i OUU COUNTRY. The preateit caUract in the world ia the Fll of Kiagartt when tho water accumu late from th great upper Uki, forming a river three quarters of a mile in w idth, are auddenly contracted and plunging over the rocka into two columns, to the depth ttf one hundred and sixty feet. Tha greatest cave in the world js the Miimuiouth Cave ia Kentucky, where one can make a voyage on the witters of the Subterranean river and catch fish without eves.:. ' - " r The greatest "riser in the world is the Mississippi, for thousand one hundred miles in length. Its nane is derived from an Indian word, mesninfc' " the father of waters!" The largest valley in the world is the valley of the Mississippi, it contains five hundred thousand square milts, and is one of the most prolific regions on the globe. The Urgest lake in the wprlJ is Like Superior, four hundred and thirty miles lone. Tb greatest natural bridge Id the world is that over Cedar Creek, in Virginia : It extends over chasm eighty feet deep, at the bottom of which a creek flows, The greatest solid mass of iron in the -world is the iron Mountain in Missouri.--(Jt isthree liuo(jred and fifty feet high, and two miles in circuit. , The. longest Iyailroad in tha world is the Cntrl Railroad of Illinois, w hich is seven hundred andv;ftirtyne miles long--cost lU'ieea millions of doll;rs, The greatest number of miles of Rail roa l, in proportion to its surt;ice, of any country in the world, is in Massachusetts which has over one milts to every square mile of its area. , The greatest number of clocks manufac tured in the world, is' turned out by the small State of Connecticut: . " . The largest number of whale ships in' the world is sent out by the Nantucket and Mew bed ford. Toe greatest grain port in the world is Chicago. The largest aqueduct in tUe w crld is the Croton aqueduct in New York. It is forty and half miles long, and cost twelve and a half millions of dollars, A Staci Hiri. Rome tUbenaen, at Oakrlll - (Caaada,) aayi the Toroats Colonut, rcatly planted ' acma fill au, tararal faUxma drp, lo tba lake op poaiM tbar good Tillage, aad, oa ruitinj (beta naxl day, -found riify-Sre irild dotki, which bad beta cangbt ia tba ato, atririag to get at fib Ukn . It u etatad that there are i,(XlO mtn at work ia tba lead mlam ef aonthirett Misaenri. 0 STATE OF KOKTII CAKOLIIt, MO0F.E COl'STY Qtvt tf Pleat f (qtWttr Sotum, AprH Ttrm, IS67. Wsa. S.Savell r- Jaub Atntta. Rwhardaoa i Barrett ra. iaeob Stutu. Wa. B. KicbardaoB . Jaeb Stutt. (a tba abore riatad ci , it appearing to tlie Mtiv facttea f tba Court,. tUat Jacob tilatu ia a nao-rcai-at ef tbia Plate, and that execution! it! farur of the Plaiatiffa, ltae beea lTid ea aix baoired acr.ee at lead, aa the e-uia fcf buck Creek, aa Uie proprctj of the aaid Jacob 0uitta : It u leref tre, ordered bj the Court, that pntohcUsu be mtAt ia the Sort U Carulioa Argaa tit tba-eeka, notifying tbe Ut'wUi'l toap pear at tbe. next Court of l'leaa oJ Quarter tsftium, ' "eo be baW Jur tt coaolT of Hjnre, t (lie purt liovea ia Cartbaa. on thu.. iurtb. Mood iu Jaljr next, er tbe iutd Iceiad on nil! be condemned ta aat tefy tba Piiinuffi' debu, and an order of aale grant-, ad. ' WitoM. A 't i"r Tt . MeX . Clerk of aur aaid Coart at offioa, in Carthage, tbe-fourtb Moada in April, A. ' -p. 18i7, and lu .tw Slat jear of Atueriou) Io"iepad paoe. . , . ALEX R -MeXEat, nrk, ' i;e-B prf.$5. . ITAT OF .lOUTII CABOLf SJLf - . MOORE COCXTV. , . f eart of Pleaa uid QtiarttrHiwaioiui, April Term, I8 7. ' M. R-Bradjr ea. Bradiajr Brad, Jr.,- . - AUacbaeot lariei oa land, JedgeMnteoaditiopai reo--L- derad far amount of plaiapf e debt, t . It appaariof ta tba aatiefartioa af tba Coart that Bradbry Kraiy, Jr., ia not aa ishatiuot of tkia 8uw r aawaaaht bioaaatf-aa. tba tbe ordinary preoaae of L aaanat la arrred ea bite. ' It ' therefore ordered that pablieatioa be ao for tbre arexke in tbe North Caraltaa Argue, a aewepeper pabliahad ia the town or rajetteTitie, K C, tut ibeaaid deraalant to appear at iur Court af Pfeaa aad Qnartar RaMooe to be beld tor tii aaid CMT at laa Coart llosaa ia Carthage, M tba fath Moj4jf is July atr aad plead, an. rer ar aewar. er jadgawat ik be atade Inal. aad aUdlaM egauwt bia, aad Use land ktTif d oa eca-lenja-mA m utWr tba aUiitifi dt.' Wiiaeaa. A. 0. Maiteilt. Clark f aar. aaid Ceart at efkM ta Cartbag tba ortSrlti4ay ia April, A. P JWT. " -' A. M MeVtlLL, Clark. ITMt: f3 26. '' Tessa V la ilobeeoa ooaaty.'by Dubosb MePhet. . far sa tie 2ia U., a amatf bay mart- Wl'LE about 1 nan ld. valued at liO, wii aom aurkl of gssr . and B .ere ea tbe fboe below to eyee. Theewneri ivqulred to torn fers trd, prev property, pay (barge i , ana iui eer away. ' !p"A?fltt SuAHTHCB, . f.-j ". . ..".' ie . . ! ftaan ger. Jua2ad, IBS? 17. 'AT A MEETING ' r the CuaUioMn f the C'Um Coal FieMs' Bui Aloed, ield la Carthage ea M XI U April, i7 ll mm tihaaiMUMaiv ... I . t.'V - Resolved. That Bowk of saUorixitioa f Stark for 1 taa eeoetrttctloe of a Rail Road from Cherew, tt. C, by Carthage In Moor Couatr, N . C, to aom point ia taa Coal Fialia oa Deep River, b opened aa the, 1st day of Juaa at Ca-bonto aa Deep River, under ' 'taa direction nf Dr. Cbe. Cbalmer, lr. Wbi. Ran, - U. O. Campbell and m. D. Harrington j at Car thage, an Jar the direction 4 D. Taraar, W. D. Rich ardson, S.oi'l Barrett, Cul. J oka Morriaja and 8. C. . Brace at Rockingham, (hicbmond County.) under Ua dirsclioa of Cel. H. W. Harrington, Wm. i'. Leek, ' R. H. McDnaald sad Welter f. Uak; at Troy, (Mont gomery County,) under th direction of Samuel H. il'bnati.a, John d. Chamber, Hobs. A. Chamber and ,1 9. 8. Pstabrtoa; at Chrew, 8. O , under tha dirao , ttee ttt. Malby, J. C. Wadswarth, Bobl. KaadaU, and J. M. TkreedgiH; at RennetUville, wader tawdt reelio af Jaa. Oilleepia, B. r. Pegaee, Ckaa. Irk and J W. HarrlngWe at Cbeeteraeld Court Howss, :ods tka direction af Dr. T. K Pna, W. U Ti rriaea, '. J. WaddiU aad A. Mcitaa; at Darliagtoa. Caari !aua, aadar tha dirvctioa of J, D. Wllnvo, Dr, Thoa. ailth, C brae. T. A. barfa and tift Ckarlc ; it Charintua, 8. C, aa.lar tlia directtoo af Vr. 8. H. i I faxlaa, aal Joahoa Laaana, and kept apaa autil af Ndarad h M aluaad y laa Lstaatiawoutaa. CrdaraJ that tkia aotioa ka phluiMd ia tba North ' T-araliaa Argaa, natil tha lat day af July, 1457, with aa raijoast that tha Farattarilla Obaarvar. Korth Cara 4ia' Ckaraw UajatM, la UaralJ, Jhrlrt-)a -lorciu j, aad Caarlaatoa Cooriar, oopy up tvUildt. V , . ' 8. C, BRUCK, CUairmaa. ; Joki Moaajooy, 8acrctary. ' April 27, 18iT- ?JTi-aJ NOTICE! ! )N the 41b lHm4y ut Jane next I iM eel I for oaeh at tbe Coart Houee door, In Car fr, the following bad, or X) aincb thereof aa will . afy tbe taia tbereea for tbe eaorv 1HT4 aad '66, I cootingeat pxpeae ol aaid aal ; , . lee. Owaere aaiaa. . Location. - Seta. 7 IhineanOrabaat, 1 8Sd aad '&S Orala'S Creek 68 . J KUtawetk Srabaa Ibid and 6fr,-- " 6 M. C. Jokaaon, for tbe befia tt"" i M. E tewia, WA, 1 .! ) Peter Monroe, 1654 aad 1855 " " 8 4U , :u I). 11. Uaaraa, IA&4 ' Herda Creak, 1.95 m NeiUMeUooald. l!Krt aad io.Jaaiper Creek .174' 2i Jaa. atetteaald. " " " ' 1.60 71 All jb l'ara, 18il and '66 Herd a Creek, A S.701 a.ci X60 Uea. Pegram, forwanla, 18w4, Craia Creek 1 W Alfred WiUa, 184 and 6o, " . IK JoaUb Laaboa, 1864, McLeadea a " .iQ Hagb Mebeaxie, for tba beira ef -Naaoy , Kioay 164, -, . LitUa Hirer, 1 let D. U. Warner, lrVV4. . Cartbage, - 10u Daaeaa Mclatoab, IMi, Kicbliiad aereek, luu M. C. tnudaer. 1864. ttic Poaket. 14 a.78 1.96 24 . U.IUrringtea,1864,LeeprierP. rol 6.0C 1U0 J. L. Bryan, 1864, Little Hirer, MO d do . do Peraiaiataa Braaeb, Zi6 do do do Deep riref P. Road, . ; 10 do do da Peruannaa Branch, 8.62) 164 Jamea Bridge. 1 864 aad '66, Little Packet, ' 68 da do do do. do 2JB9 600 Daniel Baker, 1&4, aad 66 Utile Rint, . 6.6' iU J. A PbiUipa, 1864, . " " 610 SUU Daaeaa AUred, 1 864. McLeadoa' Creek, .46 100 W UliaaiOaUiB, 1854 and '66, Jaekaon aereek J 42 2U0 Daaiel eLead, ;864, ' Wet Creek, 2.08 IU baaiel Mclnoia, - Jackata Creek , 25 60 Jeba Akbanxv. 1864. .Wet Creek. 1-I 60 Martin Martia, 1864, ! Undoe Crack, .21 20 Jobs C. Stuiu, 164 and '66, Balfala creek, 1.974 100 Aaa Snitb, 1864 and '46,.Jackaon'a ' " I.68 86 Biliaea Key, 18.M, " ' MiU Creak, . 260 Tbeaaaa McSrill, 1864 aad '65, Bear Creek, 49 . " William' ' 40 " . ' " Bear . r t ' A73 2M Ja 6wen, IM aud M, " l lrftj VJ W. &.eUaaa, 1861. " . ' .69 60 Cbarlea Maneu, 1b64 and 66, Cedar Creek, a.ao J 30 llernt PbUIipa 1864, Deep Hirer, 1.50 60 Jeee Mnrry, 1864. . ' BearCreek, .25 Iii5 Williaai Kaarea, 1864, M.a!uua' Pork,. .88 W WUUaa Sbielda 1864, Cedar Creek, ' .45 166 Joaeeb Cptoa, 1864 and '66, MoCaUum Fork 3 S3 80 Hardy I'emre, for tbe btiraof D. Cam eron 18-M, BeaTer Creek, .47 " ' rM.9 W. KITT1.P, SheriS. M.yS, 1867. . .., r 176 5t prf 40.60 T tTE OF XORTII CAUOI.M A, COLXTV OF ilKHMOXD. . Towi f TUat and Quart? S"iim, April TtA, A. . 19-'" . W II. Webb, aad H H. Webb, ' . Btthmend W. Loi'K. , Original attachment Irned on one bun lred acres of lead, lying in said County, on tbe watcia of Falling Creek, adjoining tbe land, of Eiiha T. Long and others, rettrrae-1 to Court by s Justice of tbe peso with tbe land levied oa condemned for the saliefactioa of the Plaintiff '. debt and tb cr'iitional Judgment aude absolute. .Ordered by the Court that publication b made ia tbe North Carolina Argun, a oewspeper poblisbed in tbe tows of Payetteviile, for aix eouaecotiv weeks, notifying the said KichmoBd W. Long personally te b aod' appear at the next Term of the Worshipful Court to be held at the Court House, in Rockingham, oa the third Monday ia July, A. D. 1867, then and there to .how cause, if any be baa, why judgment ntay not be mffirmrd adm mrfi i ttpnuumat incase of a Levy ea Land uo'ler Magistrate etecotir.n. - , Witness, Lewis II. Webb, Clerk cf our said Court, at office, tiie 3rd MonaKy ia April. A. D. 1807. L. H. WEBB,. Clerk. . ' ; i76-6w-pif-i4.::o . ... .... . THE ' , Magnolia Restaurant, flHKY say the Magnolia Tree is' tbe handsomest J growth sewtb of Mason and Dixon's line, and it is evidently a fart. ' it is ale uitf the MsgnoJia Rea Uurant on CEKLN Htrvet, betweea Dr. B. W. Robin son . Medical EuUibdnt, and Mr, P. Taylor's it3re, aad nearly or.piu tb Sbemwett I7one, ia tbe FISBST AMD BKST KEPT f any otlwr establub.J mtOX in I he tomb. Persons . wlstuug to end eauaot well nndt : it is tbe Velio Iluiidvtg. Tb. iuicribrr would take this matbod of thanking the citixeBSof tbis place and tb surrounding country, for tb unprecedented liVrility they have bestowed on bim, aad would eolieit a continuance He has alwsys on hsnd tbe VKRV M.T LlQt'OF.3, WISKSand-tOKriAMI, that cs be found in ths tloiTed States, either by the ijnuntity or othernise, .--At.., CIOAR-S. PK'KLKH. - SARDINES, CUEKHB, PRESERVED FBUITS, LEM0S SYR'. P, and many other good Ikmjt, auid flsttera biauelf thai be has tlie most polite, ciilnriog. abaoa:piuked aad frank, render to s'.tcnd to but cstabiishnieat, that can bw foand either Norther South. Tempers nee Diiuks put np st tbe sbJrtest sotioe. lie would call attention par ticularly t hi private rooms up .lairs, wbisb are large, eomfcrtsble, and in good order. ' . B. JO?K8, : Yellow Bttildirgeen St., F.yeiUill, 1. C. My 7, 1867. ' - . l?4-f . iiaro'.iniaa copy. , M. FAULK, HAS just received a large sal fuicy assort-mdUm men of BWTS and .SHf&EM ; Udiee f fi, Uwters, Hstia and Colored ; Ladies' and beats Ve DtNCINO SHUK8 of a new and beautiful pattern, tad every style of article la bib line. His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, and buyer will Had it tor tbeir interest to call for purchasing elsewhere.. ' Corner of (iillerpie &ad Frsnktia streets. --April 21, 1867. ' 172-tf SEC0.NI SI'UISa STOCK. STARR & WILLIAMS 1X1 b. v Ja stir their Second STOCK tt 8EA BOXABLE OOqi'0. which they will offer to the eeele Trade very low for CASH, or ea tbe aasal Cm te prompt ping haytr." J B. BTABR. 3 M. WILLIAMS. AsrS 14, 186T, ' 17t-f , ZCta Z:Hz Tliclf-.::. ' Tka great repvtaUoa of Siugot Sewing lit. - la fvonded oa tba lact, ibat tby aie prfeily it i tnty eariety ef work, audtbat eck oae of r kpt emplnred, will eara not Iraa than v 0XK TII0C8A5D tALL.4K8 A YEAR. 4" Pron Juiring full oi rclinble iifi h,kI..,h about lbea ibBCblrte!xea prKa, moilea of poi. hu Uig, to. caa obuia it by applying, by lettnr or oilier- wlie, ftr a eopy f I. H. SlNur-B t CO.'b HA CBTT, bauUful Plolortal Papr dotetod eutiiely t Seamg Macbin interest, t will b aunt graix. ,, ; LUtAI. ACJKJTw -I' ;', ' Wealed la every Towf la tba United State, to ahuiu liberal iaJaoeuMlru ar offered. I N. B -W bae nada arrangamenta villi nany el iaura aad pabllahera of aewapaper highly prohtuhle and aatlefaeiory la tbeat, aad vlab to kiake ainulnr esaaiwetw erita -weary ttewpapw end nagailu in the eoantry.-'.Fw full partlo!ara aib-a j , , : .. 4L M. SlMOJCtl 1 Cl , . J " ii3 Broadway, N. York.. ' March 27, 1837.' - x - ' lf)8-:tni - 7CA K HI AG EM A N U FA C'icili V! ' mwmrn. FIF.Il dk BR A. 1.1, KS;P ETCHS1NU tfaeir aincer tbauka I IV, a liberal pallia for the patroa)i heretofore extemled tbent, renpeotfully call tbeait.-n tion of tba people of Uiia aad tb sdjoiuiDg cpi)B'.iei to their . CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, aitnaled oa rUliUry Qreea,la the rear of tb t'ayetn--eill Dotal, Ij tb towa pf fayrttrrill. 'For daiwhility, aealneaaof Inieh, and eomfort,1!H , work ta hifrhly reoraiaMnJad,'and baring ecrin eUii . tba lata btata Fair tb prlae af theat reuuMird, t v y can, without arroganr oraelf-llattery, rail upon u -old euetaaMra, aad all othera disponed tiirurcm -, koma Indtutry, to vioit their Krponitory, ajid r . trial of their work. All aork dona wrrni.l.-J I r ; . outbeWH. ,-. l.; Pll'ft Lit A M.N Jaauary, 1864.' . . . ' . . ly -i-li NOTICE, 'cr. rpilE Subaerlber beg tear to Inform bia i that be U new'reeeiTing bia 8PRKNU and Cil'll- NEB Slock, onaistiag of t . kUple and Fawry Dry Got, Itt , aad Kh, tUlhlnir, htratw Hut. - BMHetj, aaid t'unrj Ci)da, baaide Hardware, Groceries, and Crockery, '. . v . 8 w j58gAST."' Lanibertoa, N. C.rf April !f 1857. " . 16Sh2m NOTICE. 1)ERS0N8 Indebted to Jaa. C. UcEachia, a Guar-J X - wan ei ina oeiraoi Joan MorneonTieoemea, are hereby reaptfu!!y informed, that aaid gnardian has in a majority of Inataaoea endnraed and transferred their aota to tb aadenigned. Alao, tbatoar argent aeeeaaitie, apart from tb reqniretneuta of tb ea dorer, compel aa intatlnft wvrfiy tt Ail thoa indebted will therefore oblige aa, aad themaele loo, by paylog ap immdielely. , Wa mnat aad will an where tb money ia not furthcoming. , . A. D. MORRrSOVI f I '. v. J. M. MOBRI80N3 ' N. A. MOKKJMON. Laorinbitrgh, N. C, Mareh 2, 1867. . 105-tf Spring Stock, 1857. ; ' ' E.F. MOORE, , - :' Tkultule CroMr ind Coinmiuios Errrhaat , i i ? Haa jaat race I red ia floi, 215 Barrela WhLiky aaxl Brandy. ' V " -..-. 86 m and bhde. of Sugar aat'td.' 75 Sack Rio Coffee, " JOO . " Belt, t . ... .! f " ' ' 60 Boxea Boda Biara'ii. , ' - - - . " Caadiea, Boapa, C.odbM, BnalT, ie. Ac. " AQ of whisk will he old on liberal terse T Maiea 10, 1857,-" - . -. . )M-tf Wanted. T wish to bay 1O00 Bat BklaW, for which a A. liberal price wilt be paid is caeb. DAVID 0EE.- March 57, IP57. lf.8-tf- A HARE CHAirCEI Tbe Fa rait a re aad Fiaiarea of tbe Fafetlerille Hotel for Sale. 11HE subscribers having fully determined to sell tba above named property , now offer it to aa ea-U-rprixing sun npoa liberal tonus, - ' I i This itotel enjoy a large cnstoui front the S'ljcin. lag counties and from all the travelling public, with a prospect of future increaa. What it ba done audi is new dotng aa be seen j any on wishing to pur-4 chaa referring til our books. , . - . Tb Mtoaltea of tb bo i Wing is such that it com- j mand the greater part of tb custom coming to and J paselug through, this place. . ; Par the amount of capital invested, tber is bs bu sinena that a person could enirage in that would nay as welL J. II. BOUBBT3 k CO. Kept. It, 1856. 140-tf . The Hazard Powder Company. Msaafaetures and Dealer in 1 Caiiiipowcicr Continue to offer tbeir well known brands of ELEC TRIC IN MAS RIFLE end KESTl't KVKIFLE Fnw der, in Kegs and Canisters.. Also, Gunpowder for BLASTING and MIXING, comprising a foil assort ment of qualities aud kinds required by Hi trade, guarantee.' to give entire satisfaction.. . Tb Slsadara of tbeir Powder, which has now en joyed tbe highest reputation for more than twenty, firs years, will be found unsurpassed by any other manufacture of the kind in the world. ; , For sale by tbe priuaipal dealers, and also at the office of Jbe Company, JVo, 89 Wall, corner Water street, Sew York. A. C. HAZARD, VtM'U Ai EV Docolsbs, See'y. . ' s! - March 6, 1867. ... 185-tfre Yew Crop f Molasses, a 8LPKHKJR quality, received. Jan'y 20. Also,, BKED OATS. ' Just P. Y, JOIIrfrKi.V. lia-tf .' A XEW EAR'S CALL TO OXE A.D ALL 22rf OTCRBY restwctful T IJJ ler hi thahk to a geaeTons public, for the liberal pat ronage ha baa received from them since he haa commenced bosiaeaa on bis own book, and hopes by strict at tention and'untiriBg industry, to mer. it a continuance of tbeir favor. . . -He ba now on band and will son- stantly keep , good "tssnrtment 0f Saddles, BrMlea, Martingal. Also, Carriage, llnggy, ahd tsulay Hr ofss of all varieties and ef bia owif msnufsetnre. Having In bis employ first-rato workmen ia the diffr ent brancVeuf bis buslaess, he is not under tb -eeesity of keeping Northern w.rk for. sale. He has also on band for sale rYagoa and Carriage Collars; Wagon, Carriage, Buggy, and Drovers' Whip of by. ry description, and (very other artic! nsaally kept ia lit. line. :' -,'.'.-;. .. r "" I Repairing attended to aa uiusl-lon neatly J fill UIBJU.U. , n S. t. H earnestly reqaest all thosa InJebted to tbe late firm ef Houston Ovrrby to eall and settle the claims be holds agalnnt tbera, a the aettleinent of tbe co-partnership re.piires U witiiout delay. Janasiy t, 1867. ' 156-:im . NOTICK TO . MIIL-OWIVEEfJ. T A. at fj , a Ca-pertneobip for tbe purpose of earryjpjr oa tbe Mill W righting Dusineas ail ita Drancaea, six: Saw and Gnat Mill wilt be put up aw any principle aaad North er Soatsv CiremlarJUws ef say site, wilh steam engines veriuus principle. Ilercbaat Mill to be propelled by siesta or water power. Bridge build ing, Railroad sreseenng, .., will alao be uu acted for. . . - ., ' . . . . All work doaa by wa guaranteed to givetatisfaetion. Thankful for tbe liberal share of patronage hereto, forerteeivsd, aad W htijr tf merit s ermtiauaoe et tbaaa. ', '.- ..- ...,- , v- . ... Oar addrew ia Litlla Korllsb, Cnmbtrlaad Cenn'.y, s c. - - Ftbrarary:;, iUJi. . ' Xtl tm ' CI. 6 .-4 i 41. . .lii alt f P.i a Subscriber U preriared to Uk V 1 bMr.i-ra at tha jAl KaUN HOtt r I'vint, by tb wouk or aioolb, a 'I alM entertain, upoa reaaotiai Wei . t mm, a l tui; liauiiviit eaio-.aer aa may lator ker ih Iht.r patronage ' ijli U prerided with a gooo ud cr. ',1 bottler, and ao pama will be spared to p'eaae t,. .sewba wiay Ball. v J.t.VF.T J0HN80N.' , FajeitaviH, H; C, Jan. 18, 1867 . 167-tf i ' J03 PRI!iii:(G.:: T All II. i who want JOB WORK dona, sis It stf lit to be done, will ptoan bring or aend their or. dere to tba ... ; V Argua Job Oce, ; rajettctllle, n, "' t ' Ti'bnra they eas bar tbeai executed ia aatyl that . cannot b xoellw from Maine ta tba Bio Oraade, er from New York tt $aa Fraaciare. t , BATIK NOTES. . ' Kow oa band, St tb AtfUS Job Oltlce, aon of the nt beautiful aud eourvnlont' Blank Batik N..tf ever aflcred In this market ; alo, Blank Note if Hand, which for beauty of xeeavioo are hard to beat. Call and look at them. . , . ' : rdgc worth 'Female Seminary GREENSBOROUQH, N. G r ' rpUR next Seio of till IoaUtatloa hi wilIeoinmeuceonlbMPAVJANU- . ART Id, 1857. I , . i ie oonr of .tuJy ia dsigod to embrace evtry. i ,'ieeMary W tuktaatlr'mernaaiea I I 'lncntioa. Great proaiineno ia giren e t . a solid lirunrtae. N - 1 1 1 :r Ubor aor expena ha. been .pared to aeewr Tiwtraolora of tba birliest qaalificatioa la tbeir eari on. dximrlmenta, and to maka Edgeworth aaooad to no institution ia tb oomilryin rcrytfflug accaaaary to a eoui.:,ie auacauon. For ciraulara oaaaintiigtaras, coon f iaatroelioa, A.,apiy t R1CUAIU) STERLIN0, rriaclpal, Deeeaibe 1W6.. r .. . ,, , , , ... J29-y .WASTED, 4 FEW likely eerraata,. boy, and girl. XX. higboat pries, will be paid by sailing npoa J. II. ROBKKTS. Feb y 9,1857. Ih2-tf ' S A A. Mr LEAN design keepiag eoneUntly oa . band a well (elected stock of OKOCBUlEB and DKV GOODS, which tkey will sell cheap for cash er exchange lor pmdue, at Smith' flora, new Mc Lean.', 25 ffliiea from FayetttTille, a tb Turnpike road. . V'f ' Jannary28, 1857. . " ' ' 160-tf . " "axouT or tib BAlTiaoai eoixaai or ' DEKTAIj KIKCEKT. Offio hoar from 9 A. M. to 1 P. SI. , V m , ' 1 p. M. ta i P. M. . Dr. BESC0W may be axud at bia Kooaa aeor the Market, where ail who ar in need at tb acrric ef a Denti.t are- respectfully Invited to eall. All opera tion performed upoa tbe latest end most approved plan. To tboaa iu need of Artificial Teeth, be would rimply ay that ha i behind ia ao improve ment. . He iuaerta from on to n cutir act npoa ta Gold orPlntinaplat, which he guarantee tobe equal ly a aervicaabl a tba aataral organs. . - He spend nine months of each year in thia place, (from lat of October to th 1st of July .) February 8, 1866. - . i -' r 108-tf WEST HARRIS, D. D- S- pittb not II OH Oil CI II, OXce u r.ottridg Street, aext door to Joba 11. liaocliUa' Us Mw. ' Dr. Htfaia, hnviiig gradaated ai the ItaHtmerw '.oilrrei)! D.ttlol ijurtceratitsseseiotiuf 1856,repact- fxlly ten.i.us bis profwstnonal services te tin public. , tie anAiraneer te tb eitixen of Randolph, Moor, and Harnett, counties, that h wilt vuit tbeir County Beats, during tba eererii teruia f tbeir respectiev Oenrta- , ... . . Mate. 7, ; - .... na-tf ; NEW GOODS. AM aow receiving my Fall and Winter Stock of .... uhv c;ooi. '-' - I HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. These good aer bought late 1 1 tb season, and con sequently at reduced price. My stock of HOOTS and SIIOL' is complete, eaibiacing many kind of xtrisi IStaaketN, Her),Vc. Hats, to and corneaon . XII U.S. J. JOHNSON, . Old Stand, Bear the Cap Fear Bank and "-.'' Market place. "Sov.12. 97-tf Carriage Manuffac tor y I v;'. a."Zmckethan . Now haa finisbed, for U3 Spring Trade, a muoh larger aambwr af CAUK1AUBS, BAROUCHES, &OCKA- WAT8, AND BUGGIES,- than was ever offered in this place. He I daily finishing a large quantity of work In tb LiKbtet, Sclel, aad Latent itrlc; and he invito those wishing to buy, to eall and ex amine' , .' 'i His work will be sold at reduced prices, as be 1 de termined to sell his Carriages, of every kind, as low aa tb msi juahtf of wort can besaanulactured for in tb United States. Orders thankfully reoeiv ed and promptly attended to. Repairing done at abort aotic and on reasonable terms.. ;. . Work warranted, aa nana), for 13 month. ' PayettovUl, April 11, 164. 14tf DOBBIN HOUSE. ; ; POWERS & TROV, y' TjippBiETOKs; ' r; fllFlB proprietor .of this sstablishment sn I oounna to the public, that owing to tbe con stantly mere Ming patronage silenced to them, they bare been induced to enlsrg rhelr accomaioUulioBS by tbe addition of aa extensive Dining Room on the low er Doer, and suite of Room on th second floor ; thus enabling tbeia toaecnmiBodateall who may favor'tbem with a call. And they plodg themselves to an in creased exertion to giv satisfaction to tbeir patron. Spacious Stable attached and careful O.tler. in at- teaHiance. " . ' . . ' . TTbe eligible taeatioi of tbe Establishment, with th xiierieac of tbe proprietors ia providing for tbe com fort of their patrons, ihev hop will aecur to tbsm a liberal share of the travel. Tbe Westera and Southern Stage arm tt and de part from thia House. - Carriage in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam lkstsl for the accommodation ef passengers. Hre aad Carriage furnished at any aotic for car rying travelers to any part of the adjacent country. . - J. W. POWERS. ' W. C..TR0Y. Fayettevill. May 12, I860. '. ,. 124-tf NOTICE. IRO'M and after this date tbe Brothers' Steam Boat ' Company, will not b responsible for any dam age or loss oa way Freight, wnfea the consign or bts agent, ia on th river bank when th good ar de livered, to maka hi objection or claim. . . . . A. D. CAZADX, Agent . - ,,. , ' Brothers' Stcaa Boat Company. Jan. 10, 1WS. . . . -..'-.,.- 106-tf ." DR. 0. P. LUTHER. ' Surgeon Dentist, .: ' Rex-ltlaf ham, "J, :.,. "" .' ; Tl F3PFCTFCLLT tooder hi proftMaienal servloe JV o tb eitisew ef RICHMOND, ROBEK), ViOoRE, RANDOLPH, MONT00MERV, and ASPOS eosniioa, that he will visit their county saa during tb several term f Ibsir respective Courts. J!j 16, 1868. . , ,lfsf cohfomtion cones OMhe ' town ol Fa ' ' - for Sale!. A 0KEEAELK to an Act of the fJcoersl Assembly A. ftb Htet of Mortb Carolina, rstiflod Dea S6 166J, aolhorisiug tb Town of FayetlevUle to lu. be Itoml. to th amount of $ 1X),(XH. lu the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her subsorfptioa to til Wrstsr Rail Road Company. ' ' . Therefore, it is ordered by th Commissioners of Fayfttevllle, that the Treasurer of tb Towa raeel swaied proposals, until th 1st ef November nasi, fbi tbe parchaa of 160,000, In sum at $600 taob of said Bonds, or any part thereof. , Hoods to run twenty year, with Coupons attached, Interest psyabl sen annually. Tb said Bonds shall be aadvr th teal of th Corporation, aad binding oa the rallh of th asms - . . WU.J WADN, Twa Treasurer, t v Sopt 28. 1855., ... - , ... W. . NEW GOODS. if. II. llRlEIl IB Junt receiving a eery lsrw Block ef IlRY (.'as. tsrereriea, Vlna. IJneiera, direct from New York, which Will be Bold at very mod rata prices for cash, or exchange for any kind of pro duce. A eall from Id friends and tb public generally Is desired, as my Stock m aelarg aad varied that it will tides (ail t giv aaUauctten. :t W. H. CARVER, Hay Strast, FayotUvlU, K. C. Bepl. 29, I860. , , , 143-tf ' ACARtt" - Tb andereigncd weald reepectiully Inform hi old friends and customers that ha can ba found st tb Store of C. . Laate, wher U will N glad to 1 them. J. R. McDONALD FaytrtetilK, N. C., Jaa. S, 1667. 57-tf Book Bindery t7. HABD1E, carries oa tb Book-binding bnsi asa la tb second story of Clark A Woodward' laotking Emporium, wber bwill reoeiv aad xeut binding ia anv style deaired. - - Jaa' 18, 1864, v S-IY 7, - : FOR A VALUABLE PLANTATION containing about tOO acre, of Land, well adapted to tb tel. ture ef corn, cotton, wheat, oete, Ac, lying within two mile tf vVadesborougb, la Aaeoa CouUy. Oa tha preaiiae la a omfortabl dwelling ti re tber wilh all necessary outhouses, and several aege cabins, a good Oia Am and Cvttoa Screw. Tbe place lie near th Mat of tb contemplated Rail Rvad from Wilmington to cuarlette. ' A0r8 WeTVTR, Jr., ' JUHM L. IlelVKR. For further particular anply to A. Little, Ksq., sr W. B. Troy, WaJesboroak., fSeember 15, l6d. ., 164-1 ROBERT D. GREEii (LATH OEtEJf A HEAR,) Watch Maker, Jeweller, &c, . FAYCTTEVILLf.. 71. C, ' ED. O. beg to return hi Itncer thask to tb . public for tb kind pstronsg sa liberally fx -stowed upon th lat Firm, and informs tbea he ba bought tbe interest ef J. 8. Wear, and will rootless lb business k all Ita varioaa branch ai th old staad, under bis entire superintendent. . ti. B. 'All Watches left with bits for repair Will be token apart in tbe presenc of tb owners, sad tb Beeeasary repair pointed owt to tbea ami a writtew caatract given fur tb lain, which work will b ear- rsated lor twe years. -,.; -- - ; On head and for sale nosy, th most vailed sad choice (election of CLOCKS and ether time piece that baa ever been offered to tb public in North Carolina, which a will eetl at New Vsrk prices, aad a laa wsa Bast for twa years. AH debt due to-and by tb Ut In will be paid aad received by R. D. OllKl.N. August S6, 185. '' ? ' 13S-tf . KEW CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY Tr?I. wooldrspetrt-jka, ft fully inform th pubiie h. t.TSivVv haa established himself at Fair Bluff for the purr-as of carrying oa tb CARRIGS MAAI.Nt) DlrlNIHH. Having carried on tbe bosiaraa at the North, be flat ter himself a for style aad Bcatuese of Inisb. also durability" he can vie with tbe best ef Cent' Mak er. Those wishing fine baggies will pleas call and aamin hi work fr tbemsetvrw. All wvrk warmr.t ed for twelve nionti... Repairing don at th .hortesl notice and fin reasonable term. -Fair Bluff, N. C, June 16, I?6, 128-ly MARBLE FACTORY 11HE subscriber respectAiIly informs bis friends and tb pabli that he still carries oa his Marble Fac feryfa hi yard on Hay Street: where b 1 prepared to execute, at abort aotic and ia tb very beat style all order fur : . . , . ,, . ;.., ,..,;.,. .. Inimtiti iti Timfc iid Grit Xlmn or tber descriptions of stone-work if required.. lie constantly keeps n bead a large supply of th beat and finest Italian and American Marble : and from his experieuce in tbe businesa be tatters himself that be can giv satisfaction to all wto may fat or him with their patronage. " He can also supply Painter with Paint-Pir and Mullet. GEORGE LA I DIR. January 1863." OLD RYE WHISKEY. rnHE J y 8nbseribrls tlie only authorised ateiit in yetteville for th aal of tb Hon. R. C. Pnr. year Celebrated Old Hftt Whiskey. He will be supplied with tbi superior Whiskey to meet tbe demand, W. DRAl'OUO.N. Fsyetteville, Msreb . ' ltj-tf - FAYETTLVIlLE HOTEL. rpilE Subscribers having this day leased t titig public st tlii House. At tba sunn A.'s broe we hope tbey will be patient and bear with our imperfections until w shall bay put tbe Hutu in inch repair aa we desir. ... J. H. ROBERTS A CO. J. H. RoariTS, ' f. H. Robt. March 1st, 1868. ; ; ;o-tf -j- Notice. A LL person indebted to the firm ef W. F. A E. F. XI. Moor are requested to come forward and mak payment, a tbeir copartnership ceased on tb 1st of March 1866. . . - . F. 'IX t. MOORE. ' ' ' ' 126-tf. June 6, 1656. Town paper copy. A.D t& ssssstssssssl Fayetteville Passenger Lina THE NEW STEAMER MAGNOLIA" will Itav. Fayettevill TsdayiniFridy at 15 minutes alter sunrise, and Wilmington Wednesdays and Sator day at o'oloek. Passage t4. I. 8. LCTTERLOn. Jua 14, 1855. ; . ... ........ 77-tf Y ; 11M Stones TTA VINO lately parehaaed all tha Mill Stone Quar X1L formerly owned by th late Wm. Danlly. E.u., among which is th on known and distinguished as th " Blue Orit," I am now prepared to furnish at abort notice and to order, WW Mont or any Ua aad ef th waffy, on a reaaoaai.U tern), aa tbey eaa be purchaaej elsewhere, etone have been sought at Uua quarry aad ent to Variona part eftbeCuited Statea, oa acsonnt f Ueirroperior quality. I will delber Btohe la Fyettevin er st anv piat e th F. A W. Plank Road that may be desired Address, DEVOTION DAVIS, w . , ,s " Carthage, Moor t , Jl. C. K. 10, 14 ea (.u- Lit Y, W. .SANDERS. Tb lubecrllsr I Sow rewiring and will constantly keru oa hand, at N ). 67, a ehoic aasoituient of ' family (.uoci:itir.s, together with vVhlakey, Winea, Cigar, Etrdlaew, Fish, Pick lea, PiesenU, and til thr artiirir aaaal Ir kept la inch an establishment. ...... ' . , W. W. BAHDEIIS. , ' ' . l ' ' Wdtt.oroagh, W. ?. Fehru.ry If, 1867. 165-tf ' Bpring Trade, 1857. , , cB, F, PEARCE . ... 19 KOW RKC'LIVI.NO abeaulilul sud well ieUatd ,8tock.f.. '...,;,. (Sprlnit uu.l g.uwnit r 1, . Comprising a general assnrliricut of all III luteal ity'e of Ls dies' lirert Ooods, Lac and Silk Msalbti, Em broideries of every description, I'rsp r'LawU, lioa tts, Ribbon, Olorrs, Di.ls, lloisi iyAc, - " : ' -ALP0- .. "r' ' ' Walts sad colortd Line Drilling, ' ' ' Fngllkh d French Drap d'Ate, 'k " '" . Bleacbd and brows cthirtlnga and Sheetisgl, I , Irish Linens, Linea Table Clolh, v .1 Towelings aad NapkUu, ' . LegbtM-a, Panama, C's.sluier aad Molukla Hate, L'uibreila aad Parasols,' , Boots, riboea, aad . ,'."' - '. REAUY-TIADE CI OTIllItG. ' All of which will b old low for f AS II, or oa tha u.nsl timt to punctual castomere, itber l Vholesal or Retail. All persons (aad parllcalsrly the Ladtse) are respectfully requested to l at a ctll bfo msVIng tbeir selections. ' . " B. F. rFARCF. Fsyetteville, (Hay St. 'March I2lh Ml'. HUf llore 1Vip t-'ootlt, Tb eubeerlber 1 receiving bl , ' FALL AXU HlMEtt STOCK, -! Consisting ef almost every thing la tb way ( . . GROCERIES, llurdwar au4 II!!vwarv, - ALSO, : r ' Dol and tba, ladttfrrf, Fish, r Any of ableh if wilt felt cbesp ror Catb, barter far 1'rodure, or on short time. Store rvceully occupied by Trey A Marsh, sear the Dobbin House. ' (1. W. 1. GOLD8TON. Oct 16, 1966. . Ho-t D. COLDEN I1DBRA7, T. COMMISSION MERCHANT." ; A(lE.Tf0a narrai's '-flVgnlar Llac'af Hllailaf t lstrat krla, .' 62 6C0TH SIRII.T, ' ' X. MALLEIT, - stH YOBK, Tb aaderslrtted bis v he foaad at tl.e rff.ee af n. COLDEN 11LI.BAV, i Bt.u1h Stiver, wber eider for etery slescriptMa of goods will Mrehe hi frtwtM aad perronal altentioB. . . I perronal alUutios P. V41LETT ' lift ly pd Msreh 14, 4f. TO TIIE IRLICIITI.'vti I'lIlMt . IIS BROTHERS' HE AW BOAT CO. Uaew Ma- T pared with the folkwing Boata ' ' ' fctr. DUlULAi-H, eu. bkoTiiMis, . Tow BostbltVESICX, V. ltiH, '.' ALILI D F.LII8, JA. t AMill ET, ' i AIXOMIlJtF, asd - " ELIZA SleDAKlFL, to transport sir 'aval Bture, I'radw, and etk Frmght mna.ird to tbeir tare, lib as mack despot, b. as any other line of Boats ea the Bnvr. tbey si provided with suit. his rikarf and Rr (lows arvea.. odations ta do a grwral buiness,(ad Ispe fcystvlsl ttrwooa to tb ii.teretl of shijpet, to B eet a .Lata of pabli patitnage. - ' J. B. BAKES, Ag't. ' ' ' " Fayeiteiill " J.NO. BAMS, Ag U . . N limit gtea February, 1F54. ft-tf , riUAl AIU OH.YAnt.tTAt, - Ecokacd Job Dob ailh aaataess aad despatch, and ia tb lass 1 1 - aad mastai prosed styles, at , Tke.oith( srlfna Aria Cl&re, . rAtKtTtVtllf, R.'c. ' ' Th Proprietor ef Tk North Csrolina Arget re (pcctfuliy tiiBvuiu.ee that Be ts prepared to sterol Printing In r iyie knot p to tb Art, at -)...rl B. Lrs I and oa res.onable lritr.. 3 he pr.Mii.gvl 1 su i hlrt, Haad-Btlis, Cards, Circular, 'rmiery Moles. Lak Checks, Fartory. LaMo, ad 't'oars sad etft' Blanks of frj dewtipjioa, ni. nlatiy lBdd to, ' Fall and IVinler Good "117 K have receftnl ear glrck of TAI L it.d l. TERGOOIf, whbb r,l,rsi amest s.rT rlkLkepilnafAMTlHV OtOLS hit HE, and w Invite tb pubiie to call snd en-mineeur Mk b.' fore ai.kip tir punhsres, asw sir delevmiaed la - . , MOOtEA BIICTUER. P-!?- - llJ-if. ROMIUTS Tl.MC 3HII8E. An lurulliblc Alt m, y far tit rr anal .;:...,.;.'. Agu7. ; . Som apology big due to thoa onmerews elliirn of forth Carolina, ahn, for upwairta rf taenty.fit year, depended apna Rowshd's Tonie Miitureas a promp, certain, aad nsla cure for Feveraad Ague for raising tba pi ice ef Ibis salable article. W e lakslbi method of acquainting tbtm that it iaowing to the tioa of tb tegu,l.iurt iu recent session, ia having pssed a law requiring th eeme for. an proprietary ; medicine to pay a tax cf taenty-dv rents on vr f dollar laid out by the poor B in lor spy favorite fan.i, ly aiediein; not m.de within the bowndsrie. of tha said But f North Carolina. -Th prie of tb bow and' Topi Mixture, . Bowand Compound cyiup of Blackberry Root, J the other lamlfy Readies 0f tl Vniversity will to : reduced whenever tb Legislature shall h.v rescinded this law, o oppreive to th poor. . -' It ha been suggested that tbe bottle containing tha Rowand . Tonic Mixture should lie reduced in six rather than r.iie th pn ( but in that cas L rSj bent would not get th full quantity requisite topr. " due permanent effecu. . For sale by R. T. WNO, - ;VV 1 ZJT fttltit iti rutrnfrr Line Dflwrei TUlDtictsi ' ind FtjnitTlii, ; , STEAME IIMAGNOLI Lear Fayettevills on Moifds ia Thurads ase. i mas, 16 minutes sfter surl"T ' .- ,"tt w ilDllll8,,n " Tuesday and f Hd.y aora, j Steamer fAKNT LmERLO,Je.T.Vsy.ttevm., eaT.Md.y.nd Friday momlnis'n sstaaWJJ I . ino,1',r,, W.dned.y and Satardsy ara' Inga. Both cany,g Freight ami l'aasengerl. , 8te.mer ROWAN, with ft.ll let. ,f tightm.' rgl.rly, carrying Freight aaly. T,".'?,n,M Tb reg.larily af ea Beat, ea all etage of lb R,. r, end tb despatch and promptae. ia d.Ui., good., sre toojw.ll knowB to reqBir comment " To oar patron w tender our thnkr for th verv libeiwl patrenaga heretofore bvmewrd, .d ua mtJZ all shipner. that aoeffor, will b rp.rwf im TBtn"p and feej coaffdeat tb.t sa, f.eUiUo for dispatcl T.7. usl rf not ,pr.r,or t. an Ub7ob C.p, Ftsr River i ".ELLIOTT,' ' A feat for Lnttsrlrfb A r. F.jtUtUU,0tt.l,l6. " 4J. ; rsamsa,sa-)-l