upon the insids. Ou the Saturday previous to the sale, some fifWa men plsoted themselves outside the door of the office, maintaining their post Saturday night, Sunday snd night, and went ready for tbe door ta open oa Monday morning. :, Near tbe hour fur opening, the .iuah of tftsea hundred was mad, and ia tbeir revenge upon the fifteen who had been two nights and a dsy si the door, they crowded upoa ths building, breaking the ribs of a Mr. Craw lord, formerly of this city, so seretdy injuring a Mr. Ensign, slao formerly a resident of tbis Cleveland, that foratims life was dipairud of, snd was barely ssved by those inside opening tbe door sod dragging biuf witbio, where after a while he wss roatorod to consciousness. . Many others ware badly injured, and fatal results only could be everted bj tbeBegistersnaounciogthn ae entries would be mads inside the building, tot he want outside and took the 'names snd &.' the entries One hundred aad fifty though J acres were subject to entry, snd the rags for th(' landa canted tbis msdnsss. ' ' ' r . tfctW WuV ' . . .- . Boots FiNaNoixarNa. It is well knowi to ths residrnts of this Lrutnct tbst there are no bills circulating as currency under the denomina tion of five dollsrs witbia our limits, s law of Con- press having driven swuh trsah from ommuitioo. But this met is not generally know a abroad Small bills are frequently received at thie oSee for subscriptions purporting to be baaed by "banks" wbich bare nosxitteaoetbeemUsiona of mere indiriduals who mskeaseof wWashin toa" or Oeergetown" to give themselves repeet sUlity. We doubt not tbounads of snob notes are taken and passed, from hand to hand, by honeat persons throughout tbe country. uch iiv. dividual are hereby assured tbst Be bills ander tbe dtnominstioo of five dollars are issued by ehber banks or individuals ia the District of Co lumbia. Xnt. luttlliiimcnr. . - . - Tu Dcem Vektsov Motmwo. -Two duels were fuughr, yesterday morning a( hnll past four o clock, on tbe oouth Caro. lina aide of the river, a few hundred- raids above Hamburg. The first took place be tween Mr. Phillips and Mr. Moore he Id $ and the second between Mr. Prathe aad Dr. Applt-bv. Messrs. Phillips snd Prather are the editors of the, Lafayette (Ala.) Tribune, and Mr. MourcfielJ and Dr. Appleby, edi tors of the Lafayette Wrald. . , The tluttance was ten paces, and pistols the weapons used. Alter the first fire in each duel, mutual friends succeeded in ad justing the difficulties between die parties. Fortunately.iieitherducl was attended with any injury. Aug mtm Centtiiutionmlisl, itk MoXLMKKT TO THE AlTnot Of " HoMK, Swrt.T Utfr."-!y the Louienlia Journal We oo'ice that aona public siiiritc J citizens uf Ho ton biva art oa tot a projeot ( the ar.-ciivi f of a mooeiAeat to John iloweta Parse, Tbe UrgrsUoa is received with sppUase by the press, snd will doubtlena bo carried out with graceful promptitude. Mr. Payne-passed the early years of his chequered life to Boston, and it is fitting that some tangible memorial of him should adora the city on which his meawiy sheds so sweet s luxtre. . V Shall it be done f . It is after all but payiof ia eoldujirble John Howard Psyue for the pur cat hymn the bumso soul has ever uttered. . lib song is eoahrined more permanently thaa all the Impbiea of art can express in that great popular aaart wmro ootaiits iu uick perfect riiaieace, when vibrating to the mtlody of this noble strain and yet wa can fully appreciate the spirit of our llustouiao friends in the erection of a clay ra membraace to bim who has moved, as "deeply as poet erer moved, the finer feelings of bis fellow into ; wbo has lifted ua above the wear and tor ment of the world by a simple air;' who has giren tbe wrecked mariner in the very offing of his life, tiuio to repent snd shed s tear, wbo nas engulpbed, by recalling us to scenes ot innocence sad youth, sll dark ambition, unsatisfied hopes, festering wrongs, tba harsh abrssioos of our earth ly kit and tbe cares of circumstance; who bss elevated, renovsted snd purified tha very foun tain of virtue, snd wboac' name bas lived, snd will live in the fondest memories of that gener ation which.' has learned to lisp aad fet the en chantment of Home, sweet Home." t Tbe young lady who but lata tears kat been pat together again. ' t . TUB 0BKAT HOLLAND KEMCPY. , BKBnArt't Holla xd Dmiti. PertoM sabjtct to nereoat or tick headache, will find iaBcerhara'a Hol land OitUrt a ittre, safe aud pleasant remedy. It soothes alia throbbing bead, correct acidity of .tbe tornaeh, aiai.U digestion, tod creates a healthy tp petite. ' It it, wiifaoutdoubt, a aoat dtligbtful prepar ation and aa eflectaal remedy. The fact that tt U bow a very poralar medicine throughout all tbt Holland tetllemente in Witeoania, New Tork, WicMgm, T11W noil tad Indiana, speoki mack in Its favor. Sea ad vertieoment ia another eoleian. . HARRISON'S COLUMBIAN, " 11 A IK iiyi:. SIZE ENLARGED, STYLE IMPROVED. It bu double the qiunlijy tad itrt atl of tif ither It glm ptrfbrtlf Batumi calor. It talari every ihndf from llsbt brows to jet hlsek. IU um ii fair iDd rapid, - -It ii perfectly haruilrn t the ikin. . Ill effort U liutan tanroui mil perminent. ; It is Hie beit, OMtcteat, ehrapett aad to f ttt tjtB , ' .i". ever warfe. fenr-Directieai for not leeompany taeh boi."g Paica 1 oi. $1 ; 1 os. $1 60 4 ot. $1 19 aa, $5. Km. ml eomdlng to o4 Courts, In IM rwr ISM, bf A. W Hwrixn l Ui.ri.rlt1 omrf tatUIMrkt Coort o( tbe V. 6 nr uw aarira inwct of r.n. J ror aale by JAS. t. FOULKES, Fayattatilla, N.C Manafaetarar, AJTOLLOS W. HAERI80N, 10 Sooth 7th St., PaiLAOSLpau. Feb. 20. - 168-lv HYMENEAL. " TiU Httn hromykt Kit tow ddifkUd W. mn. - j ' rj.'. - a it 1 M fwarrw awarrwa wv f saw axvws tj rvey wvwj ae , HABHIQ).' In tbit eownty, on the 2?tk altlao,' ky tba Bee. Ntill MeDoaald. Mr. AuxAtDra J. Moaaoaof Moaa Coaoty to Mia Cam mux M.,daof htar-of Awsaadar Jobnooa, Eeqn In Randolph county, oa tba Sth of May, by tbt Bt. Sbabal O. Kana, - Aabos MekUtraa, Ei., to Mia BST A. Hasbis, ef Cbatbaas. Obituaru. 1 of povrmtf fir timk, 'j 'we rmd aai ayW Map 4it." n Wilmington, oa Iba aoraiug af tbe Ittb, at tka rtatloaee af har too. -ia-law. a. I. jcreabert, airs. Maataa Bawssaav, aaad M years aad I aootba. Oa Salarday moraiaa, June etk, ktr. Cuitarn as Baowa, widow uf Iba ate I alt Browa, aad aotnar er ueary Krambtrt, asjae 07 years. la TboaaavtUe, Paridtoa aaaaty, aa the Otk last., ot drop ia tbt cbtut, Mr. San-obi, Decaas. aced tltirty-tix years. Be bore with ehrlatlaa patlanoe aad lurtitade a Ions and painful niaees. lis aaraaa wife. four ebildroa and a Urge ttrsle of wara frioadi to aoara tboir irrtaartbla loot. Mr. Decker was fora- erly a eiliaea of FayttUrlllt. Con. . FAYETTEVILLK MARKET. ' Vmrmttm Woahlf HkS W. Mcfcoaraa. K , JUNE 13, 1.57. " BACOH ,101 a 17 ,LKAl ' Bl a BEESWAX ii a SO HUbJUetfr- CAMiLfcB Ubda 00 a 00 00 a 00 fay. faa. SO a M AUonaaUot W i II B. Orleans NAILS .00 a Spara U a M tolLa 1 SaaOOO 0 H Elo , . , 111a Laralro 14 a 111 Taaaera' 00 jSAtT " fit. Doulago 00 a 00 Liv'l.eeek 1.25 s 0.00 COTTON Strictly arias 14t00 Trias tOO Fair - - 1 a 0 COTIUS BA0G1M0 , tlanay 24 a 00 Uaadoa, 'M a tl EnrUpt " IS a 16 fOTTO-N TARJiS No. 6 to 10 tt a . ' h)1iestU;. goodsw Iir'aShYfe a Owtharira 11 a 11 rEATHEKa 18 a 46 Allaa.baa. 06 a iBEEO riasaood 1 16 0.OC Clover, I). 12a a 16 IBIIOT Coa.Vbaf M2a0.0 oaea z.x a BHIKITS P'ehltraady 100 a Apple 80. a 86 K.C.Whia 60 a 66 N'r'n 46 a 60 ft. E. Baa 66 a 60 Jaaaiaa 2.00 a 1.60 Fr. firaady 4.00 a 6.00 Aaer. Oia 76 s 80 rtoua r Fauilv, t0 8.60 8.26 aB.OO 8.26 a 8.00 S.00 i 8 00 8 it per ne - Fiaa -Scratched ORALS ' - Cora " Wheat 'Oala Peas fill 8 .. Dry Croon Uol. " 1.76 a 2.00 I8VOAB Loaf Crashed 8t. Croit 161 a 16 a II a 17 16 14 1.25 a 1.86 0.00 a 0 00 76 a 80 160 a 00 0.00 a M Porlo Riea ice II) a 12, Mow Orltaaa 10. a U 11 iTAtJOW IU a (TOBACCO Loof SOo&A 1 a 6 a 12! Maaafaetared 26 a 6u VO WHITE L V 2.60 a 2.76 IRON f w'd'e.ea.bar, -Do. wide 0 InglUh a LARD - M WINDOW GLASS a a a a 8 a 10 1.00 a 00.0 10 1 12 a 2 26 W(XL 14 a 17 ia SpiriU Tarpeatiaaa 18 19 ala. Virgin' do. 1.26 L ToUow Wp do. 2.26 Scrape 1.26 KKUABU. Cotton tra at abera iptm. ' Baeoa aad Lard ore in lUaand. Cora aad rioar aeott with ready aale at above prions. . . WILMINGTON MABltrr. Jane 11. Tarpoatine. Tbit article roaabu tra at ear lost aaetatlona ; arrirab are owita naall. Saleo af 820 bMa. a M 75 tor Virgia. $2.76 for Tallow Dip, and 81.76 for Hard, per 260 lbs. Laet sales wara aade at) Taoaday. fpta. piHU Tarpeatwa It laaetire With no snles. Boaia 8W bbU. Caaaaa Boom paid oa Twoodav at a)l .86 for Inrct bbh; 10 da. So. I. at lt.26 e 84 .24 per bat. aaewriina toqaality. Cora. Tka Market for Cora la daH. aadprleee kata deetinrd 10 eana at set oor Uat report. Sake of 1,MW bashaa have bean aade at $1.06 par baahel ; 4.700 4a. oa lorat at suda pabtte eappaaad abeot !. , riuor. Toaterday 60 obit, floor, Wilmington U opeotiia, sold at $9.17 par bbl. for eaperfrae. Hay. 860 balea Morlaara Hay ban bona ditpeel af at I0 par 1O0 tttv Wi. Coa. - . Jat Reeeive4. I1N1LLSH PAIBT CHEEgt:, li rULTO.f MAR IBT kKKf; aad . CUOICK 0SH3 Bl'TTEB Al r. A. WILST'8. Jane 10. ITaVSt 3700 LBS. X. aale by C. BACON' aad LAUD, fur r. A. WILET. 17-2t Jane It, 1867. A BARGAIN. T na aetna of ay STOCK OT GOODS at SEW J. TUBS CU8T, tod to a gealleeaaa wiohing to an tacoin tba yoreaatilt baaiaoet I would all tbe HOLE STOCK aad rout hia too 8 lore. Tba atoad a a good one, nad a bargnia will be giren, if tpplica tins be aade ooe. . . J. J.. MOORE, . Barriviag Partacr. June 11 17-tf ". RICHMOND ACADEMY. BUCKINGHAM, S. C. SIKL W. Maoj. Tbe exeretKt of Uiit School will bo reoaaed tba 13th Jaly put. Located in a high, benltby aad pro rerbially moral villago, ia tha aidtt of a aoeial aad iotclligont eunaaoit;, it poaaeeoea all tbe ad.aatagea to aecaeeary Jn aa Aoadeay. Tbore art two learUh iag feaale SebooU ia the villjgo, wbkb will afurd porenta the aootaat opportaaitjr ef trading tbeir aoea aad ataaghtere fcigetaar. Uaexoeptioaablo Bard eat, oe naa u iae noicuai yiu.wi poraoata. 1 Dt rana of tailti-a are at htfire, teeordina lo adreneoriieat. jftOrtU tad $l7.vU perpBuna of twenty weeks. Fur rartber infohaotioa apply lo the Pnaeipnl. Jnaal. 17lMt 7. - JACKS0 SPRIGS FOB W'X TTAVlKO a few yean ago, ander tbe ia tenet af XX declining-betllb, parcbtard the well kaowa Jocatan rpriage, aad aow aot Beading li.ea for ay tolf, and Anding a genera) datire tbrourh tke eonntrj thot tlieae Springe thonld.be oocMpM aad more trail able to the poblit at a Summer watering-place, I hart reenired to tell them. tf These Spring art on Jaekena Creek, Moore .Co., Jt. C The virtoe and atodicinal propeinaf tbt water are well kaowa,-tba prevailing mineral i Iron, with Magwetia aad Sulphur aloe pretest. There it a fall of water pvxiiug by the Spring, by which aaehinery eeuid be drawn, ao aa So eleealo water lata batbiBg-ntt, or eeea ronrey water to tha dwelling bouao. ETery natural aeility It preetnt to nake this a plaoa of novel interaet, with a email cmeetmtnt. In eonneetioa with tba Spring ia a body 243 acres of Laud, part of which tt ander improveaent. ' - Thie property baring toco been fitted ap far a waterliig-pltee, alt tba neeessary boures ara already there, and in tolerable goad ardor. Tba Cheraw a Coal Field Railroad will pasa-aa near tba Springs as a proprietor would wi.h. , ' ' From inqairiaa made of. ait laet iammer, I suppose that mora then three hundred pereens would have gone to tbeat Springs during that season If tha hoaee bad bejs open. , ." It ia tkeagbt uaaeettary to give further details at to tbit property. Tbt Jackaoa Spriage ara too well known to reqnire it. Those thinking of pwrehaeing will infora them eel roe aboat tbe property. Warranted titlet will ba given, aad anch time oa payaaota aa aay anil tbe eoavcaieaee of a rttpoBsible parobaaar. Addrea, . A. D. CAMPBELL, - - - - " BaanetttvUle, 8. 0. June 1. . 17Mt i Wa ara autboriaed to aaaounee " flEXRT BKOWK At a candidate for tht Offioe of Clerk of tba Ceuaty Coart, in toa eonaly af Biehaoad. Jaaa 12, 186T. 17-to . Wa ara autboriaed ta aaainnee - CaC BODERICK BIcRAE As a eudioata for Clark of tba Coaaty Court .of Cn berwad ' Japt8', 157' " '' " ' :' ' I7-to , ; V We Friendt f-aTETEnl 1cEACU!T. S4)? .' Aaaeaaee biia at a Candidato tor tba afbot'of CWk of aba Coaaty Coart af Bobaaoa Ceuaty. Election ia Aagaat aeit. I,jas4hlai7. ITMt Wa art aalbtrUtd to aaaowaee Ifo.'WBBat AtaCaadtdala for theorBoe af Cter of tba Coaety Coart for tiie Curty of Bioknumd. May $0, 1867, - 1U-U ,... TUB rBlKNDS Of , ROB EST CIILLIAM Annonatt bia aa a saadldaternr the o&oo af Clerk af Uo Saportor Coart of CaaborUad Coanty. Eleetioa la Aagaat aast. May 22, . . 176 ELECTION NOTICE. " ' We art aatborlssd la anaoanos JOHHT W. BAKER, Jr, At a Candidate for theOHIot of Clerk of tbt Boporlor Court for tht County of Cuabarlaad. May t, 1867. Ka-te ' Wt are aatkortaod ta aanennea JXSSX T, W1BDEN. At a Candidate for Clerk af the Conatr Coart May 20 . , 174-te NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS, rWILL ba at tbe Team Hall oa tha fl RT DAT. OF il'LT, to raaeira tha BTOB TAXE8. A IK peraoaa aatt eoaa forward aad pay thaw, aa tba tat allows only one day for the eotleatU ef 8 tore Tesee 1 HECTOB U.SEILL. Bbf. Jaat. . 17tf-3t BOERHAVE'a HOLLAND DITTEKS m caxxiDUTtn hollaxs aniur roa srsPEFsrda DISEASE OF THE KIDXET8, , LIVER OOMPLAINT, ' OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. Aad tka variaua afactioaa aeaetuaeat apoa a dia and ITO.VACII OR LITER, Suck aa ladigeettoa, Acidity ef the Stoaacb, Colicky fame, Jtcartburn, Loat of tppcute, ileepoadeaev Caotinpiee. Blindaad lUeediag Pilee, In ail pervoea, Bbaaaatia, aad Iteuralgie Affection, it bet ia aaatrr- tut inettneet proved bighlv beaenaal, aad ia atbert effected a decided aura. Thie it a purely vegetable compound, preparad oa ttrietly tetantias priaoipl, after tha aaaaor af tbe stlebratod Uoliaad Profeatar, Barbara. Becana of iu great tuaiaa ia moot ef tbt European Btatea, ita la trod action iato tba Cnitod Btatea waa iauaded more eopieieriv far thiei af our jWlbaraad aeatteend bare aad there aver tbe net ef tbit atghtv counter. Meet ing with great suoaca aaoug tbea, I now offer it ta Iba Aaoheaa public, knowing that ita truly wocder- fat eaeeaciaal virtaea Boat na nesnewadged It ia patiewlariv reegaaeaaes to tbeaa peraoaa wheat soaotitalioaa stay have beau impaired by tbt eoatia- aoua net af ardent spinta, or ttbor foraa or diaeipa- tioa. Generally iaetaataaaoaa la tCnet, it Bndt ia wny directly to tba teat af Hft, tonUtag ana quick. euiag every perve, raiaiag ap tha drooping apirit, aad, ia fact, infumng pew benltk and vror In taa ryatoa KOTICK Wboevar oipecta to tad thia a btveraga will ba diaappoiated ; but to Ika akk, weak aad low spirited, it will prove a gratefoj aromatic cordial, poa- aaad ef aingultr rvaedwl propertiea. caCTioa. Tke great popularity af tbit delightful Arouw hat iarftaced naaay iaiutioat. which the publie should guard agaiaat parehaatng. Bo aot patuadad to bay aaythiag e! until you have given Beerbave'a H. llaau Billon a lair mai. uat norue win eouvinoe yon aow iutaMely uperkor a a to ail taeee laitativaa. ea8oMel 11. w per bottie, er ail txUIee ror $6.W, by tba BOLE FBOPBIETOIIS. BE.WJAM 1!V PAVE, Jr. at CO. AtcrAerraiao PflARhl trEMTlSTS AMD CHEMISTS, - rillaaar:!t, Pat. SAVICEL J. HINSDALE aela ageat for Payette- nlie. Jane 12, 1857. 179-ly Ire-dilcatUa af the Srw Baildlag far Pbaais Lodge No. 8, A. T. M., aa Wedneaday !4th Jane, 167, beiag tbt aaaivaraery of tU Joaa the Bepu.L Tee craft will aeeeabieai the Lodge en that day at 8 o'clock, A. M., where tbe dedicatory cereaoaiee peculiar to Oje order aad the occaaoa, will a he place. After which a prooeaaioa will be fumed te proceed to a place, (hereafter ta be dengnatcd,) to near aa addreao by lira. Jaaee Baaka, at 1 1 o'clock A. M. Tbe pablieare reepectfully invited to bear the addrcea. This being iaiabed tbe prooeetioB will return to tha Lodge. We extend a eordutl iovitatioa to oar sitter Lodgea aad all brothers ia good etaaJiag, to anile with aa ia tha tonic ca oa that day. JAMES WcDAMEL, W. WHITEHEAD, H.C. LLC A3. Coa. of Arrangement. Jane 1, 157. 178-2t FISH! FISH! FISilir A BLS. Ho. 1 HERRING just received aad for salt. '-. W. H. CARTER. June 6, . , .- ?JH',.. Obeerver copy.' Fish! Fish jj, BARBELS N. 1 New BERR1XG just receiv ed aad for aale by 40 rr.Tr.tt r. juh..-. Jtiae 6, 1857. K8-2t " Valuable Land, for Sale. BY Virtue ef a Deed of Trust to ae, executed by A. B. porter, I will proceed to ell to the bigheet twdder oa TIVBSrr TifPthik OA Y OrJLSS, S valuable tract of Jjind, ennUimiig 470 AcrVt ; of which 10 or 15 at cleared, and under eoltivation, Thie tract il adjacent to the land of O. Strickland and J. Strickland. The Land it very fertile and well eitu ated, and there it no better cow range ia tbe country. The Land will ba aold on the premises. Termt : A credit of ninety dayt will be given. V- . D. McDO.NALD, Troatet. ' , 18-2! pd notice; THB eubaeriber having, at June Term 1P-17, of the Court of Fleet and Quarter SeSaiona for the County of Cnaberland, qualified aa AdmioiTtrator upoa tba Ettate af Willie P. Moore, hereby aotifiet all persona having elaiae again.t the aaid Estate ta pre- sent thtnat properly authenticated within tba time ffhsk-TJ coveY, "Fr- LiJ?l TSZ -:i. ' -.v. ' .a s a. t - L.i :ilt-.ti.J Debtort to tbe said Entata will pleae make payment loaediately. E. P.. MOORE. . June!, 1857. 176t( , - XOTICE. - THB subacrlbar having, at June Tana 1857 of tha Coart of Pleaa aad Quarter Seaioaifbr Cuabar laad County, taken out Letters ef Adainietratioa ou tka Ettate of Dr. Benjamin Bcbinaoa, bereby gtvee aotioe to all pertoas having nocounta or dementia againtt bia aetata to areoeat ibaqv duly autheutioated withia the Has piaeoribed by law, er thia aotioe will at pbaded la bar ef their recovery. Thoea indebted to the Ettate auet Bake immediate payaaat. BENJAMIN B HISEl, . . Administrator. FURTHER NOTICE. PER80KS Indebted to the lata ana of B. B W. Robinaon aaat aaake payneat er they will find tbtir Notoa er Aeeoaaa la euit before the next tera af the Coaaty Court. A auleaent of the parts r thip aeaouate ia iadiepenaably ait iiasary to enable tba Adaiaietrator to diachargt hit cfEot. B. HCSKB. Att'y. Jaas 1,1857. llt-Sw v ' Muauwg property, kaowa at to wit : That valnablt y. TIB 1 irrs tTfwr'r muualjU OUAAalaj together wiU all the Furniture, At., thereunto be longing. ALSO A STORE WARE HOrSE lad OT a valuable baaiaca tuad ; 1 two acre unimproved Lot, baad eaaaoly eituated ; I tract of 84 tcrea ef Land adjoining tha tows, with 4 or 6 eeree of good MEADOW. ALSO A FARM of 200 teret 1 alio eatt of Atheborbagh, with toae 10 or 16 aerae af ateadow and ateadvw Land upon it this tract ia valuable (or farming. 100 Aeree of tiaberH Land 4 aileo anlh of Aahe. bore', near the Plank Boad, 60 teret f mi let north of town. ., . . ' . 'also : of what ia kaowa at tha Brilee leeee ia tba Hoover Hill GOLl MINE oaidered eae of tha moot Ta.ua bla mine, ia the aoaaty. - . ALPO A iae toned TIASO, nearly aew. Ail ef tht abevt property ie located in one of tha aoet healthful Ccaotiee in the State, and in ahd neat HOrSE ltd LOT- a plauaal aad thriving Village, abere there are male nad feutaie eVhodle of n high great, and withia 20 mil. of te. S. C. Bailroa mm Normal Colkaa. Peranne wiping to locate Uienuclree aad nrofitablr. :m j .i. -j . ,. j win uuu ,ui. . .ppqnanij o oe mi. A treoit mil be givea oa a iaree porbua af tha ar. ebaae aaoaey. J. M. WORTH, Trustee. Aaheborongh, X. C, May 21, 18o7. 177-te PROSPECTUS OF' THE NORTH CAROLINA PRESBYTERIAN. The Preebjteritn Church in North Carolina baa long labored under a ariose diMuivaatega from tha want of a journal to advocate her cUimt aad rep. rami her intereeto. It it vetimettd thai only 1000 Presbyteriaa Weekliet are takea io the bound, of ear three Preebyleriee. We have U.tXXI CVmaanicante, aad it it aft to infer that there arv S0,(KU iresbyte riant ia principle in tbe State. Our synod etaadt ktta la the Cnion In point of nnmberv. and her mem berabip ia greater .nan (hat of any Synod South or Watt of Pennay ivacin. Our u.-tti Sutea on the North and South, mither of which bit a membanhip ao large at our., pubiith tbe Central, and the South.ru ProbytertaB, for the benef t of their people. Tha time haa eome when the Preehvterian Church inKurth Corotina afaoaid likewise do her duty to her children. It it a conceded and important fact, that hundredt of oar member, wilt take a State paper who will take aa other. The. Paper it needed to be tbe ergaa of our Synod aad Preabrtriea to rlevate and enlighten tha piety of oar membership by disusing evalgelical know ledge to promute the ra of Education to devel- ope tbe talentt of our Mini.trT, and to .treugthen the auaenmeat of our peor . to tbe soil and sanctuanet of their osti iUte. in this State; cR tupply their nirnibera with a Reli- gioua joonal, why mar sot we? Are North Carolina rreebytermit ttifenor in talent, energy, and patriot- to their neighbore oh the North or South, or to Chrietianr of other denomination at home? With the tame or better opportunities of accomplishing thit work, ehall we leeve it nmtiwe ? la the language ef one of our most able aad useful Mmiuri, an adopted oa of oor State, ' It ought to have been andertaken 20 yeare ago, tut it ia not too late to berin to do right- In the last two or three month., a fond of about $5000 bti beea -aubtcribed as a permanent capital. At a meeting of the contributors, held at Greensuor. ougb on the 14th of !iy, Rev. A. Baker, Chairman, th Paper waa un.niniruslT located at i'avettevi'.le. undti. the' namwwnd title of the Notre Casolika PaatBTTxeux. Rev. William. N. Mebant and Rev.", Oeorge McNeill were elected KdiWrt : Rev.. Memre. George McNeill, W. S Mebane, A. Baker aad C. H. Wll.v ami Imin r.ur.a M...il1 K. l.,!,- II ' Cook aad David Murphy were appointed an Executive Committee, to establish the Paper and manage it butineet affair. ' ., ' ; It it bur wUh ahd desien to make iba" Koavn r,i. OUSTA I'aaiBVTStt?A2i a journal of tbt &ret clad., eial to iae oeai m tne country in lypogra pineal appear ance aad in adaption to the wauu of oar Churchee. Its column will aftord the latest intellieenoe. both foreign and domestic, aud special cere will be takea to give a full aud accurate summary of State news. a exponent Tne name of tat ruper is deeigued to be aa exponent WI ! CUKraxVlVr Il(JI CUUWOUi rrOsHCUDflCtlAll. lt advocate the conaerv.tir., orthodox, Old School' doctrine, and erdrrot the Church. -Our first appeal it to bur own people to N. C. Preabyteriaas. Whilst we rely confidently upon tbeir favor, we trait that'the native tone of North Carolina wha have found komes in other State, and the adopt ed ritliena of our State who form to important aa . J 1 , ... An n In mrmil in Ihi. nftrari.A . k.1 i , I hearty tapport. Tsant : $2 per annum ia advance, or oa delivery of tht first aumber ; $2 60 la tix months ; $3 at tht ' tad of tht year. To club of 25 or more paying in advance and when the Paper ia cent to one address, a' aiscouitt ef 10 per cent will be allowed. Our Minis tort aad Kldert ara aarneatly deSIred to act aa Agents, aad all athart friendly tt tbt oauae will please nsstat m .mmm . M.Mif nlumnliM. . a juuiM. ... ward tka naaee, ty Aufut 1st, lo tbit Office. As seoa aa 1600 subscriber, art obtained, the I rat Bomber will ba laaed. If a faithful and vigorous effort is mad. in the next two mouths by thoea wha take a lively interest in tola work, we will, without doubt, ba able ta betria the Bublicatioa at tba aad of tkawaiiM with a paying aabscriptioa list of at least 8000. BjoV A tdrea. Editors of the North CaWiaa Pre. kyveriaa.ytastviUt, N. C. - - f ATtTiiTUAS, Muy 20, 1847.

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